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2023-06-17 01:42:12
TAG: childish





Don"t be so childish.(不要这么幼稚。)

His behavior was very childish.(他的行为非常幼稚。)

She sounded very childish on the phone.(她在电话里听起来很幼稚。)



Juvenile behavior is not acceptable in the workplace.(在工作场所,幼稚的行为是不可接受的。)

His immature behavior caused a lot of problems.(他的不成熟行为引起了很多问题。)

She was naive to believe everything he said.(她天真地相信了他说的一切。)

此外,childish还可以与其他词汇组成一些常用的短语,如childish behavior(幼稚的行为)、childish games(幼稚的游戏)、childish tantrum(幼稚的发脾气)等。这些短语通常用于形容一个人的行为或言语,表示其行为或言语不够成熟或不够理智。



「幼稚、纯真」的英文是childish,还是childlike ?childish 跟 childlike 这两个英文单字是易混淆字,容易让人搞不清楚意思的差异。如果你还不知道这两个英文单字的差异,那就赶快来看这篇教学文章吧! 下面教学英文childish 跟 childlike 的中文意思差异! 1.childish 有点小孩子气的、小孩子般的、幼稚的 关于childish这个英文单字,首先可以看到字尾是「-ish」,「-ish」这个字尾是指「有点儿…」,所以childish 是指有点像小孩子的、小孩子气的…意思。 如果你用childish 这个英文单字来形容一个成年人,这是贬义喔,通常指对方很幼稚、长不大、不成熟的意思。 例: She is kind of childish. 她有点幼稚。 例: Stop being so childish. 别这么幼稚了。 至于childlike呢?childlike 的字尾是「-like」,是指「像…」的意思。如果childlike 用来指人的话,通常是比较正面的意思喔 childish, childish 中文, childish 意思, childlike, childlike 中文, childlike 意思, 幼稚 英文, 纯真 英文
2023-06-16 19:07:311


childish和childlike的区别主要在于含义及用法上。childish是个中性词,意:“小孩的”、“稚气的”。用于年龄不大的人,没有贬义,作of a child解;如用以指成年人,则有贬义,意:“幼稚的”,作like a child解。例如His younger sister has a childish face and a childish voice.他的妹妹有着孩子般的脸蛋和嗓子。childlike是个褒义词,表示“天真的”、“纯真的”、“孩子般的”之意。它多指儿童的可爱品性,如用以指成年人,有好的意思,表示“像孩子般天真无邪或诚挚”之意。例如He is sixty now,but he is full of go and has a childlike spirit.今年他已60岁了,但干劲十足,非常精神。双语例句:1、She"s just being childish and immature.她在耍小孩子脾气,真是任性。2、We eventually ran out of patience with his childish behaviour.我们终于对他幼稚的行为忍无可忍。3、You shouldn"t be so childish; you"re sixteen now.你已经十六啦,别这么孩子气。4、I work hard every day for such childish behavior.我每天工作这么辛苦,得到的竟是这样幼稚愚蠢的举动。5、It"s time you left off that childish habit of thought.该停止那种孩子似的思维习惯了。
2023-06-16 19:08:141


childlike和childish的区别在于前者指具有孩子一般天真、单纯和无邪的特点,而后者则指像孩子般幼稚、任性和不成熟的行为或态度。一、词源起源这两个词都衍生自“child”,但字面上含义不同。childlike可以被解释为“像孩子一样的”,而childish则是“有孩子般的性质”。二、用法区别1.childlike可用于形容成人的天真、纯朴和良善的特点;childish常用于描述孩子般的行为,例如任性、脾气暴躁等。2.childlike可以被用来表示成人对于孩子事物的兴趣和热爱;childish主要指不成熟的行为或思想、幼稚的行为。3.Childlike通常用于积极描述,如善良、天真、可爱、有趣的;Childish则常用于消极描述,如幼稚、任性、捣蛋、自私的。三、例句比较1.他的无邪笑容让他看起来更像一个孩子。He had a childlike smile that made him look more like a kid.2.当她没有得到想要的东西时,她就会变得非常孩子气。She can be very childish when she doesn"t get what she wants.四、总结Childlike与Childish是两个极易混淆的词汇,尤其在描述一个人的时候,因此在使用时要注意区分这两个词汇的不同含义,避免造成歧义。五、类似词汇除了childlike和childish之外,还有一些类似词汇也有类似的区别:1.Naive与Innocent,前者指缺乏经验或过于单纯,后者指没有犯罪行为或没有邪恶意图。2.Juvenile与Infantile,前者表示仍属于少年时期,后者表示像婴儿一样稚嫩且非常幼稚。六、结语在进行英语交流的过程中,词汇的准确运用对于对话的流畅非常重要。正确使用childlike和childish这两个单词对于交流的精准度非常有影响,希望通过上述的分析,能够让读者更好地理解、掌握这两个单词的用法和含义。
2023-06-16 19:08:591

六一儿童节英语怎么说 六一儿童节用英语怎么表达

英语资源频道为大家整理的六一儿童节英语怎么说 六一儿童节用英语怎么表达,我在这里祝所有小朋友大朋友们节日快乐 永葆童心。 International Children"s Day就是指“六一”国际儿童节。你知道吗?其实一年之中有两个“儿童节”的。除了“六一”国际儿童节之外,还有联合国教科文组织发起的“儿童节”—— 11月20日的国际儿童日 (Universal Children"s Day)。   child n. 儿童,小孩 例如:child abuse(虐待儿童),child labour(童工)   children:children是child的复数形式。例如:children"s playground (儿童乐园)   childish adj. ① 孩子气的,孩子所特有的   eg:The little girl spoke in a high childish voice. 这个小女孩用尖尖的童声讲话。   ②【贬】幼稚的,傻气的   eg:Crying for things you can"t have is childish. 想要的东西得不到就哭是孩子气的表现。   childlike adj. 天真的;童稚的;孩子般的   例如:Though nearly at the age of fifty, he still retains childlike innocence.   他虽年近半百,但仍童心未泯。   childhood n. 童年,儿童时代   例如:They were childhood sweethearts. 他们原是青梅竹马的恋人。   childbearing/childbirth n. 分娩,生孩子   eg:A period of acute depression can sometimes follow childbirth/childbearing.   分娩之后可能会有一段时间的急性抑郁期。   童年是美好的,爸妈一定要让孩子拥有一个美好的童年,在快乐中成长,在快乐中学习。
2023-06-16 19:09:251


