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2023-05-19 23:06:26




routine作名词时意为“常规,惯例,生活乏味,(演出中的)一套动作,(计算机)例行程序”。作形容词时意为“常规的,例行的,平常的,乏味的”。记忆技巧:rout〔= route路〕+ ine 抽象名词 → 常走的道路 → 常规。复数:routines。派生词:routinely。双语例句:1、She completed the routine without even working up a sweat. 她完成了一套常规动作,连汗都没出。2、Police work is mainly routine. 警察的工作主要都是按常规的。3、The fault was discovered during a routine check. 这个错误是在一次常规检查中发现的。
2023-01-11 22:19:591


routine的意思是惯例、固定程序。routine具体释义:惯例;固定程序;例行公事;日常工作;程序;固定节目;固定顺序;一套固定舞步;例行程序;例行的;日常的;常规的;按惯例安排。短语搭配:daily routine日常工作;日常例行;每日常规;routine maintenance日常维修;例行维护;常规维护;routine work日常工作;常规工作;常规化工作;routine check例行查核;程序校验;routine examination常规检查;例行体检;常规体检;routine test常规试验;常规检验;routine testing例行检验;常规检查;routine operation例行操作。双语例句:1. I started an easy exercise routine.我开始实施一项简单的日常锻炼计划。2. They reorganized their routine.他们重新安排了日常工作。3. an acrobatic comedy routine.杂技的滑稽节目4. Family holidays are meant to be a break from routine.家庭假期意味着打破单调沉闷的日常生活。5. The window had been replaced last week during routine maintenance.这扇窗户在上星期例行维修时已更换。6.The college had 139 employees, not counting those engaged in routine clerical work.不算普通办事员,这所学院有139个雇员。7.He slept deeply, refreshed by a little slack in the daily routine.他睡得很香,每天都要懒散一会儿才精神焕发。8.He was trying to persuade her to have a tap routine in the play.他正试图说服她在戏中跳固定的踢跶舞步。9.mass noun as a matter of routine a report will be sent to the director.按照惯例要向主任提交一份报告。10.Inspectors can lamp the lines between the manholes for routine maintenance observations.检查员能够照亮检修孔之间的线路进行日常维修观察。
2023-01-11 22:20:101

write about your own daily routine什么意思

2023-01-11 22:20:555


route n.路线, 路程, 通道v.发送routine n.例行公事, 常规, 日常事务, 程序
2023-01-11 22:21:194

your dog is routine 这句英文啥子意思

Cascada - Everytime We Touch
2023-01-11 22:21:374

ROUTING 什么意思啊?

[ "ru:tiŋ ] 路由选择,路径选择例句与用法:1. A line or list formed by items in a system waiting for service; for example, tasks to be performed or messages to be transmitted in a message routing system. 由系统中等待服务的项目构成的行或列表,例如等待执行的任务或在报文路由选择系统中等待发送的报文。2. The routing or controlling routines of Subsystem Support Services. This routine provides multitasking and control support, on a priority basis, for all Subsystem Support Services functions. 子系统支持服务程序的路径选择或控制程序。此程序根据所有子系统支持服务功能的优先级提供多任务和控制支持
2023-01-11 22:21:542


daily routine[英][ˈdeili ru:ˈti:n][美][ˈdeli ruˈtin]日常事务;例行公事; 例句:1.Perhaps in my daily routine I had lost track of time. 也许日常琐事使我失去了时间概念。2.Here are some tips to follow in your daily routine, which can help you do that. 下面的一些小方法能够帮你应对压力,你可以在日常作息中实践。
2023-01-11 22:22:021


打错了吗?routine英 [ru:ˈti:n] 美 [ruˈtin] n.常规; 例行程序; 生活乏味; (演出中的)一套动作adj.常规的; 例行的; 日常的; 普通的网络例程; 程序; 惯例复数: routines 形近词: poutine pouting houting routing touting
2023-01-11 22:22:121


2023-01-11 22:23:412

routine是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

常规, 惯例; 经验métro, boulot, dodo : c"est la routine乘地铁、上班、睡觉: 天天都是老一套la routine engourdit l"esprit例行公事使精神迟钝
2023-01-11 22:23:581

daiiy routine是什么意思

  应该是daily,意思是每日常规,每日例行公事  满意请采纳,谢谢
2023-01-11 22:24:213

follow the bedtime routine是什么意思

follow the bedtime routine的中文翻译follow the bedtime routine 按照就寝时间
2023-01-11 22:24:371

write about your own daily routine。这句话什么意思

2023-01-11 22:24:432

a routine basis是什么意思

2023-01-11 22:24:513

as a matter of routine是什么意思

2023-01-11 22:25:394

stand-up routine是什么意思

stand-up 英[ˈstændʌp] 美[ˈstændˌʌp] adj. 站立的;直立的;说单口相声的; 光明正大的,敢说敢干的,坦率正直的,不耍手段的,凭真功夫的; (衣领) 直立的; [例句]He does all kinds of accents, he can do jokes — he could be a stand-up comic他会模仿各种口音,还会讲笑话——他可以当个独角喜剧演员。[其他] 复数:stand-ups
2023-01-11 22:25:521

