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2023-06-11 09:54:08
TAG: bother


双语例句:Since the number is so large, I decided to not bother finding a more-accurate value, since it wouldn"t make too much of a difference.由于数量是如此巨大,我决定不再找出更准确的值,因为他不会造成太多的不同。

Mark, Oh, dear, how should I bother you! Do you know how much I love you!马克;哦,亲爱的,我怎么会烦你呢!你知道我多么爱你啊。

This did not seem to bother Beijing residents, who say the Lunar New Year is their traditional time to celebrate with fireworks.尽管如此,北京市民似乎并没有受到影响,他们说,阴历新年才是他们用焰火欢庆的传统日子。

Do not bother trying to improve something if it is already working satisfactorily.如果是工作已经圆满完成就不要再设法改善些。



1.Since the number is so large, I decided to not bother finding a more-accurate value, since it wouldn"t make too much of a difference.由于数量是如此巨大,我决定不再找出更准确的值,因为他不会造成太多的不同。

2.Mark, Oh, dear, how should I bother you! Do you know how much I love you!马克;哦,亲爱的,我怎么会烦你呢!你知道我多么爱你啊。

3.This did not seem to bother Beijing residents, who say the Lunar New Year is their traditional time to celebrate with fireworks.尽管如此,北京市民似乎并没有受到影响,他们说,阴历新年才是他们用焰火欢庆的传统日子。

4.Do not bother trying to improve something if it is already working satisfactorily.如果是工作已经圆满完成就不要再设法改善一些。

5.When she went into Heath"s office to tell him her decision, he did not even bother to look up. "You"ll lose, " he said. "Good day to you. "当她走进希思办公室告诉他她的决定时,希思甚至连头都没抬。“你肯定会输,”希思说。“祝你好运。”

6.I wonder if you could help me Look, I"m sorry to bother you, but . . . There"s something you could help me with . . . I hate . . .委婉抱怨不知你是否能够帮助我一下很抱歉,打扰了,我想……有点事情想请你帮个忙…真不好意思,只是。

7.Almost every week now there seems to be a report suggesting that we are all being driven crazy by the bother of email.几乎现在每周都会有一个报告说明我们被骚扰邮件弄的快发疯。

8.The lack of alcohol has not seemed to bother anyone, and Ms. Chang said there had been no requests for it so far.似乎没有人介意没有酒水这一问题,张女士说到目前为止还没有收到要酒水的要求。

9.It doesn"t bother me one drop to tell the world just how much I love my wife.我绝对不会因为告诉全世界我有多么爱自己的妻子而感到丝毫的难堪。


bother to do还是bother doing?

bother to do 跟bother doing的区别为:一、指代不同1、bother to do:费心去做。2、bother doing:花费时间精力。二、侧重点不同1、bother to do:以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语。2、bother doing:以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。三、引证用法不同1、bother to do:bother的基本意思是“打扰”“搅扰”,指使人受到烦扰或在精神上烦恼; 尤指把某人弄得焦急不安,心烦意乱,心情不能平静或专一,在句中多半用于否定结构。2、bother doing:bother可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。表示“某事或某人使某人操心或焦急”时以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语;表示“为某事而操心或焦急”时以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。
2023-06-11 02:09:271


2023-06-11 02:09:472


bore 令自己厌烦bother 受别人打扰
2023-06-11 02:10:192

my best bother什么意思?

2023-06-11 02:10:296


1、bother,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“麻烦;烦恼”,作及物动词时意为“烦扰,打扰;使……不安;使……恼怒”,作不及物动词时意为“操心,麻烦;烦恼”。2、例句:I tell them not to bother.我告诉他们不用为此烦恼。
2023-06-11 02:10:571

bother doing和bother to do的区别是什么?

bother to do 跟bother doing的区别为:一、指代不同1、bother to do:费心去做。2、bother doing:花费时间精力。二、侧重点不同1、bother to do:以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语。2、bother doing:以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。三、引证用法不同1、bother to do:bother的基本意思是“打扰”“搅扰”,指使人受到烦扰或在精神上烦恼; 尤指把某人弄得焦急不安,心烦意乱,心情不能平静或专一,在句中多半用于否定结构。2、bother doing:bother可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。表示“某事或某人使某人操心或焦急”时以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语;表示“为某事而操心或焦急”时以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。
2023-06-11 02:11:191

I am sorry to trouble/bother you,哪个是正规的说法

bother 常用于主动和被动两种形式中.用于被动时,bother指常受到时有时无的小事的烦扰.用于主动时,bother带有故意打扰他人的意思.If you return me the book,I will stop bothering you.你归还我的书后,我就不打扰你了.trouble主要用于被动,指被某事搞得心神不宁.trouble比较正式,指麻烦别人一件事而影响他人舒适、方便、效率、健康或心境的平静等.May I trouble you for the book?麻烦您把书递给我好吗?
2023-06-11 02:11:491

bother todo和bother doing的用法有什么区别?

