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足球规则介绍 中英文都要(简短)

2023-05-28 21:54:00






The game is divided into two teams, each team has 11 players (generally, each team is allowed to replace three substitute players during the game), and one goalkeeper must be included.

 The game is 90 minutes, divided into the first half and the second half, each half 45 minutes. The break time between the first half and the second half shall not exceed 15 minutes. There is one chief referee and two sideline referees in the game. 

In each half court, the chief referee can make up time according to the injury on the field and the time spent in changing players.

If the game has to be decided, then if the two teams draw within 90 minutes, the first half and the second half are 15 minutes of extra time. If they still draw, the penalty kick will be used to determine the winner or loser.









The rules of football match are formulated and revised by the Council of International Football Association (IFAB), which are the rules that must be followed in regular football matches.


Five meters (yards) from the inside of each goal post, draw two lines perpendicular to the goal line.


These lines extend into the field of play. Five meters (or yards) and connect to a line parallel to the goal line.


The area woven by these lines and goal lines is the free throw area.











Fairplay in football

Basics of football

The Laws of the Game-Field of play

The ball

Number of players



The referee adjudicates the match in collaboration with two linesmen (properly referred to as ‘referee"s assistants") and a fourth official, situated on the touchline, if necessary. The referee"s tasks include acting as a timekeeper (although with advice on the amount of ‘injury time" to be added on to the 45 minutes each half to compensate for injuries and other stoppages), awarding free kicks and penalties and generally dealing with anything requiring a ruling. Can also choose to allow play to proceed in case of a foul, providing there is an ‘advantage" to be gained by the team against which the foul has been committed.

Assistant referees

Follow play from their respective touch lines and help to decide on throw-ins, corner kicks and goalkicks along with offside decisions (although naturally the referee has the final say). Can also draw the referee"s attention and advise on or alert him/her to any on-field activity, which can influence all manner of decisions. To signify their decision or grab the referee"s attention, they wave a brightly coloured small flag, which they keep at all times.

Duration of the match

The match officially lasts 90 minutes, split into two 45-minute halves with a half-time interval of no longer than 15 minutes.

In the knock-out stages of competitions, extra-time is used if there is no winner after 90 minutes. This extra period is 30 minutes, split into two 15 minute halves. If extra-time does not find a winner, then a penalty shoot-out takes place, where five players from each team are selected and alternate shots on goal from the penalty spot against the opposition goalkeeper. In that instance, the team with the most successful penalties is declared the winner. If they are still tied then they will move on to sudden-death penalties, where each team will take one penalty until one of the two sides has scored move than the other after the side amount of spot kicks.

Start and restart of play

A coin toss takes place just before the game starts, the winner of which will get the choice of choosing which end to attack or whether to kick-off. Should they choose to kick-off then the other captain will be allowed elect which end to attack in the first half. Should the winner decide to choose which end to attack then the loser can choose whether to kick-off in the first or second half.

The kick-off is also used after a goal has been scored, the task befalling the team who has conceded, and for both halves of extra-time.

At the kick-off, players from each side must all be in their half of the field. The actual kick-off takes place on the centre spot in the centre circle. The player who kicks off cannot touch it again until another player has made contact.


A team can only score if the whole ball crosses the goal line between the goalposts. The winner is the team who scores more goals, except in a competition where the ‘away goals" rule applies. The ‘away goals" rule means that, if a team scores a goal away from their home stadium, the goal counts extra (therefore, a 1-1 scoreline would mean the away team wins).


The perennial problem for newcomers to football is understanding the offside rule. This is made somewhat harder by the fact there are two elements to offsides in football; being in an offside position, and committing an offside offence.

To be in an offside position is to be closer to the opponent"s goal than the last opposition outfield player (therefore excluding the goalkeeper) and the ball. However, to commit an offside offence is to have the ball played forward towards you while in that position. As such, you can be in an offside position and not commit an offside offence.

弧线球 足球运动技术名词。指使球呈弧线运行的踢球技术。足球在运行中,由于强烈旋转,使两侧的空气发生差异而形成。由于球呈弧线形运行,故俗称“香蕉球”。踢弧线球时,脚击球的部位应偏离球的重心。常用于绕过位于传球路线中间的防守队员,或射门中迷惑守门员,使之产生错误判断。罚直接任意球时,用弧线球射门已是得分的一种重要方法。

鱼跃扑球 足球技术名词。守门员的一种难度较高的扑球技术。以与球同侧的一脚用力蹬地,异侧腿屈膝提摆,使身体跃出腾空扑球。因是腾身侧面跃出,增大了控制的范围,故能扑出用其他动作难以扑到的球。

清道夫 足球比赛中承担特定防守任务的拖后中卫之别称。1966年第8届世界足球锦标赛,在“固守稳攻”的战术思想影响下,为了加强防守,于后卫线后面安排一个队员,其职责是只守不攻,执行单一的补位防守任务,“打清”攻到本方球门前的来球,因而得名。

自由人 足球比赛“一三三三”阵型中拖后中卫的别称。防守是无固定的看守对象,可机动灵活地补位救险,从而使其他队员,特别是3个后卫在盯人时无后顾之忧。是清道夫踢法的发展,不仅要守,而且要伺机插入进攻第一线。根据职责,要求担当“自由人”的队员技术全面,战术意识强,比赛经验丰富,是组织、指挥防守的核心。

全攻全守 足球运动战术之一。一个队除守门员之外的10名队员都在进攻和防守的职责,称为“全攻全守”。根据比赛中攻与守的需要,每个队员都可到任何一个位置上发挥这一位置队员的作用。这一战术打破了阵式对队员的束缚,能充分调动和发挥队员的积极性的才能。同时,对队员在身体素质、技术、战术和意志品质、战斗作风诸方面,也提出了更高的要求。1974年第10届世界足球锦标赛中,出现了这种打法,被誉为国际足球史上的第三次变革。

下底传中 足球运动进攻战术之一。指边线进攻中,通过个人带球突破,或集体配合把球推到对方端线附近,然后长传至对方球门前的战术方法。攻方在快速推进中,常乘对方防线阵脚未稳时,采用此法中间包抄以射门得分。

外围传中 也称“45°角传中”。足球运动进攻战术之一。当攻方有球队员在边线附近与对方球门约成45°角的地区时,用过顶长传把球传向处于对方罚球区附近的同伴,供同伴用头顶球连续进攻,称为“外围传中”。尤其在守方队员已及时退回,且密集在球门前30—40米的地区,通向对方球门的路已被封住,或攻方有身材高大、争顶球能力强的前锋队员时,动用这种打法可取得较好的效果。