scandsource csr verification routine什么意思

scandsource csr verification routinescandsource CSR验证程序verification英 [ˌverɪfɪ"keɪʃn] 美 [ˌvɛrəfɪˈkeʃən]n.证明; 证实; <哲>(指通过经验)证明(某命题正确); 核实验证;证实;确认;核实routine英 [ru:ˈti:n] 美 [ruˈtin]n.常规; 例行程序; 生活乏味; (演出中的)一套动作adj.例行的; 常规的; 日常的; 普通的常规;例行公事;惯例;例程复数: routines派生词:routinely
2023-01-11 22:25:581

interrupt service routine是什么意思,中断服务例程翻译

interrupt service routine中断服务程序双语对照词典结果:interrupt service routine[英][ˌɪntəˈrʌpt ˈsɜːvɪs ru:ˈti:n][美][ˌɪntəˈrʌpt "sɝvɪs ruˈtin]n.中断服务程序;
2023-01-11 22:26:032

routine jobs什么意思

routine jobs常规工作例句:1.So companies are doing their best to keep even people doing routine jobs engaged intheir work. 因此哪怕是只从事日常作业的员工,企业也会尽力留住。
2023-01-11 22:26:141


我的日常生活常规双语对照例句:1.Perhaps in my daily routine I had lost track of time. 也许日常琐事使我失去了时间概念。
2023-01-11 22:26:194

write about you rown daily routine什么意思及答案?

你好write about you rown daily routine的意思是写你的日常生活
2023-01-11 22:26:412


  惯例的意思   [释义]   (名)一向的做法,常规(多用于书面语)。   [构成]   偏正式:惯(例   [例句]   打破惯例。(作宾语)   [同义]   通例、常规   近义词   常规、通例、老例、常例、旧例、向例   反义词   变例   英文翻译   1.convention; usual practice; customary rule; customs and usages; routine   惯例详细解释   ◎ 惯例 guànlì   [usual practice;convention;usage] 通常方法;习惯做法,常规   按照集中营的惯例,凡是进行秘密组织或者宣传活动的人,立刻处死。——《挺进报》   一向的做法,常规。 茅盾 《子夜》四:“ 阿二 只顾站在那里抹脸喘气,竟不照向来的惯例,一进来就报告办事的结果。” 陈建功 《丹凤眼》:“下午回到了家,按惯例,晚饭应该在家吃的。”   惯例造句   一、银行收费时说:“这符合国际惯例!”服务时却说:“要考虑中国国情!”。   二、按照惯例,爷爷又早早地起来去小公园打太极拳。   三、按照惯例他应受到重罚。   四、而且与其假设说大家都会谨守海洋交通惯例,像是谁有先行权,不如说这混合着虚张声势和无能的行为。   五、这种古老的惯例,今天还被人们沿用着。   六、大多数情况下给出的混合种植建议都是来源于传统惯例的,并非具有真凭实据。   七、世界上没有为什么,只有惯例。因为以前是这样做的,所以以后也要继续下去。就像一条河,你只管流动就好,不要去管走向的原因。   八、统治者经常明令禁止贪污受贿,但招权纳贿却成了官场惯例,贪官污吏总是大行其道。   九、按我们的惯例,为了推动我们将来业务关系的发展,我们愿意给新客户以最公道的价格,即使这样做会使我方蒙受相当大的损失,我们也在所不惜。   十、日日重复同样的事,遵循着与昨日相同的惯例,若能避开猛烈的狂喜,自然也不会有悲痛的来袭。   十一、当然,并没有任何规则或惯例禁止小说家转变故事的叙述视角;但是,如果不按照某种美学策略或原则就转变叙述视角的话,读者的投入、对文本意义的参与“生产”就会受到干扰。   十二、日日重复同样的事,依循着与昨日无异的惯例。若能避开猛烈的欢乐,自然也不会有很大的悲伤来访。   十三、总有一个人会超越你的想象,打破你的惯例,来到你的身边,让你恍然:哦,相爱,还会有这样一种形态。   十四、中国人依其惯例,往往早婚早得子,如李叔同这样20岁便做父亲,完全属于平平常常的现象。   十五、按公司惯例,凡派往外地考察的人员,旅费油光可鉴。   十六、外贸体制改革的方向是放宽管制,与国际贸易惯例接轨。   十七、答:中方将按以往惯例,邀请驻华使节出席国庆有关活动,不专门邀请外国政要。   十八、依照惯例,每位皇帝可以为自己建造一座陵墓,以确保通往天堂之路畅通无阻。   十九、单身女子们按照惯例在前一天晚上,将她们暗恋对象的名字纷纷写在纸上,折叠起来。在情人节到来那天打开决定应该嫁给谁。   二十、在约旦,为了庆贺斋月的结束,人们一反惯例地通过礼炮以示欢庆.   二十一、本规则唯一的例外情况,是顾客可依惯例付小帐予餐厅或酒吧职工,因顾客可以在使用现金结帐时支付小帐。   二十二、强使你的辎重或重炮进入一条隘径,而隘径的彼端又非你所有,这是违反战争惯例的;因为,万一要撤退,这些辎重便会使你困扰,且势将损失。他们应留在后面有适当保护的地点,非至隘径的彼端为你所占有时不能移动。   二十三、决不迟到一分钟,在任何时候迟到都会受到最严厉的惩罚,西点的惯例是,当有人迟到,会主动背诵当年拿破仑因迟到一分钟而兵败滑铁卢的故事。   二十四、运输人的后勤工作与运输谷物无异;塞进去之后,损失百分之五算正常。……按照惯例,家庭成员会被分送到相反方向的劳改营。这个体制以切断各种关系和纽带为荣,一个人唯一重要的关系就是与这个国家的关系。   二十五、整个过程中他自始自终都受到尊敬,我们严格地遵循了国际惯例和伊斯兰习俗。   二十六、欧洲政治家们也把这块大陆的苦难归咎于星罗棋布的"投机者",对冲基金,和市场惯例。   二十七、我不能确定这是要被定义为令人毛骨悚然呢还是仅仅是不恰当的:按照仪式的惯例,一个希腊新娘会抓过一个年轻的、不到青春期的男孩,然后强迫他做到自己的腿上。   二十八、当他再次消失、进入球员通道后,球场大广播系统放起格林卡舞曲,这是对阿布老板已成为惯例的感谢。   二十九、我出席的许多重要会议,都以一些善意的玩笑开场,以此打破沉默。这种惯例提醒我们,我们都是凡人,而不完全是商业机器。
2023-01-11 22:26:521

