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2023-06-09 08:51:55










erika的意思是:埃利卡。ERIKA(埃利卡)也是德国黄色鲜花的名称。名称ERIKA(埃利卡)是旧诺斯“曾强大的”或“人民的统治者”的名词。 它也经常被拼写为ERICA. 其粗犷的形式是ERIK(埃里克),ERIC(埃里克)和DEREK(德里克)。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。英语是按照分布面积而言最流行的语言,但母语者数量是世界第三,仅次于汉语、西班牙语。它是学习最广泛的第二语言,是近60个主权国家的官方语言或官方语言之一。与英语为母语的人相比,将其作为第二语言学习的人更多。它是英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国家的母语,在加勒比海、非洲和南亚被广泛使用。它是联合国、欧洲联盟以及许多其他世界和区域国际组织的官方语言之一。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰。英语已成为国际主导语言之一。形态特征:这是一个共同的名字,在许多欧洲国家,以及澳大利亚,北美和日本。 ERIKA(埃利卡)也是德国黄色鲜花的名称。常绿灌木。株高30cm,多分枝、叶常4枚轮生,光滑,针状,花小。红色,常下垂,钟形。花期春季。生长环境:喜光线充足,较耐寒,喜酸性,疏松、富含腐殖质的土壤。分布范围:原产南欧地中海地区,现世界各地均有栽植。
2023-06-08 21:03:091


Free SCHEDULE MAN (SPOKEN):Oh! We"re late, late, late!We have 20, maximum 22 minutes, for your royal fitting.And then it"s move, move, move to your speech at the historical society!After that we have to rush, and I mean rush, to the horticultural society for tea.Ugh... Then there"s your math lessons, your geography lessons, your science lessons...ANNELIESE:All my life I"ve always wantedTo have one day just for meNothing to do and for once nowhere I need to beWith no lessons, lords, or lunchesOr to-do list in the wayNo one to say when to eat or read or leave or stayThat would be the dayERIKA:All my life I"ve always wantedTo have one day for myselfNot waking up with a pile of work on every shelfWith no hems in need of pressingAnd no sleeves in disarrayNo wedding gown with a thousand stitches to crochetAnd no debt to payERIKA (SPOKEN):Huh! Madame Carp! MADAME CARP (SPOKEN):What do you think I"m running here, a cabaret?ERIKA (SPOKEN):I would have said a debtor"s prison.MADAME CARP (SPOKEN):Keep laughing, you"ll be working for me for another 37 years.ERIKA (SPOKEN):But I already paid off more then half!MADAME CARP (SPOKEN):But there"s interest isn"t there?Your parents should have thought of that before they borrowed so much.ERIKA (SPOKEN):They did it to feed me!MADAME CARP (SPOKEN):Their mistake.ERIKA:What would it be like to bePRINCESS ANNELIESE:What would it be like to beERIKA:FreePRINCESS ANNELIESE:FreeFree to try crazy thingsERIKA:Free from endless IOU"sANNELIESE:Free to flyERIKA:Free to singANNELIESE:And marry whom I chooseQUEEN (SPOKEN):I"m so sorry, my darling, but as you know it is vital that you marry King Dominic.It is the only way to take care of our people.ANNELIESE (SPOKEN):I know, it"s my duty.QUEEN (SPOKEN):Ah! And look another engagement gift!ANNELIESE:You would think that I"m so luckyThat I have so many thingsI"m realizing that every present comes with stringsERIKA:Though I know I have so littleMy determination"s strongPeople will gather around the world to hear my songWOMAN:Can I come along?ANNELIESE:Now I fear I"ll never beERIKA:Soon I will forever beBOTH:FreeI close my eyes and feel myself fly a thousand miles awayI could take flight but would it be rightMy conscience tells me stayANNELIESE:I"ll remain forever royalERIKA:I"ll repay my parent"s debtBOTH:Duty means doing the things your heart may well regretANNELIESE:But I"ll never stop believingERIKA:She can never stop my schemesBOTH:There"s more to living than gloves and gowns and threads and seamsIn my dreamsI"ll be free
2023-06-08 21:04:031


更新1: 来到了被封锁的洞窟 有旧石阻住左点搬开旧石 洞窟的石头要用 你先打开徽章战士的页面 然后第一个徽章战士的配备要有以下三样 头---蝙蝠头 绿色的有2个尖尖的 手---蜻蜓的手 黄色的也像蝴蝶翅膀 手---一个蓝色的手但是有一小枪管 装备后跳出画面跟石头对话就会有一个徽章战士把石头弄掉 我过左依到啦u359e 好似系要系条河边禁既 你试下系平时遇到个个潜水船个到禁啦 2、Mt.Odoro 闹鬼事件 我玩紧呢个关 而加玩到呢度最后 主角回到Erika家还衣服,Erika却说不要了,反正她也绝不会再穿,然后她就跑回学校写报导了。回到学校,这次学校又传起了在Mt.Odoro有鬼会抢装甲配件,被Erika骂过后出楼,主角看到三人组在演说,说完后就跑去Mt.Odoro了,Erika这自诩为未来的超级记者自然不会放过这种事,在与主角约了时间地点后先回家了。主角回到家,本想说要和Erika去野餐,但见到老妈惊讶的神情主角退缩了,打消了要妈妈做便当的念头,回到房间,主角在书柜里拿了笔式电筒后准备出发。这时候爸爸上来交给主角妈妈做的便当和一个新的人形。下了楼,妈妈正在哼著小调,为儿子和Erika的约会高兴(老妈啊,还是小学生啊)。主角出门来到镇子上方的Mt.Odoro,Erika早就到了。然后又是热身战(这次开始是两个机器人)。热完身,撞见Koji和Karin,在主角眼里自然只看到Karin,Erika和Koji两人决定斗快找到那只鬼(说是他俩斗,还不是要本狐承担Erika那份),主角对Karin的好感更是让Erika吃醋了。Erika叫先往右边走,坐潜水艇可以去拿宝箱(承惠1.00元),来到尽头和Koji、Karin打过招呼后就往左边进发,先过下面的桥来到训练地,有一堆人拦路单挑,最里面的凹处有个忍者躲著,会给徽章。接着走上面的路,潜水艇暂时没空,要主角等一会再来,于是主角就到Select Trio的屋子里与一个家伙对战杀时间。杀完时间,主角和Erika回到牌子处,却正好撞见一匪徒从潜水艇里出来,当然是打起来了!打败后主角想抓住他却失足掉进河里,冲到了河的下游………主角醒过来后发现换了件和服(怎么又是女装,不过看起来蛮漂亮的),原来是一位要主角叫她Kannie的婆婆的机器人救了主角,被他们的话吓得够呛的主角跑出门才松了口气,却听门外的机器人都说那婆婆是鬼?!这是怎么回事!?主角周围走一圈后回屋子找婆婆,婆婆要主角帮她把那些可能会伤到她的机器人解决掉(是个家伙都能伤到她啦),主角无奈的出门(和那个飞行类机器人一起吃午餐得到装甲),在桥边见到了潜水艇,得知有个匪徒来了,主角往下走见到匪徒正在强迫一个潜水夫加入。主角杀出,解决后Mr.Phantom来解围 由呢度开始就吾知点行 佢话返屋棋 但系有个徽章战士左住左 入吾到去 回到小屋,婆婆说起了她孙女的幽灵机器人,主角答应帮她找回来后出门坐飞行机器人回到了上游(这里的两个箱子,大的里面是一个女性人形和基本装备,小的是一个男性人形,建议拿女的,后面的很多回复系装备以及到时候Miss Nae给的装甲都是女性专用的)。回到上游Select Trio小屋里队员告诉他Erika和一个队员去找他了(空地处可与Karin打一场)。借助潜水夫主角来到了被封锁的洞窟,进去后打败阻挠的三人组成员,顺便收集了被破坏的机器人残骸,来到了洞的出口。,这时一只幽灵机器人从旁边的黑洞里杀出来,从对话中主角明白这机器人被利用了,但是这时跑来的Koji却冲动的不听解释就要干掉他,主角上前劝阻却被取笑穿着和服,结果大战不可避免。打完了,匪徒老大现身了,又是开战(得到徽章),匪徒见势不妙溜之大吉。剧情后,在黑洞里拣到两个机器人残骸,主角正准备离开洞窟时Select Corps来了,主角只好躲起来,队长又自然的把功劳都拉到自己头上。出了洞,主角终于找到了Erika,回去的路上主角又见到了Koji,打过了招呼分道扬镳。回到镇子,主角把机器人残骸交给了Dr.Aki帮他重新组合,Miss Nae又送一个徽章。离开了研究所,主角被Erika叫住展示她的新徽章手表,但当她发现主角竟然在她之前就有这手表后噘著嘴跑掉了。 我弟弟话用炸弹wo! 2006-11-05 12:17:56 补充: 系狂用炸弹 参考: 我弟弟
2023-06-08 21:04:241


佐藤江梨花((サトウエリカ)  英文名: Erika Sato   生日: 1986/6/8  星座: 双子座  身高: 170cm   三围: B:89cm(F) W:57cm H:85cm   出身地: 千叶県  国籍: 日本就是她了 没错的
2023-06-08 21:04:332


姓名:户田惠梨香 日文:TODA·ERIKA トダ·エリカ 出身年月:1988年8月17日 出身地:日本兵库县神户市滩区 身高:162厘米 体重:42千克 脚尺:24 cm 职业:艺人、模特 出道时间:2000年 毕业中学:地元神户中学(先就读于东京的高中) 性格:坚强、不会轻易认输 身高:162 3围:/B75/W56/H78 鞋码:24.0 血型:AB型 星座:狮子座 特长:料理、钢琴、少林拳法、书法2段 爱好:喜欢运动、制作点心、小学曾经还跳爵士舞 目标的艺人:大竹忍、中谷美纪 喜欢的一句话:以心伝心 关于未来的梦想:挑战舞台剧 喜欢的类型:诚实、幽默 初恋年龄:小学3年级(那个男的。。。羡慕啊) 在家里的位子:有一个哥哥、自己、一个妹妹! 最满意自己的那个部分?:手、及其头发 有没有自己感到自卑的地方:哈哈的笑声!比较困惑呢! 喜欢的动漫人物:哆啦A梦 喜欢的颜色:黑、白、红 喜欢的食物:印度咖喱 喜欢的音乐:Red Hot Chili Pepers (红热辣椒面,最近受死亡笔记的影响) 喜欢的电影:《百万宝贝》 讨厌的东西:眼药水(拍哭戏的时候!绝对不用!)、虫子(蟑螂什么的) ===惠梨香TOP排名以及得奖情况=== 日本1万人调查《最想交的女朋友》ERIKA排名88位总500人:06年 日本《Oricon style》杂志《可爱教主》-ERIKA第三位:06.06.06 日本《Oricon style》高中女生榜样排名-ERIKA第6位:06.06.10 日本《Oricon Style》毕业生最爱女明星3项大奖-ERIKA排名均为第3:06年 日本次世代美少女-ERIKA第2名:06年11月 ===广播剧=== 直线 JFN系列 [キミの笑颜] 第十一周 9月12日 - 16日 SEEDS OF MOVIES ひまわり JFN系列 円都通信 2005年11月26日 - 2006年1月21日 ===配音=== PS3《源式-神威奏乱》饰演静御前 ===写真=== 初めて君ど出会った夏休み 2002年10月23日 生まれた泉 2004年6月 内绪なじゅもん 2001年12月14日 NOTURE 2003年7月19日 制コレISM03 2004年10月13日 新津保建秀写真集〈记忆〉2005年6月10日 ギャルサー ビジュアルブック 2006年6月16日 ===DVD个人写真作品===(不包含DVD制的电视剧) CALLING YOU (2005年10月7日发售) 妖精之泉~阳だまりを感じながら~(2004年7月30发售) first DVD 戸田恵梨香(2002年12月25日发售) 制コレクション! DA PARTY!! (2003年1月16日发售) Sweet 完全版 (2005年9月30日发售 ===数字写真=== 数字写真集『nature』2005年 恵梨香15岁『夏休みの想い出』2003年8月28日 ===代言产品=== 2006东京迪斯尼 (2006年11月) OLIVEdesOLIVE产品 (2006年3月) 警视庁2006年募集海报 (2006年2月) 2005东京迪斯尼 (2005年11月) JVC甲子园广告 (2005年7月) KDDI 通信会社 (2005年2月) JOHNSON &JOHNSON制药-隐型眼镜 (2005年2月) 旭光照相机 (2004年4月) ほっかほっか亭 (2004年6月) JR新干线西日本线 (2004年2月) 阪神淡路运动 (2001年) ===出演过的MV=== 2006年5月17日- 藤木直人《HEY ! FRIENDS》 (GAL主题曲) 2006年8月23日- 大山百合香《再见》 ===互联网=== ---2005年--- 『BBbeat』11月10日~2006年3月31日 『タレメ.net』9月15日~9月30日 ---2006年--- 『OCN 无料动画番组 Talking Japan』11月2日 『ビジュアルヤングジャンプ』6月1日~6月30日 ===出演电影=== 2006年6月《死亡笔记本前篇》(弥海砂) 11月《死亡笔记本后篇》(弥海砂) 2007年2月《天国は待ってくれる》(美奈子役) ===出演电视剧=== ---2000年--- 离婚计划(玲的朋友)NHK 3月27日(月)~ 5月19日(金)(全45回) オードリー(吉冈滝乃の少女时代)NHK 10月2日~2001年3月31日(只出现3话的回想中) 浪花少年探侦団(同学)NHK 10月7日(土)~ 12月23日(土)(全12话) ---2001年--- 圣德太子(刀自古郎女役/中谷美纪少女时代)NHK 11月10日(土) ---2002年--- 新99ズッコケ三人组第4话(榎本由美子)NKH 4月6日(土)~ 6月22日(土)(全12话) ---2003年--- パパ トールド★ミー 大切な君へ (待定…)NHK 4月12日(土)~ 6月28日(土)(全12话) ---2004年--- 放课后(今井纱枝)富士电视台 11月24日(水)9912月1日9915日9922日(水)(全4话) ---2005年--- 天国へのカレンダー(高木ゆかり)富士电视台 5月20日(金) エンジン(樋田春海)富士电视台 4月18日(月)~ 6月27日(月)(全11话) ずっと逢いたかった(鸣海雪子)富士电视台 9月30日(金) 野猪改造计划(上原真理子)日本电视台 10月15日(土)~ 12月17日(土)(全10话) ---2006年--- 女王的教师特别篇(池内爱)日本电视台 3月17日(金) ギャルサー(サキ)日本电视台 4月15日(土)~ 6月24日(土)(全11话) 奇迹の动物园~旭山动物园物语(泉 佐和子)富士电视台 5月13日(土) 风味绝佳(井上美波)富士电视台 8月30日(水) 唯一的爱(本宫裕子)日本电视台 10月14日(土) ---2007年--- ユメ十夜2007年新春第二弾公开予定(资料收集中…) うに煎饼2007年3月公开予定(资料收集中…) ===户田惠梨香相关产品=== 月历:2007年版9月30日预购10月发售 ===签售发布会等等=== ---2001年--- 『U-15美少女99クリスマストークライブ』 12月16日 14时30分~ 新宿99新宿ロフトプラスワン 『写真集発売记念イベント』12月16日 11时~ 神保町 书泉ブックマート ---2002年--- 『サイン会』 10月27日 写真集発売イベント 神保町 书泉ブックマート ---2003年--- 『サイン会』 7月21日 写真集発売イベント 秋叶原 书泉ブックマート 『kansai美少女アイドルfestival』 1月26日 アゼリア大正ホール 『トーク&握手会』 1月19日(日)DVD18SWEET19発売イベント 秋叶原99ヤマギワソフト/アソビットシティ ---2004年--- 『戸田恵梨香DVD発売イベント』8月1日 DVD「阳だまりを感じながら」発売记念イベント 秋叶原99石丸电気 『サイン会』 7月11日 写真集「 生まれた泉」発売记念イベント 书泉ブックマート 『制コレ春メキ学园大作戦 !!』3月7日 (日曜日)13:00~ お台场パレットタウンパレットプラザ ---2005年--- JVC宣传DVD『Calling you』 発売イベント :10月15日 ---2006年--- 『死亡笔记本 前篇试写会』6月8日(木)19时~ 东京国际フォーラム 『死亡笔记本后篇THE LAST NAME』11月3日(金)香港、台湾、日本首映礼
2023-06-08 21:04:481

