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2023-06-10 09:13:59
TAG: employ


1、How many people does the company employ? 这个公司雇用了多少人?

2、No one wants to employ somebody who bad-mouths their former employer. 没有人愿意雇用说前雇主坏话的人。

3、With this end in view they employed 50 new staff. 为了达到这个目标他们雇用了50名新职员。

4、It would be preferable to employ two people, not one. 雇请两个人比雇请一个更好。

5、We employ an expert to advise on new technology. 我们聘用了一位专家担任新技术顾问。

6、The police had to employ force to enter the building. 警察不得不强行进入大楼。



hire,employ与rent这三个词都有“租用;雇佣”之意.hire是日常用语,指按工作量计酬的雇佣人手;employ则多指商店或公司长期雇佣人手;rent一般指租借房屋、地产(租借出去).例如:He hired a truck to help him in moving to his new home.他租了一辆卡车帮他搬家.The company employs fifty people.这个公司雇佣了五十人.The room rents at(for)$5 a week.这个房间每星期租金5美元.
2023-06-10 07:18:251


employ近义词:hirev.雇用,〈美〉聘用指短期雇用某人,在美国英语中则不强调期限。employ,英文单词,动词、名词,作动词时意为“使用,采用;雇用;使忙于,使从事于”,作名词时意为“使用;雇用”。中文名 雇用外文名 employ词性 动词、名词短语搭配employ batteries 废电池Political Employ 政治录用self employ 职业Once Employ 若被录用employ fuel 用过的燃料employ personnel 雇用人员Employ Musicians 招聘音乐家双语例句Why should we employ you?我们为什么要雇佣你?Why do you think we should employ you?你认为我们雇佣你的原因是什么?There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts.感觉的意思是:有人只为了掩饰他们的思想而使用文字。
2023-06-10 07:19:281


employ名词是employable。资料扩展:名词(英语:noun,缩写n.),是词类的一种,属于实词。它表示人、事、物、地点或抽象概念的统一名称。它分为专有名词和普通名词。在英语中,名词的格有3种:主格、宾格、所有格。其中个体名词表示某类人或东西中的个体,如girl(女孩)等;集体名词表示若干个个体组成的集合体,如audience(观众,听众)等;物质名词表示无法分为个体的实物,如water水等;抽象名词表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如work(工作),happiness幸福等。对于普通名词来说,可分为可数名词和不可数名词。专有名词表示具体的人,事物,地点,团体或机构的专有名称(第一个字母要大写)。例:China(中国)、Asia(亚洲)、Beijing(北京)、the People"s Republic of China(中华人民共和国)、Sunday(星期日)等。注意,星期的每一天也属于专有名词。专有名词如果含有名词短语,则必须使用定冠词the。如:the Great Wall(长城)。姓氏名如果采用复数的形式,则表示该姓氏一家人(复数含义)。如:the Greens(格林一家人)。普通名词表示某些人,某类事物,某种物质或抽象概念的名称。例如:teacher老师、tea茶、reform改革。个体名词(Individual Nouns)表示单个的人和事物。如car(汽车)、room(房间)、fan(风扇)、photo(照片)。
2023-06-10 07:19:511


