barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-06 08:25:37




scald .如:scald one"s hand with hot fat 热油把手烫伤.

或者用burn也可以.如:The soap is very hot.Don"t burn your mouth.汤很热,别烫着你的嘴.


get burnt

或:be burnt





get burnt!!!












2023-06-05 15:35:5210

i will be burnt是什么意思

这是一个被动语态的句子。I will be burnt。 我会被烧毁掉的。(我会灰飞烟灭的。)
2023-06-05 15:37:292


burn的现在分词是burning。资料扩展:Burn,英文单词,及物动词、不及物动词、名词,作及物动词时意为“燃烧;烧毁,灼伤;激起…的愤怒”,作不及物动词时意为“燃烧;烧毁;发热”,作名词时意为“灼伤,烧伤;烙印,人名;(英)伯恩”。burn的基本意思是“烧”,指“燃烧”(自燃或人为点燃),也可指“烧伤”(各种原因如烧、烫、烤等及各种程度)。引申则可表示“情绪激动”(如怒火中烧)。burn可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词或代词作宾语,有时还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。burn可用于被动结构。burn还可用作系动词,接形容词作表语。burn的过去式和过去分词有两种形式,burned或burnt。英式英语中用作不及物动词或用作比喻时用burned,用作及物动词或形容词时用burnt;美式英语中一般只用burned,只有过去分词作形容词时才用burnt。burn作不及物动词用于现在进行体时,若主语为物,则主动形式含有被动意思。burn的现在分词burning可用作形容词,在句中作表语,后接动词不定式表示“渴望的”“热衷于”。burning也可修饰形容词,带有口语色彩,着重强调。现在分词(英语:present participle),是分词的一种,分词又分为现在分词和过去分词,它们都是非限定动词。现在分词在句子里面不能充当谓语,但能充当其它的一些成分(定语、表语、宾语补足语、状语),并且它们具有动词的性质(可以有自己的宾语和状语),所以又是类动词的一种。
2023-06-05 15:37:361


燃烧 的意思
2023-06-05 15:38:464


因为make是使役动词,大多的动词遇到make就要用原型,burn up 就是一个短语你知道他的意思就好了,学英语不一定要面面俱到,关键还是多读培养语感
2023-06-05 15:39:003

to be burnt

燃烧这个动作是主动的动作,就是Something burns. 所以这个句子用现在分词表主动,如果用burnt则是表被动
2023-06-05 15:40:231

burn的过去时为,过去分词为burnt,burut或者burned,burned ,请问两者有什么区别吗?

2023-06-05 15:40:303


2023-06-05 15:40:383

smell sth.____ (烧糊)```````````` 1.sth.和烧是被动 用BURNT 2.强调正在 用BURNING 哪个对?

2023-06-05 15:40:563


burnt 英[bu025c:nt] 美[bu025c:rnt] adj. 烧伤的; 烧坏的; 烫伤的; 灼伤的; v. 烧毁; 烧坏; (使) 燃烧( burn的过去式和过去分词 ); 使用某物为燃料; [网络] 烧; 烧焦; 烧伤; [例句]I burnt the toast.我把面包烤糊了。
2023-06-05 15:41:241


[ 过去式burned或burnt 过去分词burned或burnt 现在分词burning ] 其实都是对的. 1. 在美国英语中,动词 burn 为规则动词,其过去式和过去分词均为 burned;在英国英语中,动词 burn可以是规则的也可以是不规则的(即可用 burned和burnt)。所以当不考虑英国英语与美国英语的差别时,两者形式常可混用。如:He burned [burnt] the old letters. 他把旧信烧掉了。The house was burned [burnt] to the ground. 房子被烧成了灰烬。2. 用于名词前作定语时,无论在英国英语还是美国英语中,通常都用 burnt。如:Look at the burnt sugar. 瞧这烧焦了的糖。He showed me his burnt finger. 他给看了它烧伤的手指。He had a skin graft on the burnt leg. 他烧伤的腿上做了皮肤移植。另外,作表语时也通常用burnt。如:Your hand looks badly burnt. 你的手好像受了很重的烫伤。
2023-06-05 15:42:425


2023-06-05 15:43:501


2023-06-05 15:44:081


2023-06-05 15:44:261


2023-06-05 15:45:071

burnt 和 burning的区别?

