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2023-05-19 14:55:49








effort的意思是气力; 努力; 费力的事; 艰难的尝试; 试图; 尽力; 有组织的活动; 努力的结果。发音:英[ˈefət],美[ˈefərt]。示例:It doesn"t need much effort.译文:这事不需花多大气力。复数形式:efforts    effort的用法effort用作名词,表示努力,尽力,努力的成果等含义;指做某事所使用的力气和努力,此时只用作单数形式。effort表示“努力”时,其后可接动词不定式作其定语,偶尔也可接介词短语作定语。make efforts,make an effort,make every effort后面常接动词不定式,表示“努力做某事”,接an。effort是努力的意思。一、读音: ["efət]二、意思是努力。三、例句All my efforts were fruitless。我所有的努力都白费了。四、词汇用法1、effort指做某事所使用的力气和努力,作此解时只用作单数形式。引申表示“努力”“奋斗”,指费力做某事或艰苦的尝试,作此解时是可数名词。effort还可表示“努力的事例”“努力的成果”,即“作品”“成就”,为可数名词。2、effort表示“努力”时,其后可接动词不定式作其定语,偶尔也可接介词短语作定语。
2023-01-01 16:47:491


effort的意思是努力。一、读音英[ˈefət] 美[ˈefərt]二、用法1、作为名词,意思是气力、努力、费力的事。例句:thephysicalormentalenergythatyouneedtodosth;sththattakesalotofenergyYoushouldputmoreeffortintoyourwork.你应该更加努力地工作。2、可以作为词组todosth,意思是试图去做某事,尽力去做某事。例句:anattempttodosthespeciallywhenitisdifficulttodo当一件事是困难的时候就更是要努力去做adetermined/real/specialeffort 一份坚决的/真正的/特别的努力effort用作名词的用法例句Theyaremakingeveryefforttodecreasetheproductioncost.他们正尽力减少生产成本。Allmyeffortswerefruitless.我所有的努力都白费了。扩展资料:effort的词性effort可以用作名词effort的基本意思是“力气”“努力”,指做某事所使用的力气和努力,作此解时只用作单数形式,引申表示“努力”“奋斗”,指费力做某事或艰苦的尝试,作此解时是可数名词。effort还可表示“努力的事例”“努力的成果”,即“作品”“成就”,为可数名词。effort表示“努力”时,其后可接动词不定式作其定语,偶尔也可接介词短语作定语。makeefforts,makeaneffort,makeeveryeffort后面常接动词不定式,表示“努力做某事”,接aneffort时表示“做一番努力”;接efforts时表示“作出多次努力”,接everyeffort表示“每做一次努力”。
2023-01-01 16:48:191


