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2023-05-19 14:07:05



『NIRVANA』 Kurt Cobain 1967年2月20日生于华盛顿Aberdeen附近的Hoquiam,6个月后随父母搬到Aberdeen,1994年自杀。


Krist Novoselic 生于1965年5月16日,加州的Compton。自从Kurt死后,Krist主要把精力投入反思和政治。他一边在写本书,一边帮助激进主义分子Richard White 管理艺术音乐促进政治行动委员会(简称JAMPC)。这最初成立于1995年2月18日,作为对国家尝试建立音乐审查制度的响应:法案SB5466 和HB1448。这些法案严格针对“淫秽的”音乐作品的销售和出版。即如果法案认为唱片不恰当,则会从货架上取下这些音乐作品,并对经销商进行罚款。当然,西雅图的音乐人对这法案并不热心,唱片公司和乐迷也这样,所以Krist 开始从事民谣事业。他们花了大量时间从事该项工作,并逐渐成为州政治的活跃分子。JAMPAC组织现在华盛顿, tel: US 206-622-7177。自从NIRVANA后,Novoselic只和Dave Grohln 在华盛顿Olympia合作过一次,支持 Stinky Puffs,音乐家 Jad Fair的儿子。现在 11岁,在六岁时 Kurt Cobain 鼓励他是个天才。为了帮助当地的少年音乐, Novoselic 和三个乐队合作过并担任BASS手。乐队的名称是 Sweet75,主唱是Yva Las Vegas (来自委内瑞拉), Bobby Lurie 是鼓手。 Krist 1994年遇到 Las Vegas ,当时她在他的生日会上唱歌。 Sweet 75 发行了同名处女作,时间是1997年5月12日。 曲目有: Fetch, Lay Me Down, Bite My Hand, Red Dress, La Vida, Six Years,Take Another Stab, Poor Kitty, Ode To Dolly, Dogs,Cantos De Pilon, Nothing, Japan Trees and Oral Health. Krist 还在加州乐队Gus单曲唱片Tomorrow Man 中担任BASS手。这是他在Nirvana后第一次录音。

Dave Grohl David Eric Grohl 1969年1月14日生于俄亥俄州 Warren,开始时在Freak Baby乐队打鼓,该乐队后更名为 Mission Impossible。乐队演奏的是快速、坦率的PUNK音乐。后来再次更名为 Fast,1986年解散。后来 Dave 和Mission Impossible的BASS手参加了 Dain Bramage 。16岁时,他决定参加Scream乐队的视听考试。开始他们认为他太年轻,但最后邀请他参加乐队。几个月后, Dave加入了Scream,后来成为美国最具爆炸性的描述性的乐队。在Scream练习半年后,该乐队于1987年10月开始了两个月的全美巡回演出。Dave第一次在三藩市遇到遇到Kurt和Krist。Dave实际上并没有和他们说话,Scream演出时,Kurt 和Krist第一次注意到 Dave的击鼓技术。1990年9月,由于Scream取消了巡回演出,Dave陷入了严重的财政危机。他打电话给朋友 Buzz Osborne (King Buzzo)。 Buzz知道Kurt和Krist欣赏他的鼓艺,于是给了他Krist的电话号码。 Dave打电话给Krist,他叫Dave去西雅图。Dave和Scream在欧洲巡回演出时第一次看见Nirvana演出,他认为Nirvana演奏时很象Melvins,但他并不喜欢。当他到达西雅图时,他看见他们和鼓手Danny Peters(后来短暂加入Screaming Trees,现在鼓手是Mudhoney)一起演出,并为他们作了视听演示。他们马上认为他就是要找的鼓手,Dave于是第一次和Nirvana在Olympia的北海岸冲浪俱乐部里登台亮相。 1965年5月16日 Krist Novoselic降生 1967年1月31日 查德.钱宁降生 1967年2月20日 Kurt Cobain降生 1969年1月14日 戴维(戴夫).埃里克.格罗尔降生 1975年 柯特的父母离异,他随母亲生活 1978年2月 柯特的父亲再婚 1981年2月20日 柯特得到第一把吉他 1985年5月 柯特从高中退学 1988年1月23 日 "涅磐"同戴尔.克罗夫一起录制小样 1988年10月30日 柯特砸碎第一把吉他,地点为常青州大学 1988年11月 单曲<<情话>> <<大人物>>发行 1989年2月 录制完"漂白粉"之后,乐队在美国西海岸作短期巡演 1989年6月 推出<<漂白粉>>专辑 1989年6月22日 <漂白粉>巡演从旧金山开始 1989年7月 录制<暴炸>EP(未发行) 1989年10 月20日 从英国开始第一次欧洲巡演 1990年2月 "涅磐"开始第二次短期美国巡演 1990年3月 查德离队后,乐队共作7次美国西海岸巡演 1990年4月10日 违禁的无照演唱会 1990年7月11日 单曲<<撕裂>>录完 1990年9月22日 西雅图摩拖车赛场,丹.彼德斯参与的唯一正式演出 1991年1月1日 录制<<动脉瘤>>和<<正当少年时>> 1991年4月17日 首次演出<<少年心气>> 1991年4月30日 同"格芬"公司签约 1991年5月 开始录制<<没事儿>>(<<无所谓>>) 1991年8月 大型欧洲巡演开始 1991年8月 <少年心气>>录制完成 1991年9月13日 <没事儿>>发行会 1991年9月20日 <没事儿>>巡演从多伦多开始 1991年9月24日 <没事儿>>发行,公告牌列144名 1991年10月25日 柯特和奎斯为MTV台录制访谈节目 1991年11月2日 从英国布里斯托开始<<没事儿>>欧洲巡演 1991年11月19日 罗马演唱会 1991年12月 同"珍珠酱"及"红辣椒"一起爆进行美国巡演 1992年1月10日 在MTV台录像厅表演 1992年1月11日 "周末夜现场"演出,<<没事儿>>升到榜首 1992年1月 在澳大利亚及日本发行名为<<内分泌>>的选辑 1992年1月11日 开始全球巡演 1992年2月 《保持本色》录像制作完成 1992年2月24日 柯特同柯妮.拉夫在夏威夷成婚 1992年6月22日 因胃痛,柯特在贝尔法斯特虚脱 1992年9月 在MTV台颁奖会上表演,获两项大奖 1992年12月15日 《乱伦灭绝者》发行 1993年3月 《母体中》录制完成 1993年5月 《撕裂》音乐录像在MTV夺冠 1993年9月 MTV台录像奖中夺得最佳非主流音乐录像奖 1993年11月18日 为MTV台做不插电录音 1994年3月4日 柯特第一次自杀未遂 1994年3月8日 柯特自己离开医院 1994年4月8日 柯特尸体被发现,法医判断是3天前自杀 专辑: 1989 年2月录制完成,6月发行 1.Blew 2.Floyd the barber 3.About a girl 4.School 5.Love buzz 6.Paper cuts 7.Negative creep 8.Scoff 9.Swap meet 10.Mr.moustache 11.Sifting 12.Big cheese 13.Downer 1991年5月录制 9月13日发行 1.Smells like teen spirit 2.In bloom 3.Come as you are 4.Breed 5.Lithium 6.Polly 7.Territorial pissing 8.Drain you 9lounge act10.Stay away 11.On a plain 12.something in the way 13.Endless,Nameless 1992年12月15日发行 1.Dive 2.Sliver 3.Stain 4.Been a son 5.Turn around6.Mollu"s lips 7.Son of a gun 8.Polly(new wave) 9.Beeswax 10.Mexican seafood 11.Hairspray queen 12.Aero zeppelin 13.Big long now 14.Aneurysm 1993年3月录制 9月14日英国发行 1.Serve the servants 2.Scentless apprentice 3.Heart-shaped bo-x 4.Rape me 5.Frances farmer will have her ravenge on seattl-e 6.Dumb 7.Very ape 8.Milk it 9.Pennyroyal tea 10.Radio friendly unit shifter 11.Tourette 12.All apologies 1993年12月16日 NEW YORK 1.About a girl 2.Come as you are 3.jesus doesn"t want me for a sunbeam 4.the man who sold the world 5.pennyroyal tea 6dumb 7.polly 8.on a plain 9.something in the way 10.plateau 11.oh me 12.lake of fire 13.all apologizes 14.where did you sleep last night?

