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2023-06-08 10:00:29

he Time Machine


The Time Traveller (for so it will be convenient to speak of him) was expounding a recondite matter to us. His grey eyes shone and twinkled, and his usually pale face was flushed and animated. The fire burned brightly, and the soft radiance of the incandescent lights in the lilies of silver caught the bubbles that flashed and passed in he said after some time, brightening in a quite transitory manner.

`Well, I do not mind telling you I have been at work upon this geometry of Four Dimensions for some time. Some of my results are , two in brass candlesticks upon the mantel and several in sconces, so that the room was brilliantly illuminated. I sat in a low arm-chair nearest the fire, and I drew this forward so as to be almost between the Time Traveller and the fireplace. Filby sat behind him, looking over his shoulder. The Medical Man and the Provincial Mayor watched him in profile from the right, the Psychologist from the left. The Very Young Man stood behind the Psychologist. We were all on the alert. It appears incredible to me that any kind of trick, however subtly conceived and however adroitly done, could have been played upon us under these conditions.

The Time Traveller looked at us, and then at the mechanism. `Well?" said the Psychologist.

`This little affair," said the Time Traveller, resting his elbows upon the table and pressing his hands together above the apparatus, `is only a model. It is my plan for a machine to travel through time. You will notice that it looks singularly askew, and that there is an odd twinkling appearance about this bar, as though it was in some way unreal." He pointed to the part with his finger. `Also, here is one little white lever, and here is another."

The Medical Man got up out of his chair and peered into the thing. `It"s beautifully made," he said.

`It took two years to make," retorted the Time Traveller. Then, when we had all imitated the action of the Medical Man, he said: `Now I want you clearly to understand that this lever, being pressed over, sends the machine gliding into the future, and this other reverses the motion. This saddle represents the seat of a time traveller. Presently I am going to press the lever, and off the machine will go. It will vanish, pass into future Time, and disappear. Have a good look at the thing. Look at the table too, and satisfy yourselves there is no trickery. I don"t want to waste this model, and then be told I"m a quack."

There was a minute"s pause perhaps. The Psychologist seemed about to speak to me, but changed his mind. Then the Time Traveller put forth his finger towards the lever. `No," he said suddenly. `Lend me your hand." And turning to the Psychologist, he took that individual"s hand in his own and told him to put out his forefinger. So that it was the Psychologist himself who sent forth the model Time Machine on its interminable voyage. We all saw the lever turn. I am absolutely certain there was no trickery. There was a breath of wind, and the lamp flame jumped. One of the candles on the mantel was blown out, and the little machine suddenly swung round, became indistinct, was seen as a ghost for a second perhaps, as an eddy of faintly glittering brass and ivory; and it was gone--vanished! Save for the lamp the table was bare.

Everyone was silent for a minute. Then Filby said he was damned.

The Psychologist recovered from his stupor, and suddenly looked under the table. At that the Time Traveller laughed cheerfully. `Well?" he said, with a reminiscence of the Psychologist. Then, getting up, he went to the tobacco jar on the mantel, and with his back to us began to fill his pipe.

We stared at each other. `Look here," said the Medical Man, `are you in earnest about this? Do you seriously believe that that machine has travelled into time?"

`Certainly," said the Time Traveller, stooping to light a spill at the fire. Then he turned, lighting his pipe, to look at the Psychologist"s face. (The Psychologist, to show that he was not unhinged, helped himself to a cigar and tried to light it uncut.) `What is more, I have a big machine nearly finished in there"--he indicated the laboratory--`and when that is put together I mean to have a journey on my own account."

`You mean to say that that machine has travelled into the future?" said Filby.

`Into the future or the past--I don"t, for certain, know which."

After an interval the Psychologist had an inspiration. `It must have gone into the past if it has gone anywhere," he said.

`Why?" said the Time Traveller.

`Because I presume that it has not moved in space, and if it travelled into the future it would still be here all this time, since it must have travelled through this time."

`But," I said, `If it travelled into the past it would have been visible when we came first into this room; and last Thursday when we were here; and the Thursday before that; and so forth!"

`Serious objections," remarked the Provincial Mayor, with an air of impartiality, turning towards the Time Traveller.

`Not a bit," said the Time Traveller, and, to the Psychologist: `You think. You can explain that. It"s presentation below the threshold, you know, diluted presentation."

`Of course," said the Psychologist, and reassured us. `That"s a simple point of psychology. I should have thought of it. It"s plain enough, and helps the paradox delightfully. We cannot see it, nor can we appreciate this machine, any more than we can the spoke of a wheel spinning, or a bullet flying through the air. If it is travelling through time fifty times or a hundred times faster than we are, if it gets through a minute while we get through a second, the impression it creates will of course be only one-fiftieth or one-hundredth of what it would make if it were not travelling in time. That"s plain enough." He passed his hand through the space in which the machine had been. `You see?" he said, laughing.

We sat and stared at the vacant table for a minute or so. Then the Time Traveller asked us what we thought of it all.

`It sounds plausible enough to-night," said the Medical Man; "but wait until to-morrow. Wait for the common sense of the morning."

`Would you like to see the Time Machine itself?" asked the Time Traveller. And therewith, taking the lamp in his hand, he led the way down the long, draughty corridor to his laboratory. I remember vividly the flickering light, his queer, broad head in silhouette, the dance of the shadows, how we all followed him, puzzled but incredulous, and how there in the laboratory we beheld a larger edition of the little mechanism which we had seen vanish from before our eyes. Parts were of nickel, parts of ivory, parts had certainly been filed or sawn out of rock crystal. The thing was generally complete, but the twisted crystalline bars lay unfinished upon the bench beside some sheets of drawings, and I took one up for a better look at it. Quartz it seemed to be.

`Look here," said the Medical Man, `are you perfectly serious? Or is this a trick--like that ghost you showed us last Christmas?"

`Upon that machine," said the Time Traveller, holding the lamp aloft, `I intend to explore time. Is that plain? I was never more serious in my life."

None of us quite knew how to take it.

I caught Filby"s eye over the shoulder of the Medical Man, and he winked at me solemnly.



“你一定要跟我仔细。我将不得不比一个或两个思想,几乎普遍接受。几何,比如,他们教导你在学校是建立在一个misconception. "

“不,不是一件大期望我们开始在Filby ? "说,有争议的红头发的人。

“我不是问你接受任何不合理的理由。你很快就会承认,正如我需要你。你当然知道这一数学线,线的厚度零,没有真实的存在。他们教导你的?没有一个数学的飞机。这些东西都abstractions. "


“不,只有长度、宽度、厚度、可以立方体有真正的existence. "





Filby变得忧郁。“显然,”时光旅行者进行的任何真正的身体一定在四个方向:那一定长度、宽度、厚度、——时间。但是通过自然虚弱的肉,我会向你解释,我们倾向于忽视这一事实。真的有四个维度,三个,我们称之为三个层面的空间,而且,时间。但是,有一个趋势绘制一个虚幻的前三个维度之间的区别,后者,因为它会使我们意识的间歇运动朝一个方向沿后者从始至终的作为我们的lives. "







“科学的人,时间旅行后,就需要适当的停顿,"同化很清楚地知道,只有一种空间。这是一个流行的科学图,天气记录。这一句我痕迹和我指指运动的晴雨表。昨天是如此之高,昨天晚上它掉,然后今早它再次上升,所以轻轻地上升到这里。没有痕迹的水星的这一行的维度空间公认的吗?但是当然是这样一个线追踪,这条线,因此,我们必须订立是沿着Time-Dimension. "



“不完全,"说的人。“有balloons. "

“但是之前,除了船上的气球跳和不平等的表面,男人没有自由的垂直movement. "“他们仍然可以移动一点点上升和下降,"说的人。



“我亲爱的先生,这是你错了。这仅仅是在整个世界都出了差错。我们总是远离当前的运动。我们的心智的存在,这是无形的、无维度,都经过了Time-Dimension与一个统一的速度从摇篮到坟墓。正如我们应该沿着如果我们开始存在五十英里的地球surface. "



“噢,这是Filby ","开始——"






“通过时间旅行! "说非常年轻的男人。

“那将在任何方向淡然旅行的时间和空间,当司机determines. "




“你不觉得你会吸引注意力呢?”医生。“我们的祖先没有伟大的宽容anachronisms. "




“发现一个社会,"我说,"安装在一个严格的共产主义basis. "










时光旅行者看着我们,然后在这个机制。嗯? "说的心理学家。

“这个小事情,"说的时间旅行,他在桌子和熨他的双手合十,以上仪器仅是一种模式。这是我的计划通过时间旅行的机器。你会发现它倾斜,异乎寻常的是一个古怪的闪烁的外观对这条,好像是在以某种方式unreal. "他指出,与他的手指。“另外,这是一个小小的白色的杠杆,这里是another. "


“它花了两年的时间制作,"反驳时间旅行。那么,当我们都仿效的动作医疗的人,他说:“现在我要你清楚地了解这杆、被结束,发送机器滑动走向未来,这个逆转的运动。这马鞍代表的座位,时间旅行。现在我要按操纵杆,机器就会走了。它将会消失,进入未来时间,并且消失。好好看看这个东西。看看表,并满足自己没有花招。我不想浪费模型,在此基础上,然后告诉我一个quack. "

有一分钟歇歇吧。这位心理学家似乎对我说话,而改变了他的主意。然后时光旅行者伸出手指向杠杆。“不,”他说。“借我你的hand. "44于是转过身来向着那心理学家,他把那个人手中自己,告诉他伸出他的食指。所以,这是谁送出自己的心理上的时间机器模型冗长航行。我们都看到了杆转动。我敢肯定没有花招。有一股风、灯火焰吓了一跳。人的蜡烛被风吹灭了在壁炉架上,小机器突然转过身来,变得模糊,被视为一个鬼一秒钟也许作为一种隐隐的涡流,晶莹剔透的黄铜和象牙消失——消失了!除了灯是光秃秃的。





“你的意思是说,这台机器有旅行的未来Filby ? "说。

“未来或过去——我不知道,因为某些,which. "






“一点也不,"说的时间旅行,并且说:“你想的心理学家。你能解释这个。它的表现低于阈值,你知道,稀释presentation. "

“当然,"说的心理学家,以使我们。“那是一个简单的心理。我没有想过这一点。很明显,帮助似是而非的入口。我们看不见它,也可以领略这部机器,我们可以再多说一个轮子旋转,或一个子弹飞过空中。如果它是穿越时间50次或一百次,比我们快,如果它穿过一分钟,我们通过一秒钟,给人的印象是创造当然会成为什么样的one-fiftieth或渔业只会如果不是旅行的时间。那是平原enough. "他通过他的手通过空间中的机器了。“你看到了吗?”他笑着说。



“你想看时光机器本身? "问了一次旅行。把灯和,在他的手,他带领下长,draughty走廊到他的实验室。我记得生动地闪烁的灯光下,他的怪异、广阔的头的轮廓,舞蹈的阴影里,我们都跟着他,却让人难以置信的困惑,以及如何在实验室里我们看到一个较大的版本,我们已经看到小机制,从我们眼前消失。对镍、部分零件的象牙,部分已经被确定申请或锯出来的岩石水晶。这事是一般的完整,但未完成的扭曲的水晶酒吧躺在板凳上一些纸旁,我只图,为更好地盯着它看。石英它似乎。






The smile

"I was sure that I was to be killed. I became terribly nervous. I fumbled

in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes, which had escaped

their search. I found one and because of my shaking hands, I could barely get it to my lips. But I had no matches, they had taken those. "I looked through the bars at my jailer. He did not make eye contact with me. I called out to him "Have you got a light?" He looked at me, shrugged [3]and came over to light my cigarette. "As he came close and lit the match, his eyes inadvertently locked with mine. At that moment, I smiled. I don"t know why I did that. Perhaps it was nervousness, perhaps it was because, when you get very close, one to another, it is very hard not to smile. In any case, I smiled. In that instant, it was as though a spark jumped across the gap between our two hearts, our two human souls. I know he didn"t want to, but my smile leaped through the bars and generated a smile on his lips, too. He lit my cigarette but stayed near, looking at me directly in the eyes and continuing to smile.

