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雷神之锤4(Quake 4) 有中文版的吗????????????????????????????


he goes quake和he goes quickly哪个是对的

对,也可以放在后面. he got on the bus quickly .

我的Quake 4是英文版的,不知道如何才能设置成跟机器人对战的模式?希望详解

A(1):首先下载机器人程序(在百度里搜索一下就有了有POD2.5和POD2.7两个版本,下载2.7的2.5是老版本了),下载好了后根据默认的安装路径安装即可. A(2):把地图安装在counter-strikercstrikermaps下面而不是counter-strikermaps下面,这是很重要的. 最后运行CS就可以了调机器人按"+","+1"是调T(先按"+1"后面的几项是机器人的智商,100最高),"+2"是调CT(机器人智商同T). 首先安装要正确:对于新手来说我还是说清楚一点.1:在桌面或硬盘里面新建一个文件夹.2:把机器人程序剪切到新建文件夹里面.3:点击机器人程序安装.4:安装路经还是新建文件夹.5:进入安装出来的cstrike文件夹里.6:把里面的三个文件剪切到cs中文硬盘版/cstrike里面.这样就有机器人了. 如果想要知道那些地图有机器人的话可以打开cs中文硬盘版/cstrike/podbot/WPTDefault的这个文件,这里面都是地图名.有地图名的就代表有机器人. 有的地图没有机器人,这让很多玩家头痛。而且又下载不到!比如专门练AWP的地图就是没有机器人,怎么办呢很简单! 只打五个英文命令就OK了 ????常常download下来的地图没有路点文件,在家没法和bot们练CS,于是想到了DIY路点文件。CS机器人程序的waypoint(路点)就是告诉机器人该怎么走,哪里是任务目的地(如是救人质,就是人质房,在哪里防守,在哪里集结。CS PODBOT 2.5内建了编辑路点文件的功能。下面我们就来看看具体方法: 1、首先装入机器人程序 2、然后在CS快捷方式后输入 -console一定注意在-前有空格的 3、进入CS游戏选警察 5、按~键调出控制台, 6、输入waypoint on;(必须) 7、输入pathwaypoint on;(必须) 8、输入autowaypoint on;(必须) 9、再按~键,从基地朝目的地进发,在你的背后将有一道道的绿色竖线并有当当当的响声,你逛遍 地图每一个角落再按M键选匪同样逛地图(注意不要跳跃和直上直下的响的梯子楼梯没事) 10、再按~键输入强行存盘waypoint save nocheck;(就可运行地图看一下了自己制作的机器人路点了)注意完全退出CS后再进去 ????哈哈路点制作就这么简单,,,99%看了会成功的,回头再学难的吧 一:游戏中PODBot的使用 在游戏中,如果你是服务器,就可以对PODBot进行设置,通常设置热键为按了“=”之后,就会出现: 1.Quick add Bot 2.Add specific Bot 3.Kill all Bots 4.Newround(All Players) 5.Fill Server with Bots 6.Kick Random Bot 7.Remove all Bots 8.Select Weapon Mode 参数说明: 1.Quick add Bot 随机加入一个Bot,默认技能值在60~100 2.Add specific Bot 加入一个特定的Bot,也就是设置加入的该Bot的技能值 选择后会出现: 1.Stupid(0-20) 白痴级 2.Newbie(20-40) 新手级 3.Average(40-60) 普通级 4.Advanced(60-80) 高手级 5.Professional(80-99) 专业级 6.Godlike(100) 无敌 选择后会出现: 1.Terrorist 2.Counter-Terrorist 5.Auto-Assign (随机队伍) (选择该Bot的队伍) 选择1后会出现 1.Phoenix Connexion 2.L337 Krew 3.Arctic Avengers 4.Guerilla Warfare (选择该Bot的人物皮肤) 选择2后会出现 1.Seal Team 6 2.GSG-9 3.SAS 4.GiGN (选择该Bot的人物皮肤) 3.Kill all Bots 杀光所有Bot 4.Newround(All Players) 新的回合(杀光所有Bot和人类玩家) 5.Fill server with Bots 用Bot塞满服务器 选择后会出现: 1.Terrorist 2.Counter-Terrorist 5.Auto-Assign (随机队伍) (选择队伍) 6.Kick Random bot 随机kick出一个Bot 7.Remove all Bots kick出所有Bot 8.Select Weapon Mode 设置Bot使用的枪械 选择后会出现: 1.Knives only(JasonModel) 刀(肉搏模式) 2.Pistols only 手枪 3.Shotguns only 霰弹枪 4.Machine Guns only 冲锋枪 5.Rifles only 狙击步枪 6.Smiper Weapons only 重机枪 7.All Weapons(Standard) 恢复所有枪械(标准模式) 二:PODBot的路点 路点设置是在游戏中的控制台进行设置的,命令如下: waypoint on 显示路点并打开编辑开关,要编辑路点必须先输入这个命令 waypoint on noclip 显示路点并打开编辑开关,与上一个命令不同的是这个命令同时打开了“穿墙”模式,你可以在空中和水下自由移动而不受重力的影响,这个开关主要用来在编辑水下的路点时使用。 waypoint off 关闭编辑开关(同时关闭“穿墙”模式) waypoint add 添加一个路点,这个命令会打开一个菜单,供你选择要添加的路点类型,具体请看下面的“部分命令详细说明” waypoint delete 删除与你当前位置最近的路点 waypoint find x 用一条线显示路点名称为X的路点在你的哪个方向 waypoint showflags 显示路点的特殊标记 waypoint addflag 给当前路点加上特殊标记 waypoint delflag 删除当前路点的特殊标记 waypoint setradius x 把当前路点的作用范围设置为数值X waypoint stats 显示当前地图一共设置了多少个路点 最后:进入后按+再按1,就会有人了,不断按就会有很多人

求 quake 3 下载 地址

转自Q3ACNQ3 下载比上次Q3_2009更新了cpma, osp, RA3, 及增加baseq3 内的地图请先备份自已CFG, 删去旧OSP, CPMA, Arena 等 Folder除了地图外, 以后Q3a 不会再有更新 , 这是最终版单包下载 --->可选择性下载, 大家最好用FTP程式下载ftp://q3acn:q3acn@daqu.vicp.net/Q3_2010或ftp://daqu.vicp.net登入名:q3acn, 密码:q3acn 在档案夹 Q3_2010 内下载模式 包括cpmaOSPThreewaveRA3Tools 内有看demo 的DSCTools 内的qtracker把内裏的qtracker.ini 放到c:windows folder 后, 拉qtracker.exe 捷俓出来, 绿色软件.你可设找同伴的功能, 他上线, 便弹出窗口, 说你知他在那. 现在预设了是找出LAGger 的, 你可改的, 内裏有使用方法有5张gif图片说明.View ---> Option ---> Quak 3 arena --> 自已q3 路径, 可连上Q3 serverBaseq3 内已有q3 model skin, 下载了这个q3 后在server内, /exec freemodel , 按一下"Tab"键便能看到对方model统一model 方法是在server内, /exec model , 按一下"Tab"键-------------------------------------------------------------------------Q3 其他的下载资源, 多谢bed提供ftp 下载ftp://q3acn:q3acn@daqu.vicp.net 或ftp://daqu.vicp.net登入:q3acn密码:q3acn




Hexen 2Heretic 2


不知道你要的是哪个版本的 我电脑上边的那个才49.7M 绝对是quake 3 你要是想要 加你QQ发给你吧 我忘记在哪下的了 前几天才下的




quake-resistant 抗震的,防震的 ;It uses soft materials to make it easy to bend and quake-resistant but not easy to slide. 采用软材质能达到弯曲、防震的效果,且不易滑落。


quakewithfear的意思是:解释:因恐惧而颤抖。一、网络释义点此查看quakewithfear的详细内容 怕得发抖...nowthat既然quakewithfear怕得发抖put/throwintoprison把投进监狱,使坐牢... 怕的发抖...indetail详细地quakewithfear怕的发抖looksomebodyintheeye注视(某人),直视(某人)...quakewithfear的相关临近词quake、quakelaw点此查看更多关于quakewithfear的详细信息

moon quake是什么意思?

moonquakes网名寓意是:月震。英['mu:nkweu026ak]。释义:n.[地震][天]月震。bluemoon千载难逢的时机。重点词汇:quake。英[kweu026ak]。释义:v.(因恐惧或紧张)发抖,颤抖,哆嗦;(大地、建筑物等)震动,摇晃;怕得发抖(幽默用法)。n.地震(等于earthquake);颤抖,哆嗦;震动,摇晃。[复数:quakes;第三人称单数:quakes;现在分词:quaking;过去式:quaked;过去分词:quaked]。短语:Quake II雷神之锤II;雷神之锤;雷神之锥;雷神之槌。词语使用变化:moon。n.(名词)。1、月球是指绕地球旋转的月球。因为月球是地球唯一已知的自然卫星,它经常与定冠词一起使用,首字母小写。在科技文章中,Moon的第一个字母大写是为了突出。“Moon”有时被比喻为“月亮形状的物体”。2、moon在表示月亮某时间出现等某种状态时,可与不定冠词连用,此时其前常有形容词修饰,作此解时常用单数。

quake3 同时期游戏有哪些

quake3于1999年12月发行,同时期游戏有《拳皇99》。雷神之锤III(quake3)是由id Software采用id Tech3引擎制作的多人连线第一人称射击游戏(FPS),1999年12月发行。玩家或独立或组队在地图中厮杀,死亡后数秒即在地图某处重生。《拳皇99》日本SNK公司于1999年7月22日发行的街机格斗游戏,是《拳皇98》的续作,其后续作品为《拳皇2000》。作为《拳皇》系列“N.E.S.T.S”篇的第一章,游戏讲述了新一届“King of Fighters”大会展开,其产生了闻所未闻的对战形式,而在这次新大会背后亦隐藏着种种谜团的故事。战斗系统:《拳皇99》放弃了《拳皇98》成熟的系统,没有了模式选择,而改为所有人物通用的最大蓄满三颗宝珠的能量槽。并且取消了能量槽的继承系统。缩短了紧急回避的距离,加快了紧急回避的时间。并且向后回避时会向前小跳跃。同时可以CANCEL必杀技和超必杀。《拳皇99》也首次引用了“援护系统”以及“攻击模式”的概念,并且新增爆气发动的反击模式和防护模式。在该作中,玩家需选择4名角色,排序时的最后一名角色为援护角色。通过消耗画面下侧的援护点使用援护攻击。

quake3 同时期游戏有哪些

quake3于1999年12月发行,同时期游戏有《拳皇99》。雷神之锤III(quake3)是由id Software采用id Tech3引擎制作的多人连线第一人称射击游戏(FPS),1999年12月发行。玩家或独立或组队在地图中厮杀,死亡后数秒即在地图某处重生。《拳皇99》日本SNK公司于1999年7月22日发行的街机格斗游戏,是《拳皇98》的续作,其后续作品为《拳皇2000》。作为《拳皇》系列“N.E.S.T.S”篇的第一章,游戏讲述了新一届“King of Fighters”大会展开,其产生了闻所未闻的对战形式,而在这次新大会背后亦隐藏着种种谜团的故事。战斗系统:《拳皇99》放弃了《拳皇98》成熟的系统,没有了模式选择,而改为所有人物通用的最大蓄满三颗宝珠的能量槽。并且取消了能量槽的继承系统。缩短了紧急回避的距离,加快了紧急回避的时间。并且向后回避时会向前小跳跃。同时可以CANCEL必杀技和超必杀。《拳皇99》也首次引用了“援护系统”以及“攻击模式”的概念,并且新增爆气发动的反击模式和防护模式。在该作中,玩家需选择4名角色,排序时的最后一名角色为援护角色。通过消耗画面下侧的援护点使用援护攻击。


quake: shake with fast, tremulous movements(快速而胆小地颤抖), shake with seismic vibration(地震引起的颤抖). shake: move or cause to move back and forth(前后摇晃地动), move with or as if with a tremor(好似激动或兴奋而动),



