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the noise aroused me from sleep什么意思

arouse唤醒 ,唤起,鼓励 raise上升,提出,饲养 rose 是rise的过去式,上升,增加,增长 arose arise的过去式,引起,激起 噪音将他从睡眠中唤起.




arouse 是不及物动词inspire 是及物动词例:an idea aroused on my mind.一个主意在我脑中出现了this matter inspired me of an idea.这件事激发了我的一个主意

get aroused 什么意思,求解~

醒来, 唤醒

正确答案是( )[A] aroused from[B] took on[C] brought on[D] carried off



arouse: 唤起;激动,使奋发Youarousedmycuriosity.你引起了我的好奇心。arise:1.升起,上升Aheavymistarosefromthelake.湖面起了浓雾。2.产生,出现,形成[(+from/outof)]Unexpecteddifficultiesaroseinthecourseoftheirexperiment.在他们进行实验的过程中,出现了意想不到的困难。Betweenthecopartnersseriousdisagreementsarose.合伙人之间产生了严重分歧。

5.Our hopes ________ and fell in the same instant.A.arose B.rose C.raised D.aroused

  B.rose   我们刚燃起的希望就立即熄灭了   首先 rise,arise 是不及物动词   raise,arouse是及物动词   其次 rise 意为“升起,增高”   arise意为“出现,产生”   raise意为“增加,引起”   arouse意为“激起,使 奋发”   arise、rise、rouse、arouse、raise的区分:   arise(arose,arisen)   1 occur“发生”,例:Problems arose from the outset.一开始就产生了很多问题.   2 arise from“起源于”,例:Accidents always arise from the carelessness.许多事故都源于粗心.derive from=originate from“起因于,追本溯源”,例:Many English words derive from Latin.许多英语都来自于拉丁语.   rise(rose,risen)   v.“上升”,(一定是不及物的)   n.“上升,上涨”   give rise to=lead to引起,例:The food shortage g***e rise to the serious problems.食品的短缺引起了严重的问题.   rouse“唤醒”,例:I was roused by the sound of the alarm.我被闹铃的声音吵醒.   arouse“唤起”,如,arouse one"s interest / sympathy“唤起某人的兴趣 / 同情心”   raise根本含义“使上升”,(1)“举起”raise one"s hand(2)“提出”raise a question(3)“抚养,相当于bring up”raise children(4)“筹集”raise funds   Our hopes ___ and fell in the same instant.   aroused ;arose ;raised ;rose   选哪一个呢?这是大学四级考试真题:   选rose   rise 不及物动词 vi.上升;增涨   become higher or more   · The sun was rising when we got to the top of the mountain.   太阳出来时我们来到了山顶.   · Soon steam can be seen rising from the wet clothes.   很快就看见水蒸气从湿衣服里冒出来.   · The sun rose and bathed the earth in its glow.   太阳升起,灿烂的阳光照遍了大地.   raise 及物动词 vt.举起;抬起;提起;提高;增加   put up,lift somthing or someone up   make prices,wages,etc.higher   · They raise glasses to the friendship between the two peoples.   他们举杯为两国人民的友谊干杯.   · This weight is too he***y; I can"t raise it.   这东西太重,我举不起来.   · Salaries h***e now been raised.   现在薪水已增加了.   · The price was raised to £10.   价格涨到十英镑.   arise 不及物动词 vi.向上;上升   move upword; ascend   · When I started off,the sun was arising.   我出发时太阳正在升起.   arouse 及物动词 vt.唤醒;唤起;引起;激起   awake; excite; stir to action   · He fell into a sound sleep,don"t arouse him.   他睡熟了,别唤醒他.   · The lecture aroused my interest.   报告引起了我的兴趣.   辨 析 arise 没有“上升”之意,多指“产生、发生和出现”,常用于抽象事物   rise 使用范围广,既用于具体事物的“上升、增长”,又用于抽象事物的“上涨、发生”   raise 与以上两词不同的是,此词是及物动词,表示把某具体事物抬起高处或提高某抽象事物(工资、地位等)

5. Our hopes ________ and fell in the same instant. A. arose B. rose C. raised D. aroused

  B.rose  我们刚燃起的希望就立即熄灭了  首先 rise,arise 是不及物动词  raise,arouse是及物动词  其次 rise 意为“升起,增高”  arise意为“出现,产生”  raise意为“增加,引起”  arouse意为“激起,使 奋发”  arise、rise、rouse、arouse、raise的区分:  arise(arose,arisen)  1 occur“发生”,例:Problems arose from the outset.一开始就产生了很多问题。  2 arise from“起源于”,例:Accidents always arise from the carelessness.许多事故都源于粗心。derive from=originate from“起因于,追本溯源”,例:Many English words derive from Latin.许多英语都来自于拉丁语。  rise(rose,risen)  v.“上升”,(一定是不及物的)  n.“上升,上涨”  give rise to=lead to引起,例:The food shortage g***e rise to the serious problems.食品的短缺引起了严重的问题。  rouse“唤醒”,例:I was roused by the sound of the alarm.我被闹铃的声音吵醒。  arouse“唤起”,如,arouse one"s interest / sympathy“唤起某人的兴趣 / 同情心”  raise根本含义“使上升”,(1)“举起”raise one"s hand(2)“提出”raise a question(3)“抚养,相当于bring up”raise children(4)“筹集”raise funds  Our hopes ___ and fell in the same instant.  aroused ;arose ;raised ;rose  选哪一个呢? 这是大学四级考试真题:  选rose  rise 不及物动词 vi. 上升;增涨  become higher or more  · The sun was rising when we got to the top of the mountain.  太阳出来时我们来到了山顶。  · Soon steam can be seen rising from the wet clothes.  很快就看见水蒸气从湿衣服里冒出来。  · The sun rose and bathed the earth in its glow.  太阳升起,灿烂的阳光照遍了大地。  raise 及物动词 vt. 举起;抬起;提起;提高;增加  put up, lift somthing or someone up  make prices, wages,etc. higher  · They raise glasses to the friendship between the two peoples.  他们举杯为两国人民的友谊干杯。  · This weight is too he***y; I can"t raise it.  这东西太重,我举不起来。  · Salaries h***e now been raised.  现在薪水已增加了。  · The price was raised to £10.  价格涨到十英镑。  arise 不及物动词 vi. 向上;上升  move upword; ascend  · When I started off, the sun was arising.  我出发时太阳正在升起。  arouse 及物动词 vt. 唤醒;唤起;引起;激起  awake; excite; stir to action  · He fell into a sound sleep, don"t arouse him.  他睡熟了,别唤醒他。  · The lecture aroused my interest.  报告引起了我的兴趣。  辨 析 arise 没有“上升”之意,多指“产生、发生和出现”,常用于抽象事物  rise 使用范围广,既用于具体事物的“上升、增长”,又用于抽象事物的“上涨、发生”  raise 与以上两词不同的是,此词是及物动词,表示把某具体事物抬起高处或提高某抽象事物(工资、地位等)

