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翻译:To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup,children from different countries and more than 60...


eastern countries 与 oriental countries 有什么区别?

eastern countries 东部国家oriental countries 东方国家

oecd countries是什么意思

oecd countries经济合作与发展组织国家 OECD国家例句:1.In the oecd countries men on average now live to 76 and women to 82. 现在经合组织国家的男性平均寿命为76岁,女性则是82岁。2.Meanwhile real incomes for average-wages earners fell in 15 oecd countries. 同时15个经合组织成员国的一般收入者得实际收入有所下降。

_____prohibited in many countries.


什么是triad countries


Do you know any rules of etiquette that are different in foreign countries?


in the united states,as in many other countries in the world the family....


in the united states( ) in many other countries in the world



country作为一个政治体(political entity),有明确的地理范围,是一个有一定自治的jurisdiction。country的定义并非统一,维基百科认为,country可以是有主权的(sovereign),也可以是没有主权的(non-sovereig

April lstis a day on which ,in some countries完形填空


高一轻巧夺冠英语有一篇完形April 1st is a day on which,in some countries

April 1st is a day on which原文阅读如下并翻译:April 1st is a day on which, in some countries, people try to play tricks (恶作剧) on others.If one succeeds in tricking somebody, one laughs and says, “April Fool.” And then the person who has been tricked usually laughs, too. One April 1st, a country bus was going along a winding road.When it slowed down and stopped, the driver anxiously turned the switches but nothing happened.Then he turned to the passengers with a worried look on his face and said, “This poor bus is getting old and it isn"t going as well as it used to.There"s one thing to do if we want to get home today.I shall count three, and on the word ‘three" I want you all to lean forward suddenly as hard as you can.That should get the bus started again, but if it doesn"t I am afraid there is nothing I can do.Now, all of you lean back as far as you can in your seats and get ready.” The passengers all obeyed and waited anxiously.Then the driver turned to his front and asked whether they were ready.The passengers hardly had enough breath to answer, “Yes.” “One! Two! Three!” counted the driver.The passengers all swung forward suddenly and the bus started up at a great speed. The passengers breathed more easily and began to smile with relief(宽慰).But their smiles turned to surprise and then delighted laughter when the driver merrily cried, “April Fool.”翻译附后4月1日是那一天,在一些国家,人们尝试别人玩把戏(恶作剧)。如果一个人成功地欺骗了他人,并笑着说,“愚人节快乐。”,然后那被欺骗的人也会大笑。四月一日,一辆乡村公共汽车沿着曲折的道路跑着。当它慢下来,该司机焦急地打开开关,但什么也没有作用。然后他转身向乘客担心看他的脸说,“这个可怜的老车。如果我们要回家,有一件事要做。我要数到三,并在单词“三”我要你们全部往前推。那样的话,公共汽车又可以发动了,但如果它不,我恐怕没什么我能做的。现在,你们所有都向后靠到你可以在你的座位上做好准备。”乘客们全都服从了,焦急地等待着,然后司机转过身来问他们是否准备好了,乘客们几乎没有足够的呼吸来回答,“是的。”“一!二!三!司机数了数,乘客们突然向前,公交车以巨大的速度发动了。乘客可以轻松地呼吸,并开始微笑 互相宽慰。但他们的微笑变成了惊讶,然后高兴的笑声就出来了,司机愉快地说,“愚人节快乐”。

求翻译In many countries there is a fixed charge for personal services.全文见下


eligible source countries是什么意思

eligible source country 英     美    合格货源国例句The pre-qualification is open to all applicants from eligible source countries as defined in the Word Bank"s Procurement Guidelines.世界银行《招标指南》规定范围内的所有国家的申请者均可参加资格预审。This tender is open to all pre-qualified tenderers from eligible source countries as defined under the "Guidelines for Procurement" of the world Bank.所有根据世行的“采购指导原则”具有资格的国家均可投标。Tendering is open to all tenderers from eligible source countries as defined under the "Guidelines for procurement" of the World Bank.所有依世界银行指导原则具有资格的国家,都可参加招标。1 This tender is open to all pre-qualified tenderers from eligible source countries as defined under the "Guidelines f`or Procurement" of the w`orld Bank.(二)本合同项下的一切货物、服务均应来自上述具有资格的国家。本合同项下的一切开支仅限于支付这样的货物和服务。

European countries是什么意思


什么是regional countries?

