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2023-06-13 20:07:38
TAG: ert desert

desert ["dez05t] 基本释义 词组短语 同近义词vt. 遗弃;放弃;逃跑vi. 遗弃;开小差;逃掉n. 沙漠;荒原;应得的赏罚adj. 沙漠的;荒凉的;不毛的desert island n. 荒岛 sahara desert 撒哈拉大沙漠[北非] gobi desert 戈壁沙漠(蒙古和中国西北部) taklimakan desert 塔克拉玛干沙漠(新疆塔里木盆地中部) desert landscape 沙漠地貌 arabian desert n. 阿拉伯沙漠 desert soil 荒漠土,荒漠土壤 rocky desert 岩质沙漠 desert storm 沙漠风暴(指1990年以美国为首的多国部队针对伊拉克侵占科威特而发动的军事进攻) sandy desert 纯沙沙漠 desert climate 沙漠气候,荒漠气候 cold desert n. 冻原;寒冷不毛之地 kalahari desert 喀拉哈里沙漠(位于非洲南部) atacama desert 阿塔卡马沙漠(位于智利北部) namib desert 纳米布沙漠(位于非洲西南部,是世界上最古老、最干燥的沙漠之一) 更多收起词组短语 vt.遗弃;放弃;逃跑

yield, quitvi.遗弃;开小差;逃掉

run out on, walk out onn.[地理]沙漠;[农]荒原;应得的赏罚

sands, woldadj.[地理]沙漠的;荒凉的;不毛的

wild, hungry




谁知道Emilie Simon 《Desert》的原文歌词?

2023-06-12 23:07:312


2023-06-12 23:07:426

desert 有哪些意思

desert ["dezu0259t]基本翻译n. 沙漠;荒原;应得的赏罚vt. 遗弃;放弃;逃跑adj. 沙漠的;荒凉的;不毛的vi. 遗弃;开小差;逃掉网络释义desert:沙漠 | 抛弃 | 遗弃
2023-06-12 23:08:235


desert [di"zu0259:t] vt. 遗弃;放弃;逃跑 vi. 遗弃;开小差;逃掉 desert ["dezu0259t] n. 沙漠;荒原;应得的赏罚 adj. 沙漠的;荒凉的;不毛的
2023-06-12 23:08:381

desert是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

désert 音标:[dezεr, -t]désert, ea. 无人居住的, 荒无人烟的, 荒凉的冷落的, 僻静的, 冷清的空的, 荒废的n. m. 沙漠, 荒漠[引]荒无人烟的地方, 人迹罕至的地方:偏僻地方, 冷落的地方[转]空虚, 孤独
2023-06-12 23:08:451


沙漠英语是desert。desert是一个英语单词,意思是“沙漠”或“荒漠”。沙漠是指地球上的一种生态系统,在这里几乎没有植被,气候干燥,温度极高或极低,生物资源稀少。沙漠的面积很广,分布在全球各地,如撒哈拉沙漠、莫哈韦沙漠、塔克拉玛干沙漠等。沙漠的环境和气候对于生物的生存和发展都是非常不利的。由于干燥和高温的环境,沙漠内的水资源非常稀缺,生物资源也很少。因此,沙漠里的生物必须具备适应沙漠环境的特殊能力,如耐旱、耐寒、耐热等。沙漠中的植物和动物也非常独特,具有强烈的适应性和生存能力。沙漠也是人类历史和文化的重要组成部分。在沙漠中,人类通过开采石油、天然气等资源,建设城市、道路和基础设施,推动了经济的发展和进步。用“desert”造句:1、The Sahara is the largest hot desert in the world.(撒哈拉沙漠是世界上最大的热带沙漠。)2、He was lost in the desert for three days.(他在沙漠中迷路了三天。)3、The camel is well adapted to life in the desert.(骆驼很适应沙漠的生活。)4、The desert landscape was breathtakingly beautiful.(沙漠的景色美得令人惊叹。)5、The Bedouin tribes have lived in the desert for centuries.(贝都因部落已经在沙漠中生活了几个世纪。)
2023-06-12 23:09:111


desert [du026a"zu025cu02d0t] vt. 遗弃;放弃;逃跑vi. 遗弃;开小差;逃掉adj. 沙漠的;荒凉的;不毛的 [ "dezu0259t]n. 沙漠;荒原;应得的赏罚
2023-06-12 23:10:136

