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Are those blouses?改为单数句

Is that biouse



matlab中clc,close,close all,clear,clear all作用区别

学习链接 clc:清除命令窗口的内容,对工作环境中的全部变量无任何影响 close:关闭当前的Figure窗口 close all:关闭所有的Figure窗口 clear:清除工作空间的所有变量 clear all:清除工作空间的所有变量,函数,和MEX文件 学习链接 warning("off") :不显示warning信息 学习链接 size():获取矩阵的行数和列数 1、s=size(A),当只有一个输出参数时,返回一个行向量,该行向量的第一个元素是矩阵的行数,第二个元素是矩阵的列数。 2、[r,c]=size(A),当有两个输出参数时,size函数将矩阵的行数返回到第一个输出变量r,将矩阵的列数返回到第二个输出变量c。 3、size(A,n)如果在size函数的输入参数中再添加一项n,并用1或2为n赋值,则 size将返回矩阵的行数或列数。其中r=size(A,1)该语句返回的时矩阵A的行数, c=size(A,2) 该语句返回的时矩阵A的列数。 学习链接 @的用法 @是用于定义函数句柄的操作符。函数句柄既是一种变量,可以用于传参和赋值;也是可以当做函数名一样使用 。 另外有一种用法: 变量名=@(输入参数列表)运算表达式 。这样产生的函数句柄变量不指向特定的函数, 而是一个函数表达式

lose words


以“one of my close friends”为题写一篇不少于150字的英语作文


We are all "were", blurred our closest happiness.


In the Closet 是什么意思

Closet 有壁橱 储藏室 厕所的意思,看上下问的意思回答了,in表示在···里面 the是定冠词表示特指,那个或者这个,一般不翻译也可以的!

supply closet是什么意思



hidestheSheincloset怎么排列成句子?she hides in the closet .她躲在衣橱里。

求乙一fans。 closet里面最后出来的“我”是谁

"我"就是一郎 (美纪的丈夫,冬美的哥哥,龙二的哥哥)






closet品牌源于wears closet,意思是衣服的柜子;也有人译为women"s closet(女人的衣柜)。在日本、韩国、香港、台湾及新加坡深受年轻女性青睐。

コトリンゴ的《Closet》 歌词

歌曲名:Closet歌手:コトリンゴ专辑:Sweet Nestコトリンゴ - closet作词:コトリンゴ作曲:コトリンゴWhere"s our memories?full of happinessI know it"s in my shoes box somewhere in my closetWhere"s our memories?full of stupid lies?I know it"s in my shoes box somewhere in my closetput your tail between your legs, and be gone, gone!There"s a deep forest in my closet with full of secretsyou"d better not to step into itIf you do it, If you do it, you"ll never get out of itSome of smiling pics of cute little couples and a broken boom-boxwhen we had a fightand the teared up letters with the secret codesand the silver coins came far from hereput your tail between your legs, and be gone, gone!There"s a deep forest in my closet with full of secretsyou"d better not to step into itIf you do it, If you do it, you"ll never get out of itSome of smiling pics of cute little couples and a broken boom-boxwhen we had a fightWhere"s our memories gone?full of happinessI know where it is I know where it ishttp://music.baidu.com/song/13770806




衣柜的英文用closet和wardrobe都可以。closet和wardrobe的区别:closet可作名词、形容词和动词。作为名词时,含义为壁橱;作为形容词时,含义为隐藏的、不公开的;作为动词时,含义为把...…关在房间里。wardrobe只能作为名词,含义有衣柜、全部衣物、服装部等。短语1、cloth closet 衣橱2、water closet 厕所3、closet consultation 秘密磋商4、closet terrorist 秘密的恐怖分子

Pete Yorn的《Closet》 歌词

歌曲名:Closet歌手:Pete Yorn专辑:Musicforthemorningafterコトリンゴ - closet作词:コトリンゴ作曲:コトリンゴWhere"s our memories?full of happinessI know it"s in my shoes box somewhere in my closetWhere"s our memories?full of stupid lies?I know it"s in my shoes box somewhere in my closetput your tail between your legs, and be gone, gone!There"s a deep forest in my closet with full of secretsyou"d better not to step into itIf you do it, If you do it, you"ll never get out of itSome of smiling pics of cute little couples and a broken boom-boxwhen we had a fightand the teared up letters with the secret codesand the silver coins came far from hereput your tail between your legs, and be gone, gone!There"s a deep forest in my closet with full of secretsyou"d better not to step into itIf you do it, If you do it, you"ll never get out of itSome of smiling pics of cute little couples and a broken boom-boxwhen we had a fightWhere"s our memories gone?full of happinessI know where it is I know where it ishttp://music.baidu.com/song/9678854

