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Error using scatter (line 60)X and Y must be vectors of the same length.求大神帮忙!






设某数据库有两个基本表: EMP(ENO,ENAME,SALARY,DNO)其属性表示职工的工号,姓名,工资和所在部门的编号;

1、emp表主键eno2、select e.dno,d.dname from emp e,dept d where e.ename="lilin" and e.dno=d.dno;3、select count(dno) from emp;4、select ename ,1.05*(salary) from emp where dno="D6" and salary<(select avg(salary) from emp);

2.设数据库中有如下两个关系表: 员工表E(ENO, ENAME,GENDER、 DEPT, TEL,DATE,JOBS,Education)


写一篇速度与激情7的英语作文用上what is the name of it ?where d

故事发生在多米尼克和布莱恩重获自由一年多后,他们摆脱暗无天日的亡命生活,却发现这个家脱离现实。多米尼克忙着和莱蒂重新培养感情,布莱恩则努力跟米娅和儿子适应郊区生活,泰吉和罗曼倒是实现花花公子的梦想,大肆庆祝得来不易的自由。   可怕的是,他们都没发现危机伺伏。英国特种部队杀手伊恩·肖,正准备为弟弟欧文·肖报仇。东京的韩哥先遭到谋杀,洛杉矶的卢克·霍布斯紧接遭暗算。伊恩·肖炸了多米尼克的家。那个家是玩命团队重获自由后,全家人所重返的避风港。多米尼克只好请求美国特种部队的协助。   这些英雄们打算重操旧业,为美国政府夺回聪明的追踪装置,此装置可以帮他们找到伊恩·肖的下落,以免家人再度遭到毒手。玩命团队再度出击,有多米尼克、布莱恩、哈柏、莱蒂、罗曼、泰吉和米娅,他们在片中面临前所未见的威胁,并远征阿布达比和亚塞拜然,当然还有他们最熟悉不过的战场——洛杉矶的街头。The story took place in Dominic and Brian free after more than a year, they get rid of the fisherman"s dark life, only to find that the house from the reality. Dominic is busy and letty to cultivate sentiment, Brian tries to adapt to the suburb with mia and son life, tai ji and Roman"s dream of playboy, celebrating hard-won freedom.Terrible is that they haven"t found the crisis surrounding the volts. British special forces killer Ian shaw, is preparing to Owen shaw revenge for his brother. Tokyo"s elder brother murdered first, Luke Hobbes followed by countered in Los Angeles. Ian shaw Fried Dominic"s house. After the home is a hard team to regain freedom, the whole family had to return to the safe haven. Dominic had to request assistance from America"s special forces.These heroes are going to work and wise for the us government to recapture the tracking device, this device can help them find the whereabouts of Ian shaw, in order to avoid the family his writing again. Hard team again, Dominic and Brian, Harper, letty, Roman, tai ji and mia, they in the unprecedented threat, and expedition to ABU dhabi and azerbaijan, and of course they are the most familiar battleground - the streets of Los Angeles.

dr james work is of enormous

to:对、对于.to the community:对于社会 be of value:有价值 be of enormous value to the community:对社会有极大的价值 翻译:Jame博士的工作对社会有极大的价值 句子成分分析:Dr.jame"s work主语 is系动词 of enormous value to the community.表语

请问一下 我通过$(".edui-editor-iframeholder") 这种方式取得3个div 我怎么分别设置它的高度呢?

var doms=$(".edui-editor-iframeholder");doms.eq(0).height(10);doms.eq(1).height(20);doms.eq(2).height(30);

请问一下 我通过$(".edui-editor-iframeholder") 这种方式取得3个div 我怎么分别设置它的高度呢?

var doms=$(".edui-editor-iframeholder");doms.eq(0).height(10);doms.eq(1).height(20);doms.eq(2).height(30);

游戏出现your game data is corrupt怎么解决


Amelie Ma Dit 歌词

歌曲名:Amelie Ma Dit歌手:Alizée专辑:Mes Courants ElectriquesParoles: Mylène FarmerMusique: Laurent BoutonnatSolitaire, petit nuage rondDans le ciel, des formes à l"abandon...La lumière, l"étincelle qui lui ditQue la mienne se languit de lui, maisJ"appréhende l"ombreQu"il fait sur moi, quand ca n"va pasComprendre ses ombres,L"aider s"il a, confiance en moiCouper la machine, qui fait la pluie, changer la vieQue tout est possible, c"est Amélie, qui me l"a dit...Amélie a de l"or à donnerMélodie de vie, c"est l"odysséeL"Amélie c"est comme l"amitiéDe la poésie au bout des lèvresAmélie a de l"or à donnerLes mots d"Amélie sont pleins de mielAmélie caline ou cajoléeMélodie de vie, ode à la mienneSolitaire dans mon photomatonJ"suis pas belle, mais c"est à l"unissonsQu"on s"appelle, qu"on se cherche, on se suit, maisMoi je veille. Amélie aussi.Les lumières de maiElles si douces, si farouchesDessinaient les gestesEt du rouge, sur ma bouche ...Amélie a de l"or à donnerMélodie de vie, c"est l"odysséeL"Amélie c"est comme l"amitiéDe la poésie au bout des lèvresAmélie a de l"or à donnerLes mots d"Amélie sont pleins de mielAmélie caline ou cajoléeMélodie de vie, ode à la mienne

英语 Gun control is a subject__which Americans have

选C about

diameter ;dorm ;donkey 这英语用谐音怎么读?

答案咪特儿,刀儿目,当ki 求此视频中的歌名

1.Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel - In and out of love - Do it all night







找游戏,《亲密恋人》和《我女朋友是僵尸》这两个游戏的公司(armor games)出品的其他这系列的游戏。

是护甲游戏,很受欢迎的。还有the last stand(最后的幸存者)系列:这是一款僵尸射击游戏,本系列包含三代:the last stand1,the last stand2,the last stand:Union City。Crush the Castle(粉碎城堡)系列:这是一款物理游戏,任务是用投石车将城堡砸碎,杀死国王及士兵(但注意不要杀死人质)。游戏发布早于手机游戏“愤怒的小鸟”。本系列包含两代、4个作品,分别是一代、一代关卡包,二代、二代关卡包。Sonny(桑尼传奇)系列:Armor Games著名的RPG(角色扮演游戏),包含两代。Hands of War(战争之手)系列:类似“暗黑破坏神”的ARPG游戏,包含一代、二代及二代资料片。Bubble Tanks(泡泡坦克)系列:有射击和塔防两类,共6作。Upgrade Complete(完成升级)系列:射击游戏,升级系统是其特点。大象系列:以大象为主角的游戏系列,包括elephant quest(象的追寻)、this is the only level(只剩这一关)系列(1+2)、achievement unlocked(解锁成就)系列(1+2)等。Shift(黑白翻转)系列:解谜游戏,使用shift键可以翻转世界。Portal(传送门)flash版:电脑游戏portal的flash版本。Gemcraft(宝石争霸)系列:flash塔防游戏,共4作,分别为The Forgotten,Gem Of Eternity,Labyrinth,Chasing Shadows。最新版本Chasing Shadows还在更新中。KingdomRush(皇城突袭)系列:flash塔防游戏,制作非常精美。炮塔跟怪的品种很多,可购买升级,还有百科及技能等。

Armor games是什么

Armor Games是一家专业的游戏网站

indonesia ,england,america,brazil分别是哪个国家

Indonesia ["indu0259u"ni:zju0259,-u0292u0259] n. 印尼,印度尼西亚(东南亚岛国)England ["iu014bɡlu0259nd] n. 英格兰;英国America [u0259"mu025bru026aku025a] n. 美国;美洲(包括北美和南美洲)Brazil [bru0259"zil] n. 巴西(拉丁美洲国家)

fundamental breach 和 material breach意思一样吗


求助,批处理中if /i "%%~nxb" equ "%FileName%" ,"%%~nxb"指的是什么?

%%~nxbn 文件名 x 扩展名b 循环变量

We move in time the same way that we move in brea


eqally 和same有什么区别


5.Our hopes ________ and fell in the same instant.A.arose B.rose C.raised D.aroused

  B.rose   我们刚燃起的希望就立即熄灭了   首先 rise,arise 是不及物动词   raise,arouse是及物动词   其次 rise 意为“升起,增高”   arise意为“出现,产生”   raise意为“增加,引起”   arouse意为“激起,使 奋发”   arise、rise、rouse、arouse、raise的区分:   arise(arose,arisen)   1 occur“发生”,例:Problems arose from the outset.一开始就产生了很多问题.   2 arise from“起源于”,例:Accidents always arise from the carelessness.许多事故都源于粗心.derive from=originate from“起因于,追本溯源”,例:Many English words derive from Latin.许多英语都来自于拉丁语.   rise(rose,risen)   v.“上升”,(一定是不及物的)   n.“上升,上涨”   give rise to=lead to引起,例:The food shortage g***e rise to the serious problems.食品的短缺引起了严重的问题.   rouse“唤醒”,例:I was roused by the sound of the alarm.我被闹铃的声音吵醒.   arouse“唤起”,如,arouse one"s interest / sympathy“唤起某人的兴趣 / 同情心”   raise根本含义“使上升”,(1)“举起”raise one"s hand(2)“提出”raise a question(3)“抚养,相当于bring up”raise children(4)“筹集”raise funds   Our hopes ___ and fell in the same instant.   aroused ;arose ;raised ;rose   选哪一个呢?这是大学四级考试真题:   选rose   rise 不及物动词 vi.上升;增涨   become higher or more   · The sun was rising when we got to the top of the mountain.   太阳出来时我们来到了山顶.   · Soon steam can be seen rising from the wet clothes.   很快就看见水蒸气从湿衣服里冒出来.   · The sun rose and bathed the earth in its glow.   太阳升起,灿烂的阳光照遍了大地.   raise 及物动词 vt.举起;抬起;提起;提高;增加   put up,lift somthing or someone up   make prices,wages,etc.higher   · They raise glasses to the friendship between the two peoples.   他们举杯为两国人民的友谊干杯.   · This weight is too he***y; I can"t raise it.   这东西太重,我举不起来.   · Salaries h***e now been raised.   现在薪水已增加了.   · The price was raised to £10.   价格涨到十英镑.   arise 不及物动词 vi.向上;上升   move upword; ascend   · When I started off,the sun was arising.   我出发时太阳正在升起.   arouse 及物动词 vt.唤醒;唤起;引起;激起   awake; excite; stir to action   · He fell into a sound sleep,don"t arouse him.   他睡熟了,别唤醒他.   · The lecture aroused my interest.   报告引起了我的兴趣.   辨 析 arise 没有“上升”之意,多指“产生、发生和出现”,常用于抽象事物   rise 使用范围广,既用于具体事物的“上升、增长”,又用于抽象事物的“上涨、发生”   raise 与以上两词不同的是,此词是及物动词,表示把某具体事物抬起高处或提高某抽象事物(工资、地位等)

5. Our hopes ________ and fell in the same instant. A. arose B. rose C. raised D. aroused

  B.rose  我们刚燃起的希望就立即熄灭了  首先 rise,arise 是不及物动词  raise,arouse是及物动词  其次 rise 意为“升起,增高”  arise意为“出现,产生”  raise意为“增加,引起”  arouse意为“激起,使 奋发”  arise、rise、rouse、arouse、raise的区分:  arise(arose,arisen)  1 occur“发生”,例:Problems arose from the outset.一开始就产生了很多问题。  2 arise from“起源于”,例:Accidents always arise from the carelessness.许多事故都源于粗心。derive from=originate from“起因于,追本溯源”,例:Many English words derive from Latin.许多英语都来自于拉丁语。  rise(rose,risen)  v.“上升”,(一定是不及物的)  n.“上升,上涨”  give rise to=lead to引起,例:The food shortage g***e rise to the serious problems.食品的短缺引起了严重的问题。  rouse“唤醒”,例:I was roused by the sound of the alarm.我被闹铃的声音吵醒。  arouse“唤起”,如,arouse one"s interest / sympathy“唤起某人的兴趣 / 同情心”  raise根本含义“使上升”,(1)“举起”raise one"s hand(2)“提出”raise a question(3)“抚养,相当于bring up”raise children(4)“筹集”raise funds  Our hopes ___ and fell in the same instant.  aroused ;arose ;raised ;rose  选哪一个呢? 这是大学四级考试真题:  选rose  rise 不及物动词 vi. 上升;增涨  become higher or more  · The sun was rising when we got to the top of the mountain.  太阳出来时我们来到了山顶。  · Soon steam can be seen rising from the wet clothes.  很快就看见水蒸气从湿衣服里冒出来。  · The sun rose and bathed the earth in its glow.  太阳升起,灿烂的阳光照遍了大地。  raise 及物动词 vt. 举起;抬起;提起;提高;增加  put up, lift somthing or someone up  make prices, wages,etc. higher  · They raise glasses to the friendship between the two peoples.  他们举杯为两国人民的友谊干杯。  · This weight is too he***y; I can"t raise it.  这东西太重,我举不起来。  · Salaries h***e now been raised.  现在薪水已增加了。  · The price was raised to £10.  价格涨到十英镑。  arise 不及物动词 vi. 向上;上升  move upword; ascend  · When I started off, the sun was arising.  我出发时太阳正在升起。  arouse 及物动词 vt. 唤醒;唤起;引起;激起  awake; excite; stir to action  · He fell into a sound sleep, don"t arouse him.  他睡熟了,别唤醒他。  · The lecture aroused my interest.  报告引起了我的兴趣。  辨 析 arise 没有“上升”之意,多指“产生、发生和出现”,常用于抽象事物  rise 使用范围广,既用于具体事物的“上升、增长”,又用于抽象事物的“上涨、发生”  raise 与以上两词不同的是,此词是及物动词,表示把某具体事物抬起高处或提高某抽象事物(工资、地位等)

Warframe 怎么换Equinox形态



ASH.1收起ASH.1ASH.2ASH.3ASH.4ATLAS.1ATLAS.2BANSHEE.1BANSHEE.2BANSHEEBARUUK.1BARUUK.2CHROMA.1CHROMA.2CHROMA.3CHROMA.4EMBER.1EMBER.2EQUINOX.1EQUINOX.2EQUINOX.3Excalibur.1Excalibur.2Excalibur.3Excalibur.4Excalibur.5FROST.1FROST.2FROST.3GARA.1GARA.2GARUDA.1GARUDA.2GAUSS.1GAUSS.2GAUSS.3GRENDEL.1GRENDEL.2HARROW.1HARROW.2HARROW.3HARROW.4HILDRYNHYDOID.1HYDOID.2INAROS.1INAROS.2IVARA.1IVARA.2IVARA.3IVARA.4KHORA.1KHORA.2KHORA.3LIMBO.1LIMBO.2LIMBO.3LOKI.1LOKI.2MAG.1MAG.2MESA.1MESA.2MIRAGE.1MIRAGE.2NEKROSNEZHA.1NEZHA.2NEZHA.3NIDUS.1NIDUS.2NOVA.1NOVA.2NOVA.3NYX.1NYX.2OBERON.1OBERON.2OBERON.3OCTAVIAPROTEA.1PROTEA.2REVENANTRHINO.1RHINO.2RHINO.3RHINO.4SARYN.1SARYN.2SARYN.3动作RPG游戏warframe星际战甲目前即将开启惊惧之心版本,游戏中有各种不同的战甲可供玩家选择,下面给大家推荐一些战甲的配色方案一. ASH 轮椅侠阿屎ash我总共有四套配色,毕竟豪皮和工坊皮,哪怕是prime原版颜值都非常在线,一套一套来步甲头盔是我最爱的ash头盔了,这一套也是我玩ash配的第一套色,色块皮肤配件武器场景贴下边:主要:GAMMA 1-2(1列2行,之后统一简化成这样格式)次要:GAMMA 5-1第三:鲜艳经典 2-1放射、能量默认(橙色)配件表:(炽天使是工坊外观,手腿的护甲都是用的主教大包里的)主要:GAMMA 1-2次要:AGONY 13-5第三:烟灰 13-3放射和能量复制本体披饰是暗影圣剑包里的禁卫披饰,颜色复制本体




打天王星BOSS,EQUINOX的黑夜面和白昼面,及其两个面的头盔、机体、系统共8个部件蓝图都是打天王星BOSS关卡后随即获取。《星际战甲》是Digital Extremes研发的一款科幻题材的第三人称射击网游,于2013年在中国公测发行。游戏采用以战甲代替职业的设定,玩家选择不同的战甲,每个战甲的攻击方式和技能都不同。每套拥有独特外形的战甲有着独特的定位和属性。每套战甲都有4个技能,可以大范围控制周围的环境。利用这些技能,玩家可以作出很多动作,从毁灭性的能量到防御护罩,甚至范围治疗。Warframe也能大大增强Tenno的身体能力,包括剑术、射击和特技等能力。



arrest came 是被动语态吗?

不是,因为arrest的过去式和过去分词是arrested,做及物动词,arrest came中arrest像是名词。



counting. game是什么意思?


the game-california vacation的歌词

The GameCalifornia Vacation[Verse 1- The Game]Get a blunt, roll the weed, light it up nigga,Sipping on Gin and Juice fill up your cups nigga,The Westcoast back crackin" like it"s 94",So bitch get on your knees and give me head like it"s 94",And don"t come up for air "til the beat drop,I"m the Doctors Advocate call it a sneak peak,at the mudafukn Detox, take note grab a pen,And let the world know the west is ridin" again,I Graduated from Dre"s school top of my class,Treat my switches like my bitches got me dropping that ass,Still bangin" the chronic like doggiestyle came with it,And I roll a sticky on my bitch back while I hit it,I done been there, done that, had beefs and won that,5 million records on 1 plaque I hung that,Still got Dr. Dre low ridin" in the 64",When you see us, throw it up for the fukin" Westcoast.[Chorus]My heart beat for the Westcoast,We pull the best weed in the Westcoast,We low ridin" in the Westcoast,So im"a die for the mudafukn Westcoast.My heart beat for the Westcoast,We pull the best weed in the Westcoast,Still low ridin" in the Westcoast,You should take a trip and visit the West coast.[Verse 2 - Snoop Dogg]Check game, im"a show you how to bang,Uncle Snoopy is it true you from that money game,All the time neph" I gotta let my nuts hang,A chest full of chains a left han" wit" a pinky ring,I"m in a steeler caps, Swisha Sweets peel em back,My lil" hood rat, baby got that mini mack,Baby got that 20 sack, baby got plenty that,Whatever you send it"s my nugga, we gonna send it backI"m in the club, with the snub, getting" love,with 20 thousand Crips and 20 thousand Bloods,And we don"t give a fuck about none of ya"ll,And when you hit the city, you better holla at the Big Dogg,I done seen niggas hit LA and get dey chain snatched,Then they call me up, beggin" me to get dey chain back,What I look like the mudafukin Police,It"s certain rules you got to follow, when you in these streets,Especially when it comes to this Cali shit,And I ain"t talkin" bout hangin" in the valley Bitch,Gang bang niggas all up in the alley Crip,On some real talk nigga we the real Westcoast.[Chorus]My heart beat for the Westcoast,We pull the best weed in the Westcoast,We low ridin" in the Westcoast,So im"a die for the mudafukn Westcoast.My heart beat for the Westcoast,We pull the best weed in the Westcoast,Still low ridin" in the Westcoast,You should take a trip and visit the West coast.[Verse 3 - Xzibit]Damn, I heard blue rag niggas ain"t fucking with the red rag niggas,On the Westcoast (Fuck you mean),shit from what I seen, red and blue can make green,Black wallstreet and X-o-leen,Since jealousy breeds hatred, hatred breeds violence,Violence breeds enemies more permanent silence,California alliance, is more important than ever so throw it up,We low ridin" together (YEAH!)Make the Westcoast rise forever, esse"s B"s and C"s represent your letter,Got Game the go getter, Xzibit the rhyme spitter, Snoop Dogg the boss,We gangster at all costs, ya"ll niggas is so soft and pussies so fuck off,For one of my niggas draw that hammer and dump off,This kush you gon" cough, (Cough, Cough)Yeah inhale the smoke, Bandana hang,Bang the coast my nigga.[Chorus]My heart beat for the Westcoast,We pull the best weed in the Westcoast,We low ridin" in the Westcoast,So im"a die for the mudafukn Westcoast.My heart beat for the Westcoast,We pull the best weed in the Westcoast,Still low ridin" in the Westcoast,You should take a trip and visit the West coast



eramegaten debug码


English name for a girl

ClaireIt"s a lovely name.Many English girl with this name were study goodand they look very beautiful!These are my pen pal tells me(an English girl)

It also denies same sex couples certain federal benefits that married heterosexuals receive.

  It为主语, also denies是谓语动词, same sex couples为间接宾语, certain federal benefits为直接宾语, that married heterosexuals receive.为定语从句,以certain federal benefits为先行词。使用的短语是deny sb. sth.“意思为剥夺某人某事物”。全句意思如下:  它(某政策或法案)也剥夺了一些同性恋夫妇应该享有的联邦福利,而这些福利是异性恋已婚夫妇通常享有的。

Artemis is ________ Greek name.


Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue (The Angry American) 歌词

歌曲名:Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue (The Angry American)歌手:Toby Keith专辑:UnleashedAmerican girls and American guyswill always stand up and saluteWe"ll always recognizewhen we see ol" glory flyingThere"s a lot of men deadSo we can sleep in peace at nightwhen we lay down our headsMy daddy served in the armywhere he lost his right eyeBut he flew a flag out in ouryard "til the day that he diedHe wanted my mothermy brothermy sister and meTo grow up and live happy in the land of the freeNow this nation that I love is fallin" under attackA mighty sucker-punch came flying infrom somewhere in the backSoon as we could see clearly through our big black eyeMan we lit up your world like the fourth of JulyHey Uncle Sam put your name at the top of his listAnd the Statue of Liberty started shaking her fistAnd the eagle will fly and it"s gonna be hellWhen you hear Mother Freedom start ringing her bellAnd it"ll feel likethe whole wide world is raining down on youAh brought to youcourtesy of the redwhite and blueInstrumental breakOh justice will be served and the battle will rageThis big dog will fight when you rattle his cageAn" you"ll be sorry that you messed with the U.S. of A"Cos we"ll put a boot in your assit"s the American wayHey Uncle Sam put your name at the top of his listAnd the Statue of Liberty started shaking her fistAnd the eagle will fly and it"s gonna be hellWhen you hear Mother Freedom start ringing her bellAnd it"l

courtesy name是什么意思?


Let It Rain Brendan James歌词大概

You see the struggle on my face,You see it storming in my eyeYou see it heavy on my shoulder,You see me swaying on the lineBring on the troubles of the morning and the stories of my lifeLook up above the clouds are formingAnd I"m not gonna hideLet it rain on me,Let my shelter crumble downTake it all away,Don"t need no one to save me nowI"m gonna let my body drown and keep my head above the waterLet it rain on me, let it rain on meI"m not getting any younger,I took the longer roadBut I know it"s made me strongerOut here on my ownBring on the troubles of the morning and the stories of my lifeLook up above the clouds are forming and I"m not gonna hideLet it rain on me,Let my shelter crumble downTake it all away,Don"t need no one to save me nowI"m gonna let my body drown and keep my head above the waterLet it rain on me, let it rain on meAnd like a single ray of lightIt can pierce the darkest nightI was meant to make it throughSo let the future crash on meAnd let the water set me freeNobody wins before they loseLet it rain on me,Let my shelter crumble downTake it all away,Don"t need no one to save me nowI"m gonna let my body drown keep my head above the waterLet it rain on me, let it rain on me


Covenant指圣约,神约,《圣经》中记载的上帝对人的诺言。Testament指圣约书,比如旧约,新约。古语中特指上帝与人之间的契约,圣约。所以一般来说二者都有圣约之意。但是应该都不能代指圣经。而Testament一般都是以Old Testament,New Testament的形式出现。更详细的不清楚了,可能要研究古英语和圣经语言的专家了。

求Brendan James 音乐专辑《the day is brave》中所有歌曲的歌词。高分!!

Green- Brendan JamesZeppelin never left herNever died or second guessed her,painted on her bodyThe stars would never hurt herNever lie, never desert herPainted on her bodyShe prayed to God when she was youngAfter the storm a calm would come above herI thought that I could be the oneto part the clouds before the sun above herGreen reminds meOf everything we did it blinds meIt rushes through my head it finds meClose to you againGreen reminds meOf everything we said it blinds meIt rushes through my head it finds meClose to you againMother moves to town againHolds her upside down again said its nice to see herBrendan now you"ve got to comeshe"s where I get my smile fromI"d like for you to meet herNow Andrea was paint and pridea step behind oh how she triedI loved herAnd all she wore from head to floorwas shades of green from our storeI loved her oh oh ohGreen reminds meOf everything we did it blinds meIt rushes through my head it finds meClose to you againGreen reminds meOf everything we said it blinds meIt rushes through my head it finds meClose to you againAnd oh, oh, oh, all for me she criedAnd oh, oh, oh, all for loveIn retrospect wish ICould have said three words that nightAll me, all me, all meNow, green reminds meOf everything we did it blinds meIt rushes through my head it finds meClose to youGreen reminds meOf everything we did it blinds meIt rushes through my head it finds meClose to you againBrendan James - All I Can SeeI want to walk through this doorwayI want to open my mindI want to pledge my allegiance to all I can findI want a car that will crash through the barriersto a road no one knowsI want to feel less controlwant to bend and I want to land far from homeThe revolution of the earth around the sunis the perfect lesson of how it should beSo if i cannot learnto journey and returnto never rest till I"ve seen all I can seeI want to learn a completely new languageone I don"t understandI want to help someone lost, someone helplesswith the strength of my handI want to come to the base of a statue builtbefore they counted the yearsand there i"ll fall with my face in my hands and cryand feel their hope in my tearsThe revolution of the earth around the sunis the perfect lesson of how it should beSo if I cannot learnto journey and returnto never rest till I"ve seen all I can seeTrain rides and pastures collidingcolors and customs i"ve never seenI know I, yes I know II know I will stumblebut time is precious my friendThose who journey can easily understandthe more they see the more they"ll learnthe more that they will beSo this I swear to you, and this I swear to meI"ll never rest till I"ve seen all I can seeNo, I"ll never rest till I"ve seen all i can seeI want to know where the stength of a person liesin their past or their futureIs it in the way that they hurt or they love themselvesor is it all an illusionI want to crawl from this skin that i"m painted inBody, please let it giveI want to find the creator of all good thingsand ask what it means to liveBrendan James - Hero"s SongHere I amIn the desert againA compass and a weaponA lost AmericanI started out with a simple planAnd a locket in my handBut the sun is so unforgivingAnd the wind so hard to standFall out, fall outWith the rest of your brothersWith the rest of your sistersHeroes on the lineCarry out what your leader saysFor what his leader saysIs that his leader saysThis is right for the peopleNo one will ever understand whatThousands of beautiful healthy young statues must fallSmoke and explosions surround meA flood of hate, it drowns meI cannot live this wayNo I cannot liveWith doubt and confusionThey find meThey run up right behind meI cannot die this wayNo, I cannot die this wayIn the water, in the sandIs the blood of a cultureIs the blood of an ancient peopleIn whose holy war I standI hear the world like a cannon roarSay I can win this warI promise them thisIsn"t what I signed up forNo one will ever understand whatThousands of beautiful healthy young statues must fallSmoke and explosions surround meA flood of hate, it drowns meI cannot live this wayNo I cannot liveWith doubt and confusionThey find meThey run up right behind meI cannot die this wayNo, I cannot die this wayNo one will ever understand whatThousands of beautiful healthy young soldiers must fallSmoke and explosions surround meA flood of hate, it drowns meI cannot live this wayNo I cannot liveWith doubt and confusionThey find meThey run up right behind meI cannot die this wayNo, I will not die this wayBrendan James - The Other SideI was a child onceThe fear of the world in my eyeFar from the safety of the other sideI colored by numbersLearned how to tie my own shoesLike all of the othersI just prayed I"d make it throughPrayed I would make it throughOh Motherlook how your boy turned out300 miles from that small townYou never stopped believingOh DaddyIt hurt to watch you walking outBut understand it made me stronger nowAnd so satisfiedSo full of prideThank you here from the other sideI"ll always rememberThe kids and how mean they"d beenEleven years old and I could not fit inBut I made it through high schoolAnd college according to planWhere pressure was never greater to become a manWould I become a manOh MotherLook how your boy turned out300 miles from that small townYou never stopped believingOh DaddyIt hurt to watch you walking outBut understand it made me stronger nowAnd so satisfiedSo full of prideThank you here from the other sideThank you here from the other sideMother look how your boy turned out300 miles from that small townAnd Dad it hurt to watch you walking outHear the piano do the crying nowFor all the preachers and the teachers nowFor all the ones who never let me downI"m so satisfiedSo full of prideStanding here on the other sideThank you here from the other sideThank you here from the other sideHere on the other side I"m taking my timeThere"s nothing to fearThere"s nothing to worry about on the other sideI remember when I thought I"d never findThe other sideBrendan James - Early April MorningThere used to be nothing in commonthere used to be nothing to shareIt used to be sit by the windowand stare at what used to be thereIt used to be lonely in numbersimpossibly weak on my feetWhen the game starts and one person"s left outit used to be meBut that was then and she is nowI once was lost with her I"m foundon this early April morningWater falling from the skythe sun that"s breaking fills my eyeand it came without a warning nowThere used to be nothing in commonthere used to be nothing to shareIt used to be sit by the windowand stare at what used to be thereLike a king in his court at his tablewho is blind to the power he holdsI could never come to understand all the powers I had of my ownBut that was then and she is nowI once was lost with her I"m foundon this early April morningWater falling from the skythe sun that"s breaking fills my eyeand it came without a warning nowI trust my love I trust myselfI trust the love of someone elseI trust that I will get what I"ve been hoping waiting forThe prison walls are crashing down as winter dies without a soundon this early April MorningLet the struggle end the joy beginit"s true it"s love I"m falling inand it came without a warning nowAnd that was then and she is nowI once was lost with her I"m foundon this early April morningThe water falling from the skythe sun that"s breaking fills my eyeand it came without a warning nowBrendan James - The Sun Will RiseThe sun will rise the sun will save meThe sun will change me change the way I feelThe day will make this heart a fortuneFrom the fruit of a hundred orchardsFrom the water rivers bringThe sun will rise the sun will save meFrom the night the sun will change meChange the way I feelI"ve had enough of the hard and harderTimes are tough and I"ve drifted fartherFarther from myselfI won"t dwell baby on my failuresIt won"t help baby it won"t bring changesI won"t run baby when all I want is to runI won"t forget the morning"s sure to comeThe sun will rise the sun will save meFrom then night the sun will change meChange the way I feelThe love I want the love I need isSure to come is sure to lead meLead me home againThe light is low the night is burningMy head is still but my mind is turningTurning round againIf only I can make it through this lonely nightIf I can do thisIf I can drift awayThen the sun will rise the sun will save meFrom the night the sun will change meChange the way I feelBrendan James - ManchesterPlains and painted trees,the long south willow streetA raging river turning.Feelings never change,the names remain the same,and children go on learning.Like all the town she fights,she prays she"ll do it right.With nature"s sounds to guideher safely through the night.All of Manchester together to carryon the weight that is life,that has changed over nightLet the good lend their hand and the old teach the young.This is all of Manchester together to carry us onShades of red and white in the blinking of an eye,the blues not far behind.Free to live for the price of the cold November night,A chill that never diesLike all the town she fights, she prays she"ll do it right.With nature"s sounds to guide her safely through the night.All of Manchester together to carry on the weight that is life,that has changed over nightLet the good lend their hand and the old teach the young.This is all of Manchester together to carry us onFather Roger speaks, he brings us to our knees...Oh it"s beautifulAll of Manchester together to carry on the weight that is life,that has changed over nightLet the good lend their hand and the old teach the young.This is all of Manchester together to carry us onBrendan James - Let Your Beat Go OnIf he came down from heaven and cleared the lines from your faceSaid so long to the mistakes and questions and start over again.Look in his eyes; you"ll find your own reflection, a face of hardship and painYour money saved and spent, your loves and losses, they"re not worth it again.Let your beat go on forever, they say we"re made to live as oneLet this need to fear each other not be passed on to my sonLet your beat go on forever, let your fears down rivers runLet the silence be the music, when their words are said and done.Now fate lands you out in the open, a slave to the man inside your headYour second chances, they"re buried deep in rock canyonsAs you lie here in bed.Let your beat go on forever, they say we"re made to live as oneLet this need to fear each other not be passed on to my sonLet your beat go on forever, let your fears down rivers runLet the silence be the music, when their words are said and done.I feel like as people we"re afraid to wonder, afraid of our heaven and our hell.My mother raised me with strength and measure; my father raised me too late.Let your beat go on forever, they say we"re made to live as oneLet this need to fear each other not be passed on to my sonLet your beat go on forever, let your fears down rivers runLet the silence be the music, when their words are said and done.Brendan James - Take The FallForget about NormanSmall town RockwellScenes of simple lifeForget about savings and poignant phrasings,Cigarettes and schoolyard fightsLet us out now Lord of our speed and fancyOf our “can you hear me” now"s and our techno lovesDrop us off on 55th and keep us reading VonnegutPoint out now what we"re careless ofMy chance in life is worth letting goOf all the trends they"re setting soForgive meIf I"m so ordinary with extraordinary reasons to liveIt"s just like a boy to save his honor and his moneyIt"s just like a girl to feelIt"s just like a child to stand and interrupt us allAnd say I"ll gladly take the fall for youNow love, love, love, yesIt"s all you needJohn and Paul Ringo George professIf I"ve got loveI can feel I can remember every mealBut like a gift it can be taken

大家帮我翻译一下歌词,Brendan James的green

wodefanyishi 绿色 布伦丹詹姆斯 一天是勇敢 飞艇从未离开过她 从来没有死亡或第二次猜测她 髹上她的尸体 星绝不会伤害她 从来没有说谎,她从来没有沙漠 髹上她的尸体 她祈祷上帝在她很小的时候 风暴过后的平静来,她以上 我想我可以一个部分云 之前,她的孙以上 绿皮书,令我想起 一切,我们没有百叶窗我 它赶通过我的头,发现我 接近你再次 绿皮书,令我想起 一切我们说,百叶窗我 它赶通过我的头,发现我 接近你再次 母亲的举动,以城再次 她倒再次表示其很高兴看到她的 布伦丹现在你要来,她的情况下让我的微笑,从 我想你,以满足她的 现在安德列是油漆和自豪的一个步骤哦背后的她是如何尝试 我爱她 和所有她穿着从头部到一楼形形色色的绿色从我们的商店 我喜欢她哦噢哦 绿皮书,令我想起 一切,我们没有百叶窗我 它赶通过我的头,发现我 接近你再次 绿皮书,令我想起 一切我们说,百叶窗我 它赶通过我的头,发现我 接近你再次 和哦,哦,哦,一切为我哭 和哦,哦,哦,一切为爱 在回顾希望我 可以说3个字,当晚 所有我,我所有,所有我 现在,绿色,令我想起 一切,我们没有百叶窗我 它赶通过我的头,发现我 您身边 绿皮书,令我想起 一切,我们没有百叶窗我 它赶通过我的头,发现我 接近你再次



用photoshop camera raw插件打开佳能50d照片偏色

加个色阶涂层 调调 看还是那样么

翻译:Listen and number the following letters.Then circle the letters with the same sound as Aa



GAL是日语ギャル的罗马文字写法,全称为ギャルゲーム,而ギャル的意思就是少女、女孩的意思(ゲーム就是GAME)  这类游戏说明点,就是带有"剧情选项的CG+音乐+动画+特殊游戏的文字剧情游戏",让以游戏主人公的视点(类似小说主人公视点)来完成相关的剧情。美少女游戏.但在日本却多称为“Ero Game”或简称“eroge(エロゲ)”。(ero 为英文Erotic 的简写)复制于:问问团队橘子联盟

大学英语泛读一第三版二单元The American Cowboy翻译


An american cowboy是什么意思

An american cowboy美国牛仔双语对照例句:1.An original american water-mill in the deepest english countryside is as unusual asa cowboy in a bowler hat. 如果在英国乡村的最深处,有一座原始的美国水磨坊,那它就像头戴圆顶硬礼帽的牛仔一样非同寻常。

阅读理解。 American country music, also known as country westem music, h...

1-3 DDC


这个我来回答,我也是Mame的爱好者啊!!是我自己总结的,有错误的地方还望指正.Artwork---这个文件夹是存放游戏外框图的(美化用如1942、Mario等).ZIP格式,文件名与游戏对应.Bkground---存放模拟器界面背景图片的.Png格式,文件名bkground.png.cabinets---存放此款游戏的机台照片的.Png格式,文件名与游戏对应.可将所有图片压缩成ZIP格式存放,文件名为Cabinets.zipcfg---存放各项游戏的设置信息(比如按键设置等).Cfg格式,文件名与游戏对应.Cpanel---存放各项游戏的控制面板图片的.Png格式,文件名与游戏对应.可将所有图片压缩成ZIP格式存放,文件名为Cpanel.zipCtrlr---存放模拟器游戏整体设置信息的(比如存档、截图的按键设置等).Cfg格式.Docs---存放模拟器帮助文档的.Flyers---存放游戏海报.Png格式,文件名与游戏对应.可将所有图片压缩成ZIP格式存放,文件名为Flyers.zipFolders---存放模拟器各文件夹设置的.Font---模拟器的字库(英语以为的语言).Hi---存放高分记录.Icons---存放各个游戏图标的.Ico格式,文件名与游戏对应.可将所有文件压缩成与文件夹同名的ZIP格式文件存放.Ini---存放各个游戏模拟器设置的(是否全屏运行等).Ips---存放各个游戏的补丁的.Lang---存放模拟器语言文件的(除英语以外).Marquees---存放游戏机台贴花的.Png格式,文件名与游戏对应.可将所有文件压缩成与文件夹同名的ZIP格式文件存放.Nvram---存放游戏存档的.Pcb---存放游戏基板的.Roms---最熟悉了,存放游戏Rom的.也是ZIP格式.Samples---存放某些游戏的采样文件的(声音).还是ZIP格式.Snap---存放游戏截图的.Png格式,文件名与游戏对应.可将所有文件压缩成与文件夹同名的ZIP格式文件存放.Titles---存放游戏标题的.Png格式,文件名与游戏对应.可将所有文件压缩成与文件夹同名的ZIP格式文件存放.完了,累死我了 *_*

jenna jameson作品

Burn (2008) (V) Jenna Loves Justin Again (2007) (V) Jenna Loves Diamonds (2007) (V) Gallery Blue (2007) (V) "Samurai Love God" (2006) TV mini-series (voice) .... P-Whip Jenna Depraved (2006) (V) Jenna Loves Justin (2006) (V) Award Winning Sex Stars 2 (2006) (V) Jesse Factor (2006) (V) Janine Loves Jenna (2006) (V) Forever Asia (2006) (V) Jenna Jameson: Uncut & Uncensored 2 (2006) (V) "Jenna"s American Sex Star" .... Host (1 episode, 2005) - Episode #1.1 (2005) TV episode .... Host Jenna"s Tough Love (2005) (V) Dasha: Like a Geyser (2005) (V) The Passion of the Christies (2005) (V) The Devil in Miss Jones (2005) (V) .... Miss Devlin ... aka The New Devil in Miss Jones (USA: DVD box title) Jenna"s Star Power (2005) (V) Jenna Loves Pain (2005) (V) Sophia Syndrome (2005) (V) Jenna Does Carmen (2005) (V) Camera Sutra (2004) (V) Deep Inside Celeste (2004) (V) The Masseuse (2004) (V) .... Barbara ... aka Jenna Jameson Is the Masseuse (USA: long title) Bella Loves Jenna (2004) (V) Shock Video 2004: Too Hot for the Box (2004) (TV) (voice) Wicked Anthology: Volume 2 (2004) (V) ... aka Jenna Jameson"s Wicked Anthology; Volume 2 (USA: complete title) Krystal Method (2004) (V) Wicked Anthology 3 (2004) (V) ... aka Jenna Jameson"s Wicked Anthology 3 (USA: complete title) Jenna Uncut & Uncensored (2004) (V) Last Girl Standing (2004/I) (V) Evil Breed: The Legend of Samhain (2003) .... Jenny I Dream of Jenna 2 (2003) (V) .... Jenna Where the Boys Aren"t 17 (2003) (V) Udderly Ridiculous (2003) (V) Wicked Anthology: Volume One (2003) (V) ... aka Jenna Jameson"s Wicked Anthology: Volume One (USA: complete title) Where the Boys Aren"t 16: Dark Angels (2003) (V) Pro Skater 4 (2002) (VG) (voice) .... Daisy ... aka Tony Hawk"s Pro Skater 4 (USA: complete title) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (2002) (VG) (voice) .... Candy Suxxx ... aka Vice City (USA: short title) I Dream of Jenna (2002) (V) .... Jenna Jenna"s Playhouse (2002) (V) Up Close & Personal: Ashlyn Gere (2002) (V) Briana Loves Jenna (2001) (V) My Plaything: Jenna Jameson (2001) (V) Where the Boys Aren"t 15 (2001) (V) I Love Lesbians 10 (2001) (V) Where the Boys Aren"t 14 (2001) (V)

jenna jameson作品

  Burn (2008) (V)  Jenna Loves Justin Again (2007) (V)  Jenna Loves Diamonds (2007) (V)  Gallery Blue (2007) (V)  "Samurai Love God" (2006) TV mini-series (voice) .... P-Whip  Jenna Depraved (2006) (V)  Jenna Loves Justin (2006) (V)  Award Winning Sex Stars 2 (2006) (V)  Jesse Factor (2006) (V)  Janine Loves Jenna (2006) (V)  Forever Asia (2006) (V)  Jenna Jameson: Uncut & Uncensored 2 (2006) (V)  "Jenna"s American Sex Star" .... Host (1 episode, 2005)  - Episode #1.1 (2005) TV episode .... Host  Jenna"s Tough Love (2005) (V)  Dasha: Like a Geyser (2005) (V)  The Passion of the Christies (2005) (V)  The Devil in Miss Jones (2005) (V) .... Miss Devlin  ... aka The New Devil in Miss Jones (USA: DVD box title)  Jenna"s Star Power (2005) (V)  Jenna Loves Pain (2005) (V)  Sophia Syndrome (2005) (V)  Jenna Does Carmen (2005) (V)  Camera Sutra (2004) (V)  Deep Inside Celeste (2004) (V)  The Masseuse (2004) (V) .... Barbara  ... aka Jenna Jameson Is the Masseuse (USA: long title)  Bella Loves Jenna (2004) (V)  Shock Video 2004: Too Hot for the Box (2004) (TV) (voice)  Wicked Anthology: Volume 2 (2004) (V)  ... aka Jenna Jameson"s Wicked Anthology; Volume 2 (USA: complete title)  Krystal Method (2004) (V)  Wicked Anthology 3 (2004) (V)  ... aka Jenna Jameson"s Wicked Anthology 3 (USA: complete title)  Jenna Uncut & Uncensored (2004) (V)  Last Girl Standing (2004/I) (V)  Evil Breed: The Legend of Samhain (2003) .... Jenny  I Dream of Jenna 2 (2003) (V) .... Jenna  Where the Boys Aren"t 17 (2003) (V)  Udderly Ridiculous (2003) (V)  Wicked Anthology: Volume One (2003) (V)  ... aka Jenna Jameson"s Wicked Anthology: Volume One (USA: complete title)  Where the Boys Aren"t 16: Dark Angels (2003) (V)  Pro Skater 4 (2002) (VG) (voice) .... Daisy  ... aka Tony Hawk"s Pro Skater 4 (USA: complete title)  Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (2002) (VG) (voice) .... Candy Suxxx  ... aka Vice City (USA: short title)  I Dream of Jenna (2002) (V) .... Jenna  Jenna"s Playhouse (2002) (V)  Up Close & Personal: Ashlyn Gere (2002) (V)  Briana Loves Jenna (2001) (V)  My Plaything: Jenna Jameson (2001) (V)  Where the Boys Aren"t 15 (2001) (V)  I Love Lesbians 10 (2001) (V)  Where the Boys Aren"t 14 (2001) (V)

Jenna Jameson的电影有哪些?

作为演员珍娜·詹姆森 Jenna Jameson的电影作品(数量:140)僵尸脱衣舞娘Zombie Strippers ------- (2008)Horrorween ------- (2008)Sin-Jin Smyth ------- (2007)Jesse Factor ------- (2006)Jenna Depraved ------- (2006)Forever Asia ------- (2006)Janine Loves Jenna ------- (2006)Award Winning Sex Stars 2 ------- (2006)Jenna Loves Justin ------- (2006)Jenna"s Star Power ------- (2005)Sophia Syndrome ------- (2005)Dasha: Like a Geyser ------- (2005)Adult Video News Awards 2005 ------- (2005)The Devil in Miss Jones ------- (2005)Jenna Does Carmen ------- (2005)Jenna Loves Pain ------- (2005)The Passion of the Christies ------- (2005)G-Phoria 2004 ------- (2004)“Retrosexual: The 80"s"”------- (2004)Thinking XXX ------- (2004)Shock Video 2004: Too Hot for the Box ------- (2004)“Pornucopia: Going Down in the Valley"”------- (2004)Adult Video News Awards 2004 ------- (2004)A Weekend with Jenna ------- (2004)女按摩师 The Masseuse ------- (2004)Last Girl Standing ------- (2004)Jenna Uncut & Uncensored ------- (2004)Krystal Method ------- (2004)Bella Loves Jenna ------- (2004)Award Winning Sex Stars ------- (2004)Necrophagia: Nightmare Scenerios ------- (2004)Wicked Anthology: Volume 2 ------- (2004)AVN Award Show ------- (2004)Wicked Anthology 3 ------- (2004)“Porno Valley” ------- (2004)Spike TV VGA Video Game Awards ------- (2003)Jenna Loves Kobe ------- (2003)Adult Video News Awards 2003 ------- (2003)Hard Trip ------- (2003)I Dream of Jenna 2 ------- (2003)Young Felecia ------- (2003)Cruisin Jennaville ------- (2003)Fluffy Cumsalot, Porn Star ------- (2003)G-Phoria ------- (2003)Wicked Anthology: Volume One ------- (2003)"Mister Sterling" ------- (2003)Where the Boys Aren"t 17 ------- (2003)Evil Breed: The Legend of Samhain ------- (2003)Where the Boys Aren"t 16: Dark Angels ------- (2003)Stripper"s Ball (Jenna Jameson) ------- (2003)Young Dyanna Lauren ------- (2002)Porn "n Chicken ------- (2002)Up Close & Personal: Ashlyn Gere ------- (2002)I Dream of Jenna ------- (2002)Adult Video News Awards 2002 ------- (2002)Jenna"s Playhouse ------- (2002)Adult Video News Awards 2001 ------- (2001)My Plaything: Jenna Jameson ------- (2001)Where the Boys Aren"t 14 ------- (2001)Where the Boys Aren"t 15 ------- (2001)Wrong Way to Sundance ------- (2001)Briana Loves Jenna ------- (2001)I Love Lesbians 10 ------- (2001)Porn Star: The Legend of Ron Jeremy ------- (2001)Playboy: Sizzling Sex Stars ------- (2001)Best of the Vivid Girls #30 ------- (2000)"Da Ali G Show" ------- (2000)Please Cum Inside Me ------- (2000)Ali G, Aiii ------- (2000)European Blue Review Uncut ------- (2000)Rated X: A Journey Through Porn ------- (2000)Dreamquest ------- (2000)Hell on Heels ------- (1999)Blown Away ------- (1999)Word"s Worth ------- (1999)Virtual Sex with Jenna Jameson ------- (1999)Dirt Merchant ------- (1999)Super Sexy Too ------- (1999)The Other Hollywood ------- (1999)The Girl Next Door ------- (1999)"Unzipped" ------- (1999)"The Man Show" ------- (1999)ECW Living Dangerously ------- (1998)Flashpoint ------- (1998)Couples ------- (1998)Dangerous Tides ------- (1998)All American Superstars ------- (1998)Adult Video News Awards 1998 ------- (1998)Wicked Weapon ------- (1998)Satyr ------- (1998)Philmore Butts Taking Care of Business ------- (1997)隐私部分 Private Parts ------- (1997)Paradise ------- (1997)ECW Hardcore Heaven ------- (1997)Conquest ------- (1997)Dirty Bob"s Xcellent Adventures 35 ------- (1997)Convention Cuties ------- (1997)Betrayed ------- (1997)Adult Video News Awards 1997 ------- (1997)Jenna"s Built for Speed ------- (1997)Jenna Loves Rocco ------- (1996)Jenna Ink ------- (1996)Silver Screen Confidential ------- (1996)Hard Evidence ------- (1996)Pure ------- (1996)The F-Zone ------- (1996)Precious Metal Volume 1 ------- (1996)Cybersex ------- (1996)Once in a Lifetime ------- (1996)Cum One, Cum All ------- (1996)Jinx ------- (1996)Adult Video News Awards 1996 ------- (1996)Jenna"s Revenge ------- (1996)Cover to Cover ------- (1995)Photoplay ------- (1995)Up and Cummers 20 ------- (1995)Phantasm ------- (1995)Up and Cummers 17 ------- (1995)On Her Back ------- (1995)Starting Over ------- (1995)Lip Service ------- (1995)Smells Like... Sex ------- (1995)Blue Movie ------- (1995)The Kiss ------- (1995)Silk Stockings: The Black Widow ------- (1995)Wicked One ------- (1995)I Love Lesbians ------- (1995)Priceless ------- (1995)Where the Boys Aren"t 7 ------- (1995)Exposure ------- (1995)Picture Perfect ------- (1995)Virtual Reality 69 ------- (1995)Ms. Behaved ------- (1994)Fantasy Women ------- (1994)Elements of Desire ------- (1994)Cherry Pie ------- (1994)The Dinner Party ------- (1994)Baby Doll ------- (1994)Up and Cummers 11 ------- (1994)Up and Cummers 10 ------- (1994)作为编剧珍娜·詹姆森 Jenna Jameson的电影作品(数量:1) Pure ------- (1996) 作为制片人珍娜·詹姆森 Jenna Jameson的电影作品(数量:4)Jenna"s Provocateur ------- (2006) Bella Loves Jenna ------- (2004) I Dream of Jenna ------- (2002) Briana Loves Jenna ------- (2001) 作为其他职员珍娜·詹姆森 Jenna Jameson的电影作品(数量:1)Lip Service ------- (1995) 珍娜·詹姆森-获奖作品 Samhain (2005) Fluffy Cumsalot,Porn Star (2003) Bri的高朝 Dangerous Tides (1998) Flashpoint (1998) Conquest (1997) 自己去emule 里搜索,其他地方时别想了

求一部Jenna Jameson的作品



我百度了一下,不知道这个是不是来源。至于你说的西方先哲,大概是你想太多了。" A" was the architectural letterform of leisure building in postwar America. Eager to stake out mountain and lakeside retreats, an entire generation of high-end homebuilders and weekend handymen found the A-frame an easy and affordable home to construct; “A”是战后美国休闲建筑的建筑形式。渴望把山和湖畔撤退,整个一代的高端房屋建筑商和周末工匠发现A框架是一个简单和负担得起的家园建设;An A-frame ladder comprises two side rail assemblies and a platform guard rail assembly each provided in their rail members with elongate oval apertures defining handholds or hand grips. Steps of the side rail assemblies and the platform of the platform guard rail assembly are formed with elongate openings for draining water from the upper surfaces of the steps and the platform and for augmenting the gripping of users" feet by those upper surfaces. The steps are connected to the side rails by snap lock pins and the side rail assemblies are connected to guard rail members of the platform guard rail assembly by twist-ock pins, whereby an outer side rail assembly may be removably disconnected from the platform to prevent access to a swimming pool by youngsters. Brackets are attachable to the guard rail members of the platform guard rail assembly for connecting the platform guard rail assembly to sections of a perimetrally extending fence, whereby the ladder becomes an integral part of the fence. The A-frame ladder may be separated into two sections, namely, an in-pool ladder and a staircase ladder, for use with a pool deck.一架梯子包括两纵梁组件和平台护栏组件分别在他们的轨道拉长的椭圆形孔的成员定义的扶手或把手。在侧轨组装步骤和平台护栏装配平台形成细长的开口从台阶和平台,增强用户的脚夹的上表面上的表面排水。步骤是用弹簧锁销和侧轨组件连接到侧轨连接保护平台的护栏装配轨道成员通过捻玉珠引脚,即外侧轨道组件可拆卸地断开平台,防止进入一个游泳池年轻人。支架连接到平台的护栏安装护栏构件连接平台护栏装配到一个perimetrally延伸的围墙段,其中梯成为篱笆的一个组成部分。A形梯可分为两部分,即一个池中的阶梯和楼梯梯,使用一个游泳池甲板。

有没有含有ame ake ase 的英语单词?

Name,lame,fame,tame,shame,Make,lake,take,fake,shake,Laser, chase,case,vase,tease.每组五个。

All CPPCC members have the same job什么意思?




CS1.6 ESAI 和 CCGAME 哪个版本好使点?弹道好?


to be ashamed of什么意思


Ashamed of having acted so rashly.这里的having是什么用法

该句意思:为极度粗鲁的表现而羞愧. having acted so rashly 中having 是have这个动词的动名词形式,通常作状语来修饰句子,在该句中,having acted so rashly 修饰了 ashamed.

I am ashamed 和I am shamed 有什么区别啊?意思有何不同?

But this week it was shamed into signing a unanimous statement deploring theZimbabwean government"s violence. 但是本周,它羞愧的在一份一致同意谴责津巴布韦政府暴力行为的声明上签字。I am ashamed. 我很惭愧。没有I am shamed.

i feel ashamed 还是i feel shame

i feel ashamed

she accused him of stealing the money和Ashamed of having acted so rashly

accuse of是固定的介词短语啊,不能改。accuse sb of (doing)sth=charge sb with (doing)sth




更新1: 回第3位回答者 m4a1同ak47会唔会后座力劲左d 仲有 第2位人兄 你回答得都唔系几合我个题目wor...... 其实我都唔知选择第1位定第3位做最佳tim....... 更新2: 咁系咪者系话广华街系最好选择?? 更新3: 回第4位 我CQB同中近距离战斗两样都玩架 咁要买把咩好je........ 更新4: *** g系咩野? 仲有你讲果d地方(咩ca呀 dboy呀)冇讲在边度 p.s. copy系咪一间野来架? 更新5: 我只系想问在边度买最好啦!!!!!! 唔系你讲咁多野都冇用........我都想选你啦 更新6: 仲有买咩最好 已经唔合题啦 更新7: wow 咁我比人投票啦不如 都吕知要边个好............. 更新8: wow 咁我比人投票啦不如 都唔知要边个好............. 可以买d手枪and步枪玩下.....因为你系新手 所以吾洗太贵 $700楼下都有1把岩新手用既枪 吾系中国货 可以放心d....第1位人兄话叫你去(唐XX)果度买 我觉得吾系咁好~ 好多人都觉得果间系黑店黎.....d野咁鬼贵....... 你系新手 可以买气动/电动手枪 步枪可以要mp5/m4a1/ak 47等等~ 我个人觉得手枪买气动比较好......而步枪电动比较好.....因为电动步枪既配件比较多......例如:m4可以换多款吾同既鱼骨....内部比较易改.... 你可以去旺角 广华街 睇下d枪...因为果度比较平...同埋好多枪款睇...... AEG差唔多零后座力.... GBB先有较大既后座力...因为有部份gas转左去退膛果到... 广华街只系较多枪铺姐唔代表系最好...黑店真系好见人见智 海鲜价我谂先系黑店....仲有买完枪售后服务极差...同宽频零分别 玩左一两次岩唔岩玩先...你玩CQB定中近距离战斗? CQB同中近距离战斗差好远...CQB根本同短兵相接冇分别 转左个角位可以就咁撞到敌人....CQB都系用番手枪/SMG好d... 山地战果类长枪会好d... 后座力同枪械冇乜关系..只系子弹既装药多少既问题...m4系5.56 AK系早期系7.62 不过因为后座力关系改用其他口径子弹... M16系同AK系根本唔可以相提并论...口径唔同 结构都唔同啦... 2009-09-01 16:58:58 补充: 山地战用用乜枪都冇乜所谓 AEG既射距大约都系15米~45米内... ps:买狙击镜最好都系买番copy 有传真品系用黎瞄准100米外既目标... ACOG/M2/552就唔同讲法.... 2009-09-01 17:02:33 补充: 原来MP5升呢变左步枪.... 700$楼下既M4A1/AK系我谂都系DBOY(M16系)/CA(M15系)司马(AK系)... 我谂最平都系JG G36C挂...M4系好似系2号波箱同MP5通用... 买补品时注意下你个波箱系几多号波箱通常都系用马记既枪做标准... 2009-09-01 17:04:26 补充: 你自己上网揾下电枪原理或者你揾d fd叫佢拆开个波箱睇下明白左个原理先 唔好未学行先学走.... 2009-09-03 22:43:16 补充: SMG系冲锋枪... Copy姐系复制 DBOY/JG(金弓)/CYMA系国内既制枪厂 Classic Army系中国香港枪厂... 咁买M4/HK416果类好d... 千祈唔好买d过长既枪..最好你拎上手唔觉得长就ok... 我本人有MP5同G36C果类较短既枪... CQB都系灵活就ok.... 2009-09-03 22:49:00 补充: 更新番 Wargame黎讲有冇后座力都冇分别 后座力同枪设计只有少少关系..来源系子弹既装药... m4系5.56 AK系早期系7.62 不过因为后座力关系改用其他口径子弹... M16系同AK系根本唔可以相提并论...杀伤力唔同 口径唔同... 大部份既步枪或者SMG 枪头都会有制退器 目的系减少后座力 令准绳度提高.... 依到唔系军事版 想知多d就自己去揾揾啦.... 2009-09-05 19:23:28 补充: = ="唔好意思.... 我谂都系广华街既枪铺 最好做定资料搜集果枝枪大约卖几多钱... 名枪d价好似系最准...+-大约10~20%就ok... 我谂都系军军军果到.... 先生你新玩可能唔明...但系你咁问 证明你根本唔知玩具枪系咩一回事 wargame界玩既系分入电同入气 入电既即系差电 枪入面运作既我地叫波箱 系进行比真枪复杂但系又差好多既物理运动 即系话 所以电枪 都系使用波箱令粒弹飞出去 所以除左加快同加大力系比较特别之外 基本上所有枪系冇大分别 睇下你住边区啦 买枪平贵真系睇地区(事实证明) 你有心玩既系揾我....msn 再唔系上wargame友到睇下 不过d人教唔教真系唔保证 您有几个选择 第一 您可以去旺角广华街买d日本枪 价钱要比较贵啦...最少都要$1000 但一分钱一分货 日本枪就一定好d同耐用d架啦... 第二 您都可以买国产枪 价钱一定比日本平得多啦 如果系新手既话 可以选择mp5-J 我个fd系唐番九买都系500以下...不过品质就...都系果句 一分钱一分货啦... 第三 可以上网买二手(例如Uwants既wargame买卖区) 买二手既话 d件就可能会齐d同平d 我把枪都系二手买返尼(p.s.我都系新手)不过可能会易坏d 同埋会旧d... 要买新枪既话 最好就去广华街啦 就系旺角广华医院付近 咁我建议您系买之前行下条街先 格格价 睇定先再买啦^^ 希望我既资料帮到您啦=) 参考: 个人经验

I felt so ashamed这句话的成分是什么?


用ashamed of. sth造句

I feel ashamed of what she did. 我对她的所作所为感到羞耻

这道题里shameful ashamed shameless shamed的区别

不一样ashamed adj.惭愧的, 羞耻的shameful adj.不体面的shamed n.羞耻, 羞愧, 可耻的人(或事物)

英语题They have been put to shame by a boy.They should feel_____.(ashamed/shameful)


ashamed shameful shamed区别

ashamed adj.惭愧的, 羞耻的shameful 不体面的shamed n.羞耻, 羞愧, 可耻的人(或事物)

be .ashamed .to .do的意思是“做某事而感到羞愧”还是“因羞愧而不做某事”?

意思是:做某事而感到羞愧 因羞愧而不做某事的英语是:be ashamed not to do sth.

ashamed of 的用法

建议不要用ashamed of my oral English 可以说 I am not good at oral English.

be ashamed to后加do 还是doing


it is ashamed/shameful ??


一个翻译题 这里的shamefu 和 ashmaed 能互换吗?用法是怎样的?

很简单 都是形容词 shameful=令人羞耻的 ashamed=羞耻,惭愧
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