barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-17 01:46:04

简介哈:EICAS=Engine Indication And Crew Alerting System,发动机指示和机组警告系统。用来指示飞机各系统工作状态,提供文字、图形、音频信息,出现故障时提示故障和发出警告。EICAS有上、下两块显示器。上显示器显示主发动机参数及襟翼位置、燃油量、起落架位置等信息,以及警告信息。下显示器显示次要发动机参数,或者是显示状态页和各个系统页,在地面还能显示维护页。在空中飞行时,下显示器空白。一个显示器失效,发动机主参数和次要参数显示在同一个显示器上。 波音、庞巴迪用EICAS,空客用ECAM电子中央飞机监控系统。二者功能一样。ECAM有十几个系统页,让人看起来更舒服些~


gsm 信令alerting包含什么内容

2023-06-16 19:12:301

alerting call什么意思

alerting callalerting call报警电话
2023-06-16 19:12:372

alerting mechanism 什么意思

alerting 报警,警告的意思 mechanism应该是机制的意思 你看他是以sm结尾的呀 差不多就是 预警机制 或者报警机制吧
2023-06-16 19:12:592


2023-06-16 19:13:103


2023-06-16 19:13:291

懂英语的大侠们, 帮我看下这道题该选择哪个? 英语阅读题。

2023-06-16 19:13:392


No route to destination(无至目的地的路由)Channel unacceptable(不可接受的信道)Normal clearing(正常清除)User busy(用户忙)No user responding(无用户响应)User alerting,no answer(已有用户提醒,但无应答)Call rejected(呼叫拒绝)Number changed(号码改变)Non selected user clearing(清除未选择的用户)Destination out of order(终点故障)Incomplete number(无效号码格式(不完全的号码))Facility rejected(设施被拒绝)Response to status enquiry(对状态询问的响应)Normal,unspecified(正常,未规定)No circuit/channel available(无电路/信道可用)Network out of order(网络故障)Temporary failure(临时故障)Switching equipment congestion(交换设备拥塞)Access information discarded(接入信息被丢弃)Requested circuit/channel not available(请求的电路/信道不可用)Resources unavailable,unspecified(资源不可用,未规定)Quality of service unavailable(服务质量不可用)Requested facility not subscribed(未预订所请求的设施)Incoming calls barred within the CUG Bearer capability not authorized(承载能力未认可)Bearer capability not presently available(承载能力目前不可用)Service or option not available,unspecified(无适用的业务或任选项目,未规定)Bearer service not implemented(承载业务不能实现)ACM equal to or greater than ACMmax Requested facility not implemented(所请求的设施不能实现)Only restricted digital information bearer(仅能获得受限数字信息承载能力)Service or option not implemented(业务不能实现,未规定)Invalid transaction identrfier value(无效处理识别码)User not member of CUG Incompatible destination(非兼容目的地址)Invalid mandatory information(无效过渡网选择)Semantically incorrect message(无效消息,未规定)Invalid mandatory information(必选消息单元差错)Message type non-existent or not implemented(消息类型不存在或不能实现)Message type not compatible with protocol state(消息与控制状态不兼容,消息类型不存在或不能实现)Information element non-existent or not implemented(信息单元不存在或不能实现)Conditional IE error(无效信息单元内容)Message not compatible with protocol state(消息与呼叫状态不兼容)Recovery on timer expiry(定时器超时恢复)Protocol error,unspecified(协议差错,未规定)Interworking,unspecified(互通,未规定)
2023-06-16 19:13:491


