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rsp的《Kiss》 歌词

歌曲名:Kiss歌手:rsp专辑:DiceRSP - kiss作词∶相田毅-铃木兰々作曲∶ZAKI壊れてく好きだったあのSweet stroriesちゃんと育ててないとすぐ逆袭されてしまうストレスの渋滞にハマリ抜け出せなくなるそんな时心の场所いつも探してしまうのI want a kiss... kissからはじめれば(It"s Groovy & So Sweet)I give my love...すべてが変わりだす(In France They kiss on Main Street)I Can"t forget it..孤独な人たちもI can"t forget it... 思い出す身体が自由になりたがって心がどこかに流れだしてゆっくりと目覚めてく朝のように世界中のこの一瞬のぬくもりが届きますようにYou give me kiss...人はkissに出会って(it"s Groovy & So Sweet)You gibe me love...爱をわかち合う(In Chine They kiss doing Kung-Fu)You drive me crazy...心がはがれたら(It"s Groovy & So Cool)Please hold me tightして…ひとにはkissがある…やさしくなれるものI want a kiss..それだけを信じて(it"s Groovy & So Sweet)I give myしてI can"t stop...人はkissに出会って(it"s Groovy & So Cool)I can"t forget it...すべてが変わりだす(it"s Groovy & So Cool)终わり


  pissces是不规范的写法,准确写法是pisces,即双鱼座。  星座 日期(公历) 英文名  魔羯座 (12/22 - 01/20 )Capricorn  水瓶座 (01/ 21- 02/19) Aquarius  双鱼座 (02/20 - 03/20) Pisces  白羊座 (03/21 - 04/20) Aries  金牛座 (04/21 - 05/21) Taurus  双子座 (05/22 - 6/21) Gemini  巨蟹座 (06/22- 07/22 Cancer  狮子座 (07/23 - 08/23) Leo  处女座 (08/24 - 09/23) Virgo  天秤座 (09/24 - 10/23) Libra  天蝎座 (10/24 - 11/22) Scorpio  射手座 (11/23 - 12/21) Sagittarius  2月20日~3月20日  主宰行星:海王星  属性:水相星座  双鱼座是冬天和黄道带的最后一个星座。冬天在它即将离去的时候,把相对意识留给了双鱼座的人。这一座的人有自己独特的缄默方式。你对世界上发生的一切,乃至虚无缥缈的事物都有浓厚的兴趣。这种琢磨不透的思想使你变成一轮神秘的光晕,吸引着许许多多的人。人们觉得你安静、温柔、真挚和会体贴人,但又觉得你的思想是那么深远莫测。你对愿望、激情和仇恨不象有些星座的人那样充满绝对意识。心中很少有"紧迫感"的概念。你不明白为什么明天也可以继续做的事,一定要抓紧时间今天做完。你的身体很容易疲劳。噪声、熙熙攘攘的人群、匆忙以及紧迫的生活节奏,都会使你精疲力竭。如果在你的生辰天宫图中没有更富激励性的火星或天王星方位的影响,那么,你的漫不经心会变成惰性。  你的身上总保持着一种天真、忠厚的气质。一般地说,如果你的生辰天宫图中没有土星过多的不利因素影响,且又遇到木星或金星处在理想方位的情况时,你会经常受到幸运的照应:意想不到的事情、突如其来的机遇、喜幸的性格将会有利于你。你也有可能中彩或在人生道路上遇到一位非常富有的和慷慨的知已。于是,这位双鱼座的人就会进入另一种新的意境中,过着充满幻想或神秘色彩的美好生活。另一种趋向是你对生财之道表现得完全一无所知,或许有时会沾染上不诚实的毛病。这主要取决于木星和海王星在你的生辰天宫图中所处的位置如何。  双鱼座的人温情,灵活而且神秘。你的诗一般的思想意境,内在的敏感,神秘色彩和某些女性的性格特征,常唤起人们的遐想。双鱼座的人自己也喜欢幻想,并力图用幻想来逃避生活中的困难和烦恼。这是一种"心理"型的敏感而脆弱的性格。在人生旅途中,你有时会因为怯懦、漫不经心、自由放任和模糊不清的思想而无所适从,也会因为自己的缄默和缺乏奔放的热情而悲观失望。粗暴的言行会使你的精神受到强烈的刺激,你希望自己的周围充满和谐友爱的气氛。你的一生需要有一个强有力的人的支持和帮助。和蔼可亲的秉性会得到所有人的好感,但过分的真诚和善良有时会使你陷入"奴隶"的地位。实际上,你经常处在需要献身或作出牺牲的情况下。很容易受别人的蛊惑和影响。  双鱼座的人有可能终生都充满着幻想,你最好选择需要幻想或想象的职业,音乐、艺术创作、电影、电视、戏剧、尤其是舞蹈。海洋环境或与水有关的职业对你也是十分有利的。双鱼座的人的经济条件常常处于不稳定状态,有时生活很宽裕有时候经济拮据,这处不稳定常常给你带来烦恼。每当这个时候,你总想用回避和逃脱来自慰。双鱼座的人的财产观念相当淡漠。你很能适应环境,并认为利用别人的财产和把自己的财产拱手送给有求于自己的人一样,是理所当然的事。何况海王星又在这一座人的天宫图中有决定性的影响。


  作词北出菜奈  ねぇ言叶だけじゃずっと  伝わらない想いがあるから  全部空っぽにして  こっちを见て撃ち抜くほど  私だけでしょ溶けるまで kiss or kiss  ほら今见つめてる  私の笑颜の奥も  本当の所なんて  少しも掴めないのよ  どれだけいっぱいの时を过ごしてきても  二つはひとつになんてなれないでしょ  ねぇ言叶だけじゃきっと  结ばれない想いがあるから  一瞬も逃さないで  もっと抱いて壊れるほど  私だけでしょ本気のまま kiss or kiss  少しは気付いてる  优しいだけの爱情は  むやみに注いでも  こぼれて冷えていくだけ  どんなに绝対の爱を信じてきても  永远に覚めない梦は见れないでしょ  ねぇ言叶だけじゃきっと  満ち足りない想いがあるから  一瞬も离さないで  もっと触れて消せないほど  私だけでしょ何度でも kiss or kiss  このまま呙稳摔瘸龇辘铯胜皮?br>私と贵方はここで出逢ったでしょ  ねぇ言叶だけじゃずっと  伝わらない想いがあるから  全部空っぽにして  こっちを见て撃ち抜いてよ  私だけでしょ本気のまま kiss or kiss  打印预览  歌曲:kiss kiss  歌手:holly valance  ...  but you know that we can go far, coz tonight you"re gonna get my (kiss kiss).  don"t play the games that you play, coz you know that i won"t run away,  why aren"t you asking me to stay, coz tonight i"m gonna give you my (kiss kiss).  ...  查看完整歌词>>  歌曲:kiss kiss  歌手:stella soleil  ...  but you know that we can go far, coz tonight you"re gonna get my (kiss kiss).  don"t play the games that you play, coz you know that i won"t run away,  why aren"t you asking me to stay, coz tonight i"m gonna give you my (kiss kiss).  ...  查看完整歌词>>  歌曲:kiss kiss  歌手:eo2 专辑:我知道  eo2- kiss kiss  曲:sezen aksu steve welton james juliette jaimes 词:甄健强编:ken chan  这么好风景送个吻来志庆  这种呼吸声热烈过掌声  这么不开心来闭上眼去做预备  嘴巴跟踪嘴巴就代替对不起  忘记你上次是我敌人才会有新鲜感  唇语没有遇见路人难免会越说越过份  抱紧拳头哪有趣味  不爽快我最多揽紧你  原来谁人对你妒忌  不必发晦气我最多kisskiss  从前和你有过恨  不紧要你这天很吸引  谁和谁对你太过份  不紧要你有我最美的kisskiss  今天这里有两片唇约会  紧张的嘴巴但愿做你水杯  尽管天色变暗你也会像蜜运  即使口乾尽量别要分心  难过亦是要做人为何你这么狠心  惟有让我做个坏人扶持你这样这样  rap:if you forget,i"ll remind you  if you"r paranoid,i"m behind you  if you lose your head,i"ll find you  就吻下去吧  if you forget,i"ll remind you  if you"r paranoid,i"m behind you  if you lose your head,i"ll find you  kiss kiss  打印预览  歌曲:kiss  歌手:杜德伟 专辑:best love 2  you don"t bave to be beautiful  to turn me on  ijust need your body baby  form dusk till dawn  you don"t need experience  to turn me out  you just leave it all up to me  i"m gonna show you  what it"s all about  you don"t have to be rich  to be my girl  you don"t have to be cool  to rule my world  ain"t no particular sign  i"m more compatible with  i just want your extra time  and you kiss  you gotta not talk dirty baby  if you wanna impress me  you can"t be to flirty mama  i know have to undress me  i want to be your fantasy  and maybe you could be mine  you just leave it all up to me  we can have a good time  women not girls  rule my world  i just they rule my world  act you age mama  not you shoe size  maybe we can do the twirl  you don"t have to wartch dynasty  to have an attitude  youjust leave it all up to me  my love will be your food  杜德伟---kiss  打印预览  歌曲:kiss me  歌手:梁咏琪 专辑:kiss me梁咏琪新曲+  曲:黄丹仪词:陈少琪编:黄丹仪 舒文  心再别流浪  快享受这刻  最新鲜曙光  夏季进驻四面八方  来将恋爱释放  唇却曝了光  不太适当  何妨试试降落我热暖面庞  平衡我眼角地带剪变干  何妨试试鸟瞰我热暖面庞  明白每处地势状况  停在最接近我地方  baby don"t you wanna kiss me  爱是向着我鼻子  为我好好轻吻一次  投入到日落时  爱洁净了海  感动白云变了泡沫新衣  感觉今夏更细致  心再别游荡  快享受细沙  替肤色化妆  夏季进驻四面八方  汗水酸性急降  唇却曝了光  不太适当

