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2023-05-19 23:34:11
TAG: 复数 glove







It"s getting cool and I have to take out my woolen gloves.天气变冷了,我不得不把毛线手套拿出来了。

The finger of my glove has a hole.我手套的指头处有个洞。

I rarely lose a left-hand glove.我很少脱下左手手套。


glove anesthesia手套式感觉缺失

glove leather手套革

glove port手套机

knitted glove针织手套

medical gloven.医用手套

fingerless glove露指手套

kid glove小山羊皮白手套



glove,读音:英[ɡlʌv],美[ɡlʌv]。释义:n.手套。vt.给…戴手套。变形:过去式gloved,过去分词gloved,现在分词gloving,第三人称单数gloves,复数gloves。短语:fit like a glove合身极了。rubber glove橡皮手套。ski glove滑雪手套。glove lock手套锁扣。glove的例句1、She bent down to pick up her glove.她俯身去捡手套。2、He bit the fingers of his right glove and pulled it off.他咬住右手手套的指套,把它扯了下来。3、There is a hole in her glove.她手套上有个洞。4、The waves cause the glove to shake.波浪会使手套抖动。5、The same baseball glove?同一个棒球手套吗?6、Last year, a special kind of glove came out.去年,一种特殊的手套问世了。
2023-01-12 07:48:051


glove读音:英 [ɡlʌv]  美 [ɡlʌv]     一、含义n. 手套 vt. 给 ... 戴手套 二、用法glove是表示两个部分组成的物品的名词,通常用于复数形式,用作主语时谓语动词一般用复数形式,偶尔也可用单数形式。 glove前有pair修饰时,其谓语动词与pair保持一致。 It"s getting cool and I have to take out my woolen gloves.天气变冷了,我不得不把毛线手套拿出来了。The finger of my glove has a hole.我手套的指头处有个洞。扩展资料近义词:mitt、mitten、gauntlet、muff、baseball glove。一、mitt1、含义:n. 手套;<俚>手 。2、举例Tom squeezed a mitt and a glove into the bag.汤姆把棒球手套和手套都塞进袋子里。二、mitten1、含义:n. 【C】连指手套,n. 求婚拒绝 。2、举例I have a pair of leather mittens.我有一副皮连指手套。三、gauntlet1、含义:n. 金属手套;长手套;夹道鞭笞的刑罚;挑战;夹攻  。2、举例He was quick to take up the gauntlet thrown down by the opposition.他立即接受了对方提出的挑战。四、muff1、含义:n. 皮手筒;笨拙的人;(球的)漏接;漏球,v. 弄糟;漏接(球);接(球)失误。2、举例She"d take Aunt Pitty"s little seal muff and hide her bare hands in it.她想用皮蒂姑妈那个海豹皮手筒,好将自己的手戴在里面。五、baseball glove1、含义:棒球手套 。2、举例We"re look for my baseball glove.我们在找我的棒球手套。
2023-01-12 07:48:161


glove的意思是手套;给…戴手套。发音: [ɡlʌv]词型变化:动词过去式:gloved过去分词:gloved 现在分词:gloving 第三人称单数:gloves词汇搭配:glove compartment 汽车仪表板上的小柜boxing glove 拳击手套hand in glove 亲密地glove money 贿赂glove puppet 布袋式木偶fit like a glove 合身极了glove kid 手套革; 手套皮rubber glove 橡皮手套双语例句:1、These two gloves do n"t match [are n"t a pair] .这两只手套不配对儿。2、Her white wool gloves lay in her lap .她的一副白羊毛手套则放在膝上。3、Leather gloves are stronger than cotton gloves .皮手套比棉手套结实。4、Only if we handle them with kid gloves .只要我们小心行事就行了。5、I can not feel anything through these gloves .我戴着手套什么都摸不出来。
2023-01-12 07:48:291

gloves怎么读音 英语gloves怎么读音

1、gloves英[glʌvz]美[glʌvz],n.(分手指的)手套;glove的第三人称单数和复数。 2、glove是表示两个部分组成的物品的名词,通常用于复数形式,用作主语时谓语动词一般用复数形式,偶尔也可用单数形式。 3、glove前有pair修饰时,其谓语动词与pair保持一致。
2023-01-12 07:49:161

gloves glove 音节一样吗

gloves glove 音节不一样。glove[英][glʌv][美][ɡlʌv]。n.手套、棒球手套、拳击手套。gloves英 [glʌvz] 美 [glʌvz] 。n.棒球手套 (glove的复数)。例句1、For the banks chasing this growing business, the gloves are now definitely off.对于那些正在追求这项新兴业务的银行来说,肯定是甩开膀子大干起来了。2、I got my wife to send my gloves express to the hotel.我叫妻子用快递方式将我的手套发送到了旅馆。短语搭配:take the gloves off毫不妥协;毫不留情;毫不犹豫the gloves are off准备动手打架, 做好战斗(或辩论)准备with the gloves off毫不妥协;毫不留情;毫不犹豫treat someone or something with kid gloves审慎周到(或机智巧妙)地待人处事handle someone or something with kid gloves审慎周到(或机智巧妙)地待人处事
2023-01-12 07:49:271


glove 英[glʌv] 美[ɡlʌv] n. 手套;棒球手套;拳击手套 vt. 给…戴手套;用…的手套 第三人称单数:gloves;过去分词:gloved;名词复数:gloves;现在分词:g... [例句]I get my glove stuck in the winch . Johann sighs.我的手套被绞索卡住了,约翰叹息起来。
2023-01-12 07:49:382


