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梓冠光电 生产销售光开关,光衰减器mini mems/机械式,光纤延迟线,蝶形激光器,ASE光源,SLED光源,偏振控制器


ASE噪声不近似为均匀噪声。在光纤放大器和半导体光放大器中,随着激活粒子从激发态返回基态并放大光信号的同时,也会产生受激粒子的随机非相干自发辐射。这种自发辐射可在任何方向,并可引起进一步受激辐射,且可被放大。它的频带很宽,可占据整个增益带宽。称此为放大器自发辐射噪声(amplifier spontaneousemission noise),简称ASE噪声。ASE的产生原因:高能级的电子不稳定,自发的掉到低能级,并维持能量守恒,释放一个光子。自发辐射光在频率、相位、偏振方向及传播方向都是随意的。 即非相干光。在光放大器中,在一定条件下被激发的粒子数是确定的,被用于产生ASE的粒子数愈多,可用于提供信号增益的粒子数目也就愈少。


ASE Velvet Studio采样文件是一种视频文件,建议用“完美解码”打开


美国证券交易所(American Stock Exchange)


“ABS”(Anti-locked Braking System它是一种具有防滑、防锁死等优点的汽车安全控制系统。)“防抱死刹车系统”。ASE 是美国汽车维修资格认证协会(ASE)英文缩写。


ASE属于引入的外部路由协议的路由信息ospf进程使用network命令属于本身发布的路由如果使用import-route 命令引入了rip、静态、bgp等外部路由就会产生ase类型的路由。


“ABS”(Anti-locked Braking System它是一种具有防滑、防锁死等优点的汽车安全控制系统。)“防抱死刹车系统”。 ASE 是美国汽车维修资格认证协会(ASE)英文缩写 满意请采纳













china-asean free trade agreement是什么意思

china-asean free trade agreement中国—东盟自由贸易协定,缩写CAFTA,是中国与东盟十国组建的自由贸易区。相关信息ASEAN:东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations),简称东盟(ASEAN)。成员国有马来西亚、印度尼西亚、泰国、菲律宾、新加坡、文莱、越南、老挝、缅甸和柬埔寨。Free Trade Agreement:自由贸易协定(Free Trade Agreement)。是两国或多国间具有法律约束力的契约,目的在于促进经济一体化,其目标之一是消除贸易壁垒,允许产品与服务在国家间自由流动。这里所指的贸易壁垒可能是关税,也可能是繁杂的规则等等。


率先于泰国发布的丰田卡罗拉Cross,被各界看好有望成为新一代神车,甚至取代卡罗拉Altis的霸主地位。不过,备受关注的卡罗拉Cross的安全表现如何?ASEAN NCAP在9月份也执行了卡罗拉Cross的撞击测试,给予了最高5星评价。丰田卡罗拉Cross目前仅由泰国进行生产,并供应包含泰国、越南、印尼、菲律宾与缅甸等国家。此回受测的车型配备有7气囊、盲点侦测、TSS系统,因此包含AEB、车道偏离警示等配备都有。在面对驾驶座正面偏置前撞测试,卡罗拉Cross提供头部的保护效果都够具水准,将伤害指数压低。不过在驾驶人的胸部与小腿伤害指数仍稍高,因此被扣了些分数;侧撞测试方面,在包含有气帘保护与够水准的车体刚性之下,卡罗拉Cross的侧撞获得ASEAN NCAP给予满分。至于在儿童保护项目,ASEAN NCAP看的包含有侧撞保护、车辆对儿童座椅的安装设施是否足够,如ISOFIX,以及数种儿童安全座椅的安装难易度等等。在儿童侧撞保护项目中,儿童的伤害保护效果也是相当不错,不论是正向或后向的安全座椅安装,都让孩童的伤害降到最低。最后安全辅助项目,ASEAN NCAP现阶段检视的是车辆有无ABS、ESC、盲点侦测、安全带提醒装置与先进主动安全配备,尚未特别对功能的效果优劣进行评价。丰田卡罗拉Cross除了印尼市场的车型在主动安全配备是较为落后的,其余国家都提供有TSS系统,也因此在安全辅助项目上,ASEAN NCAP给予较高的分数以兹肯定。因此在丰田卡罗拉Cross于3项撞击保护表现可圈可点的情况下,获得5星安全评价。

asean single market 是什么意思

asean single market东盟单一市场例句.Asean, the association of south-east asian nations, is working on establishing a singleaviation market with no traffic restrictions by 2015. 东南亚国家联盟(the association of south-east asian nations)致力于在2015年前建立一个没有交通限制的航空市场。



东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN)按“区域一体化程度”可以归入哪一个分类?A.自由贸易区 B.关税同盟 C.共同市场


ASEAN stands for(?)





