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CKJ 国内专柜尺码问题,我183cm,64kg,穿CKJ的羽绒服应该选多大号的?

2023-06-15 15:01:49
TAG: ckj






Calvin Klein是美国第一大设计师品牌,曾经连续四度获得知名的服装奖项;旗下的相关产品更是层出不穷,声势极为惊人。 Calvin Klein一直坚守完美主义,每一件Calvin Klein时装都显得非常完美。因为体现了十足的纽约生活方式,Calvin Klein的服装成为了新一代职业妇女品牌选择中的最爱。司简介: 卡尔文·克莱恩(Calvin Klein)创始人Calvin Klein1968年创办Calvin Klein“卡文克莱”公司。 Calvin Klein 是当之无愧为全美最具知名度的时装设计师。其产品范围除了高档次、高品位的经典之作外,克莱恩同时还是那些以青年人为消费对象的时髦的无性别香水和牛仔服装的倡导者。 卡尔文·克莱恩(Calvin Klein)有Calvin Klein(高级时装)、CK Calvin Klein(高级成衣)、Calvin Klein Jeans(牛仔)三大品牌,另外还经营休闲装、袜子、内衣、睡衣、泳衣、香水、眼镜、家饰用品等。
2023-06-14 15:24:504


CK全称是什么? “卡文克莱”公司(CalvinKlein) 美国CalvinKlein的产品品牌 游戏中刺客职业 游戏DOTA英雄混沌骑士(ChaosKnight) 细胞因子(cytokines) 人物沉珂(ceekay) 渗碳钢(carboncasehandening) “CK”的全称是Calvin Klein。 这是一个美国时装品牌,是美国第一大设计师品牌。作为全方位发展的时尚品牌,主要经营休闲装、袜子、内衣、睡衣、泳衣、香水、眼镜、家饰用品等。 “CK”的创始人是Calvin Klein1942年出生于美国纽约,是美国时尚的代表人物。曾就读于,美国纽约时装学院,并且连续四次获得知名的服装奖项。 Calvin Klein的设计哲学是:现代、极简、舒适华丽、休闲、优雅。旗下一共有三个主要的服装路线,高阶时装、高阶成衣、和牛仔系列。其重要的风格之一就是性感,在广告中创造出完美、艺术化的形象。 ck的全称是什么啊? “卡文克莱”公司(CalvinKlein) 选矿药剂ck的全称是什么? 选矿药剂ck的全称可以是KR18,也可以是调整剂石灰乳,都是人起的名字。可以有很多叫法。 LV和CK是缩写还是全称?全称是什么呢?什么意思呢? LV=level是level KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 水平线;水平面[C] The village is 1,000 meters above sea level. 这村子海拔一千米。 2. 高,高度[C][U] The flood rose to a level of 50 feet. 洪水涨到五十英尺高。 3. (建筑物的)层[C] 4. 平坦的表面;平坦地区[C] 5. (文化等的)水平,程度,标准[C][U] These students have not reached an advanced level yet. 这些学生尚未达到高阶班的程度。 6. 【美】水平仪;水平测量[C] 7. 级别;地位[C] They are holding a conference at ministerial level. 他们正在举行部长级会议。 a. 1. 水平的,平的 Some streets are not level in the city. 城里有几条街道不平坦。 2. 同高度的,同水平的,同程度的,并进的[F][(+with)] The little girl"s head is level with her mother"s knee. 这小女孩已经长到她母亲膝盖那么高了。 3. 笔直的,直盯着的 She gave me a level look. 她直瞪瞪地看我一眼。 4. 平稳的;冷静的 He was getting angry but his voice remained level. 他很生气,但说话的语气仍很平静。 5. 【口】公平的;诚实的 vt. 1. 弄平,推平[(+out/off)] The bulldozer leveled the mound of earth. 推土机把土堆铲平。 2. 夷平;毁坏;击倒 The trees were leveled by the typhoon. 树木被台风刮倒了。 3. 使平等,使划一 4. 把...对准[(+at)] vi. 1. 变平 The deck of the ship leveled as the wind subsided. 随着风的平息,船甲板也平稳了。 2. 用枪瞄准[(+at)] 3. 坦率诚实地对待[(+with)] 4. 对准[(+at)] Her eyes leveled at him. 她的眼睛盯着他。 CK是一个品牌 有名的服装,香水品牌啊~~ 是创始人的名字命名的,他叫卡尔文。克莱尔 两个词的大写字母,就组成了他的商标CK啦~~! 他很有才华呢!他有很有名的香水:毒药! 很多很多他的故事,他是服装界的传奇呢 与香奈儿,范思哲齐名 Ck *** 的全称是Fuck吗? CK (Calvin Klein) 品牌档案: 国家:美国 建立年代:1968年 建立人:卡尔文·克莱恩 (Calvin Klein) 现任设计师:弗朗西斯科·科斯塔 (Francisco Costa) 产品系列:高阶女装、高阶男装、牛仔、休闲装、袜子、内衣、睡衣、泳衣、香水、彩妆、眼镜、家饰用品等 其实嘛,很多都是在超市专柜上买的,几十或者百多元钱那种,是有质量啊,但是CK在一般的商场是看不见的,没有好一点的档次的购物中心CK是不会去投租的。而且CK *** 一条都是500多, CK的全称是calven klain还是calvin klein 1、CK的全称是Calvin Klein。 2、品牌简介 Calvin Klein(简称:CK),是一个美国时装品牌,于1968年成立,创始者为同名设计师卡尔文·克雷恩,曾经连续四度获得知名的服装奖项;其创始人Calvin Klein 1942年出生于美国纽约,就读于著名的美国纽约时装学院(F I T)。 3、品牌寓意 Calvin Klein是美国第一大设计师品牌;旗下的相关产品更是层出不穷,声势极为惊人。 Calvin Klein一直坚守完美主义,每一件Calvin Klein时装都显得非常完美。因为体现了十足的纽约生活方式,Calvin Klein的服装成为了新一代职业妇女品牌选择中的最爱。 Calvin Klein有“Calvin Klein Collection”(高阶时装)、“CK Calvin Klein”(高阶成衣)、“CKJ”(牛仔)三大品牌,另外还经营休闲装、袜子、内衣、睡衣、泳衣、香水、眼镜、家饰用品等。 NBA全称是什么 NBA(美职篮),全称美国及加拿大职业篮球联盟(National Basketball Association),是一个国际体育及媒体集团,由三个职业体育联盟组成:美国男子职业篮球联盟(NBA)、美国女子职业篮球联盟(WNBA)以及NBA发展联盟(NBA Development League)。其中NBA是世界上水平最高的篮球联赛、美国四大职业体育联赛之一。 ps全称是什么! photoshop GSLB全称是什么? GSBL: Global Server Load Balancing 即全球伺服器负载均衡 是一个能够跨越多个数据中心主机托管的网站或伺服器组提供负载均衡和高可用性。使用 GSLB ,客户可以被定向到可提供最短响应时间的资料中心。当资料中心发生故障时, GSLB 能够透明性可以把客户定向到最佳的备用地点,来提供无中断的服务。
2023-06-14 15:26:141