表示“引起”时,arouse,bring on,set off的区别



arouse英音:[u0259"rauz]美音:[u0259"rauz]及物动词 vt. 1.唤起;激动,使奋发You aroused my curiosity. 你引起了我的好奇心。 2.激起...的情欲3.叫醒They aroused me from my deep sleep. 他们把我从睡梦中叫醒。 I was suddenly aroused by a slight noise. 我突然被一个细小的声音惊醒。 不及物动词 vi. 1.激动,发奋2.醒来






arouse[英][u0259"rau028az][美][u0259u02c8rau028az]vt.引起; 唤醒; 激起性欲; 使行动起来; 第三人称单数:arouses过去分词:aroused现在进行时:arousing过去式:aroused以上结果来自金山词霸词典结果:provoke[英][pru0259"vu0259u028ak][美][pru0259u02c8vok]vt.激起,挑起; 煽动; 招致; 触怒,使愤怒; 第三人称单数:provokes过去分词:provoked现在进行时:provoking过去式:provoked以上结果来自金山词霸


请给出具体语境若没有,我只能如此答了arouse 英音:[ə"rauz] 美音:[ə"rauz] 及物动词 vt. 1.唤起;激动,使奋发You aroused my curiosity. 你引起了我的好奇心。 2.激起...的情欲3.叫醒They aroused me from my deep sleep. 他们把我从睡梦中叫醒。 I was suddenly aroused by a slight noise. 我突然被一个细小的声音惊醒。 不及物动词 vi. 1.激动,发奋2.醒来



rise arise arouse raise这些词的区别?


our suspicious were first aroused when the two ot


Some unexpected problems ()when he left his job. A.rose B.aroused C.raised D.arose


请问rise arise raise rouse arouse的区别


has aroused 是什么用法,我的动词 谓语这方面好差,完全蒙。求解释

has aroused“已经引起..”has/have+ 过去分词,过去完成时。希望能帮到你

When the question _____ at the meeting, no one could answer it. A.rose B.arose C.aroused

B 试题分析:动词辨析。Rise上升;arise出现;Carouse唤起;raise提出,筹集;句意:当这个问题在会议上出现的时候,没有人能回到。Raise是及物动词,要使用被动语态。AC的意义与句意不符。故B正确。点评:对于形式相近的动词,在平时要加强记忆,如本题的rise, arise, arouse等;同时也要注意词性如本题的raise是及物动词.

incur occur cause arouse的区别是什么?

incur /u026anu02c8ku025cu02d0/ 1. V-T If you incur something unpleasant, it happens to you because of something you have done. 招致; 蒙受 [书面] 例: The government had also incurred huge debts. 政府也已承受了大笔债务。-------------------------------------occur /u0259u02c8ku025cu02d0/1. V-I When something occurs, it happens. 发生 例: If headaches only occur at night, lack of fresh air and oxygen is often the cause. 如果头痛只发生在晚上,缺少新鲜空气和氧气常常是其原因。2. V-I When something occurs in a particular place, it exists or is present there. (某事物在某地) 出现 例: These snails do not occur on low-lying coral islands. 这些蜗牛不会出现在低洼的珊瑚岛上。3. V-I If a thought or idea occurs to you, you suddenly think of it or realize it. (想法、主意在某人脑海中) 突然出现 [no passive, no cont] 例: It did not occur to me to check my insurance policy. 我没想到要核对我的保险单。--------------------------------cause /ku0254u02d0z/ 1. N-COUNT The cause of an event, usually a bad event, is the thing that makes it happen. 起因; 原因 例: Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease. 吸烟是造成不必要疾病和死亡的最大原因。2. N-COUNT A cause is an aim or principle which a group of people supports or is fighting for. 奋斗目标; 事业 例: Refusing to have one leader has not helped the cause. 拒绝接受领导无益于该事业。3. V-T To cause something, usually something bad, means to make it happen. 引起 例: The insecticide used on some weeds can cause health problems. 喷洒在野草上的杀虫剂会引发各种健康问题。4. N-UNCOUNT If you have cause for a particular feeling or action, you have good reasons for feeling it or doing it. 理由 例: Only a few people can find any cause for celebration. 只有少数人能找到庆祝的理由。----------------------------------arouse /u0259u02c8rau028az/ 1. V-T If something arouses a particular reaction or attitude in people, it causes them to have that reaction or attitude. 引起 例: His revolutionary work in linguistics has aroused intense scholarly interest. 他在语言学方面的革命性著作引起了强烈的学术兴趣。2. V-T If something arouses a particular feeling or instinct that exists in someone, it causes them to experience that feeling or instinct strongly. 激起 例: The smell of frying bacon aroused his hunger. 煎咸肉的味道激起了他的饥饿感。

which has aroused public att en tion

widely是副词,用来形容动词,比如说 广泛分布 叫做 widely distributed,广泛接受 widely acceptted 这里应该是wide public attention


arousing 英[əˈraʊzɪŋ] 美[əˈraʊzɪŋ] 原型为: arouse , arouse的现在分词; v. 激起,引起(感情、态度); 激起性欲; 使行动起来; 激发; [例]They abused their power and bullied the people, thus arousing intense discontent among the masses.他们仗势欺人,引起群众强烈的不满。

rose raised arose aroused

B 考查词义辨析。rose 上升,arose 出现,aroused 唤醒,raised 提高,句意:没有进一步的财政问题,但是我们曾经不能使收支相抵。所以选B。


很高兴为您 Her curiosity aroused,she tried to. Her curiosity aroused这是一个明显的“非谓语结构”. 因为其动作发出者curiosity与主语She不一致,所以应写出来. 另外,Her curiosity “她的好奇心”与“arouse提起”之间是被动的关系,所以arouse用过去分词aroused,表示“她的好奇心被提起” ------------------------------- ★倾心解答★愿您满意★ ★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★ -------------------------------