Pete Yorn的《Closet》 歌词

歌曲名:Closet歌手:Pete Yorn专辑:Live At Austin City Limits Music Festival 2007: Pete Yornコトリンゴ - closet作词:コトリンゴ作曲:コトリンゴWhere"s our memories?full of happinessI know it"s in my shoes box somewhere in my closetWhere"s our memories?full of stupid lies?I know it"s in my shoes box somewhere in my closetput your tail between your legs, and be gone, gone!There"s a deep forest in my closet with full of secretsyou"d better not to step into itIf you do it, If you do it, you"ll never get out of itSome of smiling pics of cute little couples and a broken boom-boxwhen we had a fightand the teared up letters with the secret codesand the silver coins came far from hereput your tail between your legs, and be gone, gone!There"s a deep forest in my closet with full of secretsyou"d better not to step into itIf you do it, If you do it, you"ll never get out of itSome of smiling pics of cute little couples and a broken boom-boxwhen we had a fightWhere"s our memories gone?full of happinessI know where it is I know where it ishttp://music.baidu.com/song/8342956

closet 英语

closet是指衣柜的意思。例句:please put your clothes into the closet.请把你的衣服放进衣柜中


closet作名词时,意思是贮藏室,壁橱;作形容词时,意思是隐藏(身份等)的,不公开(个人信息)的,秘密的,私下的;作动词时,意思是把…关在房间里(尤指为了私下会谈或避免他人打扰)。其短语搭配有:water closet-抽水马桶,洗手间;closet drama-案头剧;cold closet-冷藏箱;closet space-壁橱的空间;linen closet-衣柜;magic closet-魔法衣橱;Closet Monster-柜中野兽;Pail Closet-桶厕,便桶厕;dry closet-旱厕


closet[英]["klu0252zu026at] [美][u02c8klɑzu026at, u02c8klu0254zu026at] 生词本简明释义n.壁橱;盥洗室;议事室,密室;贮藏室adj.隐蔽的,暗藏的;不公开的;秘密的,私下的;空谈的vt.把…关在房间里;把…引入内室密谈复数:closets第三人称单数:closets过去式:closeted过去分词:closeted现在分词:closeting以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 同反义词1.N-COUNT壁橱A closet is a piece of furniture with doors at the front and shelves inside, which is used for storing things.

closet怎么读音 英语closet怎么读

1、closet英[u02c8klu0252zu026at]美[u02c8klɑu02d0zu026at],n.贮藏室; 壁橱;adj.隐藏(身份等)的; 不公开(个人信息)的;vt.把…关在房间里(尤指为了私下会谈或避免他人打扰)。 2、[例句]The table is too big to go onto the closet.桌子太大,放不进贮藏室里。



closet是什么意思中文 英语closet什么意思

1、closet,英文单词,名词、形容词、动词,作名词时意为“壁橱;议事室,密室;小房间;人名;(法)克洛塞”,作形容词时意为“ 秘密的,私下的;空谈的”,作动词时意为“ 把关在私室中”。2、双语例句:I saw it go into your closet yesterday .我昨天看到它走进你的壁橱里。


closet 英 [klzt] 美 [klɑzt] n.贮藏室;壁橱 adj.隐藏(身份等)的;不公开(个人信息)的 v.把…关在房间里(尤指为了私下会谈或避免他人打扰) 第三人称单数: closets 复数: closets 现在分词: closeting 过去式: closeted 过去分词: closeted 扩展资料 He was closeted with the President for much of the day. 他与总统闭门进行了几乎大半天的密谈。 Homosexuals in public life are now coming out of the closet. 公众人物中的同性恋者如今正逐步亮相。 She had closeted herself away in her room. 她把自己关在房间里不见任何人。

closet是什么意思 解释closet一词的含义?