“一想到自己明天就没命了,不禁陷入极端的惶恐。我翻遍了口袋,终于找到一支没被他们搜走的香烟,但我的手紧张得不停发抖,连将烟送进嘴里都成问题,而我的火柴也在搜身时被拿走了。 “我透过铁栏望着外面的警卫,他并没有注意到我在看他,我叫了他一声:‘能跟你借个火吗?"他转头望着我,耸了耸肩,然后走了过来,点燃我的香烟。 “当他帮我点火时,他的眼光无意中与我的相接触,这时我突然冲着他微笑。我不知道自己为何有这般反应,也许是过于紧张,或者是当你如此靠近另一个人,你很难不对他微笑。不管是何理由,我对他笑了。就在这一刹那,这抹微笑如同火花般,打破了我们心灵间的隔阂。受到了我的感染,他的嘴角不自觉地也现出了笑容,虽然我知道他原无此意。他点完火后并没立刻离开,两眼盯着我瞧,脸上仍带着微笑。

"I kept smiling at him, now aware of him as a person and not just a jailer. And his looking at me seemed to have a new dimension[4] too. "Do you have kids?" he asked. " "Yes, here, here." I took out my wallet and nervously fumbled for the pictures of my family. He, too, took out the pictures of his family and began to talk about his plans and hopes for them. My eyes filled with tears. I said that I feared that I"d never see my family again, never have the chance to see them grow up. Tears came to his eyes, too. "Suddenly, without another word, he unlocked my cell and silently led me out. Out of the jail, quietly and by back routes, out of the town. There, at the edge of town, he released me. And without another word, he turned back toward the town.

“我也以笑容回应,仿佛他是个朋友,而不是个守着我的警卫。他看着我的眼神也少了当初的那股凶气,‘你有小孩吗?"他开口问道。 “‘有,你看。"我拿出了皮夹,手忙脚乱地翻出了我的全家福照片。他也掏出了照片,并且开始讲述他对家人的期望与计划。这时我眼中充满了泪水,我说我害怕再也见不到家人。我害怕没机会看着孩子长大。他听了也流下两行眼泪。 “突然间,他二话不说地打开了牢门,悄悄地带我从后面的小路逃离了监狱,出了小镇,就在小镇的边上,他放了我,之后便转身往回走,不曾留下一句话。

"My life was saved by a smile." Yes, the smile―the unaffected, unplanned, natural connection between people.. I really believe that if that part of you and that part of me could recognize each other, we wouldn"t be enemies. We couldn"t have hate or envy or fear.



“一想到自己明天就没命了,不禁陷入极端的惶恐。我翻遍了口袋,终于找到一支没被他们搜走的香烟,但我的手紧张得不停发抖,连将烟送进嘴里都成问题,而我的火柴也在搜身时被拿走了。 “我透过铁栏望着外面的警卫,他并没有注意到我在看他,我叫了他一声:‘能跟你借个火吗?"他转头望着我,耸了耸肩,然后走了过来,点燃我的香烟。 “当他帮我点火时,他的眼光无意中与我的相接触,这时我突然冲着他微笑。我不知道自己为何有这般反应,也许是过于紧张,或者是当你如此靠近另一个人,你很难不对他微笑。不管是何理由,我对他笑了。就在这一刹那,这抹微笑如同火花般,打破了我们心灵间的隔阂。受到了我的感染,他的嘴角不自觉地也现出了笑容,虽然我知道他原无此意。他点完火后并没立刻离开,两眼盯着我瞧,脸上仍带着微笑。

我也以笑容回应,仿佛他是个朋友,而不是个守着我的警卫。他看着我的眼神也少了当初的那股凶气,‘你有小孩吗?"他开口问道。 “‘有,你看。"我拿出了皮夹,手忙脚乱地翻出了我的全家福照片。他也掏出了照片,并且开始讲述他对家人的期望与计划。这时我眼中充满了泪水,我说我害怕再也见不到家人。我害怕没机会看着孩子长大。他听了也流下两行眼泪。 “突然间,他二话不说地打开了牢门,悄悄地带我从后面的小路逃离了监狱,出了小镇,就在小镇的边上,他放了我,之后便转身往回走,不曾留下一句话。“一个微笑居然能救自己一条命。”“是的,微笑是人与人之间最自然真挚的沟通方式。如果我们能用心灵去认识彼此,世间不会有结怨成仇的憾事;恨意、妒嫉、恐惧也会不复存在。


It was the day before Easter and Peter Cottontail was very busy.As the Chief Easter Bunny,it was his job to hide all the eggs for all the Easter egg hunts around the world.


Peter wanted to be sure that he had enough of the beautifully colored eggs for everyone.So he was counting them all.But he kept getting distracted and losing count.


First,Peter thought he heard the meow of one little kitten.But he didn"t see a kitten.Next he thought he heard two meows from two kittens,but he still didn"t see anything.

Then Peter thought he heard three meows from three little kittens.

"Maybe they"re outside,"thought Peter.So,he opened the door and sure engough...




There sat three unhappy,little kittens.Peter asked them what was wrong.

"We were playing hide-and-seek with our mitten*,"**plained the kittens."We are very good at hiding,but we are not very good at seeking.And now our mittens are lost."

"If you help me count my eggs,then I can help you find your mittens,"Peter told them.

The three little kittens were so happy that they began to dance and sing.





Everyone went into the house and,one-two-three,they counted all the eggs.There were enough eggs for everyone and even three too many.

"Great!"said Peter."It"s good to have extra eggs,just in case any break.Now let"s find your mittens."

Off went Peter Cottontail and the three little kittens,with Peter Cottontail hopping big-bunny hops and the kittens racing along to keep up.




First,they passed a house made of straw-but no one was there.

Next they passed a house made of sticks.No one was home there either.

Finally,they came to a very nice house made of bricks.

Peter and the three kittens knocked on the door of the pretty brick brick.Soon,three little pigs came out to meet them.

"Welcome!Welcome!"said the three little pigs."We are so glad to have visitors.The Big Bad Wolf chased all our friends away and no one visit us anymore.Won"t you come in for a while?"






Peter and the kitten* **plained that they were looking for the kittens" lost mittens.This made the kittens so sad that they began to cry.

"Don"t cry,little kittens,"said the three pigs."We haven"t see any mittens,but you are welcome to look around."

So everyone looked,but they didn"t find the kitten"s mittens.




"You should ask Humpty Dumpty,"suggested the three little pigs."He sits so high up on his wall that he sees everything.Maybe he has seen your mittens."

Peter and the three kittens thanked the pigs and said good-bye.Then off they went.


Before long,they came to a very high wall with a strange,little man sitting on top.

"Excuse me,"said Peter Cottontail,"Are you Humpty Dumpty?"

"Yes,I am,"said the man,"How can I help you?"




Once again,the three little kitten* **plained how they lost their mittens.And they became so sad that again they began to cry.

"Do not cry,little kittens,"said Humpty Dumpty."This morning I saw three little kittens hide their mittens in the tall grass next to the Babbling Brook."

The three litten kittens began to dance and sing.

"Now we remember!Thank you,thank you!"they cheered.





Peter was very happy to have helped the kittens.But suddenly he remembered about Easter.

"Oh no!"he cried."It is almost Easter and I haven"t hidden any eggs yet!What will I do?"



"Don"t worry."said the three little kittens."You have seen that we are good at hiding things.We will help you hide the eggs."

Peter accepted their help and off everyone rushed,with Peter hopping big-bunny hops and the kittens racing along to keep up.



By Easter morning,everything was finished.Best of all,none of the eggs had broken.So Peter gave the three extra eggs to the three little kittens as thanks for all their help.




歪(多音字,读音有:wāi wǎi )下面为歪字的详细情况,希望对你有帮助,谢谢!歪 wāi部首:止 部外笔画:5 总笔画:9基本字义1. 不正,偏斜:~斜。~曲(qū)。2. 不正当,不正派的:~理。~诗。~才。~风。3. 侧卧休息:我~一会儿。歪 wǎi详细字义〈动〉1. 扭伤 [sprain]被石头绊了一下,歪了腿。——《红楼梦》2. 又如:歪了脚
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歪的中文解释 【 拼音:wai 笔画数:9 部首:止】 歪 askew; crooked; devious; inclined; slanting; 歪 wāi (1) (会意,属于合成字。合不正二字为一字,“不正”为歪。本义:不正,偏斜) (2) 同本义 [wry] 适值公案桌歪欹(qī),…其案桌遂不歪欹。――明·孙高亮《于谦全传》 (3) 又如:歪辣(脚跟不正。喻指作风不正派);歪不横楞(歪歪扭扭。歪斜不正的样子);歪不楞(丑陋);歪欹(不正);歪嘴 (4) 不正当;不正派;不正直 歪歪为网络热词“YY”的音译词。“YY”是“意淫”一词拼音的缩写,因其输入简单,含义隐晦,故在网络中被大量使用,进而被演化为歪歪。 同时,歪歪也是一款语音工具,详细请见下文。歪歪语音软件 歪歪是多玩旗下的一款永久免费语音软件,是一种团队语音工具,是多玩游戏网针对...
2023-06-08 05:04:191


-弯曲   contort v.(使)扭曲   contortion n.扭曲,弯曲   crook v.使弯曲   crooked adj.弯曲的,扭曲的   crumple v.弄皱,扭弯   detour n.弯路,绕行之路   devious adj.不正直的,弯曲的   flex v.弯曲   flexible adj.易弯曲的,灵活的   lithe adj.柔软的,易弯曲的   pliable adj.易弯的,柔软的   pliant adj.易受影响的,易弯的   ply v.(搬运工等)等候顾客,弯曲   roundabout adj.绕远道的,转弯抹角的   serpentine adj.似蛇般绕曲的,蜿蜒的   snaky adj.似蛇的,弯曲的,阴险的   tortuous adj.弯弯曲曲的,蜿蜒的   warp n.v.翘起,弯曲   yielding adj.弯曲自如的,灵活的   tortile adj 扭弯的,扭卷的   ambagious adj 迂回曲折的   askew adj.歪斜的 v.歪斜,弯曲   suppleness n.易弯曲,柔软,顺从   bent a.弯曲的,决心的 n.爱好   meander v.蜿蜒而流,漫步   winding adj.蜿蜒的,迂回的   awry adj.扭曲的,走样的   wry adj 扭曲的 n.讽刺性幽默   还有curved, circuitous, convoluted
2023-06-08 05:04:251


t y e h可以组成什么英语单词 :they t s i k r :skirt n. 裙子
2023-06-08 05:04:323


aircrew 机组人员; allow vt.允许,准许;任; anew ad. 重新,再; anyhow ad.无论如何; aglow a. 发红的,通红的; arrow n.箭;箭状物; askew adj. 歪斜的v. 歪斜,弯曲; avow v. 承认,公开宣称 扩展资料   Study on Core Test Characteristics of Neuro-behavior in Aircrew.   空勤人员神经行为功能核心测试特点的"实验研究。   The Test Equipment of Aircrew Escape Propulsion Systems.   乘员救生推进系统的试验设备。   The school will only allow this in special circumstances.   学校只有在特殊情况下才会同意这种事。   Allow plenty of time to get to the airport.   留出足够的时间到达机场。   They began their experiment anew.   他们重新开始试验。   She wrote her composition anew.   她把作文重新写了一遍。
2023-06-08 05:04:391