  effort有努力;努力的成果等意思,那么你知道effort的用法有哪些吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下关于effort的用法和 短语 例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    effort的用法   effort的用法1:effort的基本意思是“力气”“努力”,指做某事所使用的力气和努力,作此解时只用作单数形式,引申表示“努力”“奋斗”,指费力做某事或艰苦的尝试,作此解时是可数名词。effort还可表示“努力的事例”“努力的成果”,即“作品”“成就”,为可数名词。   effort的用法2:effort表示“努力”时,其后可接动词不定式作其定语,偶尔也可接介词短语作定语。   effort的用法3:make efforts, make an effort, make every effort后面常接动词不定式,表示“努力做某事”,接an effort时表示“做一番努力”; 接efforts时表示“作出多次努力”,接every effort表示“每做一次努力”。    effort的常用短语   用作名词 (n.)   make efforts〔an effort, every effort〕   put effort into   spare no effort   with (an) effort   without effort   effort的词汇辨析   effort,trouble,pains   这些名词均表示“努力”之意。   effort 通常指完成某特定任务所需付出的或大或小的努力,可指一次的努力,也可指坚持不懈的努力。   trouble 和pains均侧重在面临困难或阻力时所作的努力,但强调在努力时的细心和谨慎,相比之下,pains更适合表示尽力的努力。   pains   指持久的,坚持不懈的,甚至是终身的努力,强调努力的认真与决心。   struggle 指为克服困难或阻力所作的努力,也指因决心、意志或干劲而产生的极大努力。    effort的用法例句   1. McGregor"s effort was enough to edge Johnson out of the top spot.   麦格雷戈奋力一搏,成功地将约翰逊从第一的位置上挤了下来。   2. He was making a visible effort to control himself.   他明显是在努力控制自己的情绪。   3. It is incumbent upon all of us to make an extra effort.   我们所有人都必须加倍努力。   4. It can take time and effort to match buyers and sellers.   给买卖双方牵线可能需要一些时间和工夫。   5. Even carrying the camcorder while hiking in the forest was an effort.   在森林中徒步旅行时,即便带的是便携式摄像机也非常费力。   6. Current employment laws will be changed to reward effort and punish laziness.   现行雇佣法要变,要奖勤罚懒。   7. We have made a conscious effort to devolve responsibility.   我们已有意识地下放职责。   8. These attacks are seen as an effort to torpedo the talks.   人们认为这些袭击是为了故意破坏会谈。   9. Worldwide, an enormous amount of research effort goes into military technology.   在世界范围内,大量的研究精力都投入到军事技术上。   10. They"ve put in time and effort to keep the strike going.   他们花费了很多时间和精力以使罢工持续下去。   11. My kick wasn"t half a bad effort for an old man.   像我这把年纪的人,老腿确实不听使唤了。   12. When you came away you made a definite effort to mix.   你离开时一定要努力和大家搞好关系。   13. A united effort is always more effective than an isolated complaint.   联合行动总是比单个人抱怨更有效。   14. I worry about this big investment of time and effort.   我担心投入这么多时间与精力却不起作用。   15. A huge effort was made to exterminate the rats.   灭鼠花了大力气。 猜你喜欢: 1. effort可数吗 2. effort的近义词辨析 3. effort的用法 4. effort的短语 5. induce是什么意思 i
2023-01-01 16:48:241


effort用作名词,表示努力,尽力,努力的成果等含义;指做某事所使用的力气和努力,此时只用作单数形式。1.effort的基本意思是“力气”“努力”,指做某事所使用的力气和努力,作此解时只用作单数形式,引申表示“努力”“奋斗”,指费力做某事或艰苦的尝试,作此解时是可数名词。effort还可表示“努力的事例”“努力的成果”,即“作品”“成就”,为可数名词。 2.effort表示“努力”时,其后可接动词不定式作其定语,偶尔也可接介词短语作定语。 His effort to reform her at length succeeded. 他为改变她作出努力最后取得了成功。 3.make efforts, make an effort, make every effort后面常接动词不定式,表示“努力做某事”,接an。 The workers are making efforts to fulfil this year"s plan. 工人们正在努力完成今年的生产计划。 The prisoner made an effort to escape, but he couldn"t climb the prison wall. 囚犯企图越狱,但是爬不上监狱的墙 4.effort时表示“做一番努力”; 接efforts时表示“作出多次努力”,接every effort表示“每做一次努力”。
2023-01-01 16:48:301


effort用法:1、effort的基本意思是“力气”“努力”,指做某事所使用的力气和努力,作此解时只用作单数形式,引申表示“努力”“奋斗”,指费力做某事或艰苦的尝试,作此解时是可数名词。effort还可表示“努力的事例”“努力的成果”,即“作品”“成就”,为可数名词。2、effort表示“努力”时,其后可接动词不定式作其定语,偶尔也可接介词短语作定语。固定搭配:1、appreciate sb"s effort 感谢某人的努力2、attempt efforts 作努力3、continue one"s efforts 继续努力,再接再厉4、lend one"s effort 作出努力近义词attempt 英 [ə"tempt]   美 [ə"tempt]    v. 企图;尝试n. 企图;试图例句:He attempted to smother up the scandal about his family.翻译:他企图掩饰有关他家庭的丑闻。短语:attempt brutally 严峻地尝试
2023-01-01 16:48:351


effort既可做可数名词也是不可数名词。effort主要用作名词,意思是:努力; 费力的事; 艰难的尝试; 试图; 尽力; 有组织的活动。表示“费神的事,困难的事,成果”的意思,是可数名词。表示“努力”的意思,是不可数名词。They are making every effort to decrease the production cost.他们正尽力减少生产成本。All my efforts were fruitless.我所有的努力都白费了。语法:effort的基本意思是“力气”“努力”,指做某事所使用的力气和努力,作此解时只用作单数形式,引申表示“努力”“奋斗”,指费力做某事或艰苦的尝试,作此解时是可数名词。effort还可表示“努力的事例”“努力的成果”,即“作品”“成就”,为可数名词。effort表示“努力”时,其后可接动词不定式作其定语,偶尔也可接介词短语作定语。make efforts, make an effort, make every effort后面常接动词不定式,表示“努力做某事”,接an effort时表示“做一番努力”; 接efforts时表示“作出多次努力”,接every effort表示“每做一次努力”。
2023-01-01 16:48:521