Erika的《Kingdom》 歌词

歌曲名:Kingdom歌手:Erika专辑:Sweeter SideKingdomCelestyReign of ElementsI can hear the silence callingCurtains of darkness fallenTogether we will stand, side by sideI can hear how the wind blowsAnd see how the sun glowsIt"s safe to walk to home, once againEverything is so calmAnd you presence is so warmI feel safe when I"m held in your armsAs the moon enters the skiesI look into your eyesThere"s one question without and answerIf I were you king would you be my queenTogether we could stand, united, hand in handLike the stars in the sky just like them you and IWe can stay forever, togetherI believe those words you sayI know that we could find the wayTogether we have to make it trueNow remember these words of mineI"ll always stand by your sideI feel safe when I"m held in your armsEverything is so calmAnd you presence is so warmI feel safe when I"m held in your armsAs the moon enters the skiesI look into your eyesThere"s one thing I want you to knowNow when I"m your king and you are my queenTogether we will stand, united, hand in handLike the stars in the sky just like them you and IWe can stay forever, togetherWe will live like the King and the QueenNow when I"m your king and you are my queenTogether we will stand, united, hand in handLike the stars in the sky just like them you and IWe can stay forever, togetherWe will live like the King and the QueenCreat Alexander
2023-06-08 21:05:121


埃里卡·埃伦尼克 Erika Eleniak英文名字:Erika Eleniak 主要职业:Actress 出生日期:1969-09-29 所属星座:天秤座 出生地点:Glendale, California, USA 图片如下:
2023-06-08 21:05:211

求I am a girl like you 的歌词。

Barbie - I Am A Girl Like You PRINCESS ANNELIESE (SPOKEN):I"m savoring my first and last taste of freedomBefore getting married next week to a total stranger...ERIKA (SPOKEN):At least you"re not an indentured servant.PRINCESS ANNELIESE (SPOKEN):Indentured servant?ERIKA:If I"d like to have my breakfast hotMadame Carp will make me payAnd I have to fetch the eggs myselfAnd the barn"s a mile awayIt"s cold and wet and still I getAn omlette on my plateBut in my head I"m back in bedSnuggled up and sleeping latePRINCESS ANNELIESE (SPOKEN):Really?ERIKA (SPOKEN):Really, but it"s alright. I mean, I"m used to it.And you?PRINCESS ANNELIESE (SPOKEN):Well...ERIKA (SPOKEN):Well?PRINCESS ANNELIESE:If I want some eggs I ring the bellAnd the maid comes running inAnd she serves them on a silver trayAnd she brings a cookie tinAnd while I eat, she rubs my feetAnd strolling minstrels playBut I"d rather be in my library reading science books all dayERIKA:I"m just like youPRINCESS ANNELIESE:You are?ERIKA:You"re just like meThere"s somewhere else we"d rather beSomewhere that"s oursSomewhere that dreams come trueYes, I am a girl like youYou"d never think that it was soBut now I"ve met you and I knowIt"s plain as day, sure as the sky is blueThat I am a girl like youPRINCESS ANNELIESE (SPOKEN):So! You"re a singer?ERIKA (SPOKEN):No, I work at Madame Carp"s penitentiary, uh, I mean Dress Emporium.PRINCESS ANNELIESE (SPOKEN):I love Madame Carp"s Dresses!ERIKA (SPOKEN):I made the one you"re wearing.PRINCESS ANNELIESE (SPOKEN):You made this? It"s my favorite,The design looks so complicated!ERIKA (SPOKEN):Oh, but it isn"t really...ERIKA:First I choose a fabric from the rackAnd I pin the pattern downAnd I stitch it in the front and backAnd it turns into a gownPRINCESS ANNELIESE:I wear the gown, without my crownAnd dance around my roomBOTH:And imagine life without the strife of an unfamiliar groomPRINCESS ANNELIESE (SPOKEN):But I"d never let my Mother know.I wouldn"t want to disappoint her.ERIKA (SPOKEN):I completely understand.PRINCESS ANNELIESE & (ERIKA):I"m just like you (I think that"s true)You"re just like me (Yes, I can see)BOTH:We take responsibilityPRINCESS ANNELIESE & (ERIKA):We carry through (We carry through)BOTH:Do what we need to doYes, I am a girl like youERIKA & (PRINCESS ANNELIESE):I"m just like you (I"m just like you)You"re just like me (You"re just like me)BOTH:It"s something anyone can seeERIKA & (PRINCESS ANNELIESE):A heart that beats (A heart that beats)BOTH:A voice that speaks the truthYes, I am a girl like you!你看是不是
2023-06-08 21:05:281

芭比 歌词

请对照完整歌词:Barbie - I Am A Girl Like You PRINCESS ANNELIESE (SPOKEN):I"m savoring my first and last taste of freedomBefore getting married next week to a total stranger...ERIKA (SPOKEN):At least you"re not an indentured servant.PRINCESS ANNELIESE (SPOKEN):Indentured servant?ERIKA:If I"d like to have my breakfast hotMadame Carp will make me payAnd I have to fetch the eggs myselfAnd the barn"s a mile awayIt"s cold and wet and still I getAn omlette on my plateBut in my head I"m back in bedSnuggled up and sleeping latePRINCESS ANNELIESE (SPOKEN):Really?ERIKA (SPOKEN):Really, but it"s alright. I mean, I"m used to it.And you?PRINCESS ANNELIESE (SPOKEN):Well...ERIKA (SPOKEN):Well?PRINCESS ANNELIESE:If I want some eggs I ring the bellAnd the maid comes running inAnd she serves them on a silver trayAnd she brings a cookie tinAnd while I eat, she rubs my feetAnd strolling minstrels playBut I"d rather be in my library reading science books all dayERIKA:I"m just like youPRINCESS ANNELIESE:You are?ERIKA:You"re just like meThere"s somewhere else we"d rather beSomewhere that"s oursSomewhere that dreams come trueYes, I am a girl like youYou"d never think that it was soBut now I"ve met you and I knowIt"s plain as day, sure as the sky is blueThat I am a girl like youPRINCESS ANNELIESE (SPOKEN):So! You"re a singer?ERIKA (SPOKEN):No, I work at Madame Carp"s penitentiary, uh, I mean Dress Emporium.PRINCESS ANNELIESE (SPOKEN):I love Madame Carp"s Dresses!ERIKA (SPOKEN):I made the one you"re wearing.PRINCESS ANNELIESE (SPOKEN):You made this? It"s my favorite,The design looks so complicated!ERIKA (SPOKEN):Oh, but it isn"t really...ERIKA:First I choose a fabric from the rackAnd I pin the pattern downAnd I stitch it in the front and backAnd it turns into a gownPRINCESS ANNELIESE:I wear the gown, without my crownAnd dance around my roomBOTH:And imagine life without the strife of an unfamiliar groomPRINCESS ANNELIESE (SPOKEN):But I"d never let my Mother know.I wouldn"t want to disappoint her.ERIKA (SPOKEN):I completely understand.PRINCESS ANNELIESE & (ERIKA):I"m just like you (I think that"s true)You"re just like me (Yes, I can see)BOTH:We take responsibilityPRINCESS ANNELIESE & (ERIKA):We carry through (We carry through)BOTH:Do what we need to doYes, I am a girl like youERIKA & (PRINCESS ANNELIESE):I"m just like you (I"m just like you)You"re just like me (You"re just like me)BOTH:It"s something anyone can seeERIKA & (PRINCESS ANNELIESE):A heart that beats (A heart that beats)BOTH:A voice that speaks the truthYes, I am a girl like you!
2023-06-08 21:05:371


2023-06-08 21:05:561

日本明星Kaoru Amane有点疑问

其实...她的真正名字是泽尻绘里香/泽尻英龙华详细资料请见 Amane是艺名 翻成中文的话就是雨音薰ERIKA也是小香的艺名= =“设定上为法国巴黎出生 为泽尻英龙华作为歌手出道的艺名”小香只出过三张单曲一是以Kaoru Amane/雨音薰为艺名出的タイヨウのうた/太阳之歌 (日剧《太阳之歌》同名单曲)二是以ERIKA为艺名出的FREE三也是以ERIKA为艺名出的 名字是Destination Nowhere然后看你列的= =(ドラマ「タイヨウのうた」オリジナルu30fbサウンドトラック),(タイヨウのうた 【初回生产限定盘】),(タイヨウのうた)第一个括号里面是 日剧《太阳之歌》原声带 的意思第二个括号里面 是 太阳之歌(初回盘) 的意思第三个括号里是太阳之歌的意思= =U肯定没复制对地方...不要以为三行就一定是三张单曲的名字哦...U没看到那么多重复的么...
2023-06-08 21:06:031

2023-06-08 21:06:123


the mass不信自己听
2023-06-08 21:06:322


2023-06-08 21:06:4212


绝对零度 Absolute Zero 又名: 冰河末世纪 / 零下273度导演: Robert Lee主演: Erika Eleniak / William MacDonald / Fred Ewanuick / Jeff Fahey制片国家/地区: 加拿大语言: 英语上映日期: 2007-02-13绝对零度的剧情简介 · · · · · ·  灿烂的阳光很快被寒冷残暴的疾风替代,当温度急速下降时,行星地球进入另一冰河时期,在担任主角Fahey和Erika Eleniak的感受到了即将来临的灾难的恐怖。随着第二次冰河时期的迹象出现,科学家David Kotzmon(Fahey)博士必须想出一个计划去保护地球和生长的所有生物。在他们迈阿密的家园基地陷入可能席卷整个已知大陆的风暴中,David和包括从前的情人Bryn(Erika Eleniak)等一小队幸存者必须在一切太晚前逃道一处特殊温控的房间,与世隔绝等待外面的解冻。
2023-06-08 21:07:151