请请供EO2的 kiss kiss 歌词

Stella SoleilKiss Kissby N/A(Mwaa)When you look at meTell me what do you see?This is what you getIt"s the way I amWhen I look at youI wanna be I wanna beSomewhere close to HeavenWith neanderthal manDon"t goI know you wanna touch meHere there and everywhereSparks fly when we are togetherYou can"t deny the facts of lifeYou don"t have to act like a starTry your moves in the back of a carDon"t you know that we can go far"Cause tonight you"re gonna get my(Mwaa mwaa)Don"t play the games that you playYou know that I won"t run awayWhy ain"t you askin" me to stay"Cause tonight I"m gonna give you my(Mwaa mwaa)Kiss kissYou can be mineBaby what"s your starsignWon"t you take a stepInto the lion"s denI can hear my conscience calling meCalling meSay I"m gonna be a bad girl againWhy don"t you come on overWe can"t leave this all undoneGot the devil on my shoulderThere"s no place for you to runYou don"t have to act like a starTry your moves in the back of a carDon"t you know that we can go far"Cause tonight you"re gonna get my(Mwaa mwaa)Don"t play the games that you playYou know that I won"t run awayWhy ain"t you askin" me to stay"Cause tonight I"m gonna give you my(Mwaa mwaa)If you forgetI"ll remind youIf you"re paranoidI"m behind youYou lose your headI"ll find youGiving you my kissIf you forgetI"ll remind youIf you"re paranoidI"m behind youYou lose your headI"ll find youKiss kissYou don"t have to act like a starTry your moves in the back of a carDon"t you know that we can go far"Cause tonight you"re gonna get my(Mwaa mwaa)Don"t play the games that you playYou know that I won"t run awayWhy ain"t you askin" me to stay"Cause tonight I"m gonna give you my(Mwaa mwaa)You don"t have to act like a starTry your moves in the back of a carDon"t you know that we can go far"Cause tonight you"re gonna get my(Mwaa mwaa)Don"t play the games that you playYou know that I won"t run awayWhy ain"t you askin" me to stay"Cause tonight I"m gonna give you my(Mwaa mwaa)

求sandra(2NE1) kiss 中文歌词

I just wanna kissI never wanna miss更为激烈地 one more time掠夺我呼吸I"m dying for your kissI never wanna miss不要再犹豫侵占我双唇(2ne1)Baby boy为何你总是废话连篇令人烦闷的Baby boy难道不会告白爱情吗I"m not a baby girl我比你想象还更聪明每天毫无进展的我们你怎么会如此不懂我Baby boy记住为自信着迷的我My baby boy你的节奏实在太缓慢I"m your baby girl分手时为何手会颤抖虽然不讨厌鲜花戒指I guess you just never know不要这么心急别再多说什么怎会如此胆怯没个男人模样别只顾着傻笑实在太过没劲闭上眼走过来And just get it get itI just wanna kissI never wanna miss更为激烈地 one more time掠夺我呼吸I"m dying for your kissI never wanna miss不要再犹豫侵占我双唇Hurry upyou let it touch绝对不提过分要求Hurry upyou let it touchBaby 就这么一次(uh uh uh uh CL)不要放开我come on and let my body bounce不要考验我的耐心我今天也 "bout to luz control我的心脏简直已 dynamitetik tik tok tok 时间go fastplease please stop stop 今夜more fast笑得像个傻瓜的你我再也按耐不住 killing meif you want me too let"s go我跃动的心是 disco你就在我身边缠绕毫无预兆就消失的UFO不要这么心急别再多说什么怎会如此胆怯没个男人模样别只顾着傻笑实在太过没劲闭上眼走过来And just get it get itI just wanna kissI never wanna miss更为激烈地 one more time掠夺我呼吸I"m dying for your kissI never wanna miss不要再犹豫侵占我双唇Hurry upyou let it touch绝对不提过分要求Hurry upyou let it touchBaby 就这么一次(let"s break this down)爱情是Dangerous你的眼神太过poisonous现在心神荡漾的Two of us然而we just feel so good爱情是Dangerous你的双唇实在poisonous现在心神荡漾的Two of usWe dangerousein danger danger danger danger爱情是Dangerous你的眼神太过poisonous现在心神荡漾的Two of us然而we just feel so good爱情是Dangerous你的双唇实在poisonous现在心神荡漾的Two of usWe dangerousein danger danger danger danger



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Missouri Military Academy 是指 密苏里军事学院 ;这是美国的一所声誉很高的非盈利住宿中学。在这毕业的学生考上大学的概率是100%。而且每年毕业生获得的奖学金总额都超过100万美元。这所学校有特权向各军事学院提名毕业生进入学院,如您提到的 US Army Academy(西点陆军学院)、US Navy Academy (美国海军学院)、还有US Airforce Academy (美国空军学院)。 不过大多数的 MMA毕业生都不进入军事学院,而是到其他著名大学进修。MMA 接纳全球的优秀学生,提供9个高级课程和数个双学分课程 。