语法问题: has aroused a controversy为什么不是be aroused





全药工业 有道的

表示“引起”时,arouse,bring on,set off的区别

arouse 1.唤醒某人: He was aroused from his nap by the doorbell. 他午睡时被门铃吵醒. 2.引起(某事物); 激发: Her strange behaviour aroused our suspicions. 她不寻常的举动引起我们的猜疑. 3.鼓动﹑ 鼓励﹑ 激励某人: arouse sb from apathy, inactivity, etc 鼓励某人活跃起来﹑ 活动起来等. 4.刺激(某人).bring on 引起, 使发展, 使出现, 提出The hot weather is bringing the wheat on nicely. 因天气热小麦长势良好。set off 出发,启程:If you want to catch that train we"d better set off for the station immediately. 你要是想赶上那班火车,咱们就最好马上动身去火车站。引起,使爆炸: Do be careful with those fireworks; the slightest spark could set them off. 这些烟火要格外小心,稍有火星就能引起爆炸。

raise rise arise arouse的区别

rise:基本意思是指空间位置的上升运动,引申可指数量、价格等的“增加,增长”,是可数名词,也可指某事物的“兴起”,是不可数名词。 arise:多以抽象名词作主语,意思是“出现,开始,呈现”。 arouse:本意是“唤醒”,指把某人从睡眠状态中唤醒。 raise:基本意思是“向上动”“从低处向高处上升”。 扩展资料   1、rise:第三人称单数: rises,现在分词: rising,过去式: rose,过去分词: risen   2、arise:第三人称单数: arises,现在分词: arising,过去式: arose,过去分词: arisen   3、arouse:第三人称单数: arouses,现在分词: arousing,过去式: aroused,过去分词: aroused   4、raise:第三人称单数: raises,现在分词: raising,过去式: raised,过去分词: raised


唤起,激起,激起强烈的情感或怒气或性欲your touch aroused her .,your warning aroused his sense of urgency

英语中arouse 和rouse 用法区别

arise、rise、rouse、arouse、raise的区分: arise(arose,arisen) 1 occur“发生”,例:Problems arose from the outset.一开始就产生了很多问题。 2 arise from“起源于”,例:Accidents always arise from the carelessness.许多事故都源于粗心。derive from=originate from“起因于,追本溯源”,例:Many English words derive from Latin.许多英语都来自于拉丁语。 rise(rose,risen) v.“上升”,(一定是不及物的) n.“上升,上涨” give rise to=lead to引起,例:The food shortage gave rise to the serious problems.食品的短缺引起了严重的问题。 rouse“唤醒”,例:I was roused by the sound of the alarm.我被闹铃的声音吵醒。 arouse“唤起”,如,arouse one"s interest / sympathy“唤起某人的兴趣 / 同情心” raise根本含义“使上升”,(1)“举起”raise one"s hand(2)“提出”raise a question(3)“抚养,相当于bring up”raise children(4)“筹集”raise funds



arouse[英][u0259u02c8rau028az][美][u0259u02c8rau028az]vt.引起; 唤醒; 激起性欲; 使行动起来; 第三人称单数:arouses过去分词:aroused现在进行时:arousing过去式:aroused例句:1.He made me realize that my story and a book written in english can arouse sympathies and lead to change. 他让我意识到,我的故事和一本用英文写成的书可以引起读者的共鸣,并带来改变。

有人改装过赛车座椅么?Bride Recaro Sparco哪个比较好啊?


典范英语7 Titanic Survivor The Story of Harold Bride主要内容


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spring aop 环绕通知around和其他通知的区别

