barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-11 09:38:52





Dug a hole as big as the tree"s root.Tree will be placed inrenches, the cabinet, to ensure that the soil depth of the tree trunk and its nursery the same depth. Adding that half of the increase in the soil, put upward micro mention seedlings.Appropriate to add some soil around the tree trunks.



Dug a hole as big as the tree"s root.Tree will be placed inrenches, the cabinet, to ensure that the soil depth of the tree trunk and its nursery the same depth. Adding that half of the increase in the soil, put upward micro mention seedlings.Appropriate to add some soil around the tree trunks

我是教英语的 应该就是这样


Dig a similar and big pit of and the root of the trees

Put the tree into the pit, support just, the depth that insure the thorough soil of tree trunk is similar to its seedling .

Add the soil, and at added the half soil hereafter, heading up the seedling tiny to lift once

In the tree trunk surroundings appropriate more some soils



Digs with tree"s root equally big pit

Puts in the pit the tree, straightens up, guarantees the boughdeeply to be buried the depth and its plant nursery is same.

Adds the earth, and in added after half earth, the seedling is upwardmicro raises

Suitable adds some earth around the bough






ate吃-eight八 be当-bee 蜜蜂 by由-buy买 dear亲爱-deer鹿eye眼睛-i我 flower花-flour面粉 hear听到-here这里 hole洞-whole全部 meet遇-meat肉 no否-know知道 not不是-knot结 one一 -won赢 (过去式)our我们-hour小时 peek偷看-peak山顶 plain空白-plane飞机 red红色-read读 right右边-write写 sale出售-sail航行 see看-sea海 some有些-sum总 son儿子-sun太阳 tale故事-tail尾巴 there那边-their他们的too太-two二 waist腰-waste浪费 wait等待-weight重量whether 是否-weather 天气
2023-06-10 23:34:071


Clever same
2023-06-10 23:34:402


2023-06-10 23:35:181


2023-06-10 23:35:361

David Beatenbough做什么行业的?柳工副总裁

2023-06-10 23:35:571


发音相同的英语单词 1.alter v. 改变,改动 altar n. 祭坛;圣坛 2.bare adj. 赤裸的;光秃地 bear n. 熊;vt. 承受 3.baron n. 男爵 barren a. 贫瘠的,荒芜的 bee 5.bough n. 大树枝 bow v. 点头,鞠躬 6.brake n. v.刹车 break v. n.破坏,损坏,破裂 7.bread n. 面包 bred 为breed(v.生育,繁殖)的过去时或过去分词 by 9.cell n. 细胞, 小牢房, 电池 sell v. n. 卖, 出售 10.chord n.和弦,和音, 心弦 cord n. 细绳 11.cite v. 引用, 引证 sight n. 视力, 看见 site n.位置, 场所 12.coarse a. 粗的, 粗劣的 course n. 课程, 过程, 路线 13.complement n. 补充 compliment n. .称赞, 恭维话 14.core n. 果核, 核心 corps n. 军, 部队, 团体 15.councilor n.顾问 counselor n.顾问, 律师, 指导教师 16.dam n. 坝 damn v. 咒骂, 诅咒 17.dear deer 18.desert vt. 抛弃, 遗弃 dessert n. 甜点心 19.dew n. 露珠, 滴 due a. 应付的, 欠 20.die v. 死 dye n. 燃料 21.discreet a. 谨慎的 discrete a.. 分离的, 不连续的 22.eye I 23.fair adj. 公正的 fare n 车费;船费 24.flower n. 花 flour n. 面粉 25.forth adv. 向前方 fourth 第四 26.fur n. 皮毛 fir n. 冷杉;枫木 27.gorilla n. 大猩猩 guerrilla n.游击队员 n.头发 hare n. 野兔 29.hall n. 大厅 haul v. 拖曳 30.heal v. 治愈 heel n. 脚后跟 31.hear v. 听见 here 这里 32.heroin n. 女英雄 heroine n.海洛因 33.hole n. 洞 whole 整个的 prep. 在 inn n. 酒店 35.isle n. 岛 aisle n. 过道 36.knight n.骑士 night n. 夜晚 37.knot n.节(距离) not 不 38.know 知道 no 不 39.lane n.. 小路;小巷;胡同 lain lie的过去分词 40.maid n. 女子 made make的过去式 41.meat n. 肉 meet v. 遇见 adj. 新的 knew know的过去式 43.pail n. 桶 pale 苍白的 44.peace n. 和平 piece 片,张 45.plain adj. 平坦的 plane n. 飞机 46.pray v. 祈祷 prey n. 牺牲品 47.rain n. 雨 rein n .缰绳 reign n. 王国;领域;统治 48.right 右 write v.写 49.ring n. 戒指 wring v. 拧 50.role n. 任务 roll v. 滚动 51.root n. 根 route n .路线 52.sail v. 航行 sale v. 卖 53.scene n. 景色 seen see的过去分词 54.scent n. 气味;香味 cent 分(钱) 55.sea n. 海 see v. 看见 56.seam n. 缝隙;接合处 seem 好像 57.shear v.剪;砍 sheer v.偏航 sow v. 播种 sew sow的过去式 59.sole 单独的 soul n. 灵魂 60.some 一些 sum 量 61.son n. 儿子 sun n. 太阳 62. stair n. 楼梯 stare v. 瞪 63.steal v. 偷 steel n. 钢 64.straight adj. 直接的 strait n.. 海峡 65.suite n. 套房 sweet adj. 甜的 66.tail n. 尾巴 tale n. 故事;神话 67.their 他们的 there 那儿 68.through 通过 threw throw的过去式 69.vain adj. 徒劳的;无效的 vein n. 静脉 70.weak adj. 微弱的
2023-06-10 23:36:051

