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Can you come on monday? 为什么这里用on,要详细的回答

在星期几,用onon Monday 在星期一你能星期一来吗?

on Monday 前面能加逗号吗?

They are all very busy on Monday .周一他们都非常忙 。on Monday 前不用 逗号。

歌词开头是on monday的英文歌

Huh-oh oeh-oh yea-eahAnother one two checkAnother song for the radioIt hasn sunk in yetBut it"s about to get personalLast night my lifeShe walked out with a suitcaseTook me by surpriseAnd I"m hurting so badNow there"s just an empty paperIn a room that broke us upI"m running out of melodies theyUsed to be enoughI can"t write it I justCan"t write a noteI can"t write it I justCan"t write itIf I finish this songI"ll admit that she"s goneAnd I won"t write it I justWon"t write a noteI won"t write it I justI won"t write itUntil my heart unlocksI"ll have writers blockOh I"ll have writers blockYou used to wait up lateI said I"d be right homeI even miss our datesCause I was grinding in the studioYou always gave so muchI thought I gave it backI guess I spend my loveTo fever with me you and the trackNow there"s just an empty paperIn a room that broke us upI"m running out of melodies theyUsed to be enoughI can"t write it I justCan"t write a noteI can"t write it I justCan"t write itIf I finish this song finish this songI"ll admit that she"s gone ohhAnd I won"t write it I justWon"t write a noteI won"t write it I justWon"t write itUntil my heart unlocksI"ll have writers block andFirst we come on flopingI"ll be on the bottom of the chartsI need my one inspirationThe reason that I"m sayingShe is how I got to the topI just can"t write itI can"t write it I justCan"t write a noteI can"t write it I justCan"t write itIf I finish this song finish this songI"ll admit that she"s gone and I won"tI won"t write itI won"t write it I just won"t write a noteI won"t writer it I just won"t write itI"m until my heart unlocksI"ll have writers blockI"ll have writers blockOh oh-oeh-oeh

“在星期一”,是on the Monday’还是on Monday

on Monday 不用加the,不是特指.



on Monday morning还是on the monday morning?

在具体某一天的早上用介词on。on做时间介词,可以表示在具体某一天或具体某一天的早上,下午以及晚上,举例:on June 1st在六月一号,on Sunday morning在周日上午。注意:当morning,afternoon,evening被of短语修饰时,习惯上用in,而不用on。例如:in the eary morning of October 1st (在10月1日的清晨)on其他用法介绍on做方位介词,可以表示在...表面,举例:on the desk在桌子上。例如:There is a book on the desk。桌子上有一本书。on做时间介词,还可以表示在某一节日的当天。比如:on Children"s Day在儿童节。on New Year"s Day在新年这一天。on还可以表示关于的意思,例如:Can you give me some advice on how to improve my English?你能给我一些建议如何提高我的英语吗?

on monday 特殊疑问句

What will you do on Monday?你在星期一会做些什么?希望对你有帮助! :D

it is on monday

不填,因为后面是句号,说明是一个完整的句子,it is monday,意思就是“星期一.”如果要用on Monday 则句子应该这么改. It is on Monday when Alan goes to ... 翻译为“周一是Alan去...(的日子)”


如果是简略回答,即单独成句,O要大写,M也要大写。On Monday.如果在句中,on Monday.无论如何,M必须大写。

是in the Monday morning 还是in Monday morning

其实,应该是"on Monday morning",这里的"morning"有了"Monday"作修饰以后,就表示在具体的某天的早晨,应该用介词"on",再者"Monday"属专有名词,前面是不应该带定冠词"the"的. 哈哈!

on the Monday的中文翻译

一般应用on Monday,表示在星期一,通常用在现在时与将来时. on the Monday,是指在特定环境下的一个星期一,通常用在过去时态中. eg:I visited a friend of mine on the Monday of last week.是指上个星期的星期一,the为特指上个星期的.

Commonwealth Day是什么意思

Commonwealth Dayna.〈英〉联邦日英联邦日;英联邦纪念日;协日例句1.SP Mukherjee Aquatics Complex during day four of the Delhi 2010 Commonwealth Games on October 7, 2010 in Delhi, India.SP慕克吉在为期一天的游泳2010年英联邦新德里10月7日2010年冬奥会在德里,印度四个情结。2.The systems commonwealth wasn"t built in a day.这银河系的联邦也不是一天内造成的。3.On that day the topic was, if the commonwealth should appoint a commission to find out why commodities cost so much.那天的主题是联邦是否需要指派一个委员会去弄清楚为什么商品会这么贵。

on a Monday 为什么星期之前会有冠词呢?什么意思?和on Monday有什么区别?

这里的on a Monday 中的 Monday 有特指的含义,说的是“在一个星期一”,跟 once upon a time有异曲同工的感觉.而on Monday 就是指的星期一,是泛指.

we_________(not watch)TV on Monday. 怎么写?

we could not watch tv on monday

on monday造句

你好!正确答案为:We have six classes on Monday.周一那天我们有六节课*******************************************^___^ 祝你学习进步!如有疑问,请追问!如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!*******************************************

是in monday morning 还是 on monday morning


是in Monday,还是on Monday 还是 at Monday 谢谢

才看见你的问题,应该是on Monday,具体到天

Help me! every monday和on monday 是一个意思是吗?

every monday和On Mondays是一个意思,"每周一"。on monday只是强调具体的星期一。

是on the monday,还是on monday?


在一个句子中 有on Monday 是什么时态

一般情况下会使用过去时例如:I had a meeting on Monday.

on Monday是什么时态?



一个介宾短语根本没有时态,只有句子才有时态啊。而且,这个短语正确形式应为:on Monday.

on monday什么时候加s

on monday,在monday做名词,比如说,两个星期一、三个星期一、很多星期一,这种情况可以加S,但是这种情况很少。 扩展资料 ON MONDAY仅指“在周一”,说话的时候可以是之前的那个星期的.时候在说下周一回,也可以是之后的星答期的时候在说上周一。

英语中on Monday和on Mondays的区别是什么?

选A .does ,doWhat does your sister do on Monday?姐姐星期一做什么?

在一个句子中 有on Monday 是什么时态


我想问下是on monday 还是in monday,是in monday afternoon 还是on monday afternoon

on mondayin monday afternoon

on monday放在句子的句尾吗?

时间状语一般放在句子的末尾,如果为了强调也可以放在句子开头I go to the park on Monday.或On Monday, he often goes to visit his grandparents

这句英文语法有问题不?the 100th day of love.

the 100th day of being in love with you



One day a man was walking along the beach.He found many starfishes washed up onto the beach全文内容


one day a man went to a fish

36 、 D 37 、 to check if it has gone bad 38 、 D 39 、 B 40 、 B

one day a man swa an old lady standing on the si

One day a man saw an old lady standing by her expensive car, clearly in need of help. So he stopped his old truck and got out. Although he was smiling, the old lady was worried. Was he gong to hurt her? He didn"t look safe.  The man could see that she was frightened, so in his friendliest voice he said, “I"m here to help you, madam. Why don"t you wait in the car where it"s warm? By the way, my name is Bryan Anderson.” Bryan quickly fixed the car and the lady thanked him. Then she asked how much she should pay him.  But Bryan wanted no money. He was just giving a hand to someone in trouble. This was normal for him. He said, “If you really want to repay me, next time you see someone in need, help them and think of me.”  After saying goodbye, the lady continued down the road until she reached a small café where she decided to stop for something to eat. As the pretty waitress took her order, the lady noticed she was nearly eight months pregnant(怀孕)。 Although the waitress looked tired she was very kind. As the lady was going to pay the $10 bill she remembered Bryan"s words.  She paid with a hundred-dollar bill. But when the waitress returned with the change the lady was gone. On the table she saw a small note. There ware tears in her eyes when she read it: “Somebody once helped me the way I"m helping you. If you want to pay me back, continue being kind to others.” Under the note were nine more $100 bills.  Was the old lady an angel? The waitress was so excited that she called her husband to tell him the news. “Bryan Anderson my dear…you"re not going to believe what just happened…”这是原文。完形填空,您可以参照。

