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有没有关于防止打篮球受伤方面的英语文章 英语showtime要用的 帮忙推荐下啊 谢谢

2023-05-28 17:13:35
TAG: ho how

Many people like to play basketball, injuries always meeting some, so today I want to introduce how to protect themselves from being hurt; First is to do warm-up activity, must make main parts of activities, such as the ankle, open waist, knee. Also, exercise can"t put

Loose, most abstain from casually, because the muscle and joint playing in the open ofcamp hyperirritable living is not easy to hurt. Equipment is also very important aspect, especially the ankle, strapped in bandages can have certain effect.

Ankle injury is very common, and below specific about ankle, what should be paid attention to in the prevention of?

1. Before motion should be appropriate activities ankle preheating.

2. When motion, avoid sudden turn violent and shocks.

3. For once had hurt those patients with a history of should pay attention to decrease your activity, and stick to wear armor ankle - this is very important.

4 if successive a few times his ankle, no accurately and timely treatment, habitual ankle dislocation of the risk is high!!!!

So, the damage of the early rest and braking is the key and recovery of key points

In injury after cooling, no ice to immediately word immediately with cold water, so can let subcutaneous damaged broken capillaries, less as far as possible to prevent blood clot and congestion, swelling pain. 24 hours later can use re shuidai hot compress, so can accelerate metabolism, thus helping to push you. Detumescence

Commend yunnan white drug-powder spray, red insurance agent is particularly severe in injury time to use, be painkillers effect. White bottle for daily treatment, every time when the drug fever wipe skin until now.


A lot of people are playing basketball, injuries and always will be, so today I will introduce how to protect themselves from injured; first and foremost do warm-up activities it is necessary to open the main site activities, such as the ankles, waist, knee. Also, the campaign may not be placed

Pine, taboo casually play because muscle and joint in stretched when living world is not likely to get hurt. Protector is also very important, especially ankles, tie up the bandage will have some effect.

Ankle injuries are common, the following specific talk about bare feet, in the area of prevention should pay attention to what??

1. the movement to the appropriate Active ankle, preheating.

2. the movement to avoid sudden reversal of violence and shock.

3. once had injured patients to pay attention to the history of reduced physical activity, and insisted on wearing huhuai------this is important.

4. If successive ankle sprain, timely and accurate treatment, habitual dislocation of ankle joint incidence is very high!!!.

Therefore, the injury of rest and recovery of braking is the key and the key to

In the compresses to immediately after the injury, there is no ice bath water immediately if, this allows subcutaneous damaged broken capillaries, less congestion, preventing congestion and swelling and pain .24 hour later you can use hot water bottle, which speeds up metabolism, thereby helping you to reduce the swelling.









ankle的意思是踝关节。读音:英[ˈæŋkl];美[ˈæŋkl]释义:n.踝变形:过去式ankled、过去分词ankled、现在分词ankling、第三人称单数ankles、复数ankles短语搭配:ankle strap踝扎;踝带鞋;裸带ankle boot短靴;及踝靴;足果靴Ankle Support踝部支撑;护踝;脚踝支撑;足踝支撑用法ankle作名词n.时具有踝,足踝,脚脖子;踝关节,踝节部;有魅力的女性等意思,ankle作动词v.时具有(尤指扭捏做态地)走,行走,走路;辞掉已有的工作,离职而去;离开;(合同、争论等)中止,停止等意思。如:His ankles were tied to the legs of the chair.他的脚脖子被绑在椅腿上。(在此句中ankle表示脚脖子的意思)Result All fractures healed within 6 months and showed good knee and ankle joint functions.结果患者6个月内骨折全部愈合,膝、踝关节功能均恢复正常。
2023-05-28 16:51:271


ankle的意思介绍如下:英 /ˈæŋkl。美 /[ˈæŋkl]。n.踝关节;踝。v.走路。复数: ankles。ankle的双语例句如下:She fell awkwardly and broke her ankle. 她笨重地摔了一跤,摔断了踝关节。The knee and ankle joints must be immobilized — this usually means up to six weeks in plaster. 膝关节和踝关节必须加以固定——这通常意味着要打上6个星期的石膏。My ankle is still too painful to walk on. 我的脚腕子还是疼得不能走路。One player limped off the field with a twisted ankle. 一个球员拖着扭伤的脚踝一瘸一拐地走下场。I was moving some furniture and I twisted my ankle in the process. 我在挪动家具时崴了脚。I wrapped a bandage around my ankle to give it some support. 我在脚踝上缠上绷带,好把它固定住。
2023-05-28 16:51:482


