barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-16 07:55:11



The hungry baby cried aloud.饿了的婴孩哭得很大声。

He has a loud voice.他的嗓门很大。

He wept loudly.他大声哭泣。


aloud作“出声地”解时,主要与read, think等连用‘作“大声地”解时,主要与call, shout, cry等连用;loud与talk, speak, sing, laugh等连用。

loudly可与任何发出声响的动词(如:bring, explode, knock,ring, insist, demand, explain等)连用。

He read her letter aloud to the rest of the family.他把她的信大声读给家人听。

I heard a loud bang and then saw black smoke.我听到砰的一声巨响,接着就看到了黑烟。



She spoke very loudly.她说话的声音很大。

I heard a loud crash in the kitchen.我听到厨房有一声巨响。

The little boy is crying aloud.那个小男孩哭的很厉害。


loud侧重状态和给人的感觉,loudly则侧重方式。比较级或最高级时,通常用 loud,而不用 loudly。

Who laughed loudest? 谁笑的声音最大?

He read his sister"s letter aloud. 他喃喃地读他妹妹的信。

Suddenly the bell on the wall rang loudly. 突然,墙上的铃大声地响起来。



1、aloud、loud、loudly的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。 2、意思不同:aloud意思:出声地;大声地;loud意思:喧闹的;响亮的;大声的;说话太大声的;吵闹的;俗艳的;花哨的;loudly意思:大声地,响亮地。 3、用法不同:aloud用法:aloud有两个含义,一是“出声地”,二是“大声地”,这取决于与其搭配的动词。和read,think等动词连用时,表示的是与“在脑中默读〔想〕”相对的“出声读”和“把想到的自言自语说出来”,这时并不涉及声音的大小;和call,cry,shout等动词连用时,则表示“大声地”;loud用法:基本意思是“响亮的,大声的”,指音量比平常大得多,暗示过分强烈和突出。loud还可以作“刺鼻的”解。loud可表示在色彩或举止方面“引人注目”,有贬义,常可译为“花哨的,举止招摇的”。loud在句中可作定语或表语;loudly用法:指声音响亮,高声说话,一般放在所修饰的动词后面。 4、侧重点不同:aloud侧重点:aloud不用于比较等级;loud侧重点:loud作为副词的基本意思是发出音量大、传得远的声音;loudly侧重点:loudly可放在动词之前或之后,用以说明声音的强度。
2023-06-16 03:31:461


这三个词的共同含义是“大声地”,其区别是:1、词性:aloud和loudly只能用作副词;而loud既可用作副词,又可用作形容词。例如:Don"t mak those loud noises.不要在那大声喧哗了。2、含义: loud和loudly只指“大声地”“高声地”; 而aloud除指“大声地”外,还可指“出声地”。另外loudly还暗含嘈杂喧闹的意味。例如:She never talked too loudly of earls and countesses.她从来没有过份高声地谈到伯爵和伯爵夫人。3、词形变化: aloud没有比较级和最高级;而loud和loudly则具有比较级和最高级形式,例如:I can"t hear you, please speak louder.我听不见你的声音,请大声点。4、搭配:aloud作“出声地”解时主要与read, think等连用,作“大声地”时主要与call, shout, cry等连用;而loud主要与talk, speak, sing, laugh等连用;loudly则可与任何发出声响的动词如bring, explode, knock和insist, demand, explain等连用。例如:(1)Please read aloud so that I can here you. 请大声朗读,这样我才能听见。(2)The newspaper might just as well talk loud about as anything else. 报纸也可能象对付别的事情一样把这件事高谈阔论。(3)Don"t knock loudly.不要大声敲门。5、句中的位置: loud和aloud只能用在动词后面; 而loudly则既可用在动词后,也可用在动词前。例如:As we walked in the dark street, we sang songs and talked loudly.当我们在黑洞洞的街上走路时我们高声地唱歌说话。
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1u20e3aloud是副词, 强调发出的声音能被听见,意思为出声地或大声地 2u20e3loudly 意为“响亮地” loudly 放在动词前后均可,含有“喧闹”或“嘈杂”的意味
2023-06-16 03:32:582


2023-06-16 03:33:141


再给你补充一个loud副词loud、aloud、loudly都有“大声的”意思,但用法有所不同。 【1、 loud的意思是“大声的、高声的、响亮的”。在动词talk ,speak,shout,laugh等后面,一般用loud,在非正式的谈话中尤其如此,loud又比较级,但往往不用最高级。例如:1.Speak louder,I can"t hear you. 2.They laughed loud and long. 3.Don"t talk so loud. 【2、aloud的意思是“出声的”,指使声音能被听到,而不止是在脑子里默默的说,它往往与read ,think等动词连用,但是aloud修饰call,cry等动词时,可以作“高声的、大声的”解.aloud没有比较级形式。例如:1.The teacher asked him to read the poem aloud. 2.He called aloud for help. 3.I was just thinking aloud. 【3.loudly的意思是“高声的”经常可与loud通用。但在较正式语言中即表示“吵嚷不休的噪声”的意味,常用loudly. 例如:1.Don"t shout so loud/loudly. 2.When they were arguing,they talked so loudly that the people in the next room could hear every word.
2023-06-16 03:33:231