有个美国老头,戴星图高帽,手指着你,say:i want you for u.s.army



Mayme是一个人的人名,梅米。扩展资料:名字是指人或者产品、物体的名称,姓名有广义与狭义之分,还有小名、别名、绰号、乳名等。广义的姓名包括公民的姓氏和名字以及法人和非法人团体的名称;狭义的姓名仅指公民的姓氏和名字。为名和字的合称。在中国古代,名、字分开使用。人的称号。古人不仅有"名",而且有"字"。婴儿出生三个月后由父亲命"名"。古时汉族男子二十岁时举行成人礼冠礼,并取"字";女子十五岁许嫁,举行笄礼,并取"字"。事物的名称:一所学校的名字、一个或几个字,跟姓结合在一起,用来代表一个人,区别于别的人,用以认识一个人。一个或几个字,用来代表一种事物,区别于某种事物。例如∶米、米饭、这村子的名字叫张各庄等。在史书或古籍中常看到古人除了姓名外,还有字,古代人有"名"有"字","名"又叫"本名",旧说是古代婴儿出生后三个月由父亲所取(当然亦有一说是出生后即可取名了);而"字"又叫"表字",是除本名外另取一个与本名有所关联的名字,男子在二十岁行冠礼时取字 (不过三国乱世,思想反叛,冠而取字并不是一定遵循,曹冲、孙亮都是未冠死去而皆有字),而女子则在十五岁行笄礼时取字。名,在夏朝之前已经有,而取字据说始于商朝,如推翻夏桀的商汤,原名履,又名天乙,字汤。还有,名与字是有区别的,古人常自称己名以表示谦称,称人之字以表示对人尊称,另姓与字连称亦是对人尊称。名与字是有关系、关联的。有的是意义上的联系,有的是意义上的相辅,有的是意义上的相反。另外,古人的名和字往往取自古典古籍。



in the middle of the day的of the day为什么要加the?

- the day 是指一天, day 泛指是白天. 日间- 如果想说 "一天",必须在前面加 "冠词 - a/the" ( a day / the day)- in the middle of the day 是指在一天当中, 是任何一天当中- 如果想说 "某一天当中", 应该是 "in the middle of that day"