WTO:世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization WTO);EU:欧洲联盟(简称欧盟);OPEC:石油输出国组织:Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries;ASEAN:东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations),简称东盟(ASEAN)。

什么是ASEAN Economic Community.

东盟经济共同体ASEAN abbr. 东盟(=Association of Southeast Asian Nations) 东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN),简称东盟,又称东南亚合作组织(东合),1967年8月8日成立,是一个集合了东南亚区域国家的国际组织。其成员国本着平等与合作精神,共同努力促进东南亚地区的经济增长、社会进步和文化发展,为建立一个繁荣、和平的东南亚国家共同体奠定基础,以促进该地区的和平与稳定。


Association of Southeast Asian Nations






ASEAN一般指东南亚国家联盟。东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations-ASEAN),简称东盟(ASEAN)。1967年8月8日成立于泰国曼谷,现有10个成员国:文莱、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、越南。总面积约449万平方公里,人口6.54亿(截至2018年)。秘书处设在印度尼西亚首都雅加达。 1967年8月7-8日,印度尼西亚、泰国、新加坡、菲律宾四国外长和马来西亚副总理在曼谷举行会议,发表了《曼谷宣言》(《东南亚国家联盟成立宣言》),正式宣告东南亚国家联盟成立。2018年11月12日,东南亚国家联盟各国在新加坡签署东盟电子商务协议。

求一首日语歌 最后一句 kanjisaseidie yami

<Masked bitcH>?


ask you问你双语例句1I should like to ask you to come with us for a quiet supper.我想请你和我们共进一次安静的晚餐。2Q: I want to ask you about how you "ve been spending your time.问:我想问一下你如何利用时间?





啊dramatic increase

因为increase 在这里作”名词“用 意为“有急剧增加”






【答案】:可见成熟细胞的染色质和胚胎β球蛋白基因对低浓度的DNAaseI酶十分敏感(用0.05mg/ml DNAaseI处理p球蛋白基因)。相反,真核细胞中的β球蛋白基因,在胚胎细胞中不具活性,只有当DNAaseI酶浓度达0.5mg/ml时才能被消化。因此,活性基因对DNAaseI是敏感的。

2015 asei 与ieipm 会议哪个好




drastical dramatical的区别 两个都可以修饰increase吗?

是drastically(ad. 大大地;彻底地;激烈地;大幅度的)不是drastical吧?dramatically 副词 ad. 1.戏剧性地;引人注目地2.戏剧性的,显著的以上两个词语都是副词,而increase有动词“增长,增加”的意思,所以以上两个副词都是修饰increase

drastical dramatical的区别 两个都可以修饰increase吗?

是drastically(ad.大大地;彻底地;激烈地;大幅度的)不是drastical吧? dramatically 副词 ad. 1.戏剧性地;引人注目地 2.戏剧性的,显著的 以上两个词语都是副词,而increase有动词“增长,增加”的意思,所以以上两个副词都是修饰increase