2023-01-01 16:49:002


effort,英 ["efət],美 ["efərt]    n. 努力;努力的成果形容词: effortful 副词: effortfullyeffort的基本意思是“力气”“努力”,指做某事所使用的力气和努力,作此解时只用作单数形式,引申表示“努力”“奋斗”,指费力做某事或艰苦的尝试,作此解时是可数名词。effort还可表示“努力的事例”“努力的成果”,即“作品”“成就”,为可数名词。effort表示“努力”时,其后可接动词不定式作其定语,偶尔也可接介词短语作定语。effort例句:1、They are making every effort to decrease the production cost.他们正尽力减少生产成本。2、All my efforts were fruitless.我所有的努力都白费了。3、You should put more effort into your work. 你应该更加努力地工作。
2023-01-01 16:49:081

make efforts 和 make an effort 有什么区别

makeefforts和makeaneffort的区别:1、makeeffortstodosth与makeanefforttodosth意思与用法完全相同,翻译为“努力做某事情”2、 effect表示“对……的影响”,其后通常接介词。拓展资料makeefforts1、Aslongasyoumakeefforts,withtheprogressachieveditsobjectiveinmind,youwillsucceed! 只要你付出努力、有了进步、达到了自己心中的目标,你就成功了!2、Herstoryhasprovedthatwecansucceedsolongaswemakeefforts. 她的故事证明了,我们只要努力必能成功。3、Youwillbemorearmedthisyeartomakeeffortstoimproveyourlife. 这一年,你的周围将会有更多的帮助你努力改善生活的新生力量。4、Ourcurrentenvironmentissuitableforhumaninhabitance,butwewillcontinuetomakeefforts. 我们目前的环境是适宜人类居住的,但我们人将继续努力。5、Itisthehighesthonourformetomakeeffortstorenderservicetomynationandpeople.能够为自己的国家和人民服务是我最高的荣誉。makeaneffort1、Wemakeanefforttounderstandeachclient"sbusinessandgoals. 我们努力了解每一个客户的商业领域和目标。2、I"llmakeaneffort;Ireallywill. 我会努力的;我真的会。3、Ifwemakeanefforttogotoit,weareseekingaresult,anachievement. 如果我们努力走向真相,我们就是在追求一个结果,一个成就。4、Thiscanleadtomisunderstanding,unlesswemakeanefforttounderstand. 除非我们努力相互了解,这些不同都可能导致误解。5、Tocombatthis,makeanefforttoconnectwiththepeopleyoucareabout. 要克服消极情绪,你需要多和你关心的人联系。
2023-01-01 16:49:136

make efforts to do sth.为什么effort要加s

  英语中的固定搭配哦 这里effort要加s 单独使用时(如做主语,宾语等)就根据正确单复数形式用就是咯!  英语中的固定搭配哦 这里effort要加s 单独使用时(如做主语,宾语等)就根据正确单复数形式用就是咯!
2023-01-01 16:49:351


2句就是负担不起失败的意思.fail in our efforts是指努力白费的意思 1句这样译是引申意.渴望是加上去的 字面意思是人们一定要从自身的努力上获得动力. 但一定你不觉得别扭吗,毕竟是别人决定是否鼓励你嘛.不用那么较真
2023-01-01 16:49:441

spare no effort to do 还是doing? 是no effort还是no efforts?谢谢

2023-01-01 16:49:503

put one"s effort into 可以用efforts吗

put one"s effort into,可以用efforts,effort是一个可数名词。efforts ["efəts] n. 努力;转向力(effort的复数)例句:Now ,all the students put their efforts into the preparation of the examination.目前所有学生都全身心投入到复习备考中。
2023-01-01 16:50:072


2023-01-01 16:50:211

his efforts可以做动词吗

2023-01-01 16:50:351


They lost their efforts
2023-01-01 16:50:413

是spare no effort to do还是spare no efforts to do?

