barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-13 08:13:49




本本主义 亦称“教条主义”。主观主义的一种表现形式。主要特点是把书本、理论当教条,思想僵化,一切从定义、公式出发,不从实际出发,反对具体情况具体分析,否认实践是检验真理的标准。教条主义轻视实践、割裂理论与实践、主观与客观的具体的历史的统一。在中国共产党历史上,教条主义不懂得马克思主义普遍真理必须同中国的具体实践相结合,曾给革命和建设带来严重危害。





本本主义 亦称“教条主义”。主观主义的一种表现形式。主要特点是把书本、理论当教条,思想僵化,一切从定义、公式出发,不从实际出发,反对具体情况具体分析,否认实践是检验真理的标准。教条主义轻视实践、割裂理论与实践、主观与客观的具体的历史的统一。在中国共产党历史上,教条主义不懂得马克思主义普遍真理必须同中国的具体实践相结合,曾给革命和建设带来严重危害。










本本主义 亦称“教条主义”。主观主义的一种表现形式。主要特点是把书本、理论当教条,思想僵化,一切从定义、公式出发,不从实际出发,反对具体情况具体分析,否认实践是检验真理的标准。教条主义轻视实践、割裂理论与实践、主观与客观的具体的历史的统一。在中国共产党历史上,教条主义不懂得马克思主义普遍真理必须同中国的具体实践相结合,曾给革命和建设带来严重危害。






③①bookish adj. 书本上的;好读书的;书呆子气的例:He was bookish, a swot andveryclose tohismother. 他有点书呆子气,勤奋好学,和他母亲非常亲近②reading adj. 阅读的例:爱读书的儿童The Reading Child ...
2023-06-11 23:17:571


淑女的翻译:The fair maiden
2023-06-11 23:18:063


问题一:如何用地道的英文称呼“书呆子” 书呆子 bookworm更多释义>> [网络短语] 书呆子 Nerd;bookworm;egghead 书呆子气 bookishness;bookish; pedantic; eggheaded 山里书呆子 Mountain Of The Nerd 问题二:我是一个书呆子的英语句子怎么写? 不详 问题三:什么德行,还读过大学,出口就是屎,书呆子。翻译成英文 You are really disgusting. 瞧你那个德行 University you have gone!或者 Shame on you - so-called undergraduate!亏你还是个大学生 Shit flows spontaneous to your lips. What an egghead!
2023-06-11 23:18:141


许多书 a lot of books; lots of books; a large number of books; many books
2023-06-11 23:18:244


booklish 书生气的,咬文嚼字的
2023-06-11 23:18:524


以ish结尾的词有Danish,English.Irish. Polish.Swedish.Spanish.Finnish.Turkish.womanish. childish. mannish.bookish.wolfish.devilish.hoggish.selfish 1)表形容词,“像…一样,有的…”,通常放在一具体名词后 snobbish a 势利眼的(snob势利眼) faddish a 时尚的,时髦的(fad时尚,流行的狂热) fiendish a 极凶恶的(fiend魔鬼) modish a 时髦的(mode时髦) waggish a 滑稽的(wag小丑) sluggish a 行动迟钝的(slug懒汉) churlish a 脾气暴躁的(churl粗鄙之人,小气鬼) boorish a 粗野的(boor粗野之人) coltish a 放荡不羁(colt小马驹) childish a 孩子气的(child孩子) bookish a 书生气的(book书本) foolish a 愚蠢的(fool笨蛋) coldish a 稍冷的(cold冷) yellowish a 微黄的(yellow黄色的) fattish a 稍胖的(fat胖) (3)表示“国家的或语言” turkish a 土耳语的n. 土耳语 swedish a 瑞典的n. 瑞典语 谢谢采纳
2023-06-11 23:19:011


