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魔兽世界add什么意思? 看这里

1、ADD,中文直译为多余的,额外的。在网络游戏用语中指引怪,一般泛指在网络游戏中,玩家在攻击目标敌人时,不小心引到目标敌人以外的敌人、怪物。 2、同时,在魔兽世界中,ADD也指在某些BOSS战中出现的除BOSS本体外出现的敌对单位,比如在资料片《大地的裂变》4.2版本《火焰的愤怒》中推出的新副本“火焰之地”中,沙恩诺克斯BOSS战中的狂脸和裂肢。


仇恨过高 高过T


酒店ADD表示西餐厅。在酒店业,ADD是西餐厅的缩写。ADD是All Day Dinning的缩写。西餐厅被引入酒店的时候,基本上是以自助餐的形式出现。全日餐厅在酒店里就是能够提供早餐,午餐,晚餐自助餐和宵夜送餐的餐厅。英文叫作all day dining,在酒店人的专业叫法称这种餐厅为ADD餐厅。现在我们也称之为西餐厅。西餐这个词是由于它特定的地理位置所决定的。“西”是西方的意思。一般指西欧各国。“餐”就是饮食菜肴。我们通常所说的西餐不仅包括西欧国家的饮食菜肴,同时还包括东欧各国,也包括美洲、大洋洲、中东、中亚、南亚次大陆以及非洲等国的饮食。西餐一般以刀叉为餐具以面包为主食,多以长形桌台为台形。西餐厅美食文化西餐的主要特点是主料突出,形色美观,口味鲜美,营养丰富,供应方便等。西餐大致可分为法式、英式、意式、俄式、美式等几种,不同国家的人有着不同的饮食习惯。有种说法非常形象,法国人是夸奖着厨师的技艺吃,英国人注意着礼节吃,德国人考虑着营养吃,意大利人痛痛快快地吃。

add和add to有什么区别

add ……和……he and she are classmate.add to 把……加到……里面please add the eggs to the box.


1、邮箱里常说的add是指mail add, 邮寄地址的意思。2、这里add 是英文 address 地址,一般缩写为add.或者addr。3、 Mail Add ,也称作 联络地址,邮电信箱。邮箱:信箱又称邮箱(postbox,mailbox)是一种人际的沟通工具之一。 信件送来,收件者因为外出或者忙碌著其他,无闲亲身接收,只有由信箱代劳,待收件人有空才开信箱,一次过收集及拆阅、处理来信。为了向本国公众展示统一的形象,邮政管理部门通常选择特定的颜色,使公众从总体上识别其服务。从目前各国邮政邮箱的主流颜色来看,红色是使用最为广泛的颜色。中华人民共和国的邮箱颜色统一为绿色。 现代的互联网盛行,电子邮箱亦有存储和收发电子信息的功能,是因特网中最重要的信息交流工具之一。电子邮件最大的特点是,人们可以在任何地方时间收、发信件,解决了时空的限制。邮箱中add的意思:1、邮箱里常说的add是指mail add, 邮寄地址的意思。2、这里add 是英文 address 地址,一般缩写为add.或者addr。3、 Mail Add ,也称作 联络地址,邮电信箱。

add与add to的用法区别?

1、词义不同(1)add的意思是:添加例如:2 add 3 is 5.2加3是5。(2)的意思是:把..加到...上例如:You shuold add some salt on the pot.你应该加一些盐在锅中。2、词性不同(1)add 用作及物动词,表示"加;增加",常与介词to连用,即" add ...","把...加到...中去;往...中加..."。例如:Add some hot water if you think the coffee is much too strong.如果你觉得这咖啡太浓,就加点儿热水。(2)add 作不及物动词,表示"补充(说道)",即"又说;继续说".例如:"And I expect your little sister will come,too,"added she.她接着又说:"而且我希望你的小妹妹也能来。"(3)add to(add 作不及物动词用)表示"增加;增添",其中to是介词,后接名词或代词,有时也可用来表示"(房屋的)扩建"或"(书的)续写"等。例如:Each girl present at the party was wearing a flower in the hair,which added to their beauty.参加晚会的姑娘人人头上都戴有一朵花,使得她们显得愈加漂亮。扩展资料:add的近义词有:enhance , boost , improve , accelerate , mount。表示:加入,加到;增加。例:1、We need a big win to boost our confidence.我们需要一个大的胜利来增强我们的自信心。2、He had improved so much the doctor had cut his dosage.他康复了很多,医生减少了他的用药量。3、Suddenly the car accelerated.突然车加速了。参考资料:有道词典—add to有道词典—add


Add to. 加上。





ADD 在邮件中 是什么意思?





加 增加add to把 加入到


add D.J.[æd] K.K.[æd] vt. & vi.加, 加入; 增加, 添加She tasted her lemonade, then added more sugar.她尝尝柠檬水,然后又往里加了点糖。vt.还说, 接着说I"ll add a few words when you finish.你说完后我接着说几句。满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】




加 + 的意思



add[æd] 释义:abbr.缩略词a.形容词ad.副词conj.连词n.名词int.感叹词prep.介词v.动词u.未知 移除v. 加, 增加, 补充v. If you add 4 to 5, you get 9. v. 四加五等于九。 v. 加v. If you add 4 to 5, you get 9. v. 四加五等于九。 v. If the tea is too strong, add some hot water to it. v. 如果茶太浓,加点开水。 v. He added some wood to increase the fire. v. 他加了一些木柴,使火旺些。 v. 增加v. He did nothing but add to our trouble. v. 他什么也没做,只是增加了我们的麻烦。 v. 补充v. I know, and I must add that we have a very pleasant relationship. v. 我知道,而且我还要补充一条: 我们的关系非常愉快。 v. Would anyone like to add anything to what I"ve said? v. 有没有人要补充我刚才所说的? 【词形变化】形容词: addable 动词过去式: added 动词过去分词: added 动词现在分词: adding 动词第三人称单数: adds 【词义辨析】add, add to,, add up to都是add的固定搭配词组。add: 作“加,增加”解时,既可作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词;作“又说,补充说”解时,与直接或间接引语连用。If the tea is too strong, add some more hot water.如果茶太浓了,再加点开水。After a short while, he added that he would try his best.过了一会儿,他又接着说他会尽力。add to: 意为“增添,增加,增进”。The bad weather added to our difficulties.恶劣的天气增加了我们的困难。 意为“把......加到......”,是把前一项加到后一项之后或之中。Add two to seven, and you will get nine.七加二等于九。add up to: 意为“加起来总共是/累计得”,该短语不用于被动语态。All his school education added up to no more than one year.他的学校教育加起来不过一年。【语法用法】add意为“把…加上去”,不表达为“增加”,而increase或raise表达为“增加”。They have decided to add ¥20 to his wages.They have decided to increase his wages to ¥ 100 a month.add to有"增加"的意思,That will add to my pleasure.那样会增加我的乐趣。add(s) up to有“总合起来成为”或“意味着”的意思,偶尔可省掉up。Everything you say adds up to justice.你所说的一切,总合起来就是正义。 【例句用法】1. Add up all the money I owe you.把我应付你的钱都加在一起。 2. He added some wood to increase the fire.他加了一些木柴,使火旺些。 3. If you add 4 to 5, you get 9.四加五等于九。 4. I know, and I must add that we have a very pleasant relationship.我知道,而且我还要补充一条: 我们的关系非常愉快。 5. He did nothing but add to our trouble.他什么也没做,只是增加了我们的麻烦。 【同义词】increase v.增加, 提高 ; n... total adj.总的, 全体的,... unite v.联合, 合并, 统一... join v.连接, 加入, 参与... add together 把 ... 加起来 add up 加起来, 总计, 说的通 append vt. 附加, 添加 tot up 合计 sum n.金额, 总数, 要点... insert v.插入, 嵌入 ; n... put in vt. 插入, 提交,... adjoin v.邻接, 毗连 affix v.使附于, 署名, 粘... combine v.联合, 使结合, 结... enhance vt.提高, 增加, 加强 complement vt.相辅相成 ; n.... improve vt.改善, 改进, 提... tack n.大头钉, 行动方针 ... augment vt.增加 ; n.增加... attach v.附上, 系上, 贴上... annex vt.并吞, 附加, 获... sum up 总结, 概括 put vt.放, 安置, 使处... together adv.共同, 一起 ;... up adv.向上, 起来, ... put together 合在一起 count v. 计算, 视为, ... calculate v.计算, 估计, 考虑... summate v. [数]求( ...... attention deficit... 注意缺失紊乱 bestow vt.授予, 利用 supply n.供应, 补给, 贮备... attention deficit... 注意力缺乏多动症 tot n.小孩,(酒... lend v.借给, 贷款, 借(出) bring vt.带来, 促使, 引... minimal brain damage 轻微脑功能损伤 contribute vt.捐助, 投稿 ; ... MBD abbr. 轻度脑障碍(... impart vt.传授, 赋予, 告知 minimal brain dys... 轻度脑障碍 ADHD abbr. [医]注意力... hyperkinetic synd... 运动过度综合征; 多动综... tally n.帐, 记分, 一致,... add to 增加 add up to 合计达 【反义词】subtract vt.减去 ; vi.减少 take away v.拿走, 减去, 解除 【短语词组】add up 加起来, 总计, 说的通 add in 加入, 插入, 包括 add insult to injury 使更糟, 雪上加霜 add up to 合计达 add-on n. 追加, 附加 ;... add to 增加 add statement 加法语句 floating add 浮点加 add circuit 加法电路 false add 无进位加 add output 加法输出 add list 附加表 add time 加法时间; 加法运算时间 add gate 相加门; 加法门 Boolean add 布尔加; 逻辑加 add pulse 加法脉冲 add instruction 加法指令 logical add 逻辑加 add operation 加法运算 direct add 直接相加指令 【邻近词语】Adar Sheni Jewish calen... adcraft n. 广告代理商 adatom n. 被 ... 吸附的原子 ADCS Attitude Det... adaxial adj. 近轴的 ADCSP Advanced Def... ADB abbr. Asian ... ADCT Art Director... ADC n. 机载数字计算机 ADCU Alternate De... add in 加入, 插入, 包括 adcumulate 累积岩; 补堆积岩 add insult to injury 使更糟, 雪上加霜 add accent bar 添加强调栏 add up 加起来, 总计, 说的通 add after 往后添加 add up to 合计达 add alias 添加别名 addaverter n. 加法转换器 add an alert entry 添加警报项目 英英解释名词 add : 1. a condition (mostly in boys) characterized by behavioral and learning disorders同义词: attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, hyperkinetic syndrome, minimal brain dysfunction, minimal brain damage, MBD 动词 add : 1. make an addition (to); join or combine or unite with others; increase the quality, quantity, size or scope of2. state or say further同义词: append, supply 3. bestow a quality on同义词: lend, impart, bestow, contribute, bring 4. make an addition by combining numbers同义词: add together 5. determine the sum of同义词: total, tot, tot up, sum, sum up, summate, tote up, add together, tally, add up 6. constitute an addition 缩略词add 的相关缩略词ADD:Address地址 ADD:Attention Deficit Disorder注意缺失紊乱 ADD:Additionaladj. 附加的, 另外的