drastic increase是什么意思~



Ma Hongwen1 Basic PrincipleGibbs Free Energy Function1.1 Re in volatile-free systems(p/T):Fe2+-Mg exchange地球科学进展At equilibium,thenΔμ=0=ΔG+RTlnKΔG=-RTlnKEquilibrium constantK=aFs(opx)·aDi(cpx)/aEn(opx)·aHd(cpx)For multicomponent systems地球科学进展Partition coefficientKd=xFs(opx)·xDi(cpx)/xEn(opx)·xHd(cpx)Gibbs free energy change for a reactionΔG=(ΔGT)p=1+(ΔGp)T=T=ΔH-TΔS+ΔVp(p >> 1atm)lnK=ΔS/R-ΔH/RT-ΔVp/RTBasic equation for geothermobarometry.Example:Fe2+-Mg exchange in grt-lherzolite(Brey et al.,1990)1.2 Re in volatile-bearing systems( , , , )6Fe2SiO4(olv)+O2(g)=3Fe2Si2O6(opx)+2Fe3O4(spn)(lherzolite)2FeO(liq)+1/2O2(g)=Fe2O3(liq)(magma)6FeS(po)+2O2(g)=3FeS2(py)+Fe3O4(mgt)(sulfide oxd)KAlSi3O8(Or)+Fe3O4(Mgt)+H2O(g)=KFe3AlSi3O10(OH)2(Ann)+1/2O2(g)(granite)KAlSiO4(liq)+1/2SiO2(liq)+3/2Mg2SiO4(liq)+H2O(g)=KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2(Phl)(kimberlite)FeO(silicate liq)+1/2S2(g)=FeS(sulfide liq)+1/2O2(g)(immiscibil-ity)2 Geothermobarometryu21d2Lithospheric MappingExample:Cenozoic thermal and redox state of the lithosphere in E.ChinaData processing:MAFICS·FOR in software ofthermodynamics in crystalline petrology(Ma Hongwen,1999)3 Phase equilibriau21d2Modeling of magmatic processesExample:Chemical mass transfer in magmatic processes(Ghiorso et al.,1980,1983,1995)3.1 Basic thermodynamic relationsRe: Fe2SiO4(sol)=Fe2SiO4(liq)Molar Gibbs free energy of silicate liquid地球科学进展Molar Gibbs free energy of solid componentsΔG0=ΔH0-TΔS0+CpdT-T(Cp/T)dT+[V0+aV(T-298)]p-(βV/2)p23.2 Crystallizing reactions:solid=liquid地球科学进展Continue3.3 Solid-liquid-vapordatabase:systems in SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3-FeO MgO-CaO-Na2O K2O-(H2O)3.4 Thermodynamic parameters(1)Thermodynzmic properties for the end member solid components(Berman,1988)(2)Activity/composition models for end member solid components(cf.Ghiorso et al.,1995)(3)Thermodynamic properties for the liquid components(cf.Ghiorso et al.,1995)(4)Regular solution type interaction parameters(wij)(Ghiorso et al.,1995)3.5 Software:MELTS,in ANSI C,UNIX workstation via FTP internet the parameters for the liquid(2)Modeling equilibrium or fractional crystallization of specified bulk compositions(3)Modeling crystallization paths underconstrained total enthalpytotal entropytotal volumeany combination of the above constraints(4)Modeling assimilation or magma mixing3.6 Example:mantle partial melting modeling(Hirschmann et al.,1998)Sample:peridotitemm3,mg#=0.90p=1.0GPa, =FMQ-1,anhydrousExperiments:Baker&Stolper(1994)(1)Residual phases and mineral modesRemarks:phase-outcpx F=18%opx F=65%spn F=93%F<18% lherzolite/cpx-bearing lherzoliteF>18% harzbergiteF>45% impossible for natural meltingu21d2 dunite:possibly cumulatewehrlite:cumulate(not residue)(2)Melting temperatureRemarks:T(calc)>T(exp)~100℃—anhydrous/hydrous, ,a/x relations(3)Melt compositionsRemarks:excellent agreementAl2O31%~2% SiO23%~4% lower;CaO+MgO 2%~3% higher—hydrous, ,a/x relations,trace Cr、Ti、Na4 Modeling of immiscibility in silicate liquids(Ma Hongwen et al.,1998)Immiscibility in silicate liquids,predicted by criterion:地球科学进展Compositions and amounts of 2L,calculated from oxide partition coefficients between Si-and Fe-rich melts:地球科学进展T(K),P(GPa),Xi,mole fraction of oxide i,Ho,Si,and Fe,homogeneous,Si-,and Fe-rich melts,Aito Di,aito di,constants.Uncertainties:SiO2,Al2O3,and FeO,3.0%~4.0mol%other oxides,<1.0mol%predicted 2L amounts,~1.0mol%Mgt-Apt ore-forming processes can be simulated.4.1 INTRODUCTIONGreig(1927),system FeO-SiO2,2nd liq in pure SiO2liq.Roedder(1951),immiscibility in K2O-FeO-Al2O3-SiO2.Experiments,effects of T,p,fO2,xion immiscibility(Visser et al.,1979a,1979b,1979c;Philpotts,1982;Philpotts etal.,1983;Hess etal.,1982;Naslund,1983;Freestone et al.,1983)Models:Currie(1972),GFe+GSi<GHopredicting immiscibilityGhiorso et al.