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paper既可以做可数名词,也可以做不可数名词。paper作名词时意为“纸;纸张;报纸;论文;文件;文献;试卷”,当作“纸”翻译时不可数,当作“报纸;论文;试卷”翻译时可数。 扩展资料   一、释义   n. 纸;文件;报纸;论文;票据;壁纸   v. 用纸包;用纸糊;贴壁纸   二、词性转换   第三人称单数: papers   复数: papers   现在分词: papering   过去式: papered   过去分词: papered   三、词汇搭配   1、作名词   动词+paper   clip paper 剪辑报纸   commit sth to paper 把某事记录下来   contribute paper on 提出有关…的论文   deliver paper 送报   形容词+paper   blank paper 空白纸   cheap paper 廉价报纸   collected papers 论文集   commercial paper 商业票据   名词+paper   bank-note paper 纸币   birth paper 出生证   brown paper 牛皮纸   carbon paper 复写纸   paper+名词   paper fortress 纸糊的`堡垒,一攻就破   paper machine 造纸机械   paper mill 造纸厂   paper premier 无实权的总理   介词+paper   be made from paper 纸做的   be in papers 登在报上   a piece of paper 一页纸   a scrap of paper 一页纸   a sheet of paper 一页纸   a slip of paper 一页纸   paper+介词   paper about 有关…的文件   paper on 有关…的文件   2、作动词   paper+名词   paper the dining-room 裱糊餐厅   paper the oranges 用纸把橘子包起来   paper+介词   paper over 裱糊,隐瞒   四、双语例句   1.Put your hand up if you need more paper.   若有人还要纸,请举手。   2.Denmark recycles nearly 85% of its paper.   丹麦的纸张回收率近85%。   3.There were papers lying around all over the place.   文件散落得到处都是。   4.You do the painting and I will do the papering.   你上油漆,我贴壁纸。



paper是什么意思中文 paper的解释

1、意思是:纸、纸张、报纸、文件、文献等。 2、复数:papers。习语:on paper:写下来;笔录 3、用法:多指在学术刊物上发表或在学术会议上宣读的专题论文,也指高等学校的学期论文等。 例如:The professor wrote a paper on psychology.教授写了一篇心理学论文。





paper是什么意思中文 paper的解释

1、意思是:纸、纸张、报纸、文件、文献等。 2、复数:papers。习语:on paper:写下来;笔录 3、用法:多指在学术刊物上发表或在学术会议上宣读的专题论文,也指高等学校的学期论文等。 例如:The professor wrote a paper on psychology.教授写了一篇心理学论文。


paper英 ["peu026apu0259(r)] 美 ["peu026apu0259r] n. 纸;文件;报纸;论文;票据;壁纸v. 用纸包;用纸糊;贴壁纸adj. 纸制的;似纸的;有名无实的a material made of cellulose pulp derived mainly from wood or rags or certain grassesan essay (especially one written as an assignment);"he got an A on his composition"a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets; contains news and articles and advertisements;"he read his newspaper at breakfast"a medium for written communication;"the notion of an office running without paper is absurd"a scholarly article describing the results of observations or stating hypotheses;"he has written many scientific papers"a business firm that publishes newspapers;"Murdoch owns many newspapers"the physical object that is the product of a newspaper publisher;"when it began to rain he covered his head with a newspaper"


paper 英["peu026apu0259(r)] 美[u02c8peu026apu0259r] n. 纸;文件;论文;文章 vt.& vi. 贴纸 vt. 包装,用纸覆盖;贴壁纸;提供纸张;[俚语] 提供免费入场券 [例句]No paper or software required.不需要论文和软件。





  1、名词:纸、文件、论文、 文章;   2、动词:贴纸;   3、及物动词:包装、用纸覆盖、贴壁纸、提供纸张;、提供免费入场券;   4、不及物动词:贴糊墙纸、发交通违章传票;   5、形容词:纸制的、似纸的、有名无实的;   6、名词复数:papers;   7、动词第三人称单数:papers;   8、 过去分词:papered;   9、现在分词:papering;   10、过去式:papered。

paper 的意思



papern. 纸;论文;文件;报纸adj. 纸做的vt. 用纸糊;用纸包装vi. 贴糊墙纸;发交通违章传票

paper是什么意思 paper的意思

1、paper是一个英文单词,名词、动词、形容词,作名词时翻译为“纸;论文;文件;报纸”,作及物动词时翻译为“用纸糊;用纸包装”,作不及物动词时翻译为“贴糊墙纸;发交通违章传票”,作形容词时翻译为“纸做的”。 2、例句:What about the paper?那篇论文怎么样?



paperx0dx0an. 纸;论文;文件;报纸x0dx0ax0dx0aadj. 纸做的x0dx0ax0dx0avt. 用纸糊;用纸包装x0dx0ax0dx0avi. 贴糊墙纸;发交通违章传票




纸张 试卷




paper[英] [ˈpeɪpə][美] [ˈpeɪpər]n.纸; 试卷; 〈舞台俚语〉(剧院等娱乐场所的)免费入场券v.用墙纸裱糊(墙壁, 房间); 〈舞台俚语〉发免费入场券使(剧院)满座[例句]a sheet of paper一张纸