add ,cut,pour的用法

addvt.1. 加上,增加,添加;附加;掺加 (to):例句: She added sugar to her tea.她在茶里加了糖。to add two cups of sugar加两杯糖2. 附带说明,进一步(或进而,接着,补充)说(或写),附言,再言:例句: He added philosophically.他富于哲理地补充说。to add a postscript to his letter在他的信末附了一笔3. 把…加起来,加算,合算;合计,加,计算…的总和,总共,共得(常与 up 连用):例句: If you add 5 to 5, you get 10 .5加5得10。Add this column of figures.把这栏的数字合计起来。4. 把…包括在内,加进,插入(常与 in 连用):例句: Don"t forget to add in the tip.别忘了把小费也算上。vi.1. 做加法,加:例句: The children are learning to add and subtract.孩子们学做加减法。You don"t know how to add.你不懂怎样做加法。2. 累积而成:例句: The facts add together to give a hope picture of the firm"s future.这些事实综合起来,给这家公司的未来描绘了一幅有希望的图像。3. 起增添作用,增添,添加(to):例句: This adds to my pleasure.这使我更加高兴。Her illness added to the family"s troubles.她的病给家人添了麻烦。4. 扩大;扩建;增加 (to):例句: The palace had been added to from time to time.这座宫殿曾一再扩建。n.1. 加法;加法运算2. (一篇报道的)补充部分cut cut [kʌt] vt.1. 切;割:例句: She cut the meat into small pieces.她把肉切成小块。2. 切开;劈开;分开:例句: They cut the cake in two and ate half each.他们把蛋糕分成两块,每人吃半块。3. 切去;中断:例句: The water was cut for 2 hours yesterday while the road was being repaired.昨天因修路断水两小时。4. 采伐;砍倒;锯倒:例句: to cut timber伐木He cut firewood in the hills every day.他每天在山上砍柴。5. 割(草):收割(农作物等):例句: The wheat has been cut.小麦已经收割。6. 剪;修剪;剪短:例句: The barber cut his hair very short.理发师把他的头发剪得很短。7. 与…相交;与…相切;穿过:例句: The line AB cuts the line CD at the point E.直线AB与直线CD相交于E点。8. 削减;缩短;删节:例句: We mustn"t cut the feet to fit the shoes.我们绝不能削足适履。9. 缩减,减少(常与down连用):例句: You must cut expenses this month.这个月你必须缩减开支。10. 溶解;冲淡;稀释:例句: to cut wine将酒冲淡Gasoline cuts oil and grease.汽油溶解油脂。11. 雕刻(塑像);琢磨(宝石);裁(衣):例句: These shirts are cut on our own patterns.这些衬衫是按照我们自己的纸样裁的。12. 挖空;掘:例句: They are cutting a canal.他们在挖掘一条水渠。13. 长出(牙齿):例句: He is cutting his permanent teeth.他正在长恒齿。14. 严重伤害…的感情,使…极为伤心:例句: His ingratitude cut me to the heart.他的忘恩负义伤透了我的心。15. [口语]停止(常与out连用):例句: to cut the noise制止嘈杂声音Let"s cut out the pretense.我们别再装模作样了。16. 【电影、电视】停止拍摄,停拍(电影、电视)镜头,中止拍摄;剪辑;切换镜头17. 与…断交;不理睬;假装没看见;怠慢;排斥;拒绝承认:例句: No one in the class cut the new boy.班中没有人拒绝与新来的男孩来往。He cut me dead in the street.他在街上遇到我假装没看见。18. 缺席;缺(课),旷(课):例句: Several of the students cut a lecture in order to attend a football match.几个学生为看足球赛旷了一次课。19. 切牌,签牌,倒牌,抽牌(别人洗纸牌时,为了避免其舞弊,将洗完的牌的顺序再改变一下):例句: to cut a pack of cards签一副牌20. 【体育】削(球);切击:例句: He cut the ball so that it bounded almost backward.他斜削这个球,使其几乎向后弹起。21. 关闭(引擎);减低(引擎的)转速:例句: The pilot cut the engine and glided in for a landing.驾驶员关闭引擎,将飞机滑翔准备着陆。22. 灌制(唱片);录(音),将…录音23. 贩毒者往毒品里掺假vi.1. 切,割;切开,割开:例句: This knife won"t cut.这把刀子切不动(东西)了。2. 被切,被割:例句: Meat cuts easily.肉很容易切。3. 抄近路穿过,通过(常与across,through,in 连用):例句: They cut across the fields.他们抄近路穿过田野。4. 相交;相切:例句: The two lines cut at point A.这两条线在A点相交。5. 严重地伤人感情;得罪人:例句: Words sometimes cut more than swords.言语有时比刀子还厉害。6. 急转方向:例句: The truck cut to the right.卡车向右急转。7. 出牙8. (洗纸牌时)签牌;抽牌;倒牌9. 【电影、电视】切换镜头;停拍(电影、电视)镜头;中止拍摄:例句: The cameras cut to the face of the old man.摄影机急速掉头,对准老人的脸。adj.1. 切开的;切下的;剪开的;割开的2. 刻好的;雕好的;磨过的;加过工的3. 削减的;缩小的;冲淡的4. (牲畜等)阉过的5. 【植物学】具缺刻的,半裂的n.1. 切,割,剪,砍,削,劈2. 击,打;(鞭子的)抽3. 切下的片,切块,切段4. [美国俚语](分摊到的)份额5. (木材的)采伐量6. 切口,伤口;刀痕7. 通道;隧道;沟渠8. 剪裁(法);(服装、头发等的)式样,款式9. 型,种类10. 近路,捷径11. 削减,削除;省略;删节12. 省略的部分13. 伤人的言语(或行为)14. (印刷用的)印版,金属底版;木刻版15. 木刻画;版画;插图16. 缺席,旷课17. (见面)不理人,不打招呼,假装没看见18. 【体育】削球,切球19. (纸牌洗后的)切牌,签牌,倒牌20. 【电影、电视】(画面的)切换[参较roughcut,final cut]21. 理发22. 唱片;(一套唱片中的)一段(或一首)歌曲(乐曲)23. 【高尔夫球】通过预选线24. (产品、节目或录音的)一部分短语1. a cut above[口语]比…高一等,比…略胜一筹;优于2. be cut out for生来适合于,与…很相配3. cut a corner(或 corners)抄近路,走捷径4. cut a figure引人注意;出风头5. cut and come again[口语]吃完再添,尽量吃6. cut and runa. 起锚开航b. 急忙逃走7. cut and thrusta. 短兵相接,肉搏战b. 激烈的辩论;交锋8. cut both waysa. (论点等)对双方都适用,两面都说得通;对双方都支持b. (行动)有利也有弊9. cut ita. [口语]b. 停止胡说八道,住口c. 很好地完成工作,办成事,办事有成效,胜任工作10. cut it close[口语](时间、金钱等方面)几乎不留余地,抠得很紧11. cut it finea. 做出精确的计算;枢得很紧;不留余地b. 做出精细的区分12. cut loosea. 割断(船的)缆绳,b. 把…解救出来c. [口语]解放出来,摆脱d. [口语] 尽情作乐,胡闹e. 猛烈射击13. cut no ice[美国口语]不起作用,毫无效果,不中用14. cut shorta. 剪短,截短b. 中断;打断;制止15. cut up rough[美国口语]大发脾气16. cut up well[俚语]死后留下大宗遗产17. have a cut at something[口语]试试做某事pourpour [pɔ:] vt.1. 使流,灌;倒;注;例句: Mother poured sugar out of a bag into a pot.母亲把糖从袋中倒入罐内。2. 喷散(液体、粉、粒、光线等);流(血等);倾注;源源不断地输送:例句: The Changjiang River pours itself into the sea.长江流入大海。3. 大施(恩惠等);(连续不断地)射出:例句: The hunter poured bullets into the flying birds.猎人向飞鸟连续发射子弹。4. 尽情唱(歌);尽情说,任意说;发泄,倾吐:例句: She poured out her worries to the doctor.她向医生倾吐出自己的忧愁。5. (从建筑物等中)涌散出(人群):例句: The shops and offices pour millions of lookers into the streets at this time of day.一天中的这段时间有数以百万计的职工从商店和办公场所涌向街头。6. 大量生产;大量提供:例句: Investors poured a large sum of money into a new company.投资者向一家新公司注入了大量的资金。7. 浪费;耗尽:例句: Those who most long for peace now pour their lives on war.那些最渴望和平的人现在在战争中结束了生命。vi.1. 不断流出;泻;流:例句: Sweat poured down from her face.汗珠不断地从她的脸上流下。2. 下倾盆大雨:例句: Wear your boots and take an umbrella; it"s pouring out.穿上你的靴子,再带把雨伞,外面正下着大雨呢!3. 涌出;源源而来:例句: Smoke was pouring from the chimney.烟不断从烟囱里冒出来。4. [美国英语]在茶桌上当主妇(按西方风俗,招待客人时由主妇斟茶、咖啡等):例句: Shall I pour?我来斟茶好吗?5. 发泄,吐露,充分表达:例句: Those are channels through which the emotions might pour.那些是可以将感情泄露出来的渠道。6. (茶壶等)倒起来:例句: This teapot doesn"t pour very well.这把荼壶倒起来不太方便。n.1. 流;注;泻;浇注2. 倒;涌流3. 倾盆大雨4. 倾倒的东西;(一次的)浇灌量,灌筑量5. [苏格兰英语]大量6. (招待饮料的)新闻发布会短语1. in the pouring rain在倾盆大雨之下2. It never rains but it pours.(雨)不下则已,一下就大下;祸不单行。3. pour cold water on泼冷水,使(人)沮丧,让(人)扫兴4. pour forth abuses on someone把某人骂得狗血喷头,大骂某人5. pouring rain倾盆大雨6. pour it ona. [美国英语]b. 大肆吹捧c. 加油(卖力)干d. (比赛中)在稳操胜券后继续得分e. 飞快前进;赶紧7. pour oil on the fire (或flame)火上加油8. pour on the coal[美国俚语](飞机等)疾飞,急驶9. pour oneself out倾诉自己的想法(感情等),倾诉衷曲10. pour out grievances诉苦