简单说,burnt 已经烧完了. burning 是还在烧. 你只能闻到在烧的东西.,9,可理解成 定语从句something that is burning(正在燃烧的某物),省略了that is.,0,burnt 和 burning的区别 -Oh,dear, I *** ell something____. -God, my fish. A.burnt B.burning 答案是B,为什么,不明白 我查到burnt是烧焦的,burning是燃烧的
2023-06-05 15:45:241

区别burned burnt

2023-06-05 15:45:323

burned burnt区别

1. 在美国英语中,动词 burn 为规则动词,其过去式和过去分词均为 burned;在英国英语中,动词 burn可以是规则的也可以是不规则的(即可用 burned和burnt)。所以当不考虑英国英语与美国英语的差别时,两者形式常可混用。如:He burned [burnt] the old letters. 他把旧信烧掉了。The house was burned [burnt] to the ground. 房子被烧成了灰烬。2. 用于名词前作定语时,无论在英国英语还是美国英语中,通常都用 burnt。如:Look at the burnt sugar. 瞧这烧焦了的糖。He showed me his burnt finger. 他给看了它烧伤的手指。He had a skin graft on the burnt leg. 他烧伤的腿上做了皮肤移植。另外,作表语时也通常用burnt。如:Your hand looks badly burnt. 你的手好像受了很重的烫伤。3. 以上区别也适合于以下各组词:learned / learnt, spoiled / spoilt, smelled / smelt, dreamed /dreamt, spelled / spelt 等。如:He learned [learnt] the poem at school. 他在学校学过那首诗。I dreamed [dreamt] about flying last night. 昨晚我梦见我在飞翔。作定语时通常都用不规则形式。如:Stop acting like spoilt children! 别再像惯坏的孩子那样胡闹了。Look at these misspelt words. 看看这些拼错的单词吧。The spilt milk made a terrible mess on the carpet. 牛奶洒在地毯上弄得一塌糊涂。learned men
2023-06-05 15:45:404

燃烧 英文怎么说

2023-06-05 15:45:471


burningburn的现在分词burning可用作形容词,在句中作表语,后接动词不定式表示“渴望的”“热衷于”。burning也可修饰形容词,带有口语色彩,着重强调。Burn的意思:英文单词,及物动词、不及物动词、名词,作及物动词时意为“燃烧;烧毁,灼伤;激起…的愤怒”,作不及物动词时意为“燃烧;烧毁;发热”,作名词时意为“灼伤,烧伤;烙印,人名;(英)伯恩”。单词发音:英 [bu025c:n]、美 [bu025c:rn]基本用法1、burn的基本意思是“烧”,指“燃烧”(自燃或人为点燃),也可指“烧伤”(各种原因如烧、烫、烤等及各种程度)。引申则可表示“情绪激动”(如怒火中烧)。2、burn可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词或代词作宾语,有时还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。burn可用于被动结构。3、burn还可用作系动词,接形容词作表语。4、burn的过去式和过去分词有两种形式, burned或burnt。英式英语中用作不及物动词或用作比喻时用burned,用作及物动词或形容词时用burnt; 美式英语中一般只用burned,只有过去分词作形容词时才用burnt。5、burn作不及物动词用于现在进行体时,若主语为物,则主动形式含有被动意思。6、burn的现在分词burning可用作形容词,在句中作表语,后接动词不定式表示“渴望的”“热衷于”。burning也可修饰形容词,带有口语色彩,着重强调。7、burn用作名词时有3个意思:①“烧”,指抽象的燃烧动作或状态,是不可数名词; ②“伤”,指烧伤或刺痛,是可数名词; ③“痕”,指烧过或烧伤的痕迹,是可数名词。
2023-06-05 15:45:541

燃烧 英文怎么说

burn burnt/burned burnt /burned
2023-06-05 15:46:1612


burn读音:英 [bu025cu02d0n],美 [bu025cu02d0rn]    v. 燃烧;烧着;烧毁;灼伤;急于n. 烧伤;燃烧过去式: burned/burnt 过去分词: burned/burnt 现在分词: burning 第三人称单数: burnsburn的基本意思是“烧”,指“燃烧”(自燃或人为点燃),也可指“烧伤”(各种原因如烧、烫、烤等及各种程度)。引申则可表示“情绪激动”(如怒火中烧)。burn可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词或代词作宾语,有时还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。burn可用于被动结构。burn例句1、Half the candle had burnt away.蜡烛已烧去一半。2、It"s better to burn out than to fade away!与其慢慢凋谢,不如灿烂燃烧!3、Paper burns easily.纸容易着火。4、He died of the burns he received in the fire.他因在火灾中受烧伤而死。
2023-06-05 15:46:391