2023-06-11 23:19:094


名词,形容词后缀有哪些? 名词后缀:tion ture tary ity ment sion. 形容词后缀:tive y ful able tant sive望采纳! 英语单词中形容词后缀的都有哪些 后缀-a bl 相关信息怎么让孩子学会控制、约束自己的行为? 家长之所以不能容忍自家的孩子犯错的原因有...... 对于孩子独立,父母有哪些错误的认识? 一个人老喜欢哭是什么原因 父母坚守底线对孩子有什么正面影响? 道德有什么重要意义? 哪些问题家长们必须坚持不让步? 父母是否应该尊重孩子自己的想法? 孩子注意力不集中有什么影响? 青少年缺什么的佝偻病的机率会比较高呢?...... 我跟妈妈 *** 生男生女是男人的原因还是女人的原因 浆膜下子宫 浆膜下子宫 头位胎盘成熟度0级 e与-ible 形容词后缀-able与-ible是同义后缀,加在动词后,使动词变为形容词,其意义相当于情态动词 can +此动词被动式。所以在语义上有被动意义。例如: The results can be tested.→The results are testable.这些结果是可测试的。 究竟哪些动词加-ible,哪些加-able呢? 1.加-ible的词大多数来自拉丁语。下面加-ible的词都是来自拉丁语的动词。如:edible(可食用的) visible(可见的)sensible(可觉察的)possible(可能的)flexible(易弯曲的) 2.以-mit结尾的动词,将-mit变为-miss再加 -ible。如:permit→permissible(可允许的) 3.以-nd结尾的动词,将-nd变为-ns再加-ible,如:respond→responsible(有责任的),defend→defensible(能防御的) 4.加-able的动... 这些形容词后缀什么意思啊? OTL 没啥意思,就是形容词一般构成形式。就是名词n+后缀构成形容词,意思就是前面加的名词变成什么什么的礌容词性翻译。 eg:wonder——wonderful 奇迹——神奇的 以etic为后缀的形容词有哪些?越多越好,请举例如sympathetic theoretic 理论上的(theory 理论) energetic 精力旺盛的(energy 精力) sympatheric 同情的(sympathy 同情) apologetic 道歉的(apology 道歉) kinetic 运动的(kin 运动+etic;参考:kinesiology 运动学) splenetic 易怒的(spleen 怒气,脾气) peripatetic 巡游的(peri 周围+pat 走+etic) pathetic 引起怜悯的(path 感情+etic ) genetic 遗传的(gene 基因+etic ) 以ish为后缀的形容词有哪些 以ish结尾的词有Danish,English.Irish. Polish.Swedish.Spanish.Finnish.Turkish.womanish. childish. mannish.bookish.wolfish.devilish.hoggish.selfish 1)表形容词,“像…一样,有的…”,通常放在一具体名词后 snobbish a 势利眼的(snob势利眼) faddish a 时尚的,时髦的(fad时尚,流行的狂热) fiendish a 极凶恶的(fiend魔鬼) modish a 时髦的(mode时髦) waggish a 滑稽的(wag小丑) sluggish a 行动迟钝的(slug懒汉) churlish a 脾气暴躁的(churl粗鄙之人,小气鬼) boorish a 粗野的(boor粗野之人) coltish a 放荡不羁(colt小马驹) childish a 孩子气的(child孩子) bookish a 书生气的(book书本) foolish a 愚蠢的(fool笨蛋) coldish a 稍冷的(cold冷) yellowish a 微黄的(yellow黄色的) fattish a 稍胖的(fat胖) (3)表示“国家的或语言” turkish a 土耳语的n. 土耳语 swedish a 瑞典的n. 瑞典语 谢谢采纳
2023-06-11 23:19:301


2023-06-11 23:19:384


easy to study
2023-06-11 23:20:003


1. bookishness2. book worship两个都可以的哦 ^0^
2023-06-11 23:20:073


2023-06-11 23:20:1511


迂腐trite; stale; hackneyed; pedantic; bookish
2023-06-11 23:20:381


2023-06-11 23:21:037

书虫 英语怎么表达

2023-06-11 23:21:324


导演:Palat Ananwattanasiri  主演: jackie / Palat Ananwattanasiri  制片国家/地区:泰国  语言: 泰语  上映日期: 2005-11-24  又名: 彩虹男孩 / Right by Me / 男孩太多恋事 / 彩虹男孩剧情简介This sweet, sexy and alluring movie follows the lives and loves of three college friends all in different stages of coming out to themselves and others.  Handsome andbookishTat attends coming out support meetings with his out and proud friend Nat. The two boys are surprised when Tat"s crush, the hunky athlete Ek, shows up to a meeting. Questioning his sexuality Ek turns to Tat for advice and a sweet romance gradually develops, creating an awkward situation between Tat and Nat.  To survive and prosper, all three must surmount thehomophobiaof Thai society, neglectful andabusivehome lives, gay bashings, school work and their own love triangle.  Also Known As: Rainbow Boys, Rung tua thii paet khawng khwaam rak
2023-06-11 23:21:559


2023-06-11 23:22:172


But at present , to meet the needs of various tests , the method of memorizing mechanically is still current and the habit of bookish study is still popular in the course of education 但由于应试的需要,在目前的教育过程中,死记硬背的方法依然盛行, “死读书” 、 “读 死书 ”的状况依然未变。 Thinking highly of the role of the physical culture in students " mental and physical development , and the role of aesthetic education in the formation of their noble ideology , cai also gave a thorough exposition of the contents and principles in middle schools " physical culture and put forward valuable suggestions that teachers should have abundant professional knowledge , good teaching techniques and noble morals ; teaching should follow the students " natural instincts and be conducted in accordance with their aptitude ; and students should , under the guidance of , the teachers study independently and act in a perseverant manner ; learn to review , think and summarize , and put what they " ve learnt into practice 这三个方面同教育教学又有著直接的关系,只有有了丰富的专业知识,才可能在教学中做到详细续密;只有掌握了熟练的教学技巧,才能在教育教学中遵循教育规律和学生的天性,因材施教:而具备了高尚的思想品德,才能以身作则,使学生在日复一日的熏陶中潜移默化地养成高尚的人格。当中学生面临日益繁多的学习任务和书籍时,也应该掌握科学的学习方法,学会取舍,在老师引导的基础上坚持以自学为主,掌握科学的学习方法,善于提出问题,学会预习、复习、思考和总结,不要读 死书 ,要注意与实践相结合,持之以恒,才能取得良好的学习效果。
2023-06-11 23:22:241


