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英语it is only a sprout of radish怎么翻译?

it is only a sprout of radish这只是一根萝卜苗



如何评价ryan madison 知乎


Madison ivy这个封面影片叫什么?


Ashley Madison的服务国家

该网站已在加拿大、美国、英国、德国、澳大利亚等世界27个国家拥有超过1600万人的会员,2013年6月,AshleyMadison网站又将市场转向亚洲,首个国家就选定为日本。 登陆香港2013年8月23日婚外情网站Ashley Madison登录香港,导致了很多家庭团体的抗议。但是该网站的创始人Noel Biderman表示:“现实就是如此,我们生活在一个没有信仰的社会之中。” Ashley Madison看准了中国的市场。 Ashley Madison网站创始人埃尔·彼得曼(Noel Biderman)将目光瞄准中国市场。他表示:“这就是现实生活,我们活在一个不够忠诚的社会。”打着“人生苦短,偷情趁早”的旗号,该网站鼓吹在15个国家的用户超过2000万。2012年已在日本和印度上线。彼得曼期望他的服务能“风靡”香港。他注意到,在没有任何市场营销活动的情况下,2012年大约32万次点击来自香港。来自香港政府的数据显示,2011年香港30%的夫妇申请离婚,是1991年的2倍。离婚案件在2012年创下21125宗的记录。彼得曼认为,香港人的婚姻和伴侣关系正经历过渡期,一个非常有趣的环境将会随之形成,十分有利于网站业务的开展,所以选择香港进驻。登录日本现在,网站已在世界27个国家拥有2000万名会员。由于突破道德底限,该网站在很多国家被封杀,但在日本却大放异彩。从7月登陆日本以来,不到两周时间注册会员就突破了30万。彼得曼惊呼:“没想到日本会有这么多人注册。进军日本真是无比正确的选择。”他这么说是有道理的。日本注册者的增加速度超过此前任何一个国家,创造了新纪录。这让彼得曼对这个印象中的“保守国家”刮目相看,发誓要为日本人寻找到让他们满意的婚外享受。网站在进军日本市场之前,曾做过两种路演。一种是设想日本人非常保守,进入日本市场后发展不顺利。还有一种是和其它国家一样,用户慢慢增长。但这两种情况都没有出现,日本是爆炸式增长!一位住在东京都墨田区的36岁家庭主妇,已经在网站上找到了自己的“性福”。她给网站发送的反馈邮件称:“丈夫成天忙于工作、经常出差,完全忽视我。3年前,我开始和以前高中的一个同学偷情。但我们有共同的熟人。每次同学聚会时,我和他的眼神都不对,很容易被人发现。而且,时间久了慢慢就没了激情。网站在日本运行的第一天,我就注册了会员。一个星期内通过网站和3个网友会了面。我不知道他,他也不知道我,毫无负担而且充满刺激,让我血脉喷张。期待着通过网站,获得更多这样的夜晚。”一位京都的42岁公司男职员,也对自己在网站上的艳遇回味无穷。他在反馈的感谢邮件中说:“这是一种完全不同的感受。以前背着老婆和同事一起去俱乐部,每次都是笑脸相迎、什么都顺着你的小姐。总感觉太假。有时候也想去那些SM俱乐部,但又怕自己受不了。有了网站后,我找到一位和我年纪差不多的主妇,虽然技巧没那么好,但她的表情让我感觉到了那种真实,不仅肉体上,心理上也获得极大满足。”从会员的这些感谢邮件中,彼得曼显然感受到了另一种文化的魅力。他说,与欧美人比起来,日本人在个人信息栏里不太喜欢宣传自己,而且基本没有人公开照片。对于需要什么样的人,日本人也是语焉不详。这可能就是日本“耻文化”的体现。但有一点却让彼得曼费解,日本会员的配对效率特别高,而且很多看上去完全不般配的网友,最后就能发展成一对“野鸳鸯”。他觉得,连对方的照片都看不到,也不知道对方有哪些兴趣爱好,怎么能说成就成呢。其实,在西方文化中长大的彼得曼,可能并不知道日本人要的就是这种“暧昧”,他或许也不知道有个词叫“闷骚”。

U Wisconsin Madison PTCAS中PTCAS是什么意思?这个和单纯的威斯康星麦迪逊分校又有什么区别?

Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service (以物理治疗为中心的应用服务)这是设在威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的一个特殊的证书班,培养物理治疗师的。招收已经大学毕业的学员,据介绍,学生年龄在21岁到40岁不等。

Madison ivy是不是拍过激烈竞争的电影?


wisconsin madison 本科申请要Essay吗?题目在那里?

我也申今年的本科,拜托 都快过期了你才申啊??? ESSAY:Statement 1:The University values an educational environment that provides all members of the campus community with opportunities to grow and develop intellectually, personally, culturally and socially. In order to give us a more complete picture of you as an individual, please tell us about the particular life experiences, perspectives, talents, commitments and/or interests you will bring to our campus. In other words, how will your presence enrich our community?Statement 2:Tell us about your academic goals, circumstances that may have had an impact on your academic performance, and, in general, anything else you would like us to know in making an admission decision.

Marketed by:Pfizer,Madison,NJ 07940 USA的翻译是:什么意思


University of Wisconsin-Madison邮编怎么找

请问国内有像Ashley Madison这样的的交友网站吗?

有这样的交友网站,我们团队正在制作之中,而且主打高端,每个美女都要进行视频认证,虚假的不来,但是现在遇到难题了,,首页图片不知道哪里去弄,有谁有Ashley Madison那张首页嘘小声说话的美女图片。重谢

请问外国交友网站Ashley Madison如何注册呢?是否要收费?

这个网站我去过,Life is short, have an affairs!是他们的口号,呵呵翻译成中文就是“生命短暂,尽情劈腿吧!”,里面美国年轻人非常多,但是很多都是抱着认识异性的目的来的,主要是英语国家的年轻人,里面不乏英国、澳大利亚、华人等。想找到外国朋友和你交流需要有耐心,但是也不是很难找,一般找上个两三次就能认识好几个,而且这个网站还提供邮件服务,有外国GG或者MM看上你的资料,想和你交朋友,网站会给你发邮件通知你的,呵呵。还有就是这个网站是免费注册的哦~~如何注册请看参考资料中的这篇博客,有图文介绍:

James Madison University 是个什么样子的学校啊?


madison parker个人资料,年龄,国籍等




ryan madison 是谁

瑞恩 · 麦迪逊



madison new york手表是什么档次的手表?价格大概在多少钱?


madison bumgarner是谁

麦迪森·邦加纳(英语:Madison Kyle Bumgarner、1989年8月1日-)是美国职棒大联盟旧金山巨人队中的先发投手。身高6呎5吋(1.96米)、体重225磅(102公斤)。其四缝线快速球可达到90-93英里的范围内、卡特球或滑球介于86-90英里,而曲球则介于75-80英里之间、变速球则在82-84英里之间。



madison WI 是什么地方

WI指的是美国东北部的威斯康星州,Madison 麦迪逊是这个州的首府城市


  麦迪逊广场Madison Square Garden兴建完成,它位于全美最大的火车站宾夕法尼亚车站上面,成为纽约体育娱乐活动的殿堂和美国文化符号之一。







COACH Madison (麦迪逊)系列名字是源于纽约哪一条著名大道?