常见的笔记本故障大全    笔记本电脑由于其结构的特殊性,决定了其维修的复杂性。但笔记本电脑终究是电脑的一种,它的维修原理与普通台式机是基本相同的。如果你是一位笔记本电脑用户,而且对它的维修方面的知识感兴趣,那么你可以参看本文,这里列举了一些解决笔记本电脑故障的分析处理过程,也许会使你得到一些帮助。   笔记本常见故障-开机不亮-硬件判断   ---笔记本电脑主板BIOS出现故障会引起开机不亮  ---笔记本电脑CPU出现故障笔记本液晶屏无反应,也是开机不亮的原因。  --笔记本电脑信号输出端口出现故障会引起开机不亮  ---笔记本电脑主板显卡控制芯片出现故障会引起开机不亮  ---笔记本电脑显卡出现故障会引起开机不亮  ---笔记本电脑内存出现故障会引起开机不亮  笔记本电池充不进电-硬件故障判断  ---笔记本电脑电源适配器出现故障会引起电池充不进电  ---笔记本电脑电池出现故障会引起电池充不进电。  ---笔记本电脑主板电源控制芯片出现故障会引起电池充不进电  ---笔记本电脑主板其它线路出现故障会引起电池充不进电  笔记本不认外设-硬件故障判断  ---笔记本电脑相关外设硬件出现故障会引起笔记本不认外设  ---笔记本电脑BIOS出现故障设置出错会引起笔记本不认外设。  ---笔记本电脑主板外设相关接口出现故障会引起笔记本不认外设  ---笔记本电脑主板出现故障也会引起笔记本不认外设没同时笔记本电脑不开机。  笔记本主板出现故障会引发如下现象特征  ---笔记本电脑开机后不认笔记本硬盘。  ---笔记本电脑开机后不认笔记本光驱。  ---笔记本电脑电池不充电。  ---笔记本电脑定时或不定时关机。  ---笔记本电脑键盘不灵。  ---笔记本电脑开机时有时会掉电。  ---笔记本电脑定时死机  以上这些故障现象都与笔记本主板相关  笔记本电源适配器引起的故障现象  --笔记本电脑开机不亮。  ---笔记本电脑间断性死机。  --笔记本电源适配器发热。  --笔记本电脑光驱读DVD或容易死机或掉电。  --笔记本电脑运行大行程序容易死机或掉电。  以上这些故障现象都与记本电源适配器相关  笔记本光驱介绍  笔记本光驱──机械驱动部分。  笔记本光驱──激光头组件。  笔记本光驱故障主要来自这两个部位(笔记本光驱)。  一、驱动机械部分主要由3个小电机为中心组成:碟片加载机构由控制进、出盒仓(加载)的电机组成,主要完成光盘进盒(加载)和出盒(卸载);激光头进给机构由进给电机驱动,完成激光头沿光盘的半径方向由内向外或由外向内平滑移动,以快速读取光盘数据;主轴旋转机构主要由主轴电机驱动完成光盘旋转,一般采用DD控制方式,即光盘的转轴就是主轴电机的转轴。  二、激光头组件各种光驱最重要也是最脆弱的部件,主要种类有单光束激光头、三(多)光束激光头、全息激光头等几类。它实际是一个整体,普通单光束激光头主要由半导体激光器、半透棱镜/准直透镜、光敏检测器和促动器等零部件构成  笔记本光驱常见故障解析  笔记本光驱最常见的故障是机械故障,其次才是电路方面故障,而且电路故障中由用户调整不当引起的故障要比元器件损坏的故障多得多,所以在拆解或维护光驱设备时不要随便调整笔记本光驱内部各种电位器  笔记本光驱常见故障主要有三类:操作故障、偶然性故障和必然性故障。  1、操作故障例如驱动出错或安装不正确造成在Windows或DOS中找不到笔记本光驱;笔记本光驱连接线或跳线错误使笔记本光驱不能使用;CD线没连接好无法听CD;笔记本光驱未正确放置在拖盘上造成光驱不读盘;光盘变形或脏污造成画面不清晰或停顿或马赛克现象严重;拆卸不当造成光驱内部各种连线断裂或松脱而引起故障等。  2、偶然性故障笔记本光驱随机发生的故障,如机内集成电路,电容,电阻,晶体管等元器件早期失效或突然性损坏,或一些运动频繁的机械零部件突然损坏,这类故障虽不多见,但必须经过维修及更换才能将故障排除,所以偶然性故障又被称为"真"故障。  3、必然性故障笔记本光驱在使用一段时间后必然发生的故障,主要有:激光二极管老化,读碟时间变长甚至不能读碟;激光头组件中光学镜头脏污/性能变差等,造成音频/视频失真或死机;机械传动机构因磨损、变形、松脱而引起故障。  需要说明的是必然性故障的维修率不仅取决于产品的质量,而且还取决于用户的人为操作和保养及使用频率与环境。  常见故障的判断  1、开机检测不到光驱先检查一下光驱跳线跳正确与否;然后检查光驱IDE接口是否插接不良,如没有,可将其重新插好、插紧;最后,有可能是数据线损坏  2、进出盒故障表现为不能进出盒或进出盒不顺畅,可能原因及排除方法是,进出盒仓电机插针接触不良或电机烧毁--可重插或更换;进出盒机械结构中的传动带(橡皮圈)松动打滑  3、激光头故障故障现象表现为挑盘(有的盘能读,有的盘不能读)或者读盘能力差。光驱使用时间长或常用它看VCD或听CD,激光头物镜变脏或老化。  ★敬告大家千万不要使用市面上销售的一些低价劣质光头清洁盘,因为这些盘的刷毛太硬,反而会刮花物镜,并且还有可能引起静电危害,缩短光驱使用寿命。  4、激光信号通路故障指的是激光头与电路板之间的连接线,是激光头与其他电路信息交换的通道。此处产生故障较多。。  5、主轴信号通路故障一般情况下,主轴电机与其驱动电路是合二为一的,称为主轴信号通路,此电路也由一条与激光信号通路连线一样的连接线连接,只不过股数不一样罢了。由于它与激光头信息通路都是由伺服电路进行信息沟通的。因而,在故障现象上有许多相似的地方,但由于激光头信息通路在进出盒时,其连接线易被拉折而损坏,所以在遇到相同故障现象时应先考虑激光头信息通路故障,再考虑主轴信号通路故障。  笔记本键盘如果出现故障引起的故障现象  笔记本电脑使用的故障主要有开不了机。  笔记本在使用过程中时而出现死机。  笔记本键盘的某个键出现使用不灵。  硬件故障现象  一、不加电 (电源指示灯不亮)  1. 检查外接适配器是否与笔记本正确连接,外接适配器是否工作正常。  2. 如果只用电池为电源,检查电池型号是否为原配电池;电池是否充满电;电池安装的是否正确。  3. 检查DC板是否正常;  4. 检查、维修主板  二、电源指示灯亮但系统不运行,LCD也无显示  1. 按住电源开关并持续四秒钟来关闭电源,再重新启动检查是否启动正常。  2. 外接CRT显示器是否正常显示。  3. 检查内存是否插接牢靠。  4. 清除CMOS信息。  5. 尝试更换内存、CPU、充电板。  6. 维修主板  三、显示的图像不清晰  1. 检测调节显示亮度后是否正常。  2. 检查显示驱动安装是否正确;分辨率是否适合当前的LCD尺寸和型号。  3. 检查LCD连线与主板连接是否正确; 检查LCD连线与LCD连接是否正确。  4. 检查背光控制板工作是否正常。  5. 检查主板上的北桥芯片是否存在冷焊和虚焊现象。  6. 尝试更换主板。  四、无显示  1. 通过状态指示灯检查系统是否处于休眠状态,如果是休眠状态,按电源开关键唤醒。  2. 检查连接了外接显示器是否正常。  3. 检查是否加入电源。  4. 检查LCD连线两端连接正常。  5. 更换背光控制板或LCD。  6. 更换主板。  五、电池电量在Win98 / Win Me中识别不正常  1. 确认电源管理功能在操作系统中启动并且设置正确。  2. 将电池充电三小时后再使用。  3. 在Windows 98 或Windows Me中将电池充放电两次。  4. 更换电池。  六、触控板不工作  1. 检查是否有外置鼠标接入并用MOUSE测试程序检测是否正常。  2. 检查触控板连线是否连接正确。  3. 更换触控板  4. 检查键盘控制芯片是否存在冷焊和虚焊现象  5. 更换主板  七、串口设备不工作  1. 在BIOS设置中检查串口是否设置为“ENABLED”  2. 用SIO测试程序检测是否正常。  3. 检查串口设备是否连接正确。  4. 如果是串口鼠标,在BIOS设置检查是否关闭内置触控板;在Windows 98 或Me的设备管理器中检查是否识别到串口鼠标;检查串口鼠标驱动安装是否正确。  5. 更换串口设备。  6. 检查主板上的南桥芯片是否存在冷焊和虚焊现象。  7. 更换主板。  八、并口设备不工作  1. 在BIOS设置中检查并口是否设置为“ENABLED”。  2. 用PIO测试程序检测是否正常。  3. 检查所有的连接是否正确。  4. 检查外接设备是否开机。  5. 检查打印机模式设置是否正确。  6. 检查主板上的南桥芯片是否存在冷焊和虚焊现象。  7. 更换主板。  九、USB口不工作  1. 在BIOS设置中检查USB口是否设置为“ENABLED”。  2. 重新插拔USB设备, 检查连接是否正常。  3. 检查USB端口驱动和USB设备的驱动程序安装是否正确。  4. 更换USB设备或联系USB设备制造商获得技术支持。“ENABLED”  5. 更换主板。  十、声卡工作不正常  1. 用AUDIO检测程序检测是否正常。  2. 检查音量调节是否正确。  3. 检查声源(CD、磁带等)是否正常。  4. 检查声卡驱动是否安装。  5. 检查喇叭及麦克风连线是否正常。  6. 更换声卡板  7. 更换主板。  十一、风扇问题  1. 用FAN 测试程序检测是否正常,开机时风扇是否正常  2. FAN线是否插好?  3. FAN是否良好?  4. M/B部分的CONNECTER是否焊好?  5. 主板不良  十二、KB问题  1. 用KB测试程序测试判断  2. 键盘线是否插好?  3. M/B部分的CONNECTER是否有针歪或其它不良  4. 主板不良  软件故障的分类  十三、驱动程序类  1. 显示不正常;  2. 声卡不工作;  3. Modem,LAN不能工作  4. QSB不能使用  5. 某些硬件因没有加载驱动或驱动程序加载不正确而不能正常使用  十四、操作系统类  1. 操作系统速度变慢  2. 有时死机  3. 机型不支持某操作系统  4. 不能正常关机  5. 休眠死机  十五、应用程序类  1. 应用程序冲突导致系统死机  2. 应用程序导致不系统不能正常关机  3. 应用程序冲突导致不能正常使用  一.电池使用问题  1、新电池需要像手机一样充电12小时么?  虽然笔记本电脑的电路设计要比手机完善许多,但是为了让新电池能够以更好的状态投入工作,电池的激活和校准工作还是需要进行的,厂商通用的做法是新笔记本在第一次开机时电池应带有3%的电量,此时,应该先不使用外接电源,而是把电池里的余电用尽,直至关机,然后再用外接电源充电。然后还要把电池的电量用尽后再充,充电时间一定要超过12小时,反复做三次,以便激活电池。  2、为什么电池没用使用电量也减少了?  由于环境湿度和非绝对绝缘环境的影响,电池都存在自然消耗的现象,视电池的新旧程度和品质,3-4天会下降1%左右,所以只要不是大幅度的下降都属于正常现象。  3、使用电源需要把电池取下么?  一般笔记本电脑的充电设计都是在电量低于95%才会充电的,而且由于自然损耗的存在,所以对于电池的损耗,取下与不取下基本都是相同的,因此是否取下视习惯而定,如果取下建议将电池包裹在保鲜膜内并放置于干燥阴凉处,且记得1个月左右至少使用一次电池并充电,以避免电池失去活性。  4、电池没有完全用完就充电是否会减少寿命?  电池的寿命一般按照完全充电次数计算,Li电池一般为300-400次。当然你不必担心接通电源对电池进行一次充电,哪怕只有一点就会被计算一次,电池的充电次数一般只有当电量累计充至80-90%才会增加一次,所以不用担心。在此还要说下,笔记本电池通常用的是锂电池,所以要避免在高温环境下使用锂电池,专家研究,高温状态下会加速锂电池的老化过程,并且同样的不要在极端的低温环境下使用。低温环境会降低锂电池的活性,降低笔记本电池的寿命。定期为锂电池进行激活处理,就是完全充电和放电,让锂电池恢复最大容量。做法就是,关闭所有电源管理,让笔记本慢慢的放电直至完全没电,然后在完全充电,重复两到三次即可。炎热的天气里,尽可能的维护好自己的自己的笔记本电池,才能让笔记本电脑更好的发挥自身的作用。  二.笔记本散热问题  目前笔记本散热一般都采用的散热管散热、键盘对流散热、温控风扇三级散热方式。个人认为技术比较先进的还是IBM和东芝,虽然东芝的本本不被很多人看好。  1、为什么风扇在开机的时候转一下就再也不转了?  由于笔记本电脑的温控设计,所以开机风扇自检后就会停止旋转,只有当机内达到一定温度时才会加速旋转,这也是为什么当你进行高负荷工作,诸如播放高解码率视频,3D游戏等时风扇高速旋转的原因。  2. 使用笔记本应注意周围环境吗?  使用笔记本的时候,要注意周围环境的整洁,通常笔记本最理想的工作温度是在10℃~35℃,且湿度不要太大。尤其在炎热的夏季,要保持周围环境的通风良好, 尽量在空调间里使用笔记本。电脑外壳上的凹槽和开口是用来通风的。为了确保电脑能可靠的工作并防止过热,请勿阻塞或遮盖这些开口。请勿将电脑摆放在腿上、床上或者沙发上,这些都是不可取的,柔软的东西都将笔记本底部的散热孔堵住,使得笔记本的热量无法顺利导出从而出现故障。可以在机器的底部从后端垫些书本之类的东西(偶用的是红茶的瓶子盖),让笔记本的底面与桌面保持一些空间,笔记本的底部就不会紧贴在桌面上。这样会有更多的热量从底部散发出去,或者你也可以加一个散热的底座来加大笔记本底部风流速度。市场上还出现了一些散热的外置装备,类似于U盘之类的或者内置的散热模块,不过偶还没有用过。  3. 关闭笔记本:  当你完成了工作,关闭笔记本,尽量让你的笔记本好好休息。  不要让你的笔记本开着的时候放在包包里  。经常清洁通风口,笔记本内置的风扇都有一个通风口。过了一段时间,通风口就会积聚着灰尘,这些灰尘会堵塞通风口。  同时必要的时候你可以用诊断工具测试笔记本的风扇是否工作正常。如果有专门的工具,你也可以打开风扇的地方,清除灰尘。  4. 升级笔记本的BIOS:  有时候,发热意味着计算机风扇的控制器需要BIOS升级。新版本的BIOS可以使得笔记本风扇工作得更有效率。如果你觉得你的笔记本变得越来越热,你不妨到网站上查看是否有新的BIOS提供。  笔记本的散热至今还没有很完美的,随着功能的强大,产热量会越大,这样的也给散热系统带来了压力,一般的笔记本问题用专业软件检测,像现在的这个天气(室温在30度左右)CPU和硬盘的温度大约在60度以上也属于正常。  三.屏幕问题  1.亮点和坏点  所谓坏点,是指LCD液晶显示器屏幕上无法控制的恒亮或恒暗的点。坏点的造成是LCD面板生产时因各种因素造成的瑕疵,如可能是某些细小微粒落在面板里面,也可能是静电伤害破坏面板,还有可能是制程控制不良等等。  坏点分为两种:亮点与暗点。亮点就是在任何画面下恒亮的点,切换到黑色画面就可以发现;暗点就是在任何画面下恒暗的点,切换到白色画面就可以发现。一般刚买回来的笔记本或者在买的时候,用软件检测下屏幕的亮点或者坏点,一般根据品牌不同,对这个的标准不同德,一般不能多于三个。检测软件用MonitorTest就可以了。同时,平时要减少屏幕在日光下暴晒的可能,白天使用,尽量拉上窗帘,以防屏幕受日照后,温度过高会加快老化  2.如何擦屏幕  如果仅仅是灰尘,那么可以先用气吹将灰尘尽量吹去,然后再用湿润的软布擦拭,软布要拧干,否则水可能会顺着屏幕表面流入高压包中造成屏幕损坏。如果是油污或者较难去除的污渍可以购买液晶屏幕专用清洁剂清除,切记不要使用没有质量保障的清洁剂,否则其中的醇类等腐蚀性化学成分会对屏幕造成损伤。中关村一般卖笔记本带的是亮洁的清洁套装,用这个就可以。切忌:勿用手或者硬东西擦拭屏幕。  3是否要贴膜?  本人不建议贴膜,虽说屏幕膜会对它起一个保护作用,但是这个位置一般是伤不到的,贴膜本身的成分会对屏幕有一定得伤害,还会影响散热。  4.有时候使用电池的时候屏幕会发出吱吱的声音  一般最新的笔记本没有这个问题了,老些的电脑或者质量部好的会有这个问题,就这个问题需要从两方面来解释:其一,在电池供电的时候,由于笔记本电脑节能特性的作用,整个笔记本电路的电压是在不断的变化的,这时通过屏幕高压包中的通电线圈的电流是处在不断的变化中的,而这个时候高压线圈发出的变频声也是中学物理知识所涉及的。如果笔记本电脑的电磁屏蔽较差,这种声音就会被用户听到,因此我们说这种现象在一些技术功底较弱的品牌的笔记本电脑中较为常见,实际很多朋友反应电源适配器会发生声音也是这个原因造成的。其二,这种声音也可能是高频噪音,这种声音和其一所述的声音最大的不同是高频噪音是一种会令人抓狂的声音,相信听过这种声音的朋友都会有所体会。一般这种声音属于主板设计缺陷,如果情况比较普遍,厂商都会发布解决此问题的BIOS更新文件,比如近期的IBM T40、HP NC6000都不同程度存在这个问题,厂商也已经发布了新的BIOS以供解决。2012-7-22 1:31:57e庸8366535433bgmzdyjhzr7852406780g

