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Some Kind Of Miracle 歌词

2023-06-11 08:30:02
TAG: ome som mir
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
歌曲名:Some Kind Of Miracle
歌手:girls aloud
专辑:Sound Of The Underground

Some Kind Of Miracle--Girls Aloud
baby baby won"t you give me a chance
i know your watching and i just cant dance
well honey honey wont you give me a clue
i tired of hang around by the dj box
pretending that im cool
i catch your eye and the whole world tumbles down
i say goodbye and you say ill see you around
i kinda smile as if the whole things so passive
but deep inside i close my eyes and pray
oh baby let me know
should i stay or should i go
ive always been around you know
im really nothing new
and if by some kind of miracle
underneath the glitter boy you see im not invisble
and any time you wanna call is cool
baby baby say you give me the glanceyouve got the ego but you jsut cant dance
well honey honey better things i could do
than hang around with all your slacker friends pretending im cool
well late at night i feel the whole world tumble down
i say goodbye and you say ill see you around
i roll my eyes as if i dont care anyway
but deep inside i close my eyes and pray
oh baby let me know
should i stay or should i go
ive always been around you know
im really nothing new
and if by some kind of miracle
underneath the glitter boy you see im not invisble
and any time you wanna call is cool
oh baby let me know
why i"m getting vertigo
ive seen your type around you know
your really nothing new
my reaction is chemical
something kinda sexual
its doing you incredible
so any time you wanna call is cool
oh baby let me know
should i stay or should i go
ive always been around you know
im really nothing new
and if by some kind of miracle
underneath the glitter boy you see im not invisble
and any time you wanna call is cool
oh baby let me know
why i"m getting vertigo
ive seen your type around you know
your really nothing new
my reaction is chemical
something kinda sexual
its doing you incredible
so any time you wanna call is cool




