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既是可数名词又是不可数名词。newspaper的基本意思是“报道性读物”,侧重指每日、du每周出版的载有新闻的出版物。作“一种报纸”解时,是可数名词,在口语中常略作paper。newspaper用作不可数名词,可指“废旧报纸”,还可作“报社”解。 news用法 news用作名词,基本含义是“新闻,消息”,指最近发生的公众感兴趣的事情或最近变化了的情况;后可接that引起的同位语从句。 1.news的基本意思是“新闻,消息”,指最近发生的公众感兴趣的事情或最近变化了的情况;也可指电视、广播或报纸上对最近事情的报道;还可指当作新闻内容的人、物、事。 2.news是个不可数名词,虽以-s结尾,但具有单数意义;作主语时,谓语动词须用单数形式。表示“条”“则”时不可直接用不定冠词或数词修饰。“一则消息”可说a piece〔bit,scrap〕of news,“几条消息”可说pieces of news;报刊上刊登的“一则新闻”可以说an item of news或a news item ,“多则新闻”则是items of news或news items。 3.news之前有形容词修饰时,可加不定冠词。 4.news后可接that引起的同位语从句,that仅起连接作用,在从句中不充当句子成分。




newspaper 音标:["nju:speɪpə(r)]报纸 newspaper英[ˈnjuːzpeɪpə(r)]美[ˈnuːzpeɪpər]词典newspaperjournalnewsprint例句这家报纸的主编被指责为不够正直。The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking integrity.


newspaper的读音是:英["nju?zpe?p?(r)]。newspaper的读音是:英["nju?zpe?p?(r)]。newspaper的详尽释义是n.(名词)报纸报社白报纸新闻纸新闻用纸报馆报界旧报纸。newspaper的例句是用作名词(n.)He unfurled the newspaper and began to read.他展开报纸开始阅读。一、详尽释义点此查看newspaper的详细内容n.(名词)报纸报社白报纸新闻纸新闻用纸报馆报界旧报纸v.(动词)从事报业从事新闻工作二、英英释义Noun:a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets; contains news and articles and advertisements;"he read his newspaper at breakfast"a business firm that publishes newspapers;"Murdoch owns many newspapers"the physical object that is the product of a newspaper publisher;"when it began to rain he covered his head with a newspaper"cheap paper made from wood pulp and used for printing newspapers;"they used bales of newspaper every day"三、词典解释1.报纸;报Anewspaper is a publication consisting of a number of large sheets of folded paper, on which news, advertisements, and other information is printed.newspapere.g. He was carrying anewspaper...他拿着一份报纸。e.g. They read their daughter"s allegations in thenewspaper.他们从报纸上看到了女儿的说法。2.报馆;报社Anewspaper is an organization that produces a newspaper.e.g. It is Britain"s fastest growing national dailynewspaper...这是英国发展最快的全国性日报社。e.g. Alexander Lazarus is a food critic for thenewspaper.亚历山大·拉扎勒斯是为该报撰稿的饮食评论家。3.(尤指用作他途的)旧报纸Newspaper consists of pieces of old newspapers, especially when they are being used for another purpose such as wrapping things up.newspaper在线翻译e.g. He found two pots, each wrapped innewspaper.他发现了两个分别用报纸包着的罐子。四、例句He unfurled the newspaper and began to read.他展开报纸开始阅读。I learned this news from the newspaper.我从报纸上得知这个消息。Only when he read the newspaper did he know the story.他看了报纸后才知道那则报导。His name leapt out at me from the newspaper.报纸上他的名字一下子跳入我的眼帘。We have subscribed to an evening newspaper.我们已经订阅了一份晚报。The associated press reported that as a result of glossy paper costs higher than the average newsprint, not to advertisements, the newspaper is not possible for a new look.美联社报道,由于光面纸成本比普通新闻纸高,没有拉到广告,这家报纸不可能改版。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~appear in the newspaper见报buy a newspaper买报纸circulate newspaper发行报纸close a newspaper查封报纸deliver a newspaper送报纸edit a newspaper编辑报纸go for a newspaper去买张报纸keep newspapers保存报纸make the newspapers登在报上print a newspaper印刷报纸publish a newspaper出版报纸read the newspaper看报register newspaper注册报纸run a newspaper办报scan a newspaper浏览报纸start a newspaper创办一家报纸turn the newspaper to the next page把报纸翻到下一页unfold a newspaper打开报纸形容词+~cheap newspaper没有多少价值的报纸,廉价的报纸daily newspaper日报fat newspaper厚报纸financial newspaper金融报influential newspaper有影响的报纸leading newspaper主要报刊local newspaper地方报刊national newspaper全国性报刊popular newspaper受欢迎的报纸,流行的报纸rolled-up newspaper卷起来的报纸serious newspaper严肃的报纸,重要的报纸student-run newspaper学生办的报纸weekly newspaper周报名词+~blackboard newspaper黑板报college newspaper大学学报evening newspaper晚报morning newspaper晨报Sunday newspaper星期日版报纸wall newspaper墙报~+名词newspaper holder报夹newspaper man新闻记者newspaper office报社newspaper report新闻报道newspaper world报界介词+~report for a newspaper报纸通讯报道clip articles from newspapers从报纸上剪下文章in the newspaper在报上the headlines in the newspaper报纸的标题start a new column in a newspaper在报纸上开辟新专栏file of newspapers报纸的合订本columns of a newspaper报纸的专栏inside pages of a newspaper报纸的里页leak the story to the newspapers把情况透露给报界六、情景对话Living an Independent Life-(独立生活)A:Mom, I want to move out.妈妈,我想搬出去住。B:Hey, sounds great to me, kid. What kind of job did you find?嘿,听起来到很不错,孩子,你找到了什么工作?A:Job?什么工作?B:Yes, job. If you"re going to live on your own, you have to pay for rent and everything else.是呀,工作。如果你想一个人住,你必须自己付房租,还有所有的一切。A:I thought I could just get you and Dad to pay for an apartment. I found a cheap one.我想让你和爸爸来付房租,我就找间便宜点的。B:When you move out, your father and I aren"t paying your rent, young man. Get a job.你搬走的话,年轻人,你爸爸和我是不会给你付房租的,找一个工作吧。A:You"re right. If I"m going to live on my own, I have to be independent.没错。如果要一个人住的话,我要学会独立。B:Well, thenewspaper is over there. Look in the want ads, but I don"t know what you"re going to find without a college degree.哦,那边有报纸。看看招聘专栏,但是我不知道没有大学文凭你可以找到什么工作。Advertising-(广告)A:We want to use the right marketing mix to reach our target market.我们想要使用正确的行销媒体来达到市场目标。B:Certainly. We"ve done some tactical planning already. We think we"ve come up with a good plan.当然。我们已经完成一些战略计划。我们认为我们已经提出一项不错的计划。A:What media do you plan to use?你们准备使用何种媒体?B:Well, taking into account the image you want to project, we"ve asked our copywriters to prepare copy for computer magazines and the internet first.考虑到你们想要表现的形象,我们已要求撰写文案的同事准备好计算机杂志稿及网际网络用稿。A:So that way, our advertising dollars would be focused on people we know are computer users.这样一来,我们的广告花费就会针对在,如我们所知,计算机使用者身上。newspaper是什么意思B:Yes. We"ll also run billboard andnewspaper ads to help create broad brand recognition.是的。我们还同时刊登广告看板及报纸广告来帮助创立明显的品牌识别。A:Will there be any direct mail?会有任何广告邮件吗?B:No. That would not be correct for a manufacturer like you. Leave that to the retailers.没有。对像你们这样的制造商来说,那并不是正确的作法。把这种方式留给零售商吧。A:Good point. Please prepare a more detailed proposal, and then I"ll pitch it to the higher-ups.说得没错。请准备一份更详细的提案,然后我会把它推销给高阶主管。B:Great. We"ll get started right away.太好了。我们马上准备。七、常见错误n.(名词)我从昨天的报纸上读到这条消息。误 I read about the news from yesterday"s newspaper.正 I read about the news in yesterday"s newspaper.我很有兴趣研究在报纸上刊登的地图。误 I took a keen interest in studying maps that appeared on the newspapers.正 I took a keen interest in studying maps that appeared in the newspapers.析 英语中习惯用in the newspaper表示“在报纸上的内容”,而不用其他介词。她每天看报纸。误 She saw the newspaper every day.正 She read the newspaper every day.析 本句中看的意思是“阅读”。今天的报纸上刊载了我的文章。误 My article is published by today"s newspaper.正 My article appears in today"s newspaper.析 publish的动作主体不是newspaper,而应该是报社。newspaper的相关临近词newt、newsletter、newspapers、newspaperly、newspaperman、newspapering、newspaperdom、newspaper boy、newspaper man、newspaper word、newspaper room、newspaper file点此查看更多关于newspaper的详细信息