set up stay up make up turn up 分别是什么意思,什么词性



1. 怎么以 写一篇作文 National Day It is known to everyone:Oct,1st is our National Day.At this day I went to street and saw something.Now I will tell you! At 8:00 I got up and went bus station with my mother .O my god there were so many people!With difficult we got up the bus and felt very crowed.The traffic was so bad too!I cost nearly 1 hour that we arrived the center of street.What were worse there were even more people!In my opinion it was not very interesting to e out at this day!Nest time I prefer to stay at home and study!。 2. national day的作文 In this unusual year, the number of tragic, how many have touched, how many dreams, how much glory there is, bearing in mind the hearts of the people in China, written into the history of the Republic. The success of the Beijing Olympic Games, the Chinese people realize the dream of a century. Chinese athletes to outstanding athletic ability and indomitable fighting spirit of the first gold medal total to create the best score in history. Win back the Shenzhou VII, the three astronauts returned to space out all *** iles. Shenzhou VII manned space mission a plete success, the implementation of China"s space technology development milestone major leap forward, the people of China are climbing the peak of world science and technology of another great feat, but also dedicated to the great homeland of the precious 60-year-old birthday present 3. national day的作文就4行 National Day It is known to everyone:Oct,1st is our National Day.At this day I went to street and saw something.Now I will tell you! At 8:00 I got up and went bus station with my mother .O my god there were so many people!With difficult we got up the bus and felt very crowed.The traffic was so bad too!I cost nearly 1 hour that we arrived the center of street.What were worse there were even more people!In my opinion it was not very interesting to e out at this day!Nest time I prefer to stay at home and study! National Day It is known to everyone:Oct,1st is our National Day.At this day I went to street and saw something.Now I will tell you! At 8:00 I got up and went bus station with my mother .O my god there were so many people!With difficult we got up the bus and felt very crowed.The traffic was so bad too!I cost nearly 1 hour that we arrived the center of street.What were worse there were even more people!In my opinion it was not very interesting to e out at this day!Nest time I prefer to stay at home and study! The National Day It is the National Day. The week-long holiday just begins. No one needs to work now. Look, Carl"s father is reading a newspaper, his mother is washing clothes, and Carl himself is listening to the radio. It is broadcasting the weather forecast. He wants to make sure what the weather is like in the afternoon, ff it is a sunny day, he is going to play football with his friends. National Day It is known to everyone:Oct,1st is our National Day.At this day I went to street and saw something.Now I will tell you! At 8:00 I got up and went bus station with my mother .O my god there were so many people!With difficult we got up the bus and felt very crowed.The traffic was so bad too!I cost nearly 1 hour that we arrived the center of street.What were worse there were even more people!In my opinion it was not very interesting to e out at this day!Nest ti抚弧掂旧郾搅淀些丢氓me I prefer to stay at home and study!。 4. National Day National Day is a very important day in China because our great motherland was born on this day. We all have seven days holiday in this festival. Everyone is happy and busy. We celebrate this occasion in different ways. Now the National Day is approaching. All of our Chinese are making plans for it. Do you want to know how I will spend this day? OK! I"ll tell you now!On this day I went to many interesting places. First I went to the zoo to see different animals with my friends. And I went to the park to have a picnic. We danced, singed song, practiseed English, told stories, flied kites, plaed games and ate delicious food. we had a good time. After that I went home. In the afternoon, I held a party, and I invited my good friends to my home. We ate many different kinds of food. Then my friends went back to their homes. After they leave, I went to the Century Square with my father, mother and brother. We took many photos there. At last, we" went to a restaurant to have a big family dinner. On that day, I was very happy!。 5. 求一篇英语作文《national"day》 Today is Sunday,Sept.30th.The last day of this month.Time passed quickly,I have nearly had my school life for almost a month now.So many homework have to be done,so many things have to do.The pressure offered by the people surrounding me is more and more.I can understand what they want me to do.I just want to do it as they said.Fighting first. During these days,I have thought a lot.From that day during the puter class.I have thought a lot.About the friendship in the new class,the relationship beeen us,the problems we had.and the way to solve.Everyday,we had eight classes.You might think I just want plain about the life in the campus.Nervous but interesting.this is my true idea.. As the national day"s vacation is ing tomorrow,I"m happy and relaxed.My mum will go to Hong Kong tomorrow evening,Maybe I can lead my live as what I get used to in the summer vacation.Staying up late outside,and playing all day long.But the exam is waiting for me too.The homework is much than before.Accumelating the knowledge from this time make me know something I don"t know before.Learning is such a funny thing.When you realize that you can enjoy in the things you learnt and use them in the daily life.I thhought you would be proud of yourself.. The exam is ing,nervous but happy.The sadness I have ever had would bother me anymore. I wanna do the new one. Believe me~ I can get it! 6. 以标题My National Day holiday写一篇作文 急 National Day is ing,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.It"s a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week. We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.We"re visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.I think we"ll have a good time there.。 7. my national day国庆作文 I had a long holiday for National Day .I was very happy, because I could do anything I want. During those days. I enjoyed myself. At first, I went to the zoo to see lovely animals. And then. I went to the sea world to see beautiful fishes. That was very interesting. Secondly I went for a trip with my parents, we went to Linxia to visit my grandparents and to eat minority"s foods. We rode horse on the grassland and had a fun with local children. It was very exciting. After that, I held a party and invited some of my best friends to visit my house. My mother bought a lot of tasty foods for us, we also took many photos on the party. We played very happy. I also watched lots of carton films at home, they were wonderful. I like the holiday. I like my National Day. 8. my national day的英语作文600字 谢谢 The National Day Festival is ing. We"ll have seven-day holiday soon. I am going to visit my grandparents with my parents on National Day. Of course, my grandmother will cook us delicious food. In the afternoon, we"ll go for a walk in the park which is near my grandparents" home.In the evening I will do my homework and then surf the inter. For the next three days, I am going to do my homework carefully so that I can finish my homework on time. Then I will review what I have learnt and prepare for the new lessons. Of course I am going to do exercise every day, such as, walking, jogging, running, playing table tennis and so on. Then my parents and I will visit Beijing and stay there for o days. We are going to visit the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum, the Water Cube, the Great Wall and so on. I am sure I will have a busy and meaningful National Holiday 多多采纳哦 9. “The National Day”写一篇英语作文,主要介绍你打算在即将来的 I am going to Beijing by plane. Firstly, I will ride a bike to the bus station. secondly, I will go to the airport by bus. After i get to Beijng I will go to the hotel by underground. I am going to visit the Great Wall .I will try my best to get to the top. I hope I wil enjoy myself during the holiday.。