gloves是glove的复数形式,glove和gloves都是手套的意思,但glove是单数形式,gloves是复数形式,一般手套以复数出现。glove的第三人称和复数是gloves,现在分词是gloving,过去分词是gloved。 glove的用法 glove是表示两个部分组成的物品的名词,通常用于复数形式,用作主语时谓语动词一般用复数形式,偶尔也可用单数形式。 glove前有pair修饰时,其谓语动词与pair保持一致。 mitten和glove的区别 glove是五个手指头都分开的手套,一种覆盖手部之物,各指和拇指均有独立的套。 mitten可以是1个拇指分开,其他并在一起的,或5个手指都并在一起的手套。可说连指手套:一种遮手用的,分成拇指和其余四指两个部分的手套。 例句:I have a pair of leathermittens. 我有一副皮连指手套。
2023-01-12 07:49:471


glove,读音:英[ɡlʌv],美[ɡlʌv]。释义:n.手套。vt.给…戴手套。变形:过去式gloved,过去分词gloved,现在分词gloving,第三人称单数gloves,复数gloves。短语:fit like a glove合身极了。rubber glove橡皮手套。ski glove滑雪手套。glove lock手套锁扣。glove的例句1、She bent down to pick up her glove.她俯身去捡手套。2、He bit the fingers of his right glove and pulled it off.他咬住右手手套的指套,把它扯了下来。3、There is a hole in her glove.她手套上有个洞。4、The waves cause the glove to shake.波浪会使手套抖动。5、The same baseball glove?同一个棒球手套吗?6、Last year, a special kind of glove came out.去年,一种特殊的手套问世了。
2023-01-12 07:49:561


是。通常用:a pair of gloves
2023-01-12 07:50:296


2023-01-12 07:50:521


I have a glove.
2023-01-12 07:51:044


Glove词向量出自于论文《Glove:Global Vectors for Word Representation》 Glove的全称是Global Vectors for Word Representation,中文意思是全局词向量,它是一个基于 全局词频统计(count-based&overall statistics) 的 词表征(word representation) 工具。 跟word2vec一样,它可以把一个单词表示成一个由实数组成的向量,向量可以捕捉单词之间的一些语义特性,如相似性(similarity)、类比性(analogy)。并且通过对向量的运算,如欧几里得距离或cosine相似度,可以计算两个单词之间的 语义相似性。 3.构造loss function: 这个损失函数是最简单的mean square loss,只不过在此基础上增加了一个权重函数 ,它的作用在于:对于在一个语料库中经常一起出现的单词(frequent occurrence), 文中,作者采用了符合上述条件的分段函数: 文中的所有实验, 的取值都是 的取值都是 。 虽然很多人声称Glove是一种无监督(unsupervised learning)的学习方式,即不需要人工标注数据,但实际上它还是有标签的,这个标签就是 ,而向量 和 就是要不断更新学习的参数。因此,本质上它的训练方式和监督学习的训练方式没有什么不同,都是基于梯度下降的。 训练的具体做法是:采用AdaGrad的梯度下降算法,对矩阵 中的所有非零元素进行随机采样,学习率设置为0.05,在vector size小于300的情况下迭代50次,其他大小的vector size迭代100次,直至收敛。 因为 是对称的,所以最终学到的两个词向量 和 应该也是对称的,等价的,只不过由于初始值不一样,导致最终的值不一样。为了提高鲁棒性,最终选择两者之和 作为最终的词向量(两者的初始化不同相当于加了不同的随机噪声所以能提高鲁棒性)。 这个图一共采用了三个指标:语义准确度,语法准确度以及总体准确度。那么我们不难发现Vector Dimension在300时能达到最佳,而context Windows size大致在6到10之间。 如果本身语料比较小,微调没什么作用,或者自己直接训练没有很强的算力,直接使用采用大数据进行预训练的glove词向量也会有比较好的效果。
2023-01-12 07:51:171