麦迪逊大道(Madison Avenue)是美国纽约市曼哈顿区一条南北走向的大道,实行北行单行道交通。它南起麦迪逊广场(23街),北到麦迪逊大道桥(138街)。它穿过中城、上东区(包括卡内基山(Carnegie Hill, Manhattan)、西班牙哈莱姆区(Spanish Harlem)和哈莱姆区。该路得名于麦迪逊广场,麦迪逊是指第四任美国总统詹姆士·麦迪逊。麦迪逊广场花园因为过去位于26街和麦迪逊大道路口麦迪逊广场东北角而得名,(现在纽约人寿保险公司大厦占用了整个街区)。它的设计者是Stanford White,在运动场地的顶部拥有一个罗马女神Diana的铜像。1925年迁到50街、第八大道的一个新建筑,但保持了旧名。(麦迪逊广场花园现在位于从31街到33街之间的第八大道)。在57街和85街之间的麦迪逊大道被认为是“时尚街”,这一区域聚集了大部分著名的时尚设计师和上流社会发型沙龙。麦迪逊大道不属于起初1811年纽约市规划(Commissioners" Plan of 1811)的街道栅格网的一部分,1836年,由于律师和地产商Samuel Ruggles的努力,在公园大道(前第四大道)和第五大道之间开辟了这条道路。



手表上的牌子是madison new york,这是什么牌子的手表啊





madison的意思是麦迪逊自行车接力赛,以下是造句:1、Marilyn made her last public appearance at Madison Square Garden. 玛丽莲最后一次公开亮相是在麦迪逊广场花园。2、It"s not the first time Madison has reached out to help others. 这并不是麦迪逊第一次奉献自己的爱心。3、Could you show me the May to Madison avenue? 你可不可以指给我到麦迪逊大道的路?4、People in Madison County didn"t talk this way, about these things. 麦县的人从来不这么谈话,不谈这些事。5、Will you take over the driving when we reach Madison? 等我们到达麦迪逊后,你来接着开车,好吗?6、Six years later President Madison appointed him Minister to Russia. 六年后麦迪逊总统任命他为驻俄大使

Joshua Kadison的《Jessie》 歌词

歌曲 : Jessie歌手 : Tobias Regner专辑 : Love SongsBY : 婷婷 ^_^From a phone booth in VegasJessie calls at 5 amTo tell me how she"s tired of all of themShe says "Baby, I"ve been thinkingabout the trailer by the seaWe could go to Mexico ...You, the cat, and meWe drink tequilaAnd look for seashellsBut, doesn"t that sound sweet?"But Jessie, you always do thisEverytime I get back on my feetMh, Jessie paint your pictures"About how it"s gonna beBut now I should know betterYour dreams are never freeBut tell me allAbout our little trailer by the seaAnd Jessie you can always sellAny dream to meand Jessie, you can alwaysSell any dream to meShe asks me how the cat"s beenI say, "Moses, he"s just fineBut he used to think about you all the timeWe finally took your picturesdown off the wallAnd Jessie, how do you alwaysSeem to know Just when to call?"She says, "Get your stuff togetherAnd bring Moses and drive real fast"And I listen to her promise"I swear to God this time it"s gonna last."Jessie paint your pictures"About how it"s gonna beBut now I should know betterYour dreams are never freeBut tell me allAbout our little trailer by the seaAnd Jessie you can always sellAny dream to meand Jessie, you can alwaysSell any dream to meAnd Jessie you can always sellAny dream to meOh I love you in the sunshineI Lay you down in the warm white sandAnd who knows, maybe this timeThings will turn outJust the way you planedOh Jessie paint your pictures"About how it"s gonna beBut now I should know betterYour dreams are never freeAnd tell me allAbout our little trailer by the seaAnd Jessie you can always sellAny dream to meAnd Jessie, you can alwaysSell any dream to me


radish 是小红萝卜 turnip 是大白萝卜 carrot 是葫萝卜

WWE 里的badista怎么了?退役了吗?


neko paradise全集


《Conquest Of Paradise 征服天堂》歌词的中文意思


Paradise Go!!Go!!的《Orion》 歌词

歌曲名:Orion歌手:Paradise Go!!Go!!专辑:Paradise Go!!Go!!ORiON「C79」 GARNiDELiA - OneLyrics & Music:tokuAdditional MusiciansGuitar:ダディブラ男Bass:セキタヒロシ见上げた夜空 苍く澄みきってふわり浮かぶ 月がこぼれそういくつか覚えた 冬の星座は独り占(じ)めより 君と见ていたい切ない気持ちは めぐる螺旋の中で瞬(まばた)きの一瞬で恋した遥か远くの星座撃ち落せ 仆の愿い叶うその场所から希望という名のロケットにのり どこか远い星へと向かう遥か昔の神话宇宙(そら)を飞べ 君に思い届くその场所まであのORiON(ほし)までまだ届かない…二人で数(かぞ)えた 冬の星座はまだずっと远い 君を思い出す爱しい気持ちは 缀(つづ)るページの中で永远の一秒で恋した遥か远くの星座撃ち落せ 仆の愿い叶うその场所から希望という名のロケットにのり どこか远い星へと向かう遥か昔の神话宇宙(そら)を飞べ 君に思い届くその场所まであのORiON(ほし)までまだ届かない…窓の外に映る星たちの星図重ねた絵まだ君も知らない世界へ 手をつないでつれていって遥か远くの星座撃ち落せ 仆の愿い叶うその场所から希望という名のロケットにのり どこか远い星へと向かう遥か昔の神话宇宙(そら)を飞べ 君に思い届くその场所まであのORiON(ほし)までまだ届かない…

paradise 歌词

Paradise when she was just a girlshe expected the worldbut it flew away from her reachso she ran away in her sleepdreamed of paradise every time she closed her eyes when she was just a girl she expected the world but it flew away from her reachand the bullets catching the tees life goes on it gets so heavythe wheel breaks the butterflyevery tear a waterfallin a night a stormy night she closed her eyesin a night a stormy night away she fliesdream of paradise so lying underneath the stormy skiesshe said i know the sun"s set to riseit"s gonna be paradise当她只是个小女孩她憧憬这世界但一切都背离了她的想象所以她在睡梦中逃避每一次她闭上眼睛就会梦见美丽的天堂当她只是个小女孩她憧憬这世界但一切都背离了她的想象子弹击中目标生活沉重地过车轮碾碎了蝴蝶眼泪成河在一个暴风雨的夜里她闭上了她的眼在这个暴风雨的夜里她飞得很高很远躺在狂风骤雨的天空下她说她知道当明天太阳升起的时候一定会是天堂