交叉换位 足球运动战术术语。比赛中进攻队员为了摆脱对方的防守,在跑动中左右换位的战术配合方法。最常见的有:左侧的队员疾跑至右侧的队员前接球,右侧队员传球后,交叉跑到左侧位置。这一战术配合改变了队员只在本位置范围内活动的踢法,使之战术更变化多端。

长传突破 足球运动进攻战术之一。运用远距离传球突破对方防线的战术方法。当代足球比赛中,多用于快速反击时。防守队员在本方球门前抢截得球,利用对方压上进攻后不及回防的时机,长传给突前的同伴,以突破对方的防线。

插上进攻 足球运动进攻战术之一。指位于第二、第三线的前卫、后卫队员,插入第一线参加进攻的战术方法。因有纵深距离,故容易摆脱对方的防守,且第二、第三线队员的插上具有较大的隐蔽和突然性。因此,更具威胁性。后卫插入前锋线直接参加进攻是全攻全守战术的一个重要标志。

区域防守 足球运动防守战术之一。每一队员根据位置划分一定的防守区域,在划定的范围内,主要采用站位的防守方法,而不紧逼盯人。这使进攻队传接球比较容易,且在同一区域内出现两个以上进攻队员时,防守就感困难。这一防守战术比较被动,已不能适应足球运动发展的需要,现已很少采用。

补位 足球运动战术术语。比赛中集体防守的一种配合方法。指防守中本队一个队员被对手突破时,另一队员前去封堵。两人补位是集体防守配合的基础。防守队员相互间保持适当的距离和角度,是进行及时补位的前提。过去主要指后卫线队员防守时的配合。当代足球采用全攻全守战术,补位的内容也有了相应的发展。担任锋与卫的队员之间在一次进攻中相互位置交换,也成为补位的重要内容之一,从而对补位队员的技术战术意识提出了更高的要求。

密集防守 防守战术之一。球门前的30米区域常被称为“危险地带”。比赛中,双方为了稳固防守,往往组织相当多的人把守这一区域,形成密集状态,以加强保护,减少空隙,阻住对方的突破,称为密集防守战术。

造越位 是一种防守战术。根据规则:进攻队员在接球时,如与对方端线之间防守队不足2人时则为越位。防守队员利用这一规定,在对方传球中,另一队员将触及球的瞬间,突然向前一跑,造成对方接球队员与本方端线之间有一个防守队员的局面,使对方越位犯规。

反越位战术 这是针对对方“造越位”战术而采取的一种进攻战术。当进攻队员觉察到防守者用制造越位的战术破坏本方的进攻时,及时改变传球方向,让在后面的队员插上接球或自己直接带球快速推进射门,从而使对方退防不及。

篱笆战术 也称人墙战术。在自己门前危险区域内,当对方罚任意球时,几个防守队员并排成“人篱笆”,以帮助守门员封住对方射门的部分角度。

撞墙式 比赛中进攻时的一种过人战术,即形成两人过一人局面时,二人一传一切,接球再传者一次出球,使传球者传来的球像撞在墙上一样,从而加快过人速度,故名。




Football is the world"s most popylar sport. We play football at the playground. We also have fun when we play football. We also call it soccer.


Our students must do exercises everyday to stay healthy, and I"ve found that play football is a very good way to stay healthy. Football players must be rugged.


It"s one of the most popular sports all over the world. We can run on the ground for a long time and we also can prove our friendship with the members of our team.


More and more people like watching football matches. They can"t sleep or eat when their teams are playing. They shout for their players. I think many Chinese football players have done better match after match. 


But we will have a long way to go to Asia and to the world. We should learn from foreign teams. Foreign players and coaches must be invited. Dalian Wanda, Shanghai Shenhua and Guangdong Apollo are among the best teams.


I love playing football, because I can play football to stay healthy, football is a good sport.



kick-off 开球

bicycle kick, overhead kick 倒钩球

chest-high ball 平胸球

corner ball, corner 角球

goal kick 球门球

ground ball, grounder 地面球

hand ball 手触球

header 头球

penalty kick 点球

spot kick 罚点球

free kick 罚任意球

throw-in 掷界外球

ball handling 控制球

block tackle 正面抢截

body check 身体阻挡

bullt 球门前混战

fair charge 合理冲撞

chesting 胸部挡球

close-marking defence 钉人防守

close pass, short pass 短传

consecutive passes 连续传球

deceptive movement 假动作

diving header 鱼跃顶球

flying headar 跳起顶球

dribbling 盘球

finger-tip save (守门员)托救球

clean catching (守门员)跳球抓好

flank pass 边线传球

high lobbing pass 高吊传球

scissor pass 交叉传球

volley pass 凌空传球

triangular pass 三角传球

rolling pass, ground pass 滚地传球

slide tackle 铲球

clearance kick 解除危险的球

to shoot 射门

grazing shot 贴地射门

close-range shot 近射

long drive 远射

mis**t 未射中

offside 越位

to pass the ball 传球

to take a pass 接球

spot pass 球传到位

to trap 脚底停球

to intercept 截球

to break through, to beat 带球过人

to break loose 摆脱

to control the midfield 控制中场

to disorganize the defence 破坏防守

to fall back 退回

to set a wall 筑人墙

to set the pace 掌握进攻节奏

to ward off an assault 击退一次攻势

to break up an attack 破坏一次攻势

ball playing skill 控球技术

total football 全攻全守足球战术

open football 拉开的足球战术

off-side trap 越位战术

wing play 边锋战术

shoot-on-sight tactics 积极的抢射战术

time wasting tactics 拖延战术

Brazilian formation 巴西阵式, 4-2-4 阵式

four backs system 四后卫制

four-three-three formation 4-3-3 阵式

four-two-four formation 4-2-4 阵式

red card 红牌(表示判罚出场)

yellow card 黄牌(表示警告)



Not kicking, can not touch the ball (except goalkeeper)




Fairplay in football

Basics of football

The Laws of the Game-Field of play

The ball

Number of players



The referee adjudicates the match in collaboration with two linesmen (properly referred to as ‘referee"s assistants") and a fourth official, situated on the touchline, if necessary. The referee"s tasks include acting as a timekeeper (although with advice on the amount of ‘injury time" to be added on to the 45 minutes each half to compensate for injuries and other stoppages), awarding free kicks and penalties and generally dealing with anything requiring a ruling. Can also choose to allow play to proceed in case of a foul, providing there is an ‘advantage" to be gained by the team against which the foul has been committed.