求猫王的“Crying In The Chapel”的中文歌词

你看见我哭泣在教堂里。 我流洒的泪花是我知道喜悦的泪花自得的意思现在我是愉快的以阁下 一个简单和简单的教堂,谦逊的人民去祈祷 我祈祷阁下我将增长更加坚强,我每天居住 我搜寻了,并且我搜寻了,但是我找不到 没有方式在地球上 获取心境的安宁 现在我是愉快的在教堂里 那里人们一份协议 是我们在教堂里聚集 唱和称赞阁下 你将搜寻,并且你将搜寻,但是你不会发现 没有方式在地球上 获取心境的安宁 采取你的麻烦对教堂开始认真对待你的膝盖并且祈祷你的负担将是更轻的 并且你肯定将发现方式

chinese xuan paper英语作文

Xuan paper is a kind of paper originating in ancient China used for writing and painting. Xuan paper is renowned for being soft and fine textured, suitable for conveying the artistic expression of both Chinese calligraphy and painting.Xuan paper was first mentioned in ancient Chinese books Notes of Past Famous Paintings and New Book of Tang. It was originally produced in the Tang dynasty in Jing County, which was under the jurisdiction of Xuan Prefecture (Xuanzhou), hence the name Xuan paper. By the Song dynasty, the paper producing industries in Huizhou and Chizhou were gradually transferred to Jing County.Due to different producing methods, Xuan paper can be classified into Shengxuan, Shuxuan, and Banshuxuan. Shengxuan (literally "Raw Xuan"), which is not specially processed, excels in its ability to absorb water, causing the ink on it to blur. Shuxuan (literally "Ripe Xuan"), however, has Potassium alum worked into it during production, which results in a stiffer texture, a reduced ability to absorb water, and less resistance to shear stress (meaning that it can be torn much more easily). This feature makes Shuxuan more suitable for Gongbi rather than Xieyi. Banshuxuan (literally "Half-ripe Xuan") has intermediate absorbability, between Shengxuan and Shuxuan.Xuan paper features great tensile strength, smooth surface, pure and clean texture and clean stroke, great resistance to crease, corrosion, moth and mold. The majority of ancient Chinese books and paintings by famous painters that survived till today are well preserved on Xuan paper. Xuan paper won the Golden Award at the Panama International Exposition in 1915. Xuan paper was used to make scrolls.

VIVO APEX概念机技术下放,X50系列渲染图曝光

5月19日,三星正式发布了旗下首款5000万像素摄像头传感器ISOCELL GN1。 而三星GN1 CMOS对标的是索尼IMX700传感器,也就是华为P40系列首发的 目前 全球最大底主摄。5000万像素,尺寸1/1.28英寸,单像素达到了1.22μm,实力非常强悍。 而VIVO这两天的一系列大动作,似乎在暗示X50系列将会搭载三星GN1传感器。 X50超大杯将搭载微云台主摄 X50超大杯渲染图曝光,和兄弟品牌OPPO Reno3 Pro外观类似,也是主打轻薄、双曲面设计。根据目前爆料的消息,中框将采用金属材质,厚度仅为7.4mm,表现非常优秀。 后盖同样会采用目前流行的AG磨砂工艺。由于今年高通、三星的处理器表现乏力,VIVO X50系列要搭载的处理器将成为最大的悬念。 如果超大杯采用三星Exynos980、990处理器,或许会有“小马拉大车”的遗憾。 APEX系列作为VIVO描述未来 科技 的产品,总会加入一些新鲜的技术用于“秀肌肉”。虽然不能马上实现量产,但是APEX系列大多数展现出来的“黑 科技 ”都会在1-2年内下放到其他产品上,而不仅仅是一种超前的炫技。 第二代APEX(2019)搭载了Super Unibody设计以及 全屏幕指纹识别 第三代APEX(2020)是首款真正意义的 高倍率连续光学变焦 手机 ,同时搭载了 超稳微云台主摄技术 ,防抖角度比目前常见的OIS光学防抖大了200% 同时搭载了 屏下摄像头 、 60w无线快充 2018-2019年,VIVO高端旗舰NEX系列推出的NEX双屏、NEX 3、NEX3s接连失败,让大家不禁为VIVO抹了一把汗。 但APEX 2020是在2020年2月发布的。在这短短3个月的时间,VIVO就把“微云台主摄”的技术下放到了中端X50系列当中,或许VIVO还藏了很多大招没有放出来。 编辑于 2020-05-21 11:31:56