求德语rap 歌,歌手及歌词

second chance - rjbofhiphopI Love U Oh Thank URun DMC Down with the KingCztery sekundy-verbaBattle of Rose & Luv(sic) remixEs tut mir Leid-Tic Tac ToeIch Liebe dich-BboyDanieleMein Stern-Lu-keyYou Don"t Know(Save me remix)-Mixtape By Miss猪猪Get crazy LMFAOLa Belle Et Le Bad Boy MC SolaarTic Tac Toe-SpiegelTic Tac Toe-Lass losChce Cie-stokLegiona-NouvelleDeestylistics-always and foreverURBANIZE—WARTEN AUF DICHdear mama cox ft miumiuNa falochronie-Verba蒙语伤感RAP Taniltsii ohinToiz-You Took It All Awayshes lost her selfVERBA-wiem jak to jestSemplicemente--Zero AssolutoLdy Lickem-everytimeThao Plucky Xiong-Plucky AngieDarlingSai, ich liebe dichUn Altro Come TeCzasem tak bywa-Jeden Osiem Ldan gal-niawidzialdnicut in love remixLady Luna亡魂Slept On-Jon YoungTBurnA-Love musikrap-diesem SongRAP si loin de vousDeestylistic-be my sideNEVER YOUR GONECzas Najwyzszy-W.B.U. feat.Owaltell me who you areGlaub An DichFlipsyde-A ChangeKiedys Bylo Inaczej-Jeden Osiem LLe Chien Du Forgeron-ManauW.B.U-EskitelPelen Pokus-owal emcedwaJiggy dogg-Missing UManau - Mais qui est la BelettePrMaR-Momentejackdir rappers against racism only youET Yang-my deep scarLike You -DJ SlyOne Day-1773happy birthday-flipsyde不想去标注语言了 歌曲好听就行 而且百度一搜你就基本知道了 主要是法语德语英语波兰的RAP
2023-06-10 23:36:121


Johnny English is a very clumsy secret agent, who gets the job of protecting the crown jewels in the Tower Of London. The jewels end up being stolen by the evil, backstabbing Pascal Sauvage, a man from France who is leading a conspiracy to try and become King of England, and make the whole country a huge prison! When Johnny finds all this out, he goes on his mission with the help of his sidekick, Bough, and Lorna Campbell, to save his country, and reveal Pascal Sauvage"s evil secrets to his country"s people! The three find themselves in a lot of trouble on their mission, (a big reason for that being Johnny"s clumsiness), which makes for quite a bit of excitement, as well as a lot of laughs!
2023-06-10 23:36:201


1)我小时候很喜欢蓝眼睛的人,我有几个(洋)娃娃,而我也总把他们弄成我最喜欢的蓝眼睛。时间过得很快,我已经不是个孩子,念完书,我已年届二十了,现在我喜欢开爸爸的那辆旧车。一次我去附近的城里办事,因为那天忙,我就直接把车停在了办公楼附近。几分钟后我回到那儿,就见到了一位年轻的警察(警员)在我的车旁等我。我不喜欢见到他,因为我知道,我违章停泊了。我给了他几英镑作为罚金,然后,我看到了他那双漂亮的蓝眼睛。我对他说:“你的眼睛真漂亮!”他微微一笑说了声再见。 当晚,蓝眼睛警察(警员)给我打了通电话。第二天,我们去了看电影。然后呢?我的故事自然是大团圆结局,我们结了婚,现在在一起生活得非常愉快。2)今年暑假,Tracy和她丈夫去了趟英国,他们参观了许多城堡和博物馆,甚至还去了哈里·波特的魔法学校!在纪念品店里,她买了个猫头鹰毛绒公仔准备送给朋友,还为她最最喜欢哈里·波特的女儿买了把扫把。 除此之外,她还去了百货商场购物。她先是买了许多茶(叶),还买了两条苏格兰裙(skiet不是词,应该是打错了吧?skirt?)。正两样都是英国非常出名,同时又很便宜的东西。 Tracy玩得很开心,她想下次再到那儿去旅游。
2023-06-10 23:36:293


though,through,enough, thought,ought,bough,bought,我只记得这几个了.
2023-06-10 23:36:391


fruit stuit
2023-06-10 23:36:478


2023-06-10 23:37:2513


Pemberley是达西的彭伯利庄园miss de Bough上面两位都错了~~应该是德.包尔小姐,达西的表妹,很有钱.她母亲才是凯瑟琳夫人Gardiners班内特小姐的舅父加德纳Miss King金小姐(魏肯以前曾因一万元遗产而追求过的女孩,没有姿色)Kympton是达西父亲给威肯姆先生一个牧师职位的村庄
2023-06-10 23:37:553