之前自己用JDK动态代理实现过AOP功能,做得比较粗糙,仅供参考。package cn.seu.bingluo.ioc;import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;/** 代理类* 运用jdk动态代理实现,要求前提是被代理对象实现接口*/public class ProxyHandler implements InvocationHandler {// 存储所有切面private static HashMap aspectInfos = new HashMap();// 被代理的对象private Object target = null;public ProxyHandler(Object target) { = target;}public static void addAspectInfo(AspectInfo aspectInfo) {aspectInfos.put(aspectInfo.getExpression(), aspectInfo);}// 获取代理实例public Object getProxyInstance() {if (target == null) {return null;}return Proxy.newProxyInstance(target.getClass().getClassLoader(),target.getClass().getInterfaces(), this);}// 获取代理实例public Object getProxyInstance(Object target) {if (target == null) {return null;} = target;return Proxy.newProxyInstance(target.getClass().getClassLoader(),target.getClass().getInterfaces(), this);}@Overridepublic Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)throws Throwable {ArrayList aspects = new ArrayList();Set<Entry> entrySet = aspectInfos.entrySet();Object result = null;//遍历切面列表,找到对应的切面for (Entry entry : entrySet) {AspectInfo aspectInfo = entry.getValue();Object adviceBean = aspectInfo.getAdviceBean();String expression = aspectInfo.getExpression();Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(expression);Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(target.getClass().getName() + "."+ method.getName());if (matcher.find()) {AspectInfo aspect = new AspectInfo();aspect.setAdviceBean(adviceBean);aspect.setBeforeMethod(aspectInfo.getBeforeMethod());aspect.setAroundMethod(aspectInfo.getAroundMethod());aspect.setAfterMethod(aspectInfo.getAfterMethod());aspects.add(aspect);}}// 执行before增强for (AspectInfo aspect : aspects) {Object adviceBean = aspect.getAdviceBean();if (aspect.getBeforeMethod() != null) {aspect.getBeforeMethod().invoke(adviceBean, new Object[]{});}}// 执行around增强Object aroundAdviceBean = target;Method aroundAdviceMethod = method;Object[] aroundAdviceArgs = args;for (AspectInfo aspect : aspects) {Object adviceBean = aspect.getAdviceBean();if (aspect.getAroundMethod() != null) {aroundAdviceArgs = new Object[] { new ProceedingJoinPoint(aroundAdviceBean, aroundAdviceMethod, aroundAdviceArgs) };aroundAdviceBean = adviceBean;aroundAdviceMethod = aspect.getAroundMethod();}}result = aroundAdviceMethod.invoke(aroundAdviceBean, aroundAdviceArgs);// 执行After增强for (AspectInfo aspect : aspects) {Object adviceBean = aspect.getAdviceBean();if (aspect.getAfterMethod() != null) {aspect.getAfterMethod().invoke(adviceBean, new Object[]{});}}return result;}}ProceedingJoinPoint.javapackage cn.seu.bingluo.ioc;import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;/** 用于处理AOP代理链时,封装相关信息作为统一参数进行传递*/public class ProceedingJoinPoint {private Object object;//被代理的对象private Method method;//被代理的方法private Object[] args;//方法相应的参数public ProceedingJoinPoint(Object object, Method method, Object[] args){this.object = object;this.method = method;this.args = args;}//执行目标函数public Object excute(){Object result = null;try {result = method.invoke(object, args);} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {e.printStackTrace();}return result;}}package cn.seu.bingluo.ioc;import java.lang.reflect.Method;/** 切面信息Bean* 每1个切面最多只有:* 1个切点expression* 1个增强bean* 1个前置增强、环绕增强、后置增强*/public class AspectInfo {private String expression = "";private Object adviceBean = null;private Method beforeMethod = null;private Method aroundMethod = null;private Method afterMethod = null;public AspectInfo(){}public AspectInfo(String expression, Object adviceBean,Method beforeMethod, Method aroundMethod, Method afterMethod) {setExpression(expression);setAdviceBean(adviceBean);setBeforeMethod(beforeMethod);setAroundMethod(aroundMethod);setAfterMethod(afterMethod);}public String getExpression() {return expression;}public void setExpression(String expression) {this.expression = expression;}public Object getAdviceBean() {return adviceBean;}public void setAdviceBean(Object adviceBean) {this.adviceBean = adviceBean;}public Method getBeforeMethod() {return beforeMethod;}public void setBeforeMethod(Method beforeMethod) {this.beforeMethod = beforeMethod;}public Method getAroundMethod() {return aroundMethod;}public void setAroundMethod(Method aroundMethod) {this.aroundMethod = aroundMethod;}public Method getAfterMethod() {return afterMethod;}public void setAfterMethod(Method afterMethod) {this.afterMethod = afterMethod;}}之前自己用JDK动态代理实现过AOP功能,做得比较粗糙,仅供参考。package cn.seu.bingluo.ioc;import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;/** 代理类* 运用jdk动态代理实现,要求前提是被代理对象实现接口*/public class ProxyHandler implements InvocationHandler {// 存储所有切面private static HashMap aspectInfos = new HashMap();// 被代理的对象private Object target = null;public ProxyHandler(Object target) { = target;}public static void addAspectInfo(AspectInfo aspectInfo) {aspectInfos.put(aspectInfo.getExpression(), aspectInfo);}// 获取代理实例public Object getProxyInstance() {if (target == null) {return null;}return Proxy.newProxyInstance(target.getClass().getClassLoader(),target.getClass().getInterfaces(), this);}// 获取代理实例public Object getProxyInstance(Object target) {if (target == null) {return null;} = target;return Proxy.newProxyInstance(target.getClass().getClassLoader(),target.getClass().getInterfaces(), this);}@Overridepublic Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)throws Throwable {ArrayList aspects = new ArrayList();Set<Entry> entrySet = aspectInfos.entrySet();Object result = null;//遍历切面列表,找到对应的切面for (Entry entry : entrySet) {AspectInfo aspectInfo = entry.getValue();Object adviceBean = aspectInfo.getAdviceBean();String expression = aspectInfo.getExpression();Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(expression);Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(target.getClass().getName() + "."+ method.getName());if (matcher.find()) {AspectInfo aspect = new AspectInfo();aspect.setAdviceBean(adviceBean);aspect.setBeforeMethod(aspectInfo.getBeforeMethod());aspect.setAroundMethod(aspectInfo.getAroundMethod());aspect.setAfterMethod(aspectInfo.getAfterMethod());aspects.add(aspect);}}// 执行before增强for (AspectInfo aspect : aspects) {Object adviceBean = aspect.getAdviceBean();if (aspect.getBeforeMethod() != null) {aspect.getBeforeMethod().invoke(adviceBean, new Object[]{});}}// 执行around增强Object aroundAdviceBean = target;Method aroundAdviceMethod = method;Object[] aroundAdviceArgs = args;for (AspectInfo aspect : aspects) {Object adviceBean = aspect.getAdviceBean();if (aspect.getAroundMethod() != null) {aroundAdviceArgs = new Object[] { new ProceedingJoinPoint(aroundAdviceBean, aroundAdviceMethod, aroundAdviceArgs) };aroundAdviceBean = adviceBean;aroundAdviceMethod = aspect.getAroundMethod();}}result = aroundAdviceMethod.invoke(aroundAdviceBean, aroundAdviceArgs);// 执行After增强for (AspectInfo aspect : aspects) {Object adviceBean = aspect.getAdviceBean();if (aspect.getAfterMethod() != null) {aspect.getAfterMethod().invoke(adviceBean, new Object[]{});}}return result;}}




kangaroo crane造句 kangaroo craneの例文 "kangaroo crane"是什麼意思

Another innovation was the kangaroo crane . Rather than slewing ( rotating ) the crane to reach the depvery hopper on-shore, a kangaroo crane has its own in-built hopper beneath the jib, that slews with it. To build the towers, cranes were imported from Austrapa ( and therefore called kangaroo cranes ) equipped with hydraupc systems that enabled them to hoist themselves up the towers as they rose. The term " kangaroo crane " has also been appped more recently to jumping cranes, tower cranes used in the construction of skyscrapers that are capable of raising their towers as construction grows upwards. On the Austrapan-built cranes designed specially for the job _ called kangaroo cranes in part because they jacked themselves up as the towers rose _ booms crumpled, bolts anchoring the cranes to their supports blew out pke musket shots and once, a 25-ton piece of steel plummeted 800 feet and tore through the basement pke a meteor. It"s difficult to find kangaroo crane in a sentence. 用 kangaroo crane 造句挺难的

高额悬赏,请帮起一个英文名并评论Carol, Esther, Shell, Erin 这四个名字给人的感觉以及作为名字的适合度

what is you real name are you a birl?