bother to do 跟bother doing的区别为:一、指代不同1、bother to do:费心去做。2、bother doing:花费时间精力。二、侧重点不同1、bother to do:以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语。2、bother doing:以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。三、引证用法不同1、bother to do:bother的基本意思是“打扰”“搅扰”,指使人受到烦扰或在精神上烦恼; 尤指把某人弄得焦急不安,心烦意乱,心情不能平静或专一,在句中多半用于否定结构。2、bother doing:bother可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。表示“某事或某人使某人操心或焦急”时以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语;表示“为某事而操心或焦急”时以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。
2023-06-11 02:11:571

bother to do跟bother doing有何区别?

bother to do 跟bother doing的区别为:一、指代不同1、bother to do:费心去做。2、bother doing:花费时间精力。二、侧重点不同1、bother to do:以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语。2、bother doing:以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。三、引证用法不同1、bother to do:bother的基本意思是“打扰”“搅扰”,指使人受到烦扰或在精神上烦恼; 尤指把某人弄得焦急不安,心烦意乱,心情不能平静或专一,在句中多半用于否定结构。2、bother doing:bother可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。表示“某事或某人使某人操心或焦急”时以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语;表示“为某事而操心或焦急”时以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。
2023-06-11 02:12:271

bother to do跟bother doing的区别是什么

bother to do 跟bother doing的区别为:一、指代不同1、bother to do:费心去做。2、bother doing:花费时间精力。二、侧重点不同1、bother to do:以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语。2、bother doing:以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。三、引证用法不同1、bother to do:bother的基本意思是“打扰”“搅扰”,指使人受到烦扰或在精神上烦恼; 尤指把某人弄得焦急不安,心烦意乱,心情不能平静或专一,在句中多半用于否定结构。2、bother doing:bother可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。表示“某事或某人使某人操心或焦急”时以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语;表示“为某事而操心或焦急”时以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。
2023-06-11 02:12:451

bother todo还是doing?

bother to do 跟bother doing的区别为:一、指代不同1、bother to do:费心去做。2、bother doing:花费时间精力。二、侧重点不同1、bother to do:以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语。2、bother doing:以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。三、引证用法不同1、bother to do:bother的基本意思是“打扰”“搅扰”,指使人受到烦扰或在精神上烦恼; 尤指把某人弄得焦急不安,心烦意乱,心情不能平静或专一,在句中多半用于否定结构。2、bother doing:bother可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。表示“某事或某人使某人操心或焦急”时以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语;表示“为某事而操心或焦急”时以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。
2023-06-11 02:13:141

bother to do的翻译

bother to do 跟bother doing的区别为:一、指代不同1、bother to do:费心去做。2、bother doing:花费时间精力。二、侧重点不同1、bother to do:以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语。2、bother doing:以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。三、引证用法不同1、bother to do:bother的基本意思是“打扰”“搅扰”,指使人受到烦扰或在精神上烦恼; 尤指把某人弄得焦急不安,心烦意乱,心情不能平静或专一,在句中多半用于否定结构。2、bother doing:bother可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。表示“某事或某人使某人操心或焦急”时以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语;表示“为某事而操心或焦急”时以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。
2023-06-11 02:13:311


一般的名词是没有反义词的哦。如果非要给brother弄一个反义词,可能是sister吧。这不是反义词,只是对应词。类似father mother希望对你有帮助。
2023-06-11 02:13:501

bother sb. about sth.和bother sb with sth的使用有什么不同? 请各举2句例句,谢谢!

karma karmas(Hinduism and Buddhism) the effects of a person"s actions that determine his destiny in his next incarnation(Hinduism and Buddhism) the effects of a person"s actions that determine his destiny in hisnext incarnation(hypernym) destiny, fate(classification) Hinduism, Hindooismkarma karmas Noun(Hinduism and Buddhism) the effects of a person"s actions that determine his destiny in his next incarnationtableland tablelands Nouna relatively flat highland(synonym) plateau(hypernym) highland, uplandhyponym) Ardennes(Hinduism and Buddhism) the effects of a person"s actions that determine his destiny in hnext incarnation(hypernym) destiny, fate(classification) Hinduism, Hindooism
2023-06-11 02:14:113


bore是无聊的意思I"m bored。 我感觉无聊,无事可干。bother 打扰,干扰Don"t bother me! 别来打扰我!
2023-06-11 02:14:261

I am sorry to trouble/bother you,哪个是正规的说法

I am sorry to bother you, 是正规说法,比较正式
2023-06-11 02:14:355


句子意思应该是他不会费心去告诉你事情的细节。而不是他会不厌其烦的说事情的来龙去脉.bother to do 是花心思/操心去做某事. 你问的这样表达是指什么?
2023-06-11 02:15:002

bother to do和doing可替换吗

2023-06-11 02:15:081

bother interrupt有什么区别

bother: suggests bewildering or upsetting interferece with comfort or peace of mind (e.g.that discrepancy bothers me) interrupt: suggests breaking the continuity or uniformity (e.g.The baby interrupted me while I was on the phone.)
2023-06-11 02:15:163

as dull as ditch-water是什么意思

As dull as ditch-water :枯燥无味ditch-water :沟水dull : 枯燥直译:像沟水一样无聊
2023-06-11 02:08:521

"协奏曲" "交响曲" "奏鸣曲" "重奏" 的定义是什么?