不遗余力做某事的翻译应该是 spare no effort to do 其实efforts也没错,effort可以是可数也可以是不可数,不信可以查一查,而且也有用spare no efforts to do的,不过一般用effort吧.
2023-01-01 16:50:521

Best Efforts是什么意思

2023-01-01 16:50:573

make efforts 和 make an effort 有什么区别

一、指代不同1、make efforts:表示“作出多次努力”2、make an effort:表示“做一番努力”二、侧重点不同1、make efforts:侧重用于作出努力,但是没有努力的结果。2、make an effort:侧重用于作出“努力的事例”“努力的成果”。三、用法不同1、make efforts:其后可接动词不定式作其定语,偶尔也可接介词短语作定语。He made strenuous efforts to improve his reading.他奋发努力提高阅读能力。2、make an effort:常接动词不定式,表示“努力做某事”。I have to make an effort to work up an appetite for reading.我得努力使自己产生天天想读书的愿望。
2023-01-01 16:51:116

spare no efforts还是effort?

spare no effort:不遗余力的意思。effort英 ["efət]     美 ["efərt]    n. 努力;努力的成果。The government is determined to spare no effort in investigating this case thoroughly 政府决定不遗余力地彻底调查这个案子。固定搭配:1、wasted effort 白费劲2、human effort 人(类)的努力3、team effort 集体努力(的成果)4、after one"s effort 经过努力后5、by one"s efforts 靠努力
2023-01-01 16:51:471


make effort to put all the efforts into
2023-01-01 16:51:585


生态旅游发展的努力与主流发展的努力不同之处在于, 除了启动贷款外, 大部分或全部的持续财政支持来自..。efforts是发展方面的努力,既用于Eco……development,又用于main……devolopment,两者(efferts)是主语,differ from是词组,作谓语。that是在某方面,由于有了in,所以变成了状语。
2023-01-01 16:52:173


2023-01-01 16:52:292

more efforts(努力) 这个词组对吗???

2023-01-01 16:52:372

努力到底是用with effort 还是with efforts

你好!effort可数名词,用with efforts百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~
2023-01-01 16:52:452

efforts at

B 分 析: 考查介词短语。句意:尽管我努力劝说,他就是不同意。A .Apart from除。。。之外;除。。。之外还有 B.In spite of 尽管,虽然+ 短语 C.Because of 因为+ 短语 D.Although尽管+ 句子,根据句意和宾语是短语,所以B正确。 考点: 考查介词短语
2023-01-01 16:52:581

effort做努力讲时,如两倍的努力是twice as much efforts还是effort.

2023-01-01 16:53:043


2023-01-01 16:53:173

make efforts to do sth.为什么effort要加s?

2023-01-01 16:53:293

a lot of effort还是a lot of efforts

要看具体语境,effort在某些情况下可数,在某些语境下不可数,如果可数,用a lot of efforts 如果不可数用a lot of effort因为a lot of 要么跟可数名词复数要么跟不可数名词. 附:effort的可数与不可数 effort(做某事物使用的)力量和精力的时候是不可数的.比如:They lifted the heavy rock without effort. 他们没费劲就把那块沉重的石头抬起来了. 做可数名词的时候意思上有两种:1.努力; 奋斗(相当于attempt) 比如:His efforts were much appreciated. 大家都夸他很努力. 2. 努力的结果(相当与result of an attempt) 比如: That"s a good effort. 这事干得不错.
2023-01-01 16:53:401

spare no effort effort要加s吗

2023-01-01 16:53:452

make efforts to do sth.为什么effort要加s,它是可数名词吗?

英语中的固定搭配哦 这里effort要加s 单独使用时(如做主语,宾语等)就根据正确单复数形式用就是咯!
2023-01-01 16:53:531

previous efforts

我在句子前面加个 They/ We 之类的吧. 直接翻译为- They (他们)are successful (是成功的)in previous (之前的) skill improvement (提高技能)efforts (功夫). 这句话的意思是- 他们之前为提高技能下的功夫成功了. 加油!(:
2023-01-01 16:53:591

more efforts(努力) 这个词组对吗?

efforts是努力 more是更多的 这个词组 貌似不正确!
2023-01-01 16:54:051

Bally被处罚,5千元衣服利润4千还以次充好 ,奢侈品还值得买吗?