newspaper英 ["njuu02d0zpeu026apu0259; "njuu02d0s-]美 ["nuzpepu025a]n. 报纸报社旧报纸[网络短语]Newspaper 报纸,本报,看报纸newspaper campaign 新闻战,报纸战NEWSPAPER ZOMBIE 读报僵尸,报纸僵尸,读报僵硬的尸体例句:He rakes the newspaper before breakfast every day. 他每天早饭前浏览一下报纸。If you polish the article, we will print it in the newspaper. 如果你把这篇文章润色一下,我们就在报纸上发表它。This newspaper circulates mostly in the commercial districts. 这份报纸大部分在商业区内销售。希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢!


扭死配婆儿英[u02c8nju:zpeu026apu0259(r)] 美[ u02c8nuzu02ccpepu025a, u02c8njuz-]


newspaper[英][u02c8nju:zpeu026apu0259(r)][美][u02c8nu:zpeu026apu0259(r)]n.报纸,报; 旧报纸; 新闻纸; 复数:newspapers例句:1.You can depend on this newspaper. 你可以依赖这家报纸。


把newspaper当作一种供阅读或传递信息的东西时,它是可数的,可以连用不定冠词,也可以使用复数形式。如:Newspapers littered the floor. 报纸扔了一地。Newspapers are a medium for advertising. 报纸是广告的媒介。扩展资料:可数名词一般指可以分为个体,且可直接用数目进行计数的名词,如课桌、椅子、男孩、女孩、房间、学校等。因为可数名词可以用数目进行计数,所以可数名词又可分为:单数可数名词和复数可数名词。1)单数可数名词:单词前加a/an,如a apple,a beautiful girl,a class,a cup等等。2)复数可数名词:单词结尾变化。

Grapevine Fires [Live From Las Vegas At The Palms] 歌词

歌曲名:Grapevine Fires [Live From Las Vegas At The Palms]歌手:Death Cab For Cutie专辑:No SunlightDeath Cab For Cutie - Grapevine FiresWhen the wind picked upand the fire spreadand the grapevines seemed left for dead.And the northern sky, like the end of day,the end of days.A wake up call to a rancid roomSounded like an alarm of impending doom.To warn us it"s only a matter of time.Before we all burnbefore we all burnbefore we all burnbefore we all burn.We bought some wine and some paper cupsnear your daughter"s school when we picked her upand drove to a cemetery on a hillon a hill.And we watched the plumes paint the sky grayand she laughed and dance through the field of graysthere i knew it would be alrightthat everything would be alright,would be alrightwould be alrightwould be alright.and the news reports on the radiosaid it was getting worseas the ocean air fanned the flame.but i couldn"t think of anywhere i would have rather beento watch it all burn away.to burn away.the firemen worked in double shifts,with prayers for rain on their lipsand they knew it was only a matter of time.http://music.baidu.com/song/9231484

请问Grape,Grapefruit,raisin和Chinese Honey Pomelo都有什



statue和sculpture的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、固定搭配不同一、指代不同1、statue:雕塑,雕像。2、sculpture:雕刻品,雕刻术。二、用法不同1、statue:复数,statues、记忆技巧,stat 站,立 + ue → 站着的〔雕像〕→ 雕像。2、sculpture:第三人称单数,sculptures、复数,sculptures、现在分词,sculpturin、过去式,sculptured、过去分词,sculptured、派生词,sculptural。三、固定搭配不同1、statue:Statue of Liberty自由女神(位于美国纽约)、bronze statue青铜像,铜像...2、sculpture:coloured sculpture彩雕、architectural sculpture用于建筑物上的雕塑

He put some cards and paper in his bag(改为否定句)

He didn"t put any cards or paper in his bag.

i can see {some} paper in the bag对括号提问?

How much paper can you see in the bag?

some paper_____in my bag.


paper or plastic可以表示“用现金还是信用卡”吗?是不是还可以表示“要纸袋还是塑料袋?”


is there any paper money in the bag.为什么是is there


There are two pieces of paper in the bag. 对 two pieces of paper 对划线部分进行提问 应该是什么?

What"s in the bag?

Is there any clean paper in the bag ? There _____ some in the bag


if the shop assistant gives us a paper bag,we an save it and r_____ it later


There are some bread in the paper bag.中谓语动词为什么用"are"


pearl paper bag 是不是珠光纸袋的意思啊

you need a paper bag 是什么意思


brown paper bag是什么意思



paper bag 的复数为paper bags paper在英语中做名词,表示纸;bag在英语中也做名词,表示袋子,包;两个词相连,名词修饰名词,构成词组paper bag,表示纸袋,将其变为复数只需在bag后加上s 常见的例句有:Do you want paper bags or plastic bags?(你想要纸袋还是塑料袋)

求英文小说The Scapegoat(替罪羊)的读后感,要英文版的读后感。400个词左右。

The plot concerns an Englishman who meets his double, a French aristocrat, while visiting France, and is forced into changing places with him. The Englishman is a single, rather lonely academic, and he finds himself caught up in all the intrigues and passions of his double"s complex family.Taken by the faithful servant to a huge but crumbling chateau, he finds that he is also the owner of a glass factory that appears to be failing. Indeed, the problems concerning the family are seemingly insurmountable, and at first the protagonist stumbles through one mistake after another; nevertheless no-one suspects he is not Jean, the Frenchman (other than the dog, whose behaviour is commented upon but not questioned). It soon becomes apparent that Jean is bad through and through, he has had an affair with his sister-in-law, and his sister Blanche has not spoken to him for fifteen years. We only discover the reason for this much later on in the book, and this provides an important sub-plot. Furthermore, his mother is a morphine addict, supplied with her drugs by none other than her dutiful son, Jean. His poor pathetic wife dies in an accident soon after the Englishman arrives. The double then attempts to put everyone"s life to rights, little realising the extent of damage his predecessor has managed to do. Just when it seems as though he is finally succeeding, Jean returns to claim his life back.The novel is written from the viewpoint of the narrator, John, the Englishman, and the reader knows as much or as little as he does.