2023-06-08 21:07:514


我知道她们跳舞的曲子 叫 magical night,我可以把好听的芭比动画片的主题曲(插曲)都告诉你 《芭比之真假公主》里的: 1 free: 歌词: ANNELIESE: All my life I"ve always wanted To have one day just for me Nothing to do and for once nowhere I need to be With no lessons,lords, or lunches Or to-do list in the way No one to say when to eat or read or leave or stay That would be the day ERIKA: All my life I"ve always wanted To have one day for myself Not waking up with a pile of work on every shelf With no hems in need of pressing And no sleeves in disarray No wedding gown with a thousand stitches to crochet And no debt to pay What would it be like to be PRINCESS ANNELIESE: What would it be like to be ERIKA: Free PRINCESS ANNELIESE: Free Free to try crazy things ERIKA: Free from endless IOU"s ANNELIESE: Free to fly ERIKA: Free to sing ANNELIESE: And marry whom I choose ANNELIESE: You would think that I"m so lucky That I have so many things I"m realizing that every present comes with strings ERIKA: Though I know I have so little My determination"s strong People will gather around the world to hear my song WOMAN: Can I come along? ANNELIESE: Now I fear I"ll never be ERIKA: Soon I will forever be BOTH: Free I close my eyes and feel myself fly a thousand miles away I could take flight but would it be right My conscience tells me stay ANNELIESE: I"ll remain forever royal ERIKA: I"ll repay my parent"s debt BOTH: Duty means doing the things your heart may well regret ANNELIESE: But I"ll never stop believing ERIKA: She can never stop my schemes 2 How Can I Refuse(坏大臣唱的) 3 I Am A Girl Like You 歌词: I Am A Girl Like You ERIKA: If I"d like to have my breakfast hot Madame Carp will make me pay And I have to fetch the eggs myself And the barn"s a mile away It"s cold and wet and still I get An omlette on my plate But in my head I"m back in bed Snuggled up and sleeping late PRINCESS ANNELIESE: If I want some eggs I ring the bell And the maid comes running in And she serves them on a silver tray And she brings a cookie tin And while I eat, she rubs my feet And strolling minstrels play But I"d rather be in my library reading science books all day ERIKA: I"m just like you PRINCESS ANNELIESE: You are? ERIKA: You"re just like me There"s somewhere else we"d rather be Somewhere that"s ours Somewhere that dreams come true Yes, I am a girl like you You"d never think that it was so But now I"ve met you and I know It"s plain as day, sure as the sky is blue That I am a girl like you First I choose a fabric from the rack And I pin the pattern down And I stitch it in the front and back And it turns into a gown PRINCESS ANNELIESE: I wear the gown, without my crown And dance around my room BOTH: And imagine life without the strife of an unfamiliar groom PRINCESS ANNELIESE & (ERIKA): I"m just like you (I think that"s true) You"re just like me (Yes, I can see) BOTH: We take responsibility PRINCESS ANNELIESE & (ERIKA): We carry through (We carry through) BOTH: Do what we need to do Yes, I am a girl like you ERIKA & (PRINCESS ANNELIESE): I"m just like you (I"m just like you) You"re just like me (You"re just like me) BOTH: It"s something anyone can see ERIKA & (PRINCESS ANNELIESE): A heart that beats (A heart that beats) BOTH: A voice that speaks the truth Yes, I am a girl like you! 4 To Be A Princess 歌词: To Be A Princess JULIAN: To be a princess Is to know which spoon to use To be a princess Is to own a thousand pairs of shoes To maintain a regal gaite Leave the parsley on your plate And be charming but detached And yet amused To be a princess Is to never be confused Do a pli?and never fall Don"t ever stray from protocol All through the day There"s just one way You must behave Do keep a grip and never crack Stiff upper lip and arch the back Bend from above And always wear your gloves And wave Shoulders back and Tummy in and Pinky out and Lift the chin and Slowly turn the head from side to side ERIKA: I see now JULIAN: Breathing gently Stepping lightly Smile brightly Nod politely Never show a thing you feel inside Glide! To be a princess Is to always look your best To be a princess Is to never get to rest Sit for a portrait, never squirm Sleep on a mattress extra firm Speak and be clever Never at a loss for words Curtsy to every count and lord Learn how to play the harpsichord Sing lullabies and always harmonize in thirds BOTH: Thirds, thirds JULIAN: And She has beautiful eyes Your spirits rise When she walks in the room Doors close And the chemistry grows She"s like a rose That"s forever in bloom JULIAN & (ERIKA): Do a pli?and don"t (Ever ever ever fall) Never show dismay (And be there when people call) Be prepared whatever royal life will bring Do keep a grip and don"t (Ever ever ever crack) Take a dainty sip (Never ever turn your back) There"s a time and place and way for everything To be a princess Is to never make your bed To be a princess Is to always use your head 5 The Cats Meow"s%20Meow.wma 歌词: The Cat"s Meow I can see it when you"re feeling low You can"t hide that from me You"re no status quo calico So why keep trying to be? "Cause you"re more than that You"re my doggish cat I wish you could see the you I see I say If you bark Celebrate it Make your mark Serenade it Noah"s ark Shoulda had a cat like you And if What you are Is a strange you Doesn"t mean You should change you Only means You should change your point of view Hey, feline You fetch just fine To thine own self be true Your bow wow"s The cat"s meow It"s how I know you"re you You don"t need the bows Or tiara Bid your woes Sayonara Trust your nose "Cause it knows the way to go When you Chase your tail You"re enchanting Spirits sail When you"re panting When you wail You"re a rover, Romeo There is not One hair of you That I would rearrange I love you the way you are And that will never change That will never change 6 If You Love Me For Me 歌词: If You Love Me For Me ERIKA: Once a lass met a lad You"re a gentle one, said she In my heart I"d be glad If you loved me for me You say your love is true And I hope that it will be DOMINIC: I"d be sure, if I knew That you loved me for me ERIKA: Could I be the one you"re seeking? Will I be the one you choose? Can you tell my heart is speaking? My eyes will give you clues DOMINIC: What you see may be deceiving Truth lies underneath the skin ERIKA: Hope will blossum by believing BOTH: The heart that lies within DOMINIC: I"ll be yours Together we shall always be as one If you love me for me ERIKA: Who can say where we"ll go Who can promise what will be But I"ll stay by your side DOMINIC: I"ll be yours Together we shall always Be as one BOTH: If you love me for me If you love me for me 7 Written In Your Heart 歌词: Written In Your Heart And you"re always free to begin again And you"re always free to believe When you find the place That your heart belongs You"ll never leave You and I will always be Celebrating life together I know I have found a friend forever more Love is like a melody One that I will always treasure Courage is the key that opens every door Though you may not know Where your gifts may lead And it may not show at the start When you live your dreams You"ll find destiny Is written in your heart Though you may not know Where your gifts may lead And it may not show at the start When you live your dream You"ll find destiny Is written in your heart 《芭比与十二芭蕾舞公主》中的: 1.shine 歌词: SHINE [3:08] There"s a place you can go Where your heart is free There"s a rhythm That"s right for your soul Take a breath, find your courage And make the leap Cause your feet always know where to go [Chorus] And you dance and you dance in an endless flow In the grace of a perfect design Stepping out of the dark and into the glow And the whole world will see when you(We) shine You (We) can shine (shine) Shine (shine) There"s a beauty already inside of you There"s a difference that only you can make Every place that you spin brings you somewhere new Finding hope every step that you take Repeat [Chorus] Suddenly sparkling bright (shine) Making a magical light (shine) You will (shine) Sisters are there by your side Love will be your guide Repeat [Chorus] 2.Princess Destiny 《芭比与魔幻飞马之旅》中的: 1.Brie Larson - Hope Has Wings 《芭比之天鹅湖》里的: 1.swan lake 2.Leslie Mills - Wings 3.Spanish Dance- Carlitta"s Song!%20Pop&Classical%20320kbps.mp3 4.Hungarian Dance- Ivan"s Song!%20Pop&Classical%20320kbps.mp3 《芭比之森林公主》里的: 1.Here On My Island 歌词: Here On My Island Here On My Island the sea says hello Dolphins are waving their hands wherever I go There" a song on the breeze And a home in there tr
2023-06-08 21:07:591


I Am A Girl Like You ERIKA: If I"d like to have my breakfast hot Madame Carp will make me pay And I have to fetch the eggs myself And the barn"s a mile away It"s cold and wet and still I get An omlette on my plate But in my head I"m back in bed Snuggled up and sleeping late PRINCESS ANNELIESE: If I want some eggs I ring the bell And the maid comes running in And she serves them on a silver tray And she brings a cookie tin And while I eat, she rubs my feet And strolling minstrels play But I"d rather be in my library reading science books all day ERIKA: I"m just like you PRINCESS ANNELIESE: You are? ERIKA: You"re just like me There"s somewhere else we"d rather be Somewhere that"s ours Somewhere that dreams come true Yes, I am a girl like you You"d never think that it was so But now I"ve met you and I know It"s plain as day, sure as the sky is blue That I am a girl like you First I choose a fabric from the rack And I pin the pattern down And I stitch it in the front and back And it turns into a gown PRINCESS ANNELIESE: I wear the gown, without my crown And dance around my room BOTH: And imagine life without the strife of an unfamiliar groom PRINCESS ANNELIESE & (ERIKA): I"m just like you (I think that"s true) You"re just like me (Yes, I can see) BOTH: We take responsibility PRINCESS ANNELIESE & (ERIKA): We carry through (We carry through) BOTH: Do what we need to do Yes, I am a girl like you ERIKA & (PRINCESS ANNELIESE): I"m just like you (I"m just like you) You"re just like me (You"re just like me) BOTH: It"s something anyone can see ERIKA & (PRINCESS ANNELIESE): A heart that beats (A heart that beats) BOTH: A voice that speaks the truth Yes, I am a girl like you! 这是爱丽卡和国王合唱的 If You Love Me For Me ERIKA: Once a lass met a lad You"re a gentle one, said she In my heart I"d be glad If you loved me for me You say your love is true And I hope that it will be DOMINIC: I"d be sure, if I knew That you loved me for me ERIKA: Could I be the one you"re seeking? Will I be the one you choose? Can you tell my heart is speaking? My eyes will give you clues DOMINIC: What you see may be deceiving Truth lies underneath the skin ERIKA: Hope will blossum by believing BOTH: The heart that lies within DOMINIC: I"ll be yours Together we shall always be as one If you love me for me ERIKA: Who can say where we"ll go Who can promise what will be But I"ll stay by your side DOMINIC: I"ll be yours Together we shall always Be as one BOTH: If you love me for me If you love me for me
2023-06-08 21:08:061


是户田惠梨香 ===个人资料=== 姓名:户田惠梨香 日文:TODA·ERIKA トダ·エリカ 出身年月:1988年8月17日 出身地:日本兵库县神户市滩区 身高:162厘米 体重:42千克 脚尺:24 cm 职业:艺人、模特 出道时间:2000年 毕业中学:地元神户中学(先就读于东京的高中) 性格:坚强、不会轻易认输 身高:162 3围:/B75/W56/H78 鞋码:24.0 血型:AB型 星座:狮子座 特长:料理、钢琴、少林拳法、书法2段 爱好:喜欢运动、制作点心、小学曾经还跳爵士舞、看DVD 目标的艺人:大竹忍、中谷美紀 喜欢的国外艺人:强尼·戴普 喜欢的一句话:以心伝心 关于未来的梦想:挑战舞台剧 想去的地方:瑞士、夏威夷 喜欢的类型:诚实、幽默、个子高、专注自己值得依赖的人 初恋年龄:小学3年级(那个男的。。。羡慕啊) 在家里的位子:有一个哥哥、自己、一个妹妹! 最满意自己的那个部分?:手、及其头发 有没有自己感到自卑的地方:哈哈的笑声!比较困惑呢! 对自己最重要的东西:家人、朋友 喜欢的动漫人物:哆啦A梦 喜欢的颜色:黑、白、红 喜欢的食物:印度咖喱 喜欢的动物:狗狗 讨厌的食物:土豆(为什么...)、纳豆(貌似很多女孩子都讨厌呀》、生鱼片 喜欢的食物:小龙包(比较擅长做日式料理、想学做中国料理及其意大利菜) 喜欢的音乐:Red Hot Chili Pepers (红热辣椒面,最近受死亡笔记的影响) 喜欢的电影:《百万宝贝》 周末娱乐方式:读书、运动、洗澡 讨厌的东西:眼药水(拍哭戏的时候!绝对不用!)、虫子(蟑螂什么的) (一直在做ERIKA的个人资料,读了很多关于她的访问,发觉这个孩子还真的蛮恶搞的有时候!呵呵真的和死亡笔记本中的海砂很象啊!属于小恶魔系的呵呵真的好可爱呀!) ===现所属经济公司=== flamme 都港区赤坂7-6-52 ハイツ赤坂406フラームジェクト内 邮政编码:〒107-0052 07年成立影迷俱乐部 ===惠梨香TOP排名以及得奖情况=== 日本1万人调查《最想交的女朋友》ERIKA排名88位总500人:06年 日本《Oricon style》雜誌《可爱教主》-ERIKA第三位:06.06.06 日本《Oricon style》高中女生榜样排名-ERIKA第6位:06.06.10 日本《Oricon Style》毕业生最爱女明星3项大奖-ERIKA排名均为第3:06年 日本次世代美少女-ERIKA第2名:06年11月 日本《明星杂志》年度最佳女演员:06.12 日本《MYOJO》06年最收欢迎女艺人第一名:07.01 日本《Junon 讀者大賞》ERIKA-第9位:07.01 ===广播剧=== 直线JFN系列 [キミの笑顔] 第十一週 9月12日 - 16日 SEEDS OF MOVIES ひまわり JFN系列 円都通信 2005年11月26日 - 2006年1月21日 ===配音=== PS3《源式-神威奏乱》饰演静御前 ===写真=== 初めて君ど出会った夏休み 2002年10月23日 生まれた泉 2004年6月 内绪なじゅもん 2001年12月14日 NOTURE 2003年7月19日 制コレISM03 2004年10月13日 新津保建秀写真集〈記憶〉2005年6月10日 ギャルサー ビジュアルブック 2006年6月16日 ===DVD个人写真作品===(不包含DVD制的电视剧) CALLING YOU (2005年10月7日发售) 妖精之泉~陽だまりを感じながら~(2004年7月30发售) first DVD 戸田恵梨香(2002年12月25日发售) 制コレクション! DA PARTY!! (2003年1月16日发售) Sweet 完全版 (2005年9月30日发售) ===数字写真=== 数字写真集『nature』2005年 恵梨香15岁『夏休みの想い出』2003年8月28日 ===代言产品=== 2006东京迪斯尼 (2006年11月) OLIVEdesOLIVE产品 (2006年3月) 警視庁2006年募集海报 (2006年2月) 2005东京迪斯尼 (2005年11月) JVC甲子园广告 (2005年7月) KDDI 通信会社 (2005年2月) JOHNSON &JOHNSON制药-隐型眼镜 (2005年2月) 旭光照相机 (2004年4月) ほっかほっか亭 (2004年6月) JR新干线西日本线 (2004年2月) 阪神淡路运动 (2001年) ===出演过的MV=== 2006年5月17日- 藤木直人《HEY ! FRIENDS》 (GAL主题曲) 2006年8月23日- 大山百合香《再见》 2006年1月10日- MAY《故乡的风》 ===互联网=== ---2005年--- 『BBbeat』11月10日~2006年3月31日 『タレメ.net』9月15日~9月30日 ---2006年--- 『OCN 無料動画番組 Talking Japan』11月2日 『ビジュアルヤングジャンプ』6月1日~6月30日 ===出演电影=== 2006年6月《死亡笔记本前篇》(弥海砂) 11月《死亡笔记本后篇》(弥海砂) 2007年2月10日《天国は待ってくれる》(美奈子役)希望采纳
2023-06-08 21:10:431

Erika Eleniak 潜龙轰天里的 演过什么电影?