2023-01-01 16:48:124


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  In ancient times, in the northern wilderness, a towering majestic mountains, touch the sky, called Chengdu day. Deep in the mountains, living with a group of mighty giants.  Their leader is the dead god "Earth" grandchildren, "the letter" son, named kuafu. Therefore, this group of people called Kua Fu family. They are robust and strong, tall, strong willed, extraordinary spirit. But kind-hearted, brave and hardworking, has enjoyed a leisurely and carefree life.  When the earth desolate, poison beast rampant, people living qiku. In order to make people to the tribal Kuafu can live, are led by people with great scourges struggle every day.  Kuafu often caught in the vicious yellow snake, hung as a decoration in his ears, caught waving in the hand, proud.  One year the weather is very hot, hot sun shining in the earth, roasting crops, sun Jiao Shumu, dry river. It was unbearable heat, Kua Fu family who have died.  Kuafu see this scene is very sad, he looked up at the sun, told the people: "the sun is really hateful, I should catch up with the sun, catch it, let it listen to the command." People to have discouraged.  Some people say: "you must not go ah, the sun so far from us, you will die."  Some people said: "the sun is so hot, you will be baked dead."  Kua Fu has never mind, vowed to catch the sun and let it listen to people"s orders, serving the people. He looked unhappy people, said: "for the happiness of life, I have to go!"  The sun is just rising from the sea, people with lofty ideals and high aspirations Kuafu farewell, from the East Sea, toward the direction of the rising sun, big strides chase, began his daily journey.  The sun is moving quickly in the air, on the ground in the wind like Kuafu, desperately chasing you. He walked across the mountains, across a river, the ground was shaking his footsteps, "rumbling sound, rocking back and forth.  When Kuafu becomes tired, a little nap, will shake off the soil shoe on the ground, thus forming a large mound. Hungry, he would pick wild fruit, sometimes Kuafu cooking. He used five stone pot rack, the five stone became the five seat dingzuerli mountains, there are thousands of meters high, this is the five mountains.  Kuafu chasing the sun, seeing is getting closer to the sun, his confidence is growing. But the more close to the sun, thirst more powerful, has not held water can quench the.  However, he did not fear, and always encourage themselves, "soon, we should catch up with the sun, people"s life will be happy."  After nine days and nights, in the sun, Kuafu finally caught up with it.  Red, hot fireball, just in front of his head, Kua Fu, 10000 golden, bathed in him.  Kuafu delighted to open arms, to embrace the sun. But the sun hot anomaly, Kuafu felt thirsty and tired. He went to the Yellow River, to the Yellow River water water drained, but still not thirst; so he went to the edge of Weihe, the river water is drained, still not thirst; North Kuafu ran there Trinidad Osawa, Ozawa Ri enough water to quench their thirst kuafu.  However, Ozawa Ta had not run away, Kuafu daze, in the way of thirst.  When Kuafu died, my heart full of regret, he also worried about his people, and will throw their hands a stick of wood. Wood landing place, immediately give birth to large peach a wild profusion of vegetation.  This is forest lush, passing between the shade, a fresh peach, thirst and industrious people, allow people to eliminate fatigue, to embark on a journey full of go.  远古时候,在北方荒野中,有座巍峨雄伟、高耸入云的高山,叫做成都载天。在山林深处,生活着一群力大无穷的巨人。  他们的首领,是幽冥之神“后土”的孙儿,“信”的儿子,名字叫做夸父。因此这群人就叫夸父族。他们身强力壮,高大魁梧,意志力坚强,气概非凡。而且还心地善良,勤劳勇敢,过着与世无争,逍遥自在的日子。  那时候大地荒凉,毒物猛兽横行,人们生活凄苦。夸父为让本部落的人们能够活下去,每天都率领众人跟洪水猛兽搏斗。  夸父常常将捉到的凶恶的黄蛇,挂在自己的两只耳朵上作为装饰,抓在手上挥舞,引以为荣。  有一年的天气非常热,火辣辣的太阳直射在大地上,烤死庄稼,晒焦树木,河流干枯。人们热得难以忍受,夸父族的人纷纷死去。  夸父看到这种情景很难过,他仰头望着太阳,告诉族人:“太阳实在是可恶,我要追上太阳,捉住它,让它听人的指挥。”族人听后纷纷劝阻。  有的人说:“你千万别去呀,太阳离我们那么远,你会累死的。”  有的人说:“太阳那么热,你会被烤死的。”  夸父心意已决,发誓要捉住太阳,让它听从人们的吩咐,为大家服务。他看着愁苦不堪的族人,说:“为大家的幸福生活,我一定要去!”  太阳刚刚从海上升起,夸父告别族人,怀着雄心壮志,从东海边上向着太阳升起的方向,迈开大步追去,开始他逐日的征程。  太阳在空中飞快地移动,夸父在地上如疾风似的,拼命地追呀追。他穿过一座座大山,跨过一条条河流,大地被他的脚步,震得“轰轰”作响,来回摇摆。  夸父跑累的时候,就微微打个盹,将鞋里的土抖落在地上,于是形成大土山。饿的时候,他就摘野果充饥,有时候夸父也煮饭。他用五块石头架锅,这五块石头,就成了五座鼎足而立的高山,有几千米高,这就是五岳。  夸父追着太阳跑,眼看离太阳越来越近,他的信心越来越强。但是越接近太阳,就渴得越厉害,已经不是捧河水就可以止渴的了。  但是,他没有害怕,并且一直鼓励着自己,“快了,就要追上太阳了,人们的生活就会幸福了。”  经过九天九夜,在太阳落山的地方,夸父终于追上了它。  红彤彤、热辣辣的火球,就在夸父眼前,他的头上,万道金光,沐浴在他身上。  夸父无比欢欣地张开双臂,想把太阳抱住。可是太阳炽热异常,夸父感到又渴又累。他就跑到黄河边,一口气把黄河水之水喝干,可是还是不解渴;于是他又跑到渭河边,把渭河水也喝光,仍不解渴;夸父又向北跑去,那里有纵横千里的大泽,大泽里的水足够夸父解渴。  但是,大泽太远,夸父还没有跑到大泽,就在半路上被渴死了。  夸父临死的时候,心里充满遗憾,他还牵挂着自己的族人,于是将自己手中的木杖扔出去。木杖落地的地方,顿时生出大片郁郁葱葱的桃林。  这片桃林终年茂盛,为往来的过客遮荫,结出的鲜桃,为勤劳的人们解渴,让人们能够消除疲劳,精力充沛地踏上旅程。
2023-01-01 16:48:132