out of the routine是什么意思

out of the routine 走出常规 例句 In the second half of this semester, I went out of the routine life I had for thepast four years. 这个学期后半期我已经脱离了过去四年的生活节奏.
2023-01-11 22:27:011

请教英语高手,下面一句怎么理解? My morning routine varies little from day to day

2023-01-11 22:27:067

yourmorningroutinewithinatleast50words. 是什么意思

你这句话应该前边少打了一个动词,比如describle,翻译成中文就是:用至少50个词对你的晨间日程进行描述,所谓晨间日程就是,说你每天早上几点起床,起床后再做什么。ps:你用google搜索morning routine就会得到很多图片,挺形象的。望采纳!谢谢
2023-01-11 22:27:291

routine laboratory studies at baseline什么意思

routine laboratory studies at baseline的中文翻译routine laboratory studies at baseline 基线常规实验室研究
2023-01-11 22:27:341


rtn意思是回路;日常事务(routine);返回(return)。短语Rtn Loss 回波损耗EFFECT RTN 效果返回RTN Return 返回 ; 回归例句:The above results show that the RTN has axonal connections with the pontine and medullary respiratory related structures. 实验结果表明:rtn和脑桥及延髓的呼吸相关结构之间存在纤维联系。
2023-01-11 22:27:391

Deep city routine是什么中文意思

Deep city routine来自城市深深的套路
2023-01-11 22:27:521

slip into a sort of rountine 是什么意思

渐渐成为习惯 routine
2023-01-11 22:27:582

routine is another annoyance什么意思

routine is another annoyance常规是另一个烦恼annoyance 英[əˈnɔɪəns]美[əˈnɔɪəns]n. 恼怒,烦恼; 使人烦恼的事,令人讨厌的人或事;[网络] 烦恼; 烦扰; 恼怒;[例句]To her annoyance the stranger did not go away.让她恼火的是,那个陌生人并没有走。[其他] 复数:annoyances
2023-01-11 22:28:071


2023-01-11 22:25:151


其实是没有“娆”字开头的成语,音相同开头的成语有:扰民伤财:rǎo mín shāng,是指即使人民劳苦,又耗费钱财。现也指滥用人力物力。绕梁三日:rào liáng sān rì,形容音乐高昂激荡,虽过了很长时间,好像仍在回响。饶有风趣:ráo yǒu fēng qù,饶有 : 富有。 风趣 : 幽默或诙谐的趣味(多指话或文章)绕梁之音:rào liáng zhī yīn,意思是美妙动听的歌声或声音,绕指柔肠扰人心神。绕梁遏云:rào liáng è yún,,形容歌声保留时间长久,动听。
2023-01-11 22:25:161

紧急!大家帮我翻译一下:(一个外国同学给我的信) (名字不用翻译)

