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观后感:Ever After(是英语就太感谢啦~!)

2023-06-18 03:45:57
TAG: ter aft
Danielle De Barbarac (Drew Barrymore) lives alone with her father and their servants after the death of her mother, until one day her father brings home a new bride, the Baroness Rodmilla De Ghent (Anjelica Huston) and her two daughters, Marguerite and Jacqueline. When Danielle"s father dies, the Baroness turns Danielle into a servant to wait on her and her spoiled daughters.

Danielle accidently meets young Prince Henry (Dougray Scott) when the Prince pilfers a horse from their manor in order to escape his parents restrictions. For her silence, he gives her coins, which she uses to pose as a courtier to buy back their old servant the Baroness sold to pay her taxes.

She meets Prince Henry again, but this time posed as a Lady, and Henry finds himself enchanted not simply by her beauty but by her intelligence and spirit. He becomes determined to know more about her, but first must find her for she keeps slipping away from him. In the meantime, Marguerite has set her sights on the handsome prince, with the help of her mother and a michevious courtier.

I won"t give away any more of the movie, but absolutely must mention that there is a great deal of humor in this unique telling of the Cinderella story (take special note of the wedding chapel scene with the Spanish Princess). The acting is supurb and the script very tight and well written, the costumes are stunning, the scenery is breathtaking, and the photography brilliant.

Overall, this is a wonderful movie that softened even my cold, hard heart, allowing it to pump warm blood if only for the length of the movie. This is a love story without sappiness, a handsome hero with faults of his own, and a beautiful heroine who knows how to save herself. Enjoy!

This is a wonderful movie. The premise may be cliché, but this is much, much more than just another "Cinderella" movie. Its effects are really quite magical--it will make you laugh, it will make you cry, and it will totally immerse you in its spell. If you are human, it will produce a lump in your throat that will remain there for hours. Some people might call this a "woman"s" movie, but I, as a man, will proclaim that it really touches my heart every time I watch it, and I freely admit that it does bring tears to my eyes. I need not go into detail describing the plot--it is a somewhat modernized Cinderella story, replete with the evil stepmother, charming prince, and angelic, mistreated heroine. Instead of a fairy godmother, there is Leonardo da Vinci--an unexpected but brilliant scripting decision, I feel. There are no magic pumpkins turning into horses and carriages, but there is magic; it is the magic of true love.
The entire cast is superb, particularly Anjelica Huston as the evil stepmother, but all of them are overshadowed by Drew Barrymore. Anyone who does not feel that Drew Barrymore is one of the greatest actresses of this and any other generation has obviously not seen this movie. I love all of Drew"s movies, but I really believe this movie represents her finest performance. Even down to the most unimportant nuances of acting, she is simply brilliant. She is equally convincing as a peasant in the field as she is a royal courtier among the nobility of France. The emotion she is able to express to the audience is deep and amazingly real. I really can"t say enough about her performance here.

All I can do is encourage you to experience this movie. I believe you will want to watch it more than once; it is just as fresh and moving the second and third time as it is the first. Don"t dismiss it as a "sappy love story" or think its 16th century setting will make it hard to relate to. This is a story as old as time itself, really, and it is a story that will always be relevant to humankind. It celebrates the power of true love and shows all of us that dreams can indeed come true.

3This is the kind of movie that no self-respecting guy would admit to liking in front of his friends. Seeing as i have no self-respect and even fewer friends, i have no reservations in stating that i loved this one from start to finish. It is a clever and highly original retelling of the classic Cinderella story, set in France. The entire cast does an inspired job. Drew Barrymore hasn"t been this endearing since "E.T." (or was it "Doppelganger" ? I keep confusing the two), Anjelica Huston is a fittingly loathsome stepmother and even the featured "prince charming" i found easy to stomach. Need i recount the (allegedly true) tale ? (daughter turned lowly servant turned pretend courtier turned princess) Check elsewhere !
The pre-feminist subtext is hard to overlook, but far from obtrusive. Couldn"t help liking the not so evil second stepsister. No fantastic elements are introduced: there is no evidence of sorcery, or a pumpkin anywhere to be found. Replacing the fairy godmother with Leonardo da Vinci of all people is a stroke of genius, adding to the credibility of the storyline. The payoff is thoroughly satisfactory, leaving you with a smile on your face. My fellow countryman Jeroen Krabbé (Barrymore"s father) sees his acting career cut short as he is killed off within the first five minutes or so. The whole thing is accompanied by a great music score. Set aside your prejudice & suspend your disbelief.