2023-06-16 19:13:561 c#如何调用OCX控件的事件

使用<object> </object>
2023-06-16 19:14:192


2023-06-16 19:14:311

remeber to be alert at all times

2023-06-16 19:14:552


distress的意思是:n.(精神上的)痛苦;苦恼;伤心;危难;困境;被扣押的财物;vt.使痛苦;使难过;使遭遇麻烦(或危险);故意磨损,做旧(家具等);强迫;迫使。distress,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“危难,不幸;贫困;悲痛”,作动词时意为“使悲痛;使贫困”。单词发音:英[du026au02c8stres],美[du026au02c8stres]。短语搭配:distress selling廉价出售;廉价销售;[贸易]亏本出售;解困出售。Finance distress财务困境;财务危机;Distress alerting遇险报警;遇险警报;详细翻译;distress gun遇难信号枪;遇难炮;遇难求救信号枪;cardiac distress心区不适。distress frequency遇险呼救频率;[通信] 遇险频率;求救频率;呼救信号频率;distress flag遇险信号旗;求救旗;遇难求救旗;highway distress公路病害;gastrointestinal distress肠胃不适。distress的双语例句:1、But I have enough confidence for it to not distress me.但是我拥有足够的自信,因此不会为年龄而困扰。2、We feel our distress and like ourselves the better for it.我们感受到自己的苦恼,为此越发自我欣赏。3、But in those days I felt not the slightest sympathy with the distress of disturbed studiousness.但是在那时,对于那种在学习时被别人打搅的痛苦,我丝毫不感到同情。
2023-06-16 19:15:041

主叫什么原因会上发上发 CM Service abort

截一张主被叫信令流程,可以对比进行学习。1、被叫比主叫多一条PagingType。2、主叫RRC建立好后上发CM Service Request,而被叫是上发RR Paging Response。3、主叫有鉴权加密过程,而被叫只有加密过程,无鉴权过程。4、主叫的Setup消息是UE上发给RNC,而被叫的Setup则是RNC下发给UE。Setup里可以看UE号码。5、Setup之后主叫是收到Call proceeding,而被叫则上发Call confirmed。6、alerting、connect和connect ACKnowledge消息主被叫上下相反。此外我们还可以看出: 1、RRC建立过程一般为0.6s左右。2、RB建立过程一般也为0.6s左右。3、主叫从RRC请求开始到接通为9s左右,被叫为7s左右。4、一般主叫收到Call proceeding时,被叫就发起RRC建立,两者几乎同步。这个可以用来分析因被叫位置而引起的主叫未接通。
2023-06-16 19:15:251

帮我翻译一下 麻烦大家 : )

Colours can be classified into cold colours and carm colours. To stand for affectionate dangerous or bloody we can use red. Blue has the meaning of disconsolate. Yellow stands for alert while green stands for peace. The color is divided into the cool colour and warm colour should express enthusia *** dangerous or bloody words can use the red . And the blue has melancholy meaning . The yellow represents vigilance the green represents peace. Colours can be divided into cold color and warm colour to represent enthusia *** danger or sanguinary red can be used. Then es blue to have the implication of melancholy yellow represents alerting and green to represent peace. Color include cool color and warm color if want to express danger you can use red。 And then blue color mean melancholy。Yellow behalf of viglilance green behalf of peace。 参考: own
2023-06-16 19:15:331


safety是名词safety英音["seu026aftu026a]美音 [u02c8seftu026a]n.安全,平安;安全设备,保险装置;保险器中文词源:safety 安全safe,安全的,-ty,名词后缀。safety 用法和例句:Safety is not the only concern .安全并非唯一关注的问题。But dr. tu said safety could be an issue .但是涂医生说,安全性是关键。They prayed for my safety and began alerting the media .她们为我祈祷平安,并开始提醒媒体注意。Government officials insist they will not let the utility cut corners on safety .政府官员坚持他们将不会在安全设施上抄近路了。Bolstering levees in new orleans will cost billions , but won "t guarantee the city "s safety .虽然加固新奥尔良的堤坝也要花费上亿美元,但那也不能保证城市的安危。
2023-06-16 19:15:541


Everybody is good, today I want to tell you a story about Zheng Banqiao. The Qing Dynasty calligraphy and painting the young Zheng Banqiao from a very poor family. Unknown because no potential, despite the calligraphy and painting is very good, also do not sell give good price. The home what things are not valuable. One day, Zheng Banqiao lay on the bed, I saw Chuangzhi release a sneaking figure, Zheng Banqiao thought: it must be a thief presence, my house is worth what you get? She recites Poetry: the gale gets up the month is faint, appreciate a gentleman to the poor! Thousands of Tibetan literature, money string bed not half root. Thief listened, turned away. Zheng Banqiao has read two lines of verse off: a family not dog was yellow tail, the wall does not hinder green flowerpot. Thief hastily escaped the wall, accidentally a few wall bricks to fall on the ground, Zheng Banqiao"s yellow dog barks after living thief bite. Zheng Banqiao would go out, drink yellow dog, also come to the thief uprear that fall, always to the road, make a bow with hands clasped, chant sent two poems: late fee I would send, heavy ambition.
2023-06-16 19:16:174


