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Gone are the days _______ we spent together in the mountainous village.]


mountain area与mountainous area哪个对?

两个都可以,后一个好一些,都有山区的意思,前者一般用于指某个地方,比如,Xuedou Mountain Scenic Area 雪窦山风景区Rooster Mountain Scenic Area 鸡公山风景区后者,是一般意义上的山区,比如,The south of Jinan is a mountainous area, which means that the application of gravity retaining wall is very common. The thesis may offer some help to the designs of large retaining walls.济南南部为山区,重力式挡土墙应用非常广泛,本文对于高大挡土墙设计具有一定的借鉴作用。

hilly和mountainous 两个单词的区别,意思都是多山的,怎么用

① hillya) Having many hills - 很多hill;b) Similar to a hill; steep. - 像hill一样的, 陡峭;② mountainousa) Having many mountains. - 很多山;b) Resembling a mountain in size; huge: - 像山一样的大;所以区别还要看hill和mountain; 主要区别:hill是山丘; mountain是大山; hill = A well-defined natural elevation smaller than a mountain. 已表明自然的隆起但幅度比山小;所以hilly是“(多)山丘的”;而mountainous是“群山的”。


mountainous美式读音[u02c8mau028ant(u0259)nu0259s],英式读音[u02c8mau028antu026anu0259s]。mountainous英语单词,形容词,意思是“多山的;巨大的;山一般的”。mountainous的短语搭配:mountainous debt负债累累、mountainous district山区多山地区、In mountainous山岭重丘。mountainous的双语例句:She poured all her love and energy into the education of these mountainous children.她把自己全部的爱和精力都倾注到对这群山村孩子们的教育上。There are many differential in urban plaza construction between mountainous city and plain city because of landform undulation.山地城市由于地形起伏,在城市广场建设中与平原城市有许多不同的地方。


多山的; 巨大的; 山一般的