Every once in a while, a movie surprises me. Such is the case with Andy Tennant"s Ever After. Based on the lackluster previews, I was prepared for the worst, but, instead of getting a juvenile, pointless re-telling of the classic "Cinderella" fairy tale, I was confronted with a delightful re-interpretation. While I won"t claim that Ever After is the best cinematic version of the fable, this is deft storytelling, and sure to be a hit with almost everyone who sees it (except, perhaps, unromantic cynics).

One of the most curious things about this movie is the PG-13 rating bestowed upon it by the MPAA. This is the third would-be family film in less than a month to carry that classification, and, while it is understandable in the case of the other two, Dr. Dolittle and Small Soldiers, I am at a loss to explain why Ever After was treated so harshly. Aside from a couple of mild swordfights, the evidence of a whipping (the actual event is not shown), and an inconsequential instance of profanity, there"s nothing remotely objectionable about Ever After"s content. Parents made wary by the PG-13 need not fret; this picture is entirely suitable for viewing by children of all ages.

Ever After"s twist is that it"s telling the "real" Cinderella story from which the Brothers Grimm fable was derived (the two famous fairy tale scribes make a brief appearance in a prologue that also features a cameo by the incomparable Jeanne Moreau). Consequently, there are no pumpkins, mice, magic spells, or fairy godmothers. The love story between a peasant girl and a prince is still at the core, although, in this case, "Cinderella" (whose name is Danielle), has the kind of progressive attitude that would be more at home in the 1990s than in the 1500s.

The broad strokes of the story are certainly familiar. After the tragic death of her father (Jeroen Krabbe), Danielle (played by Anna Maguire as a little girl, and Drew Barrymore thereafter) is consigned to a life of servitude for her cruel stepmother, Rodmilla (Anjelica Huston), and vain step-sister, Marguerite (Megan Dodds). Danielle has an ally in the household, her second step-sister, Jacqueline (Melanie Lynskey, last seen opposite Kate Winslet in Heavenly Creatures), but she"s too meek to stand up to her mother. While Rodmilla, Marguerite, and Jacqueline enjoy as much luxury as their farm house provides, Danielle (dubbed "Cinderella" by Marguerite for the cinders that always stain her clothing) is forced to scrub the floors, cook the meals, and feed the animals.

One day, when Danielle is picking apples, she spies a man stealing one of her step-mother"s horses. It"s actually Prince Henry (Dougray Scott), the heir to the throne of France, in the process of running away from his father because he is unwilling to be trapped in a loveless, arranged marriage. Mistaking Henry for a common thief, Danielle knocks him from the horse with a well-aimed apple. After she realizes who he is, she is apologetic, but the meeting leaves an impression on both of them. At the time of their next encounter, Danielle is posing as a countess in order to rescue a family retainer from debtors" prison. She engages the Prince in a spirited debate, and, although he thinks he recognizes her, he can"t put a name to the face. Soon, he is scouring the countryside looking for her, and, although Danielle is attracted to him, she avoids contact, fearing that if he learns that she isn"t a member of the nobility, he will shun her. Through all of this, there is a fairy godmother of sorts -- Leonardo da Vinci (Patrick Godfrey), who uses science, not magic, to smooth the path of true love.

Movies like Ever After, if fashioned with little skill, become curiosities for pre-teen girls looking for a summer afternoon at the movies. However, Tennant takes this familiar material and crafts a charming, captivating motion picture. He gives the villains a few human qualities, but still manages to make them despicable enough that we feel justified in cheering when they receive their comeuppance. The all-important romance is nicely-developed. Danielle and Henry are clearly fated to be together, but they have to overcome a number of obstacles along the way, including her dishonesty, her step-family"s duplicity, and his prejudice. Of course, everything turns out "happily ever after" (hence, the title), but, as in all romances, our enjoyment lies in observing the games played by the two smitten protagonists en route to that ending.