desert怎么读 英语desert怎么读

1、desert英[u02c8dezu0259t , du026au02c8zu025cu02d0t]美[u02c8dezu0259rt , du026au02c8zu025cu02d0rt]n.沙漠; 荒漠; 荒原;v.抛弃,离弃,遗弃(某人); 舍弃,离弃(某地方); 擅离(部队); 逃走; 开小差; 废弃; 背离;adj.不毛的; 沙漠的; 无人的。 2、[例句]Desert plants are adapted to cope with extreme heat.沙漠植物适于耐酷热。
2023-06-12 23:10:271


desert [英]u02c8dezu0259t [美]u02c8dezu0259rt n. 沙漠;荒地;应得的赏罚;功劳,美德 adj. 沙漠的;荒芜的,不毛的;无人的 [例句]The goal , however , is to learn how to integrate green ideas into a livable desert city.但它真正的目标是研究如何将绿色理念付诸于一座宜居的沙漠城市。
2023-06-12 23:11:351


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 最好有论述草场退化与沙漠化的关系 解析: Do you think of a desert as a hot, dry place where sand stretches as far as you can see? The Sahara in North Africa is like that, but most deserts are not. All deserts are dry, but some deserts are very cold. Plants and animals live in most deserts. People have learned to live in deserts all over the world. Most deserts form because of air movements over the pla. Masses of dry air create deserts. For example, deserts can form where air currents go over mountains. Water gets squeezed out of the air as it passes over the mountains, and a desert forms on the other side of the mountains. Deserts can also form along some seacoasts where there are currents of cold water. There are o main bands of desert areas, one north of the equator and one south of the equator. The equator is an imaginary line that goes around Earth"s middle. MAJOR DESERTS OF THE WORLDThe largest desert in the world is the Sahara. It covers a land area as big as the United States. Huge waves of sand called dunes cover most of the Sahara. The Sahara is very hot during the day, but it cools off at night because sand does not hold heat well. The Gobi Desert in Asia is the largest cold desert. The Gobi covers parts of Mongolia and China. The Gobi gets very cold in the winter, but it can be hot during the summer. A large desert covers parts of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. There are also big desert areas in the Middle East, Australia, and South America. DESERT PLANTS Deserts get very little rain, but cactuses, trees, shrubs, and even wildflowers still manage to grow in some desert areas. These plants have special features, or adaptations, that help them get and store water. They have *** all leaves to keep water from escaping into the air. Some desert plants have long roots that reach water deep underground. Other plants, called succulents, can store water from a desert rainstorm in thick roots, stems, and leaves. Some desert plants grow for only a few days. They sprout after a rainfall. Then they die, and their seeds lie in the soil until the next rain es. The Sahara and deserts in the Middle East are so dry that they have few plants. DESERT ANIMALS Many kinds of animals also live in the desert. They include birds, insects, snakes, lizards, and some kinds of mammals. Desert animals have adaptations that help them survive. In hot deserts, centipedes, scorpions, and rattlesnakes burrow into the ground during the day to stay cool. Some foxes and rabbits that live in the desert have large ears that let body heat escape. The camel is a large mammal with a hump on its back that lives in the Sahara and Middle East deserts. Camels can go for days without food or water. Camels use the fat in their hump for energy. PEOPLE OF THE DESERTS Millions of people live in deserts around the world. Some people mine copper or other metals in desert mines. Some people work on desert farms. Shepherds in the Middle East go from place to place looking for food and water for their animals. People who live in deserts usually live near a source of water. They live on the banks of rivers that flow through deserts. They live on oases, places that have underground springs or wells. Water is so important to life in the desert that it must be used sparingly and be carefully protected. People sometimes bring water to deserts. They dig c *** s to bring in water from rivers. They use the water for drinking and for growing crops. In the southwestern United States, people bring water from the Colorado River into the desert for people to drink and to grow crops.
2023-06-12 23:12:231