原形:burn过去式:burned burnt过去分词:burned burnt现在分词:burningburn的过去式和过去分词,美国多用burned,英国多用burnt。但作不及物时,英国也用burned。有帮助请点好评或者采纳祝你新的一学期学习进步!
2023-06-05 15:46:541


burn的用法与语法 1.可用作及物或不及物动词:He burned her letter.他把她的信烧了.The tea is very hot,and don"t burn you mouth.茶很烫,不要烫伤了嘴巴.Paper burns easily.纸容易燃烧.The meat has burnt.肉煮糊了.有时可指“灯亮” :All the lights are burning.所有的灯都亮着.2.有时用于引申义,表示“有某种强烈的情绪”或“迫切想要”,多用于进行时态:He was burning with anger.他怒气冲天.She was burning to buy a computer.他很想买台电脑.3.构成被动语态时,除可用 be burned 外,有时也用 get burned 的形式:He was thus burned to death by the enemy.他就这样被敌人活活地烧死了.The pudding got burned.布丁煮糊了.4.关于 burned 与 burnt:(1) 美国英语通常只用 burned,只是在用作定语时才用 burnt:He burned his hand on a hot stove.他的手在炉子上烫伤了.The house was burned to the ground.这座房子被烧成灰烬了.Look at the burnt sugar.瞧这烧焦了的糖.(2) 英国英语通常分两种情况:用作不及物动词用时用burned;用作及物动词时用burnt:The fire burned brightly.火烧得很亮.I"ve burnt the dinner.我把饭煮糊了.burn down意为“烧毁”,通常是指建筑物被完全烧塌.如:(1)The school building was burned down in that big fire.在那场大火中,学校大楼被烧毁.(2)The whole village was burned down by the enemy.整个村庄都被敌人烧毁了.【注】burn down作“烧毁”解释时,也可以用作不及物动词.如:(3)The woodshed burned down in half an hour.木棚半小时内被烧毁.【注】burn down还有“火势减弱”之意.如:(4)The fire has burned down to a spark.火已减弱,仅剩一点火星.▲burn up也有“烧毁”“烧掉”之意,但一般不是指建筑物.如:(5)Let"s burn up all this waste paper.咱们把这些废纸都烧掉吧.(6)The fire burned up more than $ 500,000 worth of antiques.这场火烧掉了价值50多万美元的古董.(7)All his books were burned up in the fire.他所有的书都在这场火灾中被焚.(8)Fires burned up 1,800 acres of timber.大火烧毁了1800英亩的木料.【注】burn up还有“烧旺”“烧起来”之意.如:(9)Please put some wood on the fire and make it burn up.请在火上加些木料使它烧旺.【注】burn up亦可作“用光体力”解释.如:(10)His work burned him up.他的工作使他精疲力尽.burn down sth
2023-06-05 15:47:001

问一个词的用法 burn

2023-06-05 15:47:191


Burn的意思:英文单词,及物动词、不及物动词、名词,作及物动词时意为“燃烧;烧毁,灼伤;激起…的愤怒”,作不及物动词时意为“燃烧;烧毁;发热”,作名词时意为“灼伤,烧伤;烙印,人名;(英)伯恩”。单词发音:英 [bu025c:n]、美 [bu025c:rn]基本用法1、burn的基本意思是“烧”,指“燃烧”(自燃或人为点燃),也可指“烧伤”(各种原因如烧、烫、烤等及各种程度)。引申则可表示“情绪激动”(如怒火中烧)。2、burn可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词或代词作宾语,有时还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。burn可用于被动结构。3、burn还可用作系动词,接形容词作表语。4、burn的过去式和过去分词有两种形式, burned或burnt。英式英语中用作不及物动词或用作比喻时用burned,用作及物动词或形容词时用burnt; 美式英语中一般只用burned,只有过去分词作形容词时才用burnt。5、burn作不及物动词用于现在进行体时,若主语为物,则主动形式含有被动意思。6、burn的现在分词burning可用作形容词,在句中作表语,后接动词不定式表示“渴望的”“热衷于”。burning也可修饰形容词,带有口语色彩,着重强调。7、burn用作名词时有3个意思:①“烧”,指抽象的燃烧动作或状态,是不可数名词; ②“伤”,指烧伤或刺痛,是可数名词; ③“痕”,指烧过或烧伤的痕迹,是可数名词。
2023-06-05 15:47:421


2023-06-05 15:48:262


stick stuck stuck不知道 burn burnt burnt 不知道prove proved proved
2023-06-05 15:48:354


小朋友 你在作弊啊 这题不应该你自己解决吗· 楼上的你别害人家啊· 汗了我都·
2023-06-05 15:49:505

pbr and burnt cds 什么意思

pbr and burnt cds[译]PBR和发烧碟 亲,我的回答你满意吗? 如果我的回答对你有用的话, 请采纳一下哦! 采纳之后你也将获得5财富值奖励!
2023-06-05 15:50:032

burnt at stake 怎么理解?

at stakeadv.危如累卵,危险濒于险境,处于成败关头选A
2023-06-05 15:50:112

you cannot burn the candle at both ends的中文意思是什么?

"You cannot burn the candle at both ends" 的中文意思是:你不能两头点蜡烛,意思是不能同时过度劳累或过度工作,否则会对健康和生活造成不良影响。
2023-06-05 15:50:181

The firefighters rushed into the burnt house

2023-06-05 15:50:332


我被太阳晒伤了用英语怎么说 我被太阳晒伤了 I was burnt by the sun. 我被太阳晒伤了 I was burnt by the sun.‘被晒伤"用英文怎么说?求解答 sunburnt 同学您好,如果问题已解决,记得右上角采纳哦~~~您的采纳是对我的肯定~谢谢哦 皮肤晒伤 英语 sunburned 英[u02c8su028cnbu025c:nd] 美[u02c8su028cnbu025c:rnd] adj.晒黑的,日灼的; 例句: I got you. But you"re sunburned? 吓到你了你们被日光晒伤了? Unless you get sunscreen, you will get sunburned. 除非你搽防晒油,不然你会晒伤的。 Administer the salve to the sunburned area with a cotton swab. 请用棉药签把药膏敷在晒伤的地方。 sunburn英[u02c8su028cnbu025c:n] 美[u02c8su028cnbu025c:rn] n.晒伤,晒太阳过量而引起皮肤灼痛; 例句: You"re that sunburn! 你就是那个晒黑的! 我们都被晒伤了英文 我们都被晒伤了 We all got burnt. 我们都被晒伤了 We all got burnt. 我在海边被晒伤了英文 我在海边被晒伤了英文 I was a sunburn at the beach 亲,我的回答你满意吗? 如果我的回答对你有用的话, 请采纳一下哦! 采纳之后你也将获得5财富值奖励! 上周他在海滩上晒伤了用英语怎么翻译 上周他在海滩上晒伤了 He got a sunburn on the beach last week. 上周他在海滩上晒伤了 He got a sunburn on the beach last week.
2023-06-05 15:50:401

什么是past participle?

什么是past participle? Present Participle 表示 active in meaning ; Past Participle 表示 passive in meaning : The man giving the lecture is a DB member. The lecture given by the DB member has caused much controversy. 当 Participle acts as Adjective 及亦作情感上的形容,那么 Present Participle 用来形容 "死物"; Past Participle 用来形容 "人": E.g.: The film was boring E.g.: We were all bored to death. 简单来说,past participle 是一个动词变化型 就是过去分词 如go--> gone cut--> cut want--> wanted 这些 past participle主要用于三个情况 第一 是用于perfect tense 在have has had之后的动词就用past participle 第二个是在被动句(passive voice)里 在be (即am is are was were)之后的动词要用past participle 第三个是将past participle作形容词用 例如: The burnt house is gonig to be rebuilt. 这里burnt是作形容词 解烧过 past participle作形容词有几种用法: 1. 形容被动的事件 如: The window is broken. A stolen car was found yesterday. 2. 形容人的心情: I am delighted. She is interested in opera. 3. 形容已完成的事件: The burnt house (烧过的房屋) the cooked food (煮过的食物)
2023-06-05 15:50:471


初中英语常用不规则动词的过去式与过去分词原形过去式过去分词过去分词词尾有ne或en或ndodiddonegowentgonebeatbeatbeateneatateeatenfallfellfallenblowblewblowndrawdrewdrawndrivedrovedrivengivegavegivengrowgrewgrownknowknewknowntaketooktakenmistakemistookmistakenriseroserisenseesawseenshowshowedshownthrowthrewthrownhidehidhiddenrideroderiddenwritewrotewrittenbreakbrokebrokenchoosechosechosenforgetforgotforgottenfreezefrozefrozenspeakspokespokenstealstolestolenam / iswasbeenarewerebeenflyflewflownlielaylainwearworeworn过去式与过去分词形式相同过去式与过去分词形式相同bringbroughtbroughtbuildbuiltbuiltbuyboughtboughtcatchcaughtcaughtdigdugdugfeelfeltfeltfindfoundfoundgetgotgothanghung / hangedhung / hangedhave / hashadhadholdheldheldkeepkeptkeptlaylaidlaidlearnlearnt / learnedlearnt / learnedleaveleftleftlendlentlentloselostlost原形过去式过去分词hearheard heard makemademademeanmeantmeantmeetmetmetpaypaidpaidsaysaidsaidsellsoldsoldsendsentsentshineshone / shinedshone / shinedsitsatsatsleepsleptsleptsmellsmeltsmeltspendspentspentspillspiltspiltspitspatspatspoilspoiltspoiltstandstoodstoodsweepsweptsweptteachtaughttaughttelltoldtoldthinkthoughtthoughtunderstandunderstoodunderstoodwakewoke / wakedwoken / wakedwinwonwon三个形式全相同costcostcostcutcutcuthithithithurthurthurtletletletputputputread /ri:d/read /red/read /red/setsetsetshutshutshuti-a-u形式beginbeganbegundrinkdrankdrunkringrangrungsingsangsungsinksanksunkswimswamswumbecomebecamebecomecomecamecomerunranrun情态动词cancould-mustmust-willwould-maymight-shallshould-注意区别catch, bring, think, buy, teach这几个词的过去式与过去分词初中英语不规则动词的过去式与过去分词归纳一.过去分词词尾有字母-n1.过去分词由原形加-ne构成do-did-donego-went-gone2.过去分词由原形加-en构成beat-beat-beateneat-ate-eatenfall-fell-fallen3.过去分词由原形加-n构成blow-blew-blowndraw-drew-drawndrive-drove-drivengive-gave-givengrow-grew-grownknow-knew-knowntake-took-takenmistake-mistook-mistakenrise-rose-risensee-saw-seenshow-showed-shownthrow-threw-thrown4.过去分词由原形去字母e后,再双写后面的辅音字母加-en构成(*例外)hide-hid-hiddenride-rode-riddenwrite-wrote-written forget-forgot-forgotten*5.过去分词由过去式加-n构成break-broke-brokenchoose-chose-chosenfreeze-froze-frozenspeak-spoke-spokensteal-stole-stolen6.完全不规则形式am / is-was-beenare-were-beenfly-flew-flownlie-lay-lainwear-wore-worn二.过去式与过去分词形式相同bring-brought-broughtbuild-built-builtbuy-bought-boughtcatch-caught-caughtdig-dug-dugfeel-felt-feltfind-found-foundget-got-gothave / has-had-hadhold-held-heldkeep-kept-kept leave-left-leftlay-laid-laidlend-lent-lentlose-lost-lost pay-paid-paidhear-heard -heard make-made-mademean-meant-meantmeet-met-metsay-said-saidsell-sold-soldsend-sent-sentsit-sat-satsleep-slept-sleptsmell-smelt-smeltspend-spent-spentspill-spilt-spiltspit-spat-spatspoil-spoilt-spoiltstand-stood-stoodsweep-swept-sweptteach-taught-taughttell-told-toldthink-thought-thought win-won-wonunderstand-understood-understoodwake-woke / waked-woken / wakedshine-shone / shined-shone / shined hang-hung / hanged-hung / hanged learn-learnt / learned-learnt / learned三.原形、过去式与过去分词三种形式完全相同cost-cost-costcut-cut-cuthit-hit-hithurt-hurt-hurtlet-let-letput-put-put set-set-setshut-shut-shutread /ri:d/-read /red/-read /red/四.i-a-u变化形式begin-began-begundrink-drank-drunkring-rang-rungsing-sang-sungsink-sank-sunkswim-swam-swum五.过去分词与原形相同come-came-comerun-ran-run become-became-become六.情态动词(没有过去分词形式)can-couldmust-mustwill-wouldmay-mightshall-should
2023-06-05 15:50:554