2023-06-16 19:16:326


驾驶安全预警与导航系统简称DSA。 这个软件是深圳善领科技有限公司开发的,安装在便携式导航仪上、手机上可以对公路沿途与安全驾驶相关的信息点进行提示,特别是违法驾驶拍摄的相机(也称电子眼)。DSA:是 Driving Safety Alerting and Navigation System 的英文缩写,意思是驾驶安全与预警系统。 是善领科技的专利产品,市场占有率达80%以上,包含30万条以上的安全信息,并在不断更新,更新频率是每周一次。
2023-06-16 19:16:541

What are the key elements of college classroom etiquette?

10 Tips for Proper Classroom Etiquette Good manners and classroom etiquette should be common sense for most students.Being courteous and polite will predispose professors to like and respect you. As a college professor,I am often involved in discussions with other faculty at campuses all over the country about the strange happenings that occur in the classroom -- by students who seem unaware or oblivious to proper classroom etiquette. Why should you care about classroom etiquette?Because professors take note of those students who are at both ends of the spectrum and then make subtle -- or not so subtle -- decisions and adjustments that can affect these students" academic performances.Professors love students who are thoughtful,polite,and courteous -- who follow good classroom etiquette. What is etiquette?It"s a code of conduct,a method for dealing with how people interact with each other -- based on respect and accepted norms of behavior. 1.Arrive to Class on Time. There are always going to be days when a previous professor keeps you late,or you wake up late,or it takes you too long to find a parking space,but the point here is do not be habitually late to class.Regularly arriving late to class signals a level of disrespect -- whether you mean to send that signal or not.If you have problems getting to class on time,find a way to solve them.And on those rare days when you do arrive late,remember to enter the room quietly and not make a big scene. 2.Turn Off Your Cell Phone. Unless you are expecting an important call or text,the proper thing to do is turn your cell phone completely off as soon as you enter class.Some students switch to vibrate mode,but sometimes this mode can be worse than a ring tone because of the intensity of the vibration.Certainly NEVER answer your cell phone in class,nor text.If your phone does ring,make a quick apology as you send the call to voicemail -- and then send a quick email to your professor after class apologizing for your gaffe. 3.Do Not Bring Food or Drink to Class. In many classroom buildings,food is not even allowed,so you"re not only displaying poor etiquette,but actually breaking a rule.Make time outside of class to have a meal or a snack -- not in class.Many professors do tolerate drinks,such as waters,coffees,sodas -- but make certain of the professor"s policy before bringing your drink to class. 4.Contribute to the Class Discussion When Appropriate. Just about all professors appreciate a strong dialogue in the classroom,but not when the comments are unwanted or inappropriate.Do respond when the professor seeks input or asks for questions or discussion.Don"t interrupt the professor or another student,and don"t dominate the discussion -- let other people have a chance to talk/contribute to the dialogue. 5.Avoid Side Conversations. One of the biggest pet peeves of professors and students alike is when a few students have a 钬减rivate钬 conversation loudly enough that it"s distracting to the main discussion in the classroom.If you have big news to share with your friends,do so before or after class -- but refrain from doing so during class.Besides being more respectful to the students and professor,you"ll actually learn more information by being actively involved in the class rather than in your own side conversation. 6.Addressing the Professor Properly. Many full-time university faculty members have a doctorate degree and have earned the right to be addressed as 钬凄r.钬 Smith rather than 钬淢r.钬 or 钬淢s.钬 Smith.In fact,many faculty are insulted when students do not address them properly.If you"re unsure of a faculty member"s status,the best solution is to address him/her as 钬淧rofessor钬 Smith until you know better.钬凄ude,钬 钬凄og,钬 or other such casual names are in appropriate.Some professors prefer to be addressed by their first names -- but those professors will tell you when that"s okay to do so. 7.Be Attentive in Class. If you are going to make the effort to arrive on time and be in class,you should also make the effort to stay actively engaged in class.Some professors report observing students reading the student newspaper or even reading a textbook for a different class; some report seeing students completing homework for their next class.Flaunting your boredom or disinterest in the class is rude -- and very inappropriate.Finally,avoid falling asleep in class or staring out the window. 8.Stay for the Entire Class. There may be times when you need to leave class early,but do not make a habit of doing so.If you do need to leave class early,the best solution is to alert the professor ahead of time and then discretely leave the classroom so as not to disturb the other students.If you do need to leave early and seating is not assigned,pick a seat close to the door to make a quick and quiet exit. 9.Avoid Signaling,Sending Signs That Class Time is Up. One of my biggest pet peeves is when students attempt to signal that class is over by shutting their books loudly,unzipping and zipping their backpacks,and otherwise making noises that class time is complete.Some students actually get up and walk out of class.Of course,some professors make a habit of going over class time,but most of us know how to tell time -- and most of us have a watch or other way to tell time.It is presumptuous and rude for the student to tell the professor that class is over.If your professor does seem to have a problem with ending class on time,chat with him or her outside of class -- especially if it is making you late to your next class. 10.Contact the Professor When You Have to Miss Class. When you have to miss class for legitimate reasons or when you miss class because of illness,try to contact the professor and inform him/her of your absence.You may even be able to obtain copies of lecture notes or schedule a meeting during office hours to discuss what you missed.Do not,however,ask the professor in class to go over material you missed (for whatever reasons).And when alerting the professor about having to miss a class,do not begin the conversation with the awful question,钬渁re we doing anything important in the next class because I have to miss it.钬 (If the professor was not planning to do anything,the class would probably be canceled,right?) Final Thoughts Proper classroom etiquette should be common sense for most students.Being courteous will predispose the professor to like/respect you -- and set an example for other less-informed students.
2023-06-16 19:17:131