1、closet的读音:英[?kl?z?t],美[?klɑ?z?t]2、n.贮藏室; 壁橱;3、adj.隐藏(身份等)的; 不公开(个人信息)的;4、vt.把…关在房间里(尤指为了私下会谈或避免他人打扰);5、[例句]The table is too big to go onto the closet.桌子太大,放不进贮藏室里。6、第三人称单数:closets 复数:closets 现在分词:closeting 过去式:closeted 过去分词:closeted

honey closet什么意思



N-COUNT 壁橱 A closet is a piece of furniture with doors at the front (前面有门)and shelves inside(里面有架子), which is used for storing things.


shelf:架子(有隔板的置物架)closet:衣橱;壁橱;小房间或者密室 shelf同义词有skeleton; frame




closet ["klu0252zu026at] n. 壁橱;议事室,密室;小房间adj. 秘密的,私下的;空谈的vt. 把…关在私室中front [fru028cnt] n. 前面;正面;前线adj. 前面的;正面的vt. 面对;朝向;对付vi. 朝向adv. 在前面;向前由音标可以看出,两个单词中的o发音不同。


复数为:closets.可数名词单数变复数的规则变化:1,一般情况直接加s2,以s,sh,ch,x等结尾的词加es3,以ce,se,ze,(d)ge等结尾的词加s4,以辅以字母加y结尾的词变y为i再加es5,以f,fe结尾的名词变f,fe为v再加es6,以o结尾的名词一般加es7。有一些名词的不规则变化就要特殊记忆了。如foot-feet tooth-teeth child-children photo-- photos等

skeleton in the cupboard/closet 的由来

  碗橱里的骨架  引申为:不为人知的家丑  -----------------  Skeleton in the cupboard是一条起源于英国的成语。关于这条成语,还流传著一个故事。  传说有一个年轻貌美的女人,因丈夫长年在外,不堪寂寞,于是趁丈夫不在之时,每晚在家和情人幽会。有一天晚上,正当她和情人幽会之时,她的丈夫突然回来了,妻子大惊失色,手忙脚乱地把情人藏入了家中的一个大木柜中。丈夫进得屋来,二话不说用砖把木柜垒在一堵墙内。天长日久,那位情人变成了一具骷髅。  所以,Skeleton in the cupboard的含意就是“不可外扬的家丑,隐情”。  ----------------  句子的原意是,壁橱中有架骷髅  据说,当年这个习语产生的时候,指的是那些有钱人家谋杀了一个人,把骸骨暗藏在壁橱中,不让外人知道。从此 skeleton in the closet 就成了那家人的秘密。后来这个短语用来指不可或不愿外扬的家丑,简称作family skeleton。现在,这个句子还有个转义:家家有本难念的经。  ------------------  我国俗语说:‘家丑不可外扬。"不宜外扬的家丑,英文叫做a skeleton in the cupboard(橱柜里的骷髅)或a family skeleton(家中骷髅)。‘骷髅"和‘家丑"有什么关系呢?要回答这个问题,得谈谈意大利一个不怎么浪漫的爱情故事了。  那个故事说,从前,人们觉得世上烦恼太多,怀疑天下有没有一个真正无忧无虑的人。经过多方察访之后,他们终于找到了一个生活似乎非常幸福的女人。这个女人回答所有问题都回答得十分美满。可是,她跟着却带领众人到她家里,打开橱柜,里面赫然藏着一具骷髅。她告诉大家说:那是她从前一位恋人的骸骨。她丈夫在决斗中杀死了她这位恋人,把骸骨藏在橱柜里,每天晚上都要她亲吻这骸骨。原来这个‘幸福"的女人也有一本难念的经,只是她一直不告诉外人罢了!她橱柜里的骷髅,渐渐成了‘家丑"的代名词