(1983),regular solution model,deviated significantly from the experiments(Philpotts,1979).4.2 THERMODYNAMIC MODELFor an immiscible equilibrium:ΔG=ΔH0-TΔS0+PΔV0=0 (1)assuming that ΔCp=0,ΔV0constant,Smixideal.The total G of a mixture of Ho,Si-and Fe-rich melts:G=∑nigi=∑niμi(i=1,n) (2)地球科学进展In a closed system,mass balance must be maintained,i.e.,地球科学进展Equilibrium constant for Eq.(4):地球科学进展The Δg of ith component for Eq.(4):地球科学进展Ho,Si-,Fe-rich phases are all liquids with various amounts of oxides.Postulating regular solution model:lnai=lnXi+φi/T+PΔVi/RT(7)lnγi=[φi+PΔVi/R]/T (8)where ΔVi,difference between partial molar volume of i in the liquids and that in pure ith com-ponent liquid;φi,compositional dependence of γiin the melt.The extent of , ,and variations with melt compositions have little difference,in corporated into φi,and similarly , , ,,and in Eq.(6)into ΔV:i地球科学进展assuming φiis a linear function of liquid compositions,地球科学进展where Ai,Bi,Ci,corresponding to , ,andΔVi/R,and∑DiXi,the compo sitional dependence of γi.When an immiscible reaction is at equilibrium,(1)地球科学进展(2) GSi=GFe (13)地球科学进展where , ,and ,differences of molar enthalpy,entropy,and volume of ith oxide between the 2 L.Oxide partition coefficients:地球科学进展where ai,bi,ci,corresponding to /R, /R,ΔVi/R,and∑diXi,compositional dependence of γi.4.3 MODEL LIMITSCompositions(wt%):SiO244.8~73.3,TiO20~12.7,Al2O32.1~19.0,FeO*0.9~40.9,MgO0~10.3,CaO0~12.3,Na2O,0~6.1,K2O0~11.2,P2O50~13.7;T=960~1550℃,p=1atm~1.5GPa, =100.67~IW.4.4 PREDICTION OF IMMISCIBILITYWhen immiscibile 2L are at equilibrium,ΔG=∑ΔgiXi=0地球科学进展At beginning of an immiscible reaction,the amount of one of the 2L,say Fe-rich liquid,close to zero,i.e.,b≈0,a≈1,and ln ,then地球科学进展Giving criterion of immiscibility:ΔG=∑ΔgiXi≤0 (19)For all components,地球科学进展239 immiscible experiments,232 correctly predicted2L composition standard deviations(Fig.1):3.0mol%~4.0mol% for SiO2,Al2O3,and FeO;<1.0mol% for TiO2,MgO,CaO,Na2O,K2O,and P2O5;~1.0mol% for a mounts of both Si-and Fe-rich liquids.4.5 MODELING OF Mgt-Apt ORE-FORMING PROCESSExample:Yangyuan mgt apt ore deposit,Hebei provinceHost rock:apt 6%~10%;spherulitic bio-pyx-syenite,evidence of immiscibilityglobules:Or megacrystals with pyx,bio,mgtmesostasis:pyx,bio,apt,interstitial Ormodeling:p=0.5GPa, =FMQ,T=950~1250℃ΔG=-0.021~-0.103At~1250℃,Si-/Fe-rich melts,<6mol%/>94mol%;MgO,CaO,K2O in 2L tend to converge;1200℃,homogeneous T of gl.Inc.(Hou,1990).~1100℃,Si-/Fe-rich melts,~25mol%~75mol%,consistent with:Si-rich,globules;Fe-rich,mesostasis,resemble syenite/alkaline pyrox-eniteYangyuan mgt apt deposits,T=1250~1150℃.Solubility of P2O5in Fe rich melts controlled by T,<1100℃,unfavorable to mgt-apt ore-forming>1100℃,highly enriched in Fe-rich liq(pyroxenite)5 CONCLUDING REMARKSPhase equilibria-exactly describing chemical mass transfer processes in petrology;Thermodynamics-a powerful tool for constraining conditions of chemical reactions and genesis for crystalline petrology.References马鸿文.1993.硅酸盐岩浆中的硫化物不混溶作用模拟.中国科学(B辑),23(9):986~992马鸿文,胡颖,袁家铮,方同辉.1998.岩浆不混溶作用模拟:热力学模型与数值方法,地球科学,23(1):41~48马鸿文.2001.结晶岩热力学概论(第二版).北京:高等教育出版社,297马鸿文.1999.结晶岩热力学软件.北京:地质出版社,340Brey G P,Kohler T P.1990.Geothermobarometry in four-phase lherzolite:Ⅱ.New thermobarmeters,and practical assessment of existing thermobarometers.J Petrol 31:1353~1378Berman R G.1988.Internally-consistent thermodynamic data for mineral