cut, add, put, pour, turn 的过去式 和 drive的过去分词 是什么?


I deem it a great honor to be invited to address


财务数据中的 working capital B/F,C/F ,Dep"n, RMB"Mn, Capex,additional是什么意思

working capital 营运资本, 营运资金B/F Brought Forward 结转,也有转下页的意思C/F Carried forward. 其实和B/F的意思差不多Dep"n---Depreciation 折旧RMB"Mn---RMB million 人民币, 百万元单位计。比如表中的数字是3,就代表3百万。Capex---Capital expenditure 资本支出(具体一般指为固定资产和在建工程的花费)additional---anadditional tax 附加税,单独additional就是附加的,额外的意思。HTH

his coming would be a refreshing addition to their dinners at rosings 什么意

his coming 是作主语的动名词复合结构,addition to 是复合介词,at Rosings 指罗星斯这个地方。译文:除了参加他们在罗星斯举办的的各种宴会外,他的到来总会使人为之振奋。

oracle sql 里 添加字段 alter之前加的Add/modify columns 什么意思,我只知道直接用alter


Cannonball Adderley的《Cannonball》 歌词

歌曲名:Cannonball歌手:Cannonball Adderley专辑:Julian "Cannonball" AdderleyCANNONBALL daminen riceStill a little bit of your taste in my mouthStill a little bit of you laced with my doubtStill a little hard to say what"s going onStill a little bit of your ghost your witnessStill a little bit of your face I haven"t kissedYou step a little closer each daythat I can"t say what"s going onStones taught me to flyLove taught me to lieLife taught me to dieSo it"s not hard to fallWhen you float like a cannonballStill a little bit of your song in my earStill a little bit of your words I long to hearYou step a little closer to meSo close that I can"t see what"s going onStones taught me to flyLove taught me to lieLife taught me to dieSo it"s not hard to fallWhen you float like a cannonballStones taught me to flyLove taught me to crySo come on courage! Teach me to be shy"Cause it"s not hard to fallAnd I don"t wana scare herIt"s not hard to fallAnd I don"t wanna loseIt"s not hard to growWhen you know that you just don"t know

Cannonball Adderley的《Gone》 歌词

歌曲名:Gone歌手:Cannonball Adderley专辑:Soul Of The Bibleti:Gonear:Kanye West__Feat. Consequence _ CamRon)al:Late Registrationby:ribin@_@But it"s too late, it"s too lateYou sweat her, and I ain"t talkin "bout a CoogiYou a big L, and I ain"t talkin "bout Cool JSee me at the airport, at least 20 LouisTreat me like the Prince and this my sweet brother NumpsayBROTHER NUMPSAY! Groupies sound too choosyTake "em to the show and talk all through the moviesSays she want diamonds, I took her to Ruby TuesdaysIf we up in Friday"s, I still have it my wayToo late, we, gone - we strivin homeGone - we ride on chromeIt"s too lateY"all don"t want no prob from meWhat you rappers could get is a job from meMaybe you could be my intern, and in turnI"ll show you how I cook up summer, in the win-turrAaron love the raw dog, when will he learnCaught somethin on the Usher tour he had to "Let it Burn"Plus he already got three chil"runArguin over babysitters like, "Bitch - it"s yo" turn!"Damn "Ye, it"d be stupid to ditch youEven your superficial raps is super officialR-R-R-Roc pastel with Gucci onWith TV"s in the ride, throw a movie onSaid he couldn"t rap now he at the top with doobie longCause the dookie"s on any song that they threw me on, goneWe strivin home, goneI ride on chrome...We strivin home, goneKilla, I ride on chromeKnock knock, who"s there? Killa Cam, Killa who?Killa Cam, hustler, grinder, gorilla trueOh my chinchilla blue, blue you ever dealt with a dealerWell here"s the deal ma we goin to the {?}No concealin, no ceiling I don"t need a roofAct up, get out, I don"t need you poofPoof, be gone, damn tough luck dagDag, niggaz still doin puff puff passPull the truck up fast and I tell "emHey, back in a touched up Jag, shitY"all niggaz want Killa Cam, cerebellumAn old man just gon" tell "em (too late, he, gone)Then I see how y"all gonna react when I"m (gone)My last girl want me back then I"m onFine stay, you got the grind heyCame back, read what the sign say (too late, he, gone)Yes I know you wanna see my demiseYeah you church boy actin like a thief in disguiseAin"t leavin my side, see the greed in my eyesAsk Abby y"all hustle for a week to the Chi, shitAnd that ain"t leavin alive, please believe meGave Weezy a piece of the pie, andYou can ask George or ReginaThe whole Westside I explore with the Beemer nowWe strivin home, I ride on chromeListen homeboy move onThat"s your best bet, why"s that?CauseUhh, uhh, yo, yoI been pourin out some liquor for the fact that my pal"s goneAnd tryin to help his momma with the fact that her child goneAnd since we used to bubble like a tub full of CalgonGuess it"s only right that I should help her from now onBut since they got a foul on, what coulda gone wrongNow they askin Cons, how long has this gone onAnd maybe all this money mighta gone to my headCause they got me thinkin money mighta gone to the fedsSo I ain"t goin to the dread, but he"ll go on up to bedAnd when I came the next mornin he was gone with my breadAnd with that bein said, I had gone on my instinctsAnd gone to the spots where they go to get mixed drinksBut lookin back now shoulda gone to the cribAnd rented "Gone With the Wind," cause I"da gone about 10But I had gone with my friend, and we had gone to the barAnd heard a nigga talkin shit so I had gone to the carAnd now the judge is tellin me that I had gone too farAnd now we gone for 20 years, doin time behind barsAnd since I gone to a cell for some cruddy crimesI guess I gone to the well one too many times, cause I"m goneUh-uh-uhUh-uh-uh uh uh onnn, uh uh-uh onnnUh-uh onnn, uh uh-uh I"mmmmAh-head of my time, sometimes years outSo the powers that be won"t let me get my ideas outAnd that make me wanna get my advance outAnd move to Oklahoma and just live at my Aunt"s houseYeah, I romance the thought of leavin it all behindKanye step away from the lime--light, like, when I was on the grindIn the "One, Nine, Nine, Nine"Before, model chicks was bendin over orDealerships asked me Benz or Rover, manIf I could just get one beat on HovaWe could get up off this cheap-ass sofaWhat the summer of the Chi got to offer an 18-year-oldSell drugs or get a job, you gotta play gyroMy dawg worked at Taco Bell, hooked us up plural-fiedA week later the manager count the churrosSometimes I can"t believe it when I look up in the mirrowHow we out in Europe, spendin EurosThey claim you never know what you got "til it"s GONEI know I got it, I don"t know what y"all onI"ma open up a store for aspiring MC"sWon"t sell "em no dream, but the inspiration is freeBut if they ever flip sides like AnakinYou"ll sell everything includin the mannequinThey got a new bitch now you Jennifer AnistonHold on I"ll handle it, don"t start panickin, stay calmShorty"s at the door cause they need moreInspiration for they life, they souls, and they songsThey said sorry Mr. West is gone!