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Cool baby是什么意思

Cool有两个意思,一:凉爽 二:酷baby是宝贝的意思
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类型:单曲简介:《小可爱》是由宋孟君作词,宋孟君作曲,Coolbaby、宋孟君演唱的歌曲。基本信息 歌名:小可爱 演唱:Coolbaby/宋孟君 词:宋孟君 曲:宋孟君 编曲:谭炜星 监制:宋孟君...
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①大书包(可以把一些无关紧要的书放在抽屉里,毕竟背着一个大书包肯定累死了) ②蓝笔(最好多准备几支,做备注什么的要用到) ③黑笔(3支,还可以准备一些笔芯以备不时之需) ④红笔(2支,初中改错很多,还要用来划重点,所以一般用的很快) ⑤铅笔和笔擦(美术课有时会用) ⑥套尺和圆规(数学要用的)⑦大本子(一些科目像 历史 ,政治要到初二才学)都必须用大本子记笔记。还有大本子一般可以用三年,这样总复习的时候很方便。而且 历史 必须要记笔记的,不然三年来你什么都学不到。好记性不如烂笔头,初一有的老师可能会让你把笔记记在书上,初二开始就必须要用本子记了。 ⑧数学改错本(三年下来几百道错题,本子最好大一些,看起来也舒服。这样可以很好的提升数学) ⑨小本子(语文数学英语这样的作业本肯定要用一大堆)英语本最好准备3本,一本用来听写,另外两本交换着写家庭作业。 ⑩最重要的一项------ 脑子(u0e51 `u0e51) 最后祝你学习进步!( ) 第一,要一个比较大的书包 因为上了初中书本要很多,小的书包装不下,一般大一点的书包也不贵。在某宝上面买30几块40几块,有时候20多就能买一个里面有时候还有一些附赠品。比如小一些的兜子啦,笔袋啦什么的都有。(其实我不建议买什么,太贵的书包。在拼多多上面一般买一个书包。就像我刚才发的那种30几块。 里面还带很多附赠品下面给大家发图)第二,就是水杯因为到了初中的话一般班级里都会是有水桶。渴了自己去接水,如果没有呗,就只能渴着了。而且水杯不能太大不能太小太大了,你就接水会结太久,其他同学有可能就喝不上水,如果太小的话又不太够喝。 第三本子一定要够,嗯初一一共七科数学,语文,英语,政治, 历史 ,地理,生物。一般每一科都需要一个大作业和一个课堂笔记。这就是14个本,再加上数学需要一个练习本。语文需要一个摘录本大约是16个,再加上如果有本子不够用的话,一个学期下来大约需要用20个厚本。算下来,如果批发的话也就是30多块钱如果说你用线圈本,或者是那种线装本,胶装本做课堂笔记那就是大约要40多块, 第四笔袋和笔,你前面说了,一般就是买书包,如果是在某宝或者是拼多多上买就会带笔袋的。如果你要是自己买的话也不会太贵,一般的话十块左右。贵一些,也就是15块20块那个样子,便宜的呢有的五六块就可以买。笔,一定要多买因为到了初中作业会很多的。七科的作业,有的时候还有补课班的作业。而且还要做课堂笔记呀!摘录呀什么的。就是考试也要用的好多的笔呢,因为考试到了初中会增加的,大家买笔不用挑那些特别好看的带挂饰的比。因为到时候你写着天多,我的作业的时候,你就知道他们有多沉多碍事,况且那样的笔还贵,而且还不一定好用。,我能一般就是买晨光的或者是水溶性的那种笔。听雨轩的笔就很好用,而且容量也很大,特别经用。一枝听雨轩的水溶性笔可以用一个星期左右,一般买个两三盒可以用一个学期甚至是更多。再就是可以买一些换芯的笔和一些笔芯(黑色),然后再买几支红笔,几只蓝笔,有时候批改一些错题就可以用的到在就要买一些彩色的记号笔和荧光笔。在书本上做标记,特别方便,特别醒目。一般要多买几个颜色,因为这样子比较好区分。 荧光笔一般都是有成套的。一套里面有好几个颜色。也不贵,就五块钱左右。彩色的记号笔呢,一般也是有成盒的,一盒里面儿大约是12个颜色也是十块钱左右。前面说的红笔,蓝笔,一般就是一块一只,然后如果买成盒的话一盒12只十块钱。还有铅笔一定要买经常会有画图的题需要用到铅笔。还有橡皮,不要买太好看的那种,就是不普通的就行。有时候买的那种特别卡哇伊的橡皮,却一点都不好用。还可以买一些魔易擦那个特别好用当然,一定要记得买魔易擦橡皮。还有要买钉书器因为本子初可能会经常翻,有可能会散掉,更可怕的是,如果课堂作业散掉了的话,那酸爽的场面,你们是能想象的,对吧。 所以说就要用钉书器把他们钉起来,不然作业废了。那你就要从新补喽。还有格尺,圆规,等画图工具当然,千万不要忘了买转笔刀。,否则你的铅笔就用不了啦。还有便利贴,这个特别重要。要经常贴到一些重点或者是有提的地方不太够用就可以贴一个便利贴。再或者是防止自己忘记什么事情,也可以用便利贴。, 还有胶棒和胶水小刀也要买这些都是经常可以用到的东西。再然后就是修正带这个一般写作业的时候会用到,但是中考什么的就不让用了。 还有一个对于女生来说超级重要的东西。那就是姨妈巾 ,在有吗?就是一些日常用的东西啦,比如说眼药水啦,暖宝宝啦。雨伞,别针口罩,手套,棉签儿纸巾,湿巾,手电,如果是夏天,有助学的学生的话需最好是可以买一个电蚊香液,如果有怕把书本弄坏的同学可以买一些书皮,本皮。,还有可以买一些眼药水。因为如果上课时间长了,看着书本,眼睛会觉得酸痛。买个眼药水可以滋润一下眼睛。创可贴和棉签也要买,因为。大家有可能擦伤了手臂,或者是腿什么的就用棉签。在些酒精把上面的灰尘啦什么的弄掉再贴上个创可贴如果是不严重的,轻微小擦烧,就这样就可以,如果是比较严重的话就需要去找校医,要是在严重就要去医院啦。还有一个挺重要的东西。就是风琴包或者是卷子夹。到了初中就有特别多的卷子要写。可以买风琴包和卷子夹,就把他们装在里头就不会丢,可以到了复习的时候用。还可以把各个科目各个时期的卷子分开装。当然,如果是细心的宝宝们就可以不用买了,像我们这种粗心大意就要买这种风琴包,或者是卷子,以防把卷子弄丢。我是准高一,给你点建议: 1.笔,不需要多,不然上课的时候会分散注意力的(都是经验之谈啊,反正我数学课就是转笔转尺子转笔袋...额额)一支黑笔一支红笔即可,蓝笔根据老师要求或者自身需要,带不带随意。 2.笔芯,笔芯还是带足了好,便宜还方便,初中作业比小学多很多,有可能会写一半笔突然莫名奇妙的...没油了...还有,当你的新同学笔没油崩溃的时候,你这么递上一根是不是好感爆棚呢。笔芯不要买花里胡哨的,里面的珠子很容易掉的,那种盒装的考试专用最好。 3.尺子(包括三角板量角器)画图需要用,而且大型考试的试卷角度一般是准的,这个时候量角器可是神器哦。 4.圆规,这个没事最好还是放在笔带里好了,因为(尤其初三)你不知道哪条BT的题目辅助线会要你画弧画圆画两个圆...如果你清高不想求爷爷告奶奶的借,那还是带着吧。 5.荧光笔,一两只即可,推荐橙色黄色这些亮色。文科用来划重点 当时我就是用黑笔和尺子刷刷几下,不明显,还丑。直接导致我背书的兴趣和效率。 6.本子,我指软面抄,不用太厚,80页的那种够了。用来记笔记和当纠错本(虽然当时我从来都懒得纠错,但是,纠错本还是要的!)还有学校发的语文本英语本啥的书包里也放几本,老师突然要的时候就不虚了,还可以江湖救急借给同学啊。 7.带个风油精清凉油啥的吧..(好吧其实初一初二带不带无所谓的)我中考前两个月全靠醒脑棒撑下来的,我也很无奈,学校太BT... 8.修正带,虽然中考不给用,但是作业本上左一道杠又一道杠的...我是看不下去。中考之前几周再抛弃修正带吧,来得及的。 另外,当然就是带上你的人你的教科书和一颗求(放)知(浪)若(不)渴(羁)的心,踏上初中的美好(呵呵)旅途吧!一、笔袋 1、笔袋里最好装几种不同颜色的笔,这样做的笔记可以分清主次。 2、要准备尺子,划线时可以用。数学老师有要求的话,还需要带三角板和圆规,后面会学到这一块的内容,最好先准备着。 3、橡皮,用来擦铅笔打的草稿。 二、本子 1、笔记本,用来记录老师上课讲的重点,好记性不如烂笔头,养成做笔记的好习惯可以受益终身。 2、作业本,老师可能会让学生在课堂上默写什么的,带着以防万一。 3、草稿本,上课时可以跟着老师的思路计算题目、打打草稿。 三、计算器 虽然很多数学老师不允许学生用计算器计算简单的计算题,但是有备无患,之后学到计算方差之类的也是需要计算器的。 还要带的就是课本啦~祝你学业有成! 哈哈哈哈嗝儿……作为一个刚初中生活结束的小可爱,我真的有很多体会撒………接下来listen to me~ 首先笔盒或笔袋,中性笔可以买一些很可爱的笔上课做笔记真的很拉风…但是一定要买很多笔芯记得是和笔一个型号的要不然用完后只能当装饰[白眼],荧光笔是学霸的标配,我的学霸同桌有一系列的荧光笔在课本上醒目又干净,还有本子,我一般没有用很多硬皮本,喜欢线圈本翻页很方便我会去批发一大摞很便宜撒~还有铅笔,真的如果你是个理科学霸就知道铅笔有多重要,现在一般都会用自动铅笔,如果用顺手就不想换油笔了。剪刀胶带也备上会有人借自己也会有用。还有可以装很多很多卷子的文件夹,最好不要那种只有两个皮上有夹子那种,作为一个刷题学生党真的不太能装,我会买那种公文包一样的分层的,还可以放标志,好找到各科的卷子很耐用,我初中三年一个也没用坏,也就十几块钱有的还很可爱,各种大卷子都能放的下。我觉得便利贴也挺重要的反正我用了好几本 还有那个考试的时候你可以直接买套装,里面什么都有直接把准考证放进去就可以进考场了~一般老师也会推荐的吧。 这里没有打广告 其他的杂七杂八的还有很多,不过一般小卖部都会卖,宝贝们只要有足够毛爷爷就可以了~~ 暂时就这样吧如果还有什么问题评论告诉我会耐心解答的呦(笔芯) 哎呦呦……忘了很重要的一件事,卫生纸真的是一大消耗品,我一般拿一卷一天就会用完,都是同学各种借,还有冬天教室辣么冷,真的要备纸防止流鼻子还不敢猛吸又怕被别人看到的尴尬呦。 1.笔袋 中学生由于考试原因不少学校需要准备透明笔袋或者笔盒,其实淘宝上有许多透明笔袋质量还是不错的大概在5-15r左右款式那就见仁见智啦 还要介绍的是muji的透明笔盒价格还是比较合适的大概20r左右 还有很多啦建议买大容量笔袋 2.风琴包 首先不推荐手提的风琴包太重太麻烦 类似这种小小的就足够啦 3.笔 笔的话首先推荐百乐wingel 相比于三菱um100手感会好很多会比较舒适价格大概在4-6r左右虽然wingel颜色选择很多但那么贵还是只买黑色考试用好了QAQ彩色中性笔下面会继续推荐_(:з」 )_ 第二支安利的是三菱umn138简直是大马哈星人的救命恩人按键笔不怕丢笔盖而且手感很棒!价格大概在3-5r左右 说一个自己感觉不是很好用的笔就是百乐p500看到网友强烈安利买了几支发现不是特别好写,写久了手硌得慌 继续继续 推荐彩色中性笔 支持晨光价格真的太美好了大概在10-18r左右一套而且款式很多偶尔做笔记用而已好写就行啦!慕娜美彩色中性笔也不错 10r一套一套八个颜色价格稍微贵一点的是东亚买齐是24色之前我买的时候好像36r左右吧 说说荧光笔荧光笔就没什么好推荐的啦毕竟不是经常用慕娜美荧光笔大概tb卖1-2r差不多啦贵的话三菱muji出了可视窗荧光笔颜值很高也很好用哦 铅笔也很重要 推荐几款活动铅笔给大家_(:з」 )_悄咪咪地说因为本人不喜欢木制铅笔哈哈哈首先派通啦派通AX105 颜色很好看价格大概2-3r 然后是百乐H185N价格5-6r手感超好! 考试过程中2B涂卡笔也是很重要的! 这支晨光2b涂卡笔虽然颜值但是价格白菜而且手感超好不会硌手! 孔庙祈福系列更舒适软垫简直太美好了和尺子笔芯橡皮一起卖大概是6-7r左右! 