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用qq的e mail怎么写










在概念上,TCP/IP的电子邮件系统也分为用户界面和文电传输两部分,但文电传输部分并未独立出来,形成一个类似于MOTIS中 MTA的概念。其中的原因在于TCP/IP自始至终坚持端到端的思想,它的电子邮件系统也不例外地采用端到端的传输方式,不存在邮件的存储转发问题,因此也就没有必要引入像MTA一样负责存储转发的机构了。 在端到端方式中,虽然初始主机要参与邮件传输的全过程,但由于TCP/IP下层协议的简洁性,其效率反而比存储转发来得高。 同MOTIS一样,TCP/IP电子邮件系统要解决的首要问题也是收方主机(叫作远地机)暂时不能访问(比如未开机、出故障、不能建立网络连接等)时,如何发送电子邮件的问题。在TCP/IP的术语中,这叫延迟传递(de1ayed delivery)。 电子邮件系统的优点是即便远地机不可访问,发送者也可以把文电发送出去。为此TCP/IP采用spooling缓冲技术,将用户收发文电与实际的文电传输区别开,这种划分实际是UA和MTA划分的原型。 用户发送邮件时,首先利用用户界面生成邮件,然后把它传给发送邮件spooling区,相当于文电从UA到MS。然后的整个发送过程用户都不必关心,等待关于发送结果的报告就可以了。负责发送邮件的客户(相当于MTA的发送部分)是一个后台进程,它一发现发送缓冲区有邮件待发,立刻将其取出,并把信宿机名映射成IP地址,然后请求与对方的服务器(相当于MTA的接收部分)建立TCP连接。如果连接成功,便发送邮件,对方服务器将接收到的邮件存放在接收邮件邮箱(相当于MS)中;发送完后,客户将相应邮件从发送缓冲区删除。假如连接不成功,客户记下发送时间。客户进程周期性地检查发送缓冲区,每当它发现未发邮件,或用户传来一个新邮件,客户立即着手发送。当发现某邮件很长时间(如有些系统将这个时间设置为3天)都发不出去,客户将它返回发送者。

数据库新建数据模式语句 CREATE SCHEMA (模式名)AUTHORIZATION(用户名) 其中的用户名指什么用户名

SCHEMA 这个东西 你最好去查查看 你必须把你的用户移到SCHEMA 下才有权限~






电子邮箱(E-MAIL BOX)是通过网络电子邮局为网络客户提供的网络交流的电子信息空间。电子邮箱具有存储和收发电子信息的功能,是因特网中最重要的信息交流工具。在网络中,电子邮箱可以自动接收网络任何电子邮箱所发的电子邮件,并能存储规定大小的等多种格式的电子文件。电子邮箱具有单独的网络域名,其电子邮局地址在@后标注。可以在后面随时的观看,信息等。TCP/IP体系的电子邮件系统规定电子邮件地址(Email Address)的格式如下:收件人邮箱名@邮箱所在主机的域名例如:wang@163.comyangying@newu.edu.cn其中wang、yangying是用户申请信箱时所注册的用户名,而163.com和ncwu.edu.cn是用户所申请邮箱对应的本地邮件服务器的域名。



email和mail 两个单词的意思有什么不一样?



mail指邮寄,一般是动词,email指电子邮件,是名词,二者从写法上多了一个e也可看出区别。如I will mail it to you.我会把它邮寄给你。I will send an email to you.我会给你发一封电子邮件。





email和mail 两个单词的意思有什么不一样?

mail是“邮件”,通常通过邮局投递的纸质信件email前面的e代表electronic,即“电子的”.email即“电子邮件”,通过互联网传输的邮件 正式场合以及书面场合下mail不代表电子邮件.但是在有特定语言环境的口语交流场合中,在不引起歧义的前提下可能使用mail来表示电子邮件

邮箱Email 是什么??

中文称邮箱或电子邮箱,英文称Email。 如果你已有QQ号的话,只需用你的QQ号和密码登录http://mail.qq.com/就可以激活你的QQ邮箱帐号。


您好,其实两种说法都正确。原因:mainly是副词,副词可以放在动词前或动词后来修饰动词。个人意见:动词后有介词时,一般将副词放动词前面,即"mainly live on"读起来更有语感。





Bird Dog (Single Version) (2006 Remastered) 歌词

歌曲名:Bird Dog (Single Version) (2006 Remastered)歌手:The Everly Brothers专辑:Definitive Pop: The Everly BrothersBird「黑执事II ED」作词:前田たかひろ / 作曲

英文药名:premaston allylesprenol 麻烦大家帮忙译下,谢谢!