英语翻译Additional recipients to whom acknowledgement is to be sent by IRS



您好!原文:Dear daddy, I am very aching when I saw you again during the National Day.译文:亲爱的爸爸,国庆期间见到您时,我很难过。啰嗦一句:国庆(中秋)我也回家了,十几年以来终于有幸和家人共度中秋,见到爸妈时,果然心痛,相见时难别亦难。祝:阖家欢乐!


个人觉得:Parameters.Add在传入参数的时候需要设置参数的数据类型,有些麻烦.而Parameters.AddWithValue不需要,但是Parameters.AddWithValue在传入数据是DataTime的时候会出错.所以我的做法是在能用AddWithValue的时候就用他paramNames:参数的数组for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.Count; i++){if (objParamValues[i].GetType().ToString() == "System.DateTime"){//是时间类型,用Add替换OleDbParameter p = new OleDbParameter();p.ParameterName = paramNames[i];p.OleDbType = OleDbType.Date;p.Value = objParamValues[i];cmd.Parameters.Add(p);}elsecmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(paramNames[i],objParamValues[i]);}


C#应用程序与数据交互的时候只是对参数申明类型,然后传值,但是不会进行类型检查。而且传的时候都是用二进制传的,所以无论传的是什么类型的,最后都是二进制,而且在二进制中,数字3和字符3是一样的,数据库拿到这个东西后根据应用程序中申明的类型转换成相应的类型,这时如果转换不了就会出错。楼主举的例子那样写是没问题,但是假如那不是“0.2”,而是一个字母就会报错了。 另外再说说数据类型的问题,不同的程序语言对同一个类型的内存组织不是完全相同的,比如数据库的DbNull和C#中的Null就不是一回事了,更深一步的说是他们在内存中表达形式不一样。

c#调用存储过程中有多个参数怎么办?SqlParameter inputP = command.Parameters.Add中只能加一个参数

给你个简单的例子。 SqlParameter[] paras = new SqlParameter[19]; paras[0] = new SqlParameter("@userid", id); paras[1] = new SqlParameter("@pwd", pwd.Text.Trim()); paras[2] = new SqlParameter("@compname", compname.Text.Trim()); paras[3] = new SqlParameter("@shortname", shortname.Text.Trim()); paras[4] = new SqlParameter("@addr", addr.Text.Trim()); paras[5] = new SqlParameter("@postcode", postcode.Text.Trim()); paras[6] = new SqlParameter("@myneed", myneed.Text.Trim()); paras[7] = new SqlParameter("@website", website.Text.Trim()); paras[8] = new SqlParameter("@compkind", compkind.Text.Trim()); paras[9] = new SqlParameter("@duty", duty.SelectedItem.Value); paras[10] = new SqlParameter("@potential", potential.SelectedItem.Value); paras[11] = new SqlParameter("@city", city.SelectedItem.Value); paras[12] = new SqlParameter("@province", province.SelectedItem.Value); paras[13] = new SqlParameter("@name", name.Text.Trim()); paras[14] = new SqlParameter("@compclass", dropCompClass.SelectedValue); paras[15] = new SqlParameter("@overlap", overlap.Checked); paras[16] = new SqlParameter("@overlapId", Function.IsNumeric(overlapId.Text) ? overlapId.Text : ""); paras[17] = new SqlParameter("@verify", verify.Checked); paras[18] = new SqlParameter("@compmoduleid", moduel.SelectedValue); DBHelper.ExecuteCmd(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "u_userinfo", paras);