白萝卜英文radish1. Introduction to RadishRadish, also known as Daikon in Japan, is a popular root vegetable that belongs to the Brassicaceae family. It has a crisp and slightly sweet flavor, and comes in a variety of shapes and colors including white, red, and black.2. Nutritional Value of RadishRadish is a low-calorie vegetable that is rich in fiber, vitamin C, folate, and potassium. It is also a good source of antioxidants, which help protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Consuming radish can help boost the immune system, improve digestion, and promote healthy skin.3. Culinary Uses of RadishRadish can be eaten raw or cooked, and is a popular ingredient in many cuisines around the world. In Asia, it is often pickled or grated and used as a condiment. In Europe, it is commonly used in salads and soups. In the Americas, radish is often sliced and served with tacos or sandwiches. One popular culinary use is to use grated radish as a topping for sushi. The crisp texture and slightly sweet flavor of the radish complement the flavors of the sushi, making for a tasty combination.4. Health Benefits of RadishConsuming radish has been linked to a number of health benefits. It can help regulate blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, and promote healthy digestion. Radish is also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, and may help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.The high fiber content in radish can also help promote feelings of fullness, making it a great choice for those looking to lose weight.5. Growing RadishRadish is a relatively easy vegetable to grow, and can be cultivated in a variety of soil types. It is typically grown in the spring or fall, and takes around 30 to 60 days to mature. To grow radish, the seeds should be sown directly into the soil about half an inch deep. The soil should be kept moist, but not too wet. Radish grows best when it receives plenty of sunlight, and should be fertilized regularly for best results.6. ConclusionIn conclusion, radish is a nutritious and versatile vegetable that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. It is easy to grow and offers a number of health benefits, making it a great addition to any diet. Whether you choose to eat it raw or cooked, radish is sure to add delicious flavor and texture to your meals.




《Stranded In Paradise》(Jennifer Cole)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:w9oi书名:Stranded In Paradise作者:Jennifer Cole出版社:Lyrical Press, Incorporated出版年份:2008

tropical paradise是什么意思

tropical paradise “热带天堂”的意思。[网络短语]Tropical Paradise 热带天堂,热带天堂专辑,热带乐园Tropical Island Paradise 热带岛屿天堂Forever Tropical Paradise 美丽三亚,浪漫天涯


tropical paradise热带天堂; 热带乐园双语例句1It is another tropical paradise in the Pacific Ocean. 它是太平洋中的又一个赤热带天堂。2I want to be on a tropical paradise being served pina coladas all day long. 我要到一个热带乐园,整天喝冰镇果汁朗姆酒。

paradise lost - hollywood undead 求中文歌词。


almost paradise 的中英文歌词!

I Thought That Dreams Belonged To Other MenCause Each Time I Got CloseThey"d Fall Apart AgainI Feared My Heart Would Beat In SecrecyI Faced The Nights AloneOh, How Could I Have KnownThat All My Life I Only Needed YouWhoa-OhAlmost ParadiseWe"re Knocking On Heaven"s DoorAlmost ParadiseHow Could We Ask For More?I Swear That I Can See Forever In Your EyesParadiseYeah, It"s ParadiseIt Seems Like Perfect Love"s So Hard To FindI"d Almost Given UpYou Must"ve Read My MindAnd All These Dreams I Saved For A Rainy DayThey"re Finally Comin" TrueYou Know I"ll Share Them All With YouCause Now We Hold The Future In Our HandsWhoa-OhAlmost ParadiseWe"re Knocking On Heaven"s DoorAlmost ParadiseHow Could We Ask For More?I Swear That I Can See Forever In Your EyesParadiseIt"s ParadiseAnd In Your Arms Salvation"s Not So Far AwayWe"re Getting Closer, Closer Every DayAlmost ParadiseWe"re Knocking On Heaven"s DoorAlmost ParadiseHow Could We Ask For More?I Swear That I Can See Forever In Your EyesParadiseIt"s ParadiseParadiseIt"s ParadiseParadise我认为属于其他人的梦想因为每次我亲近他们会再次分崩离析我怕我的心会打在秘密我独自面对夜哦,我怎么会知道所有我的生活,我只需要你哇哦几乎天堂我们敲开天堂之门几乎天堂我们怎么能要求更多吗?我发誓,我永远在你的眼睛可以看到天堂是啊,这是天堂它似乎是完美的爱情是如此难以寻找我几乎放弃了你一定读我的心灵而所有这些梦想,我保存,以备不时之需他们最后今儿真你知道我会与您分享他们因为现在我们保持未来在我们手中哇哦几乎天堂我们敲开天堂之门几乎天堂我们怎么能要求更多吗?我发誓,我永远在你的眼睛可以看到天堂这是天堂在你的怀抱救国不是那么远我们越来越近,接近每一天几乎天堂我们敲开天堂之门几乎天堂我们怎么能要求更多吗?我发誓,我永远在你的眼睛可以看到天堂这是天堂天堂这是天堂天堂中英文都有。。      望采纳!——买iPhone5S


《Paradise Lost》(John Milton)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码: 1gcp书名:Paradise Lost作者:John Milton豆瓣评分:9.6出版社:W. W. Norton & Company出版年份:2004-12-15页数:624内容简介:This Norton Critical Edition is designed to make Paradise Lost accessible for student readers, providing invaluable contextual and biographical information and the tools students need to think critically about this landmark epic. Gordon Teskey"s freshly edited text of Milton"s masterpiece is accompanied by a new introduction and substantial explanatory annotations. Spelling and punctuation have been modernized, the latter, importantly, within the limits imposed by Milton"s syntax. "Sources and Backgrounds" collects relevant passages from the Bible and Milton"s prose writings, including selections from The Reason of Church Government and the full text of Areopagitica. "Criticism" brings together classic interpretations by Andrew Marvell, John Dryden, Victor Hugo, and T. S. Eliot, among others, and the most important recent criticism and scholarship surrounding the epic, including essays by Northrop Frye, Barbara Lewalski, Christopher Ricks, and Helen Vendler. A Glossary and Selected Bibliography are also included. About the Series : No other series of classic texts equals the caliber of the Norton Critical Editions . Each volume combines the most authoritative text available with the comprehensive pedagogical apparatus necessary to appreciate the work fully. Careful editing, first-rate translation, and thorough explanatory annotations allow each text to meet the highest literary standards while remaining accessible to students. Each edition is printed on acid-free paper and every text in the series remains in print. Norton Critical Editions are the choice for excellence in scholarship for students at more than 2,000 universities worldwide.作者简介:Gordon Teskey is Professor of English at Harvard University. He is the author of Delirious Milton: The Poet in the Modern World and Allegory and Violence, and co-editor of Unfolded Tales: Essays on Renaissance Romance.