你好zheng hao,当我看到你收到了我的邮件我很兴奋,祝你考试好运!在奥地利我们没有像你们一样的考试,我们择校的时候只要学校的评价够好他们就认可。直到上周奥地利的学生们一直在过圣诞节。这是一张圣诞树的照片,我妈妈喜欢这棵树,她非常骄傲她的装饰。你有圣诞树吗?你庆祝圣诞节吗?我甚至都不知道你的宗教信仰。你怎样庆祝新年?下一张照片是我的妹妹Marlies,1月27日她满17岁。这张照片是在她的某一场啦啦队比赛之前拍的。接下来的两张照片是在我表兄妹的婚礼上。这是我的小表妹Anna,她两岁,结婚前几天她的姐姐Laura (5)剪掉了她的头发,所以她看上去有点可笑。第二张照片是在同一天拍的。(从左至右)分别是我的三兄妹:Stephan, Florian和Thomas (他们是兄弟)。另一个是我的姐姐Marlene(21),她正坐在她男友的腿上(Sebastian 26)。下一张也是在婚礼上拍的。 (还是从左到右)分别是Sebastian, Marlene, 我和我的表妹, Corinna (25)。最后那张照片上是我和我的一些朋友。第一个是狂欢节的照片,我们都戴着面具在威尼斯。(从左边数第三个是我。我朋友们的名字是:Ella, Eva, Hedwig, Katharina, Dina和Verena)。下一张照片我和我的朋友正在参加一个音乐节。(从左到右)分别是Verena, Hedwig, 我和Katharina。
2023-01-11 22:25:187


描写人物神态的四字词语:1、恼羞成怒[nǎo xiūchéng nù]因又恼又羞而大发脾气。2、谈笑风生[tán xiào fēng shēng]有说有笑,兴致高。形容谈话谈得高兴而有风趣。3、聚精会神[jù jīng huì shén]会:集中。原指君臣协力,集思广益。后形容精神高度集中。4、容光焕发[róng guāng huàn fā]容光:脸上的光彩;焕发:光彩四射的样子。形容身体好,精神饱满。5、愁眉不展[chóu méi bù zhǎn]展:舒展。由于忧愁而双眉紧锁。形容心事重重的样子。6、悠然自得[yōu rán zì dé]悠然:闲适的样子;自得:内心得意舒适。形容悠闲而舒适。
2023-01-11 22:25:181

描写人物仪表 神态的四字词语有?