[a]=[a一,a二,a三,...,am](行向量)[b]=[b一,b二,b三,...,bm]T(列向量)[a][b]=a一b一+a二b二+a三b三+...+ambm所行乘列数例如:Aij=∑Bik*Ckj (i=1,2,3...)两个矩阵,所得到的新矩阵中的元素Aij为原矩阵Bik(左乘)第i行分别与原矩阵Ckj(右乘)第j列相乘后求和。而如果只是1行乘以1列,则得到A11=C ;A12,...A21,...均不存在,那么乘积就是常数C。扩展资料:印刷体记作粗体的字母(如a、b、u、v),书写时在字母顶上加一小箭头“→”。如果给定向量的起点(A)和终点(B),可将向量记作AB(并于顶上加→)。在空间直角坐标系中,也能把向量以数对形式表示,例如Oxy平面中(2,3)是一向量。许多物理量都是矢量,比如一个物体的位移,球撞向墙而对其施加的力等等。与之相对的是标量,即只有大小而没有方向的量。一些与向量有关的定义亦与物理概念有密切的联系,例如向量势对应于物理中的势能。参考资料来源:百度百科-列向量
2023-06-14 15:26:521


CKabbr.creatine kinase 【生物化学】肌酸激酶ck.abbr.1. cask2. check3. cook基本释义abbr. 肌酸激酶(creatine kinase);美国第一大设计师品牌(Calvin Klein);呼叫键(Call Key)短语SAM CK测量转换开关;丈量转换开关CK be克莱恩香水;中性香水;凯文克莱;克莱仇臭火CK check检查;复选TechFaith CK内容来源CK Cheng师郑兆刚CK Tang诗家董CK cytokeratin细胞角蛋白CK Wed华韩婚庆CK Telecom西可通信;西可集团In Cuba the Geely CK is now the car of choice for the police.“吉利CK”已经成为古巴警车的首选。However these ba ck-up copies may not be provided to other persons by any means.但这些备份复制品不得通过任何方式提供给他人使用。Objective:To study the relationship of endothelin(ET) and creatine kinase(CK) to the changes of heart function of patients with acute myocardial infarction(AMI).目的:探讨急性心肌梗塞(AMI)患者血浆内皮素(ET)及肌酸激酶(CK)浓度与心功能变化之间的关系。
2023-06-14 15:27:393


洗掉了 就不是CK
2023-06-14 15:29:483


大ck的全称是Calvin Klein,小ck的全称是Charles & Keith,价位上大CK比小CK要贵很多。新加坡的品牌 Charles&Keith,大家俗称的“小CK”。Charles & Keith是由Charles Wong和Keith Wong兄弟在1996年于新加坡创立了CHARLES & KEITH。该品牌的产品包含鞋履、包袋、皮带、太阳眼镜、手环等各类时尚配饰。截止至2014年,该集团旗下已经在全球36个国家的各大城市的黄金商圈设立了450家门店。小ck和大ck主要从经营范围、产品价格、主打品牌等方面来区别。
2023-06-14 15:29:585


2023-06-14 15:30:341


真空接触器,市场上牌子众多,要有证书的可以买浙江东煤真空电器有限公司的,二十多年的品牌,非常有名。 便宜的就选乐清市蓬勃电器有限公司的,耐用!
2023-06-14 15:30:424


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2023-06-14 15:32:043


2023-06-14 15:32:501

请问G-STAR 和CK谁的牛仔裤更贵

2023-06-14 15:32:583


2023-06-14 15:33:092


2023-06-14 15:26:381


你上面所说的是一个插件的帮助,你安装了amx_ammo.amxx了吗,如果安装好了,并且你在控制台输入amxx plugins 显示已经运行了插件,说明插件有效的,不是破的,然后,你在输入amx_ammo #1 ,这个命令就是把序号为1的玩家子弹设置成无限,怎么看序号,你在控制台输入status,或输入users,显示了全部玩家的序号,然后输入amx_ammo #序号,就可以设置子弹无限了,0和1应该设置这个插件是否可用的,具体要看源代码,但应当如我所说的,好了,你直接在amx_ammo后面输入玩家名字也可以的,好了。哦也
2023-06-14 15:26:431


2023-06-14 15:26:511


2023-06-14 15:27:001


eager的副词形式为eagerly;名词形式为eagerness; eagerly:adv.渴望地;热切地; eagerness:n.渴望;殷切;热忱;热情 扩展资料   His eagerness to finish his work in time was quite obvious.   他急切地想准时完成工作是很明显的。   I could see her eagerness to go abroad.   我可以看出他孔殷地想出国。   Other countries are eagerly awaiting an American green light to lift the sanctions altogether.   其他国家正在急切等待美国同意完全撤销制裁。
2023-06-14 15:27:041

eager 的词根是哪个?