《Paradise Lost》(John Milton)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: u5jg书名:Paradise Lost作者:John Milton豆瓣评分:9.6出版社:W. W. Norton & Company出版年份:2004-12-15页数:624内容简介:This Norton Critical Edition is designed to make Paradise Lost accessible for student readers, providing invaluable contextual and biographical information and the tools students need to think critically about this landmark epic. Gordon Teskey"s freshly edited text of Milton"s masterpiece is accompanied by a new introduction and substantial explanatory annotations. Spelling and punctuation have been modernized, the latter, importantly, within the limits imposed by Milton"s syntax. "Sources and Backgrounds" collects relevant passages from the Bible and Milton"s prose writings, including selections from The Reason of Church Government and the full text of Areopagitica. "Criticism" brings together classic interpretations by Andrew Marvell, John Dryden, Victor Hugo, and T. S. Eliot, among others, and the most important recent criticism and scholarship surrounding the epic, including essays by Northrop Frye, Barbara Lewalski, Christopher Ricks, and Helen Vendler. A Glossary and Selected Bibliography are also included. About the Series : No other series of classic texts equals the caliber of the Norton Critical Editions . Each volume combines the most authoritative text available with the comprehensive pedagogical apparatus necessary to appreciate the work fully. Careful editing, first-rate translation, and thorough explanatory annotations allow each text to meet the highest literary standards while remaining accessible to students. Each edition is printed on acid-free paper and every text in the series remains in print. Norton Critical Editions are the choice for excellence in scholarship for students at more than 2,000 universities worldwide.作者简介:Gordon Teskey is Professor of English at Harvard University. He is the author of Delirious Milton: The Poet in the Modern World and Allegory and Violence, and co-editor of Unfolded Tales: Essays on Renaissance Romance.


《Paradise Lost》(John Milton)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 0851书名:Paradise Lost作者:John Milton豆瓣评分:9.6出版社:W. W. Norton & Company出版年份:2004-12-15页数:624内容简介:This Norton Critical Edition is designed to make Paradise Lost accessible for student readers, providing invaluable contextual and biographical information and the tools students need to think critically about this landmark epic. Gordon Teskey"s freshly edited text of Milton"s masterpiece is accompanied by a new introduction and substantial explanatory annotations. Spelling and punctuation have been modernized, the latter, importantly, within the limits imposed by Milton"s syntax. "Sources and Backgrounds" collects relevant passages from the Bible and Milton"s prose writings, including selections from The Reason of Church Government and the full text of Areopagitica. "Criticism" brings together classic interpretations by Andrew Marvell, John Dryden, Victor Hugo, and T. S. Eliot, among others, and the most important recent criticism and scholarship surrounding the epic, including essays by Northrop Frye, Barbara Lewalski, Christopher Ricks, and Helen Vendler. A Glossary and Selected Bibliography are also included. About the Series : No other series of classic texts equals the caliber of the Norton Critical Editions . Each volume combines the most authoritative text available with the comprehensive pedagogical apparatus necessary to appreciate the work fully. Careful editing, first-rate translation, and thorough explanatory annotations allow each text to meet the highest literary standards while remaining accessible to students. Each edition is printed on acid-free paper and every text in the series remains in print. Norton Critical Editions are the choice for excellence in scholarship for students at more than 2,000 universities worldwide.作者简介:Gordon Teskey is Professor of English at Harvard University. He is the author of Delirious Milton: The Poet in the Modern World and Allegory and Violence, and co-editor of Unfolded Tales: Essays on Renaissance Romance.

sadism and masochism是什么意思

sadism and masochism虐待狂与受虐狂双语例句1Psychoanalysts tend to regard both sadism and masochism as arising from childhood deprivation.精神分析学家往往认为施虐狂和受虐狂都是由于儿时缺乏关爱造成的。2Analyses show that it is sadism and masochism in Jack London that result in his final self-destruction.分析结果表明正是伦敦身上存在的施虐狂倾向及受虐狂倾向导致了他最终的自毁。

sadism and masochism是什么意思

sadism and masochism 施虐-受虐狂,西方称之为sadomasochism(简称sm虐恋),统指与施虐、受虐相关的意识与行为.它的简写SM.虐恋现象最早发现于17世纪末,首先出现在文学活动和一些商业性虐待服务中.


sadism n.[心] 虐待狂, 病态的残忍masochism n.[心]性受虐狂, 受虐色情狂, 受虐狂就是传说中的SM晕,忘了匿了。。






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《Paradise》歌手: misha所属专辑:《Paradise》发行时间:2008年歌词:Tell me your secrets, show me your feelings I wonder, Is it love, is it love, is it love? When we"re together, closer to heaven It feels like, paradise, paradise, paradise, Paradise surrounds me When I look for a paradise Now I can find it in your arms Every time when you hold me It seems like forever When you look at me with those eyes In my heart fly butterflies Every time we"re together, it seems like forever Yeah, seems like forever, seems like forever, yeah Second by second, feelings grow and make me Surrender, surrender In your arms I can be so alive, When I remember, your voice so tender It feels like, paradise, paradise, paradise, Paradise surrounds me When I look for a paradise Now I can find it in your arms Every time when you hold me It seems like forever When you look at me with those eyes In my heart fly butterflies Every time we"re together, it seems like forever Yeah, seems like forever, seems like forever, yeah When I look for a paradise Now I can find it in your arms Every time when you hold me It seems like forever When you look at me with those eyes In my heart fly butterflies Every time we"re together, it seems like forever Yeah, seems like forever, seems like forever, yeah

歌名Paradise 歌手misha 求歌词


Sade的《Paradise》 歌词

歌曲名:Paradise歌手:Sade专辑:The Best Of SadeParadiseSadeI"d wash the sand off the shoreGive you the world if it was mineBlow you right to my doormmm Feels fineFeels likeYou"re mineFeels rightSo fineI"m yoursYou"re mineLike paradiseI"d give you the world if it was minemmm Feels fineFeels likeYou"re mineI"m yoursso fineLike paradiseI"d wash the sand off the shoreGive you the world if it was mineBlow you right to my doorMmm Feels fineFeels likeYou"re mineFeels rightSo fineI"m yoursYou"re mineLike paradiseOooh what a lifeOooh what a lifeOooh what a lifeOooh what a life