本字有什么组词 :画本、本意、忘本、本来、草本、文本、根本、本土、本月、书本、本人、本领、本子、够本、本质、一本、本能、本事、摹本、亏本、本旨、父本、本名、印本、样本、治本、定本、本题、赔本、模本、工本、唱本、拓本、账本、监本、范本、张本、简本、本身
2023-06-11 23:22:441


书生气的解释(1) [bookishness] (2) 指只顾读书、 脱离 实际 、看 问题 单纯 、 幼稚 的习气 搞经济工作太书生气不行 (3) 书卷气 详细解释 (1).指只知读书,脱离实际,看问题单纯、幼稚的习气。 巴金 《 纪念 雪峰 》 :“我劝他也不要 答应 ,我说事情难办,我想的是他太书生气,鲠直而易动感情。” (2).指书卷气。 老舍 《四世同堂》 五十:“ 钱 先生 的脸很黑很瘦,可是也很硬。从这个脸上, 已经 找不到以前的胖忽忽的, 温和 敦厚的书生气。” 词语分解 书的解释 书 (书) ū 成本的 著作 :书籍。书刊。书稿。书香。书卷气(指在说话、作文、写字、画画等方面表现出来的读书人的风格)。书生气(指读书人脱离实际的习气)。 信:书信。书札。 书简 。书函。 文件:证书。说明 生气的解释 ∶ 活力 ; 生命 力夭其稚枝,锄其直,遏其 生气 。;;清; 龚自珍《病梅馆记》 ∶发怒;因不合 心意 而不 愉快 非常 生气详细解释.使万物生长发育之气。《礼记·月令》:“﹝季春之月﹞是月也,生气方盛,阳气发泄,句者
2023-06-11 23:22:571


Proactive, responsible, hard working, able to travel frequently. Studious, serious and responsible work, practical work hard, work steadily, the courage to meet new challenges.
2023-06-11 23:23:063


2023-06-11 23:23:326


问题一:提高意识的英文,提高意识的翻译,怎么用英语翻译提高 improve awareness 问题二:的翻译,怎么用英语翻译提高意识,提高意识用英语 的翻译,怎么用英语翻译提高意识,提高意识用英语 strengthen the awareness heighten awareness Raising Awareness 问题三:英语翻译 我们应该提高学生的环保意识 用promote或strength 我的理解是: promote = 促销,促进,提升 strengthen = 加强,巩固,勉励,激励; 我觉得用promote比较好些,因为promote有提升的含义在内,strengthen主要意思是加强,巩固。 We should promote students" sense on enviremental protection. 供参考! 问题四:英语翻译‘"人们应该提高关于……的意识‘ " 用“be aware of 的形式来写” The public shoud be aware of internet fraud. 人们应该对网络诈欺有所了解。 The government should help to raise the public awareness on internet fraud. *** 应该忙著大众提高关于…(网络诈欺)…的了解/意识。 问题五:关于道德意识提升的英语作文 提高个人修养(Shaping the Morality ) 〔参考范文〕 According to a survey, more than two thirds of people in China agree that, the public moral level is lower than before. This figure, although hard to accept, has indicated the fact that the nation"s overall morality is declining. If you pay some attention, you could easily point out some improper behaviors happening around: young men refusing to give seats to the old on buses; shoppers jamming into queue instead of waiting in line; crude riders neglecting red lights, etc. So what the hell is going on? As *** ysts have figured out, this trend of degradation mainly originated from faulty education. For decades, Chinese schools simply infuse bookish knowledge to their students, whilst moral cultivation bees a kind of formali *** ; on the other hand, children are naturally influenced by their family and other *** s in the society, most of whom are too sophisticated to be considered as eligible moral models. Facing such disappointing condition, you may ask: how can things bee better? As far as I am concerned, we must following 问题六:[意识]的英语翻译 意识汉英翻译 be conscious ofbe aware ofrealizeconsciousness 问题七:它既能让我们开阔眼界又增强我们的团队意识 的英文 It can broaden our horizons and enhance our sense of team 它既能让我们开阔眼界又增强我们的团队意识
2023-06-11 23:23:491


bookishadj. 书本上的;好读书的;书呆子气的
2023-06-11 23:24:082


顺手采纳答案书呆子的英文是 nerd
2023-06-11 23:24:583


2023-06-11 23:25:052


以ish结尾的词有Danish,English.Irish. Polish.Swedish.Spanish.Finnish.Turkish.womanish. childish. mannish.bookish.wolfish.devilish.hoggish.selfish.以ine结尾的词有aquiline .asinine.bovine.canine.elephantine.equine.feline.leonine.porcine.serpentine.ursine.vulpine.lupine.colubrine.cervine .以ward结尾的词有upward .afterward.outward.backward.forward.以wise结尾的词有anticlockwise.anywise.breadthwise.clockwise.coastwise.contrariwise.crosswise.edgewise.endwise.fanwise.flatwise.leastwise.lengthwise.likewise.nowise.otherwise.piecewise.profitwise.sidewise.slantwise. thwartwise. weather-wise.worldly-wise. 以ways结尾的词有 always, sideways
2023-06-11 23:25:201