2023-06-16 19:09:541


幼稚的名词是 infantility形容词是 childish
2023-06-16 19:10:043


I think you"re a little puerile.
2023-06-16 19:10:134

to young to simple什么意思

to young to simple年轻到简单重点词汇young年幼的; 青年的; 有朝气的; 年轻人的; 年轻人; 幼小的动物,崽simple简单的; 单纯的; 易受骗的; 天真的; 笨蛋; 愚蠢的行为; 出身低微者
2023-06-16 19:10:223

gentle humorous understanding self-confident childish arrogant 是什么意思 谢谢!!

2023-06-16 19:10:496


问题一:幼稚是褒义词还是贬义词~!? 幼稚则多用于形容成人的贬义。是说这个人没有社会经验经常会有一些离奇或者简单不可行的想法或者行为。 例1:这些小孩子在幼稚园里生活得多么幸福啊! 例2:为什么你都30多岁的人了你的想法还是这么幼稚不成熟啊?人与人之间像你想像的那么简单呢?你以为人家让你贪些小便宜你就觉得你美了?如果是,我们这个世界就成了世外桃源和乌托邦了。 问题二:“幼稚”是贬义词吗? ①幼儿;儿童:幼稚园|幼稚盈室。②见识少;没经验:天真幼稚|你这想法太幼稚了。 2、心理学名词,是指人的成熟思维早恋。 幼稚单纯,行为动作想法幼稚。说明幼稚的可爱工 3、 幼稚与成熟是相对的,成熟和幼稚我觉得本在一线之间,就如生死一般。 不属于贬义词之列 问题三:幼稚这个词是褒义还是贬义 幼稚,最初为中性词,原指思想天真无邪,简单不复杂,说话总是很直接,自我意识较强。 后引申为成人思想不成熟,见识不够开阔,看问题难以洞悉实质,总是喜欢主观想象。这时的引申义则多含有贬义的成份。 问题四:“幼稚”到底是褒义词还是贬义词 ? 贬义词 比如:你这个人真幼稚 做事不经过大脑 你怎么这么幼稚啊 什么都不懂 天啊 你太幼稚了吧 这个不不知道 反正不是好话 问题五:幼稚是褒义 还是贬义词 其实幼稚和童稚是很接近的,有点类似于果敢和莽阀,应该说童稚的心可以保留,他能让你找回一些很安逸,很美好的回忆,但是更要抓紧现在,,以免造成你所不满或不想要的未来。 问题六:幼稚淳朴是贬义词还是褒义词? 幼稚是贬义词,淳朴是褒义词. 幼稚,原指还未系统接受教育的小朋友,思想天真无邪,简单不复杂,说话总是很直接,自我意识较强。后引申为成人思想不成熟,见识不够开阔,看问题难以洞悉实质,总是喜欢主观想象。 淳朴,汉语词语。 拼音:chún pǔ 形容人十分诚实,很朴素或比较老实。 语出《后汉书u30fb崔传》:“淳朴散离,人物错乖。” 问题七:幼稚和自由散漫是褒义,还是中性,贬义 幼稚是中性,而散漫就是贬义 问题八:childlike翻译成幼稚的是贬义词吗 childish 和 childlike 的区别 针对大人而言,指大人具有小孩的特点品质等,两者都可用,但 childish 通常带有贬义,指幼稚、傻气、任性等,如: Don"t be so childish. 别那样幼稚。 Her childish remark embarrassed everyone. 她幼稚的话使大家都很尴尬。 My dear child, you"re being childish. 我的乖孩子,你这是孩子气。 To act like that is childish. 这样做是幼稚的。 而childlike 通常带有褒义,指天真、正直、坦率等,如: a childlike innocence 儿童般的天真无邪 He couldn"t help *** iling at her childlike frankness. 她天真坦白的话语,让他不禁微笑了。 问题九:幼稚是褒义词还是贬义词~!? 幼稚则多用于形容成人的贬义。是说这个人没有社会经验经常会有一些离奇或者简单不可行的想法或者行为。 例1:这些小孩子在幼稚园里生活得多么幸福啊! 例2:为什么你都30多岁的人了你的想法还是这么幼稚不成熟啊?人与人之间像你想像的那么简单呢?你以为人家让你贪些小便宜你就觉得你美了?如果是,我们这个世界就成了世外桃源和乌托邦了。 问题十:“幼稚”是贬义词吗? ①幼儿;儿童:幼稚园|幼稚盈室。②见识少;没经验:天真幼稚|你这想法太幼稚了。 2、心理学名词,是指人的成熟思维早恋。 幼稚单纯,行为动作想法幼稚。说明幼稚的可爱工 3、 幼稚与成熟是相对的,成熟和幼稚我觉得本在一线之间,就如生死一般。 不属于贬义词之列
2023-06-16 19:11:041