其中的单曲"痛苦心灵的气息"(SmellsLike Teen Spirit)的MTV频密疯狂的播放令乐队一时间声名远扬。在1992年初,这首歌打入了美国排行榜的前10名。而「Nevermind」最终也将迈克尔.杰克逊(Michael Jackson)的《危险》(Dangerous)从专辑榜首位拉下马来。不多久,又打入了英国榜的前10名。仅到2月,这张专辑就已达到3000万张的销量。同时,乐队成员频繁地参加各类巡演、颁奖活动。在一次 "星期六晚间现场演出"中,他们仿效Jimi Hendrix在台上火烧吉他、捣毁器材,并且Novoselic和Grohl竟还在大庭广众之下相拥接吻,这使得现场的气氛达到了沸腾。

1994年3月1日,Nirvana在德国慕尼黑的演出成为乐队最后的一次公开表演。回国后,Cobain被强制送往康复中心戒毒。但仅过了两天,他便成功地从医院逃脱。1994年4月5日,Kurt Cobain开枪自杀。3天后,一个电工在工作时发现了Kurt Cobain的尸体,尸体身边带有一封遗书。在葬礼上,遗孀Courtney当众口述了此遗书。

1994年11月,Nirvana在MTV演出的录音作为专集『Unplugged in New York』发行。1996年10月,原乐队低音吉它手Chris在超过100个小时的演唱会录音里面挑出16首歌,作为演唱会录音剪辑。 『From the Muddy Banks Of The Wishkah』发行


Nirvana 涅磐乐队

90年代,美国的失业危机重新抬头,朋克乐在音乐界再度爆炸,西雅图的Grunge音乐风暴引起了强烈的反响 与轰动,Nirvana就是在这样的背景下诞生的,乐队由 Kurt Cobain和前The Melvins的成员 Krist Novoselic 组建,Dave Grohl在录制第二张唱片(Nevermind)固定 了的鼓手位置,Kurt Cobain负责主音和吉它, Chris 负责低音吉它。







04.Son of a Gun

05.Even in His Youth

06.Molly"s Lips

90年代,美国的失业危机重新抬头,朋克乐在音乐界再度爆炸,西雅图的Grunge音乐风暴引起了强烈的反响与轰动,Nirvana就是在这样的背景下诞生的,乐队由Kurt Cobain和前The Melvins的成员 Krist Novoselic组建,Dave Grohl在录制第二张唱片(Nevermind)固定了的鼓手位置,Kurt Cobain负责主音和吉它, Chris负责低音吉它。 a

1988年11月Nirvana推出了第一张Single:Love Buzz/Big Cheese,1989年6月发行第一张专集"Bleach"。Nirvana的第一张专辑,Dale crover负责Floyd the Barder, Paper Cuts, Downer的鼓,其余由Chad Channing负责。唱片的录制费用是$606.17,付钱的是Jason Everman,他在唱片里面连名字都未给提起。唱片的录制时间是30小时。 Downer只收录在CD版本里面。唱片由Sup Pop Records发行,92年4月Geffen公司Remaster发行。1991年四月,Nirvana正式和Geffen Records 唱片公司签约。同年九月,专集"Nevermind"发行,刚推出5周销量就已达到50万张,并且在排行榜上势如破竹,节节上升, 92年1月11日成为美国销量第一的唱片,全球的销量超过一千万大关。在商业上取得了巨大的成功。单曲“Smells Like Teen Spirit”在美国BILLBROAD公告排行榜上迅速攀升。(Nevermind)使Nirvana步向成功,同时也开始了一个神话和一场心灵的悲剧。

在(Nevermind)取得了巨大的成功之后,Nirvana把以前Singles的Side-B的和一些还没发行过的歌收集在一起,于1992年12月15日,推出专集"Incesticide"。这是一张典型的地下音乐专辑,他们表示推出这张唱片的目的是为了试试听众和电台DJ接受地下摇滚的极限。1993年九月,请来了著名的反商业的制作人Steve Albini为他们作监制,发行了"In Utero",这是摇滚史上最佳朋克专集之一,乐队配合的天衣无缝,把Kurt Cobain 内心的狂燥、愤怒、压抑、扭曲、病态、激烈的矛盾冲突完全显示了出来,同时也也反映了KURT温柔、感性的一面。使Grunge风暴达到了极点,接近燃烧。Steve Albini试图录制一张原汁原味的朋克专辑。他运用了比以前更为丰富的音乐素材,并且在其核心蕴涵着袒露Cobain最深层的恐惧和脆弱的心,象“RAPE ME”这样个人化的歌曲的直面痛苦的展现,在现在作一回顾,也许可以看作是一种警告,它在当初被与这个烦恼的歌手最亲密的人们所忽视。但是作为艺术,这正是它的朋克所在。

1993年11月18日,Nirvana应邀为MTV 制作"Unplugged"演唱会,演出了一场经典的演唱会。1994年3月1日,Nirvana在德国慕尼黑的演出成为乐队最后的一次公开表演。1994年4月8日,一个电工在Kurt的住所发现了他的尸体,尸体身边带有一封遗书。西雅图警方证明Kurt Cobain于三天前自杀身亡。Nirvana留下的只是他们音乐里有的那种躁动不安和最深的孤寂。

1988年11月Nirvana推出了第一张Single:Love Buzz/Big Cheese,1989年6月发行第一张专集(Bleach)。Nirvana的 第一张专辑,Dale crover负责Floyd the Barder, Paper Cuts Downer的鼓,其余由Chad Channing负责。唱片的录制费用 是$606.17,付钱的是Jason Everman,他在唱片里面连名字都未给提起。唱片的录制时间是30小时。 Downer只收录在 CD版本里面。唱片由Sup Pop Records发行,92年4月Geffen 公司Remaster发行。

1991年四月,Nirvana正式和Geffen Records 唱片公司签约。 同年九月,专集(Nevermind)发行,刚推出5周销量就已达到50 万张,并且在排行榜上势如破竹,节节上升, 92年1月11日成 为美国销量第一的唱片,全球的销量超过一千万大关。 在商业 上取得了巨大的成功。单曲“Smells Like Teen Spirit”在美 国BILLBROAD公告排行榜上迅速攀升。(Nevermind)使Nirvana步 向成功,同时也开始了一个神话和一场心灵的悲剧。

在(Nevermind)取得了巨大的成功之后,Nirvana把以前Singles 的Side-B的和一些还没发行过的歌收集在一起,于1992年12月15 日,推出专集(Incesticide)。这是一张典型的地下音乐专辑, 他们表示推出这张唱片的目的是为了试试听众和电台DJ接受地 下摇滚的积限。

1993年九月,请来了著名的反商业的制作人Steve Albini为他们 作监制,发行了(In Utero),这是摇滚史上最佳朋克专集之一, 乐队配合的天衣无缝,把Kurt Cobain 内心的狂燥、愤怒、压抑 、扭曲、病态、激烈的矛盾冲突完全显示了出来,同时也也反映 了KURT温柔、感性的一面。使Grunge风暴达到了极点,接近燃烧。 Steve Albini试图录制一张原汁原味的朋克专辑。他运用了比以 前更为丰富的音乐素材,并且在其核心蕴涵着袒露Cobain最深层 的恐惧和脆弱的心,象“RAPE ME”这样个人化的歌曲的直面痛苦 的展现,在现在作一回顾,也许可以看作是一种警告,它在当初 被与这个烦恼的歌手最亲密的人们所忽视。但是作为艺术,这正 是它的朋克所在。

1993年11月18日,Nirvana应邀为MTV 制作Unplugged演唱会,演出 了一场经典的演唱会。

1994年3月1日,Nirvana在德国慕尼黑的演出成为乐队最后的一次公 开表演。1994年4月8日,一个电工在 Kurt的住所发现了 他的尸体, 尸体身边带有一封遗书。西雅图警方证明Kurt Cobain于三天前自杀 身亡。


mechenkai说:和很多喜欢欧美音乐的朋友一样,我也是从听Karen Carpenter的歌开始接触欧美音乐的。有一天从朋友那儿听到了Nirvana的“Smells Like Teen Spirit”,那已经是读大一的时候了。我被Kurt Cobain那沙哑的嗓音和机械的音乐中透出的冷酷“镇”住了,我没有想到一个人可以用那么冷峻而深邃的眼光来看这个世界。他使那时的我体会到用另一种完全不同的态度看待这个社会:对这个社会我们其实并不需要投入太多的热情,很多时候只需要冷眼旁观,做我们该做的事和需要做的事,也许投入的太多,最后受伤害的却是自己。Kurt Cobain 象一个外星人用他冷漠的双眼审视着这个物欲横流的俗世,直到多年前的一天平静地饮弹而去。Cobain 人已作古,他的歌声却仍旧时常震撼我的心灵。 永远的Nirvana,永远的Kurt Cobain。

专辑名称:Singles Box (6 CD)



01.Smells Like Teen Spirit [Edit]

02.Even in His Youth


04.Come as You Are [LP Version]

05.Endless, Nameless

06.School [live] )

07.Drain You [Live]

08.In Bloom [LP Version]

09.Sliver [Live]

10.Polly [Live]

11.Lithium [LP Version]

12.Been a Son [Live]


14.Heart Shaped Box [LP Version]

15.Milk It [LP Version]

16.Marigold 17.All Apologies [LP Version]

18.Rape Me [LP Version] - Kurt Cobain

19.Moist Vagina [#] - Kurt Cobain




01.You Know You"re Right (previously unreleased)

02.About A Girl

03.Been A Son


05.Smells Like Teen Spirit

06.Come As You Are


08.In Bloom

09.Heart-Shaped Box

10.Pennyroyal Tea

11.Rape Me


13.All Apologies

14.The Man Who Sold The World


★第9届MTV音乐录影带大奖“最佳另类音乐录影带”、“最佳新人音乐录影带” (“Smells Like Teen Spirit”)


★第10届MTV音乐录影带大奖“最佳另类音乐录影带”(“In Bloom”)

★滚石杂志评选为“最佳乐团”;《In Utero》获选为“最佳专辑”

★第11届MTV音乐录影带大奖“最佳另类音乐录影带”、“最佳艺术指导”(“Heart-Shaped Box”)

★第38届葛莱美奖“最佳另类音乐演出”(“MTV Unplugged In New York”)


★滚石杂志与MTV音乐台合作评选“100首最伟大流行歌曲”:“Smells Like Teen Spirit”高居季军 J


"91年狂卖千万张的旷世钜作《Nevermind》一举震惊全世界,辑中的"Smels Like Teen Spirit"、"Come As You Are"、"Lithium"等都是歌迷及乐评一致赞赏的经典作品, 尤其堪称Grunge国歌的"Smells Like Teen Spirit",朗朗上口的旋律,加上狂傲不羁未经修饰的叛逆色彩更是满足了全球少年仔的耳朵,Nirvana带动了Grunge风潮乃至整个另类摇滚革命的爆发。随著《Nevermind》于"92年1月在Billboard流行专辑榜夺标称王,他们的人气指数在此刻可说到达巅峰,而这总总成就也让Nirvana一跃成为次流行文化的代言人,Grunge乐界的龙头老大更是非Nirvana莫属。

关于Nirvana的历史,应该回溯到1987年。当时,灵魂人物Kurt Cobain与贝斯手Krist Novoselic、鼓手Aaron Burckhard("91年8月由第6任鼓手Dave Grohl接任)三人组成Nirvana。"89年独立厂牌Sub Pop为其出版仅花了606美元制作的首张大碟《Bleach》,一般公认这张专辑已经雕塑出Nirvana的雏型;"93年的《In Utero》更是张离经叛道、不具商业色彩却依然夺得冠军的震憾佳作。

不知27岁对摇滚人而言是否为一道难以跨越的门槛,在John Lennon、Jim Morrison、Ian Curois(Joy Division主唱)、Jimi Hendrix后,Kurt Cobain也选择加入“27岁俱乐部”,"94年4月8日,Kurt的尸体被一名电器工人发现,他藉由举枪自尽结束了重重名气背后的压抑生命,摆脱凡俗,只留给世人无限回味的4张专辑及2张现场作品。至今即使灵魂人物Kurt Cobain离开人世已逾8年多,但是Nirvana在乐坛的伟大贡献绝对是难以超越的!