是不是allylestrenol? 又相当于allyloestrenol 或者 allyl estrenol是一种合成孕激素 (synthetic progestogen)通常用来防止先兆性流产 (threatened miscarriage)或习惯性流产(recurrent pregnancy loss )或早产(premature labor) 也有一些用在男性身上的研究 有一些比较好的结果在良性前列腺增生症(benign prostatic hyperplasia)上 希望有所帮助




trouble maker的中文意思是惹事生非的人,麻烦制造者。trouble Maker同名歌曲和组合:1、Trouble Maker是韩国CUBE娱乐公司的双人限定组合,由韩国歌手张贤胜与女子演唱组合4Minute成员金泫雅组成。2、《Trouble Maker》是由新沙洞老虎作词,ub77cub3c4作曲,限定组合Trouble Maker演唱的一首歌曲,该曲收录在Trouble Maker于2011年发行的同名EP《Trouble Maker》中。扩展资料韩国CUBE娱乐公司于2011年11月24日推出由张贤胜与女子演唱组合4minute成员金泫雅组成新组合“Trouble Maker”,并公开组合宣传照;同年12月1日发行迷你专辑《Trouble Maker》。2012年11月30日,Trouble Maker首张同名专辑兼歌曲《Trouble Maker》获得第14届Mnet亚洲音乐大奖最佳合作奖 。12月14日,获得Melon音乐奖潮流歌曲奖。2013年1月19日,Trouble Maker获得第27届韩国金唱片大赏最佳舞蹈表演赏。10月28日,Trouble Maker发行第二张迷你专辑《Chemistry》,回归韩国乐坛,主打曲《没有明天》在Melon、Bugs、Naver Music等10个音乐网站登上排行榜首位;10月30日,在韩国MBC电视台音乐节目《Show Champion》正式回归 。

英语语言学问题。谁告诉我什么是semantic maker和distinguisher



troublemaker作为名词,意思是麻烦制造者;搬弄是非者;捣乱者;闹事者。读音:英[u02c8tru028cblmeu026aku0259r],美[u02c8tru028cblmeu026aku0259r]。例句:The child is a real troublemaker.这个小孩真是个惹是生非的家伙。变形:复数troublemakers。短语:The Troublemaker惹是生非者The Beautiful Troublemaker不羁的美女My Beautiful Troublemaker排舞an annoying troublemaker胡搅蛮缠troublemaker的近义词telltale读音:英[u02c8telteu026al],美[u02c8telteu026al]。释义:adj. 暴露实情的;能说明问题的。n. 向大人告另一个孩子状的小孩儿;小告密者。例句:Researchers found the same telltale signature of drought in a deep-sea sediment core drilled from the Gulf of Oman.研究人员在从阿曼海湾的深海沉积物中钻取的岩芯中发现了同样能说明问题的旱灾的迹象。变形:复数telltales。短语:telltale lamp示警灯Telltale Games游戏发行Telltale Hole指示孔Telltale holes指示孔BELT Seat-Belt-Telltale安全带显示器





请问:male female是单还是复数?我总记不住单词是否可数,是单是复.怎么办?

male 和female两词比较特殊,即可为单数,也可为复数,如下:以male为例:Men and boys are sometimes referred to as males when they are being considered as a type.He was very anxious to prove he was a red-blo...






男性 双方 女性

Male 和 Female是什么意思?

Male [简明英汉词典][5mB:lei]马累(马尔代夫首都)male [简明英汉词典][meil]adj.男的, 雄的, 男性female [简明英汉词典][5fi:meil]n.女性, 女人, 雌兽adj.女性的, 女子的, 妇女的, 雌的, 柔弱的, (声, 色)柔和的


male or female在这里是代表公座和母座的意思。比如:常规MP3上的取电口MINI4P的插头就叫母座(被插的),而我们的线上也有两个插头来连接电脑和MP3,一个是MINI4P公座(插入的),另一个是USB公座是和机箱上的USB母座对插用的,通过USB和MINI插头来实现充电和数据的传输。


M表示男性(male) Female表示女性(female)很高兴为你解答!