驯染めた白 鸟かご隅 鼓动获たツボミも 置き去り声 眩めた 记忆の影 I need your blood You read love 唱える 足掻くRED LIGHT 嗅ぎ分けた音|音と こじ开けたReasonが ただ平行に并ぶ 罪?音 LIVE&死&I 疑似SIDE HEAVEN キリがない「欲しい」でも 利害鸣る铃 忏悔さえ乾いた 4拍子が 奏でたズレを辿る 木漏れ日の 赤が 騒ぐ I must be sacrificed So can I help you all? I"ll be a scapegoat if I can My resolution failed And all who died Light of day still hurts me You so need to know You don"t need to go You"re waiting right here A way for me to make it back Some way I won"t need to attack Everything has gone so wrong Come on break it down for me! A river will flow You are not my enemy I"ll let you prove me wrong You can trust me when I say It won"t be long We"re gonna see the end of night Don"t forsake me now We haven"t got the time The fallen angels I run with all know It"s our fear that makes us All human after all Torn old sepia photographs show Our fragile little world Must reject it, respond to the Calling, screaming inside of my soul It"s my fear of loving what"s Dearest to us all Sun is fading It will set forever Are you still my family? A river will flow You are not my enemy I"ll let you prove me wrong You can trust me when I say It won"t be long We"re gonna see the end of night Come on break it down for me A river will flow KEYがない「欲しい」でも 利害鸣る铃 忏悔さえ乾いた 4拍子が 奏でた意図を辿る 木漏れ日の 赤が 騒ぐ The fallen angels I run with all know It"s our fear that makes us All human after all Torn old sepia photographs show Our fragile little world Must reject it, respond to the Calling, screaming inside of my soul It"s my fear of loving what"s Dearest to us all Sun is fading It will set forever

求泽野弘之 scapegoat 完整版的罗马音

[ti:scaPEGoat][al:scaPEGoat][offset:0][00:0.00] [00:14.22]驯染めた白 鸟かご隅 鼓动获たツボミも(Najimeta shiro torikago sumi kodo eta tsubo mi mo)早已适应的纯白 鸟笼的一隅 独自颤动着[00:26.61]置き去り声 眩めた记忆の影(Okizari goe kurameta kioku no kage)被遗忘的声音 耀眼的记忆之影[00:37.15]I need your blood我需要你的鲜血[00:40.11]You read love唱える(tonaeru)轻吟着你读过的爱[00:43.17]足掻くRED LIGHT(agaku red light)挣扎的危险信号[00:49.76]嗅ぎ分けた音 音と こじ开けたReasonが(Kagi waketa ni on to kojiaketa reason ga)用嗅觉分辨声音 声音和被发现的原因[00:55.55]ただ平行に并ぶ(Tada heiko ni narabu)只是平行的排列着[01:00.33]罪·音LIVE&死&I(zai on live& shi& I)罪恶的生存之音、死亡和我[01:04.00]疑似SIDE HEAVEN(giji SIDE HEAVEN)仿佛是天堂的另一边[01:06.83]キリがない「欲しい」でも 利害鸣る铃(Kiriganai「 hoshī」 demo rigai naru suzu)没完没了的想要得到 但利益的钟铃长鸣[01:13.24]忏悔さえ乾いた 4拍子が 奏でたズレを辿る(Zange sae kawaita yonhyōshi ga kanadeta zure o tadoru)连忏悔也做了 一板三眼 按照偏差弹奏[01:22.89]木漏れ日の 赤が 骚ぐ(Komorebi no aka ga sawagu)触摸透过树叶的阳光的赤红[01:34.76]I must be sacrificed我必须牺牲[01:37.72]So can I help you all?所以 我能够帮到大家吗[01:41.38]I"ll be a scapegoat if I can如果可以 我愿去做替罪羊[01:46.57]My resolution failed我的决策失败[01:50.63]And all who died导致所有同胞牺牲[01:53.88]Light of day still hurts me昼间的日光仍旧刺伤着我[01:57.63]You so need to know你要知道[01:60.18]You don"t need to go你无需前去[02:02.42]You"re waiting fight here你正静候于此准备战斗[02:10.14]A way for me to make it back我有自己的方式让它回来[02:12.87]Some way I won"t need to attack——我将无需再进攻的方式[02:15.82]Everything has gone so wrong一切都变得如此糟糕[02:20.90]Come on break it down for me!来吧 为我而毁坏它[02:24.66]A river will flow河水将开始流动[02:27.21]You are not my enemy你不再是我的敌人[02:30.46]I"ll let you prove me wrong 当我说 我会让你证明我是错的 之时 [02:33.31]You can trust me when I say你便可信任我[02:36.96]It won"t be long距离那个时刻的到来不会太远[02:39.40]We"re gonna see the end of night我们会看到夜晚的终结[02:43.06]Don"t forsake me now现在 请不要离我而去[02:45.09]We haven"t got the time事态已迫在眉睫 [02:52.81]The fallen angels I run with all know和我一起逃跑的堕天使都知晓[02:55.66]It"s our fear that makes us all human after all毕竟是我们自身的恐惧成就了我们全人类[02:59.21]Torn old sepia photographs show被撕裂的红褐色的照片展现了[03:01.65]Our fragile little world我们脆弱渺小的世界[03:03.17]Must reject it,respond to the必须要抛弃它 响应[03:05.50]Calling,screaming inside of my soul号召 在我的灵魂深处尖叫[03:08.26]It"s my fear of loving what"s这是我对[03:09.98]Dearest to us all最亲近的人的爱的恐惧[03:11.49]Sun is fading日光渐弱[03:13.74]It will set forever它将永远如此[03:19.23]Are you still my family?你仍是我的家人吗[03:22.87]A river will flow河流开始流淌[03:25.42]You are not my enemy你不再是我的敌人[03:29.58]I"ll let you prove me wrong当我说 我会让你证明我是错的 之时[03:31.52]You can trust me when I say你便可信任我[03:34.26]It won"t be long距离那个时刻的到来不会太远[03:37.52]We"re gonna see the end of night我们将会看到夜晚的终结 [03:43.61]Come on break it down for me来吧 为我而毁坏它[03:47.67]A river will flow河流将会开始流淌[03:50.12]KEYがない「欲しい」でも 利害鸣る铃(KEY ga nai hoshii demo rigai naru suzu)没有线索的想要得到 但利息与危害的钟铃长鸣[03:55.90]忏悔さえ乾いた 4拍子が 奏でた意図を辿る(Zange sae kawaita yon hyoshi ga kanadeta ito o tadoru)连忏悔也做了 一板三眼地按照意图弹奏[04:06.56]木漏れ日の 赤が 骚ぐ(Komorebi no aka ga sawayo)触摸透过树叶的阳光的赤红[04:15.71]The fallen angels I run with all know和我一起逃跑的堕天使都知晓[04:18.57]It"s our fear that makes us all human after all毕竟是我们自身的恐惧成就了我们全人类[04:22.22]Torn old sepia photographs show被撕裂的红褐色的照片展现了[04:24.66]Our fragile little world我们脆弱渺小的世界[04:26.38]Must reject it,respond to the必须要抛弃它 响应[04:28.41]Calling,screaming inside of my soul号召 在我的灵魂深处尖叫[04:30.76]It"s my fear of loving what"s这是我对[04:32.38]Dearest to us all最亲近的人的爱的恐惧[04:34.51]Sun is fading日光渐弱[04:37.26]It will set forever它将永远如此[04:44.00]自己一句句对的时间,望采纳