1. YOU KNOW YOU"RE RIGHT (现代摇滚榜#1 <蝉联4周>)

1994年1月30日Kurt Cobain最后录音作品,Nirvana唯一新歌首度曝光


出自《漂白》专辑 Kurt Cobain写给前女友Tracy Marander扣人心弦作品


出自《乱伦状态》专辑 描述一个女孩的父母渴望儿子的矛盾心境 8qx




出自《从不介意》专辑 High翻全球摇滚乐迷国歌级代表作


出自《从不介意》专辑 探索人类思想、行动与社会规范间的冲突矛盾


出自《从不介意》专辑 运用个人的崩溃类比社会的群体崩溃




出自《母体》专辑 传达爱与诱惑的复杂主题,让您一窥Kurt Cobain对妻子与毒品无可救药的上瘾


出自《母体》专辑 主题围绕极富争议性的堕胎话题,以及随之而来无可避免的罪恶感


出自《母体》专辑 诉说了强暴犯被送进监牢,在狱中自我摧残的故事

12. DUMB



出自《母体》专辑 Kurt Cobain献给挚爱的妻子与女儿


出自《最后的现场》专辑,翻唱摇滚变色龙David Bowie经典作品



专辑名称:From the Muddy Banks of Wishka





03.Drain You


05.Smells Like Teen Spirit

06.Been A Son



09.Spank Thru

10.Scentless Apprentice

11.Heart-Shaped Box

12.Milk It

13.Negative Creep



16.Tourette"s TO



随着浑浊的Bass,几句谈话和Kurt的近似疯狂的喊叫,《From The Muddy Banks Of The Wishkah》之旅就正式开始了,这里没有精心的雕凿粉饰,没有优良的录音设备,甚至没有事先的必要准备(不过有事后的歌曲挑选和修补),这是Nirvana从1989到1994年随时随地录制的现场录音带,是真正体现一支Grunge乐队的现场,也是记录Kurt,Dave和Krist最真实一面的专辑。我一向觉得现场要比专辑要好听得多,免去了现代科技的做作,免去了在录音室里的局促不安,也免去了大家和乐队的隔阂。对于象Nirvana那样的乐队来说,现场是他们成长的地方,是他们真正的母体。在现场,他们一点也不会感到拘谨,他们可以说一些录不进音频里的话,他们可以和观众做最近距离的接触。这些对于很多乐队来说,似乎并不必要,但是对于Nirvana这样一支只是想宣扬自己的独立思想和反商业的叛逆型乐队,却是最好的释放自己的途径。专辑中的作品缺少了象《About A Girl》,《All Apologies》和《Come As You Are》那样出名的曲子,却依然有力和强韧,除了其中的《Smells Like Teen Spirit》故意加快了速度,其他没有什么太大的变化,还有就是加了一首没有在其他正式专辑中收录过的《Spank Thru》。这张专辑的动人之处就是它是在乐队的上升其间的最好见证,也从另一方面展现了Kurt和Nirvana的过人魅力。

专辑名称:MTV Unplugged in New York



01.About A Girl

02.Come As You Are

03.Jesus Doesn"t Want Me For A Sunbeam

04.The Man Who Sold The World

05.Pennyroyal Tea



08.On A Plain

09.Something In The Way


11.Oh, Me

12.Lake Of Fire

13.All Apologies

14.Where Did You Sleep Last Night (In The Pines)


有人说,《In Utero》是Kurt自杀的征兆,而《Unplugged In New York》则是阴间的讯息,它集合了Kurt所有的痛苦和天才,它是那么的直接和赤裸裸,而让人无法对其接连的倾听。一个最好的例子,几乎所有非讲英语地方的人都能跟上《Where Did You Sleep Last Night?》轻轻的哼上几句,却很难明白《Smells Like Teen Spirit》究竟在喊什么,但是所有人几乎都会选择将后者重复听上几遍,而一而再再而三的承受前者散发出来的孤寂和苦痛。可是在我心中这是一张和《Nevermind》一样份量的专辑,我已经数不清倒底有多少次聆听着这张专辑而渐渐入梦,但我可以算出来我倒底有多少次为Kurt淡薄而绝望的声音感动和伤痛---几乎每次都是。换成了木琴,在Kurt的手下,依然带有浓浓的Grunge的味道,Kurt精心挑选了几首自己的合适用木琴演绎的曲子,也翻唱了几首他很喜欢的曲子。所有的这些,都在短短的几十分钟内,于纽约的一家电视台一间精心布置的演播场里通过直播向全美播放。看过的人都知道,地上摆满了点燃的蜡烛和淡紫色的鲜花,场后用红幕布置,乐队的四人呈菱形的分坐四角,场的四周坐满了观众,气氛融洽而平和。Kurt和他平时一样,穿着随意,其他人也没有刻意打扮,一切和他们平常一样的自由,还可以见到在乐曲的间隔当中Kurt的有说有笑,实在让人难以接受他在数月之后的离去。回到音乐上来,从理性上去考虑,这都不仅仅只是一场反常的Nirvana原声演出,它还展现了他们想成为R.E.M.乐队--那样的自由和独立--的真实诚挚的愿望,人们却没有意识到这一点,这或许是后来Kurt最终难敌自杀冲动的一个原因。另外这也是一张表达自己所喜欢的音乐的奇特专辑,因为从没有一张专辑象这张那样把David Bowie的歌和民谣排在一起,Nirvana办到了,而且办得非常好,尽管他们可能因此付出了极沉重的代价...

专辑名称:In Utero



01.Serve The Servants

02.Scentless Apprentice

03.Heart-Shaped Box

04.Rape Me

05.Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle


07.Very Ape

08.Milk It

09.Pennyroyal Tea

10.Radio Friendly Unit Shifter


12.All Apologies


这张专辑是 Nirvana作的一张Lo-Fi 专辑,专辑中的音乐的确也反映了Cobain 生活中的阴暗面,在专辑《Nevernmind》中已经初露端倪的狂躁抑郁症被发展到了极点。“Serve The Servants”涉及了 Covain生活中的各个方面。“Scentless Apprentice”是乐队三人共同作曲的歌之一,是乐队一种新创作心态的标志。“Rape Me”是《In Utero》专辑里最早写成的歌,它针对的并不仅仅是“强暴”,而是一种内心的创伤。“Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle”是 Cobain 献给他心目中的圣女和殉道先烈 Frances Farmer 的颂歌。“Milk It”是 Nirvana 在《Nevernmind》之后改变方向的标志性作品之一。从一首首歌上看,《In Utero》似乎缺少“Smells Like Teen Spirit”那种一呼天下应的扛鼎之作,但是真正让 Nirvana 向前跨出一大步的正是《In Utero》,它更具真正的非主流气质,也更具对主流音乐的颠覆性。







04.Been A Son


06.Molly"s Lips

07.Son Of A Gun

08.(New Wave) Polly :



11.Mexican Seafood

12.Hairspray Queen

13.Aero Zeppelin

14.Big Long Now



《INCESTICIDE》并不是一张完整设计的专辑,但它充分展示了 Cobain 和乐队的种种极端甚至矛盾的方面。“Dive”是从乐队的小样上扒下来的。“Sliver”是与 Cobain 身世有关的歌。专辑中还翻唱了三首歌曲,即 Devo 乐队的“Turnaround”和 The Vaseline 乐队的“Molly"s Lips”及“Son Of Gun”。“Beeswax”、“Mexican Seafood”、“Hairspray Queen”和“Aero Zeppelin”显然是1988年1月Nirvana 第一盘录音小样中的版本,这几首歌都是 Cobain 最早的一些作品。“Big Long Now”这首歌是Cobain 和 Chris 共同写的曲子。专辑的封面画是 Cobain 的作品。一个经受创伤的孩子正在爬上父母摸样的骨架人体,后者显然不愿搭理那个孩子,于是孩子充满渴望的目光投向了一束花,而那赫然便是美丽而致命的罂粟花,这幅画令人惊心动魄地看到了 Cobain 一代人的经历。