钢笔的话推荐两支一直是百乐笑脸价格40-90r不等基本上50r左右能入手如果是熊本 限量可能要100+ 还有一支是LAMY!真的超好看!但是价格不是那么友好tb大概一百多凌美旗舰店恒星系列要320-399 4.笔记本 杂七杂八五毛钱一本的练习本单行本英语本这些必备的啦! 然后就是一定要准备活页本!初中的话其实准备两本就足够了一本笔记本一本错题本,笔记本错题本每一科分好类就稳了,本子太多也不是什么好事会乱也容易丢。 得力活页本挺好的质量不错封面也很可爱价格也算白菜大概小的8-10r大的13-15r 英语单词本 可以上学放学课间的空余时间看看单词价格大概是2-4r 要准备一本笔记本作为备忘录记录一下作业以及老师交代的任务淘宝1-2r以内可以买到很可爱的 5.橡皮 橡皮很重要!因为某些橡皮会导致卷面很黑很脏! 晨光孔庙祈福妥妥的! 安利一个可爱的虽然很特别但是有个bug就是容易断大概是5r左右还有很多零零碎碎的东西 剪刀 裁纸刀 回形针 订书机 固体胶 双面胶等等 最后上传一个初高中寄宿必备吧哈哈哈自己手写的 本人音乐生可能需要的东西和大家有点不同参考一下我写的高中必备吧哈哈哈哈 最重要的是!人和脑子!不能丢!!! 还有后续让我慢慢写_(:з」 )_ 我下学期初二 给学弟学妹们提个意见 笔 本 这是必要的 笔吧最好是黑的因为初中很少用蓝笔 考试也以黑笔为主 圆规 套尺 他铅笔橡皮 数学课肯定用 荧光笔 画注重点 准备个大白字当草稿本 学案架子 把一些学案啊卷子啊放进去更方便好整理 一些长尾夹 夹一些卷子什么的 课本 必要的 良好心态特别重要 初中了 这是关键的 学弟学妹们加油吧!!!!!!!开学季, 这8种必备文具囤起来 2、得力铅笔50支装,笔端有封盖,防止下家伙们乱啃。有5个笔杆的颜色,铅芯的颜色都是黑色的。50支一桶19.9,算下来4毛钱一只,给爱画画的萌宝们装备起来,说不定下一个天才画家就诞生了呢!3、有了铅笔,当然要有铅笔刀啦。小明推荐得力这个系列的卷笔刀,有很多可爱的动物造型,小猫、小狗、小猪什么的一应俱全,配色也很好看,关键是才2.8元一个,真是业界良心4、画画或者画图,有尺子在一起当然是更好啦,尺子有三角尺、直尺、量角尺,一个一个买很麻烦,所以小明推荐买下面得力9619的这种套尺,里面有4个,1个直角三角尺,1个等边三角尺,1个直尺,还有1个量角尺。不仅尺子功能强大,外面包装的袋子也很好看,一套才3块钱!5、这么多零散的小东西,要是丢了怎么办?到处乱放也不好找呀!没关系,用下面这个笔袋装一起就好啦!下面这个迪斯尼赛车总动员造型的笔袋,拉链开合顺畅,表面是塑料,可以防水、防摔。里面还分了很多隔层,放尺啊笔什么的,最合适不过啦!6、写的笔有了,怎么能没有本子呢?得力这个系列的笔记本,B5尺寸,60页,中间是缝线装订,不用担心掉页。纸张用的是环保的70g道林纸,米黄色、不像白色那么刺眼。4本一套,一套13.8元,算下来3.5元/本,一个学期都够用了呢!7、有了这些,最后我们还差一个书包啦。现在都在提倡减负,不要让小家伙们那么早就背负那么多压力,影响脊椎发育不说,对孩子的情绪也有很消极的影响。所以小明推荐这款来自coolbaby的书包,配色可爱靓丽,面料手感舒适还防水,拉链拉起来很顺畅不会卡住,最最关键的,背部带减压系统的书包,背起来不会觉得累!售价55元一个,比店里面动不动上百的书包,真是划算很多。说到文具,肯定离不开中性笔,但是哪一款中性笔最合用呢?上一次我们评测了0.5mm中性笔,这一次我们评测了上百款0.38mm中性笔,帮你找到了好用的那几款。简单地讲,是一群认真对待生活的人,以科学评测为手段,从琳琅满目的商品中挑出最适合你我TA购买的那一款。 我们挑选了5个国家24个品牌的101款中性笔,标称书写幅度都在0.5mm以下,以0.38mm为主。 选取的原则——常见品牌的经典+畅销型号。 101款中性笔基本信息在此 中性笔的功能性是最基本的,好用才是王道,颜值嘛,不作要求。 我们根据实际使用需求,将中性笔分成“基础维度”(即流畅度、舒适度、不积墨和速干性4个维度)和“附加维度”(即耐用性、耐水性和耐摔性3个维度)。 书写纸张来自笔记本评测(评测报告点这里)优胜者——美乐麦记忆女神A4空白本。 给中性笔们同一片舞台,表现如何全靠它们自己了! 流畅,是对中性笔最简单也最高级的要求。我们采用正常写字、连续画圈、快速画线等多种方式,对中性笔进行考验。 计分原则:5分:非常流畅、没有缺点;4分:写字非常流畅,但画直线会出现一点断墨;3分:写字基本流畅,划线偶尔有断墨、空心;2分:断墨、空心和划纸等经常出现;1分:非常难写,断墨、空心和划纸严重。每款笔测试2支,由阅尽100支0.5mm中性笔的小姐姐分别测试,取平均值。 学生党刷试卷,工作党抄党章,都有长时间持续书写的需求。 舒适度合适的笔,应做到不扎手、不硌手、握持舒适,长时间书写也不会难受。 计分原则:5分:长时间握持也非常舒适;4分:长时间略有不舒服,在可承受范围内;3分:长时间握持感觉不舒服,短时可接受;2分:握持不舒服,笔晃动;1分:握持难受,笔晃动剧烈。每款笔多人试用,最终结果取平均分。 最讨厌这样的经历:不小心蹭到上一行的字,不但手黑了,字也花了。 评测方法是在纸上画横线,1s、3s、5s后分别用手蹭,观察横线蹭花的程度。 计分原则:5分:变态级速干,随写随干;3.75分:写完1s后,蹭横线无痕迹;2.5分:写完3s后,蹭横线有少量痕迹;1.25分:写完5s后,蹭横线严重晕染。 很多笔在书写一段时间后,笔尖处都会积攒黑色的渣渣,不注意就会弄脏纸张,令人十分烦躁。 评测方法是用中性笔快速涂满1cm 1cm的小方格,观察笔尖留墨情况。 使用这种方法,积墨情况体现的非常明显。 计分原则:5分:完全不积墨;3.33分:轻微积墨;1.67分:积墨严重。 有的笔,刚开始用很顺畅,用完一半墨之后,它就像换了个灵魂,断墨、空心样样都出现。 因此我们对流畅度4分以上的中性笔,加赛一题。 先记录墨量,在纸上疯狂画线、肆意涂抹,用完1/4、1/3、1/2、2/3的墨时再次测试流畅度。 计分原则:好:流畅度依然保持原有水平的,加0.5分;差:流畅度下降,不加分。 耐水性不是评价中性笔好坏的重要条件,但是一旦笔记本意外被撒上了水,优秀的耐水性能保证笔迹不会糊成一团。 计分原则:好:完全无洇水痕迹,加0.2分;一般:轻微洇水,笔迹可分辨,加0.1分;差:严重洇水,模糊不清,不加分。 学生时期的未解之谜之一,桌子上的笔总是莫名其妙掉到地上。有些“玻璃心”的中性笔,摔一次就断墨了。 我们采用暴力评测方法,将笔从办公桌边缘滚落,并测试书写是否正常如初,摔落上限是5次。 更暴力的是,对滚落5次仍坚强不坏的中性笔,使其笔尖朝下,自由落体,并测试书写是否正常如初。 因摔落具有较大的偶然性,此项维度不计分,结果仅供参考。 下面是101款中性笔的全部测试结果。根据实际需求,我们对总分进行了加权处理。 综合分数=流畅度 0.35+舒适度 0.35+速干性 0.2+不积墨 0.1+耐用性+耐摔性 我们推荐的是综合分数排名前10,流畅度在4分(含)以上同时耐用性好的中性笔们。 推荐款各有特点,方便按需求选择。 参考价 5.30 虽然价格略高于一般的中性笔,但绝对物超所值,强烈推荐给大家。 参考价 1.70 参考价 3.00 参考价 0.83 参考价 4.9 参考价 18.24 特别提醒:这款实际书写笔迹看起来大于0.5mm,0.38mm死忠粉慎选。 参考价 10 又是无印良品,真不是我们成心黑它,101款它排名第100,这款难用到爆炸!写字断断续续,六棱特别硌手。 另一款凝胶中性笔表现还不错,至少人家写字顺畅啊。 参考价 2.08 大家有没有注意到,上面涂小格子时,有一个格子是花白的。 对,就是这款,它根本不出水,用力甩也不出水,哈气也不出水,垃圾中的垃圾。 如果一定要买橘林,求你买黑珍珠J505那款,好用一万倍。 本文是文具系列第三弹,前两弹传送通道在此: 第一弹:最好用的笔记本评测,点这里 第二弹:超火爆的100款0.5mm中性笔全面评测,点这里 ==========努力学习的分界线========= 如果你总是头疼,这么多品牌哪个适合我? 如果你正烦恼,今年生日送Ta什么? 如果你想要海淘,却不知道哪家网站更优惠? 如果你常抱怨,好东西实在太贵了! 戳这里拥有>>有调,高品质生活指南 用更少的钱和你一起过更好的生活
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如果你是一个游戏爱好者,那么手掌游戏机是一个非常不错的选择。它不仅可以让你在外出时打发时间,还可以在家中玩一些轻松有趣的游戏。以下是一些中国市场上的手掌游戏机推荐,供大家参考。首先是Nintendo Switch Lite,这是Nintendo Switch的一个便携式版本,非常适合那些想要在旅途中玩游戏的玩家。Nintendo Switch Lite具有非常好的游戏库和控制器,而且大小也非常适中,可以轻松放入口袋中。Nintendo Switch Lite在中国的价格为1399元。如果你喜欢经典的游戏,那么我们推荐的是BittBoy。这是一款小巧的掌机,可以支持多种模拟器,并且支持不同的游戏ROM。BittBoy的价格在中国市场上约为200元左右。如果你想要一款更加强大的掌机,那么可以考虑一下GPD XD Plus。这是一款搭载安卓系统的掌机,具有强大的处理器和大容量的内存,可以支持各种类型的游戏,并且还可以运行其他应用程序。GPD XD Plus在中国市场上的价格为约1500元。除此之外,还有一些其他的手掌游戏机可供选择,例如RetroGame RS-97、Coolbaby RS-6等。这些掌机可能不如前面提到的掌机那么知名,但也具有自己的特点和优点。以下是一个包含掌机名称和价格的表格:总的来说,手掌游戏机是一种非常不错的游戏选择,不管你是在旅途中还是在家中,都可以通过手掌游戏机来打发时间。以上推荐的掌机都具有自己的优点和特点,希望能够帮助到大家在选择手掌游戏机时做出决定。
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可爱颂演唱 钟恩淇
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歌词健康的、积极向上的。学校的校歌就很好,无论幼儿园还是小学的。听下来都充满快乐感和向上感。而且有集体归属感。小朋友会很喜欢唱。一些经典传唱的儿歌也很适合小朋友,比如《让我们荡起双桨》、《海鸥》、《外婆的澎湖湾》。1、你笑起来真好看(By 李昕融、樊桐舟、李凯稠)2、亲爱的旅人啊 (童声版)(By 宋梓欣)3、小可爱(By 宋孟君、Coolbaby)4、小太阳(By 陈姝妤)5、晚安(By 杨烁)6、星星的海洋(By 杨贻媛)7、时间的距离(By 夏侯钰涵)8、妈妈的眼睛(By 小臭臭)9、小精灵(By 石栋颖、小石头和孩子们)10、简单的小孩(By 小金鱼)终于开学了,这个暑假差点没把我累成狗,呆在广州的时间很少,大部分时间都带着娃在外跑,刚开始,还想着要更新的,最后两周我已经自我放弃了,能给我几分钟葛优瘫的时间就不错了。好不容易撑到开学,以为会很潇洒,怎知却有点空荡荡。女儿第一天早上进教室的时候哭得全班最惨,十分钟后哽咽地挥动小手跟我们说再见,看她跌跌撞撞,一点点长大,心里开心却又难免有点失落,孩子在用成长的方式从自己身边慢慢走开,只希望时间可以慢一点,让我好好地、好好地陪你长大……
2023-06-10 11:45:331