2023-06-10 07:20:191


employ的近义词是:employment;hire。employ的词语用法是v.(动词)employ的基本意思是利用闲散或闲置的人、物或时间,使其发挥有益的作用,常译为“雇用”“使用”“利用”“使忙于”“从事于”等。employ形容词:employable;名词:employability;过去式:employed;过去分词:employed;现在分词:employing;第三人称单数:employs。一、详尽释义点此查看employ的详细内容v.(动词)雇(用),雇佣,受雇使从事于,(使)忙于,(使)专心于设置安排,差遣,操持让使用,利用,采用,用n.(名词)(为某人所)雇用,受雇,替某人工作使用职业,工作(现用于诗)服务二、词典解释1.雇用If a person or companyemploys you, they pay you to work for them.e.g. The company employs 18 staff...公司雇用了18名员工。e.g. More than 3,000 local workers are employed in the tourism industry...3,000余名当地人受雇于旅游业。2.使用;采用If youemploy certain methods, materials, or expressions, you use them.e.g. The tactics the police are now toemploy are definitely uncompromising.警方目前即将采取的策略明显很强硬。e.g. ...the vocabulary that she employs.她使用的词汇3.利用,花费(时间)If your timeis employed in doing something, you are using the time you have to do that thing.e.g. Your time could be usefully employed in attending to professional matters...你可以有效地利用时间处理一些专业问题。e.g. The journalists would be much better employed in trying to explain to us how the astronomical legal costs of the cases can be justified.记者们最好花时间向我们说明为什么诉讼费高得惊人。4.受雇于If you arein the employ of someone or something, you work for them.e.g. Others hinted that he was in theemploy of the KGB...其他人暗示他受雇于克格勃。e.g. Those in hisemploy were careful never to enrage him.在他手底下干活的人都非常小心绝不去触怒他。
2023-06-10 07:20:261


一、详细释义: , n. , 租金,工钱 , 例句: ,The boy is worth his hire because he is a hard worker.,给男孩那些工钱是值得的,因为他干活很卖力。, 【英】租借,租用,租赁 [U] , v. , 【英】租用,租借 [T] , 例句: ,You can hire a bicycle by the hour to go around the city.,你可以按钟点租辆自行车在城里观光。, 例句: ,We hire out our vans by the day, ie at a cost of a certain amount per day.,我们按日出租客货车(按日计租)., 【美】聘用,录用 , 例句: ,It is not efficient to hire poorly trained workers.,雇用未经严格训练的工人会妨碍工作效率。, 例句: ,Employers are being encouraged to hire disabled workers.,雇主受鼓励雇用残废的工人。, 临时雇佣 [T] , 例句: ,They hire a large number of part-timers by the day at the store.,那家商店以日薪雇用了大批的 *** 人员。, 例句: ,Couples who are very busy sometimes hire a wedding planner to help them with their preparations.,非常忙碌的夫妇有时会雇用一位婚礼筹划者来帮他们准备。, 二、词义辨析: , hire,lease,rent,let,charter ,这些动词均含“租,租用”之意。hire多指短期租用。在英国一般指租用车、船。lease指按照租约租出或租用房屋、土地或其它不动产。rent在英国指较长时间租出或租入房屋、商店或土地;而在美国指长时间或短时期租用各种资产以及日用东西。let尤指出租房屋或地产等。charter指承租大型运输工具,如飞机、轮船、大客车以及火车等。, 三、词义辨析: , hire,employ,engage ,这些动词均含“雇用”之意。hire普通用词,常指短期或长期雇用某人从事某一特定工作或一次性的工作,含强调为薪金而工作的意味。employ正式用词,侧重受雇者虽为薪金而工作,但工作固定共享有相当尊严。engage可与hire换用,特指雇用专业人员。, 四、相关短语: ,hire out,出租, 一、参考例句: ,Humans hire humans.,招聘的实质是“看人”。,Whichcandidate will you hire,你会聘用哪一位呢?,I think we should hire her immediately.,我认为我们应该马上聘用她。,They hire out beach umbrellas to surfers.,他们出租沙滩遮阳伞给冲浪者。,Did you let me hire a pervert?,你居然让我雇一个变态?,You need to hire some skilled labour.,你得雇佣熟练工人。,They hire out boats by the hour.,他们按小时出租小船。,Can"t afford to hire a sitter,雇不起保姆?,They don"t want to hire inexperienced worker.,他们不想聘用没有经验的工人。,Is there a mini for hire at the airport?,在空港有没有微型汽车出租?
2023-06-10 07:20:501