01.Smells Like Teen Spirit

02.In Bloom

03.Come As You Are




07.Territorial Pissings

08.Drain You

09.Lounge Act

10.Stay Away

11.On A Plain

12.Something In The Way


Nirvana凭这次转入大唱片公司之后的强力出击在Billboard排行榜上取得了爆炸性的效果。他们的冲击力是如此的强劲,又是如此的出人意料之外,甚至连《纽约时报》的商业版都以他们做封面,当华尔街的分析家和工业巨头们都在时间关注那些身穿花格衬衫的破落音乐家们的时候,你不得不承认Nirvana的确将伟大的音乐带给了更多的听众。表面上,轰鸣扭曲的吉他声与愤怒的吉他声与愤怒而具侵略性的击鼓已成为成长中的Grunge一族的必修课,实际上,《Nevermind》是一张伟大的流行乐专辑,像“Smell Like Teen Spirits”就抓住了MTV时代人们的距离感和不满情绪,但却不失精彩的噱头和出色的旋律——并且编曲上的精致巧妙绝不输于任何一张Beatles的专辑。同时Kurt Cobain的演唱与歌曲创作洋溢着天才与灵感,就长那些与他齐名的人也很少有如此泉涌才思,有不少人认为Nirvana不过是“一招鲜,吃遍天”,但只此一招便已为他们在另类摇滚史上赢得无可置疑的一席之地。





02.Floyd the Barber

03.About a Girl


05.Love Buzz

06.Paper Cuts

07.Negative Creep


09.Swap Meet

10.Mr. Moustache


12.Big Cheese



专辑中的许多歌曲其实都只有一段歌词,它在歌中一遍、两遍、三编甚至更多遍地重复着,使得Nirvana早期作品蒙上了一种警句般的光彩。“Blew”晦暗的音调同着首歌关于心灵被俘与受控的主题呼应的天衣无缝。“About A Girl”流畅动听是 Cobain 内心一直存在的流行化倾向的挣扎,它在整张专辑里象一个不速之客,以一种莫名的优美孤寂地守侯忧伤的恋情。它也是 Cobain 往后创作倾向和人生创伤的最早艺术昭示。“School”清楚地反映了 Cobain 对西雅图音乐圈子的鄙夷心情。“Swap Meet”是 Cobain 在Aberdeen 经历的最好见证,使 Cobain 永远保持了一份对贫穷的畏惧,但也让他懂得了底层的艰辛。“Downer”是 Cobain 写得很早的一首歌,也是他作品中少有的直接表达政治意识的作品,其中包括典型的朋可政见,既有达达主义般的狂躁,也有赤子似的天真,更多的则是莫名的混乱。



pissing v. 撒尿( piss的现在分词 ); 倾盆而下; 例句:Or, as he put it rather more earthily, "Get everyone on the inside of the tent, pissing out." 或者,用他自己更草根的说法就是,“让大家都进帐篷,向外撒尿。”[其他] 原型: piss
2022-12-31 19:48:401


2022-12-31 19:48:494


completely give up
2022-12-31 19:49:033

It"s a pissing rain.这句话里面的pissing是什么意思?这样用是文雅的用法吗?

2022-12-31 19:49:142

pissing in my sink是什么意思

在我水池(水槽)里小便pissing小便, sink水池,水槽
2022-12-31 19:49:223

pissing rain 是什么意思

2022-12-31 19:49:332


Piscine Molitor Patel是pi的全名,piscine英文发音ˈpisi:n而小便pissing的发音是ˈpisi:ng非常的接近,电影院里上映的是音译了,音译成了便新。他的名字是法国的一个游泳池的名字
2022-12-31 19:49:521

pissing contest 什么意思

pissing contest无聊比赛Space exploration should not be an international pissing contest. 空间探索不应该成为国际间的无聊比赛。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2022-12-31 19:49:571

facesitting piss 什么意思

face sitting piss面对坐在小便
2022-12-31 19:50:032

Pissing In A River 歌词

歌曲名:Pissing In A River歌手:Patti Smith Group专辑:Original Album ClassicsPissing in a riverPatti Smith GroupPissing in a river, watching it riseTattoo fingers shy away from meVoices voices mesmerizeVoices voices beckoning seaCome come come come back come backCome back come back come backSpoke of a wheel, tip of a spoonMouth of a cave, I"m a slave I"m free.When are you coming ? Hope you come soonFingers, fingers encircling theeCome come come come come comeCome come come come come come for me ohMy bowels are empty, excreting your soulWhat more can I give you ? Baby I don"t knowWhat more can I give you to make this thing grow?Don"t turn your back now, I"m talking to youShould I pursue a path so twisted ?Should I crawl defeated and gifted ?Should I go the length of a riverEverything I"ve done, I"ve done for youOh I give my life for you.Every move I made I move to you,And I came like a magnet for you now.What about it, you"re gonna leave me,What about it, you don"t need me,What about it, I can"t live without you,What about it, I never doubted youWhat about it ? What about it ?What about it ? What about it ?Should I pursue a path so twisted ?Should I crawl defeated and gifted ?Should I go the length of a river,What about it, what about it, what about it ?Oh, I"m pissing in a river.
2022-12-31 19:50:141

boys pissing什么意思

2022-12-31 19:50:201

"pissing people off"如何翻译

2022-12-31 19:50:262

pissing kiss干什么用的

你好,pissing kiss翻译为你的吻,朋友,你现在知道是干什么用的吧。呵呵。
2022-12-31 19:50:341

pissing wc voyeur 中文什么意思

2022-12-31 19:50:393


2022-12-31 19:50:513


2022-12-31 19:51:037


2022-12-31 19:51:294


I gotta pee。
2022-12-31 19:51:4415

歌词翻译Flightless Bird, American Mouth -Iron & Wine

飞的鸟,美国口铁与酒我是一个快速湿男孩潜水太深硬币您所有的街灯眼睛全在我的塑料玩具当警察关闭了公平我将我的头发长的婴儿偷走了我的狗耳地图并要求你到处我发现你呢? 飞的鸟,嫉妒,哭泣或丢失吗? 美国嘴迫在眉睫的大丸现在我是一个脂肪家猫护理我钝舌疮看着温暖的毒害作用全曲通过围栏裂缝Pissing的杂志照片这些捕鱼诱饵扔在寒冷和清洁血基督溪流我发现你呢? 飞的鸟,接地出血或丢失吗? 美国嘴大丸,坚持下降
2022-12-31 19:52:414


i was a quick wet boy我曾是戏水的男孩diving too deep for coins潜入深处寻找硬币all of your street light eyes你直视的浅色眼睛wide on my plastic toys紧盯着我的塑料玩具and when the cops closed the fair当警察关闭了集市i cut my long baby hair我剪掉自己长长的胎发stole me a dog-eared map你投给我一张狗耳式地图and called for you everywhere我到处呼唤你have i found you?会找到你吗flightless bird, jealous, weeping无力飞行的鸟儿,嫉妒,流泪or lost you?还是失去你?american mouth美国河口big pill looming痛苦隐现now i"m a fat house cat现在我是一只大家猫nursing my sore blunt tongue自己安抚着直言 痛苦的舌watching the warm poison rats看着温暖 有毒的老鼠curl through the wide fence cracks绕过大开的篱笆空隙pissing on magazine photos在杂志照片上撒尿those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean鱼诱饵被清理干净blood of christ mountain stream基督山之血蜿蜒流淌have i found you?如果找到了你flightless bird, grounded bleedingor lost you?无力飞行的鸟儿,伤害,还是失去你?american mouth美国河口big pill, stuck going down痛苦不会平复
2022-12-31 19:52:556


是Chumbawamba的Tubthumping创作于1997年,专辑Tubthumping的第一首,曾被FIFA选作背景音乐在baidu mp3上可以搜到这是歌词We"ll be singing When we"re winning We"ll be singing I get knocked down But I get up again You"re never going to keep me down Pissing the night away He drinks a whisky drink He drinks a vadka drink He drinks a lager drink He drinks a cider drink He sings the songs that remind him Of the good times He sings the songs that remind him Of the better times "Oh Danny Boy Danny Boy..." I get knocked down But I get up again You"re never Goin to keep me down Pissing the night away He drinks a whisky drink He drinks a vadka drink He drinks a lager drink He drinks a cider drink He sings the songs that remind him Of the good times He sings the songs that remind him Of the better times "Don"t cry for me Next door neighbour..." I get knocked down But I get up again You"re never going to keep me down I get knocked down But I get up again [We"ll be singing] You"re never going to keep me down [When we"re winning] I get knocked down But I get up again [We"ll be singing] You"re never going to keep me down [When we"re winning] I get knocked down But I get up again [We"ll be singing] You"re never going to keep me down [When we"re winning]
2022-12-31 19:53:172


