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beats pill nfc怎么用


吃这片药英文能不能写成eat this pill


beats pill可以用其他充电头嘛

不可以的。 第一,Beats耳机充电接口和普通手机充电接口不同,没办法接通。第二,Beats耳机充电的电压和普通手机充电的电压不同,容易造成耳机的锂电池的损坏。第三,不安全,如果手机充电器冲击力过大,容易把Beats耳机的锂电池烧坏冒烟。最好是用Beats耳机专用的充电器来给耳机充电。安全第一。

Beats pill+ 能不能串联一个低音炮


吃这片药英文能不能写成eat this pill

吃这片药用eat 不好.have ,take 都可以!

如何玩转beats pill+



∵∠1=∠2( 已知 ) 1′ ∴ AB ∥ CD ( 同位角相等,两直线平行 ) 3′ 又∵∠1=∠3(已知) ∴∠2=∠3 ∴ AD ∥ BC ( 内错角相等,两直线平行 ) 5′ ∴∠1+∠4=180° ( 两直线平行;同旁内角互补 ) 6′ 要证∠1+∠4=180°,只需证AD∥BC,而要证AD∥BC,证明∠2=∠3即可,根据已知,∠1=∠2,且∠1=∠3,等量代换即可求得

take a chill pill什么意思


beats pill能否连接台式电脑 怎么接


birth control pill是什么意思


beats pill能否连接台式电脑 怎么接

1、首先,打开beats x耳机的开关,开关打开后,耳机就处于打开状态(一般打开耳机都会有提示音,如果没有请确认是否电量充足。)2、之后打开电脑,一般笔记本电脑中都有蓝牙模块,这里我们可以点击右下角,打开笔记本的设置中心,之后可以看到蓝牙按钮,点击打开。3、一般这里我们可以点击转换到蓝牙设置,这里我们可以看到蓝牙处于开启状态,在下方会搜索目前可以搜索到的蓝牙模块,点击搜索到的beats x耳机模块,之后会出现一个等待连接。4、一般第一次匹配时间较长,所以不要着急,如果没有匹配成功多尝试几次,一般就可以匹配成功了。

什么this pill,piease

Take this pill, please. 请把这药吃了。

如何玩转beats pill+?

玩转beats pill+的方法:首先你的电视机要有蓝牙功能,或者你的beatspill具有音频输入接口。两种解决方法,电视机打开蓝牙和beatspill无线连接,beatspill音频输入和电视机音频输出连接(如果有接口的话)。beatspill连接电脑的方法:单击开始>控制面板,如图。打开声音和音频选项,如图。音量图标,打开“主音量”对话框,“选项”->“属性”,混音器选择Reatltek HD Audio output 。打开高级选项卡>主音量>主音量>属性,在“Front”、“Front pink in”、“Rear pink in”前面打上对勾。如图所示:如果你的耳机(或是音箱)和麦克风插在前面板的话,你要保证把“Front”、“Front pink in”这两项的音量调到最高。如果你的耳机(或是音箱)和麦克风插在后面板的话,或是耳机(或是音箱)插在前面板、麦克风插在后面板的话,你要保证把“Rear pink in”项的音量调到最高。在音量控制中,pink in是调节麦克风输出音量大小的,green in 是调节输出设备(耳机、音箱)音量大小的。

he took red pill.这句话什么意思,有什么引申意思么

take the red pill,指为了达到对某种事物的深度探索或追求,选择去思考,不放弃,继续走下去,哪怕这条路多难走。take the blue pill,指不想太多,让他去吧之类的人生态度。

gta罪恶都市传奇truckstop任务过不了 一到拦住货车那个Pill就自动死了


多了点苹果味的改版!现在最棒的超携带 beats pill+ 苹果无线喇叭!