文质彬彬 仪表堂堂 虎背熊腰 身强力壮神采奕奕 满面春风 垂头丧气 目瞪口呆
2023-01-11 22:25:226


缠开头的成语如下:1、缠绵悱恻(chán mián fěi cè )。悱恻:悲苦的样子。旧时形容内心痛苦难以排解。也指文章感情婉转凄凉。2、缠夹不清(chán jiā bù qīng)。缠夹:纠缠夹杂。杂七杂八搅在一起,弄不清楚。3、缠绵缱绻(chán mián qiǎn quǎn)。 形容情意深厚,难舍难分。清俞蛟 《潮嘉风月记·丽品》:“情致缠緜缱绻,凡与交者,均不能忘怀。”亦作“ 缠绵缱绻 ”。《红楼梦》第九三回:“把这一种怜香惜玉的意思,做得极情尽致。以後对饮对唱,缠绵缱绻。”4、缠绵床第(chán mián chuáng dì)。缠绵:情意深厚;第:床上的席子。5、缠绵幽怨(chán mián yōu yuàn)。缠绵:心绪郁结;幽怨:隐藏内心的怨恨。形容萦绕在内心的怨恨。6、缠绵床褥(chán mián chuáng rù)。缠绵:纠缠不已,无法解脱。形容身患重病,卧床不起。
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n. 议题;问题;期刊号;一次发行额;发行;<律>子女;v. 发表;公布;正式发给;发行;流出。英 ["ɪʃuː]     美 ["ɪʃuː]    Xinhua News Agency is authorized to issue the following statement.新华社受权发表如下声明。用法:1、issue作“事情的结果”“结局”解时,一般用于正式场合或文学作品中。2、issue的基本意思是“如同从母体降生般出现并生存下来”。通常译作“使书等出版、发行”,尤指“使…流出,放出,送出,排出”。3、issue既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词、代词作宾语; 也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转换为介词to的宾语,介词不可用for;也可接介词from,表示“从…涌出”;issue还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。
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problem 泛指(数学,物理等)难题或待解决的问题,如:This problem on the environmental protection floored the new mayor.这个关于环境保护的问题把新任市长难住了。question 是有疑问,有质疑,需要弄清楚真相的问题。You haven"t answered my question.你还没有回答我的问题。issue 一般指社会,政治,经济等方面的大问题。The mayor is challenged with a big economic problem.那位市长面临着一个经济方面的问题。
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Mia Thermopolis (Anne Hathaway) is a fifteen-year-old tenth grade private school student who lives with her mother Helen Thermopolis (Caroline Goodall) and cat Fat Louie in a San Francisco firehouse. Her father, Philippe Renaldi (who was divorced but in touch with her) died two months earlier in a car crash. Although Mia is an average student, she is very unpopular, but has two good friends: Lilly Moscovitz (Heather Matarazzo) and Lilly"s older brother, Michael Moscovitz (Robert Schwartzman), who has a crush on Mia. Mia is regularly teased by her peers for her gawkiness and frizzy hair, mostly by Lana Thomas (Mandy Moore), a fellow tenth grader who is captain of the school cheerleading team, and her friends. Mia is jealous of Lana because she is in a relationship with Josh Bryant (Erik von Detten), a twelfth grader "Backstreet Boy clone" (as her mother describes him) on whom she has had a crush since grade school.Shortly before Mia"s sixteenth birthday, she learns from her mother that her paternal grandmother is visiting from Genovia, a fictional country in Europe (which bears some similarity to the actual Republic of Genoa, had it not become part of unified Italy). At first Mia does not want to see her, but agrees to after some persuasion. The next day, Mia meets her grandmother, Clarisse Renaldi (Julie Andrews), at the Genovian consulate for the first time, who explains that the reason she wanted to see her was because of a "life-changing" problem. She learns that her father was the crown prince of Genovia and she is the next crown princess of Genovia and the only heir to the Genovian throne because of her father"s death. She was shocked to learn that she is a princess and exclaims "shut up!" to her grandmother"s disapproval. Mia quickly leaves the house and returns home, after which she begins fighting with her mother for not telling her when she was younger.Mia"s mother and grandmother convince her to attend "princess lessons" in preparation for her introduction to the Genovian government. Under supervision from her new bodyguard, the head of Genovian security, Joeseph (Héctor Elizondo), Mia begins to forget to help Lilly with her homework or watch Michael"s band, Flypaper, perform at a nearby auto mechanic shop. To look more presentable to the Genovian government, Mia receives a makeover from Italian hairdresser Paolo (Larry Miller), after which Lilly confronts her for being so distant and questions her about if she wants to be like Lana. When Mia tells Lilly that she is a princess, their relationship becomes stronger than before.A couple of days later, San Francisco learns that Mia is the Genovian heir after Paolo tells the media so everybody will know that he is the one that made Princess Mia look like a princess. Although unimpressed, Clarisse opts to ignore the situation and prepares for the State Dinner, which Mia attends, though managing to somewhat humiliate herself in the process. The day after the State Dinner, Mia agrees to appear on Lilly"s public access television program Shut Up and Listen and to watch Michael"s band perform at a venue that Saturday night. However, Josh asks Mia to go with him to the Baker Beach Bash, the school"s annual beach party, and she excitedly agrees. She remembers to tell Michael that she will watch see his band the following Saturday night, but forgets to tell Lilly of the change. The beach party goes well at first, but spirals out of control when the media learn of Mia"s presence. Josh publicly embarrasses her by kissing her in front of photographers, and Lana helps them take pictures of her clad only in a towel. This causes a media frenzy and displeases Clarisse. Clarisse then gets a wake up call from Joe, telling her that she has to remember that although Mia is a princess, and the heir to her throne, Mia is still her granddaughter. Mia is almost 16 so she is almost able to drive a car, (her "baby", a Ford Mustang.) She takes a test drive with her grandmother and takes her to the arcade, and buys her a corndog. When they are driving back, Mia"s grandmother tries to teach Mia of knowing what to use when driving a car. All goes well until Mia catches a very steep hill which causes her to crash into a bus load. The police comes and Mia gets in trouble, until her grandmother reconsiders the policemen on a Genovian speech honoring them. Mia wowed is proud of her grandmother.To reconstruct her friendships with Lilly and Michael, Mia invites them to the Genovian Independence Day Ball, where she must reveal whether or not she wants to accept her duties as a princess. Originally intent on running away to Colorado because she wants to avoid renouncing her throne with a speech (Mia is terrible at public speaking), Mia finds a sixteenth birthday gift and letter from her father, written before his death. After reading the letter, she changes her mind and makes her way to the ball, as it begins raining. Her car"s roof will not go up though, so she is stuck driving in the rain and her car breaks down when she attempts to go up an incredibly steep hill. Joe finds her drenched halfway to the event. Upon arrival, Mia makes a speech announcing her acceptance to the Genovian throne. She is happy to see that her friends attended, and kisses Michael in the garden. Clarisse and Joe also walk out of the Genovian consulate holding hands, showing sparks of a relationship. The film ends with the cast dancing informally, and Mia on an airplane arriving in Genovia as she narrates the coming summer"s events.[edit] ProductionThe film was directed by Garry Marshall and produced by Debra Martin Chase and Whitney Houston. Anne Hathaway was hired for the role of Mia because Gary Marshall"s granddaughters saw her audition tape and said she had the best "princess hair."[2]Héctor Elizondo, who appears in all the films which Garry Marshall directs,[3] plays Joseph "Joe", the head of Genovian security. Garry Marshall"s daughter, Kathleen Marshall, plays Clarisse"s secretary Charlotte Kutaway. Charlotte"s surname is mentioned only in the credits, and Garry Marshall says it is a reference to how she is often used in cutaway shots. In one scene, Robert Schwartzman"s real-life group Rooney makes a cameo playing a garage band named Flypaper, whose lead singer is Michael, played by Schwartzman.The book was set in New York City, but the film"s location was changed to San Francisco because Marshall"s granddaughters lived there. West coast radio personalities Mark & Brian appear as themselves.The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement, the film"s sequel, was released in August 2004.
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关于描写家乡竹林的句子 形容家乡竹林的句子示例