As good as the costumes and setting are, Tennant does not craft a flawless period piece. In fact, Ever After transpires in a pseudo-16th century that bears only a passing resemblance to the historical reality. Anachronisms abound, both in attitudes and in speech. The characters talk as if they are products of the 1900s, not the 1500s, using idioms that, at the time, were centuries away from making their way into the language. Tennant doesn"t appear to be bothered by these inaccuracies, but those who are sticklers for period detail may be distracted by this sort of thing.

Drew Barrymore, continuing to rehabilitate her once-tarnished image, proves that her winning turn as a romantic lead in the otherwise-dreadful The Wedding Singer was no fluke. As Danielle, she radiates tremendous appeal. Like Prince Henry, we are immediately taken not only with Danielle"s beauty (which shines through the dirt on her face) but with her spirit. Speaking of the Prince, Dougray Scott (who can also be seen in this summer"s Deep Impact) manages the difficult feat of making Henry likable rather than bland (blandness is often the unfortunate fate of the male leads in movies like this). Anjelica Huston and Megan Dodds turn on the bitchiness as step-mom and step-sister, and veteran actors Timothy West and Judy Parfitt have comical turns as the King and Queen of France. Patrick Godfrey"s wise-but-humorous da Vinci is a delight.

Tennant, who showed skill at the helm of a romance with his last film, Fools Rush In, has found the right tone for this effort. The love story is wrapped around interludes of comedy, adventure, and drama. It never seems to matter that we know the entire story from the beginning -- the characters, not the plot, capture our attention. One concern I have about this film is that, because it"s not high-profile, it has the potential to become lost in the summer crush. Here"s hoping that enough viewers discover Ever After to give it a happy ending at the box office.

“Once Upon A Time…” begins the classic tale of Cinderella, hapless victim of a cruel stepmother and wicked stepsisters. This time do not look for fairy godmothers or magic pumpkins and mice, and Cinderella may not be the demure damsel portrayed by Disney. Cinderella, AKA Danielle (Drew Barrymore) is a spunky, independent young woman who reads Sir Thomas More"s “Utopia” and dreams of running the estate of her deceased father sans stepmother and stepsisters. Prince Charming Henry (Dougray Scott) is a young man struggling to define his own identity in the midst of an arranged marriage and a domineering father. When the two meet, a twisted tale of class struggle, political power brokering and love mix in this retelling of the Cinderella classic called “Ever After: A Cinderella Story”.

A suprisingly well assembled cast along with some original additions to the Cinderella tale make “Ever After” captivating despite any previous exposure to the story. Anjelica Huston makes one mean stepmother, shockingly icy and venomous at times. So well portrayed is the wicked stepmother than you cannot help but be endeared to young Danielle. Drew Barrymore is a master of (acting) youthful innocence and her simple sweet smile was everything I needed to forget some of the racier characters she has played. Even the “bit parts” we filled with charming characters, from quaint country folk to legends from the annals of history. Don"t expect history here though; remember this is a fairy tale (and at some points quite anachronistic) but a lively retelling of a well loved story.

“Ever After: A Cinderella Story” contains two instances of profanity, some violence, and some adult topics (including some sexual innuendo). In spite of the above, I was pleased to see positive (albeit brief) references to Christian values. There is even a mention (and I quote) of “the Son of God”! There is a brief instance of prayer and a mention of the positive role that Christian monks played in the educatio

The background is 16 centuries, leading lady Dan Ni the Er have lira with fairy degree similar of family background, affection her father already lead a life time, with after mother with it two daughter total live.However basis her cleverness wisdom and ability and independence personality, she is impossible wait for a prince to give relief to hers.In fact, she on the contrary usually help prince, save his one life.








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173cm 丹妮尔·比苏蒂(DanielleBisutti)身高173cm,1976年10月1日出生于美国加州洛杉矶,是一位电影和电视剧演员。
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danielle guizio是什么牌子-danielle guizio是哪国的品牌