Glove 原理详细解读

本文主要对《GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation》进行解读。 尽管word2vector在学习词与词间的关系上有了大进步,但是它有很明显的缺点:只能利用一定窗长的上下文环境,即利用局部信息,没法利用整个语料库的全局信息。鉴于此,GloVe诞生了,它的全称是global vector,很明显它是要改进word2vector,利用语料库的全局信息。 什么是 共现 ? 单词 出现在单词 的环境中(论文给的环境是以为中心的左右10个单词区间)叫共现。 什么是 共现矩阵 ? 共现矩阵是单词对共现次数的统计表。我们可以通过大量的语料文本来构建一个共现统计矩阵。 例如,有语料如下: I like deep learning. I like NLP. I enjoy flying. 以窗半径为1来指定上下文环境,则共现矩阵就应该是: X01:它表示like出现在I的环境(I like区间)中的次数(在整个语料库中的总计次数),此处应当为2次,故第一行第二列应当填2。还应当发现,这个共现矩阵它是对称阵,因为like出现在I的环境中,那么必然I也会出现在like的环境中,所以X10= 2。共现矩阵有以下3个特点: ·统计的是单词对在给定环境中的共现次数;所以它在一定程度上能表达词间的关系。 ·共现频次计数是针对整个语料库而不是一句或一段文档,具有全局统计特征。 ·共现矩阵它是对称的。共现矩阵的生成步骤: ·首先构建一个空矩阵,大小为V×V,即词汇表×词汇表,值全为0。矩阵中的元素坐标记为 。 ·确定一个滑动窗口的大小(例如取半径为 m ) ·从语料库的第一个单词开始,以1的步长滑动该窗口,因为是按照语料库的顺序开始的,所以中心词为到达的那个单词即 。 ·上下文环境是指在滑动窗口中并在中心单词 两边的单词。 ·若窗口左右无单词,一般出现在语料库的首尾,则空着,不需要统计。 ·在窗口内,统计上下文环境中单词出现的次数,并将该值累计到 位置上。 ·不断滑动窗口进行统计即可得到共现矩阵。什么是叫 共现概率 ? 定义X为共现矩阵,共现矩阵的元素 为词 出现在词 环境的次数,令 ,为任意词出现在 的环境的次数(即共现矩阵第 行的和),那么:为词 出现在词环境中的概率(这里以频率计算概率),这一概率被称为词 和词 的共现概率。共现概率是指在给定的环境下出现(共现)某一个词的概率。 注意 :在给定语料库的情况下,我们是可以事先计算出任意一对单词的共现概率的。      接下来阐述为啥作者要提共现概率和共现概率比这一概念。下面是论文中给的一组数据: 先看一下第一行数据,以 ice 为中心词的环境中出现 solid 固体的概率是大于 gas、fashion 而且小于 water 的,这是很合理的,对吧,因为现实语言使用习惯就是这样的。同理可以解释第二行数据。我们来重点考虑第三行数据: 共现概率比 。我们把共现概率相比,我们发现: 1.看第三行第一列:当 ice 的语境下共现 solid 的概率应该很大,当 stream 的语境下共现 solid 的概率应当很小,那么比值就>1。 2.看第三行第二列:当 ice 的语境下共现 gas 的概率应该很小,当 stream 的语境下共现 gas 的概率应当很大,那么比值就<1。 3.看第三行第三列:当 ice 的语境下共现 water 的概率应该很大,当 stream 的语境下共现 water 的概率也应当很大,那么比值就近似=1。 4.看第三行第四列:当 ice 的语境下共现 fashion 的概率应该很小,当 stream 的语境下共现 fashion 的概率也应当很小,那么比值也是近似=1。 因为作者发现用共现概率比也可以很好的体现3个单词间的关联(因为共现概率比符合常理),所以glove作者就大胆猜想, 如果能将3个单词的词向量经过某种计算可以表达共现概率比就好了(glove思想) 。如果可以的话,那么这样的 词向量就与共现矩阵有着一致性 ,可以体现词间的关系。 想要表达共现概率比,这里涉及到的有三个词即 ,它们对应的词向量用 表示,那么我们需要找到一个映射 ,使得: ,等式的右边的比值可以通过统计得到。这个比值可以作为标签,我们需要设计一个模型通过训练的方式让映射值逼近这个确定的共现概率比。很明显这是个回归问题,我们可以用均方误差作为loss。当然,设计这个函数或者这个模型当然有很多途径,我们来看看作者是怎么设计的。 下面将从如何构造 展开讨论,首先声明以下的内容 更多的是体现作者构造模型的思路, 而 不是严格的数学证明。 为了让 左右两边相等,很容易想到用两者的均方差做代价函数:但是里面含有3个单词,这意味这要在V*V*V的复杂度上计算,太复杂了。 为了简化计算 ,作者是这样思考的: 1. 为了考虑单词 和单词 之间的关系,那么 是一个合理的选择 2. 是标量,而 均为向量,为了将向量转为标量,可以将两个向量做内积,于是有了 3. 接着,作者在 外面加了指数运算exp(),得到:即: 即: 即: 这样,便可以 发现简化方法 了:只需要上式分子对应相等,分母对应相等即可。 即: 并且 考虑到 和 形式是相同的,于是进行统一考虑,即:本来我们追求的是: 现在只需要追求: 两边取对数: 那么代价函数可简化为: 现在只需要在V*V的复杂度上进行计算。 4.仔细观察 和 可以发现: 不等于 但是 和 是相等的。即等式左侧不具有对称性而右侧有对称性。这在数学上出现问题,有可能会导致模型无法训练优化。 为了解决这个问题将 中的 按照条件概率展开,即为:  将其变为: 即添加一个偏置项 ,将 吸收到偏置项 中。 于是代价函数变成了:  5.在代价函数中添加权重项,于是代价函数进一步进化为:是怎样的呢?有什么作用呢?为什么要添加权重函数? 我们知道在一个语料库中,肯定存在很多单词他们在一起出现的次数是很多的,那么我们希望: 1.这些单词的权重须大于那些很少在一起出现的单词,所以这个函数要是非递减函数; 2.但我们也不希望这个权重过大,当到达一定程度之后应该不再增加; 3.如果两个单词没有在一起出现,也就是 ,那么他们应该不参与到loss function的计算当中去,也就是 要满足 满足以上条件的函数有很多,作者采用了如下形式的分段函数: 函数图像: 这篇glove论文中的所有实验,的取值都是 为0.75,而 为100 也就是说词对共现次数越多的,有更大的权重将被惩罚得更厉害些;次数少,有更小的惩罚权重,这样就可以使得不常共现的词对对结果的贡献不会太小,而不会过分偏向于常共现的词对。 那么总结下,glove的优化目标为: Q uestion&Answer Question1: GloVe是如何训练的? Answer1: 虽然很多人声称GloVe是一种无监督的学习方式(因为它确实不需要人工标注label),但其实它还是有label的,这个label就是优化目标中的 。而优化目标中的 就是要不断更新/学习的参数,所以本质上它的训练方式跟监督学习的训练方法没什么不一样,都是基于梯度下降的。具体地,这篇论文里的实验是这么做的:采用了AdaGrad的梯度下降算法,对矩阵中的所有非零元素进行随机采样,学习率(learning rate)设为0.05,在vector size小于300的情况下迭代了50次,其他大小的vectors上迭代了100次,直至收敛。最终学习得到的是两个vector是 ,因为X是对称的,所以从原理上讲 也是对称的,他们唯一的区别是初始化的值不一样,而导致最终的值不一样。所以这两者其实是等价的,都可以当成最终的结果来使用。但是为了提高鲁棒性,最终会选择两者之和作为最终的vector(两者的初始化不同相当于加了不同的随机噪声,所以能提高鲁棒性)。三千多字,码字不易,如果大家发现我有地方写得不对或者有疑问的,麻烦评论, 我会回复并改正 。对于重要问题,我会持续更新至 Question&Answer。 参考 Pennington J , Socher R , Manning C . Glove: Global Vectors for Word Representation[C]// Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. 2014. CS224N Winter 2019 Glove模型---词向量模型 GloVe详解 详解GloVe词向量模型
2023-01-12 07:51:261


glove不会单独使用。glove是表示两个部分组成的物品的名词,通常用于复数形式,用作主语时谓语动词一般用复数形式,偶尔也可用单数形式。glove_搜狗翻译glove手套常用释义英 [ɡlʌv] 美 [ɡlʌv] n.手套; 加垫防护手套v.用戴手套的手接住例句:He got his glove on the ball but it squirted away. 他的手套已经碰到了球,但那球却突然滑脱了。手套:glove 指普通分成5指的手套。mitten 指拇指分开而其余4指连在一起的手套。
2023-01-12 07:51:351