英语谚语:Well fed, wed bred 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Well fed wed bred 中文意思: 衣食足,知荣辱。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: The best teachers of humanity are the lives of great men 启迪人性最好的导师是伟大人物的生活。 The better the day the better the deed 日子越美好,事业越顺当。 The bough that bears most hangs lowest 枝头结果越多,垂得越低。 The brave man hazards his life but not his conscience 英雄的人可以冒生命危险,但不冒良心危险。 The brightest of all things the sun has its spots 金无赤足,人无完人。 The burden on likes is cheerfully borne 爱挑的担子,就愉快轻松。 The busiest men find (or have) the most leisure (or time) 最忙的人时间最多。 The cask savours of the first fill 先入为主。 The cat and dog may kiss yet are none the better 猫犬可相吻,莫逆却难成。 The catin glores catch no mice 戴手套的猫捉不到老鼠。 英语谚语: Well fed wed bred 中文意思: 衣食足,知荣辱。
2023-06-10 23:38:091

请问 【When have you bought it?】和【When did you bough

请问 【When have you bought it?】和...
2023-06-10 23:38:162


2023-06-10 23:38:385


2023-06-10 23:39:522


2023-06-10 23:40:012

1.Is this book ( )you bough? 2.Is this the book ( )you bought?A.that B.the one

第一个选 the one 第二个选 that 有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)
2023-06-10 23:40:178


Mok Jin Lv Xi-advised clothing,advice-taking but unfortunately when the juvenile. Flowers Direct discount worthy to be folded,Mo to be spent without air broken branches.
2023-06-10 23:40:332

对于庞德的代表作短诗in a station of the metro的翻译最喜欢哪个版本

The apparition of these faces in the crowd;一张张脸孔的幻影在人群中鬼魅般浮现;Petals on a wet, black bough.犹如湿漉漉的黑色树干上绽放的朵朵花瓣.
2023-06-10 23:40:402


更新1: 不要用翻译机! 所谓红树林(Mangrove),是指生长在热带海湾或河口淤泥上属红树科的乔木或灌木所组成。红树林是发育在特殊生境条件下的植物,在涨潮时,仅见海面上的树冠部分,而在退潮时,露出树干以及特殊适应的支柱根。由于生境特殊,它们必须克服不稳定的泥沼地、缺氧和高盐量三大难题。 红树的另一个特征是树干基部有很多纵横交错的支柱根。 这些支柱根一方面支撑著红树植楺在松软的泥沼上生长;另一方面也因其伸出水面,可起到气根的作用,吸取空气中的气体, 促进植物体内的气体交换。 红树林是一种良好的海岸防护林,可以保护沿岸堤围,防止海浪冲击。 此外,红树林在河口地区可促淤造陆,为人类提供肥沃土地方面有一定意义。 中国香港位于亚热带地区,接近世界红树林生长的最北极限,所以其红树品种和高度有限。 在港最容易辨认的红树品种有六种,包括:秋茄、老鼠、桐花树、白骨壤、木榄和海漆: Mangrove is the growth in the Gulf or tropical estuary mud on the branches of mangrove trees or shrubs formed. Mangrove is the development of special habitat conditions the plants in chatter only see the crown on the sea When the tide is in exposing trunks and special adaptation of the pillars of roots. As habitats are special they must overe the quagmire of instability low oxygen and high salinity three major problems. Another characteristic of a mangrove tree is the base of many interlocking root of the pillars. While these pillars supporting the roots of mangrove planting in soft Rou starting on growth; Because of the other extended surface. the roots may play a role drawing on gas in the air the plants for gas exchange. Mangrove is a good coastal shelterbelt and can protect the coastal embankment to prevent the impact of the waves. In addition Mangrove in the mouth can promote deposition was made to provide mankind with fertile land to a certain extent and significance. Hong Kong is located at the sub-tropical region close to the World Mangrove Growth of the North Limit So its mangrove species and highly limited. In Hong Kong the most easily identifiable with six mangrove species including : Kandelia candel rodents Avicennia marina Avicennia marina olive trees and the sea section. 参考:|en American English: So-called mangrove forest (Mangrove) is refers to the growth is on the tropics bay either the river mouth silt the mangroves the tree or the bush poses. The mangrove forest is the growth under the special site conditions plant when rising tide sees in the sea level only the crown part but when ebb tide reveals the bough as well as the special adaptation prop root. Because the habitat is special they must overe the unstable turf moor the oxygen deficit and Gao Yanliang three big difficult problems. Mangrove's another characteristic is the prop root which the bough base has spreads across. These prop roots support at the same time are erecting red 楺 grow on the soft mire; On the other hand because also it stretches out the water surface may play the aerial root the role absorbs in the air the gas the promotion plant in vivo exchange of gases. The mangrove forest is one kind of good seacoast protective forest may protect the coast dike prevents the ocean waves impact. In addition the mangrove forest may press the silt epeirogenic in the river mouth area provides the fertile land ect for the humanity to have certain significance. Hong Kong located at the subtropics area the close world mangrove forest grows most north the limit therefore its mangrove variety and highly limited. Is easiest in the port the mangrove variety which identifies to have six kinds including: Fall eggplant mouse aegiceras corniculatum bones of the dead soil wooden olive and sea paint. British English: So-called mangrove forest (Mangrove) is refers to the growth is on the tropics bay either the river mouth silt the mangroves the tree or the bush poses. The mangrove forest is the growth under the special site conditions plant when rising tide sees in the sea level only the crown part but when ebb tide reveals the bough as well as the special adaptation prop root. Because the habitat is special they must overe the unstable turf moor the oxygen deficit and Gao Yanliang three big difficult problems. Mangrove's another characteristic is the prop root which the bough base has spreads across. These prop roots support at the same time are erecting red 楺 grow on the soft mire; On the other hand because also it stretches out the water surface may play the aerial root the role absorbs in the air the gas the promotion plant in vivo exchange of gases. The mangrove forest is one kind of good seacoast protective forest may protect the coast dike prevents the ocean waves impact. In addition the mangrove forest may press the silt epeirogenic in the river mouth area provides the fertile land ect for the humanity to have certain significance. Hong Kong located at the subtropics area the close world mangrove forest grows most north the limit therefore its mangrove variety and highly limited. Is easiest in the port the mangrove variety which identifies to have six kinds including: Fall aubergine mouse aegiceras corniculatum bones of the dead soil wooden olive and sea paint.
2023-06-10 23:40:591