分类: 文化/艺术 >> 器乐/声乐 问题描述: 怎样才可以分辨这些..啊? 他们都是什么意思呢?什么样的,才算是"协奏曲""交响曲""奏鸣曲""重奏"呢? 解析: 交响曲是通过综合运用并挖掘各种乐器性能及表现力,来塑造音乐形象,体现作曲家内心情感和思想理念的大型器乐套曲形式。由交响乐队演奏,它实质上是交响乐队的“奏鸣曲”,但比奏鸣曲更富于表现力、更加富于恢宏的气势。 交响曲是音乐发展史上举足轻重的音乐形式。“symphony”一词源于古希腊,意为“共响”。早期的交响曲由17世纪末意大利式歌剧序曲演变而来,序曲“快板——慢板——快板”的结构形式为交响曲的套曲形式打下了基础。序曲性质的交响曲在18世纪逐渐脱离歌剧,吸收其他器乐曲的因素,发展成为独立的有3个乐章的器乐体裁,依然属于小型乐队或器乐重奏的作品;后经海顿、莫扎特的大量创作实践,最终确立了规范的交响曲式,即古典交响曲。它包括有4个乐章:第一乐章,快板,奏鸣曲式;第二乐章,慢板(或稍慢),节略的奏鸣曲式、三段式、复三段式、变奏曲式,具有抒情性;第三乐章,快板(或稍快),小步舞曲;第四乐章,快板(或急板),回旋曲式、奏鸣回旋曲式等。此外,交响曲整体的调性布局、和声结构、各乐章间的对比与平衡、乐队中乐器的组合与规模等均得到规范化而基本定型。 交响曲在贝多芬手下则被发挥到极至,乐曲的展开部与尾声得到扩大,主题对比强烈,和声富于动力性,第三乐章以谐谑曲取代小步舞曲等,都是贝多芬深化交响曲体裁的具体体现。他的《第三交响曲》使交响曲进入19世纪浪漫主义交响曲的新阶段。 19世纪浪漫主义交响曲的最大特征是个性突出,因而也决定此时期的交响曲在不同的作曲家笔下,无论内容、形式、技巧有着不同的创新,出现了以歌唱性旋律取胜的抒情交响曲——奥地利作曲家舒伯特的《未完成交响曲》、标题交响曲——法国作曲家柏辽兹的《幻想交响曲》等,还产生了新的交响乐体裁“交响诗”。同时各国的民族交响曲也兴起,俄国的里姆斯基-科萨科夫、柴科夫斯基,捷克的德沃夏克,芬兰的西贝柳斯等都作有具浓郁民族风格的交响曲。此时期的交响曲,其乐章数目有多有少,不局限在4个乐章,乐队编制上有时也有变化。家喻户晓的交响曲主要有奥地利作曲家海顿的《第四十五交响曲》(告别)、《第九十四交响曲》(惊愕)、《第101交响曲》(时钟),莫扎特的《第四十交响曲》、《第四十一交响曲》(朱庇特),德国作曲家贝多芬的《第三交响曲》(英雄)、《第五交响曲》(命运)、《第六交响曲》(田园)、 《第九交响曲》(合唱),等等。 ========================= Sonata意大利文声响的意思,有别于歌唱的声音。奏鸣曲是一种专为某种乐器而写的音乐。除了钢琴奏鸣曲以外,大多数的奏鸣曲都有钢琴伴奏,但也有巴罗克时期的三重奏鸣曲(Trio Sonata)是为三件乐器而写的(其实是四人合奏的,但伴奏者不算在内)。Rondo:回旋曲古典时期一种节奏轻快的曲式。其中的主要乐段会与其他乐段轮替出现。回旋曲大多出现于协奏曲或奏鸣曲的终结乐章,但也会独立乐曲的形式出现。 =============== 协奏曲( concerto)在古典音乐作品里占有相当多的地位,此者通常在一般管弦乐演奏会的第二部分,是由一名或数名演奏家独奏,乐团作为伴奏,之前提到:作为一位独奏者他在一首曲子所扮演着重要角色,显现出这首乐曲的价值所在。从十七世纪末<协奏曲>的演奏方式转变成一小部分弦乐器作为主奏(称为concertant,soli),乐团其他成员作为伴奏(ripieno)的演奏方式为大家所接受,通常乐团的大小及主奏乐器都是随着演奏乐曲而改变,并没有一定的限制。 ==================== 重奏是器乐演奏形式之一。两个或两个以上演奏者,各奏自己所担任的声部,同时演奏同一乐曲,达到非常和谐、协调、完美、动听的效果。重奏属于室内乐范围,即在房间内演奏的音乐,音量不太大,但非常复杂、细腻、深刻和严谨。重奏还可按人数分为二重奏、三重奏、四重奏、五重奏、六重奏等。由四个同类乐器组成的四重奏占主要地位。如由第一、第二小提琴、中提琴与大提琴四种弓弦乐器组成的弦乐四重奏。或由长笛、单簧管、双簧管和大管四件木管乐器组成的木管四重奏等。凡三件或四件弓弦乐器或管乐器再加钢琴重奏者,通称“钢琴四重奏”或“钢琴五重奏”。
2023-06-11 02:08:561