2023-01-12 07:51:462


glove [英][glʌv] [美][ɡlʌv] n.手套; 棒球手套; 拳击手套; vt.给…戴手套; 用…的手套; 第三人称单数:gloves过去分词:gloved复数:gloves现在进行时:gloving过去式:gloved 例句: 1. I get my glove stuck in the winch.Johann sighs. 我的手套被绞索卡住了,约翰叹息起来. 2. The other glove lay nearby. 另一只手套被扔在附近. 3. You can keep the glove. 你们可以留着手套. 4. Just as important,the missing glove will be difficult to replace. 同样重要的是,很难为丢失的那只手套找到替补. 5. And what"s with the blue light and the sort of exoskeleton glove thing? 那些蓝色光线和外骨骼质地,类似手套的玩意又是怎么回事?
2023-01-12 07:51:581


glove读音:英 [ɡlʌv],美 [ɡlʌv]。一、含义:n. 手套。vt. 给 ... 戴手套。二、用法:glove是表示两个部分组成的物品的名词,通常用于复数形式,用作主语时谓语动词一般用复数形式,偶尔也可用单数形式。 扩展资料近义词:mitt、mitten、gauntlet、muff、baseball glove。一、mitt1、含义:n. 手套;<俚>手 。2、举例Tom squeezed a mitt and a glove into the bag.汤姆把棒球手套和手套都塞进袋子里。二、mitten1、含义:n. 【C】连指手套,n. 求婚拒绝 。2、举例I have a pair of leather mittens.我有一副皮连指手套。
2023-01-12 07:52:081


glove读音:英 [ɡlʌv]  美 [ɡlʌv]     一、含义n. 手套 vt. 给 ... 戴手套 二、用法glove是表示两个部分组成的物品的名词,通常用于复数形式,用作主语时谓语动词一般用复数形式,偶尔也可用单数形式。 glove前有pair修饰时,其谓语动词与pair保持一致。 It"s getting cool and I have to take out my woolen gloves.天气变冷了,我不得不把毛线手套拿出来了。The finger of my glove has a hole.我手套的指头处有个洞。扩展资料近义词:mitt、mitten、gauntlet、muff、baseball glove。一、mitt1、含义:n. 手套;<俚>手 。2、举例Tom squeezed a mitt and a glove into the bag.汤姆把棒球手套和手套都塞进袋子里。二、mitten1、含义:n. 【C】连指手套,n. 求婚拒绝 。2、举例I have a pair of leather mittens.我有一副皮连指手套。三、gauntlet1、含义:n. 金属手套;长手套;夹道鞭笞的刑罚;挑战;夹攻  。2、举例He was quick to take up the gauntlet thrown down by the opposition.他立即接受了对方提出的挑战。四、muff1、含义:n. 皮手筒;笨拙的人;(球的)漏接;漏球,v. 弄糟;漏接(球);接(球)失误。2、举例She"d take Aunt Pitty"s little seal muff and hide her bare hands in it.她想用皮蒂姑妈那个海豹皮手筒,好将自己的手戴在里面。五、baseball glove1、含义:棒球手套 。2、举例We"re look for my baseball glove.我们在找我的棒球手套。
2023-01-12 07:52:201


gloves英语这样读:英 [glʌvz]、美 [glʌvz]。    n. (分手指的)手套,glove的第三人称单数和复数。例句:1、My gloves have been missing for ages. 我的手套已经丢了很久了。2、Protective gloves reduce the absorption of chemicals through the skin. 防护手套可以减少皮肤对化学物质的吸收。3、She bent down to pick up her glove. 她俯身去捡手套。4、His arms look like they might snap under the weight of his gloves. 他的胳膊看起来好像不堪手套重负要折断了一样。5、In presidential campaigns, foreign policy is treated with kid gloves. 在总统竞选活动中,外交政策问题会被小心对待。6、The UN inspectors work hand in glove with the Western intelligence agencies. 联合国观察员和西方情报机构之间密切合作。7、I was searching for a pair of grey gloves to go with my new gown. 我在找一副跟我的新礼服相配的灰色手套。8、Her fingers were stiff with cold inside her leather gloves.她的手指在皮手套里冻得僵硬。9、Remember that this is caustic; use gloves or a spoon. 别忘了,这东西具有腐蚀性;戴上手套或用勺子。10、Wear rubber gloves when handling cat litter. 清理猫粪时要带上橡胶手套。
2023-01-12 07:52:321