因为歌词中大都是俚语,相当于中文的歇后语,我综合考虑了艺术性和准确性,最后做出引申意义的翻译。Flightless Bird, American Mouth(破碎的梦想,自由的宣言)I was a quick wet boy(我是一个贫穷的男人)diving too deep for coins(为了生活苦苦的追寻)All of your street light eyes(城市冰冷的物质眼神)wide on my plastic toys(肆无忌惮打量我的天真)Then when the cops closed the fair(当世界再无公平二字)I cut my long baby hair(我痛心斩断我的幼稚)Stole me a dog-eared map (唯一的路途也已迷失)and called for you everywhere(到处呼唤你的名字)Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)jealous,(充满了妒忌)weeping (回荡着哭泣)or lost you,(还是失去了你?)american mouth(自由的宣言)Big pill looming(都成了泡沫般的回忆)Now I"m a fat house cat(我是一个一无是处的家伙)Nursing my sore blunt tongue(舔着伤口缩回自己的小窝)Watching the warm poison rats (透过与现实的厚厚隔膜)curl through the wide fence cracks(看着恶心的人一一走过)Pissing on magazine photos(他们搔首弄姿的炫耀自我)Those fishing lures (肮脏的交易)thrown in the cold And clean (如此冰冷清澈)blood of Christ mountain stream(让善良与仁慈血流成河)Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)grounded (渐渐失落)bleeding (渗着鲜血)or lost you, (还是失去了你?)american mouth(自由的宣言)Big pill (夸张的承诺)stuck going down(不再执着)其中有很多不是直译。断句的地方中文与英文也不一样。
2022-12-31 19:53:262


always come back to your love 英文很好听的,节奏也很好
2022-12-31 19:53:343


我是一个快速湿男孩 潜水太硬币深 您所有的路灯眼睛 宽在我的塑料玩具 而当警察关闭了公平 我将我的头发长的宝宝 偷走了我的狗耳地图 并要求你到处 我有没有发现你? 飞的鸟,嫉妒,哭泣 或丢失吗? 美国嘴 迫在眉睫的大丸 现在,我一胖家猫 护理我的舌头疼痛钝 看着温暖的毒鼠 通过广泛的卷曲围栏裂缝 得罪在杂志照片 这些渔饵扔在寒冷和清洁 基督的血溪流 我有没有发现你? 飞的鸟,接地出血 或丢失吗? 美国嘴 大丸,坚持下降 我在这个网站翻译的
2022-12-31 19:53:464

这首歌叫什么名字 跪求~

Body Guard - Obie Trice(Dr. Dre)Yeah, yo lets bring it [Chorus](Eminem)What you gonna do when shit hits the fanAre you gonna stand and fight like a manWill u be as hard as you say you areOr you gonna run and go get your body guard I saidWhat you gonna do when shit hits the fanAre you gonna stand and fight like a manShow us you as hard as you say you areOr you gonna run and go get your body guard(Dr. Dre)Niggas is so gangsta, niggas is thugsniggas"ll spend their whole life battlin" drugsslangin dope and hopes of one day bein able to own they own labeland give the game upsome niggas came upand some just didntthats just the way it isif it aint meant it just isn"tsome niggas"ll get moneyand pay niggas to back emso they can act upfeel comfortable an rap toughand thats ass backwardsthem niggas"ll keep comin backand thats when extortion happensto the struggle to get freeI know how this shit beyou give anything that look legitimately but you gonna find if you do get in this industry that its best to do bussiness with me then against me niggas get behind mics and aint even emcees niggas get on mtv just to diss me this shit dont even piss me off I"m laughing all the way to the bank watching satellite from my bentley you niggas aint even got a car you"re so far under my radar I dont even know who the fuck you are To tell you to suck my dick while im pissing I dont even listen to ya shit to know who the fuck im dissing and media just feeds into these feuds trying to add fuel to the fire this little nigga Ja Rule talking about hes gonna slap me nigga please you gotta jump and swing up to hit me in the knees I laugh at these magazines when they interview em all they doing is making fake threats to us through em ya pussy ya not Pac i knew em Pac was a real nigga, you just a fucking insult to him its too bad, we had a fall out before he passed because if he could he see this shit now he"d be whoopin your ass you"re talkin to a pioneer who engineered this shit for nineteen years who ya got in ya ear Ssssss (Suge) I aint even gotta say it, the fans know quit trying to be tough nigga, you look like an asshole [Chorus](Eminem)What you gonna do when shit hits the fanAre you gonna stand and fight like a manWill u be as hard as you say you areOr you gonna run and go get your body guard I saidWhat you gonna do when shit hits the fanAre you gonna stand and fight like a manShow us you as hard as you say you areOr you gonna run and go get your body guard(Obie Trice)They say why dont we increase the peace the only piece to crease is that which deletes ya peeps cuz niggas run mouths but they dont want streets till that 4-5 decease ya speech ya its a shame how the beef"ll creep coulda reached a peak now ya left with a horrible leap i"m trying to be as bleep with my speech as possible just incase a nigga try to throw me an obstacle nigga im not boxing you i"m hospitable i put you in a hospital thats how i get at you let the doc op on you he dont rid you you back on them streets i send another hit at you this is not a hypocritical issue i will critical condition ya tissue give a fuck if you bring all ten of them with you i throw an extra ten of them missiles turn gangstas into gentleman fickle and ever since Eminem dissed you i swear i see the woman and bitch in you all this bickering back and forth over who signs who curtis pull ya skirt up nigga ya got murdered now take it like a man and shake it off DAMN and quit tellin all these magazines ya plans how you gonna slap up my man, ya fictious nigga we"ll send stan to come murder ya bitches [Chorus](Eminem)What you gonna do when shit hits the fanAre you gonna stand and fight like a manWill u be as hard as you say you areOr you gonna run and go get your body guard I saidWhat you gonna do when shit hits the fanAre you gonna stand and fight like a manShow us you as hard as you say you areOr you gonna run and go get your body guard(Obie Trice)Hahaha..Yeah, go out and buy all the gangstas you want nigga matter of fact go get every gangster from everyhood in the United States of America to back you nigga, aint nobody riding with you you cant see that you fell off nigga HAHAHA, DAMN ! Shady / Aftermath motherfucka 2003 to infinite YEAH !
2022-12-31 19:54:006

英语达人帮我翻译下I get knocked down的中文歌词吧

这首歌的乐队名叫楚帮帮(Chumbawamba),他们的歌曲有很强的政治意味,所以很多人不敢接触。但这首歌还好了,他们也因此而成名。 tub-thumping(只有这个能找到翻译)是 adj. 讲话抑扬顿挫的, 慷慨激昂的, 大肆宣扬的 n. 讲话慷慨激昂, 大肆宣扬 的意思。被大部分人认定是足球流氓之歌。 在体育游戏公司EA出品的足球游戏的<World Cup 98>里用了这首歌做主题曲,我也是因此听到这首歌,非常喜欢,从此念念不忘。 大概的意思是: 当我们胜利的时候,我们要高歌。 我被击倒了 但我再次站起 你休想让我认输 pissing the night away这句可能是句俚语,猜测的意思是 这夜就随它去吧。 piss:小便。pissing away...当泡尿撒了吧?(当个屁放了吧?猜测!猜测!) he drinks a whisky drink he drinks a vadka drink he drinks a lager drink he drinks a cider drink 来一杯威士忌 来一杯伏特加 来一杯一口闷 果酒也来一杯 他唱起歌来,让我想起了美好的时光 他唱起歌来,让我想起了更好的时光 "don"t cry for me next door neighbour..." 别为我哭泣,我的邻居(估计这句是个反语,喝多的足球流氓怎么会让邻居同情呢?难道是挖苦那首著名的《Dont cry for me Argentina(阿根廷别为我哭泣)》?) 其他的就是重复了
2022-12-31 19:54:213


2022-12-31 19:54:332


粪, 屎
2022-12-31 19:54:4515


Prohibition fart
2022-12-31 19:55:357


"Eat! Forget to take medicine? Or else your mom can want to hit you."
2022-12-31 19:55:597


我不能再说了,气死我了I can"t say any more. It pisses me off
2022-12-31 19:56:272


1.boyzone - no matter what - 无论如何2.maximilian hecker - summer days in bloom.mp3盛夏Maximilian Hecker - Summer Days In BloomSummer Days In Bloom 盛夏的日子Paralyzed by ancient delight 曾因过去的快乐而麻痹And riding for a fall today 又在一个秋日中复活I am dressed in style, so eager in mind 我身着盛装,充满渴望But furthermore distracted by you 但此外便皆因你而迷惘And it s like I lose myself in dreaming of summer days in bloom就像我在这个梦幻般的盛夏中迷失自我Oh, I ve got no clue how I could fight that all噢,对于如何应对这一切我毫无头绪that I am is worth a dime 我是如此的一文不值(没用)Worth a dime 一文不值(没用)This liquid lunch will not stop my punch-餐席中的酒水无法停止我的痛楚Drunk quality to doze while I run在我逃走的时候让我烂醉到昏睡It is thirty-nine degrees in my mind我大脑的温度足足有39度It s thirty thousand miles more to go却还有3000英里的路程需要走完And it"s like I lose myselfin dreaming of summer days in bloomOh, I"ve got no clue how I could fight thatAll that I am is worth a dime我实在是一文不值(没用)Worth a dime一文不值...(没用)And it"s like I lose myselfin dreaming of summer days in bloomOh, I"ve got no clue how I could fight thatall that I am is worth a dimeCause it"s like I lose myselfin dreaming of summer days in bloomFor I"ve got no clue whatever happenedAll that I am is worth a dimeWorth a dime3.a - little distraction.mp34.flightless bird america 暮光之城中的唯美插曲.mp3Flightless Bird, American Mouth(破碎的梦想,自由的宣言)I was a quick wet boy(我是一个贫穷的男人)diving too deep for coins(为了生活苦苦的追寻)All of your street light eyes(城市冰冷的物质眼神)wide on my plastic toys(肆无忌惮打量我的天真)Then when the cops closed the fair(当世界再无公平二字)I cut my long baby hair(我痛心斩断我的幼稚)Stole me a dog-eared map (唯一的路途也已迷失)and called for you everywhere(到处呼唤你的名字)Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)jealous,(充满了妒忌)weeping (回荡着哭泣)or lost you,(还是失去了你?)american mouth(自由的宣言)Big pill looming(都成了泡沫般的回忆)Now I"m a fat house cat(我是一个一无是处的家伙)Nursing my sore blunt tongue(舔着伤口缩回自己的小窝)Watching the warm poison rats (透过与现实的厚厚隔膜)curl through the wide fence cracks(看着恶心的人一一走过)Pissing on magazine photos(他们搔首弄姿的炫耀自我)Those fishing lures (肮脏的交易)thrown in the cold And clean (如此冰冷清澈)blood of Christ mountain stream(让善良与仁慈血流成河)Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)grounded (渐渐失落)bleeding (渗着鲜血)or lost you, (还是失去了你?)american mouth(自由的宣言)Big pill (夸张的承诺)stuck going down(不再执着)
2022-12-31 19:56:356