2023-06-14 15:27:132


cheats:速度 +50 cheath:生命 +1000 cheatm / stmon:金钱 +10000 cheatexp / stexp:经验 +1000 stgod:全部技能 +100 金钱 +50000 (技能最大值200,若反复输入,金钱增加,技能值在100和200之间转换) stammo:+各类弹药基数(含Ammo_pistol/Ammo_shotgun/Ammo_minigun/Ammo_granate/Ammo_rocket/Ammo_ballon/Ammo_energy) stshop:开启商店 stkillall:杀死所有异形 stwin / stwnn:过关 remgamma:+亮度 stat:一些统计数据显示(ex. 任务量,异形数,游戏时间,金钱etc.) 以上的所有秘籍经过本人测试都能正常使用! cheatw或cheata:+武器? cheata:+盔甲? GodDebugToggle() - 启动/关闭无敌模式 注意:方括号是密码的一部分,不要漏掉! 无敌 无敌模式: 在游戏内按["],待“Omen”的提示出现,然后输入: mdkGobSetDamageFilter(mdkGetPlayerGob(),0) 每隔一段时间,玩家必须重新输入密码:按["]开启console,然后方向键“上”(用以重复之前的指令)。因为当“map block”改变(硬盘读盘时出现困难,而且游戏速度间歇性减慢,或者玩家的HP不断下降。),游戏不会存先前的模式。 跳关作弊码 按“"”或“`”键然后输入密码,按回车激活,按两次ESC退出。 mdkNewGame(1,12) - 跳到level 1 mdkNewGame(2,12) - 跳到level 2 mdkNewGame(3,12) - 跳到level 3 mdkNewGame(4,12) - 跳到level 4 mdkNewGame(5,11) - 跳到level 5 mdkNewGame(6,8) - 跳到level 6 mdkNewGame(7,11) - 跳到level 7 mdkNewGame(8,8) - 跳到level 8 mdkNewGame(9,13) - 跳到level 9 mdkNewGame(10,7) - 跳到level 10 (final) mdkNewGame(11,1) - 隐藏关level 10 #1 mdkNewGame(12,1) - 隐藏关level 10 #2 编辑文件名Max2.ini的文件,将其中的设定作如下改动便可进入所有关。 current_campaign_1_mission=1 current_campaign_mission=49 last_campaign_played=49 在游戏中可输入下列字符开启相应功能: [maxspy]显示所有敌人 [maxstorage]资源变多 [maxsurvey]显示所有矿藏位置 [maxsuper]强化选中的单位 在游戏中按下‘""键,然后输入: mdkGobSetDamageFilter(mdkGetPlayerGob(),0) 没有穿衣服的Kurt: 在console顺序输入“KurtGetNaked()”和“mdkNewGame(1,12)” ,那么Kurt便 会光着身子进行第一关的游戏。这个密码只进用于以Kurt进行游戏的关卡,只需 输入“KurtGetNaked()”,然后开始那一关的游戏便可以。 “Slow-Mo”模式: 当你使用Max(其中一个角色)时,按住“fire”键不放,同时按四次“equip up”键,成功的话你会听到一声“Slo-mo!”。要关闭这模式,只需重复以上步骤。 再发一个修改Weapon.cfg的说明! 孤胆枪手修改,在选人物之前让你变得super man 武器修改:1.用记事本打开Weapon.cfg 2.对照2者的武器名称,找到你要修改的武器名,这里就用最强的霰弹枪做例子 (ShotGun_craft2) 3.在Weapon.cfg 中找到Weapon=ShotGun_craft2, Add_level x:在X关时可以买到,改成2的话第一个商店就能买到 Damage X Y:最小-最大伤害值(X-Y这样) Reload X:装弹速度,越小越快 Cost X:价格(比如修改成1...) Size X Y:武器占地,X是横向 Y是纵向 比如2 3就是宽2格高3格 level X:需要技能等级 Class x:武器类别,0=拳头,1=手枪 2=散弹 3=机枪 4=火箭 5-能量 DamageRadius X: 损伤半径,X越大范围越大 Clip X:一个弹夹装弹数 Reload X Y:X=每两发间隔时间 Y=换弹夹所需时间 AimRange X:精度,越大越不准 Bulletcount X Y:X是每一枪发出子弹数,例如令X=5的话你一枪就能发出5发子弹;Y是每开一枪需要弹药数,换句话说就是开一枪减少多少子弹,比如冰冻枪一枪要用两发弹药,Y的值就是2 Ammoname X:使用弹药种类 Ammo_shotgun就是使用散弹,Ammo_pistol=手枪子弹 ,Ammo_energy=能量罐 Ammo_minigun=机枪弹 Ammo=rocket=火箭 Ammo=ballon= 燃料罐 Vidbullet X:发射子弹种类。可以任意修改,比如让手枪发火箭弹也是可以的, 让火箭筒发手枪子弹也行 子弹种类列表: 800 普通子弹(手枪,散弹枪,机枪弹) 801 大号子弹(原版最强机枪专用弹) 134 榴弹(榴弹发射器) 113 一般火箭弹(大多数火箭筒) 236 跟踪火箭弹(某个火箭筒) 214 核子火箭(核子火箭筒) 1392 小型火焰(第一个火焰喷射器,注意,这个是没有火光的) 231 激光(激光手枪,激光步枪,激光机枪用) 1343 火焰(第2个火焰喷射器) 1411 射线(射线手枪) 3027 脉冲弹(脉冲步枪) 1376 小型等离子弹(等离子步枪) 1386 缩小光波(缩小枪) 1395 冷冻气体(冷冻枪) 112 电浆(电浆步枪,电浆机抢) 1375 离子炮弹(离子炮) 其他的数据不用管了。 