In a Station of the MetroThe apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough.1931年的伦敦,庞德先生走出潮湿幽暗的地铁。在忽明忽暗的熙攘的人群里,他看到了几个美丽的面孔,有冷艳绝伦的妇人,优雅动人的少女,天真可爱的小女孩......这一场景给他留下极为深刻的印象。庞德先生匆匆忙忙地赶回家,坐在桌旁,他开始搜索枯肠,竭尽全力找到合适的诗句来表达自己复杂的情绪。当写到130余行的时候,诗人发现这些行句还不足以传达自己真实的感受。突然,他灵机一动,开始缩减,直到只剩下两行充满内在活力的俳句,才终于满意了。这首《在巴黎地铁站上》可以算是意象主义(imagism)诗歌的上乘佳作。诗人运用的意象是“阴暗的树枝上面的几片花瓣”。他用阴湿的树枝比喻潮湿幽暗的地铁,用鲜艳的花瓣形容人的美丽脸孔,从而捕捉住事物的想象,寥寥数笔便勾勒出一幅气氛融洽的影像,写出了比兴恰切的精妙诗句。
2023-06-10 23:41:096

同义句转换器I bought him a present同义句I ( ) a present ( )him

I bought a present for himbuy sb sth = buy sth for sb
2023-06-10 23:41:242

有一首英文歌的歌词是blow away,反复唱,大意是一个酗酒的父亲,一天来了场暴风雨,

blown away就这么一个错误答案挂在上面让我很不爽
2023-06-10 23:41:324


2023-06-10 23:41:432


《地铁车站》 庞德 Petals on a wet, black bough. 在人群中这些面孔幽灵般显现, 湿漉漉的黑色枝条上的许多花瓣。 《地铁车站》这首诗很短,只有两行,却脍炙人口,耐人寻味,原因在于它给读者提供了广阔的想象空间。 庞德自己曾在1916年写道:“三年前在巴黎,我在协约车站走出了地铁车厢。突然间, 看到了一个美丽的面孔,然后又看到一个,然后是一个美丽的儿童面孔,然后又是一个美丽的女人。那一天我整天努力寻找能表达我感受的文字,我找不出我认为能与之相称的、或者像那种突发情感那么可爱的文字。那个晚上……我还在继续努力寻找的时候,忽然我找到了表达方式。并不是说我找到了一些文字,而是出现了一个方程式。……不是用语言,而是用许多颜色小斑点。……这种‘一个意象的诗"是一个叠加形式,即一个概念叠在另一个概念之上。我发现这对我为了摆脱那次在地铁的情感所造成的困境很有用。我写了一首30行的诗,然后销毁了,……6个月后,我写了一首比那首短一半的诗;一年后我写了下列日本和歌式的诗句。” 首先从内容上看,主要是写诗人在阴暗、潮湿的地铁站台看到一张张花瓣似的面孔及当时诗人的惊喜之情。这一结论从何而来?主要是通过对诗歌意象的合理想象。这首诗上、下两组形象相对应--即“幽灵般的面孔”和“黑枝上的花瓣”。“面孔”是本体,“花瓣”是喻体。这两组意象在我们眼前拼凑出了这样一幅画面--天是阴沉的,或许刚下过雨,潮湿的空气中弥漫着物质颓废的气味。在城市的某个阴暗的、“湿漉漉”的地铁站里,人潮涌动,人群像沉默无言的鱼,彼此清醒而机械地游动。四周时常有狡猾而戒备的神情,还有一张张不容易看出痛苦的脸。诗人站在这里“黑色枝条”般的地铁站里,情绪低落,身心疲惫。突然,诗人眼前一亮--一张张美丽的面孔出现在诗人面前……这些如“花瓣”般美好的面孔出现得太突然了,如同幽灵般神秘、飘忽,给诗人意外的惊喜,诗人的心境也因之豁然开朗,这些面孔仿佛温暖的阳光洒进了阴冷的地铁,融化了诗人冰封已久的心灵…… 这首短诗不仅在内容上,富于想象,在思想内涵上更耐人寻味。主要表现在以下两点: (一)“花瓣”不是在嫩绿的枝条上,而是在“湿漉漉的黑枝上”,花瓣的鲜艳与枝条的黑色形成反差,“花瓣”更显美丽,“黑枝”更令人反感。从中我们可以想象出,诗人对现代都市生活--纸醉金迷、物欲膨胀、人情冷漠的极端厌恶,以及对“真、善、美”的迫切渴求,对一切积极向上,充满生机的美好事物的憧憬,这两种情感在“花瓣”与“黑枝”的对比反差衬托下,更显强烈。
2023-06-10 23:41:501