ankle:[ˈæŋkl]n.踝关节;踝v.走路复数: ankles例句:1.She fell awkwardly and broke her ankle. 她笨重地摔了一跤,摔断了踝关节。2.The knee and ankle joints must be immobilized — this usually means up to six weeks in plaster. 膝关节和踝关节必须加以固定——这通常意味着要打上6个星期的石膏。3.My ankle is still too painful to walk on. 我的脚腕子还是疼得不能走路。4.One player limped off the field with a twisted ankle. 一个球员拖着扭伤的脚踝一瘸一拐地走下场。5.I was moving some furniture and I twisted my ankle in the process. 我在挪动家具时崴了脚。                                                                       
2023-05-28 16:52:561


2023-05-28 16:53:261


脚踝,ankle breaker即脚踝终结者
2023-05-28 16:53:332


ankle 英[ˈæŋkl] 美[ˈæŋkəl] n.踝,踝关节;脚脖子 名词复数:ankles [例句]Nine months ago ,I broke my leg and ankle. 9个月以前,我折断了腿和脚踝. 了腿和脚踝. 2.Ankle sprains accounted for about half of all injuries. 踝关节扭伤大约占所有受伤情况的一半. 3.Eg.his sprained ankle has puffed up. 他那扭伤的脚踝肿起来了. 4.For a sore back or sprained ankle,which options make sense? 如果出现背痛或者脚踝扭伤,以下哪一种方式比较合理? 5.Characteristics:ankle boot with hooks and eyelets. 特点:带吊钩及针眼的踝靴.
2023-05-28 16:53:401


ankle,英语单词,名词,意为“踝关节,踝”。单词发音:英[ˈæŋkl]美[ˈæŋkl] .短语搭配:ankle strap踝扎 ; 踝带鞋 ; 裸带。ankle boot短靴 ; 及踝靴 ; 足果靴。Ankle Support踝部支撑 ; 护踝 ; 脚踝支撑 ; 足踝支撑。ankle weight踝部加重袋 ; 踝部减轻袋。ankle bone踝骨 ; 距骨。ankle socks短袜 ; 翻口短袜 ; 船袜 ; 只到踝部的短袜。ankle reflex[医]踝反射 ; 跟腱反射。Ankle Breaker脚踝终结者 ; 脚裸终结者。Ankle Stretch脚踝伸展式。双语例句:1.How did you twist your ankle?你是怎样扭伤你的脚踝的?2.Ankle sprains accounted for about half of all injuries.踝关节扭伤大约占所有受伤情况的一半。3.The dog attacked me, biting my ankle, but I kicked him off.那狗向我袭来,咬我的脚踝,但我把它踢开了。
2023-05-28 16:53:461

ankle是什么意思 ankle怎么翻译及发音

英音 ["æŋkl] ;,美音 ["æŋkl] ;,名词 可数名词: 1.踝,足踝 2.踝关节 ,a gliding joint beeen the distal ends of the tibia and fibula and the proximal end of the talus,ankle bone 距骨,距骨 ,ankle thickness 踝最小厚 ,ankle drop 【医】 踝下垂 ,ankle flexibility 踝关节的灵活性 ,ankle socks n. 短袜 ,ankle breadth 踝宽 ,ankle joint 踝关节 ,ankle clonus 足阵挛 ,ankle reflex 踝反射 ,ankle bracelet phr. 脚链,脚镯 ,ankle n. [C]1.踝,足踝2.踝关节,ankle bone 【医】 距骨,ankle joint 【医】 踝关节, 距骨小腿关节,ankle biter (澳大利亚俚语)指及膝盖高的小孩子,儿童,小家伙,ankle deep 深及足踝的,ankle clonus 踝阵挛,ankle jerk 【医】 踝反射,ankle reflex 【医】 踝反射
2023-05-28 16:54:041


uncle ["ʌŋkl ]ankle ["æŋkl ]从音标可以看出,这两个词发音的不同在于首个元音上,前者发音靠近口腔前半部分、开口较小、舌头自然放平,而后者发音位置虽也在口腔前半部分,但开口是英语元音中最大的,舌头要稍前伸一点.通俗的说,uncle的发音 听起来更接近 “ 昂 口”, 而ankle 则更接近 “ 安 口”.
2023-05-28 16:54:111


ankle英 [ˈæŋkl] 美 [ˈæŋkəl]n.踝,踝关节; 脚脖子1.a girl in a blue dress and ankle socksx05 身穿蓝色连衣裙和套袜的女孩 2.I couldn"t put my weight on my ankle and had to hop everywhere. 我有一个脚脖子使不上劲,不得不单脚跳来跳去. 3.He winced as the dog nipped his ankle. 狗咬了他的脚腕子,疼得他龇牙咧嘴.
2023-05-28 16:54:171