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Kiss Kiss Kiss的《Scarlet》 歌词

歌曲名:Scarlet歌手:Kiss Kiss Kiss专辑:Release The BirdsLynch. - SCARLET作词:叶月作曲:叶月わずかな隙间が许したあなたの歌声确かな体温に触れて 涙が零れおちた绯く染まりはじめたこの空は今にも闇に変わっていくけど例えばあなたの世界がこの胸に咲いて儚さ 揺らめいたすべて终わらせられりゃいいのにそれでも星はひとつひとつと辉いて孤独を知らせるよMy scarlet tears and my scarlet emotionsI wish it was all just a mistakeMy scarlet tears and my scarlet intentionsI had it all but now it"s all gone爱とはそれだけの犠牲闻こえるならねぇ どうか もう怖がらないでI"ll say this now So just hear me outAll alone for so long Lost all remorseBut now I"m full of this emptinessBecause of you My world is gone鲜やかに 黒く染まりはじめたこの空は今にも仆を饮み込むだろう胸を引き裂いて瞬く星はひとつひとつと辉いて孤独を知らせるよMy scarlet tears and my scarlet emotionsI wish it was all just a mistakeMy scarlet tears and my scarlet intentionsI had it all but now it"s all goneMy scarlet tears and my scarlet emotionsI wish it was all just a mistakeMy scarlet tears and my scarlet intentionsI had it all but now it"s all goneまたひとつ咲く花揺らめく星よ 影におわり


cissy=sissycissy cissy[简明英汉词典][u02c8sisi]adj. 有娘娘腔的,柔弱胆小的n. 〈美俚〉脂粉气质的男人



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The Sissi is 茜茜公主





Narcisse Noir 歌词

歌曲名:Narcisse Noir歌手:Moroccan Spirit专辑:Moroccan Spiritナルシス.ノワール作词:宝野アリカ/作曲:片仓三起也/编曲:斉藤聡あなたは兄様の友达、白い頬をした少年私憧れていたの、たとえどんなに邪魔にされても茨の庭を追い駆けたけれど、あなたの目にはいつも兄様が…映っていたドアの影から抱き合う2人をはじめて见たとき、とてもキレイで胸が騒いだNarcisse noir...何も知らぬ少女の日の初恋よNarcisse noir...いまも、甘いあなたの声が闻こえる…ある日兄様は家を出て、あなたも二度と来なかった母様は叹き悲しみ、家には灯りも灯らない大人になるまで知らずにいたわ、街外れの湖に2人は…沈んだと神に背いた爱の报いだと人々は嗫くけど、私は目を闭じるだけNarcisse noir...水の畔、そっと咲いた水仙はNarcisse noir...ああ、どんなに妖しく香ったでしょう…Narcisse noir...あれから私、どんな人も爱せないNarcisse noir...いまも変わらぬ、あなたの姿が见える…Narcisse noir...何も知らぬ少女の日の初恋よNarcisse noir...いまも、甘いあなたの声が闻こえる…


tissue paper是指卫生纸。卫生纸,主要是供人们生活日常卫生之用,是人民群众不可缺少的纸种之一。为了使卫生纸柔软,通常利用机械方法使纸产生皱纹,增加卫生纸的柔软度。制造卫生纸的原料很多,常用的有棉浆、木浆、竹浆、草浆等天然无污染的原料。卫生纸要求无毒性化学物质、无对皮肤有刺激性的原料、无霉菌病毒性细菌残留。卫生纸的特征是吸水性强、无致病菌、纸质柔软厚薄均匀无孔洞、起皱均匀、色泽一致、不含杂质。如果生产小卷双层卫生纸时还应打孔节距一致、针孔清晰、易撕、整齐。

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组织支架。tissue engineering是组织工程,应用于修补或替代完整组织的某一部分,如骨头、血管、皮肤等。scaffold是为了使细胞能在三个维度(方向)上生长的支持结构。

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薄纸,棉纸,面巾纸,拷贝纸,等等,,,,庄 立 PAPEREstablished in 2010, Shanghai zhuangli paper co., LTD. Is mainly engaged in processing and selling low-gram heavy thin paper, thin paper printing: 1-6 color. 17g-40g snow pear paper printing. 14g-60g cotton paper printing, all kinds of moisture-proof paper printing. There are colored paper threads, which can be customized for various colors. This kind of products are mainly used in cosmetics, candy and fragile products, which can be a good buffer to protect the products. Paper plates, paper tape: minimum cutting paper width is 1 cm. G range: 17 g - 280 - g, no fault joint, cross section level off is smooth, professional sales, cap paper, copy paper, newsprint, soil newspaper, filling paper, card, CAD drawing, graph paper, light wax paper, toe paper etc. Various kinds of packing paper. The products meet the national environmental standards. With advanced printing and cutting equipment. More professional technical staff for your one-on-one service.Company respected "steadfast, perseverance, responsibility" spirit of enterprise, and with integrity, win-win and create a business philosophy, to create a good environment of enterprise, with new management mode, perfect technology, and thoughtful service, excellent quality for survival, we always adhere to customer first service to customers, insist on their own service to impress customers.Welcome all new and old customers to our company to visit the guidance work, our company specific address is: Shanghai fengxian district zhuangzhuang north road 299. If you are interested in our products or have any questions, you can contact us directly and we will discuss and communicate with you.

tissue paper可数吗

这个词既是可数名词,也是不可数名词 薄棉纸是不可数; tissue paper 意思是纸巾; tissue n. (人、动植物细胞的)组织;(尤指用作手帕的)纸巾,手巾纸;(用于包装易碎物品的)薄纸,绵纸; paper n. 纸;纸张;报纸;文件;文献; v. 贴壁纸 扩展资料   Tissue paper market is one of the market segments of paper industry.   生活用纸市场是造纸行业中的`一个细分市场。   Recycling of White Water in a High Speed Tissue Paper Machine   介绍一台高速卫生纸机的白水回收系统情况   Sometimes it is difficult to find clean tissue paper.   有时干净的纸巾是很难找到的。   A novel and efficient expanding agent for tissue paper has been developed.   研制了一种新型高效的纸浆膨化剂,特别适用于生活用纸的抄造。   The Characteristics of White Water from a Tissue Paper Mill and Its Coagulation Treatment   生活用纸厂造纸白水的特性及其化学混凝处理

cotton tissue的海关编码是多少


tissue 和 fabric 这两英文用汉字谐音怎么念


tissue和cell line的区别


在医疗纺织产品中有种面料叫做Tissue 的是什么



napkin和tissue的区别如下:napkin,多指西方餐桌上供应或使用的餐巾纸。tissue,多指日常生活使用的面巾纸,轻薄柔软的那种纸巾。napkin也指那种西方人进餐时候围在脖子上好像布样的东西,napkin还有尿布的意思。例句:1、He wiped away the blood with a paper napkin.他用纸巾将血迹擦去。2、Michael mopped up quick1y with his napkin.迈克尔迅速用餐巾将其揩干。各种纸的英文:paper/"perpar/:纸,纸张。主要是用来写字、画画的纸张。tissue/"trfu/:纸抽里的单张纸巾。较薄的纸巾,通常是一次性的,随用随弃。napkin/"naepkn/:餐巾,比较厚或硬的纸巾。多指西餐桌上供应的厚餐巾纸,也有可能是布料制成的。在某些国家还会用来指代婴儿的纸尿裤。paper towel:非常结实的厚纸巾,通常吸水性强,可作为厨房用纸(kitchen towel/kitchen rolls)使用。(towel/"taual/毛巾,roll卷)。toilet rolls/toilet paper:厕纸,也叫卷纸、卫生纸。handkerchief paper:手帕纸。(handkerchief / "hankartfif/手绢)。wipes/waips/:湿纸巾。通常是一次性的湿巾。


tissue纸巾的英文读音为【"tu026au0283uu02d0】,重音在第一音节。“tissue”的用法:1、用作名词,表示纸巾。I always keep a box of tissues on my desk.(我总是把一个纸巾盒放在我的桌子上。)2、用作动词,表示以纸巾擦拭或擦洗。She carefully tissues the oils from her face every morning.(她每天早上都要仔细地用纸巾擦拭脸上的油脂。)3、表示细胞和组织,是生物学科学术语。The tissue samples were examined under a microscope.(该组织样本被放在显微镜下进行了检查。)4、可以用于一些固定搭配中。Tissue paper面巾纸;Tissue culture 组织培养;Tissue damage组织损伤;Tissue donation组织捐献。双语例句:1、He took a tissue from the box and blew his nose loudly.他从盒子里拿出一张纸巾,大声地把鼻子擤了一下。2、I spilled some sauce on the table, so I used a tissue to wipe it up.我把一些酱汁洒在桌子上了,所以我用纸巾擦了一下。3、She dabbed her eyes with a tissue and tried to compose herself.她用纸巾轻轻擦了擦眼睛,试图让自己冷静下来。4、He handed her a tissue and waited for her to blow her nose.他递给她一张纸巾,等待她擤鼻子。