m.i.a-paper planes 歌词

m.i.a-paper planes完整歌词及翻译(已经修正了LZ歌词的几个错处): I"ll fly like a paper, get high like planes 我会像纸一样轻盈地飞起来,像飞机一样高 Catch me at the border, I got visas in my name 在过境时抓住我,但我有写着我的名字的签证 If you come around here, I"ll make"em all day 如果你来到这里,我会整天弄它们 I"ll get one down in a second if you wait 如果你等待,我会在一秒之内得到怨气 I"ll fly like a paper, get high like planes 我会像纸一样轻盈地飞起来,像飞机一样高 Catch me at the border, I got visas in my name 在过境时抓住我,但我有写着我的名字的签证 If you come around here, I"ll make"em all day 如果你来到这里,我会整天弄它们 I"ll get one down in a second if you wait 如果你等待,我会在一秒之内得到怨气 Sometimes I feel sitting on trains 有时我觉得自己坐在列车上 Every stop I get to, I"m clocking that game 我到的每一个站,我都会记下游戏时间 Everyone"s a winner, we"re making our fame 每个人都是赢家,我们在制造声望 Bona fide hustler making my name 真诚的敲诈者造出我的名字 Sometimes I feel sitting on trains 有时我觉得自己坐在列车上 Every stop I get to, I"m clocking that game 我到的每一个站,我都会记下游戏时间 Everyone"s a winner, we"re making our fame 每个人都是赢家,我们在制造声望 Bona fide hustler making my name 真诚的敲诈者造出我的名字 All I wanna do is 我想做的一切事情 And a, and take your money 就是拿走你的钱 All I wanna do is 我想做的一切事情 And a, and take your money 就是拿走你的钱 All I wanna do is 我想做的一切事情 And a, and take your money 就是拿走你的钱 All I wanna do is 我想做的一切事情 And a, and take your money 就是拿走你的钱 Pirate skulls and bones 海盗骷髅骨头 Sticks and stones and weeds and bombs 权杖、宝石、烟草和炸药 Running when we hit"em 当我们点着它们时赶快跑 Leathal poison for their system 把致命毒药输到他们的制度 Pirate skulls and bones 海盗骷髅骨头 Sticks and stones and weeds and bombs 权杖、宝石、烟草和炸药 Running when we hit"em 当我们点着它们时赶快跑 Leathal poison for their system 把致命毒药输到他们的制度 No one on the corner has swagger like us 角落里没有人能像我们一样摆架子 Hit me on the bunner 在火炉上打倒我吧 Prepaid wireless 预付的无线电 We pack and deliver like UPS trucks 我们像UPS(优比速包裹运输公司)货车一样打包送货 Already going hell 准备着驶向地狱 Just pumping that gas 只管倒吸几口气体 All I wanna do is 我想做的一切事情 And a, and take your money 就是拿走你的钱 All I wanna do is 我想做的一切事情 And a, and take your money 就是拿走你的钱 All I wanna do is 我想做的一切事情 And a, and take your money 就是拿走你的钱 All I wanna do is 我想做的一切事情 And a, and take your money 就是拿走你的钱 M.I.A., third world democracy M.I.A.就是第三世界的民主阶级 Yeah, I got more records than the KGB Yeah,我比克格勃(苏联国家安全委员会)创造更多纪录 So, uh, no funny business, are you ready? 那么,呃,没有了好玩的事情,你准备好了吗? Some, some, some I, some I murder 一些,一些,一些我谋杀的人 Some I, some I let go 一些,一些我放开的事情 Some, some, some I, some I murder 一些,一些,一些我谋杀的人 Some I, some I let go 一些,一些我放开的事情 All I wanna do is 我想做的一切事情 And a, and take your money 就是拿走你的钱 All I wanna do is 我想做的一切事情 And a, and take your money 就是拿走你的钱 All I wanna do is 我想做的一切事情 And a, and take your money 就是拿走你的钱 All I wanna do is 我想做的一切事情 And a, and take your money 就是拿走你的钱



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  论文查重率太高,不知道怎么办?在此学术堂整理了一些论文降重方法(亲测有效):  快速降重方法一:  边写作边修改法 该方法适合论文创作初期,因为正常情况下,一篇论文的重复内容主要集中在论文的开头部分,如“研究背景”、“研究现状”、“基本理论”都是论文抄袭的重灾区,因此,需要在论文写作的时候要尤为注意这些内容的抄袭,在这里,推荐一个非常实用且有效的方法,论文开头部分的写作无论是引用内容还是写作内容都有自己写作,即使是参考文献的引用内容,也有自己写作,需要说明的是,参考文献的引用不一定是原文表达,哪怕使用参考文献中的观点实际上也是引用。 另外,论文写作的初期,可以尝试使用检测系统检测,根据检测报告对照自己写作的方法还有哪些缺点和不足,并纠正后续的写作方式,避免整篇文章写完后再去检测,如果重复率过高,只怕还要重头开始修改。  快速降重方法二:  参考内容的差异化表达 在论文写作的过程中,对于引用和参考的内容,尽可能的使用图片的表达方式,尽最大可能更改参考内容的样子,例如,原文是几个观点的总结,那么在参考的时候可以写成表格概括的方式;原文是具体方法的实施,那么在参考的时候可以画成流程图。等等等等,这个方法的关键就是实现参考内容的差异化表达,差异越大,原创率越高,论文的重复率也就越低,这个方法对于指导论文写作以及降低整篇文章的重复率非常有效。  快速降重方法三:  重复内容翻译法 这个方法实际上也是无奈的办法,实施步骤是将重复的内容使用不同的翻译系统进行多次翻译,最后通过自己的优化和润色后定稿,这个方法最大的优点是简单易行,当然,缺点也十分明显,毕竟经过多次翻译的论文,表达方式的准确性值得商榷。  快速降重方法四:  交叉使用检测系统 单一系统的检测,仅能做参考,若自己的论文的确存在抄袭之处,不妨修改后,再用其他软件检测,目的在于进行不同系统之间检测报告的对比,方便下次的修改。




paperword论文查重系统只适合论文初稿查重,如果你要检测论文,建议你根据学校规定的查重系统选择检测系统。如果你是论文初稿选择paperword论文查重已是可以的,一般查重系统的不会泄露论文资料的。不过paperword查重系统对比数据库有限,建议你选择:万方 维普 或者大雅这些检测系统查重





paper free是什么意思?

















apec卡里的 pending 是什么意思

pending英 ["pendu026au014b]美 ["pu025bndu026au014b]prep. 在…期间;直到…时为止;在等待…之际v. 待定;悬而不决(pend的ing形式)adj. 未决定的;行将发生的n. (Pending)人名;(瑞典)彭丁


歌曲名:Valder Fields艺术家:Tamas WellsTamas Wells最有名的歌曲,收录于专辑<A Plea En Vendredi>中。Valder是一个地名。试听:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/gDbBxPGJ7vY/下载:http://bbs.unistar.net.cn/Heat/mini_me_6_monthes/bgmusic.mp3歌词:I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields and was almost dry 快被晒干的我在Valder Fields的喷泉旁被发现Lying in the sun after I had tried 在尝试无果后躺在烈日之下Lying in the sun by the side 就在那里,烈日之下We had agreed that the council would end at three hours over-time 我们已经同意在三小时后结束讨论Shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights 在信号灯前系好鞋带I was running late 我还是没有赶上(I) could apply for another one I guess 也许我能申请另一份工作If department stores are best 如果可以,那么百货公司将是最好的选择They said (that) there would be delays 他们说薪水会被拖欠Only temporary pay 而且只是临时性的For another one I guess 也许可以申请另一份If department stores are best 如果可以,那么百货公司将是最好的选择They said (that) there would be delays 他们说薪水会被拖欠Only temporary pay 而且只是临时性的She was found on the ground in a gown made at Valder Fields 她穿着在Valder Fields订做的礼服被发现And was sound asleep (on the) stairs out the door 在门外的楼梯上睡着了To the man who cried when he said that he loved his life 对着那个在说到他热爱自己生活时会哭泣的男人We had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door 我们同意协会取走他卧室的钥匙(in) Case he slept outside and was found in two days in Valder Fields (with a) mountain view当他在Valder Fields的一片山色之中睡了两天


大家在找雅思阅读材料的时候千万不能盲目地找,要找一些难度和内容与雅思阅读切合的 文章 ,下面我给大家带来雅思阅读A类:Paper Recycling,来看看吧! 雅思阅读A类:Paper Recycling You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 30-41 which are based on the Reading Passage below. PAPER RECYCLING A Paper is different from other waste produce because it comes from a sustainable resource: trees. Unlike the minerals and oil used to make plastics and metals, trees are replaceable. Paper is also biodegradable, so it does not pose as much threat to the environment when it is discarded. While 45 out of every 100 tonnes of wood fibre used to make paper in Australia comes from waste paper, the rest comes directly from virgin fibre from forests and plantations. By world standards, this is a good performance since the worldwide average is 33 percent waste paper. Governments have encouraged waste paper collection and sorting schemes and at the same time, the paper industry has responded by developing new recycling technologies that have paved the way for even greater utilization of used fibre. As a result, industry"s use of recycled fibres is expected to increase at twice the rate of virgin fibre over the coming years. B Already, waste paper constitutes 70% of paper used for packaging and advances in the technology required to remove ink from the paper have allowed a higher recycled content in newsprint and writing paper. To achieve the benefits of recycling, the community must also contribute. We need to accept a change in the quality of paper products; for example, stationery may be less white and of a rougher texture. There also needs to support from the community for waste paper collection programs. Not only do we need to make the paper available to collectors but it also needs to be separated into different types and sorted from contaminants such as staples, paperclips, string and other miscellaneous items. C There are technical limitations to the amount of paper which can be recycled and some paper products cannot be collected for re-use. These include paper in the form of books and permanent records, photographic paper and paper which is badly contaminated. The four most common sources of paper for recycling are factories and retail stores which gather large amounts of packaging material in which goods are delivered, also offices which have unwanted business documents and computer output, paper converters and printers and lastly households which discard newspapers and packaging material. The paper manufacturer pays a price for the paper and may also incur the collection cost. D Once collected, the paper has to be sorted by hand by people trained to recognise various types of paper. This is necessary because some types of paper can only be made from particular kinds of recycled fibre. The sorted paper then has to be repulped or mixed with water and broken down into its individual fibres. This mixture is called stock and may contain a wide variety of contaminating materials, particularly if it is made from mixed waste paper which has had little sorting. Various machineries are used to remove other materials from the stock. After passing through the repulping process, the fibres from printed waste paper are grey in colour because the printing ink has soaked into the individual fibres. This recycled material can only be used in products where the grey colour does not matter, such as cardboard boxes but if the grey colour is not acceptable, the fibres must be de-inked. This involves adding chemicals such as caustic soda or other alkalis, soaps and detergents, water-hardening agents such as calcium chloride, frothing agents and bleaching agents. Before the recycled fibres can be made into paper they must be refined or treated in such a way that they bond together. E Most paper products must contain some virgin fibre as well as recycled fibres and unlike glass, paper cannot be recycled indefinitely. Most paper is down-cycled which means that a product made from recycled paper is of an inferior quality to the original paper. Recycling paper is beneficial in that it saves some of the energy, labour and capital that go into producing virgin pulp. However, recycling requires the use of fossil fuel, a non-renewable energy source, to collect the waste paper from the community and to process it to produce new paper. And the recycling process still creates emissions which require treatment before they can be disposed of safely. Nevertheless, paper recycling is an important economical and environmental practice but one which must be carried out in a rational and viable manner for it to be useful to both industry and the community. Questions 30-36 Complete the summary below of the first two paragraphs of the Reading Passage. Choose ONE OR TWO WORDS from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 30-36 on your answer sheet. SUMMARY Example …. From the point of view of recycling, paper has two advantages over minerals and ………..oil………. in that firstly it comes from a resource which is …….. (30) …….. and secondly, it is less threatening to our environment when we throw it away because it is ……. (31) …… Although Australia"s record in the re-use of waste paper is good, it is still necessary to use a combination of recycled fibre and …….. (32) …….. to make new paper. The paper industry has contributed positively and people have also been encouraged by ………(33) ……… to collect their waste on a regular basis. One major difficulty is the removal of ink from used paper but ……… (34) ……… are being made in this area. However, we need to learn to accept paper which is generally of a lower ……… (35) ……… than before and to sort our waste paper by removing ……… (36) …….. before discarding it for collection. Look at paragraphs C, D, and E and, using the information in the passage, complete the flow chart below. Write your answers in boxes 37-41 on your answer sheet. Use ONE OR TWO WORDS for each answer. Answer: 30. sustamable 31. biodegradable 32. virgin fibre/ pulp 33. governments/ the government 34. advances 35. quality 36. contaminants 37. offices 38. sorted 39. (re)pulped 40. de-ink/ remove ink/ make white 41. refined 雅思阅读--切莫“望文生义” 一、利用定义式线索进行猜测 定义是作者为了更好地表达思想,在文章中对一些重要的概念、难懂的术语或 词汇等所作的解释。这些解释提供的信息具有明确的针对性,利用它们猜测词义比较容易。例如:Kinetic energy is the energy of moving particles. Kinetic enegry 可能是生词,由定义可知,表语是说明主语性质内容的。所以kinetic energy就是“运动粒子的能量”。 再如Typhoons are cyclones,storms with strong winds rotating around a low-pressure center.如果cyclones是生词,推断该词义的线索就是其后面的解释“绕低气压中心形成的暴风雨”由此我们可知cyclones的意思是“绕低气压中心形成的暴风雨”。在这种解释中定义句的谓语动词多为:be, mean, deal with, be considered, to be, refer to, be called, be known as, define, represent, signify, constitute等。 二、根据进一步阐述猜测词义 虽然进一步阐述不如定义那样严谨、详细,但是提供的信息足以使我们猜出生词的词义。复述部分可以是适当的词, 短语 或者 句子 。例如Experts in kinesics, in their study of body motion as related to speech ,hope to discover new methods of communications. 逗号中短语的意思是“对肢体语言进行研究的学科”。短语与前面生词kinesics是同位关系,因此我们不难猜出kinesics指“肢体语言学”。在这种复述当中,构成同位关系的两部分之间多用逗号连接,有时也使用破折号,冒号,分号,引号,和括号等。 另外同位语前还常有or, similarly, that is to say, in other words, namely, or other, 等副词或短语出现。另外一种会以定语从句的形式出现如从句Obesity, which is a medical disorder that affects approximately 20-30% of the population of the United States of America. It is an excessive accumulation of body fat that results from the storage of excess food energy calories in the body"s fat cells. 根据生词obesity后面的非限制性定语从句which is a medical disorder that affects approximately 20-30% of the population of the United States of America. It is an excessive accumulation of body fat that results from the storage of excess food energy calories in the body"s fat cells. 我们可以推断出 obesity的含义,即“过度肥胖”。 三、根据举例猜测词义 恰当的举例能够提供猜测生词的重要线索,例如The consequences of epochal events such as wars and great scientific discoveries are not confined to a small geographical area as they were in the past. 句中“战争”和“重大科学发现”是生词的实例,通过它们我们可以猜出epochal的 大致词义“重要的”。 四、根据上下文的语境关联猜测词义 例如Computers have been used for most kinds of crime, including fraud theft, larceny, embezzlement, burglary, sabotage, murder and forgery, since the first cases were reported in 1985. 这句话中有许多生词出现,但通过上文的crime和murder一词,我们可以知道这些下划线词都是与犯罪有关的词。在考试中,就不必费心去考虑它们的具体意思,知道大概类别即可。 再如Goran Ivanisevic fears only one service in tennis -- Michael Stichs. His toss is always the same: the straight one or the topspin. Sampras has a good serve and Becker too, but Stichs is the toughest to read.在此例中,大多数词用于 网球 运动中的一些专门词汇,我们可以不必理会,而主要关注认识的那些词。这样能够大概理解此句讲的是网球选手Goran害怕某种service, 通过上下文大致可得知这是指网球运动中的一个动作(比如发球、扣球等)。 其实,service就是“发球”的意思。从形容词straight可知Stichs发球的特点,而且他是最难预测的一个。这样一来就可以很好地把握文章内容了。 雅思阅读--如何排除干扰项 一、 重要干扰项 重要干扰项就是指,这种选项虽然不是正确答案,却与原文不冲突(或者很难判断是否与原文冲突),它们与正确答案看起来比较相似,只不过不如正确答案更准确、更完整或更严谨。我们和我一起来看下面的例子: In Tarkovsky"s opinion, the attraction of the cinema is that it A aims to impress its audience. B tells stories better than books. C illustrates the passing of time. D describes familiar events. 我们可以定位到原文的C段和D段,C段提到:The frightened audience could not accept that they were watching a mere picture. Pictures were still, only reality moved; this must, therefore, be reality. In their confusion, they feared that a real train was about to crush them. 这一段文字表达了观众当时的反应,观众们很难接受自己看到的是图画而不是事实。D段提到:The key to that magic was the way in which cinema created a dynamic image of the real flow of events. A still picture could only imply the existence of time, while time in a novel passed at the whim of the reader. But in cinema, the real, objective flow of time was captured. 这段文字描述了电影创造了事件随时间的发展演变,并且用picture和novel进行类比,强调电影的魔力是让人清楚地看到事情流畅地随时间演变。 根据这两段文字所表达的意思,很多学生会选择A或B选项,因为原文提及了观众、小说(书)的内容。A和B两个选项与原文所讲的内容并不是矛盾或完全不符合的。因此,这两个选项就干扰了我们正确的选择。当我们把这两段文字仔细推敲之后,发现描述观众的反应和对比书和电影的区别,都是为了表达电影的魔力在于表达事件随时间的发展这一主题含义。C项的含义比AB要更准确,因此答案选择C项。 二、 错误干扰项 相比之下,多选题目的错误干扰项就较容易识别出来了。我们可以看到,有些题目中,某个选项与原文是直接矛盾的,那么肯定不会选择它为正确的答案。比如: A recent survey found that in British secondary schools, A there was more bullying than had previously been the case. B there was less bullying than in primary schools. C cases of persistent bullying were very common. D indirect forms of bullying were particularly difficult to deal with. 我们看到原文,其中有一句话是:There was less bullying in secondary schools, with about one in twenty-five suffering persistent bullying. 通过这句话,我们可以明显地判断出,C项的含义与原文是矛盾的。very common和one in twenty-five的比例是明显不符的。因此,C选项就是一个错误的干扰项,我们可以确定地排除答案是C项的可能性。 雅思阅读如何判断出题者意图 如何判断雅思阅读题考察点 雅思阅读备考有些学生为了省事省力又省心,总是想尽各种 方法 寻求雅思阅读学习技巧,从而进一步将自己的雅思阅读提高方法更准确无误的 总结 出来。事实上,技巧的掌握是辅助学生做雅思阅读题的工具,它的存在可以有效的保障学生探测出题人的出题思路和意图。本文为大家介绍从雅思阅读技巧判断出题意图。 从直接用词来直接判断作者的立场 在雅思阅读文章当中,作者的立场主要分为三类:赞成、反对或中立。这需要我们从文章中找出一些旗帜鲜明的词来帮助我们判定(这种立场的分类需要学生在求雅思阅读技巧的同时,对文章的大致内容和题型分类有了解):例如有一篇介绍GMOs(转基因生物)的文章中,第一句话是:Genetically-modified organisms(GMOs)are a double-edged sword(双刃剑)。这句话是全文或至少是全段的主题句,表明出题者的观点是中立的,认为转基因生物给人类带来益处的同时也带来了危害。在阅读这类文章时,考生应注意把住这两方面的论据在心里加以分类。 通过理解转折词来看作者的态度 作者的观点和态度往往在雅思的文章中有一个先扬后抑的过程,会通过一些转折词表现出来,前面会列出很多幌子来迷惑考生。这些常用的有:although,though,while,on the other hand,however,rather,but,despite,in spite of等。 雅思阅读提高方法的找寻需要学生在细节上有很好的耐力和查找能力,其中转折词的存在大有裨益。表示转折的词是猜测单词词义的很好的线索。另外,在一句话中,转折词后的部分往往是出题者表达的重点,所强调的东西。如果时间紧张的话,考生甚至可以跳过这些词前面的部分,直接阅读后半句话,因为这常常是问题涉及到的。 通过原因和结果推测作者的意图 在阅读过程中,了解出题者解释某个事件或情况的原因是很重要的。因果关系是帮助考生理解文章的线索之一。因此,考生应掌握下列词汇。解释原因的:because,because of,due to,result from,as a result of,be a consequence of,be attributed to;表示结果的:as a result,result in,lead to,cause,contributed to.

Black Grape的《Submarine》 歌词

歌曲名:Submarine歌手:Black Grape专辑:It"S Great When You"Re Straight ... Yeah《The Cranes : Submarine》Forces pull you this way, that wayYou don"t know where you are goingWay ahead looks so confusingYou don"t know if you can holdThere"s a forest to get throughAnd all the stars want to guide youSo let your instincts fly and you"ll be fineLet the clouds and sky follow your mindDon"t let the pressure goLet the pressure goThere"s a forest to get throughAnd you know that you"re wanted tooAnd forces pull you this way, that wayYou don"t know where you are goingNow you feel the pressure in your mind"Cos there"s so much to look for and to findIt all slips away from time to timeLet it go, let the panic fall behindDon"t let the pressure goAnd let the pressureDon"t let the pressure gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/8540231

求高一英语作文the uses of newspaper 80字,要从informative;instructive;entertaining三方面分述

A newspaper is a scheduled publication containing news of current events, informative articles, diverse features, editorials, and advertising. General-interest newspapers are informative as they publish stories on local and national political events and personalities, crime, business, entertainment, society and sports. Most traditional papers also feature an editorial page containing editorials written by an editor and columns that express the personal opinions of writers. Newspapers are a helpful tool in every child"s education. Whether they advance a child"s reading level, inform students about current events, or allow teachers to give a real-life application, newspapers are a critical tool in our educational classrooms. Newspapers have established their important role in the classrooms of the past, present, and future. A wide variety of material has been published in newspapers, including entertainment features such as crosswords, sudoku and horoscopes; weather news and forecasts; advice, food and other columns; reviews of radio, movies, television, plays and restaurants; classified ads; display ads, radio and television listings, inserts from local merchants, editorial cartoons, gag cartoons and comic strips.