以下是牛津高阶的用法提示:NOTE ON USAGE 用法: 1 PREDICTIONS 预言 (shall, will1) (a) Shall is used with I or we to predict a future event *shall与I或we连用, 预示将要发生的事情: I shall be in touch with you again shortly. 我很快再和你联系. Will (when speaking usu contracted to "ll) is used with you, he, she, it, they as well as I and we, often in more informal contexts than shall *will(口语中通常缩略成"ll)与I和we连用, 也与you﹑ he﹑ she﹑ it﹑ they连用, 与shall相比, 多用於口语或较随便的场合: She"ll never finish in time. 她决不能按时完成. * It"ll be our first holiday for years. 这(将)是我们多年来的第一次假期. (b) In indirect speech, should and would (when speaking usu contracted to "d) are used 在间接引语中用should和would(口语中通常缩略成"d): I estimated that I should finish in ten days. 我估计我十天能完成. * Bill said he"d soon be back. 比尔说他很快就回来. 2 VOLITION 决定 (shall, will1) (a) Both shall and will can express determination. *shall和will均可用以表示决心. Shall is more formal, especially when used with pronouns other than I or we *shall词义较文, 与除I或we的其他代词连用时, 尤其来得庄重:He shall be given a fair trial. 他一定可以得到公平审判的. * You"ll have your radio back on Tuesday. 星期二你就能取回收音机了. * We `will get the thing right!我们决心要把这件事弄对! (b) Should and would are used in clauses after be certain, be determined, insist, etc *should和would用於从句中的be certain﹑ be determined﹑ insist等词语之後: He insisted that we should make a fresh start. 他硬要我们重新开始. 3 SUGGESTIONS 建议 (shall, can2, could1) (a) Shall I and shall we are used to make suggestions *shall I和shall we可用以提出建议: Shall I drive? 我来开车好吗? * Shall we take our swim-suits? 我们带着游泳衣好不好? Can (often with of course and/or always) is also used for this purpose *can(常与of course和[或]always连用)也可用以提出建议: We can always come back tomorrow if you prefer. 只要你愿意的话, 我们反正明天还可以回来. Could is used to make more tentative suggestions *could可用以提出较试探性的建议: You could try pushing the car. 你不妨推推这辆汽车试试看. * Couldn"t we ask a policeman? 我们问问警察行吗? (b) Any of these verbs can be used to ask for suggestions 这些动词均可用以徵询意见: Where shall we go now? 我们现在上哪儿去? * Can we perhaps try another route? 我们是不是可以另试试别的路线? * How could we make them listen? 我们怎样才能让他们听呢?

Have It Your Way 歌词

歌曲名:Have It Your Way歌手:Leigh Jones专辑:Music In My SoulMudvayne - Have It Your WayWhat were you thinking,What was going on inside your headTell me were you drinkingor just plain insaneHow were you feelin"with another couple thousand deadOr were you lyin"?Just playin" gamesPlacing your bets,Russian rouletteWell on your wayto ending our daysYou leave us all behindBroken with precisionBlind leading the blindHave it your wayYou"ve left us all behindRiddled with deceptionPepper us with lyeHave it your wayWas it for your fatherDid you get a little pat on the headThat"s the way to go boyClean up his messPlacing your bets,Russian rouletteYou"re on your wayto ending our daysYou leave us all behindBroken with precisionBlind leading the blindHave it your wayYou"ve left us all behindRiddled with deceptionPepper us with lyeHave it your wayWelcome to the new wayThe new world order part twoBut I"ll be damned if theyWould ever die for youThe world is crashing downAll around us, all around youThe world is falling downHave it your way,we have nothing to sayYou leave us all behindBroken with precisionBlind leading the blindHave it your wayYou"ve left us all behindRiddled with deceptionPepper us with lyeHave it your wayBombs bullets and bloodThe things that we don"t seeThe things that we can"t touchNightmares are realityThe things that we don"t see on the TVPledge your allegianceTo the bombs bullets and bloodPledge your allegianceTo the bombs bullets and bloodhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1430976

China Daily,china today和beijing review哪个语言更地道

《北京周报》 Beijing review其他两家报纸在国际上都是能属上名字的 CHINA DAILY 最好

the next day什么时态

Depends on the context... What really is the next day relative to when...

the next day与什么时态连用


()the next day a.in b.on c.at

B. 此句为计划中的将来进行时,由于不会改变,故可用现在进行时代替.某天前用on.

the next sunday next sunday following sunday the following sunday 他们的区别和用法

next Sunday指的是以现在的时间为准的下周日。the next Sunday,是以过去的某时间为准的下周日(不是即将到来的周日,而是已经过去的)。比如,你在给别人讲一个经历,说,去年三月3号,我做了什么什么事,然后第二个星期的星期天又怎么怎么样了,这种情况用the next Sunday。following Sunday一般不这么用啊。只要有了个定语following修饰了,前面往往得加个定冠词。the following Sunday就是接下来的周日,可能是现在的时间,也可能是过去的时间,也可能是将来的时间。

the next friday用什么时态


the next day和next day的区别和用法是什么

我跟外教讨论过这个问题,他们的反馈是根本就没想过这个问题. next week next month next year 都不能用在过去式背景里, 要加the. 但是,加了the了也不只是用在过去式里, 比如, I am going to America next Monday. And I am going to kill Bill the next day. 除了这个,不会用next day的原因是,有tomorrow. I will kill you next day. vs. I will kill you tomorrow. (⊙o⊙)…

英语中什么时候用next day什么时候用the next day?

the next day 是过去时态中用于指出过几天he said he would like to finish the job the next dayl.next day 是用于将来时态。I will finish the job next day.