It’s reported that many people died of traffic accidents each year. Road safety has aroused the..

小题1:died----die小题2:widely----wide小题3:have后加been小题4:去掉for小题5:make---take小题6:used----using小题7:us---ourselves小题8:that---which小题9:the----a小题10:are-----is 小题1:根据后面的each year可知,用一般现在时,故改为die。小题2:此处attention是名词,修饰名词用形容词,故改为wide。小题3:Many rules作主语,用被动语态的形式,所以加been。小题4:the ones和traffic crashes是同位语,不用介词for,故去掉for。小题5:take……seriously意为:对……严肃对待。所以将make改为take。小题6:此处we和use之间是主动关系,故用现在分词。小题7:代词错误,此处意为保护我们自己,所以改为反身代词ourselves。小题8:that不能引导非限制性定语从句,所以改为which。小题9:考查固定短语。In a word意为:总之。小题10:动名词短语作主语用单数,所以用is。

如下图所示,为什么不是crawl around to look for food?

在句子"They crawl around looking for food."中,"around"是介词,"looking for food"是介词短语,可以翻译为“四处爬行寻找食物”。在这个句子中,“looking”是现在分词形式,用来表示一个正在进行的动作。而使用“to look”会使句子变得不太自然,因为“crawl around to look for food”这种结构通常用于指示行动或命令,而不是描述正在进行的动作。因此,“looking for food”是更自然的选择。

crawl around和climb around区别


drift around是啥意思


drop by和drop around ,drop in on sb.有什么区别?

Voltage Drop:电压下降,是运动过程 Voltage Droop:电压偏低,指状态 drop 简明英汉

ifeliz cumplearos读法

法语 Joyeux Anniversaire 荷兰语 Hartelijk gefeliciteerd 瑞典语 Grattis pa fodelsedagen 斯瓦希里语 Hongera 意大利语 Buon Compleanno 印度尼西亚语 Selamat Ulang Tahun 丹麦语 Tillykke med fodselsdagen 德语 Alles Gute zum Geburtstag 俄语 С Днём Рождения 斯瓦希里语 Hongera 西班牙语:Feliz cumplea?os 葡萄牙语 Feliz Aniversario 越南语 Chúc M?ng Sinh Nh?t 希腊语 Χρονια ∏ολλα 这些语言里有的发音汉语里没有,很难用汉字或者汉语拼音标出来很正确的,勉强告诉你几个我知道的而且肯定没错的吧: 法语:柔于 挨尼崴呵塞呵,那两个“呵”发得很轻; 意大利语:(布奥恩) 贡布莱阿no,括号里的三个字要一起读,“阿”要读à; 俄语:s d鸟m 罗~日杰尼亚,“罗~”要读舌颤音,字母的只读辅音; 西班牙语:fai立斯 贡m布莱阿鸟斯; 葡萄牙语:fai立式 阿尼崴勒~沙利奥,“勒~”读舌颤音。

【高分求助】请高手帮我在NCBI上找一下啤酒酵母(Sac-charomyces cerevisiae)的全基因序列!

18S 1 tttggatgat ataaaaaaac gaacaaggtt tccgtaggtg aacctgcgga aggatcatta 61 aagaaattta ataattttga aaatggattt ttttgttttg gcaagagcat gagagctttt 121 actgggcaag aagacaagag atggagagtc cagccgggcc tgcgcttaag tgcgcggtct 181 tgctaggctt gtaagtttct ttcttgctat tccaaacggt gagagatttc tgtgcttttg 241 ttataggaca attaaaaccg tttcaataca acacactgtg gagttttcat atctttgcaa 301 ctttttcttt gggcattcga gcaatcgggg cccagaggta acaaacacaa acaattttat 361 ctattcatta aatttttgtc aaaaacaaga attttcgtaa ctggaaattt taaaatatta 421 aaaactttca acaacggatc tcttggttct cgcatcgatg aagaacgcag cgaaatgcga 481 tacgtaatgt gaattgcaga attccgtgaa tcatcgaatc tttgaacgca cattgcgccc 541 cttggtattc cagggggcat gcctgtttga gcgtcatttc cttctcaaac attctgtttg 601 gtagtgagtg atactctttg gagttaactt gaaattgctg gccttttcat tggatgtttt 661 ttttccaaag agaggtttct ctgcgtgctt gaggtataat gcaagtacgg tcgttttagg 721 ttttaccaac tgcggctaat ctttttttat actgagcgta ttggaacgtt atcgataaga 781 agagagcgtc taggcgaaca atgttcttaa agtttgacct caaatcaggt aggagtaccc 841 gctgaactta agcatatcaa taagcggagg aaaa26S 1 aagcggagga aaagaaacgc aacactgcgg gattgcctta gtaacggcga gtgaagcggc 61 aaaagctcaa atttgaaatc tggtaccttc ggtgcccgag ttgtaatttg gagagggcaa 121 ctttggggcc gttccttgtc tatgttcctt ggaacaggac gtcatagagg gtgagaatcc 181 cgtgtggcga ggagtgcggt tctttgtaaa gtgccttcga agagtcgagt tgtttgggaa 241 tgcagctcta agtgggtggt aaattccatc taaagctaaa tattggcgag agaccgatag 301 cgaacaagta cagtgatgga aagatgaaaa gaactttgaa aagagagtga aaaagtacgt 361 gaaattgttg aaagggaagg gcatttgatc agacatggtg ttttgtgccc tctgctcctt 421 gtgggtaggg gaatctcgca tttcactggg ccagcatcag ttttggtggc aggataaatc 481 cataggaatg tagcttgcct cggtaagtat tatagcctgt gggaatactg ccagctggga 541 ctgaggactg cgacgtaagt caaggatgct ggcataatgc gttactatgc cgcccgtctt 601 gacc

Attack All Around的成员有哪些?