mugen中弹出Error message: Can"t open stage: stages/stage0-720.def怎么解决?

2023-01-01 16:48:141


笔画0目 笔画2盯 笔画3盵 盰 盱 盲 盳 直 笔画4県 盿 眍 眃 眀 盽 盶 盷 相 盹 盺 盻 盼 盾 省 眂 眄 眅 眆 眇 眈 眉 眊 看 眨 笔画5眬 眔 眗 眏 眿 眧 眪 眎 眐 眑 眒 眓 眕 眖 眘 眙 眚 眛 眜 眝 眞 真 眠 眡 眢 眣 眤 眩 眫 笔画6眲 眰 眱 眳 眴 眵 眶 眷 眸 眹 眺 眼 眽 着 睁 眻 眥 眦 眭 眮 眯 笔画7睂 睃 睄 睅 睆 睇 睈 睉 睊 睋 睌 睍 睎 睐 睑 笔画8瞄 睰 睝 睒 睓 睔 睕 睖 睗 睘 睙 睚 睛 睁 睐 睟 睠 睡 睢 督 睤 睥 睦 睧 睨 睩 睾 睫 睬 睭 睷 睹 笔画9瞅 瞆 瞁 睮 睵 睯 睱 睲 睳 睴 睶 睸 睺 睻 睼 睽 睾 睿 瞀 瞂 瞃 眯 瞍 笔画10瞱 瞈 瞉 瞊 瞋 瞌 瞎 瞏 瞐 瞑 瞒 瞓 瞙 瞝 瞢 笔画11瞣 瞔 瞰 瞕 瞖 瞗 瞘 瞚 瞛 瞜 瞟 瞠 瞡 瞥 笔画12瞮 瞯 瞲 瞳 瞴 瞵 瞶 瞷 瞸 瞤 瞦 瞧 瞨 瞩 瞪 瞫 瞬 笔画13矂 矁 瞹 瞺 瞻 瞽 瞾 瞿 矀 矆 蒙 笔画14矋 矃 矄 矅 矈 矉 矊 矌 矎 笔画15矏 矍 矒 笔画16矐 矑 笔画17矔 笔画19矕 矖 矗 矙 笔画20矘 笔画21瞩 见
2023-01-01 16:48:173