so beautiful,lsiten to me,be at ease to be a bride是什么意思


1.Please retell the story briefly. 2.She is a doctor with lots of experience.


英语作文:please briefly describe the trends and pros

Spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling2.creation of a world of imagination3.return to nature for material4.sympathy with the humble and glorification of commonplace5.expression of individual genius6.interest in Milton and Elizabethan Age for literature model7.interest in old stories and medieval romances8.rebellius spirit9.expression of melancholy and gloomy mood

Please introduce the situation() briefly as possible possible as briefly 选哪个请解释?

A. posssible为固定常用搭配,"尽可能..."。

Please allow me to do a briefly introduce myself to you.

Please allow me to briefly introduce myself to you.or:Please allow me to do a brief introduction about myself to you.




ease和easy的词性不同。ease和easy在意思上没有区别,都含有“容易、轻松、”之意,只是在词性上不一样。easy是形容词,可修饰名词代词,一般做定语;ease是名词或动词词性的,指减轻事情的恶劣程度、身心痛苦等。ease用作名词时的意思是“安适,自在”,转化为动词后可作“使舒适,减轻;放松,放宽”解。 ease可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时常接名词或代词作宾语,主语可以是人,也可以是物/事物。 ease用作不及物动词时,主语多为物。有时主动形式含有被动意义。 easy的基本意思是“容易的,不难的,不费力的”,指某事做起来不困难,多用于指事,而少用于指人。easy还可以指生活、心理或健康状况良好,即“舒适的,安心的,安逸的”,此时可用于指人。 easy后可接动词不定式,且不定式中的及物动词通常以主动形式表示被动意义。 easy后面常接介词“of+表示动作的名词”。 easy用作副词时的意思有二:第一是指做某事不存在困难,即“容易地,轻松地”;第二是指在移动某物时加以小心,即“小心地移动”某物。 easy在作“对某人或某事从容、谨慎”解时常用go easy on〔with〕sb/sth句型,当主语是人时,常用介词on,当主语是物时,常用介词with。

两个带翅膀的小天使用手扶着一个圆盘,中间有个帆船,PRODUCTO DE ESPANA VILLASECA DEL MAR是什么红酒?


please 会法语的高手们 请帮忙翻译一下 THX~

espoir希望Toujours heureux永远幸福Toujours souriant微笑常在voyez-vous pour toujours。。。这个句子好像不完整vous savez您知道。。。je t"aime我爱你what"s meaning?什么意思?

幸田来未的《Chase》 歌词

歌曲名:Chase歌手:幸田来未专辑:Best Special Side BL"Arc~en~Ciel - CHASE作词:hyde作曲:ken·hydeCalling the fallen angelRolling on cold asphaltCalling the fallen angelRolling on cold asphaltCalling the fallen angelRolling on cold asphaltWarning No salvationStarting Now let"s play tag!降临、近寄るな危険道を空けてくれ悪戯な支配者 无法な世界で (Must speed up, must speed up)选ばれし顶点 神への疾走 (Must speed up, must speed up)手の鸣る方へI"m chasing you (chasing you) get awayI"m chasing you (chasing you) get awayCalling the fallen angelRolling on cold asphaltWarning No salvationStarting Now let"s play tag!证人、この电光石火 见逃さないで悪戯な支配者 无法な世界で (Must speed up, must speed up)选ばれし顶点 神への疾走 (Must speed up, must speed up)手の鸣る方へI"m chasing you (chasing you) get awayI"m chasing you (chasing you) get away神経を尖らせて 知り尽くすテリトリーへ (close)细部を舐め回し (close) 隙间を突き刺す悪戯な支配者 无法な世界で (Must speed up, must speed up)选ばれし顶点 神への疾走 (Must speed up, must speed up)捉えた标的 狙い定め (Must speed up, must speed up)逃れないloser 胜利を掴め (Must speed up, must speed up)手の鸣る方へI"m chasing you (chasing you) get awayI"m chasing you (chasing you) get awayI"m chasing you (onigokko) get awayI"m chasing you (chasing you) got you!


chase your dream 如果是追求梦想用chase比较好aspire 偏向于 志向,向往的意思。不太适合pursue 偏向于 追赶,追问之类的。没有chase好

化学帝进~ 有道看图猜谜。谜底是:The base is under assault。

谐音和一词多义assault音似 a saltbase既是碱又是基地

The capital intended to broaden the export base and secure efficiency gains from international ...




assembledebug 和assemblerelease的区别

区别是:assemble debug指的是组装调试。assemble release指的是装配释放。详细解释:assemble 英[u0259u02c8sembl] 美[u0259u02c8su025bmbu0259l] vt. 集合,收集; vt. 装配,组合; [例句]There wasn"t even a convenient place for students to assemble between classes.在课间,学生们连一个方便凑在一起的地方都没有。debug 英[u02ccdi:u02c8bu028cg] 美[diu02c8bu028cɡ] vt. 拆除窃听器; 排除故障; [例句]The production lines ground to a halt for hours while technicians tried to debug software.生产线停工达数小时之久,在此期间技术人员试图纠除软件错误。release 英[ru026au02c8li:s] 美[ru026a"li:s] vt. 释放; 发布; 发行; 放开; n. 释放,排放,解除; 释放令; 公映的新影片,发布的新闻[消息]; [例句]He was released from custody the next day.第二天他被从拘留所里放了出来。

As the dome grows,it develops seed fissures(cracks);in at least a few cases the continent may


Dreamer属于ModelBased RL算法


重装系统显示Please Select boot device:是什么意思?