add ,cut,pour的用法

addvt.1. 加上,增加,添加;附加;掺加 (to):例句: She added sugar to her tea.她在茶里加了糖。to add two cups of sugar加两杯糖2. 附带说明,进一步(或进而,接着,补充)说(或写),附言,再言:例句: He added philosophically.他富于哲理地补充说。to add a postscript to his letter在他的信末附了一笔3. 把…加起来,加算,合算;合计,加,计算…的总和,总共,共得(常与 up 连用):例句: If you add 5 to 5, you get 10 .5加5得10。Add this column of figures.把这栏的数字合计起来。4. 把…包括在内,加进,插入(常与 in 连用):例句: Don"t forget to add in the tip.别忘了把小费也算上。vi.1. 做加法,加:例句: The children are learning to add and subtract.孩子们学做加减法。You don"t know how to add.你不懂怎样做加法。2. 累积而成:例句: The facts add together to give a hope picture of the firm"s future.这些事实综合起来,给这家公司的未来描绘了一幅有希望的图像。3. 起增添作用,增添,添加(to):例句: This adds to my pleasure.这使我更加高兴。Her illness added to the family"s troubles.她的病给家人添了麻烦。4. 扩大;扩建;增加 (to):例句: The palace had been added to from time to time.这座宫殿曾一再扩建。n.1. 加法;加法运算2. (一篇报道的)补充部分cut cut [kʌt] vt.1. 切;割:例句: She cut the meat into small pieces.她把肉切成小块。2. 切开;劈开;分开:例句: They cut the cake in two and ate half each.他们把蛋糕分成两块,每人吃半块。3. 切去;中断:例句: The water was cut for 2 hours yesterday while the road was being repaired.昨天因修路断水两小时。4. 采伐;砍倒;锯倒:例句: to cut timber伐木He cut firewood in the hills every day.他每天在山上砍柴。5. 割(草):收割(农作物等):例句: The wheat has been cut.小麦已经收割。6. 剪;修剪;剪短:例句: The barber cut his hair very short.理发师把他的头发剪得很短。7. 与…相交;与…相切;穿过:例句: The line AB cuts the line CD at the point E.直线AB与直线CD相交于E点。8. 削减;缩短;删节:例句: We mustn"t cut the feet to fit the shoes.我们绝不能削足适履。9. 缩减,减少(常与down连用):例句: You must cut expenses this month.这个月你必须缩减开支。10. 溶解;冲淡;稀释:例句: to cut wine将酒冲淡Gasoline cuts oil and grease.汽油溶解油脂。11. 雕刻(塑像);琢磨(宝石);裁(衣):例句: These shirts are cut on our own patterns.这些衬衫是按照我们自己的纸样裁的。12. 挖空;掘:例句: They are cutting a canal.他们在挖掘一条水渠。13. 长出(牙齿):例句: He is cutting his permanent teeth.他正在长恒齿。14. 严重伤害…的感情,使…极为伤心:例句: His ingratitude cut me to the heart.他的忘恩负义伤透了我的心。15. [口语]停止(常与out连用):例句: to cut the noise制止嘈杂声音Let"s cut out the pretense.我们别再装模作样了。16. 【电影、电视】停止拍摄,停拍(电影、电视)镜头,中止拍摄;剪辑;切换镜头17. 与…断交;不理睬;假装没看见;怠慢;排斥;拒绝承认:例句: No one in the class cut the new boy.班中没有人拒绝与新来的男孩来往。He cut me dead in the street.他在街上遇到我假装没看见。18. 缺席;缺(课),旷(课):例句: Several of the students cut a lecture in order to attend a football match.几个学生为看足球赛旷了一次课。19. 切牌,签牌,倒牌,抽牌(别人洗纸牌时,为了避免其舞弊,将洗完的牌的顺序再改变一下):例句: to cut a pack of cards签一副牌20. 【体育】削(球);切击:例句: He cut the ball so that it bounded almost backward.他斜削这个球,使其几乎向后弹起。21. 关闭(引擎);减低(引擎的)转速:例句: The pilot cut the engine and glided in for a landing.驾驶员关闭引擎,将飞机滑翔准备着陆。22. 灌制(唱片);录(音),将…录音23. 贩毒者往毒品里掺假vi.1. 切,割;切开,割开:例句: This knife won"t cut.这把刀子切不动(东西)了。2. 被切,被割:例句: Meat cuts easily.肉很容易切。3. 抄近路穿过,通过(常与across,through,in 连用):例句: They cut across the fields.他们抄近路穿过田野。4. 相交;相切:例句: The two lines cut at point A.这两条线在A点相交。5. 严重地伤人感情;得罪人:例句: Words sometimes cut more than swords.言语有时比刀子还厉害。6. 急转方向:例句: The truck cut to the right.卡车向右急转。7. 出牙8. (洗纸牌时)签牌;抽牌;倒牌9. 【电影、电视】切换镜头;停拍(电影、电视)镜头;中止拍摄:例句: The cameras cut to the face of the old man.摄影机急速掉头,对准老人的脸。adj.1. 切开的;切下的;剪开的;割开的2. 刻好的;雕好的;磨过的;加过工的3. 削减的;缩小的;冲淡的4. (牲畜等)阉过的5. 【植物学】具缺刻的,半裂的n.1. 切,割,剪,砍,削,劈2. 击,打;(鞭子的)抽3. 切下的片,切块,切段4. [美国俚语](分摊到的)份额5. (木材的)采伐量6. 切口,伤口;刀痕7. 通道;隧道;沟渠8. 剪裁(法);(服装、头发等的)式样,款式9. 型,种类10. 近路,捷径11. 削减,削除;省略;删节12. 省略的部分13. 伤人的言语(或行为)14. (印刷用的)印版,金属底版;木刻版15. 木刻画;版画;插图16. 缺席,旷课17. (见面)不理人,不打招呼,假装没看见18. 【体育】削球,切球19. (纸牌洗后的)切牌,签牌,倒牌20. 【电影、电视】(画面的)切换[参较roughcut,final cut]21. 理发22. 唱片;(一套唱片中的)一段(或一首)歌曲(乐曲)23. 【高尔夫球】通过预选线24. (产品、节目或录音的)一部分短语1. a cut above[口语]比…高一等,比…略胜一筹;优于2. be cut out for生来适合于,与…很相配3. cut a corner(或 corners)抄近路,走捷径4. cut a figure引人注意;出风头5. cut and come again[口语]吃完再添,尽量吃6. cut and runa. 起锚开航b. 急忙逃走7. cut and thrusta. 短兵相接,肉搏战b. 激烈的辩论;交锋8. cut both waysa. (论点等)对双方都适用,两面都说得通;对双方都支持b. (行动)有利也有弊9. cut ita. [口语]b. 停止胡说八道,住口c. 很好地完成工作,办成事,办事有成效,胜任工作10. cut it close[口语](时间、金钱等方面)几乎不留余地,抠得很紧11. cut it finea. 做出精确的计算;枢得很紧;不留余地b. 做出精细的区分12. cut loosea. 割断(船的)缆绳,b. 把…解救出来c. [口语]解放出来,摆脱d. [口语] 尽情作乐,胡闹e. 猛烈射击13. cut no ice[美国口语]不起作用,毫无效果,不中用14. cut shorta. 剪短,截短b. 中断;打断;制止15. cut up rough[美国口语]大发脾气16. cut up well[俚语]死后留下大宗遗产17. have a cut at something[口语]试试做某事pourpour [pɔ:] vt.1. 使流,灌;倒;注;例句: Mother poured sugar out of a bag into a pot.母亲把糖从袋中倒入罐内。2. 喷散(液体、粉、粒、光线等);流(血等);倾注;源源不断地输送:例句: The Changjiang River pours itself into the sea.长江流入大海。3. 大施(恩惠等);(连续不断地)射出:例句: The hunter poured bullets into the flying birds.猎人向飞鸟连续发射子弹。4. 尽情唱(歌);尽情说,任意说;发泄,倾吐:例句: She poured out her worries to the doctor.她向医生倾吐出自己的忧愁。5. (从建筑物等中)涌散出(人群):例句: The shops and offices pour millions of lookers into the streets at this time of day.一天中的这段时间有数以百万计的职工从商店和办公场所涌向街头。6. 大量生产;大量提供:例句: Investors poured a large sum of money into a new company.投资者向一家新公司注入了大量的资金。7. 浪费;耗尽:例句: Those who most long for peace now pour their lives on war.那些最渴望和平的人现在在战争中结束了生命。vi.1. 不断流出;泻;流:例句: Sweat poured down from her face.汗珠不断地从她的脸上流下。2. 下倾盆大雨:例句: Wear your boots and take an umbrella; it"s pouring out.穿上你的靴子,再带把雨伞,外面正下着大雨呢!3. 涌出;源源而来:例句: Smoke was pouring from the chimney.烟不断从烟囱里冒出来。4. [美国英语]在茶桌上当主妇(按西方风俗,招待客人时由主妇斟茶、咖啡等):例句: Shall I pour?我来斟茶好吗?5. 发泄,吐露,充分表达:例句: Those are channels through which the emotions might pour.那些是可以将感情泄露出来的渠道。6. (茶壶等)倒起来:例句: This teapot doesn"t pour very well.这把荼壶倒起来不太方便。n.1. 流;注;泻;浇注2. 倒;涌流3. 倾盆大雨4. 倾倒的东西;(一次的)浇灌量,灌筑量5. [苏格兰英语]大量6. (招待饮料的)新闻发布会短语1. in the pouring rain在倾盆大雨之下2. It never rains but it pours.(雨)不下则已,一下就大下;祸不单行。3. pour cold water on泼冷水,使(人)沮丧,让(人)扫兴4. pour forth abuses on someone把某人骂得狗血喷头,大骂某人5. pouring rain倾盆大雨6. pour it ona. [美国英语]b. 大肆吹捧c. 加油(卖力)干d. (比赛中)在稳操胜券后继续得分e. 飞快前进;赶紧7. pour oil on the fire (或flame)火上加油8. pour on the coal[美国俚语](飞机等)疾飞,急驶9. pour oneself out倾诉自己的想法(感情等),倾诉衷曲10. pour out grievances诉苦

cut, add, put, pour, turn 的过去式 和 drive的过去分词 是什么?


Recommend add description

recommend 英[ˌrekəˈmend] 美[ˌrɛkəˈmɛnd] vt. 推荐; 劝告; 使显得吸引人; 托付; vi. 推荐; 建议; [例句]I have just spent a holiday there and would recommend it to anyone.我刚刚在那里度过假,很想把它推荐给每一个人。[其他] 第三人称单数:recommends 现在分词:recommending过去式:recommended 过去分词:recommended 形近词: discommend 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科description 英[dɪˈskrɪpʃn] 美[dɪˈskrɪpʃən] n. 描述; 形容; 种类; 类型; [例句]Police have issued a description of the man who was aged between fifty and sixty.警方已经发布了那名年龄在50到60岁之间的男子的相貌特征通告。[其他] 复数:descriptions 形近词: discription adscription superscription 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科

浏览器打开久了会出现来自网页的消息 TypeError:对象不支持"CallAsAddCombo


photoshop里面Noise、Add Noixe 什么意思(对应中文版的文字是什么)


请教calendars by readdle和calendars以及calendars 5的区别?

calendars by readdle、calendars、calendars 5的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、calendars by readdle:马鞍日历。2、calendars:挂历,日程表。3、calendars 5:五代日历。二、用法不同1、calendars by readdle:日历是一种日常使用的出版物,用于记载日期等相关信息。Calendar is a daily publication used to record dates and other related information每页显示一日信息的叫日历,每页显示一个月信息的叫月历,每页显示全年信息的叫年历。2、calendars:calendar的基本意思是“日历,月历,历法”,引申可表示“团体或个人预定一年内要办的大事日程表”。3、calendars 5:1200年进入英语,直接源自古法语的calendier,意为列表,单子;最初源自古典拉丁语的calendarium,意为记帐簿。三、侧重点不同1、calendars by readdle:可以订阅日历。2、calendars:代办事项和任务规划区分的太明显。3、calendars 5:不能订阅日历。


import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;  import java.util.Calendar;  import java.util.Date;    /**  * Calendar类roll和add的区别.  */  public class Test18 {      public static void main(String[] args) {          System.out.println("当前时间:" + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()));          Calendar first = Calendar.getInstance();          Calendar second = Calendar.getInstance();          System.out.println(first.equals(second));          /*          * roll方法只是对相应时间属性的域内做变化          * 例如,对月份使用roll方法,它会在1-12的范围内变化,不会影响的年          * 2011-1-15 roll(Calendar.MONTH, -1) 后是2011-12-15          */          first.roll(Calendar.MONTH, -1);          System.out.println("roll后时间:" + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(first.getTime()));          /*          * add方法会产生其他相关时间属性的连动变化          * 2011-1-15 roll(Calendar.MONTH, -1) 后是2011-12-15          */          second.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1);          System.out.println("add后时间:" + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(second.getTime()));      }  }