scapegoat 泽野弘之罗马音

驯染めたシティ 鸟笼隅Najimetashitei torikagosumi【熟悉的城镇 鸟笼的一隅 】冻えた蕾もkogoetatsubomimo【冻结的花蕾】置き去り声  暗めた记忆の影Okizarikoe kurameta kiokunokage【搁置原地之声 晦暗的记忆之影】I need your blood【我需要你的血液】You really love to writhe【想必你定乐意书写下这一切】足掻く Red Lineagaku Red Line【红线边缘垂死挣扎】掻き分けた见本とKakiwaketami honto【拨开的样本】抉じ开けたリズムがKojiaketari zumuga【撬开的节奏】ただ平行に并ぶtadaheikouninarabu【不过两条平行线】罪音 live&死&Izai on live and shi and I【在这罪恶之声下的生死与我】疑似side heavengiji side heaven【宛若天堂一般】気がない「欲しい」でもkiganai hoshidemo 【就算感觉不到[希望]】愿い成さずnegainasazu【愿不成器】忏悔さえ乾いたzangesaekawaita【就连忏悔也做了】四拍子が 奏でた意図ならYombyoushiga kanadetaitonara【以四拍子旋律 若即演奏喧嚣之人】木漏れ日の 赤が 騒ぐKomorebino akaga sawagu【斑驳日光下的赤红 骚然溅起】I must be sacrificed【我必须牺牲】So can I help you all?【那我能帮到你吗?】I"ll be a scapegoat if I can【如果能的话我愿成为替罪羊】My resolution failed【我做出的决定失败了】And all who died【所有人因我而死】Light of day still hurts me【日光仍烧灼着我】You so need to know【你需要知道】You don"t need to go【你不必随同前进】You"re waiting right here【请在这儿等候】A way for me to make it back【我有我自己的方式使它回来】Some way I won"t need to attack【某种程度上我不必进攻】Everything has gone so wrong【一切都错了】Come on break it down for me【来为我打破它吧】I"ll lead the way home【我将指引你回归你的故乡】You are not my enemy【你并不是我的敌人】I"ll let you prove me wrong【我会让你证明我是错的】You can trust me when I say【你大可相信我所言】It won"t be long【不用多久】We"re gonna see the end of night【我们将看到黑夜的尽头】Don"t forask me now【请不要抛弃我】We haven"t got the time【我们已经没有时间了】The fallen angels I run with all know【这终结的炽天使 与我同行】It"s our fear that make us all human after all【这是让我们所有人领悟到人性之恐惧】Tor n old sepia photographs show【红褐色的旧照片所展现的】Our fragile little world【我们那微渺脆弱的世界】Must reject it ,respond to the【必须拒绝它,面对那——】Calling,screaming inside of my soul【让我的灵魂放肆尖叫】it"s my fear of loving what"s Dearest to us all【这是我的恐惧与爱和我们同在】Sun is fading【白昼消逝】It will set forever—【但它将永存】Are you still my family?【你依旧是我的家人吗?】A river will flow【江河流逝】you are not my enemy【你不是我的敌人】I"ll let you prove me wrong【我会让你证明我是错的】you can trust me everthing【你可以相信我的一切】It won"t be long【不会太久的】we are going to see the end of night—【我们将看到夜的尽头】Come on break it down for me【来为我打破它吧】A river will flow【江河流逝】気がない「欲しい」でもkiganai hoshidemo 【就算感觉不到[希望]】愿い成さずnegainasazu【愿不成器】忏悔さえ乾いたzangesaekawaita【就连忏悔也做了】四拍子が 奏でた意図ならYombyoushiga kanadetaitonara【以四拍子旋律 若即演奏喧嚣之人】木漏れ日の 赤が騒ぐKomorebino akaga sawagu【斑驳日光下的那抹赤红 骚然溅起】the fallen angels I run with all know【这终结的炽天使 与我同行】Its our fear that makes us all human after all【这是让我们所有人领悟到人性之恐惧】Tor n old sepia photographs show【红褐色的旧照片所展现的】Our fragile little world【我们那微渺脆弱的世界】Must reject it,respond to the【必须拒绝它,面对那——】calling,screaming inside of my soul【让我的灵魂放肆尖叫】It"s my fear of loving what"s Dearest to us all【这是我的恐惧与爱和我们同在】sun is fading【白昼消逝】It will set forever—【但它将永存】


scapegoat ["skeipɡu0259ut] n. 代人受过者,顶替他人罪名者;替罪羊(指个人或群体) 【圣经】替罪羊[《利未记》16:8~22] vt. 把…作为替罪羊,使成为…的替罪羊: 把…作为替罪羊,使成为…的替罪羊: Strike leaders tried to scapegoat foreign。



求《替罪羊》(《The Scapegoal》)英语内容纲要概括

The Scapegoat is a 1957 novel by Daphne du Maurier. In 1959, it was made into a film of the same name, starring Sir Alec Guinness.

magnetic tape和cassette区别

cassette是盒子加磁带的整体,magnetic tape是磁带,磁带也可以简单说成tape。希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

求《终结的炽天使》ed《 scaPEGoat》的歌词和罗马音,谢了。


scape-goating 替罪羔羊,请问scape这个单词在此词组里作何解释



驯染めたシティ 鸟笼隅Najimetashitei torikagosumi【熟悉的城镇 鸟笼的一隅 】冻えた蕾もkogoetatsubomimo【冻结的花蕾】置き去り声  暗めた记忆の影Okizarikoe kurameta kiokunokage【搁置原地之声 晦暗的记忆之影】I need your blood【我需要你的血液】You really love to writhe【想必你定乐意书写下这一切】足掻く Red Lineagaku Red Line【红线边缘垂死挣扎】掻き分けた见本とKakiwaketami honto【拨开的样本】抉じ开けたリズムがKojiaketari zumuga【撬开的节奏】ただ平行に并ぶtadaheikouninarabu【不过两条平行线】罪音 live&死&Izai on live and shi and I【在这罪恶之声下的生死与我】疑似side heavengiji side heaven【宛若天堂一般】気がない「欲しい」でもkiganai hoshidemo 【就算感觉不到[希望]】愿い成さずnegainasazu【愿不成器】忏悔さえ乾いたzangesaekawaita【就连忏悔也做了】四拍子が 奏でた意図ならYombyoushiga kanadetaitonara【以四拍子旋律 若即演奏喧嚣之人】木漏れ日の 赤が 騒ぐKomorebino akaga sawagu【斑驳日光下的赤红 骚然溅起】I must be sacrificed【我必须牺牲】So can I help you all?【那我能帮到你吗?】I"ll be a scapegoat if I can【如果能的话我愿成为替罪羊】My resolution failed【我做出的决定失败了】And all who died【所有人因我而死】Light of day still hurts me【日光仍烧灼着我】You so need to know【你需要知道】You don"t need to go【你不必随同前进】You"re waiting right here【请在这儿等候】A way for me to make it back【我有我自己的方式使它回来】Some way I won"t need to attack【某种程度上我不必进攻】Everything has gone so wrong【一切都错了】Come on break it down for me【来为我打破它吧】I"ll lead the way home【我将指引你回归你的故乡】You are not my enemy【你并不是我的敌人】I"ll let you prove me wrong【我会让你证明我是错的】You can trust me when I say【你大可相信我所言】It won"t be long【不用多久】We"re gonna see the end of night【我们将看到黑夜的尽头】Don"t forask me now【请不要抛弃我】We haven"t got the time【我们已经没有时间了】The fallen angels I run with all know【这终结的炽天使 与我同行】It"s our fear that make us all human after all【这是让我们所有人领悟到人性之恐惧】Tor n old sepia photographs show【红褐色的旧照片所展现的】Our fragile little world【我们那微渺脆弱的世界】Must reject it ,respond to the【必须拒绝它,面对那——】Calling,screaming inside of my soul【让我的灵魂放肆尖叫】it"s my fear of loving what"s Dearest to us all【这是我的恐惧与爱和我们同在】Sun is fading【白昼消逝】It will set forever—【但它将永存】Are you still my family?【你依旧是我的家人吗?】A river will flow【江河流逝】you are not my enemy【你不是我的敌人】I"ll let you prove me wrong【我会让你证明我是错的】you can trust me everthing【你可以相信我的一切】It won"t be long【不会太久的】we are going to see the end of night—【我们将看到夜的尽头】Come on break it down for me【来为我打破它吧】A river will flow【江河流逝】気がない「欲しい」でもkiganai hoshidemo 【就算感觉不到[希望]】愿い成さずnegainasazu【愿不成器】忏悔さえ乾いたzangesaekawaita【就连忏悔也做了】四拍子が 奏でた意図ならYombyoushiga kanadetaitonara【以四拍子旋律 若即演奏喧嚣之人】木漏れ日の 赤が騒ぐKomorebino akaga sawagu【斑驳日光下的那抹赤红 骚然溅起】the fallen angels I run with all know【这终结的炽天使 与我同行】Its our fear that makes us all human after all【这是让我们所有人领悟到人性之恐惧】Tor n old sepia photographs show【红褐色的旧照片所展现的】Our fragile little world【我们那微渺脆弱的世界】Must reject it,respond to the【必须拒绝它,面对那——】calling,screaming inside of my soul【让我的灵魂放肆尖叫】It"s my fear of loving what"s Dearest to us all【这是我的恐惧与爱和我们同在】sun is fading【白昼消逝】It will set forever—【但它将永存】


scaPEGoat词曲:泽野弘之Singer:Yosh驯染めた白 鸟かご隅 鼓动获たツボミも Najimeta shiro torikago sumi kodō eta tsubo mi mo早已适应的纯白 鸟笼的一隅 独自颤动着 置き去り声 眩めた 记忆の影Okizari-goe kurameta kioku no kage被遗忘的声音 耀眼的记忆之影


驯染(なじ)めた白(しろ) 鸟(とり)かご隅(すみ) 鼓动(こどう)获(え)たッポミも置(お)き去(ざ)り声(こえ) 眩(くら)めた 记忆(きおく)の影(かげ)    I need your blood  You read love 唱(とな)える  足掻(あが)くRED LIGHT  嗅(か)ぎ分(わ)けた音(ね)|音(お)と こじ开(あ)けたReasonが  ただ平行(へいこう)に并(なら)ぶ    罪(ざい)u30fb音(お) LIVE&死(し)&I  疑似(ぎじ)SIDE HEAVEN  キリがない「欲(ほ)しい」でも 利害(りがい)鸣(な)る铃(すず)  忏悔(ざんげ)さえ乾(かわ)いた 4(よん)拍子(ひょうし)が   奏(かな)でたズレを辿(ただ)る  木漏(こも)れ日(び)の 赤(あか)が 騒(さわ)ぐ    I must be sacrificed  So can I help you all?  I"ll be a scapegoat if I can  My resolution failed  And all who died  Light of day still hurts me    You so need to know  You don"t need to go  You"re waiting right here  A way for me to make it back  Some way I won"t need to attack  Everything has gone so wrong    Come on break it down for me!  A river will flow  You are not my enemy  I"ll let you prove me wrong  You can trust me when I say  It won"t be long  We"re gonna see the end of night  Don"t forsake me now  We haven"t got the time    *  The fallen angels I run with all know  It"s our fear that makes us all human after all  Torn old sepia photographs show  Our fragile little world  Must reject it, respond to the  Calling, screaming inside of my soul  It"s my fear of loving what"s  Dearest to us all  Sun is fading  It will set forever    Are you still my family?  A river will flow  You are not my enemy  I"ll let you prove me wrong  You can trust me when I say  It won"t be long  We"re gonna see the end of night    Come on break it down for me  A river will flow  KEYがない「欲(ほ)しい」でも 利害(りがい)鸣(な)る铃(すず)  忏悔(ざんげ)さえ乾(かわ)いた 4(よん)拍子(ひょうし)が   奏(かな)でた意図(いと)を辿(ただ)る  木漏(こも)れ日(び)の 赤(あか)が 騒(さわ)ぐThe fallen angels I run with all knowIt"s our fear that makes us all human after allTorn old sepia photographs showOur fragile little worldMust reject it, respond to theCalling, screaming inside of my soulIt"s my fear of loving what"sDearest to us allSun is fadingIt will set forever


驯染めた白 鸟かご隅 鼓动获たッポミも  置き去り声 眩めた 记忆の影    I need your blood  You read love 唱える  足掻くRED LIGHT  嗅ぎ分けた音|音と こじ开けたReasonが  ただ平行に并ぶ    罪u30fb音 LIVE&死&I  疑似SIDE HEAVEN  キリがない「欲しい」でも 利害鸣る铃  忏悔さえ乾いた 4拍子が 奏でたズレを辿る  木漏れ日の 赤が 騒ぐ    I must be sacrificed  So can I help you all?  I"ll be a scapegoat if I can  My resolution failed  And all who died  Light of day still hurts me    You so need to know  You don"t need to go  You"re waiting right here  A way for me to make it back  Some way I won"t need to attack  Everything has gone so wrong    Come on break it down for me!  A river will flow  You are not my enemy  I"ll let you prove me wrong  You can trust me when I say  It won"t be long  We"re gonna see the end of night  Don"t forsake me now  We haven"t got the time    *  The fallen angels I run with all know  It"s our fear that makes us all human after all  Torn old sepia photographs show  Our fragile little world  Must reject it, respond to the  Calling, screaming inside of my soul  It"s my fear of loving what"s  Dearest to us all  Sun is fading  It will set forever    Are you still my family?  A river will flow  You are not my enemy  I"ll let you prove me wrong  You can trust me when I say  It won"t be long  We"re gonna see the end of night    Come on break it down for me  A river will flow  KEYがない「欲しい」でも 利害鸣る铃  忏悔さえ乾いた 4拍子が 奏でた意図を辿る  木漏れ日の 赤が 騒ぐThe fallen angels I run with all knowIt"s our fear that makes us all human after allTorn old sepia photographs showOur fragile little worldMust reject it, respond to theCalling, screaming inside of my soulIt"s my fear of loving what"sDearest to us allSun is fadingIt will set forever 早已适应了纯白 在鸟笼的一隅 独自悲哀颤抖被遗忘的声音 耀眼的记忆的影子使我渴求着你的鲜血但你读懂了爱 明白了该如何歌唱在挣扎的鲜血染红的灯光中用嗅觉分辨声音、还有,被发现的原因只是平行的排列而已罪恶的生存之音、死亡与我并存仿佛是天堂的另一边即使是无穷无尽的渴望也只会让利害的铃声鸣响连忏悔之泪也早已干涸循着在四拍子中落拍的噪音沉浸在破碎煦日中的 骚动不安的赤红牺牲,那是我的宿命。如果这样,就能帮助你,是吗?若是可以,请让我成为,那只代罪羔羊然而我的决策失败导致所有人死去白昼的日光却仍旧照耀着我你要知道你无需前行只需在那里等候我将用自己的方式,让一切回到那一天不需要再伤害谁了然而一切却已经崩坏来,为我而毁坏它吧河水将开始流动你并不是我的敌人“我会让你证明我的错误”当我那样说时,你便可信任我那个时刻不会太遥远我们将看到夜的尽头所以现在,请不要离我而去我们已没有时间所有和我同行的堕天使都知晓是恐惧是恐惧使我们成为人类被撕裂的红褐色照片展现了我们所存在的脆弱而渺小的世界必须抛弃它,去响应那声呼唤那在我灵魂深处的呐喊这是我对“何为挚爱”的恐惧夕阳正在失去光辉它将永远沉没你仍是我的家人么?河水将开始流动你并不是我的敌人“我会让你证明我的错误”当我那样说时,你便可信任我那个时刻不会太遥远我们将看到夜的尽头来,为我而毁坏它吧河水将开始流动即使是无法满足的渴求也只会让利害的铃声鸣响连忏悔也早已干涸循着在四拍子中落拍的噪音沉浸在破碎煦日中的 骚动的赤红所有和我同行的堕天使都知晓是恐惧使我们成为人类被撕裂的红褐色照片展现了我们脆弱而渺小的世界必须抛弃它,去响应那呼唤那在我灵魂深处的呐喊这是我对“何为挚爱”的恐惧失去了光辉的夕阳正在沉没明天,那将会如何。