2023-05-28 16:54:352

ankle 这个英语单词怎么读

2023-05-28 16:54:431


2023-05-28 16:54:503


injured动词injure的过去分词。在这儿可以看作形容词"受了伤的"。不必看作被动结构。参考The window is broken.窗户坏了。broken是Break的过去分词。
2023-05-28 16:54:597


2023-05-28 16:55:263

scratch \ ankle \ scrape介英语怎么读?

scratch 发音,死乖吃ankle 发音,按扣scrape 发音,死乖噗。
2023-05-28 16:55:384

ankle 和 anchor的发音区别

2023-05-28 16:55:551


ankle-biter,a catch-all term for small dogs who tend, as a group, to be tough, feisty litle beasts and are often touchy and quarrelsome.貌似还有这个意思。莫非是我会比一只凶猛的狗还做得好?上下文呢?他是要做什么?
2023-05-28 16:56:044

踝关节的英语翻译 踝关节用英语怎么说

ankle joint
2023-05-28 16:56:143


2023-05-28 16:56:321


ankle-deep英语翻译成中文:深及足踝的同义词:knee-deep;ankle-deep的例句:The grass was ankle-deep.草深至脚踝处.The rain fell in torrents,insomuch that the soldiers were often ankle - deep in water.大雨倾盆,因而士兵们时时需涉水而行。Waist-deep in the water; ankle-deep in snow.水深及腰部;雪深及脚踝Even in hip waders we were overdressed for the ankle deep creek, but we stepped in, waded out to the middle and faced upstream我们穿着长及臀部的水靴,对于齐踝深的小溪来说似乎有点虚张声势,于是我们走到水里,淌进了小溪中央。
2023-05-28 16:56:391


脚踝、脚跟、脚指头…英文 怎么说?人体有很多部位、器官…等等,在日常生活中都很常用到,因此知道这些英文怎么说,非常重要喔。例如脚踝、脚跟、脚指头…等等这些英文单字,如果你还不知道的话,那就赶快学起来吧! 这篇文章教学各种脚的关节、部位英文单字。 1.ankle 脚踝 ankle 是指脚踝的意思,ankle 的部位位于人的脚的外侧的关节部位上,也是常常脚扭伤时的部位。 例: I fell over and sprained/isted my ankle. 我摔倒了,扭伤了脚踝。 例: He fell and sprained his ankle. 他跌倒并扭伤了脚踝。 2.heel 脚跟 heel 则是指脚跟的意思,heel 位于人的脚的后面的底部,一般女生穿高跟鞋,鞋跟变高的那个部位,就是脚根的位置。 例: There"s a hole in the heel of my stocking. 我的长袜脚跟上有一个洞。 3.toe 脚趾 脚趾的英文叫做toe,toe还可以有big toe跟little toe这两个英文单字,分别指大脚趾头跟小脚趾头的意思。如果单是toe这个英文单字,则叫做脚趾。 例: your big toe (= your largest toe) 你的大脚趾 your little toe (= your *** allest toe) 你的小脚趾 例: My toes are freezing. 我的脚趾头冻僵了。 例: These shoes hurt my toes. 这些鞋会伤到我的脚趾 基本上脚的部位各个相关的英文单字,只要记住上面这几个就很够用啦! 脚趾 英文, 脚趾头 英文, 脚跟 英文, 脚踝 英文
2023-05-28 16:56:461

为什么可以用ankle injury来表示一个名词?可以用ankle injured来表示单独的名

不可以。injury是名词,而injured是过去分词。可以说:your ankle was injured.(你脚踝受伤了)
2023-05-28 16:56:521


1、leave + n. + v-ed是固定用法 2、当动词与名词是动宾关系时,用done,如sprain his left ankle ,sprain是及物动词, his left ankle 做sprain的宾语;当名词与动词是主谓关系时,用doing,如 his nose bleed,his nose 做主语,bleed是不及物动词,做谓语3、我选C,lack本身即可作名词,与of连用表示缺乏某物,不必加the 。当to用作介词时,其后跟名词或动名词 ,这是它用作介词的标志。
2023-05-28 16:57:035