hire, employ, recruit英文意思分别

此三字很意思类似,却又暗藏分别: HIRE:to obtain the use of something or the services of somebody temporarily and especially for a short period of time in return for payment = 租用(某物);雇用(某人或某服务)。重点在于「一段较短的时间」及「有酬劳」。 Example:I want to hire a professional dog trainer. EMPLOY:to give work to somebody usually for payment = 雇用(某人);没有时间上的框框,通常指需要付出酬劳。 Example:He is employed as a family driver. RECRUIT:to gain somebody as new member = 征募;不一定涉及付出酬劳。 Example:The insurance pany is desperate to recruit new customers. 参考: slot oxford Recruit Hire 参考: I agree: RECRUIT 不一定涉及付出酬劳。 e.g.:The charity anization is desperate to recruit volunteers.( cannot use hire or employ) 我想,容易混淆的应该是下面粗体字的解释, hire是指短期雇用to employ someone for a short time to do a particular job employ是指雇用to pay someone to work for you recruit是指聘用新人to find new people to work in a pany join an anization do a job etc 详细的解释和其他用法请看下面: hire 1.hire(UK)=rent(US) What does it cost to hire a boat for a week? employ someone for a short time to do a particular job A City lawyer has been hired to handle the case. 3.(US)to employ someone Businesses may only hire foreign workers where an American cannot be found. employ pay someone to work for you The factory employs over 2000 people. use a particular object method skill etc in order to achieve something Sophisticated statistical *** ysis was employed to obtain these results. 3.(formal)to spend your time doing a particular thing Her days are employed in gardening and voluntary work. recruit find new people to work in a pany join an anization do a job etc We"re having difficulty recruiting enough qualified staff. get people to join the army navy etc Most of the men in the village were recruited that day. persuade someone to do something for you I recruited three of my friends to help me move. 试下用中文术语分辨。 hire - 请(人) employ - 雇用 recruit - 招聘 其实三个生字都有点相似 主要系你用系边方面. 但大多数人既用英文字习惯既系 : hire......多解释为"租用" e.g. They hired a big hall. 他们租了一间大厅。 employ.......多解释为"雇用" e.g. The mill employs a thousand workers. 这家工厂雇用了一千名工人。 recruit.........多解释为"招聘" e.g. Our club has recruited 30 new members this year. 今年我们俱乐部吸收了三十名新会员。
2023-06-10 07:22:051


2023-06-10 07:22:231


2023-06-10 07:22:521


2023-06-10 07:23:001


employ的名词: 1、employee:n.雇员 2、employer:n.雇主 3、employment n. 使用;职业;雇用 扩展资料   employ   v.雇用;应用;运用;使用   n.雇用,受雇;服务;工作,职业   第三人称单数: employs现在分词: employing过去式: employed过去分词: employed   记忆技巧:em 使… + ploy 用 → 使用 → 雇用   例句:   The police had to employ force to enter the building.   警察不得不强行进入大楼。   You should think twice about employing someone you"ve never met.   雇用素不相识的人应三思而行。   The number of people employed in agriculture has fallen in the last decade.   过去十年,农业从业人数已经下降。   For months there was a veto on employing new staff.   有好几个月禁止雇用新职员。
2023-06-10 07:23:341


2023-06-10 07:23:591


2023-06-10 07:24:061


employ的派生词有employer,employee。employ的例句:How do you employ your spare time?你是怎样利用你的空余时间的?We employ subcontractors to clean the offices.我们雇佣分包商打扫办公室。
2023-06-10 07:25:211


employ sb (as sth)雇用; be employed in doing sth从事于,忙于(做某事) 扩展资料   You should think twice about employing someone you"ve never met.   雇用素不相识的人应三思而行。   The number of people employed in agriculture has fallen in the last decade.   过去十年,农业从业人数已经下降。   For months there was a veto on employing new staff.   有好几个月禁止雇用新职员。
2023-06-10 07:26:411


录用 [词典] employ; hire; give a post to sb.; take on; take sb. on the staff; [例句]应该根据能力而不是容貌来录用飞机上的女服务员。Stewardesses on planes should be employed for their ability, not for their looks.
2023-06-10 07:27:101


2023-06-10 07:27:552

employ ,keep in file, reject,翻译成汉语的意思是

2023-06-10 07:28:031


形容词?employable 称职的employed 被雇佣的
2023-06-10 07:28:122


你是打错了吧,,应该是employ employee比它多了一个长音 读作--- [emplu0254i"i:]
2023-06-10 07:28:312


以辅音字母加-y结尾的词,先变y为i,再加-es例如factory(factories), baby(babies)employ是元音字母加y不用变i直接employs
2023-06-10 07:28:381