accommodation address是什么意思

accommodation address[英][əˌkɔməˈdeiʃən əˈdres][美][əˌkɑməˈdeʃən əˈdrɛs]临时通讯处; 住宿地址

accommodation ladder stanchions什么意思及同义词

accommodation 英[əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn] 美[əˌkɑ:məˈdeɪʃn] n. 住处; 适应; 和解; 便利; [例句]There is less expensive accommodation nearby.附近有不太贵的住处。[其他] 复数:accommodations形近词: accommodative accommodating accommodators ladder 英[ˈlædə(r)] 美[ˈlædɚ] n. 梯子,阶梯; 梯状物; 途径; (紧身裤袜或长筒袜的) 滑丝; vi. 使(袜子)发生抽丝现象; 像长筒袜一样抽丝; [例句]Kelly climbed down the ladder into the water.凯莉顺着梯子下到水里。[其他] 第三人称单数:ladders 复数:ladders 现在分词:laddering过去式:laddered 过去分词:laddered 形近词: padder gadder jadder stanchions n. 立柱,支柱; ( stanchion的名词复数 ) [网络] 支柱; [例句]The structure of stanchions, such as materials, dimensions, height, space and fixing types are all the design parameters for the horizontal concentrated load.立柱的结构,例如材料,尺寸,高度,立柱的间距,安装的型式等都是水平集中荷载的设计参数。


add 增加dress 裙子ad 广告码字不易万望采纳

The specified address is already in use.这句话是什么意思。



addict[英]["ædɪkt][美][əˈdɪkt]n.有瘾的人; 入迷的人; (吸毒)成瘾者; vt.使沉溺; 使上瘾; 使自己沾染(某些恶习); 第三人称单数:addicts过去分词:addicted复数:addicts现在进行时:addicting过去式:addicted例句:1.It is important to note that ultimately, the addict is responsible for their ownbehavior and their own recovery. 必须注意的是,最终是成瘾者自己对其行为和康复承担责任。2.I"m an addict and an angel, and I know that I am heaven expelled, dont needpreacher or a teacher telling me about hell. 我是一个痴迷者一个天使,我知道我被天堂驱逐在外,不需要牧师或是老师来告诉我关于地狱的一切。3.The flight in and out of relationships soon looses its thrill, and the love addictis left with pain and loss. 在这种关系中的反复无常使兴奋性降低,爱情成瘾者只剩下伤痛和损失。4.Daniel is still supporting his wife, a meth addict, because he"s worried she willend up on the street. 丹尼尔仍然支持他的妻子一个吸毒成瘾者因为他担心她会倒毙街头。5.Because these changes make it much harder for the addict to controlsubstance use, health experts recommend professional treatment andcomplete abstinence. 因为这些改变,使得吸毒成瘾者更加难以控制自己不滥用药物了,健康专家建议接受专业治疗并彻底禁戒。



further more / moreover / in addition / besides . 意思都一样吗帮忙解释下

21世纪大英汉词典---英英释义further more additionmoreover [mɔ:"rəuvə] additionin addition way of addition; furthermorebesides [bi"saidz] adv.1. making an additional point; anywayI don"t want to go to a restaurant besides, we can"t afford it 2. in addition 由以上英语解释可知:这四个词都可以表达“而且,加之,此外,再者”之类意思,也基本都可以互换。

therefore和as a result;on the other hand 和however; furthermore 和in addition;的分别?


furthermore,moreover,besides,in addition的用法区别

furthermore、moreover、besides、in addition的用法区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、furthermore:再者。2、moreover:而且。3、besides:此外。4、in addition:除?之外。二、用法不同1、furthermore:一般用于肯定句,有强调意味,位于主谓语之间,即实义动词之前,助动词之后。2、moreover:moreover后面所叙述的,通常比前面所叙述更为重要或更深入一步,在词序方面。3、besides:besides用作副词的意思是“而且,还有”,引出另一个情况,以作补充。可用于句首、句尾,也可用于句中,常常用逗号或分号与句子的其他成分隔开。4、in addition:in addition to意为“加在?上”或“不但?”,其中to是介词,在这不代表不定式,因此用in addition to doing this,而不是in addition to do this。三、侧重点不同1、furthermore:连接的句子前后多为递进关系,后一句比前一句所讲内容更加深层次。2、moreover:连接的句子前后为并列关系,且后一句大多为前一句的补充说明。3、besides:除前面之外还有,后面的内容为另外的论点。4、in addition:表示统一方面理据的叠加。

furthermore,moreover,besides,in addition的用法区别


furthermore,moreover,besides,in addition的用法区别

moreover 用于之前提到过的或者用于介绍附加信息。sample:The rent is reasonable and, moreover, the location is perfect而,furthermore没有那么紧密的联系。

furthermore,moreover,besides,in addition的用法区别

1.furthermore是而且,此外的意思,如:The house is too small,and furthermore,it is too far from the office.这房子太小,而且离办公地点也太远。2.moreover是而且,再者,此外如:The priceof the house is too high,and moreover it is tooold.放假太高了,而且房子太旧。3.besides是此外,而且,况且的意思,如:He was penniless and sick basides.他身无分文畏怯生病了 addition是另外,加之的意思,如:Please lock the door,in addition,bring the umbralla to me.请把门关了,另外,把我的伞也带来。 其实,我觉得它们的区别不是很大,有时候也可以互换,当然,在不同的情景中就看语境选着用喽!呵呵。


一样用 没有区别

furthermore,moreover,besides,in addition的用法区别

1.furthermore是而且,此外的意思,如:The house is too small,and furthermore,it is too far from the office.这房子太小,而且离办公地点也太远。2.moreover是而且,再者,此外如:The price of the house is too high,and moreover it is too old.放假太高了,而且房子太旧。3.besides是此外,而且,况且的意思,如:He was penniless and sick basides.他身无分文畏怯生病了 addition是另外,加之的意思,如:Please lock the door,in addition,bring the umbralla to me.请把门关了,另外,把我的伞也带来。 其实,我觉得它们的区别不是很大,有时候也可以互换,当然,在不同的情景中就看语境选着用喽!呵呵。

英语Add desired amount to running bath怎么翻译?

英语Add desired amount to running bath翻译成中文是:“将所需量添加到运行浴中”。重点词汇:amount一、单词音标amount单词发音:英 [əˈmaʊnt]  美 [əˈmaʊnt]。二、单词释义n. 数量;总额vi. 总计;等于三、词形变化复数: amounts动词第三人称单数: amounts动词现在分词: amounting动词过去式: amounted动词过去分词: amounted四、短语搭配aggregate amount 总额ample amount 富足的数量annual amounts 年度金额any amount 任何数量approved amount 核准的数额approximate amount 概算额五、词义辨析quantity,amount,number,sum这些名词均有“总数、总量”之意。quantity书面用词,指事物的总量和总数量,侧重大批计量,含准确测量的意味。amount普通用词,与quantity近义,但强调整体,指把所有数量、重量及度量归并在一起得出的总数。number普通用词,指人或物的数目,强调数的概念。sum普通用词,指简单加算的结果。六、双语例句We need double the amount we already have. 我们需要现有数量的两倍。If you add all these amounts together you get a huge figure. 你把这些数量加在一起就会得到一个巨额数字。A small amount of this paint goes a long way. 这种涂料用一点就可涂一大片。The work was done with the minimum amount of effort. 做这项工作没费什么劲。


  bad的比较级是worse  worse  副词. 更糟,更坏,更严重,更差  形容词. 更糟,更坏,更差,病情更重  名词. 更多的问题,更坏的消息  网络. 更差的,更糟的,糟糕  搭配. get worse  [例句]  In fact, write performance is often worse than that of a single server.  事实上,写性能经常会比单个服务器差。  bad的最高级是worst  worst  adj. 最严重的; 最差的; 最令人不满的; 最糟的;  n. 最坏的事情; 最严重的事;  adv. 最坏; 最严重; 最糟;  [例句]Though mine safety has much improved, miners "families still fear the worst.  尽管矿井的安全状况有了很大改善,矿工的家属仍然害怕最糟的情况会发生。


  bad的比较级是worse  worse  副词. 更糟,更坏,更严重,更差  形容词. 更糟,更坏,更差,病情更重  名词. 更多的问题,更坏的消息  网络. 更差的,更糟的,糟糕  搭配. get worse  [例句]  In fact, write performance is often worse than that of a single server.  事实上,写性能经常会比单个服务器差。  bad的最高级是worst  worst  adj. 最严重的; 最差的; 最令人不满的; 最糟的;  n. 最坏的事情; 最严重的事;  adv. 最坏; 最严重; 最糟;  [例句]Though mine safety has much improved, miners "families still fear the worst.  尽管矿井的安全状况有了很大改善,矿工的家属仍然害怕最糟的情况会发生。

An understanding easily article which elaborate how to deal with masturbation addiction.