表示沙漠是不可数 The traveler is traveling in the desert. 表示大片沙漠是可数to turn good land into deserts. 扩展资料   例句:   He is on a trek through the South Gobi desert.   他正徒步穿越南戈壁沙漠。   They had scoured the intervening miles of desert.   他们已经搜索了那介于中间几英里宽的沙漠地带。   Desert plants are adapted to cope with extreme heat.   沙漠植物适于耐酷热。   The terrain changed quickly from arable land to desert.   这里的地形很快由耕地变为沙漠。
2023-06-12 23:12:301


英英翻译 deserta large area of land that has very little water and very few plants growing on it. Many deserts are covered by sand.
2023-06-12 23:12:401


2023-06-12 23:12:482


2023-06-12 23:13:193

是at the desert还是in the desert?

in the desert
2023-06-12 23:13:504

desert的词性是什么 ?

desert英 ["dezu0259t]美 [u02c8du025bzu0259t]n.沙漠; 荒地; 应得的赏罚; 功劳,美德adj.沙漠的; 荒芜的,不毛的; 无人的[di"zu0259:t]v.丢开,抛弃; 擅离职守; 逃亡,逃走; 开小差
2023-06-12 23:13:581


Do you think of a desert as a hot, dry place where sand stretches as far as you can see? The Sahara in North Africa is like that, but most deserts are not. All deserts are dry, but some deserts are very cold. Plants and animals live in most deserts. People have learned to live in deserts all over the world. Most deserts form because of air movements over the planet. Masses of dry air create deserts. For example, deserts can form where air currents go over mountains. Water gets squeezed out of the air as it passes over the mountains, and a desert forms on the other side of the mountains. Deserts can also form along some seacoasts where there are currents of cold water. There are two main bands of desert areas, one north of the equator and one south of the equator. The equator is an imaginary line that goes around Earth"s middle.好的,我的翻译也是仅供参考你认为沙漠是个很热,很干燥,满眼都是沙子的地方么?北非的萨哈拉沙漠是这样的,但是大部分沙漠都不是。所有的沙漠都很干燥,但是有些沙漠是寒冷的。植物和动物都可以住在沙漠里,世界各地的人们也已经学会住在沙漠。大部分沙漠的来源是地球表面的空气运动,干燥空气制造了沙漠。比方说,沙漠可以来自于风搬运了山上的沙土。水被从空气中凝结出来被山遮挡,另一面就是沙漠。沙漠也会在一些寒冷的沿海地区有冷水的中央地带出现。一般都有一个区域在北边一个在南边。那个区域一般都在大陆的中间。
2023-06-12 23:14:061


2023-06-12 23:14:145

Abandon 与desert 做抛弃讲的区别

Abandon,强调人的行为 eg. I abandon my honest.desert,强调被遗弃的物品,即结果 eg. a desrted car
2023-06-12 23:14:303

sand和 desert有什么区别

sand ,范围小 ,你手捧起的沙子可以用SAND,但不能用DESERT,沙滩也是SAND但茫茫无际的沙漠就叫DESERT了注意运用
2023-06-12 23:14:461


2023-06-12 23:15:0710


1、发音不一沙漠:desert,发音:英[u02c8dezu0259t] ;美[u02c8dezu0259rt]。甜点:dessert,发音:英[du026au02c8zu025c:t];美[du026au02c8zu025c:rt]。2、含义不一沙漠:n. 沙漠;荒原;应得的赏罚;vt. 遗弃;放弃;逃跑;adj. 沙漠的;荒凉的;不毛的。甜点:n. 餐后甜点,甜点心。“沙漠”(desert)的词性介绍:1、Having to ride a camel across the desert terrified Charlie. (desert做名词)译文:不得不骑骆驼穿越沙漠吓坏了查理。2、Nobody likes to live in that desert region. (desert做形容词)译文:没有人喜欢生活在那个沙漠地区。3、She deserted her friend in a time of need. (desert做动词)译文:在朋友有需求时她选择了抛弃。
2023-06-12 23:15:371