是指牛津词典上的意思吗?如果是,我就搬上来了……tissue (人、动植物细胞的)组织muscle/brain/nerve,etc.tissue肌肉、大脑、神经等组织scar tissue瘢痕组织2:(尤指用作手帕的)纸巾,手巾纸a box of tissues一盒手巾纸3:(tissue paper)(用于包装易碎物品的)薄纸,棉纸a tissue of lies一派谎言


中文翻译如下:n.组织( tissue的名词复数 ); 薄纸; 棉纸; 一套。在选择专业术语译法时,还要注意以下几个原则:1. 与翻译语境中的上下文结合的原则:有时会遇到一词多译的情况,每个译法本身都是对的,分别适合于不同的情况。此时要根据上下文选择合适的译法,不能随意任选。2. 选用权威查询资源译法的原则:优先选用权威查询资源提供的译法,客户术语表>国家术语标准文件>权威行业双语词典>专业技术人员建议>网络查询结果>自己命名。3. 大众优于小众的原则:有时一个专业术语的两个译法难以取舍时,可以利用网络搜索引擎验证哪个用的更多,采用多者优先。4. 有时,某个术语有多种译法,有通用的译法,同时在一些极窄的分支领域中有特定译法。此时,如果你确定在在该分支领域中应该使用的某特定译法,则优先选用该特定译法,否则别人会认为你不专业。但如果你利用各种方法都无法确定特定译法,就优先使用通用译法(前提是讲得通),否则就可能弄巧成拙。5. 贴近原文的原则:当遇到某个术语的两个译法都可用,依据上面的标准判断不出来哪个更好时,也可以考虑”贴近原文“的原则,选择与原文单词尽量对应的译法,这样可以降低被误解的风险。


tissue[英][u02c8tu026au0283u:][美][u02c8tu026au0283u]n.薄纸,棉纸; [生]组织; 一套; 复数:tissues例句:1.She must excise every scrap of cancerous tissue. 她必须切除每一片癌变的组织。2.But there are different kinds of muscle tissue. 但是不同的肌肉组织是不一样的。


tissue的意思是:n.薄纸,棉纸;生]组织;一套;[例句]As we age we lose muscle tissue肌肉组织会随着我们日趋衰老而萎缩。[其他]复数:tissuesissue英u02c8u026au0283u美[u02c8u026au0283u]n.问题;(报刊的期,号;发行物;流出;vt.发行;发布流出;vi.发行;造成…结果;在…上挑起争论;[例句]Agents will raise the issue of prize-money for next year"s world championships经纪人将提出下年度世锦赛奖金的问题。[其他]第三人称单数:issues复数:issues现在分词:issuing过去式:issued过去分词:issuedServiette与Tissue的区别Serviette是用在餐桌上的。一般上比较美观。餐馆里用的纸巾较适合被称为serviette或paper napkins.你不会跟餐馆侍应生说:“你能给我tissue吗?”听起来很怪。"你能给我aper napkins吗?"比较常用。Tissu不一定要用在餐桌上。一般认为issue是那种很轻,随身携带看起来比较廉价的tissuepaper是指卫生纸。卫生纸,主要是供人们生活日常卫生之用,是人民群众不可缺少的纸种之一。为了使卫生纸柔软,通常利用机械方法使纸产生皱纹,增加卫生纸的柔软度。制造卫生纸的原料很多,常用的有棉浆、木浆、竹浆、草浆等天然无污染的原料。卫生纸要求无毒性化学物质、无对皮肤有刺激性的原料、无霉菌病毒性细菌残留。卫生纸的特征是吸水性强、无致病菌、纸质柔软厚薄均匀无孔洞、起皱均匀、色泽一致、不含杂质。如果生产小卷双层卫生纸时还应打孔节距一致、针孔清晰、易撕、整齐。

tissue怎么读 英语tissue怎么读

1、tissue英[u02c8tu026au0283uu02d0]美[u02c8tu026au0283uu02d0]n.(人、动植物细胞的)组织; (尤指用作手帕的)纸巾,手巾纸; (用于包装易碎物品的)薄纸,绵纸。 2、[例句]All the cells and tissues in the body benefit from the increased intake of oxygen.体内所有的细胞与组织都从增加的氧气吸入量中受益。


tissue的意思是:n.薄纸,棉纸;生]组织;一套;[例句]As we age we lose muscle tissue肌肉组织会随着我们日趋衰老而萎缩。[其他]复数:tissuesissue英u02c8u026au0283u美[u02c8u026au0283u]n.问题;(报刊的期,号;发行物;流出;vt.发行;发布流出;vi.发行;造成?结果;在?上挑起争论;[例句]Agents will raise the issue of prize-money for next year"s world championships经纪人将提出下年度世锦赛奖金的问题。[其他]第三人称单数:issues复数:issues现在分词:issuing过去式:issued过去分词:issuedServiette与Tissue的区别Serviette是用在餐桌上的。一般上比较美观。餐馆里用的纸巾较适合被称为serviette或paper napkins.你不会跟餐馆侍应生说:“你能给我tissue吗?”听起来很怪。"你能给我aper napkins吗?"比较常用。Tissu不一定要用在餐桌上。一般认为issue是那种很轻,随身携带看起来比较廉价的tissuepaper是指卫生纸。卫生纸,主要是供人们生活日常卫生之用,是人民群众不可缺少的纸种之一。为了使卫生纸柔软,通常利用机械方法使纸产生皱纹,增加卫生纸的柔软度。制造卫生纸的原料很多,常用的有棉浆、木浆、竹浆、草浆等天然无污染的原料。卫生纸要求无毒性化学物质、无对皮肤有刺激性的原料、无霉菌病毒性细菌残留。卫生纸的特征是吸水性强、无致病菌、纸质柔软厚薄均匀无孔洞、起皱均匀、色泽一致、不含杂质。如果生产小卷双层卫生纸时还应打孔节距一致、针孔清晰、易撕、整齐。

纺织产品中有种叫做Tissue 的面料是什么东西啊


literate;tissue ; fertile;fertilizer;这几个英语怎么读?