You let me not to be feeling very well
2022-12-31 19:56:5912


you pissed me off
2022-12-31 19:57:523


这种缩写英语叫 web jargon0-91337 - From the word Leet, derived from the word elite[1] 2 - too, or to[2] 4 - For[2] 10q - Thank you.[2] AA C? - AH! SI?[2] AAF - As A Friend[3] ADAD - "Another Day Another Dollar[3] ADIH - Another Day In Hell[3] ADIP - Another Day in Paradise[3] AEAP - As Early As Possible[3] AFAICR - As far as I can recall / remember [2] AFAICS - As far as I can see [2] AFAICT - As far as I can tell [2] AFAIK - As far as I know[4] AFAP - As Far As Possible[3] AFK - Away from keyboard[4] ASAP - As soon as possible[5] ASL or A/S/L - Age / sex / location[6][3] ASLP or A/S/L/P - Age, sex, location, picture[3] ATEOTD - At The End of the Day[7] ATM - At the moment[4] AWOL - Absent Without (Official) Leave[2] AYBABTU (also abbreviated as AYB) - w:All your base are belong to us (from the video game Zero Wing)[2] BB2B - Business to Business[4] B2C - Business to Customer[3] B4 - Before[3] BBIAB - Be back in a bit[6] BBQ - Barbecue. While not internet slang in itself, it is often combined with other initialisms as a point of satire, absurdity, or a non-sequitur. For example OMG WTF BBQ.[2] BBL/BBS - Be back later / shortly / soon[6] BCNU - Be seein" you[4] BFF - Best Friends Forever [6] BFN - Bye For Now[2] blog - Also known as web log or an online journal[2] BOFH - Bastard operator from hell[4] bot - Any type of automated software in chatrooms and web-cataloging software[8] BRB - Be right back[4] BSOD - Blue Screen of Death[4] BTDT - Been there done that[6] BTW - By the way[8] bump - Increment (For example, C"s ++ operator.)[4] or a backronym for "Bring Up My Post"[2] CCMIIW - Correct me if I"m wrong. crawl - To retrieve a web page along with the hyperlinks that reference it[8] crapplet - A poorly written computer application[9] CU - See you (later)[4] CYA - See ya OR Cover Your Ass[2] cyber- (prefix) - A term used to connect the subsequent word loosely to the world of computers or the Internet or sex over a computer[8] cyberspace - Virtual reality, the Internet, the World Wide Web, and other kinds of computer systems. Science fiction author William Gibson popularized the term in his novel Neuromancer. Gibson used the word to describe a virtual world of computer networks that his cyberpunk heroes "jacked into"[8] DDFTT - Don"t feed the trolls[7] DIAF - Die in a fire[7] DILLIGAF/D/S - Does it look like I give a flip / fuck / damn / shit[7] D/L - Download [10] DND - Do not disturb[2] DOA - Dead on arrival. Refers to hardware that is broken on delivery.[10] EEOF - End of File[4] EOM - End of Message[6] EOL - End of Life. Device or hardware that is at the end of its product life cycle.[6] - End of Line.[6] EQ - EverQuest[2] ETA - Estimated time of arrival[2] FFAQ - Frequently Asked Question(s)[4] FFS - For fuck"s sake[6] flamer - Someone who makes inflammatory, abusive or directly offensive comments. Similar to, but not quite the same as an Internet troll[4]. FMCDH - From My Cold Dead Hands[2] FOAD - Fuck off and die[4] FOAF - Friend of a friend[4] FTFY - Fixed that for you FTL - For the loss[6] FTW - For the win[6] FTW? - Fuck the what? (reversal of WTF?, implies increased confusion) FU - Fuck you[2] FUBAR - Fucked up beyond all recognition / repair (from military slang; pronounced "foo-bar")[4] FUD - Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (the purposeful spread of misinformation)[4] FWIW - For what it"s worth[4] FYI - For your information[4] GGBTW - Get back to work[2] GF - Great/good fight[2] GFU - Good for you[2] GFY - Go fuck yourself[2] GG - Good game, used at or near the conclusion of a gaming match[6] GGS - Good games[2] GJ - Good job, often used in online gaming when a teammate performs an act benefitting his team, such as killing an opponent or enabling that kill[2] GL - Good luck, used before commencing a game GMTA - Great minds think alike[2] Godwin"s Law - Dictates that the longer a thread, the more likely someone will post a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler[11] gratz - Congratulations[2] GTFO - Get the fuck out[2] GTG or G2G - "Got to go" or "Good to go"[6] GR - Good Race[2] HHAND - have a nice day[4] handle - Name used in online chat, (AKA nick(name), alias, screen/user name)[8] HF - Have fun[2] haxor or H4x0r (1337) - Hacker[6] hit - A request made to the web server, (noun) the results of an internet search, (verb) loading a Web page. Hits are not equivalent to visitors of a webpage.[8] home page - The website"s introduction page, starting point, and guide. The technical term is "index"[8] hot list - A collection of publicly available URLs (World Wide Web site addresses), sometimes available as text files.[8] HTH - Hope this / that helps[4] IIANAL - I am not a lawyer[4] IBTL - In before the lock[9] IDK - I don"t know[4] IONO - I don"t know[2] IIRC - If I recall / remember correctly[4] IIUC - If I understand correctly[2] IMO - In my opinion[4][8][12] IMHO - In my humble / honest opinion[4][8][12] IMNSHO - In my not so humble opinion[4][8][12] IMAO - In my arrogant opinion[4][8][12] Information superhighway - The Internet (AKA: I-way, infobahn)[8] IOW - In other words[4] IRC - Internet Relay Chat[4] IRL - In real life[4] ITYM - I Think You Mean[2] IWSN - I want sex now[9] IYKWIM - If you know what I mean[13] Jjaggy - aliased computer graphics[8] JAS - Just a sec[2] JFTR - Just for the record[14] JK or j/k - Just kidding, or joke[2] Kk or kk - OK[7] KISS - Keep it simple stupid.[7] KOS - Kill on sight[2] KTHX - OK, thanks[7] KTHXBAI - OK, thanks, goodbye, used either to cut short a conversation or to express displeasure with being cut short[7] LL8R - Later, L8R also sometimes abbreviated as L8ER is commonly used in chat rooms and other text based communications as a way of saying good bye.[6] lag - Slang term for slow Internet speeds or high Internet latency; Lag is sometimes due to a server problem, but more frequently due to the connection between client and server. A slow or intermittent connection may often be referred to as laggy[4] lamer - A know-nothing, one who is lame.[4] leet - Often spelled as l33t or 1337. It originally meant elite[4] LFG - Looking for group[2] LFM - Looking for more[2] LMAO - Laughing my ass off[4] LMFAO - Laughing my fucking ass off[4] LMIRL - Let"s meet in real life.[2] LMK - Let me know[2] LOL - Laughing out loud, laugh out loud[15] LTNS - Long time no see[6] lulz - corruption of LOL[16] lurker - Someone who frequents a Usenet group without participating in discussions[4] LYLAB - Love you like a brother.[17] LYLAS - Love you like a sister.[17] MMMORPG, MMO - Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game[6] MOTD - Message of the day[4] MTFBWY - May The Force be with you [7] MUD - Multi-User Dungeon[4] MUSH - Multi-User Shared Hallucination[4] MYOB - Mind your own business[4] M8 - Mate[2] NN1 - Nice one, used mostly often in gaming[2] NE1 - "Anyone"[18] newbie, newb, n00b - An inexperienced user of a system or game,[4] or an annoying person.[2] Usually a derogatory term for someone inexperienced at a game. NIFOC - Naked In Front Of Computer[4] NM - (Sometimes written N/M) Not much, Never mind or no message, used on message boards or in e-mails to indicate that everything is already said in the subject line.[6][19] NP - No problem[6] NSFW - Not safe for work. Warning about content that may get the viewer in trouble with his employer or co-workers.[20][21] NVM, NVMD, or nm - Nevermind, not much[22] OO RLY - Oh really?[23] OIC - Oh, I see[4] OFN - Old freaking news[4] OMG - Oh my god[6] OMFG - Oh my fucking god[6] OMGWTF - Oh my God what the fuck [2] OMW - On my way or Oh my word[2] ONOZ - Oh, no[2] OP - Original poster / Operator / Outpost[2] OS - Operating system[4] OT - Off topic[2] OTOH - On the other hand[4] OTP - On the phone or One true pairing or On The Piss[2] PP2P - Peer to peer, or pay to play[2] PAW - Parents are watching[13] PEBKAC/PEBCAK - Problem exists between keyboard and chair[4] ping - From the popular network monitoring tool.[24][25] PITA - Pain in the arse / ass[4] PLMK - Please let me know[4] PMSL - Pissing myself laughing[6] POS - Piece of shit, or parent over shoulder.[6] POTS - Plain old telephone service[4] POV - Point of view[13] PL - Powerleveling, used in online games.[13] PPL - People[13] PTKFGS - Punch the Keys For God"s Sake[2] pr0n - Intentional misspelling of porn[2] PW - Persistent World (gaming)[7] pwned - Intentional misspelling of owned[7] QQFT - Quoted for truthiness - either to show satire or agreement with something satiric. QWP - (texting) Quit Whining, Please. (gaming) equip v / equipment n. Rrehi (or merely re) - Hello again[4] RL - Real Life[4] RMS - Ride me sideways[4] ROFL/ROTFL - Rolling on (the) floor laughing[4] ROFLMAO/ROTFLMAO - Rolling on (the) floor laughing my ass off[4] ROFLMAOWPIMP/ROTFLMAOWPIMP - Rolling on (the) floor laughing my ass off while peeing in my pants [4] ROFLOL/ROTFLOL - Rolling on (the) floor laughing out loud[4] RSN - Real soon now (used sarcastically)[4] RTFB - Read the fucking binary (or book)[4] RTFS - Read the fucking source[4] RTFM/RTM - Read the (fucking) manual[4] or reboot the (fucking) machine SSCNR - Sorry, could not resist[5] SFW - Safe for Work, see NSFW[2] sk8/sk8r/sk8er - skate/skater[7] smiley - Another name for emoticons[8] SMH - Shaking my head[7] SNAFU - Situation normal: all (fucked/[4]fouled) up[2] Snail mail - Normal paper mail service[8] SOHF - Sense of humor failure[13] spider - The program behind a search engine[8] STFU - Shut the fuck up[26] STFW - Search the fucking web[10] TTANSTAAFL - There ain"t no such thing as a free lunch[4], a quote originally attributed to Robert Heinlein TBF - Time between failures[4] TBH - To be honest[6] TG - That"s great[7] TGIF - Thank God it"s Friday[2] THX/THNX, TNX or TX - Thanks[6] TIA - Thanks in advance[10] TINC - There Is No Cabal, a term discouraging conspiracy theories[4] TMI - Too much information[2] TOOBS - Internets (refering to the internet as a series of tubes)[4] TOS - Terms of service[4] TTBOMK - To the best of my knowledge[5] TTFN - Ta ta for now[4] TTYL - Talk to you later (also spelled TTUL, T2UL or T2YL)[4] tweedler - One who has deep love for all computer related technology and gadgets[8] TY - Thank you [6] TYT - Take your time[4] TYVM - Thank you very much[13] UU - You[2] UTFSE - Use the fucking search engine[2] VWw00t, w00T or WOOT - First two express exuberance, the last is a backronym for the term "We Own the Other Team".[2] W/ or W/O - With or without[2] WB - Welcome back[4] W/E - Whatever[2] WRT - With respect / regard to[4] WTB - Want to buy[2] WTF - What the fuck[4] WTG - Way to go[4] WTH - What the hell[4] WTS - Want to sell[2] WTT - Want to trade[2] WUG - What you got?[2] WUBU2 - What (have) you been up to?[2] WUU2 - What (are) you up to?[2] WYSIWYG - What you see is what you get[4][8] W8 - Wait[2] YYAGNI - You Ain"t Gonna Need It. YAGTOH - you are going to own him.[2] YHBT - You have been trolled.[7] YKW - You know what?[9] YMMV - Your mileage may vary.[6] YOYO - You"re On Your Own.[2] YTMND - You"re The Man Now, Dog[2] YW - You"re welcome.[2] ZZOMG - An intentional misspelling of the acronym shorthand for "Oh My Gawd" and pronounced "Zoh My Gawd" This version is mainly used in jest or to ridicule people who use abbreviations like OMG and OMFG[6] (以上是数字+a-z 的网络名词字典~)如果解释不懂可以问我啊~但是分数不是很高,而且很麻烦所以就不一一翻译了~
2022-12-31 19:58:031