Imps* (2009) ……Brooke (segment "Jeans")  绝对零度 (2005) ……Bryn  Fatal Reunion (2005) ……Jessica Hartley Landers  吸血鬼3000 (2004) ……Aurora Ash  平安夜 (2004) ……Kate Parker  致命教师 (2004) ……Victoria Paige  Betrayal (2003) ……Emily Shaw  Playboy: The Ultimate Pamela Anderson (2002) ……Herself (archive footage)  Second to Die (2002) ……Sara Morgan Bratchett Scucello  抢先出击 (2002) ……Cat Morgan  心灵斗士 (2000) ……Patty  黑鹰战警 (1999) ……Erin Mitchell (as Erika Eleniak-Goglia)  游轮大浩劫 (1999) ……Gloria Franklin  余震:纽约大地震 (1999) ……Jillian Parnell (as Erika Eleniak-Goglia)  潘朵拉计划 (1998) ……Wendy Lane  俘虏 (1998)……Samantha Hoffman  Babes of Baywatch (1998) ……Herself  Playboy: Celebrities (1998) ……Herself  Charades (1998) ……Monica  幽冥怪谈2 (1996) ……Katherine Verdoux  Panic in the Park (1995)……Janie / Jamie  凯迪拉克绮梦 (1995) ……Mandy  烈火奇缘 (1995) ……Stephanie Potts  守猎者 (1994) ……Toni Johnson  贝弗利山人 (1993) ……Elly May Clampett  潜龙轰天 (1992) ……Jordan Tate  "Baywatch" (1992) ……Shauni McClain  海滩救护队 (1989) ……Shauni McClain (47 episodes, 1989-1992)  幽浮魔点 (1988) ……Vicki De Soto  Charles in Charge (1984) ……Stephanie Curtis (3 episodes, 1988-1989)  外星人E.T. (1982) ……Pretty Young Girl
2023-06-08 21:10:491

Eric 请问这个英文名怎么读。不是翻译 是读要怎么读出来 用中文告诉我下 谢谢

2023-06-08 21:10:5715


2023-06-08 21:11:201


2023-06-08 21:11:363

芭比 真假公主

《芭比之真假公主》里的: 1 free: 歌词: ANNELIESE: All my life I"ve always wanted To have one day just for me Nothing to do and for once nowhere I need to be With no lessons,lords, or lunches Or to-do list in the way No one to say when to eat or read or leave or stay That would be the day ERIKA: All my life I"ve always wanted To have one day for myself Not waking up with a pile of work on every shelf With no hems in need of pressing And no sleeves in disarray No wedding gown with a thousand stitches to crochet And no debt to pay What would it be like to be PRINCESS ANNELIESE: What would it be like to be ERIKA: Free PRINCESS ANNELIESE: Free Free to try crazy things ERIKA: Free from endless IOU"s ANNELIESE: Free to fly ERIKA: Free to sing ANNELIESE: And marry whom I choose ANNELIESE: You would think that I"m so lucky That I have so many things I"m realizing that every present comes with strings ERIKA: Though I know I have so little My determination"s strong People will gather around the world to hear my song WOMAN: Can I come along? ANNELIESE: Now I fear I"ll never be ERIKA: Soon I will forever be BOTH: Free I close my eyes and feel myself fly a thousand miles away I could take flight but would it be right My conscience tells me stay ANNELIESE: I"ll remain forever royal ERIKA: I"ll repay my parent"s debt BOTH: Duty means doing the things your heart may well regret ANNELIESE: But I"ll never stop believing ERIKA: She can never stop my schemes 2 How Can I Refuse(坏大臣唱的) 3 I Am A Girl Like You 歌词: I Am A Girl Like You ERIKA: If I"d like to have my breakfast hot Madame Carp will make me pay And I have to fetch the eggs myself And the barn"s a mile away It"s cold and wet and still I get An omlette on my plate But in my head I"m back in bed Snuggled up and sleeping late PRINCESS ANNELIESE: If I want some eggs I ring the bell And the maid comes running in And she serves them on a silver tray And she brings a cookie tin And while I eat, she rubs my feet And strolling minstrels play But I"d rather be in my library reading science books all day ERIKA: I"m just like you PRINCESS ANNELIESE: You are? ERIKA: You"re just like me There"s somewhere else we"d rather be Somewhere that"s ours Somewhere that dreams come true Yes, I am a girl like you You"d never think that it was so But now I"ve met you and I know It"s plain as day, sure as the sky is blue That I am a girl like you First I choose a fabric from the rack And I pin the pattern down And I stitch it in the front and back And it turns into a gown PRINCESS ANNELIESE: I wear the gown, without my crown And dance around my room BOTH: And imagine life without the strife of an unfamiliar groom PRINCESS ANNELIESE & (ERIKA): I"m just like you (I think that"s true) You"re just like me (Yes, I can see) BOTH: We take responsibility PRINCESS ANNELIESE & (ERIKA): We carry through (We carry through) BOTH: Do what we need to do Yes, I am a girl like you ERIKA & (PRINCESS ANNELIESE): I"m just like you (I"m just like you) You"re just like me (You"re just like me) BOTH: It"s something anyone can see ERIKA & (PRINCESS ANNELIESE): A heart that beats (A heart that beats) BOTH: A voice that speaks the truth Yes, I am a girl like you! 4 To Be A Princess 歌词: To Be A Princess JULIAN: To be a princess Is to know which spoon to use To be a princess Is to own a thousand pairs of shoes To maintain a regal gaite Leave the parsley on your plate And be charming but detached And yet amused To be a princess Is to never be confused Do a pli?and never fall Don"t ever stray from protocol All through the day There"s just one way You must behave Do keep a grip and never crack Stiff upper lip and arch the back Bend from above And always wear your gloves And wave Shoulders back and Tummy in and Pinky out and Lift the chin and Slowly turn the head from side to side ERIKA: I see now JULIAN: Breathing gently Stepping lightly Smile brightly Nod politely Never show a thing you feel inside Glide! To be a princess Is to always look your best To be a princess Is to never get to rest Sit for a portrait, never squirm Sleep on a mattress extra firm Speak and be clever Never at a loss for words Curtsy to every count and lord Learn how to play the harpsichord Sing lullabies and always harmonize in thirds BOTH: Thirds, thirds JULIAN: And She has beautiful eyes Your spirits rise When she walks in the room Doors close And the chemistry grows She"s like a rose That"s forever in bloom JULIAN & (ERIKA): Do a pli?and don"t (Ever ever ever fall) Never show dismay (And be there when people call) Be prepared whatever royal life will bring Do keep a grip and don"t (Ever ever ever crack) Take a dainty sip (Never ever turn your back) There"s a time and place and way for everything To be a princess Is to never make your bed To be a princess Is to always use your head 5 The Cats Meow"s%20Meow.wma 歌词: The Cat"s Meow I can see it when you"re feeling low You can"t hide that from me You"re no status quo calico So why keep trying to be? "Cause you"re more than that You"re my doggish cat I wish you could see the you I see I say If you bark Celebrate it Make your mark Serenade it Noah"s ark Shoulda had a cat like you And if What you are Is a strange you Doesn"t mean You should change you Only means You should change your point of view Hey, feline You fetch just fine To thine own self be true Your bow wow"s The cat"s meow It"s how I know you"re you You don"t need the bows Or tiara Bid your woes Sayonara Trust your nose "Cause it knows the way to go When you Chase your tail You"re enchanting Spirits sail When you"re panting When you wail You"re a rover, Romeo There is not One hair of you That I would rearrange I love you the way you are And that will never change That will never change 6 If You Love Me For Me 歌词: If You Love Me For Me ERIKA: Once a lass met a lad You"re a gentle one, said she In my heart I"d be glad If you loved me for me You say your love is true And I hope that it will be DOMINIC: I"d be sure, if I knew That you loved me for me ERIKA: Could I be the one you"re seeking? Will I be the one you choose? Can you tell my heart is speaking? My eyes will give you clues DOMINIC: What you see may be deceiving Truth lies underneath the skin ERIKA: Hope will blossum by believing BOTH: The heart that lies within DOMINIC: I"ll be yours Together we shall always be as one If you love me for me ERIKA: Who can say where we"ll go Who can promise what will be But I"ll stay by your side DOMINIC: I"ll be yours Together we shall always Be as one BOTH: If you love me for me If you love me for me 7 Written In Your Heart 歌词: Written In Your Heart And you"re always free to begin again And you"re always free to believe When you find the place That your heart belongs You"ll never leave You and I will always be Celebrating life together I know I have found a friend forever more Love is like a melody One that I will always treasure Courage is the key that opens every door Though you may not know Where your gifts may lead And it may not show at the start When you live your dreams You"ll find destiny Is written in your heart Though you may not know Where your gifts may lead And it may not show at the start When you live your dream You"ll find destiny Is written in your heart
2023-06-08 21:11:444


上土豆网 看芭比 可能会有台词
2023-06-08 21:12:042

我跪求 德军军歌大联唱 (37分钟版) 的简谱 或五线谱,发到ss.per@163.com或

2023-06-08 21:12:111


】∷☆户田惠梨香个人资料☆∷ ===个人资料=== 姓名:户田惠梨香 日文:TODA·ERIKA トダ·エリカ 出身年月:1988年8月17日 出身地:日本兵库县神户市滩区 身高:162厘米 体重:42千克 脚尺:24 cm 职业:艺人、模特 出道时间:2000年 毕业中学:地元神户中学(先就读于东京的高中) 性格:坚强、不会轻易认输 身高:162 3围:/B75/W56/H78 鞋码:24.0 血型:AB型 星座:狮子座 特长:料理、钢琴、少林拳法、书法2段 爱好:喜欢运动、制作点心、小学曾经还跳爵士舞 目标的艺人:大竹忍、中谷美纪 喜欢的一句话:以心伝心 关于未来的梦想:挑战舞台剧 喜欢的类型:诚实、幽默 初恋年龄:小学3年级(那个男的。。。羡慕啊) 在家里的位子:有一个哥哥、自己、一个妹妹! 最满意自己的那个部分?:手、及其头发 有没有自己感到自卑的地方:哈哈的笑声!比较困惑呢! 喜欢的动漫人物:哆啦A梦 喜欢的颜色:黑、白、红 喜欢的食物:印度咖喱 喜欢的音乐:Red Hot Chili Pepers (红热辣椒面,最近受死亡笔记的影响) 喜欢的电影:《百万宝贝》 讨厌的东西:眼药水(拍哭戏的时候!绝对不用!)、虫子(蟑螂什么的)
2023-06-08 21:12:202


《布登勃洛克家族--一个家族的衰落》 《堕落》 《特里斯坦》 《 托尼奥·克勒格尔》 《威尼斯之死》 《魔山》 《马里奥与魔术师》 《理查德·瓦格纳的苦难与伟大》 《约瑟夫和他的兄弟们》 《绿蒂在魏玛》 《被挑选者》 《 布登勃洛克家族大骗子菲利克斯·克鲁尔的自由--回忆录第一部分》 《浮士德博士》 《布登勃洛克家族》 《布登勃洛克一家》《国王的神圣》 德国版的《红楼梦》 《亚克伯的故事》 《年轻的约瑟夫》 《约瑟夫在埃及》 《赡养者约瑟夫》 《被挑选者》 《骗子菲利克斯·克鲁尔的自白》
2023-06-08 21:12:281

月神Artemis还有另一个大家比较熟知的名字是“黛安娜”,他跟太阳神阿波罗是孪生姐弟,是宙斯和泰坦族女神乐朵的私生子女,乐朵为了躲避天后Hera的追杀,所以很辛苦的生下黛安娜后,仍然腹痛不止,但是已经没有力气可以再生下腹中另一个孩子,这时先出生的黛安娜本能的帮助母亲接生了弟弟,这使得黛安娜成为护士、助产之神,以保护弱小而闻名。由于天后Hera对他们的生母及这对双胞胎的残害手段,让宙斯觉得有愧于他们,不仅把他们接到奥林帕斯山同住,为了补偿还把太阳赐给了阿波罗,把月亮交给了黛安娜,因此当阿波罗驾驶者光芒四射的太阳马车出发时,阳光升起普照着大地,这个时候黛安娜可以在山林里狩猎,或是跟仙女朋友们玩耍,傍晚到的时候,她就登上闪烁着银光的月亮马车,穿越浩瀚无垠的太空,并将月光洒满大地。 黛安娜三岁生日时,父亲宙斯问她想要什么礼物,黛安娜非常清楚自己想要的向宙斯提出六项生日请求: 一、我想要成为一位带给世界光明的女神。 二、我可以自己决定婚事,可以有不结婚的自由。 三、我想要有可以狩猎的工具武器。 四、我要有随意打扮的自由,我想要穿着狩猎服装。 五、我要六个年轻的仙女服侍。 六、我要天下没有受到破坏的森林,可以当作我居住的地方。 她要求的这些,宙斯全部都答应了,所以月神黛安娜搬到了山中,倘佯在大自然里过生活了。 一般时间里,她享受孤独,一个人遵循着时节过日子,但心地善良的她,常会帮助来求助她的人,也会救助弱小的动物,虽然她也会出手助其他天神一臂之力,但是多数时候她只是隔岸观火,尽量不要搅和进去。闲时就是跟弟弟阿波罗比比谁的射箭技术厉害,或是去参加弟弟阿波罗神殿举办的各种活动。 不过看似温良恭俭让的月神,并不是闷着吃亏或是被欺负的,有一次她的母亲乐朵要去阿波罗位于德尔菲的神殿,路上遇到巨人提提亚斯想要非礼她,这个时候黛安娜突然出现,朝巨人射了一箭当场毙命。还有一位女神尼殴碧(Niobe)出言不逊侮辱她的母亲,说他自己生了六男、六女,是比乐朵还要优秀很多的母亲,黛安娜气不过就杀了那六个女儿,而阿波罗则杀了另外六个儿子。 黛安娜只爱过一个人,那就是经常与她一起在森林里狩猎的猎人“欧里昂”,不过,他们也就是狩猎时一起行动,结束后就各自过日子去,黛安娜不是一个会为了爱情,就放弃自己生活方式的女神。只是因为这个猎人占据了她比较多的时间,让阿波罗很不是滋味,觉得自己被冷落还起了嫉妒之心。一次阿波罗看到欧里昂在海里游泳,故意把姐姐找来比赛射箭技巧,他说:你看到了海里那个黑点吗?谁可以射到那个黑点呢?黛安娜一听立刻拉弓射箭,正中目标。结果后来发现竟然自己亲手射杀所爱之人,非常伤心的黛安娜从此再也没有爱上其他人。 乐于服务、照顾别人,甚至会以此为志业。对于具备了“1”数到“8”数知识的“9”数人,他们像是受完训练后的人间天使,被派来照顾、守护某个人的。他们心胸宽大,付出不问回报,淡泊名利,不是凡事都问钱的人,常是事情是他们认同、认定的,没有报酬也会卯足劲的全力以赴,直到房东催租、帐单一张一张来的时候,才发现自己阮囊羞涩。不过这个情况如果你事前先提醒他,“9”数人会觉得你不懂得他的理想抱负,更甚者会觉得你是来粉碎他梦想的恶人。 他们有超凡的想像力,学习新事物比一般人更快上手,还能举一反三,最后更是青出于蓝而胜于蓝。不过“9”数人是梦想家,不是实践家。很多时候他们不太是贴地生活的一群,活在自己的世界里,就算梦想会拖垮生活,他们还是眉头不皱的完全直行。这个特质如果没有自我调整,是不适合创业、从商的,但是那些需要天马行空想像力的工作,他们非常的游刃有余。 梦想与目标是不同的,“9”数人一般都拿捏的不好,常怀抱着不现实的梦,还讨厌来劝戒哪要看清现实的人,其实旁观者的客观角度,正是你眼盲、心盲的地方,是真的要朝梦想前进需要修正的航道,真诚的建议要有接受劝告的雅量,因为“9”数人是很容易从云端摔下来,一蹶不振的人。 由于是拥有强大天赋本能的人,因此目标要慎选,就像黛安娜不慎一箭射死了爱人,“9”数人拥有狩猎的工具和能力,如果靶心位置错了,会将自己带向悔恨的深渊。 生性浪漫、热情,总是没有什么心机的爱上人。“9”数人是很好的情人及灵魂伴侣,个性上温暖又开朗的作风,是如春风一般的恋人,但他们一般有精神上的洁癖。在亲密关系里的“9”数人,会无私的帮助伴侣,是可以给你他所有一切的另一半,因此人财两失惨烈的也是他们。只是“9”数人在感情里真的是那种不到黄河心不死,不见奸情不掉泪的人,只有到最绝望的时候,他们才下得了决心分手。 『生命密码 新增修版』、『新生命密码 2』,蓝宁仕医师 着。 “不懂神话,就只能看裸体啊!”,顾爷 着。
2023-06-08 21:07:241