一般指连接面里,male是凸型连接面,female是凹型连接面或是 指螺纹,male 是外螺纹,female是内螺纹

java中 sex?“male”:“female”是什么意思





英文原文: the mall 英式音标: [before a consonant ; before a vowel; ; stressed; i] [ml] 美式音标: [] [ml] 商业街;购物中心;林荫大道 扩展资料 The local kids hang out at the mall. 当地的孩子常在商业街闲荡。 The mall is only one mile away from here. 购物中心离这儿只有一英里远。 There is a shopping mall nearby. 附近有个大型的购物中心。 They reached the grassy mall which fronted on the State Building. 他们来到了州议会大厦前面的那片林荫草地。



email address and/or password are invalid.please try again什么意思


Oops! Your Email Address is invalid. Please try again是什么意思?

Invalid email address


登陆 apple Store,随便下载一个的软件,比如,优酷之类的,在出现的提示页面里一步步的注册Apple Id 就能成功了!


map( ):接收一个函数,应用到RDD中的每个元素,然后为每一条输入返回一个对象。flatMap( ):接收一个函数,应用到RDD中的每个元素,返回一个包含可迭代的类型(如list等)的RDD,可以理解为先Map(),后flat().



Shoot The Moon (2006 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Shoot The Moon (2006 Digital Remaster)歌手:Judie Tzuke专辑:Shoot The MoonNorah Jones - Shoot The MoonThe summer days are gone too soonYou shoot the moonAnd miss completelyAnd now you"re left to face the gloomThe empty room that once smelled sweetlyOf all the flowers you plucked if onlyYou knew the reasonWhy you had to each be lonelyWas it just the season?Now the fall is here againYou can"t begin to give inIt"s all overWhen the snows come rolling throughYou"re rolling too with some new loverWill you think of times you"ve told meThat you knew the reasonWhy we had to each be lonelyIt was just the seasonhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10410808

astro on demand 是什么电视台

Astro华丽台是马来西亚有线电视的一个频道,经常播香港TVB的连续剧。让大家认识的可能是它曾经举办过的《Astro华丽台电视剧大奖》。Astro Wah Lai Toi is a Cantonese general entertainment channel with a Hong Kong look and feel. Selected programmes are available in dual language audio, allowing these programmes to be viewed by both Mandarin and Cantonese speaking subscribers. It produces two annual flagship programmes namely Astro Talent Quest and Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant.



Mutemath的《Spotlight》 歌词

歌曲名:Spotlight歌手:Mutemath专辑:Spotlight EpMutemath - Spotlight (Twilight Mix)You got a whole lot left to say nowYou knocked all your wind outYou just tried too hard and you frozeI know, I knowWhat to say, what to sayJust take the fallYou"re one of usThe spotlight is onOh the spotlight is on, ohYou know the one thing you"re fighting to holdWill be the one thing you"ve got to let goAnd when you feel the wall cannot be burnedYou"re gonna die to try what can"t be doneGonna stay stay out but you don"t careNow is there nothing like the inside of you anywhereOh just take the fallYou"re one of usThe spotlight is onOh the spotlight is on, yeah it"s onBecause everyone would rather watch you fallAnd we all are, yeahAnd we all are, yeahJust take a fallYou"re one of usThe spotlight is onOh the spotlight is onNow you"re one of usNow you"re, now you"re, now you"re, now you"re one of usNow you"re, now you"re, now you"re one of usOh the spotlight is onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8390379

The First Noel (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:The First Noel (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Nat King Cole专辑:The Christmas Song (1999 Digital Remaster)The First NoelSung By st. philips boys choirAngel"s voice 3Edit By ZhengKe WuHan University ChinaThe first Noel the angel did sayWas to certain poor shepherds in fields as they layIn fields where they lay keeping their sheepOn a cold winter"s night that was so deepNoel Noel Noel NoelBorn is the King of IsraelThey looked up and saw a starShining in the east beyond them farAnd to the earth it gave great lightAnd so it continued both day and nightNoel Noel Noel NoelBorn is the King of IsraelThis star drew nigh to the northwestOver Bethlehem it took its restAnd there it did both stop and stayRight over the place where Jesus layNoel Noel Noel NoelBorn is the King of IsraelThen let us all with one accordSing praises to our Heavenly LordThat hath made Heaven and earth of noughtAnd with His blood mankind has boughtNoel Noel Noel NoelBorn in the King of Israelhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2785399