Assistant referees

Follow play from their respective touch lines and help to decide on throw-ins, corner kicks and goalkicks along with offside decisions (although naturally the referee has the final say). Can also draw the referee"s attention and advise on or alert him/her to any on-field activity, which can influence all manner of decisions. To signify their decision or grab the referee"s attention, they wave a brightly coloured small flag, which they keep at all times.

Duration of the match

The match officially lasts 90 minutes, split into two 45-minute halves with a half-time interval of no longer than 15 minutes.

In the knock-out stages of competitions, extra-time is used if there is no winner after 90 minutes. This extra period is 30 minutes, split into two 15 minute halves. If extra-time does not find a winner, then a penalty shoot-out takes place, where five players from each team are selected and alternate shots on goal from the penalty spot against the opposition goalkeeper. In that instance, the team with the most successful penalties is declared the winner. If they are still tied then they will move on to sudden-death penalties, where each team will take one penalty until one of the two sides has scored move than the other after the side amount of spot kicks.

Start and restart of play

A coin toss takes place just before the game starts, the winner of which will get the choice of choosing which end to attack or whether to kick-off. Should they choose to kick-off then the other captain will be allowed elect which end to attack in the first half. Should the winner decide to choose which end to attack then the loser can choose whether to kick-off in the first or second half.

The kick-off is also used after a goal has been scored, the task befalling the team who has conceded, and for both halves of extra-time.

At the kick-off, players from each side must all be in their half of the field. The actual kick-off takes place on the centre spot in the centre circle. The player who kicks off cannot touch it again until another player has made contact.


A team can only score if the whole ball crosses the goal line between the goalposts. The winner is the team who scores more goals, except in a competition where the ‘away goals" rule applies. The ‘away goals" rule means that, if a team scores a goal away from their home stadium, the goal counts extra (therefore, a 1-1 scoreline would mean the away team wins).


The perennial problem for newcomers to football is understanding the offside rule. This is made somewhat harder by the fact there are two elements to offsides in football; being in an offside position, and committing an offside offence.

To be in an offside position is to be closer to the opponent"s goal than the last opposition outfield player (therefore excluding the goalkeeper) and the ball. However, to commit an offside offence is to have the ball played forward towards you while in that position. As such, you can be in an offside position and not commit an offside offence.

弧线球 足球运动技术名词。指使球呈弧线运行的踢球技术。足球在运行中,由于强烈旋转,使两侧Fairplay in football

Basics of football

The Laws of the Game-Field of play

The ball

Number of players



The referee adjudicates the match in collaboration with two linesmen (properly referred to as ‘referee"s assistants") and a fourth official, situated on the touchline, if necessary. The referee"s tasks include acting as a timekeeper (although with advice on the amount of ‘injury time" to be added on to the 45 minutes each half to compensate for injuries and other stoppages), awarding free kicks and penalties and generally dealing with anything requiring a ruling. Can also choose to allow play to proceed in case of a foul, providing there is an ‘advantage" to be gained by the team against which the foul has been committed.

Assistant referees

Follow play from their respective touch lines and help to decide on throw-ins, corner kicks and goalkicks along with offside decisions (although naturally the referee has the final say). Can also draw the referee"s attention and advise on or alert him/her to any on-field activity, which can influence all manner of decisions. To signify their decision or grab the referee"s attention, they wave a brightly coloured small flag, which they keep at all times.

Duration of the match

The match officially lasts 90 minutes, split into two 45-minute halves with a half-time interval of no longer than 15 minutes.

In the knock-out stages of competitions, extra-time is used if there is no winner after 90 minutes. This extra period is 30 minutes, split into two 15 minute halves. If extra-time does not find a winner, then a penalty shoot-out takes place, where five players from each team are selected and alternate shots on goal from the penalty spot against the opposition goalkeeper. In that instance, the team with the most successful penalties is declared the winner. If they are still tied then they will move on to sudden-death penalties, where each team will take one penalty until one of the two sides has scored move than the other after the side amount of spot kicks.

Start and restart of play

A coin toss takes place just before the game starts, the winner of which will get the choice of choosing which end to attack or whether to kick-off. Should they choose to kick-off then the other captain will be allowed elect which end to attack in the first half. Should the winner decide to choose which end to attack then the loser can choose whether to kick-off in the first or second half.

The kick-off is also used after a goal has been scored, the task befalling the team who has conceded, and for both halves of extra-time.

At the kick-off, players from each side must all be in their half of the field. The actual kick-off takes place on the centre spot in the centre circle. The player who kicks off cannot touch it again until another player has made contact.


A team can only score if the whole ball crosses the goal line between the goalposts. The winner is the team who scores more goals, except in a competition where the ‘away goals" rule applies. The ‘away goals" rule means that, if a team scores a goal away from their home stadium, the goal counts extra (therefore, a 1-1 scoreline would mean the away team wins).


The perennial problem for newcomers to football is understanding the offside rule. This is made somewhat harder by the fact there are two elements to offsides in football; being in an offside position, and committing an offside offence.

To be in an offside position is to be closer to the opponent"s goal than the last opposition outfield player (therefore excluding the goalkeeper) and the ball. However, to commit an offside offence is to have the ball played forward towards you while in that position. As such, you can be in an offside position and not commit an offside offence.

弧线球 足球运动技术名词。指使球呈弧线运行的踢球技术。足球在运行中,由于强烈旋转,使两侧


reference 和referee 有什么区别?

一、用法不同reference的用法和资料及书籍相关,而referee的用法和人员相关,这是最本质的区别。1、referencen. 说到(或写到)的事;提到;谈及;涉及;参考;查询;查阅;(帮助或意见的)征求,征询v. 查阅;参考;给(书等)附参考资料2、refereen. (某些体育比赛的)裁判,裁判员;介绍人;推荐人;仲裁员;调解人v. 担任裁判;裁判;审阅,鉴定(专业性强的文章)二、单数及复数形式不同1、reference第三人称单数: references 复数: references2、referee第三人称单数: referees 复数: referees三、分词不同1、reference现在分词: referencing 过去式: referenced 过去分词: referenced2、referee现在分词: refereeing 过去式: refereed 过去分词: refereed
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分类: 教育/科学 >> 出国/留学 解析: 一楼说的不对 是推荐人 一般申请学校要求有两到三封推荐信的 一般是你的大学的老师,院系领导或者学校的某个很牛的和你专业有关的教授什么的写这推荐信的人就叫referee
2023-05-28 21:18:501