hair accessory 和headwear有什么不同,请详细点哈谢谢。

第一个指的是发饰, 发箍和 假发配件短语pendant hair accessory 吊坠New Happiness Hair Accessory Company 新悦饰品公司Accessory Hair 配件双语例句And what better way to top off the perfectly tousled holiday party do than with acute hair accessory ? 可又有什么能比一个漂亮的发饰更好的收尾打理好的卷发造型呢?第二个指的是头饰,例如帽子和韩版头饰短语Cut headwear 可爱头饰Names Headwear 名都帽业Including Headwear 包括头饰同近义词n. 头饰;吊索topknot , tire双语例句Headwear made from horns - often adorned with long lengths of wool, hair, orother textiles - has given these unique people their tribal name 她们的头饰由兽角制成,并饰有长毛,羊毛或其它纺织品,部族也由此得名。
2023-01-01 16:48:171

stages of production什么意思

stages of production生产阶段stages of production生产阶段
2023-01-01 16:48:201

a number of stages是什么意思

a number of stages若干阶段a number of stages若干阶段
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2023-01-01 16:48:063

in stage和at stage有什么区别

in stage 在舞台at stage 在阶段
2023-01-01 16:48:033

accessory power是什么意思

2023-01-01 16:48:002

1. To learn about the stages in a scientific experiment.是什么意思?

2023-01-01 16:47:581


1.直接去字典上查询2.或直接在百度上搜索3.瞳 眺 瞅 盱 瞰 睱 瞍 瞑 眇 睽 瞪
2023-01-01 16:47:572


stage 英[steɪdʒ] 美[stedʒ] n. 阶段; 舞台; 戏剧; 驿站; vt. 上演,演出; 筹办,举行; 适于上演; 坐公共马车旅行; vt. 举行; 展现; 上演; 筹划; [例句]The way children talk about or express their feelings depends on their age and stage of development儿童谈论或表达自己感情的方式取决于他们的年龄和所处的发育阶段。[其他] 第三人称单数:stages 复数:stages 现在分词:staging 过去式:staged过去分词:staged
2023-01-01 16:47:521


  目字旁的字有哪些   笔画五:   白 h x 甘 瓜 禾 钅 立 龙 矛 皿 母 目 疒 鸟 皮 生 石 矢 示 田 玄 穴 疋 业 衤 用 玉   部首为 目 的汉字(共236个汉字)   总笔画数5:   目   总笔画数7:   盯   总笔画数8:   盲 盱 直 Y Z [   总笔画数9:   省 盼 眇 眄 眉 g 眍 看 盾 盹 眈 _ 相 眨 ^ h c e b a ] d ` f   总笔画数10:   眢 真 i x l 眙 眚 u 眠 t 眩 | } y o v k w p j s m z n r q ~   总笔画数11:   着 眼 眺 眭 眸 眯 眶 眷 眵 睁 眦 {   总笔画数12:   睐 睑 睇 睃   总笔画数13:   瞄 睦 睨 睡 B F 睛 睫 睢 睹 督 睬 睥 睚 A H D K C G ER @   总笔画数14:   X Q [ 瞍 睿 瞀 睽 Z 睾 瞅 O T N P I U W M L Y V S J   总笔画数15:   瞎 瞑 瞢 瞒 瞌 _ l ^ w h a ] ` 姓名大全 女字旁的字有哪些 衣字旁的字有哪些 禾字旁的字有哪些 单人旁的字有哪些 鱼字旁的字有哪些 日字旁的字有哪些 月字旁的字有哪些 水字旁的字有哪些 土字旁的字有哪些 火字旁的字有哪些 木字旁的字有哪些 金字旁的字有哪些
2023-01-01 16:47:511