91.D92.B93.A94.B95.D 仅供参考



英文单词的分开的问题 生死相分的分开用哪个单词:saperated /apart 还是part

用apart separate 是把本来在一起的东西分开,分离 apart 有在距离和空间上分开的意思


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EMNLP2020-Call for Papers

The 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2020) invites the submission of long and short papers on substantial , original , and unpublished research in empirical methods for Natural Language Processing. As in recent years, some of the presentations at the conference will be for papers accepted by the Transactions of the ACL (TACL) and Computational Linguistics (CL) journals. All deadlines are 11.59 pm UTC -12h ("anywhere on Earth"). EMNLP 2020 has the goal of a broad technical program. Relevant topics for the conference include, but are not limited to, the following areas (in alphabetical order): Long paper submissions must describe substantial , original , completed and unpublished work . Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation and analysis should be included. Review forms will be made available prior to the deadlines. Long papers may consist of up to 8 pages of content , plus unlimited pages for references ; final versions of long papers will be given one additional page of content (up to 9 pages) so that reviewers" comments can be taken into account. Long papers will be presented orally or as posters as determined by the program committee. The decisions as to which papers will be presented orally and which as poster presentations will be based on the nature rather than the quality of the work. There will be no distinction in the proceedings between long papers presented orally and as posters. Short paper submissions must describe original and unpublished work . Please note that a short paper is not a shortened long paper. Instead short papers should have a point that can be made in a few pages. Some kinds of short papers are: Short papers may consist of up to 4 pages of content , plus unlimited references . Upon acceptance, short papers will be given 5 content pages in the proceedings. Authors are encouraged to use this additional page to address reviewers" comments in their final versions. Short papers will be presented orally or as posters as determined by the program committee. While short papers will be distinguished from long papers in the proceedings, there will be no distinction in the proceedings between short papers presented orally and as posters. The author list for submissions should include all (and only) individuals who made substantial contributions to the work presented. Each author listed on a submission to EMNLP 2020 will be notified of submissions, revisions and the final decision. No changes to the order or composition of authorship may be made to submissions to EMNLP 2020 after the paper submission deadline. You are expected to cite all refereed publications relevant to your submission, but you may be excused for not knowing about all unpublished work (especially work that has been recently posted and/or is not widely cited) . In cases where a preprint has been superseded by a refereed publication, the refereed publication should be cited instead of the preprint version. Papers (whether refereed or not) appearing less than 3 months before the submission deadline are considered contemporaneous to your submission, and you are therefore not obliged to make detailed comparisons that require additional experimentation and/or in-depth analysis. For more information, see the ACL Policies for Submission, Review, and Citation EMNLP 2020 will not consider any paper that is under review in a journal or another conference at the time of submission, and submitted papers must not be submitted elsewhere during the EMNLP 2020 review period. This policy covers all refereed and archival conferences and workshops (e.g., COLING, NeurIPS, ACL workshops). For example, a paper under review at an ACL workshop cannot be dual-submitted to EMNLP 2020. In addition, we will not consider any paper that overlaps significantly in content or results with papers that will be (or have been) published elsewhere. Authors submitting more than one paper to EMNLP 2020 must ensure that their submissions do not overlap significantly (>25%) with each other in content or results. Authors are required to honour the ethical code set out in the ACM Code of Ethics . The consideration of the ethical impact of our research , use of data , and potential applications of our work has always been an important consideration, and as artificial intelligence is becoming more mainstream, these issues are increasingly pertinent. We ask that all authors read the code, and ensure that their work is conformant to this code. Where a paper may raise ethical issues, we ask that you include in the paper an explicit discussion of these issues, which will be taken into account in the review process. We reserve the right to reject papers on ethical grounds, where the authors are judged to have operated counter to the code of ethics, or have inadequately addressed legitimate ethical concerns with their work Submission is electronic, using the Softconf START conference management system . Both long and short papers must follow the EMNLP 2020 two-column format, using the supplied official style sheets . Please do not modify these style files, nor should you use templates designed for other conferences. Submissions that do not conform to the required styles, including paper size, margin width, and font size restrictions, will be rejected without review. Each EMNLP 2020 submission can be accompanied by one PDF appendix for the paper, one PDF for prior reviews and author response, one .tgz or .zip archive containing software , and one.tgz or .zip archive containing data . EMNLP 2020 encourages the submission of these supplementary materials to improve the reproducibility of results, and to enable authors to provide additional information that does not fit in the paper. For example, anonymised related work (see above), preprocessing decisions, model parameters, feature templates, lengthy proofs or derivations, pseudocode, sample system inputs/outputs, and other details that are necessary for the exact replication of the work described in the paper can be put into the appendix. However, the paper submissions need to remain fully self-contained , as these supplementary materials are completely optional, and reviewers are not even asked to review or download them. If the pseudo-code or derivations or model specifications are an important part of the contribution, or if they are important for the reviewers to assess the technical correctness of the work, they should be a part of the main paper, and not appear in the appendix. Supplementary materials need to be fully anonymized to preserve the double-blind reviewing policy. The following rules and guidelines are meant to protect the integrity of double-blind review and ensure that submissions are reviewed fairly. The rules make reference to the anonymity period, which runs from 1 month before the submission deadline (starting May 1st, 2020) up to the date when your paper is accepted or rejected (September 14th, 2020) . Papers that are withdrawn during this period will no longer be subject to these rules. As reviewing will be double blind, papers must not include authors" names and affiliations . Furthermore, self-references or links (such as github) that reveal the author"s identity, e.g., “We previously showed (Smith, 1991) …” must be avoided. Instead, use citations such as “Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991) …” Papers that do not conform to these requirements will be rejected without review. Papers should not refer, for further detail, to documents that are not available to the reviewers. For example, do not omit or redact important citation information to preserve anonymity. Instead, use third person or named reference to this work, as described above (“Smith showed” rather than “we showed”). If important citations are not available to reviewers (e.g., awaiting publication), these paper/s should be anonymised and included in the appendix. They can then be referenced from the submission without compromising anonymity. Papers may be accompanied by a resource (software and/or data) described in the paper, but these resources should also be anonymized. Authors resubmitting a paper that has been rejected from another venue are invited to submit alongside their paper the previous version of the paper, the reviews and an author response. This is strictly optional. It is designed to mimic the revise-and-resubmit procedure underlying journals like TACL, and this trial for EMNLP will help to inform potential changes to the review process under consideration for future EMNLP and ACL conferences. We expect that the fact that a paper was rejected from another venue will not necessarily affect the paper"s decision in a negative way, but is likely to be beneficial to authors who believe they have addressed the problems identified, and can argue strongly for how the paper has been improved. The prior reviews will not be seen by reviewers, but be used as part of the EMNLP decision process, primarily by area chairs and program chairs in review quality control, resolving disagreements between reviewers, and in deciding borderline papers. To foster reproducibility , authors will be asked to answer all questions from the following Reproducibility Checklist during the submission process. Authors are not required to meet all criteria on the checklist, but rather check off the criteria relevant to their submission. The answers will be made available to the reviewers to help them evaluate the submission. Reviewers will be expressly asked to assess the reproducibility of the work as part of their reviews. The following list is a preliminary checklist we will use. For all reported experimental results: For all experiments with hyperparameter search: For all datasets used: Thanks to Jesse Dodge for helping with the above checklist. It is based on Dodge et al, 2019 and Joelle Pineau"s reproducibility checklist All accepted papers must be presented at the conference to appear in the proceedings. Authors of papers accepted for presentation at EMNLP 2020 must notify the program chairs by the camera-ready deadline if they wish to withdraw the paper . Previous presentations of the work (e.g. preprints on arXiv.org) should be indicated in a footnote in the final version of papers appearing in the EMNLP 2020 proceedings. Please note that this footnote should not be in the submission version of the paper. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for EMNLP 2020 by the early registration deadline.