hp update 下载

  我遇到这是很长时间了  我的也是惠普  把hp update 卸干净了  重装一下  希望对你有帮助  HP Update scans your computer to ensure that you have the latest version of all essential software, including security and virus software.  Some users have reported issues with HP Update such as hanging when trying to install updates, updates not being installed, and messages alerting you to install an update that you have already installed. These are known issues, and can be corrected by installing a new version of HP Update.  NOTE: You must uninstall the current version of HP Update before installing a new version.  Uninstalling HP Update  To uninstall HP Update, follow this procedure.  Click Start , Control Panel , and then click Uninstall a program under Programs.  Select HP Update and then click Uninstall .  Follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall HP Update.  Once you have completely uninstalled HP Update, you can reinstall it.  Installing HP Update  To install HP Update from the Internet, follow this procedure.  Click Support & Drivers at the top of the page.  Select Download drivers and software (and firmware) .  Enter your product name or number, and click Go . If you are unsure about your product information, you can click Start detection to automatically detect your product name and number.  Click your operating system under Select operating system .  Under Software - Internet Access , find HP Update and HP Software Update - Critical Security Update .  Click Download .  Click Run , then click Run again when prompted.  Follow the instructions to install the latest version of HP Update.  Download and install HP Update directly from  Clicking the links below will open the executable installation window for the file.  HP Update for Windows Vista, version,  HP Update for Windows XP, version
2023-06-16 19:17:221


2023-06-16 19:17:313


2023-06-16 19:18:032


relating 关於integral 整合的alerting 警告的altering 改变的triangle 三角形都可以
2023-06-16 19:21:012