雷神之锤quake3怎么加bot CTF地图在哪找?


quake-hit victims什么意思

quake-hit victims地震袭击的受害者-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


第一种:纯单机游戏不能连机,带有联网的游戏比如CS红警,要先建立局域网才能连机 第二种:1,不可以联机的游戏,就不可以联机,将就的跟cpu 打吧2,有些游戏没有出联机,如英雄无敌4,那也咩办法3,出了联机的游戏,如strick counter等,你可以在主界面点多人游戏,则它会出现小方框,第一个一般是并联,就是与你相邻的两台机子,我家两台电脑就是与朋友这样玩的。第二个好像是局域网,在你所在的区域内可以玩,如学校的电脑房,那很有趣,第三个或后面几个估计是网上对战吧,什么ip连接我也搞不懂,本人不清楚,首先你得告诉我你玩的是什么游戏,不是吗,朋友?4,另外你到浩方去,那是一个游戏平台,那里可以在网上联机打单机游戏(其实与cpu打也其乐无穷啊) 注意:联机只能在单机游戏联机,纯单机游戏不能联机,请您注意<p class="answer-refer mt-10 f-light-gray" accuse="aRefer"><span class="refer-title">参考资料:</span>属专家类的,请勿抄袭 请给点分

Quake1 3d引擎的具体原理?

Quake1 3d引擎是一种低延迟、高性能的3D游戏引擎,它主要通过使用相对简单的碰撞检测算法来检测物理碰撞,并利用三角几何计算渲染,将图形投射到二维平面上。此外,它还使用Bsp树(也称为Binary Space Partition Tree)来提高游戏场景中可视分界线的效率。


在这里我们向大家隆重介绍迄今为止制作得最流畅、图像最华丽的个人电脑游戏:《雷神之槌III:竞技场》。自它推出之后,全世界无数的游戏迷们沉浸在它虚幻的游戏世界里,每天登入服务器,互相撕杀的玩家数以万计。每个人都希望能够在这些服务器上进行游戏,有些人甚至为了连接成功,不得不连续进行尝试。那些暴力而又疯狂的竞技场可能会让你望而生畏,然而这份《雷神之槌III:竞技场》的游戏指南就是专门为了增添你的游戏历程中的乐趣而设计的。它为游戏菜鸟们提供了大量有价值的提示,游戏老手们在阅读它的过程中,也可以总结归纳出宝贵的策略,最终达到提高游戏水平的目的.在这份详尽的游戏指南中,你将会看到:一般性的死亡竞赛策略:无论你是初次尝试死亡竞赛的生手,或是一个经验丰富的“杀人魔王”,只要仔细的阅读这部分指南,就可以掌握热键技巧、鼠标控制技巧,以及适用于所有地图和死亡竞赛遭遇战的一般策略。一般性的一对一搏杀策略:虽然混战游戏方式及小队协作式游戏方式能够提供最具爆炸性、也是最高的伤亡统计数字,但是,一对一搏杀比赛常常被认为是紧张、也是最具策略性的游戏方式。在这部分指南中,你将要学会面对经验丰富的挑战者时,如何应付自如的基本策略。各种武器介绍:在这个部分,展示在你面前的是《雷神之槌III》中威力强大的武器种类的完整纲要介绍。在里面你会看到这些武器的统计数字以及使用策略,你会发现自己不虚此行,因为你的武器使用技能将大为提高。能量包补充策略:武器只是游戏的一个组成部分。竞技场上每一位真正的大师都知道如何善用《雷神之槌III》中每一个能量包,而且对它们位于游戏中的哪一个位置上,都了如指掌。死亡竞赛地图分析:武器和能量包的知识对你的帮助也是很有限的。在你开始一场单人锦标赛或多人联机战斗之前,最好深入的研究这一部分指南,里面有关于《雷神之槌III》中所有死亡竞赛地图的策略分析。在这一部分中,你将会找到地图的详细目录(诸如武器、能量包之类的宝贵资料)、关键性的武器及能量包的隐藏地点、提升你杀敌数目的策略。锦标赛地图分析:一对一搏杀游戏方式强调的是一种异于常规的思路,而不是混战的死亡竞赛中所必需的混乱。《雷神之槌III》的单人游戏版和多人游戏版中都有许多锦标赛(或者说是一对一搏杀比赛)的地图。翻开这一部分指南,查找每一张地图的详细目录、关键物品的隐藏地点以及控制自己水平、保持领先地位的策略。夺取旗帜的地图分析:在这一部分指南中,你将会掌握《雷神之槌I II》中一些夺取旗帜的策略以及针对游戏中四幅地图中每一幅地图的详细技巧介绍。秘技以及复活蛋:在这一部分指南中,你将会看到《雷神之槌III》中使用的秘技以及分布在地图上各个角落中有趣的复活蛋。攻击:鼠标左键移动由五个主要的部分组成:向前移动、向后移动(后退)、朝左边平移(朝左走)、朝右边平移(朝右走)以及跳跃。你的食指、中指和无名指将用来完成其中的三个动作,而你的大拇指以及鼠标右键将用来完成剩下来的两个动作。你当然可以随意的设置这些热键和鼠标,但是下面会为大家推荐一种屡试不爽的设置方法:向前移动:鼠标右键后退:X朝左移动:Z朝右移动:C向上/跳跃:空格键使用这种配置方法,不用抬手,就可以完成《雷神之槌III》中每一个复杂的动作。死亡竞赛中度过的每一分每一秒,都将向你显示,尽可能缩短你的反应时间是多么的重要。一些人喜欢做“蹲伏”之个动作(比如说,在轨道炮战斗中),以便自己尽量不暴露在敌人的视野中——但是这个动作使用的机率毕竟是很少的,所以控制这个动作的热键也就不需要用这些常用的按键来设置了。向下/蹲伏:左边的控制键(Ctrl)如果你使用的是三键鼠标,或是鼠标上有一个可转动的轮子,你就可以将它设置成一些有用的热键了。用它是来完成火箭式跳跃是一个不错的注意;在这份指南中,我们并不想干涉你的配置方法,但是在不少有关《雷神之槌III》的网站中,你可能会找到一些有帮助的建议。在移动和开火之后,改变武器是另一项最常用到的动作。许多人利用鼠标转轮来控制武器的改变,我们并不赞成这种选择。实际上,使用任何一个热键来浏览选择武器都是不明智的。为了尽可能迅速的找到最能奏效的武器,循环浏览武器清单根本就不是一个好的办法。因为武器的默认按键(也就是,数字键1,2,3等按键)一般都是些远离你的移动键的按键,所以你需要重新设置,将你最喜爱的武器设置在离你的移动键比较近的按键上。比如说:超级散弹猎枪:A电浆枪:S火箭筒发射器:D轨道炮:FBFG:V在使用这样一种设置方案来进行一段时间游戏之后,你就会开始变得习惯使用它了,当你需要使用火箭筒发射器时,你的食指将会条件反射式的将手指迅速的从C键移到D键,并按下去。事实上,你可能会发现自己在使用这套设置方法时,是如此的得心应手,可能会做到“自动的改变武器”。当然还有更好的设置方案,但前提就是你设置的键盘能够让你轻松的改变武器。记住,这套控制方案只是我们的一个建议。许多游戏玩家们更喜欢使用WASD式的配置方法,W和S分别控制着前进和后退,A和D分别控制着侧向移动。最重要的是,你使用的配置方法一定要让你觉得舒适就好。如果你在完成这些动作时总是觉得很不顺手的话,在对付那些积累了数以万计的游戏经验的《雷神之槌III》游戏老手时,你将会处于明显的劣势。不要过于追求华丽的图像虚荣心是许多竞争者失败的主要原因——不仅是指相貌上的虚荣,更重要的是在你的图像上表现出来的虚荣心。如果你真的想成为一个杀人机器,就要降低你的图像设置,直到你能够在最拥挤的房间中运行自如,不会受到游戏帧频变化的影响。毫无疑问,喷射的黄铜色子弹头和32位颜色下运行的游戏确实非常的绚丽,但是如果你是在本身支离破碎的状态下欣赏这些画面时,它也就显得无关紧要了,因为它们并不能帮助你提高分数。《雷神之槌III》网站是高级的图像调整的重要资料来源之一,通过配置文件夹或控制台来加快帧频,以达到高速运行游戏的目的。在设置菜单里还有许多其它的设置,特别是在图像子菜单下。比如说,降低你的分辨率以及纹理像素,(天骄)效果将会大不一样。其它的选项包括关闭喷射黄铜色子弹头以及高质量的天空渲染贴图。进行一些必要的调整,以保证无论你的地图是如何的复杂,所做的动作是如何的疯狂,当你飞快的转身时,你的帧频不会降低。时刻提高警惕如果基本的设置都正确的完成后,在后面的死亡竞技场上你就会获得更大的成功。这条永恒的真理唯一存在的变数就是“游戏菜鸟们自己”,他们必须得花上一段时间来习惯使用鼠标探路的同时,行云流水般的四处跑动。如果你还是初次玩第一人称射击游戏的话,你最好考虑推迟进入多人游戏世界的时间,直到你能够熟练的使用正确设置好的键盘以及鼠标为止。在你使用这种方案,玩上一段时间的游戏之后,基本上你就能够熟悉它了。要想成为游戏中的赢家,你必须得学会朝一个方向移动的同时,脸朝向另一个方向。其中最容易掌握就是脸朝向后方,慢慢前进的动作。当你与一个极其好斗的对手战斗时,或是退入到一个壁橱中,取走里面的物品时,这一招特别管用。如果你控制着向前移动以及后退的按键恰好位于你的两根手指下时,你不用改变手指的位置,就可以流畅的变换方向了—— 比如说有些人将X设置为控制后退的热键,将S设置为控制前进的热键。当有人在你后面紧追不舍时,笔直朝前跑、企图甩掉对方并不是一个好办法,最好是一边后退,一边朝对手开火。较难一点的动作就是边移动时,眼睛边向一侧看。要完成这个动作,你就得能够熟练的在前进、左移和右移三个热键间转换。当你在奔跑的同时,眼睛朝左看,你将需要使用你的右移键,控制着人物的移动。反之亦然,当你在奔跑的同时,眼睛要朝右看,你就需要一直使用你的左移键。在你朝左右张望时,要保证你能够按正确的方向移动,你可能必须得不时的放开前进键,或反复的按下前进键。为什么要做这么复杂的动作呢?原因很简单:大多数时候,你的对手并不会径直出现在你的面前。如果从你的侧面袭击你的话,对你造成的威胁会更大一些。另外,值得注意的是,当你奔跑着穿过一扇开启的大门(庭院中的或平台下的门)——无论是哪种情况下,你就必须在奔向下一个目的地的同时,要做到眼看四方,耳听八方。许多游戏玩家,在通过一个加速发射台穿越天空时,眼睛常常会盯着他们将要着陆的地点,除了一些警惕性极高的人,一般人都会目不斜视。然而加速发射台很少会将你送到正确的着陆地点上,所以当你身在半空中时,你最好时不时的环视四周。在计算机系统指引你安全着陆的同时,你的眼睛可以用来寻找敌人。如果在那些发射台上,有对手对你紧追不舍的话,你就特别要注意脸朝向身后,朝追赶者开火。电浆枪和超级散弹猎枪都是此时最能奏效的武器之一。相对而言,弹跳发射台是另一个颇具挑战性的动作实验地,因为较之加速发射台,它们一般会将你笔直弹出,速度也比较慢。一般而言,在半空中你有几种控制着路线的方法,所以不要被动的接受弹跳发射台默认的抛物线,除非你此时孤身一人,漫无目标。当你身处半空中时,眼睛不要盯着正前方,而应该四下张望。最好的方法时,当你飞向目的地时,时不时看看它的上方和下方。如果有人追赶你,你就看着正下方,射出漫天的电浆枪子弹、手榴弹或者火箭筒。当你沿着一条空荡荡的走廊朝前跑时,你最好时不时的飞快的瞄一下你的身后,看后面是不是有敌人在追赶你。要完成这个动作,你必须学会飞快的在前进键以及后退键间转换,同时用你的鼠标控制着你的视角转换 180度——然后飞快的再次转回。事实上,这一个动作的使用好坏就会影响你的总体分数。总而言之,无论何时何地,当你通过不同高度的地形时,你的眼睛应该望着可然会出现突发状况的地方。在你奔跑着穿过门口、斜坡以及平台时,要注意仔细的搜索一番。眼睛时不时的望一下身后。随时都不要放松警惕。游戏进行中在游戏中最重要的技巧就是不仅要选择最好的武器,而且还要能够预测出敌人的动向。在一对一的搏杀游戏中,了解你唯一的对手在地图上的位置,是至关重要的,而当你与多人比拼时,这一点也就显得不是那么重要了。在这里,我们指的是在战斗中预测对手的位置。很少有人会按直线前进,根据你的对手的动作,选择最能奏效的武器,也是显得非常重要了。火箭筒和手榴弹的速度较慢,需要花上一段时间才能击中预定目标,电浆枪中射出的子弹也是如此,当你选择用这些子弹速度相对较慢的武器与敌人作战时,你必须得尽量预测出对手前进的方位,并向这个位置开火。比如说,最常见的电浆枪失误常常会在人们用它瞄准对手,开火时出现。除非你的对手非常配合,否则你将很难击中对手。另一个例子就是从火箭筒中发射出来的导弹常常会将对手弹出去,看到敌人像鸭子一样被弹入半空中,你一定会觉得很滑稽,所以为了保证准确的命中目标,你最好瞄准对方即将着陆的地点,发射出一枚导弹,正中敌人。