tissue 作为 纸巾可数吗

当然不行啦纸巾怎么数发?除非 a piece of tissue

求 tissue 和 napkin 区别

napkin 可以是纸巾也可以是布料的餐巾tissue 只是纸巾


tissue 英[u02c8tu026au0283u:] 美[u02c8tu026au0283u] n. 薄纸,棉纸; [生] 组织; 一套; [例句]As we age we lose muscle tissue肌肉组织会随着我们日趋衰老而萎缩。[其他] 复数:tissues


napkin和tissue的区别:意思不同、语法不同。一、意思不同1、napkin:餐巾纸;尿布;卫生巾。2、tissue:纸巾,面巾纸;(动物或植物的细胞)组织;(用于包装易碎物品的)薄纸,绵纸;薄纱,薄织物;(罗织编造的)一套,一系列;用化妆纸揩去;饰以薄纱。二、语法不同1、napkin:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。在外边吃饭要餐巾纸,指的就是napkin,有的是指布的,有的是纸的,布的就是西餐厅用的,一般出现在高档餐厅里。2、tissue:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词。tissue在餐厅里用的比较少,指的是抽纸或者单包的小纸巾,比如你的朋友感冒了,请你帮忙递张纸巾擦鼻涕时,就会用tissue。双语例句1、I need another plate and a napkin.我再要一只碟子和一条餐巾。2、He wipes his mouth on the napkin.他用餐巾擦了擦嘴。3、The mother laid a piece of napkin under the baby"s body.这位母亲在婴儿的身体下面铺了一块尿布。4、According to the demand, it can produce ultra-thin cotton-core or leakage Barrier sanitary napkin.根据要求可装配超薄棉芯卫生巾,可装配立体护围面料成型。

tissue 可数吗





目前也只能做减法了,tissue可以和issue和sue连起来对比记忆。tissue 英[u02c8tu026au0283uu02d0] 美[u02c8tu026au0283uu02d0] n. (人、动植物细胞的) 组织; (尤指用作手帕的) 纸巾,手巾纸; (用于包装易碎物品的) 薄纸,绵纸; [例句]As we age we lose muscle tissue肌肉组织会随着我们日趋衰老而萎缩。issue 英[u02c8u026au0283uu02d0] 美[u02c8u026au0283uu02d0] n. 重要议题; 争论的问题; (有关某事的) 问题,担忧; 一期; 期号; v. 宣布; 公布; 发出; (正式) 发给,供给; (尤指通过正式文件) 将…诉诸法律; [例句]Agents will raise the issue of prize-money for next year"s world championships经纪人将提出下年度世锦赛奖金的问题。sue 英[suu02d0] 美[suu02d0] v. 控告; 提起诉讼; (尤指在法庭上) 提出请求; [例句]The company could be sued for damages该公司可能会被起诉,要求其赔偿损失。此答案由一词千金秒杀中高考单词教研组阿晨老师提供。




这个词既是可数名词,也是不可数名词 薄棉纸是不可数 科林斯词典: N-UNCOUNTTissue paper is thin paper that is used for wrapping things that are easily damaged,such as objects made of glass or china.(包装易碎物品的) 薄棉纸 例: ...a small package wrapped in tissue paper. …一个小包裹,用薄棉纸包着. 作为面巾纸是可数 科林斯:N-COUNT A tissue is a piece of thin soft paper that you use to blow your nose.面巾纸...a box of tissues. …一盒面巾纸. 两张面巾纸可以用two tissues,你用two pieces of tissues也对啦

tissue是可数名词还是不可数名词,我看到书上有说a tissue, 难道是可数名词?等您来指点

这个词既是可数名词,也是不可数名词薄棉纸是不可数科林斯词典:N-UNCOUNTTissue paper is thin paper that is used for wrapping things that are easily damaged, such as objects made of glass or china. (包装易碎物品的) 薄棉纸例: ...a small package wrapped in tissue paper. …一个小包裹,用薄棉纸包着。作为面巾纸是可数科林斯:N-COUNTA tissue is a piece of thin soft paper that you use to blow your nose. 面巾纸...a box of tissues. …一盒面巾纸。O(∩_∩)O~两张面巾纸可以用two tissues,你用two pieces of tissues也对啦

tissue 读音



tissue和napkin都有纸巾的意思,区别在于tissue常指日常生活使用的面巾纸,轻薄柔软的那种纸巾。拓展资料:1.napkin多指西方餐桌上供应或使用的餐巾纸,也可以指那种西方人进餐时候围在脖子上好像布一样的东西,napkin还有尿布的意思。2.平常用的叫tissue,就是那种可以从盒子里抽取的纸巾,可以印得很精美,napkin是餐巾,可以是布做的,或者糙纸、普通纸做的。3.tissue,英语释义:any of the distinct types of material of which animals or plants are made, consisting of specialized cells and their products。4.napkin,英语释义:a square piece of cloth or paper used at a meal to wipe the fingers or lips and to protect garments, or to serve food on。


n.组织( tissue的名词复数 ); 薄纸; 棉纸; 一套。在选择专业术语译法时,还要注意以下几个原则:1. 与翻译语境中的上下文结合的原则:有时会遇到一词多译的情况,每个译法本身都是对的,分别适合于不同的情况。此时要根据上下文选择合适的译法,不能随意任选。2. 选用权威查询资源译法的原则:优先选用权威查询资源提供的译法,客户术语表>国家术语标准文件>权威行业双语词典>专业技术人员建议>网络查询结果>自己命名。3. 大众优于小众的原则:有时一个专业术语的两个译法难以取舍时,可以利用网络搜索引擎验证哪个用的更多,采用多者优先。4. 有时,某个术语有多种译法,有通用的译法,同时在一些极窄的分支领域中有特定译法。此时,如果你确定在在该分支领域中应该使用的某特定译法,则优先选用该特定译法,否则别人会认为你不专业。但如果你利用各种方法都无法确定特定译法,就优先使用通用译法(前提是讲得通),否则就可能弄巧成拙。5. 贴近原文的原则:当遇到某个术语的两个译法都可用,依据上面的标准判断不出来哪个更好时,也可以考虑”贴近原文“的原则,选择与原文单词尽量对应的译法,这样可以降低被误解的风险。


NaN位粉丝其实l,r,d3,t∫,∫,3 ,实际上和u或者u:结合后,本身就带有一个j的音,只是音标将其省略了,无论英国美国英语,大家可以听听谷歌翻译里的朗读,比如flute,人家读的是flju:t,只是音标显示成flu:t,不信你听听他读的是福禄他还是福吕他,而中式英语和印度英语都读成了福禄他,实际上没错误只是口音不正规了外国人一听就听出来你不是本国人。还有u和u:在d,t,s,z后面也有ju(:)和u(:)不分的情况,还是听听谷歌翻译,人家读的是ju(:)和u(:)中间的音,所以听起来既像ju(:)又像u(:),和foot,book,school这些纯u(:)的音有本质的区别,你听听谷歌翻译上do这个音,听起来就像丢,还像杜。所以tissue,音标写成"tisju(:),"tisu(:),"ti∫u(:),"ti∫ju(:)都可以的。


tissue作为组织是不可数名词。 tissue: n.(人、动植物细胞的)组织;(尤指用作手帕的)纸巾,手巾纸;(用于包装易碎物品的)薄纸,绵纸; 复数: tissues 扩展资料   Tissue that is removed during the operation is checked for signs of malignancy.   检查手术切片,以判断是否为恶性。   Sit your child forward and let the blood drip into a tissue or on to the floor   让你的孩子前倾坐着,让血滴在纸巾上或地板上。   He shook his head and wiped his tears with a tissue.   他摇摇头,用纸巾擦掉眼泪。


tissue既是可数名词,也是不可数名词。tissue的意思是(人、动植物细胞的)组织,(尤指用作手帕的)纸巾,手巾纸,(用于包装易碎物品的)薄纸,绵纸。She wiped her nose with a tissue(她用纸巾擦了擦鼻子)。 扩展资料 tissue的例句:The virus remains dormant in nerve tissue until activated(病毒潜伏于神经组织里直到被激活);Athletes have hardly any fatty tissue(运动员几乎没有什么脂肪组织)。



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《Kiss Me Kill Me (Scarlett Wakefield Series)》(Lauren Henderson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: b4si书名:Kiss Me Kill Me (Scarlett Wakefield Series)作者:Lauren Henderson出版社:Delacorte Books for Young Readers出版年份:2009-01-13页数:272内容简介:When 16-year-old Scarlett Wakefield transfers from St. Tabby"s to Wakefield Hall Collegiate, she is relieved that no one knows her dark, haunting secret. A few months ago, Scarlett was invited to an elite party with a guest list full of the hottest names in British society, including Dan McAndrew. Before the party, Scarlett had only imagined what it would be like to have her first kiss with Dan, but on the penthouse terrace, Dan leaned in close and she no longer had to wonder. Their kiss was beautiful and perfect and magical, and then . . . Dan McAndrew took his last breath as she held him in her arms. No one knows how or why Dan died, and everyone at St. Tabby"s believes Scarlett had something to do with it. But now that she"s safely hidden away at Wakefield Hall, Scarlett would rather forget that it ever happened. Only she can"t. Especially when she receives an anonymous note that will set her on the path to clearing her name and finding out what really happened to the first and last boy she kissed.From the Hardcover edition.