heroic couplet的英语释义

Heroic Couplet(英雄双韵体)refers to lines of iambic pentameter which rhyme in pairs: aa, bb, cc, and so on. The adjective “heroic” was applied in the later seventeenth century because of the frequent use of such couplets in heroic poems and dramas. This verse form was introduced into English poetry by Geoffrey Chaucer. From the age of John Dryden through that of Samuel Johnson, the heroic couplet was the predominant English measure for all the poetic kinds; some poets, including Alexander Pope, used it almost to the exclusion of other meters.
2023-06-08 21:07:274

英文 特洛依简介
2023-06-08 21:07:312


2023-06-08 21:07:339


【 #英语资源# 导语】声声爆竹送出了对新年的热情;阵阵歌声唱出了对新年的希望;句句祝福说出了对新年的期待……时光匆匆又匆匆,带走的是对过去的遗憾,迎接的是对新年的期盼。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的《关于迎接新年的英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。 1.关于迎接新年的英语作文 篇一   It is another important, grand and lively Spring Festival. In this short seven days, I will never forget the "zero point beauty" on New Year"s Eve! What is "Zero Point Beauty"? Hey, this is just my name for the "beautiful fireworks" in the new and old years. Is it very innovative?   On New Year"s Eve, after having the New Year"s Eve dinner, I picked up firecrackers and fireworks and dragged my brother out of the door. When I was about to release it, alas! "How can you catch a cold at a critical moment", I left my lighter at home. So I immediately asked my cousin, "Do you have a lighter with you? If not, go and get it quickly!" I was so worried that there was no punctuation mark in my speech. He smiled and took the lighter out of his pocket and gave it to me. I was so overjoyed that I couldn"t hurry to set off fireworks.   I put a "lotus flower" first. The "hissing" fireworks began to rotate rapidly, and suddenly burst out a blue light, like a pool of sparkling green water. Slowly, a graceful red lotus appeared in the middle of the green water. It was wonderful! The more I saw it, the more fascinated I was. At this time, the pond water and lotus changed into colorful and shining flowers and flew slowly to the sky, like a fairy flying! How interesting! Then, my brother released a "spaceship". I saw the "spaceship" swoop into the air, and the flames splashed everywhere, just like a rocket. Suddenly, with a "bang", it exploded in the air, and suddenly there were ten thousand chrysanthemums, red, yellow and green, which were very beautiful. Later, my brother and I put together a "giant spring thunder king". The sound of "roaring" was as loud as spring thunder.   Our cheers attracted the adults. We set off all kinds of firecrackers and fireworks together. The crackling sound of firecrackers came one after another, and the colorful fireworks rose in the air, setting off the festive atmosphere and making everyone immersed in the ocean of joy.   The pace of the New Year is approaching. "Dong Dong Dong", the heavy reverberating sound of the bell, the cheers of people, and the crackling of firecrackers form a symphony worthy of appreciation. "Bang - Bang - Bang", the first firecracker of the New Year resounded through the air of the community, and the colorful fireworks were constantly changing their shape, "How beautiful!" I couldn"t help exclaiming.   Tonight, I"m really full of eyes and ears! 2.关于迎接新年的英语作文 篇二   This year is a very special year. Because my grandpa is not well, my mother suggested that my father and my sister go to my grandparents" house for the New Year.   When I return to my grandparents" home, the next day is the New Year"s Eve, the traditional Chinese holiday. Early in the morning, my mother and grandmother began to work on the delicious food to eat at the New Year"s Eve dinner. My uncle said, "Come on, let"s hang the lantern, paste the couplet, the window flower and paste the blessing character together." My father and I soon hung the couplet and the lantern. I saw my uncle pasting the window flower, so I ran to see him pasting the blessing on the window happily. I said to my uncle, "The news has said that the blessing on the window should be pasted upside down, because the blessing pours out the blessing." After listening, my uncle praised me and said, "You are wonderful, you know this!"   It will soon be evening, and we will start to eat dinner happily! At the dinner table, my grandmother and grandpa sent me and my sister a red envelope and said, "I wish you progress in your study and always be happy." I happily took the red envelope and said, "Thank you, grandpa and grandma." My father and mother immediately sent the red envelope to my grandparents and said, "I wish you good health, good luck, and longevity."   We will have a good meal soon. We just sat next to the TV to watch the Spring Festival Gala, when many relatives and friends came to my grandparents" house. Later, adults began to grab red envelopes in their mobile phones. At that time, my uncle and my children set off fireworks and played with firecrackers at the door of the house. Everyone gathered together in a very lively and happy way. Soon it was nearly twelve o"clock. My uncle lit fireworks and we went to the door to watch fireworks to welcome the New Year.   We are one year older in the new year. I wish you a happy new year, everything you want to achieve, everything goes well, life is prosperous, and the Year of the Rabbit is happy! 3.关于迎接新年的英语作文 篇三   There are many traditional festivals among Chinese people. Among them, I am most interested in the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is also the most solemn traditional festival among Chinese people.   Since the winter holiday at school, I have been staying at home and counting the days before the Spring Festival. Grandma saw me counting down all day and said with a smile, "This child is looking forward to the New Year." Yes, in our hometown, the faces of adults and children are filled with laughter every time we welcome the New Year. Because it is the custom that makes us so happy.   Let"s talk about welcoming the New Year. Look at the red New Year pictures pasted on the doors of every household, and the couplets hung on the wall. Looking around, the white house added a red scene, which is quite interesting. New Year"s savings are also the most bustling. Every elbow is full of plates of consumables. Every family carries large quantities of fish and meat home. In our place, each family has to make a lot of delicious "steamed buns". In fact, there are fillings inside. I think everyone calls it that. There must be many auspicious meanings in it. Adults should also prepare lucky money for our children. This is probably the most enjoyable thing for many children. The happiest thing for me is that I can see my parents during the Spring Festival. During the Spring Festival, a family can sit together and talk happily. The adults raised their glasses and drank, while the children played heartily in front of their parents. I think this should be the happiest thing for many children. After dinner, the family can gather around the TV and watch the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. The bell of the New Year is coming. Everyone takes out a bundle of large boxes of firecrackers. When the New Year comes, "three, two, one! Fire!" A large string of red firecrackers "crackle", red firecracker pieces fall on people"s heads, and the smile on their faces is very bright.   When welcoming the New Year, everyone"s heart is full of joy. And I am also the happiest. I look forward to my parents coming back to buy me too many things that I usually covet. I also look forward to meeting my parents who work far away one day earlier. From the wrinkled faces of my grandparents, I also clearly know that my grandparents are more eager to see the children they miss every day. 4.关于迎接新年的英语作文 篇四   In a flash, we sent off the Year of the Tiger and ushered in the Year of the Rabbit. Looking back on every bit of this year, it is really unforgettable. I think the next year will be better. The rumbling sound of firecrackers seemed to remind me that I was growing up again. At this time, I thought of Wang Anshi"s poem: "The sound of firecrackers is the end of the year, and the spring breeze sends warmth into Tusu."   The cold winter waved goodbye to people, and the warm spring shook hands with us. People on the street took off their heavy cotton-padded jackets, and their faces were filled with happy smiles, looking forward to the future. The children cheered and celebrated the arrival of the New Year; Adults sit together in groups, eating melon seeds, chatting, and sometimes bursts of pleasant laughter. The street was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations. It was so festive!   In the evening, it was even more lively. People who went out to work came home and overseas students came home to have a reunion dinner together to celebrate this wonderful moment. After dinner, I don"t know who took the lead and played the first song of the New Year, "Air Trio". Then, every family took out the prepared fireworks, firecrackers and firecrackers and set them off. Just listen to the "bang", and the fireworks will be scattered like meteors. The sound of firecrackers rises one after another. It seems that whoever has the loudest firecrackers will rise to a higher level in the new year. Fireworks are of different shapes and colors, some like blooming flowers, some like arrows, some like flying dragons, pointing directly at the sky, indicating the prosperity of the motherland and the beautiful future. All kinds of fireworks compete to open and compete with each other, making the originally hazy night sky shiny and beautiful. Everyone played heartily under the beautiful fireworks, and the night sky echoed with laughter.   A festival is like a story, with beautiful and moving plots; A festival is a culture with colorful contents. I love our festival and the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is the end and beginning of the year. We should review the past and look forward to the future! 5.关于迎接新年的英语作文 篇五   The New Year is coming. We have to do a lot of preparation to welcome the New Year. When the New Year is still some time away, my family has already taken me to the shopping mall to buy various items for the New Year.   First of all, I went to the area where I bought the Spring Festival couplets with my family. Red Spring Festival couplets were hung all over the wall, and people chose their favorite ones among them. Some knowledgeable elders are still discussing here, and have expressed their views on these Spring Festival couplets. I, who was also picking the Spring Festival couplets, stopped unconsciously. I found that the spring festival couplets made from the mouth of some elders were also very good, even better than the meaning of some spring festival couplets already hung on the wall. I listened and clapped my hands unconsciously. This day was also a long experience.   After selecting the Spring Festival couplets, we came to the food area. After all, the most important thing we can"t lack in the New Year is the New Year goods. All kinds of new-packaged food are attracting people"s attention. I walked through the food cabinet and looked at the food. It was light on the surface, but it was very complicated in my heart. Yes! With so many delicious foods, what should we choose? I walked back and forth in the food area for several times, and finally selected some of my favorite foods. I also bought the goods that year. It"s time for me to leave the mall with my family. We walked out with a full shopping cart, came to the basement, and carried all the food to Dad"s car. Then my family went home happily.   These things are just the simplest steps to welcome the New Year. After returning home, I found a good day and began to clean my house. The whole family went to battle and cleaned everything inside and outside the house. We should celebrate the New Year. When the sanitation is finished, we start to paste Spring Festival couplets and hang lanterns.   To welcome the New Year, we have to do a lot of preparation. Although there are many things to do, we are also very busy. But when we think that the New Year will soon come, everyone is very happy and looking forward to it.
2023-06-08 21:07:341