scapegoat 泽野弘之 歌词和罗马音(o^^o)u266a 求帮忙

[ti:scaPEGoat][al:scaPEGoat][offset:0][00:0.00] [00:14.22]驯染めた白 鸟かご隅 鼓动获たツボミも(Najimeta shiro torikago sumi kodo eta tsubo mi mo)早已适应的纯白 鸟笼的一隅 独自颤动着[00:26.61]置き去り声 眩めた记忆の影(Okizari goe kurameta kioku no kage)被遗忘的声音 耀眼的记忆之影[00:37.15]I need your blood我需要你的鲜血[00:40.11]You read love唱える(tonaeru)轻吟着你读过的爱[00:43.17]足掻くRED LIGHT(agaku red light)挣扎的危险信号[00:49.76]嗅ぎ分けた音 音と こじ开けたReasonが(Kagi waketa ni on to kojiaketa reason ga)用嗅觉分辨声音 声音和被发现的原因[00:55.55]ただ平行に并ぶ(Tada heiko ni narabu)只是平行的排列着[01:00.33]罪·音LIVE&死&I(zai on live& shi& I)罪恶的生存之音、死亡和我[01:04.00]疑似SIDE HEAVEN(giji SIDE HEAVEN)仿佛是天堂的另一边[01:06.83]キリがない「欲しい」でも 利害鸣る铃(Kiriganai「 hoshī」 demo rigai naru suzu)没完没了的想要得到 但利益的钟铃长鸣[01:13.24]忏悔さえ乾いた 4拍子が 奏でたズレを辿る(Zange sae kawaita yonhyōshi ga kanadeta zure o tadoru)连忏悔也做了 一板三眼 按照偏差弹奏[01:22.89]木漏れ日の 赤が 骚ぐ(Komorebi no aka ga sawagu)触摸透过树叶的阳光的赤红[01:34.76]I must be sacrificed我必须牺牲[01:37.72]So can I help you all?所以 我能够帮到大家吗[01:41.38]I"ll be a scapegoat if I can如果可以 我愿去做替罪羊[01:46.57]My resolution failed我的决策失败[01:50.63]And all who died导致所有同胞牺牲[01:53.88]Light of day still hurts me昼间的日光仍旧刺伤着我[01:57.63]You so need to know你要知道[01:60.18]You don"t need to go你无需前去[02:02.42]You"re waiting fight here你正静候于此准备战斗[02:10.14]A way for me to make it back我有自己的方式让它回来[02:12.87]Some way I won"t need to attack——我将无需再进攻的方式[02:15.82]Everything has gone so wrong一切都变得如此糟糕[02:20.90]Come on break it down for me!来吧 为我而毁坏它[02:24.66]A river will flow河水将开始流动[02:27.21]You are not my enemy你不再是我的敌人[02:30.46]I"ll let you prove me wrong 当我说 我会让你证明我是错的 之时 [02:33.31]You can trust me when I say你便可信任我[02:36.96]It won"t be long距离那个时刻的到来不会太远[02:39.40]We"re gonna see the end of night我们会看到夜晚的终结[02:43.06]Don"t forsake me now现在 请不要离我而去[02:45.09]We haven"t got the time事态已迫在眉睫 [02:52.81]The fallen angels I run with all know和我一起逃跑的堕天使都知晓[02:55.66]It"s our fear that makes us all human after all毕竟是我们自身的恐惧成就了我们全人类[02:59.21]Torn old sepia photographs show被撕裂的红褐色的照片展现了[03:01.65]Our fragile little world我们脆弱渺小的世界[03:03.17]Must reject it,respond to the必须要抛弃它 响应[03:05.50]Calling,screaming inside of my soul号召 在我的灵魂深处尖叫[03:08.26]It"s my fear of loving what"s这是我对[03:09.98]Dearest to us all最亲近的人的爱的恐惧[03:11.49]Sun is fading日光渐弱[03:13.74]It will set forever它将永远如此[03:19.23]Are you still my family?你仍是我的家人吗[03:22.87]A river will flow河流开始流淌[03:25.42]You are not my enemy你不再是我的敌人[03:29.58]I"ll let you prove me wrong当我说 我会让你证明我是错的 之时[03:31.52]You can trust me when I say你便可信任我[03:34.26]It won"t be long距离那个时刻的到来不会太远[03:37.52]We"re gonna see the end of night我们将会看到夜晚的终结 [03:43.61]Come on break it down for me来吧 为我而毁坏它[03:47.67]A river will flow河流将会开始流淌[03:50.12]KEYがない「欲しい」でも 利害鸣る铃(KEY ga nai hoshii demo rigai naru suzu)没有线索的想要得到 但利息与危害的钟铃长鸣[03:55.90]忏悔さえ乾いた 4拍子が 奏でた意図を辿る(Zange sae kawaita yon hyoshi ga kanadeta ito o tadoru)连忏悔也做了 一板三眼地按照意图弹奏[04:06.56]木漏れ日の 赤が 骚ぐ(Komorebi no aka ga sawayo)触摸透过树叶的阳光的赤红[04:15.71]The fallen angels I run with all know和我一起逃跑的堕天使都知晓[04:18.57]It"s our fear that makes us all human after all毕竟是我们自身的恐惧成就了我们全人类[04:22.22]Torn old sepia photographs show被撕裂的红褐色的照片展现了[04:24.66]Our fragile little world我们脆弱渺小的世界[04:26.38]Must reject it,respond to the必须要抛弃它 响应[04:28.41]Calling,screaming inside of my soul号召 在我的灵魂深处尖叫[04:30.76]It"s my fear of loving what"s这是我对[04:32.38]Dearest to us all最亲近的人的爱的恐惧[04:34.51]Sun is fading日光渐弱[04:37.26]It will set forever它将永远如此[04:44.00]


scapegoat 英[u02c8skeu026apgu0259u028at] 美[u02c8skeu026apgou028at] n. 替身; 代人受过的人,替罪羊; vt. 使…成为替罪羊;

mr.sawyer usually reads his newspaper.(变成否定句)

mr. sawyer doesn"t usually read his newspaper.为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper为什么不是newspapers

两种都可以的,这是说话人的习惯问题意思上没区别~取决于说话人的习惯~在说很多报纸的时候,一般都看做不可数名字,用newspaper也有人说newspapers,强调一大堆报纸的时候~但是在任何情况下都不能用 three newspapers 这样的“数词+newspaper”的用法,因为通常这种情况下就是看做不可数名词.只能加量词,如two copies(pieces)of newspaper~

paper shredder是什么意思






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如何用IDL处理Shapefile数据使用IDL处理shapefile格式,需要了解IDLffShape对象,IDL帮助中有一些说明和代码,但过于简单,不熟悉的人很难上手,现对几个关键点进行说明:感和GIS不分家,IDL擅长处理遥感数据,但偶尔也需要用来处理一些GIS数据,不过还好IDL能处理Shapefile数一、读取shapefile文件1.首先要打开文件我们用Arcview带的数据做例子吧,就用那个国界数据吧。创建和销毁idlffshape分别使用的是IDL处理对象的通用命令OBJ_new和Obj_Destroy,每建立一个对象都要记着要销毁,否则会出现内存不足问题。pro readshapefileshapefile="C:ESRIESRIDATAWORLDcountry.shp" ;定义shape文件位置oshp=Obj_New("IDLffShape",filename)print oshp;中间处理代码Obj_destroy,oshp ;销毁一个shape对象end如果读取错误,oshp会返回-1,否则得话返回的就是一个结构体。2.获取整体描述信息读完shape对象后,就需要读几何数据和属性表数据了。Shapefile数据由几何体(或实体Entity)和属性表两部分组成,而几何体一般又包括点(point)、线(polyline)和多边形(polygon)(当然也有其它类型,但不常用)。属性表包括属性表结构、字段个数和记录个数,属性表记录数与实地必须一一对应,属性表的结构又包含字段名,字段类型,字段长度和精确度。在IDL读取数据前,需要了解一些全局属性,知道有多少个几何体和记录,属性表中有多少个字段,就需要用GetProperty方法,它查询shape文件的属性,包括实体类型,实体个数,属性表结构,属性表字段个数,记录数等,代码如下:pro readshapefileshapefile="C:ESRIESRIDATAWORLDcountry.shp" ;定义shape文件位置oshp=Obj_New("IDLffShape",filename)oshp->getproperty,n_entities=n_ent,Attribute_info=attr_info,n_attributes=n_attr,Entity_type=ent_typeprint,"实体个数:"n_entprint,"属性表字段数:",n_attrprint,"实体类型代码:",ent_typeObj_destroy,oshp ;销毁一个shape对象end3.再了解几个概念bouns存储的是每个实体的范围,是一个有8个元素的数组([x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7]),其中x0 —最小x值,x1 —最小y值,x2最小z值(高度),x3 — 最小M值(测量值,一般不用)x4-x7就是最大值了。注意,这里是每个实体的范围,而不是整个地图的范围,所以如果要求整个地图的范围,还需要整个再求一遍最大值和最小值。bounds还有一个作用,就是存储点的坐标,点类型数据没有安排另外的对象来存储,直接用bounds来管理。VERTICES线和面实体的所有坐标都存在这里面,是一个指针型数组,存储的是实体的所有拐点.读的时候比较容易,写入的时候,需要先建一个指针变量将坐标赋值到指针变量,然后将指针变量赋值给vertices.数组结构如下:[[x,y],[x,y],[x,y],[x,y],[x,y],[x,y]](如果是2维的话)[[x,y,z],[x,y,z],[x,y,z],[x,y,z],[x,y,z],[x,y,z]](如果是3维的话)N_VERTICES拐点的个数,不需要解释了.N_PARTS和Parts处理复杂对象的需要注意了,如有内环的多边形。所有的拐点坐标都存在vertices中,Parts也是一个指针数组,存储的是每个弧段的起始索引值。N_PARTS表示有几个弧段.ISHAPE表示实体的序号,是一个整形变量,读取的时候一般不需要注意,写的时候需要定义,序号不能重复。4.开始读坐标了如果要一次性读取全部实体,可以用ent=oshp->getentity(/all),但大部分时间都需要一个个的处理,就需要用循环pro readshapefileshapefile="C:ESRIESRIDATAWORLDcountry.shp" ;定义shape文件位置oshp=Obj_New("IDLffShape",filename)oshp->getproperty,n_entities=n_ent,Attribute_info=attr_info,n_attributes=n_attr,Entity_type=ent_typeFOR i=0,n_ent-1 do begin ;循环ent=oshp->getentity(i) ;读取第i个实体bounds=ent.bounds ;读取实体的边界n_vert=ent.n_vertices ;实体中包括拐点或顶点的个数,只有polyline和polygon具有该属性vert=*(ent.vertices) ;实体的顶点,只有polyline和polygon具有该属性n_parts=ent.parts ;只有polygon具有该属性part=*(ent.parts) ;part坐标;输出几何体范围print,"min x=",bounds[0]print,"min y=",bounds[1]print, "max x=",bound[3]print, "max y=",bound[4];如果是点的话,输出点坐标print,bounds[0],bounds[1];如果是线或面的话,输出点坐标for index in n_vert-1 do beginprint vert[index][0],vert[index][1]endforendforObj_destroy,oshp ;销毁一个shape对象end4.读属性属性表的结构属性表结构存储在Attribute_info中,前面代码已经获得了这个结构体(attr_info),下面的代码是打印每一个字段的结构pro readshapefileshapefile="C:ESRIESRIDATAWORLDcountry.shp" ;定义shape文件位置oshp=Obj_New("IDLffShape",filename)oshp->getproperty,n_entities=n_ent,Attribute_info=attr_info,n_attributes=n_attr,Entity_type=ent_typeFOR i=0,n_attr-1 do begin ;循环PRINT, "字段序号: ",iPRINT, "字段名: ", attr_info[i].namePRINT, "字段类型代码: ", attr_info[i].typePRINT, "字段宽度: ", attr_info[i].widthPRINT, "精度: ", attr_info[i].precisionendforObj_destroy,oshp ;销毁一个shape对象end读属性表中的值读属性表,跟读取实体有些类似,用GetAttributes方法pro readshapefileshapefile="C:ESRIESRIDATAWORLDcountry.shp" ;定义shape文件位置oshp=Obj_New("IDLffShape",filename)oshp->getproperty,n_entities=n_ent,Attribute_info=attr_info,n_attributes=n_attr,Entity_type=ent_typeFOR i=0,n_ent-1 do begin ;循环,n_ent跟记录数是一样的attr=oshp->GetAttributes(i) ;读取第i个记录for index in n_attr-1 do beginprint attr.(index)endforendforObj_destroy,oshp ;销毁一个shape对象end二、写入shapefile数据写入shapefile的一半过程是,首先初始化idlffshape对象,定义属性表结构,定义实体类型,写入坐标值,写入属性值,最后销毁对象初始化写入数据也用Obj_new初始化,不过需要设置输出实体的类型,并设置该数据可写,这里面重要的就是需要知道实体的类型代码,我们常用的就是1,3和5Point 1PolyLine 3Polygon 5MultiPoint 8PointZ 11PolyLineZ 13PolygonZ 15MultiPointZ 18PointM 21PolyLineM 23PolygonM 25MultiPointM 28MultiPatch 31对象初始化的代码如下:pro writeshapefileshapefile="d:datacitys.shp"oshp=obj_new("IDLffshape",new_shapefile,Entity_type=3,/update);;其他代码obj_destroy,oshp创建属性表结构和实体类型对所有类型的实体,创建属性表的方法都已一样的。用AddAttribute方法,一般用法为:oshp->AddAttribute, 字段名称,字段类型,字段宽度[, PRECISION=integer] 精度只有浮点和双精度等情况下采用,字符和整形可以缺省,也可以设置为0关键的还是需要知道常用的几种字段类型3 Longword integer5 Double-precision floating-point7 String没错只有三种,这不是idl的错,shapefile只定义了这三种定义实体类型的方法比较简单:entNew = {IDL_SHAPE_ENTITY}entNew.SHAPE_TYPE = 1 ;1为实体类型,表示点写入实体和属性这两个过程一般同时进行的,用代码表示吧:Pro writepointshapefile="d: estcitys.shp"oshp=OBJ_NEW("IDLffshape",shapefile,Entity_type=1,/update);定义实体类型entNew = {IDL_SHAPE_ENTITY}entNew.SHAPE_TYPE = 1 ;1为实体类型,表示点;添加坐标,加那个地方呢,我爱北京天安门吧entNew.ISHAPE=0entNew.BOUNDS[0] = 116.391188entNew.BOUNDS[1] = 39.904546entNew.BOUNDS[2] = 0.00000000entNew.BOUNDS[3] = 0.00000000entNew.BOUNDS[4] = 116.391188entNew.BOUNDS[5] = 39.904546entNew.BOUNDS[6] = 0.00000000entNew.BOUNDS[7] = 0.00000000entNew.N_VERTICES = 1;加属性了;先定义属性表结构oshp->AddAttribute,"id",3,8,PRECISION=0oshp->AddAttribute,"name",7,20,PRECISION=0oshp->AddAttribute,"longitude",5,8,PRECISION=4oshp->AddAttribute,"latitude",5,8,PRECISION=4;还要把实体写入到shp对象中oshp -> PutEntity, entNew;获得属性表结构对象new_attr = oshp ->GetAttributes(/ATTRIBUTE_STRUCTURE)new_attr.ATTRIBUTE_0 = 1new_attr.ATTRIBUTE_1 = "北京天安门"new_attr.ATTRIBUTE_2 = 116.3911new_attr.ATTRIBUTE_3 = 39.904546;把属性写入到shp对象中oshp -> SetAttributes,0,new_attr;这里面的0是指实体的索引值,等于entNew.ISHAPE;再加一个吧,就兰州了entNew.BOUNDS = [103.867694,36.048088,0,0,103.867694,36.048088,0,0]new_attr.(0)=2new_attr.(1)="兰州"new_attr.(2)=103.8676new_attr.(3)=36.0480oshp -> PutEntity, entNewoshp -> SetAttributes,1,new_attr;OBJ_DESTROY,oshpprint,"end"End以上是加入点类型的数据,比较简单,来个复杂点的,加两个多边形吧pro writepolygonshapefile="d: estForbidden_City.shp"oshp=obj_new("IDLffshape",shapefile,Entity_type=5,/update);定义实体类型entNew = {IDL_SHAPE_ENTITY}entNew.SHAPE_TYPE = 5;添加坐标coor=[[116.3852041484393,39.9214192520002],$[116.3856922399481,39.91151453640624],$[116.3960721525212,39.9118040463524],$[116.3955102491546,39.92183809311693],$[116.3852041484393,39.9214192520002]]entNew.ISHAPE=0entNew.BOUNDS[0] = min(coor[0,*])entNew.BOUNDS[1] = min(coor[1,*])entNew.BOUNDS[2] = 0.00000000entNew.BOUNDS[3] = 0.00000000entNew.BOUNDS[4] = max(coor[0,*])entNew.BOUNDS[5] = max(coor[1,*])entNew.BOUNDS[6] = 0.00000000entNew.BOUNDS[7] = 0.00000000pvertice=coorentNew.VERTICES=PTR_NEW(pvertice,/no_copy)entNew.N_VERTICES = 5;还要把实体写入到shp对象中oshp -> PutEntity, entNew;加属性;先定义属性表结构oshp->AddAttribute,"id",3,8,PRECISION=0oshp->AddAttribute,"name",7,20,PRECISION=0;获得属性表结构对象new_attr = oshp ->GetAttributes(/ATTRIBUTE_STRUCTURE)new_attr.ATTRIBUTE_0 = 1new_attr.ATTRIBUTE_1 = "river";把属性写入到shp对象中oshp -> SetAttributes,0,new_attr;这里面的0是指实体的索引值,等于entNew.ISHAPEcoor=[[116.3858622895445,39.92099455865304],$[116.3863498312803,39.91211319734286],$[116.3952884054441,39.91246510632352],$[116.3948307781919,39.92118603918453],$[116.3858622895445,39.92099455865304]]entNew.ISHAPE=1entNew.BOUNDS = [min(coor[0,*]),min(coor[1,*]),0,0,max(coor[0,*]),max(coor[1,*]),0,0]pvertice=coorentNew.VERTICES=PTR_NEW(pvertice,/no_copy)entNew.N_VERTICES = (size(coor))[2]entNew.N_Parts=2P_parts=[0,5,9]entNew.Parts=Ptr_new(P_parts,/no_copy);还要把实体写入到shp对象中oshp -> PutEntity, entNew;加属性new_attr.ATTRIBUTE_0 = 1new_attr.ATTRIBUTE_1 = "Forbidden_City";把属性写入到shp对象中oshp -> SetAttributes,1,new_attr;这里面的0是指实体的索引值,等于entNew.ISHAPEobj_destroy,oshpprint,"end"end三、获得完整示例代码行文仓促,文中的代码可能有误,撰写了3个较为完整的示例代码,放在了我的代码库中,感兴趣的话可以到googleCode上下载。下载地址为:http://code.google.com/p/datatools/source/browse/#svn/trunk/IDL/Shapefile3个示例代码的名称分别为:readshapefile.prowritepoint.prowritepolygon.pro另外,大家还从该站点获得利用IDL创建aster图像索引图的程序.四、后记用IDL处理矢量数据,始终比较复杂,能够处理的格式也有限。如果跟矢量数据大交道比较多的话,建议尝试Python