referrer是推荐人,介绍人,提到某人的人。释义:n.裁判员;调解人;介绍人;vi.仲裁;担任裁判;vt.为…当裁判;调停复数:referees;第三人称单数:referees;现在分词:refereeing;过去式:refereed;过去分词:refereed。短语:assistant referee:助理裁判员;助理裁判;边裁;即旁证。词性变化:1、refer的基本意思是“提及”,指直接地、有意地、明确地提到某事。含有说话人有资格对某事作出判断的意味。refer也可作“查阅”解,指顺便地查阅或对问题的某一点翻查权威资料,还可作“归于”解。2、refer无论作不及物动词还是及物动词一般都须与介词to搭配。refer to表示“查阅,参考”“提到,提及”“对…而言,适用于”;refer…to则表示“把…提交给…”“把…归功于…”“把…称作…”。refer近义词:cite,英 [saɪt],美 [saɪt];vt.引用;传讯;表扬;举(例)。形容词:citable;过去式:cited;过去分词:cited;现在分词:citing;第三人称单数:cites。cite的基本意思是“引用”或“举例”。指引用权威的理论或言论来支持自己的论点或供他人参考,也指举出实例或强有力的证据来作为自己论点的论据和证明。
2023-05-28 21:18:571


referee的读音是:[ˌrefəˈriː],翻译成中文的意思是:裁判员,更多常见释义如下:1、 裁判员;调解人;介绍人。2、仲裁;担任裁判。3、 为当裁判;调停。例句:The referee"s license was revoked for serious misconduct.这位裁判因严重的违规操作而被吊销相关执照。Officials include a referee , judges and a timekeeper.裁判人员包括一名台上裁判员、若干台下评判员和一名计时员。He was ruled offside by the referee .他被裁判判为越位。Who"s going to referee the basketball match? 谁将担任这场篮球赛的裁判?The referee declared the game to be a tie.裁判员宣布比赛不分胜负。
2023-05-28 21:19:451


referee的意思介绍人,推荐人referee是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“裁判员;调解人;介绍人”,作及物动词时意思是“为…当裁判;调停”,作不及物动词时意思是“仲裁;担任裁判”。短语搭配second referee副裁判 ; 第二裁判员foul referee配合裁判Race Referee裁判长 ; 针对裁判双语例句1、Referee, what do you think of my performance?裁判, 你看我的表现怎么样啊?2、But the referee did not see the Bowyer challenge, and I did not see it at the time either, so you have to accept that.但是当时裁判并没有看到鲍耶的犯规,我当时也没有看到,所以你不得不接受这一点。
2023-05-28 21:20:051


"被推荐人姓名:XXX " 这句话用英文怎么翻译,是写在推荐信上的 Remended name:XXX 请问各位高手(推荐人)的英文翻译是不是REFEREE introducer 是介绍人的意思。 Referee 是裁判的意思。 remend是推荐,remended总的来说,可以说是推荐人吧。 希望我的答案可以帮到你,谢谢。 如果你喜欢的话,请给分吧,谢谢。 —— 大黄、 “推荐人”用英语怎么说? academic reference 英语翻译:你能够作为我的推荐人吗? 参考如下: Would you please be my referee? 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 “推荐人”英文是什么?简写/缩写是什么?谢谢 academic reference 或者 remended by:由谁推荐remender 也指推荐人 推荐用英语怎么说 1、mend:推荐合格的或令人满意的事物 【例如】I can mend it to him as a realistic courseof action. 我可以把这作为一个切实可行的处理方法推荐给他。 2、nominate:提名为候选人 【例如】The public will be able to nominatecandidates for awards such as the MBE. 公众将可以推荐诸如英帝国勋章之类的奖项的候选人。 3、remend:公开介绍给别人 【例如】I have just spent a holiday there and wouldremend it to anyone... 我刚刚在那里度过假,很想把它推荐给每一个人。 4、indroduce:首次引荐给别人 【例如】Someone introduced me to him and I sat nextto him... 有人向他引荐了我,我就挨着他坐下了。 推荐位用英语怎么说 推荐位_有道词典 推荐位 featured first更多释义>> [网络短语] 推荐位 Featured First;posid;position 首页推荐位 Home Page Featured 编辑推荐位 place in editor"s remendations 详细用法>> 英文推荐信中 被推荐人的名字是用名还是用姓? D Mary ZHANG ZHANG全部大写 在之后的文中提到该学生的名字是写名呢还是写姓呢? ----都可以的,无所谓 怎样用英语介绍人 Hi, this is XX. I am from China. I like playing dancing and hangng out with my friend. I am not a student in XX student. I am gladto meet you.
2023-05-28 21:20:401


一直想知道一个问题,裁判SB用英语怎么说 一直想知道一个问题,裁判SB的英文翻译_百度翻译 一直想知道一个问题,裁判SB Always wanted to know a question, referee SB 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译裁判的英文怎么说? referee n. (比赛的)裁判员judge n. 裁判员 (比赛中决定胜负的裁判员) 裁判 英文怎么说 referee 比较正规 裁判怎么用英语说比赛结束 stop 体育比赛中裁判英语怎么说 1)在运动中: referee 和 umpire 都指执行规则并且解决争议点的执法人 umpire 尤指在棒球中被指定裁定比赛的人 referee 指篮球、足球、曲棍球、橄榄球、台球、拳击、摔交等项目的裁判员 2)在法律上: umpire 是指指定来解决仲裁人未能解决的事务的人 Referee 是法庭指定来对一个案件作决定或作调查汇报的律师 请裁判员代表上台宣誓 英文怎么说请ば夹T嘶峥 On behalf of the referee, the oath of office。
2023-05-28 21:20:581


[ref] = reference / refer to = 参考 参照;参考文献;出处 参考: Yahoo! Dictionary REF or Ref is a three-letter abbreviation that may refer to: Reference something that refers to something else Referee in sports Reform Party in politics The Ref a film Row echelon form a mathematical matrix construct Rapid Equipping Force a United States Army unit Relative effectiveness factor a measure of the power of an explosive Ref a pseudonym of Belgian ics artist René Follet REF A symbol that me bio-degradeable Better don"t be this abbreviation in single word since this may be too ambiguous. 参考: Wikipedia website ref n. 裁判员 ref 系代表 参考既简写. 如日常英文书信内 时常都会用ref. no. 为代表此信件既编号.以便记录. 参考: 小小心得 「ref」是「原则」的简写。 "ref"唔系原则的简写 而系reference的简写 唔系 应该系refer GE简写
2023-05-28 21:21:051


比赛现场英语怎么说 您好,直接用下面这个就行了:英文原文: Game site 英式音标: [geɪm] [saɪt]美式音标: [ɡem] [saɪt] 比赛现场 的英文是什么? Live from the Game。 Live 有“直播”和“现场”的意思; Game 指的是“比赛”。 现场用英文怎么说? 主要有以下几种: scene 英文注解:The scene of an event is the place where it happened. 例:The area has been the scene of fierce fighting for three months.这个地区是3个月来激烈战斗的现场。 site 英文注解:an important event is the place where it happened. 例句:Scientists have described the Aral sea as the site of the worst ecological disaster on earth.科学家们把咸海描绘成地球上生态环境最差的地方。 locale 英文注解:A locale is a *** all area, for example, the place where something happens or where the action of a book or film is set. 例句:An amusement park is the perfect locale for youngsters to have all sorts of adventures.游乐场是年轻人寻求各种惊险 *** 的绝佳场所。 “现场”英语怎么说 on site 像比赛中的一些现场“评委”用英文怎么说? 请看英文百科全书对这几个词的解释!!一看你就明白,非常详细! Synonyms: judge, arbitrator, arbiter, referee, umpire These nouns denote persons who make decisions that determine or settle points at issue. A judge is one capable of making rational, dispassionate, and wise decisions: In this case, the jury members are the judges of the truth. An arbitrator is either appointed or derives authority from the consent of the disputants: An experienced arbitrator mediated the contract dispute. An arbiter is one whose opinion or judgment is recognized as being unassailable or binding: The critic considered himself an arbiter of fine literature. A referee is an attorney appointed by a court to investigate and report on a case: The referee handled many bankruptcy cases each month. An umpire is a person appointed to settle an issue that arbitrators are unable to resolve: The umpire studied plex tax cases. In sports referee and umpire refer to officials who enforce the rules and settle points at issue. “比赛”用英语怎么说 比赛 [词典] match; petition; contest; tounament; [例句]在第一场比赛中我们和爱尔兰队打平了。 We drew with Ireland in the first game
2023-05-28 21:21:121


2023-05-28 21:21:343


  “这个(进)球不算”用英语怎么说?   1) “用中文”说: This goal is not allowed=The goal is disallowed.   这个球不算。   这叫“用中文学英语”。  用中文学英语,你只“得到”一句对应的英语。忘掉了这句英语,你的“中文意思”就“说不下去了”。   这正是我们多年来习惯“用中文学英语”产生的一种语言表达“尴尬”。   2) “用英语”说:   1.This goal is not allowed (by the referee).   2. Well, when you say:This goal is not allowed(by the referee),you can also say:The goal is disallowed (by the referee).   3. We can also say:The goal was called off by the referee.   4. To allow here means Be acceptable, or Be acknowledged.   “用英语学英语”就是要你养成:  1.英语“发音”是“英语的”,不是“中文发音”(当你习惯性的把读到的英语统统“翻译”成中文的时候,就是“中文发音”);  1.“理解”是“英语的”:想到的是更多的英语同义表达,替换理解,而不是“想到中文是什么”。     欢迎关注我的头条号,我们一起训练用英语学英语,“学”“用”同步,“鱼”“渔”同授,把你学过的英语用起来。
2023-05-28 21:21:421

referee sucks什么意思

2023-05-28 21:22:011


Please call yame metallbearbeitung gmbh , if you need further views for metal work or thread cutting 制定金属加工工作及其它产品的供货单。 When faced with the following situations , the referee will call “ yame ! ” and halt the bout temporarily 当面对下列情况时,主审将喊? yame ! (停) ? ,暂时停止回合赛。 The timing of the bout starts when the referee gives the signal to start , and stops each time the referee calls “ yame ” 每回合比赛时间之计算,开始于主审下令开始的讯号,停止于每次主审喊? yame ? (停) 。 When time is up and scores are equal , or no scores have been awarded , the referee shall call “ yame ” and return to his position 当时间到时,双方得分相同,或都没有得分,主审将喊? yame (停) ?然后回到原位。
2023-05-28 21:22:081


英语口语 频道为网友整理的《英语口语:让你了解真正的足球》,供大家参考学习。   1. 真正的足球 The real football   足球(soccer)迷们坚持认为他们踢的才是真正的“足”球,因为比赛中球员禁止使用双手,大部分时间都是用脚和球接触。而其他球迷不干了,他们觉得只要不是骑在马背上进行的球类比赛,都可以被称为“足”球。实际上,如果你确实对某个圆乎乎的圆球情有独钟,大可以不必在意别人的看法,大胆的叫它足球就是。   2. 站脚助威 Rooting fans   按照约定俗成的惯例,澳式橄榄的球迷被叫做barrackers,为球队呐喊助威的行为被称为barrack。不过现如今说supporter和support的人也是不少。当然,你也可以用follow这个词来表示你是球队的追随者,意为密切关注着球队的一举一动。   在美国,人们会用root这个词来表示对球队的支持,不过切记在澳州千万不要这么说,因为在俚语中这个字眼有相当明显的性暗示。   3. 比赛还是火柴?Match of the day   美国人从来不管比赛叫作match,如果你问美国人买match的票,他们一定晕了。他们一般说game。   4. 比赛场地 Field of dreams   根据比赛类型的不同,比赛场地的类型也有所区别。对于足球和英式橄榄球来说,比赛场地通常被称为field,而对于澳式橄榄球来说,他们的比赛地点叫做ground或者oval。对于最狂热的英式橄榄球迷来说,paddock也是他们喜欢的称呼。   5. 裁判怎么说?Umpire or referee?   裁判一般的叫法有两种,umpire或者 referee。澳式橄榄球里所有的裁判全是umpire,不管他们具体司职何处。而在足球中,场地中间执法裁判的叫作referee,司线裁判叫做 lineman。同样的,英式和美式橄榄球中也存在巡边员,只不过他们叫做touch judge。   6. 教练还是经理?Managing the coach   不管是澳式英式还是美式橄榄球,场下运筹帷幄场上指点江山的教练都叫coach,只有足球教练被称为manager。   7. 得分啦!If you can"t score a goal, kick a behind   想赢下比赛就要比对手获得更多的分数,可是不同的项目对得分的定义真的是五花八门,让人头疼。   如果是射门得分,澳式橄榄球用kick a goal而足球叫score a goal。但和足球一次射门得一分不一样,橄榄球比赛射门成功的队伍将会得到复数的积分(points)。澳式橄榄中的主要方式是射门,而在英式和美式当中是达阵(try),虽说都是橄榄球,想不到这个中的区别还真大啊!
2023-05-28 21:22:141