括号中的动词告诉我们过去发生和现在已经完成的动作,给出这些动词的正确形式。1,what did you buy yesterday?2,up till now ,he has never lent me anything.3. Have you burnt those old papers yet?4,he fought in flanders in the first world war .5,we have just won the match,括号中的动词告诉我们过去正在进行的动作和过去发生的动作,给出正确形式。1,as my father is leaving the house,the postman arrived.2,tom was working in the garden while i was sitting in the sun.3,as i was walking down the street,i met charlie.4,while he was reading the letter ,he heard a knock at the door.5,she was dropping the tray when i spoke to her.
2023-06-05 15:51:021


I burn the toast
2023-06-05 15:51:213

burnt Norton什么意思及意思用法的例句?

  Burnt Norton 烧毁的诺顿I Time present and time past 现在和过去的时光Are both perhaps present in time future,也许都存在于未来之中,And time future contained in time past.且未来的时光包含于过往.If all time is eternally present假如所有时间都永恒存在All time is unredeemable.所有时间都无法履行.What might have been is an abstraction本该如此的是一种抽象Remaining a perpetual possibility维持着永久的可能性,Only in a world of speculation.仅仅在思索的世界里.What might have been and what has been 本该如此的和已经如此的Point to one end,which is always present.指向同一端点,那始终是现在.Footfalls echo in the memory 脚步声回响在记忆里Down the passage which we did not take沿着那条我们没有选择的走廊Towards the door we never opened向着那扇我们从没有开启的门Into the rose-garden.My words echo进入这玫瑰花园.我的话语Thus,in your mind.就这样,回响于你心中.But to what purpose但是为了何种目的Disturbing the dust on a bowl of rose-leaves扰乱了一钵玫瑰叶上的尘埃?I do not know.我不知道.Other echoes其他的回音Inhabit the garden.Shall we follow?栖息于这花园.我们应该跟上吗?Quick,said the bird,find them,find them,快点,鸟儿说,找到他们,找到他们,Round the corner.Through the first gate,转过墙角.穿过那第一道门,Into our first world,shall we follow 进入我们第一个世界,我们是否应该The deception of the thrush?Into our first world.听从那鸫鸟的欺骗?进入我们第一个世界.There they were,dignified,invisible,他们在那里,高贵威严,无影无形,Moving without pressure,over the dead leaves,轻飘飘的移动,于枯死的叶子之上,In the autumn heat,through the vibrant air,在秋日的闷热里,穿过蒸腾的空气,And the bird called,in response to 并且鸟儿鸣叫着,回应The unheard music hidden in the shrubbery,那藏在灌木丛中无声的音乐,And the unseen eyebeam crossed,for the roses无形的眼神扫过,为着玫瑰们Had the look of flowers that are looked at.曾有过现在眼前的花容.There they were as our guests,accepted and accepting.他们在那里,作为客人,被我们接待也接待我们.So we moved,and they,in a formal pattern,所以我们走动着,他们也是,以拘谨的队列,Along the empty alley,into the box circle,沿着空寂的小巷,进入天井(what does box circle mean?),To look down into the drained pool.俯视枯竭了的池塘.Dry the pool,dry concrete,brown edged,干涸的池塘,硬结的水泥,烘焦了的池沿,And the pool was filled with water out of sunlight,池塘里却被从阳光流出的水充满,And the lotos rose,quietly,quietly,莲花升起来,静静的,静静的,The surface glittered out of heart of light,池面从光明的心灵中闪烁着,And they were behind us,reflected in the pool.他们在我们身后,倒映在池中.Then a cloud passed,and the pool was empty.然后一朵云彩飘过,池子空空如也.Go,said the bird,for the leaves were full of children,去吧,鸟儿说,因树叶丛中满是孩子们,Hidden excitedly,containing laughter.兴奋地隐藏着,有着克制的笑声.Go,go,go,said the bird:human kind去吧,去,去,鸟儿说:人类Cannot bear very much reality.无法忍受太多的真实.Time past and time future过去和未来的时光What might have been and what has been本该如此的和已经如此的Point to one end,which is always present.指向同一端点,那始终是现在.
2023-06-05 15:51:271