jewellery boxes造句 jewellery boxesの例文

Cindy finds a Christmas present addressed to Beth; inside is Lucy"s jewellery box . Cindy receives, as a present from a mysterious sender, Lucy"s jewellery box . Jane admits that Bobby accidentally killed Lucy by hitting her over the head with a jewellery box . These days, Jadau is done on not just jewellery, but also jewellery boxes and depcate showpieces. Upon going back in Lucy with her jewellery box on the table writes an note but is interrupted. Miss Roberts refuses to let anyone touch the jewellery box , bepeving she is keeping it for Lady Marjorie. On the second visit to her home, Leno brought Colper a jewellery box holding a diamond-encrusted plaque. Following the photoshoot, each girl was given a jewellery box , with all boxes but one containing a necklace. Jane reapses that Bobby is responsible as he is holding a jewellery box , using it to hit Lucy with. The video features an oversized teddy bear, a money tree, and Jessie J as a ballerina in a large jewellery box . It"s difficult to see jewellery boxes in a sentence. 用 jewellery boxes 造句挺难的 In the 2011 project " Lady Killer Vol . 1 " the concept of an automated jewellery box was further explored. Upon checking Lucy for vital signs she reapses that she is dead and turns to find Bobby holding Lucy"s jewellery box . Other Thai hand-made goods available are pretty jewellery boxes which e in various shapes and designs, priced from RM45 to RM85. The Jewellery Box will also consist of of office space, as well as retail units and arts / exhibition space alongside the 100 bedroom Travelodge hotel. Jane admits to protecting Bobby after seeing him standing over Lucy with the jewellery box , and moving her body to where it was found on Walford Common. There will be 234 apartments, although 140 of these will be included in the" Jewellery Box "phase of the development which was designed by Associated Architects. The stunning collection includes gold and silver jewellery, precious stones set in gold and silver, loose stones and rough stones, precious metals, jewellery boxes and much more. Celluloid was useful for creating cheaper jewellery, jewellery boxes , hair accessories and many items that would earper have been manufactured from ivory, horn or other expensive animal products. Z scale can also be beneficial when there is a need to build very pact train layouts, such as novelty setups in briefcases, guitar cases, or jewellery boxes . Cindy later tells Ian that he knows nothing about Lucy, reveapng that she was arrested for shoppfting in Devon, and that she is hiding something in her jewellery box . The style of the boxes was very much aimed at the demand of the European market, boxes imitated traditional Engpsh forms such as jewellery boxes , sewing baskets and writing boxes. After trying, and faipng, to persuade him to give it back Smart takes it and hides it in a Jewellery Box due to be presented to Lady Dorking at the dinner .. The packaging consists of a jewellery box -style case containing a 3 " CD and a working television-shaped View-Master with a spde show of arork from Hymen label owner Stefan Alt, AKA Salt. In 2006 Bunzl purchased Keenpac, a suppper of luxury paper-based packaging, high-density polythene bags and jewellery boxes operating in the UK, US, France, Italy, Switzerland, Hong Kong and Austrapa. So when our local mandarins of the upper crust agreed to auction off the sparkpng contents of their velvet-pned jewellery boxes at the Regent Hotel recently, it was predicted that the usual suspects of idolatry would turn up. On the night of Jane and Ian"s remarriage, it is revealed in a flashback episode that Bobby had accidentally killed Lucy ten months before, after attacking her with a jewellery box out of frustration at her actions. Unique symbols of the Rajput clan, such as jewellery boxes , dice-games, hukkas, pan boxes, nut crackers, hand fans, rose water sprinklers, copper vessels and other items are also on display here. Due to the Taj Mahal being one of the major tourist attractions, there is a flourishing industry of Pietra Dura artifacts in Agra ranging from tabletops, medalpons, elephants and other animal forms, jewellery boxes and other decorative items. Jane explains that she found Lucy dead on the floor in the pving room with Bobby holding her jewellery box -this having been used to hit her over the head-and that Bobby doesn"t know he killed her. Does anyone know of any other shops that I could look for that might sell 1 ) a medium sized flower pot or 2 ) a *** all wooden box, similar to a jewellery box , but without any of the pttle partments inside? It"s difficult to see jewellery boxes in a sentence. 用 jewellery boxes 造句挺难的 Mengkuang, which you often see as the material on tudung saji or food covers, or as soft-woven jewellery boxes which lose their shape and weave over time, can be found mixed with leather to produce sturdy boxes and photo frames. Yosegi are monly found on the outside of Japanese secret boxes or puzzle boxes, but may also be used to create or decorate many other items such as trays, chests, jewellery boxes , vases, photo frames, drink coasters, etc. The Col髇 is, emblematically and par excellence, The Great Theatre, a giant and impossibly splendiferous jewellery box built, in an improbable bygone age, for a gptteringly self-assured class of leaders ( or, alternatively, disgusting show-offs ) to show itself off. Examples include Britain"s Queen Epzabeth II ( who was presented with a glass jewellery box inlaid with gold and platinum by the former president during her official visit to Slovakia ), Pope Benedict XVI ( who received a golden gross during his visit to Slovakia ), the King of Denmark and presidents Miloa Zeman, V醕lav Klaus, Andrej Kiska and Ivo Josipovi . Enraged, Wilpe grabs them, places them inside a *** all jewellery box , with the golden harp, but Mickey manages to escape and with the help of the singing harp who sings to put Wilpe to sleep, makes his way into Wilpe"s shirt pocket and steals the key, accidentally landing in a *** all box of dust and pepper, making him and Wilpe sneeze and almost alerting him to his presence in the process.
2023-06-16 19:21:081

it ___sad that some people are deaf. 选择题

A it is said that固定短语 据说据说。有些人是聋子。 如有不懂请在问。望采纳。谢谢。
2023-06-16 19:21:176

What are the key elements of college classroom etiquette?