歪歪扭扭 是什么意思

2023-06-08 05:04:473


1. 隔壁有戏文言文的翻译 有一个学习口技的人,带着一把扇子一个醒木,到一个空的屋子中开始表演口技.开始发出的声音像夫妇谈论如何度过下一年的事,小声细细地说着.不久,就听见丈夫带着钱到集市,与店里的伙计谈论价钱高低,计较着货物的斤两.回来敲门,进屋叫妻子做饭.洗灶、汲水、燃火、摆桌祭祀一一做着交待.不久又有讨债的人来.丈夫先请求缓期还钱,而后讨店帐的、收会资的、借东西的,有男有女,都在一个屋子里面喧闹、推挤.开始是在辩论,而后渐渐演变成口角,最后成了斗殴,其中有击打桌子的声音、狗吠声、小儿的啼哭声、邻人劝解声、门外的爆竹声,每种声音都很像真的,不能猜测是如何发出的.所有人正侧耳凝听,只听抚尺一声,所有声音都消失了.。 2. ↙含有傍(旁)的文言文成语 旁若无人 páng ruò wú rén 【解释】身旁好象没有人。形容态度傲慢,不把别人放在眼里。 【出处】《史记·刺客列传》:“荆轲嗜酒,日与狗屠及高渐离饮于燕市,酒酣以往,高渐离击筑,荆柯和而歌市中,相乐也,已而相泣,旁若无人者。” 【结构】主谓式。 【用法】含贬义。多用于行为放纵;或自傲;也用于表示人态度自然方面。一般作谓语、定语、状语。 【辨形】旁;不能写作“傍”。 【近义词】目中无人 【反义词】众目睽睽 【辨析】~和“目中无人”;都表示高傲。但~还有态度从容自然的意思。 【例句】他迟到了十分钟才到会场;又~地大声嚷嚷;大厅里的人都反感地看着他。 3. 周围有许多树木 文言文翻译 译:汉武帝在上林苑游玩,看见一棵很好看的树。 问东方朔:这是什么树?东方朔回答说:“这棵树叫做‘善哉"。”汉武帝暗中派人削掉它的枝干。 过了几年,又问东方朔:这是什么树?东方朔回答说:“叫做‘瞿所"。”武帝说:”你骗我好久了,为什么这次讲树的名字,跟前次说的不一样呢?”东方朔回答说:“大的马叫马,小的马叫驹;大的鸡叫鸡,小的鸡叫雏;大的牛叫牛,小的牛叫犊;人初生时叫小儿,老了叫某老;往日名叫善哉,现在改叫瞿所。 世上人的老小、生死,万物的衰败、成长,哪有一成不变的呢?”武帝听了大笑(汉武帝觉得东方朔的话,很有哲理,不再责备他)。 4. 隔壁有戏文言文的翻译 回来敲门,进屋叫妻子做饭。 洗灶有一个学习口技的人,带着一把扇子一个醒木,到一个空的屋子中开始表演口技。开始发出的声音像夫妇谈论如何度过下一年的事,小声细细地说着。 不久,就听见丈夫带着钱到集市,而后渐渐演变成口角、摆桌祭祀一一做着交待。不久又有讨债的人来。 丈夫先请求缓期还钱,而后讨店帐的,有男有女,都在一个屋子里面喧闹,不能猜测是如何发出的。所有人正侧耳凝听,只听抚尺一声,所有声音都消失了、收会资的、借东西的,最后成了斗殴,其中有击打桌子的声音、推挤。 开始是在辩论、小儿的啼哭声、邻人劝解声、门外的爆竹声、狗吠声,每种声音都很像真的,与店里的伙计谈论价钱高低,计较着货物的斤两、汲水、燃火。 5. 侧在古文中是什么意思 1、侧 侧 cè 〈名〉 (1) (形声。从人,则声。本义:旁边) (2) 同本义。亦用作谦词 [side] 侧,旁也。——《说文》 居侧室。——《礼记·内则》。注:“谓夹之室次燕寝也。” 立于侧阶。——《书·顾命》 倾容幸而待侧。——《楚辞·思古》 有泉侧出。——宋· 王安石《游褒禅山记》 (3) 又如:左侧;右侧;侧闻(谦词。表示从旁听到);侧畔(旁边) (4) 边缘 [edge] 坎坎伐辐兮,置之河之侧兮。——《诗·魏风·伐檀》 铸钟官赤侧。——《史记·平准书》。集解:“以赤铜为其廓也。” 2、侧 侧 cè 〈动〉 (1) 向旁边歪斜 [incline;lean] 樊哙侧其盾以撞。——《史记·项羽本纪》 侧弁之俄。——《诗·小雅·宾之初筵》。笺:“侧,倾也。” (2) 又如:侧耳细听;侧目(斜着眼睛看,形容畏惧或愤恨的样子) (3) 靠近 [near;close to] 侧其故处。——《仪礼·公食礼》。疏:“近也。” (4) 又如:侧近(临近,最近) 3、侧 侧 cè 〈形〉 (1) 不正,邪辟 [askew;aslant;crooked] 无反无侧,王道正直。——《书·洪范》 乡之行劫缚者,侧目莫敢过其门。——柳宗元《童区寄传》 6. 文言文里,“左右“一词什么意思 左右 古义(文言文):近旁的人。 今义:左右表方位,概数。 文言文里,“左右“一词详解: (1)附近;两旁。 如:余立侍左右。——明· 宋濂《送东阳马生序》 (2)身边。 如:在帝左右 (3) 近臣;随从。 如: 太后明谓左右。——《战国策·赵策》 传以示美人及左右。——《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》 帅左右登牙城拒战。——《资治通鉴·唐纪》 左右拥至尹前。——宋· 胡仔《苕溪渔隐丛话》 (4)对人不直称其名,只称左右,以表示尊敬;信札亦常用以称呼对方。 如:是故不敢匿意隐情,先以闻于左右。——《史记》 (5) 身边办事的人,侍从。 如:左右未有所称诵,胜未有所闻。——《史记·平原君虞卿列传》 7. 两篇文言文的翻译 齐国有人得罪了景公,景公非常生气。把这个人捆绑到大殿下,命令随从肢解这个人,并说,胆敢劝谏的人将被斩首。晏子知道后,左手拿住头,右手磨着刀,仰着头问道:“古代的圣明的君主肢解人,不知道是从什么部位开始的。”景公见状,离开坐席说:“放了那个人,过错在我的身上。” 汉武帝的奶妈曾经在外面干了违法的事,汉武帝想要依法处理,奶妈向东方朔求救。东方朔说:“这不是仅仅靠口舌就能解决的。你一定想要事情圆满解决。将要离开的时候,只顾频频的看着汉武帝,千万不要说话,这样也许能够有万分之一的希望。”奶妈到了汉武帝那里以后,东方朔也在汉武帝旁边侍候,于是说:“你这是糊涂呀!皇上虽然刚才强硬心狠,也有深深的眷恋之情。”汉武帝于是凄然哀怜她,随后就赦免了她的罪责。
2023-06-08 05:05:051


人则=俞 用来介绍姓
2023-06-08 05:05:123


three 三 , other 其他 , level 水平 , eared有耳的 get给 owes 亏欠 owler 走私者 her 她 paer梨
2023-06-08 05:05:214

Hand of god什么意思??

中文译为"上帝之手"在1986年的墨西哥世界杯上,马拉多纳用手把球攻入了英格兰队的球门,这就是著名的“上帝之手”事件。 在阿根廷与英格兰的1/4决赛中,马拉多纳的第一个进球并不光彩,当时,马拉多纳先是将球分给边路的队友巴尔达诺,后者的射门被英格兰后卫霍奇挡出,此时,虽然马拉多纳抢到了第一点,但面对人高马大的希尔顿,他想头球攻门难度极大,最终,他选择了用手将球打入球门,由于他的个子矮小,动作也十分隐蔽,突尼斯主裁判纳塞尔没有发现,并判此球有效,希尔顿和他的队友虽然极力争辩,但结局却无法改变,凭借此球领先后,马拉多纳随后又打入一记完美的入球,帮助球队最终2比1获胜。由于四年前的“马岛战争”,最初马拉多纳对那记手球并没有悔改之意,而是认为这是上帝对英格兰人的惩罚,赛后,他更是自称这个进球是“一半是上帝之手,一半是迭戈的脑袋”,这让阿根廷和英格兰在足坛的恩怨进一步加剧。现在,马拉多纳仍然认为“上帝之手”没有什么不对。这粒进球完全是精明和狡诈的成果。马拉多纳否认这个进球属于欺骗。当《每日镜报》记者问马拉多纳:“上帝之手到底什么意思?”时,马拉多纳说:“这个进球并不是我诚心进行欺骗。我并不是不尊重英国人,但是在阿根廷的绿荫场上,这样的进球许多许多。那天下午的比赛中,我在场上跳跃起来,但是我的身高不足,所以就有了上帝之手。”马拉多纳说,在南美足球运动员中,“上帝之手”方式进球非常普遍,裁判也大多不吹犯规。-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------上帝之手(Frailty)狮门公司(Lions Gate Films, USA)2002年出品主演:马修-麦康纳西(Matthew McConaughey)比尔-帕克斯顿(Bill Paxton)卢克-埃斯库(Luke Askew)马修-奥利里(Matthew O"Leary)导演:比尔-帕克斯顿(Bill Paxton)类型:惊悚片分级:R(暴力) 联邦调查局特工韦斯利-多伊尔正带人侦破得克萨斯州臭名昭著的"上帝之手"谋杀案...
2023-06-08 05:05:281


2023-06-08 05:05:383

试验树 这首诗 谁有全文

抱歉,我只找到了英文全文,如下。作者:斯坦利 库尼兹 On my way home from school up tribal Providence Hill past the Academy ballpark where I could never hope to play I scuffed in the drainage ditch among the sodden seethe of leaves hunting for perfect stones rolled out of glacial time into my pitcher"s hand; then sprinted lickety- split on my magic Keds from a crouching start, scarcely touching the ground with my flying skin as I poured it on for the prize of the mastery over that stretch of road, with no one no where to deny when I flung myself down that on the given course I was the world"s fastest human. 2 Around the bend that tried to loop me home dawdling came natural across a nettled field riddled with rabbit-life where the bees sank sugar-wells in the trunks of the maples and a stringy old lilac more than two stories tall blazing with mildew remembered a door in the long teeth of the woods. All of it happened slow: brushing the stickseed off, wading through jewelweed strangled by angel"s hair, spotting the print of the deer and the red fox"s scats. Once I owned the key to an umbrageous trail thickened with mosses where flickering presences gave me right of passage as I followed in the steps of straight-backed Massassoit soundlessly heel-and-toe practicing my Indian walk. 3 Past the abandoned quarry where the pale sun bobbed in the sump of the granite, past copperhead ledge, where the ferns gave foothold, I walked, deliberate, on to the clearing, with the stones in my pocket changing to oracles and my coiled ear tuned to the slightest leaf-stir. I had kept my appointment. There I stood in the shadow, at fifty measured paces, of the inexhaustible oak, tyrant and target, Jehovah of acorns, watchtower of the thunders, that locked King Philip"s War in its annulated core under the cut of my name. Father wherever you are I have only three throws bless my good right arm. In the haze of afternoon, while the air flowed saffron, I played my game for keeps—— for love, for poetry, and for eternal life—— after the trials of summer. 4 In the recurring dream my mother stands in her bridal gown under the burning lilac, with Bernard Shaw and Bertie Russell kissing her hands; the house behind her is in ruins; she is wearing an owl"s face and makes barking noises. Her minatory finger points. I pass through the cardboard doorway askew in the field and peer down a well where an albino walrus huffs. He has the gentlest eyes. If the dirt keeps sifting in, staining the water yellow, why should I be blamed? Never try to explain. That single Model A sputtering up the grade unfurled a highway behind where the tanks maneuver, revolving their turrets. In a murderous time the heart breaks and breaks and lives by breaking. It is necessary to go through dark and deeper dark and not to turn. I am looking for the trail. Where is my testing-tree? Give me back my stones! 还有一段关于他的诗开始得平淡无奇:“我”在放学回家的小径上,一边眺望着学校的操场,一边在寻找石子;“我”找到了一条藏在树丛里的小径,沿着若隐若现的小路走下去;口袋里揣着石子,“我”站在一棵“无穷无尽的”橡树阴影下,走开五十步外,试图用石子投准橡树上刻着的目标。  “父亲不管你在那儿/我只有三次投掷/祝福我的右臂完好。……”  诗的句式越来越复杂,回忆的内容也越来越抽象,必须用心听才能理解每句话、每个词的意思。突然,老诗人提高了声音:  “……在一个杀气腾腾的年代里,  这颗心一碎再碎  并在破碎中生存。  我们必须走过  黑暗和更深的黑暗  而不能回转。  我在寻找那条小路。  我的实验树在哪儿?  把我的石子还给我!”  最后的一句话几乎是喊着出来的。真没想到,在这样瘦小干枯的身躯里,竟有这么大的能量。看得出来,在这么多年后,这位老诗人仍被这首诗的力量所感动着,仍能深深体会到二十多年前时写这首诗最后九句时,童年希望破灭似的彷徨、困惑、悲伤。  一片寂静,全场鸦雀无声,似乎一时无法从最后一句的震撼中回过神来。我的眼睛湿淋淋的,好像许多听众的眼睛都是湿淋淋的……  接着,一阵雷鸣般的掌声,久久不息。
2023-06-08 05:05:441