Mad, Sexy, Cool 中文歌词

  baby, oh yeah  baby, oh yeah  You don"t ever bring no drama to the game  and my drama don"t be scaring your way  you don‘t ever talk too much  exactly just enough  you know how and when and where and what to say  it ain"t like i gotta tell you you‘re so fine (you"re so fine)  you"ve been getting compliments since you was nine  it"s like you‘re perfect (...)  a diamond in the rough  I know she give me none else but love (love)  You are such a mad sexy cool girl  how does someone turn into you girl  how do you explain  what you do  what you say  how you be  how you play  how you love  everyday  how you constantly be the same  how you give  never hate  and you don"t ever change  be consistently that way  you"re a mad sexy cool girl, and i love you that way  baby, oohhhhh  you"ll be ruling with a certain shade of cool (shade of cool)  i don"t know nobody half as fresh as you  i"ll be checking your behaviour  oh baby you got so much flavour  sometimes i wanna call you juicy fruit (juicy)  it ain"t like i gotta tell you you"re a star (you"re a star)  you"ll be shining and be sparkling in the dark  girl you"re so perfect (...)  you"re my diamond in the rough  i know you give me none else by love  You are such a mad sexy cool girl  how does someone turn into you girl  how do you explain  what you do  what you say  how you be  how you play  how you love  everyday  how you constantly be the same  how you give  never hate  and you don"t ever change  be consistently that way  you are a mad sexy cool girl, and i love you the same  (baby) how does someone be  so beautiful  so approachable  just so adorable  (baby)i guess you"re kinda wonderful  my dream come true  You are such a mad sexy cool girl (sexy cool girl)  how does someone turn into you girl (into you girl)  how do you explain  what you do  what you say  how you be  how you play  how you love  everyday  how you constantly be the same  how you give  never hate  and you don"t ever change  be consistently that way  you"re a mad sexy cool girl  You are such a mad sexy cool girl (ohh baby yes you are)  how does someone turn into you girl (turn into you)  how do you explain  what you do  what you say  how you be  how you play (ooohh)  how you love  everyday  how your constantly be the same  how you give  never hate  and you don"t ever change (never change)  be consistently that way  you"re a mad sexy cool girl  (You"re a mad sexy cool girl)  baby (fade out)  how does someone turn into you girl  how do you explain  what you do  how you be  how you play  how you love  everyday  how your constantly the same  歌词翻译:  宝贝  你从来不给我们的爱带来伤害  我的情绪化也从来没有吓跑你  你从来不会过度言语  一切恰恰好  你知道在合适的时间、地点,恰如其分的表达你的想法  似乎不用我来告诉你,你是如此好  因为自从你九岁起你就一直得到大家的赞美  似乎你是如此的完美  像未经雕琢的钻石  我知道你给我了你所有的爱  你是一个如此疯狂,性感的,酷酷的女孩  你是如何成为这样一个女孩的  你是如何解释  你所做的事情  你所说的话  你是如何生活的  你是如何去玩的  你是如何去爱的  每一天  你是如何始终如一  你是如何给予  从不憎恨  你从来没有改变  始终如一  你是一个疯狂的,性感的,酷酷的女孩。  我就是喜欢你这个样子。  宝贝  你一直以一种很酷的方式生活  我知道没有人有你一半的新鲜  我一直在观察你的一举一动  宝贝, 你是如此的有味道  有时, 我想叫你多汁的水果  似乎不用我来告诉你,你是如此好  似乎你是如此的完美  像未经雕琢的钻石  我知道你给我了你所有的爱  你是一个如此疯狂,性感的,酷酷的女孩  你是如何成为这样一个女孩的  你是如何解释  你所做的事情  你所说的话  你是如何生活的  你是如何去玩的  你是如何去爱的  每一天  你是如何始终如一  你是如何给予  从不憎恨  你从来没有改变  始终如一  你是一个疯狂的,性感的,酷酷的女孩。  我就是喜欢你这个样子。  宝贝  一个人是如何  如此美丽  如此平易近人  如此可爱  我猜你的心是如此的美  我的梦想会实现
2023-06-10 11:46:352