技嘉的好 性价比出色
2023-06-11 02:08:585

ditch play是什么意思

The father is helping his son to get rid of (ditch) someone by telling the boy to go inside and help his mother. This is what is being called a "ditch play" or ploy.Answer from
2023-06-11 02:08:591


与放弃相关的托福词汇:   relinquish放弃;弃绝(习惯等)   abandon放弃;遗弃,抛弃   forgo弃绝,抛弃,放弃   scrap废弃,抛弃   dump丢弃,摆脱   ditch抛弃;把…舍弃于困境中   waive不坚持要求,放弃   wimp因胆小而放弃(out)   abjure发誓弃绝   abdicate正式放弃(权利、责任);退位   abnegate放弃(权利、要求);交出(权力)   forsake遗弃,抛弃;   discard丢弃;   jilt抛弃(情人);   renounce声明放弃,抛弃;   cede割让(领土);   yield让出,放弃;   give up放弃;   back down放弃原有主张;   abstain from voting弃权;   withdraw撤退;   resign辞职;   cast away扔掉;   maroon把...放逐到孤岛;
2023-06-11 02:09:051


2023-06-11 02:09:075


流水用的 比如红旗渠···
2023-06-11 02:09:132


分类: 电脑/网络 >> 硬件 解析: 多了主要说下显卡的 其实华硕 MSI 和GA都是板卡大长 ● ABIT Computer (USA) Corporation美国升技,总部在台湾。 ● Albatron青云,总部在台湾。 ● AOpen, Inc.建基,总部在台湾。 ● ASUS Computer International华硕,总部在台湾。● BFG Technologies, Inc.总部在美国。 ● BIOSTAR U.S.A. BMA INDUSTRIAL INC.美国映泰,总部在台湾。 ● Chaintech承启,总部在台湾。 ● eVGA Corporation,总部在美国。 ● Gainward耕升,总部在台湾。现被同德收购,但欧洲耕升未有变化仍照常运作。 ● Geminan International LTD,总部在香港,大陆子品牌为富彩。 ● Gigabyte Technology Co.LTD技嘉,总部在台湾。 ● Jaton捷登,总部在台湾。 ● Leadtek Research, Inc.丽台,总部在台湾,是NVIDIA指定的亚洲地区唯一制造Quadro图形专业卡的生产商。现被鸿海收购,丽台现在只负责技术研发,至于民用的GeForce系列显卡则由鸿海代工。 ● MSI Computer (A Micro-Star International Company)微星,总部在台湾。 ● Palit Microsystems, Inc同德,总部在台湾。 ● PNY Technologies,总部在美国,是nVIDIA指定的欧美地区唯一制造Quadro图形专业卡的生产商。 ● Point of View,总部在荷兰。 ● Prolink Computer, Inc.宝联,总部在台湾。 ● XFX Technologies, Inc. (A Division of Pine) 讯景,松景的子公司,总部在香港。 ATI卡官方认证最高级别合作伙伴(AIB) ● ASUS华硕,总部在台湾。 ● Club 3D,总部在荷兰。 ● Connect3D,总部在德国。 ● GECUBE精星,总部在台湾,技嘉控股。 ● GIGABYTE技嘉,总部在台湾。 ● HIS基恩资讯,总部在香港。 ● MSI微星,总部在台湾。 ● PALIT同德,总部在台湾。 ● SAPPHIRE蓝宝石,总部在香港,柏能PC Partner的子公司,同时为ATI原厂显卡代工。 ● TUL撼讯,总部在台湾,子品牌为PowerColor,为迪兰恒进代工。撼讯现被鸿海收购。
2023-06-11 02:09:141


