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2023-05-19 14:56:00
TAG: ca cake






n. (Cake)人名;(英)凯克;(塞)察凯




1、They secretly prepared a birthday cake for me.


2、My luggage in the prison was just a toothbrush and a cake of soap.


3、They caked my face with cream.




翻译是:The cake
2023-01-01 16:47:495


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cake作“糕,糕饼”解时,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。作“饼状食物”“块状物”解时,一般只用作可数名词。 cake一、含义n. 蛋糕;块状物。 二、用法13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古挪威语的kaka,意为圆的东西。cake用作名词的基本意思是“糕,糕饼”,引申可表示类似糕饼的食物或块状物。 “一块蛋糕”常用a piece of cake来表示。cake还可用作单位词,意思是“块”,其后接of表示数量。修饰不可数名词表示复数意义时, cake须用其复数形式cakes。 I often bake chocolate cake by myself.我喜欢自己培巧克力蛋糕。扩展资料:近义词:bun、pastry、roll、tart。一、bun1、含义:n. 小面包;圆发髻。n. <俚>酒醉。 2、举例He stole a bun from the shop.他从店里偷了一个圆面包。二、pastry1、含义:n. 面粉糕饼;馅饼皮。 2、举例Before cooking,she pressed pastry flat and thin.制做前她把馅饼皮压得薄又平。三、roll1、含义:n. 卷;滚动;名单;压路机;颤音;圆形物,面包卷。v. 摇摆;滚;绕;转动;展开。 2、举例The desk calculator use a roll of paper.这台台式计算机使用卷纸。四、tart1、含义:adj. 酸的; 尖酸的; 刻薄的。n. 果馅饼; <俚>妓女。 2、举例She popped the tart into the oven.她把果馅饼很快地放进烤箱里。
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cake的读法是:英[keɪk]美[keɪk]。短语搭配:1、moon cake。月饼。2、a piece of cake。轻而易举的事, 举手之劳。3、birthday cake。生日蛋糕。4、cheese cake。芝士蛋糕;起司蛋糕;奶酪蛋糕。5、make a cake。做蛋糕。6、have your cake and eat it。得其利而无其弊;两者兼得。7、take the cake。糟糕透顶,空前惊人,极其讨厌。8、wedding cake。结婚蛋糕;装饰奢华的。9、fruit cake。水果蛋糕;怪人;疯子。10、layer cake。夹心蛋糕;叠层蛋糕。造句:1、I never said that training him would be a piece of cake.我从未说过对他进行训练会是小菜一碟。2、Trim the surface of the cake to make it completely flat.修整蛋糕的表面,使之完全变平。3、You have not received a fair slice of the education cake.你没有从教育这个蛋糕中分得合理的一份。4、More goals would have been the icing on the cake.更多的目标只会成为可有可无的附加物。5、It"s an improvement on the last cake I made.这比我上次做的蛋糕好多了。
2023-01-01 16:49:491

Cake 是可数名词还是不可数名词?