之前介绍过 Beats 的携带喇叭 Pill,而在 Beats 正式成为 Apple 旗下的品牌后,也推出了更新版的 Pill+,比起没有什么改变的耳机,这个胶囊状的随身携带喇叭似乎在被苹果并购之后。真的就多了那么一点的苹果味。 beats pill+ 产品特点: 轻巧可携的外形,带来清晰全范围的音效。 特制 3W 单体 x 4 ,小身躯大声音 内建锂电池,3 小时快充,12 小时播放时间 内建麦克风功能,支援电话通话,是喇叭也是免持听筒 提供 AUX 输入,连接其他 MP3 播放器、电脑等其他装置 官方网站, 参考价格NT$ 7990 说是进化好像有点奇怪,毕竟几乎相同的大小、相同的外型设计(小改款)、甚至相同的音乐单体配置,要说这应该是多大的改款也是很奇怪的一个说法,也许要说的话就是彻底的『苹果化』了吧! 新款 beats Pill+ 的一些改变点: 改由 Lightening 连接与充电 电力由 7 时提升到 12 小时 3 小时快速充电 没有了 NFC 快速配对 APP 新增多喇叭连线功能 开箱!更多了点 Apple 苹果味道! 外型上其实 beats Pill+ 还是从完全圆润改成更有型线条硬朗的多,不过阿辉还是觉得是相近的外型设计,颜色则是有黑色与白色两种选择,阿辉今天开箱与大家介绍的是白色版本。 一个萝卜一个坑,完美放置的包装盒与配件安排 包装可以说非常精致,黑 *** 域其实是保护喇叭本体不会有任何刮伤的保护设计 前方为整面的金属网状设计,与前一代维持相同的 4 单体配置,中央为两组低音单,两侧则是高音等全音域单体。 商标则是隐藏于其中,低调的设计蛮有 Apple 风格 beats Pill+ 机器顶部中央的 b 标志同时是多功能开关与灯号,长按 3 秒钟就能开启蓝牙侦测,平常也是播放/暂停键、来电时则是接听按钮,另外则有音量调整按钮。 对的!beats Pill+ 除了播放音乐,当电话来电的时候也可以直接当免持扩音设备使用唷! 机器上方也有 LED 灯号可以直接显示电量剩余状况。 音质上面大体维持阿辉给 pill 系列喇叭的一向评价差不多,小巧的胶囊状的外壳内具备四个单体也是在小喇中很少见的设计,中高音整体表现亮且清晰,而且音量调大之后也没有闷住的感觉,这样的体积可以有这样的大声音与表现,可以给很正面的评价。 简化的携带收纳袋,beats pill 随机附赠的 USB 充电器 改以 Lightening 连接 首先最大的改变之一阿辉也不知道该说是进步还是... 限制?就是由上一代常见的 MicroUSB 介面改为了 Apple 的 Lightening 介面,往好处想就是 Apple iPhone / iPad 的用户线材可以统一,不过反倒不就是说 beats Pill+ 只能给 Apple 用户使用吗?尽管 beats Pill+ 还是一个标准蓝牙协定的携带无线蓝牙喇叭,不过因为这一点阿辉还是强烈建议这真的是一组 Apple 专用无线喇叭。 有趣的是因此在 beats Pill+ 的包装内,就真的有附上一条 Beats 品牌的 Lightening 传输线!!!这也太酷了!而且是有 MFI 官方认证的 Beats 牌苹果传输线! 另外蛮不错的一点是电力上则是大幅度地提升,从前一代的最高 7 小时播放时间,提高到了 12 小时。 甚至后方还有标准 USB 插槽可以连接手机当作行动电源使用。 背后连接埠则是有防尘盖可以完整收藏起来 Beats Pill+ 同名应用程式 随着 beats Pill+ 的推出,iPhone 与 Android 上都可以免下载安装同名的 Beats Pill+ 应用程式 APP,一般播放当然不需要特别的应用程式,但在配合 beats Pill+ APP 后就可以使用更多的功能。 APP 除了一般音效与控制功能之外,一个很重要的功能就是在『多喇叭』的功能上,不过前提是要.... 先买两组 beats Pill+… 这一点特点有没有厂商很讨厌的感觉 XDXD? 双倍扩大音量 立体声 双机遥控 这是 beats Pill+ APP 双喇叭的三种使用模式,前两者算是蛮接近的使用方式,双倍扩大音量模式下可与第二台 Beats Pill+ 搭配同步播放音乐增大音量;而立体声则是两台 Beats Pill+ 分别负责左右声道,而双机遥控则是让使用者透过 Beats Pill+ App,来同步操控两台Beats Pill+ 的播放、暂停或是切换音乐。 另外一个小功能是如果有多组 beats Pill+,也可以利用 beats Pill+ APP 来为其更改名称方便识别喇叭设备。 整体来说 beats pill+ 重点就是 Apple 化,Android 用户一样可以用但是相对反而没那么对味就是了,iPhone / iPad 用户买就对了! 关于阿辉 阿辉目前是自由撰稿工作者 + 全职摄影师 + 社群网站经营,本身 IT 与资讯背景经验约 10 年,也有在平面与网路媒体撰稿,文章撰写着重技术内容为主,并以专业等级产品拍摄撰文,目前也是 TVBS、非凡等资讯新闻节目常在的 3C 产品来宾,也常常在新闻中出现。 马上就按赞!加入关注『3C 达人廖阿辉』粉丝团!您的订阅与按个赞,都是鼓励阿辉继续写文拍照的动力唷!

如何鉴别beats pill 音箱是否是正品


药片 tablet 和 pill 有什么区别?具体用法?


pill与medicine 的区别 麻烦各举例一下,最好注明用法!

pill是详细的药丸跟药片的意思 medicine泛指药和内服药的意思,也有医药学的意思


take this pill的中文意思是:服用这种药、吃这个药丸。take 能和各种名词搭配使用,其含义主要取决于所搭配的名词。此类搭配是常用的习惯用语,其意义可参见相应的名词。take在这里作为动词使用,是服用、吃的意思。this是限定启,(指较近的人或事物)这,这个;(指已提到过的人或事物)这;(介绍人或展示事物时用)这,这样。pill有药丸、药片、口服避孕药、讨厌的人、讨厌鬼的意思。在这里指的是药丸、药片。扩展资料:take 和 bring 都可以用来表示随身携带某物或陪伴某人去某地,不过从说话者的角度来说,take 表示远离说话者的动作,而 bring 表示向说话者靠近的动作,如:Anna took the book to school with her (安娜, 带着那本书去上学),Bring your calculator to every lesson (每次上课都把计算器带来)。在第一个句子里,took 暗示安娜离开说话者所在的地点去上学;在第二个句子里,bring 暗示计算器的携带者应该把计算器带到说话者所在的地点。为了暗示安娜和说话者同在学校,可以说 Anna brought the book to school with her;而为暗示说话者不会在课堂上,可以说 Take your calculator to every lesson。


medicine1. 药,内服药Why did the patient refuse to take the medicine?那个病人为什么不肯服药?2. 医学;医术;内科学Anesthesia was a great innovation in medicine.麻醉是医学上重大的创新。pill药丸,药片She had to take sleeping pills every night.她每天夜里都得服安眠药。区别在于medicine是广义上的医药、医学,药的总称,为不可数pill是指特定的药丸,药片,是包含在medicine概念中的,作可数另外,pill在美国口语中指(女用)口服避孕药


pill 英[pɪl] 美[pɪl] n. 药丸;弹丸;口服避孕药;讨厌鬼 vt. 使服用药丸;把…制成药丸;投票反对;抢劫 vi. 服用药丸;制成药丸;起球 [例句]It costs nothing to make a pill.现在,制造药片不需要成本。


可数。 pill:n.药丸;药片;口服避孕药;讨厌的人;讨厌鬼; v.起球;结绒; 第三人称单数: pills复数: pills现在分词: pilling过去式: pilled过去分词: pilled medicine:n.医学;药;(尤指)药水; 复数: medicines 扩展资料   I took a pill to help settle my nerves.   我吃了一片药,好放松一下神经。   Children may eat pills in mistake for sweets.   孩子们会把药片错当成糖果吃的。   Garlic is widely used in Chinese folk medicine.   大蒜广泛应用于中国民间医药。   Did you take your medicine?   你吃过药了吗?


药丸 望采纳




pill的发音:英[pu026al];美[pu026al]pill是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“药丸;弹丸,子弹;口服避孕药”,作及物动词时意思是“把…制成丸剂;使服用药丸;抢劫,掠夺(古语)”,作不及物动词时意思是“做成药丸;服药丸”。短语搭配:1、Alison Pill艾莉森·皮尔 ; 艾丽森·皮尔 ; 艾莉森·比尔 ; 艾利森菲我2、Hard Pill苦药丸 ; 苦药丸子 ; 苦药3、sleeping pill安息药 ;[药]安眠药片 ; 歇息药双语搭配:1、Can you break up this pill for me?你能不能帮我把这颗药丸弄碎?2、If nothing wrong with her after taking the pill, he would take it immediately.如果错误什么都与她在采取药片以后,他不会立刻采取它。3、If you have these symptoms, you should consider changing to the progesterone only pill.如果您有这些症状,您应该考虑改变向孕酮只有丸。


pill的发音:英[pu026al];美[pu026al]pill是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“药丸;弹丸,子弹;口服避孕药”,作及物动词时意思是“把?制成丸剂;使服用药丸;抢劫,掠夺(古语)”,作不及物动词时意思是“做成药丸;服药丸”。短语搭配:1、Alison Pill艾莉森·皮尔 ; 艾丽森·皮尔 ; 艾莉森·比尔 ; 艾利森菲我2、Hard Pill苦药丸 ; 苦药丸子 ; 苦药3、sleeping pill安息药 ;[药]安眠药片 ; 歇息药双语搭配:1、Can you break up this pill for me?你能不能帮我把这颗药丸弄碎?2、If nothing wrong with her after taking the pill, he would take it immediately.如果错误什么都与她在采取药片以后,他不会立刻采取它。3、If you have these symptoms, you should consider changing to the progesterone only pill.如果您有这些症状,您应该考虑改变向孕酮只有丸。

beats pill如何实现和电脑的音响同步?


求问,pill 2和 1代有什么区别?还有XL




s开头的量词 填空:take a s___ pill

参考答案: takes a (sleeping) pill:服了一粒安眠药sleeping pill:安眠药请采纳,谢谢支持!

s开头的量词 填空:take a s___ pill

参考答案: takes a (sleeping) pill:服了一粒安眠药 sleeping pill:安眠药


take some pills 服药丸;take some medicine服药

on the pill是什么意思?

pill的中文翻译以下结果由译典通提供词典解释名词 n. 1.药丸,药片[C]She had to take sleeping pills every night. 她每天夜里都得服安眠药。 2.(有时大写)【美】【口】(女用)口服避孕药[the S]3.无法避免的讨厌事,屈辱事[C][S1]The defeat was a bitter pill. 这次失败是一个屈辱。 4.【俚】讨厌的家伙[C][S1]5.【俚】炸弹,炮弹,子弹;棒球,网球[C]及物动词 vt. 1.把...制成丸剂(或片剂)2.使服用药丸(或药片)3.【俚】投票反对

2pills per day 翻译



pilluff1b medicine; drug; remedyuff1bpoisonuff1banaesthetic

take this pill的中文翻译是什么?

take this pill的中文翻译是什么?吃下这片药片


medicine是药,不可数名词,一般用take the medicine,而pill是药丸,可数名词

如何鉴别beats pill 音箱是否是正品


pill 是可数的还是不可数的

take the pills 吃药 可数






区别:1、medicine是广义上的医药、医学,药的总称,为不可数名词。pill是指特定的药丸,药片,是包含在medicine概念中的,作可数名词。2、pill在美国口语中指(女用)口服避孕药。3、pill主要指药片,而medicine则更多来指药水这一类型单词:medicine音标:英 [u02c8medsn] 美 [u02c8mu025bdu026asu026an]形近词: indicine单词:pill音标:英[pu026al] 美[pu026al]短语:abitterpill 不得不承受的苦事。sugar thepill 使苦事变得容易接受



Stone Temple Pilots的《Plush》 歌词

歌曲名:Plush歌手:Stone Temple Pilots专辑:Ultimate Grammy Collection - Contemporary RockAnd I feel that time"s a wasted goSo where ya going to tomorrow?And I see that these are lies to comeWould you even care?And I feel itAnd I feel itWhere ya going to tomorrow?Where ya going with that mask I found?And I feel, and I feelWhen the dogs begin to smell herWill she smell alone?And I feel, so much depends on the weatherSo is it raining in your bedroom?And I see, that these are the eyes of disarrayWould you even care?And I feel itAnd she feels itWhere ya going to tomorrow?Where ya going with that mask I found?And I feel, and I feelWhen the dogs begin to smell herWill she smell alone?When the dogs do find herGot time, time, to wait for tomorrowWhen the dogs do find herGot time, time, to wait for tomorrowWhere ya going to tomorrow?Where ya going with that mask I found?And I feel, and I feelWhen the dogs begin to smell herWill she smell alone?When the dogs do find herGot time, time, to wait for tomorrowWhen the dogs do find herGot time, time, to wait for tomorrowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59522554

Stone Temple Pilots的《Plush》 歌词

歌曲名:Plush歌手:Stone Temple Pilots专辑:Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Box Set)And I feel that time"s a wasted goSo where ya going to tomorrow?And I see that these are lies to comeWould you even care?And I feel itAnd I feel itWhere ya going to tomorrow?Where ya going with that mask I found?And I feel, and I feelWhen the dogs begin to smell herWill she smell alone?And I feel, so much depends on the weatherSo is it raining in your bedroom?And I see, that these are the eyes of disarrayWould you even care?And I feel itAnd she feels itWhere ya going to tomorrow?Where ya going with that mask I found?And I feel, and I feelWhen the dogs begin to smell herWill she smell alone?When the dogs do find herGot time, time, to wait for tomorrowWhen the dogs do find herGot time, time, to wait for tomorrowWhere ya going to tomorrow?Where ya going with that mask I found?And I feel, and I feelWhen the dogs begin to smell herWill she smell alone?When the dogs do find herGot time, time, to wait for tomorrowWhen the dogs do find herGot time, time, to wait for tomorrowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59229078

求《heathens》 twenty one pilots 的MP3音乐~~


Truce Twenty One Pilots 中文 歌词 中文中文的



应该就是 TWENTY ONE PILOTS二十一个 飞行员。

a pilot is a person who and who flies an airplane

保证准确! 1. person 人 2. two 两个 3. rest 休息 4. makes make sure 保证/确保 5. help 帮助 6. them 他们 7. important 重要的 8. happening (正在)发生 9. messages 消息 10. because 因为

21pilots ride歌词翻译

"Ode To Sleep" 睡眠颂I wake up fine and dandy but then by the time I find it handy,我醒来了,昔日的舒适不复存在To rip my heart apart and start planning my crash landing,我感觉心开始撕裂,开始坠落I go up, up, up, up, up to the ceiling,我努力挣扎着Then I feel my soul start leaving, like an old man"s hair receding,我觉得我的灵魂开始飞逝,就像老人头发脱离一般I"m pleading please, oh please on my knees repeatedly asking,我跪下,不停地恳求着Why it"s got to be like this, is this living free,为什么会是这样,我应该得到自由I don"t want to be the one, be the one who has the son"s blood on my hands,我不想成为那冷血的人I"ll tell the moon, take this weapon forged in darkness,我会告诉月亮,在黑暗中锻造这把利器Some see a pen, I see a harpoon.有人认为这是对我的囚禁,我却觉得这是场收获I"ll stay awake, "cause the dark"s not taking prisoners tonight.我必须保持着清醒,在黑夜中他会赶尽杀绝 Why am I not scared in the morning,I don"t hear those voices calling,我不再惧怕他们,我不要听到那些撕吼声I must have kicked them out,我要把他们驱逐出去I must have kicked them out,一定要I swear I heard demons yelling,Those crazy words they were spelling,那些单词正在发狂地描写:我听到那声恶魔的嘶吼They told me I was gone,They told me I was gone.他们告诉我,绝望吧But I"ll tell them,Why won"t you let me go?我会问他们:问什么你不让我走Do I threaten all your plans?I"m insignificant.我对你们,毫无价值Please tell them you have no plans for me.但,请记着,你对我毫无威胁I will set my soul on fire, what have I become?我发誓要让烈火洗礼我的灵魂,让你看清楚我I"ll tell them!我会证明给你们看On the eve of a day that"s forgotten and fake,在那天的傍晚As the trees they await and clouds anticipate,一切就像预期的那样The start of a day when we put on our face,当我们戴上尊严的那一天A mask that portrays that we don"t need grace,我们不需要恩典那虚假的面具On the eve of a day that is bigger than us,我们虽然微不足道But we open our eyes "cause we"re told that we must,但我们必须要让我们的双眼变得锐利And the trees wave their arms and the clouds try to plead,我们的心是如此无助Desperately yelling there"s something we need,绝望地说出你的感受吧!I"m not free, I asked forgiveness three times,我渴望得到宽恕Same amount that I denied, I three-time mvp"ed this crime,但命运拒绝了我I"m afraid to tell you who I adore, won"t tell you what I"m singing towards,我不会告诉你我崇拜谁,我在唱什么Metaphorically I"m a whore, and that"s denial number four.就像一名妓女,这就是对一切的否认I"ll stay awake, "cause the dark"s not taking prisoners tonight.我必须保持着清醒,在黑夜中他会赶尽杀绝Why am I not scared in the morning,I don"t hear those voices calling,我不再惧怕他了,我不要听到那些撕吼声I must have kicked them out,I must have kicked them out,我要把他们驱逐出去I swear I heard demons yelling,Those crazy words they were spelling,那些单词正在发狂地描写:我听到那声恶魔的嘶吼They told me I was gone,They told me I was gone.他们说,我该绝望了But I"ll tell them,Why won"t you let me go?为什么不给我自由,我问道Do I threaten all your plans?我对你们,微不足道I"m insignificant.我只是无名氏Please tell them you have no plans for me.但,你对我毫无威胁I will set my soul on fire, what have I become?我发誓要让烈火洗礼我的灵魂,让你看清楚我I"ll tell them you have no plans for me.你对我毫无威胁I will set my soul on fire, what have I become?我发誓要让烈火洗礼我的灵魂,让你看清楚我I"ll tell themI"ll tell themI"ll tell themI"ll tell them我会证明的我会证明的我会证明的Please tell them you have no plans for me,请记着,你对我毫无威胁I will set my soul on fire, what have I become?我发誓要让烈火洗礼我的灵魂,让你看清楚我i m sorry.抱歉

21pilots fallaway中文歌词

Son, you"ve got a way to fall 孩子,在你降落之后They"ll tell you where to go 他们虽然不明白But they won"t know 却会告诉你向哪里走</PRE><PRE >Son, you"d better take it all 孩子,你要牢记心头They"ll tell you what they know 他们会把一切告诉你But they won"t show 但是他们不会显露</PRE><PRE >Oh, I"ve got something in my throat Oh,是我哽咽的咽喉I need to be alone 当我痛苦的时候While I suffer 我自己去承受</PRE><PRE >Son, you"ve got a way to kill 孩子,用你杀戮的手They"re picking on you still 他们总会选中你But they don"t know 但是他们并不知道</PRE><PRE >Son, you"d better wait to shine 孩子,在你辉煌的时候They"ll tell you what is yours 他们给了你一切But they"ll take mine 却夺走我的所有</PRE><PRE >Oh, I"ve got something in my throat Oh,是我哽咽的咽喉I need to be alone 当我痛苦的时候While I suffer 我自己去承受</PRE><PRE >Oh, there"s a hole inside my boat Oh,心随漏船在游走I need to stay afloat 就这样随波逐流For the summer long 直到夏天结束后</PRE><PRE >

如何评价twenty one pilots乐队

双人组合Twenty one pilots,第一次听他的歌就觉得十分非主流,独特的唱功与曲风让人对他们念念不忘,充满节奏感的节奏让人想随歌起舞。这不奇怪,因为他们本来就带着hiphop的血统。第一次听到他们的作品是tear in my heart,一开始清爽的鼓声与轻快的钢琴声声声吸引了我,在开始前还喊了一声:An Yong,Ha Sei Yo!!还以为是哪个钢琴摇滚乐团,当听到后面才知道原来是电音,而且是充满了个性的电音。充满个性及强烈节奏感的电音,再加上主唱的rap,巧妙地将hip hop,钢琴摇滚和电子乐混合在一起。还有另外一首stress out,轻快的节奏带着压抑的气息,歌词还带着浓浓的讽刺味,十足脱俗的表现。特别是将wakeup,you have to make money那段,简直是唱出所有人的心声,让人不由自己的想跟着喊出来,仿佛是对这个社会世俗的自由宣言。没错,这就是twenty one pilots,如此创意及另类的作风,是电音界不可多得的鬼才。

What do pilots do?英语回答

pilot n. 飞行员What do pilots do? 飞行员干什么?They fly planes.

求twenty one pilots自杀小队主题曲heathens 百度云 谢谢



回答如下:本句有误,应该是:We will be pilots one day.根据提问对象的不同,可有不同的选择。例如:Who will be pilots one day?(提问主语) What will we be one day? (提问表语)When will we be pilots? (提问时间状语)

Twenty One Pilots的《Car Radio》 歌词

歌曲名:Car Radio歌手:Twenty One Pilots专辑:VesselTwenty | One | Pilots - Car RadioI ponder of something greatMy lungs will fill and then deflateThey fill with fire, exhale desireI know it"s dire my time today.I have these thoughts so often I oughtTo replace that slot with what I once bought"Cause somebody stole my car radioAnd now I just sit in silence.Sometimes quiet is violentI find it hard to hide itMy pride is no longer insideIt"s on my sleeve, my skin will screamReminding me of who I killed inside my dreamI hate this car that I"m drivingThere"s no hiding for meI"m forced to deal with what I feelThere is no distraction to mask what is realI could pull the steering wheel.I have these thoughts so often I oughtTo replace that slot with what I once bought"Cause somebody stole my car radioAnd now I just sit in silence.I ponder of something terrifying"Cause this time there"s no sound to hide behindI find over the course of our human existenceOne thing consists of consistenceAnd it"s that we"re all battling fearOh dear, I don"t know if we know why we"re hereOh my, too deep, please stop thinkingI liked it better when my car had sound.There are things we can doBut from the things that work there are only twoAnd from the two that we choose to doPeace will win and fear will loseAnd there"s faith and there"s sleepWe need to pick one please becauseFaith is to be awakeAnd to be awake is for us to thinkAnd for us to think is to be aliveAnd I will try with every rhymeTo come across like I am dyingTo let you know you need to try to think.I have these thoughts so often I oughtTo replace that slot with what I once bought"Cause somebody stole my car radioAnd now I just sit in silence.And now I just sit in silenceAnd now I just sit in silenceAnd now I just sitAnd now I just sit in silenceAnd now I just sit in silenceAnd now I just sit in silenceAnd now I just sit.I ponder of something greatMy lungs will fill and then deflateThey fill with fire, exhale desireI know it"s dire my time today.I have these thoughts so often I oughtTo replace that slot with what I once bought"Cause somebody stole my car radioAnd now I just sit in silence.http://music.baidu.com/song/33229844


pilot 是驾驶员的意思 你说呢?

His parents are pilot(pilot要不要加s)



pilot试点飞行员pilot[英][u02c8pau026alu0259t][美][u02c8pau026alu0259t]n.飞行员; 引航员; 向导; [机械学]导向器(或轴); vt.驾驶; 试验; 试点; 为(船舶)引航(或操舵); adj.试验性的; 导向的; 驾驶员的; 辅助的; 第三人称单数:pilots过去分词:piloted复数:pilots现在进行时:piloting过去式:piloted易混淆单词:PILOT采纳


pilots的读音为 ["pau026alu0259ts],音标为 /u02c8pau026alu0259ts/。Pilots可以作为名词使用,表示“飞行员”或“驾驶员”。例如:The pilots successfully landed the plane in bad weather.(飞行员们成功地在恶劣天气下着陆了飞机。)The ship"s captain and pilots guided the vessel safely into port.(船长和驾驶员将船安全地引入了港口。)Pilots还可以作为动词使用,表示“引领”、“试点”等意思。例如:The company is piloting a new product in select markets.(该公司正在一些特定的市场试点新产品。)The program aims to pilot innovative approaches to education.(该项目旨在引领创新的教育方法。)

组合21pilots的 fallaway中文歌词

Well let me tell you a story 让我告诉你一个故事 About a girl and a boy 关于一个女孩和一个男孩 He fell in love for his best friend 他爱上了他最好的朋友 When she"s around, he feels nothing but joy 当她在身边时,他觉得只有欢乐 But she was already broken, and it made her blind 但她已经说破了,这让她失去理智 But she could never believe that love would ever treat her right 但她也从不相信,爱会永远正确对待她 But did you know that I love you? or were you not aware? 但你知道我爱你吗?或是你从不明白吗? You"re the smile on my face 你是我脸上的微笑 And I ain"t going nowhere 我哪也不去 I"m here to make you happy, i"m here to see you smile 我要呆在这里去让你快乐,我会呆在这里去看你微笑 I"ve been wanting to tell you this for a long while 我一直都想告诉你很久了 Who"s gonna make you fall in love 谁会让你坠入爱河 I know you got your wall wrapped on all the way around your heart 我知道你用墙包裹在你的心的四周You"re not gon" be scared at all, oh my love 你一点儿都不必再害怕,哦,我的爱 But you can"t fly unless it lets ya, 但你不能飞,除非它让你飞 You can"t fly unless it lets ya, so fall 你不能飞除非它让你,所以会堕落 Well I can tell you"re afraid of what this might do 我可以告诉你害怕什么,这可能做 Cause we got such an amazing friendship and that you don"t wanna lose 因为我们有同样一个惊人的友谊所以你不想失去它 Well I don"t wanna lose it either 我也不想失去它 I don"t think I can stay sitting around while you"re hurting babe 我不认为我可以坐在你身边当你伤心受伤,宝贝 Come take my hand 来握住我的手 Well did you know you"re an angel? who forgot how to fly 你知道你是天使吗?那个忘了怎么去飞的人 Did you know that it breaks my heart everytime to see you cry 你知道吗,每次看到你哭泣,我的心都碎了 Cause I know that it pains if he"s gone everytime he move over on the shoulder you crying 因为我知道,他痛苦的是每次当你在他的肩膀上哭泣时离开 And I hope by the time that i"m done with this song that I figure out 所以我希望在这时候,我已经完成了这首歌,那首我知道的歌 Who"s gonna make you fall in love 谁会让你坠入爱河 I know you got your wall wrapped on all the way around your heart 我知道你用墙包裹在你的心的四周You"re not gon" be scared at all, oh my love 你一点儿都不必再害怕,哦,我的爱 But you can"t fly unless it lets ya, 但你不能飞,除非它让你飞 You can"t fly unless it lets ya, so fall 你不能飞除非它让你,所以会堕落 I will catch you if you fall 我会抓住你,如果你堕落I will catch you if you fall 我会抓住你,如果你堕落I will catch you if you fall 我会抓住你,如果你堕落 But if you spread your wings 但如果你展开你的翅膀 You can fly away with me 你可以跟我远走高飞 But you can"t fly unless it lets ya, 但你不能飞,除非它让你飞 You can"t fly unless it lets ya so fall 你不能飞除非它让你,所以会堕落 Who"s gonna make you fall in love 谁会让你坠入爱河 I know you got your wall wrapped on all the way around your heart 我知道你用墙包裹在你的心的四周You"re not gon" be scared at all, oh my love 你一点儿都不必再害怕,哦,我的爱 But you can"t fly unless it lets ya, 但你不能飞,除非它让你飞 You can"t fly unless it lets ya 你不能飞,除非它让你 So fall in love 所以坠入爱河 I know you got your wall wrapped on all the way around your heart 我知道你用墙包裹在你的心的四周You"re not gon" be scared at all, oh my love 你一点儿都不必再害怕,哦,我的爱 But you can"t fly unless it lets ya, 但你不能飞,除非它让你飞 You can"t fly unless it lets ya, so fall 你不能飞除非它让你,所以会堕落 I will catch you if you fall 我会抓住你,如果你堕落I will catch you if you fall 我会抓住你,如果你堕落I will catch you if you fall 我会抓住你,如果你堕落 If you spread your wings 如果你展开你的翅膀 You can fly away with me 你可以跟我远走高飞 But you can"t fly unless it lets ya 但你不能飞,除非它让你飞 Let yourself fall 让你自己堕落



如何评价 twenty one pilots 乐队

双人组合Twenty one pilots,第一次听他的歌就觉得十分非主流,独特的唱功与曲风让人对他们念念不忘,充满节奏感的节奏让人想随歌起舞。这不奇怪,因为他们本来就带着hiphop的血统。第一次听到他们的作品是tear in my heart,一开始清爽的鼓声与轻快的钢琴声声声吸引了我,在开始前还喊了一声:An Yong,Ha Sei Yo!!还以为是哪个钢琴摇滚乐团,当听到后面才知道原来是电音,而且是充满了个性的电音。充满个性及强烈节奏感的电音,再加上主唱的rap,巧妙地将hip hop,钢琴摇滚和电子乐混合在一起。还有另外一首stress out,轻快的节奏带着压抑的气息,歌词还带着浓浓的讽刺味,十足脱俗的表现。特别是将wakeup,you have to make money那段,简直是唱出所有人的心声,让人不由自己的想跟着喊出来,仿佛是对这个社会世俗的自由宣言。没错,这就是twenty one pilots,如此创意及另类的作风,是电音界不可多得的鬼才。



spillover effect是什么意思

spillover effect溢出效应双语对照词典结果:spillover effect[英][u02c8spu026alu02ccu0259u028avu0259 iu02c8fekt][美][u02c8spu026alu02ccovu025a u026au02c8fu025bkt]超溢效果; 例句:1.The more pragmatic path, they say, would be to keep a bubble in check to prevent a spillover effect on property prices elsewhere in taiwan. 他们说,更实际的办法是控制泡沫,防止对台湾其他地区的房价产生溢出效应。

hadoop Could not find any valid local directory for output/spill0.out




Built To Spill的《get a life》 歌词

歌曲名:get a life歌手:Built To Spill专辑:ultimate alternative waversyou can"t tell me that you don"t know who you areit"s there from the startit comes with the packageany attempt that you make to escape thisBuilt To Spilluseless and unnecessary make up your mindmake it up as you gomake it the truthmake it what you already know she said that"s not what she saidunthink the things in your headit"s justa white that you redChris went right over their heads you can"t be anythingyou can"t be anythingyou can"t be nothingyou can"t be anythingyou can"t be nothingyou can"t be anythingyou can"t be nothingyou can"t be anythingyou can"t be nothingyou can"t be anything if you can"t be nothinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/14177699

Spill it.是什么意思及反义词

注释spill 英音:[spil]美音:[spu026al]vt. 使溢出,使流出;使摔下vi. 溢出,流出;摔下;涌流n. 溢出,溅出;溢出量;摔下;小塞子;小金属棒过去式: spilled或spilt过去分词: spilled或spilt现在分词: spilling

spill the beans是什么意思

spill the beans泄露秘密双语对照词典结果:spill the beans<俚>泄露秘密; 露馅儿; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But now it seems almost everyone is willing to spill the beans. 可如今似乎人人都乐意泄点密。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

quality spill是什么意思



spilt是动词 泼出; 溢出

spill overflow 都有“溢出”的意思,这两个单词有什么区别啊?

overflow 词义更广v. 泛滥, 溢出, 充满, 洋溢 We must harness the rivers which overflow annually. 我们必须治理那些每年泛滥的河流。【例句用法】1. Overflow patients lay on the floors and in the corridors. 容纳不下的病人躺在地上和走廊里。2. The crowd overflowed the auditorium. 人群挤得礼堂无法容纳。3. The river overflowed its banks. 河水漫过了两岸。4. A new office block was built to accommodate the overflow of staff. 新建了一座办公大楼以便容纳多出的员工。5. Inhabit quiet pools and backwaters of creeks and small to large rivers, swamps, lakes and overflow areas of large streams. 栖息于大的溪流小溪的静止池水与洄水区与小型到大型河川,沼泽,湖与溢值区域。v. 溢出, 洒, 使 ... 流出, 泄漏 The coffee is so full that it might spill over. 咖啡太满可能会溢出来。




Each of us were requested to contribute a suggestion at meeting.I spilled coffee on the table


spill spilled spilled spill spilt spilt




spill[英][spu026al][美][spu026al]vt.& vi.溢出; 泼出; 涌出; 蜂拥而出; vt.使跌落; 泄露机密; n.洒出(量); 泼出(量); 溢出(量); 小塞子; 第三人称单数:spills复数:spills现在进行时:spilling过去式:spilt spilled过去分词:spilt spilled例句:1、What did you spill on it?你把什么洒在上面了?2、Is this their first spill?这是他们第一次泄露吗?3、Did someone spill milk on the floor?有人把牛奶撒在地板上了?4、What about this chemical spill? I believe it to be a subterfuge.化学溢出物是什么回事?我认为这只是个借口.5、Will you exercise the final edict? Spill his blood?你会执行最后的指令吗?杀掉他?

spill the beans是什么意思?

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