2022-12-31 19:58:193

death in the park 歌词

歌曲名:death in the park歌手:Archers of Loaf专辑:vee veeA death in the park,A death in the dark.I"m calling the cops.Cops, calling all cars.It"s not the way they want it to be.It"s not the way they wanted it to be.The freaks on the phone,The freaks in my home.My elbows propped soI could take a cheap shot at you.You"re not the one i want you to be.You"re not the one i want you to be.It"s always the same peoplePissing the same people off.Always the same onesCalling the cops.Archers Of LoafWhy do i ask youSo many questions?Why do i ask youWhen you don"t know anything?You"re not the one i want you to be.You"re not the one i want you to be.Please cut us off.Please make us stop. (?)From saying stupid things again,Saying stupid things.Sure, i can put you on the guest list.Of course, i can put you on the guest list.It"s always the same peoplePissing the same people off.Always the same onesCalling the cops.A death in the park,A death in the dark.All i want is empathy from you.The freaks on the phone,And all i want is everything from you.They"re calling the cops.Cops, calling all cars.Calling all cop cars,Calling all cars.It"s always the same peoplePissing the same people off.Always the same onesCalling the cops.(repeat)A death in the park,A death in the dark.And all i want is empathy from you.The freaks on the phones,The freaks in my home,And all i want is empathy from you.They"re calling the cops.Cops, calling all cars.Calling all cop cars,Calling all cars.
2022-12-31 19:58:472


原谅[yuán liàng]词典forgive; excuse; pardon; excusal; excuse for望采纳,谢谢!
2022-12-31 19:58:574


2022-12-31 19:59:202


you are pissing me off你气死我了
2022-12-31 19:59:334


应该是这首吧田馥甄 《超级玛丽》
2022-12-31 19:59:512

帮我翻译英文 禁止随地大小便

Prohibition of Anti urine
2022-12-31 20:00:034

Im a girl I swear ppl keep doubting it

2022-12-31 20:00:222


2022-12-31 20:00:502


2022-12-31 20:01:012

老友记 口语

just a tough day at work就只是水深火热的一天 public display of affection coming up 现在有公开亲热的镜头 this is none of my business这不关我的事 kind of 稍微,有点儿 i"m just a social drinker我只是交际一下 there is sth i want to talk to you about有件事我想跟你谈一下 don"t get all squinky不要那么挑剔 this is no offense to you 这不是不尊重你 get out of there 出去 drop this bomb on me给我丢了个炸弹 want me talk you out of it?要我说服你不要这样? why on earth would i understand this?为什么我会了解? you "re blowing me off for a monkey 你为了一只猴子放我鸽子 it"s no big deal      it"s not that big a deal没什么大不了的 you sold me out你出卖我 what made you make the exception for me那为什么会为我破例? can"t you see what"s going on?你们还搞不清楚状况吗? no peeking 别偷看 you two are totally into each other你们两个完全互相着迷 in all fairness老实说 drunk酗酒者 there"s no rush or nothing真的不急 just hang in there撑下去? can we drop this别提了好吗 not that i know of就我所知没有 could you come in here for a moment你能进来一下吗 upstairs in the bathroom楼上的浴室 well,there you go那就这样吧 what a load of crap胡说八道 he is rubber and you are glue你们半斤八两 i"ve never wanted you more你以后别再这样了 how smelly this cat is这只猫有多臭 i just can"t stand you being here all the time我真的不能忍受你老是窝在这里 you are just gonna have to stop pissing me off但是你不能再惹火我了 that "s the brilliance of it 这就是其中的精华啊 were you taking a nap 你刚才在睡午觉吗? don"t be such a baby别这么幼稚 they were all out of apple pie苹果派卖完了 half-brother同父异母的兄弟 he"s not a big fan of foosball他不太喜欢手足球 in a conversation that terrified me to my very soul在一个让我惊心动魄的谈话中 that paolo thing was barely a relationship跟巴洛那段根本算不上感情关系 what you and i have is special我们的关系很特别 what"s your point?你什么意思? you big freak of nature你这个大怪胎 clear the air 开诚布公 turn the tables扭转局势 demn it 该死 at least let me finish至少让我弄完 i miss the first time of everything我错过了所有第一次 i am so sick of missing stuff我厌倦了老是在错过 cool as a cucumber镇静自若 you are dead meat你死定了 nubbin肿块 i am going to see him so i can put all those feelings behind me我见他就是为了忘掉这份感情 cut it out别闹了 pop it in放吧 how come为什么 take a while 花点时间 i have one more question我想再问一个问题 brush the hair away from my face拨开我脸上的头发 i would 我很想five more再来五个 insane 疯了 so you really okay about all this?所以你真的不介意这些了? for all i care 与我无关 that"s so sweet感觉真好 just the check我们要买单 i am over you我不在乎你了  under me 在乎我 closure解开心结 let me get the straight让我把这件事搞清楚 i"ve feelings for you我喜欢你 do not start without me等我来再开始 that makes no sense 那没有道理 arm around her抱着她 slipped my mind忘记了(前面经常加 totally) 看老友记的时候,看到一些比较有用或者是以前不太熟悉的句子,就记下来了,分享给大家,如果有错误欢迎大家纠正哦!
2022-12-31 20:01:131