手套的音标 glove 英[ɡlʌv] n.(分手指的)手套
2023-01-12 07:52:446


gloves读法:英 [ɡ"lʌvz] 美 [ɡ"lʌvz]
2023-01-12 07:53:123

glove什么时候可以不加a pair of

表示动词时比加a pair of,意思是:给……戴手套;(比赛中用戴手套的手)接(球)。重点词汇:glove。英[ɡlʌv]释义:n.(分手指的)手套;(拳击、棒球等所用的)加垫防护手套。v.给……戴手套;(比赛中用戴手套的手)接(球)。[复数:gloves;第三人称单数:gloves;现在分词:gloving;过去式:gloved;过去分词:gloved]短语:oven glove隔热手套;耐高温手套;烤箱手套。词语使用变化:gloven.(名词)1、glove是表示两个部分组成的物品的名词,通常用于复数形式,用作主语时谓语动词一般用复数形式,偶尔也可用单数形式。2、glove前有pair修饰时,其谓语动词与pair保持一致。
2023-01-12 07:53:281


glove读音:[ɡlʌv]。glove 英 [ɡlʌv]     美 [ɡlʌv]    n. 手套vt. 给 ... 戴手套。I rarely lose a left-hand glove.我很少脱下左手手套。I showed the customer the glove section.我给那位顾客指出了卖手套的地方。近义词:mitt 英 [mɪt]     美 [mɪt]    n. 手套;<俚>手。I gave him a baseball mitt for his birthday.为祝贺他的生日,我送给他一只棒球手套。Tom squeezed a mitt and a glove into the bag.汤姆把棒球手套和手套都塞进袋子里。
2023-01-12 07:53:401


gloves 英[ɡ"lʌvz] 美[ɡ"lʌvz] n. 拳击手套,棒球手套; 手套( glove的名词复数 ); [例句]My gloves were soaking wet我的手套都湿透了。[其他] 原型: glove
2023-01-12 07:53:562


一、表达意思不同1、finger:手指;(手套的)手指部分;(酒在杯中的深度)一指宽;指状物;竖中指;指针;用手指触摸;告发,告密;拨弄(乐器);用某种指法演奏(乐曲);给(乐谱)标明指法符号。2、glove:(分手指的)手套;(拳击、棒球等所用的)加垫防护手套;给……戴手套;(比赛中用戴手套的手)接(球)。二、固定搭配不同1、finger:index finger 示指 ; 食指 ; 拇指 ; 大拇指。2、glove:glove money 贿赂。近义词介绍:pointer读音:[ˈpɔɪntə(r)] 表达意思:指针;指示器;教鞭;暗示。词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。例句:It"s a pointer to this chunk of memory. 它是指向这块内存的指针。
2023-01-12 07:54:081


glove的音标是:英式读法 [ɡlʌv] 美式读法 [ɡlʌv]
2023-01-12 07:54:201


2023-01-12 07:54:291


2023-01-12 07:54:351


glove 英[glʌv] 美[ɡlʌv] n. 手套; 棒球手套; 拳击手套; vt. 给…戴手套; 用…的手套; [例句]He stuck his gloves in his pocket.他把手套塞进口袋里。[其他] 第三人称单数:gloves 复数:gloves 现在分词:gloving 过去式:gloved过去分词:gloved
2023-01-12 07:54:421


glove[服装] glovesmittenmittens短语手套:glove棉手套Cotton glove;winter gloves丝手套Silk glove绝缘手套insulating glove;Gloves;electric insulation gloves;insulation glove橡胶手套rubber gloves;rubb...
2023-01-12 07:54:521


gloves 英[ɡ"lʌvz] 美[ɡ"lʌvz]n.手套(名词glove的复数形式)Someonehastakenmygloves.有人把我的手套拿走了。Maryiseasilydistressed.You"llhavetohandleherwithkidgloves.玛丽动不动就伤心,你对待她得温和谨慎些。
2023-01-12 07:54:582


2023-01-12 07:55:073


2023-01-12 07:55:253

close sock glove。他们三个哪一个和come发音是一样的?

close sock glove。他们三个哪一个和come发音是一样的?glove 与 come 的o发音相同
2023-01-12 07:55:362


2023-01-12 07:55:494


2023-01-12 07:56:143

glove mitten区别

2023-01-12 07:56:271


嗯:glove英 [ɡlʌv] 美 [ɡlʌv] 讲解0:54other英 [ˈʌðə(r)] 美 [ˈʌðər]
2023-01-12 07:56:334


glove 手套--------- 葛辣舞 wallet 钱包--------- 窝里特 camera 照相机----堪么额瑞 strange 奇怪的----死骏几 term 学期-----特母 promise 承诺-----普若密死 score 得分----死过 fit 健康的----费特
2023-01-12 07:56:461


2023-01-12 07:56:512


glove.tomato.potato中的o发音不同的是glove。各自单词中的o的发音如下:1、glove :发音:[glʌv] 字母o 发 /ʌ/。2、tomato :发音 [tə"mɑːtəʊ] 有两个o ,有两种发音,第一个o发/ə/ 第二个o发/əʊ/。3、potato :发音 [pə"teɪtəʊ ]有两个o ,有两种发音,第一个o发/ə/ 第二个o发/əʊ/。故三个单词发音不同的是glove。
2023-01-12 07:56:593

glove 为什么不符合开音节

2023-01-12 07:57:104

glove 和 mitten 的区别是什么?