最近有在追青春有你2的朋友们,肯定都对Lisa的那件牛仔衣印象深刻,这件衣服就是来自danielle guizio的,下面我们一起来了解下这个女装品牌吧。 danielle guizio是什么牌子 DANIELLE GUIZIO是纽约知名设计师的同名时尚品牌,该品牌的特点是对经典的重新诠释,并赋予独特的当代美感,糅合复古运动主义和现代女性美学的DANIELLE GUIZIO,伴随着社交媒体持续的升温,吸引了不少像Kendall Jenner、Bella Hadid、Blackpink等一众超模、明星纷纷为它带货,并在她们的影响力推动下,逐渐成长为炙手可热的女装品牌。danielle guizio是哪国的品牌 美国品牌。Danielle Guizio是纽约设计师在2014年创立的同名品牌,短短四年的时间因为社交媒体的发展,品牌网罗了超强“IT Girl”阵容,并且在她们的影响力下,现在已经是超级热门的女装品牌,比如竖条纹的西装裙,提起这个品牌肯定不能少了Kaia,这也太显腿长了了吧,被这小细腿秒到了。国内也有女明星穿了,马思纯上身就显出了西装的风格,干练大方。Ins上的潮人们也穿上了他们家可不止这个西装裙。还有可以穿出娘man的风格套装,又是一个显身材必备单品,在ins上也是超级火的说。danielle guizio明星同款 Lisa在《青春有你2》里面穿的Danielle Guizio牛仔套装超级种草!镂空小心机显身材又不过分夸张,性感与清纯完美兼顾。danielle guizio怎么火的 社交媒体对于当今时尚界的改变堪称颠覆性的存在,在现代时尚行业诞生近百年的进程中,从来没有经受过如此巨大的冲击。即使被诸多业内前辈嗤之以鼻,但不可否认的一点是,社交媒体伴随互联网的快速发展,正在给予时尚更多的可能性。 2014年诞生于纽约的设计师同名品牌DANIELLE GUIZIO就深谙此道,短短四年的时间,依托于社交媒体的发展,品牌网罗了Bella Hadid、Kendall Jenner在内的超强“IT Girl”阵容,并在她们的影响力推动下,逐渐成长为炙手可热的女装品牌。而在这背后,创始人兼设计师DANIELLE GUIZIO的经历是一切成功的关键。
2023-06-17 22:15:301


这个人叫:Danielle FTV也叫:Danielle Delaunay,1988年出生于美国路易斯安那州,出 道时间2008年以上回答希望有帮助到你
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姓名:冷丹妮 英文名:L-Danielle 别名:小爱 生日:1.28 星座:水瓶 年龄:20 喜欢吃:辣的,甜的 毕业学校;北影 职业:摄影师,化妆造型师,设计师 博客地址 相册地址 小爱官方群三:66715214
2023-06-17 22:16:151


你的这个攻略有问题。而且不是一点正常流程的应该是这样:1、在“雷蒙德”总督处接任务,由于在海盗头子Alistair Garcilaso的带领下一群劫掠者从“雷蒙德”夺走了传说中来自古老印加丛林的神秘雕像,让你去找回。2、来到“都维森”岛上,先到“都维森”的酒馆找老板问话,他会给你介绍一名海盗做导游,随这名海盗到郊外,付他100个金币他就会把你领到隐藏在密林中的海盗据点。3、进入酒馆对面海盗首领的住所(House of leader of Douwesen pirates)同海盗头子谈起雕像的事情,他一开始会开价10000枚金币,拒绝一次后会降到8000,如果给钱就卖下来,我记得好像不给钱就开打,杀了海盗头子后,会在海面有个遭遇战,把船劫下后也可以得到(但第二个条件记不太清了,最好买下来稳当点)。4、把雕像送回Silehard手中,结果他却告诉你还应该有另一个雕像,不过暂时并不需要去找那个,要你去将地方官的讯息带给那里的监狱长Ronald Blacklock,并亲自押送一个海盗回来。5、到了“格林福德”监狱的时候Blacklock说海盗几个小时前刚刚逃跑,出门就有一名女子请求帮助,有人要烧死一个巫师,干掉监狱门口的几个家伙后这个名叫Clement Aurentius的老人坚持要Hawk到他家里去以表感激。到了灯塔后遇到Danielle和Vincent。Danielle也在寻找逃亡中的Rheims。6、返回“雷蒙德”总督处报告情况。经Silehard批准后再度展开对Rheims的追捕。7、回到“格林福德”的灯塔下找到Danielle后一同动身前往“都维森”。以上是凭记忆写的,应该没有什么问题,供你参考。
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2023-06-17 22:18:565

danielle steele 作家 有哪些作品

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2023-06-17 22:19:215

Danielle Graham 有演过哪些电影?