Brooke Fraser&Hillsong UNITED的《Hosanna》 歌词

歌曲名:Hosanna歌手:Brooke Fraser&Hillsong UNITED专辑:Iworship ConnectHosanna - Starfield - I Will GoImported by Kelvin ChuI see the king of gloryComing on the clouds with fireThe whole earth shakesThe whole earth shakesYeeeahI see his love and mercyWashing over all our sinThe people singThe people singHosannaHosannaHosanna in the highestHosannaHosannaHosanna in the highestI see a generationRising up to take their placeWith selfless faithWith selfless faithI see a near revivalStirring as we pray and seekWe"re on our kneesWe"re on our kneesHosannaHosannaHosanna in the highestHosannaHosannaHosanna in the highestHeal my heart and make it cleanOpen up my eyes to the things unseenShow me how to love like you have loved meHosannaHosannaHosanna in the highestHosannaHosannaHosanna in the highestHosannaHosannaHosanna in the highestHosannaHosannaHosanna in the highestHosanna in the highest

Brooke Fraser的《Coachella》 歌词

歌曲名:Coachella歌手:Brooke Fraser专辑:Flags (Deluxe Version)Brooke Fraser - CoachellaBefore a neon night"s lighting I"m right beside youThe fire in motionThe fire in motionThe desert sun sinkingSleepy and lowBut we"re just wakingWe are wakingRiver time is a mountain tonightBefore tomorrow she flows onCarving valleys in the skin on our facesI am bright as the sunYou are high as a kiteWe are daughters, sons, brothers and sisters tonightAt CoachellaCoachellaCome on now darling, let"s shake off these bluesI"ll let my hair out, you"ll slip off your shoesI feel like a baby, newborn in the springI"m setting down the sadness and I won"t remember itWhen I"m bright as the sunAnd you are high as a kiteAnd we are daughters, sons, brothers and sisters tonightAt CoachellaCoachellaI"m a warm bleeding heartYou"re a generous soulAnd I love you though I"d never met you beforeTo CoachellaCoachellaWe are standing on the shoreIn the smoke, in the starlightOn the edge of a human seaAnd the tide is inI am bright as the sunYou are high as a kiteWe are daughters, sons, brothers and sisters tonightAt CoachellaCoachellaI"m a warm bleeding heartYou"re a generous souland I love you though I"d never met you beforeTo CoachellaCoaechellaOooh ooh oooh oohCoachella

Brooke Fraser的《arithmetic》 歌词

歌曲名:arithmetic歌手:Brooke Fraser专辑:what to do with daylightBrooke FraserArithmeticI"ve been staring at the sky tonightMarvelling and passing timeWondering what to do with daylightUntil I can make you mineYou are the one I want,you are the one I wantI"ve been thinking of changing my mindIt never stays the same for longBut of all the things I know for sureYou"re the only certain oneYou are the one I want,you are the one I wantI"ve been counting up all my wrongsOne sorry for each starSee I"d apologise my way to youIf the heavens stretched that farCos you are the one I want,you are the one I wantChorusI won"t find what I am looking forIf I only "see" by keeping score"Cos I know now you are so much more than arithmetic"Cos if I add, if I subtractIf I give it all, try to take some backI"ve forgotten the freedom that comes from the factThat you are the sumSo you are the oneI wantWhen the years are showing on my faceAnd my strongest days are goneWhen my heart and flesh depart this placeFrom a life that sung your songYou"ll still be the one I wantYou"ll still be the one I wantYou"ll still be the one I wantYou"ll still be the oneI want

on a lease 在钻井中是什么意思




installed ethereal got the error"decompressing data! Corrupted installer?" please help

sorry i don"t know

Creed, The (Avalon 2004 Release Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Creed, The (Avalon 2004 Release Album Version)歌手:Avalon专辑:The CreedTi:SacificeAr:CreedAl:Full CircleUpload by : oooDesmondhello my friendwe meet againit"s been a whilewhere should we begin?feels like foreverwithin my heartare memoriesof perfect love thatyou gave to meoh, i rememberwhen you are with mei"m free, i"m carelessi believeabove all the otherswe"ll flythis brings tearsto my eyesmy sacrificewe"ve seen our shareof ups and downsoh, how quickly lifecan turn aroundin an instantit feels so good to reunitewithin yourself andwithin your mindlet"s find peace there"cause when you arewith mei"m free, i"m carelessi believeabove all the otherswe"ll flythis brings tearsto my eyesmy sacrificei just want tosay hello againi just want tosay hello againwhen you are with mei"m free, i"m carelessi believeabove all the otherswe"ll flythis brings tearsto my eyes"cause when you arewith mei"m free, i"m carelessi believeabove all the otherswe"ll flythis brings tearsto my eyesmy sacrificemy sacrifice(i just want tosay hello again)i just want tosay hello again