2023-01-12 07:57:236


描写秋天的四字词语大全金风送爽、雁过留声、秋色宜人、天朗气清、一叶知秋、春种秋收、春兰秋菊、春花秋月、秋色宜人、秋风过耳、秋风萧瑟、秋雨绵绵、一丛金黄、一丛火红、秋意深浓、秋兰飘香、秋风过耳、丹枫迎秋、枫林如火、秋风习习金秋十月 硕果累累 秋风送爽 桃李满天下瓜果飘香 金风送爽、雁过留声、天朗气清、秋色宜人、秋风萧瑟、金色满园、遍地金黄秋意深浓、秋兰飘香、秋高气爽、枫林尽染枫林如火、五谷丰登、霜天红叶;关于秋天的四字词语叶落知秋:比喻从细微的变化可以推测事物的发展趋向。一叶知秋:从一片树叶的凋落,知道秋天的到来。比喻通过个别的细微的迹象,可以看到整个形势的发展趋向与结果…月旦春秋:比喻评论人物的好坏。望秋先零:比喻体质弱。也比喻未老先衰。平分秋色:比喻双方各得一半,不分上下望穿秋水:眼睛都望穿了。形容对远地亲友的殷切盼望。秋月春风:指良辰美景。也指美好的岁月。秋水伊人:指思念中的那个人。秋色平分:比喻双方各得一半,不分上下。秋毫之末:鸟兽在秋天新长的细毛的尖端。比喻极微小的东西或极细微的地方。秋高气爽:形容秋季晴空万里,天气清爽。秋风过耳:象秋风从耳边吹过一样。比喻与己无关,毫不再意。千秋万岁:千年万年。形容岁月长久。千秋万代:一千年,一万代。指世世代代,时间久长。皮里阳秋:指藏在心里不说出来的言论。皮里春秋:指藏在心里不说出来的言论。琨玉秋霜:比喻坚贞劲烈的品质疾风扫秋叶:比喻力量强大、行动迅速,象暴风扫除落叶一样。洞察秋毫:形容人目光敏锐,任何细小的事物都能看得很清楚。春秋鼎盛:比喻正当壮年。春秋笔法:指寓褒贬于曲折的文笔之中。春露秋霜:比喻恩泽与威严。也用在怀念先人。春兰秋菊:春天的兰花,秋天的菊花。比喻各有值得称道的地方。春华秋实:春天开花,秋天结果。比喻人的文采和德行。现也比喻学习有成果。多事之秋:事故或事变很多的时期。春花秋月:春天的花朵,秋天的月亮。泛指春秋美景。百岁千秋:一百年,一千载。形容岁月漫长,历时很久。冰壶秋月:比喻洁白明净。多指人的品格。春蚓秋蛇:比喻字写得不好,弯弯曲曲,象蚯蚓和蛇爬行的痕迹。春蛙秋蝉:春天蛙叫,秋天蝉鸣。比喻喧闹夸张、空洞无物的言谈。一日三秋:意思是一天不见面,就象过了三个季度。比喻分别时间虽短,却觉得很长。形容思念殷切。一日不见,如隔三秋:一天不见,就好象过了三年。形容思念的心情非常迫切。万古千秋:形容延续的时间极久。叶落知秋:比喻从细微的变化可以推测事物的发展趋向。
2023-01-12 07:50:581

几个英语单句的翻译 在线等

仅供参考……1:Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee2:the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of CPC3:advance and enrich the fine cultural heritage of the nation4:be honest and clean in performing one"s official duties5:General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade6:realty business7:special economic zone 8:initiative spirit9:securities business10:make up deficits and increase surpluses1:拒捕?拘捕?He was arrested(拘捕) with an alleged plot to forgery.2:He devoted all his life into serving the people.3: He always talk shop(talk shop英语谚语:三句话不离本行)4: Every rivers have upper reaches, middle course and lower reaches.5: Learnling languages is not a easy work at all, we should pay great pains for it. 或者: Great pains must be taken to master a foreign language.6: I think to solve this problem is not difficult at all.7:They latest achievement show that they have made an immense improvement8:We should have to know all questions.9: Only recognize the backwardness can we change it.或者: Only when the underdevelopement is acknowedged, can it be changed.10: Rice are primarily produced in the south of China.11: They are undersupply, but the winter is coming.12: He saved his breath again.13: Success doesn"t come to anyone who sits back and does nothing at all.14: Where there is life , there is hope15: When the fox preaches, take care of your geese同义词:1: prolific luxuriant ample2: secundum based on3: saucy beautiful splendid4: celebrated namable5: man-sized untoward hard6: basilic main momentous7: In one"s opinion as fof sb8: plain ordinary simple9: for the purpose of so as to10: intricate involuted involute perplexing tanglesome
2023-01-12 07:51:011