大运会 the Universiade 倒计时 countdown 开幕式 opening ceremony 闭幕式 ciosing ceremony 吉祥物 mascot 运动员 player 裁判 referee 志愿者 volunteer 英文口号:start Here 还可以写写运动员精神的词,energy 等等
2023-05-28 21:22:212


2023-05-28 21:22:447


Tom is a boy of eight . He and Jim are in the s_ame___ class .Jim is good at M_athmatics___. But TOM is not a good student .He doesn"t like to go to school . He can o_nly___ count from 1 to 10 .One day his teacher has a talk with____ him , "All the boys and girls in our class work hard____.What do you do every day ? Don"t you want to be____ a good boy ?""I watch TV in the evening every day . I know a lot about s_ports____. I amgoing to be a referee . " Tom says."What referee are you going to be ?"the teache asks ."A boxing referee." Tom answers ." Why ?" asks the teacher."Aboxing referee only c_ount_____ from 1 to 10." Tom say.
2023-05-28 21:23:061


The competition ended 比赛结束 不知道的可以在在线翻译网站翻译
2023-05-28 21:23:164


  羽毛球(Badminton)是一项隔着球网,使用长柄网状球拍击打用羽毛和软木制作而成的一种小型球类的室内运动项目。那么,大家对羽毛球的术语有所了解吗?下面是我为大家整理的羽毛球的英语术语,欢迎阅读。   羽毛球的英语术语 1   羽毛球 badminton   换发球 alternate in servint   发球区 half court   发球权 right to serve   左场区 left square   发球犯规 foul hit   右场区 right square   发球违例 faulty serving   反手区 backhand court   交换发球区 alternate courts   中线 midcourt line   直接得分的发球 ace   边线 side boundary   交换发球区 alternate courts   端线 backcourt   发高远球 deep high service   死球 deab bird   前发球场 short service line   打对角线球 cross court shot   单打球场 singles court   封角近网球 crosscourt net fly   双打球场 doubles court   封角近网球 crosscourt flight   双打发球线 doubles service line   右发球区 right service court   高远球 clear   双打发球区 doubles service court   曲线近网球 cross curve net fly   单打发球区 singles service court   单双打边线之间地带 side alley   下蹲防守 crouch defende   双打球场 doubles court   单双打两用球场 combination court   双打发球区 doubles service court   双打发球线 doubles service line   连击 dribble   平抽球,快平球 drive   贴网快平秋 driven flight   吊球 drop   短吊,轻吊,短球 drop shot   吊球 drop spike   发球违例 faulty scrving   换发球,双打中一方轮流发球 alternate in serving boundary   羽毛球的英语术语 2   比赛开始,零比零。Love all, play.   换发球。 Service over.   第二发球。 Second server.   局点14比8. 14 game point 8.   场点出14比6.   14 match point 6.   局点2比2. 2 game point all.   再赛3分,0比0. Setting3 point, love all.   继续比赛13比13. Game not set, 13 all.   局数1比1. One game all.   换球。 Change the shuttle.   重发球。 Play a let.   交换场区。 Changeends.   球触到你了。 You touched the shuttle.   你触网了。 You touched the net.   你击球两次违例。 You hit the shuttle twice. (Double hits)   你拖带球了。 You slung the shuttle.   接发球员违例。 Fault receiver.   发球违例。 Service fault called.   比赛暂停。 Play is suspended.   违例。 Fault.   界外。 Out.   界内。 In.   羽毛球的英语术语 3   球与球拍   racket/bat 球拍   racket head 拍头,包括拍框和拍面   face of racket/racket face 拍面(拍弦面)   frame of racket 拍框   handle of racket 拍柄   shaft 拍杆   throat 拍颈(连接喉)   shuttle/shuttlecock 羽毛球   feather 羽毛   cork base 球托(羽毛球的软木部分)   crown of feathers 羽毛圈(羽毛球的羽毛部分)   broken shuttle 坏球   plastic shuttle 塑料羽毛球   场地用语   1、关于场区   court 球场   combination court 单打、双打合用的球场   doubles court 双打球场   singles court 单打球场   backcourt 后场   backcourt player 后场球员   forecourt 前场   forecourt player 前场球员   singles service court 单打发球区   doubles service court 双打发球区   service court 发球区   left court 左场区   left service court 左发球区   right court 右场区   right service court 右发球区   alley 单打与双打之间的场区   back alley 单打端线和双打端线之间的细长地带   2、关于场地线条   back boundary line/backcourt boundary 端线(单打后发球线)   base line 端线   centre line/mid court line 中线   side line/side boundary line 边线   inside side line (单双打线都有的"场地)单打边线   outside side line (单双打线都有的场地)双打边线   corners of backcourt 后场两角   doubles service line 双打发球线   front service line/short service line 前发球线   rear service line/long service line (双打)后发球线   rear court 后场   net post 网柱   net tape/white tape/band网顶白布条   击球技术   1、关于握拍   forehand 正拍   backhand 反拍   grip 握拍   backhand grip 反手握拍   forehand grip 正手握拍   2、关于击球动作与球路   backswing 引拍(准备击球)   deception 假动作   preliminary feint (发球时的)假动作   delivery of service 发球动作   full strike 全力击球   full swing 全力挥拍   high backhand stroke 上手反拍击球   overhand stroke 上手球(高于手部的击球)   overhead stroke 头顶球(位于头顶的击球)   round-the-head stroke 绕头顶击球   shoulder-high drive 与肩齐高的平抽球   side-arm stroke 侧手球(回击位于身体侧面的球)   underhand stroke 下手球   strike 击(球)   intercept 截击   cut 切球   smash杀球   forehand smash 正手杀球   backhand smash 反手杀球   around the head smash 过顶杀球   consecutive kill 连续扣杀   drive 平抽球   return 回球   retrieve 救球   rushing ①冲上网 ②扑球   sliding step 滑步   footwork 步法   drop shot 吊球   net play 网前击球(技术)   net shot网前放小球、网前搓球   net Kill 网前扑球   net lift 网前挑球(推后场)   clear 平高球   high clear 高远球   cross-court 斜线球   deep shot 深球(打到对方底线附近的球)   drive 平抽球   driven clear 平抽高球   drop shot 吊网前球   lift 近网挑球   hairpin shot “夹发针”球(在网前贴近地面的轻挑短球)   low shot 低平球   straight 直线球   descent (球)下降   flight (球)飞行   3、关于发接发   high serve 发高球   deep high service/long high service 发高远球   low serve 发网前球   short low service 发短低球(刚到前发球线的小球)   flick serve 发平高球(比高远球要低些,比低平球要高些)   drive serve/flat service 发低平球(比平高球要低些)   serve deep 发深球(发至后场的球)   long service 发远球(发至后场的球)   return of service 接发球   4、其它   abnormal flight (球)飞行不正常   accuracy of placement 落点的准确性   miss 击球未中   战术用语   front and back (双打)前后站位打法(常用于混双)   rotation system (双打)轮转配合打法   half-court shot 半场球(对付前后站位防守的打法)   defense and fight back防守反击   net game 网前打法   net play 网前打法   pairing (双打)配对   partner (双打)同伴   players" positions 队员方位   规则用语   1、一般规则   game 局(一般一场比赛有三局)   game point 局点   match 场   match point 场点、赛点(三局两胜制比赛的决胜球)   linesman 司线员   referee 裁判员   service judge 发球裁判员   mixed double 混合双打   men"s singles 男单   men"s doubles 男双   women"s singles 女单   women"s doubles 女双   2、比赛过程   change the server/alternate in serving 换发球   change courts 交换场地   change service courts 互换左右发球区,互换方位   choice of court ends or service 选择场地或发球权   odd number of points 单数分数   even number of points 双数分数   order of service 发球次序   “Love all ,play!” “零比零,开始比赛!”   “Set 2 points!” “再赛两分!”   ace/service ace 发球得分   deuce 局末平分(如男子单打的13平)   in(球)在界内   out(球)在界外   receiving side 接发球一方   second server (旧规则的双打)第二发球   “Service over!” (单打)换发球   3、犯规用语   racket head above the hand 过手(拍框上沿高于手,发球违例)   serving above the waist (过腰,击球点高于腰部的发球,发球违例)   serve from the wrong-service court 发球站错方位   short (发球时的)短球   touch the net 触网   unclean hit 有拖带动作的击球   double hit 连击   fault ①失误 ②犯规   faulty serving 发球违例   foul hit 击球犯规   out of position 站错位   good return 合法还击   good service 合法发球   score cancelled 得分无效   有时间再更新吧,BLOG域名没备份不放了。
2023-05-28 21:23:231