2023-06-08 05:06:034


中文英文中文英文博比·琼斯Robert /Bobby Jones托马斯·琼斯牧师Rev. Thomas Jones弗朗西丝·德温特/弗兰基Lady Frances Derwent/Frankie马钦顿伯爵Lord Marchington乔治·阿巴思诺特医生Dr. George Arbuthnot贾斯珀·尼科尔森医生Dr. Jasper Nicholson托马斯·艾斯丘Thomas Askew莫伊拉·尼科尔森Moira Nicholson亨利·巴辛顿—弗伦奇Henry Bassington-Ffrench罗斯·查德利·普拉特Rose Chudleigh Pratt罗杰尔·巴辛顿—弗伦奇Roger Bassington-Ffrench里文顿夫人Mrs. Rivington西尔维亚·巴辛顿—弗伦奇Sylvia Bassington-Ffrench格拉迪斯·埃文斯·罗伯茨Gladys Evans Roberts汤米·巴辛顿—弗伦奇Tommy Bassington-Ffrench约翰·萨维奇John Savage巴杰尔·比登Badger Beadon弗雷德里克·斯普拉格Frederick Spragge艾伦·卡斯泰尔斯Alan Carstairs托马斯医生Dr. Thomas阿米莉亚·凯曼Amelia Cayman威廉斯警督Inspector Williams 利奥·凯曼Leo Cayman
2023-06-08 05:06:161

face mouth是什么意思

2023-06-08 05:06:293


目录 1 拼音 2 英文参考 3 概述 4 维生素D缺乏病的研究史 5 参考资料 附: 1 治疗维生素D缺乏病的穴位 1 拼音 wéi shēng sù D quē fá bìng 2 英文参考 vitamin D deficiency [WS/T 476—2015 营养名词术语] 3 概述 维生素D缺乏病(vitamin D deficiency)是指缺乏维生素D导致钙、磷代谢障碍引起的全身性骨病[1]。 在机体的钙、磷代谢中,维生素D起重要的调节作用,所以维生素D缺乏病的发生与钙、磷代谢有密切的关系,对机体的影响是全身性的,其突出的表现是佝偻病(rickets)或骨软化症(osteomalacia)的发生。维生素D被称为“抗佝偻病维生素”,正像维生素C被称为“抗坏血病维生素”、尼克酸被称为“抗癞皮病因子”一样,反映了它与这种营养缺乏病的历史渊源。 4 维生素D缺乏病的研究史 从历史来看,维生素D缺乏病的存在由来已久。据古生物学的考察,公元前八千年(新石器时代)或更早的人类骨骼就有因佝偻病(骨软化症)所造成的变形。16~19世纪,英国和北欧曾是著名的病区,当时在英国许多工业区到处都可以看到由于佝偻病而残废的儿童。Riekets是16世纪初英国的一位接骨医生,他以熟悉这种病而闻名于当时,所以人们就称这种病为rickets。现在多数学者认为最早科学描述的偻病的是 Danil Whistler和 Francis Glissin 。1645年,Whistler在荷兰莱顿(Leidcn)发表了他的医学博士学位论文“关于英国儿童常患的rickers.病” (Mordo puerli Anglorum,quem patrio idiomate vicant “the rickets ”,Lugduni Batavorum 1645)。1650年,Glissin教授在他的专著的“佝偻病”(De Rachitide,London,1650)中详细地阐述了这种病的临床和病理,及其与坏血病的差别。 在漫长的认识过程中,对于佝偻病的病因曾有种种解释,直到19世纪末还是众说纷云:有人认为是由于婴儿在通风不良的室内生活,缺少新鲜空气引起的;有人认为与遗传因素有关,或是由于母体营养不良而先天造成的;有人认为与微生物感染有关;有人根据野生物在动物园内易发生骨质软化推测限制活动可能是发病的原因;有人认为可能与内分泌系统功能紊乱有关。现在看来这些认识虽然没有抓住问题的本质,但在不同程度上也反映了佝偻病或骨软化症病因及发病机理的复杂性,至今许多因素的作用还有待深入探讨。 在对佝偻病病因的各种解释中,食物因素及日光照射与佝偻病的关系是经过长期观察和反复的验证才得到确认的。18世纪后期,人们已经发现鱼肝油能治疗佝偻病,但直到1920年前后,当营养学发展为实验科学和维生素被发现的时期,人们在这方面的认识才有了迅速的进展。1914年 Funk在他的经典著作《维生素》中指出:“很可能佝偻病在膳食中缺少某些为机体正常代谢所必需的物质,或是供给量不足才发生的。这些物质在良好的母乳中存在,鱼肝油中也有,但牛奶和谷物很少”。Edward Mellanby等在五年多的时间内,用400多只狗进行实验,证明佝偻病是由于食物中缺少某种微量成分所引起的。1921年 Mellanby指出:“脂肪与佝偻病的关系是因为它含有某种维生素或某些附属成分”。他指出:抑制骨质钙化或使骨生长速度超过钙化速度的原因是:①食物缺少钙、磷;②缺少含有抗佝偻病物质的油脂;③谷类及碳水化合物过多;④没有肉类;⑤限制活动等。Mellanby的实验结果表明食物中有多种成分与骨骼的生长及钙化有关。他们的主要成就是确切地证明了食物因素与佝偻病的发生有关,并科学地建立了维生素D缺乏病的实验动物模型,为研究“抗佝偻病因子”的作用创造了条件。 1920年Hopkins报告氧和高温能破坏维生素A的活性。 1922年MoCollum等证明鱼肝油中的“抗佝偻病因子”在有氧的条件下能耐受1000C的高温14h,而“抗干眼病因子”在这种条件下完全失去活性。MoCollum把这种有抗佝偻病效果的、耐热的,不同于脂溶性“抗干眼因子”的物质称为维生素D。 关于日光照射与佝偻病关系的认识是与人们对佝偻病的流行病学的了解分不开的。1890年英国医生Palm,T.A首先指出佝偻病主要发生于日光照射不足的地区。流行病学调查的资料表明在人口稠密的城市里,佝偻病的发病率显著地高于农村,寒冷多雾的冬春季发病率多于阳光明媚的夏秋季。人们从不同群的生活习惯中也逐渐觉察到日光的作用,户外活动少的妇女、儿童和老人,佝偻病(或骨软化症)的发病率高,大儿长大开始行走后,由于能得到较多的日光照射,发病率明显下降。1912年,Raczimski,J.指出:日光能使小狗的骨矿物增加,佝偻病病因中起主要作用是缺少日光照射。在1919年,柏林有严重的佝偻病流行,Huldschinsky 用紫外线照射治疗,证明对佝偻病骨质钙化有明显的促进作用。 在此期间,虽然紫外线与鱼肝油同样有防治佝偻病的功效已肯定,但人们还不能解释其原因,也不了解两者之间有何联系。1923年,Goldblatt 和Soames 发现经紫外线照射的大鼠肝脏有抗佝偻病作用。1924年,Steenbock和Black发现经紫外线照射的酵母对佝偻病大鼠有疗效,此后陆续发现紫外线照射其它食物也有类似的效果,特别是牛奶经照射后,抗佝搂病效果显著增加。1932年, Windaus,Askew 等鉴定出麦角固醇(VD2)的化学结构。1936年,Windaus等测定紫外线照射7脱氢胆固醇生成的“抗佝偻病因子”,查明胆钙化醇(VD3)的结构。差不多与此同时,人们从鱼肝油中也分离出结晶的胆钙化醇(Brockman,1936,1937)这些实验说明7脱氢胆固醇是VD3的前体,鱼肝油中的“抗佝偻病因子”就是维生素D。 1930~1960年,不同学者对维生素D与钙、磷代谢、骨质生成和骨盐周转 (turnover)的关系进行了大量的研究,对维生素D对有机酸(柠檬酸)代谢、肠粘膜上皮细胞膜的通透性及动物生长的作用也进行了许多观察,但还很难把这些多种多样的研究结果综合起来说明维生素D生物化学作用的机理。 放射性同位素在医学研究中的应用,为人们探讨维生素D的生理作用开创了广阔的道路。Lindquist ,B(1952)用45Ca 研究维生素D对钙代谢的作用,发现15IU的维生素D2可以使佝偻病大鼠肠钙的吸收在4h内达到最高峰,血清钙的最高值在6h内出现,在36~48 h 才看到其对骨钙沉积的作用,此后,人们对维生素D作用的“滞后”(the lag in action of vitamin D)又进行了许多实验观察。虽然由于维生素D的使用剂量及所采用的测定方法不同,直接比较这些测定结果是困难的,但人们注意到机体对维生素D的各种生理反应都存在着“滞后”的现象,这点仍是很重要的。人们还注意到在体内给以一定量的维生素D,其生理作用仍不明显。这提示原型维生素D可能必须在体内经过代谢后,才能形成活性物质而发挥其生理作用,也可能与VD的吸收及运转到靶组织与受体起作用需要一定时间有关。另外,在临床上观察到某些尿毒症患者,常伴有骨骼的病理变化,使用大剂量维生素D也无明显疗效,若是给这种病人先做肾脏移植后再给维生素D,则骨骼的病变可以消失。这说明维生素D的生理活性,对骨骼病变的防治作用及肾功能是否良好有密切的关系。
2023-06-08 05:06:361