2023-06-10 11:46:4512


2023-06-10 11:47:2511

布兰妮 early morning的歌词翻译

二楼正解 楼主去布兰妮贴吧去问 那里高手很多哦
2023-06-10 11:53:295


《mood》歌词如下:Lil Ghost:Why you always in a moodI ain"t tryna tell you what to do but try to play it coolBaby I ain"t playing by your rulesEverything look better with a viewOh my girl girl girl只想陪你品尝所有的苦涩I say no no no拜托你别再忽冷忽热从过去到了现在哥们儿依旧稳定发力都什么年代也不是不能离开你我这种天菜不要太受女孩欢迎歌手信息《mood》是由孟佳、王嘉尔作词、作曲并演唱的一首歌曲。王嘉尔1994年3月28日出生于中国香港,毕业于美国国际学校,中国香港男歌手、主持人、设计师、创意总监,2014年,以团体GOT7成员的身份出道,同年获SBS演艺大赏综艺部门男子新人奖。2015年,与何炅搭档主持明星美食类脱口秀节目《拜托了冰箱》,受到观众喜爱,并由此转入国内市场发展,2017年6月,宣布在中国成立个人工作室,专门负责大中华区活动,同年,担任亚洲金曲大赏的嘉宾主持并获得MTV特别大赏。
2023-06-10 11:53:421


“人体组织中含有大量水分,和矿物质,电解质,所以人体会导电,人体的导电率的高低还与皮肤的干湿程度有关,粗糙而干燥的皮肤电阻可达数万欧姆,细嫩而潮湿的皮肤,电阻可降至800欧姆以下,人体的导电程度与电压和人体电阻有关,人体短时间忍受的电流约为30毫安以下,一般人体感知电流为1毫安左右,通过人体的电流大于30毫安数秒钟将引起生命危险。”是对的,但人死了 水分会慢慢消失的。人死后是不会导电的。
2023-06-10 11:53:5814

mad sexy cool 歌词翻译

Mad sexy cool girl Babyface Baby, oh yeah Baby, oh yeah. You don"t ever bring no drama to the game And my drama don"t be scaring you away. You don"t ever talk to much Exactly just enough You know how and when and where and what to say. It ain"t like I gotta tell you your so fine (your so fine) You been getting complements since you was nine (damn) Its like your perfect (...) A dimond in the rough I know you give me nothing by love (love). You are such a mad sexy cool girl How does someone turn into you girl ? How do you explain What you do What you say How you be How you play How you love Everyday ? How your constantly the same How you give never hate And you don"t ever change Be consistantly that way ? Your a mad sexy cool girl, and i love you that way. Baby, oohhhhh. You be ruling with a certain shade of cool (shade of cool) I don"t know no body half as fresh as you. I be checking your behaviour Oh baby you got so much flavour Sometimes I wanna call you juicy fruit (juicy). It ain"t like I gotta tell you your a star (your a star) You be shining and be sparkling in the dark. Girl you so perfect (...) You my dimond in the rough I know you give me nothing else by love. You are such a mad sexy cool girl How does someone turn into you girl ? How do you explain What you do What you say How you be How you play How you love Everyday ? How your constantly the same How you give never hate And you don"t ever change Be consistantly that way ? Your a mad sexy cool girl, and i love you the same. (Baby) how does someone So beautiful So approachable None so adourable. (Baby) guess your my kinda wonderful My dream come true. You are such a mad sexy cool girl (sexy cool girl) How does someone turn into you girl (into you girl) ? How do you explain What you do What you say How you be How you play How you love Everyday ? How your constantly the same How you give never hate And you don"t ever change Be consistantly that way ? Your a mad sexy cool girl >>> You are such a mad sexy cool girl (ohh baby yes you are) How does someone turn into you girl (turn into you) ? How do you explain What you do What you say How you be How you play (ooohh) How you love Everyday ? How your constantly the same How you give never hate And you don"t ever change (never change) Be consistantly that way. Your a mad sexy cool girl. Baby (fade out). How does someone turn into you girl ? How do you explain What you do How you be How you play How you love Everyday ? How your constantly the same >>>】歌名:疯狂的,性感的,酷酷的 女孩 歌手:娃娃脸 宝贝 你从来不给我们的爱带来伤害 我的情绪化也从来没有吓跑你 你从来不会过度言语 一切恰恰好 你知道在合时的时间,地点,恰如其分的表达你的想法 似乎不用我来告诉你,你是如此好 因为自从你九岁起你就一直得到大家的赞美 似乎你是如此的完美 像未经雕琢的钻石 我知道你给我了你所有的爱 你是一个如此疯狂,性感的,酷酷的女孩 你是如何成为这样一个女孩的 你是如何解释 你所做的事情 你所说的话 你是如何生活的 你是如何去玩的 你是如何去爱的 每一天 你是如何始终如一 你是如何给予 从不憎恨 你从来没有改变 始终如一 你是一个疯狂的,性感的,酷酷的女孩。 我就是喜欢你这个样子。 宝贝 你一直以一种很酷的方式生活 我知道没有人有你一半的新鲜 我一直在观察你的一举一动 宝贝, 你是如此的有味道 有时, 我想叫你多汁的水果 似乎不用我来告诉你,你是如此好 因为自从你九岁起你就一直得到大家的赞美 似乎你是如此的完美 像未经雕琢的钻石 我知道你给我了你所有的爱 你是一个如此疯狂,性感的,酷酷的女孩 你是如何成为这样一个女孩的 你是如何解释 你所做的事情 你所说的话 你是如何生活的 你是如何去玩的 你是如何去爱的 每一天 你是如何始终如一 你是如何给予 从不憎恨 你从来没有改变 始终如一 你是一个疯狂的,性感的,酷酷的女孩。 我就是喜欢你这个样子。
2023-06-10 11:54:343


2023-06-10 11:54:401


2023-06-10 11:54:471


歌词健康的、积极向上的。学校的校歌就很好,无论幼儿园还是小学的。听下来都充满快乐感和向上感。而且有集体归属感。小朋友会很喜欢唱。一些经典传唱的儿歌也很适合小朋友,比如《让我们荡起双桨》、《海鸥》、《外婆的澎湖湾》。1、你笑起来真好看(By 李昕融、樊桐舟、李凯稠)2、亲爱的旅人啊 (童声版)(By 宋梓欣)3、小可爱(By 宋孟君、Coolbaby)4、小太阳(By 陈姝妤)5、晚安(By 杨烁)6、星星的海洋(By 杨贻媛)7、时间的距离(By 夏侯钰涵)8、妈妈的眼睛(By 小臭臭)9、小精灵(By 石栋颖、小石头和孩子们)10、简单的小孩(By 小金鱼)终于开学了,这个暑假差点没把我累成狗,呆在广州的时间很少,大部分时间都带着娃在外跑,刚开始,还想着要更新的,最后两周我已经自我放弃了,能给我几分钟葛优瘫的时间就不错了。好不容易撑到开学,以为会很潇洒,怎知却有点空荡荡。女儿第一天早上进教室的时候哭得全班最惨,十分钟后哽咽地挥动小手跟我们说再见,看她跌跌撞撞,一点点长大,心里开心却又难免有点失落,孩子在用成长的方式从自己身边慢慢走开,只希望时间可以慢一点,让我好好地、好好地陪你长大……
2023-06-10 11:54:541