2023-06-08 21:07:391


  One: the spring festival couplet   Happy and joyful past the new year, streets and alleys are all new, hanging red lanterns, everyone is wearing new clothes, and even the doors of every family are wearing "new clothes" -- couplets.   My door is not on the outside. This morning, my mother and I took the antithetical couplet, came to the gate, this is: sheep antithetical couplet billion, BMW off Ying blessing and spirit dance of Primula to sheep   I look at this couplet. I feel very puzzled and ask my mother: "this couplet can make me stumble. There are three pieces. I know this short one is posted on the top of the door, and those two long ones should be placed on the left side, which is the right side?"   She looked at me and smiled and said: "you asked for, but this paste antithetical couplet, pay attention to; you see this pair of antithetical couplet, the horse, the sheep; in twelve animals, horse, sheep is a horse; so is on, the sheep is lower right; posted on the left is lower;; now you know!" "and the original post antithetical couplet big knowledge! Thank you, my mother gave me a lesson again" I am happy to say.   Next, we began to attach the antithetical couplet I took the tape; and scissors, my mother holding a foot on the stool, antithetical couplet, hand antithetical couplet, I was standing next to the tape cut into a short, short handed her; so, in a moment in our cooperation, and antithetical couplet.   We watched the pleasure, "poetic couplet, really lucky! This pair of antithetical couplet is a symbol of our luck next year, and blessing!" said the mother. I thought: I"m much more profitable!   Article two: spring festival couplet   At last thirty years, the annual custom paste antithetical couplet I put the ladder, moved out in the morning, floor door families too busy pasting new poetic couplet, everyone was especially strong in flavor.   My mother put a glittering (oh, should be glowing) blessing and a pair of glittering antithetical couplet to me, and my dad took a pair of scissors and a roll of transparent glue over, Dad let me give him cut tape, he began to stick, you see the first Fuzheng antithetical couplet and then put glue on Hengpi, should be affixed to six times, while connecting to paste ten. It is not easy to "stick," to put into a diamond. Dad gave me the task, and I worked very seriously because it was the first time, so I didn"t know how to get down. I first cut four strips of adhesive tape, the tape on your hand, then I put a tape sticking sideways in the top corner, the corner of the glue on the door, then turn to the other three corner, just shut the door the moment, only listen snapped, "fell down.   I say "Mom, come on!" my mother asked: "what"s the matter, dear?" I said: "the word fell on the ground!" mother said: "you are a try in!" I ran to the door, to put "was posted again, stick this very firmly whenever I how to shake off the.   Experience this thing, I understand: do what, once no, try again a few times, believe in yourself, you can do it!   Article three: spring festival couplet   Another day is the new year. According to the custom of our hometown, the couplet is to be posted on the day of twenty-nine.   This day, the weather is very cold, I got up early in the morning, because my mother told me that today is twenty-nine, in the morning to stick to the couplet. When I woke up mom had been busy, I asked my mother what can I help you? My mother said: "you help me stick a double-sided adhesive in these couplets!" I asked: "what is the public? Public?" "well, the public is posted on the door in the middle of a small post." "Oh, the original small paste called couplets." I picked up a few couplets to read: "new year, Spring Festival fortune, good luck, Safe trip wherever you go, health and so on, there are so many of these couplets words!" with the small to large antithetical couplet, the first mother put a piece of paper with four characters to take out with double face glue, "Mom, what is this?" the mother said: "this is antithetical couplet banner, writing is Safe trip wherever you go". The next one is a long, without my asking mother said: "this is the first line of the antithetical couplet is written, there is a safe house born under a lucky star, is a couplet, writing is good Chang Lin happy home. There is a banner, on the antithetical couplet, couplet, can not be wrong oh."   This year"s Spring Festival is very common, but there are many Chinese couplets, and I need to know more about it.   Article four: spring festival couplet   It was thirty of the year. My mother called me out of bed early and said to stick a couplet together. In the beginning of the new spring, the Spring Festival is coming. According to the traditional customs of our country, many people put up the couplets on the eve of the new year"s Eve. The couplet is the tradition of the Chinese Han nationality.   I wash after began to put my mother and I put the antithetical couplet, the underground non-stop antithetical couplet with, I said this is the mother, that is, we disagree, I to make sure to find the answer on a computer.   In ancient times the antithetical couplet, because it is written from right to left, and so on in the door on the right. Now, because of the writing habits from left to right, so there are also posted on the door on the left.   What should be where to see? Hengpi writing, if the streamer is written from right to left, on the contrary should be posted on the right, on the sticker on the left. In addition, in addition to the antithesis antithetical couplet and other requirements, the general should be on Ze Ping, is on the end of the word tone should fall down at the end of third and fourth tones, words should be in the tone tone. (IA and IB).   When I know the answer, I put the Spring Festival couplets together with my mother. It"s beautiful!   Paste antithetical couplet is not what events, figure auspicious festive, even posted the wrong, no one will prompt. However, since it is the national culture, we can not carry forward, nor outrageous.   The Spring Festival couplets will be on me next year. Finally I wish you a happy year of the horse immediately Study hard!   Article five: spring festival couplet   Tomorrow is the new year"s Eve. Today, my parents and I went to the grandmother"s house to stick a couplet.   In the morning, my parents and I were in the grandmother"s home to prepare fragrant, wax, Yuan Bao, yellow watch, steamed bread, firecracker, couplet, etc., ready to go to the east courtyard to stick the couplet. To the orphanage, and my uncle, my father is tearing the old tear after the antithetical couplet, uncle let me take out three cards ", and three antithetical couplet, upstairs paste antithetical couplet. My father helped the couplet, the uncle tore the rubber cloth, and I took the other couplets. So we put it from the third floor to the two floor and from the two floor to the first floor. After being posted on the first floor, my task was easier, and I began to pick up the old couplets uncovered in the yard and light it. Look at the courtyard of the raging fire, I am pleased to think: This is not only to deal with my old sister and antithetical couplet can also fire together.   But I didn"t finish it, and my task came again. Mother to give the gods for, so I am responsible for holding the gold and yellow table, with meadow, sister with wax, but mother always praise my sister, I have a little angry, I went through after the ignition. Soon everything is finished, I know the last to set off firecrackers, and I soon ran into the room, the first cannon frightened me, the crackling rang for a while, I first received something back to grandma"s house.   Will the new year tomorrow after the new year, I wish you Everything looks fresh and gay!
2023-06-08 21:07:411

春节作用的高三英语作文 篇数越多愈好 十万火急

Chinese New Year Hi, the Chinese New Year is coming, but do you know which day is Chinese New Year? I know it is February 3, 2011.In fact, Chinese New Year should be call “Spring Festival” or call “Chun Jie<春(chūn)节(jié)>” in China. The Chinese New Year is the first day of the first month in the lunar calendar. And the night before the Spring Festival called “chuxi”<除(chú)夕(xī)>.① On the day of the Chinese New Year, peoples will light the firecracker and maybe burn fire. Do you know why? I can tell you. Long time ago, there is an monster called “nian”<年(nián),年(nián)兽(shòu)> it always stay in a mountain till “chuxi”. On the “chuxi”, it will go to a village to eat peoples and their animals. Peoples are very afraid of “nian”, but nobody knows how to fight with it, it"s so strong that nobody can even hit it. Another “chuxi”"s came, everyone was escaping from the village, none of them had seen a old man come to here.Only an old lady led him into her house and give him a bowl of dumpling.Then the old man tell the lady: “Don"t afraid of the “nian”. It fears the red things and the big noise. You need to wear red cloths, light the red candle, and make some firecracker.”Just as they finished the firecrackers, the “nian” comes. It roars and roars. But suddenly a red light just shot straight into its eyes, it has been frightened: “Oh, my eyes! What"s that?” then, it heard a very big noise, and it run away as fast as it can.Now peoples know how to get rid of “nian”, so every “chuxi”, peoples will light the firecrackers, paste the antithetical, stick the good fortune character and stay awake all night.The Lunar New Year The Lunar New Year is a great occasion to the Chinese people. It lasts about the first four days of the year, during which people do not work except for the workers on duty. Students do not go to school, and shops are closed. Several days before the new year, people begin to prepare. Farmers kill pigs, sheep, cocks and hens. City dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables. Houses are cleaned; coupletsare posted on the doors. Colourful lanterns are hung at the gate. On the eve of the new year, each family has its members gatherd together and eats a family reunion dinner. After the meal they watch TV until the clock strickes twelve. Then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers and other fire works to welcome the new year. On the first day of the new year, almost everyone is dressed in his or her best. When people meet on the way, they say to each other "Happy New Year". Friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other. Children indulge themselves in games.
2023-06-08 21:07:493


2023-06-08 21:07:514

英文诗歌分为哪几类?我忘光了, 只记得lyric ,epic

blank verse,free verse,sonnet,ballads,odes,elegy,epigram,couplets,epic,lyric这些是英文诗歌的主要几种类别
2023-06-08 21:07:561


こんにちは。 (kon ni qi wa)你好。こんばんは。 (kon bang wa)晚上好。おはようございます。 (o ha you go za i mas)早上好。お休(やす)みなさい。 (o ya su mi na sai)晚安。お元気(げんき)ですか。 (o gen ki de s ka?)您还好吧,相当于英语的“How are you”,一种打招呼的方式。いくらですか。 (i ku la de s ka?)多少钱?すみません。 (su mi ma sen)不好意思,麻烦你…。相当于英语的“Excuse me”。用于向别人开口时。ごめんなさい。 (go men na sai)对不起。如果你想学习日语可以来这个群,首先是478,中间是932,最后是026,里面可以学习和交流,也有资料可以下载。日语的词汇分类日语的词类称为“品词”,按照意义、形态和在句中的作用,可以分为十二类。日语中的单词总体上可以分为两大类:独立词和附属词。独立词体言——无词尾变化,其中名词、代名词、数词可做主语名词(めいし):表示人或事物的名称,例词:テレビ、电话、部屋。代名词(だいめいし):用来代替人或事物的名称,例词:わたし、あなた、彼、彼女。数词(すうし):表示数目和数量的单位,例词:一、一つ。副词(ふくし):修饰用言,例词:たくさん、すごい。连体词(れんたいし):修饰体言,例词:この、あの、その。接続词(せつぞくし):起接续作用,例词:でも、しかし。感叹词(かんたんし):表示感叹,呼唤或应答,例词:はい、ええ、いいえ。用言——有词尾变化,可单独作谓语动词(どうし):表示动作、存在或状态,例词:书く、食べる、ある、いる。形容词(けいようし):表示性质或状态,例词:高い、低い、暑い、寒い。形容动词(けいようどうし):表示性质或状态,这是日语当中特有的一种品词,它具有形容词的功能,但又具有和动词一样的词尾变化,所以叫形容动词。例词:好きだ、上手だ、静かだ。附属词助词(じょし):无词尾变化,附加在词后,表示词的语法地位,与其它词的关系,增加含义。助动词(じょどうし):有词尾变化,用在用言或助动词后,起一定的语法作用。こんにちは。 (kon ni ji wa)你好。こんばんは。 (kon ban wa)晚上好。おはようございます。 (o ha you go za i mas)早上好。お休(やす)みなさい。 (o ya su mi na sai)晚安。お元気(げんき)ですか。 (o gen ki de s ka?)您还好吧,相当于英语的“How are you”,一种打招呼的方式。いくらですか。 (i ku la de s ka?)多少钱?すみません。 (su mi ma sen)不好意思,麻烦你…。相当于英语的“Excuse me”。用于向别人开口时。ごめんなさい。 (go men na sai)对不起。どういうことですか。 (dou iu ko to de su ka?)什么意思呢?如果你想学习日语可以来这个群,首先是531中间698最后556 ,里面可以学习交流,也有资料下载。山田さんは中国语(ちゅうごくご)が上手(じょうず)ですね。(ta na ka san wa jiu go ku ko ga zyou zu de su ne)山田的中国话说的真好。まだまだです。 (ma da ma da de s)没什么。没什么。(自谦)どうしたの。 (dou si ta no)どうしたんですか。 (dou si tan de su ka?)发生了什么事啊。なんでもない。 (nan de mo nai)没什么事。ちょっと待ってください。 (jou to ma te ku da sai,可以简单地表达为:jou to)请稍等一下。约束(やくそく)します。 (ya ku so ko si ma s)就这么说定了。これでいいですか。 (ko na de i i de su ka?)这样可以吗?けっこうです。 (ke kou de s)もういいです。(mou i i de s)不用了。どうして。 (dou si de)なぜ (na ze)为什么啊?いただきます (i ta da ki ma s)那我开动了。(吃饭动筷子前)ごちそうさまでした。 (ko ji sou sa ma de si ta)我吃饱了。(吃完后)ありがとうございます。 (a li ga to go za i ma s)谢谢。どういたしまして。 (dou i ta si ma si de)别客气。本当(ほんとう)ですか。 (hon dou de su ka?)真的?うれしい。 (so ne si i)我好高兴。(女性用语)よし。いくぞ。 (yo si。i ku zo)好!出发(行动)。 (男性用语)いってきます。 (i te ki ma s)我走了。(离开某地对别人说的话)いってらしゃい。 (i te la si yai)您好走。(对要离开的人说的话)いらしゃいませ。 (i la si yai ma se)欢迎光临。また、どうぞお越(こ) しください。 (ma ta、dou zo o ko si ku da sai)欢迎下次光临。じゃ、またね。 (zi ya ma ta ne)では、また。 (de ha ma ta)再见(比较通用的用法)信(しん) じられない。 (sin zi la ne nai)真令人难以相信。どうも。 (dou mo)该词意思模糊。有多谢、不好意思、对不起等多种意思,可以说是个万能词。あ、そうだ。 (a、sou da)啊,对了。表示突然想起另一个话题或事情。(男性用语居多)えへ? (e he?)表示轻微惊讶的感叹语。うん、いいわよ。 (on i i wa yo)恩,好的。(女性用语,心跳回忆中藤崎答应约会邀请时说的:))ううん、そうじゃない。 (on sou zi ya nai)不,不是那样的。(女性用语)がんばってください。 (gan ba te ku da sai)请加油。(日本人临别时多用此语)がんばります。我会加油的。ご苦労(くろう) さま。辛苦了。(用于上级对下级)お疲(つか)れさま。辛苦了。(用于下级对上级和平级间)どうぞ远虑(えんりょ) なく。请别客气。おひさしぶりです。しばらくですね。好久不见了。きれい。好漂亮啊。(可用于建筑,装饰品,首饰,画,女性的相貌等等,范围很广)ただいま。我回来了。(日本人回家到家门口说的话)おかえり。您回来啦。(家里人对回家的人的应答)いよいよぼくの本番(ほんばん)だ。总算到我正式出场了。(男性用语)関系(かんけい) ないでしょう。这和你没关系吧?(对八卦的人常用的一句话)电话番号(でんわばんごう) を教えてください。请告诉我您的电话号码。日本语(にほんご) はむずかしいことばがはなせませんが、やさしいことばがなんとかはなせます。日语难的说不上来,简单的还能对付几句。たいへん!不得了啦。おじゃまします。打搅了。到别人的处所时进门时说的话。おじゃましました。打搅了。离开别人的处所时讲的话。はじめまして。初次见面请多关照。どうぞよろしくおねがいします。请多关照。いままでおせわになにました。いままでありがとうございます。多谢您长久以来的关照。(要离开某地或跳槽时对身边的人说的。)お待たせいたしました。让您久等了。别(べつ)に。没什么。当别人问你发生了什么事时你的回答。冗谈(じょうだん) を言わないでください。请别开玩笑。おねがいします。拜托了。(如果是跪着时说这句话,那意思就是“求求您了”)そのとおりです。说的对。なるほど。(nanukodo)原来如此啊。どうしようかな 笑噶那一那どうすればいい 多素来把一我该怎么办啊?やめなさいよ。 亚咩那撒住手。
2023-06-08 21:08:002