弹药篇: 1.用记事本打开Weapon.cfg 和 汉化后的Text目录下的Weapon.txt 2.对照2者的弹药名称,找到你要修改的弹药名,这里就用手枪弹做例子 (Ammo_pistol) addlevel=x:看武器篇 maxinv=x:一格能容纳子弹数 maxbay=x:捡起一个子弹包加的子弹数 size= x y:看武器篇 装甲篇: 1.用记事本打开Weapon.cfg 2.对照2者的装甲名称,找到你要修改的装甲名,这里就用BAYONET2 SL-P550做例子(Armor_bayonet2) Armor=Armor_bayonet2 装甲ID Add_level=x 同上 Level=x 同上 Defence=x 防御值,代表被吸收的伤害百分比,所以不要改过100 Hp=x 装甲耐久度 Cost=x 同上 Size=x y 同上 TypeAnimationArmor=x 穿着装甲后人物外型,0是无甲,1是轻甲,2是中甲,3是重甲 道具篇 1.用记事本打开Weapon.cfg 2.对照2者的道具名称,找到你要修改的道具名(由于各种道具属性不同,所以我 列出全部的属性,和上面相同的不再列出) Health=x 每一点健康技能价格(各种技能管) Strength=x 同上,力量技能价格 S_Armor=x 装甲技能价格 Speed=x 速度价格 Accuracy=x 精确度价格 Intelligence=x 智力价格 Pistols=x 手枪技能价格 Shotgun=x 散弹技能价格 Minuguns=x 机枪技能价格 Rocket=x 火箭技能价格 Energy=x 能量技能价格 注:修改Implant=ImplantSkillsCost这一行下面的即可,Implant=RandItems_1 Implant=RandItems_2 Implant=RandItems_3下面的不要动 numskill=x:每个技能管可加技能种类数 minmax=X Y:每种技能加值最小值-最大值(随机给与,比如minmax=50 60就是每 种技能加值在50~60之间) maxshop=x:商店里最多出售数量 energy=x:手电筒能量值,不用改动(当然你非想把手电改成只能用一段时间也行,把unlimited_energy 改成数字就行 restoreenergy=x 每秒恢复能量数,如果你把手电筒改成了非无限能量,那么请 把这里改成0,否则不用管 maxinv=x:一格最多容纳多少个同种道具(1的话就是不可叠加) spotradius=x:手电光照范围 spotdistance=x:手电光照距离 gameo**=x:别改 ingoremaxhp=x:是否在最大hp上继续增加hp,0为否1为是 addhp=x:医药包增加hp数 autouse=x:别改 addexistingammo=x:是否增加已有弹药,0为否1为是(比如,当为0时,如果你已经有了手枪子弹,那么捡到弹药箱不会增加你的手枪子弹) addammo=x:增加弹药种类,不用改(当然你非要看起来是手枪子弹捡起来却加火 箭弹也行,弹药ID看上面) maxdamageautouse=x:受到多大伤害后使用医药包,0为关闭此功能 minhpautouse=x:还剩多少血时使用医药包 autousetime=x:医药包使用后生效时间,越小越快,单位为毫秒(1000毫秒=一秒) dronemaxhp=x:机器人耐久度(可装备的那种) addmoney=x:加多少钱 人物篇: 1.用记事本打开Weapon.cfg 2.对照2者的人物名称,找到你要修改的人物名,以drake为例(char1) character=x:人物ID,别改 lives=x:一出来有多少条命,不能大于6 skillstoadd=x:一开始有多少技能点可以加 *=x:性别,别改…… money=x:一出来有多少钱 vidhead=x:头像,别改 health=x:一开始的健康属性点 strength=x:同上,强壮属性点 speed=x:速度属性点 accuracy=x:精确度属性点 intelligence=x:智力属性点 S_armor=x:装甲技能点 pistols=x:手枪属性点 shotgun=x:散弹枪属性点 miniguns=x机枪属性点 rocket=x火箭属性点 energy=x能量武器属性点 rank=x:一开始称号 inv=x y z:一开始拥有的物品,heand不能去掉,其他你要加要减随便,注意两 个ID之间要有空格 自建物品篇 1.首先,确定你要新建一种什么物品。然后,复制某种对应物品第一条分割线下 面的所有内容直到第二条分割线(比如你要新建一把火箭筒,那么就找到某种火 箭筒第一条分割线下面的所有内容包括第二条分割线并复制) 2.在你要某种新建的物品类别相同的分割线下面粘贴你刚才复制的内容(还是以 火箭筒为例,在某两种火箭筒的分割线下面粘贴,并且确保分割线格式正确) 3.修改新物品的属性到你喜欢 4.打开text文件夹下的weapon.txt,复制某种类似物品的说明内容并粘贴,并且按 你的喜好修改说明。 5.注意,任何道具都有vidgrnd=x和vidmenu=x两个属性。vidgrnd=x是道具小图的名字(物品栏中显示图)vidmenu=x是大图名字(看说明时的图)。如果是武器,那么把图放到image文件夹里的weapon文件夹里,否这直接放到image文件夹里(x是文件名,最好用数字)我试过至少改拥有钱数,武器售价和初期技能点都是能用的,最后最重要的是修改完成后,必须要重新创建一个新的角色才能使用修改过的内容 窗口化方式: 找到My DocumentsAlienShooter2 Reloaded SavesSaves 下的_global.dat 文件 用记事本打开 可以看到如下内容: iFullScreen=1 iScreenX=800 iScreenY=620 找到iFullScreen=1 改为iFullScreen=0 保存退出 进游戏就是窗口
2023-06-14 15:27:141