aloud loudly loud的区别,词性和用法

2023-06-16 03:33:503


aloud,loud,loudly的区别和用法 1. aloud的用法 aloud 只用作副词,不用作形容词,注意以下用法: (1) 强调“出声”,即把话说出来,而不是在心里默默地“说”,通常与动词 read, speak, think 等动词连用。如: read aloud 朗读 think aloud 自言自语地说 (2) 表示“大声地”,通常与动词 cry, laugh, shout, call 等动词连用,如: The boy is crying aloud. 这男孩子在大声哭。 She called aloud for help. 她大声呼救。 2. lould的用法 loud 表示“大声”或“响亮”,可用作形容词和副词: (1) 用作形容词。如: He has a loud voice. 他嗓子大。 The music is too loud; please turn it down. 这音乐太吵人了,请把音量关小一点。 (2) 用作副词(与 loudly 同义),一般只与动词 speak, talk, laugh, sing 等连用,且必须放在这些动词之后。如: I can"t hear you, please speak louder. 我听不见,请说大声些。 3. loudly的用法 loudly 只用作副词(与用作副词的 loud 同义)。如: Don"t talk so loudly [loud]. 别这么大声讲话 注:loudly 比用作副词的 loud 使用范围更广,它除与 speak,talk,laugh 等动词连用外,还可与其他表示声响的动词连用,且可以放在这些动词之前或之后。如: The man snored loudly. 这个人鼾声打得响。 He heard a cocklock loudly crow. 他听见雄鸡大声啼叫。 另外,在用于比较级或级时,通常用 loud,而不用 loudly。如: Who laughed loudest? 谁笑的声音?
2023-06-16 03:34:181


aloud a.loud[u0259`laJd; u0259ˋlaud]副词(无比较级、最高级)1 出声地,高声地Read this passage ~.朗读这篇文章think ~ (无意识地) 自言自语2 大声地cry [shout] ~大声喊 [哭] 叫He called ~ for help.他大声叫救命
2023-06-16 03:34:261


1,loudly 副词,大声地;吵闹地;使用范围比loud广,可指人声,敲门声;或其他各种声音,强调声音高,喧嚣;不悦耳。 2.loud 形容词或者副词,大声地;作副词使用时其意义和loudly一样,但是使用范围没有那么广泛,loud通常用于人声,比如sing,call,laugh。3.aloud 副词指人,出声地,大声地;强调有声音(而不是无声的)。比如think aloud 自言自语 read aloud 朗读如果非要说哪个=loudly的话,loud做副词的时候其意义和loudly差不多,但有两个区别,  1)loudly的使用范围广泛得多 2)比较级最高级多用loud而不用loudly
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2023-06-16 03:35:551


aloud [ə"laʊd] adv. 大声地;出声地如果不会音标的话 谐音是 “呃啦唔得”=。=
2023-06-16 03:36:151


阿 唠的
2023-06-16 03:36:234


① aloud 强调发出的声音能被听见,意思为“出声地”或“大声地”,常用 read , call 等动词连用。例如: Please read the text aloud. 请朗读一下课文。 ② loud 意为“响亮地”、“大声”或“高声地”,侧重发出的音量大,传得远,一般多用来修饰 speak , talk , laugh 等动词。 loud 还可用作形容词。例如: Speak louder, please, or no one will hear you. 请大声些,否则没人能听见。 ③ loudly 意为“响亮地”,其基本意义与 loud 相同,还常与 ring , knock 等动词连用。 loudly 放在动词前后均可,含有“喧闹”或“嘈杂”的意味。例如: Suddenly the bell on the wall rang loudly. 突然,墙上的铃大声地响起来。 Read this passage aloud. 朗读这篇文章 Crying aloud for help. 高声呼救 To translate,especially aloud. 口译翻译,尤指口译 He read the poem aloud. 他高声朗诵那首诗。 He called aloud for help. 他大声叫救命。 clearly and loudly;without hesitation 清晰而响亮地;毫不犹豫地 The musket discharged loudly. 旧式步枪发声很大 The horn blew loudly. 喇叭吹得很响。 The doorbell rang loudly. 门铃大声响着。 The child sobbed loudly. 这个孩子大声地哭泣。 She was loudly dressed. 她穿着花俏俗气。 She was loudly applauded. 她大受鼓掌赞许。 Read slowly and loudly. 读得既要慢些又要大点声音。 As loudly as possible. 尽可能地响亮
2023-06-16 03:36:315

英语 1. aloud 与loudly的区别 2. aloud与loud区别 3. loud与loudly区别

aloud, loud和loudly的区别不必分开说啊,具体如下:1. aloud只能做副词,意思是“出声地/大声地”,强调足以让对方听见,且没有比较级和最高级变化;2. loud常做形容词,意思是“大声的”,还有“喧闹的,嘈杂的,烦人的”之意。loud也可作副词,同loudly,不过比后者更口语化。loud的比较级和最高级分别是:louder和loudest.loud一般只能修饰少数表示直接发声的动作,如sing/say/cry/sing等。3. loudly只能做副词,其比较级和最高级为:more loudly和most loudly.loudly可以修饰各种发声的动作,比如“关门/踩踏等”。如果还需要分开说明,则如下:1. aloud强调“出声以让对方听见”,loudly只强调“大声地”。前者无比较级和最高级,后者有比较级和最高级。2. aloud只做副词,而loud兼做形容词和副词。前者没有比较级和最高级,后者有比较级和最高级。3. loud可做副词和形容词,而loudly只做副词。loud只修饰少数动词,而loudly可修饰大多数动词。两者的比较级和最高级不同。
2023-06-16 03:36:542

aloud 与loudy 有什么区别?

2023-06-16 03:37:253


aloud , loud 和 loudly 都可以表示“大声地”,但在用法上有区别。 aloud , loud二者作为副词,都有“大声地”、“响亮”的意思,有时可以通用。但aloud与read,think连用时,表示“出声”,而loud用于talk,speak,shout,laugh等动词之后,在口语中代替loudly ① aloud 强调发出的声音能被听见,意思为“出声地”或“大声地”,常用 read , call 等动词连用。例如: Please read the text aloud. 请朗读一下课文。 ② loud 意为“响亮地”、“大声”或“高声地”,侧重发出的音量大,传得远,一般多用来修饰 speak , talk , laugh 等动词。 loud 还可用作形容词。例如: Speak louder, please, or no one will hear you. 请大声些,否则没人能听见。 ③ loudly 意为“响亮地”,其基本意义与 loud 相同,还常与 ring , knock 等动词连用。 loudly 放在动词前后均可,含有“喧闹”或“嘈杂”的意味。例如: Suddenly the bell on the wall rang loudly. 突然,墙上的铃大声地响起来。 aloud, loudly只能用作副词;loud既可作副词,也可用作形容词。当副词用时,loudly与loud一样用来说明声音的强度,意思是"高声地,喧噪地",只是在动词后面loud比loudly更常用些。他们的反义是:quietly。例如: Don"t talk so loud (loudly)----you"ll wake the whole street. 别那么大声说话,你快把左邻右舍都吵醒了。 Someone knocked loudly (loud) at the door. 有人在大声敲门。 注:而aloud往往与动词read和think连用,表示真的把话说出,而不是在脑子里默默地"说"。 She has a very good pronunciation when she reads aloud.她朗读时,发音很好。
2023-06-16 03:37:531