quake4 雷神之锤4 bot问题求助,求高手详解

游戏中按下Ctrl+Alt+~键开启控制台然后输入命令:com_allowconsole 1,才能使用~键开启BOT控制台,试试把 sabot使用说明:将zip里面的文件解压到Quake 4目录下的“sabot”文件夹里。单击“sabot”里的Load SABot进入游戏,或者进入QUAKE4后从MOD MENU选择“SABot a8”,可以在控制台里输入gamename,看是否开启了SABot然后建立多人游戏,在控制台里输入addbot bot_sabot。就可以加入一个机器人bot。删除机器人bot可以在控制台里输入removebot n。“n”指删除机器人的数目。

为什么喜欢玩 CS 的人比喜欢玩 Quake 的人多?

什么殷勤无所谓,关键是因为CS比Quake好玩 查看原帖>>



劲乐团的earth quake(地震)



《Quake III》引擎增加了32Bit 材质的支持,还直接支持高细节模型和动态光影。同时,引擎在地图中的各种材质、模型上,都表现出了极好的真实光线效果。《Quake III》使用了革命性.MD3格式的人物模型,模型的采光使用了顶点光影(vertex animation)技术,每一个人物都被分为不同段(头、身体等),并由玩家在游戏中的移动而改变实际的造型,游戏中真实感更强烈。《Quake III》拥有游戏内命令行的方式,几乎所有使用这款引擎的游戏都可以用`键调出游戏命令行界面,通过指令的形式对游戏进行修改,增强了引擎的灵活性。《Quake III》一款十分优秀的游戏引擎,即使是放到今天来讲,这款引擎仍有可取之处,即使画质可能不是第一流的了,但是其优秀的移植性、易用性、和灵活性使得它作为游戏引擎仍能发挥余热,使用《Quake III》引擎的游戏数量众多,比如早期的《使命召唤》系列、《荣誉勋章》、《绝地武士2》、《星球大战》、《佣兵战场2》、《007》、《重返德军总部2》等等。



英语单词:quiver quake 和 shudder 都有“发抖”的意思,其区别和具体用法是如何?

在程度上, quake最弱,几乎难以觉察His insides quaked at the thought.想到这一点,他心里就发慌。quiver 暗指轻微的、快速的、震颤的运动She tried to steady her fingers, but they quivered uncontrollably.她想稳定住自己的手指,但它们不由自主地抖动不已。Shudder 主要指由于恐惧、恐怖或心情的突变引起的骤发性震动I shudder to think what would have happened if he hadn"t acted as quickly as he did.我不敢设想如果他没有反应那么快的话会发生什么事。

quake3 同时期游戏有哪些

quake3于1999年12月发行,同时期游戏有《拳皇99》。雷神之锤III(quake3)是由id Software采用id Tech3引擎制作的多人连线第一人称射击游戏(FPS),1999年12月发行。玩家或独立或组队在地图中厮杀,死亡后数秒即在地图某处重生。《拳皇99》日本SNK公司于1999年7月22日发行的街机格斗游戏,是《拳皇98》的续作,其后续作品为《拳皇2000》。作为《拳皇》系列“N.E.S.T.S”篇的第一章,游戏讲述了新一届“King of Fighters”大会展开,其产生了闻所未闻的对战形式,而在这次新大会背后亦隐藏着种种谜团的故事。战斗系统:《拳皇99》放弃了《拳皇98》成熟的系统,没有了模式选择,而改为所有人物通用的最大蓄满三颗宝珠的能量槽。并且取消了能量槽的继承系统。缩短了紧急回避的距离,加快了紧急回避的时间。并且向后回避时会向前小跳跃。同时可以CANCEL必杀技和超必杀。《拳皇99》也首次引用了“援护系统”以及“攻击模式”的概念,并且新增爆气发动的反击模式和防护模式。在该作中,玩家需选择4名角色,排序时的最后一名角色为援护角色。通过消耗画面下侧的援护点使用援护攻击。


quiver轻微快速颤抖The leaves quivered in the breeze.The butterfly quivers its wings.shake 自己摇动 shock 震惊 受打击 发自内心quake 震动较大 earthquake

shake和 quake的区别

shake 动词 摇动、晃动的意思quake 是名词 意思是 震动 (名词)像 earth quake 地震之类的总之 区别就是词性不同、一个是动词。一个是名词




意思是:月震英['mu:nkweu026ak]释义:n.[地震][天]月震blue moon千载难逢的时机重点词汇:quake英[kweu026ak]释义:v.(因恐惧或紧张)发抖,颤抖,哆嗦;(大地、建筑物等)震动,摇晃;怕得发抖(幽默用法)n.地震(等于earthquake);颤抖,哆嗦;震动,摇晃[复数:quakes;第三人称单数:quakes;现在分词:quaking;过去式:quaked;过去分词:quaked]短语:Quake II雷神之锤II;雷神之锤;雷神之锥;雷神之槌扩展资料:词语使用变化:moonn.(名词)1、moon的意思是指围绕地球旋转的“月亮”“月球”。因为moon是地球唯一已知的天然卫星,它常与定冠词the连用,首字母小写。在科技文章中,为了醒目,常把moon的第一个字母大写。moon有时可用于比喻,表示“月状物”。2、moon在表示月亮某时间出现等某种状态时,可与不定冠词连用,此时其前常有形容词修饰,作此解时常用单数。

3. Early I searched through the earth for earth ware so as to research in earthquake.


Struck by the terrible earthquake, Wenchuan was from the ou...