动画片《大鱼海棠》很多人都看过,内容还是很精彩的,台词虽然朴实但是很有韵味。下面是我为大家整理的大鱼海棠经典台词英文版,欢迎参考阅读! 大鱼海棠台词【最新版】 1) go to Chun Jiu, childhood sweetheart. 2) I am willing to give my God, all of me, only to hope you are happy. I have no father and no mother, not afraid of heaven, afraid to let you suffer. 3) I have seen all the way you look, when you have a wayward time, when you are sad, the most embarrassing time, it is very good. 4) every big fish had met, and everyone had been reunited. 5) do you believe in miracles? Life is a journey. How many times have we waited for reincarnation to have this opportunity to enjoy this journey? We will lose it in a short life. 6) Mom, is my time borrowed? 7) as long as it is good, both the right and wrong are others. 8) we will reunite, no matter what it looks like. 9) rainy night on the windowsill deliberately falling flower trying to get your attention. Unhesitates in front of her grandmother and says he is willing to use all his life to change your life. To tell you the Kun away after take you home. Ask you the answer to the answer that is cold and cold. "Oh yes, let"s sleep." Say you look good with a willful, happy look good, how to look good. At your back hand but buganshengzhang carried down finally had to recover. 10) all human beings are a huge fish in the sea. 11) the most fearful thing in the world is to make you suffer. 12) I remember him, I don"t know his name. 13) Jiu Xi and Xi such as wind, rain, wind and rain may be, with you. Marsh will wait, wait for the next day changchun. 14) if you don"t want to hurt her, let"s go! 15) I don"t understand why the most loving people can"t be together. 16) I really regret that I didn"t hold you tightly that night. 17) do you remember the place where we first met? 18) in this short life, we will eventually lose. You do not be afraid to be bold, love a person, climb a mountain, pursue a dream. 19) God gave us life to make us miraculous. 20) as long as your heart is good, right and wrong are other people"s things. 21) I know, you are doing a very dangerous thing, maybe everyone will oppose you, but my grandmother and I will always support you. 22) Changchun to marsh, Begonia flowers. 23) I have been wondering what the sea is. Facing the sea, we first think of loneliness. The sea is longing for us. We are like a wave rising and falling. The sea is a horizon. It is soft. The sea is a huge mirror. We see our soul in it. The sea is actually the softest and hardest part of our heart. 24) I owe him a life, and I owe it to him, no matter how much it costs. 25) I tell you what the most sad thing: you met a man, made a mistake, you want to make up for want to pay off, only to find out in the end you are powerless, sins never make up. We can never make it clear. 26) some fish can never be shut, because they belong to the sky. 27) who do you think is loving you? God, he betrayed all the gods and loved you. I"m not afraid of anything, I"m afraid to make you suffer. Do you believe in the eternal love? I will be the wind and rain of the world to be with you. 28) I will be the wind and rain on the earth to accompany you. 29) many things I do not understand, many problems have no answer, but I believe, God gives us life, it must be for us to create miracles. 30) if you are not happy, what is the use of life for a long time? 大鱼海棠经典台词【热门版】 1) may as well be bold, love a person, climb a mountain, pursue a dream. 2) from knowing you, to your life, I have never regretted it. 3) I like to see what you eat, and you look good on what you eat. I have seen a lot of you, a sad look, a happy look, an awkward look, and you look good. 4) everything can be exchanged in the world as long as it is paid. 5) the truth of the world is "I believe" because there is no eternal justice. 6) sorry, I don"t know that he is so important to you. Will you wake up soon? 7) watch the return, love bitterness. Life cycle, this is a miracle. 8) I am a fish that belongs to the sky, because I believe there is always a man waiting in the sky. 9) not ask if you can, but ask if you want. 10) I dreamt of you, and I dreamed that you grew up. 11) every living man in the world is a big fish living in the sea, and life is the sea. 12) Changchun to marsh, Begonia flowers. If you have turned into a storm, you come here through time. 13) everyone is a fish in the sea, they cross a whole sea, in order to meet. 14) we will never pay back what we owe. 15) people will meet a person, make a mistake, and then owe something, you are not clear. 16) we are not afraid, we are bold, to love a person, to climb a peak, to pursue a dream. 17) if there is any luck, good luck and bad luck are your destiny. 18) you might as well be bold, love a person, climb a mountain, pursue a dream, yes, you might as well be bold. 19) one day, I will sing to you in the morning light of another world. In the light of the earth, in the love of mankind, I have seen you. 20) the immortals are also done by the ordinary people, but the hearts of the mortals are not hard. It"s actually the softest and hardest place in our hearts. 21) you are in a dream, I don"t want to wake up. 22) I regret that that night did not hold you tight, toon, promise me, do not let go of me, believe me, you will be happy. 23) true forgetting is not need to work hard, forget not forget. 24) I want you to grow up, bigger than a glass cylinder, bigger than a table, bigger than a mirror, bigger than a bed, and you can"t hold you in the whole house. 25) I regret that I didn"t hold you tight that night. 26) give me a pot. 27) watch the return, love bitterness. Life cycle, this is a miracle. To love a person, to climb a mountain, to pursue a dream, may as well be bold. 28) to live longer, not happy and what is the meaning of it. 29) if you go away, if you go away from me, more afraid of you stay here forever; every drop of tears, flowing to you, back to the first encounter. 30) I will be the wind and rain on the earth and be with you. Goodbye. 31) enough mana to open, because you want to let the fish go home. With the rest of my life for half of your life, you and the fish do well. They suspect you fish, and I take the fish back. You fainted. I"ll take the fish back to you. You wake up. 32) what I am most afraid of in the world is to let the people I love suffer. 33) all human soul is the sea a huge fish, born from the sea shore of the road, sometimes encounter, sometimes separated, died to go to the sea shore, into a sleeping fish, starting again after years of waiting, the brigade Cheng Yongyuan will never end. Reciprocating endless life. 34) I have seen all of you, when you are the most embarrassing, the most embarrassing time, the most capricious time, the most disgusting time, I like it, so I understand that you are my patron saint. 35) north Ming fish, called kun. Kun, do not know its thousands of miles. 36) "you think you accept who you accept love? Is a god of love! He will betray all gods to love you! You endure all the pain! In order to bring you happiness!" Jiu hoarsely shouted, he stood askew on the cliff stone. A big wave roll came and rolled him into the water. 37) the soul of man comes from a perfect home, where there is no filth and ugliness, only pure and beautiful. The soul came to the world, wandering for a long time, living in a body, forgetting everything in his hometown. But whenever it see, hear or feel this world all good things, it will can"t help moved, it knows that those beautiful things from its hometown, the deja vu pure and beautiful up its memory. 38) I do not know the color of the mountains and rivers, and the rivers and lakes are all over the sky. Everyone knows the meaning of Begonia, Qiushuihe Taotao Chun dim. A red fortress is the end of the sea. Celebrate Kun diving, keep to restore justice! 39) life is a journey. We went through several cycles in exchange for the journey. The journey is very short, so it may be a little bold, and may as well be daring to love a person, climb a mountain, and pursue a dream. 40) you met a man, made a mistake, you want to make up for want to pay off, only to find out in the end you are powerless, sins never make up. We can never pay back what we owe... As long as it is wrong, it is a mistake that can never be made up. 41) "if a man dies, he can"t see such a beautiful sky." And looked at the stars in the sky automatic speaking. 42) all living humans, the sea is a huge fish; when they were born from the sea shore of...... Their lives are like crossing the sea, sometimes meeting, sometimes separating... When they die, they go to the shore and go to the world. 43) "I remember his appearance. I don"t know his name. I remember his eyes, and the scar on his forehead." I searched for six hours for a whole night. The Toon came to a small white fish. She looked at the little fish, the little fish closed their eyes and fell asleep quietly. 44) we are neither human nor God, we are just others.
2023-06-08 05:06:431

法语歌 歌名 sa开头 其中一句歌词是 我们都渴望明月,还有不可能拥有

歌曲名: Medication(中英对照版) 歌手名: Garbage 专辑名: Medication-Garbage 药(垃圾) I dont need an education.我不需要教育。 And I learned all I need from U.从你身上我学到了所有我所需。 Theyve got me on some medication.他们让我接受药物治疗。 My point of balance is askew.我的平缓点倾斜了。 It keeps my temperature from rising.它让我的体温不断上升。 My blood is pumping through my veins.我的血液跟着我的脉搏流动。 Somebody get me out of here.有人把我弄了出去。 Im tearing up myself.我撕扯着自己。 Nobody gives a damn about me.没有人谴责我。 Or anybody else.也没有谴责其他人。 I wear myself out in the morning.早上我穿好衣服。 Ure asleep when I get home.我回家的时候你还在梦乡。 Please dont call me self defending.但不要让我自卫。 U know it cuts me 2 the bone.你知道这让我刻骨铭心。 U know its really not surprising.尽管这并不值得惊奇。 I hold a force I cant contain.我拥有了我本不可能拥有的力量。 And still U call me co-dependent.你仍然让我相互依靠。 Somehow U laid the blame on me.不知为什么你总谴责我。 Still U call me co-dependent.你仍然让我相互依靠。 Ive got 2 make a point these days.我这些天找到一个办法。 To entertain myself.来解脱自己。
2023-06-08 05:06:501


1913年美国科学家McCollum 和 Davis 以及Mendel 同时发现维生素A,维生素A缺乏导致夜盲症。1914年美国科学家Kendall 从甲状腺中分离出含65%碘的晶体化合物,命名为甲状腺由此证实碘与甲状腺功能的关系,他因此而获得了诺贝尔奖。1918年美国科学家Osbome 和Mendel 通过动物试验证实钠的必需性。1924年美国科学家Thomas 和Mitchell 提出以生物价来评价蛋白质质量的方法。1927年美国科学家Summer证明酶是一种蛋白质。1928年美国科学家Hart及其同事研究发现铜与铁对血红蛋白的合成均是必需的。1928年美国成立营养学会。1929年美国科学家Burr GM和Burr MM发现必需脂肪酸亚油酸。1931年美国威斯康星大学研究组证明锰为必需微量元素之一。1932年美国科学家King和Waugh从柠檬汁中分离出维生素C,具有抗坏血病作用,瑞士科学家Reichstem随后在1933年人工合成维生素C。1932年德国科学家Windaus和英国科学家Askew从经过辐射的麦角固醇中分离分离出维生素D2,从而解释了美国科学家Hess和Steenbock发现的光照防治佝偻病的现象。接着,德国科学家Brockmann从金枪鱼的肝油中分离出维生素D3,而维生素D3的人工合成是由美国科学家Woodward于1953年才完成,他因此获得诺贝尔化学奖。1933年美国科学家Williams从酵母中分离出泛酸,但是,直到1950年才由Lipmann等证明泛酸是辅酶A的成分。1935年美国科学家Rose开始研究人体需要的氨基酸,确定8种必需氨基酸及其需要量。美国科学家Williams于1936年完成抗脚气病维生素的结构测定,并进行了人工合成,因结构中含有硫和胺基,因此又命名为硫胺素。1936年德国科学家Kogl和Tonnis从鸭蛋黄中分离出生物素,1937年匈牙利科学家Gyorgy证实生物素可以预防大鼠和鸡摄食蛋清而产生的病理变化。生物素的人工合成是由美国科学家Harris等于1943年完成。1936年美国科学家Evans从麦胚油中分离出维生素E,证实为Evans和Bishop1922年推测的大鼠正常繁殖所必需的X 因子;瑞士科学家Karer完成了人工合成。1938年美国科学家Lepkovsky获得了维生素B6结晶。1938年美国科学家McCollum通过大鼠试验证实钾是必需营养素。1940年美国科学家Shohl采用结晶氨基酸溶液进行了静脉输注。1941年美国科学院食物与营养委员会第一次提出“推荐的膳食供给量”(recommended dietary allowance, RDA),并于1943年发布,至今为止美国RDA已经修订10版。1945年美国科学家Angier等完成了叶酸的分离与合成,证明叶酸对孕妇巨红细胞性贫血和热带口炎性腹泻有治疗作用。近年来研究发现胎儿的神经管畸形与叶酸缺乏有关。1948年美国科学家Rickes等与英国科学家Smith和Parker各自从肝浓缩物中提取维生素B12可用于治疗恶性贫血。英国科学家Hodgkin等于1955年完成了维生素B12结构的测定,并因此获得了诺贝尔奖。1953年美国科学家Keys 发现动物脂肪消耗量与人类动脉粥样硬化病发生率成正相关,随后又有报道表明动脉硬化病发生与高胆固醇血症有关。1957年为解决宇航员饮食问题,美国科学家Greenstein 发明要素膳,以后又应用于临床的营养支持。1958年美国科学家Prasad 在伊朗锡拉兹地区发现了人类锌缺乏病。1959年美国科学家Moore 提出营养支持中最佳氮热比例为1:150(g:kcal)。1959年美国科学家Mertz和 Schwarz 的研究表明铬是胰岛素养的辅助因子。1967年美国科学家Dudridk 成功地进行幼犬的中心静脉营养,同年又将此技术应用于外科营养支持,提出静脉高营养的概念(intravenous hyperalimentation ,IVH)。1970年美国科学家 Schwarz发现钒为高等动物必需的微量元素。1970年美国科学家 Nielsn发现了镍是高等动物必需的微量元素。1972年美国科学家 Carlisle发现了硅是鸡和大鼠生长和骨骼发育所必需的微量元素。1973年美国科学家Rotruck等报道硒是谷胱甘肽过氧化物的辅助因子。1977年美国科学家 Blackburn等对波士顿几所医院住院病人调查发现约有半数左右的病人存在着不同程度的营养不良。1977年美国发布第1版“美国膳食目标”,迄今为止已经修订多次。1992年美国发表了第3版“膳食指南”与膳食指导“金字塔”。1997年美国提出“膳食参考摄入量(dietary reference intake,DRIs)”的概念。
2023-06-08 05:06:582