「大声、很吵」的英文叫做aloud,还是loud ?这两个英文单字是易混淆字,本身都有大声的意思。如果你还不知道这两个英文单字的中文意思差别,那就赶快学起来吧! 下面教学英文aloud 跟 loud 的中文意思差异。 1.aloud 大声地 Aloud 本身的词性是副词喔,所以可别以为这个英文单字是形容词喔。 例: She reads stories aloud to her children everyday. 她每天读故事给小孩。 例: He read the poem aloud. 他大声朗读这首诗。 2.loud 吵杂的、吵闹的、大声的 Loud 当作形容词是指「大声的、吵杂的」,当作副词时是指「大声地」的意思。 例: Could you speak a little louder, please? 请你说话大声一点,好吗? 例: Can you read this sentence out loud? 你可以大声念出这个句子吗? 这里注意,out loud 意思跟aloud是一样的。 另外,跟loud 有关的英文片语有loud and clear,loud and clear 是指「清楚明白的」的意思。 例: I can hear you loud and clear. 我能非常清楚地听到你讲话。 上面就是aloud 跟 loud 的中文意思差别啦! aloud, aloud 中文, aloud 意思, loud, loud 中文, loud 意思, 大声 英文, 很吵 英文
2023-06-16 03:38:431

aloud loudly loud的区别,词性和用法

aloud, loud, loudly的用法区别1. aloud的用法aloud 只用作副词,不用作形容词,注意以下用法:(1) 强调“出声”,即把话说出来,而不是在心里默默地“说”,通常与动词 read, speak, think 等动词连用。如:read aloud 朗读 think aloud 自言自语地
2023-06-16 03:39:044


aloud的同义词loudly;noisily一、扩展资料:aloud读法:英[u0259"lau028ad]美[u0259"lau028ad]释义:adv大声地;出声地;talk aloud大声地说;Tell aloud大声告诉;say aloud大声地说wept aloud放声大哭;二、例句:1、Cathy ran to me instead of Linton, and knelt down and put her burning cheek on my lap, weeping aloud.凯蒂没有到林惇那边去,却跑到我跟前,跪下来,将她滚烫的脸靠着我的膝,大声地哭起来。2、Although Ned hadn"t said the name aloud, they both knew what he had been thinking when he told her to lock the car.尽管内德并没有大声地说出这个名字,他们彼此都知道当他嘱咐她把车锁好时,他心里的想法。3.Prudently, Joanna spoke none of this aloud.出于慎重,乔安娜说这些话时一直压低声音。4.You fool he said aloud.你这个傻瓜,他大声说。5.Better not say too much aloud.好不要大声说太多话。6.I"ll read the text aloud first.我先朗读一下课文。7.The teacher listened to the children reading aloud.老师听着孩子们朗读。
2023-06-16 03:39:201


aloud的读音是:英[?"la?d]。aloud的读音是:英[?"la?d]。aloud的例句是用作副词(adv.)She sobbed aloud, not caring to restrain her grief.她大声地啜泣,不打算遏止悲哀。aloud的意思是adv.出声地;大声地。一、详尽释义点此查看aloud的详细内容adv.(副词)大声地,高声地,放声地,失声地出声地,以正常声音响亮地二、英英释义Adverb:using the voice; not silently;"please read the passage aloud""he laughed out loud"with relatively high volume;"the band played loudly""she spoke loudly and angrily""he spoke loud enough for those at the back of the room to hear him""cried aloud for help"三、词典解释1.出声地When you say something, read, or laughaloud, you speak or laugh so that other people can hear you.e.g. When we were children, our father readaloud to us...我们小的时候,父亲会给我们朗读。e.g. "You fool," he saidaloud.“你这个傻瓜,”他大声说。2.说话不加思索;说话不经大脑If youthink aloud, you express your thoughts as they occur to you, rather than thinking first and then speaking.e.g. He really must be careful about thinkingaloud. Who knew what he might say?他的确该注意自己说话不经思索的问题。谁知道他会说些什么?四、例句She sobbed aloud, not caring to restrain her grief.她大声地啜泣,不打算遏止悲哀。He groaned aloud as he started to drag himself to his feet.他一面拖着身体站起来,一面大声地哼哼。五、常见句型用作副词(adv.)用作状语No sensible person will read aloud in the library.识大体的人是不会在图书馆里出声读书的。She has very good pronunciation when she reads aloud.她朗读的时候发音很好。It is far better to read aloud than to read in silence.朗读比默读好。He practises reading aloud every morning.他每天早晨练习朗读。Please read the story aloud.请诵读这个故事。He read his stories aloud to her.他向她朗读自己写的小说。I was thinking aloud.我把想的事说出来了。He was in the habit of thinking aloud.他有个习惯,心里想,嘴里就不知不觉说出来。“What did you say?”“Oh, nothing. I was just thinking aloud.”“你说什么了?”“噢,没什么,我不过是自言自语。”A man has the right to think aloud to his wife.一个人总该有权和自己的妻子谈谈心吧。He wondered aloud how to get it out.他小声嘀咕,不知道怎样才能把它弄出来。The ancients were in the habit of reading aloud even when alone.古代的人即使只有一个人也习惯大声朗读。Reading aloud is very important in learning a foreign language.在学习外语中,大声朗读是很重要的。I don"t dare to speak aloud.我不敢大声讲话。Please speak aloud,I cannot hear what you said.请大声说,我听不清你的话。They were shouting aloud.他们正高声地呼喊。Don"t shout aloud in public place.在公共场所不要大喊大叫。He called aloud for help.他高声呼救。She called aloud to catch our attention from afar.她为了从远处就引起我们的注意而大声疾呼。He cried aloud when the doctor touched his wound.医生触到他的伤口时,他大声叫起来。六、词汇搭配用作副词 (adv.)动词+~call aloud大叫cry aloud大哭laugh aloud笑出声read aloud出声读shout aloud大喊speak aloud大声讲话七、常见错误adv.(副词)谁弄出了那么大的噪音?误 Who is making those aloud noises?正 Who is making those loud noises?析 aloud是副词,常与动词连用,一般不用来修饰名词; 修饰名词时用形容词loud。aloud的相关近义词loudly、noisily、resoundinglyaloud的相关反义词silently、quietlyaloud的相关临近词alp、aloof点此查看更多关于aloud的详细信息
2023-06-16 03:39:561