all that remains的faithless歌词

Faithless lyricsWith all our hopes and dreams answeredAre we not lostWith nothing driving us forwardWe count the costHow can we, not believe in ourselvesWe let our lives fade awayStill we"re far we"re far from faithlessAnd we trust to guide us onWe still believe that, we still believe that we belongStill we long we long for days whenWe can trust we are not wrongWe still believe that, we still believe that we belongStay strong and let honor guide you, this can"t be wrongMake no mistake of our meaning this is our callLet the hopeless let them be renewed.Let weakness fallStill we"re far we"re far from faithlessAnd we trust to guide us onWe still believe that, we still believe that we belongStill we long we long for days whenWe can trust we are not wrongWe still believe that, we still believe that we belongHow can we not believe in ourselvesDon"t let our lives fade awayLet hope be renewedLet weakness fallStill we"re far we"re far from faithlessAnd we trust to guide us onWe still believe that, we still believe that we belongStill we long we long for days whenWe can trust we are not wrongWe still believe that, we still believe that we belong


find the match意思如下:找到的匹配重点词汇释义match比赛; 火柴; 对手; 相配的人; 相同; 适应; 使较量; 使等同于; 使相配,使相称Therefore it is crucial to find the match point of the risk level and businessdevelopment. 因此找到与企业发展相匹配的风险点是至关重要的。

西班牙语里的yo是“我”的意思 soy也是我的意思 为什么它们可以放在同一个句式里呢?比如:Yo soy Ema




what remains of our chalk road是什么意思

what remains of our chalk road我们的粉笔路的残骸例句1、A tangle of wires is all that remains of the computer and phone systems.原来的计算机和电话系统如今只剩下乱糟糟的一团电线。2、Vestigial remains of these plays are now seen in the Christmas pantomime.在圣诞节演出的哑剧中还能看到这些戏剧残留下来的痕迹。3、The fossil remains of apemen can help us infer how they lived.猿人化石可以帮助我们推测猿人的生活情况。4、The remains of a war-time defence which projected out from the shore海滨凸立着的战时防御工事的遗迹5、He wiped off the remains of the lather with a towel.他用毛巾抹去余下的皂沫。

Round And Round (Aka Around And Around) (2002 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Round And Round (Aka Around And Around) (2002 Digital Remaster)歌手:David Bowie专辑:The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars (30Th Anniversary Edition)Here I am Afraid to lose the one I loveThere you are Standing there against the sunSuch irony Devotion Will I feel safe keep my mind at peacePut my hands on my face My head is still spinningRevolting again Can"t you seeRound and round the story goes Revolves around love hate we knowSongs of joys with tears that"s driedHow do I know Where to start and stopRound and round the story goes l could sink deeper don"t you knowThere"s no light I still can"t see How do I knowHow do I know Where to go Where to gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2853219

remained constant

remain/ keep/stay【保持】+形容词 上面三个均为连系动词 【连系动词+形容词】构成系表结构.


he is the man who wants to see you.是定语从句. 这句是定语从句,主句 he is the man,从句是 who wants to see you 先行词是the man,引导词 who,并在从句中充当主语.其他分句里边的主谓宾结构你应该可以分析吧. He 主语,is 是be动词,做谓语,the man做表语,wants to see从句谓语,you 宾语 that he is the man wants to see you.是主语从句. 这个句子有误,主语从句应该是 That the man wants to see you is he. that从句整句做主语,所以叫主语从句,that只是起引导作用,从句里边主谓宾成分都有了.然后 句子的谓语是 is,宾语是 he 通常这种句子为了美观 会处理成 it is that结构 所以就是 It is the man that wants to see you.