2001年12月25日 <<群魔咒>>和谢霆锋、冯德伦合作 饰护士Danielle, 叶伟信导演.   2006年开拍, 本应饰演女角宋解放. 《上海1976》和 程皓枫, Lucy Reimers 合作, 胡雪杨导演. 最后因某些原因最后被Meca Hiyastin 替换.
2023-06-17 22:19:441

南京路班尼路店里播放的英文歌,是一个组合唱的,有首歌高潮是“everyday we get together”

let"s get together?go-go"s的?
2023-06-17 22:19:523


  《加勒比海盗3:世界尽头》(Pirates of the Caribbean: At World"s End)  导演:戈尔·维宾斯基  主演:约翰尼·德普、凯拉·奈特丽、奥兰多·布鲁姆  杰弗里·拉什、周润发  发行:迪斯尼  首映:2007年5月25日(美国)  期待指数:★★★★★★★★★★ 10  简介  制作该系列第一部时,斥资1.4亿$的迪斯尼被不少人病诟发神经。于是,这部由主题公园人气设施“海盗船”衍生而来的魔幻动作大片,在发行策略上尽量淡化对大额成本的宣传,以免投入产出万一不成比例,给人留下的负面印象太深——怪就怪同属游乐设施改编的《鬼屋》销量不佳(主演艾迪·默菲,预算9000万$,本土7500万$……)。  没想到《加勒比海盗1:黑珍珠的诅咒》一不小心全球票房6.5亿$。“兰花拂穴手+醉仙望月步”的德普大人,顺势成为风靡全球的“中性审美”的顶级代言;刚从《指环王》三部曲卸甲归田的布鲁姆先生,也获封“无往不利的票房福将”(尽管日后的《天国王朝》和《伊丽莎白镇》充分证明满不是那么回事……);《星战前传》里不过是“娜塔丽·波特曼替身”(注意,人家可没有裸!)的凯拉·奈特丽小姐,更因此顺势拿到日后提名奥斯卡影后的Offer《傲慢与偏见》。  这样看来,“史上最牛制片人”杰瑞·布鲁克海默成功说服迪斯尼,祭起4.5亿$连拍第二、第三集的举止便不算疯狂——君不见,《加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺》全球发售10.65亿$的滚沸数据?况且,无论《印第安纳·琼斯》与《木乃伊》系列迟迟不拍续集造成的群情激奋,还是《国家宝藏》出乎意料的点石成金案例,均可谓幻想冒险题材时至今日依旧炙手可热的明证。所以,在《蜘蛛侠3》、《史莱克3》两大强敌身后、牢据今年5月最后的黄金档期“阵亡将士纪念日”的《加勒比海盗3》,就算人气一般,至少世界第三。
2023-06-17 22:20:002

歌舞青春里的every day的歌词?