Kiss me Kill me 歌词

歌曲名:Kiss me Kill me歌手:LIV MOON专辑:Symphonic MoonLIV MOON - Kiss me Kill me作词:zopp作曲:KAZSINYour voice Your smile touching my heartYour beat Your warmth don"t leave my heartYou"re my treasure You"re my pleasureWe go walking at night til the breaking of the dayNever know what"s like a daytime relationWe go walking at night til the breaking of the dayNever know what"s like a daytime relation光と影 时に贵方 姿変える 爱のジキル涙の雨 歓喜の太阳 使い分けて 惑わせるTell me your name どっちなの?Tell me your thought 分からないYou make me crazy now 助けてKiss me Kill me Love me Hate meYou are my star Shape of my heartTake off the ring Take off my clothesDance with me nowKiss me Kill me Love me Hate meRolling the dice Do what you wantMy destiny"s on your hands now don"t youKiss me Kill meWe go walking at night til the breaking of the dayNever know what"s like a daytime relationWe go walking at night til the breaking of the dayNever know what"s like a daytime relation朝と夜の 狭间に立ち 心染める 哀のハイド时にキスを 时に伤を 饴と鞭で 狂わせるShow me your face どっちでもShow me your choice 従うI can"t live without you 手遅れKiss me Kill me Love me Hate meYou are my star Shape of my heartTake off the ring Take off my clothesDance with me nowKiss me Kill me Love me Hate meRolling the dice Do what you wantMy destiny"s on your hands now don"t youKiss me Kill meWhen does it ends No one knows thatBut I don"t care You"re my everythingHow can I change Who can change me No one can"t doKiss me Kill me Love me Hate meRolling the dice Do what you wantMy destiny"s on your hands now don"t youKiss me nowKiss me Kill me Love me Hate meYou are my star Shape of my heartTake off the ring Take off my clothesDance with me nowKiss me Kill me Love me Hate meRolling the dice Do what you wantMy destiny"s on your hands now don"t youKiss me Kill me

想问一首歌名,只有两三句歌词,好像是kiss me kill me前面还有你两个单词忘了,节奏力很强的

kiss me, kill me 链接:

Kill me Kiss me(crash Berlin version) 歌词

歌曲名:Kill me Kiss me(crash Berlin version)歌手:hANGRY & ANGRY专辑:Sadistic Dance 残酷之舞「Kill Me Kiss Me(crash berlin version)」作词∶角田崇徳作曲∶角田崇徳歌∶HANGRY & ANGRYLet me tell you honey. I just wanna love and hate youカミサマのいない heavenCan you feel me now?Can you see the bat in hell?愿いを谁に捧ぐ?Kill me, Kiss me, ツギハギだらけのスカートはいてKill me, Kiss me, 今夜は踊ろう 今夜は踊ろう仆の大好きな 甘いプディングを(君にあげたい)だけどヒトツしかないの(どうしたらいい?)ヒトツしかなかったどうすればいい?悲しみ隠すように 君を伤つけて怯えていたのは 仆の方だったLet me tell you honey. I just wanna love and hate youカミサマのいない heavenCan you feel me now?Can you see the bat in hell?愿いを谁に捧ぐ?Kill me, Kiss me, ツギハギだらけのスカートはいてKill me, Kiss me, 今夜は踊ろう 今夜は踊ろう高いハイヒール履いて 黒いドレス着て 君が踊る悲しいくらい仆は 君が好きだった爱してくれたら 何も伤つけなかったNo way I think of you I don"t need you going home居场所无い孤独なheavenOh, Baby I"ll give you love, love and hate you飞べない仆はキライ?Kill me, Kiss me, 目を闭じれば天使に会えるKill me, Kiss me, 今夜は踊ろう 今夜は踊ろうLet me tell you honey. I just wanna love and hate youカミサマのいないheavenCan you feel me now?Can you see the bat in hell?愿いを谁に捧ぐ?Kill me, Kiss me, ツギハギだらけのスカートはいてKill me, Kiss me, 今夜は踊ろう 今夜は踊ろう 今夜は踊ろう【 おわり 】

求Kiss me kill me歌词

H = HANGRYA = ANGRYKill Me Kiss MeLet me tell you, honey, / I just wanna love and hate you.kamisama no inai heavenCan you feel me now? / Can you see the bat in hell?negai wo dare ni sasagu?Kill Me (Kill Me) Kiss Me (Kiss Me)tsugihagi darake no sukaato haiteKill Me (Kill Me) Kiss Me (Kiss Me)konya wa odorou konya wa odorou[H] boku no daisuki na amai pudingu wo [A] kimi ni agetai[H] dakedo hitotsu shika nai no [A] dou shitara ii?[H] hitotsu shika nakatta [H&A] dou sureba ii?kanashimi kakusu you ni kimi wo kizutsuketeobieteita no wa boku no hou dattaLet me tell you, honey, / I just wanna love and hate you.kamisama no inai heavenCan you feel me now? / Can you see the bat in hell?negai wo dare ni sasagu?Kill Me (Kill Me) Kiss Me (Kiss Me)tsugihagi darake no sukaato haiteKill Me (Kill Me) Kiss Me (Kiss Me)konya wa odorou konya wa odorou[A] takai haihiiru haite [H] kuroi doresu kite [H&A] kimi ga odorukanashii ikurai boku wa kimi ga suki dattaaishikuretara nani mo kisutsukenakattaNo way I think of you. / I don"t need you going home.ibasho nai kodoku na heavenOh baby, I"ll give you love, love and hate you.dobenai boku wa kirai?Kill Me (Kill Me) Kiss Me (Kiss Me)me wo tojireba tenshi ni aeruKill Me (Kill Me) Kiss Me (Kiss Me)konya wa odorou konya wa odorouLet me tell you, honey, / I just wanna love and hate you.kamisama no inai heavenCan you feel me now? / Can you see the bat in hell?negai wo dare ni sasagu?Kill Me (Kill Me) Kiss Me (Kiss Me)tsugihagi darake no sukaato haiteKill Me (Kill Me) Kiss Me (Kiss Me)konya wa odorou konya wa odorou konya wa odorou

eyewitness 与 witniss有区别吗

Missing pivot在线性代数中啥意思?

row1 - row2 = (k+2)y+zk+2=1k=-1

nissan serena 是什么车




lose,,loose,miss和expect,wait for两组词的用法

lose 是动词 “失去”“丢掉”I lost my wallet last night. I lost interest in the game. I was lost in the forest . 以及过去分词,形容词化,the lost time,the lost walletloose 是形容词,“松的” I have lost a lot of weight so all my clothes are loose.miss 是动词“错过”“想念” I missed the first bus this morning. Don"t miss the chance. I really miss you!expect "期待“”料想“i didn;t expect to see you .i expect you to come early.( expect sb to do sth )wait for "等待”we are waiting for the coming of the new year.