Necklace主要角色:Husband; Mathilde; Jane; Thief(同时是舞会侍者) 主要角色: Jane; Thief( 同时是舞会侍者) 配角:旁白; 舞会上路人甲、 配角:旁白; 舞会上路人甲、乙(旁白:) 旁白:) charming, Once there was a girl named Mathilde. She was pretty and charming, loving beautiful clothes, shining diamond. She always enjoys the palace, diamond day fate, and all the beauties in the day life. Unfortunately, by a slip of fate, dowry(嫁妆) she married a little clerk. She had no dowry(嫁妆), no expectations, no way of being known, understood, loved. when One day when she sat down to dinner, her husband rushed into the room with a piece of good news. (第一幕:家中。二人坐在餐桌旁) 第一幕: 二人坐在餐桌旁) Husband: Husband:Darling, good news, good news. Mathilde: Mathilde:Good news? Husband: Husband:Yes! Mathilde:(打开信封拿出信念) :(打开信封拿出信念 Mathilde:(打开信封拿出信念)The Minister of Public Instruction invite you and me to the ball on Monday evening, January 18th. The ball, jewelry, beautiful clothes. Husband: what"s Husband:Oh, what"s wrong with you? Mathilde:(放下信不开心) :(放下信不开心 Mathilde:(放下信不开心)What do you wish me to do with that? Husband: happy. Husband:Why, my dear, I thought you would be happy. You never go out, go. and this is such a fine opportunity. Every one wants to go. The whole official world will be there. Mathilde: Mathilde:But I don"t have any jewelry! Husband: Husband:Jewelry? Do you need any jewelry? Mathilde: Mathilde:Of course, no jewelry, how could I go to the ball? Husband: Jewelry? Why not wear some natural flowers? Mathilde: Mathilde:But flowers, just flowers! I will look very poor beside those people people who are rich. Husband: Husband: You can ask your friend Jane, and borrow some jewelry from her. Mathilde: Mathilde:My friend Jane? Husband: Husband:Yes! Mathilde: Mathilde:Oh, that"s true, darling. You are so clever. I have never thought of it.(第二幕:Mathilde 来到 Jane 家。 第二幕: (旁白:)The next day she went to her friend Jane. 旁白:)The :) Jane: Jane:Jewelries are here. 拿第一根项链) Mathilde: Oh, so beautiful! (拿第一根项链)look at this one, it"s very nice. (拿第二根项链)It"s so beautiful! (拿第三根项链)Look at the (拿第二根项链)It" (拿第三根项链) 拿第二根项链 拿第三根项链 diamond, it"s so bright, I like it very much. May I borrow this one, only this one? Jane: Jane: Yes, certainly. Mathilde: Really? Jane: You look nice! Mathilde: Thank you.(第三幕:舞会) 第三幕:舞会) 旁白:) (旁白:) When she wore the necklace, she felt she was the most beautiful lady in the world. On the ball, every one paid attention on her. She danced with laughter, with passion. She was excited, forget everything. Just enjoy the ball. 舞会,众人跳舞。 舞会,众人跳舞。(第四幕:找项链) 找项链) Husband:Mathilde, what"s the matter with you? usband: Mathilde: I have, I have lost my necklace. Husband: What? Impossible! Mathilde: Mathilde:I don"t know. Husband: Think it over. Mathilde: Mathilde: Let me see, let me see. Maybe … maybe, I lost it on the ball. Husband: Husband:Don"t be nervous. Now, let"s go back to the ball and find it together. Necklace, 合:Necklace, where is the necklace … necklace … necklace…… athilde: Mathilde: Madam, did you see my necklace? 路人: sorry, 路人:Oh, sorry, I have never seen it. Mathilde: Mathilde:Lost the necklace, how should I do? Husband:Don"t be sad, my dear. Now, if you encounter your friend Jane, Husband: tell her that you"ll return the necklace on time. Mathilde: Mathilde:But, how can I get the necklace? Husband: Husband:We can buy a new one that looks the same as that one your borrowed.Mathilde: Mathilde:Do you know how much the necklace cost? Husband: Husband:I don"t know! Mathilde: Mathilde:It cost 50 thousand francs. Husband: Husband:50 thousand francs? Oh, my god! We must borrow money to pay for it. 旁白:) (旁白:) After she lost the necklace, she should work day and night to pay for it. During the ten years, she became older and older. She had become the households---strong woman of impoverished households--strong and hard and rough. With frowsy hair, skirts askew and red hands, she talked loud while washing the floor with great swishes of water. Mathilde: How dirty it is! I will be mad. I will be crazy! (第四幕:Mathilde 公园长椅上,落魄) 第四幕: 公园长椅上, 落魄) 旁白:) :)One (旁白:)One day, Mathilde had a rest in the park. She met a madam who is still young, still charming, still beautiful. It is Mathilde!! Now that she has paid, she should tell her all about that. athilde: Mathilde:Hello, Jane. Jane:But--madame! --madame! mistake. Jane:But--madame!May be you made a mistake. I haven"t seen you before. Mathilde: Mathilde, Mathilde:No. I am Mathilde, you friend. Jane:(惊讶) :(惊讶 changed! Jane:(惊讶)Oh, my poor Mathilde! How you are changed! Mathilde:That"s because of you! Mathilde: hat"s Jane: Jane:Of me! How so? Mathilde: Mathilde:Do you remember that necklace I borrowed from you 10 years ago. Jane: Jane:Yes. You went to the ball with your husband, and you look nice with it. Mathilde: ball. Mathilde: I lost it in the ball. Jane: remember Jane:But I remember you returned it to me ten years ago. Mathilde: Mathilde:That"s a new one. It looks the same as that one. And this necklace has taken us ten years to pay for it. Jane: Jane:Ten years hard work? Oh, my poor Mathilde. The necklace was a fake. five It wasworth at most only five hundred francs! Mathilde: 脸色惨白…… ……) francs…F …Five Mathilde:(Mathilde 脸色惨白……)Five hundred francs…Five hundred francs…F …Five francs…F …Five francs… francs…Five hundred francs…Five hundred francs…佛:唉,我可怜的玛蒂尔德!可是,可是(抓住她的手) ,可是我那一挂是假的,最多值五 百法郎!……
2023-06-08 05:07:071


崔西·摩根 (Tracy Morgan) ,美国演员。 代表作品有:《警界双贱》等。2008年因《我为喜剧狂》(30 Rock)获艾美奖喜剧类最佳男配角提名,《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live)曾经的常驻演员,后和蒂娜-菲一起出演《我为喜剧狂》,扮演一名疯疯癫癫的黑人艺人。 基本介绍 中文名 :崔西·摩根 外文名 :Tracy Morgan 国籍 :美国 出生日期 :1968年11月10日 职业 :演员 代表作品 :警界双贱 个人简介,主要作品, 个人简介 中文名: 崔西·摩根( 特蕾西·摩根) 英文名: Tracy Morgan 性 别: 男 出生 : 1968年11月10日 角 色:美国著名演员 星座: 天蝎座 主要作品 2011 -崔西摩根 Rio 里约大冒险(配音)无人之子 The Son of No One 2010 -崔西·摩根 Tracy Morgan 拍档侦探 A Couple of Dicks(演员) 警界双贱A Couple of Cops 2009 -崔西·摩根 Tracy Morgan 美食从天而降 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs(演员) 食破天惊 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs: An IMAX 3D Experience 豚鼠特工队 G-Force(演员) 豚鼠特攻队/ G势力/ 鼠胆妙算 / 超鼠特攻 Mission G G-Force: Superspie in missione 第61届美国电视艾美奖 The 61st Primetime Emmy Awards(演员) 2008 -崔西·摩根 Tracy Morgan 超级英雄 Superhero Movie(演员) 超低能特工队 第一个周日 First Sunday(演员) 脑中有钉 Nailed(演员) 订牢 / 搞定 峡谷深处 Deep in the Valley(演员) 2006 -崔西·摩根 Tracy Morgan "Saturday Night Live"(演员) 我为喜剧狂 30 Rock(演员) 超级制作人/ 摇滚30 第58届黄金时段艾美奖颁奖典礼 The 58th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards(演员) 小矮人 Little Man(演员) 小孩好黑 绝对震撼 Totally Awesome(演员) 2005 -崔西·摩根 Tracy Morgan 我们到了没? Are We There Yet?(演员) 小鬼上路 / 玩谢后备爹 最长的一码 The Longest Yard(演员) 监狱风云-最长一码 / 牢狱风云 / 监狱疯球 / 铁男总动员 2004 -崔西·摩根 Tracy Morgan 101 Most Unforgettable SNL Moments(演员) Saturday Night Live: The Best of Cheri Oteri(演员) 2003 -崔西·摩根 Tracy Morgan 乌龙元首 Head of State(演员) 2002 -崔西·摩根 Tracy Morgan 凸槌保险员 Frank McKlusky, C.I.(演员) "Crank Yankers"(演员) 2001 -崔西·摩根 Tracy Morgan High到哈佛 How High(演员) 火山高校 Volcano High(演员) 火山高中 Whasango Hwasan Highschool 白烂贱客 Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back(演员) 骑呢两兜友 / 杰伊与鲍伯的回击 VA5 View Askew 5 2000 -崔西·摩根 Tracy Morgan 迷惑 Bamboozled(演员) 1999 -崔西·摩根 Tracy Morgan Saturday Night Live: Game Show Parodies(演员) Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary(演员) 1998 -崔西·摩根 Tracy Morgan 抢救肯尼小子 Half Baked(演员) 嚟料孖宝 1996 -崔西·摩根 Tracy Morgan 爱恨一线间 A Thin Line Beeen Love and Hate(演员) A Thin Line Beeen Love & Hate 1975 -崔西·摩根 Tracy Morgan 周六夜现场 Saturday Night Live(演员) 周末的狂热 SNL NBC"s Saturday Night
2023-06-08 05:07:251