英语完形填空:《childish voice》全文以及答案!跪谢,

CHILDISH VOICE When I was a young child, my parents often told me that it was time to teach a man everything. I didn"t understand and wondered why time had such a big influence on a person. I thought I could grow up quickly to find it out as an adult. But now, before I come to knock at the door of adulthood, I feel anxious to express my own opinions on this saying. i know that I"m just a high school student with very few experiences. There are still many things waiting for me in the future, yet I would like to express myself in a childish voice. I once read this sentence,"To make this world a happy place to live in, you"d better change yourself and your heart, instead of the whole world." I was shocked. It made me think about life itself. There are so many things around us that go against our will. We can"t force life to follow our wishes. The earth won"t stop turning no matter whether we accept it or not. What we can do is just to make ourselves suit the world. I think we learn to accept what life gives us, no matter whether it"s the spring sunlight or the winter snowfall, and try to be happy. Deeply moved by the pop song Grandmother(by Jay Chou), I always try to catch every pleasant thing in my life, but now I see I can"t catch most of the pleasant moments. It is more likely that they slip by and leave you feeling regretful that I"m not just living for myself and that there are the others around me I should think of. They all pay attention to my growing up, even if it"s just a little progress. Everyone has his or her own attitude towards life, positive or negative. It doesn"t matter, I think. There is one rule that shouldbe obeyed--and that"s to make this world a better place to live in.完型填空的答案可以从原文找出,各地出的题可能不同。
2023-06-16 19:11:161


问题一:愿你保持一颗童心 用英文怎么说 一般,对英国人说的话,照“愿你保持一颗童心”意思的话,会说: Hope you have a young heart forever. (愿你永远拥有一颗年轻的心) 或 Hope your c处ildlike heart lasts forever. (希望你的童心会保持到永远) 问题二:“保持童心”用英语怎么说 childlike:唬形容词,孩子般的; 孩子气的; 天真的; 无邪的 keep childlike innocent like a child 问题三:童心的英语是什么?谢谢! 童心的英语是什么?谢谢! 照字面翻译应该是: Child like heart 但英语有一句常用成语叫: Young at heart 年轻的心;人老心不老 Childlike Innocence 只是童真,其非童心。 很希望我的回答会对你有帮助。如有不明白,可以再追问,若满意请采纳,谢谢你,并祝你进步! 问题四:谁知道童真和童心用英语怎么说?帮忙 急急急 Kiddy 童真; childlike innocence 童心 问题五:"童言无忌"用英语怎么说呢? Children and fools speak the truth.(童言无忌) With a childlike订innocence, you will always be young.(保持一颗童心,你会永远年轻) 问题六:保持自己的一颗童心 用英语怎么说? Keep a childish heart of yourself 问题七:也许是因为我有一颗童心 怎么翻译英文 10分 Maybe the reason lies in that I am a man of a child"s heart. 问题八:用简短的英语表达 保持童心 童心 = youthful innocence 保持童心 keep your/his/her youthful innocence don"t lose your/his/her youthfu哗 innocence 都是习惯说法 希望帮到了你,满意敬请采纳,谢谢。 问题九:童心未泯用英文怎么写? One"s childish disposition remains 童心未泯 中国的成语翻译成英文挺搞笑的,哈哈哈。 希望你能采纳
2023-06-16 19:11:231

childish fantasy的句子

childish fantasy幼稚幻想After a period of time, she will find how childish she was and awake from her fantasy.过上一段时间,女孩就会从这种幻想中醒来,那时她会发现自己的那些想法是多么的幼稚。
2023-06-16 19:11:301


1、词性不同:childish:像孩子一样(幼稚的),这个词通常用在否定的意义上,即贬低某人,表示这个人很幼稚。 而childlike:像孩子一般(天真的),是对某人的一种肯定的恭维,因为他具有与孩子相似的良好品质,带有褒义的意思。 2、指代含义不同:若是客观上针对小孩而言,指“孩子的”、“适合于孩子的”、“孩子特有的”,一般用childish,而不用 childlike。 扩展资料   childish和childlike 常见的`搭配   1、childish 常见的搭可以是:   It"s simply childish to refuse to talk to her.   拒绝和他谈话是幼稚的表现。(贬义)   She wrote with large, childish letters.   他写的字母又大又稚气。(中性词)   2、childlike 常见的搭配可以是:   childlike innocence 孩子一般的天真无邪。   a childlike voice 娃娃音   a childlike face 娃娃脸
2023-06-16 19:11:491


问题一:“幼稚的人”用英语怎么说 childish 形容幼稚比较贴切,相对于“成熟” naive 是从经验方面形容一个人不够“老练”、比较“稚嫩”或“天真”。 在无法确定性别时,概括用 person 比较合适。 因此,最严谨地道的说法是 a naiv罚 person. 问题二:幼稚的英文怎么说 naive 问题三:幼稚用英语怎么说 naive 问题四:“你很幼稚”用英语怎么讲? You are very childish. You are very naive 问题五:我觉得自己有时候会比较幼稚用英语怎么翻译 I think I am a little childish. childish 孩子气的,幼稚的,不成熟的 问题六:“真是太幼稚了”用英语怎么说? it"s too childish 问题七:孩子气用英语怎么表达?简短的或长些的!谢谢!!! 形容词--- Childish名词--- childishness 1.孩子的,孩子气的,孩子所特有的 The little girl spoke in a high childish voice.别再孩子气啦。Don"t be childish any more. 这个小女孩用尖尖的童声讲话。 We danced around with childish delight. 我们像孩子一样欢快地围在一起跳舞。 When a girl grows up,she puts childish habits on the shelf. 一个女孩长大后,就丢掉了孩子习气。 2.幼稚的 A childish idea like that can be amusedly tolerated. 像那样幼稚的想法可以一笑置之。 We eventually ran out of patience with his childish behaviour. 我们终于对他幼稚的行为忍无可忍。 You would be laughed out of court with such a childish question. 你提出这样幼稚的问题,会被人一笑置之的。 He never dreamed that his request would be laughed off as a childish fancy. 他做梦也没想到,他的要求被当成幼稚的幻想而一笑置之。(二)Lydia said: I wish you wouldn"t be so frivolous. “我希望你不要这么孩子气。”利季娅说。 His movements were brisk and boyish. 他的动作仍很敏捷,孩子气。 She clapped her hands in childish glee. 她孩子气地高兴地拍着手。 Good Christ. Will you ever grow up? 天哪!你永远那么孩子气吗? All my decay has taken place upon a child. 我所有的毛病都源出于我的孩子气。 Don"t be a child don"t keep that rather childish charm. 不要孩子气――别再保留你那种天真劲了。 Lydia said: I wish you wouldn"t be so frivolous. “我希望你不要这么孩子气。”利季娅说。 Parental love is so touching and at bottom so childish. 双亲的爱如此动人,从根本上讲如此富有孩子气。 With childish abandon, she gave herself over to grief. 她以孩子气的任性,纵声哀哭。 His *** all but childish handwriting straggled up and down the page. 他的纤小而有些孩子气的笔迹在本子上弯弯曲曲地描述着。...>> 问题八:天真用英文怎么说? puerility of kid 问题九:“你很幼稚”用英语怎么讲? you are childish 问题十:幼稚的用英语怎么说 naive childish young
2023-06-16 19:11:571