2023-06-16 19:21:512

求bulletin 常用词组
2023-06-16 19:22:047


2023-06-16 19:19:331


张智霖(ChiLam)  本名:张智霖  英文名:Julian Cheung  花名:Chilam  昵称(by fans):大仙  法号:KARMA DAWA (印度大宝法王赐)  性别:男  配偶:袁咏仪(1990年香港小姐冠军)  出生日期:1971年8月27日   出生地(现居地):香港  贯籍:广东南海  国籍:澳大利亚  生肖:猪  星座:处女座  身高:180公分  体重:64公斤  血型:A   张智霖和袁咏仪——最令人眼羡的一对优点:绅士风度  性格:稳重又不失幽默 开朗活泼 绅士  嗜好:桌球、电脑、打网球、作曲、看小说  语言:广东话、国语、英语  家庭状况:1父、1母、1姊、1妹 、1妻、1儿  业余小技能:弹钢琴 变魔术  他的舅舅是邵氏公司出身的喜剧演员:曹查理。当年张智霖之所以能顺利进入娱乐界发展,亦多赖这位舅舅的影响力。  『喜爱的服装』:休闲舒适 跟随潮流脉搏  『喜爱的运动』:打桌球、网球、溜冰、足球  『最爱的卡通』:叮当  『喜爱的演员』:周润发、Robert De Niro  『喜爱的歌星』:George Michael、叶德娴  『喜欢的地区』:香港  『喜欢的国家』:中国   『最爱的家人』:妈妈  『喜欢的歌曲』:太多,不能尽录  『最爱电视作品』:《十月初五的月光》(其实每一部都很喜欢 很平均)  『最爱电影作品』:《极度重犯》、《豪情盖天》  『最喜欢的水果』:草莓  『最难忘的事情』:在孩童时玻璃扎破嘴  『最喜欢的节日』:香港回归日、圣诞节、情人节、端午节等  『最喜爱的食物』:水果、广东菜  『最喜欢的肉类』:猪肉  『不喜欢的肉类』:羊肉  『喜爱的颜色』:黑、白、紫、蓝  『喜爱的动物』:猫、狗  『最怕的动物』:老鼠  『喜爱的地方』:家  『Dream Car』:保时捷、人力车  『抱负/梦想』:希望成为音乐创作人  『所属公司』:香港泽东电影公司   『圈中好友』:张家辉 古天乐 关咏荷 黎姿 郭富城 草蜢 陈百祥 葛民辉 阮兆祥 伍咏薇 刘若英 邱淑贞等。
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  张智霖,1971年8月27日出生于香港,香港演员、歌手,1991年开始演艺生涯,与许秋怡合唱成名曲《现代 爱情 故事 》,正式以歌手身份出道 。下面是我给大家带来歌手张智霖的个人资料,欢迎阅读!  歌手张智霖的基本信息   中文名: 张智霖   别名: Chilam   民族: 汉族   出生日期: 1971年8月27日   身高: 180cm   血型: A型    毕业 院校: 香港岭南中学,澳洲Epping高中   外文名: Julian Cheng   国籍: 澳大利亚(含四分之一混血)   出生地: 香港   星座: 处女座   体重: 64公斤   职业: 歌手,演员   经纪公司: 中国3D数码娱乐有限公司   歌手张智霖的演艺经历   张智霖读书时曾参加校内歌唱比赛并两夺亚军,对于音乐最初只是普通的 爱好 ,一个偶然的机会被“鬼才星探”Tony发现,之后签约唱片公司正式成为歌手。 1991年凭借与许秋怡合唱的成名曲《现代爱情故事》一举夺得了1991年“香港十大劲歌金曲”奖。   1994年饰演《射雕英雄传》的郭靖、1996年《天地男儿》饰演罗子健、2000年在《十月初五的月光》中饰演男一号文初并演唱主题曲《祝君好》。该剧以平均36点、最高46点的成绩打破了香港电视剧的收视纪录,同时此剧获得“亚太电视大奖最佳连续剧”奖。 张智霖凭借此剧获得无线33周年台庆“我最喜爱的电视角色” 等奖项。 同年凭借《祝君好》获得新城电台“劲爆卡拉OK歌曲大奖”。   