2023-05-28 16:57:181


翻译如下:脚崴了twisted sb."s ankle.
2023-05-28 16:57:272


2023-05-28 16:57:391

a sprained ankle运动扭伤后应该怎么办,用英语回答,顺便加上中文翻译

One of the most common treatments for a sprained ankle is applying ice. For the first two days after the sprained ankle occurs, keep the ankle elevated and apply an ice pack every 15 to 20 minutes eve...
2023-05-28 16:58:171


1.手技(18本)1)背负投2)一本背负投3)双手背负投4)背负落5)体落6)山岚7)隅落8)浮落9)手车10)肩车11)踵返12)朽木倒13)双手刈14)带落15)掬投16)小内返17)内股透18)球车 2.腰技(13本)1)跳腰2)扫腰3)浮腰4)腰车5)大腰6)钓腰7)钓入腰8)袖钓入腰9)后腰10)移腰11)抱上12)后车13)飞腰 3.足技(22本)1)出足扫2)小外刈3)小外挂4)小内刈5)扫钓入足6)燕返7)大内返8)内股返9)足车10)大车11)大外刈12)大内刈13)大外挂14)大外落15)大外车16)大外返17)内股18)膝车19)支钓入足20)送足扫21)扫腰返22)跳腰返 4.真舍身技(5本)1)引入返2)隅返3)巴投4)表返5)裹投 5.横舍身技(16本)1)小内卷入2)内卷入3)内股卷入4)外卷入5)大外卷入6)跳卷入7)扫卷入8)抱分9)蟹夹10)河津挂11)横挂12)浮技13)横落14)横分15)谷落16)横车 1.抑入技(12本)1)浮固2)肩固3)裹固4)三角固5)上四方固6)横四方固7)纵四方固8)崩上四方固9)袈裟固10)崩袈裟固11)后袈裟固12)裹袈裟固 2.绞技(15本)1)并十字绞2)逆十字绞3)片十字绞4)两手绞5)突入绞6)袖车绞7)送襟绞8)裸绞9)片羽绞10)片手绞11)地狱绞12)三角绞13)横三角绞14)胴绞15)裹十字绞 3.关节技(13本)1)足缄2)足挫3)腕缄4)腕返5)腕挫脚固6)腕挫腹固7)腕挫膝固8)腕挫手固9)腕挫腕固10)腕挫腋固11)腕挫十字固12)腕挫三角固13)三角缄 常用地面技(25)1.骑乘式2.侧骑乘3.背后控制4.侧控制5.浮固6.南北控制7封闭式防守8.开放式防守9.蜘蛛式防守10.蝴蝶式防守11.龟式防守12.X-防守13.50-50防守14.倒置防守15.橡皮式防守16.坐式防守17.半防守18.深入式半防守19.Delariva防守20.断头台21.手臂三角绞22.蟒蛇绞23.流线绞24.木村锁25.肩胛固26.膝十字固27.直腿裸固28.踝锁29.足跟勾
2023-05-28 16:58:242


head nose ear hand throuth eye mouth leg
2023-05-28 16:58:335


2023-05-28 16:58:461


训吼吼^O^/ gvtvbyvex.gnhntvrcjntvvbyfunyvubtvrvtnbtvtvtb gvtghbyv
2023-05-28 16:58:5511


脸 face脚 foot身体 body手指 finger手臂 arm脖子 neck嘴 mouth鼻子 nose眼睛 eyes耳朵 ear大腿 thigh睫毛 eyelash眉毛 eyebrow指甲 nail腿 leg
2023-05-28 16:59:482