C 短语辨析。cut up切碎,抨击; cut down 削减,砍到; cut off 切断,中断; cut in超车,插入。句意:受大地震袭击,汶川被与外面中断了联系。故选C。

Do you know the terrible earthquake that ( struck )San Francisco in 1996为什么选A A struck B attack


Earthquake [Gold Panda Remix] 歌词

歌曲名:Earthquake [Gold Panda Remix]歌手:Little Boots专辑:EarthquakeEarthquakeLittle BootsI can remember daysThings weren"t always this wayI used to make you smileIf only for a whileBut now I can"t get throughThere"s no way I can loseI know some days are hardBut must you make mine tooCoz I can"t stand itWhen you come home and we just fight for hoursBut I won"t show itNo I"ll just hold my breath and keep it quietEvery little earthquakeEvery little heartbreak going unheardEvery little landslideCatch it in my hand I won"t say a wordEvery time you hug meI know that it"s working making you mineEvery clap of thunder only makes me stronger on the insideNow many countless nightsI try my best to hideSoon as you slam the doorMy tears fall to the floorI know that people changeMaybe you"re not to blameBut must you burn a holeSo deep into my soulCoz I can"t stand itWhen you come home and we just fight for hoursBut I won"t show itNo I"ll just hold my breath and keep it quietEvery little earthquakeEvery little heartbreak going unheardEvery little landslideCatch it in my hand I won"t say a wordEvery time you hurt meI know that it"s working making you mineEvery clap of thunder only makes me stronger on the inside(Repeat)Every little earthquakeEvery little heartbreakEvery little landslideCatch it in my handEvery little earthquakeEvery little heartbreak going unheardEvery little landslideCatch it in my hand I won"t say a wordEvery time you hurt meI know that it"s working making you mineEvery clap of thunder only makes me stronger on the inside(Repeat)Every little earthquakeEvery little heartbreakEvery little landslideCatch it in my handhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9323330

各种自然灾害的英文名词,限当天,加分,比如地震earthquake 越多越好,分有的事

Avalanche 雪崩Blizzard 暴风雪Drought 干旱Earthquake 地震Famine 饥荒Flood 洪水Hailstorm 冰雹Heat Wave 热浪Hurricane 飓风Ice Storm 冰暴Lahar 火山崩发Landslide 泥石流Lightning 闪电Limnic Eruption 湖堰崩溃Sandstorm 沙尘暴Tornado 龙卷风Tsunami 海啸Volcanic Eruption 火山喷发,火山暴发Wildfire 野火就这些吧

You may hear about earthquakes, but do you know what to do before, during and after an earthqua...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:A小题4:D 试题分析:你可能会听到关于地震的事,但是你知道在地震之前,期间和之后要做什么吗?这里有一些建议给你:地震前的必要准备,关闭所有的电源,不要将重东西放在床上。地震期间,对于我们每一个人最重要的是保持冷静。地震之后不要急着出去,最好是等待安全了再出去。小题1:细节理解题。问题:下面哪一点在第二段中被提到?分析原文:Before an earthquake. Never put heavy things over beds.句意:在地震之前,床上不要放重的东西。结合选项只有第三项符合,人们不应该将重的东西放在床上。故选C小题2:细节理解题。问题:当地震发生时,什么能帮助你处理它?分析原文:During an earthquake. It is important for each of you to stay calm. 句意:地震期间,对于我们每一个人最重要的是保持冷静。明确答案为保持冷静。故选B小题3:细节理解题。问题:当大地开始摇晃的时候,你应该做什么?分析原文:The purpose is to protect yourself from falling things. 句意:观看四周的环境,目的是为了保护自己免受坠落物的伤害。故选A小题4:细节理解题。问题:读过短文之后,你能学到了什么?分析原文:You may hear about earthquakes, but do you know what to do before, during and after an earthquake? 句意:你可能会听到关于地震的事,但是你知道在地震之前,期间和之后要做什么吗?通过文章的中心句得知为,短文讲述在地震中如何保护好自已。故选D

在线等翻译加解释42.45.47.49的原因 Earthquakes have

翻译:在地震后,如果后援护理和提醒工作更到位,死于大火的人数则会大大减少,同时巨浪对人类的危害也会在控制之中。因此,对地球表面和岩石的研究程度,直接影响到地震所造成的危害大小程度。 释义:40,在地震中,需要的是护理,不是帮助,所以是B41.强调的是死亡人数,A,生命,B,人民,D,房屋,虽然搭配没有问题,但是 C更适合。42.显然是D,语义更适合,与41的单复数一致43.搭配上是great waves,没有great seas,great water.great OCEANS 语义不对44.地震的原因与ROCKS最有关,与SOIL,AIR,SECRET关系不大。45.减少。 注意:没有看到46-49

how about earthquakes

答案:C;I disagree我不同意;Not at all别客气;Good idea好主意;I"m sorry对不起;根据答语They can buy some food and clothes with the money他们能用筹集的钱买一些食物和衣服,推测上句句意:好主意;故选C.

大学英语作文How to Prepare for Earthquakes120字

Earthquakes can be among the most destructive natural disasters. Earthquakes can happen just about anywhere. They cannot be predicted, but your chances of survival are much better if you prepare in advance and you know what to do in case an earthquake strikes.If you are in a Vehicle, stop as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle, because the metal cover of a car will protect you from falling objects.If you are in a building, hold onto a solid object or get to the floor so that you do not fall. And you can also get next to a sturdy piece of furniture so that if a wall falls, it will create a space in which you can survive.

Fires may do more damage than the earthquakes求翻译过程


something about earthquake

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 帮我找找有关地震的资料(英语的~ Thanks~ 解析: Naturally occurring earthquakes Most naturally occuring earthquakes are related to the tectonic nature of the Earth. Such earthquakes are called tectonic earthquakes. The Earth"s lithosphere is a patch work of plates in slow but constant motion caused by the heat in the Earth"s mantle and core. Plate boundaries glide past each other, creating frictional stress. When the frictional stress exceeds a critical value, called local strength, a sudden failure occurs. The boundary of tectonic plates along which failure occurs is called the fault plane. When the failure at the fault plane results in a violent displacement of the Earth"s crust, the elastic strain energy is released and elastic waves are radiated, thus causing an earthquake. It is estimated that only 10 percent or less of an earthquake"s total energy is ultimately radiated as sei *** ic energy, while most of the earthquake"s energy is used to power the earthquake fracture growth and is eventually converted into heat. Therefore, earthquakes lower the Earth"s available potential energy and thermal energy, though these losses are negligible. To describe the physical process of occurrence of an earthquake, sei *** ologists use the Elastic-rebound theory.The majority of tectonic earthquakes originate at depths not exceeding a few tens of kilometers. Earthquakes occurring at boundaries of tectonic plates are called interplate earthquakes, while the less frequent events that occur in the interior of the lithospheric plates are called intraplate earthquakes. Where the crust is thicker and colder, earthquakes occur at greater depths of hundreds of kilometers along subduction zones where plates descend into the Earth"s mantle. These types of earthquakes are called deep focus earthquakes. They are possibly generated when subducted lithospheric material catastrophically undergoes a phase transition (e.g., olivine to spinel), releasing stored energy—such as elastic strain, chemical energy or gravitational energy—that cannot be supported at the pressures and temperatures present at such depths. Earthquakes may also occur in volcanic regions and are caused by the movement of magma in volcanoes. Such quakes can be an early warning of volcanic eruptions. A recently proposed theory suggests that some earthquakes may occur in a sort of earthquake storm, where one earthquake will trigger a series of earthquakes each triggered by the previous shifts on the fault lines, similar to aftershocks, but occurring years later, and with some of the later earthquakes as damaging as the early ones. Such a pattern was observed in the sequence of about a dozen earthquakes that struck the Anatolian Fault in Turkey in the 20th Century, the half dozen large earthquakes in New Madrid in 1811-1812, and has been inferred for older anomalous clusters of large earthquakes in the Middle East and in the Mojave Desert.


An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth"s crust that creates seismic waves(地震波).Earthquakes are recorded with a seismometer(地震检波器),also known as a seismograph(地震仪).The moment magnitude of an earthquake is conventionally reported,or the related and mostly obsolete Richter magnitude(里氏量级),with magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes being mostly imperceptible 感觉不到的 and magnitude 7 causing serious damage over large areas.Intensity of shaking is measured on the modified Mercalli scale(麦加利震级,麦氏震级). At the Earth"s surface,earthquakes manifest themselves by a shaking and sometimes displacement (位移)of the ground.When a large earthquake epicenter (震中)is located offshore,the seabed sometimes suffers sufficient displacement to cause a tsunami(海啸).The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity. In its most generic sense,the word earthquake is used to describe any seismic event—whether a natural phenomenon or an event caused by humans—that generates seismic waves.Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture(破裂,裂开) of geological faults(断层),but also by volcanic activity,landslides,mine blasts,and nuclear experiments. An earthquake"s point of initial rupture is called its focus or hypocenter.The term epicenter means the point at ground level directly above this.




Since earthquake may cause great destrucktion,we need to learn how to detect them quickly.Animals always give us warnings.For example ,before an earthquake hens would not enter their cages;rats run out from their hiding places and march fearlessly throu houses;even normally quiet dogs bark in chorus all over town.Pigeons are especially noisy and fly in unuaual patterns.And most noticeable in a chemical change in ground water before a quake. To prevent destruction of property ,the architects design columns and horizontal beams of equal strength.Besides the efforts toimprove building structures,people also should prepare their houses for the possibility of a great earthquake.It is advisable to check and reiforce their homes regularly.And remember to place heavy objects in low positions,attach cupboards and cabinets to walls,and the like .All these precautions can make a great difference in saving lives and preventing theloss of homes.

跪求高一英语UNIT4 Earthquakes课文原文

A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN"T SLEEPStrange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei.For three days the water in the village wells rose and fell,rose and fell.Farmers noticed that the well walls had deep cracks in them.A smelly gas came out of the cracks.In the farmyards,the chickens and even the pigs were too nervois to eat.Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide.Fish jumped out of their bowls and ponds.At about 3:00 am on july 28,1976,some people saw bright lights in the sky.The sound of planes could be heard outside the city of Tangshan even when no planes were in the sky.In the city,the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.but the one million people of the city,who thiught little of these events,were asleep as usual that night.At 3:42 am everything began to shake.It seemed as if the world was at an end!Eleven kilometres directly below the city the greatest earthquake of the 20th century had begun.It was felt in Beijing,which is more than two hundred kilometres away.One-third of the nation felt it.A huge crack that was eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide cut across houses,roads and canals.Steam burst from holes in the ground.Hard hills of rock became rivers of dir.In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.The suffering of the people was extreme.Two-thirds of them died or were left without parents.The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.But how could the survivors believe it was natural?Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.All of the city"s hospitals,75%of its factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone.Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves.No wind,however,could blow them away.Two dams fell and most of the bridges also fell or were not safe for travelling.The railway tracks were now useless pieces of steel.Tens of thousands of cows would never give milk again.Half a million oigs and millions of chickens were dead.Sand now filled the wells instead of water.People were shocked.Then,later that afternoon,another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one shook Tangshan.Some of the rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins.More buildings fell down.Water,food,and electricity were hard to get.people begab to wonder how long the disaster would last.All hope was not lost.Soon after the quakes,the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to help the rescue workers.Hundreds of thousands of people were helped.The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.To the north of the city,most of the 10,000 miners were rescued from the coal mines there.Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.Fresh water was taken to the city bu train,truck and plane.Slowly,the city began to breathe again.请采纳

