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2023-06-13 08:34:44
TAG: ods boods




boods 书
2023-06-12 00:23:391

I have no books与I have no book.是一个意思吗,哪个对?

2023-06-12 00:23:485


2023-06-12 00:24:111


He never sells the book which is harmful to readers.
2023-06-12 00:24:207


During my holiday, I didn"t do much. What I did do was go to school, Do my homework, read, and stayed at home. Never less, I found this holiday interesting. Everyday, I would wake up very late, and do some exercises with my mom.We often played badminton. After badminton, I would entertain myself. In the afternoon, I do my homework, and read for a while.Even though I did not do much during the holiday, it was worthwhile.
2023-06-12 00:24:394

What books do you like to reading about?这的句子成立吗?

Which book you like to read about?
2023-06-12 00:24:475

求美剧,知名度比较小,或者年份比较早,但是好看的。我不是新人,Ctrl C+V 党,就请自重。

2023-06-12 00:25:1610


2023-06-12 00:25:404

quality john galsworthy 的作品。我们英美文学需要分析手法。求分析。我谷歌了很久找不到technic分析。

2023-06-12 00:25:5010


SELECT 表EXPORT TO "c:1.xls" XLS导出为xls还可以用copy命令的select 表copy to "c:aa.xls" xl5
2023-06-12 00:26:282

quality john galsworthy 的technic 分析。我谷歌百度了很久找不到。英美文学我要做PPT

Tired, miserable even bored is the way that many people feel when they wake up in the morning to get ready for work. Even the very thought of work puts some people in a bad mood. Others may not mind work but still do not look forward to going. It is a rare occasion to find someone who is completely satisfied with his or her career. However, for one man, work is bliss.Yah, we can see in "Quality" by Galsworthy , Gessler, the shoemaker, is shown to be a man of integrity and of complete dedication to his work. the story of the hopeless struggle of good craftsmanship against low-price industry. Mr. Gessler had his own shoe business where he made leather boots. His dedication is shown through the fact that, "He made only what was ordered, never taking ready-made shoes down from the shelf." He wanted each pair of boots to be a custom fit to each individual and for every pair he made, he used a pattern taken from the customer"s foot size. One day the narrator of the story walked into Mr. Galsworthy"s shop wearing a pair of boots from a big business. Mr. Gessler noticed them right away and after a short time he said, "Dey get id all, dey get id by advertisement, nod by work. Dey take it away from us, who lofe our boots."Later in the story, the reader comes to find out that Mr. Gessler is forced to sacrifice half of his shop to a big business. He continued to make his boots for the same price and with the same amount of painstaking work. He must be truly dedicated in order to love his business unconditionally.Mr. Gessler spent such an incredible amount of time preparing the shoes, never trying to forget the process, in order to make them as perfect as possible and because of this, he stood behind all of his work. The narrator, absent-minded of the fact that Mr.Gessler was so passionate about his boots once said to him, "Mr. Gessler, that last pair of boots creaked, you know." Angered by the boy"s comment, Mr. Gessler said, "Zend dem back! I will look at dem." He went on to say, "Zome boods, are bad from birdt. If I can do noding wid dem, I dake dem off your bill." Not only does this show dedication, but also integrity because he was honest about his work and wanted to satisfy his customer.Near the end of the story, the narrator comes back to Mr.Gessler"s shop after a long hiatus, only to find out that Mr. Gessler was no longer alive. When he questioned the worker about his death the man said, "Slow starvation, the doctor called it. You see, he went to work in such a way!… Never gave "imself time to eat; never had a penny in the house. All went in rent and leather… He regular let his fire go out…But he made good boots." That last sentence was the meaning of the whole story. Mr. Gessler dedicated his life to making boots. No matter what he had to sacrifice, including his life, he was willing to do it for the love of his work. Even in his last few days of life, he never stopped making boots, and he even finished the narrator"s boots before he died.Mr. Gessler indeed was a man of integrity and dedication. His dedication was shown through his struggle to please every customer, and his integrity was shown through his honest way of life and his credibility in his work. In his mind, the needs of his customers more important than his own, and when he was no longer in business, he had no reason to go on living. 这篇文章主要描述了一个男人以自己所做的卑微工作为荣誉,人生意义只存在于追求质量、满足他人需求,对工作的热爱近乎于病态,离了工作就失了一切。这是篇读后感外加人物分析,希望你能满意。
2023-06-12 00:26:361

I have no books与I have no book.是一个意思吗,哪个对?