  child n. 儿童,小孩 例如:child abuse(虐待儿童),child labour(童工)   children:children是child的复数形式。例如:children"s playground (儿童乐园)   childish adj. ① 孩子气的,孩子所特有的   eg:The little girl spoke in a high childish voice. 这个小女孩用尖尖的童声讲话。   ②【贬】幼稚的,傻气的   eg:Crying for things you can"t have is childish. 想要的东西得不到就哭是孩子气的表现。   childlike adj. 天真的;童稚的;孩子般的   例如:Though nearly at the age of fifty, he still retains childlike innocence.   他虽年近半百,但仍童心未泯。   childhood n. 童年,儿童时代   例如:They were childhood sweethearts. 他们原是青梅竹马的恋人。   childbearing/childbirth n. 分娩,生孩子    我特别推荐    我特别推荐
2023-06-16 19:12:051

六一儿童节英语怎么说 儿童节用英语怎么表达

英语资源频道为大家整理的六一儿童节英语怎么说 儿童节用英语怎么表达,我在这里祝所有小朋友大朋友们节日快乐 永葆童心。 International Children"s Day就是指“六一”国际儿童节。你知道吗?其实一年之中有两个“儿童节”的。除了“六一”国际儿童节之外,还有联合国教科文组织发起的“儿童节”—— 11月20日的国际儿童日 (Universal Children"s Day)。   child n. 儿童,小孩 例如:child abuse(虐待儿童),child labour(童工)   children:children是child的复数形式。例如:children"s playground (儿童乐园)   childish adj. ① 孩子气的,孩子所特有的   eg:The little girl spoke in a high childish voice. 这个小女孩用尖尖的童声讲话。   ②【贬】幼稚的,傻气的   eg:Crying for things you can"t have is childish. 想要的东西得不到就哭是孩子气的表现。   childlike adj. 天真的;童稚的;孩子般的   例如:Though nearly at the age of fifty, he still retains childlike innocence.   他虽年近半百,但仍童心未泯。   childhood n. 童年,儿童时代   例如:They were childhood sweethearts. 他们原是青梅竹马的恋人。   childbearing/childbirth n. 分娩,生孩子   eg:A period of acute depression can sometimes follow childbirth/childbearing.   分娩之后可能会有一段时间的急性抑郁期。   童年是美好的,爸妈一定要让孩子拥有一个美好的童年,在快乐中成长,在快乐中学习。
2023-06-16 19:12:141

childish immature区别

childish ["tu0283aildiu0283] adj. 幼稚的,孩子气的 只能指人immature [,imu0259"tjuu0259] adj. 不成熟的;未成熟的;粗糙的 可以指植物 动物等
2023-06-16 19:12:351

Her Buff0eehaviour is extremely childish.

2023-06-16 19:12:431

Her Buff0eehaviour is extremely childish.

2023-06-16 19:12:511

Her behavior is extremely childishuff0e

【答案】:B【题 干】她的行为十分幼稚。A.简单的 B.不成熟 C.漂亮的 D.漂亮的【解 析】本题考查形容词。划线单词childish的意思是“幼稚的”,与immature意思相近,故本题选B。
2023-06-16 19:12:591

Her behavior is extremely childish.

【答案】:B【题 干】她的行为十分幼稚。A.简单的 B.不成熟 C.漂亮的 D.漂亮的【解 析】本题考查形容词。划线单词childish的意思是“幼稚的”,与immature意思相近,故本题选B。
2023-06-16 19:13:081