2023-06-10 07:28:472


用just 或 just now
2023-06-10 07:28:572

engage and employ有什么区别吗

hire, employ, engage 这些动词均含“雇用”之意。 hire〓普通用词,常指短期或长期雇用某人从事某一特定工作或一次性的工作,含强调为薪金而工作的意味。 employ〓正式用词,侧重受雇者虽为薪金而工作,但工作固定共享有相当尊严。 engage可与hire换用,特指雇用专业人员。
2023-06-10 07:29:181


dodododo的简谱怎么写?答案如下:这样写do re mi fa so la si1 2 3 4 5 6 7还有五个分别是:(1) do和re之间的音:#1 或 b2(2) re和mi之间的音:#2 或 b3(3) fa和so之间的音:#4 或 b5(4) so和la之间的音:#5 或 b6(5) la和si之间的音:#6 或 b7
2023-06-10 07:18:111


AQSIQ延期和增项可同时申请,时间需要2个月左右;需要提供的资料如下:1、 申请书注:请按公司实际情况填写;最后一页由法人签字、盖章,提供原件;法人签字盖章与之前申请时的记录一致2、 经公证的税务登记文件,有商业登记文件的还需经过公证。请提供公司成立注册的所有登记文件(包括税务登记文件)复印件及对应中文翻译;对商业登记文件(及税务登记文件)进行公证,提供公证书原件;并提供公证中文翻译。公证机构:国家质检总局认可的国外供货商所在国的外交部门和官方的公证部门及中国驻当地大使馆等。公证文件应包含以下内容:1、 公司名称;2、公司地址;3、公司法定代表人名称荷兰商会出具的纸质版本的商务注册文件;澳大利亚出具的商业登记文件(需有ASIC官员手签名);日本企业提交商业登记藤本3.标明尺寸的固定办公场所平面图,有加工场地的,还应提供加工场地平面图,能全面展现上述场 所、场地实景 10张以上照片;请提供公司办公场地包括办公室及货场之类的平面图,标注尺寸(长、宽)及部门名称;并提供实地 场景图 片,设备等;包括能体现公司全景、局部、大门、Logo的照片;4. 原证书彩色复印件5. 按照已注册登记废物原料种类提交最近三年的废物原料装运前检验证书和/或进口废物原料检验检 疫通关单复 印件(CCIC、各年度、各种类至少1份)。如果进口种类不齐全或者无进口记录,需做说明6.近三年发生退运的,需做情况说明,有疑问可以问我
2023-06-10 07:18:114


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2023-06-10 07:18:497


楼上说法的可行性几乎为0 你没做过 还是别做了
2023-06-10 07:18:572


2023-06-10 07:19:051

报关 报检 英语怎么说

报关:customs clearance报检:commodity inspection
2023-06-10 07:19:074


2023-06-10 07:18:041


2023-06-10 07:17:531

Dodo 作为英文名怎么样

2023-06-10 07:17:474


timeless 永恒旳不知道这个算吗
2023-06-10 07:17:455


2023-06-10 07:17:392

DODO这个牌子到底哪国的?为什么说是韩国的但是有的产品包装后面有日文? 郁闷

这个牌子100%是韩国的散粉背面标签上的生产国是 韩国 别看这款粉都是日文很多.那是因为,10g的散粉是DODO公司专门销往日本市场的.韩国国内销售得很少或者基本上不外放.因此,产地一定是韩国!而不是日本!请大家一定要区分啊!正品DODO散粉的外包装塑料,应该有一层精致的锯齿,便于顾客拆封.而假货的散粉是不会做工到这么精细的. 正品DODO散粉的盒盖应该是光滑圆润 并且在光照下无凹凸不平感的正红色. 而假货的盖子是非常粗糙的.有的甚至连光泽都没有 正品DODO散粉的盖子打开后,边缘应该有锯齿.假货没有哦! 正品DODO 散粉的粉扑应该用一行大写英文印刷:PALGANTONG MAKE-UP 字体同样还是TIMES NEW ROMAN的加粗.注意!是一行哦 !!@ 而不是分成两行来印刷的 拿开粉扑的正品,可以看到有这样一层先是日文后是韩文的用法指示说明的贴纸.做工非常精细.市场上有些假货只有日文或者韩文.纸的边缘是圆滑平整的,没有一点毛刺或者缺口.请区别于假货
2023-06-10 07:17:301