可以回答:miss you too. miss v.未击中;未得到;未达到;错过;未见到;未听到;未觉察;不理解;不懂 n.(用于未婚女子姓氏或姓名前,以示礼貌)小姐,女士;(选美比赛优胜者的头衔)小姐;(称呼不知姓名的年轻女子)小姐 扩展资料   She was concerned that she might miss the turning and get lost.   她担心自己会错过转弯的地方而迷路。   The sale prices were too good to miss.   那次价格优惠真的不可错过。   The injury could mean him missing next week"s game.   这次受伤可能使他无法参加下周的比赛。   I missed a lot of school through illness last year.   我去年因病耽误了很多功课。   He called attention to the fact that many files were missing.   他提请注意许多档案已经遗失这一事实。

miss you可以翻译为错过你吗?

【miss you】翻译成中文为:想念你。理解为“错过你”是不对的。



miss you的中英文对照歌词

Gimme a reason 谁能告诉我 Why I"m feeling so blue 我的内心为什么会如此忧郁 Everytime I close my eyes, all I see is you 当我闭上眼,想到的只是你... Gimme a reason 谁能告诉我 Why I can"t feel my heart 我如何才能触摸内心的悸动 Everytime you leave my side, I just fall apart 当你离开时,我再次失去自我 And when you"re fast asleep, I wonder where you go 在你沉睡时,我只想出现在你的梦中... Can you tell me, I wanna know 谁能告诉我,我只想知道... Because I miss you 我在想你 And this is all I wanna say 这是我想对你说的一切 I guess I miss you, beautiful 真的好想你,宝贝 These three words have said it all 你是我内心的所有... You know I miss you 你知道我在想你吗? I think about you when you"re gone 那一刻的离别沥沥在目 I guess I miss you, nothing"s wrong 真的好想你,真的 I don"t need to carry on 无需再说别的... Gimme a reason 谁能告诉我 Why I can"t concentrate 我的内心为什么会如此凌乱 The world is turning upside down 那个世界正在改变它的轨迹 Spinning round and round 从没停止过... Gimme a reason 谁能告诉我 Why I now understand 是什么让我开始明白 The beauty and simplicity of everything surrounding me 身边的一切是那么美好 You got a way of spreading magic everywhere 是你让这个世界变得神奇 Anywhere I go, I know you"re always there 无论我身处何处,我能感觉到你的存在 It sounds ridiculous, but when you leave a room 那是一种奇妙的感觉,每当你动身时 There"s a part of me that just wants to follow you too 我的心却与你同行... Because I miss you 我在想你 And this is all I wanna say 这是我想对你说的一切 I guess I miss you, beautiful 真的好想你,宝贝 These three words have said it all 你是我内心的所有... You know I miss you 你知道我在想你吗? I think about you when you"re gone 那一刻的离别沥沥在目 I guess I miss you, nothing"s wrong 真的好想你,真的 I don"t need to carry on 无需再说别的... It"s such a hard life in most of the time 在那内心苦闷的艰难岁月 I"m just surviving 我快乐依旧 That"s why I want you to know 我想让你知道 In the world where sincerity has lost its meaning 当这个世界双眼被蒙上时 You fill my world with so much hope 是你给我的内心带来光明... And I miss you 我在想你 This is all I wanna say 这是我想对你说的一切 I guess I miss you, beautiful 真的好想你,宝贝 These three words have said it all 你是我内心的所有... You know I miss you 你知道我在想你吗? I think about you when you"re gone 那一刻的离别沥沥在目 I guess I miss you, nothing"s wrong 真的好想你,真的 I don"t need to carry on 无需再说别的... You know I miss you 你知道我在想你吗? And this all I wanna say 这是我想对你说的一切 I guess I miss you, beautiful 真的好想你,宝贝 These three words have said it all 你是我内心的所有... You know I miss you 你知道我在想你吗? And this is all I wanna do 这是我想做的一切 I know it doesn"t sound too cool 我知道这还远远不够 But maybe I"m in love with you 但我只想对你说我爱你... You know I miss you 你知道我在想你吗? And this all I wanna say 这是我想对你说的一切 I guess I miss you, nothing"s wrong 真的好想你,真的 I don"t need to carry on 无需再说别的... I just miss you 我只是想你 Yeah, it"s true 真的想你 I miss you, baby 想你,亲爱的... And when you"re walking out that door 当你从我的身边离开 I know I miss you 我不禁开始想你 You make me wanna ask for more 是你让我想得到更多... I just miss you 我只是想你 Yeah, it"s true 真的想你 I miss you, baby 想你,亲爱的...

关淑怡的《MISS YOU》 歌词

歌曲名:MISS YOU歌手:关淑怡专辑:BORDERLESSThe Airborne Toxic Event - MissyMissy got off the bus one dayIn a crowd of people, downtown LAShe looked around as if to say, "I"m home"But I"m homeI find someone to loveAnd some place to drinkAnd some time when I can just sit and thinkAnd I don"t mind if I catch the stink of these dronesLord, of these dronesJust as long as I"m never aloneShe had eyes as big as porcelain platesAnd skin as thin as paper drapesAnd she loved the Lord the way an apostate loves songsAnd she"d sing to him before she went to sleep:"I pray to you, my soul to keepYou"re shepherd, then I"ll be your sheepUntil dawn, oh until dawnWell I"d follow you, even if it was wrong"I met her one night at the coffee shopHer face so bright, my heart just stoppedHello my dear, I fear I"m not what I seemNot what I seemI should"ve become a better manI should be more deserving thanThe beggar, thief and courtesan I"ve beenOh, that I"ve beenBut I swear, I lie, I curse all of my dreamsBut I swear there"s still some good in meAnd I think if you stuck around you"d seeAll the honest attempts at integrity, I was hadMaybe if you helped me, I"d get it rightI lie awake every night, staring at the ceilingWondering why I feel so bad, why I feel so badBut I swear, I swear, I swear I"ll never get sad

miss you的英文歌词

Don"t be afraid to cryIt wasn"t wasted timeWe just couldn"t win that fightAnd I knew you couldn"t stayYou had to go your wayThere"s really nothing left to sayBut every now and then you cross my mindAnd I try not to think about where you are tonightBut I miss you"Cause I really miss youThere"s no going back ‘cause what"s done is doneBut I miss you ‘cause I really miss youBut sometimes love just ain"t enoughHeyWe didn"t write the rulesIt wasn"t me wasn"t youWe both know that life is cruelI know we can"t go down that road againAnd it hurts too much to think what might have beenI know we can"t escape from the paths that we have chosenBut every now and then, I"m remindedI know we can"t go down that road againAnd it hurts too much to think what might have been