child是名词,没有比较级形式。其形容词形式:childish:幼稚,more childish:更幼稚
2023-06-16 19:13:151


adventurous 有冒险精神的,大胆的 arrogant 傲慢的,自大的 aggressive 有进取心的,攻击性的 unconventional 不合传统的 radical 激进的 rebellious 叛逆的 rough 粗暴的 dogmatic 武断的 slowcoach 慢性子 laid-back 松弛的,懒散的 excitability、quick temper 急性子 placid 平和的 calm冷静的 phlegmatic 冷淡的,冷静的 uncommunicative, taciturn 沉默寡言的 reserved 冷淡的,缄默的 passionate,enthusiastic 热情的 creative,inventive 富有创造性(力)的 insightful 富有洞察力的 studious 好学的,勤奋的 industrious 勤奋的 generous 慷慨的, liberal 慷慨的,不拘泥的,宽大的 tolerant 宽容的,容忍的 nice, kind, pleasant 友善的 honest/sincere 诚挚的 religious 虔诚的 melancholy,pensive 忧郁的 finicky 过份讲究的,小题大作的,挑剔的 critical 挑剔的 petty 小气的,琐碎的 nitpicking、 fussy 挑剔的,吹毛求疵的 repulsive ,disgusting 令人讨厌的 pampered,spoilt 被惯坏的 decent 得体的,有分寸的 moody 喜怒无常的 emotional 情绪化的 ill-tempered 坏脾气的 friendly 友善的 unfriendly 不友善的 innocent 幼稚的,不懂事的 childish 孩子气的,幼稚的 puerile 天真的,孩子气的 childlike天真烂漫的 sensitive敏感的,易受伤害的 shallow 浅薄的 careless 粗心的 reckless 卤莽的 romantic 浪漫的 inconsiderate 不考虑他人的 considerate考虑周到的,体谅的 old-fashioned 守旧的 humorous 幽默的 resourceful 足智多谋的 confident/self-confident 自信的 imaginative 富想像力的 responsible 负责的 courageous 勇敢的 independent 独立的 demanding 要求多的 individualistic 个人主义的 selfless 无私的 sensible 明理的,明智的 serious 严肃的 eccentric 古怪的 efficient 效率高的,有能力的 energetic 精力旺盛的 likeable 可爱的 loyal 忠诚的 tenacious 固执的 strong-willed,stubborn 顽固的 firm 坚定的 methodical 有条不紊的 flexible 灵活的 modest 谦虚的 thoughtful 考虑周到的 motivated 积极的 forgiving,tolerant 宽容的 frank 坦诚的 open-minded 思想开明的 trustworthy 值得信赖的 gentle 温文尔雅的 precise 精确的 good-natured 脾气好的,温厚的 prudent 谨慎的 purposeful 果断的 manful 刚毅的,勇敢的 versatile 多才多艺的 optimistic 乐观的 pessimistic悲观的 idealistic 理想主义的 quiet 安静的 visionary 幻想家、空想家 honest 诚实的 quick-witted 急智的 wise 明智的,聪明的 smart/intelligent/clever 聪明的 tricky 狡猾的 hopeful 信心十足的 realistic 现实主义的 practical 现实的 witty 富于机智的,诙谐的 humble谦逊的 bashful,shy 害羞的 superstitious迷信的 outgoing 爱好交际的 sociable 好交际的 easy-going 随和的
2023-06-16 19:13:481


2023-06-16 19:13:551


2023-06-16 19:14:031

原来我一直就很幼稚 英语翻译

Original I am childish all the time.
2023-06-16 19:14:131


“名词 +-ish” 派生的形容词表示 “有点儿 ... 特征” 或 “稍带点而 ... 气”,例如:~foolish 愚蠢的~devilish 如恶魔般的 ~selfish 自私的~blueish 带点儿蓝的~childish 孩子气的~girlish 女孩子家家的~monkish 修道士般的~fifityish 五十上下的
2023-06-16 19:14:402


Don"t you know your behavoir is quite naive?Stop behaving in such a naive way.Oh, I think you"re a born clawn.Do you have any questions?I don"t know you and have no grudge with you, why should you behave like that?You"re really pitiable.
2023-06-16 19:14:534


too childish!!!!!!!!!!
2023-06-16 19:15:014

For kids like me, being called childish can be a frequent occurrence.

2023-06-16 19:15:213

something childish and other stories 求翻译

2023-06-16 19:15:352

rae morris 演唱的 grow 的歌词

All of the thoughts we wasteUnder weight of the worldAll of the time we spendUnder weight of the worldDon"t waste your waysDon"t miss your livingLong live my painLong live this feelingBlind and childishI won"t fight itHere I hideUnderneath my innocenceGrow, grow.Blind and childishI won"t fight itHere I hideUnderneath my innocenceGrow, grow.All of the lies we bentUnder weight of the worldCaught, beaten by the edgeOf the weight of the worldLong live this painLong live this feelingI don"t need to changeNeed to believe inBlind and childishI won"t fight itHere I hideUnderneath my innocenceGrow, grow.Blind and childishI won"t fight itHere I hideUnderneath my innocenceGrow, grow.Here I hide (Here I hide) [x8]Blind and childishI won"t fight itHere I hideUnderneath my innocenceGrow, grow.Blind and childishI won"t fight itHere I hideUnderneath my innocenceGrow, grow.
2023-06-16 19:16:221