去青岛玩, 去那些地方好玩, 什么东西好吃, 有什么东西可做礼品送人

2023-06-08 21:07:234


问题一:酒神的狄俄尼索斯的传说 狄俄尼索斯是酒神,他是宙斯和塞墨勒的儿子。当他的妈妈被宙斯的璀璨之焰烧死时,他还只是个孤弱的婴儿。他的父亲将他寄托在山中仙子们那里,他们精心地哺育他长大。在森林之神西莱娜斯的辅导下,他掌握了有关自然的所有秘密以及酒的历史。他乘坐着他那辆由野兽驾驶的四轮马车到处游荡。据说他曾到过印度和埃塞俄比亚。他走到哪儿,乐声、歌声、狂饮就跟到哪儿。他的侍从们,被称为酒神的信徒,也因他们的吵闹无序而出名。他们肆无忌惮地狂笑,漫不经心地喝酒、跳舞和唱歌。侍从中的妇女也因极端粗野、得意起来有失体面而臭名昭著。当她们疯狂或是极度兴奋时,她们使用残忍的暴力。她们曾把俄尔浦斯这位才华横溢的音乐家的手足撕裂。就连底比斯国王,仅因为在本国崇拜巴克斯(狄俄尼索斯的别名)问题上皱了皱眉头,也遭受了同样的惩罚。而带领这群狂热的女人胡作非为的就是底比斯国王的母亲。酒神狄俄尼索斯和他的爱情忒拜国王卡德摩斯有一位特别出众的女儿,名叫塞墨斯(Semele);她在底比斯总是承蒙宙斯的垂爱。善嫉的赫拉想了个坏主意,她怂恿赛墨斯向宙斯提要求:面见这位雷电之神。宙斯无奈的答应了赛墨斯。然而,当宙斯以众神和万民之王的面貌电光闪闪、雷声隆隆地来到赛墨斯面前时,可怜女人的凡人之躯承受不了神的威严,生下一个不足月的胎儿之后便在雷电之神的烈焰中化为了灰烬。宙斯把胎儿缝在他自己的大腿内,狄俄尼索斯就这样在父亲宙斯的体内成长了起来,后来又从宙斯的腿部第二次出生。众神之王叫来了自己的儿子,众神的使者赫尔墨斯,让他把小狄俄尼索斯带到赛墨斯的姐姐伊诺和她的丈夫、奥尔科墨诺思国王阿塔玛斯那里去,希望他能平安长大。可是被嫉妒吞噬了理智的赫拉不愿放过可怜的孩子,她让阿塔玛斯发了疯,又逼得伊诺带着小狄俄尼索斯跳了海,海中仙女们接纳了伊诺和孩子,直到赫尔墨斯找到她们。赫尔墨斯把狄俄尼索斯转而交给尼西亚山谷的山林仙女们抚养。当狄俄尼索斯长成一个精力旺盛的小伙子时,他的容貌就像太阳的光芒一样耀眼夺目。他镇日在山林间游荡,一群头戴花冠的随从簇拥着英俊的神,其中有老迈的西勒诺斯(Silenus)、长着尾巴和山羊蹄子的萨提尔(Satyr)与潘神(Pan),还有山林水泽的仙女们。俊美无俦的酒神头戴葡萄枝和常春藤编成的花冠,手执缠着常春藤、顶端缀着松球的神杖走在队伍的前面;随从们喝得醉醺醺的,围着他边唱边叫、乱奔乱跑,或者跳起节奏欢快的旋舞。在长笛、芦笛和铙钹声中,喧哗的 *** 队伍在群山中、在绿荫如盖的树林中、在青翠的草地上快乐地行进。有时候,狄俄尼索斯带上这帮随从熙熙攘攘地在全世界各地 *** ,从一个国家到另一个国家,教导人们种植葡萄和用一串串成熟的葡萄酿造葡萄酒。狄俄尼索斯是个与众不同的神,他在万神殿众神中占据一个“奇特的陌生者”的位子。他不喜欢住在奥林匹斯山,宁愿呆在自己生长的山林间,和那群快活的随从做伴,狄俄尼索斯的山林也因此被称作“奥林匹斯外的小奥林匹斯”。少年安普罗斯(Ampelos)光彩照人;像个没有翅膀与箭囊的厄洛斯出现在狄俄尼索斯的面前,如同他以前在弗里吉亚的一片森林中亮相那样。酒神立刻看上了他,向他表达了爱意,安普罗斯面对狄俄尼索斯的表白欣喜若狂。有关他俩爱情的描写长达两个诗章,其中也融入了各种各样的插曲。接着是一首爱情叙事诗,诗人写得极其详尽、精彩。狄俄尼索斯惟一害怕的就是宙斯可能看见这个少年,并把他劫走,因为他比伽倪墨得斯更漂亮。然而,宙斯并不羡慕他的幸福,况且在古希腊人看来,世界上所有美丽的东西都注定不会持久。出于年轻人对冒险的渴望,安普罗斯决定只身去打猎。当狄俄尼索斯警告他要小心林中的野兽时,这......>> 问题二:尼采所说的狄俄尼索斯精神的含义是什么啊/ 尼采本身作为感性主义的化身,提出了日神和酒神精神。日神即太阳贰神阿波罗,日神精神代表的是理性,酒神即狄俄尼索斯,酒神精神即狄俄尼索斯精神,代表的是感性!尼采提倡酒神精神。酒神精神的潜台词是:就算人生是出悲剧,我们要有声有色的演这出悲剧,不要失掉了悲剧的壮丽和快慰。而日神精神的潜台词就是:就算人生是个梦,我们也要有滋有味的做这个梦,不要失掉了梦的情致和乐趣。 尼采之所以给此书命名《悲剧的诞生》,是因为尼采处于基督教理性精神发展的巅峰,理性的弊端也显现出来,即束缚了人的自由,尤其是思想的自由!然而,从人类历史发展来说,感性是让位于理性的!在尼采看来,感性是强大的,但它往往带给人不确定以至于被误解。就像英雄人物尤其是超人,他们往往不屑于连接众人,喜欢凭一己之力办事,尽管他们很强大,终归被众人唾弃,毁灭。 问题三:希腊神话中的神明分别是什么神? 宙斯(zeus)天后赫拉(Hera): )海神波塞冬(Poseidon): (4)冥王哈帝斯(hades): (5)灶神赫斯提亚(Hestia(6)战神阿瑞斯(Ares):(7)智慧女神雅典娜(Athene): (8)神使(偷窥之神)赫耳墨斯(Hermes): (9)火神赫淮斯托斯(Hephaestus): (10)太阳神阿波罗(Apollo):(11)爱与美之神阿佛洛狄忒Aphrodite): (12)月亮女神阿耳忒弥斯(Artemis): 帕尔塞福涅(Persephone) 冥后,宙斯和得墨忒尔的女儿。 狄俄尼索斯(Dionysus) 酒神,宙斯和塞墨勒的儿子。 阿尔忒尼斯(Artemis) 月亮和狩猎女神,宙斯和勒托之女。 赫淮斯托斯(Hephaestus) 火神,宙斯和赫拉之子。 赫尔墨斯(Hermes) 宙斯和迈亚的儿子,众神的使者,亡灵的接引神。 厄俄斯(Eos) 黎明女神 艾莉斯(Eris) 纷争女神 厄洛斯(Eros) 爱神 耐得斯(Naiads) 江河水泉中的女神 卡吕普索(Calypso) 女神 西摩伊斯(Simois) 河神 阿科洛厄斯(Achelous) 河神 阿克西厄斯(Axius) 派厄尼亚河神 格劳克斯(Glaucus) 海神,善作预言 特里同(Triton) 海神 琉科忒亚(Leucothea) 海中女神 涅锐伊得斯(Nereids) 海中女神 该亚(Gaea) 地之女神 塞勒涅(Selene) 月亮女神 塔那托斯(Thanatus) 死神 许普诺斯(Sleep) 睡神 赫卡忒(hecate) 夜和下界女神,亦是幽灵和魔法女神 绪任克斯(Syrinx) 山林女神 潘(Pan) 山林之神 时序三女神 欧诺尼亚(秩序)、狄克(公正)、厄瑞涅(和平) 命运三女神 克洛托(纺织生命之线)、拉克西斯(决定生命之线的长短)、阿特洛波斯(切断生命之线) 美惠三女神 欧佛洛绪涅、塔利亚、阿洛来亚 复仇三女神 总称为厄利尼厄斯 问题四:“狄俄尼索斯” (DIONYSUS)酒神干红葡萄酒 是哪个国家产的? 希腊 狄俄尼索斯” (DIONYSUS)酒神干红葡萄酒的历史 狄俄尼索斯 阿古西亚提红葡萄酒, 狄俄尼索斯希腊酒神,公元前1000~1500年希腊主神宙斯与塞墨勒生下一子:狄俄尼索斯 ,后被希腊称为酒神之神; 1967年希腊国王康斯坦丁二世在扎金索斯岛盛赞民间佳酿干红葡萄酒: 真乃酒神之神。 1974年希腊实行民主共和国,开始经济改革,海勒斯意克蒂诺公司成立,研发生产“狄俄尼索斯” (DIONYSUS)酒神干红葡萄酒; 2000年海勒斯意克蒂诺公司在希腊证券交易所上市,主营“狄俄尼索斯” (DIONYSUS)干红葡萄酒和橄榄油,葡萄酒酒精浓度12.5度,果香浓郁、果色紫红、酒体饱满、、通体光泽、单宁柔和、酸度平衡、入口悠长、活力强劲、余味甘醇。 2015年海勒斯意克蒂诺公司和大熊(深圳)实业有限公司签订合作框架协议,确保原瓶原装进口销售 2016年“狄俄尼索斯” (DIONYSUS)酒神干红葡萄酒由大熊(深圳)实业在中国发行 问题五:西方神话中掌管风的神叫做什么? 新神谱系,诸神都居于奥林匹斯山上,有十二主神。 宙斯:(罗马又称朱庇特)Zeus,天神之父,地上万物的最高统治者。 赫拉:(罗马又称朱诺)Hera,宙斯的姐姐与妻子。是女性的代表,掌管婚姻和生育。性格特征是嫉妒。 波塞冬:(罗马又称尼普东)Poseidon,海王,海洋和水域的一切主宰。 德米特尔:(罗马又称赛尔斯)Demeter,大地女神,司丰收。 哈底斯:(罗马又称普鲁通)Hades,冥王,司掌冥界,统治阴暗的世界。 雅典娜:(罗马又称密涅瓦)Athena,起初被视为女战神,后逐渐变为智慧女神和雅典城的守护女神。 阿波罗:(罗马也称阿波罗)Apollo,在诗与艺术中表现为光明、青春和音乐之神,又是太阳神。 阿尔忒弥斯:(罗马又称狄安娜)Artemis,月神,又是狩猎之神、妇女之神,是女性纯洁的化身。 狄俄尼索斯(罗马又称巴克科斯):Dionysus,酒神与狂饮欢乐之神。 阿佛洛狄忒(罗马又称维纳斯):Aphrodite爱情女神。她的忠实随从小爱神爱罗斯Eros(罗马又称邱比特)手持弓箭,被射中者即坠入情网。 赫斐斯托斯:(罗马又称乌尔肯)Hephaestus,火神。 阿瑞斯:(罗马又称玛尔斯)Ares,战神。 十二个主神都有鲜明的性格与七情六欲,具有人的性格和情绪,具有超人的特殊本领 问题六:希腊神话中的神分别叫什么?分别掌管什么? 他的妻子赫拉(Hera)是婚姻和家庭女神。他的兄弟波赛冬(Poseidon)是主管海洋的海神,另一个兄弟哈得斯(Hades)是主管死亡之国的冥王。他的女儿雅典娜(Athena)是智慧女神,为雅典娜神庙的保护神,象征着文明和艺术。他的儿子阿波罗(Apollo)是太阳神,是主管真理、光明和医药之神。阿波罗的孪生妹妹阿尔忒密斯(Artemis)是月亮和狩猎女神,阿芙罗狄蒂(Aphrodite)为爱和美的女神。赫菲斯托斯(Hephaestus)是破腿锻冶之神,锻造了宙斯的雷电。宙斯的另一个儿子赫尔墨斯(Hermes)是宙斯的使者和仆人,也是商人和小偷之神。狄俄尼索斯(Dionysus)是酒神,代表狂喜原则,也主管戏剧,和阿波罗的智力原则正好相反。宙斯的妹妹赫斯提(Hesti-a)是灶神和家室之神。阿瑞斯(Aris)也是宙斯的儿子,是战神。还有些小神,如五谷之神得米特(Demeter)、爱神厄洛斯(Eros)(丘比特)、森林之神潘(Pan)、复仇女神厄里倪厄斯(Eriunes)、青春女神赫柏(Hebe)、学问和艺术女神九缨斯(Mousai),她们分别主管历史、天文、悲剧、喜剧、舞蹈、史诗、情诗、圣诗、抒情诗等。在众多的希腊神话和传说当中最有名的是下面几个:特洛伊战争的起源和经过,阿特柔斯家族,底比斯缔造者卡德摩斯家族,金羊毛的故事,赫拉克勒斯和忒修斯的传说,俄迪普斯的故事,七英雄远征底比斯,奥得赛的故事等。这些神话基本上以家族为中心,具有不同的系统,但都反映了当时普通人民避恶扬善、追求美好生活的愿望,歌颂了富于幻想、英勇豪迈的气质。例如传说赫拉克勒斯力大无比,褪褓之中便扼杀了一条蛇,成人之后杀死过九头毒蛇和女妖美杜萨,甚至击败了冥王哈得斯,救回了被囚禁的忒修斯,让他们夫妻得以团圆。金羊毛的故事更带有些浪漫色彩。希腊塞萨利的古国约尔科斯国王埃宋遭其异母兄弟匹里阿斯的谋害,王位也遭其篡夺。匹里阿斯夺位后派埃宋之子伊阿宋去寻找金羊毛,声称如能找到羊毛就将王位还他。出于安全原因伊阿宋带领一班人乘坐阿尔格号船出发,历经千辛万苦,终于在其妻美狄亚的帮助下如愿以偿得到了金羊毛。返回后美狄亚设计杀死了匹里阿斯,但不久却遭伊阿宋的遗弃,美狄亚悲愤交加,杀死了她和伊阿宋的几个孩子。这个故事以后成了希腊剧作家欧里庇得斯创作的悲剧《美狄亚》的主要素材。 希腊神话是构成希腊宗教的重要基础,也显示了它的重要特性。 问题七:希腊神话中各个神都叫什么名字?分别是什么神? 宙斯(Zeus):天神,希腊神话中最高的神,克洛诺斯和瑞亚的儿子。 赫拉(Hera):天后,克洛诺斯和瑞亚的长女,宙斯的姐姐和妻子。 哈迪斯(Hades):冥王,克洛诺斯和瑞亚的儿子,宙斯的兄弟。 帕尔塞福涅(Persephone):冥后,宙斯和得墨忒尔的女儿。 波塞冬(Poseidon):海皇,克洛诺斯和瑞亚的儿子,宙斯的兄弟。 雅典娜(Athene):智慧女神,女战神,从宙斯的头颅中诞生。 阿波罗(Apollo):太阳神,宙斯和勒托之子。 阿瑞斯(Ares):战神,宙斯和赫拉之子。 阿佛洛狄忒(Aphrodite):爱情女神,宙斯与迪俄涅的女儿。 狄俄尼索斯(Dionysus):酒神,宙斯和塞墨勒的儿子。 阿尔忒尼斯(Artemis):月亮和狩猎女神,宙斯和勒托之女。 赫淮斯托斯(Hephaestus):火神,宙斯和赫拉之子。 赫尔墨斯(Hermes):宙斯和迈亚的儿子,众神的使者,亡灵的接引神。 厄俄斯(Eos):黎明女神 艾莉斯(Eris):纷争女神 厄洛斯(Eros):爱神 耐得斯(Naiads):江河水泉中的女神 卡吕普索(Calypso):女神 西摩伊斯(Simois):河神 阿科洛厄斯(Achelous):河神 阿克西厄斯(Axius):派厄尼亚河神 格劳克斯(Glaucus):海神,善作预言 特里同(Triton):海神 琉科忒亚(Leucothea):海中女神 涅锐伊得斯(Nereids):海中女神 该亚(Gaea):地之女神 塞勒涅(Selene):月亮女神 塔那托斯(Thanatus):死神 许普诺斯(Sleep):睡神 赫卡忒(Hecaba):夜和下界女神,亦是幽灵和魔法女神 绪任克斯(Syrinx):山林女神 潘(Pan):山林之神 时序三女神:欧诺尼亚(秩序)、狄克(公正)、厄瑞涅(和平) 命运三女神:克洛托(纺织生命之线)、拉克西斯(决定生命之线的长短)、阿特洛波斯(切断生命之线) 美惠三女神:欧佛洛绪涅、塔利亚、阿洛来亚 复仇三女神:总称为厄利尼厄斯 希腊神话诸神的职务 宙斯(Zeus) 天神,希腊神话中最高的神,克洛诺斯和瑞亚的儿子。 赫拉(Hera) 天后,克洛诺斯和瑞亚的长女,宙斯的姐姐和妻子。 哈迪斯(Hades) 冥王,克洛诺斯和瑞亚的儿子,宙斯的兄弟。 帕尔塞福涅(Persephone) 冥后,宙斯和得墨忒尔的女儿。 波塞冬(Poseidon) 海皇,克洛诺斯和瑞亚的儿子,宙斯的兄弟。 雅典娜(Athene) 智慧女神,女战神,从宙斯的头颅中诞生。 阿波罗(Apollo) 太阳神,宙斯和勒托之子。 阿瑞斯(Ares) 战神,宙斯和赫拉之子。 阿佛洛狄忒(Aphrodite) 爱情女神,宙斯与迪俄涅的女儿。 狄俄尼索斯(Dionysus) 酒神,宙斯和塞墨勒的儿子。 阿尔忒尼斯(Artemis) 月亮和狩猎女神,宙斯和勒托之女。 赫淮斯托斯(Hephaestus) 火神,宙斯和赫拉之子。 赫尔墨斯(Hermes) 宙斯和迈亚的儿子,众神的使者,亡灵的接引神。 厄俄斯(Eos) 黎明女神 艾莉斯(Eris) 纷争女神 厄洛斯(Eros) 爱神 耐得斯(Naiads) 江河水泉中的女神 卡吕普索(Calypso) 女神 西摩伊斯(Simois) 河神 阿科洛厄斯(Achelous) 河神 阿克西厄斯(Axius) 派厄尼亚河神 格劳克斯(Glaucus) ......>> 问题八:古希腊神话中有哪些神?他们分别是主宰什么的? 一、宙斯(zeus) (宙斯 朱庇特) 宙斯是克洛诺斯之子,万神之王,主管天空.希腊神话中的至高神,掌握雷电,所以又被称为雷神。在母亲盖亚的支持下,杀了父亲克洛诺斯,成为了第三代神王。性格极为好色,常背着妻子赫拉与其他女神 和凡人私通,私生子无数。 宙斯的象征物是雄鹰、橡树和山峰;他最爱的祭品是母山羊和牛角涂成金色的白色公牛。 发迹史 宙斯出生时,正值他父亲克洛诺斯当权,母亲瑞偿害怕宙斯被其父吞掉【注:克洛诺斯曾经被预言要被他的孩子取代他的位置,所以他将妻子瑞亚所生的前5个孩子全部吃掉,唯独宙斯逃过一劫】,因此将他藏到克里特岛交给三位女仙抚养――在岛上,一只母山羊为他提供神圣的乳汁,一只雄鹰则给他带来仙酒;每当他哭叫时,瑞亚的仆人们就到摇篮边为宙斯跳舞, 并用短剑敲击铜盾掩盖他的哭声,因此克洛诺斯一直未发现这一秘密。 宙斯在岛上一天天茁壮成长。一天,他和母山羊玩耍时不小心推倒了她,摔断了一支美丽的羊角。仙女阿玛尔忒亚赶忙为她治伤,宙斯则拾起这只羊角,赋予它神奇的魔力,并将它赠给了这名善良的仙女。这只羊角从此被称为“丰饶之角”,因它能出产各种美味的食物。 宙斯成年之后,用计救出了被父亲吞下的五个兄弟姐妹,并合力推翻了克洛诺斯的统治,最后登上王位。二、天后赫拉(Hera) (赫拉 朱诺) 赫拉是克洛诺斯之女,宙斯的姐姐和妻子;她主管婚姻和生育,是妇女的保护神;赫拉气质高雅, 容颜美丽,且对伴侣忠贞不渝,无愧于天后的地位,但她的善妒亦闻名于世,因此,赫拉和宙斯经常发生激烈争吵,不过,通常宙斯的花言巧语又总能让他们和好如初. 赫拉的象征是孔雀,因为这种有着五彩缤纷羽毛、体现着满心星斗的鸟是美丽壮观的夜空的象征,而天空正是天后赫拉光彩照人的脸庞。三、海神波塞冬(Poseidon) (波塞冬 涅普顿) 海王,宙斯的二哥,手持巨大三叉戟,统领海中所有生物。有被描写为半人半鱼的模样,能呼风唤雨。性格凶暴残忍。 马和牛是他的圣物. 同宙斯一样,他也十分好色。四、冥王哈迪斯(hades) (哈迪斯 普鲁托) 冥王,宙斯、波塞冬、得墨忒尔的兄长,主管冥界,力量很强,但性格平和。除了抢夺丰收女神得墨忒尔之女春之女神玻尔塞富涅为妻外,无它恶行。 最喜爱黑色,最爱的祭品是全身裹着黑纱的黑母羊或黑公牛。 冥府简介 人们死后,由引导之神赫尔墨斯将他们接到冥界。在这里,汹涌奔流着一条黑色的大河,阿刻戎河――即痛苦之河。大河阻住前进的道路,只有一个满面胡须的船夫卡隆可以将亡灵们摆渡到对岸。但是,亡灵必须交纳一定的过河费方可上船,否则将在痛苦之河的沿岸流浪,找不到归宿。 过河之后是一片广阔的灰色平原,这里叫做真理田园,此处连接着两条路,分别通往幸福之所――爱丽舍乐园和痛苦之所――地狱。亡灵们在真理田园前的审判台前接受冥界三大判官弥诺斯、拉达曼迪斯和埃阿科斯的审判。有罪之人根据他们的罪行在地狱接受轻重不一的惩罚, 而那些无罪的人们将可以在美丽祥和的爱丽舍乐园过着衣食无忧、吟风弄月的幸福生活。 在爱丽舍乐园和地狱之间,建造着一座雄伟庞大的宫殿,这就是冥王哈得斯和冥后珀耳塞福涅的住所。五、贞洁之神维斯塔 (赫斯提亚 维斯塔) 维斯塔(希腊神话称赫斯提亚)炉灶和家庭的保护神,帮助朱诺负责家庭生活事务,她代表的是女性的贞洁、贤惠、善良、勤劳,她终身不嫁,在每个家庭都会有她的一个位置,炉灶上的火代表她的存在,但她参与众神事务较少,在人间的地位也不大,这也是父系社会女性地位不高的一个侧面反映。 在希腊神话里,她是克洛诺斯和瑞亚的女儿,主神宙斯的姐妹,并帮助赫拉负责家庭生活事务。......>> 问题九:狄俄尼索斯的欲望是什么 宙斯与一名凡间女子塞墨勒的儿子,唯一有凡人血统的正式神祗;酒神;发明了葡萄酒,并推 广了葡萄的种植。本身具有双重性格,他能给人带来欢乐和迷醉,但同时又残忍,易怒―― 酒神狄俄尼索斯则代表了我们内心潜藏的欲望。身处人性的两极,与之对应的,则是影片中的黑色和红色,理智与性-欲,肃穆的宗教仪式与淫-荡的假面聚会。它们在影片中的交错混合,则代表了克制和冲动在我们身上的冲突。现代社会要求所有人衣冠楚楚、风度翩翩、举止优雅,可是欲望,它们总是潜藏在内心深处,一旦得不到发泄,主人便身处危险
2023-06-08 21:07:171


