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《Soft Apocalypse》(McIntosh, Will)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ZKv5i8Yeu3jQCj2e3BFPpw 提取码: 4gay书名:Soft Apocalypse作者:McIntosh, Will出版年份:2011-4页数:256作者简介:作者简介威尔u2022麦金托什(Will McIntosh)著有6部长篇小说和多篇短中篇作品,曾获得星云奖提名和雨果奖,他的科幻作品已被翻译成5种语言出版。威尔在从事全职写作之前曾是心理学教授,如今仍然在威廉玛丽学院讲授心理学入门课程,他和妻子以及双胞胎女儿生活在美国弗吉尼亚州威廉斯堡。译者简介耿辉,生于1981年,是一名设计机车动车组牵引控制算法的工程师。陪女儿玩耍之余,翻译科幻小说,翻译的作品发表于《文艺风赏》《科幻世界》《人民文学》和豆瓣阅读等媒体。


《The Apocalypse Reader》(Justin Taylor)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1k3xpdjTV8fJLiHqplDSWyw 提取码:skpa书名:The Apocalypse Reader作者:Justin Taylor出版社:Running Press出版年份:2007-05-21页数:336内容简介:These are the ways the world ends.Thirty-four new and selected Doomsday scenarios: an enthralling collection of work by canonical literary figures, contemporary masters, and a few rising stars, all of whom have looked into the future and found it missing. Across boundaries of place and time, these writers celebrate the variety and vitality of the short story as a form by writing their own conclusions to the story of the world. Obliteration has never hurt so good.Contributors include Grace Aguilar, Steve Aylett, Robert Bradley, Dennis Cooper, Lucy Corin, Elliott David, Matthew Derby, Carol Emshwiller, Brian Evenson, Neil Gaiman, Jeff Goldberg, Theodora Goss, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Jared Hohl, Shelley Jackson, Ursula K. Le Guin, Stacey Levine, Tao Lin, Kelly Link, H.P. Lovecraft, Gary Lutz, Rick Moody, Michael Moorcock, Adam Nemett, Josip Novakovich, Joyce Carol Oates, Colette Phair, Edgar Allan Poe, Terese Svoboda, Justin Taylor, Lynne Tillman, Deb Olin, Unferth, H.G. Wells, Allison Whittenberg, and Diane Williams.

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