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范吉利斯在录音上尽致完美,你甚至可以用它来测试你的音响系统和房间的声学特性,你可以听到飘逸在房间的各种乐器所描绘出的音场,“房间有多大,音场就应该有多大”。范吉利斯(Vangelis)是一位伟大的音乐家,集创作,演奏和音乐制作于一身,一个真正的全才。被人们称为现代的瓦格纳(Richard Wagner)。他的许多史诗般的电子音乐作品和电影配乐深得乐迷们的钟爱。范吉利斯开创了电子音乐与电影配乐的崭新前景,奠定了所谓未来太空音乐的发展。无师自通的音乐天才 范吉利斯(Vangelis) ,本名Evangelos Odyssey Papathanassiou,1943年3月29日出生于希腊。几乎没有受过任何音乐教育的他,在4岁时便能演奏钢琴,6岁举行个人作品发表会,可谓真正的音乐天才。无论如何,只要谈起电子音乐,都不能不提范吉利斯。这位才艺卓越的键盘器乐手,是近30年来影响力最广泛的电子合成器专家。范吉利斯年轻时期接受摇滚音乐洗礼,学生时期自组的乐团「Forminx」不仅是1960年代希腊最受欢迎的音乐团体,范吉利斯更是将近代流行音乐带进希腊的第一人。而为了寻找更宽广的音乐空间,25岁的范吉利斯前往巴黎发展,他自组的「爱神之子合唱团」(Aphrodite"s Child)红遍整个欧洲,也成功开发了前卫摇滚乐的新方向。1970年代的范吉利斯全心投入电子音乐创作,并转往伦敦为电影制作配乐,开启他辉煌的电影配乐时代,其中包括1981年荣获奥斯卡金像奖最佳配乐的「火战车」、1982年的「银翼杀手」、1983年的「南极物语」、1992年的「1492征服天堂」等重要作品,范吉利斯开创了电子音乐与电影配乐的崭新前景,奠定了所谓未来太空音乐的发展,可谓居功厥伟。也许正是因为范吉利斯的无师自通,他的音乐具有独特的无法复制性,他以键盘音乐为基础,巧妙融合古典、流行、电子、new age 等音乐元素,发展出绵密的管弦乐法以及崭新的电子音乐语法,而他身兼作曲、编曲、制作的能力,更完整地呈现他的音乐理念,从早期古典乐器到后来的新电子音乐,在范吉利斯手中诞生出崭新的表现方式,成为一种未来感十足的新音乐。范吉利斯的成就,不仅反应在全球的唱片销售数字以及无数的得奖纪录,国际天文联盟更决定将新发现的「6354号星云」正式定名为「Vangelis」,藉以向这位音乐大师致敬。