I have no book 意思是我没有书 I have no boods 意思是我没有一本书 也许有很多本. 一般说我没有书 应该说I have no books anymore.
2023-06-12 00:26:441


2023-06-12 00:26:511

read books on

read litteratures 是对的..,能够准备表达意思 读文学书籍. read boods on literature,可以理解成 读论文学的书籍.
2023-06-12 00:26:591

good of 放句首

句意:好书的产生是无止境的,……也不会……. 也可以意译为“一直有好书的产生,……” 此句可理解成There"s no end of the making of good boods.的倒装式.of可解释成“有关”、“在……方面”. 又如: Of the making of trouble, there"s no end. 永远会有麻烦产生.(麻烦的产生是无休止的)
2023-06-12 00:27:071


2023-06-12 00:27:263


在数据库的编程应用中经常用到将数据从一种文件格式转变另一种格式,这时OLE是一种上上之选,OLE技术以其易用性以及平台无关性成为了编程人员的上上之选。不过我们在开发程序时,一个模块一般只能用于将一个数据表导出因为导出数据内容受表结构的限制,表结构不同则编程中必须要做一切改动。笔者在开发一个学务管理系统的过程就遇到这类问题。经过一番探索笔者巧妙地结合VFP函数成功实现了表文件无关地导出。最后成功实现了将源表导出到EXCEL中。特此提出以供大家讨论,同时借此抛砖引玉,还望高手不吝赐教。其实笔者所用的原理很简单。主要使用了Visual Foxpro中的FCOUNT()与FIELDS函数。打开表后利用FCOUNT()函数取得了表中的字段个数。然后用FIELDS()函数设法取得各个字段的字段名。这样问题就基本解决了。不过在实践中笔者发现仅取得了字段名还不能取得记录中各字段的值,笔者利用宏替代暂时解决了此问题。如果哪位高手有更好的方法。还望指教。 源码清单: local myoleapp local myfilenamelocal myfield yfilename=getfile("*.dbf")&&得到源表 myoleapp=createobject("excel.application") &&创建OLE对象 myoleapp.visible=.t.myoleapp.workbooks.adduse &myfilenamefor i=1 to fcount() myoleapp.cells(i,1).value=fields(i)endforscan for i=1 to fcount() myfield=fields(i) myoleapp.cells(recno()+1,i).value=&myfield endforendscanmyoleapp.activeworkboods.saveas("myxls.xls")myoleapp.quit
2023-06-12 00:27:341

take you these can school to pictures连词成句

You can take these pictures to school.Can you take these pictures to school?There aren"t any English boods in the desk.
2023-06-12 00:27:423


一 单项选择。( )1. --- __________ you have a pen pal? Yes, I __________. A. Are;am B. Can;can C .Do;do D. Do;have ( )2. --- Where ___________ your pen pals from? --- The United States. A. does B. do C. is D. are ( )3. Frank is my pen pal, he _____________ Sydney, Australia. A. lives B. from C. comes from D. be from ( )4. My pen pal is from Canada. She _____________ English very well. A. says B. speaks C. tells D. talks ( )5.--- _____________ your grandfather live? --- He lives next to the library. A. What does B. How is C. Where does D. How old is ( )6. Bob likes _____________ to the movies _____________ his friends on weekends. A. to go; and B. goes; or C. going; with D. go; for ( )7.Coco lives in Tokyo and she speaks ____________. A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese D. French ( )8. Look! There________ a lot of people and cars on New Street. It"s a ______ street . A. are; busy B. is; easy C. are; dirty D. is; quiet ( )9. _____________ there a post office and some supermarkets near here? A. Have B. Do C. Are D. Is ( )10. Let him _________________ these things to his parents. A. takes B. taking C. take D. to take ( )11. The pay phone is _________ Green Street and it"s across _________ the library. A. in, to B. on, from C. at, through D. by, of ( )12. They live in a small house ______________ interesting garden. A. with an B. have an C. has a D. with a ( )13. Can you write and tell me ________________? A. yourself B. to yourself C. about yourself D. of yourself ( )14.---Where is the bank? ---It"s down Grand Street ___________ the right. A. between B. on C. in D. at ( )15. Her grandmother often takes ______________ after dinner. A. walking B. to walk C. walks D. a walk 二 完形填空。Li Wei, look 16 this picture. This is a 17 of a classroom. In the picture you can see some desks 18 chairs. On the blackboard(黑板), you can see a cat. A map is 19 the door. The room is different (不同的) from 20 classroom. Under the 21 table there is a ball, 22 you can"t see it. The boy in the hat is my friend, Jim. He is a new student. He is 23 American(美国人) . He looks 24 Kate. But they are not 25 . ( )16. A. in B. on C. at D. to ( )17. A. map B. picture C. room D. door ( )18. A. or B. but C. with D. and ( )19. A. behind B. in C. at D. of ( )20. A. you B. our C. us D. we ( )21. A. teacher"s B. teachers" C. of teacher D. teacher ( )22. A. so B. or C. and D. but ( )23. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )24. A. after B. at C. the same D. like ( )25. A. students B. boys C. twins(双胞胎) D. girls 三 阅读理解。Fred and Jane are brother and sister. They are American. They are in the same(相同的) school. Their school is not far (远) from their home. Fred is in Mr. Black"s class. He is thirteen. He is one of the best student in his class. Mr. Black likes him very much. He does well in (善长于) Chinese, but Mr. Black is not. Jane is eleven. She is in Mrs. Black"s class. Mrs. Black teaches English. Jane is good at English, but she is not good at Chinese. ( )26. Fred and Jane are _______________. A. Chinese. B. English C. friends D. American ( )27. Jane is _______________________. A. good at Chinese B. in Mr. Black"s class C. not good at English D. Fred"s sister ( )28. ________________ is good at Chinese. A. Fred B. Jane C. Mr. Black D. Mrs. Black ( )29. Mrs. Black is ____________________. A. a Chinese teacher B. a teacher of English C. one of the best student D. Jane"s mother
2023-06-12 00:27:532