closet和wardrobe的区别:含义不同、词性及用法不同。closet可作名词、形容词和动词,作为名词时,含义为壁橱,作为形容词时,含义为隐藏的、不公开的,作为动词时,含义为把…关在房间里;wardrobe只能作为名词,含义有衣柜、全部衣物、服装部等。 扩展资料   一、closet的基本释义及用法介绍   1、closet可作名词,含义为贮藏室;壁橱。   例句:The table is too big to go onto the closet.   桌子太大,放不进贮藏室里。   Could I have another shelf put in my closet?   我的壁橱里能再加一个搁板吗?   I found it in the back of the guest room closet.   我在客房壁橱后头找到的。   But there was no blood in or near the closet.   可是在壁橱的里面和附近都没有血。   2、closet还可作形容词,含义为隐藏(身份等)的;不公开(个人信息)的。   例句:I suspect he"s a closet fascist.   我怀疑他是秘密的法西斯分子。   3、closet还可以作动词,含义为把…关在房间里(尤指为了私下会谈或避免他人打扰)。   例句:He was closeted with the President for much of the day.   他与总统闭门进行了几乎大半天的密谈。   She had closeted herself away in her room.   她把自己关在房间里不见任何人。   He used to closet himself with a book.   过去他常把自己关在小房间里读书。   二、wardrobe的中文含义及双语例句   wardrobe作为名词,含义有衣柜;衣橱;(英国)放置衣物的`壁橱;(一个人的)全部衣物;(剧院或电视公司的)服装部,戏装保管室。   例句:There were several expensive suits hanging in the wardrobe.   衣柜里挂着几套昂贵的衣服。   Jeans are a staple part of everyone"s wardrobe.   在每个人的衣橱里,牛仔裤是必不可少的。   She reached into the wardrobe and extracted another tracksuit.   她伸手又从衣橱里取出一件运动服。   In the wardrobe department were rows of costumes.   戏装部有一排排的戏装。




其实没有多大区别。一般人都用closet,wardrobe只是指放衣服的closet[5klCzit]n.壁橱, 储藏室, 厕所adj.关起门来的vt.关入私室密谈wardrobe[5wC:drEub]n.衣柜, 衣厨, 衣室, 衣服, 行头, 剧装







closet是什么意思 解释closet一词的含义?


closet怎么读 closet的意思

1、closet的读音:英[u02c8klu0252zu026at],美[u02c8klɑu02d0zu026at] 2、n.贮藏室; 壁橱; 3、adj.隐藏(身份等)的; 不公开(个人信息)的; 4、vt.把…关在房间里(尤指为了私下会谈或避免他人打扰); 5、[例句]The table is too big to go onto the closet.桌子太大,放不进贮藏室里。 6、第三人称单数:closets 复数:closets 现在分词:closeting 过去式:closeted 过去分词:closeted



谁有up close&personal《战地之恋》的电影,或者下载地址,谢谢!


请问up close & personal (《因为你爱过我》或者名为《舍不得你》)在那里可以下载?

楼主!! 看这!!这不是电影。。。你那怎么翻译的。。。。。up close and personal 是仙妮娅·特恩(Shania Twain) 2004年在NBC电视频道摄影棚所制播的电视特辑实况演唱会的名字 是模仿猫王当年的这是下载地址http://lib.verycd.com/2005/11/03/0000072756.html

get up close and personal with sth

很高兴为您 get up and personal with sth 个人近距离做某事 Underwater volcanic eruptions also provide a chance to get up close and personalwith observing eruptions,where volcanic plumes act very differently than they doon land. 水下火山爆发也为个人近距离观测火山爆发提供了机会,在水下,火山熔流与地面火山的活动不同 ------------------------------- ★倾心解答★愿您满意★ ★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★ ------------------------------- 呼吁:共同抵制不处理提问者 行动:坚决拒绝为其二次解答

i allow to get up close是什么意思?


see the stars up close

有点小问题!spae--->space “How i wish i could make a ___(travel/journey) into space and see the stars up close!” cried Sarah. 莎拉叫到:“我多么希望能够到太空游览一番并且近距离的看看星星!” make a journey,固定搭配,“旅行”! make a voyage,固定搭配,“航海”

星特朗 UPCLOSE G2 10x50 双筒望远镜怎么样


翻译:get up close and personal with


i have seen up close

我曾近距离与他们接触过,但即便如此也恐怕未能在很大程度上加深我对他们的印象. I have seen them at very close quarters(主句的主谓宾+状语‘at very close quarters") which i am afraid has not greatly enhanced my opinion of them(定语从句) which(主语) i am afraid (插入语)has not greatly enhanced (谓语)my opinion of them宾语) 请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )

Up Close and Personal是什么意思


get close to doing还是do

be close to doing的意思是接近,做某事(此处to为介词);be close to的意思是接近、靠近、亲近、临近,后面加宾语,一般是名词。宾语是指一个动作(动词)的接受者。宾语分为直接宾语和间接宾语两大类,其中直接宾语指动作的直接对象,间接宾语说明动作的非直接,但受动作影响的对象。get close to 单语例句1. Ordinary people were forbidden to get close to the palace during the imperial eras.2. She will accept food only from men and has been known to bite or push women who try to get close.3. Both hit big shots to keep the Mavericks close in the final minutes, but didn"t get enough help.4. The two guards used their own bodies to fend off her fans, demanding them not to get too close.5. Police blocked off roads and warned those without tickets to stay away because they would not be able to get close to the Staples Center.6. Get yourself on booksellers"mailing lists and try and get close to a couple of knowledgeable booksellers.7. I also had opportunities to get close to many companies and study their management.8. There is also a petting zoo that is usually a hit with the kids, allowing them to get up close with the wildlife.9. Meanwhile, fans were required not to get too close with Yan.10. We are all determined now to get to Rome and win the trophy because we have come close before.

火影疾风传中 CLOSE 的 歌词 是 什么?

Everybody Stand Up! <EVERYBODY STAND UP> ]あげろ 今日一番の时间だ <开幕吧! 今天的时间已到> 目にも止まらぬスピードハンター <追求速度的极限,双眼无法看见> []谁もが皆 虏 看板 Yeah! (Come On!) <所有人都无所顾及 Yeah!(Come ON!)> Everybody Hands Up! <Everybody Hands Up!> ]待たしたな Hero"s Come Back!! <让你们久等了 HERO"S COME BACK! > [头上 数え指折る Count Down <扳着手指头 COUNT DOWN > [いくぜ 3-2-1 Make Some Noise! <要开始了 3--2--1 MAKE SOME NOISE> もう多少のリスクは覚悟でしょ <想必你已经知道会受到一些伤害> [何回転んだって起つ(Get It On) <但是不管摔倒几次还是要爬起来> なれ合いじゃないぜ 纸一重のセッション <这种大同小异的会议可没什么好讨论的> 入りくんだ感情 筑き上げた结晶 <投入的感情,产生的结晶> Made In ヒューマンのドラマの延长 <MAKE IN 人类的电视剧一般发展> まるで燃え盛る 吉原の炎上 <如同熊熊燃烧的吉原大火> エンドレス 先も転がる日常 <未来似乎永远都是这种无穷无尽的日常生活> 笑うほど バカになれるって事 <这简直是好笑到极点的蠢事> 劣势吹く 向かい风にも负けん <扳到劣势,所向披靡> 巻き込む 何度も出くわしてきたぜ <就算被卷进去,也会尽全力挣脱> 几度となく立つ この场のバトル <在这里发生的战斗,不管倒下几次都会爬起> 闘い方なら この身が悟る <既然参加战斗,我就有这个觉悟> 一夜二夜の付け焼き刃じゃ <尽靠一两夜的临阵磨枪> 守るもんが违うな 白旗を振りな <可保护不了什么 这战斗不允许投降> 阳の目 憧れる 日阴を知る <黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,我却用他寻找光明> 言い訳は闻かん それこそがReal <对一切都不闻不问 这才是REAL> ファイト 毎度 I"m Proud <每次都要战斗 I`M PROUD> 何から何までまだ失っちゃないぞ(と) <不要再失去什么了> YesかNoじゃ无い いつかこう笑う <不是什么YES和NO的问题,我只希望你们能一直欢笑> はなからパッと决める いくぜ相棒 <赶快做出决定,要开始啦朋友> 沸き上がる歓声が勇気となる <沸腾的欢呼声成为勇气> 立ち上がれば 今以上苦しみ伴う <若是挺身而出,以后的痛苦会比今天更甚 > それでも最后はきっと笑う <但是我们能一直笑到最后> すべてさらう 胜利と歓声 <听吧! 这是胜利与欢呼! > Everybody Stand Up! <EVERYBODY STAND UP> あげろ 今日一番の时间だ <开幕吧! 今天的时间已到> 目にも止まらぬスピードハンター <追求速度的极限,双眼无法看见> 谁もが皆 虏 看板 Yeah! (Come On!) <所有人都无所顾及 Yeah!(Come ON!)> Everybody Hands Up! <Everybody Hands Up!> 待たしたな Hero"s Come Back!! <让你们久等了 HERO"S COME BACK! > ]头上 数え指折る Count Down <扳着手指头 COUNT DOWN > いくぜ 3-2-1 Make Some Noise! <要开始了 3--2--1 MAKE SOME NOISE> Everybody Stand Up! <EVERYBODY STAND UP> あげろ 今日一番の时间だ <开幕吧! 今天的时间已到> 目にも止まらぬスピードハンター <追求速度的极限,双眼无法看见> 谁もが皆 虏 看板 Yeah! (Come On!) <所有人都无所顾及 Yeah!(Come ON!)> Everybody Hands Up! <Everybody Hands Up!> 待たしたな Hero"s Come Back!! <让你们久等了 HERO"S COME BACK! > 头上 数え指折る Count Down <扳着手指头 COUNT DOWN > いくぜ 3-2-1 Make Some Noise!