2023-06-10 07:17:282

一代妖后.The Empress Dowager.1988.DVD.X264.AAC.HALFCD种子下载地址有么?谢谢

2023-06-10 07:17:141

Chapter 122 restraint_3000字

Boring! ChengSi yan saw Zhou Huaixuan stretch"ve across his lips *** ile, spat speechless ground, one step back, hide in the crowd. Those expensive female also saw Zhou Huaixuan action at this moment, burying his face in a giggling nonstop. At the sound of cheers, dearest, and laughter, weeks with general Zhou Huaixuan di *** ount, stand to the queen mother of the serpentine chicken process hand way: "the empress empress and majesty of blessings, god will not fail to acplish a mission, fu xing defeat savages in the northwest, and to push the building northwest frontier to the former in five hundred!" Queen mother always calm end coagulation, could not help but be happy right now, such as flowers blossom, the dazzling. "Good good! Your young summer I, work in the country!" summer at my royal manding his possessions plays, fort the soul!"Queen mother Yang hand, "you go with soldiers first off, after three days, big feast in dry yuan temple, all war soldiers have participated in this time!" God will house the men threw themselves together, and heard the sky, "xie queen mother empress long!" Around watching people followed knees together, cheer. Here in addition to the queen and prince standing in Joan grove, open space in the front of the car behind only Zhou Huaixuan cars, appears particularly jarring. Queen mother *** ile on her face, arms outstretched, thanks to forward, "the soldiers stand up after kowtowing." Listen to the pitch from ding-dong breastplates of clash, soldiers stood up. Prince *** iling tunnel: "god will and summer weeks this time is really to *** all general dynasty her great feats!" Zhou Chengzong and Zhou Huaixuan devoting together, "the troubled prince." Prince *** iled and pointed to the Zhou Huaixuan behind sweet incense and lane: "this... is how to return a responsibility? Solitary don"t remember, once let you take a sweet cars and war..." Prince ask questions that are in place someone in mind. ChengSi yan from the girls behind his head, with that sweet cars and look at the past. The cars are the work of good sandalwood, exquisite workmanship, fine, only a layer of varnish to show the fine texture of wood. Work on cars in which is the symbol of auspicious treasure, treasure fish umbrella, Aquarius, lotus, white conch, auspicious knot, victory and golden dharma.Symbol on eyes, ears, nose, the sound, such as heart, body and mind, Tibetan eight kinds of intellectual knowledge prehension imaging, is all well and peaceful big luck wishes. Loaded in such a sweet cars, affirmation is remarkable, and may even some rare treasures! As is known to all.War in fact is one of the fastest means of wealth, of course, the premise is to be able to return alive. People excited, but god will house the men remained motionless, like clay sculpture carvings, other people craned their necks, mat, couldn"t stand to the front, be sweet, the blessing of the more and see what"s inside a great baby! So wonderful baby.Must be weeks general back booty? Is dedicated to the queen mother, or a prince?! The people will be looking forward to looking at weeks general talk, hope he lifted the car shade, give you a sneak peek, weeks general face was dark down.He snorted, against the prince hand way: "his royal highness, the prince, is really ashamed. This car is son loot......" Means that this thing is Zhou Huaixuan, you want to see what"s inside, must ask Zhou Huaixuan. Prince *** iling again look at Zhou Huaixuan, way: "could not think general wei fierce JunWei renowned. General zhou couldn"t lost its sharpness. - can you tell me the great general, what is in the car, may your open mind?" Zhou Huaixuan *** iled and said: "prince has a life, one would not dare not from. People in the car, had saved a to life on the battlefield. And she was the daughter of northwest YiZu heads for admire my kingdom, scenery, especially at the end of the play with pilgrimage to countries."Said, and walked toward the sweet cars.For inside a way: "white princess wan, I dacian his royal highness, the prince and the queen mother empress are in there, you can e out." His voice just fell, the sweet of cars and car shade of dimples, like in no wind automatically. Then, a jade white hands stretched out from the curtain, the car