my father
2023-06-10 23:42:083

在一个地铁车站 庞德原文

在一个地铁车站文/ 庞德(美国)庞德(Ezra Pound)原文:In a Station of the MetroThe apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough.诸种译文:1.在地铁站人潮中这些面容的忽现;湿巴巴的黑树丫上的花瓣。(罗池)
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2023-06-10 23:42:554


圣诞节单词如下:A:angel 天使, artificial tree 人造树。B:bells 钟,birth 出生,blizzard 暴风雪,boots 靴子,bough 树干,bow 弓,box 盒子,箱子。C:candle 蜡烛,candy 糖,cap 帽子,card 卡片,carolers 圣诞颂歌,caroling 唱圣诞颂歌,carols 颂歌,celebrate 庆祝(动词),celebration 庆祝(名词),ceremony 仪式。charity 慈善,慈善机构,chestnuts 栗子,chimney 烟囱,Christmas 圣诞,Christmas card 圣诞卡片,Christmas carol 圣诞颂歌,Christmas Eve 平安夜,Christmastide 圣诞节节期,从圣诞夜到元旦的假期时间,在英国一直到1月6日,Christmas tree 圣诞树,Christmas tree stand 圣诞树支架,cider 苹果酒,coal 煤炭,cookie 饼干。D:decorate 装扮,装饰(动词),decorations 装扮,装饰(名词),display 展示。E:eggnog 蛋酒,eggnog latte 蛋酒拿铁,elf 小精灵,elves 小精灵复数,eve 前夕,evergreen 常绿树,常绿的,exchange 交换。F:family 家庭,family reunion 家庭欢聚,Father Christmas 圣诞老人,feast 节日,Feliz Navidad 圣诞快乐,这个是西班牙语,一起了解。,festival 节日,fir 枞木,就是圣诞树,fireplace 壁炉,firewood 柴,frankincense 乳香,是从树上提炼的一种有甜味的树脂.,frosty 冷冰冰的,fruitcake 水果蛋糕。G:garland 花环,gift 礼物,gift-giving 赠送礼物,gingerbread 姜饼,gingerbread house 姜饼屋,gingerbread man 姜饼人,gingerbread woman 姜饼女人,goodwill 善意,友好,greetings 招呼,guest 客人。H:happy 快乐,holiday 假日,holly 冬青,hot chocolate 热巧克力,hot cider 热苹果酒,hug 拥抱。I:ice skates 滑冰,icicle 冰柱,icy 冰的,ivy 常春藤。
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2023-06-10 23:39:533


I always confuse Australia with Austria
2023-06-10 23:40:075


问题一:混淆用英语怎么说 混淆 confusion,mix up,confuse 问题二:把...和...混淆 用英语怎么说 mistake sth with sth 问题三:我把和他混淆 用英文怎么说 把我和他混淆 People have mistaken me for h珐m. mistake A for B.----把A当成B了 问题四:肯定是弄混了,用英语怎么说? It must have been a mistake. They must have made a mistake. A mistake must have occurred. 问题五:1 把..区分开。 2把..弄混淆 3 免除 4 盯着 用英语怎么说 1distinguish A with B 2confuse A with B 3to excuse (from) 4stare at 问题六:请教高手英文翻译中几个混淆的地方 1第一个我没看懂= = 你内俩词儿是什么啊?? 不过 Please see the list as below和 Please see the list below 都对 The list is as below 不对的 在这里below是要直接加在名词之后 2 attached 是动词的过去时或者被动语态, 不能加the的 而且也不能当名词来用。 而attachment 是名词所以才是 see the attachment 3 第一个是正确的 如果你把这整句话简化的话 就变成了 pls be noted the deadline is today. 但是第二个就变成了 pls be noted the project is today. 你需要的是deadline 为主语 而不是 project. 如果还有不明白的接着问哈 = = 纯手打地~ 问题七:把某人和某人弄混了用英语怎么说? take a and b for mistake 问题八:请问:“混”用英文怎么说??????超急求答案!!!!!!!! pound mix, 最常用. confuse.
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2023-06-10 23:40:231