2005年参演TVB连续剧《西关大少》,凭借该剧入围马来西亚“Astro华丽电视剧大奖”最受欢迎男主角、最受欢迎情侣档(与佘诗曼一起)、最受欢迎角色与最受欢迎主题曲4项奖项。 2006年在系列电影《陆小凤传奇》中饰演陆小凤一角, 凭借该剧获得“第七届电影频道数字电影百合奖”十佳演员(第一名), 2008年12月6日出席在台湾台中市中山堂举行的《第45届台湾金马奖》。   2009年2月28日出席《2009年中国原创音乐流行榜颁奖典礼》, 3月22日出席在香港会议展览中心举行的《第33届香港国际电影节(HKIFF)开幕仪式》, 4月19日作为颁奖嘉宾出席《第二十八届香港电影金像奖颁奖典礼》, 6月23日张智霖加盟“Neway Star”的签约仪式在香港中环四季酒店举行, 10月11为《全球华人新秀歌唱大赛》担任评判。 12月13日张智霖携带新专辑《I Am Chilam》举办了自加盟新东家后的第一个签名会。 12月26日《2009新城劲爆颁奖礼》在香港会议展览中心展览馆举行, 张智霖演 唱歌 曲《你太善良》获得“新城劲爆卡拉ok歌曲 ”。   2010年1月16日出席在香港红磡体育馆举行的《2009年度TVB十大劲歌金曲颁奖典礼》,张智霖(同胡杏儿)凭借《一刀两断》获最受欢迎合唱银奖。 3月14日《张智霖 I AM CHILAM Music Show》在九展举行,此次是张智霖相隔十几年再在港开音乐会,他特别请了张继聪、Hotcha、刘心悠及Dear Jane担任嘉宾。   2011年3月在香港红磡体育馆连续两场“我系外星人”演唱会 。4月重回TVB拍摄《鱼跃在花见》,大结局在香港的收视率一度达到38点。 12月11日出席在香港TKO一厂举行的《劲歌优秀选第3回》。 12月11日出席无线《2011年度十大劲歌金曲颁奖典礼》。 12月17日出席新城电台举行的《2011乐坛K歌大热唱》。   2012年1月8日出席《2011年度十大劲歌金曲颁奖典礼》凭借《恋上外星人》获得“十大劲歌金曲”奖, 3月17日出席《新城唱好靓声最强音乐会》, 4月15日以颁奖嘉宾身份出席于香港举行的《第31届香港电影金像奖颁奖礼》, 6月24日出席《第15届上海国际电影节闭幕式》, 12月10日同电影《大叔,我爱你》剧组出席《第九届广州大学生电影节》。   2013年凭借《冲上云霄II》“Cool魔”顾夏阳一角而再度走红,并且获得TVB马来西亚星光荟萃颁奖典礼“最喜爱TVB男主角”、“最爱TVB电视角色”大奖。 3月31日张国荣逝世十周年纪念演唱会《继续宠爱●十年Miss You Much Leslie》在香港红馆举行,张智霖献唱哥哥两首经典金曲《今生今世》和《追》,之后又同周慧敏合唱《当爱已成往事》。 9月10日签约中国3D数码娱乐公司。 9月13日作为演唱嘉宾出席周杰伦于香港红馆举行的《周杰伦摩天伦世界巡回演唱会》。 10月2日出席澳门庆祝国庆音乐会。   歌手张智霖的感情生活   1993年,事业如日中天的袁咏仪在经纪人的安排下接演电影《边城浪子》,男主角是歌手出身的张智霖,两个人在北京相识了。   1993年张智霖与袁咏仪相恋,家庭幸福美满。被称作娱乐圈的模范夫妻。   2001年2月8日,张智霖和袁咏仪在美国秘密结婚,回香港后在铜锣湾郭富城经营的餐厅里补摆了喜酒。   2006年11月12日,两人爱情结晶--张慕童出生了。   2016年1月,张智霖通过微博晒出一张帅气自拍。照片中,张智霖戴着墨镜,笑容灿烂。
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2023-06-16 19:20:022


Julian Cheung 别名:Chilam
2023-06-16 19:20:076

What will the weather be like? Some people say they can know what the weather will be like from...