谁用过 NOXZEMA 那个 Deep cleansing cream怎么用阿!!

deep cleansing cream 的意思就是洗面奶木应该就是早晚用一次, 让后在拍下爽肤水, 让后你有的别的保养品



纸醉金迷(1997 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:纸醉金迷(1997 Digital Remaster)歌手:叶丽仪专辑:Denon Mastersonic 叶振棠,叶丽仪纸醉金迷 - 叶丽仪JAJAJUMBO光阴真宝贵莫荒废同狂欢开心快乐无用诈诈低青春的欢笑极珍贵无愁忧不必顾虑明日买贵米让我与你计一计一生中有无穷奋斗慨叹过去挫折亦无谓为了快慰无乜计千金一散齐齐买醉醉后缤纷景色太入迷JAJAJUMBO JAJAJUMBOJAJAJUMBO JAJAJUMBOJAJUMBO青春多宝贵 应快乐时尽畅欢要尽情地放开一切醉酒没问题 酒醉后忘掉困苦你就明白个中真谛JAJAJUMBO JAJAJUMBOJAJAJUMBO JAJAJUMBOJAJUMBO青春多宝贵 应快乐时尽畅欢要尽情地放开一切JAJAJUMBO JAJAJUMBOJAJAJUMBO JAJAJUMBOJAJUMBOJAJUMBOJAJAJUMBO JAJAJUMBOJAJAJUMBO JAJAJUMBOJAJUMBO青春多宝贵 应快乐时尽畅欢要尽情地放开一切JAJAJUMBO JAJAJUMBOJAJAJUMBO JAJAJUMBOJAJUMBOJAJUMBOhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2840753


关于restoremagstepbystep怎么解决相关资料如下1、修改pfile文件 使用在生产端生成的pfile文件进行修改。 PROD.__db_cache_size=1459617792 PROD.__java_pool_size=16777216 PROD.__large_pool_size=16777216 PROD.__shared_pool_size=314572800 PROD.__streams_pool_size=33554432 *._allow_level_without_connect_by=true *._log_io_size=524288 *.audit_file_dest="/oratest/10g/PROD/admin/adump" *.background_dump_dest="/oratest/10g/PROD/admin/bdump" *.compatible="" *.control_files="/oratest/10g/PROD/control01.ctl","/oratest/10g/PROD/control02.ctl","/oratest/10g/PROD/control03.ctl" *.core_dump_dest="/oratest/10g/PROD/admin/cdump"*.db_block_size=8192 *.db_domain="" *.db_file_multiblock_read_count=16 *.db_name="PROD" *.dispatchers="(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=PRODXDB)" *.job_queue_processes=10 *.local_listener="" *.lock_sga=TRUE *.log_archive_dest_1="location=/oratest/10g/PROD/archive/" *.log_buffer=1024000 *.open_cursors=800 *.pga_aggregate_target=524288000 *.processes=800 *.recyclebin="OFF" *.remote_login_passwordfile="EXCLUSIVE" *.sessions=885 *.sga_max_size=1073741824 *.sga_target=1073741824 *.shared_pool_reserved_size=62914560 *.shared_pool_size=314572800 *.undo_management="AUTO" *.undo_retention=1800 *.undo_tablespace="UNDOTBS2" *.user_dump_dest="/oratest/10g/PROD/admin/udump"2、启动数据库实例,即NOMOUNT阶段 SQL> startup nomount pfile="/oratest/10g/PROD/PROD_pfile.ora"; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 1073741824 bytes Fixed Size 2078368 bytes Variable Size 327158112 bytes Database Buffers 738197504 bytes Redo Buffers 6307840 bytes 3、恢复控制文件 RMAN> restore controlfile from "/oratest/rmanbak/PROD-c-1503380933-20120728-00.ctl"; Starting restore at 28-JUL-12 using channel ORA_DISK_1 channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring control file channel ORA_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:26 output filename=/oratest/10g/PROD/control01.ctl output filename=/oratest/10g/PROD/control02.ctl output filename=/oratest/10g/PROD/control03.ctl Finished restore at 28-JUL-12




journalist 记者doctor医生jockey骑师musician音乐家engineer工程师architect建筑师accountant会计师teacher教师lawyer律师


mathematics - 数学 arithmetic - 算术 数学是利用符号语言研究数量(算术)、结构(代数)、变化(分析)以及空间(代数)等概念的一门学科.数学涵盖很多分支,算术只是其中一个,是指数量的运算,比如加、减、乘、除、开平方和指数等等.

请问这句话该如何翻译,defensice lineman.