1、渐渐地,竹笋长大了变成了苍劲挺拔的竹子。竹子一节一节的,仿佛是一根根藕连接起来的。竹子的叶子小小的宛如小雨滴,绿绿的又像一片片晶营剔透的绿色翡翠片。在阳光的照耀下,忽闪忽闪的,十分美丽。 2、春雨刚过,竹笋破土而出。竹子生命是很坚强的,无论是在什么情况什么环境下都能生长出来,就算是石头压住,也能钻出来。竹笋在贪婪地吸吮着春天的甘露,不断的生长。 3、竹,秀逸有神韵,纤细柔美,长青不败,高风亮节,高尚不俗,生机盎然,蓬勃向上……它有许许多多的优点,然而,我最欣赏它的坚贞不屈。它那“孤生崖谷间,有此凌云气”的美好品质。它偃而犹起柔中有刚的高尚品德时时刻刻激励着我! 4、竹子一年四季都披着绿色的外衣,尤其是春雨之后的新竹更是扶摇直上,青翠欲滴。竹子的韧性与生命力是相当顽强的,风刮不断,大雪压不倒。 5、你看那片细细密密的竹林,四季常青,一根根轻盈细巧,未曾出土先有节,细细的叶,疏疏的节;雪压不倒,风吹不折。 6、晴时的竹林,碧碧翠翠,阳光透过竹叶,散散的照下来,风儿吹过,纤细伸展的枝叶随之轻舞着,这时你闭目凝神,可听到沙沙的竹语…… 7、走进竹海,在翠竹林中呼吸带有竹叶清香的空气,好一个神清气爽,似如轻舟荡漾在翠竹掩映的海中,风湿漉漉的吹着,飘荡着新鲜的竹绿气息,置身于这竹的世界,真正让你感受到大自然的美丽,快乐地徜徉在竹海沐浴,洗涤滚滚红尘的烦忧…… 8、阳光下,竹子迅速生长。当你走进竹林,映入眼帘的是一片青翠的绿色,霎时间,你会感到一股柔和的风迎面扑来,令人神清气爽。 9、远望绿竹林,郁郁苍苍!重重叠叠;近看呢,有的修直挺拔,直冲云霄;有的看来刚出世不久,却也亭亭玉立,别有一番神采。那绿竹林的枝叶犹如一顶碧绿色的华盖,遮住了太阳、白云、蓝天,给大地投下了一片阴凉。 10、山上长满了竹子,每逢春天,竹子发了芽,微风吹过,发出沙沙的响声,远远望去,好像起伏着的大海的波涛。
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初试(第一轮表演) 7月14日,星期六上午11点在Pepsi中心开始报名(那里会有标识为所有申请参加者指示停车的地方和入口处)所有的参加者都会被进行评估并有机会参加最后的角逐(最后一轮表演)最后一轮表演将于7月17日,星期二举行对于所有申请者的关于Nuggets Dancers 预演的信息:要求:你必须在7月14日之前年满18周岁,除此外没有其他年龄限制。必须备有一张照片。这张照片不一定是专业拍摄的,但是它的规格不得小于5x7,并且要非常清晰,照片上只有你本人。另外还应该备有一份舞蹈简历,简单列举你所有的舞蹈经历还有其你希望裁判了解的一切信息。丹佛 Nuggets Dancer 的舞蹈风格包括一切爵士,各种街舞到新奇的舞蹈形式。舞蹈中不能参杂特级或太过惊险的表演。如果你想在预演前练习一下,我们建议你参加预演前的培训课。注意:预演谢绝参观,请让你的家人朋友留在家里。预演服装:预演的服装是一个类似运动式的文胸,带有长的或者短的袖子和紧身短裤(如果你不能确定这样搭配的效果,想象一下那种两件式紧身连衣裤的样子)在预演中不允许穿舞蹈长裤或短裤。请注意:舞蹈地面要求穿着的是不会留痕迹的鞋底。你的发式、妆容应该与你在表演中的一样。如果你需要得到这方面的帮助,丹佛Nuggets Dancers的正规沙龙“Salon Illuminate.”可以提供帮助。他们的联系方式是(303) 480-0100.
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  目前,随着社会经济的快速发展,英语成为了主要的国际通用语言之一,这必然引起人们对 英语学习 的兴趣日益增强。下面是我带来的高中生英语朗读美文,欢迎阅读!  高中生英语朗读美文篇一   Some thoughts on building a successful marriage   From my perspective, once you enter into the realm of marriage, building and maintaining a successful marriage is actually a big part of personal and financial success. A solid marriage not only results in people sharing resources together, but a marriage also provides a lot of emotional support, cheerleading, and encouragement to succeed.   What follows are twelve little things I do quite regularly in my marriage. Please, use as many of these as seem reasonable.   I tell my wife I love her every single day. I usually do it in the morning before she leaves the bedroom, and on weekdays I"ll also tell her when I see her in the evening for the first time. I usually couple(加倍,成双) it with a kiss. It"s so simple, but it"s a constant reminder of the fact that I do love her, no matter what.   I ask about her day, listen, and ask follow up questions. I do this not only so I can keep tabs on her professional life, but also to give her a great chance to vent about her situation. Everyone needs to talk about themselves sometimes to someone who is interested - I try to provide that for her as often as I can.   I try to surprise her on a regular basis. I"ll spend an hour preparing a really excellent supper when she doesn"t expect it. I"ll spontaneously give the kids a bath when she"s comfortable on the couch under a blanket, even if it"s her turn. Doing these little unexpected things not only shows her I care, but also often compels her to do similar things for me.   I hold her hand. I do this all the time, whenever it crosses my mind and seems appropriate. I"ll just hold her hand gently while we"re talking or we"re riding in the car or we"re waiting for an appointment or we"re sitting on the couch in the evenings.   I talk about EVERYTHING with her and let her determine what"s interesting. If something is concerning me, I don"t hide it from her. I tell her about it. Most of the time she"s interested and we"ll discuss it - sometimes she"s not and I let it drop . Either way, though, she gets the message that I"m making an effort to share and be open.   I work on building a positive relationship with her family. Whenever I visit or see anyone in her family, I make a special effort to try to establish or build upon a strong relationship with them. This accomplishes several things: it makes her more at ease in a family situation, it helps me to build stronger ties with people that are important to her, and it helps me to understand the influences that were around her as she grew up.   I send her messages during the day. About once a week, during a time where my wife is really present in my thoughts, I send her a little simple note by email. All it says is something along the lines of "I was thinking about you just now. I can"t wait until I see you this evening." It"s just a very simple way of letting her know she"s on my mind and in my heart.   I put careful thought into gifts I give her. Sure, it"s easy to just run out and get a generic gift to cover yourself during an anniversary or a birthday. However, a gift with some real thought behind it means substantially more than an obviously off-the-cuff gift.   