,the next day 是过去式还是将来时


next Friday 和 the next Friday 有啥区别

加了the就是特指了嘛 是具体的日期 没有加the 的一般用于叙述性的语言。就好比说 25号 和 就这个25号 的区别咯

the next 7 days是指接下来的7天还是包括今天在内的7天

the first seven days of forty five days beginning 7 days 非常别扭

next引导的时间状语前加冠词吗?那为什么有the next day?

the nexe day 第二天,多用于过去时. 例: He went to school the next day. next week /month 不带the,多用于将来时. He will go to Beijing next week.

the next day什么意思

the next day第二天;下一天;次日例句1.He would not play football if it rained the next day.次日要是下雨,他就不踢足球了。2.He said the work would have been finished by the next day.他说工作在次日就会被做完。3.He said he would go to the park the next day.他说他第二天会去公园。4.And tomorrow, there will be nothing but another firm determination for the next day.而明天,只不过是为第二天做的另一个坚定的决心。5.The news appeared the next day on the front page.那则消息次日刊登在头版上了。

the next day和next day有什么区别吗?

the next day和next day的区别是:意思不同,用法不同。一、意思不同next day的意思是:明天。the next day的意思是:第二天。二、用法不同next day表示“明天”,相当于tomorrow,句子中动词的时态应是一般将来时。the next day表示“第二天”,表示紧接在后的那一天,句子中动词的时态通常是一般过去时。示例:We arrived early the next day.我们第二天很早就到达了。day的词语用法:day还可作“时期;时代;寿命”解,常用复数形式,若用单数常须与my,their等物主代词连用。day还有“全盛时期,黄金时代”的意思,是单数名词,不用于复数形式。day间或表示“胜利,竞争,战斗”,是不可数名词,前面接定冠词。Day常用在表示法定的或宗教节日的短语中,其前不加冠词。day可用作量词,a day可表示“每天”。

next day和the next day的区别是什么?

这二者的区别很细微,只能在文章中体会,the next day常用于过去时或过去将来时的句子中,是相对于上文中那一天的第二天,特指并有强调the day和the next day的意味。1、next day通常用在将来时,在这个故事的叙述中,next day就相当于tomorrow,虽然因为讲故事用过去时,但是和前面说的过去时、过去将来时的情况下用the next day还是有区别。2、She returned to the shop the following morning dressed in a fur coat,你看这一句,如果换一种表述,把the following morning 换成第二天,就必须用the next day,She returned to the shop (on) the next day。

the next day和next day的区别是什么?

"That"s because" 和 "that"s why" 是两个常用的连接词,在英语中都有 "that" 开头的意思,但用法略有不同。"That"s because" 通常用来解释或说明某个原因或理由,意思是 "这是因为...";"that" 代表前面的名词或句子,表示对前面内容的解释或说明。例如:- She is late because she had to catch a bus.(她迟到了,因为她要搭公交车。) - The sun sets in the west because it moves in an eastward direction.(太阳落山在西方,因为地球自转的方向是自西向东。)"That"s why" 通常用来总结或强调前面的某个原因或理由,意思是 "这就是为什么...";"that" 代表前面的名词或句子,表示对前面内容的解释或总结。例如:- I missed the bus because I was late.(我错过了公交车,因为我迟到了。) - That"s why I don"t like to go to parties.(这就是为什么我不喜欢参加派对。)总的来说,"that"s because" 主要用于解释或说明某个原因或理由,而 "that"s why" 主要用于总结或强调前面的某个原因或理由。

初二英语。最下面的这一段话,为什么next day前面加the


the next day和next day有什么不同?

它们的区别我懂,虽然 "the next day" 和 "next day" 在很多情况下可以互换使用,但这两个短语在一些语境中还是存在一定差别。给大家制作了一个表格,总结了他们的含义,发音,用法等,来看下他们的区别,这样更加容易对比了解1. 语法:"the next day" 是固定搭配,通常表示从某一天或某个事件之后的第二天。它在句子中通常作为时间状语使用,例如:例子:I met her on Monday, and the next day we went for a walk.中文翻译:我周一遇见了她,第二天我们一起去散步了。"next day" 在某些情况下可以与 "the next day" 互换使用,但它在句子中的语法位置可能有所不同。例如,在一些文学作品或口语中,"next day" 可以作为句子的开头,用来表示故事的时间推移。例子:Next day, he found out the truth.中文翻译:第二天,他发现了真相。2. 正式程度:"the next day" 在语言表达中相对较为正式,更常见于书面语和正式场合。"next day" 在语言表达中相对较为非正式,更常见于口语和非正式场合。3. 语义清晰度:"the next day" 通常更清晰地表示某一天或某个事件之后的第二天。由于它包含定冠词 "the",这个短语在指代某个具体的时间点时更为明确。"next day" 可能在某些情况下会带来一定程度的歧义,尤其是在描述连续的日子或事件时。由于缺少定冠词,这个短语可能会让读者或听者产生一定的歧义,尤其是在没有清晰的上下文提示时。4. 结构灵活性:"the next day" 的结构相对较为固定,通常用作时间状语,表示从某一天或某个事件之后的第二天。相比之下,"next day" 的结构在某些情况下可能会更灵活。例如,它可以与其他时间状语连用,以更明确地表示时间顺序。例如:例子:He left next day in the afternoon.中文翻译:他第二天下午离开了。总之,虽然 "the next day" 和 "next day" 在很多情况下可以互换使用,但它们在语法、正式程度、语义清晰度和结构灵活性等方面存在一些细微差别。在实际使用中,可以根据具体语境和需要来选择使用哪个短语。

the next day与another day有何区别?

the next day和next day的区别是:意思不同,用法不同。一、意思不同next day的意思是:明天。the next day的意思是:第二天。二、用法不同next day表示“明天”,相当于tomorrow,句子中动词的时态应是一般将来时。the next day表示“第二天”,表示紧接在后的那一天,句子中动词的时态通常是一般过去时。示例:We arrived early the next day.我们第二天很早就到达了。day的词语用法:day还可作“时期;时代;寿命”解,常用复数形式,若用单数常须与my,their等物主代词连用。day还有“全盛时期,黄金时代”的意思,是单数名词,不用于复数形式。day间或表示“胜利,竞争,战斗”,是不可数名词,前面接定冠词。Day常用在表示法定的或宗教节日的短语中,其前不加冠词。day可用作量词,a day可表示“每天”。

the next day和next day的区别


为什么英语中The next day 要用the,而在next month不用THE?


We have no (class/classes) on Sundays.


next day和the next day有什么区别呢?

它们的区别我懂,虽然 "the next day" 和 "next day" 在很多情况下可以互换使用,但这两个短语在一些语境中还是存在一定差别。给大家制作了一个表格,总结了他们的含义,发音,用法等,来看下他们的区别,这样更加容易对比了解1. 语法:"the next day" 是固定搭配,通常表示从某一天或某个事件之后的第二天。它在句子中通常作为时间状语使用,例如:例子:I met her on Monday, and the next day we went for a walk.中文翻译:我周一遇见了她,第二天我们一起去散步了。"next day" 在某些情况下可以与 "the next day" 互换使用,但它在句子中的语法位置可能有所不同。例如,在一些文学作品或口语中,"next day" 可以作为句子的开头,用来表示故事的时间推移。例子:Next day, he found out the truth.中文翻译:第二天,他发现了真相。2. 正式程度:"the next day" 在语言表达中相对较为正式,更常见于书面语和正式场合。"next day" 在语言表达中相对较为非正式,更常见于口语和非正式场合。3. 语义清晰度:"the next day" 通常更清晰地表示某一天或某个事件之后的第二天。由于它包含定冠词 "the",这个短语在指代某个具体的时间点时更为明确。"next day" 可能在某些情况下会带来一定程度的歧义,尤其是在描述连续的日子或事件时。由于缺少定冠词,这个短语可能会让读者或听者产生一定的歧义,尤其是在没有清晰的上下文提示时。4. 结构灵活性:"the next day" 的结构相对较为固定,通常用作时间状语,表示从某一天或某个事件之后的第二天。相比之下,"next day" 的结构在某些情况下可能会更灵活。例如,它可以与其他时间状语连用,以更明确地表示时间顺序。例如:例子:He left next day in the afternoon.中文翻译:他第二天下午离开了。总之,虽然 "the next day" 和 "next day" 在很多情况下可以互换使用,但它们在语法、正式程度、语义清晰度和结构灵活性等方面存在一些细微差别。在实际使用中,可以根据具体语境和需要来选择使用哪个短语。

the next day和next day有什么区别?