国内小牌子吧 大牌子没有叫爱神的 只有爱彼
2023-06-05 15:39:551

公主日记里 笨爱神 歌词

Stupid Cupid You're a real mean guy I'd like to clip your wings So you can't fly I am in love and it's a crying shame And I know that you're the one to blame Hey hey Set me freeStupid Cupid Stop picking on meI can't do my homework And I can't think straight I meet him every morning At 'bout half-past eight I'm acting like a lovesick fool You've even got me carrying his books to school Hey hey Set me freeStupid Cupid Stop picking on meYou mixed me up for good Right from the very start Hey, go play Robin Hood With somebody else's heart You got me jumping like a crazy clown And I don't feature what your puttin' down Well since I kissed his loving lips of wine The thing that bothers me is That I like it fine Hey heySet me freeStupid CupidStop picking on meYou got me jumping like a crazy clown And I don't feature what your puttin' down Well since I kissed his loving lips of wine The thing that bothers me is That I like it fineHey heySet me freeStupid CupidStop picking on meHey heySet me freeStupid CupidStop picking on me Editted by Biba要翻译么?
2023-06-05 15:39:562


英语高手们麻烦翻译一下。谢谢! 卖方必须:1.1 所有机密资讯都保密由我公司提供的或其他供应商,所获得的 披露保密资讯0.9%,未经公司事先书面approva l由双方所同意。 obl igations具体 卖方不得:1.2 u2022使用或允许任何人士使用机密资讯的任何其他目的为提供服务; u2022披露或以任何方式传达给其他任何人的任何机密资讯,除非经过授权,并并经双方认可的; 允许任何未经授权的人u2022有机会读到的地方,那里的机密资讯被显示,转载或储存;或 任何人士或协助u2022使使任何未经授权的使用 机密资讯。 供应商的董事、雇员和代理人 13卖主必须: 保密资讯u2022确保仅仅披露的供应商/ Sub-Vendors、董事、雇员或代理人,谁还需要资讯的目的都是为了提供Services.然后只有在某种程度上,他们需要它; 使所有的u2022其董事、雇员、代理商已经或可能得到任何机密要遵守一切的保密义务,根据本条款:以上 u2022使用一切努力的人数限制在其董事、雇员和代理人拥有任何保密资料。 公开宣告, 1.4卖方不得: u2022作任何公开宣告,或释出媒体关于服务或本合同;或 给予任何事业或u2022披露或者讨论任何方面的服务或本合同或与任何 *** 部门、机构或法定许可权事先书面授权,任何公司。 英语高手来!麻烦翻译一下!谢谢! 感谢您使用Expedia.ca搜寻您的形成。 为了让您的计划更为全面 我们给您提供了以下一份您的行程存档 麻烦英语高手翻译一下,谢谢! "The great poet "Li Bai is the Tang Dynasty most renowned poet, is talent which the glorious age of Tang poetry culture breeds. The glorious age of Tang poetry poetry was mad, the sentiment es, the god to e, displays incisively in Li Bai"s musical conservatory style of ancient poetry characterized by freedom from rigid patterns and the jueju poem. His poetry creation, fully embarks is popular for no reason rushes the fervor and the mysterious imagination, both has the imposing manner vastly, the unpredictable magnificent marvelous sight, and has the bright ideal condition which the refined appearance interest but the natural day bees, too beautiful to behold. But this kind of creation style with the Li Bai family background, the life experience is closely linked. Studies his poetry the creation style and forms the reason, is helpful understands the Tang Dynasty poetry creation in us the basic appearance. 百分之六十的人想要去国外旅游,这是从仅仅三年前的数字的巨大增长所得。随着大约有三分之一的美国人更倾向于自助旅游,酒店假期仍然是赢家。 ~~希望可以帮到你哈~~ Reflection On Middle School Education Management Based On The People-Oriented Conception 英语高手麻烦翻译一下 谢谢 To see what he would like to apply for school, undergraduate or graduate students. The following are the submissions of Tsinghua students need: (1) "Tsinghua University Undergraduate Application Form for Foreign Students"; (2) high school diploma and transcripts (original or notarized copies); (3) high school graduates from the school where I expected graduation certificate issued, was admitted after settling a high school diploma; (4) Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) 6 copies of certificates and transcripts (Applicants should produce the original); (5) 