他在队里的位置是防守前锋。他是一个泰迪熊。 泰迪熊一般都是可爱啊。你就给一句话没有背景啊。

Great Balls Of Fire (2011 - Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Great Balls Of Fire (2011 - Remaster)歌手:Firebeats&Ingjerd Helen专辑:Taste Of HitsGreat Balls Of FireJerry Lee LewisRock"n"rollYou shake my nerves and you rattle my brainToo much love drives a man insaneYou broke my will, but what a thrillGoodness, gracious, great balls of fireI laughed at love "cause I thought it was funnyYou came along and moved me honeyI"ve changed my mind, this love is fineGoodness, gracious, great balls of fireKiss me baby, woo feels goodHold me baby, I want to love you like a lover shouldYour fine, so kindI want to tell this world that your mine mine mine mineI chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbsI"m real nervous, but it sure is funCome on baby, drive my crazyGoodness, gracious, great balls of fire!!Kiss me baby, woo feels goodHold me baby, I want to love you like a lover shouldYour fine, so kindI want to tell this world that your mine mine mine mineI chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbsI"m real nervous, but it sure is funCome on baby, drive my crazyGoodness, gracious, great balls of fire!!http://music.baidu.com/song/10605514

为什么phone the police而不是phone the policeman

一般很少用call/phone the policeman的,这么解释吧,你是给警察局打电话而不是给某个警察打电话 而且,要是接电话的是个policewoman呢。

the policeman是否代表复数?

the police表示复数,意为警察们the policeman是单数,表一个男警察,其复数the policemen 意为男警察们。

the police,policeman有什么区别吗?

the police 是"警察"的总称,是专有名词,没有复数形式; policeman是指作为单独个体的警察,复数形式是policemen.

Playboy (1991 - Remaster) 歌词

Playboy演唱:黄立成作词:黄立成/黄立行作曲:Jae Chong人想要了解我知道我怎样生活好 开始我赌博赢钱 我股票大涨开Machi公司 一直出唱片我银行塞到满 满了害我的会计乱掉生活真轻松 钱太多今天开车红黑还是白要慷慨 帮爸妈买厝给酒店的女生有机会读书我 什么色都试过我 双胞胎也曾吃过我 全世界都混过万岁 命好像皇帝baby boy, I"m so into you,baby boy, I really want to,baby boy ,I think I love you很多女人说我是她们的最爱baby boy, I"m so into you,baby boy, I really want to,baby boy ,I think I love you但是她们的名字我都记不起来我像红酒 把我含一口不要太快 把我吞下去愈老愈好 享受我的味慢慢转你的舌头把我喝完 我就不见害多少女人睡不着一直念说多酸多甜跟我过一晚就变酒鬼我 什么色都试过我 双胞胎也曾吃过我 全世界都混过万岁 命好像皇帝baby boy, I"m so into you,baby boy, I really want to,baby boy ,I think I love you很多女人说我是她们的最爱baby boy, I"m so into you,baby boy, I really want to,baby boy ,I think I love you但是她们的名字我都记不起来功夫成龙李连杰李小龙这么多老大 但是疼妹妹功夫只有我用台语去到北京表演给五万人听听的一头雾水 他们的女生也是发疯叫的很大声我的电话一直响 一直响响响马子想要找我铛铛铛我 什么色都试过我 双胞胎也曾吃过我 全世界都混过万岁 命好像皇帝baby boy, I"m so into you,baby boy, I really want to,baby boy ,I think I love you很多女人说我是她们的最爱baby boy, I"m so into you,baby boy, I really want to,baby boy ,I think I love you但是她们的名字我都记不起来http://music.baidu.com/song/8138834

Mrs.Li devoted the last years of her life premarily___writing her autobiography(自传)

A:to devote ... to ... 把...投入(专门使用于)....把自己过去几年的时间都用于写自传




首先你的约束条件的写法是有点不规范的。约束条件要用&&即Simplify[Minimize[{Sqrt[(x - 0)^2 + (y - 0)^2] + Sqrt[(x - 0)^2 + (y - 1)^2] + Sqrt[(x - 1)^2 + (y - 1)^2] + Sqrt[(x - 1)^2 + (y - 2)^2], x > 0,&&y > 0}, {x, y}]]然后这个距离的最小的确不好求。我的想法是转换成等价的Minkowski Distance,代码:Minimize[{Max[Abs /@ {x - 0, y - 0}] + Max[Abs /@ {x - 0, y - 1} + Max[Abs /@ {x - 1, y - 1}] + Max[Abs /@ {x - 1, y - 2}]], x > 0 && y > 0}, {x, y}]结果:{3, {x -> 1/4, y -> 3/4}}