the next day和next day的区别是:意思不同,用法不同。一、意思不同next day的意思是:明天。the next day的意思是:第二天。二、用法不同next day表示“明天”,相当于tomorrow,句子中动词的时态应是一般将来时。the next day表示“第二天”,表示紧接在后的那一天,句子中动词的时态通常是一般过去时。示例:We arrived early the next day.我们第二天很早就到达了。day的词语用法:day还可作“时期;时代;寿命”解,常用复数形式,若用单数常须与my,their等物主代词连用。day还有“全盛时期,黄金时代”的意思,是单数名词,不用于复数形式。day间或表示“胜利,竞争,战斗”,是不可数名词,前面接定冠词。Day常用在表示法定的或宗教节日的短语中,其前不加冠词。day可用作量词,a day可表示“每天”。

next day和the next day的区别

next day 明天the next day 第二天

化妆英语,gray coverage是什么


Always On The Run 歌词

歌曲名:Always On The Run歌手:Tomi专辑:With YouTomi - Always On The RunI can"t wait any longer to tell u how I really feelI know the truth hurts but I gotta keep it realI"ve been watching and know where u spend your nightsGirl u walk in the dark can"t see the lightWhere u look away I see u in my dreamsI know that life is never what it seemsGirl there is some things that money can"t buyI know u out there living a lieI"m trying to see uI"m trying to call uI"m trying to love uBut u are alwaysAways on the runGirl you chasing a high and you think you"re flyYou pretend that u happy but u always cryI wanna hold your hand and make u understandJust get away from the evil please girl let me be your manI"m trying to see uI"m trying to call uI"m trying to love uBut u are alwaysAways on the runI"m trying to see uI"m trying to call uI"m trying to love uBut u are alwaysAways on the runGirl you"re always hanging out with the wrong crowdThat don"t make u cool just because you"re loudI don"t want to take advantage of your body babyI wanna love u for u treat you like a ladyWhere u look away I see u in my dreamsI know that life is never what it seemsGirl there is some things that money can"t buyI know u out there living a lieI"m trying to see uI"m trying to call uI"m trying to love uBut u are alwaysAways on the runPlease stop come backDon"t run awayI wanna talk to you ×4I"m trying to see uI"m trying to call uI"m trying to love uBut u are alwaysAways on the runhttp://music.baidu.com/song/386704

Mariah Carey的《Melt Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Melt Away歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Daydream / ButterflyYou come to me with a casual flowAnd suddenly, my defences start to goWhen you talk to me in that sensual toneIt envelops me and I lose my self controlAnd baby, I just melt awayFall like rainEverytime I see your face, I go offI just want to break it downAnytime you come aroundMaybe I could melt away in your armsImagining that your taking it slowAnd so tenderly(So tenderly)Till the feeling overflowsWhen you look at me I go soft and cave inAnd I can"t conceal that I"m slowly weakeningAnd baby, I just melt awayFall like rainEverytime I see your face, I go offI just want to break it downAnytime you come aroundMaybe I could melt away in your armsYou and me in a cloud of reverieSpin around inside my head unendingly(Over and over and over and over)Thoughts run wild as I sit and rhapsodizePretty pictures of what I"d do if you were mineAnd baby, I just melt awayFall like rainEverytime I see your face, I go offI just want to break it downAnytime you come aroundMaybe I could melt away in your armsAnd baby, I just melt awayFall like rainEverytime I see your face, I go offI just want to break it downAnytime you come aroundMaybe I could melt away in your armshttp://music.baidu.com/song/10421064

Mary Chapin Carpenter的《swept away》 歌词

歌曲名:swept away歌手:Mary Chapin Carpenter专辑:time* sex* love*I am waiting with a ticket with a carry-onPeople everywhere on their way, at a runThen I see you from a distanceLight years later at fate"s insistenceOld wounds, sad scenes, love lost, bad dreamsHeartache, old scars, old walls, these areSwept away, swept away, swept awayYou are standing by the pay phones, by the stairsI walk straight into your arms and you hold me thereI am falling slowly backwardsRight into your famous last wordsOld wounds, sad scenes, love lost, bad dreamsHeartache, old scars, old walls, these areSwept away, swept away, swept awayAll this ancient history, every unsolved mysteryYears I"ve carried with me, vanish when you kiss meOld wounds, sad scenes, love lost, bad dreamsHeartache, old scars, old walls, these areSwept away, swept away, swept awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14291616

say ok的中英文歌词(就是翻译啦~~)

你很漂亮you are fine你很甜you are sweet但我心中仍很天真but i"m still a bit naive with my heart当你靠近我不能呼吸when you"re close i don"t breathe我不知道怎样回答i can"t find the words to speak我感到了我们之间的火花i feel sparks但我不会和你相爱but i don"t wanna be into you如果你不是寻找真正的爱情,噢哦if you are not looking for true love, oh oh不,我宁愿一开始没有看到你no i don"t wanna start seeing you如果我不能成为你的唯一if i can"t be your only one所以告诉我我是错的so tell me when it"s not alright当它没有确定when it"s not ok你想让我感觉更好?will you try to make me feel better?你说好吗?(说好吧)will you say alright?(say alright)你说好吗?(说好啊)will you say ok?(say ok)你能与我经历一切?will you stick with me through whatever?或者远远逃开or run away(说这没什么大不了的!)(say that it"s gonna be alright)(一切都会变好)(that it"s gonna be ok)说好say ok当你打给我 我不知道when you call i don"t know如果每次我拿起电话if i should pick up the phone every time我不像我所有的朋友i"m not like all my friends他们能一直和男朋友一直煲电话粥,我很害羞who keep calling up the boys, i"m so shy如果你不能好好的待我if you don"t treat me the right way那么我只能是看过你see i can only start seeing you如果你可以让我的心感到安全(安全感)if you can make my heart feel safe (feel safe)当它不安时when it"s not alright(不要离开我!不要离开我)don"t run away, don"t run away)让我知道,如果你是命中注定的let me know if it"s gonna be youBoy,你需要证明一些东西boy, you"ve got some things to prove让我知道你会使我安全let me know that you"ll keep me safe我不想你离开我,所以i don"t want you to run away so让我知道你会按时的打电话let me know that you"ll call on time让我知道你对我不会害羞let me know that you won"t be shy你会替我擦干泪will you wipe my tears away你紧紧的抱住我will you hold me closer你会尽所有使我好一点will you try to make me feel better(不要离开我)(don"t run away)你会说好吗?will you say ok------------------------------------------------DSH

far away from home歌词

Far away from home I"m loving living every single dayBut sometimes I feel so...I hope to find a little peace of mindAnd I just want to know.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,And what are we to be.Where is home on the milky way of stars?I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I"m not so far away from home,What am I in a world so far away from home?All my life all the time so far away from homeWithout you I"ll be so far away from home.If we could make it through the darkestNigth we"d have a brighter dayThe world I see beyond your pretty eyes,makes me want to stay.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,And what are we to be.Where is home on the milky way of stars?I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I"m not so far away from home,What am I in a world so far away from home?All my life all the time so far away from homeWithout you I"ll be so far away from home.I count on you, no matter what they say,Cause love can find it"s time.I hope to be a part of you again,baby let us shine.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,And what are we to be.Where is home on the milkyway of stars?I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I"m not so far away from home,What am I in a world so far away from home?All my life all the time so far away from homeWithout you I"ll be so far away from home.

这首英文歌叫啥。。我记得有句是i run fall away。。女声!

hello,这首歌是Nico的Love Mail,歌词如下 You know you"re my muse My songs are written all for you I"m feeling so confused I cannot find the way to you I need you the most at night Flashes come back to me I hold the pillow in my arms Thinking it is you, needing me. Honey, e-mail me your love,Now we don"t use no words though I do need to hear your voice eHu Baby, mail your kisses to me Send your touches into this love mail. You"re playing with meNot answering my calls o no.... And got no reply Of my messages to you, no more I feel i could go crazy Thinking of you ,all day But something tells me you"re still mine I remain to fight,for your heart. Honey, e-mail me your love, Now we don"t use no words though I do need to hear your voice Baby, mail your kisses to me Send your touches into this love mail. You punnish me ,now,babe,for leaving you The moment you needed my warm love,the most : I got scared in your arms, I thought i could loose you one day I run far away,so far ,from you,my love. Honey, e-mail me your love, Now we don"t use no words though I do need to hear your voice Baby, mail your kisses to me Send your touches into this love mal..