① aloud 强调发出的声音能被听见,意思为“出声地”或“大声地”,常用 read ,call 等动词连用.例如:Please read the text aloud.请朗读一下课文.② loud 意为“响亮地”、“大声”或“高声地”,侧重发出的音量大,传得远,一般多用来修饰 speak ,talk ,laugh 等动词.loud 还可用作形容词.例如:Speak louder,please,or no one will hear you.请大声些,否则没人能听见.③ loudly 意为“响亮地”,其基本意义与 loud 相同,还常与 ring ,knock 等动词连用.loudly 放在动词前后均可,含有“喧闹”或“嘈杂”的意味.例如:Suddenly the bell on the wall rang loudly.突然,墙上的铃大声地响起来.Read this passage aloud.朗读这篇文章 Crying aloud for help.高声呼救 To translate,especially aloud.口译翻译,尤指口译 He read the poem aloud.他高声朗诵那首诗.He called aloud for help.他大声叫救命.clearly and loudly;without hesitation 清晰而响亮地;毫不犹豫地 The musket discharged loudly.旧式步枪发声很大 The horn blew loudly.喇叭吹得很响.The doorbell rang loudly.门铃大声响着.The child sobbed loudly.这个孩子大声地哭泣.She was loudly dressed.她穿着花俏俗气.She was loudly applauded.她大受鼓掌赞许.Read slowly and loudly.读得既要慢些又要大点声音.As loudly as possible.尽可能地响亮
2023-06-16 03:40:061


2023-06-16 03:40:141

ask 后面是loudly还是aloud

答案:loud aloud loud是既是形容词又是副词,loudly和aloud都是副词. aloud 强调发出的声音能被听见,意思为“出声地”或“大声地”,常用 read ,call 等动词连用.例如:Please read the text aloud.请朗读一下课文. loudly 意为“响亮地”,其基本意义与 loud 相同,还常与 ring ,knock 等动词连用.loudly 放在动词前后均可,含有“喧闹”或“嘈杂”的意味.例如:Suddenly the bell on the wall rang loudly.突然,墙上的铃大声地响起来. loud当副词用时,与loudly一样用来说明声音的强度,意思是"高声地,喧噪地",只是在动词后面loud比loudly更常用些.
2023-06-16 03:40:211


aloud , loud 和 loudly 都可以表示“大声地”,但在用法上有区别。 aloud , loud二者作为副词,都有“大声地”、“响亮”的意思,有时可以通用。但aloud与read,think连用时,表示“出声”,而loud用于talk,speak,shout,laugh等动词之后,在口语中代替loudly ① aloud 强调发出的声音能被听见,意思为“出声地”或“大声地”,常用 read , call 等动词连用。例如: Please read the text aloud. 请朗读一下课文。 ② loud 意为“响亮地”、“大声”或“高声地”,侧重发出的音量大,传得远,一般多用来修饰 speak , talk , laugh 等动词。 loud 还可用作形容词。例如: Speak louder, please, or no one will hear you. 请大声些,否则没人能听见。 ③ loudly 意为“响亮地”,其基本意义与 loud 相同,还常与 ring , knock 等动词连用。 loudly 放在动词前后均可,含有“喧闹”或“嘈杂”的意味。例如: Suddenly the bell on the wall rang loudly. 突然,墙上的铃大声地响起来。 aloud, loudly只能用作副词;loud既可作副词,也可用作形容词。当副词用时,loudly与loud一样用来说明声音的强度,意思是"高声地,喧噪地",只是在动词后面loud比loudly更常用些。他们的反义是:quietly。例如: Don"t talk so loud (loudly)----you"ll wake the whole street. 别那么大声说话,你快把左邻右舍都吵醒了。 Someone knocked loudly (loud) at the door. 有人在大声敲门。 注:而aloud往往与动词read和think连用,表示真的把话说出,而不是在脑子里默默地"说"。 She has a very good pronunciation when she reads aloud.她朗读时,发音很好。
2023-06-16 03:40:311

aloud ,loudly ,loud的区别,词性和用法

2023-06-16 03:40:564

alound lound 的区别

2023-06-16 03:41:293

say it ___(aloud、loudly、loud) 选哪个?

2023-06-16 03:41:455


2023-06-16 03:42:001


1、aloud 的意思是“出声地、高声地”,强调能让人听得见。如:Read aloud so that we can all hear you. 读大点声,以便我们大家都能听见你。They are shouting aloud. 他们在大声感叫。2、loudly 的意思是“高声地”,有时可与loud通用,但含有“喧闹”的意味。如:Someone knocked loudly at the door. 有人在大声敲门。Don"t talk so loudly/loud. 说话声音不要这么大。在现代英语中有时在并不喧闹的场合也用loudly. 如:Will you please read the text loudly? 你能不能大声读这篇课文?
2023-06-16 03:42:222


2023-06-16 03:42:291

英语中loud ,loudly, aloud 的区别

2023-06-16 03:42:464


分类: 外语/出国 解析: aloud没有比较和最高级, loud比较级:louder loud最高级:loudest
2023-06-16 03:43:011


aloud——adv. 大声地;出声地loud——adj. 大声的,高声的;不断的;喧吵的 adv. 大声地,高声地,响亮地loudly——adv. 大声地,响亮地
2023-06-16 03:43:091