小题1:D 小题2:A 小题3:B 小题4:A 小题1:词义理解推测题,根据文中语句“Whentheyseebirdsflyhighouttothesea,theyknowitisaniceday,becausebirdsdon"tliketoflyoutwhenitwillrain.”理解可知。小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Whentheweatherwillbebad,thebirdscomebacktothebeach.”理解可知。小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“It"sacloudyday.Therainiscoming.Chickensaren"tquiet,andtheyarerunninghereandthere.Frogs(青蛙)aremakingbignoiseinthepool.”理解可知。小题4:标题理解推断题,根据文中语句理解可知。本篇文章谈论的是天气。
2023-06-16 19:20:131

bitch 这是什么意思

2023-06-16 19:20:174

a group of frogs were travelling through the woods的选择题

一群青蛙在穿越树林,其中两个掉进了一个深坑。当其他的青蛙看到那个坑那么深,他们告诉那两个青蛙他们和死了一样,没希望逃出来了。两个青蛙没听他们的话,使尽全身力气想跳出来。其他的青蛙一直对他们说停下来吧,不可能跳出来了。最后,其中一只青蛙听取了其他青蛙的说法,放弃了。他掉落了下去,死了。 另外一只青蛙继续全力地跳着。再一次的,上面的青蛙群对他喊,别那么痛苦了,放弃吧。而他却跳得更有劲了,最后竟然跳了出来。他出来以后,其他青蛙问,“你没听见我们说什么嘛?”这只青蛙解释说,他是聋的。他以为他们从始至终一直在鼓励他! 这个故事给了我们两个启迪:1,你的话有决定生死的力量。一句鼓励的话可以让落魄的人重新振作,让他们重新面对生活。2,而一句消极的话足以杀掉一个消沉的人。 温馨提示:注意你所说的话。对你身边的人说鼓励的话。语言的力量...有时难以想象一句鼓励的话会有如此深远的影响。任何人都能说出夺去他人战胜困境的勇气和意志的话,而只有愿意花时间去鼓励别人的人才是最特别的。答案:B,B,C,C,A
2023-06-16 19:20:201

BITCH 中文什么意思

“Bitch”一词是英语侮辱人的词语。[1]bitch的原意是“母狗”,出自1150年代的bicche,由古英语词bicce发展而来。《牛津英语词典》中指出该字在1000年左右意思是“母狗”。中文名bitch顾名思义,bitch就是淫荡的、恶毒的、让人不爽的女人(类似于发情的狗),但一些女性自我界定为bitch以显示自己坚强、坚定自信和独立。son of a bitch(婊子养的、狗娘养的),通常是可鄙的或其他可恶的人,但也可表示做了感人的或巧妙的事情的亲爱的朋友。
2023-06-16 19:20:242

张智霖《你太善良》歌词意思 详解是什么

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2023-06-16 19:19:122


By reading the picture, we can find there are two frogs floating on the water.
2023-06-16 19:19:092


bitch 英[bu026atu0283] 美[bu026atu0283] n. 母狗;淫妇;牢骚事;坏女人 vi. 埋怨;发牢骚;挖苦;(背后)说坏话 vt. 把…搞糟;弄坏;抱怨;埋怨
2023-06-16 19:19:042

描写动物的英语作文60字 带翻译

2023-06-16 19:19:022


bitch婊子双语对照词典结果:bitch[英][bu026atu0283][美][bu026atu0283]n.母狗; 淫妇; 牢骚事; 坏女人; vi.埋怨; 发牢骚; 挖苦; (背后)说坏话; vt.把…搞糟; 弄坏; 抱怨; 埋怨; 第三人称单数:bitches过去分词:bitched复数:bitches现在进行时:bitching过去式:bitched以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Can some one kill that bitch? 有谁能杀了那个婊子吗?
2023-06-16 19:18:563


2023-06-16 19:18:552

八年级英语作文 五十词左右 提示 我的家乡有很多种青蛙,它们吃害虫,对庄稼有益。 近年来

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