请问战地2 BF2修改编码。ObjectTemplate.ammo.ammoType 是否每件武器都有这个拜托了各位 谢谢

子弹类型不是改的ammoType,是改的“ObjectTemplate.material”, 一般有两个,第一个是设定碰撞材质,第二个是设定杀伤材质, 比如ussni_m95_barret的两个分别在第131和136行。 把第一个数改成56,子弹打中物体后会扬起跟炮弹爆炸一样的烟尘,这就是碰撞材质设定。 把第二个数改成56,子弹类型就变成炮弹,可以打爆各种载具....
2023-06-14 15:27:261


2023-06-14 15:27:422


2023-06-14 15:28:042


eager ["i:ɡ] adj. 渴望的;热切的;热心的 eagerness ["i:ɡnis] n. 热心;渴望。willingness n. 1.名词 [c] (readiness) 愿意 2.名词 (enthusiasm) 热切 例句: 两国开始对话,表示愿意和解.The two countries started to hold dialog.
2023-06-14 15:28:051


2023-06-14 15:28:131


2023-06-14 15:28:422


2023-06-14 15:28:518

long for和eager

选long long有动词的意思 渴望 eager是个形容词
2023-06-14 15:29:021

be eager to do sth.还是be eager todo sth.?

当然是 be eager to do sth.,因为 to 和 do 是两个词,不能连在一起写。
2023-06-14 15:29:331

ammor annascunnuto什么意思,celine dion的一首歌就是这个名字,超级好听,求意大利语达人翻译下

  这是意大利Napoli的方言~意思是 不可告人的爱~  用标准意大利来说应该是 amore sconosciuto  原歌词如下(括号内为意大利语普通话和中文译文...):  Dimme addo sta 、  (Dimmi dove sono谁能告诉我在哪里)  O"tiemp belle na vota  (I bei tempi di una volta 过往美好的时光)  Dimme addo staje  (Dimmi dove sei? 告诉我你在哪里)  Dimme ca t"arricuorda  (Dimmi se ti ricordi?告诉我可曾记得我)  Ma si ce sta quaccurun ca"mo vene a"dicere  (Ma se ci fosse qualcuno che me lo direbbe但是如果有人能告诉我)  Ca"pucuntria je sto sul cca"a penzà  (Che nostalgia sono qui da solo a pensare 我在这里独自怀念家乡)  Pe cchelle ca rimane ca  (Per quello che resta 为了剩下的)  Pe cchelle che è succiese  (Per quello che è successo为了已发生的)  Dinte a st"ammore annascunnuto  (In questo amore nascosto 在这隐藏的爱之下)  So comme è bell n"cumpagnia  (So come sia bello essere in compagnia我深刻了解这乡村的美丽)  So l"ombra faccie  (Sono l"ombra del viso 我是这景色中的幽灵)  E po"chi sa  (E poi chi sà 谁又知道)  Forze je so chell ca sarrà  (Forse sono quello che sarà 或许我只是该是的那个)  Si fanne  Veré e"stelle tutte  E vote ca rire...  (Brillano le stelle tutte le volte  che sorridi 你笑的时候星星也会闪耀)  E se ne vann  E"stelle n"ciele  Si chiagne  (e scompaiono dal cielo  se piangi 你哭泣时天空也会纷乱)  Nu teng mo chiù lamient  O saje  Sta tutt appost  (Lo sai ,Non provo piu"dolore ,ora tutto va bene你知道,我不再感到痛苦,现在一切安好)  Dinte a sta ammore  Vuò sta annascunnute  (in questo amore  in cui vuoi nasconderti 在这个你想隐藏自己的爱中)  Cuant anne pe  Stu munne e cuant anne ancora  (Quanti anni per  questo mondo e quanti anni ancora 这个世界过了多少年,还有多少年)  Si se putess  E si teness a pacienza  (se si potesse  e se ne avessi la pazienza 如果能,如果还有耐心)  Simme accusì  Nuje c"annammuramme  (Siamo fatti cosi"  Ci innamoriamo我们这样做,我们陷入爱河)  Fine a chiagnere  Niente e nisciune  (fino a piangerne  Niente e nessuno 直到哭泣,就我们自己)  Chistu desiderie e te  (il desiderio di te按你的希望)  Scuseme si nu scrive chiù  (Scusami se nn ti scrivo piu"原谅我不再给你写信)  Ma o saje ca jev a nun murie  (Ma lo sai che andavo a non morire 但是你知道我不会死去)  Sto semp a fà coccos ...  (faccio sempre qualcosa我经常会做一些事)  E nu ma bbaste maje  (e non ne ho mai abbastanza 但总不会很多)  原版翻译 楼下不得直接复制粘贴~
2023-06-14 15:30:041


先进入“PLAY GAME”然后在BONUS FEATURES把无限弹药用PTS点数购买下来在很后面,前面那些500是扭蛋,0是服装 购买前提是武器升满级,而且最便宜也要1W以上的PTS(PTS就是过关后根据评价你的那些“ABCDS”等级奖励给你的玩意儿) 然后在选择SPECIAL SETTING通关一次后就会出现第三个选项,在里面可以看见你购买了的无限弹药,然后把这个界面里开关设定成“ON” 进入游戏装备画面前把INFINITE AMMO选项调为YES,在选择装备的武器时还不会显示无限弹,进入游戏!你购买无限弹药的武器已经无限了
2023-06-14 15:30:133


无限子弹:sv_infinite_ammo 1是指主弹夹无限。sv_infinite_ammo 2是指备用子弹无限。《反恐精英:全球攻势》(简称CS:GO)是一款由VALVE与Hidden Path Entertainment合作开发的第一人称射击游戏,于2012年8月21日在欧美地区正式发售,为《反恐精英》系列游戏的第四款作品(不包括Neo和Online等衍生作品)。游戏玩家分为反恐精英(CT阵营)与恐怖份子(T阵营)两个阵营,双方需在一个地图上进行多回合的战斗,达到地图要求目标或消灭全部敌方则取得胜利。
2023-06-14 15:26:271


2023-06-14 15:26:012

CS的primary ammo是啥 给50分

2023-06-14 15:25:564


2023-06-14 15:25:381


eager本身作形容词。 eager:adj.热切的;渴望的;渴求的; 例如:She is eager for her parents approval. 扩展资料   They"re eager to please.   他们竭力讨好卖乖。   The dogs were straining at the leash, eager to get to the park.   几条狗用力拽着皮带,急于要去公园。   When my own son was five years old, I became eager for another baby   我家儿子5岁的时候,我特别想再要一个孩子。
2023-06-14 15:25:131


【武器 weapons】突击步枪: Assault Rifle(AR)冲锋枪: Sub Machine Gun(SMG)霰弹枪:Shotgun (SG):S1897 S686=double-barraled手枪: Pistols狙击步枪: Snipe Rifle(SR):SKS Kar98 M24 AWM VSS MK14 Mini-14机枪: Machine Gu: M249信号枪:signal gun手雷: Frag震爆弹:Stun Grenade闪光弹: flash bang烟雾弹:Smoke燃烧瓶:Molotov十字弩:Crossbow平底锅:Pan【弹药 ammo】子弹:ammo5.56mm子弹:five five six ammo,30发子弹:thirty rounds9mm:nine millimeter;12口径:twelve gauge;300马格南:magnum。【配件 attachment】单倍镜(sight):全息镜:Holo红点镜:red dot sight多倍镜(scope):2/4/8倍 two/four/eight times scope弹夹(magzine):快速: quick draw扩容:extended枪口(muzzle):消焰器: flash hider消音器:suppressor补偿器:compensator【补给品supply】急救药箱:Health Kit绑带:Bandage止痛药:pills能量饮料:drinks【装备 equipment】背包 backpack防弹衣 vest头盔 helmet1/2/3级头盔 level one/two/three helmet1/2/3级甲 level one/two/three vest1/2/3级包 level one/two/three backpack吉利服 Ghillie suit【空投】airdrop【车辆 vehicle】摩托车:motobike三轮车(蹦蹦): 3-wheel汽车:car吉普车: jeep船: boat【建筑物(buildings)】安全区: safe zone轰炸区:red zone一二三楼:first second third floor屋顶: roof top围墙: wall铁丝网: net木屋: cabin谷仓: barn厕所: shed灌木丛: bush石头: stone草地: grass车库: garage仓库: warehouse红色大楼: red apartment加油站: gas station桶: barrel电缆塔: pylon墙: wall大山:mountain小山:hill半山腰: mountainside大斜坡: slope小斜坡: ramp坑: crater悬崖: cliff伐木场: logging camp毒圈: the circle
2023-06-14 15:25:081


eager ["i:ɡ��] adj. 渴望的;热切的;热心的 eagerness ["i:ɡ��nis] n. 热心;渴望
2023-06-14 15:25:061


2023-06-14 15:24:581


2023-06-14 15:24:482


eager的固定搭配:be eager to do 渴望做某事。双语例句:People around you will be eager to know what you will do next.聚集在你身边的人们热切地想知道你下一步想做什么。
2023-06-14 15:24:441

eager造句 eagerの例文 "eager"是什麼意思

Eager yells echoed through the ship . 压抑不住的叫嚷声在潜艇上回荡。 They are eager to buy their government bonds . 他们热心购买政府债券。 They are eager to buy their government bonds . 他们热心购买公债。 It was eager to be tame and cultivated . 它急于要想变得温顺优雅。 She was so spm, so white, so eager ! 她是那么婀娜,那么白皙,那么热切! She was so spm, so white, so eager ! 她那么地婀娜,那么白皙,那么热切! They were eager to do business with us . 他们极想与我们做生意。 The wish was rather eager than lasting . 这种愿望虽然来得急切,但并不持久。 I am eager after news about them . 我渴望得到有关他们的消息。 They entered into eager colloquy with each other . 他们展开热切的相互交谈。 It"s difficult to see eager in a sentence. 用 eager 造句挺难的 He is always wilpng and eager to do extra work . 他对分外的工作总是抢著干。 "rades!" cried an eager youthful voice . “同志们!”一个年轻人兴奋地说。 None of the other men were eager . 别的弟兄没有一个起劲的。 I am eager for news about them . 我渴望得到有关他们的消息。 We strain our eager gaze forward . 我们兴高采烈,极目眺望。 Young people are most eager to learn . 青年人最肯学习。 Carrie pstened with eager ears . 嘉莉全神贯注地听著。 Harrison"s face became eager . 哈里森的脸色变得急切。 I am most eager to advance it to you . 我急于告诉你。 The eager weaver did not notice my confusion . 热心的纺织工人没有注意到我的狼狈相。 You will discover that most people are eager to help . 你会发觉大多数的人都乐于帮忙。 It was a fire, a hungry but eager fire . 这是一团火,一团郁积著的,但又急欲焚烧的火。 He persuaded himself that he was eager to see her . 他竭力让自己相信他是盼望见到她的。 Neither was eager to pull our chestnuts out of the fire . 他们俩都不想替我们火中取栗。 The kid is eager to make progress . 这孩子很要好。 He had been a subject of eager meditation to rosamond . 他已成了罗莎蒙德朝思暮想的人物。 Fred leaned back in his chair, scorning to look eager . 费莱德靠在椅背上,装得若无其事。 He always felt more eager to tackle his medical studies . 他感到更急于学习他的医学课程。 The children waited with eager anticipation for christmas . 孩子们热切期待圣诞节的到来。 What is behind the *** art suit and eager *** ile ? 穿得这样漂亮、笑得这样甜,究竟是什么原因? It"s difficult to see eager in a sentence. 用 eager 造句挺难的 She could not mistake the eager longing of his eyes . 她不可能误会他眼里的无可压抑的渴望。 The man is an eager beaver . 那人工作很卖力。 She is eager in her studies . 她热衷于学习。 They were eager to make any port in so black a storm . 在这么险恶的风暴中,他们急想躲避一下。 She was sensible and clever, but eager in everything . 她敏感,聪明,但对所有的事都充满 *** 。 He read through her eager defiance to the guilty truth . 他从她迫切的反抗里看出了她犯罪的事实。 He was not eager for her money, though he was well aware of it . 他并不贪图她的钱财,虽然他很注意这点。 Eager partisans could supply you with a stock of ready answers . 热心的党人是能够向你提出一套现成的答案的。 No charter pany was eager to court arab boycott . 没有哪一家租赁飞机的公司愿意招惹阿拉伯人对它进行抵制。 Uneasy but eager , the whole family waited for the eggs to hatch . 全家都是惴惴不安地又很兴奋地等候“收蚕”。
2023-06-14 15:24:351


eager 是形容词, was eager是系表结构
2023-06-14 15:24:264


ammo n. [口]弹药;军火
2023-06-14 15:24:205


1、eager 的意思是热切的渴望 的,指对成功的期望或进取的热情,含有热切得难以等待或难以抑制的 意味。 2、eager 在句中可用作定语或表语。3、eager 的比较级、最高级有 eagerer, eagerest 和 more eager, most eager 两种形式。
2023-06-14 15:24:131


2023-06-14 15:23:541

关于money 的英语议论文

Money is anything that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts.[1] The main uses of money are as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value.[2] Some authors explicitly require money to be a standard of deferred payment.[3]The term "price system" is sometimes used to refer to methods using commodity valuation or money accounting systems.The word "money" is believed to originate from a temple of Hera Hera, located on Capitoline, one of Rome"s seven hills. In the ancient world Hera was often associated with money. The temple of Juno Moneta at Rome was the place where the mint of Ancient Rome was located.[4]. The name "Juno" may derive from the Etruscan goddess Uni (which means "the one", "unique", "unit", "union", "united") and "Moneta" either from the Latin word "monere" (remind, warn, or instruct) or the Greek word "moneres" (alone, unique).Economic characteristicsMoney is generally considered to have the following characteristics, which are summed up in a rhyme found in older economics textbooks: "Money is a matter of functions four, a medium, a measure, a standard, a store." That is, money functions as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, a standard of deferred payment, and a store of value.[2][5][6]There have been many historical arguments regarding the combination of money"s functions, some arguing that they need more separation and that a single unit is insufficient to deal with them all. One of these arguments is that the role of money as a medium of exchange is in conflict with its role as a store of value: its role as a store of value requires holding it without spending, whereas its role as a medium of exchange requires it to circulate.[6] Others argue that storing of value is just deferral of the exchange, but does not diminish the fact that money is a medium of exchange that can be transported both across space and time.[7] "Financial capital" is a more general and inclusive term for all liquid instruments, whether or not they are a uniformly recognized tender.Medium of exchangeMain article: Medium of exchangeMoney is used as an intermediary for trade, in order to avoid the inefficiencies of a barter system, which are sometimes referred to as the "double coincidence of wants problem". Such usage is termed a medium of exchange.Unit of accountMain article: Unit of accountA unit of account is a standard numerical unit of measurement of the market value of goods, services, and other transactions. Also known as a "measure" or "standard" of relative worth and deferred payment, a unit of account is a necessary prerequisite for the formulation of commercial agreements that involve debt.Divisible into small units without destroying its value; precious metals can be coined from bars, or melted down into bars again. Fungible: that is, one unit or piece must be perceived as equivalent to any other, which is why diamonds, works of art or real estate are not suitable as money. A specific weight, or measure, or size to be verifiably countable. For instance, coins are often made with ridges around the edges, so that any removal of material from the coin (lowering its commodity value) will be easy to detect. Store of valueMain article: Store of valueTo act as a store of value, a commodity, a form of money, or financial capital must be able to be reliably saved, stored, and retrieved — and be predictably useful when it is so retrieved. Fiat currency like paper or electronic currency no longer backed by gold in most countries is not considered by some economists to be a store of value.Market liquidityMain article: Market liquidityLiquidity describes how easily an item can be traded for another item, or into the common currency within an economy. Money is the most liquid asset because it is universally recognised and accepted as the common currency. In this way, money gives consumers the freedom to trade goods and services easily without having to barter.Liquid financial instruments are easily tradable and have low transaction costs. There should be no — or minimal — spread between the prices to buy and sell the instrument being used as money.Types of moneyIn economics, money is a broad term that refers to any financial instrument that can fulfill the functions of money (detailed above). Modern monetary theory distinguishes among different types of monetary aggregates, using a categorization system that focuses on the liquidity of the financial instrument used as money.Commodity moneyMain article: Commodity moneyCommodity money value comes from the commodity out of which it is made. The commodity itself constitutes the money, and the money is the commodity.[8] Examples of commodities that have been used as mediums of exchange include gold, silver, copper, rice, salt, peppercorns, large stones, decorated belts, shells, alcohol, cigarettes, cannabis, candy, barley, etc. These items were sometimes used in a metric of perceived value in conjunction to one another, in various commodity valuation or Price System economies. Use of commodity money is similar to barter, but a commodity money provides a simple and automatic unit of account for the commodity which is being used as money.Representative moneyMain article: Representative moneyRepresentative money is money that consists of token coins, other physical tokens such as certificates, and even non-physical "digital certificates" (authenticated digital transactions) that can be reliably exchanged for a fixed quantity of a commodity such as gold, silver or potentially water, oil or food. Representative money thus stands in direct and fixed relation to the commodity which backs it, while not itself being composed of that commodity.Credit money is any claim against a physical or legal person that can be used for the purchase of goods and services.[8] Credit money differs from commodity and fiat money in two ways: It is not payable on demand (although in the case of fiat money, "demand payment" is a purely symbolic act since all that can be demanded is other types of fiat currency) and there is some element of risk that the real value upon fulfillment of the claim will not be equal to real value expected at the time of purchase.[8]This risk comes about in two ways and affects both buyer and seller.First it is a claim and the claimant may default (not pay). High levels of default have destructive supply side effects. If manufacturers and service providers do not receive payment for the goods they produce, they will not have the resources to buy the labor and materials needed to produce new goods and services. This reduces supply, increases prices and raises unemployment, possibly triggering a period of stagflation. In extreme cases, widespread defaults can cause a lack of confidence in lending institutions and lead to economic depression. For example, abuse of credit arrangements is considered one of the significant causes of the Great Depression of the 1930s.[9]The second source of risk is time. Credit money is a promise of future payment. If the interest rate on the claim fails to compensate for the combined impact of the inflation (or deflation) rate and the time value of money, the seller will receive less real value than anticipated. If the interest rate on the claim overcompensates, the buyer will pay more than expected.Fiat moneyMain article: Fiat moneyFiat money is any money whose value is determined by legal means. The terms fiat currency and fiat money relate to types of currency or money whose usefulness results not from any intrinsic value or guarantee that it can be converted into gold or another currency, but instead from a government"s order (fiat) that it must be accepted as a means of payment.