引用一下excel吧,dim xls as new excel.applicationdim wb as excel.workbookdim sht as excle.worksheet"上面为窗体变量"form loadset wb =xls.workboods.add("F:data.xls")set sht =wb.worksheets(1) "---"按钮:dim r as integer r=sht.range("A65536").end(xlsup).row+1sht(r,1)=text1.textsht(r,2) "---form unload 时wb.closexls.quit
2023-06-12 00:28:011


谓语(predicate verb)是对主语动作或状态的陈述或说明,指出“做什么”“是什么”或“怎么样。谓语动词的位置一般在主语之后...例: He works like a dog every day.他每天都像狗一样的忙碌工作.为了使你比较容易区别,此处附上非谓语动词的解释:非谓语动词可以在句子中用作主语、状语、定语等; 括孤内为(非谓语动词)例: Smoking is not good for your health. (Smoking) He found those boods hard to read. (read) <在这句里面 found 为谓语动词,read 为非谓语动词.>
2023-06-12 00:28:091


2023-06-12 00:28:172


Books are the the symbol of wisdom. Have your read boods today?
2023-06-12 00:29:022

linda has got some boods否定句怎么写

linda hasn"t got some boods
2023-06-12 00:29:103


2023-06-12 00:29:192


【books】are our good friends. Why I said that? Because we can learn a lot of things from all kind of books. If we don"t read boods, we would be a ignorant person. Mr. Win who was my English, he said, " we have to study and read book every day. Then we will be enrich and become a knowledgeable person. And become a ability to control ourselves and quality person. And if want to be a useful person in the future, you must read books every day". Now, you know how important the books is for us!
2023-06-12 00:29:291

.有关新学校和新老师的英文作文 不少于80词

Today, let me feel happy and exciting for the begining of the new high school. And I go to the school library, I am so surprised that not only the high schhol library is bigger than middle school library, but also the high school library"s books more than middle school library"s books. At this time, I really enjoy reading boods at the school library, I even forget to go home and eat my dinner. because of my mom calls me and says, "Will you come for dinner?" I ask my mom, "What time is it?" Mom answers, " It"s seven o"clock, my son." I say, "What?"After three weeks past, I feel my new teachers are very friendly, and the new teachers teach methods are totally different from previously teachers. I like new teaching methods that leading me into another level and learning new extent reached and new life.今天,让我感到高兴和兴奋为一个新高中学校的开始。我去学校的图书馆,我很惊讶的是,不仅高中学校图书馆比中学的图书馆要大,而且高校图书馆的书比中学图书馆的书要多。在这个时候,我真的很喜欢在学校的图书馆阅读书,我甚至忘了回家吃晚饭。因为我妈妈打电话给我说,“你能来吃晚饭吗?”我问妈妈,“现在是什么时间?”妈妈回答,“现在是七点,我的儿子。”我说,“什么?”三周过去后,我觉得我的新老师们都很友好,和新教师的教学方法和以前的教师的教学方法完全不同。我喜欢新的教学方法,它引导我到另一个水平和学习的新境界和新的生活。
2023-06-12 00:29:371


句意:好书的产生是无止境的,……也不会……。也可以意译为“一直有好书的产生,……”此句可理解成There"s no end of the making of good boods.的倒装式。of可解释成“有关”、“在……方面”。又如:Of the making of trouble, there"s no end. 永远会有麻烦产生。(麻烦的产生是无休止的)
2023-06-12 00:29:591

躺在床上看书对眼睛有害(翻译) _________________________ is ______________________eyes.