NV卡按出货量分核心AIC(19家),AIC。 XFX Technologies, Inc. (A Division of Pine) 讯景,松景的子公司,总部在香港。 [XFX讯景是NVIDIA全球最高级别合作伙伴,是唯一一家亚洲地区除台湾外的产品发布伙伴(Launch Partner)、方案提供商(Solution Provider)、认证供应商(Certified Vendor)以及认证分销商(Authorized Distributor)] ABIT Computer (USA) Corporation美国升技,总部在台湾。 Albatron青云,总部在台湾。 AOpen, Inc.建基,总部在台湾。 ASL (Cheer Ascent Technology Ltd.)翔升电子 ASUS Computer International华硕,总部在台湾。 BFG Technologies, Inc.总部在美国。 BIOSTAR U.S.A. BMA INDUSTRIAL INC.美国映泰,总部在台湾。 Chaintech承启,总部在台湾。 Espco Technology Holdings Ltd. 金鹰电子。 Corporation,总部在美国。 FORSA (Geniman International Limited) 富彩,总部香港。 Galaxy Technology (HK) Ltd. 香港影弛。 Gainward耕升,总部在台湾。现被同德收购,但欧洲耕升未有变化仍照常运作。 Gigabyte Technology Co.LTD技嘉,总部在台湾。 InnoVISION Multimedia Ltd.映众电子。 Jaton捷登,总部在台湾。 J&W (Shenzhen J&W Electronics Co., Ltd.)深圳杰微。 Leadtek Research, Inc.丽台,总部在台湾,是NVIDIA指定的亚洲地区唯一制造Quadro图形专业卡的生产商。现被鸿海收购,丽台现在只负责技术研发,至于民用的GeForce系列显卡则由鸿海代工。 MSI Computer (A Micro-Star International Company)微星,总部在台湾。 Palit Microsystems, Inc同德,总部在台湾。 PNY Technologies,总部在美国,是nVIDIA指定的欧美地区唯一制造Quadro图形专业卡的生产商。 Point of View,总部在荷兰。 Prolink Computer, Inc.宝联,总部在台湾。 Triple D international let 3D国际,总部设於香港,销售部门设於深圳。 XFX Technologies, Inc. (A Division of Pine) 讯景,松景的子公司,总部在香港。 ZOTAC Int"l (MCO) Limited (member PC Partner Group)索泰,是香港栢能科技公司集团成员。
2023-06-11 02:09:221


2023-06-11 02:09:241


电脑主板没有最好,只有最适合的,不同主板支持的处理器规格不同,根据不同处理器选择最适合的主板,以i7 4790k处理器为例,由于可以超倍频,搭载Z97主板就比较好,比较合适。Z97主板支持的处理器规格为:CPU平台:Intel;CPU类型:Core i7/Core i5/Core i3/Pentium/Celeron;CPU插槽:LGA 1150;支持CPU数量:1颗。支持超倍频。所以对于I7 4790k处理器而言,Z97主板最好。
2023-06-11 02:09:322


2023-06-11 02:09:332


2023-06-11 02:09:361

左边一个部子的左边 右边一个瓦字是什么字

2023-06-11 02:09:412


2023-06-11 02:09:442


富士康的隶属于我国中国台湾的鸿海集团,目前主板出货量已经位居世界第二,直追华硕——当然大多数是OEM和代工的。前两年曾经以“富本”的品牌进入大陆市场,但无疾而终,真正的自有品牌进入DIY市场才一年有余,目前接受度还不***,产品线也不太齐全,但相信凭借鸿海的实力完全可以做得更好。 其他:精英(ECS):出货量曾经一度超过华硕而坐上了头把交椅,但是近两年不幸被赶超,现在位列世界第三。与其它大厂不同的是,精英一向只走低价路线,主板做工用料平庸,超频能力几乎等于零,附件也都是最基本的。不过仅两年精英也力图改变,推出了***端的“EXTREME”系列主板,我们期待着精英更好的表现。 英特尔(INTEL):单凭这个名字,他的影响力绝对在华硕之上,但是完完全全是代工的,目前都是富士康制造,做工用料没的说,但是根本不能超频,附件也很少,为DIYER所不齿,比较适合家庭和企业使用。 青云(ALBATRON):由技嘉的一位***层另立门户而创建,自称“一线品质、二线价格”,也确实做到了,各方面都不亚于一线大厂,价格也更低廉,超频能力出众,目前名气还不太大。但我个人比较看好这个品牌,以他的实力完全可以进入一线厂商的行列。 映泰(BIOSTAR):也是世界级的主板大厂,不过近两年才进入DIY市场,虽然拥有“九大奇技”等特色技术,因此超频能力一般,同样比较适合家用和商用。 承启(CHAINTECH):同样是名门之秀,而且在DIY市场也很用心,产品线涵盖了***、中、低档,做工精良,超频方面也不错,但是市场渠道做的不太出色,近两年来在天津市场比较少见了。 建基(AOPEN):隶属于中国台湾宏基集团,非常有创意的一个厂商,曾经把真空管做到主板上,做工用料都很出色,超频能力也不错,但价格偏***,渠道不佳,在国内接受度不甚理想。 佰钰(ACROP):在OEM市场的出货量比较大,因此也能跻身世界前十,在DIY市场则很不如意,商标被抢注,销量受到很大影响。主板做工还不错,“主板大夫”值得称道,但超频能力平庸。 二线品牌之隐士一族: 之所以单独列出这几个品牌,是因为他们的实力都很强,但由于种种原因,不太容易在市场上见到: 艾威(IWILL):知名的服务器/工作站主板生产厂商,也推出了一些DIY主板,品质出众,但由于在DIY市场的经验不足,所以销量一直很小。 大众(FIC):主板业的老牌劲旅,在99年之前,一直是中国台湾三大的主板生产商之一,仅次于华硕和精英,但近几年逐渐走下坡路,目前我们只能看到大众的铁牌产品了。 丽台(LEADTEK):著名显卡生产厂商,是nVidia的最***级合作伙伴,近年来进军主板业,推出的主板也以nForce系列芯片组为主,做工豪华,不惜工本,但市场接受度不***。04年丽台被鸿海收购,发展前景比较乐观,但以后他的主板恐怕就要姓“富士康”了。 钻石(DFI):资深的主板制造商,LANPARTY系列堪称豪华,但由于渠道不善,目前我们只能见到由钻石代工的主板了,不过据报道钻石将在今年重回大陆市场,这对于广大DIYER来说绝对是个好消息。 梅捷(SOYO):是中国台湾第一家自有品牌的主板,在奔二时代,梅捷的知名度并不亚于华硕等一线品牌。但后来梅捷的大陆分公司不幸出现亏损,不得已在2001年底退出大陆市场,虽然在03年底又重回大陆,但整个市场已经被瓜分殆尽,梅捷能否东山再起还是个未知数。 新泰(SYNTAX):一个来自美国加州的主板品牌,据称在欧美有很***的口碑,主板做工看起来还可以,不过能否在我国中国台湾的主板列强中间杀出一条血路呢?让我们拭目以待。 威胜(VIA):威胜本来只是芯片设计厂商,推出自有品牌的主板完全是市场竞争的结果。最初威胜设计的P4芯片组并未得到INTEL的授权,各大主板厂商迫于INTEL的淫威都不敢生产基于VIA芯片组的P4主板,在这种情况下威胜不得不自己做主板,实际上由其他厂商代工,做工用料都不错,价格也很有优势,随着后来威胜与INTEL达成和解,这个品牌随之淡出了市场。
2023-06-11 02:09:481