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cake即可做可数名词又可做不可数名词。cake做可数名词还是不可数名词是根据句中的意思来判断的,当cake表示“糕饼”、“蛋糕”等,视为物质名词,那它就作为不可数;但若指一个完整的蛋糕或指切成一块块的蛋糕,则是可数。短语chiffon cake 戚风蛋糕;雪芳蛋糕;槭风蛋糕;一种因加入起沫蛋白而十分松软的蛋糕sponge cake海绵蛋糕;奶油鸡蛋;海棉蛋糕;蛋糕饼Red bean cake 红豆糕;红豆蛋糕;红豆饼;白豆糕例句That cake looks very tempting. 那蛋糕的样子让人嘴馋。
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cake可作可数名词也可作不可数名词.在句中意思不同,情况也就不同.一般地说,整个的cake就用可数形式,切开的就用不可数形式.这种现象比较普遍,如:melon(瓜)也是这样.一个蛋糕是a cake,可以数;切成多片,每片都是a piece of cake,那cake就变成不可数名词,指一片蛋糕.因为是同一个蛋糕,你不知道能切出多少片,就好像水,不知道能分成多少滴,所以把这里的cake看成整体.不可数名词是指不能以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的概念、状态、品质、感情或表示物质材料的东西;它一般没有复数形式,只有单数形式,它的前面不能用不定冠词a/an,若要表示它的个体意义时,必须与一个名词短语连用,相当于中文里的“一+量词+名词”,如蛋糕,则量词用piece,一片面包(蛋糕)a piece of bread(cake) like cakes.这里的 cake是可数名词,(谈喜爱时)要用其复数形式.dmany cakes这里的 cake是可数名词,(谈品种时)要用其复数形式.
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  cake是可数名词,具体如下:  cake英 [keɪk] 美 [keɪk]  n.蛋糕;糕饼;块状物;沉积物  vt.& vi.(使)结块;(使)胶;涂厚厚的一层  例句:  The cake baking in the oven made the whole house fragrant.  炉上烤的蛋糕使满屋子气味喷香。
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cake复数是:cakes。 读法[keɪk]  美 [keɪk]n. 饼状食物,饼;块,小块;<非正式>轻而易举的事;钱或资产总额;蛋糕v. (用会变干的东西厚厚地)覆盖;(干后)结成硬块短语chiffon cake 戚风蛋糕 ; 雪芳蛋糕 ; 槭风蛋糕sponge cake海绵蛋糕 ; 奶油鸡蛋 ; 海棉蛋糕 ; 蛋糕饼Red bean cake 红豆糕 ; 红豆蛋糕 ; 红豆饼 ; 白豆糕词语用法:cake用作名词的基本意思是“糕,糕饼”,引申可表示类似糕饼的食物或块状物。cake作“糕,糕饼”解时,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。“一块蛋糕”常用a piece of cake来表示。作“饼状食物”“块状物”解时,一般只用作可数名词。cake还可用作单位词,意思是“块”,其后接of表示数量。修饰不可数名词表示复数意义时,cake须用其复数形式cakes。
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一、蛋糕的英语单词是cake,音标英 [keɪk]、美 [keɪk]。二、释义:1、n.蛋糕;糕饼;块状物;沉积物I"ve iced and decorated the cake. 我在蛋糕上挂了糖衣,还做了花样装饰。2、vt.& vi.(使)结块;(使)胶;涂厚厚的一层The blood had begun to cake and turn brown. 血开始结块变黑。三、词源解说:13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古挪威语的kaka,意为圆的东西。四、经典引文:Their blood is cak"d, "tis cold, it seldom flows.他们的血凝固了,很冷,很少流动。出自:Timon of Athens , Shakespeare扩展资料:一、词语用法:n. (名词)1、cake用作名词的基本意思是“糕,糕饼”,引申可表示类似糕饼的食物或块状物。2、cake作“糕,糕饼”解时,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。“一块蛋糕”常用a piece of cake来表示。作“饼状食物”“块状物”解时,一般只用作可数名词。3、cake还可用作单位词,意思是“块”,其后接of表示数量。修饰不可数名词表示复数意义时, cake须用其复数形式cakes。二、词汇搭配:1、eat cake 吃蛋糕2、make cake 做蛋糕3、birthday cake 生日蛋糕4、chocolate cake 巧克力蛋糕5、fish cake 鱼糜饼
2023-01-01 16:54:126


cake读法是英[keɪk];美[keɪk]。释义:n.蛋糕;块状物;利益总额vt.使结块vi.结成块状n. (Cake)人名;(英)凯克;(塞)察凯变形:过去式caked、过去分词caked、现在分词caking、第三人称单数cakes、复数cakes双语例句1、They secretly prepared a birthday cake for me.他们悄悄给我准备了一块生日蛋糕。2、My luggage in the prison was just a toothbrush and a cake of soap.我在监狱里的行李就只有一把牙刷和一块肥皂。3、They caked my face with cream.他们在我脸上涂了奶油。
2023-01-01 16:54:481

cake可数吗 cake可不可数

cake既是可数名词也是不可数名词,cake在句中意思不同,情况也就不同。cake作“糕,糕饼”解时,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词,“一块蛋糕”常用a piece of cake来表示。作“饼状食物、块状物”解时,一般只用作可数名词。cake用作名词的基本意思是“糕,糕饼”,引申可表示类似糕饼的食物或块状物。cake还可用作单位词,意思是“块”,其后接of表示数量,修饰不可数名词表示复数意义时, cake须用其复数形式cakes。在不同的语义下,很多单词的可数性也不同。
2023-01-01 16:55:011


cake的中文意思:糕饼。cake,英语单词,名词、及物动词,作及物动词时意为“使结块”。作名词时意为“蛋糕;块状物;利益总额”。短语搭配:Wedding cake结婚蛋糕;结婚糕;结婚典礼蛋糕,chocolate cake朱古力蛋糕;浓情朱古力冻饼;朱古力饼,King cake帝王蛋糕;国王蛋糕,filter cake化工滤饼;泥饼;滤渣;过滤块,Peanut cake蛋酥花仁;花生糕;花生饼;花生酥。Candy cake限量发行;糖饼;糖果蛋糕,Cake Creations蛋糕的创意;做水晶七彩蛋糕,Potato Cake土豆饼,Strawberry Cake草莓蛋糕;士多啤梨蛋糕;香草草莓蛋糕。cake双语例句1、To say to her all into the cake inside.把对她要说的话全部融入在蛋糕里面。2、No! Not until you give me my chocolate cake and milk!才不!除非你把我的巧克力蛋糕和牛奶给我。3、All of my friends like eating cake.我的朋友大都喜欢吃蛋糕。
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cake英语读音为[keɪk]。cake是蛋糕的意思,或为块状物;利益总额。cake词组如take the cake得奖;piece of cake轻而易举的事情;have one"s cake dough希望落空,计划失败。have one"s cake and eat it两者兼得;icing on the cake锦上添花;cakes and ale寻欢作乐。sell like hot cakes热卖。cake例句They secretly prepared a birthday cake for me.他们悄悄给我准备了一块生日蛋糕。My luggage in the prison was just a toothbrush and a cake of soap.我在监狱里的行李就只有一把牙刷和一块肥皂。They caked my face with cream.他们在我脸上涂了奶油。Would you like a piece of cake?你想要一块蛋糕吗There"s a bit of cake in the fridge.冰箱里有点蛋糕。The chocolate cake looks delicious.巧克力蛋糕看起来很好吃。That"s a thick piece of cake那块蛋糕真厚。The main ingredients in this cake are flour, butter and sugar.这款蛋糕主要食材是面粉、黄油和糖。
2023-01-01 16:55:331


与a有相同音素的字母:H、J、Ka的音素是/ei/,而与A字母相同音素的字母H的音素/eitʃ/ ,J的为 /dʒei/ 、K 的/kei/ ,他们都含有相同音素/ei/,所以H、J、K和“a”有相同的音素。含有a发/ei/的单词:cake、baby、lady、grade、trade一、cake1、发音:英 [keɪk]、美 [keɪk] 2、含义:n. 蛋糕;块状物3 、用法cake用作名词的基本意思是“糕,糕饼”,引申可表示类似糕饼的食物或块状物。cake作“糕,糕饼”解时,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。“一块蛋糕”常用a piece of cake来表示。作“饼状食物”“块状物”解时,一般只用作可数名词。He passed me one fifth of the cake.他递给我五分之一个蛋糕。二、baby1、发音:英 ["beɪbi]、美 ["beɪbi] 2、含义:n. 婴儿;宝贝儿;孩子气的人。adj. 婴儿的;小型的。vt. 溺爱3 、用法baby的基本意思是“婴儿”,指还不会说话或走路的新生婴儿,也可指“幼兽”或“雏鸟”。引申可表示“家庭或团体中最年幼的成员”,在口语中, baby也可表示孩子气的人或胆怯的人。baby在俚语中还有“女孩”的意思,尤指男子的女友。She gave birth to a fine healthy baby.她生了一个健康漂亮的婴儿。三、lady1、发音:英 ["leɪdi]、美 ["leɪdi] 2、含义:n. 夫人;女士3 、用法lady可表示“女士,夫人,小姐”,也可指“举止文雅的女子,淑女”,是正式和礼貌用语,也是演讲或祝酒词的称呼语,以示尊敬,是可数名词。与其对应的阳性名词是gentleman,有男有女时,一般说ladies and gentlemen。The lady looked at me with a contented smile.那位夫人带着满意的微笑看着我。四、grade1、发音:英 [ɡreɪd]、美 [ɡreɪd] 2、含义:n. 等级;年级;成绩;斜坡。v. 分级;评分;渐次变化3 、用法grade是可数名词,基本意思是“等级”,可用于产品质量、官阶、学位、技巧水平等。grade在美式英语中,用以指(中小学的)“年级”,相当于英式英语中的form和standard。This grade of wool can be sold at a fairly low price.这种等级的羊毛只能以相当低的价格卖出。五、trade1、英 [treɪd]、美 [treɪd] 2、含义:n. 贸易;交易;行业;同行;顾客;营业额;交易量。v. 做生意;从事贸易;购物;营业;(在证券交易所)交易;交换3 、用法trade用作名词表示一般性非具体的“买卖,贸易,生意”时,是不可数名词,其前一般不加冠词。trade用作可数名词时,可表示“具体的生意或行业”“谋生手段,手艺,职业”等。作“生意”解时,通常后接介词in引导的短语,表示“…方面的生意”; 作“谋生手段,手艺,职业”解时,通常指需要特殊手工的技巧。China does a lot of trade with many countries.中国和许多国家进行多方面贸易。
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1.cake可以作可数名词,也可以作不可数名词。 2.一块蛋糕常用apieceofcake来表示,作饼状食物、块状物解时,一般只用作可数名词。 3.如果将蛋糕切成多片,每片都是apieceofcake,那cake就变成不可数名词。
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关于cake的俚语如下:take the cake 得奖;2.piece of cake 小菜一碟;3.have one"s cake dough 希望落空,计划失败;4.have one"s cake and eat it 两者兼得;5.icing on the cake 锦上添花;6.cakes and ale 寻欢作乐;7.sell like hot cakes 热卖。短语搭配Wedding cake结婚蛋糕 ; 结婚糕 ; 结婚典礼蛋糕chocolate cake朱古力蛋糕 ; 浓情朱古力冻饼 ; 朱古力饼King cake帝王蛋糕 ; 国王蛋糕filter cake[化工]滤饼 ; 泥饼 ; 滤渣 ; 过滤块Peanut cake蛋酥花仁 ; 花生糕 ; 花生饼 ; 花生酥Candy cake限量发行 ; 糖饼 ; 糖果蛋糕Cake Creations蛋糕的创意 ; 做水晶七彩蛋糕Potato Cake土豆饼Strawberry Cake草莓蛋糕 ; 士多啤梨蛋糕 ; 香草草莓蛋糕 双语例句To say to her all into the cake inside.把对她要说的话全部融入在蛋糕里面。No! Not until you give me my chocolate cake and milk!才不!除非你把我的巧克力蛋糕和牛奶给我!All of my friends like eating cake.我的朋友大都喜欢吃蛋糕。
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2023-01-01 16:56:452

cake怎么读英语 cake如何读呢

1、cake读法:英 [keɪk]美 [kek] 。 2、释义:n. 蛋糕;块状物;利益总、vt. 使结块、vi. 结成块状、n. (Cake)人名;(英)凯克;(塞)察凯。 3、cake,英语单词,名词、及物动词,作及物动词时意为“使结块”。作名词时意为“蛋糕;块状物;利益总额”。
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cake当它指的是一只大蛋糕的时候是不可数名词,因此没有复数,其中的一块可用a piece of cake来表示,一些为some cake 但是当它是一块块小蛋糕的时候,它就是可数名词,some cakes,a cake chocolate, ice cream也是如此
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cake的情况如下:1.表示“糕饼”“蛋糕”等,视为物质名词,不可数;但若指一个完整的蛋糕或指切成一块块的蛋糕,则可数。有时由于说话者的着眼点不同,以上两种用法都是可能的。如:Please have some cake. 请吃点儿蛋糕。There"s some cake in the kitchen. 厨房里还有些蛋糕。I"d like a cake. A big one with lots of cream. 我想要一块蛋糕,一块带很多奶油的大蛋糕。2. a piece of cake 的基本义是“一块蛋糕”,但在口语中可引申表示“十分容易”“小菜一碟”。该习语中的 cake 通常是不可数的。如:Please cut me a piece of cake. 请给我切一块蛋糕。pizza的用法如下:做可数名词和不可数名词都可以,看情况而定(即可变名词)因为pizza通常是做成一大张然后切成一块块吃或者卖的,比如方形pizza或者我们常吃的圆形pizza都是切成一块块的,单位名称是块,那种样子的是不可数的
2023-01-01 16:57:146