Early Mornin"播放歌手:Britney SpearsI was a little late last nightgot a little messyI can"t be like that anymore (early morning)uh - noI was shakin my ass in the street til morninJust walked in an it"s early mornin - uh!Bump bump to the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop til the early morninPassed out on the couch I"m yawninJust walked in an it"s early mornin - let"s start againBump bump to the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop til the early morninMet a dark dude, kinda dark hairWhen he walked upTony grabbed himBut I liked himI told him "come hereKinda coolBaby, we can make plansDo ya mamma live there?Where you live?We can hook up at the hotel"He was down so I told him "let"s go"what happened - guess what, you don"t wanna knowI was shakin my ass in the street til morninJust walked in n it"s early morninBump bump to the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop til the early morninPassed out on the couch i"m yawninJust walked in n it"s early mornin - let"s start againBump bump to the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop til the early morninI went out with girl JenAnd we called up gabe and his friendsHe was talkin bout hittin up ShowSo I said "what the hell? - let"s go!"Got up n got on the dance floorHooked up with a guy named JoeWhen the music was fast danced slowwhat happened next -guess what? you don"t wanna knowI was shakin my ass in the street til morninJust walked in n it"s early morninbump bump to the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop til the early morninPassed out on the couch i"m yawninJust walked in n it"s early morninBump bump the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop til the early morninCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it again!Let"s do it again!Early morninI light your fire,Your one desirePull on me babyAnd I"ll take you higherYou should try itSo come over hereAnd let"s go so....I was shakin my ass in the street til morninJust walked in n it"s early morninBump bump to the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop til the early morninPassed out on the couch i"m yawninJust walked in n it"s early morninBump bump the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop til the early morninCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it again!Let"s do it a...Early morninEarly mornin.
2023-06-10 11:55:561

Early Morning 歌词

歌曲名:Early Morning歌手:Lem Winchester&Oliver Nelson专辑:NocturneEarly mornin"alright nowI was out a little late last nightGot a little messyCan"t be like that anymoreNo…I was shaking my ass in the streets and movingJust walked in and it"s early morningGot drunk till the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop till the early morningPassed out on my couch and yawningJust walked in, it was early morningGot drunk till the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop till the early morningMet a tall dude, Kinda dark hairWhen he walked up somebody grabbed himBut I liked him, told him “come here”Kinda coolBaby, we can make plansWhere ya liveDo ya mama live there?We can hook up at the hotelHe was downSo I told him, let"s goWhat happened next? Guess…But, you don"t wanna knowOh, I went out and I approached himBut we couldn"t get with his friendsThere"s something ‘bout him moving slowSo I said “what the hell, let"s go”Got upGot on the dance floorHooked up with a guy named JoeWhen the music was fast and slowWhat happened next? Guess…But, you don"t wanna knowCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it againLet"s do it againYes, Early morningYes, Can"t keep doin" thisI light your fire, Your one desirePull on me, baby and I"ll take you higherYou should try it, so come over here and let"s go soCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it againLet"s do itEarly mornin"Early mornin"
2023-06-10 11:56:021

Early Morning 歌词

歌曲名:Early Morning歌手:The Piano Room专辑:Early MorningEarly mornin"alright nowI was out a little late last nightGot a little messyCan"t be like that anymoreNo…I was shaking my ass in the streets and movingJust walked in and it"s early morningGot drunk till the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop till the early morningPassed out on my couch and yawningJust walked in, it was early morningGot drunk till the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop till the early morningMet a tall dude, Kinda dark hairWhen he walked up somebody grabbed himBut I liked him, told him “come here”Kinda coolBaby, we can make plansWhere ya liveDo ya mama live there?We can hook up at the hotelHe was downSo I told him, let"s goWhat happened next? Guess…But, you don"t wanna knowOh, I went out and I approached himBut we couldn"t get with his friendsThere"s something ‘bout him moving slowSo I said “what the hell, let"s go”Got upGot on the dance floorHooked up with a guy named JoeWhen the music was fast and slowWhat happened next? Guess…But, you don"t wanna knowCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it againLet"s do it againYes, Early morningYes, Can"t keep doin" thisI light your fire, Your one desirePull on me, baby and I"ll take you higherYou should try it, so come over here and let"s go soCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it againLet"s do itEarly mornin"Early mornin"
2023-06-10 11:56:091

史泰龙Lambo 歌词

歌曲名:史泰龙Lambo歌手:林子祥专辑:最爱作词:林振强 作曲:F.Mercury 编曲:郭小霖Hey pretty lady 无谓再兜圈子心痕难搔时 别要收藏心意堂堂情场英雄 难逃怀如小童长期维持Macho 如史泰龙ooh...ooh...史泰龙Run to me baby 无谓再剥瓜子心痕难搔时 让我止痕一次烈火心中冲冲冲内心即将烧穿窿烧到你面庞变红你暗想我Kiss you 你暗想我hold you你却装作够Cool 你却装作够CoolBaby let me tell you Baby let me tell you你再忍会痛苦 你再忍会痛苦我更想要Kiss you 我更想要hold you却要比你更Cool 却要比你更CoolBaby let me tell you Baby let me tell you我再忍会痛苦 我再忍会痛苦
2023-06-10 11:56:351

请问:北京酷迪宠物用品专卖店在哪儿? 这个是他们的网站,具体看你的位置在哪啊.北京有很多家的.进网站查查.
2023-06-10 11:56:561


歌曲叫小可爱。1、《小可爱》是由宋孟君作词,宋孟君作曲,Coolbaby、宋孟君演唱的歌曲。 2、该歌曲讲述了小孩子一定要乖乖听妈妈的话,做到不让妈妈操心的乖宝宝。变成男子汉保护妈妈。
2023-06-10 11:57:021


歌词健康的、积极向上的。学校的校歌就很好,无论幼儿园还是小学的。听下来都充满快乐感和向上感。而且有集体归属感。小朋友会很喜欢唱。一些经典传唱的儿歌也很适合小朋友,比如《让我们荡起双桨》、《海鸥》、《外婆的澎湖湾》。1、你笑起来真好看(By 李昕融、樊桐舟、李凯稠)2、亲爱的旅人啊 (童声版)(By 宋梓欣)3、小可爱(By 宋孟君、Coolbaby)4、小太阳(By 陈姝妤)5、晚安(By 杨烁)6、星星的海洋(By 杨贻媛)7、时间的距离(By 夏侯钰涵)8、妈妈的眼睛(By 小臭臭)9、小精灵(By 石栋颖、小石头和孩子们)10、简单的小孩(By 小金鱼)终于开学了,这个暑假差点没把我累成狗,呆在广州的时间很少,大部分时间都带着娃在外跑,刚开始,还想着要更新的,最后两周我已经自我放弃了,能给我几分钟葛优瘫的时间就不错了。好不容易撑到开学,以为会很潇洒,怎知却有点空荡荡。女儿第一天早上进教室的时候哭得全班最惨,十分钟后哽咽地挥动小手跟我们说再见,看她跌跌撞撞,一点点长大,心里开心却又难免有点失落,孩子在用成长的方式从自己身边慢慢走开,只希望时间可以慢一点,让我好好地、好好地陪你长大……
2023-06-10 11:57:101

Early Morning On 歌词

歌曲名:Early Morning On歌手:Pavlov"S Dog专辑:At The Sound Of The BellEarly mornin"alright nowI was out a little late last nightGot a little messyCan"t be like that anymoreNo…I was shaking my ass in the streets and movingJust walked in and it"s early morningGot drunk till the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop till the early morningPassed out on my couch and yawningJust walked in, it was early morningGot drunk till the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop till the early morningMet a tall dude, Kinda dark hairWhen he walked up somebody grabbed himBut I liked him, told him “come here”Kinda coolBaby, we can make plansWhere ya liveDo ya mama live there?We can hook up at the hotelHe was downSo I told him, let"s goWhat happened next? Guess…But, you don"t wanna knowOh, I went out and I approached himBut we couldn"t get with his friendsThere"s something ‘bout him moving slowSo I said “what the hell, let"s go”Got upGot on the dance floorHooked up with a guy named JoeWhen the music was fast and slowWhat happened next? Guess…But, you don"t wanna knowCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it againLet"s do it againYes, Early morningYes, Can"t keep doin" thisI light your fire, Your one desirePull on me, baby and I"ll take you higherYou should try it, so come over here and let"s go soCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it againLet"s do itEarly mornin"Early mornin"
2023-06-10 11:58:131