[10] [11]Fiat money is created when a type of credit money (typically notes from a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve System in the U.S.) is declared by a government act (fiat) to be acceptable and officially-recognized payment for all debts, both public and private. Fiat money may thus be symbolic of a commodity or a government promise, though not a completely specified amount of either of these. Fiat money is thus not technically fungible or tradable directly for fixed quantities of anything, except more of the same government"s fiat money. Fiat moneys usually trade against each other in value in an international market, as with other goods. An exception to this is when currencies are locked to each other, as explained below. Many but not all fiat moneys are accepted on the international market as having value. Those that are trade indirectly against any internationally available goods and services [8]. Thus the number of U.S. dollars or Japanese yen which are equivalent to each other, or to a gram of gold metal, are all market decisions which change from moment to moment on a daily basis. Occasionally, a country will peg the value of its fiat money to that of the fiat money of a larger economy: for example the Belize dollar trades in fixed proportion (at 2:1) to the U.S. dollar, so there is no floating value ratio of the two currencies.Fiat money, if physically represented in the form of currency (paper or coins) can be easily damaged or destroyed. However, here fiat money has an advantage over representative or commodity money, in that the same laws that created the money can also define rules for its replacement in case of damage or destruction. For example, the U.S. government will replace mutilated federal reserve notes (U.S. fiat money) if at least half of the physical note can be reconstructed, or if it can be otherwise proven to have been destroyed.[12] By contrast, commodity money which has been destroyed or lost is gone.Money supplyMain article: Money supplyThe money supply is the amount of money within a specific economy available for purchasing goods or services. The supply in the US is usually considered as four escalating categories M0, M1, M2 and M3. The categories grow in size with M3 representing all forms of money (including credit) and M0 being just base money (coins, bills, and central bank deposits). M0 is also money that can satisfy private banks" reserve requirements. In the US, the Federal Reserve is responsible for controlling the money supply, while in the Euro area the respective institution is the European Central Bank. Other central banks with significant impact on global finances are the Bank of Japan, People"s Bank of China and the Bank of England.When gold is used as money, the money supply can grow in either of two ways. First, the money supply can increase as the amount of gold increases by new gold mining at about 2% per year, but it can also increase more during periods of gold rushes and discoveries, such as when Columbus discovered the new world and brought gold back to Spain, or when gold was discovered in California in 1848. This kind of increase helps debtors, and causes inflation, as the value of gold goes down. Second, the money supply can increase when the value of gold goes up. This kind of increase in the value of gold helps savers and creditors and is called deflation, where items for sale are less expensive in terms of gold. Deflation was the more typical situation for over a century when gold and credit money backed by gold were used as money in the US from 1792 to 1913.Monetary policyMain article: Monetary policyMonetary policy is the process by which a government, central bank, or monetary authority manages the money supply to achieve specific goals. Usually the goal of monetary policy is to accommodate economic growth in an environment of stable prices. For example, it is clearly stated in the Federal Reserve Act that the Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee should seek “to promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates.”[13]A failed monetary policy can have significant detrimental effects on an economy and the society that depends on it. These include hyperinflation, stagflation, recession, high unemployment, shortages of imported goods, inability to export goods, and even total monetary collapse and the adoption of a much less efficient barter economy. This happened in Russia, for instance, after the fall of the Soviet Union.Governments and central banks have taken both regulatory and free market approaches to monetary policy. Some of the tools used to control the money supply include:changing the rate at which the government loans or borrows money currency purchases or sales increasing or lowering government borrowing increasing or lowering government spending manipulation of exchange rates raising or lowering bank reserve requirements regulation or prohibition of private currencies taxation or tax breaks on imports or exports of capital into a country For many years much of monetary policy was influenced by an economic theory known as monetarism. Monetarism is an economic theory which argues that management of the money supply should be the primary means of regulating economic activity. The stability of the demand for money prior to the 1980s was a key finding of Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz[14] supported by the work of David Laidler[15], and many others.The nature of the demand for money changed during the 1980s owing to technical, institutional, and legal factors and the influence of monetarism has since decreased.History of money The use of barter like methods may date back to at least 100,000 years ag
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氨的催化氧化不是可逆反应。氨的催化氧化不是可逆反应,整体反应方程式为:4NH3+5O2==Pt,高温==4NO+6H2O合成氨反应才是可逆反应:N2+3H22NH3。任何反应都可以称为可逆反应,但是可逆的程度不同。氨(Ammonia,即阿摩尼亚),氮和氢的化合物,分子式为NH,是一种无色气体,有强烈的刺激气味。极易溶于水,常温常压下1体积水可溶解700倍体积氨,水溶液又称氨水。降温加压可变成液体,液氨是一种制冷剂。氨也是制造硝酸、化肥、炸药的重要原料。氨对地球上的生物相当重要,它是许多食物和肥料的重要成分。氨也是所有药物直接或间接的组成。氨有很广泛的用途,同时它还具有腐蚀性等危险性质。由于氨有广泛的用途,氨是世界上产量最多的无机化合物之一,多于八成的氨被用于制作化肥。由于氨可以提供孤对电子,所以它也是一种路易斯碱。在氨的生产制造、运输、贮存、使用中,如遇管道、阀门、贮罐等损坏,泄漏氨可造成中毒。氨对皮肤黏膜有刺激及腐蚀作用,高浓度可引起严重后果,如化学性咽喉炎、化学性肺炎等,吸入极高浓度可引起反射性呼吸停止、心脏停搏。氨气:氨气(Ammonia),无机化合物[1],是一种无色、有强烈的刺激气味的气体,化学式为NH3,分子量为17.031,密度 0.7710 g/L,相对密度0.5971(空气=1.00)。氨气能使湿润的红色石蕊试纸变蓝,能在水中产生少量氢氧根离子,呈弱碱性。在常温下加压即可使其液化(临界温度132.4℃,临界压力11.2兆帕,即112.2大气压),沸点-33.5℃,也易被固化成雪状固体,熔点-77.75℃,溶于水、乙醇和乙醚。在高温时会分解成氮气和氢气,有还原作用。有催化剂存在时氨气可被氧化成一氧化氮。氨气常用于制液氮、氨水、硝酸、铵盐和胺类等。氨气可由氮和氢直接合成而制得,能灼伤皮肤、眼睛、呼吸器官的粘膜,人吸入过多,能引起肺肿胀,以至死亡。
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Braveheart is a 1995 American epic/drama film directed by and starring Mel Gibson. The film was written for the screen and then novelized by Randall Wallace. Gibson portrays William Wallace, a Scottish warrior who gained recognition when he came to the forefront of the First War of Scottish Independence by opposing King Edward I of England (also known as "Longshanks", portrayed by Patrick McGoohan), and subsequently abetted by Edward"s daughter-in-law, Princess Isabelle of France (played by Sophie Marceau) and a claimant to the Scottish throne, Robert the Bruce (played by Angus Macfadyen).
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