2023-06-16 19:16:311


Every night, smell of food smell.Stay a home for dinner, to stay in the kitchen kept cooking, a tinkling sounds, sounds like a tableware symphony. Stay sitting on sofa leisurely reading newspaper. After a while, stay mother put a plate of aroma steamed delicacy served. Stay down newspapers, with the aroma of sitting at the breakfast table, just to move the chopsticks, was stay mom stopped:" son, has not come, go and call him."Stay put down the chopsticks become dejected and despondent, came to the door, a door to find her son lying on the floor of eat with appetite to read a book. Stay a cry:" stay, don"t read a book, go to the dinner." The son had to be reluctant to part into the room to eat, stay and picked up the book, inadvertently look ... ...Son sat down, are ready to eat, and stay mom called. She said:" how can your father hasn"t come back, to call him." Be impatient walk out the door, I saw the old stay one"s childish disposition remains. The ground looks at the book, two legs and children carried off. The son said in a loud voice:" Daddy don"t read, go to eat." Stay said: "Oh, I look for a while, you don"t bother." Son "t, he returned to the room to tell time mom, stay mother angrily out of the room, to stay big growl:" you how, how still childish, give me to eat!" Stay a surprised, rushed into the room to eat, the son picked up the book, but also to eat. It was dark, the last trace of blush was soon covered with black and blue. The black sky out of one or two stars in the sky, he blinked his eyes. Moonlight is soft on earth, reflected in the shadow of a tree. Each and every family meals fragrance from window seam, the door flew out.My mother answered from the kitchen with a basin of pork flavor, reeky, then from the bowl to spill out. Braised meat aroma straight to the bald father nostrils drill, not impede. Bald father mouth drooling with greed, couldn"t help it, picked up the chopsticks to clamp the meat, angry mother patted the dad"s hand:" look at you, you look at the scene less of what?" Look at the table:" Dad go bald little rice, I need to get!" " Wrong, his son has not come, go and tell him!" Mother pointed at the son"s room. Bald father well mouth, pointing out fragrance of pork, but fail to beat his wife, had to go upstairs to look for his son.Bald father knock at the door, hey, how have no reaction? And knocked a few, still no response, Dad had to push the door into the bald. To his surprise, usually playful hedgehog head son is immersed in the sea, he turned the pages of this book, page, two pages, like a hungry wolf avidly read. He sometimes shining eyes, as if discovered the new continent; sometimes silent grief, seem to see too sad. The book seems like a magnet, he was attracted to the past. Son like a hungry man put on the bread, kept up a book.Until the bald father twist the hedgehog head son"s ears, he would return to god. Son to be overcome by one"s feelings and unable to part from her book, swallowed, as though the book all the content is swallowed, and then let the mind give them to learn. Son seems to want the hero "s grief at separation and joy in Union, be very worried about him. Bald father leaned be overcome by one"s feelings:" what is the book so much charm, so don"t love read a book the son also attract?" At this time, the book turned into glue, the bald father eye to stick in the past.When the boy sitting at a table, with an excited mood expresses began to eat, they found the bald father not down.One minute, two minutes ... ... In ten minutes, fifteen minutes ... ... , after a long time, dad is not down. His mother was getting dark, pull down, no smile. Mother and son hedgehog head clearly saw pot pork hot has dissipated. Mother to bald father went to the room, ordered tone pairs hedgehog head son said: "hurry up and bring your dad to eat!"Hedgehog head son muttered mouth, is ill-affected very. He came to the house, found the bald father lying on the ground, often alternating with both feet, like a que jumps the cheerful notes of the movement; two hands hold cheek, hand rib top floor, supporting a large head; big belly, on the ground, fat and fat like accounted for 1/3 of the floor area. Just not convinced son, see Dad the innocent child"s appearance, could not help laughing out loud.Ha, it is one of the interesting of father and son. it slowly dimmed, the last trace of blush was soon covered with black and blue. The black sky out of one or two stars in the sky, he blinked his eyes. Moonlight is soft on earth, reflected in the shadow of a tree. Each and every family meals fragrance from window seam, the door flew out.My mother answered from the kitchen with a basin of pork flavor, reeky, then from the bowl to spill out. Braised meat aroma straight to the bald father nostrils drill, not impede. Bald father mouth drooling with greed, couldn"t help it, picked up the chopsticks to clamp the meat, angry mother patted the dad"s hand:" look at you, you look at the scene less of what?" Look at the table:" Dad go bald little rice, I need to get!" " Wrong, his son has not come, go and tell him!" Mother pointed at the son"s room. Bald father well mouth, pointing out fragrance of pork, but fail to beat his wife, had to go upstairs to look for his son.Bald father knock at the door, hey, how have no reaction? And knocked a few, still no response, Dad had to push the door into the bald. To his surprise, usually playful hedgehog head son is immersed in the sea, he turned the pages of this book, page, two pages, like a hungry wolf avidly read. He sometimes shining eyes, as if discovered the new continent; sometimes silent grief, seem to see too sad. The book seems like a magnet, he was attracted to the past. Son like a hungry man put on the bread, kept up a book.Until the bald father twist the hedgehog head son"s ears, he would return to god. Son to be overcome by one"s feelings and unable to part from her book, swallowed, as though the book all the content is swallowed, and then let the mind give them to learn. Son seems to want the hero "s grief at separation and joy in Union, be very worried about him. Bald father leaned be overcome by one"s feelings:" what is the book so much charm, so don"t love read a book the son also attract?" At this time, the book turned into glue, the bald father eye to stick in the past.When the boy sitting at a table, with an excited mood expresses began to eat, they found the bald father not down.One minute, two minutes ... ... In ten minutes, fifteen minutes ... ... , after a long time, dad is not down. His mother was getting dark, pull down, no smile. Mother and son hedgehog head clearly saw pot pork hot has dissipated. Mother to bald father went to the room, ordered tone pairs hedgehog head son said: "hurry up and bring your dad to eat!"Hedgehog head son muttered mouth, is ill-affected very. He came to the house, found the bald father lying on the ground, often alternating with both feet, like a que jumps the cheerful notes of the movement; two hands hold cheek, hand rib top floor, supporting a large head; big belly, on the ground, fat and fat like accounted for 1/3 of the floor area. Just not convinced son, see Dad the innocent child"s appearance, could not help laughing out loud.Ha, it is one of the interesting of father and son.Bed afternoon together, dad and mom busy. Seven, Perth has a leisurely sprawled on the floor at a comic book. He thought: I can be a good look at the comic book, really cool!Perth saw interesting content, he uproarious, still kept rolling floor, the floor against the end of the.Dinner is ready, the attractive fragrant fleeing into the nose. Dad"s slobber drops to drop down, almost together into a lake. " My son? " Mom asked dad. " Should be in the room and read a book!" Dad replied. " Old Perth, then I will make you the head of a family called little Perth!" "With you!" Dad saluted with vigorous strides, go to room.Perth has been in the book roaming, how did I hear talk to dad. Father: soft not hard. Subsequently, Perth small ears a pain, immediately from the book back to reality. " Oh, the pain!" Perth. From behind his father"s voice:" hurry to eat!" Perth quickly climbed up. Always power "s mother also to his command, and me the creeps? Miserable! Perth thought.Perth reluctantly came to the living room," Dad?" Mother asked. I don"t know. Perth is up bad dream, feel sorry, said lazily. " Go, call your father!" Mama ordered.Perth saw dad is eat with appetite at the book, I thought: the day of vengeance to the, ha ha! Perth on tiptoe, make one"s way noiselessly to land near the old Perth, the result of strong infants, the father"s ear force picked up. Dad immediately return to god. " You little executive power, really not small!" Dad shouted.The father and son look about, laugh, laugh and utterly routed.Son: Dad while eating, he thought was possessed by the devil, this is an interesting book.
2023-06-16 19:16:551

找一首英文歌,是一个很细的男声。开头第一句是daynight i...复古风,声

Childish Gambino - Redbone
2023-06-16 19:17:063

急急急 请问下“(从现在起)认真对待每一件事,不再孩子气”英语怎么说。拜托会英语的快回下 谢谢了

(From now on) treat everything seriously, don"t be so childish any more.
2023-06-16 19:17:154

《call me a woman》南希·雷·史密斯的诗,有哪位翻译过吗?