CNBLUE Paradise歌词

~~~~~望采纳哦~~~~ Paradise - CNBLUE How fast time fliesYesterday was the time of livesSometimes we remember it as loveSometimes we got hurt but the sun will riseAll steps I take feel lostSometimes I stray off trackI would lose something precious sometimesBut who would even know about that?Sometimes some people pretendThey don"t care at allBut sometimes I know you worryThe sun will shine all the timeTake my handI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseIt"s time to heal, it"s just for youYou just count on me tonightCause Love is amazingI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseIt"s time to heal, it"s just for youLet “love” be your guide tonight, tonightCause Love is amazingAs time passesI used to say, it gets so hardIt is not about how fast it goesIt is about the time we sharedYou will know you are so goodI"ll make you see itWe"ll have a party tonightEvery time you close your eyesRemember thisI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseIt"s time to heal, it"s just for youYou just count on me tonightCause Love is amazingI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseIt"s time to heal, it"s just for youLet “love” be your guide tonight, tonightCause Love is amazingI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseHealing for you, it"s just for youNo worry no care tonightCause Love is amazingI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseWish nothing but the best for youIt"s always singing for you, for youCause Love is amazing

This Side Of Paradise 歌词

歌曲名:This Side Of Paradise歌手:Bryan Adams专辑:Room ServiceThis Side Of ParadiseBryan adamasI′m ridin′ in the back seat - nine years oldStarin′ out the window countin′ the highway polesAnd then I get to thinkin′ - that it don′t seem realI′m flyin′ through the universe in a ′69 oldsmobileAnd I wanna know what they′re not tellin′And I don′t wanna hear no liesI just want something to believe inAh - it′s a lonely lonely road I′m onThis side of paradiseI′m ridin′ in the back seat - black limousineStarin′ out the window at a funeral sceneAnd then I get to thinkin′ - and it don′t seem rightI′m sittin′ here safe and sound and someone I love is gone tonightI wanna know what they′re not tellin′And I don′t wanna hear no liesI just want something to believe inAh - it′s a lonely, lonely road we′re onThis side of paradiseThere ain′t no crystal ballthere ain′t no santa clausThere ain′t no fairy talesThere ain′t no streets of goldThere ain′t no chosen fewya it′s just me and youAnd that′s all we got ya...that′s all we got to hold on toYa this side of paradiseI remember bein′ a little boy in the backseatnine years oldAlways askin′ questions - never did what I was toldAnd then I get to thinkin′ like I always doWe wander ′round in the darkness but every now and thenA little light shines throughI want to know what they′re not tellingI don′t wanna hear no liesI just want something to believe inAhit′s a lonely lonely road we′re onThis side of paradise

natural的《paradise》 歌词

歌曲名:paradise歌手:natural专辑:keep it naturalI live the long lifeTo get to where I am right hereI walk the long roadWith just the wind in my hairAll I have is my smileI began to lose trackI walked on for milesAnd I never looked backI抦 not the kind of guy To get left out in the cold(left out in the cold)Walked on forever And I抣l never grow oldDon抰 wanna live the real lifeWorking nine to fiveFind a piece of paradiseFinally feel aliveI live my life to the fullestI have no regretsI抎 have to stack the deckTo win all my bestI feel a fire burningDeep inside my soul(deep inside my soul)I hold onto my destinyAnd I抣l never let it goCuz I live my own lifeFound what I set out toAnd I抣l never look back Because I found paradiseDevote my whole life toNever giving up againFollow your heart, your mind, your soulHold onto your dreamsAnd never let them goI count the minutesTil I can run awayA little love and affectionIf you can feel the same wayPut your arms around meAnd I抣l show you the wayWanna change your destinyRe-write ancient historyI feel a fire burningDeep inside my soul(deep inside my soul)I hold onto my destinyAnd I抣l never let it goCuz I live my own lifeFound what I set out toAnd I抣l never look back Because I found paradiseDevote my whole life toNever giving up againFollow your heart, your mind, your soulHold onto your dreamsAnd never let them goBut I knowI抳e been searching forThat place to call my ownAll of my lifeIt抯 been in my soulNow I know (know know)Cuz I live my own lifeFound what I set out toAnd I抣l never look back (and I抣l never look back)Because I found paradiseDevote my whole life toNever giving up againI found paradise(I found what I set out to)Found what I set out to(forever and ever and ever)And I抣l never look back againI found paradiseDevote my whole life toNever giving up again(never giving up again)I live my own lifeFound what I set out toAnd I抣l never look back becauseI found paradiseDevote my whole life to Never giving up again

请问下谁那有pull the radish英文完整故事?故事的第一句应该是on a summer day...

Pull the RadishBobby(radish): On a summer day, a grandpa plants a radish.Javis(grandpa):Plant a radish, radish, radish, grows sweet, grows big.Bobby(radish): The radish grows and grows, bigger and bigger.Javis(grandpa):A very big radish, I want to pull it. Hi-yo! Hi-yo! I can"t pull it out. Grandma, grandma, help me, help me!Jane(grandma):Yes, I"m coming. Let"s pull it together. 1 2 3 go! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! We can"t pull it out. Little boy, little boy, help me, help me!Stone(boy): Yes, I"m coming. Let"s pull it together. 1 2 3 go! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! We can"t pull it out. Little girl, little girl, help me, help me!Cathy(girl): Yes, I"m coming. Let"s pull it together. 1 2 3 go! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! We can"t pull it out. Little mouse, little mouse, help me, help me!Leo (dog):Sister (cat):Jerry (duck):Buda(mouse): Yes, I"m coming. Let"s pull it together. 1 2 3 go! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! Hi-yo!Bobby(radish): Peng!!!!全体: Ai-yo! A very big radish! Oh, yeah! Song: pull the radish!





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茅原实里 paradise lost日文。中文。罗马音