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2023-06-11 23:20:483


COLMO是美的集团旗下定位高端的AI科技家电品牌。旗下已有空调、洗衣机、冰箱、洗碗机净水器、油烟机、燃气灶、热水器、煮饭机器人等全屋家电,展现了起居、洗护、厨房、卫浴四大场景,为用户提供AI全图景高端智慧生活。COLMO是美的集团旗下定位高端的AI科技家电品牌,于2018年10月19日在欧洲勃朗峰正式发布。COLMO 的愿景与目标是“以非凡科技缔造生活体验”,依托硅谷未来技术中心为前沿科技研究阵地,COLMO将AI核心技术融于高端家电,推动家电行业进入“人性化交互”时代。COLMO依托硅谷未来技术中心为前沿科技研究阵地,产品团队拥有近千名研发工程师,在中国、美国、德国、意大利、印度等国家,共设立20个研发及生产基地。通过AI赋能家电,让家电能够真正地“看得懂”更多用户需求、“听得懂”用户的语言和情绪。实现科技服务生活本源,推进家居整体整体解决方案。
2023-06-11 23:20:531


I hate most the persons who pretend.
2023-06-11 23:20:542


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2023-06-11 23:21:142


精灵 jing ling 1.a spirit; an elf; a fairy; a daemon 2.clever; smart; intelligent 3.[Figurative] a very clever and naughty young fellow
2023-06-11 23:21:165

Pimp Like Me 歌词

歌曲名:Pimp Like Me歌手:D-12专辑:Devils Night(feat. dina rae)WhattupI gotta tell you motherfuckers the truthThis is straight g shitAnd all you can do is respect itWell i"ma state my name, swift mcvayNone of y"all niggaz got shit to sayRhymes keep comin off like a toupeePlus i"m big headed runnin things my wayA selfish man, the back of the handBe slappin the hell out of hoes because i canProstitute, i want my lootAnd i don"t give a fuck about your broke-ass man andY"all givin niggaz what they needin"til bitches understand i"m mean andSwift mcvay is, blowin upCourvosier "til i"m throwin upWanna playa hate me, bitch so what?What"s yo" function? where"s yo" bucks?All you wanna do is wanna stick him upYou wanna rob me but i got too much (hah)D-12, naturally liftedYou niggaz better duck when i cock the biscuitYou fuck wit me, i fuck wit youYour entourage, nigga fuck them tooI got grenadesWhat the hell your little twenty-two gon" do?(y"all ain"t gon" shoot)Y"all major softCops gettin mad cause i paid "em off, made "em coughBlood and shitThat"s what the hell you motherfuckers get, we runs this bitch?So hey, you ain"t gotta be scared to fuckIf you want head, then prepare to suck (do it)Even if the nigga don"t care to nutFor every stroke, it"s a hundred bucksRespect the game, you just a slutSo open your legs up and get my duckYou just a .. (hoe)You just my .. (hoe)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchI don"t spit game, no longer than my nameThen when my chain hang, my nuts do the sameDon"t pay pussy, pussy pay meBitch, slut, whore or lady (yup)And knowin the fact, i was born to mackThat"s why i got a hoe in the back, blowin my sacGot good game, that"s a hood thangWhat"d you brang, loot or poo-tang?Let "em all bang, run that cheeseTell that trick nigga (come back please!)Rob a l7, that"s a squareYou a bottom hoe, you got to knowOff you i plan to make a lot of doughSo suck fast bitch, and swallow slow(ah!) bitch quit talkin back(ah!) now walk the trackI don"t pay for ass, you pump my gasYou get slapped when we"re short of cashI get whiplash when i hit the gasAnd i holla out the window of the hatchWhere"s my scratch? bitch, that"s, itSuck it stroke it make me richAs a token of my appreciation it"sAnother client for you to hitI don"t give a fuck if you gotta go home to the kidsYou shoulda picked another occupation trickNow you"re stuck with me, fuck with meAnd i"ma slap you up in this truckYou must be out your mind or somethinCryin and whinin like you tired or somethinGo suck some head until it aches for bufferinYou don"t work? you make nothinI"m just another case of a lazy husbandI want the paper stackBuy you an outfit, then take it backWhen you page me bitch i never page you backYou only act a certain way that i make you act (whattup)Hoes recognize, and niggaz do tooCause they realize that niggaz do shootDon"t like a chick that act too cuteBitch hold my gat down when i shoot hoops (oh yeah)All harassin me, callin stressinOr i may have to release some aggressionBeat you to death and teach you a lessonLookin for handouts like you my damn spousePull your pants down and fuck my mans nowShut your damn mouth or get in the damn houseOff with the damn blouse and suck on my damn crotchYou just a .. (hoe)You just my .. (hoe)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchSell that pussySell that pussy bitchGet out there and switch and go make bizarre richYou gotta itch, you fuckin dirty bitchNow get on the corner, and start suckin some dicksNiggaz want pussy, and i need cashSo mom, get out there and start sellin yo" dirty assBizarre quick to hit "em, and then stick "emFuck it; i"ll let you hit one of my victims(somebody help i"m on 7 mile and ..)Shut up bitch, you talk too muchNow you about to get fucked in your dirty buttYou never seen a pimp like me, out here whorinShut your fuckin mouth and you"ll be out by the morninCause i"m the dirties pimp, you ever heard ofGive me my five-thousand, and take this cheeseburger (bitch!)Go suck dick in the back of the partySo what if you on your period, blood never hurt nobodyYou just a .. (hoe)You just my .. (hoe)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchYou just a .. (hoe)You just a .. (hoe)That"s all you is .. (hoe, hoe, hoe)You just a, dirty ass bitchA dirty ass, nasty ass, stinky ass, filthy ass, stanky ass bitch(oooh, ooh-oooh) hahahahaha... (lahhh-ahhh)But i love you... (hahaha) .. kim (mmm)And there you have it god damnit, the fundamentals of pimpinYou heard it here first, from the dirtiest dozenYou ever seen in yo" god damn lifeYo this is rondell fiend on the sceneAnd we keep the pussyholes smilin, because we always whylinYouknowhati"msayin? fuck all what everybody else talkin aboutWe let you know right hereBig pimpin, it ain"t dead, we love gettin head, in a dirty-ass bedThat"s just what we doYou know we was throwin heroin pimp parties back in 1968The pussy is all greatI"ll see you at eight, bitch
2023-06-11 23:21:191