I am twenty-five And when I am called a girl I speak like a girl:I flirt and giggle and play dumb.But when I remember I am a woman,I put away childish things And speak out, and share, and love.I am thirty-six And when I am called a girl I think like a girl:I feel incompetent so I serve and help the men around me.But when I remember I am a woman,I put away childish things And work and create and achieve.I am fifty-two And when I am called a girl I understand like a girl:I let others protect me from the world.But when I remember I am a woman,I put away childish things And decide, and risk, and live my own life.我25岁了,当我被称为女孩时,我说话就像个女孩:我傻笑着玩。但当我记得我是个女人,我放下孩子气的东西,大声说出来,分享,爱。我36岁了,当我被称为女孩时,我会像女孩一样思考:我觉得自己无能,所以我服务并帮助周围的人。但当我记得我是个女人,我放下幼稚的东西,去工作,去创造,去实现。我五十二岁,当我被称为女孩时,我像女孩一样理解:我让别人保护我不受世界的伤害。但当我记得我是个女人,我放下幼稚的东西,做决定,冒风险,过自己的生活。
2023-06-16 19:17:251

Mary Alessi的《Pray》 歌词

歌曲名:Pray歌手:Mary Alessi专辑:MoreTake That - Pray (Live Berlin)Surely we must be in sight of the dream we long to liveIf you stop and close your eyes you"ll picture me insideI"m so cold and all aloneWhen the time gets near for me to show my loveThe longer I stayed away for hiding from a wordI need to hear now don"t think I"ll hear it againBut the nights were always warm with youholding you right by my side,But the morning always comes too soonBefore I even close my eyesAll I do each night is prayHoping that I"ll be a part of you again somedayAll I do each night is think of all the timesI close the door to keep my love withinIf you can"t forgive the past I"ll understand thatCan"t understand why I did this to youAnd all of the days and the nights ok I"ll regret itI never showed you my loveBut the nights were always warm with youHolding you right by my sideBut the morning always comes too soonBefore I even close my eyesAll I do each night is prayHoping that I"ll be a part of you again somedayAll I do each night is think of all the timesI close the door to keep my love withinSurely we must be in sight of the dream we long to liveIf you stop and close your eyes you"ll picture me insideI"m so cold and all aloneStraight on back to meAll I do each night is prayHoping that I"ll be a part of you again somedayAll I do each night is think of all the timesI close the door to keep my love withinI"m so cold and all alone制作
2023-06-16 19:07:141


Any of various tailless amphibians in the order Anura. The name may be limited to any member of the family Ranidae (true frogs); more broadly, it often distinguishes smooth-skinned, leaping anurans from squat, warty, hopping ones (toads). Frogs generally have protruding eyes, strong, webbed hind feet adapted for leaping and swimming, and smooth, moist skin. Most are predominantly aquatic, but some live on land. They range in length (snout to anus) from 0.4 to 12 in. (9.8 mm – 30 cm). Though frogs have poisonous skin glands, they rely on camouflage for protection from predators. Most eat insects and other small arthropods or worms, but several also eat other frogs, rodents, and reptiles. They usually breed in freshwater, where they lay eggs that hatch into tadpoles. Since 1989 researchers have become increasingly alarmed by striking declines in frog populations worldwide, suspected to be linked to climatic factors or a fungal disease.
2023-06-16 19:07:202


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2023-06-16 19:07:301


2023-06-16 19:07:354


weekend周末 daybreak黎明 handwriting书法 pain-killer止痛药 editor-in-chief总编辑 she-wolf母狼 typewriter打字机 reading-room阅览室 flying-fish飞鱼 gentleman绅士 outbreak爆发 afternoon下午 daybreak黎明 sunrise 日出 house-keeper房子-管理人 shoe-maker 鞋-制造者 headache 头痛 night-club 夜晚-俱乐部 pocket-knif 口袋-刀 earm-chair手臂-椅子 wine-glass酒杯 ink-stand墨水-台子 man-servant男仆 maid-servant女仆 steamboat 汽船 goldsmith金匠 newspaper 报纸cattleshedLondon Transport伦敦公交公司 Fleet Street舰队街(伦敦的报馆街) Tower Bridge(伦敦泰晤士河上的)塔楼桥hall door大厅的门 traffic warden交通管理员petrol tank汽油桶,汽油罐hitch-hiker沿路搭便车的人,搭顺风车的人sky-jacker劫机者river bank河岸,江岸 kitchen table厨房用的桌子 winter clothes冬季服装 steel door钢门rope ladder绳梯 gold′medal金质奖章 stone wall石砌的墙
2023-06-16 19:07:394