BASKET CASE的歌词是什么意思?要全

Do you have the time To listen to me whine About nothing and everything All at once I am one of those Melodramatic fools Neurotic to the bone No doubt about it Sometimes I give myself the creeps Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me It all keeps adding up I think I"m cracking up Am I just paranoid? Or I"m just stoned I went to a shrink To analyze my dreams She says it"s lack of sex That"s bringing me down I went to a whore He said my life"s a bore So quit my whining cause It"s bringing her down Sometimes I give myself the creeps Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me It all keeps adding up I think I"m cracking up Am I just paranoid? Uh, yuh, yuh, ya Grasping to control So I better hold on Sometimes I give myself the creeps Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me It all keeps adding up I think I"m cracking up Am I just paranoid? Or I"m just stoned

Basket Case 歌词

歌曲名:Basket Case歌手:Green Day专辑:American Idiot(Japan Edition)Do you have the time to listen to me whineAbout NOTHING and everything all at onceI am one of thoseMelodramatic foolsNeurotic to the boneNo doubt about itSometimes I give myself the CREEPSSometimes my mind plays tricks on meIt all keeps adding upI think I"m CRACKING UPAm I just PARANOID?Am I just STONEDI went to a shrinkTo analyze my dreamsSHE says it"s lack of sex that"s bringing me downI went to a whoreHE said my life"s a boreSo quit my whining cause it"s bringing HER downSometimes I give myself the CREEPSSometimes my mind plays tricks on meIt all keeps adding upI think I"m CRACKING UPAm I just PARANOID?Grasping to CONTROLSo I BETTER hold onSometimes I give myself the CREEPSSometimes my mind plays tricks on meIt all keeps adding upI think I"m CRACKING UPAm I just PARANOID?Am I just STONED

green day - basket case歌词中文翻译

Do you have the time 你有时间吗To listen to me whine? 能听我抱怨吗About nothing and everything 是关于无关紧要的事和所有事(也可以说成:其实没事,也有好多事。这得自己体会。)all at once 突然I am one of the those 我是一个那些Melodramatic fools 情景喜剧中的傻子(B)Neurotic to the bone 骨子里就是个神经病No doubt about it 不要怀疑它(指说他自己神经病)Sometimes I give myself the creeps 有时我自己毛骨悚然(creeps在这里有毛骨悚然的意思)Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me 有时我的思想把我给玩了(也可以说成:有时我的思想开我的玩笑)It all keeps adding up 这些还在继续增加(It,在这里有泛指上面的那些)I think I"m cracking up 我想我要炸了(也可以说成,我想我正在崩溃)Am I just paranoid? 我真的是个傻-B吗?(也可以说成,我正好是个偏执狂吗?)I"m just stoned (其实)我只是喝醉了I went to a shrink 我去看个精神病医生(shrink,这里是指精神病医生)To analyze my dreams 去分析我的梦(这句得意会他梦见了什么)She says it"s lack of sex 她说我的J-B缺乏性欲(it,在这里指他的性征器官)that"s bringing me down 她说这话让我软了 (that"s就是只上面那个是个男的一听就软的话,down,就是那玩意软下来了。)(这得意会)I went to a whore 我去找鸡He said my life"s a bore 他说我的生活真操行。(也可以说成,他说我的生活就知道“钻孔”,或含蓄点:他说在他的生活里(我)是个招讨厌的人)So quit my whining cause 所以放弃抱怨的原因。it"s bringing her down 这些让它没欲望了。(这得意会)Sometimes I give myself the creeps 有时我自己毛骨悚然(creeps在这里有毛骨悚然的意思)Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me 有时我的思想把我给玩了(也可以说成:有时我的思想开我的玩笑)It all keeps adding up 这些还在继续增加(It,在这里有泛指上面的那些)I think I"m cracking up 我想我要炸了(也可以说成,我想我正在崩溃)Am I just paranoid? 我真的是个傻-B吗?(也可以说成,我正好是个偏执狂吗?)Uh,yuh,yuh,ya 呃,啊,啊,呀Grasping to control 抓住控制(抓住控制器)(这句有多种意思)So I better hold on 我更能更好的控制Sometimes I give myself the creeps 有时我自己毛骨悚然(creeps在这里有毛骨悚然的意思)Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me 有时我的思想把我给玩了(也可以说成:有时我的思想开我的玩笑)It all keeps adding up 这些还在继续增加(It,在这里有泛指上面的那些)I think I"m cracking up 我想我要炸了(也可以说成,我想我正在崩溃)Am I just paranoid? 我真的是个傻-B吗?(也可以说成,我正好是个偏执狂吗?)I"m just stoned (其实)我只是喝醉了P.S. 这是一个非常经典的,含沙射影很多东西的NEWSCHOOL PUNK老歌。如果你是切身使地的朋克,千万别成为朋克圈里装腔作势的人。如果你只是一个爱好者,请你用尊重的心态对待朋克的每一首歌,哪怕他们说的唱的很不尊敬。我已经过了PUNK的年龄。但是,我骨子里仍然保留着朋克热情。在给你翻译这个歌的时候我也在打开好久没打开的文件夹一遍一遍的听着,翻译的只是一个侧面,如果你能真正体会,还会体会出很多东西。PUNK NOT DEAD!

Avril Lavigne的《Basketcase》 歌词

歌曲名:Basketcase歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:Avril Live: Try To Shut Me UpBasketcaseAvril LavigneDo you have the time to listen to me whineAbout NOTHING and everything all at onceI am one of thoseMelodramatic foolsNeurotic to the boneNo doubt about itSometimes I give myself the CREEPSSometimes my mind plays tricks on meIt all keeps adding upI think I"m CRACKING UPAm I just PARANOID?Am I just STONEDI went to a shrinkTo analyze my dreamsSHE says it"s lack of sex that"s bringing me downI went to a whoreHE said my life"s a boreSo quit my whining cause it"s bringing HER downSometimes I give myself the CREEPSSometimes my mind plays tricks on meIt all keeps adding upI think I"m CRACKING UPOr am I just stoned? Grasping to controlSo I better hold on Sometimes I give myself the creepsSometimes my mind plays tricks on meIt all keeps adding upI think I"m cracking upAm I just paranoid?

Basket Case (Album Version) 歌词

歌名:Basket Case 〖神经错乱〗演唱:Green DayDo you have the time to listen to me whine〖你有空听我发牢骚吗?〗About nothing and everything all at once〖关于琐事和所有事的 就在现在〗I am one of those melodramatic fools〖我就是情节剧中的笨蛋〗Neurotic to the bone no doubt about it〖毫无疑问 骨子里就是神经错乱的人〗Sometimes I give myself the creeps〖有时我会感觉毛骨悚然〗Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me〖有时我的脑袋不好使 和我开玩笑〗It all keeps adding up〖类似的事情接连出现〗I think I"m cracking up〖我想我快要崩溃了〗Am I just paranoid?〖我真的是傻子吗?〗Am I just stoned〖还是只是喝醉了?〗I went to a shrink〖我去看了精神科医生〗To analyze my dreams〖去分析一下我的梦〗She says it"s lack of sex〖她说我缺乏性生活〗That"s bringing me down〖这话真是令我郁闷〗I went to a whore〖我去嫖娼〗He said my life"s a bore〖"他"说我是一个令人讨厌的人〗So quit my whining cause it"s bringing her down〖所以我停止抱怨 因为这令她不快〗Sometimes I give myself the creeps〖有时我会感觉毛骨悚然〗Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me〖有时我的脑袋不好使 和我开玩笑〗It all keeps adding up〖类似的事情接连出现〗I think I"m cracking up〖我想我正在崩溃了〗Am I just paranoid?〖我真的是个偏执狂吗?〗Uh,yuh,yuh,ya注释:Basket Case原意应为没有希望的人,这里译为神经错乱的人。由上文中嫖娼时将妓女讲成"He",人物性别不分,突出了歌中描述的人的神经错乱。Grasping to control〖学会控制〗So I better hold on〖我只能坚持〗Sometimes I give myself the creeps〖有时我会感觉毛骨悚然〗Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me〖有时我的脑袋不好使 和我开玩笑〗It all keeps adding up〖类似的情况接连出现〗I think I"m cracking up〖我想我正在崩溃了〗Am I just paranoid?〖我真的是个偏执狂吗?〗Am I just stoned〖还是只是喝醉了?〗--------------ThE EnD--------------

please drop in any time you like.什么意思


Chasen的《Drown》 歌词

歌曲名:Drown歌手:Chasen专辑:Shine Through The StarsHouse of Heroes - DrownThe water"s at our"s rising while we speculate to its existing.sinking merrily.invincible convinced no warning is worth heeding.the ocean deep and black that seemed so shallow.pulls me under.i"m not giving up that easy.i"m not giving up on anything.long as i have lungs still breathing.learn to swim before you drown.come come one and all.and sacrifice your pride to find a new up your ears and see our minds are still in need of changing.if we knew the truth would we even care at all.or be pulled under.grant us grace to change our minds.

求英文大神翻译歌曲《drown》- chasen歌词中文意思,请不要用在线自动翻译,谢谢


please _to bring your homework to school tomorrow.AtakeBrememberC.getD.forget(后面为什么用tobring)

选择:B。记得要带来,没带,将来带的用to do。

Barstar和RNaseA是什么东东 农学





你好,在druid的0.2.6版本以后, 可以用自带的druidStat命令行工具进行查看. 此工具位于源码的 : srcmainscripts目录下. 和 druidStat.bat分别对应linux和win环境 此工具引用了druid.jar包(在工具中把路径写死了,需自己手工在脚本中改一下) 。

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My name is Evelyn or Trista ,please call me Evelyn or Trista ! 什么意思?

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