signature of the referee是什么意思

signature of the referee[英][ˈsiɡnitʃə ɔv ðə ˌrefəˈri:][美][ˈsɪɡnətʃɚ ʌv ði ˌrɛfəˈri][体]裁判员签名;
2023-05-28 21:23:301

fer 这个词根.有关的词

TfsfsrsertdgtrdsFr Wswe3313122123
2023-05-28 21:23:403


He"s not only an athlete but also a referee
2023-05-28 21:24:143

曼大的Referee Report Form怎么填?

2023-05-28 21:24:211


2023-05-28 21:24:373


2023-05-28 21:24:4015


2023-05-28 21:24:561


尊敬的用户:您好!卡巴斯基安全部队2013采用创新和世界领先的技术,实时保护用户免遭各类互联网威胁的侵害,同时不会造成系统性能下降。有了安全部队的专业保护,您可以安全地使用在线银行,进行网络购物,而无需担心安全问题。卡巴斯基2013具有以下优势:1.独特的安全支付技术:保护网上金融交易的安全,适用在线银行、在线购物以及使 用支付系统等。2.创新的复合防御体系:整合创新的云技术,保护用户不受新型威胁的侵害。3.保护身份和隐私安全:采用最新的云端数据、反钓鱼技术和安全键盘,保护您的个人数据不被盗取。4.危险网站警告:对搜索结果链接提出安全建议,并拦截恶意网站和钓鱼网站。5.上网管理:确保未成年人网上冲浪、游戏以及访问社交网络的安全。6.安全访问社交网络:确保用户访问社交网络时,不会收到来自好友的可疑链接或恶意软件。另外,如果您没有使用过卡巴斯基,建议您可以登录到官方指定网站 ,点击右上角的“下载专区”,选择下载卡巴斯基产品,可以免费试用卡巴斯基产品,试用期为30天。感谢您对卡巴斯基的支持,祝您工作生活愉快!
2023-05-28 21:25:0415


2023-05-28 21:25:082


1. IT是什么意思? 互联网中IT一词可以说经常被提及,电脑软硬件应用网可以看作是一个IT技术网站,另外大家熟悉的中关村在线、太平洋电脑网、泡泡网等均属于专业的IT门户网站。那么IT是什么意思呢?专业的说,IT是Information Technology英文的缩写,全称含义为“信息技术”涵盖的范围很广,主要包括:现代计算机、网络通讯等信息领域的技术。2. IT是什么意思:it是信息技术领域的统称 电脑软硬件应用网之所以可以说是IT技术网站是因为我们主要是提更电脑技巧、电脑技术以及手机技术等领域的相关文章,因此可以说电脑百事网是IT类型网站,目前互联网中IT网站很多,像一些电脑与手机以及通讯等领域的网站均可统称为IT网站。3. IT是信息技术技术行业的统称,IT实际上有三个层次:第一层是硬件,主要指数据存储、处理和传输的主机和网络通信设备;第二层是指软件,包括可用来搜集、存储、检索、分析、应用、评估信息的各种软件,它包括我们通常所指的ERP(企业资源计划)、CRM(客户关系管理)、SCM(供应链管理)等商用管理软件,也包括用来加强流程管理的WF(工作流)管理软件、辅助分析的DW/DM(数据仓库和数据挖掘)软件等;第三层是指应用,指搜集、存储、检索、分析、应用、评估使用各种信息,包括应用ERP、CRM、SCM等软件直接辅助决策,也包括利用其它决策分析模型或借助DW/DM等技术手段来进一步提高分析的质量,辅助决策者作决策。4. 最后介绍下什么是IT行业? IT行业也是一个比较广泛的行业,在上面我们了解什么是IT,其中也说到主要包括计算机以及网络通讯等领域,所以IT行业就是主要以电脑或者以通讯为主的的行业,比如互联网公司、软硬件开发以及手机通讯公司以及IT产品服务的工作均可成为IT行业。下面我们一起来看一张2010年热门IT职位的统计的图片,从中我们也可以知道IT是什么行业:5. 热门IT职业排行 关于IT是什么意思以及IT是什么行业其实是一个比较笼统的问题,其主要是针对计算机、互联网以及通讯等领域,比如我们在电视中看到的一些电脑培训学校也经常会看相关学校经常会写着顶级IT培训机构,或者一流的IT机构等等,其实对于我们菜鸟朋友来说,只要知道IT是针对信息技术,而信息又离不开计算机与通讯等,这样理解相信就可以很好的理解IT是什么意思了。
2023-05-28 21:25:161