Troy&Gabriella Everyday Once in a lifetime Means there"s no second chance So I believe that you and me Should grab it while we can Make it last forever And never give it back It"s our turn And I"m loving where we"re at Because this moment"s really all we have Everyday of our lives Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight Gonna run While we"re young And keep the faith Everyday From right now Gonna use our voices and scream out loud Take my hand Together we will celebrate Celebrate Oh everyday They say that you should follow And chase down what you dream But if you get lost and lose yourself What does is really mean No matter where we"re going It starts from where we are There"s more to life when we listen to our hearts And because of you I"ve got the strength to start Yeah yeah yeah! Everyday of our lives Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight Gonna run While we"re young And keep the faith Everyday From right now Gonna use our voices and scream out loud Take my hand Together we will celebrate Oh everyday We"re taking it back We"re doing it here Together! It"s better like that And stronger now Than ever! We"re not gonna lose "Cause we get to choose That"s how it"s gonna be! Everyday Of our lives Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight Gonna run While we"re young And keep the faith Keep the faith! Everyday of our lives Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight Gonna run While we"re young And keep the faith Everyday From right now Gonna use our voices and scream out loud Take my hand Together we will celebrate Everyday~ oh~Everyday~ oh~Everyday~ Na Na Everyday oh~Everyday~ ou yeah yeah I say Everyday Everyday Everyday~ Everyday~ Everyday~ Everyday~~~ Everyday一生第一次 我比你和我相信的 在那里没有机会 当我们可以将它劫掠 为时制作永远 并且从未给它 我们在的土地旋转 因为我们真正地拥有这片刻的全部 我们想在那找到你的每天生活 在紧的想要举行跑的,当我们还年轻人时保留信念 从现在的每一天 用我们的声音 大声的尖叫 举起我的手 我们将一起庆祝 哦! 每一天! 他们说你应该跟随 追逐你想要的梦想 但是如果你得到并且失去自己 它是否真正地意味什么? 不管我们在哪里他都会从我们的地方开始 这有更好的生活,当我们听我的心跳时 你和我开始得到力量 耶呀呀 我们的每一天生活 找到您的想那里,在紧的想要举行跑的,当我们年轻人时 保留信念从现在的每一天 用我们的声音大声的尖叫 举起我的手 我们一起庆祝 哦! 每天! 我们收回它 我们和它在一起 它更好喜欢那 不去丢失 因为我们得到选择 那它怎么去的 我们的每一天生活 找到你想象的那里,在紧的想要举行跑的,当我们年轻人时 保留信念 保持信念! 我们的每一天生活 找到您的想那里,在紧的想要举行跑的,当我们年轻人时 每天从现在用我们的声音大声的尖叫 举起我的手 我们将一起庆祝 每天的生活每天的爱每天! 每天的生活每天的爱
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coach选择队员,Dan队:Kara,Danielle,JodiBritney队:Shane,Willie,JojoJanelle队:Wil,Ashley,JoeMike Boogie队:Frank,Ian,Jenn第一场比赛的规则是赢的队伍中由coach决定HOH,输的队伍中由coach决定淘汰选手。最后Brittney队赢得第一,Janelle队第二,Boogie队第三,Dan队最后。最后决定HOH是Willie,淘汰Jodi。 导师之战,winner可选择一位队员安全。最后boogie赢得比赛,选择Ian安全。贫民(每位导师在本队中选择一位):Shane,Danielle,Ashley,Ian。提名席:Kara,FrankPov参加者:Willie,Kara,Frank,Danielle,Shane,Wil,host是Jojo,winner是Shane,不使用veto,最后Kara以5:3被淘汰。 Hoh:Frank导师之战,winner可以选择一位队员安全或者跟其他队换队员,同时决定4个贫民。winner是Janelle,选择Ashley安全。指定贫民:Willie,Jojo,Ian,Shane插曲:Willie因暴力行为被取消参赛资格,离开比赛。提名席:Shane,JojoPov参加者:Frank,Shane,Jojo,Ian,Ashley,Wil,host是Joe,winner是Shane,使用veto on himself,再提名Danielle。最后Jojo以5:1被淘汰。 Hoh:Shane导师之战,winner是Janelle,选择Wil安全。brittney需要选择2个贫民,指定Ian,Joe。Boogie赢得3份钱,自己领取6000美元那一份,3000美元那一份给与Ian,1000美元那一份给与Jenn。Dan赢得寿司party,可以带5个人参加,选择其他3位教练,Shane(HOH),Danielle(自己的队员)。提名席:Joe,AshleyPov参加者:Shane,Joe,Ashley,Danielle,Wil,Frank,host是Jenn,winner是Shane,使用veto on Ashley,再提名Frank。在直播集中,发生一个变数,导师可以选择是否加入比赛中,只要有一位导师选择是,则所有导师都加入到比赛中,同时导师规则取消。最后Dan,Janelle,Brittney都选择加入比赛。比赛重启,本周无人淘汰。 Hoh:Danielle提名席:Frank,WilPov参加者:Danielle,Frank,Wil,Shane,Jenn,Ian,host是Dan。最后Shan赢得下次pov参加权,Wil赢得5000美元,Jenn赢得毛伊岛旅行,Ian获得狗狗生活体验24小时,Frank获得拉拉队服穿一周的要求,Danielle赢得veto。最后使用veto on Wil,再提名Janelle,最后以8:1淘汰Janelle。 HOH:Frank本周贫富之战,输的成为贫民:Shane,Danielle,Brittney,Joe提名席:Joe,WilPov参加者:Frank,Joe,Wil,Shane,Jenn,Ashley,Boogie,host是Ian,winner是Frank,不使用veto,以6:2淘汰wil。 本周双淘汰赛。Hoh:Shane,同时Brittney赢得Safe的权利,Boogie赢得1万美元提名席:Frank,BoogiePov参加者:Shane,Frank,Boogie,Jenn,Ian,Ashley。host是Danielle,winner是Frank,使用veto on himself。再提名Jenn,最后以5:2淘汰BoogieHoh:Ian提名席:Frank, Ashleypov参加者:Ian,Frank,Ashley,Danielle,Joe,Shane。winner是Frank,使用veto on himself。再提名Joe,最后Ashley以4:1被淘汰,加入陪审团。 Hoh:Frank,指定Dan为贫民。同时打开潘多拉魔盒,选择了3个盒子,分别拿到了1.05、7.11、3333.33美元的奖励。对于其他人,则争夺一个veto,最后Ian赢得该veto。提名席:Dan,Danielle。Pov参加者:Frank,Dan,Danielle,Shane,Brittney,Jenn。host是Ian,最后Jenn赢得veto。而Dan则获得了关24小时禁闭的惩罚,为此想出了“Dan的葬礼”这一绝妙的点子。在veto的决定会上,Ian不使用veto,Jenn使用veto on Dan。再提名Brittney。最后以4:1淘汰Brittney。 本周又是双淘汰。Hoh:Ian。打开潘多拉魔盒,赢得了圣诞礼物。其他人则受到了食物全被拿走,只剩下有机食物的惩罚。提名席:Frank,Jennpov参加者:Ian,Frank,Jenn,Dan,Danielle,Joe,host是Shane。winner是Dan,使用veto on Jenn,再提名Joe,以3:1淘汰Frank。Hoh:Dan提名:Joe,Ian6位选手全部参加pov,pov赛winner是Ian,使用veto on himself,再提名Danielle,以3:0淘汰Joe。 Hoh:Ian,打开潘多拉魔盒,获得了一个来自S13季选手Rachel的视频。其他人则获得了亲友的视频。提名:Shane,Jennpov中,winner是Shane,并且赢得带Danielle去见奥运体操冠军的机会。使用veto on himself,再提名Danielle,以2:0淘汰Jenn。 Hoh:Danielle提名:Dan,Ianpov赛中,Danielle赢得veto,并使用veto on Dan。提名Shane,最后以1:0淘汰Shane。 Hoh:Ian,选择Dan进入final 2,淘汰Danielle。最后jury席上有:Danielle,Shane,Jenn,Joe,Frank,Brittney,Ashley。最后Ian以6:1成为冠军,赢得50万美元,Dan为亚军,获得5万美元。Frank成为最受欢迎选手。
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2023-06-17 22:21:361