Reading boods lying in bed is harmful to your eyes.
2023-06-12 00:30:192


2023-06-12 00:28:525

protel 99se里面可以批量命名元器件名字吗?

可以。tool--annotate sch..
2023-06-12 00:28:542


regular college academy Higher Vocational College Army colleges
2023-06-12 00:29:003


正确处理历史童工的做法是:1.企业应保留所有完整的记录。2.企业应安排该员工体检,以确定其是否适合继续留在工厂工作。a. 如果该员工因为工作原因查身体异常,工厂应该支付其身体恢复的所有费用;b. 如果该员工体检结果良好并且其愿意继续留在工厂工作,工厂应召集相关人员作为此事的见证人,并且就整个事件做一个总结并保留总结记录。3.企业确保招聘负责人有足够的知识作好后续的招聘工作。4.企业还应在该员工的个人信息档案记录下整个事件的经过,以方便后续审核人员的查看。韦博企业管理顾问有限公司(VBON)是国内专业从事验厂辅导的知名验厂辅导机构,成功案例有Wal-Mart、Disney、Target、 Costco、Sears、Apple、Tesco、Coca-Cola、Jcpenney、Nike、Home Depot、McDonald"s、Lowe"s、Kohl"s、Oppo、屈臣氏等客户验厂及BSCI、SEDEX、ICTI、WRAP、WCA、EICC、RESA、SQP、SA8000、C-TPAT等体系认证,十年辅导经验,审核关系遍布全国,两千多家成功案例,确保一次性通过各类验厂审核!韦博企业管理顾问有限公司版权所有,转载请注明出处!
2023-06-12 00:29:061


dick 英[dɪk] 美[dɪk] n. 〈口〉家伙; 〈俚〉阴茎; 〈美俚〉侦探; 〈俚〉誓言; [例句]Dick invited Sam to have dinner last night, but it was the last supper for sam.dick betrayed him.迪克昨晚请山姆吃饭,这是山姆最后的晚餐,迪克出卖了他。
2023-06-12 00:29:081


2023-06-12 00:29:101


dick的意思是侦探;誓言。侦探,全称“侦缉探查“,是负责调查离奇案件的职业。代表人物为“福尔摩斯”。侦探指负责调查案件的调查员,意思可以是刑警或私家侦探。前者是专门负责调查及侦破刑事案件的警察。后者则是通过私人委托,为雇主调查婚外情、包括私人委托侦破刑事案件等的事情。成为一个名侦探,高度的集中注意力是是绝不可或缺的,“深入思考”和“苦思”是截然不同的。惟有推理时所必备的材料都齐全时,才能进入“深入思考”的作业。要顺利的进行这种程序的切换,是需要优秀的注意力。好奇心是名侦探的能源所在。尤其是对关键者的行动抱着一丝怀疑时,必须追就到底。在我们日常生活中,有很多事已成为理所当然,如果你习惯于这种“理所当然”那就无法成为名侦探,好好的去探索那些让你产生疑问的事物。双语例句1、Dick diver is the epitome of this world.迪克戴弗是这个世界的写照。2、Dick swallowed,trying to keep calm.迪克咽了一口,竭力保持冷静。
2023-06-12 00:29:181

macalester college好不好

玛卡莱斯特学院(Macalester College)于1874年建校,是一所私立的文科学院,位于美国明尼苏达州著名城市圣保罗,占地53英亩,学院建筑都属于国家历史保护遗产。玛卡莱斯特学院是一所长老制的非宗教学派大学。学校在强调学术质量的同时,特别重视国际性、多文化性以及社会服务教育,是所有美国大学中拥有外国留学生人数最多的大学。
2023-06-12 00:29:202