Up Close and Personal是什么意思

Up Close and Personal近距离和个人双语对照词典结果:Up Close and Personal舍不得你; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Fortune got up close and personal with the new kindles: 《财富》(Fortune)杂志近距离体验了Kindle家族的新成员:

go,lose,marry,close,wake up,for asleep ,finish/stop,go abroad的可延续性延续性动词是什么

go = be in lose= be not in possession ofmarry= be marriedclose= be not openwake up= be awakefor asleep = be asleepfinish/ stop = be done/finished withgo abroad= be abroad 其实没法一一对应, 看具体句子具体翻译, 不能这样找个对应 的去取巧。希望对你有用!

“Up Close & Personal”是什么意思???


I have seen them up close怎么翻译?

"I have seen them up close" 可以翻译成 "我曾近距离观察过它们"。

Up Close and Personal 什么意思?

舍不得你如果放在语境中意思就有所改变,比如 Get up close and personal with John 意思:接近john 。其中 up close 是个固定词组,adj 近距离的 adv 近距离地

close out ,open up .stat an account分别什么意思呢?

close out1.处理掉The company is closing out their entire supply of men"s clothing.这家公司正在削价出售所有男装。2.停业The factory was then threatened with being closed out.那家工厂当时正受到被迫停业的威胁。open up1.开放They opened the country up to trade.他们实行国家贸易开放。stat an account 还是 start an account?若是后者,意思是 开立帐户

see sth up close 的close是什么词性 eg.see an elephant up close

词性是副词意思是:凑近看某物。有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)


closeinon的意思是:围住;接近。closeinon的意思是:围住;接近。closeinon的例句是AllthisplacesusinapositiontocloseinonNanchang.这样就造成了向南昌包围的形势。一、网络释义点此查看closeinon的详细内容 包围...clingto粘在...上closeinon包围,围住close-upview特写镜头;接近的观察... 逼近...sprinter短跑运动员closeinon逼近posit认为... 逐渐接近一、...byfar好得多closeinon逐渐接近introduce引进...二、例句AllthisplacesusinapositiontocloseinonNanchang.这样就造成了向南昌包围的形势。Letuscloseinonnatureandcometogripswithher.让我们接近大自然并努力对付大自然吧!closeinon的相关临近词closein、close、closedistancecoalseams、closepatternreturnbend、close-grainedstructure、close-shoreenvironment、Close-spacedsublimation、close-spaceconstruction、CloseoftheRadiationEra、close-circuitanesthesia点此查看更多关于closeinon的详细信息

CCTV-9《up close》主持人徐亦怡的简介,谁知道?