Do you think of a desert as a hot, dry place where sand stretches as far as you can see? The Sahara in North Africa is like that, but most deserts are not. All deserts are dry, but some deserts are very cold. Plants and animals live in most deserts. People have learned to live in deserts all over the world.Most deserts form because of air movements over the planet. Masses of dry air create deserts. For example, deserts can form where air currents go over mountains. Water gets squeezed out of the air as it passes over the mountains, and a desert forms on the other side of the mountains. Deserts can also form along some seacoasts where there are currents of cold water. There are two main bands of desert areas, one north of the equator and one south of the equator. The equator is an imaginary line that goes around Earth"s middle.MAJOR DESERTS OF THE WORLDThe largest desert in the world is the Sahara. It covers a land area as big as the United States. Huge waves of sand called dunes cover most of the Sahara. The Sahara is very hot during the day, but it cools off at night because sand does not hold heat well.The Gobi Desert in Asia is the largest cold desert. The Gobi covers parts of Mongolia and China. The Gobi gets very cold in the winter, but it can be hot during the summer.A large desert covers parts of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. There are also big desert areas in the Middle East, Australia, and South America.DESERT PLANTSDeserts get very little rain, but cactuses, trees, shrubs, and even wildflowers still manage to grow in some desert areas. These plants have special features, or adaptations, that help them get and store water. They have small leaves to keep water from escaping into the air. Some desert plants have long roots that reach water deep underground. Other plants, called succulents, can store water from a desert rainstorm in thick roots, stems, and leaves. Some desert plants grow for only a few days. They sprout after a rainfall. Then they die, and their seeds lie in the soil until the next rain comes. The Sahara and deserts in the Middle East are so dry that they have few plants.DESERT ANIMALSMany kinds of animals also live in the desert. They include birds, insects, snakes, lizards, and some kinds of mammals. Desert animals have adaptations that help them survive. In hot deserts, centipedes, scorpions, and rattlesnakes burrow into the ground during the day to stay cool. Some foxes and rabbits that live in the desert have large ears that let body heat escape.The camel is a large mammal with a hump on its back that lives in the Sahara and Middle East deserts. Camels can go for days without food or water. Camels use the fat in their hump for energy.PEOPLE OF THE DESERTSMillions of people live in deserts around the world. Some people mine copper or other metals in desert mines. Some people work on desert farms. Shepherds in the Middle East go from place to place looking for food and water for their animals.People who live in deserts usually live near a source of water. They live on the banks of rivers that flow through deserts. They live on oases, places that have underground springs or wells. Water is so important to life in the desert that it must be used sparingly and be carefully protected.People sometimes bring water to deserts. They dig canals to bring in water from rivers. They use the water for drinking and for growing crops. In the southwestern United States, people bring water from the Colorado River into the desert for people to drink and to grow crops.
2023-06-12 23:15:581


作为大片,沙漠是可数的,比如deserts of the world...但是题目中是特指某一片沙漠
2023-06-12 23:16:081


2023-06-12 23:16:151


deserets 沙漠
2023-06-12 23:16:242


日影 09年的《小猪教室》 妻夫木聪主演的 刚看完很感动~~《神探伽利略》11集 1集SP 1集电影版《废物教师》《医龙》12《漂流教室》《白夜行》
2023-06-12 23:08:1415


2023-06-12 23:08:147


2023-06-12 23:08:191


2023-06-12 23:08:273


2023-06-12 23:08:431


cola与coke的含义、用法、范围、常见短语、例句等不同。1、含义不同Cola一般都指可乐饮料; 一杯(或一罐、一瓶)可乐。Eleanor bought him a Coca-Cola. 埃莉诺给他买了瓶可口可乐。Coke除了可乐之外,还有焦炭;(使)炭化、废气渣等意思。2、用法不同cola在表示可乐的时候,只要小写即可。I like sweets, jelly and cola. 我喜欢糖、果冻和可乐。coke表示饮料的时候首字母必须大写,写成Coke。My sister likes Coke. 我妹妹喜欢可乐。3、范围不同cola可特指“可口可乐”,熟知的“可口可乐”的英文为Coca Cola。He bought a Hershey Bar and a bottle of Coca-Cola.他买了一块“好时”巧克力和一瓶可口可乐。4、常见短语不同cola的短语有:Coca Cola可口可乐公司 ; 适口可乐。coke的短语有:coke oven 炼焦炉;petroleum coke 石油焦(炭);coke oven。gas 焦炉煤气;coke making 炼焦;metallurgical coke 冶金焦。5、例句不同cola的例句有:The most effective new botanicals are extracts from cola nut。and marine algae。这种极其有效的新型植物制剂是从可乐果和海藻中提炼出来的。coke的例句短语有:Let"s buy some cola. 我们买一些可乐吧。cola和coke都可以指可乐。现在的人用coke的更普遍,特别是年轻人。但是美国南方地区coke的含义不特指可口可乐,也可以指其他汽水饮料。另外coke还有可卡因,焦炭的意思。
2023-06-12 23:08:431