cake 什么时候加s什么时候不用加

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cake的复数是cakes,现在分词caking,过去式caked,过去分词caked。例句:1、She offered us five different kinds of cake. 她给我们提供了五种不同的蛋糕。2、We might as well finish up the cake. 我们倒不如把蛋糕吃完。3、These cakes are very quick and easy to make. 这些糕饼做起来又快又简单。4、The cake was decorated to look like a car. 这蛋糕装饰得像一辆汽车。5、If you eat any more cake you"ll make yourself sick. 你要是再吃蛋糕,就该吐了。
2023-01-01 16:58:071


cake的复数是:cakes。n. 饼状食物,饼;块,小块;<非正式>轻而易举的事;钱或资产总额;蛋糕v. (用会变干的东西厚厚地)覆盖;(干后)结成硬块【名】 (Cake)(英)凯克,(塞)察凯(人名)短语chiffon cake 戚风蛋糕 ; 雪芳蛋糕 sponge cake海绵蛋糕 ; 奶油鸡蛋 ; 海棉蛋糕 ; 蛋糕饼Red bean cake 红豆糕 ; 红豆蛋糕 ; 红豆饼 ; 白豆糕同近义词n. [食品]蛋糕;块状物;利益总额Swiss roll , tortavt. 使结块agglomerate
2023-01-01 16:58:181

Cake 是可数名词还是不可数名词?

cake可以作可数名词,也可以作不可数名词,蛋糕. 当它解释为饼状食物和块状食物是,是可数的. 如:fish-cakes鱼饼. 一个蛋糕是a cake,可以数; 切成多片,每片都是a piece of cake,那cake就变成不可数名词.
2023-01-01 16:58:291


cake英语读法如下:cake读法:英 [ke?k]美 [kek] 。释义:n. 蛋糕;块状物;利益总、vt. 使结块、vi. 结成块状、n. (Cake)人名;(英)凯克;(塞)察凯。cake英语单词,名词、及物动词,作及物动词时意为“使结块”。作名词时意为“蛋糕;块状物;利益总额”双语例句如下:1. The cake is sickeningly sweet.这个蛋糕甜得发腻。2. Don"t touch the cake!别碰蛋糕!3. That cake looks nice.那个蛋糕看样子不错。4. The cake is all gone.蛋糕都吃光了。5. Diane asked me to cut the birthday cake.黛安娜叫我切生日蛋糕。辅助记忆1. 搭配词ice / soap2. 补充『短语』a cake of soap 一块肥皂 『短语』a piece of cake 轻而易举的事;举手之劳 『短语』to take the cake 糟糕到极点。
2023-01-01 16:58:351


蛋糕的英文:cakecake英/ keɪk /美/ keɪk /n.饼状食物,饼;块,小块;<非正式>轻而易举的事;钱或资产总额;蛋糕v.(用会变干的东西厚厚地)覆盖;(干后)结成硬块【名】 (Cake)(英)凯克,(塞)察凯(人名)短语:1、birthday cake生日蛋糕2、piece of cake轻而易举的事情;轻松愉快的事3、moon caken. 月饼例句:That cake looks very tempting.那蛋糕的样子让人嘴馋。同根词:cakingcaking英/ ˈkeɪkɪŋ /美/ ˈkeɪkɪŋ /n.结块,结团;粘结v.结成块状;凝固(cake 的过去分词形式)短语:1、caking coal粘结煤 ; 矿物 粘结性煤 ; 炼焦煤 ; 黏结性煤2、caking property粘结性 ; 结块性3、weakly caking coal矿物 弱粘煤 ; 弱粘结煤例句:However, the problem of the powder caking is not completely solved until now.而粉体物料的结块问题是一个粉体力学至今尚未完全解决的难题。
2023-01-01 16:58:451


cake可作可数名词也可作不可数名词。在句中意思不同,情况也就不同。一般地说,整个的cake就用可数形式,切开的就用不可数形式。 扩展资料   She cut the cake into fifths.   她把蛋糕切成五块。   This cake is very filling.   这种饼很能填饱肚子。   Jim grabbed a cake from the plate.   吉姆从盘子里抓了一块蛋糕。   Can you freeze this cake?   你能不能把这个蛋糕冷藏起来?   Would you like some chocolate cake?   你想来点儿巧克力蛋糕吗?
2023-01-01 16:58:561