Eyee Hsu(徐亦怡),CCTV-9"Upclose"节目主持人。Eyee Hsu出生在美国,毕业于加利福尼亚大学-伯克利分校,她以自己独特的主持风格受到很多观众的喜爱。 Eyee Hsu has worked with Up Close since its inception as the writer for the program, and brings a Western perspective grounded in Eastern philosophy and sensitivity. An American-born Chinese, Eyee has always been drawn to her Chinese roots and vowed that she would one day establish her home in China. Now currently residing in Beijing, her dream has been realized. Eyee graduated magna cum laude from UC Berkeley with a double-major in Economics and Environmental Science. For over five years, she was a management consultant with a leading healthcare consulting firm, advising America"s largest healthcare systems on organizational, operational and strategic issues. She has performed healthcare work in the United States, Canada, Japan, China"s mainland and Taiwan. Eyee has a passionate interest for cultures, has traveled extensively and loves the outdoors. She is an avid snowboarder and hiker and is always ready to try anything new. With a welcoming spirit and an objective perspective, Eyee Hsu brings warmth and genuine sincerity to Up Close. Where did your name come from? My name in Chinese is 徐亦怡。 In English, my first name is Eyee, pronounced like two “e”s. My last name is Hsu, pronounced like “Xu”. Trust me, it was not easy growing up in the United States with a name like this, but now I am grateful for having such an unusual name. To you, what is the most important thing in a person? I believe that being a good listener is one of the most important characteristics in a person. Only by listening to others can you gain a richer perspective and really begin to learn about how to be a global citizen. You can learn something from everyone.What do you dislike most in a person? Arrogance. I believe that arrogance breeds ignorance. Which Up-Close programs have been your favorite? Each guest on Up-Close has left a strong impression on my own personal outlook. And that"s because each individual has a truly inspiring story to tell. I admire all of our guests like General John Fugh, Dr. Henry Lee, Annie Wu... But the ones who have really left an indelible mark are The Flying Tigers, for their heroic sacrifices and courageous spirit celebrating life; Sabriye Tenberken and Paul Kronenberg for her extraordinary bravery and dedication to the blind in Tibet; Flora Zhang Tian-ai for her amazing grace, beauty and eloquence...Who would you want to interview most? The list is endless. But if I had to choose someone in China, I would have to say Vice Premier Wu Yi. Here is a woman of incredible intelligence, integrity, ambition and elegance. She is the most powerful woman in China today and a very important role model for the women of the world. What is your philosophy on life? Stay positive and aim to be happy. Life will continue to throw challenges at you no matter how much you plan. These are tests of individual character and it will be up to you to assert yourself and turn an impossible situation into a positive opportunity. What is your advice to everyone out there? Remember there is only one person in the world like you - yourself. That makes you absolutely unique and special.What do you do in your spare time? I have a variety of hobbies. I love to do all forms of exercise. Lately in Beijing, I have been learning boxing, as well as been practicing pilates. But my favorite forms of exercise are outdoors ? snowboarding, hiking. I love to read. But if I have a larger block of free time, I will always try to do some type of travel, whether it"s within China or outside of China. My passion is to experience new cultures, and explore new sights. I feel this really stimulates

英语词组:get up close to是什么意思?和close to有什么区别?

应该是get close to吧,和 close to都可以理解为靠近,亲近的意思。

高中英语,不是got是不是因为allow是情态动词?以及up close是不是一个词组

42 题是be allowed to do sth, 所以后面用的是to get.这里get up close to你可以看成是一个词组,其实跟get close to意思差不多,意思是"靠近,接近",to是介词。希望对你有帮助

up talk close哪个不是同一类


翻译并解释up close的意思。

他们帮助人们更靠近地看,也看得更远。up close是副词,意思是靠近地,近距离地

updaughterclosesit down的对应词分别是什么?


up close 是什么意思


updaughterclosesit down的对应词分别是什么?

up(向上)-down(向下) daughter(女儿)-son(儿子) close(关)-open(开) sit down(坐下)-stand up(站起) 希望能够给你帮助!

life is a tragedy when seen in close-up,but a comedy in long-shot,什么意思


up close 是什么意思

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: UP向上,就是高端人物了;CLOSE,不是“关上”,而是“接近”的意思。大概的意思也就是和高端人物的近距离接触了。 中央电视台有个节目就叫up close,他翻译的是“人物聚焦”。

Flowers close up before a storm的中文意思是什么

谚语 前面一般还有一句"April showers brings May flowers”, 四月雨,五月花Flowers close up before a storm花落暴雨前

up close是什么意思

up close靠近地

翻译并解释up close的意思。


镜头上close-up +4是什么意思

close取消 UP 是向上 所以你最好根据开关功能说明去确定作用。

close-up view是什么意思及反义词

特写镜头;接近的观察相似单词micro-close adj. 非常接近的close-hauled a. 迎风开的,抢风开的close-grained a. 密实的,纹理细密的closet n.[C] 1. 壁橱 2. 密室,书房 3. 祈祷室 4. 隐蔽(或秘密、朦胧)状态 5. (= water closet) 盥洗室 adj. 1. 秘密的,私下的 2. 空谈的,空论的 v.[T] 关入小室closemouthed a. 寡言的,沉默的,紧嘴的

close up pussy 是什么意思

close up pussy靠近猫pussy[英][u02c8pu028asi][美][u02c8pu028asi]n.猫咪; 〈侮辱〉阴道; adj.多脓的,似脓的; 复数:pussies例句:1.Russian expats who were never politically active before were also motivated by pussyriot"s predicament.
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