Pimp Like Me 歌词

歌曲名:Pimp Like Me歌手:D-12专辑:Devils Night Initial Run(feat. dina rae)WhattupI gotta tell you motherfuckers the truthThis is straight g shitAnd all you can do is respect itWell i"ma state my name, swift mcvayNone of y"all niggaz got shit to sayRhymes keep comin off like a toupeePlus i"m big headed runnin things my wayA selfish man, the back of the handBe slappin the hell out of hoes because i canProstitute, i want my lootAnd i don"t give a fuck about your broke-ass man andY"all givin niggaz what they needin"til bitches understand i"m mean andSwift mcvay is, blowin upCourvosier "til i"m throwin upWanna playa hate me, bitch so what?What"s yo" function? where"s yo" bucks?All you wanna do is wanna stick him upYou wanna rob me but i got too much (hah)D-12, naturally liftedYou niggaz better duck when i cock the biscuitYou fuck wit me, i fuck wit youYour entourage, nigga fuck them tooI got grenadesWhat the hell your little twenty-two gon" do?(y"all ain"t gon" shoot)Y"all major softCops gettin mad cause i paid "em off, made "em coughBlood and shitThat"s what the hell you motherfuckers get, we runs this bitch?So hey, you ain"t gotta be scared to fuckIf you want head, then prepare to suck (do it)Even if the nigga don"t care to nutFor every stroke, it"s a hundred bucksRespect the game, you just a slutSo open your legs up and get my duckYou just a .. (hoe)You just my .. (hoe)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchI don"t spit game, no longer than my nameThen when my chain hang, my nuts do the sameDon"t pay pussy, pussy pay meBitch, slut, whore or lady (yup)And knowin the fact, i was born to mackThat"s why i got a hoe in the back, blowin my sacGot good game, that"s a hood thangWhat"d you brang, loot or poo-tang?Let "em all bang, run that cheeseTell that trick nigga (come back please!)Rob a l7, that"s a squareYou a bottom hoe, you got to knowOff you i plan to make a lot of doughSo suck fast bitch, and swallow slow(ah!) bitch quit talkin back(ah!) now walk the trackI don"t pay for ass, you pump my gasYou get slapped when we"re short of cashI get whiplash when i hit the gasAnd i holla out the window of the hatchWhere"s my scratch? bitch, that"s, itSuck it stroke it make me richAs a token of my appreciation it"sAnother client for you to hitI don"t give a fuck if you gotta go home to the kidsYou shoulda picked another occupation trickNow you"re stuck with me, fuck with meAnd i"ma slap you up in this truckYou must be out your mind or somethinCryin and whinin like you tired or somethinGo suck some head until it aches for bufferinYou don"t work? you make nothinI"m just another case of a lazy husbandI want the paper stackBuy you an outfit, then take it backWhen you page me bitch i never page you backYou only act a certain way that i make you act (whattup)Hoes recognize, and niggaz do tooCause they realize that niggaz do shootDon"t like a chick that act too cuteBitch hold my gat down when i shoot hoops (oh yeah)All harassin me, callin stressinOr i may have to release some aggressionBeat you to death and teach you a lessonLookin for handouts like you my damn spousePull your pants down and fuck my mans nowShut your damn mouth or get in the damn houseOff with the damn blouse and suck on my damn crotchYou just a .. (hoe)You just my .. (hoe)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchSell that pussySell that pussy bitchGet out there and switch and go make bizarre richYou gotta itch, you fuckin dirty bitchNow get on the corner, and start suckin some dicksNiggaz want pussy, and i need cashSo mom, get out there and start sellin yo" dirty assBizarre quick to hit "em, and then stick "emFuck it; i"ll let you hit one of my victims(somebody help i"m on 7 mile and ..)Shut up bitch, you talk too muchNow you about to get fucked in your dirty buttYou never seen a pimp like me, out here whorinShut your fuckin mouth and you"ll be out by the morninCause i"m the dirties pimp, you ever heard ofGive me my five-thousand, and take this cheeseburger (bitch!)Go suck dick in the back of the partySo what if you on your period, blood never hurt nobodyYou just a .. (hoe)You just my .. (hoe)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchYou just a .. (hoe)You just a .. (hoe)That"s all you is .. (hoe, hoe, hoe)You just a, dirty ass bitchA dirty ass, nasty ass, stinky ass, filthy ass, stanky ass bitch(oooh, ooh-oooh) hahahahaha... (lahhh-ahhh)But i love you... (hahaha) .. kim (mmm)And there you have it god damnit, the fundamentals of pimpinYou heard it here first, from the dirtiest dozenYou ever seen in yo" god damn lifeYo this is rondell fiend on the sceneAnd we keep the pussyholes smilin, because we always whylinYouknowhati"msayin? fuck all what everybody else talkin aboutWe let you know right hereBig pimpin, it ain"t dead, we love gettin head, in a dirty-ass bedThat"s just what we doYou know we was throwin heroin pimp parties back in 1968The pussy is all greatI"ll see you at eight, bitch
2023-06-11 23:21:261