I encourage her to follow her passions and interests, even if they don"t inspire or interest me. If my wife chooses to spend significant time on a project, it"s obviously something that"s important to her. That doesn"t imply at all that it has to be important to me. If she"s involved in her own project, I give her positive encouragement and then work on my own interests instead of saying things like "that seems like a waste of time."   If she needs me, I willingly contribute to(有助于,贡献) those passions. If something genuinely excites her and she wants me to experience it, I willingly involve myself in whatever it may be: a particular type of art, a craft project, a yard project, whatever. Even if I don"t enjoy it, I do have the opportunity to learn more about my wife and what she"s passionate about, which means that my understanding of her grows.   I look for opportunities to build mutual(共同的,相互的) friendships. The idea that there is a group of people that are "my" friends and another group that is "her" friends can be a big dividing factor between us. Instead, I often focus on building friendships and relationships that we share with others so that something of a community of friendship and love grows up around us.   I hold her every night, even if it"s just for a moment. I might be completely exhausted when I go to bed in the evening, but I take a moment to move close to her, put my arm around her, and hold her close, even if it"s just for a minute or so. That moment of physical contact(身体接触) to end the day is a simple sign of love.   高中生英语朗读美文篇二   致地球的公开信   First off, allow us to apologize for the abductions(绑架,劫持).   Although it seemed like a good idea at the time, we recognize that too often you did not find the experience as satisfying as we did. We genuinely regret the way things got out of hand.   It started out as just something to do, an occasional way to blow off steam(发脾气,减压) after a long day of observation. We tried not to break anybody, and we always put you back where we found you. Frankly you aren"t all that interesting, and we might soon have grown tired of the whole thing.   But we got such a kick out of your cute eyewitness accounts, what with the stories of our big dark eyes and little arms and all. You made us feel special, even if your tales were complete crap. The books, the movies, the T-shirts—we were like celebrities. And some of you took it all so seriously, with your conspiracy theories and everything. It was really quite a hoot(叫嚣,嘲骂声).   Then this guy Whitley Strieber came along, and he sort of took the joy out of it, you know? What a killjoy shitbag he is. Today we abduct only nerdy guys who live alone in Airstream trailers, primarily because they"re nerds and, truth be told, we just like to mess with their heads.   Many of you have written asking about crop circles, so let"s set the record straight.   It ain"t us. Really, it"s not. Think about it. You people have trouble reaching your own moon, and even you have cell phones, satellite TV, and high-speed DSL.   We sail between stars at speeds you believe impossible—you think we have to knock down veggies(蔬菜) in order to communicate?   And why do you always assume we land in rural areas? Please. On a planet with New York, Rio de Janeiro, Paris, and Amsterdam, you figure we"d choose to hang out in Roswell, New Mexico? Have any of you actually been there?   We would be remiss if we failed to mention the anal(肛门的,直肠的) probing. For the longest time, we swear we thought those were data ports. We meant no harm, and hope that you will, like us, try to forget this unfortunate chapter in our history. Inretrospect(回顾往事) it was simply a bad idea.   Now we don"t want to be seen as whiners(哀诉者,哭诉者), but there are a few things we wish to discuss.   For one thing, we are troubled by the way we have been portrayed in the media. We represent an array of life whose richness and sheer scope would astound you. Yet for the most part, on this planet we are typecast as either hairless dweebs with foreheads like watermelons, or else giant insects who want to eat you.   No offense, but this is especially hard to take from a backwater planet most beings have never heard of.   The very word “alien” is plagued(折磨,苦恼) by negative associations. According to our latest focus groups, the term conjures up(使人想象出) images of slimy, parasitic(寄生的) creatures who spring onto the faces of unsuspecting beings in order to plant their young inside, or people picking cabbages.   We"ve discussed this among ourselves, and we no longer wish to be called aliens. Henceforth, we prefer to be called “Chuck Norris®.” Please do not shorten,hyphenate(用连字符连接), or alter this in any way. The plural form(复数形式) is the same, as in, “Hey, there goes a Chuck Norris®. Wait, there goes another one."   Finally, some advice.   