我觉得是指了一个大范围,然后在这个范围内的国家,称为了regionall conntries.像下面这个例子,新闻里用到regional countries,但是之前说了Gulf of Guinea,几内亚湾。就是指在几内亚湾一带的国家,都受到了piracy的打击。你可以理解成某个区域的几个国家,或者部分国家。Pirate attacks in the Gulf of Guinea costs regional countries $2 billion every year, Joseph Vincent Ntuda Ebode, professor at Yaounde-II University, said.Benin, a country in West Africa, has seen a huge drop in revenue because of such attacks, while Nigeria has lost nearly 7% of its oil earnings to piracy, Xinhua reported. Regional countries are being heavily affected by piracy and their inability to control their territorial waters threatens some states with political instability.

不同国家的家园 是 homes in different countries

原文的意思是要表达在不同国家的家园而如果写成你说的那样意思则是不同国家的房子意思表达的不准确~ 比较中国式英语

The competition attracted over 15 contestants _______(represent) 8 different countries.


Relations between the two countries have reached crisis point.


定语从句,有道题:"Can you name three countries( )Chinese is used as one of their languages.


大神们,求解答。In doing so,the two countries have__their remarkable cooperation over th

confined to lovers only, who will enjoy

English is used for business between different countries.为什么是between?


求翻译:At one time, people used to travel to foreign countries because they thought they


西方人所说的"Asian countries"是不是和中文语境中的“东亚国家”更相近?

可指东亚、东南亚国家,一部分中亚国家,也可指整个亚洲国家。the far east倒是接近中文东亚,但是又把俄国远东部分算进去了。

Asian Countries

1.China 中国 2.Japan日本 3.Malaysia马来西亚 4.India印度 5.Thailand泰国 6.The Philippines菲律宾 7.Indonesia印尼 8.South Korea韩国 9.North Korea韩国 10.Singapore新加坡 地 理 分 区 东亚 中国、蒙古、北韩、南韩、日本 东南亚 汶莱、柬埔寨、东帝汶、印尼、寮国、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、越南 南亚 孟加拉、不丹、印度、马尔代夫、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡 中亚 哈萨克 、吉尔吉斯 、塔吉克 、土库曼 、乌兹别克 西亚 *** 半岛 巴林、科威特、阿曼、卡塔尔、沙地 *** 、阿联酋、也门 西亚低地国 塞普路斯、伊拉克、以色列、约旦、黎巴嫩、巴勒斯坦、叙利亚 西亚山国 阿富汗、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜彊、格鲁吉亚、伊朗 、土耳其 北亚 西伯利亚地区(即俄罗斯东部) 你可以看看这个网址 : en. *** /wiki/Asia 这个网址有亚洲的国家英文名 。 参考: en. *** /wiki/Asia PLEASE 20个

China is one of ______ countries where wild tiger

选 C记住这一点,of后面跟名词同常表示一个范围,有范围就表示有所指的,那要用定冠词 the

Across the 16 European Union countries, across是什么意思

cross country =越野; cross the road = 过马路cross = 交叉,十字架.演变成:across = 横跨 (副词:adverb)Across the 16 European Union countries = 横跨16个欧洲联盟国家.

The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have ____ supplies of petroleum.

B efficient adj.有效率的,(直接)生效的,能干的D sufficent adj. 足够的,充足的;因此D更符合语境。翻译:欧盟国家曾经担心他们得不到足够的石油供应。

No other countries could join in 是否有问题


In countries other than their own most Americans.....请问这句话的than 在这里是什么意思?

这句话的意思是:在本国以外的国家,大多数美国人......句子中的“other than”是一个介词短语,意思是“除了......之外”than不单独使用。

英语主系结构 english speaking countries are the only destinations 为什么加the

表示强调的情况下only修饰的名词前面都加定冠词the 类似的还有very等 theonlything唯一的事情 theveryperson正是(那个)人

Countries tend to specialize in the production and export of those goods and services


commonwealth countries是什么意思




People all over the world celebrate the new year.Howeever,not all countries...........


Through the efforts of the countries concerned,the South China Sea can, by all means


Who knows how many countries there are on the earth

联合国目前有191个会员国。 截至2002年,世界上共有194个主权国家. 共有200多个国家和地区 世界七大洲中,除南极洲外,都有国家分布,目前共有290多个政区单位,其中独立国家169个,其余为尚未独立的地区。各大洲的国家分布是不均衡的,非洲的国家最多,达51个,其次是亚洲(39个),以下依次为欧洲(33个)、拉丁美洲(33个)、大洋洲(11个)和北美洲(2个)。200多个国家和地区中,面积在100万平方公里以上的有29个,人口超过5,000万的共有16个国家,其他还有很多独立的小国和部落跟地区! 不能具体跟多数据的原因,说不定哪天哪个种族哪个部落哪个地区就灭亡、消失、解散了呢? 巴勒斯坦和梵缔纲这样的国家就没有主权了. 参考资料: