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Westlife - You raise me up歌词大意


Raise Your Weapon 歌词

歌曲名:Raise Your Weapon歌手:Deadmau5专辑:Ministry of Sound - The 2012 AnnualDeadmau5 Feat. Greta Svabo Bech - Raise Your WeaponRippin" my heart was so easy, so easyLaunch your assault now, take it easyRaise your weapon, raise your weapon,One word and it"s overRippin" through like a missile,Rippin" through my heart,Rob me of this loveRaise your weapon, raise your weaponAnd it"s overLove your ego, you won"t feel a thingAlways number one,The pen with a bent wrist crooked kingSign away our peace,For your warOne word and it"s overDropping your bombs now,On all we"ve builtHow does it feel nowTo watch it burn, burn, burn?Raise your weapons, raise your weaponsAnd its overRippin" through like a missile,Rippin" through my heart,Rob me of this loveRaise your weapon, raise your weaponAnd it"s overHow does it feel nowTo watch it burn, burn, burn?Rippin" my heart was so easy, so easyLaunch your assault now, take it easyRaise your weapon, raise your weapon,One word and it"s overRippin" through like a missile,Rippin" through my heart,Rob me of this loveRaise your weapon, raise your weaponAnd it"s overLove your ego, you won"t feel a thingAlways number one,The pen with a bent wrist crooked kingSign away our peace,For your warOne word and it"s overDropping your bombs now,On all we"ve builtHow does it feel nowTo watch it burn, burn, burn?Raise your weapons, raise your weaponsAnd its overEndDeadmau5 Feat. Greta Svabo Bech - Raise Your Weapon

raise the stake什么意思





Kaiserdom黑啤酒500ml*6听Kaiserdom黑啤酒; 原料与辅料:水,大麦麦芽,啤酒花,酒花浸膏; 酒精度:4.7%vol; 原麦汁浓度:11.4°P; 产品类型:黑色啤酒; 原产国:德国; 灌装日期:见罐底(年/月/日); 保质期(至):见罐底(年/月/日); 贮存条件:常温保存,请置于阴凉干燥处,8-10℃饮用更佳 购买前一定要仔细查看罐底的保质期

charmkaiser1936 是什么香水

气味博物馆(CHARM KAISER)香水起源于法国格拉斯(Grasse),出自法国著名气味艺术家卡汶凯瑟(CHARM KAISER)之手,他从1925年开始研究与搜集自然界中各种气味,全心研制与生活有关的一切气味,例如:泥土、冰雪、手工巧克力苦咖啡、包括人体气味和城市的气味等等。这位执着的气味艺术家毕生致力于气味的研究,1936年正式成立气味博物馆(CHARM KAISER),CHARM KAISER香水于1938年正式在法国发售。 卡汶.凯瑟为很多著名香水品牌研制香水,不仅在当时成为整个欧洲销量最大的香水,至今仍在全球最受欢迎香水中名列前茅。 在卡汶u2022凯瑟看来,创造香水并不仅只是技术性的工作,更为重要的是精神上的,卡汶凯瑟说:“我用心去感知香水,而非我的鼻子,那些年迈的调香师即便失去嗅觉,也能创造出一流的香水。就好比贝多芬先生,在全聋的情况下创作了最伟大的作品《第九交响曲》。用精神去闻,去感受,就好比盲人用精神去感观世界,你对他说‘蓝色",他就能在心里看见蓝色,所以气味也完全一样,如果你说‘茉莉",我会立刻感觉到茉莉花香的味道。” 气味博物馆(CHARM KAISER)第一个提出气味体验的新概念,气味博物馆真实记录了事物本身的气味,并能把人的思想传递到不同的时间与空间,唤醒埋藏深处的回忆; 气味植根于社会背景当中,它对一个社会的文化政治和人类神经学研究都有深远影响。嗅觉是人类最基本的功能之一,它反映我们的现实、泄漏我们的欲望、激发我们的回忆、构成我们周围的环境,气味博物馆(CHARM KAISER)提倡的是气味本身和个人主义。气味需要我们自己探索和选择。

kaiser permanente是什么意思

kaiser permanent健康维护组织凯泽永久(美国)例句"The National Institute of Mental Health and Kaiser Permanence, Norther Permanente Northern California , also took part in the latest study.美国国家心理卫生研究院和北卡罗来纳的研究机构“凯泽永久”也加入了最新的研究当中。


这个公司在国内知名度很低,没有网站至于步履式挖掘机,国内徐工仿造的有一款,凯撒要起诉呢总部位于列支敦士登(瑞士)的KAISER公司在1965年发明生产了世界上第一台灵活型步行式挖掘机。这种步行式挖掘机虽说与传统意义上的挖掘机同名,但是却有完全不同的功能,被使用者爱称为“蜘蛛人”。KAISER生产的“蜘蛛车”具有灵活、多变和多功能的特点,可以适应各种环境和地形。kaiser S2步履式全地型挖掘机是其公司一款明星产品,不管在陡峭的山地还是河床都可以畅行无阻,S2也是国外最常用的步履式全地型挖掘机,其标准也一直在被其他厂家模仿。徐工ET110就是在kaiser S2的基础上研发的,采用步履、轮式驱动结合的复合式结构,能全轮驱动、全轮转向、轮腿复合。因此,ET110型步履式挖掘机不仅可在普通环境下作业,在高寒、高海拔地区,陡峭的山坡、水网、沼泽地带一样可以自如的作业。ET110步履式挖掘机通过自主编制的专用控制软件、CAN总线技术和可编程控制器对液电系统进行集成,可将全车各路信息全部进行收集和智能化管理,提高了整机的稳定性、安全性和可靠性。ET110设计的多功能电液集成操纵手柄,可控制整机24个动作,使操作方便、准确、灵活、易学,达到了操纵相对简单的目的。

kaiser permanente是什么意思

kaiser permanente凯萨恒健,凯萨医疗机构例如:The study involved more than six thousand northern California members ofKaiser Permanente, a health care organization.这项研究涉及一家保健机构凯萨恒健在加利福尼亚州北部的6000多个会员。Riverside is a neighbor to Hollywood, and home to a large facility from healthgiant Kaiser Permanente.河边市是好莱坞的邻居,本身又有大型医疗集团凯萨恒健的许多设施。RachelWhitmer from the Kaiser Permanente research division led the study.来自凯萨恒健研究部的雷切尔惠特默领导了这项研究。

凯撒 KAISER的内衣会不会很贵啊?









关系:1、在岩石的声发射中,kaiser效应是岩石材料的一种“记忆”现象,2、 kaiser效应所记忆的应力就是岩石历史上所经受过的最大应力。







kaiser permanente是什么意思

kaiser permanente词典结果:网络释义1. 一个北加州例句:1.Henry kaiser"s survives in the form of kaiser permanente, one of america"s best health-care systems. 亨利凯瑟的作风仍然是凯瑟永久医疗集团的存在形式,该集团是美国最好的医疗保健体系之一。2.Brown and his colleagues reviewed data from individuals who had visited a kaiser permanente clinic in san diego between 1995 and 1997 and had completed a questionnaire about their childhood. 布朗和他的同事们查阅了1995年至1997年期间在凯萨医疗机构圣迭戈分院就诊的患者资料,并对他们的童年情况进行了调查。




现代声发射技术的开始以Ka iser二十世纪五十年代初在德国所作的研究工作为标志。他观察到铜、锌、铝、铅、锡、黄铜、铸铁和钢等金属和合金在形变过程中都有声发射现象。他提出了材料形变声发射的不可逆效应, 即: 对材料进行反复卸加载试验时, 材料在超过先前所施加的应力级之前不出现可探测到的声发射。现在人们称材料的这种不可逆现象为 Kaiser效应!。简单地说, Ka iser效应能够作为描述金属和岩石应力的指标。




  Kaiser是实况足球大师联赛里人气较高的架空球员之一 。  特点:速度,全能,传球。  默认特殊技能:战术盘球 ,传球,司令塔,外脚背,一脚传球。  1、默认位置是中前卫的Kaiser可以打遍中场全部位置,这也是Kaiser的过人之处。  2、在大师联赛出现后建议即可将其购入,一则成长较快,二则近乎逆天的前期数值使Kaiser可以直接担任主力。  3、在度过第一个成长阶段后数值曲线会出现暂时的下降,经过几个赛季会出现第二个成长波形,状态可以长久稳定。  4、成长后的Kaiser位置不限,场上除门将所有位置均可。




Kaiser源于凯撒,德语里指神圣罗马帝国(962-1806)、德意志帝国、奥地利帝国皇帝。 基本介绍 中文名 :盖乌斯·尤利乌斯·恺撒 外文名 :kaiser 国籍 :罗马共和国 民族 :罗马人 出生地 :罗马 出生日期 :公元前102年7月12日 逝世日期 :公元前44年3月15日 信仰 :无神论 词义,历史背景, 词义 Kaiser["kaizu0259](德语)源于凯撒 名词 n. 人名 神圣罗马帝国皇帝、德意志皇帝、奥地利皇帝 3. (k-)独裁者,人名 历史背景 962年,罗马教皇若望十二世为德意志王国(由过去的东法兰克王国演变而来)国王奥托一世加冕为“罗马人的统治者”,德意志王国演变为神圣罗马帝国。神圣罗马帝国的统治者德语为“Kaiser”,原指是“盖乌斯·尤利乌斯·恺撒"。 1806年拿破仑·波拿巴废除了神圣罗马帝国,1804年,奥地利大公兼匈牙利和波希米亚王国国王弗朗茨二世宣布采用“奥地利国王”的称号,并于1806年放弃神圣罗马帝国统治者"凯撒"称号。1867年,奥地利帝国实行二元君主制,改为奥匈帝国,奥地利国王兼任匈牙利国王。1871年,普法战争结束,德意志统一,普鲁士国王威廉一世成为德意志帝国(历史上的德意志第二帝国)统治者。




Soar"e" 动词 v.高飞, 高丛, 滑翔, 剧增, 昂扬 名词raise: vt. 升起;举起;饲养;提出;引起;筹集,募集 二、用法不同

raised religion 是宗教信仰的意思吗?

额~~按字面翻译是 上升的宗教信仰~~ 总而言之 算

英文问题求解 chip in / collect money / raise money 表示凑钱 有什么区别嘛...(能给几个例句吗谢谢)

chip in捐助,出钱Let"s all chip in for a birthday present for Mary.我们大家出钱买生日礼物送给玛丽。The company chipped in with a million yuan contribution.这家公司捐助一百万元。collect moneyThey collected money to help needy children. 他们集资帮助贫穷的孩子。raise moneyWe began this club as a way of raising money. 我们办这个俱乐部作为集资的一种途径。

raise your glass 歌词

Grab the chair, boys! We"ve got another bucket kicker!Happy Birthday my olde friend.It seems this horror show will never end.Any moment"s your last breath,Here is to another day closer to death.The cake is on the table,And it is awfully bright,"Cause there"s so many candles on top.But you are so decrepit,Your chest so tight,When you blow them out your lungs are gonna pop.You cannot complainEach time you feel a pain,Though you have arthritis and gout."Cause when you start kvetching,All your teeth fall out.So have another cigarette,Have another beer,Raise your glass to one more year. (GONE!)Happy Birthday my olde friend.It seems this horror show will never end.Any moment"s your last breath,Here is to another day closer to death.Your skin is so worn out and old,All over your body it"s sagging.Especially loose is your old caboose,You"re dragging it behind you in a wagon.Well, you"re an alcoholic,And you"re blind and deaf,And you have Alzheimer"s I bet.You"re too old to remember,But you"re too drunk to forget.So have another cigarette,Have another beer,Raise your glass to one more year. (GONE!)Happy Birthday my olde friend.It seems this horror show will never end.Any moment"s your last breath,Here is to another day closer to death.You"re so old you smell like dust,And now your bones begin to rust.See that face, it"s full of wrinkles.So have another cigarette,Have another beer,Raise that chair to one more year. (RAISE!)Happy Birthday my olde friend.It seems this horror show will never end.Any moment"s your last breath,Here is to another day closer to death.Happy Birthday my olde friend.It seems this horror show will never end.Any moment"s your last breath,Here is to another day closer to YourSweetDeath


kaiser的意思是(德国)皇帝;(奥地利)皇帝;(神圣罗马帝国)皇帝;纸风车状小面包;(Kaiser)人名:凯泽。一、单词发音1、英[u02c8ku028cu026azu0259]。2、美[u02c8kau026azu0259r]。二、基本信息kaiserwin(凯撒啤酒)为德国著名啤酒品牌之一,严格按照德国巴伐利亚1516啤酒酿造法酿造喝起来就好像刚从酒桶中取出般新鲜,有着混合了啤酒花和谷物味道的复杂香气,容易入口,略带酸涩的的味道让人着迷。三、凯撒啤酒厂历史1、1039年啤酒在班贝格有着悠久的传统,最早可考证的提法追溯到了1039年。第一个官方酿酒权被主教Otto一世颁发给了米歇尔山上的修道院。2、1489年好的品质对于居住于此的皇室非常重要,这就是为什么海因里希三世于1489年颁布了班贝格的纯度法,要求“在酿造过程中,除了啤酒花,麦芽和水外不得添加其他物质”,而这比巴伐利亚州的纯度法早公布27年。3、18世纪班贝格在18世纪成为啤酒之城,特别是在“Schoenborn”时代,皇家的两个主教Lothar Franz(1693-1729)和弗里德里希卡尔(1729-1746)都是来自Schoenborn。商业贸易被极度推进,开始了经济繁荣的时代。4、1718年如米歇尔山修道院在1718年所记载的,在那个容易获利的时代里我们的酿酒厂创立了。那时Gau城已经有了三个餐馆,但仅有300个左右的居民。其中一家餐馆属于班贝格的米歇尔山修道院,老板(那时是Georg Morg)被允许开设一家酿酒作坊。5、1900年大约到1900年的时候酿酒厂还是被叫做“Gau城米勒家的酿酒厂”,它的老板Anton Mueller“仅有”的就是四个女儿。

这个句之中的raised eyebrows 什么意思,是美国固定搭配,还是语境推测?

额一言不就看出是 抬了一下眉毛 这个意思了吗 表惊讶吧



Derniers Baisers 歌词

歌曲名:Derniers Baisers歌手:Les Chats Sauvages - Mike Shannon专辑:Essentiel 2Derniers baisersLaurent Voulzyby M.MAQuand vient la fin de l"été sur la plageIl faut alors se quitter peut-être pour toujoursOublier cette plage et nos baisersQuand vient la fin de l"été sur la plageL"amour va se terminer comme il a commencéDoucement sur la plage par un baiserLe soleil est plus pale mais nos deux corps sont bronzésCrois-tu qu"après un long hiver notre amour aura changé ?Quand vient la fin de l"été sur la plageIl faut alors se quitter les vacances ont duréLorsque vient septembre et nos baisersLe soleil est plus pale mais nos deux corps sont bronzésCrois-tu qu"après un long hiver notre amour aura changé ?Quand vient la fin de l"été sur la plageIl faut alors se quitter peut-être pour toujoursOublier cette plage et nos baisersEt nos baisersEt nos baisers

Derniers Baisers 歌词

歌曲名:Derniers Baisers歌手:Les Chats Sauvages - Mike Shannon专辑:Les AnnéEs ChansonsDerniers baisersLaurent Voulzyby M.MAQuand vient la fin de l"été sur la plageIl faut alors se quitter peut-être pour toujoursOublier cette plage et nos baisersQuand vient la fin de l"été sur la plageL"amour va se terminer comme il a commencéDoucement sur la plage par un baiserLe soleil est plus pale mais nos deux corps sont bronzésCrois-tu qu"après un long hiver notre amour aura changé ?Quand vient la fin de l"été sur la plageIl faut alors se quitter les vacances ont duréLorsque vient septembre et nos baisersLe soleil est plus pale mais nos deux corps sont bronzésCrois-tu qu"après un long hiver notre amour aura changé ?Quand vient la fin de l"été sur la plageIl faut alors se quitter peut-être pour toujoursOublier cette plage et nos baisersEt nos baisersEt nos baisers


妖人 架空球员 凯撒 ( 翻译中文 )请楼上 不要随意使用 妖人的称谓我喜爱 的 荷兰飞人 能力就是强 不是因为“妖” 而是实力在那里妖人应该指那些 随意 疯长的人 ( 就是6边形 球员 )

外籍男友每次那个都说:I like doggie style, raise you hip and


求几首类似 your raise me up(西城男孩)深沉大气的歌曲



compliment ["kɔmplimənt] n. 称赞,恭维,致意 vt. 称赞,褒扬,恭维 v.免费赠送; a.表示钦佩的,赞美的 praise [preiz] n. 赞美,称赞,崇拜vt. 称赞,归荣誉于,赞美,吹捧vi. 赞扬,表扬

she ought to be praised instead of______(criticize)是不是加ing?如不是,求详解。

being criticized.instead of前后动词时态应对应。

英语演讲介绍 you raise me up 求大神翻译,越简单越好。谢谢


polonaise - john-vangelis的歌词,最好有翻译

If you just take my sense of freedom如果你带走我自由的感觉If you just take away my home如果你带走我的家You can"t ever hope to win me你不要期望可以打败我This I"ll tell you so sure我可以确定的告诉你There is strength in the common people平凡的人们有一种力量For the people is all we really are因为那正是我们自己Young and old, the wisest and the lowly衰老或年轻,最明智的和最卑微的Each indeed is "Holy" in the "Light of Love"每一个人确实都是“爱之光”中的神圣一员When the "Word" comes当那个字说出口I will be waiting我会一直等待Like a dove that shines he prays for peace像一只闪耀的祈祷和平的白鸽一样Some have waited what seems a lifetime有些人几乎等待了一生Some are waiting now to be released有些人为了被释放仍然在等待For the moment we have this freedom为了我们获得自由的那个时刻We will choose the way our hearts will move我们会选择心灵永不停息的道路All the people lost will find their way所有迷失的人们会找到他们的道路Give that chance today今天就给予这样的机会Hear and I will pray请听 我会祈祷No not for nothing hearts will not be broken不再会有什么东西使心灵破碎As long as we are open只要我们敞开心扉Our hearts will make us free我们的心就会带领我们走向自由Free for the Earth man为地球众生而自由Free for the millions为成千上万的人而自由In the "Glory" all will come to "Truth"在“光荣”之中一切将成为真理No aggression, that we leave behind us没有侵略 那早已被我们抛在身后To be replaced被释放By "You"被你For tomorrow another morning为了明天是一个新的清晨For tomorrow another day为了明天是新的一天In our children there"s that sense of freedom我们的孩子们能拥有自由的感觉Help them use it wisely帮助他们智慧的运用I will pray我会祈祷

raise up有养育的意思吗

bring up 是培养,培育的意思. raise也有,但是不能用raise up.可单独.

请问bring up, educate, raise 的区别

bringup: 提出;教育、养育(孩子);呕出;(船等)停下educate:教育;培养;训练raise:高地;上升;加薪, 提高;筹集;养育;升起,上升

raise up 与bring up

bring up是抚养的意思,raise up应该是升起的意思吧

raise up 与bring up 这两个词的意思,和区别.还有brought

bring up 1.教育,培养,使成长 bring up 教育,培养,使成长 2.教育;提出(供讨论) bring up 教育;提出(供讨论) 3.抚养,教育;提出(问题等);呕吐 bring up 抚养,教育;提出(问题等);呕吐 raise up 1.举起

请问bring up, educate, raise 在“养育”上的区别


急!!请问bring up, raise 的区别参考一下


rise是不及物动词,后面不能跟名词,rising是rise的进行时态raise是及物动词,后面要跟名词,raising 是raise的进行时态The temperature is risiing。或者 The temperature rises。都是可以的河水涨了,也是用的rise


rise是不及物动词,后面不能跟名词,rising是rise的进行时态raise是及物动词,后面要跟名词,raising 是raise的进行时态The temperature is risiing。或者 The temperature rises。都是可以的河水涨了,也是用的rise


RaiseRise都是英语中常见的动词,它们的用法有一些区别。下面将介绍Raise和Rise的区别及其用法。区别Raise和Rise的区别在于,Raise是及物动词,需要接宾语,表示将某物举起或提高;而Rise是不及物动词,不需要接宾语,表示某物自己上升或升起。另外,Raise还可以作名词,表示“加薪、提高、上涨、增加、筹集等”,例如:The company gave all employees a raise.(公司给所有员工加薪了。)The raise in interest rates will affect the economy.(利率上涨将影响经济。)RaiseRaise是及物动词,意思是“举起、提高、提升、养育、引起、筹集等”。Raise后面通常接一个宾语,表示将某物举起或提高。例如:He raised his hand to ask a question.(他举手提问。)The company plans to raise prices next month.(公司计划下个月提高价格。)She raised three children on her own.(她独自抚养了三个孩子。)RiseRise是不及物动词,意思是“上升、升起、增加、兴起、站起等”。Rise后面通常不接宾语,表示某物自己上升或升起。例如:The sun rises in the east.(太阳从东方升起。)The price of oil has risen sharply.(石油价格急剧上涨。)She rose from her chair and walked to the window.(她从椅子上站起来走到窗户前。)

raise your hands up这句话对不对?感觉特别奇怪啊

又是中式英语,应该说成put up your hands





VIVOS1手机上讯飞语音和vivo tts和AIService TTS哪个好





vivo智能手机使用文字转语音方法:1、先进入应用商店下载安装google文字转语音、google TalkBack;2、进入手机设置-更多设置-辅助功能,找到TalkBack,开启该项功能,进入该功能的设置中将“文字转语音设置“设定为“Google文字转语音引擎”,然后根据自己的需要设置音量大小、振动等,再学习相关的操作教程后进行使用。具体操作步骤(以Xplay6为例):1、待机界面点击应用商店请点击输入图片描述2、在应用商店搜索“google文字转语音、google TalkBack”下载安装请点击输入图片描述请点击输入图片描述3、再返回待机桌面点击设置请点击输入图片描述4、设置中点击更多设置请点击输入图片描述5、更多设置找到辅助功能进入请点击输入图片描述6、在辅助功能中找到TalkBack请点击输入图片描述7、开启TalkBack开关请点击输入图片描述8、返回辅助功能界面找到“文字转语音(TTS)输出”进入请点击输入图片描述9、选择“Google文字转语音引擎”即可、请点击输入图片描述注:开启文字转语音功之后需要双指在屏幕滑动操作,双击点击选择相关设置。

raise 和rear 有何区别?

cultivate: v. 耕;耕作;种植 例如,1) 开垦; 种植 例: to cultivate or produce a crop on. 耕种种植或生产谷物2) 培养 (态度、技巧等); 树立 (形象、观念等) 例:He has written eight books and has cultivated the image of an elder statesman.他已写了8本书,并树立了一个政界元老的形象。raise: vt. 提高;养育;饲养;升起1) 养育 抚养, 例: My mother was an amazing woman. She raised four of us kids virtually singlehandedly.我母亲是个了不起的女人。她几乎是独自抚养大了我们4个孩子。2) 饲养; 种植例: He raises 2,000 acres of wheat and hay. 他种植了2000英亩的小麦和饲料用草。rear: vt. 培养;树立;栽种 1.rear的基本意思是“使长高”,现代英语中可表示“养大”,指饲养动物或抚养小孩。引申可表示“抬高”“建立”。2.rear既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。3.rear可接副词up表示“用后腿站立”“养大”。比如 : rear children 抚养孩子; rear wildly 野生饲养 rear cattle 养牛raise, rise 这两个词都有“提高,上升,增加”的意思,但其用法不同。1.raise是及物动词,其主语通常是人; 而rise是不及物动词,其主语通常是物。例如:I feel I must raise my voice against suggested changes in the law.我认为我必须对该法律所提出的修改条款提出反对。The sun rises and bathes the earth.太阳升起,普照大地。2.raise和rise用于同一事物时含义不同。例如:The price of TV sets has been raised recently. 最近电视机提价了。(政府或厂家主动行动)The price of TV sets has risen recently.最近电视机提价了。(市场调节)


rise与raise的用法区别:rise普通用词,指具体的或抽象的事物由低向高移动。raise常用词,多指把某物从低处升到高处,有时作引申用。rise作为不及物动词时,需要加介词,而raise是及物动词,不需要加介词使用。 扩展资料 rise的例句:He warned that if the government moved against him the people would rise up(他警告说如果政府对他采取行动,人民将起来反抗);He had been consulted and had raised no objections(他已经被征询意见,并没有提出异议)。

求一些使人奋发向上的英文歌比如keep your head up 和 you raise me u

trouble is a friend


y =i+i:两元音字母之间。例:le crayon,l"empoyé。=j:两元音字母之间,主要在专有名词中。例:La Fayette,l"Himalaya。=i:其他情况。例:le stylo,il y a。mayonnaise和moyenne虽然都在两元音字母之间但前者表示蛋黄酱,属于专属名词,后者表示中间的、平均数不是专有名词所以发音不同。La Fayette表示[人名] 费耶特;[地名] [美国] 费耶特,是专有名词所以发j。


莲娜丽姿一般指nina ricci。 莲娜丽姿(Nina Ricci)创于1932年,以服饰起家,以香水闻名于世。Nina Ricci的品牌创立者是出生于意大利的Nina Ricci,她是30年代巴黎最杰出的服装设计师之一。


通用的有Alice, Sophie, Patrick, Paul, Vivienne, Fanny, 等

Maranatha! Instrumental&Maranatha! Praise Band的《Majesty》 歌词

歌曲名:Majesty歌手:Maranatha! Instrumental&Maranatha! Praise Band专辑:Top 25 Uk Praise SongsBlind GuardianMajestyNow the time has come for me to leave this landTake my charge with pride sacrificeRunning and hiding I"m left for the timeTo bring back the order of devineHunted by goblins no Gandalf to helpWith swords in the nightOh the last part of the gameDecision of death and lifeBlood for Sauron they"ll call tonightThe final battle cryRunning and hiding I"m left for the timeTo bring back the order of devineThere exist no tales and hobbits are crying for allChildren of deathI have a dream the things you"ve to hide forDeliver our kingdom and our reichDon"t fall in panic just give me the thingThat I need or I killDon"t run away for what have I doneRef.:Oh majesty your kingdom is lostAnd you"ll leave us behindOh majesty your kingdom is lostAnd ruins remind of your timeNow come back(Solo)Ref.Run, run, runCries Cries in a dark landHear the voice it"s cold as iceEyes they are watchingThey look for me but cannot findCreature is following no place to escapeMy last steps will find the right wayWhere"s the future the call of the blindCause there is none to findWatch the sky you see no lightMy weapons burst with fearWith the howling wolves the nazgul will dieFor all Children of deathCries Cries in a dark landHear the voice it"s cold as iceEyes they are watchingThey look for me but cannot findRun Run for the whole worldIt"s time you cannot waitLost Lost in a dark worldYou feel the strange but cannot seeToo many battles we carry along from the warAnd too many frightens we feel from his lawFor so many victories we"re praising so strongFor so many blood we"ve lostRef.Run, run

有首英文歌,歌词大概是:"you raise me……I am strong when I stand on your shoulders?

You Raise Me UpJosh Groban secret garden 和 westlife 好像都唱过~

Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit.这句话是谁说的?

作者是Jesse Lair。全文是:Profits of Praise It was the end of my exhausting first day as waitress in a busy New York restaurant. My cap had gone awry, my apron was stained, my feet ached. The loaded trays I carried felt heavier and heavier. Weary and discouraged, I didn"t seem able to do anything right. As I made out a complicated check for a family with several children who had changed their ice-cream order a dozen times, I was ready to quit.Then the father smiled at me as he handed me my tip. "Well done," he said. "You"ve looked after us really well." Suddenly my tiredness vanished. I smiled back, and later, when the manager asked me how I"d liked my first day, I said, "Fine!" Those few words of praise had changed everything. Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit; we cannot flower and grow without it. And yet, while most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism, we are somehow reluctant to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise. Why - when one word can bring such pleasure? A friend of mine who travels widely always tries to learn a little of the language of any place she visits. She"s not much of a linguist, but she does know how to say one word - "beautiful" - in several languages. She can use it to a mother holding her baby, or to lonely salesman fishing out pictures of his family. The ability has earned her friends all over the world. It"s strange how chary we are about praising. Perhaps it"s because few of us know how to accept compliments gracefully. Instead, we are embarrassed and shrug off the words we are really so glad to hear. Because of this defensive reaction, direct compliments are surprisingly difficult to give. That is why some of the most valued pats on the back are those which come to us indirectly, in a letter or passed on by a friend. When one thinks of the speed with which spiteful remarks are conveyed, it seems a pity that there isn"t more effort to relay pleasing and flattering comments. It"s especially rewarding to give praise in areas in which effort generally goes unnoticed or unmentioned. An artist gets complimented for a glorious picture, a cook for a perfect meal. But do you ever tell you laundry manager how pleased you are when the shirts are done just right? Do you ever praise your paper boy for getting the paper to you on time 365 days a year?


appraise 表示专业水准的评估 ,名词appraisalHe appraised the necklace at £1000.据他估计, 项链价值1000英镑。assess 表示为确定某物的应税价值而作出的权威估价assess housing demand regularly and accurately; 定期和准确地评估房屋需求;evaluate 表示在确定价值时经过了深思熟虑,不一定是金钱价值I can not evaluate his ability. 我不能评价他的能力。

《raise me up 》和《anyone of us 》分别是谁的歌呀?

《you raise me up 》是Westlife的歌,《Anyone of us》可能是Nicholis Louw。

lift raise put up区别

rise,raise与lift的主要区别是: lift 是及物动词,表示强调用体力把某物从地面提到一定的高度。 应该注意,lift 作不及物动词时,可以引申为雾的”消散“.; raise 也是及物动词,是”抬高”,“提高”的意思,强调动作的姿态,反义 词是lower(放低).;rise 是不及物动词,表示“升起”,“站起来”的意思,表示由低而高的变化 过程。


A: raise 与rise raise 是个多义词。 主要有: to lift up举起,抬起,增加,提高 to produce, or cause to grow饲养,抚养,种植 to get or bring together筹集 She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence. 她竖起手指,举到唇边,示意要安静。 The wind raised the fallen leaves from the ground. 风把落叶从地上卷了起来。 The manager said he would raise your pay. 经理说他要给你长工资。 He raised the children by himself;his wife died years ago. 是他一手把孩子们抚养成人的。他妻子几年前就去世了。 His wife raised the money by selling her jewelry. 他妻子卖了首饰才把钱筹够了。 rise是不及物动词。作起身讲时是get up和stand up的正式用语。 I used to like seeing the sun rise. The old man rose from his seat. The book has risen in value. 注意:raise作名词时,意为:增加,加薪(用于美国英语,相当于英国英语的rise) lift作名词时,意为:升,电梯,搭便车 rise作名词时,是上升,升起,还可指“数量,价值,程度”的增加,上涨。 They demanded a raise from the company.

if you raise your hand you lift up

lift,rise,raise,go up 这四个单词都有向上的意思,但LIFT有举起的意思,提,抬:从一个较低的位置弄到或搬到一个较高的位置;还可以翻译为名词电梯. RISE专指太阳升起的意思. RAISE抬起,举起:把…移到一个较高的位置;提高 GO UP 移动,行走;前进:

1.He was raised in an_(orphan) 填什么?

你好!He was raised in an orphanage. 他被一家孤儿院养育长大。

请 求blue 的 all raise 的歌词,非常感谢!!!

All Rise 歌手:Blue 专辑:All Rise Yo, yo Yo, yo Your honour please Gotta believe what I say (say) What I will tell (tell) Happened just the other day (day) I must confess (confess) "Cos I"ve had about enough (enough) I need your help (help) Got to make this here thing stop (stop) Baby I swear I tell the truth (uhuh) About all the things you used to do (come on) And if you thought you had me fooled (come on) I"m tellin" you now objection overruled Here we go (oh baby) One for the money and the free rides It"s two for the lie that you denied All rise (all rise) All rise (all rise, all rise) Three for the calls you"ve been making It"s four for the times you"ve been faking All rise (I"m gonna tell it to your face) All rise (I rest my case) You"re on the stand (stand) With your back against the wall (wall) Nowhere to run (run) And nobody you can call (call) oh no I just can"t wait (wait) Now the case is open wide (wide) You"ll try to pray (pray) But the jury will decide (decide) (oh baby) So step back "cos you don"t know this cat I know deep down that you don"t want me to react I lay low leaving all my options open The decision of the jury has not been spoken Step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone) But in reality to whom does the stuff belong I bring you into court to preach my order And you know that you overstep the border, uhuh All rise It"s two for the lie that you denied (ooooh) All rise (all rise) All rise (all rise, all rise) Three for the calls you"ve been making (yeah) It"s four for the times you"ve been faking All rise (all rise, all rise) All rise (all rise, all rise) One for the money and the free rides (what you say) It"s two for the lie that you denied (can"t you pay) All rise (what you"ve done) All rise Three for the calls you"ve been making (what you say) It"s four for the times you"ve been faking (can"t you pay) All rise (what you"ve done) All rise (where you"ve gone) One for the money and the free rides It"s two for the lie that you denied (ohhh) All rise (ohhh) all rise (uhuh uhuh) Three for the calls you"ve been making It"s four for the times you"ve been faking I said all rise I"m gonna tell it to your face All rise, I rest my case (uhuh uhuh).