词语辨析 puzzle confuse perplex confound bewilder英文解释

您好,我是这么区分的dumbfound 因为dumb有“傻的,木讷的”这一意思,所以牛津给予解释“惊呆了”confuse中fuse有混合之意,所以表示因为混淆而困惑perplex与complex都有plex后缀,所以是因复杂难懂而困惑bewiler后半部分含有变形的wild,wild有盲目的,野性的这一含义,所以理解为“因困惑而糊涂,以至于无法思考。baffle语气最为强烈,因困惑而被难住,含有s生气的意味eg:I"m baffle as to why she hasn"t called.(牛津例句)谢谢
2023-06-10 23:40:292


基本4个选择,如下:1、 TelstraTelstra是澳大利亚最大的电讯公司,是澳大利亚联邦拥有的唯一一个国有企业,其历史可以追溯至1901年。Telstra业务横跨有线通信、 无线通信、ADSL、卫星、CDMA和GSM数字移动网络等,是澳大利亚领先的因特网服务供应商。它是世界第13大电信公司,也是亚太地区最有实力的电信 运营商之一。它提供的宽带服务包括无线宽带,pre-paid无线宽带,电缆宽带,ADSL和ADSL2+等宽带。2、  Yes OptusOptus创立于1981年,是澳大利亚第二大电信公司,它既拥有自己的网络,也使用其他网络提供商所提供的网络,比如Telstra.Optus提供的服务包括有电话通讯,宽带,无线或拨号上网等。3、  DoDoDodo是澳大利亚着名的网络供应商,一直致力于为澳洲客户提供优质的宽带接入、移动通讯、固定电话等服务。它提供的宽带服务包括ADSL,Naked ADSL2+,Mobile Wireless Broadband等。4、  TPGTPG是澳大利亚的一家主要的因特网服务提供商以及IT公司,隶属于SP Telemedia.在过去的20年以来,TPG成为澳大利亚最大的因特网服务提供商之一。最近几年,TPG公司着手于在澳大利亚范围内建设自己的 ADSL2+宽带网络,采用的是线路共享技术。他们可提供拨号服务和ADSL, ADSL2+ and SHDSL连接等服务。TPG需要用Teltra的线路,没有捆绑服务, 随便你用什么电话,他们就开通宽带而已。ADSL2+,50G的流量,很稳定,下载 800k/s ,一个月70澳币左右,但是如果使用人少的话,分摊后的价格还是比较贵的。
2023-06-10 23:40:291

confuse disarrange mix 区别

mix 混合 一般指的是把某些物体混合在一起 用于实物 disarrange 是打乱 扰乱的意思,可以用于实物也可以用于人 confuse 只能用于表达使某人糊涂的意思 不能用于物体
2023-06-10 23:40:351

confuse chaos disorder的区别?