2023-01-01 16:53:491


2023-01-01 16:53:491


什么是幸福婚姻的关键英文   什么是幸福婚姻的关键英文,幸福的`婚姻家庭,是很多夫妻在结婚之前的共同愿望,好的婚姻可以让孩子作为榜样,好的家庭可以让孩子健康快乐的成长。下面给大家分享什么是幸福婚姻的关键。   什么是幸福婚姻的关键英文1    1、Disputes can, but dont be stubborn about who wins and who loses   The differences caused by the different opinions of the couple are normal. However, because the natural environment and life methods of the two people are different, even if they are more similar and their outlook on life is consistent with each other, there will be overall differences in some areas. At the moment, either husband and wife should not try to change the other. There is almost no absolute right or wrong. You dont have to be confined to the win or lose of the quarrel. Home should be a warm area. Learn to seek common ground while reserving differences, not the arena where anyone wants to press down.    2、Experience is more important than truth   Its hard to get confused in life. It can be used in married life. Some words will damage the other party when you know it clearly. Even if it is the truth, you dont have to talk about it quickly for a while. There is a certain preservation for each other to consider carefully, so as to really improve the relationship between husband and wife. If some of the same facts are too painful and do not involve standard problems, good lies will be more acceptable than naked objective facts.    3. Pay attention to touch, not just sex   Touch includes many, such as clasping fingers, hugging each other and touching the face. This action can maintain the intimacy between couples. Many people feel that there is nothing else between couples except sex. I think the mental process is not so shallow. Sometimes this small touch of the human body is more effective. (emotional questions can be added to the teachers mobile phone / letter:)    4、Recalling the happiness of the past   At that time, many people had a good relationship with their partners. As soon as they entered the marriage life, they began to quarrel for no reason. Because the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was not very good and the core concept of taking care of children was difficult, in other words, all kinds of relationships could lead to disputes. At the moment, I feel that because the couple have been brought into their eyes by some small stones, they have not seen the way to go for a longer time, and have forgotten their previous service commitment and happiness.   We often say that there must be a big reason for the fight between the bedroom bed and the foot of the bed between husband and wife. Its normal to make small mischief in daily life, but you dont have to hurt your feelings. You should be tolerant and used to each other. Its the key to understand the harmony of husband and wifes feelings and come down again. Thinking about the happy times we had in the past, why we had to have him at that time, what things he had done that moved you, and this kind of memory not only gives you the driving force, but also gives you the reason to tolerate and endure for a while.    5、Maintain talent   When you think that marriage is the terminal of each connection, you are really wrong. Marriage is not only not the terminal of association, but also a new starting point for these associations among you, which means that your life path is from yourself to two people, and the problems you encounter are discussed, handled, supported and encouraged each other.   Sometimes when people see a man, they feel that he is not obedient enough. Many old people around them have to say: they havent got married yet. Just find them a wife and have children.   I absolutely dont approve of such opinions, and I can even say that I despise them. If he is not mature enough and does not have the burden of being an adult, how can he hope that he can shoulder the obligation of a home and even educate his children to become talents? The greater probability is that the expansion has adverse effects and will hurt the next generation.   Similarly, you dont have to think that marriage means completion and no need to become a talent. There are many characters to play in ones life. One should be a good child when he is a child. He is an excellent student when he studies. He is a good worker when he signs up for work, a good eldest son of his father, a good husband of his wife when he gets married, and a good father of his eldest son... People must always study and train hard to become talents, so as to ensure that the development trend of physical and mental health and stability can be maintained, Can maintain a happy marriage.   If you have been too easy to slack off in your marriage and give up yourself, it is usually very easy to lead to misfortune at home. In the matter of talent, there is no way to achieve it overnight, only self-discipline can be arbitrary.   