praises的读法为【u02c8preu026azu026az】。praises为praise的第三人称单数,praises释义:vt.赞美,称赞;vi.赞美;n.赞美,赞扬,称赞,表扬,赞许,赞誉,赞颂。praise短语搭配:praise poems对诗歌赞赏、praise the book"s boldness赞扬了该书中的胆识、praise the meal称赞这顿饭、praise the work称赞该作品、praise for sb"s diligence由于某人的勤劳而加以表扬、praise for sb"s honesty由于某人诚实而赞扬、praise in song歌颂。praise sb to his face当面表扬某人、deserve praise值得赞扬、earn praise得到赞扬、express praise加以称赞、faint praise敷衍地表扬几句、give praise表扬、receive praise接受赞美、sing praise高度赞扬、win praise赢得赞扬、great praise大为赞扬。high praise高度赞扬、public praise公众的称赞、strong praise高度赞扬,大为赞扬、widespread praise普遍的赞扬、wild praise任意的赞扬,不切实际的赞扬,狂热的颂扬、above praise赞美不尽的。beyond all praise夸不胜夸、in praise of赞美,称赞、a hymn of praise赞美诗、with high praise受到高度赞扬、praise for因...而赞扬等。praise造句:1、He deserves all the praise and worship.他值得我们一切的赞美和崇拜。2、He received praise from his colleagues for winning the prize.他因获得该奖而受到同事们的称赞。3、Mankind and womankind both like praise.男人与女人都喜欢被赞美。4、His heroism was beyond all praise.他的英勇行为使人赞美不尽。5、We cannot praise him too much.我们无论怎样称赞他也不算过分。6、I don"t mean to praise myself,I have my fault.我并不是要表扬自己,我也有我的过错。7、There is no need for me to praise it,it speaks for itself.用不着我来夸它,这事明摆着就是好。8、Frugality of praise is not one of his weaknesses.不轻易赞扬别人并非是他的弱点之一。9、Your praise and sympathy have upheld me greatly.你的称赞和同情给我很大的鼓励。10、He referred to your work in terms of high praise.他对你的工作大加赞扬。11、My quick action earned me his praise.我的行动敏捷受到他的赞扬。12、His anxiety for knowledge deserves our praise.他对于知识的渴望,值得我们赞扬。

put out your hands with your thumb raised该动作是指ask for help还是ask for a ride

ask for a ride有不会的再问我,如果对你有所帮助,请记得采纳哦

donate money to和donate money raise money for有什么区别到底哪个是筹钱哪个是捐

donate money和donate money to都是捐钱的意思,不过后者是捐钱给... raise money和raise money for都是筹钱的意思,后者是为...筹钱

raise and donate money to 还是for 就近原则吗?

raise and donate money to,就近选择。Donate to the National Geographic Big Cats Initiative and raise money for field research.国家地理大猫倡议和实地研究筹集资金。


raise for是为……筹集钱财donate to 是捐给谁


aise for是为……筹集钱财 donate to 是捐给谁


[n,Wn]= buttord(Wp,Ws,Rp,Rs) [b,a]=butter(n,Wn,/ftype/)其中,Butterworth 滤波器特点是通带处幅值特性平坦,而 Chebyshev 滤波器则比前者的截至特性要好,但通带处的幅值有振荡。前面提到,对于数字滤波器而言,可以采用不同阶数逼近相应滤波器,滤波器性能还与滤波器的阶数有关,一般而言,阶数越高,则逼近越精确,但计算代价也随之上升,所以性能与代价总需要寻求一个平衡点。对性能要求一定的情况下,如果对频率截至特性没有特殊要求,考虑采用Butterworth IIR滤波器。因为 Chebeshev 滤波器的波纹可能大多数情况下不能忍受。cheby1函数 其通带内为等波纹,阻带内为单调。契比雪夫I型的下降斜度比II型大,但其代价是通带内波纹较大。希望对你有帮助 [b,a] = ellip(n,Rp,Rs,Wn,"ftype") 也不错

slot raises是什么意思

raises 英["reu026azu026az] 美["reu026azu026az] n. 举起,加薪,增加; v. 扬起; 建造; 饲养; 引起( raise的第三人称单数 ); 提高(价格等); 提起; 唤起; [例句]This raises doubts about the point of advertising这对做广告的意义提出了疑问。[其他] 原型: raise slot 英[slu0252t] 美[slɑ:t] n. 位置; 狭槽,水沟; [人名] 斯洛特; 硬币投币口; vt. 跟踪,跟着足迹追赶; 开槽于; [例句]He dropped a coin into the slot and dialed.他往投币孔里投了一枚硬币,然后拨了电话。[其他] 第三人称单数:slots 现在分词:slotting 过去式:slotted
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