高一英语必修三《Unit 4 Earthquakes》教案

【 #高一# 导语】青春是一场远行,回不去了。青春是一场相逢,忘不掉了。但青春却留给我们最宝贵的友情。友情其实很简单,只要那么一声简短的问候、一句轻轻的谅解、一份淡淡的惦记,就足矣。当我们在毕业季痛哭流涕地说出再见之后,请不要让再见成了再也不见。这篇《高一英语必修三《Unit 4 Earthquakes》教案》是 高一频道为你整理的,希望你喜欢! 教案【一】   教学准备   教学目标   1. Ss will be able to master the following useful new words and expressions.   well,smelly,pond,burst,canal,steam,dirt,injure,brick,dam,useless,steel,shock,rescue,quake,electricity,army,shelter,   fresh, organize, bury, at an end, dig out, coal mine, in ruins   2. Ss will be able to know the basic knowledge about Earthquake   教学重难点   1. The usages of some words and expressions.   2. How to train the students" reading ability in learning the text.   教学工具   课件   教学过程   Step I lead-in   Let students see a short video and answer the questions   1.What happened in the video? Earthquakes   2.How do you feel seeing the plots(情节)? Students" discussion.   Step II Fast reading   1. What is the passage mainly about? In Tangshan ,earthquakes happened on July 28th 1976   2. Skim the text and answer the questions   The type of writing (写作体裁)   Narrative writing   Topic sentence of Paragraph 1   Sentence 1   Topic sentence of Paragraph 2   Sentence 2   Topic sentence of Paragraph 3   Sentence 1   Topic sentence of Paragraph 4   Sentence 1   Step III Detailed reading   Ask students to read the text carefully and answer the questions   Task1: What were the nature signs of the coming earthquake?(选择)Para 1   1.Water in well( G ) 2. Well walls(D ) 3.Chickens &pigs(F ) 4 .Mice (A) 5.Fish(E ) 6. Bright lights( B) 7. Water pipes(C )   A. Ran out of fields B. in the sky C. Cracked and burst D. Deep cracks E. Jumped out of ponds   F. Too nervous to eat G. Rose and fell, fell and rose   Task 2 Fill in the blanks   Main Idea   Details   Damage caused by   earthquake   Para 2-3   At _____ am, the __________ earthquake of the 20th century began .   _______ burst from holes in the ground.   Hard hills of the rock became rivers of ____.   ________ covered the ground like red autumn leaves.   Two _______ and most of the bridges fell.   The railway tracks were now _________pieces of _______.   ______ now filled the wells instead of water.   Water,food,and ______________ were hard to get.   The reconstruction(重建) after the earthquake   Para 4   1. The army _____________   2. Workers ____________for survivors.   3._____________was taken to the city.   Details:   1. At 3:42 am, the greatest earthquake of the 20th century began.   2. Steam burst from holes in the ground.   3. Hard hills of the rock became rivers of dirt.   4. Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves.   5. Two dams and most of the bridges fell.   6. The railway tracks were now useless pieces of steel.   7. Sand now filled the wells instead of water.   8. Water, food, and electricity were hard to get.   Step IV consolidation (当堂巩固)   Let students fill the blanks according to the passage   Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei. For three days the water in the village wells kept rising and 1_________(fall). Farmers noticed that the well walls had deep cracks 2___________ them. A smelly gas came out of the cracks. In 3_________farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous 4__________(eat). 5_________(mouse) ran out of the fields looking for places 6________(hide). Fish jumped out   Of their bowls and ponds. At about 3 am on July 28,1976, some people saw bright lights 7_________ the sky. The sound of planes could 8________(hear) outside the city of Tangshan even 9_________ no planes were in the sky.   In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst. But the one million people of the city, ________thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night.   1 falling 2 in 3 the 4 to eat 5 mice 6 to hide 7in 8 be heard 9when 10 who   这部分目的是让学生进一步巩固课文的内容。   Step V Post-reading-Activity: news report Group work(小组活动):   假设我们时光倒流到1976年这场灾难的现场。   小组讨论出一篇关于唐山大地震的五句话新闻报道。   选出一名组员做新闻报道员。   向全班做一个新闻报道。   新闻报道要包括以下内容:   写作提纲 outline   新闻的标题 headline 简洁明了,吸引人   结束语 conclusion 对全文概括总结   唐山地震发生的时间,地点   地震发生前的一些预兆   地震带来的破坏和损失   地震后的救援工作   这部分主要是培养学生的小组合作能力和语言表达能力,进一步巩固课堂所学的内容。   Step VI Homework: write a news report about Yushu earthquake. 教案【二】   教学准备   教学目标   掌握住列举的重点单词和句子   教学重难点   掌握住列举的重点单词和句子并能灵活运用   教学过程   Ⅰ.重点单词   1.________ vi. 爆裂;爆发   n. 突然破裂;爆发   2.________ n. 事件;大事   3.________ n. 废墟;毁灭   vt. 毁灭;使破产   4.________ adj. 极度的   5.________ vt. 破坏;毁坏;消灭   6.________ vt. & vi. (使)震惊;震动   n. 休克;打击;震惊   7.________ n. & vt. 援救;营救   8.________ vt. 使陷入困境   n. 陷阱;困境   9.________ n. 灾难;灾祸   10.________ vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏   11.________ n. & vt. 损失;损害   12.________ n. 裁判员;法官   vt. 断定;判断;判决   13.________ vt. 损害;伤害→________ n. 伤害;损害→________ adj. 受伤的   14.________ n. 电;电流;电学→________ adj. 用电的;带电的→________ adj. 与电有关的;电学的   15.________ vt. 使惊吓;吓唬   → ________ adj. 受惊的;受恐吓的   → ________ adj. 令人恐惧的   16.____________ n. 祝贺;(复数)贺词   → _____________ vt. 祝贺   Ⅱ.重点短语   1.a (great) number ________ 许多;大量的   2.dig ________ 掘出;发现   3.________ an end 结束;终结   4.right ________ 立刻;马上   5.as ________ 仿佛;好像   6.________ ruins 严重受损;破败不堪   7.think little ________ 轻视,满不在乎   8.tens ________ thousands of 数以万计   9.be proud ________ 以……自豪   10.judge ________ 从……判断   11.be trapped ________ 陷入   12.be buried ________ 埋头于   13.put ________ shelters 搭建避难所   14.get away ________ 离开   15.pay attention ________ 注意   Ⅲ知识点教案   EX.2 On seeing Jay Chow appear on the stage, the audience burst out _________ (cheer).   burst with anger/ joy   勃然大怒   burst n.   突然破裂;爆发   a burst of laughter   一阵笑声   2.   n. 废墟,遗迹(常用复数形式);毁灭   be/lie in ruins   成为废墟;严重受损;破败不堪   EX.1 All the towns were/lay in _____ (ruin) after the earthquake.   vt.毁灭;使破产   ruin oneself   ruin one"s health/fame/future   EX.2 过量吸烟损害健康,因此你应该戒烟。   Heavy smoking ruins your health, so you should give up smoking.   EX.3 用 ruin, destroy, damage填空:   ① Her heart was slightly _______ as a result of her long illness.   ② His life was ________ by drink.   ③ The earthquake almost _______ all the bridges in this area.   3. injure vt.损害;伤害   ______ n. 伤害   ______ adj. 受伤的   ________ 伤员   Exs.   ①The soldier was ______ in the arm in the war.   ②She was ______ slightly in an accident during the work.   ③This bright light will do great ______ to your eyes.   ④I was very much ______ at his words.   看例句再归纳:   1. I was shocked to hear that 17 people died in the explosion at a restaurant in Anhui.   2. I was shocked at the news that 17 people died in the explosion at a restaurant in Anhui.   3. I was shocked that 17 people died   in the explosion at a restaurant in Anhui.   excite, discourage, disappoint, encourage, inspire, interest, move, please, puzzle, surprise, worry…   6. trap   vt. 使陷入困境   trap sb. into (doing) sth.   be trapped in   困在 ……中;陷在……中   EX.1 警察设圈套使他讲出实情。   The police trapped him into   telling the truth.   EX.2 对比练习   他陷入交通堵塞中,感到很无助。   1) He ___________ (trap) in the traffic jam and felt helpless.   2) When he __________ (trap) in the traffic jam, he felt helpless.   3) When __________ (trap) in the traffic jam, he felt helpless.   n. 陷阱;困境   set a trap to do sth./for…   诱使某人做某事   fall into a trap   落入圈套   7. bury vt.   找出含bury 的短语并翻译   ① The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury   the dead.   掩埋   ② He has learnt to bury his feelings.   掩藏、隐藏   ③ You"ll never solve your problems if you just bury your head in the sand----you have to face them.   bury…in…   把……埋到……里;使……沉浸于……   ④ She buried her face in her hands and wept.   bury one"s face in hands   双手掩面   be buried in/bury oneself in   专心于;埋头于;沉浸于   EX.1 对比练习:   他埋头学习,不知道他的同学们早已经离开了。   1. As he ____________ (bury) in his study, he didn"t know that his classmates had left.   2. As he __________ (bury) himself in his study, he didn"t know that his classmates had left.   3. _____ (bury) in his study, he didn"t know that his classmates had left.   4. ________(bury) himself in his study, he didn"t know that his classmates had left.   5. 8. right away   6. 立刻、马上   7. =right now/ at once/in no time   8. by the end of 到时候为止(常与_________连用)   9. EX.2 By the end of last month, he _________(learn) 3,000 English   10. words or so.   11. EX.3 我会用爱迪生的一句名言来结束。   12. I"ll end up with a famous saying from Edison.   13. 10. Review   14. a (great/large) number of +(pl.) n.   15. the number of+(pl.)n.   16. EX.1 The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities_________ (be) rising steadily since 1990.   17. EX.2 ----The number of students are in   18. the dining hall now.(改错)   19. ----Yes. The number of students   20. _____ (be) about 400.(填空)   21. 11. Thousands of families were killed and many children were left without parents.   22. leave 做使役动词,意为 ___________________   23. leave+宾语+宾补 {doing sth.   24. {done   25. {to do sth.   26. {adj. / adv. /介词短语   27. EX.1 You shouldn"t have left water ___________(run).   28. EX.2 She ran away _____________________   29. _______________. (她跑开了,留下她的男友   30. 一个人在雨中)   31. 12. It seemed as if the world was at an end!   32. → as if用于陈述语气中:   33. It looks as if it"s going to rain.   34. She closed her eyes as if she was tired.   35. → as if 用于虚拟语气中:   36. 1). She behaved as if nothing ______________(happen).   37. →as if___________ “似乎要做某事”   38. 2). He opened his mouth as if _________ something. (say)   39. 12. It seemed as if the world was at an end!   40. → as if用于陈述语气中:   41. It looks as if it"s going to rain.   42. She closed her eyes as if she was tired.   43. → as if 用于虚拟语气中:   44. 1). She behaved as if nothing ______________(happen).   45. →as if___________ “似乎要做某事”   46. 2). He opened his mouth as if _________ something. (say)   47. 13.Translate the following sentences:   48. 1). All hope was not lost.   49.   50. 2). Not everyone has passed the exam.   51. 3). I don"t want both the ties.   52. 部分否定/半否定:   53. all/both/every... not...(not all/both/every…)   54. 意为:______________________   55. EX.1 ________ people can understand you.   56. = _____ people can _____understand you.   57. 并不是所有的人都能理解你。   全部否定:   no, never, none, neither, nobody,   nothing, no one, nowhere…   EX.2 这两个男孩对我们都不粗鲁。   Neither of the boys is rude to us.   Ⅳ. 巩固 考点作文串记   One night, everything began ___________ (shake), with the pipes _________ (burst) and the electricity cut off. It seemed that the world was ______ an end. Some people were ______ (injure), some buried in the _______ (ruin) and some missing. Judging from the situation, there were ______ number of ______ (trap) people waiting for the rescue. But all hope was not lost, ________ soldiers were soon sent to help ______. With the help of the soldiers, everything returned to _______ (peaceful).

Earthquakes are the shaking, rolling or sudden shock of the earth’s surface. Earthquakes happen..

小题1:B小题2:D小题3:C 略

alania的《Earthquake》 歌词

歌曲名:Earthquake歌手:alania专辑:Instinctive Travels「Earthquake」作词∶湘南乃风作曲∶湘南乃风歌∶湘南乃风Warning… Wi a 湘南乃风 Lon de placeWarning… Earthquake揺らせ… Earthquake揺らせ… Earthquake揺らせ… Earthquake揺らせ うるせぇ 汚ねぇ歌で EarthquakeDa… 鸣り止まぬ Gun FingerJamaica さながら Weddy Weddy Passa Passaまだだまだだと 両足バタバタボンクラ野郎がうるせぇ ガタガタBlood Claat! そいつら含めて仲间だジタバタしねぇで暴れろ 今から日本全国震撼する Power Blood Claat!Yo!! Come Come Follow me now manaSuper do pa グラグラ揺らす床A1 クラスの Verse とばす Super Starほら皆 ウハーウハー 感じろ 歌 歌戒厳令 この面前に喰らわす 头からEarthquake Earthquake心揺さぶる程の Big Waveまだまだ游べ 朝まで胸打つ Beat で踊り狂え揺らせ… Earthquake揺らせ… Earthquake揺らせ… Earthquake揺らせ うるせぇ 汚ねぇ歌で EarthquakeWell Dem Don"t stop!! Don"t stop!! Every one!!地响き 测定不能 ハンパじゃないDon"t stop!! Don"t stop!! Every one!!Oh-Lord 揺らせ ラセ ラセLa ラッセラ ラッセラ ラッセラVolcano!! I.N.G 止まらないラッセラ ラッセラ ラッセラ ラッセラOh-Lord神风特攻队! Lon de place get on the bass揺らせ Body Body Body湘南  Vibes 游んでけPrety Prety Gal Shake it Shake it Winey WineyEarthquake ここが震源明日へ贯く信念Ruff & Tuff で起こす革命今日がBirthday揺らせ… Earthquake揺らせ… Earthquake揺らせ… Earthquake揺らせ うるせぇ 汚ねぇ歌で Earthquakeマグニチュード 変幻自在に揺るがす列岛マグニチュード 千年に一度の Sensationマグニチュード 天変地异呼ぶくらいの热唱マグニチュード ますます热く热くWarning… Wi a 湘南乃风 Lon de placeWarning… Earthquake【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/6372225

the girl ,with her parents,___when the earthquake hit the city.


高中英语选修七unit1 课文翻译father and son in an farthquake重庆大学出版社

Father and Son in An EarthquakeNo matter what happens, I ll always be there for you!-- In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the midst of utter devastation and chaos, a father left his wife safely at home and rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, only to discover that the building was as flat as a pancake.After the unforgettably initial shock, he remembered the promise he had made to his son: "No matter what, I ll always be there for you!" And tears began to fill his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins that once was the school, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his commitment to his son.He began to direct his attention towards where he walked his son to class at school each morning. Remembering his son s classroom would be in the back right corner of the building, he rushed there and started digging through the ruins.As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived, clutching their hearts, saying: "My son!" "My daughter!" Other well meaning parents tried to pull him off what was left of the school, saying: "It s too late! They re all dead! You can t help! Go home! Come on, face reality, there s nothing you can do!"To each parent he responded with one line: "Are you going to help me now?" And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone. The fire chief showed up and tried to pull him off the school s ruins saying, "Fires are breaking out, explosions are happening everywhere. You re in danger. We ll take care of it. Go home." To which this loving, caring American father asked, "Are you going to help me now?"The police came and said, "You re angry, anxious and it s over. You re endangering others. Go home. We ll handle it!" To which he replied, "Are you going to help me now?" No one helped.Courageously he went on alone because he needed to know for himself: "Is my boy alive or is he dead?" He dug for eight hours...12 hours...24 hours...36 hours...then, in the 38th hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his son s voice. He screamed his son s name, "ARMAND!" He heard back, "Dad!?! It s me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told em that if you were alive, you d save me and when you saved me, they d be saved. You promised, No matter what happens, I ll always be there for you! You did it, Dad!" "What s going on in there? How is it?" the father asked."There are 14 of us left out of 33, Dad. We re scared, hungry, thirsty and thankful you re here. When the building collapsed, it made a triangle, and it saved us.""Come out, boy!""No, Dad! Let the other kids out first, cause I know you ll get me! No matter what happens, I know you ll always be there for me!" 不管发生什么,我永远都会在你的身边!1989年,一次8.2级的地震几乎铲平美国,在短短不到4分钟的时间里,夺去了3万多人的生命!在彻底的破坏与混乱之中,有位父亲将他的妻子在家里安顿好后,跑到他儿子就读的学校,而触目所见,却是被夷为平地的校园。看到这令人伤心的一幕,他想起了曾经对儿子所作的承诺:"不论发生什么事,我都会在你身边。"至此,父亲热泪满眶。目睹曾经的学校成为了一堆瓦砾,真叫人绝望。但父亲的脑中仍然牢记着他对儿子的诺言。他开始努力回忆每天早上送儿子上学的必经之路,终于记起儿子的教室应该就在那幢建筑物后面,位于右边的角落里,他跑到那儿,开始在碎石砾中挖掘,搜寻儿子的下落。当这位父亲正在挖掘时,其他束手无策的学生家长赶到现场,揪心地叫着:"我的儿子呀!" "我的女儿呀!"一些好意的家长试图把这位父亲劝离现场,告诉他"一切都太迟了!"他们全死了!"这样做没用的","回去吧,这样做只会使事情更糟"。面对种种劝告,这位父亲的回答只有一句话:"你们愿意帮我吗?"然后继续进行挖掘工作,在废墟中寻找他的儿子。消防队长出现了,他也试图把这位父亲劝走,对他说:"火灾频现,四处都在发生爆炸,你在这里太危险了,这边的事我们会处理,你回家吧!"对此,这位慈爱、关切的父亲仍然回答:"你们要帮我吗?"警察赶到现场,对他说:"你现在又气又急,该结束了,你在危及他人,回家吧!我们会处理一切的。"这位父亲依旧回答:"你们愿意帮我吗?" 然而,人们无动于衷。为了弄清楚儿子是死是活,这位父亲独自一人鼓起勇气,继续进行他的工作。他挖掘了8小时,--12小时,24小时,36小时--38小时后,父亲推开了一块巨大的石头,听到了儿子的声音。父亲尖叫着:"阿曼德!"儿子的回音听到了:"爸爸吗?是我,爸,我告诉其他的小朋友不要着急。我告诉他们如果你活着,你会来救我的。如果我获救了,他们也就获救了。你答应过我, 不论发生什么,我永远都会在你的身边, 你做到了,爸!""你那里的情况怎样?"父亲问。"我们有33个,只有14个活着。爸,我们好害怕,又渴又饿,谢天谢地,你在这儿。教室倒塌时,刚好形成一个三角形的洞,救了我们。""快出来吧!儿子!""不,爸,让其他小朋友先出来吧!因为我知道你会接我的!不管发生什么事,我知道你永远都会来到我的身边!"

如何安全渡过地震How To Ride Out the Earthquake

【如果地震时你在室内】 If you are indoors: 61 Drop, Cover, and Hold — Take cover under a sturdy desk, table, or bench, or against an inside wall, and hold on. If there is no desk or table near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building. 61 Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall, such as lighting fixtures and furniture. 61 If you are in bed when the earthquake strikes, stay there. Hold on and protect your head with a pillow, unless you are under a heavy light fixture that could fall. In that case, move to the nearest safe place. 61 Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Most injuries during earthquakes occur when people are hit by falling objects while entering or leaving buildings. 61 Be aware that electricity may go out or that sprinkler systems or fire alarms may turn on. 61 Do not use elevators. * 蹲下,寻找掩护,抓牢——利用写字台、桌子或者长凳下的空间,或者身子紧贴内部承重墙作为掩护,然后双手抓牢固定物体。如果附近没有写字台或桌子,用双臂护住头部、脸部,蹲伏在房间的角落。 * 远离玻璃制品、建筑物外墙、门窗、以及其他可能坠落的物体,例如灯具和家具。 * 如果地震发生时你在床上,请待在那里不要动。抓紧枕头保护住你的头部。如果你上方有可能坠落的重型灯具,请转移至最近的安全地带。 * 在晃动停止并确认户外安全后,方可离开房间。地震中的大多数伤亡,是在人们进出建筑物时被坠物击中造成的。 * 要意识到可能会断电,火警以及自动喷淋装置可能会启动。 * 切勿使用电梯逃生。 【如果地震时你在室外】 If you are outdoors: 61 Stay there. 61 Move away from buildings, trees, streetlights, and utility wires. * 待在原地不要动。 * 远离建筑区、大树、街灯和电线电缆。 【如果地震时你在开动的汽车上】 If you are in a moving car: 61 Stop as quickly as safety permits, pull to the side of the road, and stay in the car. 61 Avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses, and utility wires. 61 Do not attempt to drive across bridges or overpasses that have been damaged. 61 Proceed cautiously after the earthquake has stopped, watching for road and bridge damage. * 在确保安全的情况下,尽快靠边停车,留在车内。 * 不要把车停在建筑物下、大树旁、立交桥或者电线电缆下。 * 不要试图穿越已经损坏的桥梁。 * 地震停止后小心前进,注意道路和桥梁的损坏情况。 【如果你被困在废墟下】 If you are trapped under debris: 61 Do not light a match. 61 Do not move about or kick up dust. 61 Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing. 61 Tap on a pipe or wall so that rescuers can find you. Use a whistle if one is available. Shout only as a last resort — shouting can cause you to inhale dangerous amounts of dust. * 不要点火柴。 * 不要向周围移动,避免扬起灰尘。 * 用手帕或布遮住口部。 * 敲击管道或墙壁以便让救援人员发现你。可能的话,请使用哨子。|||

英语作文 tangshan earthquake 80词左右

Tang shan earthquake 一九七六年,中国唐山市发生大地震。 唐山大地震,是迄今为止四百多年世界地震史上最悲惨的一页。 死亡:24万2千7百69人,重伤:16万4千8百51人 二十四万人无疑是一个悲哀的整体,它们在十年前带走了完整的活力、情感…… □3时42分53.8秒…… 历史将永远铭记地球的这个坐标:东经118.2°,北纬39.6°。 人类将永远铭记历史的这个时刻:公元一千九百七十六年七月二十八日,北京时间凌晨三时四十二分五十三点八秒。 唐山市地下的岩石突然崩溃了!断裂了!仿佛四百枚广岛原子弹在距地面十六公里处的地壳中猛然爆炸! 唐山上空电光闪闪,惊雷震荡;大地上狂风呼啸。在强烈的摇撼中,这座百万人口的工业城市在顷刻间夷为平地。 In 1976, the earthquake in Tangshan City China. Tangshan earthquake, is by far the most tragic earthquakes in the world history of 400 years of a page. Death: 240000 2000 700 69 160000 4000 800 people, injured 51 people:Two hundred and forty thousand people is a sad overall, in ten years ago tookcomplete activity, emotion...... Three forty-two - 53.8 seconds...... History will remember the earth coordinates: longitude 118.2 degrees, thelatitude of 39.6 degrees. Human history will always remember this moment: in July 28th one thousand nine hundred and seventy-six, at three forty-two in the morning Beijing time fifty-three point eight seconds. Tangshan City underground rock suddenly collapse! Fracture! As of four hundred Hiroshima atomic bomb it in from the ground sixteen kilometers of thecrust in the explosion! Over Tangshan, the lightning flashed and thunder concussion; earth whistling wind. In strong shake, this million population industrial city in an instant razed to the ground.

The boy as well as the two dogs _____ when the earthquake rocked the city. A.were sleeping ..

C 试题分析:考查主谓一致。句子的主语是the boy,所以谓语动词用单数,又根据从句中的时态rocked为过去时,所以主句谓语部分用was sleeping,过去进行时。as well as the two boys作状语。句意:城市里发生地震的时候,孩子们正在睡觉,当时还有两只狗也在睡觉。所以答案选C。

A boy with two dogs ______when the earthquake rocked the city. A.were sleeping B.is asleep .

C 试题分析:句意:当这个城市发生地震时,一个男孩和两条狗正在睡觉。句中有when所引导的过去的时间状语,句子用过去进行时,故选C点评:过去进行时表示在过去的某个时间正在做某事。动词的是时态是中考必考的语法点,对于常用的八大时态,学生在平时的学习中需下功夫对每个时态的含义,用法,区别进行掌握,并辅助试题进行练习、巩固。

24-7 Spyz的《Earthquake》 歌词

歌曲名:Earthquake歌手:24-7 Spyz专辑:This Is...24-7 SpyzEarthquake (feat. Tinie Tempah) (Clean Version)Labrinth come inLadies and gentlemenThis is something they call a ground breaker (breaker)So let me first apologiseTo shirts and the tiesFor your make-up (make-up)Cause I"ll make you uglyAs soon as it dropsWe"re on a rampageBottles popping offBefore you know itThere"s rubble and dustCause we be crashing it upSomebody say... (you better run)YeahI predict an earthquake up in hereSay yeahI predict an earthquake up in hereCause we throw bombs on itThrow bombs on itJust smash somethingYeah mosh for meYeahWe can make an earthquake up in hereSo here we go we goLadies and gentlemenWhat you"re about to witness Is no illusion (lusion)And now we got the bass bangingFrom here to Buckingham PalaceThey"re all movingHey SimonWe"re fucking them upTurning em sycoEverybody rockWe bring the house downTo rubble and dustCause we be crashing it upSomebody say... (you better run)YeahI predict an earthquake up in hereSay yeahI predict an earthquake up in hereCause we throw bombs on it (yeah)Throw bombs on it (yeah)Just smash somethingYeah mosh for meYeah (let"s go)We can make an earthquake up in hereSo here we go we goI predict an earthquake up in hereCause we throw bombs on itThrow bombs on itJust smash somethingYes mosh for meYeahWe can make an earthquake up in hereSo here we go we goHey LabrinthThis one"s feeling like a straight ten on the Richter scale, ya knowYeahFire fire! We about to set this place on fireWithout a match or lighterDon"t do girlfriendsOne nighters make them (AAHHH)C Minor if I want Christian Or Kurt Geiger I just phone up the designerDoing all nighters no days off grey hairs and a little bit of weight lossI predict (riots) I predict (chaos) I predict (people) I predict (AAHHH)Disturbing London got the whole city panickingI"ll be Nostradamus this my ni ni ni niYeahI predict an earthquake up in hereSay yeahI predict an earthquake up in hereCause we throw bombs on it (yeah)Throw bombs on it (yeah)Just smash somethingYeah mosh for meYeahWe can make an earthquake up in hereSo here we go we go (Labrinth come in)----- e n d -----http://music.baidu.com/song/7817922



vibration tremor quake 有什么不同


There is always confusion consequent to an earchquake. 求划分英语成分?


The earthquake killed ____ ___ .people . A.thousand B.three thousands C...

C 试题分析:句意:地震中死了成千上万的人。thousand 千,是一个数词。跟数词连用时,没有复数形式,故B和D不对;thousands of 是一个固定短语,意思是成千上万的。故选C。

A major earthquake _____ 8.0 on the Richter scale strongly _____ Wenchuan County in Sichuan Pro...

C 试题分析:考查分词短语做定语。现在分词短语Measuring 8.0 on the Richter scale修饰名词a major earthquake,因为二者之间构成主动关系,故使用现在分词的形式。第二空是谓语动词,因为这是过去发生的事情,故使用一般过去时。句意:一场震级里氏8.0级的地震在2008年5月12日强烈地摇动了四川省的汶川县。故C正确。点评:分词短语做定语的时候,如果动词与名词构成主动关系,就使用现在分词。如果二者构成被动关系,使用过去分词的形式。

有人用过奎克的切削液吗?型号Quaker Quakergal 370 。



Quakertown is a borough in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, in the USA. As of the 2010 census, it had a population of 8,979.[3] The borough is 16 miles (26 km) south of Bethlehem and 29 miles (47 km) north of Philadelphia, making Quakertown a border town of both the Delaware Valley and Lehigh Valley metropolitan areas. Quakertown is considered part of the Allentownu2212Bethlehem urbanized area and the Philadelphiau2212Camdenu2212Wilmington (PAu2212NJu2212DE-MD) MSA.宾夕法尼亚



In the earthquake,the family lost the only house they possessed. A.owed B.owned

你好,possessed(拥有)与B(owned,意思是:拥有))选项是同义词owed是动词owe的过去式,动词owe意思是:欠。。。句子翻译是:在那场地震中,这个家庭失去了他们唯一拥有的房子in the earthquake:在地震中 the family:那个家庭 lost:失去 only:唯一的 house:房子祝你开心,希望对您有用望采纳谢谢

last month an earthquake

答案:C. 分析句子的结构可知,本句的主语为an earthquake,谓语部分为happened,所以前面的划线处应该是一个非谓语动词的形式,用作定语修饰an earthquake;earthquake与动词happen为逻辑上的主谓关系,所以应该使用现在分词作定语;故选C.

谁有super junior和〈heart quake>的罗马字音歌词?

[ar:super junior] [ti:heartquake] [00:00.30]一表儿 闹恩 许你 [00:02.96]Rap> Shit man, I do feel so sorry, [00:10.34]‘bout to say something what –uh [00:13.92]闹木拨乃 某读 带从可楼料你 行桑素给 [00:16.82]无里吗内 撒浪儿 一素类 大木够 哦了够 乃里你 [00:18.97]那蓝 撒拉么楼 一乃 拨儿扫 吗嫩 桑草了儿 把的恩 闹也给 可喽你 [00:22.03]哦到开 一标类 同包了儿 那也给 把里 [00:23.25]吗拉拉嫩够你 一儿个料够 还到恩 才个儿 苗陪一几 [00:25.50]闹木gi几某他够 一贼 吗 四杂看 撒浪恩 粗要剖大把里 [00:27.71]一表了儿 满那够你 僧噶带楼 可 某的恩 [00:29.46]杂儿某四儿 他太都 难 哈儿吗里哦不扫 [00:31.44]ki要你哦部四面 走给大嫩 吗类 到 一桑 带古都 某他给扫 [00:33.39]要内一你 哈嫩 撒浪 他 可论够几 [00:38.19]乃卡拉进西木脏Girl [00:40.90]撒浪哈儿但 乃 吗木 他 很的儿够森 [00:46.11]一表儿 哈儿但 可吗木噶拉闹啊 [00:49.55]闹儿 撒浪安 吗木某读 [00:52.02]不所 拨里面 闹木 啊啊啊 啊怕 哦到开 [00:58.17]撒拉嫩够你Girl [01:01.43]闹恩 可楼开 到那面 个亲够你 Oh [01:06.57]乃给 军 桑草 到远 某了你 [01:09.86]湖儿够一四儿 那儿僧噶某他你 [01:14.43]闹木 啊啊啊啊 啊破 一喽开 混杂噶 吨 难 [01:21.22]一表儿 闹恩 许你 [01:23.32]Uknow Rap> [01:24.06]买一儿把木艘句喽 哈路了儿 大来嫩 难 [01:26.97]到一桑 噶儿够西哦不嫩 吗哦米啊怕啊怕 [01:29.45]闹哇哈木给安 某的恩粗要ki一贼嫩 撒进艘开 [01:33.39]木到一嫩 孙赶 可喽开卡你卡你 [01:35.68]乃吗么么拉破给喊才 [01:37.15]乃 吗米 的里几按你 可给艘里桥包嫩带 [01:39.69]你噶句个拉哈面句够你噶 一扫呀 撒嫩 [01:41.97]难乃 西木脏噶几都 他 做拨料嫩带 [01:44.81]Now expressions, spaces of our relationship [01:46.93]what kind of problems make you so hard and sad and weak [01:49.94]素西百大了恩 撒拉木剖大杂来都可孙赶不你呀 [01:52.12]可来吧几可噶木动秒起儿起那面吗哦木艘开 可里木不你呀 [01:54.98]僧噶剖大素无你里呀 进四蓝 撒浪一 [01:57.44]乃给扫 到那嫩够儿 那混杂把拉吧到恩 [02:00.00]可 木要剖大都 艘总还到恩 四儿喷 [02:01.37]样话 噶特恩 一呀gi 把喽 乃 一呀gi [02:05.75]某读 不素够 到难 闹 [02:09.10]乃 卡拉进西木脏Girl撒浪哈儿但 乃 吗木 他 很的儿够森 Girl [02:17.04]一表拉儿儿但 可吗木 噶拉闹啊 [02:20.56]闹儿 撒浪安 吗木 某读 [02:22.83]不所 拨里面 闹木 啊啊啊啊啊怕 哦到开 [02:29.09]撒拉嫩够你Girl [02:32.35]闹恩 个喽开 到那面 个亲 够你 oh~ [02:37.25]乃给 军桑草 到远 某了你 [02:40.79]无儿够一四儿 那儿 僧噶某他你 [02:45.11]闹木 啊啊啊啊 啊怕 一喽开 混杂噶 吨难 [02:51.86]闹 一喽开 到那儿 够面 [02:55.74]那木gi摸不西 某读 噶够 到那噶 [03:00.09]行包ki要到恩 粗要的儿都 [03:02.36]早木早木 归楼比儿 可里无木都 [03:06.08]乃 噶四没 那么儿 撒浪都 [03:09.62]一表儿 闹恩素你Girl [03:12.94]撒浪哈儿但 乃吗木 踏 很的儿够森 Girl [03:17.91]一标儿哈儿但 可吗木 噶拉闹啊 [03:21.27]那儿 撒浪安 吗木某读 [03:23.58]不所 拨料都 闹嫩 啊啊啊啊 啊破 木某呢你 [03:29.90]Giaon地儿素一你~~~~ [03:32.88]闹恩 可喽开 到那面 个亲够你 [03:37.36]豆 怒滚噶儿 啊破给 哈儿够你 [03:41.67]无儿够一四儿 那儿 僧噶某他你 [03:46.11]闹木 啊啊啊啊 啊怕 一喽开 混杂噶吨 难 [03:52.21]三辑大卖~~~~~ [ar:super junior] [ti:dead at heart] [00:01.65]super junior [00:06.40]Dead At Heart [00:16.75]增吗儿 摸喊 跟噶哟 [00:24.21]ki楼到那乃 动安 [00:29.16]可带儿 剖内够 那你 [00:32.83]哦贼噶几也那嫩 [00:37.25]吗起 组口一到恩 够挂 噶内哟 [00:44.60]可喽开 gi楼到恩 西干 艘赶 [00:51.25]到那赶 躺新把开 哦不内哟 [00:59.22]可带 把该那木论 [01:02.74]僧噶卡几 啊嫩才 [01:07.22]一喽开 哈乃噶 起那 噶内哟 [01:14.45]可带儿 擦杂噶到闹呢 比 [01:17.17]乃里到恩 那类 ki要 [01:21.92]哈木给 够楼噶到怒里儿 [01:24.39]比错组到恩 吗儿个乃撒儿 [01:29.95]可 哦呢 哈那都 [01:33.43]那了儿 到那几 安够 [01:37.10]那也 吗里艘该扫 [01:40.71]那了儿 组口一给还 [01:44.69]亲古的了恩 [01:46.54]某读 哦了你 对够 [01:52.13]那那几 草楼不呢那一草喽木 [01:59.21]可带把开 哈木论 僧噶卡几 啊嫩才 [02:07.08]吗起 组够一到恩 够挂 噶内哟 [02:14.50]可带儿 擦杂噶到恩 哦呢 比 [02:17.02]乃里到恩 那类 Gi要 [02:21.88]哈木给 够楼噶到怒里儿 [02:24.26]比错句到恩 吗儿个乃撒儿 [02:29.88]可 哦呢 哈那都 [02:33.37]那了儿 到那几安够 [02:37.12]那也 摸里艘开扫 [02:40.56]那了儿 组够一给还 [02:44.55]还要几么儿 [02:46.25]该大几 某他嫩 难 [02:52.00]啊几都 无里米来儿 桑桑哈够 [02:59.61]黑要进 起个木都乃吗门 [03:02.93]恩贼那 可带也 giao忒扫 [03:06.83]撒拉一嫩 够草喽木 [03:10.45]组够一嫩 够也哟 [03:14.12]闹了儿 撒浪还到恩 孙赶 乃噶 摸木错拨林够呀 [03:21.48]哈木给 一四儿带都 闹了儿 ki要卡儿素闹不四儿 够呀 [03:29.81]可哦呢 哈那都 [03:33.10]乃噶 哈你要大够 [03:37.05]可喽开 僧噶卡面 啊木够都 啊您够儿 [03:46.65]闹了里几 某他面 乃噶 组够一 嫩够 [03:59.62]三辑大卖~~~~~~~~~

英语作文How to Prevent the Destruction Caused by Earthquakes?


How can we solve the problem of earthquake

Actually we can"t control the destructive forces of nature - earthquke. But we can minimize the destrutive force of earthquake. By the following suggestions and equitments: 1) earthquake-detecting equipment which can help us design and construct buildings bridges and other structures that can better withstand those forces from earthquke. e.g. Jr. Neork for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES). NEES is a collaboration designed to improve the sei *** ic design and performance of the U.S. civil and mechanical infrastructure. 2) methods of retrofitting buildings so that they can better withstand damage. for instance:investigate the use of *** art materials systems in retrofitting buildings to withstand earthquake damage. 3)study the use of soil-strengthening techniques . such as grouting and deep densification to help prevent earthquake-induced liquefaction and lateral spreading of the ground. Others : for example: some fluid sei *** ic dampers will minimize earthquake damage to wood-frame homes. 参考: eurekalert/pub_releases/1997-12/VT-VTRP-011297 Earthquake is a problem of nature we cannot prevent it. We can only minimize the damages done by earthquakes by inventing more precision equipments that can precisely detect the occurrence of any oning earthquakes. Also we can build more strong buildings that can stand the impacts by earthquakes.


Eearthquake comes

earthquake 是可数单词吗?

What a destructive earthquake!

Robben Ford的《Earthquake》 歌词

歌曲名:Earthquake歌手:Robben Ford专辑:Soul On TenMatt Cab - EarthquakeShe got me goin crazyThinkin about the things we used to beAll the things she meant to meHow she said she"d never leaveDon"t know how it happenedBut it seemed like it was yesterdayWhen everything I did made you smileAnd now I don"t know left from rightYou turned my whole world upside downSo won"t you come save me now?So won"t you come save me?It"s like an earthquakeShaking up the way I loved youWanna come to your rescueBut I"m no longer lovedI said I"m no longer lovedI wish I could question whyTo the days when you were mine, yeahI"d throw back the hands of timeAnd everything would just be fine, yeahBut everything"s so messed up nowHow"d it get so complicated?We were like a work of artBut girl somehow it fadedIt"s all crashing down like an earthquakeIt"s all crashing down like an earthquakeIt"s all crashing down like an earthquakeLike an earthquake, So won"t you come save me?http://music.baidu.com/song/808224

Lil Wayne的《Earthquake》 歌词

歌曲名:Earthquake歌手:Lil Wayne专辑:The Carter Screwed & ChoppedEarthquakeLittle BootsI can remember daysThings weren"t always this wayI used to make you smileIf only for a whileBut now I can"t get throughThere"s no way I can loseI know some days are hardBut must you make mine tooCoz I can"t stand itWhen you come home and we just fight for hoursBut I won"t show itNo I"ll just hold my breath and keep it quietEvery little earthquakeEvery little heartbreak going unheardEvery little landslideCatch it in my hand I won"t say a wordEvery time you hug meI know that it"s working making you mineEvery clap of thunder only makes me stronger on the insideNow many countless nightsI try my best to hideSoon as you slam the doorMy tears fall to the floorI know that people changeMaybe you"re not to blameBut must you burn a holeSo deep into my soulCoz I can"t stand itWhen you come home and we just fight for hoursBut I won"t show itNo I"ll just hold my breath and keep it quietEvery little earthquakeEvery little heartbreak going unheardEvery little landslideCatch it in my hand I won"t say a wordEvery time you hurt meI know that it"s working making you mineEvery clap of thunder only makes me stronger on the inside(Repeat)Every little earthquakeEvery little heartbreakEvery little landslideCatch it in my handEvery little earthquakeEvery little heartbreak going unheardEvery little landslideCatch it in my hand I won"t say a wordEvery time you hurt meI know that it"s working making you mineEvery clap of thunder only makes me stronger on the inside(Repeat)Every little earthquakeEvery little heartbreakEvery little landslideCatch it in my handhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8554601

Jeff Beck的《Earthquake》 歌词

歌曲名:Earthquake歌手:Jeff Beck专辑:You Had It ComingEarthquakeLittle BootsI can remember daysThings weren"t always this wayI used to make you smileIf only for a whileBut now I can"t get throughThere"s no way I can loseI know some days are hardBut must you make mine tooCoz I can"t stand itWhen you come home and we just fight for hoursBut I won"t show itNo I"ll just hold my breath and keep it quietEvery little earthquakeEvery little heartbreak going unheardEvery little landslideCatch it in my hand I won"t say a wordEvery time you hug meI know that it"s working making you mineEvery clap of thunder only makes me stronger on the insideNow many countless nightsI try my best to hideSoon as you slam the doorMy tears fall to the floorI know that people changeMaybe you"re not to blameBut must you burn a holeSo deep into my soulCoz I can"t stand itWhen you come home and we just fight for hoursBut I won"t show itNo I"ll just hold my breath and keep it quietEvery little earthquakeEvery little heartbreak going unheardEvery little landslideCatch it in my hand I won"t say a wordEvery time you hurt meI know that it"s working making you mineEvery clap of thunder only makes me stronger on the inside(Repeat)Every little earthquakeEvery little heartbreakEvery little landslideCatch it in my handEvery little earthquakeEvery little heartbreak going unheardEvery little landslideCatch it in my hand I won"t say a wordEvery time you hurt meI know that it"s working making you mineEvery clap of thunder only makes me stronger on the inside(Repeat)Every little earthquakeEvery little heartbreakEvery little landslideCatch it in my handhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8446100

earthquake 与seism有什么区别

earthquake 是自然界中地壳活动引起的地震,破坏性巨大seism 人为制造的地震,如石油勘探中的物探地震测井等





The Von Bondies的《earthquake》 歌词

歌曲名:earthquake歌手:The Von Bondies专辑:love hate and then there"s youThe Von Bondies - EarthquakeSo glad to meet you babyLet"s start things overand then i reach out honeyto send you overThis bad heartThis jealous love turn madlybetter not fuck with us who"s sorry?you"re sorryso sorryThis is no earthquake honeyyou just get soberWhy want you, wake up Baby?We"re taking over(Thank you enough)(Thank you enough)(Thank you enough)(Thank you enough)Will keep it arms linked babyas we grow bolderI"m so tired honeyThank god here overThis bad HeartThis tainy Love turn madlybetter not fuck with us who"s sorry?you"re sorryso sorryThis is no earthquake honeyyou just get soberWhy want you, wake up Baby?We"re taking overThis isn"t shame nowThis is a plilight in your eyesThis is no earthquake honeyYou just get olderolder and olderooooh oohhh ohh ohThis is no earthquake honeyyou just get soberI haven"t seen you latelylet"s talk things overThis is a shakedownThis is a dawning of your lifeThis is an earthquake honeyThis is now our time (Who"s sorry now?)This is a shakedown (Who"s sorry now?)This is a plilight in your eyes (Who"s sorry now?)This isn"t over (Who"s sorry now?)This isn"t over (Who"s sorry now?)over and over (Who"s sorry now?)(Who"s sorry now?)(Who"s sorry now?)(Who"s sorry now?)(Who"s sorry now?)(Who"s sorry now?)(Who"s sorry now?)(Who"s sorry?)http://music.baidu.com/song/28687687


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