我的名字是杰夫 Kelleher ,而且我有了一个机会大约一星期之久笔直叁加如额外之物。 我渡过美好时光 ,以我的汽车作为驾车的开始在温蒂的完成 " 塞车 ", 而且用我的汽车被在汽车之前停车 Haley 和赖安坐下在比较迟的那夜晚。 最令人兴奋的日子在 UNCG 建身房中拍摄的数天之一期间。 人们正在任意地在漂白业者各处被如额外之物选择而且坐, 而且当每个人得到坐我确实想我没有在去被选择,但是令我惊讶地我决不正确。 我是最后一个被选择的人和在受到 Haley 和丹妮尔的影响正确地紧邻我坐! 在我猜测是制造组员的休息,我决定违反 " 不要再和演员说话 " 的规则,因为他们正在工作, 而且轮流一个生活时间机会的这一个一次跟 Haley 和丹妮尔说话的时候。 他们俩都是二那最对我曾经已经遇见的地球人 ??落。 Haley 谈论他喜欢的书,弹吉他, 和他的 4.5 什么也没做,但是使我感觉有罪的 G.P.A 因为当身为公认的演员时候,他能维持那些等级,而且我只是平均的 joe 。 整个的经验是难以置信的,而且我不能等候释放!
2023-06-17 22:21:442

Danielle Graham演过的她和一个旅游团去泰国旅游遇上女鬼的哪个电影叫什么那个女鬼被人封在一个坛子中

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