Mybay the author"s viewpoints were fault and defect,but, you konw,   I am just share with you a overall new perspective.  Mabay acctept a new perspective have better impact for you. An ideal solution about how to get rid of the annoyance and anxiety of masturbation addiction. And the folllowing is the article, many easy words and undstand his meaning conveniently. Harmful effects of masturbation: Note- please read this answer completely. You can read or listen all over internet and via other people that masturbation is healthier. Most of people lie about it, and other don"t know about it. I heard a dialog in Pursuit of happyness movie - Will Smith says to his son - "People can"t do some thing themselves, they want to tell you, you can"t do it". And this is absolutely correct. Most people can"t control their urges and masturbation addiction, that"s why they tell you,- frequently masturbation is good for health. I know they give you some examples of scientist research, which says masturbation is healthier. It is just like one smoker says to another smoker, to smoke a cigarette and tell him smoking one or two cigarette is good for remove stress from your mind and also good for skin. But masturbation is NOT good for health. Period. Here I am not going to tell you that masturbation is healthier or not, and what are the bad effects of masturbation. And all the information is based on my personal knowledge and experience. I gain this knowledge by myself and by watching other people"s life. 1. Effect on body health - Actually semen takes 4 to 8 days(depend on person to person) to produce in body and to produce small amount of good quality semen, you need to eat lot of healthier food, protein and minerals etc. If you do not ejaculate your semen though sexual activities, it will give strength to your body, make your muscles and bones stronger. If you continue waste you semen just for fun and enjoy several times in week then it will make your health dull. So please stop masturbation addiction. 2. Effects on bones- If you do extreme masturbation (8 to 10 times in week) and continue this habit for long time like for six month then this will make harmful effects on your bones. When person try to masturbate lot in short amount of time then he or she started to ejaculate type of white part of bone which include phosphorus, carbon and other minerals which are extracted from bones. If you masturbate lot then you feel your knees and elbow joints start to make sound on moving, just like very old person. 3. Effect on your face - By watching a person"s face you can tell that how much he masturbate or include in sexual activities. And even you can tell which hand he use mostly to masturbate. Those who masturbate lot, their cheeks started to shrink, narrow and go inside, (like just opposite of chubby). Pimples are natural in young age but those who masturbate, for them pimples and acne create big problems. They increase in numbers and make bigger in size on face. Make spots on face. By that face look ugly. Masturbation also make asymmetric your face for example if person masturbate lot from his right hand then his face will be narrow and asymmetric from right side. 4. Effects on your life- Those who masturbate lot they not be able to focus on their work and their social life. Person can"t able to talk to other by making eye contact because of lack of confidence. People those who masturbate lot, try to live lonely and can"t able to live happy. You can learn from animals. Most of animals (Dogs, cats, lion, etc) do not masturbate and do their sexual activities as per their season. They live fit and healthy. Students with this habit can"t focus on study. Students, mostly in exam time, try to reduce stress of exam by masturbating and after completion of masturbation they feel guilty. So, masturbation is not a solution for stress, if they study hard and give more focus on study, then by reducing of syllabus/work load, stress will automatically reduced. 5. Effects on buttocks - By watching person butts you can tell how much he or she masturbate. By masturbating lot buttocks gone inside from side part and by slowly slowly you found that most of part and size of buttocks will be reduce or disappear. It take months to years but he/she can feel that their butts not look like their teen age. (This effect info is little bit awkward but its true). Their butts are started to look like pornstar"s butts. 6. Effect on penis - Masturbation makes penis curvy because most of people mostly masturbate by their one favorite hand and that"s particular hand"s finger grip make his penis curvy from that particular side. I hope you understand what I am trying to say here. And most of people do not use lubricant during masturbation which also do harmful effect on penis. Actually god make penis for vagina and god already provide lot of lube glands inside wall of vagina. (I think may be god don"t know human will start masturbation from hand). 7. Effect on your sports and physical activities - Coach of national teams like boxing, gymnastic, runner teams give advice to their players, not to masturbate or sex month before their competitions and championships. Because they know masturbation will reduce their lot of energy and stamina. After masturbation you feel like lack of energy and feel like you need a long sleep rest. 8. Effects on cloths, walls, bedsheets, pillow, your presence in home - If person masturbate lot then whenever he/she see any little amount of sexual thing or activity like cleavage, girls in bikini, kiss or bla bla in movies then he just started leaking little amount of seamen through his penis because his mind is highly addicted to this kind of things. Funny stuff - ya by masturbation sometime you make dirty your cloths, wall, bedsheets and seamen stain sometime not be able to wash easily and sometime make you embarrass in front of you parents. And sometime your parents feels bad for you when you keep yourself locked yourself in room whole day. Actually they know everything by seeing your face and daily habits and they are waiting for caught you someday in action. So do not masturbate, if you do not agree with me, lets do this - just do not masturbate for one month then tell me how you feel. If you do not masturbate for one year then I am sure that you will feel like superman and feel like you can capable to do any thing this world. Just keep your self busy and eat proper diet, do exercise and do not masturbate for one year and compare yourself (current your pic) with after one year personality (your pic after one year). I am 100 percent sure that after one year with this schedule, you can feel these changes after one year --> more healthier, more symmetrical shiny and glorious face, more fat but not at belly or stomach, look fit, better fitness, more confident, more happy, more focused, more successful etc. Tips for- stop masturbation addiction: Below given principles and points, will help you to stop masturbation addiction. 1. Stop watching porn - Porn is the biggest reason for masturbation habit. Most of people masturbate during watching porn. So stop watching porn. · Keep your computer in public - Use your computer in that room, where other family members or friends can see you. I hope you are the person who can"t masturbate in front of his father. :) :) · Keep your mobile phone clean - I know you have multimedia smart phone but you should use this tech device for your benefit and make your life better. So remove all your fantasy porn videos from your phone. · Use anti porn software - Use anti porn software in your computer and phone. Lot of these software are free available on net. These software are stops you to open a porn website. These software are password protected, so input any random password during installation of these software and do not remember that password. So when ever you will try to open a porn website these software stops you and you can"t uninstall or bypass the software if you don"t know the password. · Burn all your physical porn collection - Take 1 liter petrol from your bike and use this petrol to burn all your porn DVDs and CDs. · Do not watch those movies which have lots of sexual scenes. Keep yourself away from sexual books and adult video games. 2. Keep yourself busy - Keep yourself busy in some productive and useful work. Lot of people masturbate when they don"t have anything to do. If you don"t have any useful work to do then- · Play mario, counterstrike, call of duty, NFS, angry bird etc on your pc. · Play any outdoor sport. This will help you to identify your inside"s Ronaldo, pale, Tigerwoods, Sachin, Bolt etc. · Find some interesting Hobby - Try to learn- guitar , sing, write, code, cook, find any. And just do it. You can even help your mom to clean your house. 3. Maintain your time table - · Wake up early in morning. Between 4 AM to 6 AM is best time to wake up. Leave your bed between 4 AM to 6 AM. Wake up early also helpful for those people who has nightfall(wet dreams ejaculation) problems because nightfall mostly happens late in morning. · Sleep early at night. You should sleep before 11 PM. Most of people masturbate 90% in night. Reason behind this - They are free in night and nobody is watching them. That"s why they masturbate in night. So sleep between 10 PM to 11 PM. Take 7 to 8 hour sleep. · Do not sleep in day time. If you sleep in day time then it will hard for you to sleep at right time in night. 4. Do physical Exercise - We all have two choices suffer from the pain of discipline or suffer from the pain of regret. So if you want to became a obese, fatty and unhealthy person then sit all day on couch, watch TV, drink soda and die early. Or you can change this, if you want to live healthy life style, keep yourself fit and do physical exercise daily. · Hit the gym, walk up early, run on road with rising sun. This will help you to build your confidence and increase your will power to quit masturbation. · When you feel the need to masturbate, take a brisk walk or jog. Always try to occupy yourself when the urge arises. · Exercise more and get out of the house. This is a great way to take your mind off everything. · Do exercise daily in the evening, this will make you tired at night. And since masturbation is often done at night, so when you are exhausted, you will give preference to sleep early in night. 5. Make a plan for avoiding masturbation. If you have problems before going to bed or in the shower, refrain from any temptation to masturbate. For instance, if it"s a problem late at night, then, drop to the floor and do push-ups until you"re too exhausted to do anything but fall asleep. If you find shower time too tempting, start using ice cold water only — you won"t want to be in there for long. · If you always masturbate when you get home from school, make sure to have a solid plan to stave off any boredom you may feel. If you have so little to do that your mind frequently wanders to sexual thoughts, occupy your schedule. You"ll find it gets easier to avoid masturbation if you"re too busy or tired to spare any energy for distractions. · If you"re tempted to masturbate in the morning, try to sleep with more than just one layer of clothing so touching yourself is more of an effort. 5. Eat - Eat healthy and eat lot. If you do exercise daily then healthy food will help you to build your muscles. Eat lot of fruits, whole grains, vegetables, drink milk. Note - My personal suggestion is that eat vegan. Do not eat meat and animals. Your stomach is not a graveyard. If you eat dead, oily, greasy, and processed food your body will act dead and greasy. Taking the rotting bloody carcass of a dead animal and spicing it up with kitchen tricks and cooking hocus-pocus does not make it food. If you want to stop masturbating then stop eating anything with a penis or vagina. So go vegan. This is my personal view and don"t take it in any religious way. 6. Quit it now - Some people say that, they can"t masturbation habit in one day and they are quitting this habit slowly slowly, day by day. THIS IS BIG BULLSHIT. If you want to quit masturbation, then QUIT IT NOW. JUST QUIT IT. Story related to this - Once there was a king in japan. At that time japan got his freedom from British empire few days before. Seven days after freedom of japan from Britain, new king asked his commander which language our country is currently using to run this country. Commander said, English. King asked again - "And how many days it took to Japanese language become a official language. Commander said "Lord king, if your want to see every document and paperwork in Japanese then it will take approximate 8 to 10 years. Now king thought for 5 minute and then said to commander - "You have only two days. Send my official orders to every district of country - After two day, if I will found any single document in English in that district then I will kill every officer of that district". And you know what AFTER TWO DAYS JAPANESE WAS A OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF JAPAN.