秋高气爽 可以吗?
2023-01-12 07:51:024


从某人博客上找到的没有注明你节选几段就行了Professional profile (1) with some special operation to deal with some of the digital image process. (2) It is a concentration of computer technology, digital technology and creativity into an integrated whole content. Design is a kind of work or occupation, is a kind of beauty, the use of Form and Function of activities to commemorate. Design is a beauty, the use of Form and Function of commemorative activities Design (design) the word is, by the Japanese to Chinese translation of "design" from the word. In the Japanese translation of the "design" is the word when, in addition to "design" the word, have "artistic conception", "device", "a", "Form" and so on the Chinese characters that form the word "design . " Therefore, to understand what is "design", we can first of these words to explain: English stems from the design of the de-Latin sinare is "- A mark" means, in the 16th century Italian desegno started the meaning of the current design, by the French after the intermediary, as quoted by the English, become English in the present design, in English design: A. Design a plan. B. Painted sketches, or gradually completed exquisite pictorial works. C. Scheduled for a certain purpose and cooperation. D. Plan, planning. E. Intent. F. Used to seal Tuji expression and recognition of the incident. Meaning, and so on, where a and b are related to the design of the design closest to the alleged professional. Japanese, Chinese characters "artistic conception" refers to "ideas processing" means that the design work is engaged in the work of processing ideas. "Pictorial" as opposed to "copy", the text refers to: [done; pictorial means: in order to do that. Drawing is also illustrates how the work carried out, then it can be reached with the expression refers to the significance of graphics production. Japanese, Chinese characters "a" means a combination of things (including articles, pictures, events, etc.), the pursuit of accuracy and aesthetic forms of sexual activity. "Form" refers to "shape" the formation, which is the environment, physical, and create the image. Japanese, Chinese characters of "design" refers to the establishment of specific goals and then plan according to (manufacture) in kind to achieve their goals "implications. However," design "the word used to explain Chinese, and more interesting. In "<things>>," set "," of "the word meaning as follows: a: Chen Shih also from the statement easement, easements, and people also. Oxfam is a display of the flag means. Statement refers to the language completed. Easements that can be shipped rotation of the transfer means causative. Next to the word from the statement and easements, the speech is to express to the causative meaning. Total: will also, Suan (operator), 10 from the statement. Total dollars is calculated mean. Thinking of that statement. 10, the number of the specific (as opposed to a few Chouxiang). Next to the word from the statement and 10, is to express to thinking, to complete specific language to a few calculations. Therefore, the "design" to Chinese speaking, there are "man-made, first, forecast a" implications. Such a definition is actually another, more common in the Chinese words: "create", and "creating" in Japanese, also known as "construction" or "fix the house" and the current Chinese in the "construction" is the word Japanese to Chinese characters is the translation of the "architecture" come back to Chinese, and a day-to-day jargon like "design" is the Japanese word translation of Chinese characters in order to "design" from, and send back in a Chinese daily the same language. However, if the development of the design from the West, before the rise of modern design, architectural design not only equivalent, equivalent to the arts. Especially Western art history with the Royal College of arts education courses, from the Renaissance started slowly on the formation of professional skills led to the construction, and professional skills of painting and sculpture professional skills heritage, known as a Form three art, a called design. From this perspective we can be relatively easy to understand, "is the aesthetic design, the use of Form and Function of commemorative activities or creating activities" definition and interpretation. Generally speaking aesthetic experience, the use of function and function to commemorate the three, and the degree will be like the difference. At the same time the so-called aesthetic experience with the use of function, and not merely by only creators to feelings and judgement, but also from producers, consumers to judge. Memorial function often as a result of a great deal of different differences. On the other hand, since the 19th century industrial revolution, pure manual production of art (painting, sculpture) gradually and architectural design, poster design or product design gradually separate, the former to hand, a first for the latter to Machinery production, the same thing can produce dozens, hundreds, thousands. And the former will be called pure art and handicrafts, as the latter design. But no matter how distinction between pure art or craft or construction or design, or should be able to meet the "aesthetic experience, the use of function to mark the functional" conditions. Visual Communication Design is the language, symbols, Form to capture beauty, capturing, and expression of imagery to express ideas and attempt to further communication and persuasion to effect a design professional. Perhaps we have the so-called "beauty" have different views, but to capture design aesthetic is beyond doubt, in particular visual communication design (graphic design). Understanding of the definition and concept design will be the first step is to understand the design, help us understand as a quasi-graphic designers scope of responsibilities. Plane concept Design comes from the English word "design", including a wide range of design and construction categories: industrial, Huanyi, decorating, display, clothing, graphic design, etc., and now the name of graphic design in the usual expressions very difficult because it is now subject * broader cross between the deeper, the traditional definition, for example, the current name "Graphic Design (graphis design) visual communication design, decoration design…… Perhaps, this graphic design and the characteristics of a great relationship, because of the omnipresent design, graphic design ubiquitous, from the scope of the terms used for the printing and graphic design are related to the functional terms "by the people, the visual adjusted to a certain degree of" acts, called Visual Communication, which uses visual language to impart information and express their views, and decorating design or decorating art design are recognized as highly inaccurate names, with one-sidedness. now, about the content and graphic design of the case, let us look at plane Design of the classification, such as the image of system design, print design, book binding design firms in the design, packaging design, posters / poster design…… It can be said that how many needs there are that many designs. addition, the design and commercial art design is obviously exist. design is the purpose of planning, graphic design is to be taken of these planning in the form of one of the graphic design of the visual elements you need to spread your ideas and plans to use text and graphics message to the audience , and let people through these visual elements know your ideas and plans, and this is our design of the definition of a bottom line for the survival of visual works, we should see whether he has touched other people"s energy, whether behind a smooth transfer of information, in fact She Xue like interpersonal relationships, according to conquer * charm like, you seize the design of the charm of the people? is was love at first sight-or natural-style, you need like a gentleman or a gentle不修边幅son of treason , or scholarship rigorous academics. plane designers as a matter of fact is that multiple roles, you need mutual understanding, like you need to be investigated, you should be like the one, but not the preference of empty, you The design represents our customers, customers need to move your feelings of others, you in fact "betraying" the feelings of the people, and the graphic design is a specific purpose are closely linked to the arts. Plane Design is the combination of technology and art is the product of the business community in the commercial needs of the arts community in the design and creation of the ideal of balance, objectivity and restraint needed, the author required by the mouth to speak on behalf of clients. Design and Art different, because that is designed to meet the aesthetic but also with practicality, pettifoggers vision, the people-centered design is a need and not just decoration, decoration. Design did not complete the concept, design excellence, continuously improved, the need to challenge themselves and to their own war. The crux of the design is found that only through continuous in-depth feelings and experience to do so impressed with the designers of others is a challenge. Design it is to be moved, will be sufficient detail itself moved, creativity itself Fighting moving graphics, color grade Fighting moving, moving material texture Fighting,…… the design of a variety of organic elements of the arts portfolio. Also, designers should understand their own more stringent attitude aroused spiritual vibration. Flat Road Design of the study may be a lot of different routes, because this is the diversification of knowledge structure design decision, regardless of what you have done, regardless of how you have to, in the areas of design, you have previous experience will be affected you, you will face challenges and may be eliminated, as that can never be great to bring up * in accordance with the subjective wishes of the people can achieve the same…… Section 1: You sure you to enter this field? -- In the knowledge structure of the designer Design of a wide range of knowledge structure will require designers with a wide range of knowledge and access to information means. Step 1: from the point, line, surface understanding, learning and mastering the planar composition, color composition, three-dimensional structure, Perspective, and other infrastructure, we need to have an objective visual experience, the establishment of rational thinking, master of the physiology of vision, understanding design elements of this concept. Step 2: You will draw the draft? 1998 Australia Industrial Design Advisory Committee findings, the design professional graduates should possess the skills of the first 10: "The draft plan should be outstanding and the ability to paint freehand, a design should be as fast and not restrained visual graphics skills, Painting is the source of design, a sketch design is thinking of the paper form, we have reason to believe that the painting is the basis of graphic design, graphic design basis for the design of! " Step 3: What do you lack? Lack of traditional courses of study, such as ceramics, prints, watercolors, oil paintings, photography, calligraphy, Chinese paintings, black-and-white painting, and so on, too much, you should ask ourselves! No matter how these courses will be at different levels to enhance your design manipulative ability, capacity and performance aesthetic capability, the most critical thing is that you understand what is art, but more importantly is that you found your own personality, but it is also a long-term process. Step 4: "I can start the design?"? Of course not, you want to design? As you begin to play the game, you understand the rules of the game? But do not worry, you have entered the professional self-study, and it also implies that you have just begun, and you will not pack is not favorable, not impetuous not complain, pragmatic, practical matter of attitude into this area. We logo design as an example, we need to have what kind of background knowledge, the meaning of signs, emblems of origin, the characteristics of signs, emblems of design principle, the art of signs, emblems of manifestations, a sign of the way, we need to understand why? Why Coca-Cola will Gongbian global Why do we aspire to wear Lee jeans licensing? As a designer, you are satisfied with the surrounding visual environment? Ask yourself, your design ideals? Step 5: Can you identify the design is good or bad, know why? Step on the basis of knowledge of the design through the study, you have unwittingly entered a design imitation stage, in order to move forward we must look back at history, Xier from theory into the study books to learn predecessors and outstanding designers. Along with this stage of a more long-term process, your design standards may be very unstable, you sometimes confusing, sometimes happy, with a lot of practice, as well as the entire operation of the design process have gradually started to mature into designers. You need to learn the rules to break the rules. Section 2: You can become outstanding outstanding designers? -- On the request of designers 1, the success of designers should have the following: A, sensitive to the feelings of strong ability to B, C"s ability to create inventions, works of aesthetic identification capability D, the design concept of expression E, a comprehensive professional smart Modern designer needs to be a broader cultural perspective, profound wisdom and wealth of knowledge with the spirit of innovation must be knowledgeable, sensitive, and can solve the problem, consideration should be given to reflect the community, socia
2023-01-12 07:51:061