2023-06-11 02:08:493

比较巴洛克时期的Concerto Grosso & The Solo Concerto 主要的分别[英文回答]10分

更新1: 需每段写出每项不同的地方,如:比较乐种出现的时期(第一段),再比较乐器使用(第两段) 再比较... Concerto Grosso The concerto grosso (plural concerti grossi) (Italian for big concert(o)) was a popular form of baroque music using an ensemble and usually having three to six movements in which the musical material is passed beeen a *** all group of soloists (the concertino) and full orchestra (the ripieno). The form was probably developed around 1680 by Alessandro Stradella who seems to have written the first music in which a &quot;concertino&quot; and &quot;ripieno&quot; are bined in the characteristic way though he did not use the term &quot;concerto grosso&quot;.[citation needed] The first major poser of named concerti grossi was Stradella&#39;s friend Arcangelo Corelli.[citation needed] After Corelli&#39;s death a collection of elve such pieces he posed was published (presumably the movements were selected individually from a larger oeuvre) and soon spread across Europe finding many admirers and imitators. Composers such as Francesco Geminiani and Giuseppe Torelli wrote concerti in the style of Corelli and he also had a strong influence on Antonio Vivaldi. In Corelli&#39;s day o distinct forms of the concerto grosso were distinguished: the concerto da chiesa (church concert) and the concerto da camera (chamber concert). The former was more formal and generally just alternated largo or adagio (slow) movements with allegro (fast) movements whereas the latter had more the character of a suite being introduced by a preludio and incorporating many dance forms popular in the day. These distinctions later became blurred The Solo Concerto The term concerto (plural is concerti or concertos) usually refers to a musical work in which one solo instrument is acpanied by an orchestra. The concerto as understood in this modern way arose in the Baroque period side by side with the concerto grosso which contrasted a *** all group of instruments with the rest of the orchestra. While the concerto grosso is confined to the Baroque period the solo concerto has continued as a vital musical force to this day. This article will concentrate on the development of the solo concerto. The etymology of the word &quot;concerto&quot; is somewhat problematic as the Italian ‘concertare" can mean ‘to contend dispute" but it also has the contrary meaning of ‘to agree". The idea of o opposing forces is inherent in the use of the term. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Concerto_grosso en. *** /wiki/Concerto Similarities 1. start from baroque period 2. multi-movement instrumental music consists 3 movements: fast-slow-fast 3. music contains contrast beeen 2 goups of musici Differences: 1. &quot;concertino&quot; against &quot;ripieno&quot; in concerto grosso but in solo concerto only one solo instrument plays against the orchestra 2. concerto grosso appeared in baroque period only but solo concerto developed through classical romantic periods 3.Ritornello form is used in the fast movements in concerto grosso but concerto-sonata form and cadenza passage are used in first movement of classical solo concerto.
2023-06-11 02:08:491


2023-06-11 02:08:421

AOpen AX4B-G2主板,支持P4 1.60GHz 的CPU吗?