2023-06-16 03:43:193

alond lond有什么区别

aloud ,loud 和 loudly 都可以表示“大声地”,但在用法上有区别.aloud ,loud二者作为副词,都有“大声地”、“响亮”的意思,有时可以通用.但aloud与read,think连用时,表示“出声”,而loud用于talk,speak,shout,laugh等动词之后,在口语中代替loudly ① aloud 强调发出的声音能被听见,意思为“出声地”或“大声地”,常用 read ,call 等动词连用.例如:Please read the text aloud.请朗读一下课文.② loud 意为“响亮地”、“大声”或“高声地”,侧重发出的音量大,传得远,一般多用来修饰 speak ,talk ,laugh 等动词.loud 还可用作形容词.例如:Speak louder,please,or no one will hear you.请大声些,否则没人能听见.③ loudly 意为“响亮地”,其基本意义与 loud 相同,还常与 ring ,knock 等动词连用.loudly 放在动词前后均可,含有“喧闹”或“嘈杂”的意味.例如:Suddenly the bell on the wall rang loudly.突然,墙上的铃大声地响起来.aloud,loudly只能用作副词;loud既可作副词,也可用作形容词.当副词用时,loudly与loud一样用来说明声音的强度,意思是"高声地,喧噪地",只是在动词后面loud比loudly更常用些.他们的反义是:quietly.例如:Don"t talk so loud (loudly)----you"ll wake the whole street.别那么大声说话,你快把左邻右舍都吵醒了.Someone knocked loudly (loud) at the door.有人在大声敲门.注:而aloud往往与动词read和think连用,表示真的把话说出,而不是在脑子里默默地"说".She has a very good pronunciation when she reads aloud.她朗读时,发音很好.
2023-06-16 03:43:261


aloud 常用词汇 英 [u0259"lau028ad]     美 [u0259"lau028ad]    adv.出声地;大声地
2023-06-16 03:43:331

speak aloud和speak loudly有什么区别

2023-06-16 03:44:134


aloud是副词,不信你去金山词霸查!我刚查完! 他的形容词是loud意思:大声的
2023-06-16 03:44:401


① aloud 强调发出的声音能被听见,意思为“出声地”或“大声地”,常用 read ,call 等动词连用.例如: Please read the text aloud. 请朗读一下课文. ② loud 意为“响亮地”、“大声”或“高声地”,侧重发出的音量大,传得远,一般多用来修饰 speak ,talk ,laugh 等动词.loud 还可用作形容词.例如: Speak louder,please,or no one will hear you. 请大声些,否则没人能听见. ③ loudly 意为“响亮地”,其基本意义与 loud 相同,还常与 ring ,knock 等动词连用.loudly 放在动词前后均可,含有“喧闹”或“嘈杂”的意味.例如: Suddenly the bell on the wall rang loudly. 突然,墙上的铃大声地响起来. Read this passage aloud. 朗读这篇文章 Crying aloud for help. 高声呼救 To translate,especially aloud. 口译翻译,尤指口译 He read the poem aloud. 他高声朗诵那首诗. He called aloud for help. 他大声叫救命. clearly and loudly;without hesitation 清晰而响亮地;毫不犹豫地 The musket discharged loudly. 旧式步枪发声很大 The horn blew loudly. 喇叭吹得很响. The doorbell rang loudly. 门铃大声响着. The child sobbed loudly. 这个孩子大声地哭泣. She was loudly dressed. 她穿着花俏俗气. She was loudly applauded. 她大受鼓掌赞许. Read slowly and loudly. 读得既要慢些又要大点声音. As loudly as possible. 尽可能地响亮
2023-06-16 03:44:471

speak aloud和speak loudly的区别

简单地区别在于:aloud 强调出声,Speak aloud. I can"t hear you.(说出声来!我听不见你说什么。)loudly 大声,强调声音大得吵人。Don"t speak loudly. It"s very noisy. (不要大声嚷嚷,好吵人。)
2023-06-16 03:44:551