谁知道精灵这个单词用英语怎么说 精灵用英语怎么说

eidolon n. 幻像, 精灵, 睡梦中的幻象 fairy n. 仙女, 精灵, 漂亮姑娘 adj. 仙女的
2023-06-11 23:21:301


COLMO是美的集团旗下定位高端的AI科技家电品牌。读音:["ku0259u028amu0259u028a]。COLMO旗下已有燃气灶、吸油烟机、冰箱、洗碗机 和洗衣机等6类家电,展现了起居、洗护、厨房、卫浴四大场景。COLMO 的愿景与目标是“以非凡科技缔造生活体验”,依托硅谷未来技术中心为前沿科技研究阵地,COLMO将AI核心技术融于高端家电,推动家电行业进入“人性化交互”时代。扩展资料品牌文化:品牌个性:进取,理性,自信,魅力品牌寓意:“COLMO”寓意“攀登”品牌精髓:生而非凡品牌理念:科技服务生活本源,设计释放理性空间构建智感生活解决方案,以人创新科技,以科技赋能生活。参考资料来源:百度百科-COLMO
2023-06-11 23:21:321

男人只是用下半身思考的动物 翻译成英语是什么?

直译:Men (are special animals which) only use their sexual organ to think.意译:Men are born to mate.
2023-06-11 23:20:443

精灵的英文是什么 ??

2023-06-11 23:20:343

求黑眼豆豆的Disco club的英文歌词

If the lady"s in the disco club[03:24.95][03:16.63][01:43.54][00:53.03][00:44.63][00:10.84]I"ll freak you in the disco club[03:26.49][03:18.13][01:45.07][00:54.57][00:46.13][00:12.38]And dancing in the disco club[03:28.13][03:19.65][01:46.61][00:56.19][00:47.70][00:13.94]And shaking in the disco club[03:29.61][03:21.26][01:48.17][00:57.62][00:49.27][00:15.48]If you take me to the disco club[03:31.30][00:17.03]Yeah, I"m trying to party on out[00:19.40]Step to the disco can"t work it out[00:21.32]Let"s get go and this party started now[00:23.40]Parties and getting naughty is what I"m all about[00:25.75]So many girlies in the house[00:27.66]With slanging ass bodies and perty ass mouths[00:29.80]After the club we"re going straight to my house[00:31.87](I got to, go to) Gotta get you on my couch[00:34.77]I rock steady, no doubt[00:36.64]You ask for some of us so I let you turn it out[00:38.38]Don"t give me gomma baby, baby don"t pout[00:40.32]I don"t want a baby, momma, don"t want a spouse [00:59.63]I like the way that you move (move)[01:01.68]Don"t hold back, baby, do what you do(don"t make me)[01:04.46]You make a nigga go ooh (ooh)[01:06.02]How the hell a woman get as fine as you (so fine)[01:08.44]I"m trying to holler at you (you)[01:10.14]First time I see ya" I was like ‘hallelujah" (hallelujah!)[01:12.89]Turn around, let me view ya"[01:14.31](Got to, got to, got to) Damn I wanna do ya" (oh!)[01:17.08]Baby let"s get into it (into it)[01:18.69]Make moves like me and you was intimate (intimate)[01:20.47](Sexy) Let"s pretend that this beat [01:22.68]is a hot beat blown with intimate[01:24.61](Hotness) Sex with clothes on[01:26.67]Dancing on the dance floor, getting my bulge on[01:28.92](Rising) And I got a Trojan[01:30.84]Just in case we get it, get it going on[01:33.17][01:50.37]Coz the ladies in the disco club [01:52.03]ain"t the ones to be falling in love with[01:54.09]If you go to the disco club [01:56.04]protect yourself and don"t fall in love[02:03.02][01:58.46]The ladies in the disco club [02:04.60][02:00.29]ain"t the ones to be falling in love with [02:07.18]Playa listen, yeah, [02:08.37]I"m a Miss and I go to clubs and I sip on Cresson[02:11.18]That don"t mean I"m like the rest of them tricks[02:13.03]In the party getting naughty, [02:14.29]chasing money and dicks and[02:15.60]No, you got me all wrong brother[02:17.57]No, I"m a woman that"s strong brother[02:19.66]Yeah, it ain"t nothing wrong with a woman [02:21.91]in the club getting freaky to the song [02:24.19]Monday at the disco club[02:25.82]Tuesday at the disco club[02:27.37]Wednesday at the disco club[02:28.92]Thursday at the disco club[02:30.51]Friday at the disco club[02:32.31]Saturday at the disco club[02:34.22]Sunday at the disco club[02:35.80]Every day"s the disco club[02:37.33]See us at the disco club[02:38.93]See you at the disco club [02:41.36]We gonna break it on down[02:42.82]Rub it on your belly like a ultrasound[02:44.77]Shake it like a jelly and move around[02:46.84]Really wanna see y"all flaunt your style[02:49.04]Get wild, baby, get a little crazy[02:51.06]Don"t hesitate, won"t take no/maybe[02:53.26](Move) not like an eviction[02:55.51]But me and you baby all cause friction[02:57.64]Hmm, as my eyed undress you[02:59.40]Just wanna let you know there"s no pressure[03:01.92]Body conversation, they both want pleasure[03:03.96]But your girl cock-blocked and won"t let you[03:06.13]Hmm, what you gonna do now[03:07.94]Bounce, rock, shake and we can all while out[03:10.23]Let it all flow like a river now[03:12.20]Check me, check me, check ch-check me on out用千千静听就搞定
2023-06-11 23:20:342