CPU插槽类型:Socket 478芯片组:Intel 845D前端总线频率:400MHz支持CPU类型:Intel 赛扬/P4主板结构:ATX支持内存类型:DDR适用类型:台式机---支持 400MHz Intel Pentium 4 CPU ---看门狗ABS系统 -- 智能超频防抱死刹车系统 ---CPU 自动侦测 (免跳线设计) ---1MHz CPU 逐兆超频 ---CPU过载保护(OCP) ---Hardware Monitoring 硬件监控系统 ---静音科技 (SilentTek) (PCB version 77 cannot support) ---机箱入侵感应 ---保护键盘和USB设备的自复式保险丝 ---AC 断电自动回复 (*Note) ---Battery-less 免电池长效节能设计 ---支持 DMI 功能 ---EzWinFlash 视窗神刷 +查看全部产品描述 特点: ---支持 400MHz Intel Pentium 4 CPU ---看门狗ABS系统 -- 智能超频防抱死刹车系统 ---CPU 自动侦测 (免跳线设计) ---1MHz CPU 逐兆超频 ---CPU过载保护(OCP) ---Hardware Monitoring 硬件监控系统 ---静音科技 (SilentTek) (PCB version 77 cannot support) ---机箱入侵感应 ---保护键盘和USB设备的自复式保险丝 ---AC 断电自动回复 (*Note) ---Battery-less 免电池长效节能设计 ---支持 DMI 功能 ---EzWinFlash 视窗神刷 ---动力回复 (EzRestore 硬盘防护技术) ---Suspend to Disk 硬盘休眠功能 (ACPI S4) ---Suspend to RAM 内存休眠功能 (ACPI S3) ---BIOS病毒免疫功能 ---不死鸟BIOS标准版 ---AOpen 黑珍珠 PCB 板 ---支持 ADD (AGP Digital Display) 扩展卡看样子 是可以支持的``
2023-06-11 02:08:421


2023-06-11 02:08:314

我想要eminem和marilyn manson合唱的the way I am的歌词

the way I am 歌手:eminem Whatever..Dre, just let it runAiyyo turn the beat up a little bitAiyyo.. this song is for anyone.. fuck it Just shut up and listen, aiyyo..I sit back with this pack of Zig Zags and this bagof this weed it gives me the shit needed to bethe most meanest MC on this -- on this EarthAnd since birth I"ve been cursed with this curse to just curseAnd just blurt this berserk and bizarre shit that worksAnd it sells and it helps in itself to relieveall this tension dispensin these sentencesGettin this stress that"s been eatin me recently off of this chestand I rest again peacefully (peacefully)..but at least have the decency in youto leave me alone, when you freaks see me out in the streets when I"m eatin or feedin my daughterto not come and speak to me (speak to me)..I don"t know you and no, I don"t owe you a mo-therfuck-in thingI"m not Mr. N"Sync, I"m not what your friends thinkI"m not Mr. Friendly, I can be a prickif you tempt me my tank is on empty (is on empty)..No patience is in me and if you offend me I"m liftin you 10 feet (liftin you 10 feet).. in the air I don"t care who is there and who saw me destroy youGo call you a lawyer, file you a lawsuitI"ll smile in the courtroom and buy you a wardrobeI"m tired of all you (of all you)..I don"t mean to be mean but that"s all I can be is just meChorus: EminemAnd I am, whatever you say I amIf I wasn"t, then why would I say I am?In the paper, the news everyday I amRadio won"t even play my jamCause I am, whatever you say I amIf I wasn"t, then why would I say I am?In the paper, the news everyday I amI don"t know it"s just the way I amSometimes I just feel like my father, I hate to be botheredwith all of this nonsense it"s constantAnd, "Oh, it"s his lyrical content -- the song "Guilty Conscience" has gotten such rotten responses"And all of this controversy circles meand it seems like the media immediatelypoints a finger at me (finger at me)..So I point one back at "em, but not the index or pinkieor the ring or the thumb, it"s the one you put upwhen you don"t give a fuck, when you won"t just put upwith the bullshit they pull, cause they full of shit tooWhen a dude"s gettin bullied and shoots up his schooland they blame it on Marilyn (on Marilyn).. and the heroinWhere were the parents at? And look where it"s atMiddle America, now it"s a tragedyNow it"s so sad to see, an upper class ci-tyhavin this happenin (this happenin)..then attack Eminem cause I rap this way (rap this way)..But I"m glad cause they feed me the fuel that I need for the fire to burn and it"s burnin and I have returnedChorusI"m so sick and tired of bein admiredthat I wish that I would just die or get firedand dropped from my label and stop with the fablesI"m not gonna be able to top on "My Name is.."And pigeon-holed into some pop-py sensationto cop me rotation at rock"n"roll stationsAnd I just do not got the patience (got the patience) deal with these cocky caucasians who thinkI"m some wigger who just tries to be black cause I talk with an accent, and grab on my balls, so they always keep askin the same fuckin questions (fuckin questions)..What school did I go to, what hood I grew up inThe why, the who what when, the where, and the how"til I"m grabbin my hair and I"m tearin it outcause they drivin me crazy (drivin me crazy).. I can"t take it I"m racin, I"m pacin, I stand and I sitAnd I"m thankful for ev-ery fan that I getBut I can"t take a SHIT, in the bathroomwithout someone standin by itNo I won"t sign your autographYou can call me an asshole I"m glad
2023-06-11 02:08:267