Look, from where we sit, you"re all the same. We appreciate that human beings come in slightly different models and colors, and to you these nearly imperceptible differences seem to cause no end of trouble. But honestly, we"re astounded that you can even tell yourselves apart. In blind taste tests, in fact, the average Chuck Norris® cannot detect any difference whatsoever. So chill, people of Earth, and try to get along.   While you"re in a reflective mood, take a closer look at what you"re doing to your planet. You are ruining it: depleting(耗尽) your natural resources, polluting your air, sickening your oceans, and destroying unique species forever. This is just plain wrong, not to mention completely irrational(不合理的,荒谬的). Everyone knows that the logical thing is to find somebody else"s planet and ruin that. Noobs. How can you possibly expect to survive in the coming interstellar economy?   By the way, we"ve elected you to come up with the new shared unit of galactic currency. Just pick something small and ubiquitous(到处存在的), something of nominal value that you won"t miss much. It"s your call, but we suggest hamsters(田鼠,仓鼠).   In closing, much of what you do befuddles us. Many of your core concepts—such as guilt, selflessness, and David Hasselhoff—simply have no counterparts in non-Terran cultures. You"re what galactic sociologists call “a bunch of strange ducks."   Yet for reasons not entirely clear, we have developed a certain affection for you. We"d just as soon keep you around, if only for the entertainment value.   We"re going away for a bit now, and when we return, we expect to find that you have made significant progress toward sitting at the adults" table. This will, of course, mean fewer senseless military conflicts, less reality television, and no more Sudoku.   Don"t make us come down there.   高中生英语朗读美文篇三   Don"t Allow Your Weaknesses to Limit You   We all have weaknesses and strengths – no matter who we are. Sometimes the weaknesses seem to outweigh the strengths and sometimes it"s the other way around. Some people get sick easily. Some struggle to manage their finances properly. Some people are hopeless communicators and struggle with relationships.   Many people leave it and that and accept it as just bad luck – but not everyone. Some people facing huge limitations still manage to achieve tremendous things. They rise above their weaknesses and do not allow them to limit their possibilities.   It"s Your Choice   I attended a school prize-giving ceremony not so long ago and the guest speaker was Andrew Becroft, who had a severe stutter as a child. Instead of allowing this to limit him, he chose to to work hard to overcome it. He is now the Principal Youth Court Judge for New Zealand. Not only did he become successful, but he did so in a profession where he had to speak in front of others regularly — where his weakness is front and center for all to see. If he hadn"t worked on his speaking ability, it would have been very limiting to his life and career prospects.   You can find similar people on New Zealand News channels, and I suspect the same in other countries. There are a number of presenters and reporters who have a noticeably unusual manner of speaking. Perhaps they have a lisp, or they have a peculiar accent or pitch of voice. These people have succeeded in spite of what would be appear to be a weakness in their profession.   Lots of people face far more significant limitations than you do. They may be missing limbs or are born into extreme poverty. But no matter what the limitation, you will always find people who have overcome it.   Here are some more examples:   Brett Eastburn has no arms or legs and yet is an inspirational speaker and and also a very good wrestler. He shares his story in a brief video on his site.   Lance Armstrong"s bout with cancer meant he lost one testicle and had to go through chemotherapy which has a horrific effect on the body. Yet he went on to win the Tour de France, one of the most grueling sports events there is, a record 7 times.   Ringo Starr, drummer for the Beatles, came from a very poor background. He was constantly plagued with illness as a child and spent large amounts of time in hospital.   At 19 months old, Helen Keller became ill and lost her sight and hearing . She went on to become a world famous author and speaker, and an advocate of many social causes.   Grant Calder is a tetraplegic and yet he still works outdoors on a large sheep farm in New Zealand"s rugged South Island. Here is his inspiring story.   Wilma Rudolph was the 20th of 22 children. As a child she suffered measles, mumps, scarlet fever, chicken pox, double pneumonia and eventually polio, leaving her left leg and foot weak and deformed. Doctors said she would never walk again. She went on to win 3 gold medals in track during the 1960 Olympic games.   Mark Inglis lost both of his legs below the knees in a mountaineering accident, but
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