2023-06-12 23:08:454


KAT-TUN is a unit of Johnny"s Jr., a very large group of boys that have not yet made their professional debut.Although they have released a concert DVD which features approximately 10-15 of their songs.Before joining KAT-TUN, each member belonged to different Junior units. In 2001, Kinki Kids member Koichi Domoto personally picked 6 Johnny"s Jr. members to be his back dancers in the NHK music program, Pop Jam. He chose Kamenashi, Akanishi, Taguchi, Tanaka, Ueda and Nakamaru to join each other under the unit name of KAT-TUN.Initially, KAT-TUN was only meant to be a dancing unit to support Koichi Domoto. However, KAT-TUN gained a great deal of attention so the formation was maintained and KAT-TUN remains a solid unit.Their debut was announced January 29, 2006. This was a long-awaited event for both the members and their fans. The debut is to be accompanied by a concert tour of Japan.With the release of their album, single and DVD, KAT-TUN broke numerous records.They are the first artist to debut at #1 on all three Oricon charts. However, they are the second artist to top all three charts. The first artist to do so was Ayumi Hamasaki. They are also the artist with the highest debut sales for a single and also hold the record for the highest opening DVD sales. Their single "Real Face" also topped the Oricon charts for 3 weeks, making them the first artist in the millenium to do so.Kamenashi Kazuya is affectionately called Kame and is one of the two most popular members of KAT-TUN. Although the youngest member of KAT-TUN, he is considered the group"s "unofficial leader". He works extremely hard, and is really talented in baseball. Being good in public speaking, he is often appointed as the main speaker whenever KAT-TUN does their MC on TV programs or concerts. Kame usually leads KAT-TUN"s participation in musicals, because Kitagawa Johnny feels he has the most to offer in those areas where talent is concerned. With Jin, he is the main vocalist of the group. He starred in Gokusen 2 with Jin and as a result, earned an award for best male supporting actor. Even before that, Kame had starred in the 5th season of the Kinpachi Sensei series. He has also starred in Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo (2005) and Nobuta. wo Produce (野ブタ。をプロデュース) along with Yamashita Tomohisa from NewS, for which he scored another award, this time for best male lead actor. The two of them have also released a single called "Seishun Amigo" under the unit name Shuuji to Akira which also features the song "Kizuna" which he had written the lyrics for (it was used in the dorama Gokusen 2). The single had sold over one million copies in four weeks and is the No. 1 best selling single on the Oricon Charts of 2005.Akanishi Jin has some affectionate nicknames from fans. Jin is one of them, but there is also Bakanishi (baka literally means stupid; because he often acts childishly). With Kame, he is one of the two most famous KAT-TUN members. He plays the guitar, has a fabulous voice, and writes many songs for himself and KAT-TUN ("Care", "Hesitate", "Love or Like, "Murasaki""). He starred in Gokusen 2 with Kame, Anego, and a dorama special called Kurisumasu Nante Daikirai (I Hate Christmas).Taguchi Junnosukeis known as Junno. This tallest member of KAT-TUN is currently addicted to tap dancing. His trademarks are the acrobatic stunts he performs in their shows, despite being the tallest of them all, and also his smile, which has been described as "invincible". In 2004, Junno injured his knee and has had to take a few months" break from group activities after surgery. Junno has also acted alongside his senior from SMAP Nakai Masahiro"s film "Mohouhan" (The Copycat) in 2002. He also starred in "Ganbatte ikimasshoi" with Nishikido Ryo from NEWS. Junno is left-handed.Tanaka Koki naturally gets called Koki. His role in the group is as the main rapper. He writes most of the rap lyrics in their recent original songs and has started to write his own solo rap songs. His style is hip-hop, and he likes to protray a cuddly personality that is at odds with his image. Koki pairs up with Nakamaru most of the time and they have a comedic unit called TaNaka (TAnaka - NAKAmaru).Ueda Tatsuya, the appointed and official leader of the group, is one of KAT-TUN"s most "striking" members because he tends to change his image a lot he has been criticized for being "fake" in terms of personality. He is infamous for crying onstage when Nishikido Ryo asked him, "Who are you?" Ryo asked this because Ueda used to wear all sorts of creepy jewelry and goth clothing, and he looked like he was putting up a facade, trying to be someone else. He is called by the rest of KAT-TUN as Tat-chan. He is learning the English and French language (just like Gackt does - he"s a big fan of Gackt, to the point that he was obsessed with looking exactly like Gackt for a long period of time), and prefers songwriting to acting even if he only has a total of two songs to his name. His solo song Love in Snow in their Kaizokuban concert was originally made by him, both lyrics and music. So far, he is the only member of KAT-TUN who still doesn"t have a drama. Hopefully, it"ll stay that way.Nakamaru Yuichi, or Maru, the oldest member, is very funny. He proves that by being in the TaNaka comedy unit with Koki. Maru"s trademark skill is his human beatbox (sound of beats he creates with his mouth) that gets incorporated in KAT-TUN"s songs a lot. Because of this skill, he seems to be gaining more popularity recently and his song "Aishiteru Aishiterunai" is very popular. He is sometimes called Nakama.
2023-06-12 23:08:533