沟 这个字念什么?最好有拼音说明

2023-06-11 02:08:234

《let it go》Demi Lovato 版音译中文歌词

Let it goLet it goCan"t hold you back anymoreLet it goLet it goTurn my back and slam the door.The snow blows white on the mountain tonightNot a footprint to be seenA kingdom of isolation and it looks like I"m the QueenThe wind is howling like the swirling storm insideCouldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I triedDon"t let them in, don"t let them seeBe the good girlYou always had to beConceal, don"t feelDon"t let them knowWell, now they know.Let it goLet it goCan"t hold you back anymoreLet it goLet it goTurn my back and slam the doorAnd here I stand, and here I"ll stayLet it goLet it goThe cold never bothered me anyway.It"s funny how some distanceMakes everything seem smallAnd the fears that once controlled meCan"t get to me at allUp here in the cold thin airI finally can breatheI know i left a life behind but I"m to relieved to grieve.Let it goLet it goCan"t hold you back anymoreLet it goLet it goTurn my back and slam the doorAnd here I standAnd here I"ll stayLet it goLet it goThe cold never bothered me anyway.Standing frozen in the life I"ve chosenYou won"t find me, the past is so behind meBuried in the snow.Let it goLet it goCan"t hold you back anymoreLet it goLet it goTurn my back and slam the doorAnd here I standAnd here I"ll stayLet it goLet it goThe cold never bothered me anywayna na na na na naLet it go na na nayou goLet it goLet it goLet it go
2023-06-11 02:08:181


2023-06-11 02:08:142


2023-06-11 02:08:111


1 B 2 A 3 B 4 D 5 C 6 B 7 B 8 D 9 D 10 D 11 A 12 D 13 D 14B 15 C 16 D 17 D 18 B 19 D 20 C
2023-06-11 02:08:101

ding dong ditch什么意思

ding dong ditch叮咚沟-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-06-11 02:08:072


concerto 英[ku0259n"tu0283u025c:tu0259u028a] 美[ku0259nu02c8tu0283u025brto] n. 协奏曲 名词复数:concerti,concertos [例句]To richter playing brahms "s second piano concerto.里克特弹奏勃拉姆斯的第二钢琴协奏曲。
2023-06-11 02:08:041

求《Let it go》的中文和英文歌词。

中英歌词:Let it go 随它吧随它吧Let it go 随它吧随它吧Can"t hold you back anymore 回头已没有办法Let it go 随它吧随它吧Let it go 随它吧随它吧Turn my back and slam the door. 一转身不再牵挂The snow blows white on the mountain tonight 白雪发亮铺满我的过往Not a footprint to be seen 看不到任何足迹A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I"m the Queen 孤立国度很荒凉我是这里的女皇The wind is howling like the swirling storm inside 漫天飞霜像心里的风暴一样Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I tried 再也待不下去 我已尽力了Don"t let them in, don"t let them see不能让他们进来 不能让他们发现Be the good girl .You always had to be做我自己就像我的从前Conceal, don"t feel .Don"t let them know 躲在现实梦境之间不被发现Well, now they know 既然他们现在已经知道了Let it go 随它吧随它吧Let it go 随它吧随它吧Can"t hold you back anymore 回头已没有办法Let it go 随它吧随它吧Let it go 随它吧随它吧Turn my back slam the door 一转身不再牵挂And here I stand, and here I"ll stay我所立之处 将是我待的地方Let it go 随它吧随它吧Let it go 随它吧随它吧The cold never bothered me anyway反正冰天雪地我也不怕It"s funny how some distance 保持一些距离世界变得更有趣Makes everything seem small 使世间万物显得渺小And the fears that once controlled me. Can"t get to me at all曾经困扰我的恐惧消失在我的回忆Up here in the cold thin air. I finally can breathe夜里冰冷的空气我终于能呼吸I know i left a life behind but I"m too relieved to grieve我留下自己的过去抹掉眼泪的痕迹Let it go 随它吧随它吧Let it go 随它吧随它吧Can"t hold you back anymore回头已没有办法Let it go 随它吧随它吧Let it go 随它吧随它吧Turn my back and slam the door 一转身不再牵挂And here I stand .And here I"ll stay 我所立之处 将是我待的地方Let it go 随它吧随它吧Let it go 随它吧随它吧The cold never bothered me anyway 反正冰天雪地我也不怕Standing frozen in the life I"ve chosen 封闭生活我生命的选择You won"t find me, the past is so behind me 别再找我过去已经与我无关Buried in the snow 风雪已淹没Let it go 随它吧随它吧Let it go 随它吧随它吧Can"t hold you back anymore回头已没有办法Let it go 随它吧随它吧Let it go 随它吧随它吧Turn my back and slam the door一转身不再牵挂And here I stand . And here I"ll stay我所立之处 将是我待的地方Let it go 随它吧随它吧Let it go 随它吧随它吧The cold never bothered me anyway反正冰天雪地我也不怕na na na na na na (哼唱)Let it go na na na you go 随它吧随它吧(哼唱)随它吧Yeah~
2023-06-11 02:08:043


2023-06-11 02:08:027