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这张专辑有个拗口的名字,"Sgt. Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band", 直译就是《佩珀中士的孤独之心俱乐部乐队》,14个字!在这之前,没有谁当真把摇滚乐看作艺术。然而在1967年,当 John, Paul, George 和 Ringo(加上他们的朋友、制作人 George Martin 的“一点点帮助”)拿出这个无可置疑的艺术作品时,一切都改变了。即使是在30年后的今天,这仍然是有史以来最有影响的一张专辑。从 Lennon 如梦如幻的音画之作 "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds"(你是不是会联想到周华健的《亲亲我的宝贝》MTV?事实上从周华健的许多作品中都能看到 Beatles 的影响,而决不仅仅是那支翻唱的 Yellow Submarin!),到狂欢节般的 "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite",到 Paul McCartney 典雅的 "When I"m 64",再到 Harrison 试作的印度风格 "Within You Without You"(非常独特!你还能从 Beatles 中找出第二支吗?),以及前卫的袖珍套曲 "A Day in the Life",--事实上几乎每支单曲都十分精彩!而整张专辑实在是"60年代音乐及流行文化的里程碑。专辑曲目:01. Sgt. Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band 02. With a Little Help from My Friends 03. Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds 04. Getting Better 05. Fixing a Hole 06. She"s Leaving Home 07. Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! 08. Within You Without You 09. When I"m Sixty-Four 10. Lovely Rita 11. Good Morning Good Morning 12. Sgt. Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) 13. Day in the Life

The Lonely Hearts的《Mermaid》 歌词

歌曲名:Mermaid歌手:The Lonely Hearts专辑:Paper TapesGimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie Your Love 軽い台词がハマる夜ギラギラしたら素颜は决して 明かさずに运命のように出逢ってしまった、仆达なんてバレる嘘も このGAMEを制す 駆け引きさ今夜 mermaid ねえ游ばない? 気障な美辞丽句を交わして艶色の光が 映し出す はだけた素肌いいんじゃない?そうさ mermaid ねえ秘密を 色々教えてあげるからヒラヒラと泳いで 溶けるまで接吻をして爱の海へDIVEShake Your, Shake Your, Shake Your Hip 安いポーズが似合う夜ギリギリなんて见极めない 堕ちてゆこうこの唇 惹かれ合ってるよ、仆达そんな甘い事も 多分言われてみたい 年顷さ揺れて mermaid ねえ踊ろう 危ないタイプじゃないから本気の恋なのか 火游びの恋なのか まだわからないだから mermaid 二人して 心まで裸にしないか?饰り立てた街で 大胆になろうよ泡のようなLOVE寂しい颜しないで 理性が戻りそうさこのまま骗し骗されたい幻の君に魅せられて今夜 mermaid ねえ游ばない? 気障な美辞丽句を交わして艶色の光が 映し出す はだけた素肌いいんじゃない?そうさ mermaid ねえ秘密を これから作りたいからヒラヒラと泳いで 溶けるまで接吻をして爱の海へDIVE揺れて mermaid ねえ踊ろう 危ないタイプじゃないから本気の恋なのか 火游びの恋なのか 知りたくもないだから mermaid 二人して イケるとこまで行くしかない饰り立てた街で 大胆になろうよ泡のようなLOVEhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2653843

Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.是什么意思



仓贺野 圣良(くらがの せら) CV:遥そら身高:160cm 三围:B87(E)/W57/H88生日:11月22日 血型:A型 2年F班所属。与主人公同年不同班。担任月华会的学生会长。既有名门千金的家世又有名门千金的举止,担任传统悠久的月华会会长正是再合适不过。容姿端丽,品行方正,身材姣好,如此三点可谓集上天宠爱于一身,众男生眼里的女神。而另一方面,她正如可远观而不可亵玩的高岭之花,人气虽高,敢于主动向她搭话的人却少之又少。喜欢可爱的东西,这一点倒是让人意外(虽然对于可爱的品味稍稍有点奇葩)。「规则就是规则。有异议的话欢迎到月华会来申诉」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   天神平 阳姬(てんじんだいら はるひ) CV:铃藤ここあ身高:146cm 三围:B68(AA)/W52/H70生日:4月26日 血型:B型 1年A班所属。主人公的后辈,一年级学生。才刚入学不久就出任天道会学生会长,稀世少有的领袖光环。对好玩的事情兴致冲冲,宗旨是营造更加有趣更加好玩的学园生活。外表娇小,作为天道会会长,其应有的资质却无可挑剔。出类拔萃的创意头脑,并具敏锐的洞察力和领导力,得到学生们莫大的支持。关于恋爱,目前正处于懵懂不开窍的状态,可爱到会问「恋爱?放到锅里煮会很好吃吗」的程度。「想三言两语就了事,我可不是那么肤浅的人」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   驹形 ゆづき(こまがた ゆづき) CV:藤森ゆき奈身高:165cm 三围:B84(C)/W55/H81 生日:1月5日 血型:O型 与主人公同年同班。担任月华会的书记。性格明朗,精力充沛,在气氛沉滞的月华会里,起到了很好的治愈系作用。性格好,交际面广,不管对哪边的学生会支持者都没有芥蒂,友好往来。放学后时常带着宠物犬散步,或是在当地咖啡厅『ラプソツェル』里兼职。『ラプソツェル』里,有相当多的顾客被她的美貌和善良所吸引慕名而来,只为一睹芳容。「Yahoo,今天也是个好天气呢!」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   神流 歌奈(かんな かな) CV:御苑生メイ身高:163cm 三围:B90(F)/W58/H89 生日:9月14日 血型:A型 3年A班所属。比主人公高年级。言辞举止温柔大方,又特别照顾别人,正是理想的姐姐人选。散发着能够包容时间万物的母性光辉,大家都愿意向她倾诉烦恼。学生中人望极高,不分男女不分旗帜,一片支持之声。担任天道会副会长,替阳姬摆平各种有欠妥当的事情(为何不当会长是学园史上最大的谜题)。料理也很擅长,最近热衷于制作点心。「请再添一杯茶,手制松糕还有很多」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    主人公带刀 和马(たてわき かずま)二年级学生。因诸般缘由,在5月这不上不下的时间段转学而来。望借此机会交到称心如意的女朋友,正蓄势待发。 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    本动堂 萌衣(もとゆるぎどう めい) CV:松田理沙主人公班上的班主任。虽担任月华会顾问一职,也只是被学生们晾在一边,徒有其名的管理职务而已。爱自作主张,却经常犯傻,身为教师,毫无尊严。因此学生们都管她叫“萌衣酱”,感觉像是朋友一般,被大家所亲近。「有什么困难要直说哦。老师,会为了你出一份力的!」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   幸冢 美智(こうづか みち) CV:茶町チャチャ主人公的同班同学。天道会会计。游戏人生的女孩子,特征是外表花俏。俗称“bitch同学”。话题多半围绕恋爱、漂亮的洋装、化妆品之类,所谓的爱把甜食说成sweets的这类女性。看似轻薄,会计工作却做得滴水不漏。「嘻嘻,如此一来吾与汝已是共犯u266a」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   五明 孝明(ごみょう たかあき) CV:一文字系与主人公同年不同班。月华会副会长。2年C班所属。戴着一副眼镜,神经质的表情彰显着其纠缠不休,令人厌恶的性格。敌视天道会,为陷害对手不择手段。一心贪图权利,不断向周围呼吁自己应该代替圣良成为会长。「只有我才是月华会会长的最佳人选!」 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   御座入 纪洋(みざのり のりひろ) CV:ほうでん亭ノドガツラ主人公的同班同学。天道会书记。肥胖体型的御宅系男子。“ノリノリのノリさん(得意洋洋的小纪洋)”这样的诨名风行一时,令人惊讶的是貌似他跟谁相处都不得意。极其爱好动漫游戏,可以从他身上看到从中派生出的广泛知识(大部分是杂学)。「妹纸果然还是纸片与JPG上的好!」


眼神凶恶、交流障碍的月华会会长  アリスティアu30fbヴァレンベリu30fb华蔵寺 (―u30fb―u30fbけぞうじ)生日:1月27日身高:149cm三围:B83(E)/ W54/ H82血型:A型所属:2-D和主人公同学年不同班。担任月华会的学生会长。虽然因为是名家之后而被委任为月华会会长,但实际上极度不擅长应对大众场合。为了帮上大家的忙拼命努力着,但因为说话不流利,再加上与生俱来的凶恶眼神,被旁人传言说“要是让她不高兴了就会被诅咒的”。自己想着要交一些朋友,但因为传言的关系只有真白能够和她普通地交谈。「要是能更加熟练地说话的话,大家会不会成为我的朋友呢」 人气拔群的偶像会长  月夜野 兎姫 (つきよの うさぎ)生日:10月22日身高:162cm三围:B86(F)/ W54/ H87血型:A型所属:2-B和主人公同学年同班。天道会的学生会长。是一位杂志模特出身的偶像,以学园史上最高的票数当选学生会长。不因自己是艺人就自高自大,作为学生会长的工作也会完美的完成,因此不论男女都获得了非常大的支持。但是那只是表面,实际上是个将自己努力开朗的一面宣传给周围,巧妙地控制周围的小腹黑。非常喜欢拉面,常常化妆偷偷出没于本地的拉面店。「谢谢大家,那么安可要来咯—u266a」 纯白色的清纯大小姐  栗生 真白 (くりゅう ましろ)生日:7月8日身高:168cm三围:B85(D)/ W57/ H90血型:O型所属:1-A主人公的后辈。大多数事情都能不动声色地完成的秀才型人物。虽然是一年级生,却担任起了月华会副会长的职位,不论是制作资料还是泡茶、以及代替不擅长说话的アリス交涉,一切事情都由她包办。获得了周围人们很大的信赖,在一部人间甚至有了“下一期会长”的呼声。兴趣是花的栽培,常常在校舍中的一角照顾花儿。「需要再来一杯茶吗?」 热心于学生会工作的乐观少女  馆林 たては (たてばやし たては)生日:5月3日身高:158cm三围:B80(C)/ W55/ H83血型:B型所属:2-B和主人公同学年同班。在天道会担当书记。性格活泼开朗、爱照顾人,在性格丰富的天道会成员中担当润滑油的角色。外表看上去给人强势的印象,但实际上是个随波逐流,无法拒绝别人的请求的人。或许是她的这个性格特别让人感到亲切,交友关系相当的广。休息日或是有时间的时候,会帮忙叔父(自称叔母)的咖啡厅ラプンツェル的工作。「欢迎来到ラプンツェル……不对,欢迎来到天道会!」   主人公  幸冢 大智 (こうづか だいち)2-B班的学生。幸冢美智的弟弟。因为一些情况一直在外地生活,暌违数年回到了本地。

谁能介绍一下Joan Jett and the Blackhearts啊

  歌手简介:  Joan Jett [琼 杰特]  出生时间:1960年,美国费城  风格划分:硬摇滚、朋克摇滚  她玩的是简单而纯粹的摇滚乐,她从不把自己的性别当一回事,她是几代摇滚女性的偶像。  Jett的音乐最明显的标志就是雪崩一样的音量和无法抵抗的钩子(指音乐中引人入胜的细节),the Rolling Stones一样精力充沛的形象和节奏,AC/DC一样强大的和弦演奏。她坚持摇滚乐的传统,但也不断有所突破——她玩的是经典的三和弦rock & roll,然而她也喜欢某些被认为是垃圾的东西(比如Gary Glitter)。从他的第一支乐队the Runaways到他在八十年代的金曲机器合作者the Blackhearts直至她在九十年代出人意料的成功复出,她的音乐从未改变过,她用这种方式保证音乐的品质,并用这种方式创造了经典("I Love Rock-n-Roll”)。  Joan Jett原名Joan Larkin,15岁便成立了自己的第一支乐队,并为人们演出。洛杉矶的一个制作人Kim Fowley发现了Joan Jett的乐队,于是他主动担任了乐队的经纪人,在将这支全部由女性组成的乐队改名为the Runaways后,乐队签约于Mercury唱片公司。乐队最初的三张专辑在美国基本没有什么太大商业成就,但在日本却大受欢迎,而且有趣的是,在洛杉矶的朋克圈和硬摇滚圈中她都十分吃香,她在这种状况下为硬核乐队the Germs制作了他们的第一张专辑《G.I.》。  1980年The Runaways解散,Jett来到纽约开始个人发展。在经纪人兼制作人Kenny Laguna的协助下,Jett独立发行了以她自己的名字命名的个人专辑,因为没有唱片公司对她感兴趣。这张唱片和比较朋克化的Runaways相比是一张相当传统的rock & roll唱片,但却保持了以前那种挑衅性的态度。唱片的销售结果对于独立发行来讲相当不错,这引起了Boardwalk唱片公司的注意,他们以《Bad Reputation》之名再版了这张专辑,最终在美国专辑榜上名列第51。  在《Bad Reputation》发行后Jett成立了the Blackhearts乐队,1981年,Jett以Joan Jett & The Blackhearts之名推出了第二张专辑《I Love Rock-n-Roll》,这是她的辉煌时刻,也是八十年代重摇滚的开场白,专辑名列Top10,单曲"I Love Rock-n-Roll”成为一代摇滚礼赞。但其后的一系列专辑再也未能取得如此的佳绩,也再没有一首单曲能与"I Love Rock-n-Roll”媲美。1987年Jett在电影《Light of Day》中担任主演。1988年,取自专辑《Up Your Alley》的单曲"I Hate Myself for Loving You”终于再次打入Top10,专辑也成为了她的第二张白金唱片。1990年的精选《The Hit List》成绩还算理想,但1991年的专辑《Notorious》则在榜上彻底失败。但在此时,在《Notorious》和1994的《Pure and Simple》之间,新一代女性摇滚艺人开始崛起,从重型非主流乐队L7到riot grrl朋克乐队Bikini Kill的每一个人都宣称受到了Jett与the Runaways的影响,其结果是《Pure and Simple》引起了人们的极大兴趣,自八十年代中期后,评论界从未像对这张专辑一样表示过热情。1995年,Jett与the Gits(这支乐队的主唱Mia Zapata1993年被先奸后杀)的残余成员录制了一张现场专辑《Evilstig》。1999年,Jett重组了the Blackhearts并录制了专辑《Fetish》。  Jett的音乐最明显的标志就是雪崩一样的音量和无法抵抗的钩子(指音乐中引人入胜的细节),the Rolling Stones一样精力充沛的形象和节奏,AC/DC一样强大的和弦演奏。她坚持摇滚乐的传统,但也不断有所突破——她玩的是经典的三和弦rock & roll,然而她也喜欢某些被认为是垃圾的东西(比如Gary Glitter)。从他的第一支乐队the Runaways到他在八十年代的金曲机器合作者the Blackhearts直至她在九十年代出人意料的成功复出,她的音乐从未改变过,她用这种方式保证音乐的品质,并用这种方式创造了经典(“I Love Rock-n-Roll”)。  Joan Jett原名Joan Larkin,15岁便成立了自己的第一支乐队,并为人们演出。洛杉矶的一个制作人Kim Fowley发现了Joan Jett的乐队,于是他主动担任了乐队的经纪人,在将这支全部由女性组成的乐队改名为the Runaways后,乐队签约于Mercury唱片公司。乐队最初的三张专辑在美国基本没有什么太大商业成就,但在日本却大受欢迎,而且有趣的是,在洛杉矶的朋克圈和硬摇滚圈中她都十分吃香,她在这种状况下为硬核乐队the Germs制作了他们的第一张专辑《G.I.》。  1980年The Runaways解散,Jett来到纽约开始个人发展。在经纪人兼制作人Kenny Laguna的协助下,Jett独立发行了以她自己的名字命名的个人专辑,因为没有唱片公司对她感兴趣。这张唱片和比较朋克化的Runaways相比是一张相当传统的rock & roll唱片,但却保持了以前那种挑衅性的态度。唱片的销售结果对于独立发行来讲相当不错,这引起了Boardwalk唱片公司的注意,他们以《Bad Reputation》之名再版了这张专辑,最终在美国专辑榜上名列第51。  在《Bad Reputation》发行后Jett成立了the Blackhearts乐队,1981年,Jett以Joan Jett & The Blackhearts之名推出了第二张专辑《I Love Rock-n-Roll》,这是她的辉煌时刻,也是八十年代重摇滚的开场白,专辑名列Top10,单曲“I Love Rock-n-Roll”成为一代摇滚礼赞。  尽管Joan Jett的好听的经典曲目不多  但凭着I love rock and roll和I hate myself for loving you足以使她笑傲整个女性摇滚。

Pandora Hearts与storia 是同一帮人唱的吗? 在P和在S的视频里的人每一个是谁?


distance never separates two hearts that really care是什么意思

遥看瀑布挂前川。飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。 众鸟高飞尽,

Queen Of Hearts 歌词

歌曲名:Queen Of Hearts歌手:Alanda专辑:Sorrie, KoebaaiJason Derulo - Queen Of HeartsMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceQueen of hearts.Queen of hearts.She the type of girl to make ya lazy.Don"t wanna do a thing.I"ve been thinking crazy lately;Like buying her a ring.I used to be at the party with ladies, getting down.I used to play with them girlsBut, I"m thinking different now.Oooooh she"s a star;She makes me fly.Takin" me places, I"ve never seen.Two worlds apart.But, she don"t mind,Cause she"s got her wings.I ain"t the only one in love,Reputation is a bad girl;Cause she the queen of hearts.She had me open from the start,Having had her I wish I dealt the cards.Shorty"s the queen of hearts.Queen of hearts (Ooh ooooh oooh)Shorty"s the queen of hearts (Ooh ooooh oooh)Shorty"s the queen of hearts.Can"t wait to wake up in the morning,Knowing she"ll be around.Heaven shoulda sent a warning;Before sending me an angel down.I used to chase all the money, the cars, and all them broads.But, I don"t care for them thangs ever since she stole my heart.Oooooh she"s a star;She makes me fly.Takin" me places, I"ve never seen.Two worlds apart.But, she don"t mind,Cause she"s got her wings.I ain"t the only one in love,Reputation is a bad girl;Cause she the queen of hearts.She had me open from the start,Having had her I wish I dealt the cards.Shorty"s the queen of hearts.Queen of hearts (Ooh ooooh oooh)Shorty"s the queen of hearts (Ooh ooooh oooh)Shorty"s the queen of hearts.I ain"t the only one in love,Reputation is a bad girl;Cause she the queen of hearts.She had me open from the start,Having had her I wish I dealt the cards.Shorty"s the queen of hearts.Queen of hearts (Ooh ooooh oooh)Shorty"s the queen of hearts (Ooh ooooh oooh)Shorty"s the queen of hearts.MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourcehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2600595

Stars 的Dead Hearts歌词

Tell me everything that happened,Tell me everything you saw.They had lights inside their eyes...They had lights inside their eyes...Did you see the closing window,Did you hear the slamming door?They moved forward and my heart died...They moved forward and my heart died..Please, please tell me what they looked like,Did they seem afraid of you?They were kids that I once knew...They were kids that I once knew..I can say it, but you won"t you believe me.You say you do, but you don"t deceive me.It"s hard to know they"re out there,It"s hard to know that you still care.I can say it, but you won"t you believe me.You say you do, but you don"t deceive me.Dead hearts are everywhere!Dead hearts are everywhere!Did you touch them, did you hold them?Did they follow you to town?They make me feel I"m falling down...They make me feel I"m falling down...Was there one you saw too clearly,Did they seem too real to you?They were kids that I once knew...They were kids that I once knew...I can say it, but you won"t you believe me.You say you do, but you don"t deceive me.It"s hard to know they"re out there,It"s hard to know that you still care.I can say it, but you won"t you believe me.You say you do, but you don"t deceive me.Dead hearts are everywhere!Dead hearts are everywhere!I can say it, but you won"t you believe me.You say you do, but you don"t deceive me.It"s hard to know they"re out there,It"s hard to know that you still care.I can say it,but you won"t you believe me.You say you do, but you don"t deceive me.Dead hearts are everywhere!Dead hearts are everywhere!They were kids that I once knew...They were kids that I once knew...Now they"re all dead hearts to you...Now they"re all dead hearts to you...They were kids that I once knew...They were kids that I once knew...Now they"re all dead hearts to you...

dead hearts 歌词


Dead hearts 英文歌词和中文翻译是什么啊


whenistheartshow手抄报 手抄报版面设计图

英语手抄报内容english is one of my best subjects and i started关于艺术的英语手抄报interiovart是年级英语手抄报英语二年级手抄报my dream手抄报图片life的英语手抄报》正文 as a sophomore i am feeling the time学识网 语文 手抄报 英语手抄报 today there are so many people小学生圣诞节英语手抄报图片大全精美英语手抄报图片简单又大方的英语手抄报图片关于小学生四年级的报纸杂志关于小学生四年级的英语手抄报样板万圣节英语手抄报图片大全万圣节英语手抄报资料内容英语春节手抄报资料问稍微多一点答1楼thechinesenewyearisa学识网 语文 手抄报 英语手抄报 today there are so many people英语春节手抄报资料问稍微多一点答1楼thechinesenewyearisa小学生英语手抄报模板大全

Hearts Don T Lie 歌词

歌曲名:Hearts Don T Lie歌手:The Hollies专辑:Then, Now, AlwaysHearts Don"t Lie-Joana ZimmerWhim(675278014)@ LK Lyrics GroupI see you standing at the cross road upon a pathWe see it all but always stood togetherThrough good and badSo whatever life might take us throughRemember what we"ve come toOh… Yeah…Hearts don"t lieOh…Yeah…You were my candle through the darkness when I gave inAnd holding back would never your solution and hard to winSo if you believe would make it through whatever this will come toHearts don"t lieWhen you search your mind and that mountain left to climbHearts don"t lie when the rivers in front of you oh yeahHearts don"t lie when you need the truth and the gust to pull you throughHearts don"t lie make the one voice you listen toThe voice inside of youIf you listen, don"t fight itJust believe in the voice inside of youJust running away won"t make it betterCause hearts don"t lie~~~~~~~~Cause hearts don"t lieWhen you search your mind and that mountain left to climbHearts don"t lie when the rivers in front of you oh yeahHearts don"t lie when you need the truth and the gust to pull you throughHearts don"t lie make the one voice you listen toThe voice inside of youCause hearts don"t lieEndWhim(675278014)@ LK Lyrics Grouphttp://music.baidu.com/song/2955389

Heartsdales(嘻哈甜心)演唱的冬 gonna love - 罗马歌词

Heartsdales - Fuyu Gonna LoveMaioriru miracleSotto tashikameau tendernessFuritsumoru anata waTokubetsu na sonzaiYou and me no secretSunao ni naritai and be with youIma kiseki wo okosouWho you gonna love ? Fuyu gonna love ! You and me no futari dattaraItsu demo taggu kumeru like the a teamSupesharu yunitto kessei de let"s goNori wa itsu demo haitenshon yes yes ya"llRabu ni yotte maiagatteKokoro midare koware sono mata kurikaeshi da neItsu ni nattemo hakkiri shinakute fukuzatsu otona kankeiYou gotta stand up what you believe inMi wo kogasu ? Sou, marude tortureMayowazu susumeba ii winding roadKanjita mama jiriki de kirihirakouYuganda toki wa nagare, kaze ni fukareJust the 2 of us (we be lovin" lovin") Renai kankei wa, always 4 realGonna keep this love 4 realKeep this love 4 realMaioriru miracleSotto tashikameau tendernessFuritsumoru anata waTokubetsu na sonzaiYou and me no secretSunao ni naritai and be with youIma kiseki wo okosouOmoiegaite ita futureItsuka tadoritsukeru yo(Cuz you & me, we"re the right combination) (oh~oh) Kirakira yuki no nakaSotto yozora ni omoi wo noseteI sing song to youHaru kara natsu ni we said "hello" de,Autumn came and you went awayKono kisetsu ni natte I miss you so baby stayTe ni ochiru snow drops no you ni kieru no ? Kimochi torimodoshitai noWant you and want you to know moreSoto chikazuite wa, hanareI wanna know how you feel tonightBaby I will always be your loverHoka ni wa, nani mo iranaiMayonaka no miracleMusuu no hoshi ga mau snowflakesTsukamitakute fly awayTe wo surinukeruWasurerarenaiKonna ni soba ni iru noni far awayNido to hanashitakunaiMou ichido come fly with meSono nukumori de come hold me tight(Cuz you & me, we"re the right combination) (Oh~oh) Kowarenai you ni shinjiteKienai you ni yasashiku tsutsumuI need to be with youOnce again i pray again futari deBaby can we start again ? I close my eyes i feel your touchI feel your hand just holding mineWinter snow melts away every timeWhen you"re here near me by my sideMy love is the gift I give to you cause babyMy heart is yoursEien ni tsuzuku miracleZutto soba ni ite hoshii yoKogoeru machikado deYakusoku shita neWe will be foreverFutari no tobira wo ima hirakouKyou kara arukidasouYume no you na boyfriendI wanna see you smile with me everyday(Cuz you & me, we"re the right combination) (Oh~oh) You"ll always be my boyfriendAnata ni deaeta yume no kiseki niI wanna say "hello"Who you gonna loveFuyu gonna love


hearts和heart区别:hearts是heart的复数。例如: In your black heart of hearts, you know. 在你心底最黑暗之处 你知道的

Queen Of Hearts 歌词

歌曲名:Queen Of Hearts歌手:Alexandre Desplat专辑:The QueenJason Derülo - Queen of HeartsMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceThere comes a time in every man"s lifeWhen hes gonna have to make a choiceShould he keep up with the players lifeOr listen to that inner voiceSayin if you got a good oneYou be a fool if you let it goIm admitting that the days were funBut i think its time for me to goThere aint no one in this entire worldId rather be with than you girlSo im going out on my cardsCause i think i finally found the queen of heartsI used to the king of clubsBut now those days are doneCause i know you are the queen of heartsYour my queen of heartsOh i knew this day was gonna comeWhen i would have to shuffle my plansNow ive got a pair of diamondsSo i put them in even handsCause you are the real thingTheres no way that i could walk awayIm giving you the best of meSo baby i aint playin the gameThere aint no one in this entire worldId rather be with than you girlSo im going out on my cardsCause i think i finally found the queen of heartsI used to the king of clubsBut now those days are doneCause i know you are the queen of heartsYou my queen of heartsNo one before you came closeTo what you do you knowThats the truth for sureYou changed my life nowI cant see me without your loveSo im going out on my cardsCause i think i finally found the queen of heartsI used to the king of clubsBut now those days are doneCause i know you are the queen of heartsYou my queen of heartsMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourcehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7892895

Cold hearts 中文歌词

You have a way of coming easily to me. 你轻易地靠近了我 And when you take, you take the very best of me. 你让我展现了最完美的一面 So I start a fight because I need to feel something,And you do 是我开始了我俩的争斗因为我想去知道一些事情 what you want "cause I"m not what you wanted. 可你依然我行我素,因为我不是你的真爱 Oh, what a shame. 噢,多可惜啊 !What a rainy ending given to a perfect day. 美丽的一天却是乌雨地结束 Just walk away, no use defending words that you will never say. 我选择离开,即使你不说一句辩解的话 And now that I"m sitting here thinking it through, I"ve never been anywhere cold as you. 我正坐着想着事情的经过,我从没有感觉过这样的冰冷,你给我的冰冷 You put up walls and paint them all a shade of gray. 你在我俩之间筑了一堵灰色的隔墙 And I stood there loving you and WISHED them all away. 我依然站在那里爱着你 And you come away with a great little story of a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore you. 你已离去,留下一个卑微却伟大的故事,一个勇敢爱你的人,她的梦想却已破碎 You never did give a damn thing, honey. 你没有对我做错什么,亲爱的 But I cried, cried for you. 我却为你流泪 And I know you wouldn"t have told nobody if I died, died for you. 我想你不会告诉别人我的死,我为你而死 Oh, what a shame. What a rainy ending give to a perfect day. 美丽的一天却是乌雨地结束 Every smile you fake is so condescending. 你虚伪的笑容是否表现着你的高傲 Counted all the scars you made. 细数着你留给我的伤痛 Now that I"m sitting here thinking it through, I"ve never been anywhere cold as you. 我正坐着想着事情的经过,我从来没有感觉过这样的冰冷,你给我的冰冷

The Sonic Hearts的《Hold On》 歌词

歌曲名:Hold On歌手:The Sonic Hearts专辑:Hold OnYou"ve always been a tough girlBut you feel you"re about to breakYou"re feeling stuckAnd out of luckWatching your dreams all slip awayBeen working mornings in the kitchenAnd working nights at the corner storeAs your life flies byYou wonder whyThere"s gotta be something moreHold onBut don"t hold on too tightLet goIt"s gonna be all rightDon"t run away from what your heart is sayingBe stongFace what you"re afraid ofCome onShow "em what you"re made ofI know it"s hard when your hope is goneBut you gotta keep holding onYou"re hear a voice that"s callingAnd it"s telling you to make a changeIt"s time to flyAnd say goodbyeAnd move on to a better placeYou know you gotta take the first stepTo get to where you wanna beJust get on trackAnd don"t look back"Cos it"s the only way that you"re gonna be freeHold onBut don"t hold on too tightLet goIt"s gonna be all rightDon"t run away from what your heart is sayingBe stongFace what you"re afraid ofCome onShow "em what you"re made ofI know it"s hard when your hope is goneBut you gotta keep holding onhold onYou"re gonna make it,you"re gonna be strongerHold onHang in there, baby, Just a little bit longerHold onYeah, and you"re gonna be fineDon"t give upBe strong,When the going gets tough, You gotta hold onHold onBut don"t hold on too tightLet goIt"s gonna be all rightDon"t run away from what your heart is sayingBe stongFace what you"re afraid ofCome onShow "em what you"re made ofI know it"s hard when your hope is goneBut you gotta keep holding onHold onBut don"t hold on too tightLet goIt"s gonna be all rightDon"t run away from what your heart is sayingBe stongFace what you"re afraid ofCome onShow "em what you"re made ofI know it"s hard when your hope is goneI know it"s hard when your hope is goneI know it"s hard when your hope is goneBut you gotta keep, yeahHoldin" on..(Hold on..)Hold on..(Hold on)http://music.baidu.com/song/2779817

tahiti专辑five beats of hearts中间的是谁

享受华丽《华丽的外出》首曝金善英大尺度裸身海报人生的人气作曲家熙洙(金善英饰)金善英(Kim Sun Young),1994年10月23日出生于韩国大邱广域市,歌手,韩国女子组合TAHITI成员之一。2012年7月25日于Show Champion舞台以单曲《Tonight》出道,同年10月推出了单曲《Hasta Luego》。2013年7月23日推出迷你专辑《Five Beats Of Hearts》。2014年6月10日,TAHITI公开了单曲《Oppa You"re Mine》的预告[1] 。2015年1月9日,金善英透过官方YouTube频道释出迷你专辑《Fall Into Temptation》主打歌《Phone Number》的预告影片,回归歌坛。

求王国之心(Kingdom Hearts) 小熊攻略

是要1代还是2代?你是问百亩之森这个世界的攻略么= =||

东方神起的Two hearts歌词和中文翻译

Two hearts 歌词を见る 作词:H.U.B. 作曲:AKIRA 日语 now listen to me come on girl I love you oh girl to me 夜明けも ためらう扉を 仆らは 开けてしまうkiss you ぬくもりを 残したままで ずるいよね 君の中のtwo hearts oh baby make you mine ずっとここで待ってるのに 会いたくて会えないよmy girl 明日が来なくていいと 思うほどせつなさはso pain of love どこまで行けば终われるの? 自由と引き替えのyour love 见つめ合う 光と影を 重ねては 抱きしめてるtwo hearts oh baby make you mine きっと答えが远くても 忘れられない梦をtonight 痛みよりも爱しさが 身体まで缔め付けるoh chain of love be my girl in my world be the one gonna make you mine be my girl in my world be the one make you mine ずっとここで待ってるのに 会いたくて会えないよmy girl 明日が来なくていいと 思うほどせつなさは ‘so pain of love but I"m gonna make you mine" きっと答えが远くても 忘れられない梦をtonight 痛みよりも爱しさが 身体まで缔め付けるoh chain of love I love you oh girl 罗马: NOW LISTEN TO ME COME ON GIRL I LOVE YOU OH GIRL TO ME yo ake mo tamerau tobira wo bokura wa akete shimau KISS YOU nukumori wo nokoshita mama de zurui yone kimi no naka no TWO HEARTS OH BABY MAKE YOU MINE zutto koko de matteru no ni ai takute aenai yo MY GIRL ahita ga konakute i i to omou hodo setsunasa wa SO PAIN OF LOVE dokomade ikeba owareru no? jiyu to hikikae no YOUR LOVE mitsume au hikari to kage wo kasanete wa dakishime teru TWO HEARTS OH BABY MAKE YOU MINE kitto kotae ga toku temo wasure rare nai yume wo TONIGHT itami yori mo itoshisa ga karada made shimetsukeru OH CHAIN OF LOVE BE MY GIRL IN MY WORLD BE THE ONE GONNA MAKE YOU MINE BE MY GIRL IN MY WORLD BE THE ONE MAKE YOU MINE zutto koko de matteru no ni ai takute aenai yo MY GIRL ahita ga konakute i i to omou hodo setsunasa wa "SO PAIN OF LOVE BUT I"M GONNA MAKE YOU MINE" kitto kotae ga toku temo wasure rare nai yume wo TONIGHT itami yori mo itoshisa ga karada made shimetsukeru OH CHAIN OF LOVE I LOVE YOU OH GIRL 中文: now listen to me come on girl I love you oh girl to me 无论是破晓 还是犹豫的门扉 我们 都将开启kiss you 将余温 留在这里 未免太诈 在你心中的two hearts oh baby make you mine 虽然我一直在这里等你 想见你却见不到你my girl 明天不再来临也没有关系 越想越痛心 so pain of love 究竟要走到哪里才能结束 拿自由来交换your love 互相凝视的 光与影 交织缠绵 紧拥在怀里two hearts oh baby make you mine 相信即使答案再远 有些梦还是无法忘怀tonight 比起痛楚更多的是爱意 紧紧缠绕着我的身体 oh chain of love be my girl in my world be the one gonna make you mine be my girl in my world be the one make you mine 虽然我一直在这里等你 想见你却见不到你my girl 明天不再来临也没有关系 越想越痛心 ‘so pain of love but I"m gonna make you mine" 相信即使答案再远 有些梦还是无法忘怀tonight 比起痛楚更多的是爱意 紧紧缠绕着我的身体 oh chain of love I love you oh girl

Hearts On Fire歌词

Hearts On Fire 歌词 The evening stars , shine on me The subway noises haunt silent streetThe amber skies , the shadowed wallsThey lose their meaning , when twilight falls I"m in heaven , I can"t go anywhereI control two hearts on fire Over and over Can"t you hear me calling My love is alive The silver streams of city lightsreach out their arms to cut down the nightAnd so you see , it"s not a dream I"ve got my woman to satisfy meI"m in heaven , I can"t go anywhereI control two hearts on fire Over and over Can"t you hear me calling My love is alive (break)I"m in heaven , I can"t go anywhereI control two hearts on fire Over and overCan"t you hear me calling My love is alive

有个人欧美女歌手唱heartstrings 心弦,气质有点像打雷姐的

Leighton Meester参演《绯闻女孩》的女主角Blair

Strange Talk - Young Hearts的歌词


stereo hearts 陈以桐版本 下载地址或MP3格式歌曲 谢谢! 562866668@qq.com

已发至邮箱。请查收 924005366@qq.com

Break Our Hearts (Bonus Stereo Trax) 歌词

歌曲名:Break Our Hearts (Bonus Stereo Trax)歌手:Passion专辑:Passion: Oneday Live With Road To Oneday Bonus Trax (Stereo Accompaniment Tracks)Vicky Beeching - Break Our HeartsIt"s time for us to live the songs we singAnd turn our good intentions into actionTo bring the kind of worship You desireAnd move beyond our self-absorbed distractionsThe mountains are shakingCould this be a great awakeningBreak our heartsWith the things that break YoursWake us up to see through Your eyesBreak our heartsWith the things that break YoursAnd send us out to shine in the darknessIt"s time to move outside our comfort zoneTo see beyond our churches and our homesTo change the way we think and how we spendUntil we look like Jesus againHere I am send meTo be Your hands and feetHere I am send me I will gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2597517

求邓福如版的stereo hearts 铃声 hanming0620@qq.com


谁有stereo hearts的吉他谱


stereo hearts 陈以桐版本 下载地址或MP3格式歌曲 谢谢!


stereo hearts 求jason chend 翻唱的版本~~~邮箱1036880407@qq.com~~~~~~音质好一点的~~~谢谢~~~


求Gym Class Heroes《Stereo Hearts》QQ空间MP3格式链接。 谢谢

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求邓福如翻唱的stereo hearts mp3格式和歌词


陈以桐的stereo hearts


stereo hearts里面的红衣男孩是谁?》

是Maroon 5的主唱 Adam Levine 详细资料http://baike.baidu.com/view/1394420.html?wtp=tt

求邓福如版的stereo hearts

她的版本=Gym Class Heroes-stereo hearts+ Black Eyed Peas- Just Can"t Get Enough+Bruno mars-The Lazy Song My heart"s a stereoIt beats for you, so listen closeHear my thoughts in every no-o-o-teMake me your radioAnd turn me up when you feel lowThis melody was meant for youJust sing along to my stereoHoney got her sexy on steaminShe give the hotness a new meaninPerfection, mami you gleaminInception, you got a brother dreamin, dreaminDamn baby I"m fiendinI"m tryin to holla at you I"m screaminLet me love you down this eveninLovie lovie yeah you know you are my demonI think I finally found a note to make you understandIf you can hit it, sing along and take me by the handJust keep me stuck inside your head, like your favorite tuneYou know my heart"s a stereo that only plays for youMy heart"s a stereoIt beats for you, so listen closeHear my thoughts in every no-o-o-teMake me your radioTurn me up when you feel lowThis melody was meant for youJust sing along to my stereoHearts stereo×2I"m only praying louder,(leaving behind)Because the music can be(it"s all to find)Don"t feel like picking up my phoneSo leave a message at the tone"Cause today I swear I"m not doing anything I think I finally found a note to make you understandIf you can hit it, sing along and take me by the handJust keep me stuck inside your head, like your favorite tuneYou know my heart"s a stereo that only plays for youMy heart"s a stereoIt beats for you, so listen closeHear my thoughts in every no-o-o-teMake me your radioTurn me up when you feel lowThis melody was meant for youJust sing along to my stereoHearts stereo×2Hearts stereo×2原创的哦~~我自己听出来的

stereo hearts 表达的情感 用英语写

emotions expressed

stereo hearts邓福如中文谐音歌词

beautiful girls all over the world世界各地的漂亮女孩i could be chasing but my time would be wasted我可以去追 但我的时间就会被浪费they got nothing on you baby她们比起你一无所有babynothing on you baby比起你一无所有 babythey might say hi and i might say hey她们可能说hi 我可能说heybut you shouldn"t worry about what they say但你不必担心她们说什么cos they got nothing on you baby因为她们比起你一无所有 babynothing on you baby比起你一无所有 babyi know you feel where i"m coming from我知道你想到了我来自哪里regardless of the things in my past that i"ve done不在意我以前的行为most of it really was for the hell of the fun大多数其实都只是该死的玩乐on the carousel so around i spun (spun)在旋转木马上我漫无目的地旋转with no directions just tryna get some (some)没有方向只是试着得到一点tryna chase skirts, living in the summer sun (sun)试着追逐夏日阳光里的那些短裙this is how i lost more than i had ever won这就是我失去比曾经拥有还多的过程and honestly i ended up with none然后老实说 我以一无所有而终there"s no much nonsense世上没有那么多无聊的事it"s on my conscience凭着良心i"m thinking baby i should get it out我在想baby 我应该从中走出来and i don"t wanna sound redundant我不想让你听起来觉得累赘but i was wondering if there was something that you wanna know (that you wanna know)但我疑惑 有没有你想知道的事情but never mind that we should let it go (we should let it go)但不要在意我们是否该任它而去cos we don"t wanna be a t.v episode (t.v episode)因为我们不想成为电视连续剧and all the bad thoughts just let them go (go, go, go, go)所有坏念头就让他们消散吧beautiful girls all over the world世界各地的漂亮女孩i could be chasing but my time would be wasted我可以去追 但我的时间就会被浪费they got nothing on you baby她们比起你一无所有babynothing on you baby比起你一无所有 babythey might say hi and i might say hey她们可能说hi 我可能说heybut you shouldn"t worry about what they say但你不必担心她们说什么cos they got nothing on you baby因为她们比起你一无所有 babynothing on you baby比起你一无所有 babyhands down there will never be another one世上必定不会再有另一个人i been around and i never seen another one我在四周环绕 从没见过那另一个人look at your style they ain"t really got nothing on看看你的作风 她们不是什么都没有and you out and you ain"t got nothing on然后你出局 你也不是什么都没有baby you the whole package plus you pay your taxesBaby你全套齐全 加上不偷税漏税and you keep it real while them other stay plastic然后当别人整容时你保持着天然you"re my wonder women call me mr. Fantastic你是我的wonder women 请叫我范特西先生stop.. now think about it停…现在开始好好想想i"ve been to london, i"ve been to paris我去过伦敦 去过巴黎even went out there to tokyo甚至到过东京back home down in georgia to new orleans回到乔治亚的家 然后到新奥尔良but you always still to show (still to show)但你总是会出现and just like that girl you got me froze (got me froze)然后就这样你让我来回往复like a nintendo 64 (64)像一部N64if you never knew well now you know (know, know, know,know)如果你从前不明了 现在应该知道了beautiful girls all over the world世界各地的漂亮女孩i could be chasing but my time would be wasted我可以去追 但我的时间就会被浪费they got nothing on you baby她们比起你一无所有babynothing on you baby比起你一无所有 babythey might say hi and i might say hey她们可能说hi 我可能说heybut you shouldn"t worry about what they say但你不必担心她们说什么cos they got nothing on you baby因为她们比起你一无所有 babynothing on you baby比起你一无所有 babyeverywhere i go i"m always hearing your name (name, name)不论我走到哪里总是听到你的名字and no matter where i"m at girl you make me wanna sing (sing.sing)而且不管我在那里你总让我想哼唱whether a bus or a plane or a car or a train不论公交车飞机轿车或火车no other girls on my brain and you the one to blame我脑海中没有别的女孩 这都是你的错beautiful girls all over the world世界各地的漂亮女孩i could be chasing but my time would be wasted我可以去追 但我的时间就会被浪费they got nothing on you baby她们比起你一无所有babynothing on you baby比起你一无所有 babythey might say hi and i might say hey她们可能说hi 我可能说heybut you shouldn"t worry about what they say但你不必担心她们说什么cos they got nothing on you baby因为她们比起你一无所有 babynothing on you baby比起你一无所有 babyyeah and that"s just how we do itYeah这就是我们的方式and i"ma let this ride就任它这样吧

求陈以桐版本的stereo hearts歌词

stereo hearts - Jason Chenmy heart"s a stereoit beats for you so listen closehear my thoughts in every note, oh! oh!make me your radioturn me up when you feel lowthis melody was meant for youso sing along to my stereotell me girloh why you make me feel this wayjust let me knowor if you just can find the words to saythen ill play it aloud for yousing to the crowd for youcause when you play, my heart oh girl, it moves to your beatlisten up, ill make you feel alright (oooh girl)im gonna set you free tonightso let it all go, believe me when i saymy heart"s a stereoit beats for you so listen closehear my thoughts in every note, oh! oh!make me your radioturn me up when you feel lowthis melody was meant for youso sing along to my stereooh! oh! oh! oh! oh! oh!oh! oh! oh! just sing along to my stereooh girl you know, i wont find nobody like younobody else makes my heart sing like you dounless cranking up louder, youre lost in the soundbaby, my stereo is broken but you make me complete, yeahno lying, all you heard it right (oh girl)im gonna set you free tonightso you can let it all go and just get lost in my stereomy heart"s a stereoit beats for you so listen closehear my thoughts in every note, oh! oh!make me your radioturn me up when you feel lowthis melody was meant for youso sing along to my stereooh! oh! oh! oh! oh! oh!oh! oh! oh! just sing along to my stereoif youre gone, theres nothing else i could doi need you here to make this duet for twoand my hearts getting faster, the beats getting louderso let it all go and just get lost in my stereomy heart"s a stereoit beats for you so listen closehear my thoughts in every note, oh! oh!make me your radioturn me up when you feel lowthis melody was meant for youso sing along to my stereo


WILD HEARTS最低什么配置能玩呢?很多玩家还不知道,下面给大家带来的是WILD HEARTS配置需求一览,一起来看一看吧。WILD HEARTS配置需求最低配置:需要 64 位处理器和操作系统操作系统: 64 bit Windows 10处理器: Intel Core i5-8400 / AMD Ryzen 5 2600内存: 12 GB RAM显卡: GeForce GTX 1060 (VRAM 6GB) / Radeon RX 5500 XT (VRAM 8GB)DirectX 版本: 12网络: 宽带互联网连接存储空间: 需要 80 GB 可用空间声卡: 16bit 48kHz WAVE format stereo推荐配置:需要 64 位处理器和操作系统操作系统: 64 bit Windows 10处理器: Intel Core i7-8700K / AMD Ryzen 5 3600内存: 16 GB RAM显卡: GeForce GTX 2070 (VRAM 8GB) / Radeon RX 5700 XT (VRAM 8GB)DirectX 版本: 12网络: 宽带互联网连接存储空间: 需要 80 GB 可用空间声卡: 16bit/24bit 48kHz WAVE format Stereo/Surround (5.1ch/7.1ch)/Stereophonic (headphone/speaker)

Stereo hearts的歌词

  My heart"s a stereo    我的心像立体声    It beats for your, so listen close    为你跳动 请靠近我倾听  Hear my thoughts in every note你将在每一个音符 听到我的心声    Make me your radio   让我成为你的收音机    Turn me up when you feel low   当你情绪低落 打开我听听   This melody was meant for you   所有旋律只为你吟唱   Just sing along to my stereo   只要跟着我的节奏一起唱    If I was just another dusty record on the shelf    若我只是书架上那脏脏的旧唱片    Wouldl you blow me off and play me like everybody else   你能否垂钓灰尘 将它像其他唱片一样播放  If I asked you to scratch my back, could you manage that    如果我要求你播放 你能耐心听听吗    Like it read well, check it Travie, I can handle that    检查一下 Travie 让它流畅播放 我可以搞定    Furthermore, I apologize for any skipping tracks    此外我很抱歉 因为它有点卡  This the last girl that play me left a couple cracks    你是最终播放这张裂痕唱片的女孩    I used to used to used to used to, now I"m over that    我经常 经常 经常 经常 现在我跳过那些话    Cause holding grudges over love is ancient artifacts    因为对爱的怨恨 已经成为古老的传言    If I could only find a note to make you understand    如果能找到一段歌词 让你理解我    I sing a song for you and grab you by the hands    我会紧紧握住你的手 在你耳边轻声吟唱    Keep myself inside your head, like your favorite tune   就像最爱的旋律 让我的歌声在你脑海回荡  And know my heart is a stereo that only plays for you    我的心就像立体声 永远只为你播放    My heart"s a stereo    我的心像立体声    It beats for your, so listen close    为你跳动 请靠近我倾听    Hear my thoughts in every note    你将在每一个音符 听到我的心声    Make me your radio   让我成为你的收音机    Turn me up when you feel low   当你情绪低落 打开我听听   This melody was meant for you   所有旋律只为你吟唱     Just sing along to my stereo   只要跟着我的节奏一起唱     Oh oh oh oh To my stereo    哦 跟着我的节奏    Oh oh oh oh So sing along to my stereo   哦 请跟着我的节奏一起唱    If I was an old school, fifty pound boombox    如果我是怀旧派 是个五十磅的立体声扬声器  Would you hold me on your shoulder, wherever you walk    你能否将我抗在你的肩膀 无论你走到哪    Would you turn my volume up before of the cops    你能否在警察面前将我的音量调大  And crank it higher everytime they told you to stop    就算他们命令你关掉 你却反而调得更大  And all I ask is that you don"t get mad at me    我只希望你别因我而疯狂    When you have to purchase mad D batteries   当你得去疯狂购买D电池  Appreciate every mixtape your friends make    感谢你朋友做的每一张混音带    You never know we come and go like we"re on the interstate    你无法想像我们像在州际公路穿行的车辆    I think finally found a note to make you understand    我想我最终找到了合适的歌词让你明白    If you can hear it, sing along and take me by the hands    如果你能听见 请握着我的手跟我唱  Keep myself inside your head, like your favorite tune   就像最爱的旋律 让我的歌声在你脑海回荡    And know my heart is a stereo that only plays for you    我的心就像立体声 永远只为你播放    My heart"s a stereo    我的心像立体声    It beats for your, so listen close    为你跳动 请靠近我倾听    Hear my thoughts in every note    你将在每一个音符 听到我的心声  Make me your radio   让我成为你的收音机    Turn me up when you feel low   当你情绪低落 打开我听听   This melody was meant for you   所有旋律只为你吟唱   Just sing along to my stereo   只要跟着我的节奏一起唱    Oh oh oh oh To my stereo    哦 跟着我的节奏  Oh oh oh oh So sing along to my stereo   哦 请跟着我的节奏一起唱    I only pray you never leave me behind    我只祈求你永远不要离开我  Because good music can be so hard to find    因为好音乐难以寻求    I take your hand and pull it closer to mine    我会紧握你的手 拉你靠近我    Thought love was dead, but now you"re changing my mind    总以为不存在真爱 但你现在改变了我的想法    My heart"s a stereo    我的心像立体声  It beats for your, so listen close    为你跳动 请靠近我倾听  Hear my thoughts in every note    你将在每一个音符 听到我的心声    Make me your radio   让我成为你的收音机    Turn me up when you feel low   当你情绪低落 打开我听听   This melody was meant for you   所有旋律只为你吟唱     Just sing along to my stereo   只要跟着我的节奏一起唱    Oh oh oh oh To my stereo    哦 跟着我的节奏    Oh oh oh oh So sing along to my stereo   哦 请跟着我的节奏一起唱

Heart Of Hearts 歌词

歌曲名:Heart Of Hearts歌手:Wayne Watson专辑:Giants In The LandHeart of Hearts作词:KOTOKO 歌:KOTOKO作曲:高瀬一矢 编曲:高瀬一矢一人きりの部屋彼の写真轮郭なぞってはため息つく声が闻けなくて胸が騒ぐわからないあなたはいつでも优しいけど秘密だよとくれたこの手の重さが偶然じゃなく出会えた事教えた私のこと好きでいられると誓って笑うあなたの强さを信じたくてまだ知らない过去打ち明けても过ぎてきた时间は戻せないねあなたの全てをわかりたくて夜明けまであくび我慢して话したのにたくさんある大切なもの拾い集めて私は何番目なの?ねえ答えてこれからまだずっとずっと近くなる心が离れてしまわないよう见つめていていつのまにか私を変えてしまってたものあなたの话す言叶が作る世界飞ばす心暖めそして守り抜くからすぐに踬く私を支えていてhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15183618

hearts and minds是什么意思

hearts and minds全心全意Hearts and Minds 心灵与智慧,感情和理智,心与智Your Hearts And Minds 你心灵和思想Hearts and minds operation 攻心术

Hearts And Minds 歌词

歌曲名:Hearts And Minds歌手:Nitzer Ebb专辑:Belief<Hearts and Minds>From the rice fields of the Mekong, to the desert by the gulfWe"re winning hearts and mindsWe"re winning hearts and mindsFrom the Yankees to the cowboys and the soldiers of the lordWe"re winning hearts and mindsWe"re winning hearts and mindsThey can really feel our freedom as we roll into their townAnd when they finally get it, they"ll give thanksThey"ll throw flowers on our tanksFrom the death squads of Guatemala, to the folks who brought the shahWe"re winning hearts and mindsWe"re winning hearts and mindsAnd we will roll, yes we will roll, and we will fly into the burning skyAnd we will win, yes we will winHearts and mindsFrom the general in Chile, to the drug lords in the hillsWe"re winning hearts and mindsWe"re winning hearts and mindsThe children with no fathers and their brothers with no limbsWe"re winning hearts and mindsWe"re winning hearts and mindsAnd we will roll, yes we will roll, and we will fly into the burning skyAnd we will win, yes we will winHearts and mindshttp://music.baidu.com/song/2638753

digitalism - 2 hearts 歌词翻译




Heart Of Hearts 歌词

歌曲名:Heart Of Hearts歌手:Leslie Phillips专辑:The Definitive CollectionHeart of Hearts作词:KOTOKO 歌:KOTOKO作曲:高瀬一矢 编曲:高瀬一矢一人きりの部屋彼の写真轮郭なぞってはため息つく声が闻けなくて胸が騒ぐわからないあなたはいつでも优しいけど秘密だよとくれたこの手の重さが偶然じゃなく出会えた事教えた私のこと好きでいられると誓って笑うあなたの强さを信じたくてまだ知らない过去打ち明けても过ぎてきた时间は戻せないねあなたの全てをわかりたくて夜明けまであくび我慢して话したのにたくさんある大切なもの拾い集めて私は何番目なの?ねえ答えてこれからまだずっとずっと近くなる心が离れてしまわないよう见つめていていつのまにか私を変えてしまってたものあなたの话す言叶が作る世界飞ばす心暖めそして守り抜くからすぐに踬く私を支えていてhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15124712


chrome hearts (复数形式)中文翻译过来是铬心。chrome作为英文单词指金属铬。Chrome Hearts是著名好莱坞奢侈品牌名,是全球最知名的银饰品牌之一,闻名世界。日本,香港许多明星最热爱的饰品,Chrome Hearts带有中世纪艺术的宗教精神,在优美的弧线与染黑的阴影之下,营造出独特而迷人的丰采.它还是充满摇滚风格的银饰,其强烈的原创设计性一直稳据银饰品牌王座。而风靡香港。

The king 2hearts的内容简介

《The king 2hearts》是一部爱情喜剧,以实行君主立宪制的虚构韩国为舞台,讲述了韩国王子与朝鲜女特工举行政治婚姻而引发的一系列故事。河智苑在剧中将饰演因为性格火爆而30岁都没能嫁出去的朝鲜女特工,而李胜基则将饰演没有丝毫政治野心,什么事情都哥哥安排的韩国国王的弟弟。该剧由《贝多芬病毒》的李才奎导演和洪氏姐妹编剧中的洪真雅携手打造。河智苑9年前在《茶母》中就与李才奎导演有过合作,这次正是凭着对李才奎导演的信任才决定出演《theking2Hearts》,制作方于1月19日公布李升基出演该剧男一号李载夏。《theking2Hearts》制作公司负责人表示,《theking2Hearts》出演阵容确定后将立即开拍,并在今年3月通过MBC电视台播出。

有一首英文歌开头是this the fire start in my hearts

rolling in the deep

chrome hearts怎么读

chrome 英[kru0259u028am] 美[krou028am] heart 英[hɑ:t] 美[hɑ:rt] 谐音克隆姆哈呲希望我的回答对您有帮助,满意请采纳,谢谢。

hearts lives more than one什么意思



coldheart, 直译 冷酷的心,也就是 铁石心肠

it wins the hearts of children为什么heart要加s?

it wins the hearts of childrenheart要加s的。children是孩子child的复数形式。这么多的孩子们不能只有一颗心脏。勤学好问 天天进步!



跪求加藤美穗 lonely hearts罗马音歌词

Every day, every night悔しくて もがいてku ya shi ku te mo ga i te君だけ 君にだけki mi da ke ki mi ni da keBaby Love me, love meLonely HeartsDEAR FRIEND, MY FRIEND街の隅っこで声かけてくれたねma chi no su kko de ko e ka ke te ku re ta neやっと会えた友达ya tto a e ta to mo da chiだから壊れるのが怖くてda ka ra ko wa re ru no ga ko wa ku te伪りなら欲しくなくてi tsu wa ri na ra ho shi ku na ku te本物だけに意味あってhon mo no da ke ni i mi a tte信じたくて でも怖くてshin ji ta ku te de mo ko wa ku teこんなこと谁にも言えなくてkon na ko to da re ni mo i e na ku teNever let goしがみついてshi ga mi tsu i te君も伤ついたことあってki mi mo i zu tsu i ta ko to a tte私たち似てるってwa ta shi ta chi ni te ru tte(I know you never break my heart)「大丈夫、もう平気」だってdai jou bu mou he i ki da tte嘘ついた ほんとは弱くてu so tsu i ta hon to wa yo wa ku teつらい、イタい、イタいtsu ra i i ta i i ta i君に打ち明けたいMy mindki mi ni u chi a ke tai君がいたから生きてたki mi ga i ta ka ra i ki te ta爱されたくて泣いてたa i sa re ta ku te na i te ta壊れそうな 叫びは今「伤つけないで」ko wa re sou na sa ke bi wa i ma ki zu tsu ke nai de爱されたから泣いてたa i sa re ta ka ra na i te ta君を想って Lonely Heartski mi wo o mo tteBaby baby babyI feel lonely lonely lonelyI want you to stayI want you to stayOH baby love me love me love meこんな私だけどkon na wa ta shi da ke do信じて 抱きしめてshin ji te da ki shi me teただ傍にいてBaby pleaseta da so ba ni i te强がってる Lonely Heartstsu yo ga tte ru冷たい壁に喉が切れるまで叫び続けたtsu me tai ka be ni no do ga ki re ru ma de sa ke bi tsu du ke ta君となら なにをして过ごしても退屈じゃないki mi to na ra na ni wo shi te su go shi te mo tai ku tsu ja nai孤独をただ分け合ってko do ku wo ta da wa ke a tte寂しい时手繋いでshi bi shi i to ki te tsu na i de梦抱いて たまに泣いてyu me ka ka i te ta ma ni na i teくだらないプライド脱ぎ舍ててku da ra nai pu ra i do nu gi su te teやさしくされることにya sa shi ku sa re ru ko to ni惯れてないだけ 不器用にna re te nai da ke bu ki you ni「ひとりにして」って伟そうにhi to ri ni shi te tte e ra sou ni(I"m lying lying lying my heart)ボタン一つある日突然bo tan hi to tsu a ru hi to tsu zen里切らないで 消さないでu ra gi ra nai de ke sa nai deいない、いない、いないi nai i nai i nai君を失いたくないyaiyaiki mi wo u shi na i ta ku nai君がいたから生きてたki mi ga i ta ka ra i ki te ta爱されたくて泣いてたa i sa re ta ku te na i te ta壊れそうな 叫びは今「伤つけないで」ko wa re sou na sa ke bi wa i ma ki zu tsu ke nai de爱されたから泣いてたa i sa re ta ka ra na i te ta君を想って Lonely HeartsI feel lonely lonely lonelyI want you to stayI want you to stayOH baby love me love me love meこんな私だけどkon na wa ta shi da ke do信じて 抱きしめてshin ji te da ki shi me teただ傍にいてBaby pleaseta da so ba ni i te强がってる Lonely Heartstsu yo ga tte ruEvery day, every night悔しくて もがいてku ya shi ku te mo ga i te君だけ 君にだけki mi da ke ki mi ni da keBaby Love me, love meLonely Hearts君がたいせつだからki mi ga tai se tsu da ka ra寄り添うだけでいいからyo ri so u da ke de i i ka ra孤独なんてko do ku nan te涙なんてna mi da nan te消えてなくなるものki e te na ku na ru mo noNever gonna cryI needed to cry君となら怖くないBaby baby babyDon"t feel lonely lonely lonely baby君がいたから生きてたki mi ga i ta ka ra i ki te ta爱されたくて泣いてたa i sa re ta ku te na i te ta壊れそうな 叫びは今「伤つけないで」ko wa re sou na sa ke bi wa i ma ki zu tsu ke nai de爱されたから泣いてたa i sa re ta ka ra na i te ta君を想って Lonely Heartski mi wo o mo tteBaby baby babyI feel lonely lonely lonelyI want you to stayI want you to stayOH baby love me love me love meこんな私だけどkon na wa ta shi da ke do信じて 抱きしめてshin ji te da ki shi me teただ傍にいてBaby pleaseta da so ba ni i te强がってる Lonely Heartstsu yo ga tte ru

hearts on fire的中文歌词

求miwa—Chasing hearts的罗马音歌词以及无歌词伴奏~

  青空(あおぞら)に かざした手(て)  a ozora ni kazashita  te  隙间(すきま)から 颜(かお)を 出(だ)す夏云(なつくも)  sukima kara   kao wo   da su   natsukumo  後(うし)ろから 君(きみ)が 呼(よ)ぶ  ushi rokara   kimi ga   yo bu  いつも より 无邪気(むじゃき)な 笑颜(えがお)で 仆(ぼく)を 见(み)る  itsumo yori     mujyaki  na    egao  de  boku wo   mi ru  あれから どれくらいの 时(とき)が 経(た)ち  arekara  dorekuraino   toki ga    tachi  伤(きず)ついていた だろう  kizu  tsuiteita  darou  それでも 仆(ぼく)たちは 歩(ある)き続(つづ)けるの  soredemo  boku tachiha   aru  ki  tsudukeruno  探(さが)し続(つづ)けるの  saga shi  tsudukeruno  はだしで かけぬけて  hadashite kakenukete  二人(ふたり)で 笑(わら)い合(あ)った  futari  de  wara  i   atta  ちょっと だけ 振(ふ)り向(む)いて  cyotto  dake   fu  ri  mu ite  远(とお)い 记忆(きおく) 描(えが)いた 未来(みらい)  too  i    kioku     ega  ita    mirai  仆(ぼく)の目(め)に うつるもの  boku   no  me ni utsurumono  君(きみ)の目(め)に うつるもの  kimi   no  me ni utsurumono  きっとそれは一つ(ひとつ)だよと  kitto soreha   hitotsu dayoto  风(かぜ)が頬(ほほ)を抚(な)でる  kaze ga  hoho wo na deru  ラジオから流(なが)れる曲(きょく)  rajio kara  naga reru  kyoku  いつか君(きみ)が口(くち)ずさんでいた  itsuka  kimi  ga  kuchi zusandeita  なつかしくなる  natsukashikunaru  あの时(とき)と今(いま)を思(おも)えば  ano  toki  to  ima  wo omo  eba  なにが変(か)わってしまったんだろう  naniga  ka watteshimattan  daro  疑(うたが)い见失(みうしな)う 离(はな)れてしまうの  utaga  i   miushina  u  hana reteshimauno  嫌(きら)いになれるの  kirai ninareruno  砂浜(すなはま) かけぬけて 君(きみ)の後姿(うしろすがた)  sunahama kakenukete  kimi  no   ushirosudeta  ちょっと待(ま)っていかないで  cyotto   ma tte ikanaide  手(て)を伸(の)ばしたらまだ届(とど)くかな  te wo  no bashitaramada todo kukana  君(きみ)の胸(むね)にあるもの  kimi no  mune niarumono  仆(ぼく)の胸(むね)にあるもの  boku no  muneniarumono  きっと同(おな)じはずだよと  kitto   ona  jihazudayoto  ぎゅっと抱(だ)きしめたい  gyu tto  da kishimetai  振(ふ)り向(む)く気(き)がした  fu ri   muku  ki gashita  仆(ぼく)の口癖(くちぐせ)になって  boku no   kuchiguseninatte  君(きみ)の歩(ある)く速(はや)さが  kimi no  aru  ku haya  saga  仆(ぼく)の歩幅(ほはば) になってたんだ  boku no   hohaba ninattetannda  今(いま)気(き)づいたこんなにこんなに  ima    ki duitakonnanikonnani  大(おお)きな気持(きもち)ち君(きみ)がいるなら  oo  kina   kimo  chi  kimi gairunara  ただそれだけで  tadasoredakede  はだしでかけぬけて  hadashitekakenukete  二人(ふたり)で笑(わら)い合(あ)った  futari  de  wara i  a  tta  ちょっとだけ振(ふ)り向(む)いて  cyottodake   fu  ri  mu ite  远(とお)い记忆(きおく)描(えが)いた未来(みらい)  too  i   kioku    ega ita     mirai  仆(ぼく)の目(め)にうつるもの  boku no me niutsurumono  君(きみ)の目(め)にうつるもの  kim ino  meniutsurumono  きっと それは一つ(ひとつ) だから  kitto  soreha   hitotsu  dakara  変(か)わらないで  ka waranaide  离(はな)さないで  ぎゅっと  hana sanaide  gyutto

lose their hearts

lose heart是固定短语,就是"不灰心"的意思.中间不能填入one"s等词语.记着这是个固定短语就行了.

Parallel Hearts 歌词

歌曲名:Parallel Hearts歌手:fictionjunction专辑:Parallel Hearts仆等は未来を変える力を梦に见てた「Parallel Hearts」词/曲∶梶浦由记 编曲∶梶浦由记TVアニメ『Pandora Hearts』OPテーマ歌∶FictionJunctionノイズの中闻こえて来た君の泣き声笑っていた仆の弱さを暴いた君の行く道は君にしか分からない违う空追いかけて仆等は未来へ向かう勇気を欲しがって过去に迷う君が笑うほんとうの现在へ还り付くまで君の事を知りたいと思って初めて寄り添えない心の距离に怯えた分かり合えないと分かったそれだけで二人が始まって行く涙も痛みも全て抱きしめてあげたいけど走れば走るほど远くなる気がして不安になる何処まで行けばいいの…ノイズの中闻こえて来る君の歌声失くしていた仆の姿が今见えるよ一人で行く筈だった未来を変える力を下さい君が笑うそれだけで高く飞べる仆等は心を繋ぐ勇気を欲しがって爱に迷う君と笑うほんとうの仆に还り付くまで収録:Parallel Hearts発売日:2009/04/29http://music.baidu.com/song/52105119

求jar of hearts 歌词


Broken Hearts 歌词

歌曲名:Broken Hearts歌手:def tech专辑:GREATEST HITStitle:Broken Heartsartist:Def Techalbum:Catch The Wavewhen i met you on a cold and rainy dayturning to go you glacing my waysmiles connected and you say "hi"i said my name and give me a dry?feeling the vibe i took the leadcandle light, rose, anything you needit"s up to fate where this goesbe my girl you ain"t i know8 months have gone and went and passed us bywhat is it girl that seems to make you cryi thought i knew you well my friend急がし过ぎるあなたは电话を挂けなおしてはくれない寝ても起きても目が覚めても头の中は君でいっぱい着信あるたび膨らむ期待受信する旅にでかくなる不安WAWA心で泣いて颜で笑ってAH HAHAyou broke my heartand now i know true love is rare, fade away仆らは何なの 彼女にとっては要らない縁?don"t you fell my passion?don"t want you with someone else本当の心目を见て伝えて欲しいぜOH 幻のように访れては过ぎ去ってく时间と思い出あの时のように二人だけで出かけていく日々はもうなって痛くなるまで君を抱いた痛くなくなるまで日々泣いた晴れた心と空を映す瞳赤くはれたまぶた裂けたところを缮うように迎えてくれた仲间达の优しさ全てが温かかった全て有り难かったcuz through the cold and the rain you held me downmy fam and friends with love, right with me nowwithout the support where should i be?sad,alone, afraid and lonelybut now i"m back made strong by your lovestanding tall for life, you came from aboveso i dedicate this one to youmy fam,my friends, my boys, my girls, and my cronyyou broke my heartand now i know true love is rare, fade away仆らは何なの 彼女にとっては要らない縁?don"t you fell my passion?don"t want you with someone else本当の心目を见て伝えて欲しいぜyou broke my heartand now i know true love is rare, fade away仆らは何なの 彼女にとっては要らない縁?don"t you fell my passion?don"t want you with someone else本当の心目を见て伝えて欲しいぜHEY, YEAH,YEAH,YEAH....up by:369280254http://music.baidu.com/song/18157199

Young Hearts 歌词

歌曲名:Young Hearts歌手:Kings of Tomorrow专辑:Sunset Sessions - Benirras, Ibizaartist:Natasha Thomassong:young heartlyric:因为受了电击Friday night she"s dynamiteShe"s all dressed up to goPutting on her make-up in the backseat of a taxihe said he would wait but she"s getting there lateshe was the last to knowfinding her boy in the arms of her best friendsaid it was forevernow she cries in the rainno one ever love her againYoung girl don"t crysave your tears for next timeYoung hearts don"t dieDon"t you know whyYoung girl don"t liesave your love for someonedon"t make you cryyoung hearts like yours don"t dieA boy"s in love but his angel from aboveHad things she never told himshe can"t stop messing trespassing every border tonighttears were cried and lies were liedlife goes on for sureanother young heart"s broken like many other ones beforealone in the cold nightshe cries in the rainwill no one ever love her againYoung girl don"t crysave your tears for next timeYoung hearts don"t dieDon"t you know whyYoung girl don"t liesave your love for someonedon"t make you cryyoung hearts like yours don"t diebut life"s got surprises and you might not be withoutlove can hit you like a firein a smile when he turns aroundYoung girl don"t crysave your tears for next timeYoung hearts don"t dieDon"t you know whyYoung girl don"t liesave your love for someonedon"t make you cryyoung hearts like yours don"t dieyoung hearts don"t die don"t you know whyYoung girl don"t crysave your love for someonedon"t make you cryyoung hearts like yours don"t diehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7439267

Young Hearts 歌词

歌曲名:Young Hearts歌手:Bucks Fizz专辑:The Platinum Collectionartist:Natasha Thomassong:young heartlyric:因为受了电击Friday night she"s dynamiteShe"s all dressed up to goPutting on her make-up in the backseat of a taxihe said he would wait but she"s getting there lateshe was the last to knowfinding her boy in the arms of her best friendsaid it was forevernow she cries in the rainno one ever love her againYoung girl don"t crysave your tears for next timeYoung hearts don"t dieDon"t you know whyYoung girl don"t liesave your love for someonedon"t make you cryyoung hearts like yours don"t dieA boy"s in love but his angel from aboveHad things she never told himshe can"t stop messing trespassing every border tonighttears were cried and lies were liedlife goes on for sureanother young heart"s broken like many other ones beforealone in the cold nightshe cries in the rainwill no one ever love her againYoung girl don"t crysave your tears for next timeYoung hearts don"t dieDon"t you know whyYoung girl don"t liesave your love for someonedon"t make you cryyoung hearts like yours don"t diebut life"s got surprises and you might not be withoutlove can hit you like a firein a smile when he turns aroundYoung girl don"t crysave your tears for next timeYoung hearts don"t dieDon"t you know whyYoung girl don"t liesave your love for someonedon"t make you cryyoung hearts like yours don"t dieyoung hearts don"t die don"t you know whyYoung girl don"t crysave your love for someonedon"t make you cryyoung hearts like yours don"t diehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8730289

久石让的《Two Hearts》 歌词

歌曲名:Two Hearts歌手:久石让专辑:KikujiroWell, there was no reason to believe she"d always be thereBut if you don"t put faith in what you believe inIt"s getting you nowhereCos it hurts, you never let goDon"t look down, just look upCos she"s always there to behind you, just to remind youTwo hearts, believing in just one mindYou know we"re two hearts believing in just one mindCos there"s no easy way to, to understand itThere"s so much of my life in her, and it"s like I"m blindedAnd it teaches you to never let goThere"s so much love you"ll never knowShe can reach you no matter how farWherever you areTwo hearts, believing in just one mindBeating together till the end of timeYou know we"re two hearts believing in just one mindTogether forever till the end of timeShe knows (she knows)There"ll always be a special place in my heart for herShe knows, she knows, she knowsYeah, she knows (she knows)No matter how far apart we areShe knows, I"m always right there beside herhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9921494

Stereo Hearts 歌词

歌曲名:Stereo Hearts歌手:Gym Class Heroes专辑:Promo Only Rhythm Radio August 2011Stereo HeartsGym Class Heroes Feat、Adam LevineMy heart"s a stereoIt beats for your, so listen closeHear my thoughts in every noteMake me your radioTurn me up when you feel lowThis melody was meant for youJust sing along to my stereoIf I was just another dusty record on the shelveWouldl you blow me off and play me like everybody elseIf I asked you to scratch my back, could you manage thatLike it read well, check it Travie, I can handle thatFurthermore, I apologize for any skipping tracksThis the last girl that play me left a couple cracksI used to used to used to used to, now I"m over thatCause holding grudges over love is ancient artifactsIf I could only find a note to make you understandI sing a song for you and grab you by the handsKeep myself inside your head, like your favorite tuneAnd know my heart is a stereo that only plays for youMy heart"s a stereoIt beats for your, so listen closeHear my thoughts in every noteMake me your radioTurn me up when you feel lowThis melody was meant for youJust sing along to my stereoOh oh oh oh To my stereoOh oh oh oh So sing along to my stereoLet"s goIf I was an old school, fifty pound boomboxWould you hold me on your shoulder, wherever you walkWould you turn my volume up before of the copsAnd crank it higher everytime they told you to stopAnd all I ask is that you don"t get mad at meWhen you have to purchase mad D batteriesAppreciate every mixtape your friends makeYou never know we come and go like we"re on the interstateI think finally found a note to make you understandIf you can hear it, sing along and take me by the handsKeep myself inside your head, like your favorite tuneAnd know my heart is a stereo that only plays for youMy heart"s a stereoIt beats for your, so listen closeHear my thoughts in every noteMake me your radioTurn me up when you feel lowThis melody was meant for youJust sing along to my stereoOh oh oh oh To my stereoOh oh oh oh So sing along to my stereoI only pray you never leave me behindBecause good music can be so hard to findI take your hand and pull it closer to mineThought love was dead, but now you"re changing my mindMy heart"s a stereoIt beats for your, so listen closeHear my thoughts in every noteMake me your radioTurn me up when you feel lowThis melody was meant for youJust sing along to my stereoOh oh oh oh To my stereoOh oh oh oh So sing along to my stereohttp://music.baidu.com/song/18005298

Stereo Hearts 歌词

歌曲名:Stereo Hearts歌手:Adam Levine&Gym Class Heroes专辑:Essential R&B 2012Stereo HeartsGym Class Heroes Feat、Adam LevineMy heart"s a stereoIt beats for your, so listen closeHear my thoughts in every noteMake me your radioTurn me up when you feel lowThis melody was meant for youJust sing along to my stereoIf I was just another dusty record on the shelveWouldl you blow me off and play me like everybody elseIf I asked you to scratch my back, could you manage thatLike it read well, check it Travie, I can handle thatFurthermore, I apologize for any skipping tracksThis the last girl that play me left a couple cracksI used to used to used to used to, now I"m over thatCause holding grudges over love is ancient artifactsIf I could only find a note to make you understandI sing a song for you and grab you by the handsKeep myself inside your head, like your favorite tuneAnd know my heart is a stereo that only plays for youMy heart"s a stereoIt beats for your, so listen closeHear my thoughts in every noteMake me your radioTurn me up when you feel lowThis melody was meant for youJust sing along to my stereoOh oh oh oh To my stereoOh oh oh oh So sing along to my stereoLet"s goIf I was an old school, fifty pound boomboxWould you hold me on your shoulder, wherever you walkWould you turn my volume up before of the copsAnd crank it higher everytime they told you to stopAnd all I ask is that you don"t get mad at meWhen you have to purchase mad D batteriesAppreciate every mixtape your friends makeYou never know we come and go like we"re on the interstateI think finally found a note to make you understandIf you can hear it, sing along and take me by the handsKeep myself inside your head, like your favorite tuneAnd know my heart is a stereo that only plays for youMy heart"s a stereoIt beats for your, so listen closeHear my thoughts in every noteMake me your radioTurn me up when you feel lowThis melody was meant for youJust sing along to my stereoOh oh oh oh To my stereoOh oh oh oh So sing along to my stereoI only pray you never leave me behindBecause good music can be so hard to findI take your hand and pull it closer to mineThought love was dead, but now you"re changing my mindMy heart"s a stereoIt beats for your, so listen closeHear my thoughts in every noteMake me your radioTurn me up when you feel lowThis melody was meant for youJust sing along to my stereoOh oh oh oh To my stereoOh oh oh oh So sing along to my stereohttp://music.baidu.com/song/12338262

Quiet Hearts 歌词

歌曲名:Quiet Hearts歌手:Amy Stroup专辑:The Other Side Of Love SessionsHow deep is the well? I am sinking down, I am sinking downLook up to you, but you can"t be found, you can"t be found.Call to the owl who hides his words, can"t be heardLooks down at me, see something I can"t see, I can"t see.Grace falls down on quiet heartsJust when you think it might fall apart.Grace falls down on quiet heartsYou don"t have to yell, don"t have to yell.Here in this well of mine water starts to rise, starts to risePushing me to top of the tide, I will riseI"ll follow your eyes and...Grace falls down on quiet heartsJust when you think you might fall apartGrace falls down on quiet heartsYou don"t have to yell, don"t have to yellYou don"t have to yell, don"t have to yell.Grace falls down on quiet heartsGrace falls down on quiet heartsJust when you think you might fall apartGrace falls down on quiet heartsYou don"t have to yell, don"t have to yellYou don"t have to yell, don"t have to yellYou don"t have to yell, don"t have to yell.http://music.baidu.com/song/19405166

put our heart还是hearts in it

put our hearts in/into it把我们的新投入到......our既然是我们的,那这里heart应该用复数hearts

Some Hearts 歌词

歌曲名:Some Hearts歌手:Marshall Crenshaw专辑:Good EveningI"ve never been the kind that you"d call luckyAlways stumbling" around in circlesBut I must have stumbled into somethingLook at meAm I really alone with youI wake up feeling like my life"s worth livingCan"t recall when I last felt that wayGuess it must be all this love you"re givingNever knew never knew it could be like thisBut I guessSome heartsThey just get all the right breaksSome hearts have the stars on their sideSome hearts,They just have it so easySome hearts just get lucky sometimesSome hearts just get lucky sometimesNow who"d have thought someone like you could love meYou"re the last thing my heart expectedWho"d have thought I"d ever find somebodySomeone who someone who makes me feel like thisWell I guessSome heartsThey just get all the right breaksSome hearts have the stars on their sideSome hearts,They just have it so easySome hearts just get lucky sometimesSome hearts just get lucky sometimesEven hearts like mineGet lucky, lucky sometimesEven hearts like mineSome heartsThey just get all the right breaksSome hearts have the stars on their sideSome hearts,They just have it so easySome hearts just get lucky sometimesSome heartsThey just get all the right breaksSome hearts have the stars on their sideSome hearts,They just have it so easySome just get lucky some timesSome hearts just get lucky sometimeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/7942255

有谁知道two of hearts的歌词,帮忙找下,谢谢!

怎么都是日文~贴个英文的..Two of Hearts LyricsI never said i wasn"t gonna tell nobodyno babyBut desperate lover, I can"t keep it to myselfoh noWhen we"re together it"s like hot coals in a fireoh babyMy body"s burning so come on heat my desirecome on come onTwo of heartsTwo hearts that beat as oneTwo of heartsI need you, I need youTwo of heartsTwo hearts that beat as oneTwo of heartscome on, come onPeople get jealous cuz we always stay togetheryeah babyI guess they really want a love like yours and minetogether foreverI never thought that I could ever be this happyyeah babyMy prayers were answered, boy you came in the nick of timeohhhI got this feeling that you"re going to stayI never knew that it could happen this wayBefore I met you I was falling apartBut now at last I really know we"re made of(chorus)I never said I wasn"t gonna tell nobodyno babyBut desperate lover, I can"t keep it to myselfoh noWhen we"re together it"s like hot coals in a fireoh babyMy body"s burning so come on heat my desireohhhI got this feeling that you"re going to stayI never knew that it could happen this wayBefore I met you I was falling apartBut now at last I really know we"re made of(chorus)

求Chara-breaking hearts中文歌词

  中文翻译:  喂,你是否有全身心地在乎我?  脑海中是否装满我?  难道说我独自一人就能让这份爱天长地久吗?  是真的吗…  说什么永远的魅力?…我的魅力到底有几分呢?  总有一天啊这份认真也终会令人厌倦的  请不要惊讶因为一当道破一切彷佛就会消逝  喂,一个还不够?  好像你给了两个?为了让我消失?  欠缺的只是指出来  理想是无法构筑起来的  如今我真的一头雾水…  告诉我  不停地亲吻我  (爱)到底有多少…  总有一天啊这份认真也终会令人厌倦的  请不要惊讶因为一当道破一切彷佛就会消逝  戴上墨镜哭泣着我才不要这样  想拥有能读懂人心的魔法  即使是不知道也无妨的事情  你也想知道  你太糟糕太糟糕了  这一切明明只是唤醒了原本真实的我而已可是…  请不要惊讶因为一当道破一切彷佛就会消逝  这一切都让我厌烦了  请不要惊讶因为一当道破一切就会顷刻消逝  很意外其实很单纯  我仅仅只是想为爱而活  慢慢渡过这一切  日语+中文翻译:  chara-BreakingHearts  词曲唱:chara  ねえ、私に集中してる?『喂,你是否有全身心地在乎我?』  头の中が私でいっぱいになってる?『脑海中是否装满我?』  私一人だけを爱し続ける事ができるって?『难道说我独自一人就能让这份爱天长地久吗?』  本当かな¨『是真的吗…』  永远の魅力って?¨私にどのくらいあるの?『说什么永远的魅力?…我的魅力到底有几分呢?』  いつだってさこの真面目さがうんざりさせるんだ『总有一天啊这份认真也终会令人厌倦的』  あきれないで口にすると消えちゃいそうだから『请不要惊讶因为一当道破一切彷佛就会消逝』  ねえ、1つでは足りない?『喂,一个还不够?』  2つあげたっけ?私を消す为に?『好像你给了两个?为了让我消失?』  足りないものなぞって『欠缺的只是指出来』  理想はつくらない『理想是无法构筑起来的』  今は本当わからない¨『如今我真的一头雾水…』  教えて『告诉我』  何度もキスして『不停地亲吻我』  どのくらいあるの¨『(爱)到底有多少…』  いつだってさこの真面目さがうんざりさせるんだ『总有一天啊这份认真也终会令人厌倦的』  あきれないで口にすると消えちゃいそうだから『请不要惊讶因为一当道破一切彷佛就会消逝』  サングラスして泣いてるいやだ『戴上墨镜哭泣着我才不要这样』  心を読める魔法使いたい『想拥有能读懂人心的魔法』  知らなくてもいい场合もね『即使是不知道也无妨的事情』  あなたは知りたがる『你也想知道』  最悪最悪よ『你太糟糕太糟糕了』  ただそれが¨本当の私を动かしたいのに『这一切明明只是唤醒了原本真实的我而已可是…』  あきれないで口にすると消えちゃいそうだから『请不要惊讶因为一当道破一切彷佛就会消逝』  うんざりさせるんだ『这一切都让我厌烦了』  あきれないで口にすると消えちゃ『请不要惊讶因为一当道破一切就会顷刻消逝』  意外と単纯よ『很意外其实很单纯』  ただ私は爱に生きたい『我仅仅只是想为爱而活』  ゆっくり越えていこう『慢慢渡过这一切』


1、hear的读音:英[hu026au0259r],美[hu026ar]。 2、vt.听到,听;听说;审理 3、vi.听;听见 4、例句:She felt frightened because she heard footsteps behind her.她感到害怕,因为她听到身后有脚步声。



Young Hearts 歌词

歌曲名:Young Hearts歌手:Joe Lynn Turner专辑:Rescue Youartist:Natasha Thomassong:young heartlyric:因为受了电击Friday night she"s dynamiteShe"s all dressed up to goPutting on her make-up in the backseat of a taxihe said he would wait but she"s getting there lateshe was the last to knowfinding her boy in the arms of her best friendsaid it was forevernow she cries in the rainno one ever love her againYoung girl don"t crysave your tears for next timeYoung hearts don"t dieDon"t you know whyYoung girl don"t liesave your love for someonedon"t make you cryyoung hearts like yours don"t dieA boy"s in love but his angel from aboveHad things she never told himshe can"t stop messing trespassing every border tonighttears were cried and lies were liedlife goes on for sureanother young heart"s broken like many other ones beforealone in the cold nightshe cries in the rainwill no one ever love her againYoung girl don"t crysave your tears for next timeYoung hearts don"t dieDon"t you know whyYoung girl don"t liesave your love for someonedon"t make you cryyoung hearts like yours don"t diebut life"s got surprises and you might not be withoutlove can hit you like a firein a smile when he turns aroundYoung girl don"t crysave your tears for next timeYoung hearts don"t dieDon"t you know whyYoung girl don"t liesave your love for someonedon"t make you cryyoung hearts like yours don"t dieyoung hearts don"t die don"t you know whyYoung girl don"t crysave your love for someonedon"t make you cryyoung hearts like yours don"t diehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7863272

parallel hearts音译歌词


女朋友对我说sweet hearts 什么意思?怎么回答他呢?

Sweet Hearts(小亲亲) ;知道她意思了吧




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