BSCI是Business Social Compliance Initiative,商业社会责任组织的缩写。由欧洲对外贸易协会(FTA)发起。目前BSCI成员已经达到800多家,年销售额超过3000亿欧元,他们大都是欧洲大陆的零售巨头,例如德国的三大零售巨头ALDI,LIDL和麦德龙。BSCI验厂是工厂产品进入欧盟市场的道德通行证。通过BSCI验厂有以下好处:1、满足客户强制性标准要求,获取客户订单;2、得到国际品牌客户认可,避免国外客户对供应商的重复审核,节省成本;3、降低管理控制的风险,增加遵守当地法律法规的自主性与自律性,避免法律诉讼,提高整体管理水平和竞争力;4、改善生产系统和设施,并不断升级,增加企业产能,提高制造安全和健康性,让企业获得更高的企业效益;5、为员工提供合乎道德标准的工作环境,吸引更多优秀人才,降低高水平专业人员流失,让企业获得可持续发展;6、建立国际公信力,提高企业形象;7、使消费者对产品建立正面情感;8、稳固与采购商的合作,并拓宽国际新市场。韦博企业管理顾问有限公司(VBON)是国内专业从事验厂辅导的知名验厂辅导机构,成功案例有Wal-Mart、Disney、Target、 Costco、Sears、Apple、Tesco、Coca-Cola、Jcpenney、Nike、Home Depot、McDonald"s、Lowe"s、Kohl"s、Oppo、屈臣氏等客户验厂及BSCI、SEDEX、ICTI、WRAP、WCA、EICC、RESA、SQP、SA8000、C-TPAT等体系认证,十年辅导经验,审核关系遍布全国,两千多家成功案例,确保一次性通过各类验厂审核!韦博企业管理顾问有限公司版权所有,转载请注明出处!
2023-06-12 00:29:215


WCA验厂是英国天祥公证行出的一个审核标准,WCA验厂是验社会责任的(也可以叫做人权验厂)。WCA验厂是接受综合计时批文的,要求工厂要给所有员工购买工伤保险,接受社保批文。WCA验厂是有证书的,工厂只有在审核中分数达到85分以上并且没有主要不符合项才能获取WCA证书;分数在71-84分为通过但是没有证书,一般客户都接受的,具体要视客户要求而定;71分为不通过,没有证书。审核分为突击审核和通知时间审核两种。韦博企业管理顾问有限公司(VBON)是国内专业从事验厂辅导的知名验厂辅导机构,成功案例有Wal-Mart、Disney、Target、 Costco、Sears、Apple、Tesco、Coca-Cola、Jcpenney、Nike、Home Depot、McDonald"s、Lowe"s、Kohl"s、Oppo、屈臣氏等客户验厂及BSCI、SEDEX、ICTI、WRAP、WCA、EICC、RESA、SQP、SA8000、C-TPAT等体系认证,十年辅导经验,审核关系遍布全国,两千多家成功案例,确保一次性通过各类验厂审核!韦博企业管理顾问有限公司版权所有,转载请注明出处!
2023-06-12 00:29:394


2023-06-12 00:29:472


Wuhan University (WHU) is a comprehensive and key national university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education. It is also one of the "211 Project" and "985 Project"universities with full support in the construction and development from the central and local government of China.The history of Wuhan University can be traced back to Ziqiang Institute, which was founded in 1893 by Zhang Zhidong, the then governor of Hubei Province and Hunan Province in the late Qing Dynasty. In the process of development and evolution, the institute changed its name several times before it was finally named Wuhan National University in 1928. It is one of the earliest comprehensive national universities in modern China. By the end of 1946, the university had established 6 colleges, the colleges of liberal art, law, sciences, engineering, agriculture and medicine. In 2000, an amalgamation of the former Wuhan University, Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, and Hubei Medical University was announced, which ushered in a new era in its 100-odd years of development.
2023-06-12 00:28:442


在科研论文中,组合图形每张子图通常需要加上ABCD等标签,ABCD标签既可以在PS或者AI中添加,也可以在R中直接添加。组合图形的标签添加可以使用ggpubr包的ggarrange()函数或annotate_figure()函数。绘制图形先绘制好需要的图形,在ggarrange()函数中,使用labels参数给每张小图添加标签。大多数论文都是将标签放在左上角。ggarrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2, nrow = 2, labels = c("A","B","C","D"), # 添加标签; font.label = list(size = 14, face = "bold")) # 设置标签字体样式。如有需要,可以设置label.x、label.y的数值来调整标签位置。annotate_figure()函数添加标签除了添加ABCD标签外,还可以使用annotate_figure()函数添加更复杂的注释Rstudio如何打开编辑窗口解决办法及步骤,操作如下:1.打开RStudio软件后,进入软件的主界面,软件的左上角是脚本编辑窗口,您可以在这个窗口中编写代码,您可以点击点击Run按钮就可以运行您编写好的代码了。2.软件左下角是一个Rgui编辑器,在这个编辑中您既可以代码,也可以显示运行结果。
2023-06-12 00:28:381

Dick 是什么意思

2023-06-12 00:28:353

university college是什么意思?为什么一些大学叫这个名字?