3 I 2 inch photo recently; (6) where the high school / college letter of remendation to stay (see letter of remendation form); (7) my passport photo page, visa page, or residence permit page copy; (8) of the Undergraduate In addition to the above-mentioned materials, the need to provide the university"s report card, school certificate and push the letter; (9) applicants under 18 years of age, must provide "guardians of the public certificate in China"; (10), "Tsinghua University Scholarship Application Form" (For applications). In addition to the above application materials, depending on the circumstances schools may require the applicant to provide supplementary materials. Applicants should first of all through the Tsinghua University Foreign Student Affairs Office to apply online (, submit the required application information, and print out the automatically generated "Tsinghua University, studying abroad Undergraduate students learn the application form. " Application form signed by the applicants themselves, together with other application materials submitted to the Foreign Student Affairs Office of Tsinghua University. Voluntary reporting, the test subjects in the same premise, the applicant can fill in o specialized. Pass the exam, admitted students from Tsinghua University Foreign Student Affairs Office issued "taking notice", "foreign students to China Visa Application Form" (referred to as JW202) and the "Foreigner Physical Examination Form." Admitted students should bring an ordinary passport, "Admission Notice" and "foreign students to China Visa Application Form" (JW202 Form), "Foreigner Physical Examination Form," "Blood Test" to the Chinese embassies (consulates) immigration museum learning (X) visa, and holders of these materials, the time specified by notice to the Foreign Student Affairs Office of Tsinghua University for admission registration. 麻烦英语高手给翻译一下,谢谢! 到了1800年,妇女也只有在家中才享有一席之地。家庭主妇们成为事业型女人是根本无法想象的。男人们认为没有女人可以在外面找到好工作。但是当勃朗特姐妹自1846年开始写书后,她们的名字却已经取代了一些男作家出现在了书面上。 1800年后,教师这个行业第一个女人们敞开了大门。但因为大部分高校这些职位都是为男人准备,所以对女人来说不是那么容易。护士(这一职业)也只是在南丁格尔成名之后才成为对女人来说可敬的职业。鉴于她不仅是一位护士而且是一个学富五车的女性,人们开始相信女人可以去照顾生病的人而且被尊称为“女士”。在1860年南丁格尔女士开创了英国第一家护校。 而1867年发明的打字机将妇女领出了家门,去开创事业。截止1900年,数以万计的妇女在英美的学校、医院和 *** 机构得到了一份好的工作。甚至还有妇女成功的成为了医生和律师。女人也可以开创自己的事业这样的想法终于被接受了。 麻烦英语高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢 您好! 谢谢你的邮件。能否发给我几个你推荐的造船厂用的样件,我会先试试质量,如果质量可以的话我会进口。 亲爱的朋友你好 我来自乌克兰的哈尔科夫 我们公司从事食品与药品的生产和加工 我对你们网上介绍的Y43H真空管很感兴趣 你能将DN25 - DN100 WCB 型号真空管的价格和具体资讯提供给我们么,尤其是减压阀方面的资讯 我需要Y43H-40 DN100 (or DN125)符合以下要求 媒介 气态 dia - DN100, 输入压力 <= 16 大气压 (通常 14个) 输出 压力= 7大气压 (可在6到7之间调节) Flux (容量, 流速) = 7000 - 10000公斤/小时 温度 <= 425C 本身材质 - WCB 连线- flange (我们通常使用DIN2501) 请注意 温度 <= 425C 这个要求- 真空管必须可以在超高温气体下工作 期待你的报价和说明 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 另外也请提供 DN25-DN50 YD43H 的价格 及规格说明(减压阀) 敬礼 麻烦英语高手帮我翻译一下,谢谢! This is the package for xxx.And in the attachment,each size is with a first draft ,please check it and confirm the package manner and content of the box package and if any changes ,please tell me in detail. And as follows is the quantity of each box size needs to be done,please check and confirm it: 81boxes need to be done in total
2023-06-05 15:39:561


2023-06-05 15:40:031


你好。我帮你译了:丘比特是:Cupid 普绪克是:Psyche
2023-06-05 15:40:091


2023-06-05 15:40:161


2023-06-05 15:39:362

shimano DURA—ACE Di2是什么意思?

2023-06-05 15:39:312


2023-06-05 15:39:304


2023-06-05 15:39:241


2023-06-05 15:39:221