西岛隆弘西岛隆弘(にしじま たかひろ)NISHIJIMA TAKAHIRO生年月日:1986年9月30日身长:170cm体重:50kg血液型:O型出身地:北海道札幌市喜欢的颜色:白、红 所属组合:Attack All Around (在家乡曾是japs组合的成员) 喜欢的食物:刺身、纳豆玉子かけごはん、焼肉、アボカドマグロ丼、和菓子系のお菓子讨厌的食物:きゅうり、ドラゴンフルーツ喜欢的运动:排球、足球、滑雪、滑板昵称:Nissy、タカ 四人家族,喜欢wine,不吸烟 座右铭:大事なことは大切に、music and love、一所悬命 常听的音楽:邦楽(就是日本音乐)铃木亜美、EXILE、SMAP 喜欢的品牌:miss sixty、DIESEL、COCO经历: 代表札幌アクターズスタジオ的[JAPS]的初期成员。 ([JAPS曾经是独立制作人单元中获得FANS最多的)(当时的成员有同属AVEX的北村和也和STAR DUST PROMOTION所属的松岛洋平) 上面提到的单元还发行了CD和DVD,取名为「プレシャスラヴ/止まらナイ」 2003年AVEX的试聼选拔中合格。 2004年2月出演了uff62BACKEN RECORD vol.13uff63以后,去了东京。 (这次现场表演是作为EXILE的歌的个人表演填补。) NTT DO CO MO 北海道的 [iproject] 的 Image character. 铃木亜美的「Delightful」、「Hopeful」、「Eventful」中作为伴舞演出。 上面提到的「Eventful」,AAA成员的浦田直也、日高光启、与真司郎、末吉秀太也在其中伴舞。 2005年的红白歌合戦和CDTV中,上诉成员也作为铃木亚美的伴舞演出。 8月18日放送的恋するハニカミ,[西岛]和金子さやか在节目中约会。 AAA的第11张单曲中,与成员的浦田直也合唱了中村中提供的[CHEWING GUM]。 1月17日,舞台「LOVE LETTERS」的时候,和大沢あかね一起演出。 2007年4月2日,与成员与真司郎一起出演了电视剧「美味学院」。 2007年4月3日,与成员宇野実彩子一起作为「音时间」的MC。 只知道一个......

日本组合AAA(Attack All Around)

日本艾回音乐A字招牌3倍推荐的五男三女新人组合“AAA”(念法为Triple A),团名AAA (TRIPLE A) 的由来是[color=DarkRed]“ATTACK ALL AROUND”(全方位出击)的简称。正如同字义所示,这是一个全方位出击与挑战,充满无限可能性的团体。 西岛隆弘(にしじま たかひろ) 生年月日:1986年9月30日 身长:170cm 体重:50kg 血液型:O型 出身地:北海道札幌市 喜欢的颜色:白、红 所属组合:Attack All Around 喜欢的食物:刺身、纳豆玉子かけごはん、焼肉、アボカドマグロ丼、和菓子系のお菓子。 讨厌的食物:きゅうり、ドラゴンフルーツ、 喜欢的运动:排球、足球、滑雪、滑板 昵称:Nissy、タカ 四人家族,喜欢wine,不吸烟 座右铭:大事なことは大切に、music and love、一所悬命 常听的音楽:邦楽(就是日本音乐)铃木亜美、EXILE、SMAP 喜欢的品牌:miss sixty、DIESEL、COCO 经历: 代表札幌アクターズスタジオ的[JAPS]的初期成员。 ([JAPS曾经是独立制作人单元中获得FANS最多的)(当时的成员有同属AVEX的北村和也和STAR DUST PROMOTION所属的松岛洋平) 上面提到的单元还发行了CD和DVD,取名为「プレシャスラヴ/止まらナイ」 2003年AVEX的试聼选拔中合格。 2004年2月出演了18BACKEN RECORD vol.1319以后,去了东京。 (这次现场表演是作为EXILE的歌的个人表演填补。) NTT DO CO MO 北海道的 [iproject] 的 Image character. 铃木亜美的「Delightful」、「Hopeful」、「Eventful」中作为伴舞演出。 上面提到的「Eventful」,AAA成员的浦田直也、日高光启、与真司郎、末吉秀太也在其中伴舞。 2005年的红白歌合戦和CDTV中,上诉成员也作为铃木亚美的伴舞演出。 8月18日放送的恋するハニカミ,[西岛]和金子さやか在节目中约会。 AAA的第11张单曲中,与成员的浦田直也合唱了中村中提供的[CHEWING GUM]。 1月17日,舞台「LOVE LETTERS」的时候,和大沢あかね一起演出。 2007年4月2日,与成员与真司郎一起出演了电视剧「美味学院」。 2007年4月3日,与成员宇野実彩子一起作为「音时间」的MC。 =3=最爱与真司郎所以详细些 1988年11月26日出生 O型 京都府出身 身高: 169cm 昵称: しんじろう, 真ちゃん, 真くん, じろう, あぱっち等. 兴趣: 舞蹈,买东西(汗....|||....这个也算.....|||) 特技: 舞蹈 喜欢的运动: 篮球 (其他所有运动也都 喜欢) 座右铭: 希望 喜欢的颜色:灰 白 黒 蓝 银 喜欢的食物:西红柿 水果 甜食(特别是 蛋糕类的) 讨厌的食物: 茄子 香菇 觉得自己像什麼动物: 印度豹 喜欢的歌手: DA PUMP, EXILE, 安室奈 美恵, NELLY 喜欢的电影: Harry Potter, You Got Served 家族成员: 父,母,兄,姐,风(玩具贵宾犬 ),雷(吉娃娃) 最喜欢自己的身体部位: 眼睛 发生过最严重的事:去纽约的时候背包跟 钱包被偷了 小时候的梦想:当哆啦A梦的好朋友 如果现在不是AAA团员,大概会做什麼工 作:发型师或服装师 最喜欢的学校科目:体育 最不擅长的学校科目:历史 【个人特色】 - AAA里年纪最轻的团员 - 左边鼻翼上银色的鼻环 - 跟队长浦田直也一起担任担任AAA的编 舞 【个人活动履歴】 ?2002年曾出演京都电视台、チョコレー トホール(舞蹈学校)的广告 ?出道前曾在京都?大阪的社团组团活动 ?进入AVEX后曾跟AAA其他男性团员在铃 木亚美的「Eventful」PV中担任舞者。 ?2006年2月与AAA成员末吉秀太,伊藤千 晃,宇野实彩子演出单元剧"彼らの海 IIIV~Sentimental Jounrney"2006年4月主演连续剧「心灵侦探 八云,是目前唯一有单独主演过连续剧的 AAA团员。2007年一月出演「研修医魂」舞台剧 2007年春季跟团员西岛隆弘一起出演午 后剧「美味学院」在日本还可以.以前是5男3女,现在是5男2女 后藤友香里由于身体问题退出了.