Walk Away Dia Frampton的中文歌词

走away-dia·由deathsmore2011-12-12回顾年轻的日子里,时间已经过去了,和什么都没有。嘿,嘿,嘿!她是如此漂亮的一个女孩,发光的眼睛和金黄色的卷发。嘿,嘿,嘿!星星在一个夏日的夜晚,她希望他们会掉下来穿过大气层,留作纪念。她在等待她的超人,她从来没有土地,因为她可以带路。嘿,嘿,嘿!在她失踪她的心灵的追逐,追逐?一个名字的子弹,一个定时的手榴弹,你最好逃跑,逃跑,逃跑无论哪种方式,你完蛋了,你什么也不能做,你最好逃跑,逃跑,逃跑。她告诉的故事,通过电话那个让你哭泣,寒气刺骨。嘿,嘿,嘿!它的锁和钥匙,电气化,隐藏和寻求从肮脏的眼睛。嘿,嘿,嘿!在雨中开车去很远的地方,但他们有刺青铭刻在他们的手臂,她的名字在心她不明白,爱是你给的,没有放弃。嘿,嘿,嘿!在她失踪她的心灵的追逐,追逐?一个名字的子弹,一个定时的手榴弹,你最好逃跑,逃跑,逃跑无论哪种方式,你完蛋了,你什么也不能做,不管你说什么,你说什么,你说什么。你最好不要睡觉,因为她在等待,等待。她知道所有的关于你;你在她的目标。一个名字的子弹,一个定时的手榴弹,你最好逃跑,逃跑,逃跑无论哪种方式,你完蛋了,你什么也不能做,你最好逃跑,逃跑,逃跑一个名字的子弹,一个定时的手榴弹,你最好逃跑,逃跑,逃跑无论哪种方式,你完蛋了,你什么也不能做,不管你说什么,你说什么,你说什么。好吧 我承认 是复制的。。

求歌《runaway love》的翻译。


求《runaway love》的翻译。Justin bieber的。

You see my baby over hit the road, 当你看到我摔倒在路上的时候 Where she"s going i swear nobody knows 我发誓没有人知道她去了哪儿 I need to find her before another man does 我必须在别的男人之前找到她 I wouldn"t want him to steal my love 我不想让任何人偷走我的爱 I"m just tryin to be cool, cool, cool (tryn"a be cool) 我想试着变得更酷~更帅气~ What would you exepct me to do 我希望我怎么做呢? Im just tryin to find, find, find That sweet love of mine 我试着去寻找我心里最甜蜜的爱情~ I"m runnin outta time 我已经没时间了 …… Where is my runaway love 我的爱逃到哪里了? Searching low and high 我上下寻找 Know that I"m not givin" up. 我不会放弃 I give it all up for her我可以为她放弃一切 I"ll never be enough 但这并不够I wont stop until I find My runaway love 我永远都不会停止,直到我找到那份逃走的爱~ See my baby needs some help 看到我的宝贝需要帮助 Cause she can never stay home by herself 因为她不能一个人待在家里 Says she needs some company 她说她需要一些公司 Even if she"s not always with me 即使她不跟我一直在一起 【以下重复】 I"m just tryin to be cool, cool, cool (tryn"a be cool) What would you exepct me to do Im just tryin to find, find, find That sweet love of mine I"m runnin outta time Where is my runway love Searching low and high Know that I"m not givin" up. 【重复完毕】 Why can"t i find, the love of mine, 为什么我找不到属于我的爱When you"re standing in front of my face 当你站在我面前 Oh, yeah, You must be mine Oh, yeah, 你一定是我的~ How did I let you get away 我怎么会让你离开呢~ 【以下重复】 I"m runnin outta time Where is my runway love Searchin" low and high Know that I"m not givin" up. I give it all up for her I"ll never be enough I wont stop until I find My runaway love I"m runnin outta time Where is my runway love Searching low and high Know that I"m not givin" up. I give it all up for her I"ll never be enough I wont stop until I find My runaway love (Oh, oh, oh) (Yeah) (Oh baby) 【重复完毕】

Failing Me (Runaway) 歌词

歌曲名:Failing Me (Runaway)歌手:Soraya专辑:Dreamer ReloadedYeah, like the threat of the darkest cloudsrolling in on a sunny dayYeah, like a field that has no wayYeah, like a dog that wanders aimless with no nameYeah, like a cut without the pain(Yeah) YOU GOT TO FEEL THIS!YOU GOT TO TAKE THE PAIN! (Yeah)YOU GOT TO LET GO!And I"m just trying to get through to youBut I am failingLie like I"m not even hereMy heart is breakingTrying to see through your stareIt looks right through meSmile and pretend I"m not thereTo keep from going crazyYeah, like the day that your guardian angel decided to fly awayYeah, like a bruise that doesn"t fadeYeah, like a memory that tortures your soul until your dying dayYeah, like a life you couldn"t save(Yeah) YOU GOT TO FEEL THIS!YOU GOT TO TAKE THE PAIN! (Yeah)YOU GOT TO LET GO!And I"m just trying to get through to youBut I am failingLie like I"m not even hereMy heart is breakingTrying to see through your stareIt looks right through meSmile and pretend I"m not thereTo keep from going crazyI"ve tried to get through to youI"ve tried toI"ve triedI"ve tried to get through to youI"ve tried toAnd I"m still just trying to get through to youBut I am failingLie like I"m not even hereMy heart is breakingTrying to see through your stareIt looks right through meSmile and pretend I"m not thereTo keep from going crazyI"ve tried to get through to youI"ve tried toI"ve tried to get through to youI"ve tried to get through ...I"ve tried to get through to youI"ve tried tohttp://music.baidu.com/song/13807747

求艾薇儿run away的中英文对照歌词…

亲~run away AvrilGot up on the wrong side of life today yeah〖今天起床后就魂不附体〗Crashed the car and I"m gonna be really late〖出了车祸 迟了大到〗My phone doesn"t work cause it"s out of range〖手机不通 因为没有信号〗Looks like it"s just one of those kind of days〖看来今天算是最糟糕的日子之一了〗You can"t kick me down I"m already on the ground〖你无法再落井下石 我的情绪已经到了最低谷〗No you can"t cause you couldn"t catch me anyhow〖不 你不能 即使你有通天本事都找不到我了〗Blue skies but the sun isn"t coming out no〖蔚蓝的天空却没有一丝阳光〗Today it"s like I"m under a heavy cloud〖今天我的心里乌云密布〗And I feel so alive〖我感觉自由自在〗I can"t help myself〖我情不自禁〗Don"t you realize〖难道你没有发觉?!〗I just wanna scream and lose control〖我要大声叫喊 释放自我〗Throw my hands up and let it go〖高举双手 忘记所有烦恼〗Forget about everything and runaway yeah〖将一切抛诸脑后 然后逃离现实〗I just want to fall and lose myself〖我要放荡堕落 迷失自我〗Laughing so hard it hurts like hell〖苦苦大笑 迎接地狱般的折磨〗Forget about everything and runaway yeah〖将一切抛诸脑后 然后逃离现实〗So So is how I"m doing if you"re wondering〖你的期待无效 我的表现平平〗I"m in a fight with the world but I"m winning〖虽然对抗整个世界 我却一直在赢〗Stay there come closer it"s at your own risk〖留在原处 再靠近我就要自担风险〗Yeah you know how it is life can be a bitch〖是的 正如你所料 生活有时一团糟〗And I feel so alive〖我感觉自由自在〗I can"t help myself〖我不能自已〗Don"t you realize〖难道你没有发觉?!〗I just wanna scream and lose control〖我要大声叫喊 释放自我〗Throw my hands up and let it go〖高举双手 忘记所有烦恼〗Forget about everything and runaway yeah〖将一切抛诸脑后 然后逃离现实〗I just want to fall and lose myself〖我要放荡堕落 迷失自我〗Laughing so hard it hurts like hell〖苦苦大笑 迎接地狱般的折磨〗Forget about everything and runaway yeah〖将一切抛诸脑后 然后逃离现实〗(Runaway Runaway……)(Runaway Runaway……)(Runaway Runaway……)I just wanna scream and lose control〖我要大声叫喊 释放自我〗Throw my hands up and let it go〖高举双手 忘记所有烦恼〗Forget about everything and runaway yeah〖将一切抛诸脑后 然后逃离现实〗I just want to fall and lose myself〖我要放荡堕落 迷失自我〗Laughing so hard it hurts like hell〖苦苦大笑 迎接地狱般的折磨〗Forget about everything and runaway yeah〖将一切抛诸脑后 然后逃离现实〗I just wanna scream and lose control〖我要大声叫喊 释放自我〗Throw my hands up and let it go〖高举双手 忘记所有烦恼〗Forget about everything and runaway yeah〖将一切抛诸脑后 然后逃离现实〗I just want to fall and lose myself〖我要放荡堕落 迷失自我〗Laughing so hard it hurts like hell〖苦苦大笑 迎接地狱般的折磨〗Forget about everything and runaway yeah〖将一切抛诸脑后 然后逃离现实〗

only play怎么读

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