COLMO售后电话是400-969-9999。COLMO AI科技家电高端品牌,将AI核心技术融于高端家电,以前沿设计打造理性美学,为全球超级个体提供面向未来的全新套系化高端家电,开启科技人居新生活。COLMO简介:COLMO是美的集团旗下定位高端的AI科技家电品牌。旗下已有空调、洗衣机、冰箱、洗碗机、水器、油烟机、燃气灶、热水器、煮饭机器人等全屋家电,展现了起居、洗护、厨房、卫浴四大场景,为用户提供AI全图景高端智慧生活。COLMO 的愿景与目标是“为全球菁英用户提供全图景高端智慧生活解决方案”,依托硅谷未来技术中心为前沿科技研究阵地,COLMO将AI核心技术融于高端家电,推动家电行业进入“人性化交互”时代。COLMO依托硅谷未来技术中心为前沿科技研究阵地,产品团队拥有近千名研发工程师,在中国、美国、德国、意大利、印度等国家,共设立20个研发及生产基地。通过AI赋能家电,让家电能够真正地“看得懂”更多用户需求、“听得懂”用户的语言和情绪。COLMO拥有米兰前沿设计中心,遵从新包豪斯主义理念,以“理性美学”为设计语言,通过融合几何造物的先锋设计和原始质感。COLMO品牌理念中洞悉本质、以简驭繁和行真致远的理性美学生活方式,引领当代精英阶层生活场景与生活美学的全新融合。
2023-06-11 23:20:311

colmo是什么品牌 关于colmo品牌的介绍

1、COLMO是美的集团旗下定位高端的AI科技家电品牌。美的于1968年成立于中国顺德,现总部位于广东顺德北滘新城内。旗下已有燃气灶、吸油烟机、冰箱和洗衣机等6类家电。 2、旗下品牌:COLMOBLANC系列冰箱、洗衣机、油烟机、燃气灶、洗碗机、煮饭机器人产品。以德国库卡集团、美的机器人公司等为核心的机器人及工业自动化系统业务、以安得智联为集成解决方案服务平台的智能供应链业务。
2023-06-11 23:20:221


2023-06-11 23:20:0815


有很多的。elevator电梯;eleven 十一; electricity电; electronic电子的,;elbow 肘; else 其它的,别的;electric 电的;elect 选举,选择;elegant 优美的,优雅的;element 成分,元素;elephant 大象……
2023-06-11 23:19:5715