2023-06-10 11:58:202

Ani Difranco的《Unworry》 歌词

歌曲名:Unworry歌手:Ani Difranco专辑:Which Side Are You OnAni DiFranco - UnworryQQ : 349777127I know I"ve seen you aroundYou can"t forget that hairBut I didn"t hear you come inHow long have you been sitting there?You know you can tell me anythingI promise I don"t scareLet"s only ever be allies even if the whole background dissolvesAnd little pink hearts can pop over our heads but we"ll keep our coolYou know I have enjoyed my lifeIt"s been excitingAnd I"ve become more peacefulNo more fightingAnd I ain"t gonna waste your timeWronging and rightingRound and round centered by the grooves on an old oak treeNibbled by minnows and licked by a salty seaAnd I gotta say I"m amazed not in a good way at how much I don"t rememberI just gotta hope though I"m slow it"s all part of what I know the facts are pretend anywayYeah the facts are pretend anywayI know I"ve seen you aroundAlways in that uniformPirate hat just a little stainedSword just a little wornYou know you can tell me anythingI"m not just tooting my own hornLet"s only ever be allies even if the whole background dissolvesAnd little pink hearts can pop over our heads but we"ll keep our coolBaby teach me to unworryI will teach you to unhideIn the city where they don"t need x-raysTo see each other"s insidesUnder a big old oak treeSynchronicities gather in tideRound and round centered by the grooves on an old oak treeNibbled by minnows and licked by a salty seaAnd I gotta say I"m amazed not in a good way at how much I don"t rememberI just gotta hope though I"m slow it"s all part of what I know the facts are pretend anywayYeah the facts are pretend anywayYeah the facts are pretendAni DiFranco - UnworryQQ : 349777127
2023-06-10 11:58:381

史泰龙Lambo 歌词

歌曲名:史泰龙Lambo歌手:林子祥专辑:林子祥 Ii, 24K Mastersonic Compilation作词:林振强 作曲:F.Mercury 编曲:郭小霖Hey pretty lady 无谓再兜圈子心痕难搔时 别要收藏心意堂堂情场英雄 难逃怀如小童长期维持Macho 如史泰龙ooh...ooh...史泰龙Run to me baby 无谓再剥瓜子心痕难搔时 让我止痕一次烈火心中冲冲冲内心即将烧穿窿烧到你面庞变红你暗想我Kiss you 你暗想我hold you你却装作够Cool 你却装作够CoolBaby let me tell you Baby let me tell you你再忍会痛苦 你再忍会痛苦我更想要Kiss you 我更想要hold you却要比你更Cool 却要比你更CoolBaby let me tell you Baby let me tell you我再忍会痛苦 我再忍会痛苦
2023-06-10 11:58:451

Early Morning 歌词

歌曲名:Early Morning歌手:Barclay James Harvest专辑:Mocking Bird: The Best Of Barclay James HarvestEarly mornin"alright nowI was out a little late last nightGot a little messyCan"t be like that anymoreNo…I was shaking my ass in the streets and movingJust walked in and it"s early morningGot drunk till the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop till the early morningPassed out on my couch and yawningJust walked in, it was early morningGot drunk till the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop till the early morningMet a tall dude, Kinda dark hairWhen he walked up somebody grabbed himBut I liked him, told him “come here”Kinda coolBaby, we can make plansWhere ya liveDo ya mama live there?We can hook up at the hotelHe was downSo I told him, let"s goWhat happened next? Guess…But, you don"t wanna knowOh, I went out and I approached himBut we couldn"t get with his friendsThere"s something ‘bout him moving slowSo I said “what the hell, let"s go”Got upGot on the dance floorHooked up with a guy named JoeWhen the music was fast and slowWhat happened next? Guess…But, you don"t wanna knowCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it againLet"s do it againYes, Early morningYes, Can"t keep doin" thisI light your fire, Your one desirePull on me, baby and I"ll take you higherYou should try it, so come over here and let"s go soCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it againLet"s do itEarly mornin"Early mornin"
2023-06-10 11:58:591

Early Morning 歌词

歌曲名:Early Morning歌手:Barclay James Harvest专辑:Centenary Collection: The Best Of Barclay James HarvestEarly mornin"alright nowI was out a little late last nightGot a little messyCan"t be like that anymoreNo…I was shaking my ass in the streets and movingJust walked in and it"s early morningGot drunk till the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop till the early morningPassed out on my couch and yawningJust walked in, it was early morningGot drunk till the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop till the early morningMet a tall dude, Kinda dark hairWhen he walked up somebody grabbed himBut I liked him, told him “come here”Kinda coolBaby, we can make plansWhere ya liveDo ya mama live there?We can hook up at the hotelHe was downSo I told him, let"s goWhat happened next? Guess…But, you don"t wanna knowOh, I went out and I approached himBut we couldn"t get with his friendsThere"s something ‘bout him moving slowSo I said “what the hell, let"s go”Got upGot on the dance floorHooked up with a guy named JoeWhen the music was fast and slowWhat happened next? Guess…But, you don"t wanna knowCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it againLet"s do it againYes, Early morningYes, Can"t keep doin" thisI light your fire, Your one desirePull on me, baby and I"ll take you higherYou should try it, so come over here and let"s go soCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it againLet"s do itEarly mornin"Early mornin"
2023-06-10 11:59:071

Early Morning 歌词

歌曲名:Early Morning歌手:A-Ha专辑:Headlines & DeadlinesEarly mornin"alright nowI was out a little late last nightGot a little messyCan"t be like that anymoreNo…I was shaking my ass in the streets and movingJust walked in and it"s early morningGot drunk till the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop till the early morningPassed out on my couch and yawningJust walked in, it was early morningGot drunk till the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop till the early morningMet a tall dude, Kinda dark hairWhen he walked up somebody grabbed himBut I liked him, told him “come here”Kinda coolBaby, we can make plansWhere ya liveDo ya mama live there?We can hook up at the hotelHe was downSo I told him, let"s goWhat happened next? Guess…But, you don"t wanna knowOh, I went out and I approached himBut we couldn"t get with his friendsThere"s something ‘bout him moving slowSo I said “what the hell, let"s go”Got upGot on the dance floorHooked up with a guy named JoeWhen the music was fast and slowWhat happened next? Guess…But, you don"t wanna knowCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it againLet"s do it againYes, Early morningYes, Can"t keep doin" thisI light your fire, Your one desirePull on me, baby and I"ll take you higherYou should try it, so come over here and let"s go soCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it againLet"s do itEarly mornin"Early mornin"
2023-06-10 11:59:261

Early Morning (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Early Morning (Album Version)歌手:A-Ha专辑:East Of The Sun West Of The MoonEarly mornin"alright nowI was out a little late last nightGot a little messyCan"t be like that anymoreNo…I was shaking my ass in the streets and movingJust walked in and it"s early morningGot drunk till the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop till the early morningPassed out on my couch and yawningJust walked in, it was early morningGot drunk till the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop till the early morningMet a tall dude, Kinda dark hairWhen he walked up somebody grabbed himBut I liked him, told him “come here”Kinda coolBaby, we can make plansWhere ya liveDo ya mama live there?We can hook up at the hotelHe was downSo I told him, let"s goWhat happened next? Guess…But, you don"t wanna knowOh, I went out and I approached himBut we couldn"t get with his friendsThere"s something ‘bout him moving slowSo I said “what the hell, let"s go”Got upGot on the dance floorHooked up with a guy named JoeWhen the music was fast and slowWhat happened next? Guess…But, you don"t wanna knowCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it againLet"s do it againYes, Early morningYes, Can"t keep doin" thisI light your fire, Your one desirePull on me, baby and I"ll take you higherYou should try it, so come over here and let"s go soCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it againLet"s do itEarly mornin"Early mornin"
2023-06-10 11:59:331