文章太晦涩了。需要结合上下文理解。翻译了一个多钟了。还是没搞懂。您自己理解吧……这是我们的上校,有时候被我们戏称为Wall Eye,,因为他衣服上一个洞上打的黑色的补丁。在我看来,非常明显地,尽管他对于尿尿的管理方面是很严格,但是他从来没有制止我们在的靴子上尿尿。他已经在军队呆了足够长的时间,因此他知道脚对一个士兵的重要性。如果你的腿不好这比什么都糟糕。Tiny还在观察着后备军的到来,突然不下心碰了兵士一下。“你估计他们会在哪里挖出个洞出来吗?天哪,这足以让一只猫笑死了! Ruskies会在发现他们要做这事情之前就将他们消灭了....他自负地对兵士点点头。“如果不是有你和我在,队友,我们早就输掉这场本应灭亡的战争。”老人笑了。他试图躲到凋零的灌木丛中避雨。“正是这个时候他们给了你骑士十字勋章... 给像你这样的英雄!”Tiny转过去吐了吐口水。“骑士十字勋章!你知道,他们会把这个挂在哪里吗?在他们流血的胸前... ...你拿这个给我换两便士我也不给你!“从前面临近的队伍中传来了军官的呼声和诅咒声。其中一个士兵,十分虚弱,看上去年龄很大,已经丢失了他的锡头盔。头盔滚到路边,发出像一百个锡罐倒塌的声音,这位老兄本能地从卡车匆匆爬出去追回头盔。“回到队伍行列来!”军士长愤怒地大吼。 “你认为你现在在干什么?”老伙计犹豫了一下,目光由从他的珍贵的头盔望向狂暴的军士长。他匆匆回到队伍中继续行军,军士长冷冷地点头,继续站在那里,吹他的哨子几乎把这整个肺都要吹爆了,意图这这没经验的新兵赶往死亡之路。当我看到队伍前进,我看到了老伙计已经接近了突破点,在身体和精神上都是,我猜想。锡头盔的丢失可能是他最后的救命稻草了。
2022-12-31 20:01:201


do you mean: puzzling buzzing fuzzing pursing pausing fizzing quizzing piecing pissing pursuing ...?
2022-12-31 20:01:321


I Put One Penny Away - Dido Edit Qwan 试听: Alright, i got it. Some of the lyrics might be wrong but just a few. Enjoy! (Intro) Yo, Shigeto. This song wasn"t supposed to be on this album. You supposed to be right here man. I see you shine. I know you here. I know you right here. Right next to me. (Chorus) I put one penny away for the ones that I love I try my best to make it when heaven calls from above I put one penny away for the ones that I love You make me come with all my money I can"t say goodbye (Verse 1) I"m bringing the pain it"s spreading through my veins These shoulders is getting heavy I feel desperately restrained My knuckles is bloody punching on the concrete with my fists Death wish on the verge of a good guy gone shit Oh lord, give me the power the strength I need Oh lord, show me the way and Ill follow your leads Together hand in hand we walk as we follow the streams Crazy family falling off like leaves off trees Oh no I can"t seem to take it no more Shigeto, I look up to you cause you extraordinary yo I feel that we the same besides we both capitals yo My idol see child and then I couldn"t say goodbye, oh why? It feels like I can"t breathe right What the hell does this world want from me? Is this a fight? Alright, I"m standing right here I aint going nowhere, anytime, anywhere Oh, you gonna feel my wrath Well I explode in a blast You gone chose the wrong guy to trash My angers worse than a fatal car crash Beware my comeback will indeed be fast I put one penny away for the ones that I love I got to do it for my family cause this is my blood Hear me now, it"s my destiny to follow your steps Till death, Shigeto. I love you, you"ll always be the best (Chorus) I put one penny away for the ones that I love I try my best to make it when heaven calls from above I put one penny away for the ones that I love You make me come with all my money I can"t say goodbye Why? Why did you take it? Take it away. It"s not fair. Shi was supposed to be like this. Why is this world about money? I hate this shit! (Verse 2) I don"t know where to start yo this is the same Why lives got to be so hard just to maintain Why people got to die god tell me why? I don"t understand why life is so short Every minute every second they"re the ones that I love They"re the ones that I lost in the heavens above You always in my heart nothing keeps us apart This is just a start so follow me You my enemy, you feel this end of me? You know I"m coming in the rain there no way you stopping me You put this anger and this hate inside of me I turned it around and use it productively Beware of the dog who"s crying keeps you calm And when you get close he rips off your freaking arms Get along get your arms as you panic a storm Realize it"s too late, it"s bait, check mate You"re been pawned Bomb locked its Qwan The one and only Qpid and Wanton Behold the powers rain over you so strong Feel the energy when I spit it to the song So family"s first fuck the rest it"s all just a test Your money aint shit so follow your dreams You know, follow it to the end of the world yo (Chorus) I put one penny away for the ones that I love I try my best to make it when heaven calls from above I put one penny away for the ones that I love You make me come with all my money I can抰 say goodbye So Scared now, beware now You probably pissing in your pants and you scared now So scared now, beware now You probably sipping and you pissing in your pants now Oh shit now, they coming now Be scared mother fucker we coming now So where you going now Are you running now Mother fucker please Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
2022-12-31 20:01:381


  笑话是日常生活中常见的一种幽默。与一般日常会话不同,笑话刻意违反合作原则,由此衍生出会话含意,并利用会话含意之间的冲突实现其预定功能。我整理了关于经典英文笑话,欢迎阅读!   关于经典英文笑话:Career"s Day   It"s Career Day at school and the teacher is having the students stand up, state their parents" occupation, and then spell it.   Davie stands up and says, "My dad"s a doctor. And that"s D O C T O R. Doctor."   "Very good," the teacher says to Davie. "Mike?"   Mike stands up. "My mom"s a lawyer. L A W Y E R. Lawyer."   "Excellent. Bruce?"   Bruce gets up and says, "Uhh, my daddy, he be one of dem "sheet metal workers. Dat"s S H I . . . "   "Ummm, no, Bruce," the teacher corrects, "That"s not the way you spell it. Try it again."   "Uhhh, "Sheet Metal Worker." S H I . . . "   "Tell you what, Bruce, why don"t you go up to the board and spell it out up there. Little Kevin, your turn."   Little Kevin watches Bruce shuffle off to the blackboard. "Well, my dad"s a bookie and I can"t spell that. But I can give you two to one odds that Bruce spells "shit" when he gets up to the blackboard."   关于经典英文笑话:Like A Dog   It had taken him several months, but the executive vice president had finally persuaded his new secretary to bend over the back of his leather couch and allow him to have sex with her that way.   "And just where have you been until this hour?" demanded his wife, when the wayward husband finally arrived home.   "Down at the office." he replied, "Working like a dog."   关于经典英文笑话:Missing   The boss of a big company who needed to call one of his employees about an urgent problem with one of the main computers, dialed the employee"s home phone number and was greeted with a child"s whisper, "Hello."   "Is your daddy home?" he asked.   "Yes," whispered the small voice.   "May I talk with him?"   The child whispered, "No."   Surprised, and wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked, "Is your mommy there?"   "Yes."   "May I talk with her?"   Again the small voice whispered, "No."   Hoping there was somebody with whom he could leave a message, the boss asked, "Is anybody else there?"   "Yes," whispered the child, "a policeman."   Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee"s home, the boss asked, "May I speak with the policeman?"   "No, he"s busy," whispered the child.   "Busy doing what?"   "Talking to Daddy and Mommy and the Fireman," came the whispered answer.   Growing concerned and even worried as he heard what sounded like a helicopter through the ear piece on the phone the boss asked, "What is that noise?"   "A hello-copper" answered the whispering voice.   "What is going on there?" asked the boss, now alarmed.   In an awed whispering voice the child answered, "The search team just landed the hello-copper."   Alarmed, concerned, and even more then just a little frustrated the boss asked, "What are they searching for?"   Still whispering, the young voice replied along with a muffled giggle: "ME"   关于经典英文笑话: Fun At Your Local Pool   Stand on top of the high board and say you won"t come down until your demands are met.   Tell the lifeguards that they aren"t doing their jobs because you have seen at least 15 people drown today.   Ask people if they have seen your pet shark.   Sit in the baby pool and play with the toys.   Take a flutter board and pretend you can"t swim.   Hit strangers with your flutter board.   Ask an attractive lifeguard to practise CPR on you.   Sit in front of a water jet, make moaning sounds and say, ""Oh yeah... oooh that feels soooo good....""   Sit on the top of the water slide and don"t move.   Swim near a stranger and go ""Dammit I knew I shouldn"t have had watermelon before I came here.""   Insist that you saw a monster at the bottom of the pool.   Pretend to drown and then when someone tries to help you, say ""HA-HA, fooled you!""   Scream as someone is trying to do something when jumping off of a diving board.   Laugh at fat people in swimsuits.   Tell people you saw the lifeguard pissing in the pool.   Ask a lifeguard if skinny-dipping is allowed.   Try to negotiate the price of getting in.   Take a really long time when you are on top of the high dive and then act as though you were pushed off.   When in line, ask strangers if they think invisble people get a discount.   Take your towel, tie it around your shoulders and say ""Wheee! I"m Batman!"" while running around.   Hit strangers with your wet towel.   Throw people"s things into the pool.   Sing and dance on top of the dinving board, then do a belly-flop as your grande-finale.   Play Marco-Polo by yourself.   Ask small children if they have seen any suspicious-looking sea monsters lately.   关于经典英文笑话:Glossary Of PC Messages   It says: "Press Any Key" It means: "Press any key you like but I"m not moving."   It says: "Press A Key" (This one"s a programmers joke. Nothing happens unless you press the "A" key.)   It says: "Fatal Error. Please contact technical support quoting error no. 1A4-2546512430E" It means: "... where you will be kept on hold for 10 minutes, only to be told that it"s a hardware problem."   It says: "Installing program to C:...." It means: "... And I"ll also be writing a few files into c:windows and c:windowssystem where you"ll NEVER find them."   It says: "Please insert disk 11" It means: "Because I know darn well there are only 10 disks."   It says: "Cannot read from drive D:...." It means: "... However, if you put the CD in right side up..."   It says: "Please Wait...." It means: "... Indefinitely."   It says: "Directory does not exist...." It means: ".... any more. Whoops."   It says: "The application caused an error. Choose Ignore or Close." It means: "....Makes no difference to me, you"re still not getting your work back."
2022-12-31 20:01:461