beside the curtain to flow. A beauty of tsing yi women"s jump out from the car.Her high nose deep, faint with a blue color in the eyes, looks like the foreign people. This is YiZu patriarch"s daughter? The crowd in stupidly, that female has reached out to the car shade, way: "princess, please get off the bus." This is a girl... You can"t help but look forward to more on the people inside. In the breath condensate gas of all, from the inside of the car shade and stretched out a hand, build on the previous tsing yi girl"s hand. If the finger thin peel the onion root, fingertips full and round, like a sky pearl luster.The most unusual is that the jaws of the hand, with a blue butterfly. The butterfly patterns vivid, even the pattern of butterfly wings, and the butterfly head tentacles all see clearly. Cumbersome and not bloated, rich but not tacky. So will a hand on is locked on the back of hand movement, do have amorous feelings, let a person can"t help but want to see more... A gust of wind blowing, sweet cars and car shade, on both sides to separate, a woman dressed in colorful brocade woman leaning out of the car, first the narrowing the squinting, like just came out from the dark place, also not accustomed to the light outside. Then she saw the Zhou Huaixuan standing beside the car, shallow a *** ile to him. Should the color such as nor, more beautiful than the queen mother! Even the mon beauty crown has held her breath for an instant. This woman is so beautiful. With prince can see, only at the beginning of zheng think capacity can pete with her. And zheng want to let death was 16 years old, like a just blossom huaguduo, although beautiful, but how can better than this woman as the appearance of the peony bloom that acme! She stood beside Zhou Huaixuan, toward the direction of the prince and the queen mother LianRen a ceremony, "summer met prince, the queen mother empress, wish summer room like an evergreen tree, everlasting......" Her remarks also chic. Queen mother *** iled and nodded, "a white princess wan and polite. You can credentials with you?" Northwest YiZu is a *** all country, but independent and with barbarians is also for many years. This time, the building of the dynasty god will house the barbarians elite killed almost exhausted, and bring them into the deep desert, northwest for YiZu.Is really a good thing. So YiZu sent native princess building capital ChaoHe to the army. "Natural" with the credentials.White wan said, from the wide sleeves, a letter, with red paint to the queen mother was up. Queen mother did not took it personally, life around with the next big main nguyen.He manded a way: "now the prince countries, you look at it."Then he walked back to the serpentine chicken process and sat down. Yao"s official put down the curtain of the jiuqu chicken process, let out a cry: "empress drive!" A group of people busy leaned down and gave the queen mother had gone. Back again, just to see YiZu princess *** iled and stood beside Zhou Huaixuan wan white, like a pair of golden couple. Indeed, both of them are not only similar in age, even all the style which is very nearly. And Zhou Huaixuan like heaven handsome appearance, also seems to be only around this woman can match. Joan grove near tower pavilion in the station of your women looking at the white princess wan from exotic, look different, but they are silent. Some people unconsciously pull of his own.Someone to dig a *** all hole on the rail pavilion, there are those who hold panion"s hand, pinched his hand out of the red mark, oddly, that the girl who is she pinched.Don"t feel pain... Zhou Huaixuan body is covered with dark look cloak, one hand on their waist dao, one hand behind him, looked toward ChengSi yan standing there again. Just see ChengSi yan slightly despised eyes on him. Zhou Huaixuan jumped from her brow and narrow squint, look back, in silence to took a step back. Taizi road: "white princess wan miles. Solitary must arrange a good place for the princess." Who knows the white wan can also don"t back to the tunnel: "I will follow him to live!"Hand and only oblique refers to down from behind, just stand by Zhou Huaixuan direction. O, visible though she didn"t look back, but don"t know how many times over the past that way... Zhou Huaixuan half hanging eyes, nonmittally. Week general also when not to hear, overlooking the distant horizon. There"s