babinski征Oppenheim征,Gordon征.Chaddock征,Hoffmann征,Schaffer征,Gonda征用汉语分别读出来 谢谢



查多克(Chaddock)征属于病理反射。查多克(Chaddock)征阳性是锥体束损害时最重要的体征。阳性表现为拇趾背屈,其余四趾呈扇形散开。正常时,用钝尖物轻划足背外侧部皮肤没有出现足拇趾背屈。异常结果:查多克(Chaddock)征阳性说明锥体束有损害。 需要检查的人群:怀疑锥体束有损害的患者。扩展资料:不合宜人群:下肢残疾、有疾病或足部本身有伤的患者。 检查前禁忌:检查前要先准备好一钝尖物,此物不能太尖,以免将患者的足背外侧部皮肤戳伤。检查时要求:检查时用钝尖物划患者足背外侧部皮肤时,要由后向前轻轻划,防止戳破患者的皮肤。检查过程:患者平卧位,双下肢伸直,用一钝尖物由后向前轻划足背外侧部皮肤出现足拇趾背屈,即为阳性。参考资料百度百科-查多克征

成都国色天乡的主题曲,有句“hellodaddy,hello妈咪,hello,babi 我们爱你。。。”,跪求此曲,谢谢!

这首歌名字叫《神奇乐园》加入国色天乡55766玩族社区 官方QQ群,群共享有哦神奇乐园(英文版)happy happy everybody,we are living in the joyAnd if you really try,you"ll find the world is smileHappy happy everybody,here"s the paradise to meThe world is around us everyday,where we should be.Uncle Suny open the eyewe enioy the sunshineListen to the melodyAnd make a wish to the meteorThe pulse goes strongerHappiness in our lifeOpen your heart to the worldTo worry say Bye ByeHello Daddy,Hello MommyHello my bady,Just for you and for me神奇乐园(中文版)合:我们欢聚在这里,和幸福在一起阳光多么美好,我们自在逍遥旋转在这乐园里,享受快乐神奇世界将我们拥在一起。儿童:太阳挣开了双眼我们齐露着欢颜扬起快乐的耳朵跟世界许下心愿男/女:心跳开始加快幸福合着节拍扬起快乐的耳朵跟烦恼说BYEBYE儿童:Hello ,爹地,Hello,妈咪男/女:Hello,my baby,我们—爱—你!

Addis Ababa的邮政编码是多少

Addis Ababa 是 埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴告诉你一下,如果是写信,是不用邮编的通常国际信件写不写邮编都是一样的,电话区号倒是知道00251 1

addis ababa action agenda 什么意思

《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》在2015年7月13日至16日,埃塞俄比亚的首都 亚的斯亚贝巴(Addis Ababa)召开的第三次世界发展大会上,提出了《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》草案,讨论的主题包括2015年后的全球融资结构发展, 包括尊重人权、妇女平等、可持续发展、国内公共资源,旨在把加强收入管理、妇女平等参与和国际贸易作为发展的引擎。

Addis Ababa是什么意思

Addis Ababa亚的斯亚贝巴(埃塞俄比亚首都)网络释义 专业释义 英英释义 亚的斯亚贝巴 阿迪斯阿贝巴 阿贝巴 埃塞俄比亚短语ADDIS ABABA ADD 亚的斯亚贝巴Beijing-Addis Ababa 北京addis ababa Arctic sushi 北极贝寿司 更多网络短语21世纪大英汉词典Addis Ababa ["ædis"æbəbə]亚的斯亚贝巴(埃塞俄比亚首都)以上来源于:21世纪大英汉词典双语例句 原声例句 权威例句1.Many years back at the beginning of my athletics career, I injured myself during a marathon in Addis Ababa and I couldn"t walk for almost a week. 跟读许多年以前,在我运动员生涯刚开始时,我在亚的斯亚贝巴马拉松中受伤了,我几乎一周都不能走路。

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Addis Ababa是哪个国家的城市?



chesses n. 棋,国际象棋( chess的名词复数 ); addresses n. 称呼( address的名词复数 ); (在信封、包裹等上)书写(收件人姓名、地址) ; (收件人的) 姓名和地址; (书面或口头的) 发言; pianos n. 钢琴( piano的名词复数 );


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Big Daddy Kane的《definitely》 歌词

歌曲名:definitely歌手:Big Daddy Kane专辑:veteranz dayIn this corner, representin" bk, nyWho, come again , iThat you can"t denyFor the while i stayed, laid back in the shadeJust like a silhouette, however still a threatOnce again, i return just to get my groove onBag somethin" that"s a size 7/8 and move onIt be nothin" but dime girls i sportOnly time i hit a 3 be on the basketball courtWhat you thought, the wrath was about to endNah baby, never that because i"m out to winSo what if he came back , he ain"t even hittin" thoughSo why you standin" there with yo" nails bitten low?Mc"s tremblin", i plead innocentBut then again, things can get menacin"Ladies and gentlemen it"s the world renownCome on ya"ll let"s get down, dark gable"s in townChorusPut your hands up high if you testifyBig Daddy KaneAre you wit" me? (definitely)Cause i give it all i got when i rock the spotAre you wit" me? (definitely)Ain"t gon" be no looking tight, we gon" party tonightAre you wit" me? (definitely)One hundred percent proof, help me raise the roofAre you wit" me? (definitely)Verse 2It"s somethin" 慴out that kane that i just ain"t buyingHow can his rap be solid when his flow is liquefying?He keep it on beat, plus he keep it streetPlus he keep it sweet, i mean his shit be completeThank you love that"s right keep it real for meAs i run it down to you all skillfullyBecause it ain"t hard to tell who"s the liver oneGot 慹m all shooken like allen iversonSee, you talking now but you ain"t sayin nothin"I keep you listeners hittin" the rewind buttonYou thinkin", maybe i"m the one to bring it toBut, i don"t think that"s the wise thing to doAnother casualty with the audacity, thinkin" that he can last with meFast to see how i massively, drop skills graduallyChorusVerse 3I come wit" the flows that go down like waterSome of y"all just ain"t got your game in orderHmn, looks to me as though you"re simpin"Playa hata"s that"s attemptin", to be the grinch that stole pimpin"I cram to, understand you, what"s your angle?You don"t want to tangleActin" all brand newNothin" that them can do, when i roll up like bambooAnd dismantle, handle, everyone i ran throughBaby, you can count on me, a sure thingI be all inside your hood, just like a drawstringThe wack, i restrict 慹m, rhymes i kick 慹mGirls i just stick 慹m, whose my next victim?Thinkin" you was ballin", now i"m callinYo" bluff(uh huh), sho nuff (well alright)Who you came out to see in the place to beThe ebony black ice, who that be?(yours truly)Chorus


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local-address,本地地址;可以ping ---即可


add(加)和 increase(增大,增加)的意思不同:add 将一物加到另一物上,使其数量、体积、重要性方面有所增大或增加increase 主要指在数量、财富、权力等方面的增加;作不及物动词时,表示“(自行)扩大”、“增长”表达方式不同:如:We have added one million to our population. million to our population. We have increased our population by one We have increased our population by one million两句都表示"我们的人口已经增加了一百万。"Add 通常与介词搭配Add up 加Please add up those numbers.请把那些数字加起来。add to 增加His absence adds to our difficulties.他的缺席增加了我们的困难。add up to 合计为Lincoln”s school education added up to no more than one year.林肯的在校教育加起来不超过一年。
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