Govn"t Shocked at Slave Labour in Shanxi Brickworks 2007-06-14 13:20:50 Click to see the next pictureA rural migrant laborer, right, looks back at a passerby while pulling a cart of bricks at a kiln in Caosheng Village, Hongdong County in Shanxi Province in this undated photo. [File Photo: Shanxi Evening News]China"s central government has been alarmed by reports that rural migrant workers are forced to toil in extremely harsh conditions in illegal brick kilns in northern Shanxi province. The workers told the police they were forced to work 20 hours a day, while one worker was allegedly beaten to death by a thug using a spade, and his body buried in a nearby hill, a Shanxi newspaper reported. Wang Zhaoguo, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People"s Congress, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has ordered investigations into the kilns. Wang is also president of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, China"s top authority of workers" unions. The local Shanxi Evening News reports Zhang Mingqi, a member of the federation"s secretariat, has arrived at Hongdong county in Shanxi province where one of the allegedly offending kilns is located. The report says Zhang, who personally went to the site of the kiln in Caosheng Village, has expressed "great shock" over the "horrific" incident. The Hongdong County public security department freed 31 workers in late May. One worker was earlier beaten to death by a hired thug, who has now been arrested by police, along with the son of Heng Tinghai, overseer of the kiln. Heng and four other thugs still remain at large. The Hongdong county government has allocated a special fund to the local police force, ordering them to do everything to apprehend Heng, the alleged main culprit in the case. The boss of the kiln is Wang Binbin, who contracted the kiln to Heng. Wang is the son of the village"s party chief. The county leadership at a meeting on Wednesday said the government will pay the wages workers were owed by the kiln and compensate them 1,000 yuan (US$131) each. The compensation will not hinder the victims from filing civil law suits, the government says. However, the report says the government has so far succeeded in contacting only seven workers, with the whereabouts of the rest unknown. An earlier report by the newspaper said the 31 victims had already been sent away by train or bus by the village heads entrusted by the local law enforcement authorities to deal with the aftermath. The report said the labourers had been paid and some of the seriously wounded were treated. The Linfen city leadership has vowed the government will do its best to contact each of the remaining workers. Police in charge of the case told the Shanxi Evening News that 23 of the workers said they were swindled and then sold to the kilns in Shanxi by human traffickers at train stations in Zhengzhou, capital city of central China"s Henan province and Xi"an, of the western Shaanxi province. Another eight workers cannot recall anything about themselves except their names. It is unknown if they were already mentally disabled before they began work or were tortured to such a stupefied state. The slaves were reportedly locked in a bare room with no bed and stove, with hired thugs and dogs patrolling outside, and fed only steam buns and cold water and had to finish theirs meals in 15 minutes. The shoeless workers were even forced to carry red-hot bricks from the kiln on their backs, leaving numerous scalds on their bodies. Worst of all, the toiling laborers were subject to frequent and brutal beatings by the hired thugs for no apparent reasons. In a related development, the New Express newspaper reports 40 children were rescued from slavery in Shanxi brick kilns, but hundreds more are believed to be held captive. The paper reports 400 fathers of missing boys from the central province of Henan had joined forces to find their sons at kilns hidden deep in the mountains of neighboring Shanxi. Boys as young as eight had been taken from bus and train stations and sold for 500 yuan each to kilns where they were beaten, starved and forced to work 14 hours hauling bricks. At least 1,000 boys are being held in the kilns in Shanxi, the paper says, quoting a reporter from the Henan provincial television station. Henan police have launched a crackdown on forced labor practices, but the report didn"t say whether any results had been announced. Meanwhile, the Henan police have reported the child labour case in the Shanxi kilns to the Ministry of Public Security, asking them to direct police in Shanxi to investigate.
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耄耋之年 风烛残年
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