2023-05-28 16:59:575


ankle的意思是踝关节。读音:英[ˈæŋkl];美[ˈæŋkl]释义:n.踝变形:过去式ankled、过去分词ankled、现在分词ankling、第三人称单数ankles、复数ankles短语搭配:ankle strap踝扎;踝带鞋;裸带ankle boot短靴;及踝靴;足果靴Ankle Support踝部支撑;护踝;脚踝支撑;足踝支撑用法ankle作名词n.时具有踝,足踝,脚脖子;踝关节,踝节部;有魅力的女性等意思,ankle作动词v.时具有(尤指扭捏做态地)走,行走,走路;辞掉已有的工作,离职而去;离开;(合同、争论等)中止,停止等意思。如:His ankles were tied to the legs of the chair.他的脚脖子被绑在椅腿上。(在此句中ankle表示脚脖子的意思)Result All fractures healed within 6 months and showed good knee and ankle joint functions.结果患者6个月内骨折全部愈合,膝、踝关节功能均恢复正常。
2023-05-28 17:00:231


  ankle 英[ˈæŋkl] 美[ˈæŋkəl]  n. 踝,踝关节; 脚脖子;  [例句]John twisted his ankle badly.  约翰的脚脖子崴得很严重。  [其他] 复数:ankles
2023-05-28 17:00:482


ankle 英[ˈæŋkl] 美[ˈæŋkəl] n. 踝,踝关节;脚脖子 名词复数:ankles [例句]Nine months ago , I broke my leg and ankle.9个月以前,我折断了腿和脚踝。了腿和脚踝。2.Ankle sprains accounted for about half of all injuries. 踝关节扭伤大约占所有受伤情况的一半。3.Eg. his sprained ankle has puffed up. 他那扭伤的脚踝肿起来了。4.For a sore back or sprained ankle, which options make sense? 如果出现背痛或者脚踝扭伤,以下哪一种方式比较合理?5.Characteristics: ankle boot with hooks and eyelets. 特点:带吊钩及针眼的踝靴。
2023-05-28 17:00:561


2023-05-28 17:01:041


ankle 英[ˈæŋkl] 美[ˈæŋkəl] n. 踝,踝关节;脚脖子 名词复数:ankles [例句]Nine months ago , I broke my leg and ankle.9个月以前,我折断了腿和脚踝。
2023-05-28 17:01:121


能区分。ankle 英[ˈæŋkl] 美[ˈæŋkəl] uncle 英[ˈʌŋkl] 美[ˈʌŋkəl] 可以看到ankle以 [æ]的发音开头而uncle以 [ʌ]的发音开头 望采纳
2023-05-28 17:01:241


ankle 英[ˈæŋkl] 美[ˈæŋkəl] n.踝,踝关节;脚脖子 名词复数:ankles [例句]Nine months ago ,I broke my leg and ankle. 9个月以前,我折断了腿和脚踝.
2023-05-28 17:01:311


2023-05-28 17:01:392


"knee"的音标为 /niː/,读音为 [ni:]。拓展:Shoulder(肩膀):肩膀是连接手臂和身体的部位,常用于形容肩膀的疼痛或肩膀的宽度。例如:I have a sore shoulder.(我的肩膀很疼。)His shoulders are broad.(他的肩膀很宽。)Elbow(肘部):肘部是连接手臂和前臂的部位,常用于形容肘部的疼痛或肘部的弯曲。例如:I hit my elbow on the table.(我在桌子上撞到了肘部。)He bent his elbow to lift the box.(他弯曲肘部来提起盒子。)Wrist(手腕):手腕是连接手和前臂的部位,常用于形容手腕的疼痛或手腕的灵活性。例如:I sprained my wrist.(我扭伤了手腕。)She has a flexible wrist.(她的手腕很灵活。)Hip(臀部):臀部是连接腰部和大腿的部位,常用于形容臀部的宽度或臀部的疼痛。例如:She has wide hips.(她的臀部很宽。)He injured his hip in a car accident.(他在车祸中受伤了臀部。)Ankle(脚踝):脚踝是连接脚和小腿的部位,常用于形容脚踝的疼痛或脚踝的灵活性。例如:I twisted my ankle while playing basketball.(我在打篮球时扭伤了脚踝。)She has a strong ankle.(她的脚踝很有力。)Nose(鼻子):鼻子是连接头部和呼吸器官的部位,常用于形容鼻子的大小或鼻子的感觉。例如:She has a big nose.(她的鼻子很大。)He has a sensitive nose for smells.(他对气味很敏感。)
2023-05-28 17:01:451