2023-06-10 23:40:421


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2023-06-10 23:38:471

动漫里哪个男主最帅 有木有人和我一样觉得会长大人是女仆里面的碓冰拓海最帅啊顶

2023-06-10 23:38:176


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目前距离F1最近的女性车手Susie Wolff宣布离开赛车界让车坛感到相当惋惜,在Susie Wolff之前曾有五位女性车手曾坐上F1驾驶座成为正式车手,在此为各位一一介绍这五位曾在F1赛场奋战的女性车手们。 Maria Teresa de Filippis(1926.11.11-2016.01.08) 曾在1958年与1959年出赛,出生于意大利拿坡里的Maria Teresa de Filippis是F1史上第一位有出赛纪录的女性车手,Teresa在二战后的1948年正式展开她的赛车生涯,在1954年以年度亚军结束意大利跑车锦标赛后,Maserati决定和时年28岁的Teresa签约。 和Maserati签约后的Teresa参与了越野赛与耐久赛等等各式各样的赛车活动后,她终于在1958年的摩纳哥大奖赛获得了首次参赛的机会,但很可惜的是她未通过排位赛的考验(注1);不过Teresa在之后的比利时大奖赛成功跑进正赛并拿下第十,成为了F1第一位,也是唯二有完 赛纪录 的女性车手。 注1:F1大老Bernie Ecclestone也曾参与本站赛事,同样没通过排位赛的考验。 之后Teresa曾参与过1958年的葡萄牙、意 大利 与1959年的摩纳哥站,但很可惜的皆以退赛或未通过排位赛收场,并于1959年赛季结束后因众多好友于赛事中意外身亡的打击而决定退休。 退休后的Teresa曾任F1退役车手俱乐部副理事长与Maserati名誉主席,虽然她在F1并没有显赫的战绩,但她无庸置疑是赛车运动的女性先驱。 2016年1月8日,de Filippis以89岁高龄病逝,于本月退休的赛车手Alexander Wurz表示: 「我们在这天失去了一位赛车界的先驱。」 Lella Lombardi(1941.03.26-1992.03.03) 1941年出生于意大利皮埃蒙特(Piemonte)弗鲁加罗洛(Frugarolo)小镇的Lella Lombardi曾在1970年代初期参与F3与已消失的F5000赛事取得不错成绩并于1974年加入Brabham车队参与英国站赛事,但可惜未通过排位赛。 Lombardi也是F1史上唯一一位参与完整赛季的女性车手,1975年(电影《决战终点线》主角之一Niki Lauda拿下生涯首座年度冠军的那年)她转投March车队并在赛季最后一场曾为Williams车队跑过一场比赛,其中西班牙站的结果让她被永载在F1史册当中:虽然该场比赛因严重意外而提早结束,但Lombardi以第六名的成绩完赛—即使因为赛程未完成四分之三依规定积分需减半计算(注2) —这0.5分的积分成为了女性车手在F1至今为止唯一一次的积分纪录。 注2:依照1975年的积分规定,前六名可依须获得9、6、4、3、2、1分,并取前8站中的7站,后6站中的5站的较佳成绩统计年度积分。 Lombardi之后于1977年转战美国NASCAR与其它赛事,并在利曼大赛中有四次完 赛纪录 ,最后于1988年退休。1992年3月3日,Lombardi因癌症病逝于米兰,享年50岁。 Divina Galica(1944.08.13-) 来自英国哈特福郡(Hertfordshire)的Galica以冬季运动高手闻名世界:她曾于1964-1972年间与1992年四度参与冬季奥运,在2007年之前为英国高山滑雪女性速度纪录保持人,这项纪录让她获得「速度女王」的称号。 Galica在一次名人邀请赛中展现了她的赛车天赋,之后她在卡丁车、跑车系列赛、初阶方程式系列赛与F2中都有出赛纪录,1976年藉由英国国际八组系列赛(British Shellsport International Group 8 series,后称英国F1系列赛)的一次测试当中获得了在英国站代表Surtees车队出赛的机会。当时Galica选择了西方人最忌讳的13号当作个人车号,成为了F1自1963年以来第一位以13号作为个人车号的车手(注3)。 注3:F1于1996年起强制规定车队须以排名为车号依据,当时就将13号列为空号,因此第七名之后的车队是从14号开始使用(之前只硬性规定冠军车队必须用1号与2号)。2014年重启个人车号制度后,Lotus车手Pastor Maldonado选择了13号当作个人车号,原因是因为个人喜欢这个车号,Maldonado也表示13在委内瑞拉并非不幸运的号码。 不过很可惜的13号并没带给Galica好运,她生涯参与的三场赛事都在排位赛就被刷下来后就重回英国F1系列赛及其它赛事。之后Galica曾在美国乔治亚州的Skip Barber赛车学校担任教官与副校长,2005年于赛车模拟系统开发商iRacing.com担任开发总监。 Desiré Wilson(1953.11.26-) 出生于南非约翰尼斯堡市郊小镇布拉克潘(Brakpan)的Desiré Wilson是史上最有成就的女赛车手之一,他是史上唯一同时拥有美国CART、IndyCar系列赛与FIA超级驾照的女性赛车手。Wilson于1967年正式开始赛车生涯,1972年开始参加南非当地的低阶方程式赛车并在1975与76两年拿下南非福特方程式冠军,让她有了转战欧洲的机会。 Wilson在1978年与Mario Deliotti车队签约正式进军英国F1系列赛,于78、79两年分别拿下年度第十与第七的成绩。1980年是Wilson赛车生涯最巅峰的一年:除了拿下布兰兹哈奇1000公里耐久赛(Brands Hatch 1000km)的冠军外,还拿下蒙札1000公里(Monza 1000km)与银石六小时( Silverstone 6 Hours)两大耐久赛的冠军,而英国F1系列赛布兰兹哈奇站的冠军更让她成为史上首位在F1层级拿下单站冠军的女车手。 Wilson的成就引起了RAM车队老板John Macdonald的注意而邀请她参加私人测试会,虽然驾驶的是1979年规格的Williams FW07,但她仍获得了参加F1英国站的机会。不过在排位赛中她的赛车被更换为规格更差的赛车,也让她生涯唯一一场F1世界锦标赛赛事以未通过排位赛收场。 Giovanna Amati(1959.6.20-) 来自意大利罗马的Giovanna Amati是目前最后一位曾参与F1赛事的女性车手,但她的经历就没有前面四位前辈这么显赫了;虽然Amati曾参与过曾为F1次一级的F3000赛事,不过她的最佳成绩仅有在1991年的萨特(Sarthe)站拿过第七,大部分的赛事不是退赛就是未通过排位赛,1991年赛季结束后,她为Benetton车队担任测试车手跑了30圈。 1992年1月,Brabham车队与Amati签下正式车手合约,Amati能够踏入F1可说是巧合:原先Brabham车队属意的日本车手中谷明彦因FIA不承认日本F3000的成绩纪录而无法取得超级驾照,Amati的加盟为车队赚到了不少曝光率。 想当然尔,只有30圈测试经验的Amati无法为车队带来好成绩:她的三场出赛都无法通过排位赛的107%关卡,而且皆比竿位车手慢大约十秒,因此她在第三站巴西站后就遭到解雇,空缺由1996年在Williams车队拿到年度车手冠军的Damon Hill取代。 离开F1的Amati转战Ferrari 355挑战赛等等跑车赛事,目前为意大利当地的赛车杂志编写专栏与担任电视车评。 近年来最接近F1赛事的女性车手们 在Susie Wolff于2012年与Williams车队签下测试车手合约时,另一位西班牙籍女车手María de Villota也与Marussia车队签下测试车手合约。但可惜的是Villota在当年7月3日于杜斯福德(Duxford)的测试中遭遇足以致命的严重事故,虽然在紧急抢救后捡回一条命,但Villota的头部因而受到重创,同时失去了她的右眼、嗅觉与味觉并长期受头痛困扰,让她不得不离开她最爱的赛车运动。 劫后余生的Villota致力于赛车运动安全的推广与研究,并表示如果有机会她仍会重返驾驶座,但在事故后一年的2013年10月11日Villota仍不敌伤势后遗症于西班牙赛维尔(Seville)过世,得年33岁。 另外Sauber车队于2014年与IndyCar系列赛车手,目前转战电动方程式的Simona de Silvestro签下测试车手合约,但Sauber车队已确定今年赛季结束后将不再和Silvestro续约;因此目前仍在F1奋斗的女车手仅剩于2015年2月与Lotus车队签下储备车手合约的GP3系列赛车手Carmen Jordá,希望我们能再看到有女性车手在F1赛场上奔驰的一天。
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2023-06-10 23:38:021