a strange silence. The prince looked at.Had to o quick track: "in that case, general zhou, your god will house can have a guest house?" "Back to the prince, I will house although there are plenty of space to god, but don"t generally white wan princess identity. Live in under, will snub a princess, not cause conflicts beeen the o countries."Weeks counted to declined the general white princess wan"s proposal. "Shuro, you say a word......"White princess wan pushed Zhou Huaixuan arm, JiaoChen said. ChengSi yan in the pavilion heard these words, all can"t help but shake shake, inwardly condescension: shuro?You should regret the wrong name?What is the white wan?Should call Joe... Zhou Huaixuan seems very don"t like being touched, he quietly back o steps, and was about to say no, looked up and has caught a glimpse of ChengSi YanZheng looking intently here, all of a sudden crack a *** ile, pegged: "now that the white princess like, wan next respect than do! - prince, you let the person does not go to my home of yuanyang pavilion for white princess wan sent." Cha!What"s wrong with live live, live?Yuanyang pavilion to live?! Thoroughly despised Zhou Huaixuan ChengSi yan, light inclined to see at a glance towards him, eyes back to the depths of the pavilion, and hid himself firmly. Zhou Huaixuan lips *** ile more, turned around and made a gesture of "please", let wan white princess got on the bus. Prince had to ha ha say with *** ile: "so very good, so very good. Does it here. This white princess wan, is to look after you." Weeks general frown even tighter, wanted to refuse, but prince spoke, he again against invalid, also had to stare Zhou Huaixuan, turned to prince said: "son, prince magnanimous, not to argue with him." "Week general YanChong. Depending on the solitary, fierce general act very measured, but also for the big picture, are summer I blessed."Prince Edward said with a *** ile, and the general zhou and xinke jinshi Zhou Huaixuan is introduced here. The first is, of course, newly crowned champions Wang Yixing. Zhou Huaixuan indifferent nodded, eyes extremely light, see the little people had to hide out from the crowd, watching Wang Yixing direction sweet laughter, a picture with splendid appearance, as if she"d take an examination of the draft as... Zhou Huaixuan as is wrinkly to knit the brows and general zhou also. Introduced after the prince, way: "o love qing back rest first. After three days off, let"s go to getting a dry yuan temple!" Although there are three years is not in the capital, but zhou is no stranger to the changes of city of general. He knew the queen mother let authority and taizi prison. Weeks general hand way: "thank prince shirt!"Said, and turned to go. Army platoon present good queue, followed weeks of general go out. "You walk not to walk?"Wan white princess saw Zhou Huaixuan seemed distracted, pushed him again. Zhou Huaixuan a step back and back. White princess wan eyes toward the next to tower pavilion, whispered: "what the hell are you?" Zhou Huaixuan says nothing, and looked up again, on the face of the facial expression has been cool, no wave. The prince called xinke jinshi on tower again, say with *** ile: "today, and the qing not drunk no return!" Xinke jinshi surrounding the city, once again return to the platform. The group of previous across the tower pavilion at side of your women, eyes immediately went back to the new jinshi. ChengSi yan and mining-team sitting close to the railing, and evaluate the mining-team with mining-team son son fiance ZhangMao said. ZhangMao only in their early 20 s, but it is a new top inside the youngest, born too heavy, good looks, just some immature, but eyes cham, corners of the mouth *** iled, add born too tall, wore no. Robe, wearing their jobs and cap end with o golden flower, very eye-catching. The mining-team son secretly see, while red in the face and to ChengSi yan way: "don"t know how his personal character..." General woman at the mining-team son age know only see the man"s face, but she also value a man"s character, ChengSi yan mining-team son sit up and take notice right away, closer to her. "Character, for will also look not to e out, must let the family many disguise to see just a little."ChengSi yan and she murmured, sat in the corner. Queen"s maiden girl, and the queen mother girl sitting
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