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The Great Escape 歌词

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The Great Escape 歌词

歌曲名:The Great Escape歌手:Patrick Watson专辑:One Week (Music From the Movie)Bad day, looking for a wayOh, looking for the great escapeGets in his car and drives awayFar from all the things that we arePuts on a smile and breaths it in and breaths it outHe says bye-bye, bye to all of the noiseOh he says bye-bye bye to all of the noiseHey child, things are looking down,That"s OK you don"t need to win anywaysDon"t be afraid just eat up all the grayand it will fade awayDon"t let yourself fall downBad day, looking for the great escapeHe says bad day, looking for the great escapeOn a bad day, looking for the great escapeGreat escapehttp://music.baidu.com/song/58902489

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Please Rape Me!的基本资料

游戏名称:Please Rape Me! 日文名称:プリーズu30fbレ○プu30fbミー!开发商:CLOCKUP发售日期:2011-10-28声优:御苑生メイサトウユキ春日アン东かりん渋谷ひめ铃音华月原画:むなしむじょう剧作:Team-N.G.XTAG:ADV过激痴汉喜剧

Rape Me (Home Demo) 歌词

歌曲名:Rape Me (Home Demo)歌手:Nirvana专辑:Sliver - The Best Of The BoxRape meRape me my friend,Rape me,Rape me again.I"m not the only oneHelp me,Do it, and do it again.Waste me,Rape me, my friend.My favorite inside source,I"ll kiss your open sores,Appreciate your concernYou"ll always, stink, and born.Rape mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1257808

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编辑本段rape 意思为:n. 油菜,强奸 v. 强奸,奸污,奸淫 英语口语中骂人的话,例如:I rape you。意思和Fuck you一样。可以表达为人的心情不好,如歌曲:rape me  歌手:NIRVANA  nirvana rape me  rape me  rape me my friend,  rape me,  rape me again.  i"m not the only one  help me,  do it, and do it again.  waste me,  rape me, my friend.  my favorite inside source,  i"ll kiss your open sores,  appreciate your concern  you"ll always, stink, and born.  《Rape Me》收录于NIRVANA1993年发行的专辑《In Utero》。这是摇滚史上最佳朋克专集之一,乐队配合的天衣无缝,把Kurt Cobain 内心的狂燥、愤怒、压抑、扭曲、病态、激烈的矛盾冲突完全显示了出来,同时也反映了Kurt温柔、感性的一面。使Grunge风暴达到了极点,接近燃烧。Steve Albini试图录制一张原汁原味的朋克专辑。他运用了比以前更为丰富的音乐素材,并且在其核心蕴涵着袒露Cobain最深层的恐惧和脆弱的心,象《Rape Me》这样个人化的歌曲的直面痛苦的展现,在现在作一回顾,也许可以看作是一种警告,它在当初被与这个烦恼的歌手最亲密的人们所忽视。但是作为艺术,这正是它的朋克所在。

涅磐在rape me 这首歌里唱了什么,表达了什么

Nirvana/Rape MeRape meRape me my friend,Rape me,Rape me again.I"m not the only oneHelp me,Do it, and do it again.Waste me,Rape me, my friend.My favorite inside source,I"ll kiss your open sores,Appreciate your concernYou"ll always, stink, and born.Rape me

Nirvana 的 Rape Me 到底表达了怎样一种情操

《Rape Me》诉说了强暴犯被送进监牢,在狱中自我摧残的故事。它也许是全部音乐历史上最能将自暴自弃的心思做到彻底表达的一首歌,一个被打击得体无完肤的人在什么都不在乎之后,才能够发出如此绝望的哀鸣,它比死更为残酷。它是科特·柯本已经灰暗不堪的心境的一次大暴露,它也是一次受伤动物的求助的悲嘶,然而在当时,又有谁听懂了这一切呢?

Rape me什么意思

rape是强奸的意思- -这话意思是强奸我
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