单片机 eeprom是什么功能?数据存储?程序存储器?求简介?跪求解释,一定采纳

2023-06-12 23:08:533


2023-06-12 23:09:001


2023-06-12 23:09:003


FLASH的全称是FLASH EEPROM,但跟常规EEPROM的操作方法不同。FLASH和EEPROM的最大区别是FLASH按扇区操作,EEPROM则按字节操作,二者寻址方法不同,存储单元的结构也不同,FLASH的电路结构较简单,同样容量占芯片面积较小,成本自然比EEPROM低,因而适合用作程序存储器,EEPROM麻烦的多,所以更“人性化”的MCU设计会集成FLASH和EEPROM两种非易失性存储器,而廉价型设计往往只有FLASH,EEPROM在运行中可以被修改,而FLASH在运行时不能修改,EEPROM可以存储一些修改的参数,Flash中存储程序代码和不需要修改的数据,所谓的Flash是用来形容整个存储单元的内容可以一次性擦除。所以,理论上凡是具备这样特征的存储器都可以称为Flash memory。EEPROM里面也分FF-EEPROM和FLASH EEPROM的,现在大家所讲的Flash memory实际上分为两大类,一类是Floating Gate Debice,一类是Charge Trapping Debice,这里的分类标准主要是program与crase的机制不同。一:FLASH和EEPROM的区别1:相同点是两者都能掉电存储数据2:不同点是:A:FALSH写入时间长,EEPROM写入时间短。B:FLASH擦写次数少(10000次),EEPROM次数多(1000000次)二:单片机的数据存储器不能用FLASH,因为:1:FLASH有一定的擦除,写入次数,一般的单片机的FLASH擦除写入次数的标称值是10000次。2:FLASH写入数据需要比较长的时间,大约需要4-6ms,而且写FLASH需要加上9V的高压,麻烦。三:至于EEPROM,可以作为数据存储器,但是单片机如atmegal28,一般用RAM作为数据存储器,因为EEPROM工艺复杂,成本高,适合于存储掉电保护的数据,而这类数据往往不需要太多,所以一般的单片机都没在内部集成EEPROM,需要的时候可以让单片机外挂24C01一类的串行EEPROM。区别:1、 FLASH按扇区操作,EEPROM则按字节操作2、 FLASH写入时间长,EEPROM写入时间短3、 FLASH擦写次数少(10000次),EEPROM次数多(1000000次)4、 FLASH的电路结构简单,成本低,EEPROM工艺复杂,成本高
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2023-06-12 23:08:051


2023-06-12 23:08:041


EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory),带电可擦可编程只读存储器--一种掉电后数据不丢失的存储芯片。 EEPROM 可以在电脑上或专用设备上擦除已有信息,重新编程。一般用在即插即用。由EPROM操作的不便,后来出的主板上BIOS ROM芯片大部分都采用EEPROM(Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM,电可擦除可编程ROM)。EEPROM的擦除不需要借助于其它设备,它是以电子信号来修改其内容的,而且是以Byte为最小修改单位,不必将资料全部洗掉才能写入,彻底摆脱了EPROM Eraser和编程器的束缚。EEPROM在写入数据时,仍要利用一定的编程电压,此时,只需用厂商提供的专用刷新程序就可以轻而易举地改写内容,所以,它属于双电压芯片。借助于EEPROM芯片的双电压特性,可以使BIOS具有良好的防毒功能,在升级时,把跳线开关打至“on”的位置,即给芯片加上相应的编程电压,就可以方便地升级;平时使用时,则把跳线开关打至“off”的位置,防止CIH类的病毒对BIOS芯片的非法修改。所以,至今仍有不少主板采用EEPROM作为BIOS芯片并作为自己主板的一大特色。
2023-06-12 23:08:033

求好看的日剧。类似ANEGO的~一定要有美少年 如果有AK文也行

《blood monday》《code blue》《花样男子》《求婚大作战》《有闲俱乐部》《绝对彼世》 《唯爱》
2023-06-12 23:07:571


2023-06-12 23:07:522


2023-06-12 23:07:453


Coca-Cola,或者称Coke,由美国可口可乐公司(The Coca-Cola Company)生产的一类含有咖啡因的汽水饮料,中文译为“可口可乐”〈译自蒋彝〉,饮料有一种特殊风味,这种风味来自原料中可乐种子(cola Seed)。可口可乐不仅是全球销量排名第一的汽水饮料[1],而且也是全球最著名的软饮料品牌,在全球拥有高至48%的市场占有率。可口可乐早期在中国的译名作“蝌蝌啃蜡”,但因销路不佳,后改名为“可口可乐”。可口可乐在世界各地市场皆处领导地位,其销量远远超越其主要竞争对手百事可乐,被列入吉尼斯世界纪录。
2023-06-12 23:07:399


AAfghanistanAlbaniaAlgeriaAndorraAngolaAntigua and BarbudaArgentinaArmeniaArubaAustraliaAustriaAzerbaijanTop of PageBBahamas, TheBahrainBangladeshBarbadosBelarusBelgiumBelizeBeninBhutanBoliviaBosnia and HerzegovinaBotswanaBrazilBrunei BulgariaBurkina FasoBurmaBurundiTop of PageCCambodiaCameroonCanadaCabo VerdeCentral African RepublicChadChileChinaColombiaComorosCongo, Democratic Republic of theCongo, Republic of theCosta RicaCote d"IvoireCroatiaCubaCuracaoCyprusCzech RepublicTop of PageDDenmarkDjiboutiDominicaDominican RepublicTop of PageEEast Timor (see Timor-Leste)EcuadorEgyptEl SalvadorEquatorial GuineaEritreaEstoniaEthiopiaTop of PageFFijiFinlandFranceTop of PageGGabonGambia, TheGeorgiaGermanyGhanaGreeceGrenadaGuatemalaGuineaGuinea-BissauGuyanaTop of PageHHaitiHoly SeeHondurasHong KongHungaryTop of PageIIcelandIndiaIndonesiaIranIraqIrelandIsraelItalyTop of PageJJamaicaJapanJordanTop of PageKKazakhstanKenyaKiribatiKorea, NorthKorea, SouthKosovoKuwaitKyrgyzstanTop of PageLLaosLatviaLebanonLesothoLiberiaLibyaLiechtensteinLithuaniaLuxembourgTop of PageMMacauMacedoniaMadagascarMalawiMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMaltaMarshall IslandsMauritaniaMauritiusMexicoMicronesiaMoldovaMonacoMongoliaMontenegroMoroccoMozambiqueTop of PageNNamibiaNauruNepalNetherlandsNew ZealandNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNorth KoreaNorwayTop of PageOOmanTop of PagePPakistanPalauPalestinian TerritoriesPanamaPapua New GuineaParaguayPeruPhilippinesPolandPortugalTop of PageQQatarTop of PageRRomaniaRussiaRwandaTop of PageSSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSamoa San MarinoSao Tome and PrincipeSaudi ArabiaSenegalSerbiaSeychellesSierra LeoneSingaporeSint MaartenSlovakiaSloveniaSolomon IslandsSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth KoreaSouth SudanSpain Sri LankaSudanSurinameSwaziland SwedenSwitzerlandSyriaTop of PageTTaiwanTajikistanTanzaniaThailand Timor-LesteTogoTongaTrinidad and TobagoTunisiaTurkeyTurkmenistanTuvaluTop of PageUUgandaUkraineUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUruguayUzbekistanTop of PageVVanuatuVenezuelaVietnamTop of PageYYemenTop of PageZZambiaZimbabweTop of Page
2023-06-12 23:07:341


欺诈游戏 欺诈猎人 欺诈师的故事,我认为欺诈游戏比较好,但是欺诈猎人是山下演的,很养眼啊花样少男少女 很有青春校园的感觉,轻松幽默神探伽利略 比较有意思花样男子 有点老了,但是我觉得拍的不错my boss my hero 龙樱 极道鲜师 交响情人梦,这些只看了看,还可以,不是沉重的,很多人推荐,可以看看还有未完结的 家有六子
2023-06-12 23:07:3116


EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory),电可擦可编程只读存储器--一种掉电后数据不丢失的存储芯片。 EEPROM 可以在电脑上或专用设备上擦除已有信息,重新编程。EEPROM(电可擦写可编程只读存储器)是可用户更改的只读存储器(ROM),其可通过高于普通电压的作用来擦除和重编程(重写)。不像EPROM芯片,EEPROM不需从计算机中取出即可修改。在一个EEPROM中,当计算机在使用的时候是可频繁地重编程的,EEPROM的寿命是一个很重要的设计考虑参数。EEPROM的一种特殊形式是闪存,其应用通常是个人电脑中的电压来擦写和重编程。
2023-06-12 23:07:233


2023-06-12 23:07:181


最近看了挺多日剧,从每个日剧里都有一些日本文化和生活的小收获.只要大量的看,肯定有收获的.以下给你推荐一些我个人觉得比较好看的,希望在兴趣的帮助下,让你学到想学的日本礼仪.OL日本(讲日本公司迎来中国派遣员,中日办公室文化碰撞的.)my boss my hero(滨齐步的前男友主演,作为长相一流的偶像明星,长濑却愿意牺牲形象做出很多夸张雷人的面部表情,我想这就是日本偶像跟国内偶像的一些区别吧)派遣的品格(这个剧可以告诉你,日本企的聘用制度,有两种员工,终身制员工和临时员工,不过现在既使是日本,终身聘用制也越来越少了)不能结婚的男人(阿步宽主演的,里面的巴歌犬让我印象很深刻,整个剧轻松愉快,不错)anego(anego在日语里是大姐的意思,本剧讲的就是现在日本企业里很多大龄女性在公司所处的角色)unfair(和派遣员的品格及anego一样的女演员,是现在很红的4小天后之一,看多了她的剧,相信你会被她的魅力倾倒,演技不错.本剧看到最后,会让人内心不大平静,因为太曲折出人意料的安排会让你打骂编剧狡猾)时效警察1 2(很轻松的剧,很闲的时候看看,当学日语吧)/stand up/东京塔/女王的教室/14岁的妈妈。伽利略(里面的福山雅治完全演的完全是超人)三角迷踪(虽然追着看完了,说实话,看的过程中也有被编剧愚弄的感觉,广末凉子长不老的啊)stand up(里面的四个男主角都是现在日本首屈一指的红人儿!!)美女与野兽(讲电视台新闻频道的故事,如果你喜欢福山雅治的话可以看看,03年的)还有很多剧,慢慢看吧,我都还没看,上面是我觉得比较让人印象深刻的.日剧虽然在演员阵容(看多了日剧,来来去去都是那几个演员)和情节科幻离奇上不如美剧,但是前者情节紧凑,短小精悍,比较值得看.没有玫瑰的花店//CHANGE/太阳与海的教室/峰女与壁女/悠长假期/求婚大作战/别开玩笑/华丽一族/交响情人梦/比谁都爱妈妈/鬼嫁日记/一公升的泪/美味学院/西洋古董洋果子店/级道鲜师/新娘厄运年/美丽的真相/欺诈猎人/野猪大改造/花嫁和爸爸/orange days/池袋西口公园/蛋糕上的草莓/跳跃大搜查线/敬启,父亲大人/温柔时刻/木更津猫眼/虎与龙/沉睡的森林/人间失格/sexy vioce and robo/attention please
2023-06-12 23:07:081