2023-06-11 23:19:462

Eminem的《Drips》 歌词

歌曲名:Drips歌手:Eminem专辑:The Eminem ShowObie, Yo?I"m sickDamn, you straight dogg?That"s why I ain"t got no timeFor these games and stupid tricksAll these bitches on my dickThat"s how dudes be gettin" sickThat"s how dicks" be gettin" dripsFallin" victims to this shitFrom these bitches on our dicksFuckin" chickens with no ribsThat"s why I ain"t got no timeYo, I woke up, fucked up off the liquor I drunkI had a bag of tha skunk, one and last night"s tunkPussy residue was on my penis, Denise, from the CleanersFucked me good, you should"ve seen usBig booty bitch, switch unbearable, french role stylin", body like a stallionSizin" up the figure, while my shit gettin" biggaDebatin" on to fuck her, do I wanna be a niggaCaressin" this bitch, plus I"m checkin" out them titsSippin" on that fine shit, I ain"t use to buyin"I gotta hit it from behind, it"s mandatoryLike takin" ho"s money, but that"s another storyFor surely your pussy on toast, after we toastOur clothes fell like Bishop and JuiceThe womb beater, clean pussy eater, insertin" my johnIn that spot hotter than the hottest block, don"t stop!Response I got when I was knockin" itClocks steadin" tickin", kinky finger lickin"The cannon, seen us at my temple when she moansI gotta slow down before I cum soonAnd work that nigga, like a slave ownerWhen I dropped off my outfit, she knew I wanted to bone herShe foamin" at the lips, the ones between the hipsPubic hair"s lookin" like some sour cream dipWithout the nacho, my dick hit the spot thoughPussy tighter than conditions of his black folksBein" a vinyl stretched, the last part of sexI bust a fat ass nut - then I woke up nextLike, what the fuck is goin" on here?This bitch evaporated, pussy and all just picked up and vaccatedAnd now I"m frustrated cause my dick was unprotectedAnd doctor Wesley tellin" me I ain"t really got that shitFuckNow I don"t wanna hit no women when this chicks got it comin"Someone better get this bitch before she gets kicked in the stomachAnd she"s pregnant, but she"s eggin" me on, beggin" me to throw herOff the steps on this porch, my only weapon is forceAnd I don"t wanna resort to violence of any sortBut why"s she shovin" me for? Doesn"t she love me no more?Wasn"t she huggin" me four minutes ago at the door?Man I"m this close to goin" toe to toe with this whoreWhat would you do if she was tellin" you she wants a divorceShe"s havin" another baby in a month and it"s yoursAnd you found it isn"t cause this bitch has been visitin"Someone else and suckin" his dick and kissin" you on the lipsWhen you get back to Michigan, Now the plot has thickend "n worseCause you feel like you"ve been stickin" your fuckin" dick in a hurseSo your paranoid at every little cold that you getEver since they sold you this shit, you"ve been holdin" your dickSo you go to the clinic, sweatin" every minute you"re in itAnd it"s obvious to everyone in the lobby, it"s aidsHe ain"t even gotta call in you the office to say itSo you jet back home, cause you gon" get that hoAnd when you see her, you"re gonna bend her fuckin" neck back yoCause you love her, you never would"ve expect that blowObie told you to scoop, how could she stoop that low?Jesus, I don"t believe this bitch works at the Cleaner"sBringin" me home diseases swingin" from Obie"s penisShe"s so deceiving, shit this ho"s a geniousShe gee"d us"I"m busy!"Yeah, fuck these bitchesFuck "em all"Get moneyHa!Shady RecordsWoow!Obie Trice:Eminem mutha fuckaNew millenium shitYeah
2023-06-11 23:19:451


What a large capacity you dicks have!
2023-06-11 23:19:383

Beenie Man的《My Dickie》 歌词

歌曲名:My Dickie歌手:Beenie Man专辑:Ragga Ragga Ragga 2003my dick (feat. Dirt Nasty & Andre Legacy)Mickey AvalonMickey AvalonMy dick cost a late night feeYour dick got the HIVMy dick plays on the double feature screenYour dick went straight to DVDMy dick bigger than a bridgeYour dick look like a little kidsMy dick rush like the chargers (the whole team)Your shit look like you fourteenMy dick locked in a cage (right)Your dick suffer from stage frightMy dick so hot its stolenYour dick look like Gary ColemanMy dick pink and bigYour dick stinks like shitMy dick got a caesar doo,Your dick needs a tweezer dudeMy dick is like supersizeYour dick look like two friesMy dick more mass than the EarthYour dick half staff (it needs work)My dick been there done thatYour dick sits there with dunce capMy dick, V.I.P.Your shit needs I.D.It"s time that we let the world knowDude, you gotta let your girl goD.S. is the best in the businessP.s. we got dicks like JesusIt"s time that we let the world knowDude, you gotta let your girl goD.S. is the best in the businessP.s. we got dicks like JesusMy dick need no introductionYour dick don"t even functionMy dick served a whole lunch-inYour dick, it look like a munchkinMy dick size of a pumpkinYour dick look like Macauley CulkinMy dick good good lovin"Your dick good for nothin"My dick bench pressed 350Your dick couldn? shotlift at thriftyMy dick pretty damn skimpyYour dick hungry as a hippyMy dick don"t fit down the chimneyYour dick is like a kid from the PhilippinesMy dick is like an M16Your dick, broken vending machineMy dick parts the seasYour dick farts and quiefsMy dick rumble in the jungleYour dick got touched by your uncleMy dick goes to yogaYour dick fruit roll upMy dick grade a beefYour dick made a geekMy dick sick and dangerousYour dick quick and painlessMy dick "nuff said.Your dick loves sweatIt"s time that we let the world knowDude, you gotta let your girl goD.S. is the best in the businessP.s. we got dicks like JesusIt"s time that we let the world knowDude, you gotta let your girl goD.S. is the best in the businessP.s. we got dicks like Jesus
2023-06-11 23:19:301