求 8 Mile里Boomkat的Wasting My Time的歌词。

Boomkat - Wasting My Time Lyrics - 8 Mile SoundtrackI don"t think you understandThat what your doing is not so coolYou think it"s funny to mess with my mindDon"t youYou know I like you so you just tease meYou give me just enoughTo hang on and onWhen your just wasting my timeYou"re simply wasting my timeSo quit wasting my timeDo you hear me when I saySo let me ask you somethingDo you think I"m pretty or don"t youDo you want to get with me or notAre you just wasting my time?You"re simply wasting my timeSo quit wasting my timeAnd what have you got to sayWell things have got to change See this just isn"t rightI don"t want to have to fightAnd I think I better go "Cause this ain"t working anymoreAnd I"m sorry, sorry, sorryUnderstand that what you did Was just not so coolMaybe your just not that cool
2023-06-10 11:59:422

Early Morning 歌词

歌曲名:Early Morning歌手:Nancy Wilson专辑:Keep You SatisfiedEarly mornin"alright nowI was out a little late last nightGot a little messyCan"t be like that anymoreNo…I was shaking my ass in the streets and movingJust walked in and it"s early morningGot drunk till the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop till the early morningPassed out on my couch and yawningJust walked in, it was early morningGot drunk till the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop till the early morningMet a tall dude, Kinda dark hairWhen he walked up somebody grabbed himBut I liked him, told him “come here”Kinda coolBaby, we can make plansWhere ya liveDo ya mama live there?We can hook up at the hotelHe was downSo I told him, let"s goWhat happened next? Guess…But, you don"t wanna knowOh, I went out and I approached himBut we couldn"t get with his friendsThere"s something ‘bout him moving slowSo I said “what the hell, let"s go”Got upGot on the dance floorHooked up with a guy named JoeWhen the music was fast and slowWhat happened next? Guess…But, you don"t wanna knowCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it againLet"s do it againYes, Early morningYes, Can"t keep doin" thisI light your fire, Your one desirePull on me, baby and I"ll take you higherYou should try it, so come over here and let"s go soCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it againLet"s do itEarly mornin"Early mornin"
2023-06-10 11:59:491


哥特式小丑 【网络歌手】少女的第一夜 【小辣椒】傻瓜 【 东方神起 】说爱我 【CK】我走以后 【张靓颖】
2023-06-10 11:59:584

Wasting My Time 歌词以及翻译

I don"t think you understand我并不认为你知道That what you"re doing is not so cool你现在所正在做的并没有你想象中那么酷You think it"s funny to mess with my mind你认为搅乱我的心情很有趣Don"t you不是吗?You know I like you so you just tease me你知道我喜欢你但是你却只是嘲弄我You give me just enough to hang on enough你只是给了我无穷无尽的悬念When you"re just wasting my time你只是在浪费我的时间You"re simply wasting my time你仅仅只是为了浪费我时间So quit wasting my time所以请不要在浪费我时间Do you hear me when I say你听到了我所说的吗?So let me ask you something让我问你一些事情Do you think I"m pretty or don"t you你认为我漂亮吗?Do you wanna get with me or not and nowwww现在请告诉我你想和我在一起吗Or are you just wasting my time或者你只是在浪费我的时间You"re simply wasting my time你仅仅只是为了浪费我时间So quit wasting my time所以请停止浪费我的时间And what would you"ve got to say说出你心里一直想说的Well things have got to change事情已经发展到了不得不露出真相的地步了Say this just isn"t right说你以前做的都是错的I don"t wanna have to fight我并不像争辩And I think I"d better go我想我最好离开你Cause this ain"t working out any more因为这一切都是不可能的and I"m sorry, sorry, sorry我很抱歉UnderstandThat what you didWas just not so coolBaby, you"re just not that cool
2023-06-10 12:00:071


1. 什((点,击))么东西先长大,后变小?答:蜡烛。2. 什么东西有太阳,但你看不见?答:夜晚。3. 为什么老师在讲课时喜欢坐着?答:因为一站起来就让学生做笔记。4. 有两个人一起掉进了同一口井里,但只有人被救出来了。为什么?答:因为另人已经被救出来了。5. 什么物品越多,越不值钱?答:答案。6. 有个人往顺风跑时,头发会飞舞,但逆风跑时却不会,为什么?答:因为顺风跑时他是往前跑的,逆风跑时他是往后跑的。7. 什么时候你比别人轻?答:当你在摆电子称的时候。8. 有多少个月份有28天?答:全部12个月份都有28天。9. 什么东西越深越亮?答:星星。10. 什么东西可以大到不能装进屋子,也可以小到放进口袋里?答:帆布。
2023-06-10 12:00:4815

求Mad Sexy Cool中文歌词·····

相爱7年了. 怎么也都没想到. 它会这么轻易的破碎. 尽管如此 最终我们还是分手了 离别了 留下的只有7年时间来的无尽的回忆. 不记得为什么 当时年少的我们 会那么彼此期待见面 久而久之渐渐的到最后 我们连见上一面都那么难. 既然已经知道离别会很痛 那我的心里应该不会有那种痛彻心扉的感觉了吧 可是尽管如此 此刻的我却已热泪滚滚 我哭了 离别的时间里我仍在留恋 痛快的哭过以后 看着跟我想法不一样的心 告诉自己: “起初是朋友 然后相爱成了恋人. 这样的7年的爱 如果分手的话 那也永远还能是朋友 一定可以这样的” 就这样 那之后三年的时间里 偶尔的 也会互相见面 聊天 联系 遇到了其它人 也爱了其它的人 可是 在和你通电话的时候 还是会 悄无声息的泪流满面 "你也找到好人结婚吧!" 这样的说着口不对心的话的时候 其实心里想说的却是: “你 还喜欢我吗?” 明白了 虽然以前有过心心相印美好爱情 现在 那段爱也无法重新来过 只能留在我的回忆里. 有时候 突然的 眼前会浮现以前的那段美好时光 可是 我很清楚 现在再不能要求你再为我做什么了 那一天 听到你说 "我 要结婚了"的一刻 我 一句话 也无法说出来 最后 眼泪还是流了下来 因为 真的还想再听对我你说 那一句: 我爱你...
2023-06-10 12:01:382


歌词健康的、积极向上的。学校的校歌就很好,无论幼儿园还是小学的。听下来都充满快乐感和向上感。而且有集体归属感。小朋友会很喜欢唱。一些经典传唱的儿歌也很适合小朋友,比如《让我们荡起双桨》、《海鸥》、《外婆的澎湖湾》。1、你笑起来真好看(By 李昕融、樊桐舟、李凯稠)2、亲爱的旅人啊 (童声版)(By 宋梓欣)3、小可爱(By 宋孟君、Coolbaby)4、小太阳(By 陈姝妤)5、晚安(By 杨烁)6、星星的海洋(By 杨贻媛)7、时间的距离(By 夏侯钰涵)8、妈妈的眼睛(By 小臭臭)9、小精灵(By 石栋颖、小石头和孩子们)10、简单的小孩(By 小金鱼)终于开学了,这个暑假差点没把我累成狗,呆在广州的时间很少,大部分时间都带着娃在外跑,刚开始,还想着要更新的,最后两周我已经自我放弃了,能给我几分钟葛优瘫的时间就不错了。好不容易撑到开学,以为会很潇洒,怎知却有点空荡荡。女儿第一天早上进教室的时候哭得全班最惨,十分钟后哽咽地挥动小手跟我们说再见,看她跌跌撞撞,一点点长大,心里开心却又难免有点失落,孩子在用成长的方式从自己身边慢慢走开,只希望时间可以慢一点,让我好好地、好好地陪你长大……
2023-06-10 12:02:011


2023-06-10 12:03:052