问题一:扭伤了脚踝用英语怎么说得 my ankle was hurt 问题二:"没过脚踝"的英文怎么说? Not the ankle.很口语 完整点可以说…doesn"t reach the height of 骇nkle. 问题三:骨裂的英语怎么说还有脚踝的英文 骨裂 [词典] fracturing a bone; hairline fracture; [例句]他右手食指骨裂。 He suffered a hairline fracture of the right index finger. 脚踝 [名] ankle; [例句]他摔了一跤,扭伤了脚踝。 He fell and sprained his ankle 问题四:脚踝的英语怎么念浅的英语怎么念膝盖的英语怎么念 quite the same ones in physical person but they were so identical one with another that it inevitably 问题五:我把脚扭伤了英语怎么说 I broke my ankle (脚踝) 问题六:脚腕的翻译,怎么用英语翻译脚腕,脚腕用英语怎么说 靴子 bootRiding boots :马靴Ankle Boots:短靴,也就是及脚踝的靴子High Leg Boots:高筒靴脚踝的靴子Lace up boots:系鞋带的靴子Over knee boots:过膝靴Studded Boots:铆钉靴Wedge Boots:坡跟靴Buckle Boots:有扣带的靴子 问题七:脚踝骨的旁边,还有一点淤血.英文怎么说 The ankle bone side, there is a little congestion 脚踝骨的旁边,还有一点淤血
2023-05-28 17:02:131


结尾是“le“的英语单词:answerable 可回答的、ankle 踝、angle 角度、able 有能力的、acceptable 合意的、addle 使糊涂、adorable 可爱的、agile 敏捷的。一、ankle英 [ˈæŋkl]   美 [ˈæŋkl]  n.踝;踝关节He fell and sprained his ankle. 他摔了一跤,扭伤了脚踝。二、able英 [ˈeɪbl]   美 [ˈeɪbl]  adj.能;能够;有才智的;有才能的They seemed able to work together very efficiently. 他们看来能很有效率地合作。三、addle英 [ˈædl]   美 [ˈædl]  v.使不能清晰地思考;使糊涂Problems that addle my brain. 问题把我的大脑搞糊涂了。四、adorable英 [əˈdɔːrəbl]   美 [əˈdɔːrəbl]  adj.可爱的;讨人喜爱的We have three adorable children. 我们有3个可爱的孩子。五、agile英 [ˈædʒaɪl]   美 [ˈædʒl]  adj.(动作)敏捷的,灵活的;(思维)机敏的,机灵的You need to have agile fingers to do this kind of work. 你需要有灵巧的手指来做这类工作。
2023-05-28 17:02:361

街球中的ankle breaker什么概念?解释具体点,谢谢!

ankle指膝盖。 顾名思义,就是把膝盖晃倒咯 ankle breaker就是指很会晃人的人。 谢谢!
2023-05-28 17:02:561


2023-05-28 17:03:033


扭伤英语是sprain。A sprain or wrench,as of an ankle.扭伤,如踝关节Well, it could be a simple sprain. But I think to be on the safe side we ought to have it X-rayed.喝,这可能是单纯的扭伤。不过我看为保险起见我们应该给它透视一下。twist suddenly so as to sprain.突然的扭曲以致扭伤。Rick a muscle in one"s back扭伤背肌give sb."s back a wrick扭伤某人背脊Give one"s neck a rick = have a rick in one"s neck扭伤脖子(的筋)Injure(one"s ankle,shoulder,etc)by twisting扭伤(踝、肩等)wrench sb."s back扭伤某人的背I sprain my ankle.我扭伤踝骨How did you sprain your ankle?你怎么扭伤你的脚跟?
2023-05-28 17:03:101


摔了一跤英语如下:Fell down 。双语例句1他摔了一跤,差一点把全部展品碰翻。He fell and just missed knocking the whole display over. 2她那麻木了的腿一软,她便重重地摔了一跤。Her numb leg gave way beneath her and she stumbled clumsily. 3她的脚在湿地板上一滑,重重地摔了一跤。Her foot skidded on the wet floor and she fell heavily. 4她摔了一跤,眼睛上方起了一个包,挺疼的。The fall left her with a painful swelling above her eye. 5她摔了一跤,把头磕破了。She had fallen and cut her head open. 6我摔了一跤,把膝盖擦破了。I grazed my knee when I fell. 7她笨重地摔了一跤,摔断了踝关节。She fell awkwardly and broke her ankle. 8我摔了一跤,把脚脖子扭了。I stumbled and sprained my ankle. 9他摔了一跤,扭伤了脚踝。He fell and sprained his ankle. 10我不知道他是和人家打架了,还是仅仅摔了一跤。I couldn"t tell if he had been in a fight or had just fallen down。
2023-05-28 17:03:361

twisted ankle是什么意思

2023-05-28 17:03:531