双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第14章 Part 11

"Assuredly " said Mrs Blimber. The Apothecary bending down looked closely into Paul"s eyes and felt his head and his pulse and his heart with so much interest and care that Paul said "Thank you Sir." "Our little friend " observed Doctor Blimber "has never plained." “我们的小朋友,”布林伯博士说道,“从来没有喊叫过痛苦。” "Oh no!" replied the Apothecary. "He was not likely to plain." "You find him greatly better?" said Doctor Blimber. "Oh! he is greatly better Sir " returned the Apothecary. Paul had begun to speculate in his own odd way on the subject that might occupy the Apothecary"s mind just at that moment; so musingly had he answered the o questions of Doctor Blimber. But the Apothecary happening to meet his little patient"s eyes as the latter set off on that mental expedition and ing instantly out of his abstraction with a cheerful *** ile Paul *** iled in return and abandoned it. He lay in bed all that day dozing and dreaming and looking at Mr Toots; but got up on the next and went downstairs. Lo and behold there was something the matter with the great clock; and a workman on a pair of steps had taken its face off and was poking instruments into the works by the light of a candle! This was a great event for Paul who sat down on the bottom stair and watched the operation attentively: now and then glancing at the clock face leaning all askew against the wall hard by and feeling a little confused by a suspicion that it was ogling him. The workman on the steps was very civil; and as he said when he observed Paul "How do you do Sir?" Paul got into conversation with him and told him he hadn"t been quite well lately. The ice being thus broken Paul asked him a multitude of questions about chimes and clocks: as whether people watched up in the lonely church steeples by night to make them strike and how the bells were rung when people died and whether those were different bells from wedding bells or only sounded di *** al in the fancies of the living. Finding that his new acquaintance was not very well informed on the subject of the Curfew Bell of ancient days Paul gave him an account of that institution; and also asked him as a practical man what he thought about King Alfred"s idea of measuring time by the burning of candles; to which the workman replied that he thought it would be the ruin of the clock trade if it was to e up again. In fine Paul looked on until the clock had quite recovered its familiar aspect and resumed its sedate inquiry; when the workman putting away his tools in a long basket bade him good day and went away. Though not before he had whispered something on the door—mat to the footman in which there was the phrase "old—fashioned" — for Paul heard it. What could that old fashion be that seemed to make the people sorry! What could it be! Having nothing to learn now he thought of this frequently; though not so often as he might have done if he had had fewer things to think of. But he had a great many; and was always thinking all day long. 注释: ①中世纪,根据一项特别法律,在欧洲的许多城市,夜间到了规定的熄灯时间,就敲钟发出通知。 ②艾尔弗雷德国王(KingAlfred,849—899年),别称艾尔弗雷德大帝(AlfredtheGreat) ,是九世纪时英格兰西南部撒克逊-韦塞克斯(Saxon-Wessex)王朝的国王(在位时间 为871—899年);他治国井井有条,善制订一部重要法典;用点蜡烛来计算时间的方法 就是他建议的。 词语注释:mattern. 物质;原因;事件 vi. 有关系;要紧 词组短语  no matter 不论怎样;不要紧 a matter of 大约;…的问题 no matter how 不管怎样 no matter what 不管什么,无论什么 anic matter 有机质;有机物;有机物质 subject matter 主题;主旨 doesn"t matter 无所谓;无关紧要 matter of fact n. 事实 no matter where 无论哪里 for that matter 就此而言;至于那个;说到那一点 dry matter 干物质,固形物 no matter what happens 无论发生什么事;无论出现什么情况 no matter who conj. 不管是谁 on the matter 在这件事情上;对这个问题 no matter whether conj. 无论(不管是) a matter of time 只是时间问题;某事肯定发生只是时间问题而已 in the matter of 就…而论,在…方面 in a matter of 左右;大约只不过在…之内 no matter which 无论哪一个 dark matter 暗物质 例句: (1) This matter concerns all of us. 这件事与我们每个人都有关系。 (2) We must move at once in this matter. 对这件事我们必须立刻采取行动。 (3) He tends towards my opinion on this matter. 在这件事上他倾向于我的意见。 (4) They"ll approach her on that matter. 他们要向她交涉那件事情。 (5) We have to ravel the matter out. 我们必须把事情弄个水落石出。 (6) They discussed an important matter with her. 他们跟她谈论一件重要事情。 (7) They will go behind this matter. 他们将彻底调查这件事。 (8) I saw some persons haunting around your house what"s the matter with you? 我看见有几个人常在你家周围转悠,你那里发生什么事了? (9) I should like to arbitrate on this matter. 我想谈谈我对这件事的看法。 (10) In this matter we must place the mon cause above all else. 在这件事情上, 我们必须把共同事业放在高于一切的位置上。 recovervt. 恢复;弥补;重新获得 vi. 恢复;胜诉;重新得球 n. 还原至预备姿势 短语 recover from 恢复;恢复知觉 recover possession收回管有 recover oneself恢复正常;恢复健康;清醒过来;镇定下来 recover investments投资成本回收 Recover Photographs得照片 File Recover易用的文件恢复软件 Recover Floppy紧急还原磁片 Recover passwords取回密码 Recover MP恢复MP STATUS RECOVER恢复技能 词根:recover adj. recoverable 可收回的;可恢复的;可补偿的 n. recovery 恢复,复原;痊愈;重获 recoverer 回收器;财产收回取得者;追索财产者 (1) I sincerely hope you will soon recover. 我诚恳地盼望你早日康复。 (2) It is impossible for the client to recover. 该诉讼委托人不可能胜诉。 (3) But no one knows yet how well she might recover. 但现在无人知道她能恢复到什么程度。 (4) I thought if I recover I have to do more for everyone. 我当时就想,如果我能恢复,我要为大家做更多的事。 (5) Then they treat them with drugs to help them recover. 然后,他们用药物治疗,以帮助他们恢复。 (6) How they recover is not just their problem but Europe"s. 他们如何恢复不只是他们的问题,而是欧洲的问题。 (7) If I were told that I could recover my eyesight I would refuse. 如果有人告诉我我可以恢复我的视力,我会拒绝。 (8) Short of replacing hardware you cannot recover from this situation. 缺乏可替换硬件,将不能从这种情况中恢复。 (9) They vaccinate our children and help us to recover when we are sick. 他们对我们的儿童进行预防接种并帮助我们在患病时康复。 (10) In many parts of the world it has yet to recover. 在很多地方,到目前为止,这种状况还没恢复。
2023-06-08 05:07:311

which which清楚的清晰的明白英语怎么说

第一个是指哪个方向,例句: Surprised telling people is that no matter which direction to watch from Taiwan,in the Long Tower is located to the direction always askew. 使人惊讶叫绝的是,不管从东南西北哪个方向观看,归龙塔总是向人所在方向歪斜 第二表示是什么方向,例句: 1.What direction does this exhibition hall face?展览馆朝什么方向? 2.What direction does this house face?这座房子朝什么方向?
2023-06-08 05:07:381


  雾人前传  影片资料  国家/地区:美国  类型: 恐怖 惊悚  上映日期:2008年5月1日 法国  对白语言:英语  发行公司: Capelight Pictures...  更多中文名:雾人2  制作成本:  $2,000,000/estimated  摄影机:  Moviecam Cameras  《雾人前传》的演职员表  导演 Director:  戴夫·佩恩 Dave Payne  编剧 Writer:  戴夫·佩恩 Dave Payne ....writer  演员 Actor:  Michael Muhney ....Harris  Mircea Monroe ....Maya  德斯蒙德·奥斯基 Desmond Askew ....Binky  Valerie Cruz ....Allison  Robert Pine ....Sheriff Reed  威尔莫·卡德隆 Wilmer Calderon ....Carlos  Alejandro Patino ....Medic  Coltin Scott ....Alex  Ron Roggé ....Nick  Shelly Desai ....Ravi  Katie Lowes ....Hospital Intern  Lyne Odums ....Psychiatrist (as Baadja-Lyne Odums)  Christopher Boyer ....Officer Mansfield  Michael Robert Brandon ....The Drifter  David Goldman ....Father  David Stanbra ....Young Sheriff Reed  制作人 Produced by:  Ronnie Apteker ....executive producer  Don Dunn ....producer  Tina Illman ....producer  Amy Jarvela ....line producer: additional photography  摄影 Cinematography:  Mike Mickens  剪辑 Film Editing:  Daniel Barone  选角导演 Casting:  Jamie Sparer Roberts  艺术指导 Production Designer:  Anthony Tremblay  美术设计 Art Direction by:  Elizabeth Cummings  服装设计 Costume Design by:  Charlotte Kruse  副导演/助理导演 Assistant Director:  Josh Garrell ....second assistant director  Jim Whitworth ....first assistant director  剧情  一个警官和他的儿子一起追踪赌场抢劫犯,没想到螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后,另有不明杀手正对所有人虎视眈眈……  制作公司:  The Institution[美国]  发行公司:  Capelight Pictures(2008) (Germany) (all media)  Cinema Management Group(2008) (USA) (theatrical)  Dutch FilmWorks (DFW) B.V.[荷兰](2008) (Netherlands) (DVD)  Ghosthouse Underground(2008) (USA) (theatrical)  VVS Films(2008) (Canada) (all media)  其他公司:  Chapman and Leonard Studio Equipmentcamera cranes  Juniper Post Inc.[美国]sound post-production  Rockbottom Rentalscell phone rentals/walkie rentals  《雾人前传》的上映/发行日期  国家/地区上映/发行日期(细节) 美国  USA 2008年1月1日......(Los Angeles, California) 法国  France2008年5月1日......(Cannes Film Market)
2023-06-08 05:08:031


2023-06-08 05:08:1111

sailor hat中文翻译

She wore a sailor hat of black straw . 她戴著一顶扁平的硬边黑草帽。 O , the whore of the lane ! a frowsy whore with black straw sailor hat askew came glazily in the day along the quay towards mr bloom 一个歪戴著黑色水手草帽邋里邋遢的 *** ,大白天就两眼无神地沿著码头朝布卢姆先生踱了过来。 She settles them down quickly . respect yourself . she hiccups , then bends quickly her sailor hat under which her hair glows , red with henna 她打个嗝儿,然后赶快低下她那水手帽,她那用散沫花染料染红了的头发在帽檐底下闪著光。 At o carrie came tripping along the walk toward him , rosy and clean . she had just recently donned a sailor hat for the season with a band of pretty white - dotted blue silk 她头上戴著顶新买的水手帽子,上面缀著条漂亮的白点子蓝绸带,这帽子正是这个季节戴的。
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2023-06-08 05:09:061


  侧,读音:[cè] [zè] [zhāi]   部首: 亻   部外笔画: 6   总笔画: 8   五笔86: wmjh   五笔98: wmjh   仓颉: obon   笔顺编号: 32253422   四角号码: 22200   郑码: nlkd   Unicode: CJK 统一汉字 U+4FA7   基本解释:   侧 [cè]   旁:~面。~影。~门。~室。~翼。~记***关于某些活动的侧面的报道***。   斜著:~重***zhòng ******偏重***。~射。~卧。~枝。~芽。辗转反~。   卑陋:~陋***a.偏僻简陋;b.指地位低下***。   侧 [zè]   同“仄”。   侧 [zhāi]   〔~歪〕倾斜,如“你看那人~~著走”。   ***侧***   详细解释:   侧 [cè]   〈名〉   ***形声。从人,则声。本义:旁边***   同本义。亦用作谦词 [side]   侧,旁也。——《说文》   居侧室。——《礼记·内则》。注:“谓夹之室次燕寝也。”   立于侧阶。——《书·顾命》   倾容幸而待侧。——《楚辞·思古》   有泉侧出。——宋· 王安石《游褒禅山记》   又如:左侧;右侧;侧闻***谦词。表示从旁听到***;侧畔***旁边***   边缘 [edge]   坎坎伐辐兮,置之河之侧兮。——《诗·魏风·伐檀》   铸钟官赤侧。——《史记·平准书》。集解:“以赤铜为其廓也。”   〈动〉   向旁边歪斜 [incline;lean]   樊哙侧其盾以撞。——《史记·项羽本纪》   侧弁之俄。——《诗·小雅·宾之初筵》。笺:“侧,倾也。”   又如:侧耳细听;侧目***斜着眼睛看,形容畏惧或愤恨的样子***   靠近 [near;close to]   侧其故处。——《仪礼·公食礼》。疏:“近也。”   又如:侧近***临近,最近***   〈形〉   不正,邪辟 [askew;aslant;crooked]   无反无侧,王道正直。——《书·洪范》   乡之行劫缚者,侧目莫敢过其门。——柳宗元《童区寄传》   另见 zhāi;zè   侧 [zhāi]   〈形〉   〈方〉∶斜著,不正 [inclined]。如:帽子侧歪在一边;侧棱;侧歪   另见 cè;zè   侧 [zè]   〈形〉   倾斜。古字为“仄”[oblique]   侧弁之俄。——《诗·小雅·宾之初宴》   无反无侧。——《书·洪范》   同“仄”。“平仄”也作“平侧”[oblique tones]   另见 cè;zhāi
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2023-06-08 05:09:201


哩溜歪斜的解释(1) [crooked;askew;shapeless and twisted]∶歪歪扭扭;不正 他的字写得哩溜歪斜的 (2) [(of walking) not steady]∶[走路] 左右 摇摆 这个醉汉哩溜歪斜的走过来 词语分解 哩的解释 哩 助词,义同“呢”。 助词,义同“啦”。 哩 ǐ 塶? 英美制长度单位,一哩等于英尺,合米( 中国 大陆地区已停用此字,写作“英里”)。 哩 ī 〔哩哩啦啦〕零零散散或 断断续续 的样子。 笔画数:; 歪斜的解释 不正;不直详细解释不正;不直。 元 杨暹 《刘行首》第三折:“只见他,玉佩 狼藉 ,翠钿零落,云髻歪斜。”《二十年目睹之怪 现状 》第八四回:“问起来,才知道 江西 人极信风水,其房屋之所以歪斜,都为限於
2023-06-08 05:09:261


说文解字侧 u3ac4也。从人则声。阻力切侧 cè〈名〉(1) (形声。从人,则声。本义:旁边)(2) 同本义。亦用作谦词 [side]侧,旁也。——《说文》居侧室。——《礼记·内则》。注:“谓夹之室次燕寝也。”立于侧阶。——《书·顾命》倾容幸而待侧。——《楚辞·思古》有泉侧出。——宋· 王安石《游褒禅山记》(3) 又如:左侧;右侧;侧闻(谦词。表示从旁听到);侧畔(旁边)(4) 边缘 [edge]坎坎伐辐兮,置之河之侧兮。——《诗·魏风·伐檀》铸钟官赤侧。——《史记·平准书》。集解:“以赤铜为其廓也。”词性变化--------------------------------------------------------------------------------◎ 侧侧 cè〈动〉(1) 向旁边歪斜 [incline;lean]樊哙侧其盾以撞。——《史记·项羽本纪》侧弁之俄。——《诗·小雅·宾之初筵》。笺:“侧,倾也。”(2) 又如:侧耳细听;侧目(斜着眼睛看,形容畏惧或愤恨的样子)(3) 靠近 [near;close to]侧其故处。——《仪礼·公食礼》。疏:“近也。”(4) 又如:侧近(临近,最近)◎ 侧侧 cè〈形〉(1) 不正,邪辟 [askew;aslant;crooked]无反无侧,王道正直。——《书·洪范》乡之行劫缚者,侧目莫敢过其门。——柳宗元《童区寄传》
2023-06-08 05:09:391