Look around when crossing the street.为啥用crossing

当你在穿过街道的时候,正在进行的时候,句子其实省略了 you areLook around when (you are) crossing the street.

aaron carter 和hilary duff的关系

两个人因为 新成长的烦恼 戏里生情 AARON在这里客串了一个歌手 本色演出和HD有一场吻戏 然后两个人因此而相识 接着就开始了他们的恋爱但是中途AARON背叛过HD 也就是很有名的Lindsay 和 Hilary一起抢Aaron的故事 最后两个人又分分合合 最后终于分手

《The Burglaronthe Prowl》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Burglar on the Prowl》(Lawrence Block)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: s3gc书名:The Burglar on the Prowl作者:Lawrence Block出版社:HarperTorch出版年份:2005-2页数:384内容简介:A philosophical yet practical gentleman, Bernie Rhodenbarr possesses many admirable qualities: charm, intelligence, sparkling wit, and unwavering loyalty. Of course, he also has this special talent and a taste for life"s finer things. So he"s more than willing to perform some vengeful larceny for a friend -- ripping off a smarmy, particularly deserving plastic surgeon -- for fun and a very tidy profit. But during a practice run at another address, Bernie"s forced to hide under a bed when the lady of the house returns unexpectedly with the worst kind of blind date in tow. In no time, Bernie"s up to his burgling neck in big trouble. Again. And this time it includes his arrest, no less than four murders, and more outrageous coincidences than any self-preserving felon should ever be required to tie together.作者简介:劳伦斯u2022卜洛克Lawrence Block (1938—)1994年爱伦坡奖终身大师奖(The Grand Master Award)得主三届爱伦坡奖(Edgar Allen Poe Award)得主二届马尔他之鹰奖(Maltese Falcon Award)得主四届夏姆斯奖(Shamus Award)得主一届尼罗u2022吴尔夫奖(Nero Wolfle Award)得主卜洛克是美国当代侦探小说大师,他的小说不仅在美国备受推崇,还跨越大西洋,完全征服了自诩为侦探小说原乡的欧洲。卜洛克生於纽约的水牛城,现居纽约,已婚,育有二女。


maroon歌词如下:When the morning came we.Were cleaning incense off your vinyl shelf."Cause we lost track of time again.Laughing with my feet in your lap.Like you were my closest friend.How"d we end up on the floor anyway.You say your roommate"s cheap-ass screw-top rosé that"s how.I see you every day now.And I chose you.The one I was dancin" with in New York.No shoes looked up.At the sky and it was.The burgundy on my t-shirt when you splashed your wine into me.And how the blood rushed into my cheeks so scarlet it was.The mark they saw on my collarbone the rust that grew between telephones.The lips I used to call home so scarlet it was maroon.When the silence came we.Were shaking blind and hazy.How the hell did we lose sight of us again.Sobbin" with your head in your hands.Ain"t that the way it always ends.You were standing hollow eyed in the hallway.Carnations you had thought were roses that"s us.I feel you no matter what the rubies that I gave up.And I lost you.The one I was dancin" with in New York.No shoes looked up.At the sky and it was maroon.The burgundy on my t shirt when you splashed your wine into me.And how the blood rushed into my cheeks so scarlet it was.The mark they saw on my collarbone the rust that grew between telephones.The lips I used to call home so scarlet it was maroon.And I wake with your memory over me.That"s a real lasting legacy legacy (It was maroon).And I wake with your memory over me.That"s a real lasting legacy to leave.The burgundy on my t-shirt when you splashed your wine into me.And how the blood rushed into my cheeks so scarlet it was maroon.The mark they saw on my collarbone the rust that grew between telephones.The lips I used to call home so scarlet it was maroon.It was maroon.It was maroon.英语歌曲专辑,发行于2000年,流行于美国地区,专辑中包含多首歌曲。歌手为Barenaked Ladies,专辑流派属于Rock型。98年因一曲“One Week”荣登全美告示单曲及现代摇滚榜双料冠军,让Barenaked Ladies一下子红翻全球,也让乐迷们正视及注意到他们的音乐。这组成军于加拿大多伦多的Barenaked Ladies,由主唱兼吉他手Steven Page、主奏吉他手Ed Robertson两位为乐团主轴及创作中心。进入2000年发行的专辑《Maroon》,请来流行摇滚界的超级制作人Don Was (The Rolling Stone、Elton John、Iggy Pop)担纲操盘,突破更多音乐界限,融入更大众化的口味,皆在此辑中展露无遗。

跪求 破产姐妹 Max 和caroline 两人的人物介绍 最好是英文 各120字!

The series is set in the Williamsburg neighborhood of the New York City borough of Brooklyn. Its plot line follows the misadventures of the roommates Max Black (Kat Dennings) and Caroline Channing (Beth Behrs), who are both poor, and their efforts to start a cupcake business. Kat Dennings as Max Black, one of the waitresses at the Williamsburg Diner. She"s a poor working class girl who had a rough childhood and adult life, both driven by genuine poverty and a childhood in Hope, Rhode Island raised by a mother who was usually absent and was dangerously incompetent when she was around. Han initially allowed her to sell homemade cupcakes in the diner, which led to Caroline"s idea to go into the cupcake business.Beth Behrs as Caroline Wesbox Channing, a new waitress at the Williamsburg Diner. She is a formerly rich high society girl and Wharton graduate who lost all of her money when her father was arrested and thrown in jail for a Ponzi scheme. She is forced to start over and becomes Max"s co-worker, roommate and eventual best friend. She comes up with the idea of starting a cupcake business with Max. From Wikipedia

Ms. LaRosa is a great teacher. She can answer almost any question that you have about any histo...