Mariah Carey的《Miss You》 歌词

歌曲名:Miss You歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Bringin" On The HeartbreakMariah CareyMiss YouOo oo oooooooBaby baby I miss youLonging for you everydayAnd I reach for you everynightBaby nothing"s been the sameSince the day we said goodbyeAnd I can"t go onLike this for too longBoy I need you next to meAnd I"m hungering for your touchCaught up in the memoriesAnd you"re all I"m thinking ofCause I can"t get pastWhat we used to haveI"m talkin bout how I used to like itWhen you whispered to meTell me that yo love meAnd those beautiful thingsBaby won"t you come backCause I"m really in needI"m lost in your loveAnd I don"t know what to do with myselfI don"t wanna be with nobody elseI just think about youThink about usThink about how muchI miss youAll I do is reminisceOf the love that we used to shareCan"t recover from your kissBecause nothing else comparesAin"t no substituteWhen it comes to youVisions of us hand in handCome to me when I close my eyesBaby I don"t understandHow we let it all slip byTell me, can"t we tryMaybe one more timeI"m talkin bout how I used to like itWhen you whispered to meTell me that you love meAnd those beautiful thingsBaby won"t you come backCause I"m really in needI"m lost in your loveAnd I don"t know what to do with myselfI don"t wanna be with nobody elseI just think about youThink about usThink about how muchI miss you(remember when)Our eyes first metI knew I"d never be the same again(why can"t it just)Be like it wasEnough is enoughBaby I miss your loveI"m talkin bout how I used to like itWhen you whispered to meTell me that you love meAnd those beautiful thingsBaby won"t you come backCause I"m really in needI"m lost in your loveAnd I don"t know what to do with myselfI don"t wanna be with nobody elseI just think about youThink about usThink about how muchI miss youI"m talkin bout how I used to like itWhen you whispered to meTell me that you love meAnd those beautiful thingsBaby won"t you come backCause I"m really in needI"m lost in your loveAnd I don"t know what to do with myselfI don"t wanna be with nobody elseI just think about youThink about usThink about how muchI miss youI"m talkin bout how I used to like itWhen you whispered to meTell me that you love meAnd those beautiful thingsBaby won"t you come backCause I"m really in needI"m lost in your loveAnd I don"t know what to do with myselfI don"t wanna be with nobody elseI just think about youThink about usThink about how muchI miss youI"m talkin bout how I used to like itWhen you whispered to meTell me that you love meAnd those beautiful thingsBaby won"t you come backCause I"m really in needI"m lost in your loveAnd I don"t know what to do with myselfI don"t wanna be with nobody elseI just think about youThink about usThink about how muchI miss you



miss you的中文是什么?

miss you的中文是:想念你。例句:Your mama and I are gonna miss you at Christmas翻译:我和你妈妈过圣诞节的时候会想念你的。I miss you terribly!翻译:我多么思念你呀!He seems completely self-contained and he doesn"t miss you when you"re not there翻译:他似乎十分独立,你不在的时候也并不想念你。

miss和miss you的区别在哪里?



miss you 英[mis ju:] 美[mu026as ju] 想你 [例句]I really miss you.我真的想你。

Melissa Manchester的《Jenny》 歌词

歌曲名:Jenny歌手:Melissa Manchester专辑:Home To MyselfThe Click Five -- Jennyby: www.ningshell.cnShe calls me baby, then she won"t call me.Says she adores me and then ignores me.Jenny, what"s the problem?She keeps her distance and sits on fences.Puts up resistance and builds defenses.Jenny, what"s the problem?You leave me hanging on the line.Every time you change your mind.First you say you won"t, then you say you will.You keep me hanging on, and we"re not moving on.We"re standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.Jenny, It"s killing me.She needs her own space. She"s playing mind games.Ends up at my place saying that she"s changed.Jenny, what"s the problem?I"m trying to read between the lines.You got me going out of my mind.First you say you won"t, then you say you will.You keep me hanging on, and we"re not moving on.We"re standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.Jenny, It"s killing me. It"s killing me. It"s killing me.Jenny.First you say you won"t, then you say you will.You keep me hanging on, and we"re not moving on.We"re standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.Jenny.First you say you won"t, then you say you will.You keep me hanging on, and we"re not moving on.We"re standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.Jenny, It"s killing me It"s killing me. Jenny.End

关于Melissa 鞋的尺码?是偏大还是偏小

耐克有尺码对照表的 安踏也有 你看一下长度 就是那个CM的尺码吧 NIKE 一般来说都是正常码 个别鞋型有偏码的 就是包裹太紧了 安踏42的===26CM NIKE 42=26.5CM 42=26CM

[Melissa的Essay观]第三篇:什么样的Career Goal才是好Goal?

”“我写这样的Career Goal会不会太common?”“Career Goal到底要specific到什么程度?” 那么,到底“什么样的Career Goal才是好Goal呢?”我觉得一个好的Career Goal需要满足如下的条件: 1. 一个好的Career Goal首先需要Make Sense虽然这看起来很基本,但是看到的不make sense的career goal实在不在少数。中国的申请者,比较谦虚,不会有不着边际的career goal。但是,例如,有些applicants的work experience里全是某某industry的经验,最后却说想从事NGO相关的工作。可能NGO真是他的goal,可能他申请的学校在NGO上是最出色的。但是,这都将导致一篇Goal Essay的失败。因为这个Goal和你以前的工作经验无关,无法connect dots;你没有任何的工作经验,Adcom的人没有任何证据说明该校MBA的学习可以帮你实现你的梦想。 所以,这条虽然基本,但也真的有必要拿出来单独说一下。大家在忠于自己的理想和说真话的同时,也不要忽略Adcom选人的标准。 2. 请目标高远!前文中也有提到,MBA的seats太过宝贵了,所以不将目标写的高远,写的有深度,是很难拿到有限的位置的。那么紧接着的一个话题就是,什么样的Career Goal算是一个高远的Goal?怎么样才能写出一个高远的Career Goal呢?其实很简单:就是站在行业leader的角度看问题。如果你是马化腾,你将如何改变互联网行业?如果你是巩俐,你将如何改变电影业?MBA说到底是看重的是Leadership,培养的也是Leadership,所以用你所定义的Career Goal来体现你的领导力吧! 这点尤其要说给work experience较长的朋友。和刚毕业2-3年的申请者相比,你对所在行业的理解和见地,才是你作为年纪“较长”的申请者的可以利用的优势所在。3. Be Specific在描写Career Goal的时候一定要specific,即便是long term goal。要让Adcom的人通过你对Career Goal的描述能够Picture出来你5年10年后的样子。这样Adcom的人才知道你的理想不是梦,你对待你的Career和MBA的这个事情上是非常serious的。举个例子啊。比如这样一句话:My long-term goal is to build and operate the nation"s leading company in professional information services. 看到这样一句话,你明白他想build的公司是什么吗?这个公司怎么leading法吗?他要怎么operate吗?所以,Adcom的人看到这样的Career Goal其实还是完全不知道这个申请者到底要干什么。4. “我们”真的是你要找的Business School最后一点关于Career Goal的是在写的时候要考虑下与Why School的关联。当然如郎咸平所说MBA在美国已经是标准化的教育模式了,但是仍然不可否认的,各个学校有各个学校的特色。到一个financial-oriented的学校非要去做NGO也不是不可以,可是这是图什么呢?所以,在写Career Goal的时候,还是要考虑学校的特色的。不能太以自己为中心了。最后再老调重弹,大家有什么问题或者想法就post出来啊。其实已经有很多人在私下联系过我了,他们的问题和feedback都很好。其实你们的问题,也可能代表了很多人想问还没问,或者正在犹豫要不要“豁出脸去”问的问题呢。




求Melissa McClelland. i blame you .歌词.谢谢..

I"ve got no one to blame, but you I"m as innocent as the truth I"m as sweet as a pea I"m as noble as a queen So don"t blame it on meI"ve had all I can take of regret I"ve done all I can do to forget you So if my simple plea is beneath you Let it be I"ll forgive you For what you don"t seeI"ve got no one to blame, but you I"m pure hearted So true and blue I"m as sweet as the honey From a honey bee So don"t blame it on meI"ve got no one to blame, but you I"m naive as the seeds of truth I"m as good as gold I"m an angel I"ve been told So don"t blame it Don"t you blame it on me
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