什么是幸福婚姻的关键英文2    What are the stages of marriage.    Phase I: Sweet period   Just married, they are still in the joy of marriage and maintain the state of love.   Although there are occasional small quarrels, they are considerate of each other. I will also prepare some small surprises for each other in my daily life. It may seem bad to others, but its beautiful to you.   The general state of sweetness is that you and I have endless words.    Stage II: running in period   After 2-3 years of marriage, after the sweet period, they began to enter the running in period. Some of the problems of both sides will gradually manifest, but they will not be as tolerant as the sweet period. Small things such as misplacing socks and soiling the freshly cleaned floor may become the fuse of their quarrel.   During this period, both will upgrade and become parents. The arrival of children will upset the balance of the two worlds and be child-centered.   At this time, the contradiction between the two will gradually increase, and the contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will also increase. Helping his wife or his mother is a headache for men.   The running in period is the longest. Quarrel and contradiction are also the most stage. Both sides will become concerned, concerned, and sometimes bored. Once quarrels and contradictions escalate, it may lead to divorce. After the fresh period of marriage, some people will go out to find new prey. The probability of this third partys involvement is greatly increased and affects their marriage life.   The running in period will be exhausting, so many couples cant survive this stage. Its a pity.    The third stage: dull period   After going through the long stage of running in period, going up the mountain and down the sea of fire, the marriage slowly entered a dull period.   After the running in period, the edges and corners were flattened. After the "torture" of the running in period, the two peoples mood became flat.   Two people will feel that the day is a blessing, which is much more open than the running in period.   When the children work, they have more time to do their own things. The days are as plain as water. Its good to have no waves.   But some people cant resist this insipid and choose to separate at this stage. Its a pity.   Phase IV: long term   After the first three stages, Congratulations, your marriage has entered a long period. Nothing can break up your marriage. We can work together to get married. When they entered the palace of marriage, they both had this original intention. I hope they can work together until they die. But many peoples marriages die in the first two stages.   No matter what stage you are in now, I hope you can go to the last stage 4 until the end of your life. If you survive the second stage, it will not be far from a long time!   什么是幸福婚姻的关键英文3    Three keys to family happiness.    1、Filial piety   Filial piety, as a family ethical norm, has the function and role of maintaining family stability. People use filial piety to regulate family relations, make it rooted in the family and popular in the society, and become the moral code and code of conduct that people abide by.   In ancient times, the Chinese nation had a good atmosphere of respecting the elderly and filial piety. Today, with the development of socialist market economy, it is still of great practical significance to carry forward the filial piety tradition of supporting the elderly and respecting the elderly.   "Filial piety comes first", "filial piety" is the foundation of life. If a person cant be grateful to his parents, what noble character can you expect him to have?    2.、Diligent   Diligence has always been praised by the ancients. Stories such as "Yingxue" and "dangliang stabbing stocks" have been handed down for thousands of years and are well known. Han Wengongs "burning ointment oil to follow the sundial, and constant Wu to poor years" is more yearned for by scholars. If you dont work hard, no matter how talented you are, its useless.   Diligence is the first essence of life. People must be diligent if they want to live a down-to-earth, stable and peaceful life. If a person develops the weakness of laziness, more shortcomings and problems will follow.    3、Excuse   Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom. Only when we give forgiveness can we put down the pain of the past and open up new possibilities for beauty.   South Africa experienced a painful process of forgiveness and reconciliation at the end of apartheid, because they knew that if they continued to sink into the past, they would not have a successful future.
2023-01-01 16:53:491