beginning的读音是:英[b?"ɡ?n??]。beginning的读音是:英[b?"ɡ?n??]。beginning的详尽释义是n.(名词)起源,发端,,开始,起始起点,开端,开头,出发点原始思想(结束的)前兆初级阶段,早期阶段开始部份,开头部分结局的开始当初端绪本原。beginning的意思是n.开始;开端;起源;早期;adj.刚开始的。一、详尽释义点此查看beginning的详细内容n.(名词)起源,发端,,开始,起始起点,开端,开头,出发点原始思想(结束的)前兆初级阶段,早期阶段开始部份,开头部分结局的开始当初端绪本原_null.动词begin的现在分词二、双解释义n.(名词)[C][U]开始 first part[C][U]源,根源 source; origin三、网络解释1. 开始:排在后面的乘客开始(beginning)骚动叫她动作快一点(bit),那小姐实在手足无措... 正在排队上车的人潮开始拥挤凌乱时...小姐灵机一动,用手悄悄的将裙子后面的拉炼稍微拉开,好让裙子可以松点,能让她跨上公车.不过,很奇怪的,2. 开头:4.开头(Beginning):万事开头难,商务邮件更是如此,不过一旦掌握邮件开头的写作规律及实用句型,这部分写作不过如此. 邮件的开头因邮件内容的不同而有所变化,但无论何种商务邮件,开头一般都需表明写信的缘由或主旨,四、例句The trees are just beginning to leaf.树刚刚开始长叶子。He was biased against the plan from the beginning.他从一开始就对这个计划有偏见。The knowledge of sin is the beginning of salvation.认罪是得救的开端。We have already made a good beginning.我们已经有了一个良好的开端。English democracy had its beginning in the Magna Charta.英国的民主起源於大宪章。He presented a new concept of the beginning of the universe.他提出了一种宇宙起源的新概念。Fr.Sergio Ticozzi has recently finished his manuscript on the biographies of PIME fathers in Hong Kong from the very beginning of the mission.在香港工作的会士传记,包括最早期在香港开展传教工作的传教士之生平及工作实录。Stylistically, this image has undergone constant changes in China, beginning with a formative phase mainly relying on the stylistic influence from India.半跏思惟像在中国发展的进程,从早期样式化的生硬造型,一方面接受外来形式的影响,一方面又融入民族的传统理念,开始佛像民族化的进程。That"s why, in this beginning stage of my new habit, I"ve been focusing on pleasure.这就是为什么在我刚开始锻炼的时候,我总是把焦点放在锻炼的乐趣上。I have some problem about efficiency in my beginning term.最近时间安排上有些问题,导致了效率低下。五、经典引文Thou o from the begynnynge.出自:Bible (Coverdale): HabakkukIf you miss, you must penalize yourself, go back to the beginning, and start again.出自:B. SpockThe vexed question of whether it is possible..for time to have a beginning or ending has been debated by philosophers for over two thousand years.出自:P. Davies六、情景对话Spelling-(拼音)A:You know, Ralph, since I started speaking English all the time my pronunciation"s getting better and even the grammar"sbeginning to make some sense. But I don"t think I"ll ever be able to spell.拉尔夫,你知道,自从我开始所有时间都讲英语以来,我的发音有了进步,而且语法也开始理顺了。不过我不认为我能把字拼出来。B:You"re not alone there.I have trouble with spelling too. When I was in grade school. I learned which words were the most frequently misspelled. But I never did learn how to spell them.不是你一个人如此。我在拼音方面也有困难。当我上小学的时候,我知道哪些词是经常拼错的, 但我没有学会如何拼这些词。beginning的反义词A:Since it"s so difficult, why is it so important to learn how to spell properly?既然这么难,为什么学会准确拼音又如此重要呢?beginning的近义词B:Because if you spell satisfactorily, you"re considered educated.If you don"t, you"re not.因为如果你能准确无误地拼音,人家就会把你看作受到教育的人。 否则,在别人眼里你是个缺乏教育的人。Getting Cleaned up-(弄干净)A:Hey, Bob. I can"t find my electric shaver.喂,鲍勃,我怎么找不到我的电动剃须刀?B:I`m sorry. I used it and I guess I put it on the top shelf with my stuff.抱歉,我用过了。我想是把它和我的东西一起放到壁橱上面的搁板上了。A:Yead,here it is. You might at least clean it up when you use it.The blade"s dirty ang I still can"t find the cord.嗯,在这里。 你用过以后至少应该把它弄干净。刀片很脏,电线也还没有找到。B:Stop complaining and start shaving. Breakfast"ll be ready in about five minutes and you won"t if you don"t hurry.别抱怨了, 快刮胡子吧。大约还有五分钟早饭就好了, 要不你就来不及吃早饭了。A:Your eggs are alreadybeginning to burn.你的鸡蛋已经烧焦了。B:What kind of juice do you want?你想吃什么果汁?beginningA:Do we have a choice?有挑选余地吗?beginning的近义词B:Sure. Tomato or V8.是的,有番茄汁和V8。A:Well you know how I feel about tomato. Surprise me.嗯,你知道我对番茄汁的态度。 真使我意外!七、常见错误n.(名词)我已经把这本书从头到尾读完了。误 I have read the book from the beginning to the end.正 I have read the book from beginning to end.析 from beginning to end是固定习语,表示“从头至尾”, beginning和end之前不能加冠词。beginning的相关近义词commencement、emergence、initiation、outset、start、birth、origin、rise、sourcebeginning的相关反义词ending、finish、terminationbeginning的相关临近词begrudge、beginner、beginnings、beginning form、beginning step、beginning mark、beginning label、beginning state、beginning price、beginning event、beginning point、beginning stage点此查看更多关于beginning的详细信息
2023-06-16 03:32:491


第一名POLIFORM,第二名宾利,第三名芬迪,第四名Four Corners (FC),第五名锐驰,第六名LA CASA,第七名ARMANI CASA,第八名皇家凯萨,第九名大公馆,第十名标致。
2023-06-16 03:32:541


  句型教学具有十分重要的意义和作用,是小学英语教学的重要内容和任务。我精心收集了用英语表达观点的句子,供大家欣赏学习!      表达看法的句型以本题"有人认为学英语该从儿童时期开始"为例   1. some of them think that it is necessary to start learning English from childhood.   2. Some of the students point out that it is good to start learning English from childhood.   3. Some of them hold the idea that it is necessary to start learning English at an early age.   4. Their point of view is that it is necessary to start learning English from childhood.   5. In those people"s opinion, it is good to start learning English at ah early age.   6. Some of them argue that it is a good idea to start learning English from childhood.   表示支援的句型以本题“有人赞同学英语该从儿童时期开始”为例   1. Some of them agree with the idea that English learning should start early I childhood.   2. Some of them are for the idea that English learning should start early in childhood.   3. Some students think that it is right to start learning English from childhood.   4. Some students think it is a good idea to learn English from a young age.   5. Some students consider it reasonable to learn English from childhood.   【reasonable adj. 合理的;有道理的】   6. Some people are in favor of learning English from a young age.   7. Some of them approve of the idea that it is good to start learning English from childhood.   【approve of: 赞成;满意】   8. Some students think that there is something to the notion that English learning should start at a young age. 【notion n. 观念;想法】   用英语表达观点的句子集锦   表达不同观点的常用句子结构:   开头部分:   1We have discussed whether to surf on the net on weekdays.   2We have debated whether China should develop private car industry.   3The students of Senior Three in our school have had a heated discussion about whether   Senior Three students should attend the sports meeting.   引入观点的持有者:   Nearly a quarter of people thinkbelieve that…   Almost a half of the students suggest that …   Two fifths of our group are for the idea of …   Thirty percent of us be are against that   The rest of the interviewees agree that…   The majority of them disagree the opinion of…   用英语表达观点的句子推荐   表示反对的句型以本题“另一些反对从小开始学英语”为例   1. Some of them don"t think that it is a good idea to start learning English at an early age.   2. Other students are opposed to the idea that children should start learning English at a young age.   3. Other students don"t think it is suitable for the children to start learning English at a young age.   4. Some of them are against the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.   5. Other students disapprove of the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.   【disapprove of : 反对】   6. Other students disagreed with the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.   7. But others do not agree with the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.   8. Some of the students would not like to give their support to the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.   
2023-06-16 03:33:091


The Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell,b.Nov.13,1831,d.Nov.5,1879,did revolutionary work in electromagneti *** and the kinetic theory of gases.After graduating (1854) with a degree in mathematics from Trinity College,Cambridge,he held professorships at Marischal College in Aberdeen (1856) and King"s College in London (1860) and became the first Cavendish Professor of Physics at Cambridge in 1871. Maxwell"s first major contribution to science was a study of the planet Saturn"s rings,the nature of which was much debated.Maxwell showed that stability could be achieved only if the rings consisted of numerous *** all solid particles,an explanation still accepted.Maxwell next considered molecules of gases in rapid motion.By treating them statistically he was able to formulate (1866),independently of Ludwig Boltzmann,the Maxwell-Boltzmann kinetic theory of gases.This theory showed that temperatures and heat involved only molecular movement.Philosophically,this theory meant a change from a concept of certainty--heat viewed as flowing from hot to cold--to one of statistics--molecules at high temperature have only a high probability of moving toward those at low temperature.This new approach did not reject the earlier studies of thermodynamics; rather,it used a better theory of the basis of thermodynamics to explain these observations and experiments. Maxwell"s most important achievement was his extension and mathematical formulation of Michael Faraday"s theories of electricity and magnetic lines of force.In his research,conducted between 1864 and 1873,Maxwell showed that a few relatively simple mathematical equations could express the behavior of electric and magnetic fields and their interrelated nature; that is,an oscillating electric charge produces an electromagnetic field.These four partial differential equations first appeared in fully developed form in Electricity and Magneti *** (1873).Since known as Maxwell"s equations they are one of the great achievements of 19th-century physics. Maxwell also calculated that the speed of propagation of an electromagnetic field is approximately that of the speed of light.He proposed that the phenomenon of light is therefore an electromagnetic phenomenon.Because charges can oscillate with any frequency,Maxwell concluded that visible light forms only a *** all part of the entire spectrum of possible electromagnetic radiation. Maxwell used the later-abandoned concept of the ether to explain that electromagnetic radiation did not involve action at a distance.He proposed that electromagnetic-radiation waves were carried by the ether and that magnetic lines of force were disturbances of the ether.Heinrich Hertz discovered such waves in 1888.
2023-06-16 03:33:161


do you mind give me a kiss, my dear这是我酒醉的第182个夜场 我想我能承受那糜烂的灯光那些男人只会盯着我的大腿在他们眼中女人只会臭美I FUKE 都他妈的去死吧现在的白马王子其实都是孙子白马也是禽兽王子只是借口上床了肯定不会只是牵你的手我在慢慢的靠近那个女人 她诱人的身姿已经深深将我吸引哦 上帝 我的女神让我拥有你的全身你的灵魂在黑暗中我将你的头抬起你深红的嘴唇让我不能自己我发誓我已经不能再压抑我压低身体慢慢靠近你酒吧背面的小巷 洒满灰色的月光这个男人很紧张他到底想怎么样我在深邃的小巷 迎着皎洁的月光这个女人的摸样让我突然暗自神伤女:抽烟吗?男:只抽红河!女:呵呵,还真巧!(很冷的那种笑)寂寞 我本来无所谓的寂寞 它已经在岁月里悄悄漫过心河当年那个人在我心里犯下过错如今的我却怎么还是那样的失落这烟的味道带着他留下的错愕反复吸进肺里却依然无法琢磨面前的这个男人已经慢慢靠近我他太像他的影子让我无法逃脱我看着她的眼睛慢慢吻向她 她并没有闪躲也没有挣扎在嘴唇接触的那一刹那我发现面前这个女人并不是她她说这个世界女人都是傻瓜守着一个女人的叫做废物和很多女人鬼混的叫王八然而她却和别人跑了我知道她不傻恍惚之中在徘徊 各种男人的虚伪你却让我很安慰黑暗之中吻了你的嘴酒醉之后的妩媚 感情真的让心累你却也给我安慰黑暗之中吻了你的嘴
2023-06-16 03:33:271

找作文错误 一个额外给10分

生活水平不是增长是改善,故growth改成improvement。than 后貌似该是这样:that most people think of it。应该是can not... only but also...,第二个can应去掉
2023-06-16 03:32:122