小题1: Yes, she is. 小题2: An activity (which is . called the station. / The students/They especially like an activity which is called the station. 小题3: The students usually spend about 40 minutes on each station. / About 40 minutes. 小题4: Because cursive writing can force you/people to think in words but not in letters (and it can help you/ people do better on tests. .小题5: Ms. LaRosa usually has her students do various fun and exciting things and also uses real examples from her life. / Ms. LaRosa teaches her class by doing various fun and exciting things and by using real examples from her own life. 小题6:Suggested answer: Her way of teaching, her knowledge, her devotion to teaching, her trust in students, etc. 试题解析:本文大意: LaRosa女士是个了不起的老师,她能回答几乎你所能问题的任何历史问题,如果她不知道的,她会尽力帮你找到答案。我们都喜欢她的课,尤其是被称为车站的一种能力,每一站需要大约40分钟来完成。她提倡写草书,因为草书能强迫你思考单词而不是字母,也能证明写草书的人考试成绩更好。女士的课会做各种有趣的事情。她也用自己生活中的真实例子,例如她女儿做的事情,她也绝对地信任她的学生,总把包放在桌子上。她是一个了不起的人,也是个了不起的老师。小题1:细节理解题。根据Ms. LaRosa is a great teacher. She can answer almost any question that you have about any history topic and if she cannot, LaRosa女士是个了不起的老师,她能回答几乎你所能问题的任何历史问题,可知答案填 Yes, she is. 小题2:细节理解题。根据We all like her class, especially an activity which is called the station. 我们都喜欢她的课,尤其是被称为车站的一种能力,可知答案填 An activity (which is . called the station. / The students/They especially like an activity which is called the station. 小题3:细节理解题。根据 Each station needs about 40 minutes to complete.每一站需要大约40分钟来完成, 可知答案填 The students usually spend about 40 minutes on each station. / About 40 minutes. 小题4:细节理解题。根据Cursive writing can force you to think in words but not in letters.草书能强迫你思考单词而不是字母, Also it has been proven that people who write in cursive letters do better on tests.也能证明写草书的人考试成绩更好,可知答案填 Because cursive writing can force you/people to think in words but not in letters (and it can help you/ people do better on tests. .小题5:细节理解题。根据Ms. LaRosa"s class gets to do various fun and exciting things. She also uses real examples from her own life, such as things that her daughter has done. Ms. LaRosa also has absolute trust in her students. She always leaves her purse on her desk. LaRosa女士的课会做各种有趣的事情。她也用自己生活中的真实例子,例如她女儿做的事情,她也绝对地信任她的学生,总把包放在桌子上, 可知答案填Ms. LaRosa usually has her students do various fun and exciting things and also uses real examples from her life. / Ms. LaRosa teaches her class by doing various fun and exciting things and by using real examples from her own life. 小题6:标题归纳题。根据语境可知她的教学方法与众不同,她的很博学,对学生很信任,可知答案填Suggested answer: Her way of teaching, her knowledge, her devotion to teaching, her trust in students, etc.


wake是动词,意思是“唤醒,叫醒”。如“Wake li lei up." 叫醒李磊。wake的过去分词是waken,常用于完成时,例如:Li Lei has waken up.李磊已经起来了。awake是形容词。意思是”醒着的“,如:Li Lei is awaken.李磊醒了、没睡着。awaken是动词,意思是”唤起“,表示抽象的意思,如:awaken li lei to a sense of his responsibility 唤起李磊的责任感 arouse=wake up 如:arouse li lei from his sleep/Wake up li lei.唤醒李磊arouse还有“引起”之意


awake表示adj.时只能做表语,也是说只能连在be动词后面用,而不是修饰名词,即be awake (醒着的),此外还有keep awake 结构,表示“让人无法入睡”,以及be awake sb to 表示“注意到”,当用作v.时,有awake to 结构,表示“使醒悟” awaken则只能用作动词,表示“激发起,使醒来”,常用结构有 awaken sb to 表示“使领悟” arouse也只能用作动词,表示“引起、激起”常用的结构有arouse from也是“唤醒”的意思 wake可作动词表示唤醒,常用的有wake up 也有wake (up) to 结构,表示“醒来是注意到”,也可做名词,短语in the wake of 有“作为...的结果(通常指不好的)”的意思,以及in sb"s/sth"s wake 表示“紧跟后面” waken只能做动词,是醒来的意思

比较wake/waken/awake/awaken/arouse 貌似都差不多,可具体有什么区别呢?

awake表示adj.时只能做表语,也是说只能连在be动词后面用,而不是修饰名词,即be awake (醒着的),此外还有keep awake 结构,表示“让人无法入睡”,以及be awake sb to 表示“注意到”,当用作v.时,有awake to 结构,表示“使醒悟” awaken则只能用作动词,表示“激发起,使醒来”,常用结构有 awaken sb to 表示“使领悟” arouse也只能用作动词,表示“引起、激起”常用的结构有arouse from也是“唤醒”的意思 wake可作动词表示唤醒,常用的有wake up 也有wake (up) to 结构,表示“醒来是注意到”,也可做名词,短语in the wake of 有“作为...的结果(通常指不好的)”的意思,以及in sb"s/sth"s wake 表示“紧跟后面” waken只能做动词,是醒来的意思

求一首英文歌,其中一句歌词: love is all around me 是电影罗密欧与朱丽叶的插曲。。。

Gavin Friday的angle

Get around什么意思?


get around是什么意思

get around到处走走;逃避;说服;传开来(等于get round);有办法应付;有办法应付局面例句Now I have enough sight for me to get around and I can watch television. 他说:“以我现在的视力,我能够四处走动,还能看电视。"It really is an arms race, " he says. "They create a problem, we circumvent it,they create another, we get around that one. “这实际上就是军事竞赛,”他说,“他们制造一个麻烦,我们解决它,他们制造了另一个,我们再对付它。

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