Apex最早是Salesforce.com提出的一种面向对象编程语言,目前已成为Salesforce平台上应用开发的标准语言。1.Apex的特点Apex是一种强类型语言,与Java类似,其语法和数据类型都与Java非常相似,并且可以通过严格的编译检查机制来确保代码的正确性。同时,Apex还具有面向对象的特征,能够支持封装、继承、多态等面向对象编程思想。2.Apex的用途由于Apex是Salesforce平台上的标准开发语言,因此主要用于开发针对Salesforce CRM、Salesforce Service Cloud等应用的自定义应用和增强功能。Apex还可以与Visualforce技术结合使用,以便在Salesforce平台上创建各种Web应用程序。3.Apex的优势(1)快速开发:Apex开发软件工具集成了很多重复性任务,使开发人员能够更快地创建和部署应用程序。(2)与Salesforce平台紧密结合:Apex与Salesforce平台完全集成,可以避免因不同技术栈之间的集成而导致的问题,简化开发流程。(3)高度安全性:Apex代码通过在Salesforce服务器上运行来保证数据的安全性和隐私性,避免了因在客户端上部署代码而导致的安全漏洞。4.Apex的发展趋势随着Salesforce平台的不断壮大,Apex已成为Salesforce应用开发的重要语言之一。未来,Apex将继续发展,推出更多实用的功能和工具,将更多的扩展到其他领域,如物联网等新兴技术。


article 意为文章paper 意为文本

paper 和 article的区别?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 都可以指论文吧? 怎么用呢? 解析: paper :强调形状,就是多指纸张模样的报纸试卷等,多为固定内容格式等 article多指文字组合的篇章,强调的内容没一定的规范但是往往有专业的性质


学术论文的article和paper是有区别的:articleA nonfictional literary composition that forms an independent part of a publication, as of a newspaper or magazine.文章:已形成出版物独立部分的一种非小说写实文章,如报刊或杂志上的paper1.A formal written composition intended to be published, presented, or read aloud; a scholarly essay or treatise.学术论文:一篇写好的正式著作,为了出版、讲演或宣读;学术文章或论文2.A piece of written work for school; a report or theme.报告,论文:为学校所写的功课;报告或论文
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