1963年,马克·纽森出生在悉尼近郊,他的成长颇具传奇色彩,在马克出生没多久,他的生父就因为某些原因一走了之,马克的母亲从此带着年幼的儿子漂泊打工。马克12岁的时候已经在欧洲转了一圈,后来又到过亚洲游历,他的启蒙教育都是在旅途中完成的。1982年,马克考上了悉尼艺术学院学习珠宝设计以及雕塑,家人对此一点都不感到意外,因为他从小一有机会就到外祖父的车房工厂里摆弄各种工具,做些稀奇古怪的东西。在学生时期他疯狂迷恋上了椅子,自此一头栽进工业设计的世界。在1984年毕业前,他在澳洲Crafts Council举办的“featuring the Lockheed Lounge”的展览中展出他的作品:纽森把18世纪的马车座椅加以改造,以“创造一个流动的金属形式”为概念,推出了令人惊奇的Lockheed躺椅,整个躺椅以手工打造的再生银色金属漆与弧形线条,呈现出了具有迷幻色彩的流动感。纽森由此一举成名,并获得企业家Teruso Kurosaki的赏识,希望将他的设计投入生产。1987年,纽森前往东京,在Kurosaki的公司工作,从此开始他的设计生涯。东京时期的马克·纽森崇尚聚酯、棉和木等天然材质,迷恋不间断的圆弧线条。为日本家饰品牌Idee设计的Embryo 椅子、意大利品牌Cappellini的Fibreglass Felt椅子和Orgone躺椅,都以大面积的弧形线条表达视觉的无限延伸,并加入原木和棉织布材质,表达他对“阳光与自然”的热爱。在此期间,他的作品在亚洲和欧洲广泛展出。1991年,纽森前往巴黎定居并建立工作室,并得到了欧洲享有盛名的照明公司Flos和家具公司Cappellini和Moroso的青睐,成为委任设计师。“未来想象和科技造型”是90年代后纽森另一个创作重点,强调鲜艳的色彩和富有想象力的造型,他从日常生活中处处可见的物品出发,开罐器造型的TV Chair、积木般的Nimrod Arm Chair、蜂巢灵感的Gello Table、限量版的Event Horizon Table和Orgone Chair,都以鲜艳色彩和流动线条,塑造纽森的个人风格。1994年,因为找不到喜欢的手表,所以想要开始设计手表的纽森与瑞士企业家Ike先生携手创造Ikepod腕表之后在巴黎开设工作室,为不少知名品牌做设计,1994年和OliverIke在瑞士共同创立Ikepod钟表公司,生产他设计的手表,并且限量生产包括Event Horzon Table和Orgone Chair在内的铅制家具。在巴黎,他的设计风格亦从此转向,开始大量运用不锈钢、聚乙烯与钢板烤漆等现代科技工艺,运用多材质的不同结合,表达科技在人类生活中的不可或缺。例如以整张钢板弯制而成的Alufelt Chair、结合橡胶与皮革、不锈钢的Gluon Chair和Komed Chair都是典型作品。同时,这段时期纽森也显示了他在室内设计上的天赋,他设计的一系列餐厅及饭店遍布伦敦、日本、科伦和曼彻斯特。那时的马克很穷“大家都以为我会因为得到许多赞誉而变得腰缠万贯,其实那时我身无分文”马克后来回忆道。他那时靠卖设计图纸过活,最离谱的一个小道消息是:马克曾经穷得匿居在女友东京郊外的宿舍衣柜里,即使是搬到巴黎后,他还住过“红灯区”不见天日的小隔间1992年,在给资生堂完成Basala Flacon的香水瓶设计后,马克获得了一笔20000美元的设计费,他用这笔钱实现了自己当时的梦想:阿斯顿马丁DB4跑车。1997年,纽森搬到了伦敦,在那儿他和Benjamin De Ha成立了Mare Newson公司,进行范围广泛的设计接受来自欧洲、北美和亚洲等地顾客的定制,从钟表、椅子、自行车、玻璃器皿设计到餐馆、录音工作室、私人喷气式飞机的内部装修等等都有涉及。Alessi、Flos、Cappellini、Magis、Biomega、Ikepod和福特汽车等各大品牌跟风般不惜重金邀请他为自己的产品设计。和KarlLagerfeld合作的香水瓶,和Alessie、Magis.、B&B和AmericanStandard等国际家具公司设计商品等。1997年,纽森为Alessi设计的一系列厨卫用品。1998年,为Littala设计的玻璃器皿。1998年,纽森为一架私人喷气机进行了内部设计(Dassault Falcon 900B)荧光清绿机舱主墙,银灰回纹地毯,亮黑漆料折叠桌面,银框黑皮超大沙发外机身用迷幻圆点图案装饰。1999年,纽森负责设计的福特021C概念车,可能是全世界最受年轻人喜爱的概念车这一次他将一种更具年轻人的乐趣和讨人喜欢的概念付诸汽车制造的实际如果叫孩子们画一幅他们心目中的汽车,估计和021C有很多相似之处。2000年,为丹麦Biomega设计了MN01自行车,2000年奥运会期间,澳大利亚政府要求纽森为澳洲最著名的“白色地标”———悉尼歌剧院做全新包装与设计结果,他为纯白的歌剧院换上高科技的电子迷幻彩色巨型的白帆屋项上,闪耀炫目的色彩,反映了堡礁、人焰、流水及大地的影色,显示澳洲的特色。2003年,快达航空公司新订购的12架A380代表最新远程飞行技术的客机快达公司力求把它塑造成“超星级飞机”的代表为此,该公司也请来了纽森协调机舱内部的的设计工作。除了政府、航空公司外,世界最大的卫浴品牌———美标也重金请出纽森设计出个人风格十足的套间产品———Moments系列。该套间以极简的设计营造出奢华的风格,大气的黑白灰色调配合极富现代感的几何造型梳洗柜与台盆相得益彰,从圆形的宽大把手中衍生出独特趣味和想像力座厕秉承了后工业时期的设计风格,仿佛是对雕塑作品的怀旧。大尺寸的浴缸宽敞舒适、线条简洁、造型规整,却让人联想到华丽的享乐主义,富有创意的旋钮式设计的龙头则在细节中流露出优雅。这一系列,成为了纽森对“柔和极简主义”的再一次成功演绎。2014年9月,马克·纽森加盟苹果,担任乔纳森·艾维(Jonathan Ive)团队的高级设计副总裁。纽森仍将留在英国工作,但将成为苹果高管,他将频繁去往位于美国加州库比蒂诺的苹果公司总部。纽森的设计作品已被现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)收录,他曾承接过福特、耐克和澳洲航空等知名公司委托的设计工作。
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2023-06-16 19:06:543


got up原型:get up举个例子:我今天早上六点起床。I got up at 6 o"clock this morning .
2023-06-16 19:06:483


比 起
2023-06-16 19:06:478

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