訳名:失楽园 作词:畑亜贵 作曲/编曲:菊田大介 演唱:茅原実里 圣なる瞳が痛みを映したら(当圣洁的眼眸 映出伤痛之际) sennaru hitomi ga itami wo utsushitara 振り向いてごらん?(何不回首再看一眼?) furimuite goran情热放つTrick(看看热情如何绽放)jyounetsu hanatsu Trick崩れる足元 二人は戾れない(脚下即将崩塌 我们无法回头)kuzureru ashimoto futari wa modorenai差(さ)し伸(の)べた手(て)をほどかないで(请别松开你伸出的手)sashinobetate wo hodokanaide★消えるよまた 优しい日々が(脚下即将崩塌 我们无法回头) kieruyo mata yasashii hibi ga思い出を汚すのは许せない(绝不能原谅连回忆都被玷污) omoide wo kegasu nowa yurusenai ここは裏切りの楽园(ティル.ナ.ノーグ))(注:Tir na n-og)(这里是背叛的乐园) koko wa uragiri no teiruna nouguさ迷う心の涯に(我的心立于迷茫地尽头) samayou kokoro no heteni光を求めて 祈る言叶届けあなたに(愿你能听见我追求光芒的祈愿)hikari wo motomete inoru kotoba todoke anata ni 囚われの羽が(被囚禁已久的羽翼) toraware no hane ga遥かな空へと向かう(即将向遥远的天空启程) harukana sora heto mukau信じたいよ 私たち孤独じゃない★(我愿相信 我们并非孤独一人) shinjitaiyo watashitachi kodoku jyanai分かり合う 求め合う(相互分享 相互索求) wakariau motomeau绊の中(在这羁绊之中) kitsuna no naka离さない 离れない(不愿放手 放不了手) hanasanai hanarenai始まるDestiny(即将开启的命运) hajimaru Destiny新たな愿いに 锁ほどける时(当崭新的心愿 解开枷锁之际) aratana negai ni kusari hodokeru toki休ませてくれる(可否让我休息片刻) yasumasetekureru深い眠りに(在深深的沉眠之中) fukai nemuri ni仅かな希望が 私を强くする(一丝的希望 也让我更加坚强) wazukana kibou ga watashi wo tsuyokusuruぬくもりに触れてみたいから(因为我如此渴望温暖) nukumori ni furetemitaikara 苏れば 儚きのち(再度苏醒之时 便有缥缈生命) yomigaereba hakanakinochi缲り返す爱しさが导いた(是轮回的爱恋在给予我指引) kurikaesu itoshisa ga michibiita胸に泡沫の调(しら)べ(即使胸中旋律如此短暂) mune ni utakata no shirabe流れる世界の终わり(即便世界即将走向终结) nagareru sekai no owari 谛めはしない 今が繋ぐ明日探そう(也不放弃寻觅此刻萦系的明天) akirame wa shinai ima ga tsunagu ashita sagasouちぎれ舞う羽は(即使纷飞四散的羽翼)chigiremau hane wa 未来の空にも向かう(也要像未来的天空启程)mirai no sora nimo mukau忘れないで 私たちひとつの水晶(クリスタル)(请别忘记 我们是同一颗水晶) wasurenaide watashitachi hitotsuno kurisutaru辉いて 眩しくて(光辉灿烂 光芒耀眼) kagayaite mabushikute割れないのよ(永远无法分割) warenainoyo 离さない 离れない(不愿放手 放不了手) hanasanai hanarenai誓いのDestiny(我们誓言的命运) chikai no DestinyLost the paradise.Ah ★Reapeat 分かり合う 求め合う(相互分享 相互索求) wakariau motomeau绊の中(在这羁绊之中) kitsuna no naka离さない 离れない(不愿放手 放不了手) hanasanai hanarenai见つめてParadise Lost(凝望那失乐园) mitsumete Paradise Lost十分好的一首歌~我也很喜欢~都给你打出罗马音了~~

弥尔顿paradise lost的节选中文翻译.,失乐园的全部翻译,惊喜吧,你只要注册一下,也就几秒钟,找一下第几张第几节就好啦

谁读过Paradise Lost?

这么多题有点可怕,分太少了,还是不回答了...Paradise Lost 就是弥尔顿的《失乐园》,主要讲得就是撒旦原本是上帝创造的最美的天使,但是堕落了,率领一些有反抗之心的天使攻打天堂,但是攻击失败了,至此就作为蛊惑人心的魔鬼,呆在黑暗的地底。上帝造出亚当和夏娃,让他们生活在伊甸园里,一直很幸福。上帝告诉他们乐园里只有两棵树上的果实是不能吃的,吃了就会中毒而死。但是撒旦化身成蛇,用言语迷惑了夏娃,让她吃下了智慧树的果子,并拿了一颗给亚当也吃下了。吃了果实后两人的眼睛被打开了,拥有了和上帝一样的智慧,看到自己赤身裸体,觉得羞耻。当上帝某日在园中散步时,两人因为害羞所以藏身于树丛中,上帝询问过两人后发现他们吃了禁果,大为生气,决定将两人驱逐出伊甸园,并承担惩罚:夏娃会受到生孩子的痛楚,亚当需要辛苦劳作养活家人,子孙也一直如此。于是两人被天使送到人间,告别了无忧无虑的生活。这就是著名的失乐园的故事,从中衍生出“原罪”的概念。好像就这么多吧,是比较小的时候看的(中文),上个学期学圣经课的时候教授也提起过,但是没详细讲,记得不是太清楚了。你那里的题目还有要求分析第一句的结构意思的,还有很多是关于个人观点的,比如说你是否认为撒旦的行为是英雄主义的,为什么撒旦选择蛊惑夏娃而不是亚当,这些问题还是靠你自己来写吧。

形容一下王若琳是怎样的嗓音?她的Lost in paradise是怎样的曲风?

浑厚、是有灵魂的声音。大部分把她的风格归入蓝调 但王若琳本人并不喜欢这样讲 按照她的原话说是自己并不喜欢蓝调 只是想唱出自己想唱的。

弥尔顿paradise lost的节选中文翻译.,失乐园的全部翻译,惊喜吧,你只要注册一下,也就几秒钟,找一下第几张第几节就好啦

return to paradise 讲的是什么故事 能帮忙概括一下吗

  重返爱天堂 Return to Paradise  生活是一条河,在静静的流淌中,总会遇到阻碍前进的石块,这时除了蜿蜒前进,难道还有来路可退吗?曾经的海誓山盟都已淡漠,两人牵手真的已走到尽头?也许只有放下心中包袱,才能重返爱的天堂。  Lisa stood facing the Caribbean Sea, feeling the faint breeze against her face; her eyes were shut and she felt the white sand warm between her bare toes. The place was beautiful beyond belief, but it was still unable to ease the grief she felt as she remembered the last time she had been here.  莉萨伫立在加勒比海边,面向着大海,感受微风轻拂脸颊--她闭上双眼,裸露的脚趾间拥满了温暖的沙粒。这个地方美得简直令人难以置信,但回忆起上次在这的情景时,此般美景依然无法抚慰心中的伤痛。  She had married James right here on this spot three years ago to the day. Dressed in a simple white 1)shift dress, 2)miniature white roses attempting to 3)tame her long dark curls, Lisa had been happier than she had ever thought possible. James was even less formal, yet utterly irresistible in 4)creased summer trousers and a loose white cotton shirt. His dark hair was slightly ruffled and his eyes were full of adoration as he looked at his bride to be. The [1] justice of the peace had read their vows as they held hands and laughed at the sheer joy of being young, in love and staying in a five star resort on the Caribbean island of the Dominican Republic. They had seen the years blissfully stretching ahead of them, together forever. They planned their children, two she said; he said four so they compromised on three (two girls and a boy of course); where they would live, the travelling they would do together-it was all certain, or so they had thought then.  三年前的今天,莉萨就是在这里和詹姆斯结婚的。她身着简洁的白色长礼裙,小小的白玫瑰服贴、点缀着她又黑又长的卷发,如此的幸福感是她从未企及的。詹姆斯的装扮更休闲,一条带摺的清凉夏裤和一件宽松的白色棉质衬衫,配上一头稍稍凌乱的黑发,然而他看上去依然是魅力不可挡,当他凝视着自己的准新娘时,眼神里写满了爱意。他们手牵手,聆听太平绅士宣读他们的誓言。他们为年轻而欢呼,为爱情而雀跃,为身处多米尼加共和国加勒比岛屿的五星级胜地而陶醉。他们似乎看到未来的幸福之路在眼前展开,直至相携到老。他们商量着生孩子的事,她说要两个,他却想要四个,最终各退一步,决定生三个(当然是两女一男)。他们计划着安居的地方,计划着一起旅游--所有事情都显得顺理成章,或者大约他们当时便想到这些。  But that seemed such a long time ago now. A lot can change in just a few years-a lot of heartache can change a person and drive a 5)wedge through the strongest ties, break even the deepest love. Three years to the day and they had returned, though this time not for the beachside marriages the island was famous for, but for one of its equally popular 6)quickie divorces.  然而这一切似乎是许久以前的事了,短短几年时间就可能发生许多变故。太多的伤痛可以改变一个人,可以破坏最牢固的关系,甚至可以摧毁最刻骨的爱情。三年后的今天,他们又回到了这个岛上,但并非因为此地闻名的海滨婚礼,而是因为此地同样闻名的闪电离婚。  Lisa let out a sigh that was filled with pain and regret. What could she do but move on, find a new life and new dreams?-the old one was beyond repair. How could this beautiful place, with its lush green coastline, eternity of 7)azure blue sea and endless sands be a place for the agony she felt now?  莉萨深深地叹了一口气,带出了心中的痛苦和悲伤。除了继续前行,寻找新生活和新梦想她还能做什么呢?--毕竟旧的已经无法弥补。这里有繁茂的绿色海岸线、无边的蔚蓝大海和绵延的沙滩,可是现在如此美丽的地方怎么就成了她心中无法隐忍的痛?  The man stood watching under the palm tree. He couldn"t take his eyes off the dark-haired woman he saw standing at the water"s edge, apparently gazing out to sea as though she was waiting for something-or someone. She was beautiful, with her slim figure dressed in a loose flowing cotton dress, her crazy hair and bright blue eyes not far off the colour of the sea itself. It wasn"t her looks that attracted him though; he came across many beautiful women through his work as a 8)freelance photographer. It was her loneliness and intensity that lured him. Even at some distance he was aware that she was different from any other woman he could ever meet.  一个男子站在棕榈树下,目不转睛地注视着这位黑发女子:她伫立在水边,凝望着大海,显然像是在等待什么--或是某人。她很美,身段修长,一袭宽松的棉质裙与头发在风中起舞,那双明亮的蓝眼睛,美得简直可以与大海的颜色相媲美。然而吸引他的并非她的容貌,作为一名自由摄影师,因为工作上的关系,他见过的美女无数。吸引他的是她的落寞和深情。尽管隔着一些距离,但是他仍能感觉到她是不同于他所见过的任何其他女性的。  Lisa sensed the man approaching even before she turned around. She had been aware of him standing there staring at her and had felt strangely calm about being observed. She looked at him and felt the instant spark of connection she had only experienced once before. He walked slowly towards her and they held each other"s gaze. It felt like meeting a long lost friend-not a stranger on a strange beach.  未曾转身,莉萨便察觉到了男人在靠近。她早已发觉他站在远处盯凝着她,奇怪的是,她并没有因为被注视而感到不自在。她看着他,瞬间闪过一丝心灵相通的火花,这样的碰撞以前只有过一次。他慢慢地向她走近,两人的目光胶着了。他们就像见到一个失去联络很久的朋友--而不是在陌生的地方遇见一个陌生人。  Later, sitting at one of the many bars on the resort, sipping the local cocktails they began to talk. First 9)pleasantries-their hotels, the quality of the food and friendliness of the locals. (1)Their conversation was strangely hesitant considering the naturalness and confidence of their earlier meeting. (2)Onlookers, however, would have detected the subtle flirtation as they mirrored each other"s actions and looked directly into each other"s eyes. Only later, after the alcohol had had its loosening effect, did the conversation deepen. They talked of why they were here and finally, 10)against her better judgment, Lisa opened up about her heartache of the past year and how events had led her back to the place where she had married the only man she believed she could ever love. She told him of things that had been locked deep inside her, that she had so far been able to tell no one. She told him how she had felt after she had lost her baby.  过了一会儿,他们在附近林立的酒吧里找了一间坐了下来。啜饮着当地的鸡尾酒,开始交谈。最初是谈论一些有趣的事--聊他们住的酒店,食物的品质以及当地人的友好热情。然而再深入下去时,相比之前见面的自然和从容,他们的谈话便莫名地犹豫不前了。尽管如此,从他们端详对方的举止和直视对方眼睛的神态中,旁观者还是能洞悉到些许微妙的暧昧。直到酒精逐渐发挥了让人放松的效力,谈话才继续深入下去。