外国很多都这样 望采纳为最佳答案,谢谢!
2023-06-12 00:28:343


2023-06-12 00:28:303


题库内容:批注的解释(1) [annotate and comment on]∶加批语和注解 (2) [marginalia]∶批评和注解的文字 书眉有小字批注 详细解释 (1).指批语和注解。 胡适 《重印乾隆壬子本<红楼梦>序》 :“初本的一些 矛盾 错误 仍旧留在现行各本里,虽经各家批注里指出,终没有敢改正。” 孙犁 《澹定集·买<太平广记>记》 :“前两册,还有些圈点、批注,是原阅书人做的。” (2).谓加批语和注解。 浦安修 《 赤子 之心》 :“ 德怀 针锋 相对 地批注道:‘现在的情况是左倾。"” 词语分解 批的解释 批 ī 用手掌打:批颊(打嘴巴)。 刮:批凿。 口头或用文字判定是非、优劣、可否:批准。批示。批复。批语。批阅。批判。眉批(写在书页天头上的批语)。 大量:批购。批销。 量词, 用于 大宗的货物或数量众多 注的解释 注 ù 灌进去:注入。注射。大雨如注。 ( 精神 、力量)集中在一点:注视。注目。 注意 。 用文字来解释词名:注解。注释。注音。夹注。 解释词句所用的文字:注疏(注解和解释注解的文字的合称)。 记载 ,登记:
2023-06-12 00:28:291

altium designer 6.0如何给元件重新编号

2023-06-12 00:28:213


翻译的英文读音吧,直译过来我猜测是suck my dick,这是句骂人的话,舔我的私处,建议谨慎使用。英语(英文:English)是一种西日耳曼语,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。英语未来的变化:在未来,英语本身也会出现新的变化,越来越简易是它的发展趋势,中国知名语言学家周海中教授在《二十一世纪的英语特征》一文中作出了大胆预测:到本世纪末,英语的拼写与读音逐渐统一起来;词汇和语法方面的不规则变化被类推法所改造。多用缩略词、省略句和简短句,造词经济;词性转换极为灵活,表达方式更加简洁、简明;常用词语的重复率相当高;可数名词与不可数名词、及物动词与不及物动词等之间的界限几乎消失。所有这些,将极大地方便人们学习和使用英语这一交际工具。
2023-06-12 00:28:211


2023-06-12 00:28:192


实例二(更具体): proof的修改问题(ZHUAN) 当通讯作者收到文章的proof(校样)后,可以修改作者信息、联系方式、增添作者、调换作者顺序、添加基金等,如果删除作者、调换作者,尤其是第一作者和通讯作者时,大多期刊编辑会要求提供变更说明并签字的证明。这里不详述了。随proof附件的,大多期刊还有query和annotate文件(有的期刊没有annotate文件) Proof还有内容的修改,包括期刊编辑校对时给你的pdf标注,有的期刊没有pdf标注,直接将排版好的proof发给你校对。不管怎样,作者可以在编辑发给你的proof中直接进行修改错误的内容,一定要注意按照proof修改的要求进行删除、增添、批注等操作。没有annotate文件的,就按照pdf工具栏里的各个图标所表示的意思或功能进行操作,在proof中,为了区别排版编辑对你稿件的修改,作者修改proof时除了删除、增添、批注等操作外,还可以对这些删除、增添、批注等进行黄色加亮显示。修改好后,在文档文件名后加上“_corrected”字样,然后将附件回复到编辑邮箱,记得要提醒编辑收到后给你回信。 Query文档里,response的内容可以在下方填上(针对query,一条条列出修改页数和行数、修改内容和备注说明);如果已经在 proof中修改了(修改信息对Query进行了回答),可以在response里指出修改页和行数、备注说明。Query文档写好后打印传真给指定的传真号。同样,记得提醒编辑给你回信。 本帖附件2:AUTHOR QUERY FORM 本帖附件3:MAMT_1528_corrected (黄色加亮部分是作者的修改,其它地方是排版编辑的修改。)本文已经正式出版。 方东明北京大学微电子学研究院
2023-06-12 00:28:131