Libera&Robert Prizeman的《Adoramus》 歌词

歌曲名:Adoramus歌手:Libera&Robert Prizeman专辑:Angel Voices: Libera In ConcertAdoramus TeSt. Philip"s Boys" ChoirNew Day CD, Track 07 (1990)Soloist: Jaymi BandtockA-a-a-a-a-aAdoramus te DomineA-a-a-a-a-aAdoramus te DomineThe stars the seaThey would have no mysteryWithout you weWouldn"t have a reason to beA-a-a-a-a-aAdoranus te DomineA-a-a-a-a-aAdoranus te DomineContent and peaceAre the gifts you bring to meWith you onlyI am lonely never to beA-a-a-a-a-aAdoranus te DomineA-a-a-a-a-aAdoranus te DomineAdoramus te DomineAdoramus Domine te DomineA-a-a-a-a-aAdoramus te DomineA-a-a-a-a-aAdoramus te DomineA-a-a-a-a-a (I don"t know why)Venite Venite Venite Adoramus te (te Domine)Adoramus te DomineA-a-a-a-a-aVenite Venite Venite Adoramus te(te Domine)Adoramus te DomineIf only weCan remain in harmonyIn unityWe will sing eternallyA-a-a-a-a-aVenite Venite Venite Adoramus te (te Domine)Adoramus te DomineA-a-a-a-a-aVenite Venite Venite Adoramus te (te Domine)Adoramus te DomineA-a-a-a-a-aVenite Venite Venite Adoramus te (te Domine)Adoramus te DomineA-a-a-a-a-aVenite Venite Venite Adoramus te (te Domine)Adoramus te DomineAdoramus te Dominehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2695465

宏碁emachines e525系列驱动在那里下载?


求一首歌,歌词里有ladys and Gentleman

是《Mona Lisa》吧? (Spoken) This is a story about Mona Lisa, about Mona Lisa Ladies and gentlemen, I"ve got a little story to tell About Mona Lisa and how she suddenly fell (huh) See everyone knew her, they knew her oh so well Now I am taking over to release her from her spell She"s the original(yeah,yeah) She"s unforgettable, (yeah,yeah,yeah) She wants a-you to know (yeah) She"s been cloned It"s kind of incredible. (yeah,yeah) She"s so unpredictable. (yeah,yeah,yeah) She wants a-you to know (yeah) She"s been cloned, she"s been cloned, she"s been cloned She was taken under, drowning in her sea (huh) Running like an angel, she was crying, and could not see (oh no) Now see everyone"s watching, as she starts to fall Now, dont have a break down And be a legend of her fall She"s the original(yeah,yeah) She"s unforgettable, (yeah,yeah,yeah) She wants a-you to know (yeah) She"s been cloned It"s kind of incredible. (yeah,yeah) She"s so unpredictable. (yeah,yeah,yeah) She wants a-you to know (yeah) She"s been cloned, she"s been cloned, she"s been cloned Ladies, does that make you cry? (huh) Mona Lisa meant to fly Nobody really does (Spoken) Everyone, may we have a moment of silence? Right here. God. She"s the original(yeah,yeah) She"s unforgettable, (yeah,yeah,yeah) She wants a-you to know (yeah) She"s been cloned It"s kind of incredible. (yeah,yeah) She"s so unpredictable. (yeah,yeah,yeah) She wants a-you to know (yeah) That she"s home, that she"s home She"s the original(yeah,yeah) She"s unforgettable, (yeah,yeah,yeah) She wants a-you to know (yeah) She"s been cloned It"s kind of incredible. (yeah,yeah) She"s so unpredictable. (yeah,yeah,yeah) She wants a-you to know (yeah) That she"s home, that she"s home, that she"s home

In my remains 和castle of glass的GTP吉他谱 跪求 有的大神请发529583970这个QQ上 万分感谢


求一首英文歌歌名,第一句是ladies and gentleman do you remember

remember the time
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