他们谈论着来此地的原因,最后,虽然明知不太适宜,莉萨仍将她去年所经历的痛苦尽数道出,以及是什么事情让她又回到了这里--在这儿,她嫁给了一个曾以为会深爱一生的男人。她将一直锁在心底、至今仍无法向他人启齿的话倾吐了出来,并向他倾诉失去宝宝后悲痛的心情  She was six months pregnant and the happiest she had ever been when the pains had started. She was staying with her mother as James was working out of town. He hadn"t made it back in time. The doctor had said it was just one of those things and that they could try again. But how could she when she couldn"t even look James in the eye? She hated him then, for not being there, for not hurting as much as her; but most of all she hated him for looking so much like the tiny baby boy that she held for just three hours before they took him away. All through the following months she had withdrawn from her husband, family, and friends-not wanting to recover from the pain she felt-that would have been a betrayal of her son. At the funeral she had refused to stand next to her husband and the next day she had left him.  那时她已怀孕六个月,还是世界上最幸福的人。直到事情发生的前一刻。当时她和母亲待在一起,詹姆斯在郊外工作,没能及时赶回来。医生说这是很平常的事情,他们还有机会。然而她无法做到,她连正视詹姆斯的眼睛都办不到。她恨他,恨他当时不在身边,恨他没有自己那么伤心,更恨他和仅仅在自己怀里躺了三个小时就被抱走的儿子如此相像。接下来的几个月,她远离了丈夫、家庭和朋友,不愿从伤痛中走出来--她觉得那样做是对儿子的背叛。在葬礼上,她拒绝站在丈夫旁边。第二天,她便离开了他。  (3)Looking up, Lisa could see her pain reflected in the man"s eyes. For the first time in months she didn"t feel alone, she felt the unbearable burden begin to lift from her- only a bit, but it was a start. She began to believe that maybe she had a future after all and maybe it could be with this man, with his kind 11)hazel eyes, wet with their shared tears.  抬起头,莉萨读出自己的伤痛映满了男人的双眼。几个月来,她第一次不再感到孤独,她感到压得她喘不过气来的担子开始减轻,尽管只有一点点,但起码这是个开始。她开始相信自己还是有未来的,也许是和眼前这个男人、也许是和他这双温柔的淡褐色眼睛--里面噙着他们共同的泪花。  They had come here to dissolve their marriage, but maybe there was hope. Lisa stood up and took James by the hand and led him away from the bar towards the beach where they had made their vows to each other three years ago. Tomorrow she would cancel the divorce; tonight they would work on renewing their promises.  他们来此本为结束他们的婚姻,但也许事情还有转机。她站起身,牵起詹姆斯的手,领着他走出酒吧,走向他们三年前互相许下诺言的沙滩。明天,她会取消离婚,今晚,他们将重续承诺

Is Satan in Paradise Lost a hero?Justify your ans

你好!Is Satan in Paradise Lost a hero?Justify your answer撒旦在天堂里失去了英雄吗?证明你的答案

Stranger In Paradise 歌词

歌曲名:Stranger In Paradise歌手:Isaac Hayes专辑:New HorizonStranger In Paradise-Engebert HumperdinkTake my handI"m a stranger in paradiseAll lost in a wonderlandA stranger in paradiseIf I stand starry-eyedThat"s the danger in paradiseFor mortals who stand beside an angel like youI saw your face ascendingOut of the common place and into the rareNow somewhere out in space I hang suspendedUntil I"m certainthat there"s a chance that you careWon"t you answer this fervent prayerOf a stranger in paradiseDon"t send me in dark despairFrom all that I hunger forSo open your angel"s armsTo this stranger in paradiseAnd tell her that he need beA stranger no more(------ Music ------)So open your angel"s armsTo this stranger in paradiseAnd tell her that he need beA stranger no more

Paradise Lost 歌词

歌曲名:Paradise Lost歌手:Max专辑:MoonlightParadise LostAcross the desert sands I watch a caravanAnd dream it could take me to youAs the east wind blowsI shiver to my bonesCos all I can think of is youI still feel you hereThe memories so clearSo don"t go forgetting my loveHow we learned to be freeHow we dreamed the same dreamNow nothing"s what it seemsParadise lost is a place without youIn the shadow of love there"s no room with a viewWalking alone on the sandWish you were here again...(I wish you were here again)I watch the sun go down and head back into townThe same way I used to with youUp and down these streetsThe music sounds so sweetBut it always reminds me of youI still feel you hereThe memories so clearSo don"t go forgetting my loveHow we learned to be freeHow we shared everythingUntil you come back to meParadise lost is a place without youIn the shadow of love there"s no room with a viewWalking alone on the sandWish you were here again...(do you remember)Do you rememberLaying here with meDo you remember...The way we used to be...Paradise lost is a place without youIn the shadow of love there"s no room with a viewWalking alone on the sandWish you were here again... againI wish you were here againAnd tell me babyDo you rememberDo you rememberDo you remember

Paradise Lost BookⅠ 英文赏析


Paradise Lost的乐队英文资料

John Milton, a poet and political commenter of the English Bourgeois Revolution, is the most sublime and most lonely figure in English literature, whose importance is acknowledged all over the world. He is the last rearguard of the Renaissance and the primary promoter of Enlightenment. The love of every form of human culture and the steadfast devotion to duty as the highest object in human life have shaped his entire career.Of all his great works, Paradise Lost is the most complicated and most profound one, which wins him endless honor. It is indeed the only generally recognized epic in English literature since Beowulf and a heroic poem in Renaissance style. It deals with revolt from God, with sin and fall, and with the possible salvation. It presents the author"s views in an allegoric religious form, and readers will easily discern its basic idea—exposure of the ways of Satan and justification of the ways of God to men. It is the reflection of the reactionary forces of Milton"s time and the passionate appeal for freedom.As the main character of Paradise Lost, Satan is definitely impressive and powerful, whose ambivalence catches all critics" eyes and leads to centuries" disputes. Those commenters can be classified into three groups. The first group mainly consists of revolutionists. They traditionally read this epic with strong political inclination, putting Satan at the place of protagonist and considering him a symbol of revolution, which must be influenced greatly by those western romantic poets such as William Blake and Percy B. Shelley (Fowler 45). They are generally called pro-Satanists.Short Comment on Satan in Paradise Lostsince Apollo"s divine word “to understand yourself”, the western literature has been always fulfilling such pursuit and being in continuous self-questioning. Like Puluomixius" rejection to divinity, 亚哈"s to nature, Satan"s fighting against God also ended up with failure. They are showing people with the limitation of mankind, reminding people o...“Paradise Lost” is Minton"s masterpiece .It is a long epic in 12 books,written in blank verse. The story were taken from the Old Testament: the creationof the earth and Adam and Eve, the fallen angels in hell plotting against God, Satan"s temptation of Eve, and the departure of Adam and Eve from Eden .Satan and his followers are banished from heaven and driven into hell, but even here in hell, mist flames and poisonous fumes, Satan and his adherents are not discouraged. The poem ,as we are told at the outset, was “to justify the ways of God to man”,ie toadvocate submission to the Almighty.The epic shows the writer"s misery after the Restoration, and his determination for revolution. The style of the epic is grand, which is the result of his life-long classical and biblical study.
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