2023-06-16 03:31:345


  大家也知道中国的很多技术都落后于国外,别的不用说今天小编就给大家说一说家居行业吧!该行业国外的技术就非常地领先。所以致使很多人在选购家具的时候都选择国外的一些家具品牌。国外的家具优势有很多,无论是在款式还是在价格方面都有一定的优势,所以这也是很多人选择国外家具的原因。今天小编就给大家推荐几个国外比较有名气的家具品牌吧!  进口家具品牌有哪些?  进口家具奢华品牌-卡利亚  细心的朋友都会发现,国际知名的进口家具奢华品牌的创业历史都长达半个世纪,这和咱们国内短短十几年的流水线制造工艺是完全不能比拟的。卡利亚进口家具奢华品牌就是其中的典范,卡利亚诞生于1965年,经过30多年的摸爬滚打成为了意大利顶尖的软体家具制造企业。在90年代初,这个进口家具奢华品牌开始整合全球资源,为进入国际家具市场奠定基础。在精良的手工艺和顶级原材料的帮助下,卡利亚进口家具奢华品牌为不少消费者带来舒适的家居环境,成为意大利家居市场的又一张名片。  进口家具奢华品牌-贝克  既然是进口家具奢华品牌,那么纯手工定制是绝对少不了的啦。贝克进口家具奢华品牌创办于1891年的美国,大家都知道美国曾经是欧洲最大的殖民地,那里拥有欧洲最齐全的家具风格,也成就了现在的贝克进口家具奢华品牌。这个进口家具奢华品牌注重每一件家具的细节处理,在祖传的木器手艺以及对原材料的敏锐触感下,贝克进口家具奢华品牌成为了家具行业的经典品牌,被称为“家具之王”。值得一提的是,贝克进口家具奢华品牌还是美国白宫的御用家具制造商呢,如果你也想获得和白宫一样的家具享受的话,就快去贝克进口家具奢华品牌专营店看看吧。  进口家具奢华品牌-赛维特纳  家具原材料中最顶尖的是什么呢,没错就是柚木材质。塞特维那进口家具奢华品牌就是一个专注于柚木家具研发设计的国际知名品牌,这个进口家具奢华品牌相信只有不断的变化和创新才能得到消费者的肯定。在质量方面,塞特维那进口家具奢华品牌采用100%印尼原始森林老柚木,并使用传统的木材烘干技术,让家具的使用寿命更长久。小编收集的资料还显示,塞特维那进口家具奢华品牌被众多收藏家成为家具中的艺术品,是不少收藏爱好者的囊中之物呢。  进口家具奢华品牌-卡帕奈利  为什么进口家具奢华品牌大多数都来自意大利呢,源自于意大利是全球时尚的领跑者,在那里你能看到今年最流行的元素,流行元素在家具行业也很重要呢。卡帕奈利进口家具奢华品牌也来自意大利,卡帕奈利进口家具奢华品牌在百年历史的传承下已经超越了古典和现代之间的界限,为广大消费者带来具有生命力的各种家具。这个进口家具奢华品牌钟爱于为樱桃木和爱神木这些名贵的实木材质,运用祖传的薄木拼花技术,为咱们带来了一场奢华的视觉享受。  进口家具奢华品牌-埃奇奥·拜洛迪  这最后一个进口家具奢华品牌是小编这辈子的梦想家具品牌呢,埃奇奥·拜洛迪进口家具奢华品牌是欧洲各国元首最钟爱的进口家具奢华品牌,各国元首都喜欢这个进口家具奢华品牌呈现出来的王者风范。这种浑然天成的王者风范来自埃奇奥·拜洛迪进口家具奢华品牌顶级的设计和精湛的工艺,无论是精致的花纹还是流畅的线条都是埃奇奥·拜洛迪经过百年来的实践总结而来。现在,埃奇奥·拜洛迪进口家具奢华品牌已经进入了国内市场,在上海的梅蒂奇商场就能亲眼感受王者风范哦。  以上就是本小编给大家推荐的几个进口家具品牌。总体而言,这些品牌在各方面都要比国内的一些品牌好很多,如果大家有一定的经济实力的话小编建议大家在选购家具的时候尽量选择国外的一些高端家具品牌。毕竟国外的家具在原料的使用和加工技术等方面有丰富的经验,在同等价位的情况下小编觉得购买进口家具品牌还是比较划算的。
2023-06-16 03:31:261


*Tom delayed handing in his homework, _____ is often the case. A. which B. that C. as D. it* These are all cases ______ women have been forced by society to endure considerable physical pain and suffering to be more attractive.A. when B. where C. that D. which* Hardship is not a good thing for many people, but it is not so ___ John, who has a strong will.A. in case of B. in the case of C. in case D. as is the case* Here is a contact number, _____ there should be a problem.A. in case that B. in case ofC. in the case of D. in case* Such ___ the case, there were no grounds to justify your complaints. A. is B. was C. being D. we1. Light music is played ______classes to help students relax themselves.2. Fond of singing as she is, she is _____ but a good singer by profession.3. The traditional approach _____dealing with complex problems is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems4. During his stay in hospital, many friends and relatives came to ask ____ him.5. Many convenience stores stay open ___ the clock.6. He remembered everything clearly ___ though it had happened only yesterday.** To our regret, the building __7__(date) back to the Qing Dynasty was reduced __8__ ashes in the fire.**My idea is that we should set _9_ one third of our earnings for future use.** The man __10__(accuse) of __11___(attempt) murder was sentenced __12___ fifteen years in prison. ** __13__ from its high price, the dress doesn"t suit your age.** __14__ to the disappointment of Mr. and Mrs Jones, their daughter"s test scores were well __15___ average. ** When you send an e-mail you can also send a sound or graphic file as an a__16__(附件).** YOU may have heard a lot about “genetically-modified (GM) foods” in news reports. But what are they? And most __17__(importance) , are they safe or not?This question is back in the spotlight after a series of incidents in September.Early this month, Fang Zhouzi, a popular science writer and a __18__(support) of GM food, debated the safety of GM food on the Internet with CCTV"s star host Cui Yongyuan after Fang led more than 20 volunteers __19__(eat) GM corn _which is grown _(grow) in an experimental field at China Agricultural University.Several days later, lawyers from across the country issued an open letter to the China Food and Drug Administration and the Ministry of Agriculture. They requested that the institutions __21__(make) public information relating to GM food in China, including the varieties of GM food, 。。。。__22___the Ministry of Agriculture said on its website that four-fifths of the global population is eating GM food and it is false that GM food causes tumors (肿瘤) and affects people"s __23___(生育能力), some said the assertions (声称) are not__24__(可靠的).“Where such s__25___ (数据) and results came from has not been stated clearly,” said Shi Baozhong, a lawyer who s__26__(签名) the open letter, on Sept 16.The safety of GM food has always been a controversial issue(27 Chinese?) worldwide. Although some studies suggest that it _28__(be) safe for humans, its long-term health effects are not yet known.In China, the Ministry of Agriculture i_29__(签发) biosafety __30__(证书) for GM crops it considers safe. In order to be commercially planted, GM food also needs to obtain a variety approval certificate and __business license __, according to Chinese laws __33__(regulate) seeds.“In China, more than half of cooking oil consumption is soybean oil, and 90 percent of that oil _is made from__(由…制成) GM soybeans.
2023-06-16 03:31:262