2023-06-08 05:09:461

My OCD的歌词

《My OCD -- 强迫症之歌》歌词:病人:哈喽?!医生:哈喽 Mr. .....Neil。今天好吗?病人:我挺好,小组其他人在哪?医生:哦,就你一个人病人:整个小组就我一个人?医生:是的。别担心,我不需要其他人。医生:那个(倾斜的)相框医生:那(没对齐的)帽绳病人:他们要把我逼疯了医生:切割不均匀的批萨饼医生:字号不一的文字病人:已经超出我能承受(的范围)病人:缺失的右括号病人:不等长的卡普里裤病人:谷歌搜askew(倾斜的)病人:从错误的一端打开袋子病人:那简直就是犯罪病人:另外还有病人:没有完全对齐的魔方病人:我必须纠正这些错误病人:还以他们本来面目病人:谁让我有强迫症医生:卷筒纸朝内放置医生:不一致的花样游泳队员医生:乱丢一气的衣橱病人:没按顺序取用的药片病人:没对齐的鬓角病人:那个不协调的迷你百叶窗病人:我必须纠正这些错误病人:还以他们本来面目病人:谁让我有强迫症医生:Mr. Neil,还好吗?病人:挺好医生:想休息一下吗?病人:这倒是个好主意医生:太好了医生:希望你已经饿了医生:我给你准备了些小吃医生:请享用吧(医生端上各种伤不起的混乱,不等长杂乱的小吃摆在病人面前)病人:我必须纠正这些错误病人:还以他们本来面目病人:谁让我有强迫症医生:结束了,你可以走了医生:Mr. Neil?医生:Mr. Neil?病人:我可以明天再来吗?病人:(邪邪的笑)That picture frameThose hoodie stringsThey are driving me insaneUnequal pizza slicesFonts of different sizesIt"s more than I can takeMissing parenthesesUneven CapriGoogling "askew"Bags opened from the wrong endShould be recognized as a sin,Along withAn unsolved Rubik"s cubeI gotta make things rightMake it the way it"s supposed to beIt"s my OCDToilet paper facing inwardsUn-synchronized synchronized swimmersA closet that"s not organizedPills removed out of sequenceSideburns that are not evenThat one rebel mini blindAnd I gotta make things rightMake it the way it"s supposed to beIt"s my OCDBaby I gotta make things rightMake it the way it"s supposed to beIt"s my OCD
2023-06-08 05:10:051


2023-06-08 05:10:121


《世界新闻报》原高级编辑安迪·库尔森1891年:Emsley Carr1941年:David Percy Davies1946年:S. Skelton1947年:Arthur Waters1953年:Reg Cudlipp1960年:Stafford Somerfield1970年:Cyril Lear1975年:Bernard Shrimsley1980年:Barry Askew1981年:Derek Jameson1984年:Nicholas Lloyd1985年:David Montgomery1987年:Wendy Henry1988年:Patsy Chapman1993年:Stuart Higgins1994年:Piers Morgan1995年:Phil Hall2000年:Rebekah Wade2003年:Andy Coulson2007年:Colin Myler
2023-06-08 05:10:251


2023-06-08 05:10:381


yellow mellow crow grow brow narrow follow callow willow billow pillow show view window now straw stew screw interview unscrew vow wow flow low slow snow few draw raw saw paw claw review preview know tow law bellow hallow hollow shallow swallow row throw overthrow overflow shadow sparrow how somehow cow bow arrow sow rainbow allow
2023-06-08 05:11:494


2023-06-08 05:11:561


僻释义:1.偏僻。 2.性情古怪,跟一般人合不来。3.不常见的(多指文字)。pì1、〈动〉形声。从人,辟声。本义:退避,回避。同本义[avoid]僻,辟也。…《诗》曰:“宛如左僻。”——东汉·许慎《说文》2、〈形〉(1)偏僻;偏远;很少有人去的[remote;out-of-the-way]。虽僻远其何伤。——《楚辞·涉江》而荆僻也。——《吕氏春秋·慎行》浔阳地僻无音乐。——唐·白居易《琵琶行(并序)》(2)又如:僻路(偏僻的小路);僻壤(偏僻的地方);僻小(偏僻狭小);僻穴(偏僻的洞穴);僻陋(偏僻简陋);僻巷(偏僻小巷);僻净(偏僻清静)。(3)邪僻[evil]民之多僻。——《诗·大雅·板》放僻淫侈:肆意为非作歹。亦指肆无忌惮、邪恶不正。(4)又如:僻王(邪僻不正的国君);僻邪(邪恶);僻事(邪僻之事);僻淫(邪避淫佚);僻乱(邪僻反常,不合正道);僻诡(邪避诡诈);僻错(邪僻乖张)。(5)偏执[stubborn]。如:僻违(乖张,违背常理);僻介(偏执耿直);僻固(偏执,固执);僻陋(性情偏执,见识浅陋);僻鄙(偏执鄙陋);僻愚(僻陋暗昧);僻数(僻陋的技巧);僻滞(偏执拘泥)。(6)冷僻[rare;uncommon]。如:僻书(冷僻的书籍,极罕见的书籍);僻涩(冷僻晦涩);僻缓(冷僻而非必需);僻隐(冷僻幽隐而不易见);僻事(不是平常习见的典故);生僻字。(7)怪僻[eccentric]。如:僻语(怪僻的语言);僻放(怪僻放恣);僻戾(怪僻暴戾);僻恣(怪僻而纵恣);僻谬(乖僻荒谬,违背正理);僻违(乖僻不合)。(8)歪;斜[askew;inclined]。如:僻然(倾侧的样子);僻侧(倾斜)。3、〈名〉通“嬖”。受宠爱的人[favorite]便僻好色。——《韩非子·八奸》
2023-06-08 05:12:021


2023-06-08 05:12:181

歪的英文 比如你的领带歪了 那块板子歪了 怎么说

crook = 歪 - (这是老美日用的口头字) crooked tie = 领带歪了 that tile is crooked = 那块板子歪了 歪 = 亦可用 askew devious inclined slanting
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(Season 1)2002冠军:Kelly Clarkson亚军:Justin Guarini季军:Nikki McKibbin第四名:Tamyra Gray第五名:RJ Helton第六名:Christina Christian第七名:Ryan Starr第八名:A.J. Gil第九名:Jim Verraros第十名:EJay Day (Season 2) 2003冠军:Ruben Studdard亚军:Clay Aiken季军:Kimberley Locke第四名:Joshua Gracin第五名:Trenyce第六名:Carmen Rasmusen第七名:Kimberly Caldwell第八名:Rickey Smith第九名:Corey Clark第十名:Julia DeMato第十一名:Charles Grigsby第十二名:Vanessa Olivarez (Season 3) 2004冠军:Fantasia Barrino亚军:Diana DeGarmo季军:Jasmine Trias第四名:LaToya London第五名:George Huff第六名:John Stevens第七名:Jennifer Hudson第八名:Jon Peter Lewis第九名:Camile Velasco第十名:Amy Adams第十一名:Matthew Rogers第十二名:Leah LaBelle (Season 4) 2005冠军:Carrie Underwood亚军:Bo Bice季军:Vonzell Solomon第四名:Anthony Fedorov第五名:Scott Savol第六名:Constantine Maroulis第七名:Anwar Robinson第八名:Nadia Turner第九名:Nikko Smith第十名:Jessica Sierra第十一名:Mikalah Gordon第十二名:Lindsey Cardinale (Season 5) 2006冠军:Taylor Hicks亚军:Katharine McPhee季军:Elliott Yamin第四名:ChrisDaughtry第五名:Paris Bennett第六名:Kellie Pickler第七名:Ace Young第八名:Bucky Covington第九名:Mandisa Hundley第十名:Lisa Tucker第十一名:Kevin Covais第十二名:Melissa McGhee (Season 6) 2007冠军:Jordin Sparks亚军:Blake Lewis季军:Melinda Doolittle第四名:LaKisha Jones第五名:Chris Richardson第六名:Phil Stacey第七名:Sanjaya Malakar第八名:Haley Scarnato第九名:Gina Glocksen第十名:Chris Sligh第十一名:Stephanie Edwards第十二名:Brandon Rogers (Season 7)2008冠军:David Cook亚军:David Archuleta季军:Syesha Mercado第四名:Jason Castro第五名:Brooke White第六名:Carly Smithson第七名:Kristy Lee Cook第八名:Michael Johns第九名:Ramiele Malubay第十名:Chikezie第十一名:Amanda Overmeyer第十二名:David Hernandez (Season 8)2009冠军:Kris Allen亚军:Adam Lambert季军:Danny Gokey第四名:Allison Iraheta第五名:Matt Giraud第六名:Anoop Desai第七名:Lil Rounds第八名:Scott MacIntyre第九名:Megan Joy Corkrey第十名:Michael Sarver第十一名:Alexis Grace第十二名:Jorge Nunez第十三名:Jasmine Murray (Season 9)2010冠军:Lee DeWyze亚军:Crystal Bowersox季军:Casey James第四名:Michael Lynche第五名:Aaron Kelly第六名:Siobhan Magnus第七名:Tim Urban第八名:Katie Stevens第九名:Andrew Garcia第十名:Didi Benami第十一名:Paige Miles第十二名:Lacey Brown (Season 10)2011冠军:Scotty McCreery亚军:Lauren Alaina季军:Haley Reinhart第四名:James Durbin第五名:Jacob Lusk第六名:Casey Abrams第七名:Stephano Langone第八名:Paul McDonald第九名:Pia Toscano第十名:Thia Megia第十一名:Naima Adedapo第十二名:Karen Rodriguez第十三名:Ashthon Jones (Season 11) 2012冠军:Phillip Phillips亚军:Jessica Sanchez季军:Joshua Ledet第四名:Hollie Cavanagh第五名:Skylar Laine第六名:Elise Testone第七名:Colton Dixon第八名:Deandre Brackensick第九名:Heejun Han第十名:Erika Van Pelt第十一名:Shannon Magrane第十二名:Jeremy Rosado (Season 12) 2013冠军 Candice Glover亚军 Kree Harrison季军 Angie Miller第四名 Amber Holcomb第五名 Janelle Arthur第六名 Lazaro Arbos第七名 Burnell Taylor第八名 Devin Velez第九名 Paul Jolley第十名 Curtis Finch Jr第十一名 Aubrey Cleland第十二名 Charlie Askew (Season 13) 2014冠军 Caleb Johnson亚军 Jena Irene季军Alex Preston 第4名 Jessica Meuse第5名 Sam Woolf第6名 C.J. Harris第7名 Dexter Roberts第8名 Malaya Watson第9名 Majesty Rose第10名 MK Nobilette第11名 Ben Briley第12名 Emily Piriz第13名 Kristen O"Connor (Season 14) 2015冠军Nick Fradiani亚军 Clark Beckham季军 Jax第4名 Rayvon Owen第5名 Tyanna Jones第6名 Quentin Alexander第7名 Joey Cook第8名 Qaasim Middleton第9名 Daniel Seayey第10名 Maddie Walker第11名 Adanna Duru第12名 Sarina-Joi Crowe (Season 15) 2016冠军 Trent Harmon 亚军 LaPorsha Renae季军Dalton Rapattoni第4名 Mackenzie Bourg第5名 Sonika Vaid第6名Tristan McIntosh第7名 Avalon Young第8名 Lee Jean第9名 OliviaFox第10名 Gianna Isabella
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