问题一:“春联”用英文怎么说? Spring Festival couplets new year scroll 问题二:写春联用英语怎么说?????????? write the spring festival scrolls 问题三:“春联”英语怎么说 春联:spring festival couplets 问题四:对联用英语怎么说 5分 1、distichn. 对句, 对联,押韵对句 2、couplet n. 对句, 对联;两行诗(两行构成一节的诗体); 对句; 双韵; [pl. ]对联 问题五:"贴春联"用英语怎么说? Put on Spring Festival couplets. 问题六:“春联”用英文怎么说? Spring Festival couplets new year scroll 问题七:写春联用英语怎么说?????????? write the spring festival scrolls 问题八:“春联”英语怎么说 春联:spring festival couplets 问题九:"春联"英语怎么说 春联 [词典] Spring Festival couplets (pasted on gateposts or door panels); New Year scrolls (亦称“门对”、“春贴”); [例句] 他们在门上和墙上贴春联。 They put up posters on their doors and walls. 问题十:对联用英语怎么说 5分 1、distichn. 对句, 对联,押韵对句 2、couplet n. 对句, 对联;两行诗(两行构成一节的诗体); 对句; 双韵; [pl. ]对联
2023-06-08 21:07:171


月之女神,别名Lumina,Luna,Diana(其实就是Artemis)最初和月亮沾边的应该是初代太阳神Helios和月神Selene之母Thia,有一种说法说Zeus在杀掉她丈夫和所有子女后独赐她永生,尊之为光源女神,日月与黎明的女神。  最著名的月神之一是Selene,就是爱上美少年使之长眠的那个,也就是《美少女战士》里水兵月前世的名字……冷汗~  Artemis当然不能忘记。在孪生弟弟Apollo得到太阳神之位后她向Zeus要求月神之职,正好月神Selene爱慕人间少年无心神位,就皆大欢喜承袭了月神。
2023-06-08 21:07:112


2023-06-08 21:07:085


2023-06-08 21:07:001


to put up the Spring Couplet其实“联”的最好表达法是scrolls,因为写好的对联都是卷成卷轴贮存、馈赠、出售的。“春联”叫New Year Scrolls。我本人的倾向是直接用“chunlian”,也许现在人们还不太熟悉,今后它一定会像“jiaozi”(饺子)“doufu”(豆腐)一样被世人认可的。
2023-06-08 21:06:562


2023-06-08 21:06:4811

paste spring couplets.是什么意思

paste spring couplets.贴春联双语例句1. The Chinese paste spring couplets on the gateposts when celebrating Spring Festival. 中国人在庆祝春节的时候会在门柱上贴春联.2. Let"s paste spring couplets. 我们贴对联吧.3. He put paste on the back of spring couplets. 他把糨子刷在了春联的背面.4. Spring wear new clothes, eating dumplings, setting off firecrackers, paste couplets. 春节穿新衣, 吃饺子, 放鞭炮, 贴对联.
2023-06-08 21:06:461


月亮女神阿耳忒弥斯 ,太阳神阿波罗的妹妹。美丽纯洁少女
2023-06-08 21:06:281

What is rhyming couplets?

It"s difficult to wer in Chinese for this questions sorry. But well here it is- Couplets are any o lines working as a unit whether they prise a single stanza or are part of a larger stanza. Most couplets rhyme (aa) but they do not have to. There are several set forms of the couplet and a myriad of variations based on line length and meter. All of the following rhyme "aa": Short Couplet- iambic or trochaic tetrameter. From Maxine Kumin"s "Morning Swim" Into my empty head there e a cotton beach a dock wherefrom I set out oily and nude through mist in oily solitude. Split Couplet- the first line in iambic pentameter the second in iambic dimeter. From Richard Steere"s "On a Sea-Storm Nigh the Coast" The weighty seas are rowled from the deeps In mighty heaps And from the rocks" foundations do arise To kiss the skies. Heroic Couplet- o lines of iambic pentameter also the last o lines of the English son. From Richard Steere"s "On a Sea-Storm Nigh the Coast" Wave after wave in hills each other crowds As if the deeps resolved to storm the clouds. Alexandrine Couplet- an alexandrine is a line of iambic hexameter so an alexandrine couplet is o rhymed lines of such. These often e at the end of stanzas or poems and in these cases are also called codas. Qasida- an Arabic form consisting of any number of lines all rhyming on the same rhyme. The couplet can be a very lonely stanza minimalistic. Poems whose content is melancholy or depressing for example can make good use of the couplet because--on the page--there is a lot of white space emptiness as opposed to writing in quatrains where the stanzas are blocks which limit the white space. As well because the couplet can be so *** all it is a good idea to pack it full of image and emotion like a hard punch packed in a tight space very concentrated. If the power in a couplet is not contained to the couplet then you have a quatrain or something larger. This doesn"t mean the idea and emotion cannot flow beeen or through couplets I am only suggesting that each couplet be a powerful emotionally-intensive unit to the whole. ---Damon McLaughlin 参考: Rhyming couplets是一种英文诗.至少要4lines和每一个ending都要rhyme. 但是一定要用以下的格色: A A B B OR A B A B OR A B B A e.g.There goes the cat Where it saw the hat. And a black scary mouse Living in this house. 参考: me
2023-06-08 21:06:261