ode to west wind的讲解资料

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: Notes to "Ode to the West Wind" Notes by Li, Jie for EN641, Spring 96; HTML markup by Elizabeth Fay, May 1, 1996 **"Ode to the West Wind" is one of Shelley"s best known lyrics. The poet describes vividly the activities of the west wind on the earth, in the sky and on the sea, and then expresses his envy for the boundless freedom of the west wind, and his wish to be free like the wind and to scatter his words among mankind. The ode is a lyric poem of some length, dealing with a lofty theme in a dignified manner and originally intended to be sung. The English odes are generally of three types: (1) the Pindaric ode, following the pattern originated by the ancient Greek poet Pindar, (2) the Cowley-style ode, named after Abraham Cowley, an English poet of the 17th century, and (3) the Horatian ode, named after the ancient Roman poet Horace. Shelley"s "Ode to the West Wind" is of the Horatian type, i.e., with stanzas of uniform length and arrangement. Here Shelley employed the "terza rima," an Italian measure first used by Dante in his well-known poem La Divina Commedia. Here we find a variant of the original Italian pattern: five 14-lined stanzas of iambic pentameter, each ofthe stanzas containing four tercets and a closing couplet. The rime scheme is aba, bcb, cdc, ded, ee. "chariotest"--"est" is here added to the verb stem "chariot" to indicate the second person singular, after the subject "thou." "thine azure sister of the Spring"--referring here to the east wind. "Destroyer and Preserver"--the west wind is considered the "Destroyer," for driving the last sings of life from the trees; it is considered the "Preserver" for scattering the seeds which will e to life in the spring. "shook"--used for "shaken," an archai *** . "the tangled boughs of Heaven and Ocean"--The line beeen the sky and the stormy sea is indistinguishable, the whole space from the horizon to the zenith being covered with trialing storm clouds. "Angels of rain and lightening"--The "angels" refer here to the "clouds," the messengers of rain and lightning. "Maenad"--a very frenzied woman in Greek mythology, a priestess of Bacchus, the God of Wine. "The locks of the approaching storm"--referring here to the clouds. "Thou dirge/ Of the dying year"==referring to the west wind. "from whose solid atmosphere"--"Whose" here refers to "vapours." "where he lay"--"he" here refers to the Mediterranean. "coil"--referring here to the noise of the tide. "Pumice Isle"--the name of an isle near Naples, Italy, which is formed by deposits of lava from Vesuvius, a volcano nearby. "Baiae"s bay"--a favourite resort of the ancient Romans on the coast of Campania, at the western end of the Bay of Naples. "intenser day"--The translucency of the water is more intense than the dazzling daylight above its surface. "Day" here refers to "daylight." "So sweet, the sense faints picturing them"--so sweet that one feels faint in describing them. "the Atlantic"s level powers"--the waves of the Atlantic Ocean moving on its flat surface. "The sea-blooms and the oozy woods which wear/ The sapless foliage of the ocean, know/ Thy voice, and suddently grow gray with fear,/ And tremble and despoil themselves"-- The plants at the bottom of the ocean, the rivers and the lakes also fall under the influence of the west wind which announces the change of the season. "thy skiey speed"--thy airy and ethereal speed ("skiey," poetical, variant of "skyey," meaning: of the sky, ethereal). "as thus with thee in prayer in my sore need"--praying to you, in my great need, in this way (the o lines below are the poet"s prayer to the west wind). "One too like thee"--referring to Shelley himself. "The tumult of thy mighty harmonies/ Will take from both a deep, autumnal tone"--The tumult of thy might harmonies will take a deep auntumnal tone from both my depressed feelings and the falling leaves.
2023-06-10 23:37:551