2023-01-01 16:53:524

make efforts to do sth.为什么effort要加s,它是可数名词吗?

英语中的固定搭配哦 这里effort要加s 单独使用时(如做主语,宾语等)就根据正确单复数形式用就是咯!
2023-01-01 16:53:531


2023-01-01 16:53:543

spare no effort effort要加s吗

2023-01-01 16:53:452


  竹里馆   独坐幽篁里,弹琴复长啸。   深林人不知,明月来相照。   译文   独自闲坐幽静竹林,时而弹琴时而长啸。   密林之中何人知晓我在这里?只有一轮明月静静与我相伴。   注释   ⑴竹里馆:辋川别墅胜景之一,房屋周围有竹林,故名。   ⑵幽篁(huáng):幽深的竹林。   ⑶啸(xiào):嘬口发出长而清脆的声音,类似于打口哨。   ⑷深林:指“幽篁”。   ⑸相照:与“独坐”相应,意思是说,左右无人相伴,唯有明月似解人意,偏来相照。   ⑹长啸:撮口而呼,这里指吟咏、歌唱。古代一些超逸之士常用来抒发感情。魏晋名士称吹口哨为啸。   【赏析】   这首诗是《辋川集》二十首中的第十七首,是诗人王维晚年隐居蓝田辋川时创作的一首五言绝句。作品以简朴清丽的诗句描写山林幽居的情趣,表现的是一种清静安详的境界,是诗人追求宁静、淡泊、脱俗的生活态度的绝佳表述。   王维早年信奉佛教,思想超脱,加之仕途坎坷,四十岁以后就过着半官半隐的生活。正如他自己所说:“晚年惟好静,万事不关心。”因而常常独自坐在幽深的竹林之中,弹着古琴以抒寂寞的情怀。诗人是在意兴清幽、心灵澄净的状态下与竹林、明月本身所具有的清幽澄净的属性悠然相会,而命笔成篇的。“深林人不知,明月来相照。这便是进一步渲染那种孤寂的情绪和气氛的。   “独坐幽篁里,弹琴复长啸。”诗人一个人静坐于幽深茂密的竹林里抚琴弄弦,显然是情有不足,不然怎么会又打起口哨来呢?这是诗人情致绝佳的抒发,颇有魏晋名士竹林七贤的品味与格调。本人前面在赏析《阮籍<咏怀·其一>赏析》“夜中不能寐,起坐弹鸣琴”时曾有过“夜半更深,却辗转反侧,难以成眠,无奈之下,索性起来弹琴”的句子,在《咏怀·其一》中诗人阮籍表达的是 “内心深处极为复杂的感受”, 在这一点上,王维与之是截然不同的,诗人王维“独坐幽篁”,流露的是一种孤寂情怀,追求是一种宁静、淡泊与超凡脱俗的生活态度。   “深林人不知,明月来相照。”在茂密幽深的竹林里,外界看不见人,也很难听到琴声,没有人知道诗人此时在竹林里干什么,只有皎洁的明月知道他此时的所作所为,理解他此时的心情,因而才“来相照”。本人前面在赏析《阮籍<咏怀·其一>赏析》“薄帷鉴明月,清风吹我襟”时曾作过如下阐释:“‘薄帏"上的清冷月光,撩动衣襟的徐徐‘清风",月色之下,清风之中,独自弹琴,内心苦闷无人可诉。所见气氛肃杀,寒气森森;所感孤独凄冷,落寞至极。”作为夜中弹琴的阮籍,作品“抒写的是找不到人生出路的孤独、落寞、忧愁和不安”,而“独坐幽篁”“弹琴”“长啸”的王维,虽然内心深处也同样有一种孤独与寂寞的情结,但王维本篇所表现出来的则是心境平和,不问世俗,比起阮诗《咏怀·其一》的意境,本篇则要宁静安详很多,悠然淡泊很多。   在写作艺术手法上,作品以简朴的词句营造了一个令人神往的充满想象的意境。幽深茂密的“幽篁里”,“独坐”着以为“弹琴”、“长啸”的老者,无人知晓它的存在,只有明月相伴,意境是何等的清新淡泊,何等的宁静悠然。特别是结束句“明月来相照”,诗人赋予了明月以人的思想意识和人的丰富情感,对于诗人和他的琴声来说,那竹林梢头挂着的一轮明月仿佛就是陪伴着他的知己,是他琴声的欣赏者。 《竹里馆》王维全文翻译及赏析
2023-01-01 16:53:431

a lot of effort还是a lot of efforts

要看具体语境,effort在某些情况下可数,在某些语境下不可数,如果可数,用a lot of efforts 如果不可数用a lot of effort因为a lot of 要么跟可数名词复数要么跟不可数名词. 附:effort的可数与不可数 effort(做某事物使用的)力量和精力的时候是不可数的.比如:They lifted the heavy rock without effort. 他们没费劲就把那块沉重的石头抬起来了. 做可数名词的时候意思上有两种:1.努力; 奋斗(相当于attempt) 比如:His efforts were much appreciated. 大家都夸他很努力. 2. 努力的结果(相当与result of an attempt) 比如: That"s a good effort. 这事干得不错.
2023-01-01 16:53:401


竹里馆⑴ 【唐】王维 独坐幽篁里⑵, 弹琴复长啸⑶. 深林人不知⑷, 明月来相照⑸. 注释⑴此诗选自《王右丞集笺注》为《辋川集》二十首中的第十七首.竹里馆:辋川别墅胜景之一,房屋周围有竹林,故名.⑵幽篁(huáng...
2023-01-01 16:53:381


一般在复印处分开,ac ci dent
2023-01-01 16:53:384


2023-01-01 16:53:383