2023-05-28 21:25:241


亲,因为avast提供了安全线的功能 换句话说就是在国内 是禁止使用任何代理软件的。因此会受到屏蔽 从那以后 avast的安全线功能无法在国内 正常使用啰。
2023-05-28 21:25:271


信息技术(IT)就是感测技术、通信技术、计算机技术和控制技术。IT行业是做什么的:1.软件类 :系统分析师、计算机程序设计员、软件测试师、软件项目管理师、系统架构设计师。2.硬件类:计算机维修。3.网络类:网络工程师、网络系统设计师、网络综合布线员、网络建设工程师。4.信息系统类:计算机操作员、信息系统安全师、信息系统管理师、数据库系统管理员、信息系统监理师、信息系统评估师、信息资源开发与管理人员、信息系统设计人员。5.制造类:半导体器件测试工、半导体器件制作工艺师、半导体器件制造工、半导体器件支持工、半导体器件封装工。扩展资料:IT信息技术产业主要包括三个产业部门:①信息处理和服务产业,该行业的特点是利用现代的电子计算机系统收集、加工、整理、储存信息,为各行业提供各种各样的信息服务,如计算机中心、信息中心和咨询公司等。②信息处理设备行业,该行业特点是从事电子计算机的研究和生产(包括相关机器的硬件制造)计算机的软件开发等活动,计算机制造公司,软件开发公司等可算作这一行业。③信息传递中介行业,该行业的特点是运用现代化的信息传递中介,将信息及时、准确、完整地传到目的地点。因此,印刷业、出版业、新闻广播业、通讯邮电业、广告业都可归入其中。信息产业又可分为一次信息产业和二次信息产业,前者包括:传统的传递信息情报的商品与服务手段,后者指为政府、企业及个人等内部消费者提供的服务。
2023-05-28 21:25:331

如何关掉avast! Free Antivirus

2023-05-28 21:25:351


这个饰品在中国快被仿空了吧?阿里巴巴上已经很少看到有人发这个的信息了。你不妨在百度搜索 yiboyo韩国饰品批发 看看他们家的产品如何。
2023-05-28 21:25:372


2023-05-28 21:25:412


2023-05-28 21:25:421

我的avast安装卡在这好长时间了 怎么整

亲,虽然没有相关截图,但是根据判断 用户可能使用了在线安装包,由于国内网络环境非常复杂 所以在某些地区使用avast在线安装包的话 可能无法正常安装 建议断开网络或退出avast后 重启系统 安装avast离线版 或使用其他安全软件。
2023-05-28 21:24:291


亲,从实际体验来说avast免费版很多工具都不适用于国内 比如说 清理工具 家庭网络安全等 因此如果把杂七杂八的去掉之后 和SEST antivirus版都差不多。甚至SEST antivirus比avast更优秀些。
2023-05-28 21:24:232


2023-05-28 21:24:141


information technology 信息技术
2023-05-28 21:24:096


it全称为Internet Technology。是主要用于管理和处理信息所采用的各种技术的总称。主要包括传感技术、计算机与智能技术、通信技术和控制技术。信息技术的普遍应用,是进入信息社会的标志。
2023-05-28 21:23:592


IT是信息技术的简称,Information Technology,指与信息相关的技术。不同的人和不同的书上对此有不同解释。但一个基本上大家都同意的观点是,IT有以下三部分组成:传感技术、通信技术和计算机技术。
2023-05-28 21:23:512


2023-05-28 21:23:5115


Information Technology的简称,即信息技术
2023-05-28 21:23:422


IT是InformationTechnology的缩写,意为“信息技术”,包含现代计算机、网络、通讯等信息领域的技术.IT的普遍应用,是进入信息社会的标志. 应该这样理IT应是一个行业,而这个行业包括了很多不同的职业,这些职业都是和信息技术相关的.其实说到IT(InfomationTechnology-信息技术)包括范围之广,大到包括航天卫星,小到一个公司的打字员都与IT有关,不过我们目前讨论范围初步限于与电脑技术及其行业应用. IT是信息技术的简称,Information Technology,指与信息相关的技术.不同的人和不同的书上对此有不同解释.但一个基本上大家都同意的观点是,IT有以下三部分组成: -----传感技术 这是人的感觉器官的延伸与拓展,最明显的例子是条码阅读器; -----通信技术 这是人的神经系统的延伸与拓展,承担传递信息的功能; -----计算机技术 这是人的大脑功能延伸与拓展,承担对信息进行处理的功能. 所谓信息化是用信息技术来改造其他产业与行业,从而提高企业的效益.在这个过程中信息技术承担了一个得力工具的角色. 顺便说一句何谓IT产业,有一个大致的分类,可以供大家参考: IT基础技术的提供 IC研发、软件编写 如INTEL、MS等 IT技术产品化 元器件、部件、组件制造 如精英、大众等 IT产品集成化 计算机及外设制造商 如联想、IBM IT产品系统化 解决方案、信息系统 如华为、HP IT产品流通 渠道、销售 如神州数码 IT产品服务 咨询服务和售后服务 如蓝色快车 IT产业舆论支持 IT类媒体 如CCW、CCID IT产业第三方服务 各种需要配套的服务 如法律咨询、PR服务 IT后备人员培养 各种院校 如计算机专业 IT产业合作组织 各种协会、集会
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IT技术包括计算机硬件和软件、网络和通讯技术、应用软件开发工具等。计算机和互联网普及以来,人们日益普遍的使用计算机来生产、处理、交换和传播各种形式的信息(如书籍、商业文件、报刊、唱片、电影、电视节目、语音、图形、图像等)。IT技术也常被称为信息和通信技术(Information and Communications Technology, ICT)。主要包括传感技术、计算机与智能技术、通信技术和控制技术。相关内容解释:IT技术具有技术的一般特征——技术性。具体表现为:方法的科学性,工具设备的先进性,技能的熟练性,经验的丰富性,作用过程的快捷性,功能的高效性等。IT技术具有区别于其它技术的特征——信息性。具体表现为:信息技术的服务主体是信息,核心功能是提高信息处理与利用的效率、效益。由信息的秉性决定信息技术还具有普遍性、客观性、相对性、动态性、共享性、可变换性等特性。
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原意在英语中指代物的第三人称单数。另有其他单词的缩写,例如信息技术:Information Technology;即时翻译 instant translation;创新技术innovative technology等。
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