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Sheer Driving Plesure,还有BMW Service什么意思,bmw是宝马的意思,其它的就不知道了

是Sheer Driving Ple sure吧?应该是驾驶模式的切换,好比 street,race...街道模式,运动模式等。。BMW SERVICE是宝马服务中心,维修中心


1. 纯粹驾驶乐趣2. 纯粹的驾驶乐趣例句:1.According to the launch blurb, "Sheer driving pleasure can bederived with zero emissions".2.BMW defines premium as environmental friendliness, highefficiency and innovation as well as advances combining pureaesthetics and sheer driving pleasure.

自驾游在中国越来越受到老百姓的欢迎(self_driving travel)翻译成英语用上括号词

Self-driving travel is getting more acceptable in China

“自驾游”英语怎么说?注意:不要说成self driving trip

在闲暇的时间,咱们的小伙伴们有没有喜欢出去旅 旅游 ,转悠转悠呢? 今天咱们就一起来学习一下,关于“ 旅游 、旅行”的一些英文表达吧。 首先我们一定要知道: “self-driving” 表示的是:“无人驾驶”的意思。 go on a trip -- 去旅行 Our family will go on a trip next month. 下个月我们全家要去 旅行。 road trip -- 表示:开着车进行长途旅行 go on a road trip -- 自驾游 We"re going on a road trip around Canada this summer. 今年夏天,我们会自驾游在加拿大逛逛。 Let"s go on a road trip. 让我们去自驾游吧。 I prefer going on a road trip, it"s very exciting. 我很喜欢自驾游,非常刺激。 family travel -- 和家人一起旅行 friends travel -- 和朋友一起旅行 It"s friends travel this time. 这次是和朋友一起出游。 有需要英语系列课程学习的小伙伴们,可以戳下方专栏来学习了!! group tour -- 跟团游 Group tours are a great way of meeting new friends. 跟团游是认识新朋友的一个很好的方法。 I made many good friends with group tour this time. 这次我跟团游认识很多好朋友。 package tour -- 食宿全包的旅行(尤其是指旅行社报价的那种跟团游) Do you like a package tour? 你喜欢那种食宿全包的跟团游吗? 有需要英语系列课程学习的小伙伴们,可以戳下方专栏来学习了!!

Everything But The Girl的《Driving》 歌词

歌曲名:Driving歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:Original Album SeriesV6 - Drivin"作词:MIZUE作曲:森元康介编曲:COLDFEETさっきまでのハイな気分を引き止めてるモノは何?「まだまだこれから」って瞬间(とき)に常に付きまとう胜手気ままな性格を缚り付けるモノは何?全然平気なワケないじゃんむしろ急がなきゃ逃げ込むよりホントは抜け出したいんだろう?嘘くさい现実から 今すぐ君を乗せ...风を连れ...追い越す忧郁な日常(ひび)のBorderlineもう止められない 流线形のDrive真直ぐに...真直ぐに...本能だけが知っているTurning Point高速でつかめ 突き抜ける自由どことなく苛立つ自分をなだめても出口はないどっちつかずの优しさはたぶん今日限りそれとなくこだわるB.G.M漂う空気を借りて渋滞中のビミョーな関系マジで进みたいキモチイイだけなら何でもアリじゃない?それ以上望むコトがホンキさ君を乗せ...闇を斩り...露(あらわ)な感情を照らすHeadlightもう戻れない 进行形のUs真直ぐに...真直ぐに...行けるトコまで行けばいいんだその先のコタエ ソコにしかない君を乗せ...风を连れ...追い越す忧郁な日常(ひび)のBorderlineもう止められない 流线形のDrive真直ぐに...真直ぐに...本能だけが知っているTurning Point高速でつかめ 突き抜ける自由おわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/12872550

driver‘s license和driving license 区别急!

正确的区别是一个是英式,一个是美式,意思没有区别。另外license写法也有区别driver"s license: 美式driving licence: 英式

must have been driving用来表示什么肯定的推测?

您好,must have been driving 是用来表示(对过去)的肯定推测。结构为:1)must be(doing)= 对现在的肯定推测;2)must have been(doing)= 对过去的肯定推测;

driving licence是什么意思



弹开朝阳无限的天蓝 就像不管何处都能飞到 解救自己软弱的 一定 不是眼泪 而是打破现实的决心 因等待而焦虑 冰冻的未来 眼睛张开之时 We can do anything with a brave heart 高鸣著 voice of the dream 梦想使激情增殖 往鲜艳黎明的彼方 Don"t be afraid of change 不管怎样明日 都能出发找寻的力量 想在胸中感觉 尽上所有力量 driving myself 在持续著暧昧的乾渴每日之下 无法被覆盖的理想翻转著 等待著什麼 即使褪色 即使毁坏 相信的东西 You can get everything if you want 永不消失 my own way 时间撕裂黑暗流出 在掌心吐息star light Don"t be afraid of trying 不管怎样明日 都能选择前进的强悍 在胸中揭竿而起 往目标的场所 going to fly 在那日发芽的泥污憧憬 笔直地解放! 不要移开双眼 不管怎样明日 都能出发找寻的力量 想在胸中感觉 尽上所有力量 driving myself Wake up! To make your brand new start Look up at the sign into the blue Turning all of your pain to joy Let"s tough! 下载:http://www.dmbox.cn/cd_1919.html

英语作文druck driving

Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that drunk driving has become a grave problem in China in the past few years. Reports are often heard about deaths and injuries resulting from drunk driving. Actually, the phenomenon has been so widespread that it has caused nationwide concern.A number of factors might have led to this problem, but the following are the critical ones. First, as a nation known for wine and drinking, Chinese have the custom of urging guests to drink more and regard it as a sign of hospitality. Some even encouragedrivers to drink. Secondly, the boom of Chinese economy in the past decades has brought along a sharp increase in the number of private cars in this country. However, many drivers are not fully aware of the danger of driving after drinking. Last but not least, laws and regulations regarding drunk driving were not severe enough in the past.To our relief, we can see pertinent laws and regulations have been worked out and enforced to punish those who drive after drinking. However, I believe that more can be done to eliminate drunk driving. For one thing, severer laws can be made and putinto effect. For another, the public should be educated about the harmfulness of drunk driving and the importance of traffic safety.

Driving Assistant是个什么东东

Driving Assistant 全部释义和例句>>驾驶助手driving 英[u02c8drau026avu026au014b]美[u02c8drau026avu026au014b]n. 操纵,驾驶;adj. 推进的; 强劲的; 雨、雪等猛烈的; 倾泻而下的;v. ( drive的现在分词) 强迫; 驱使; 驱赶; 消除;全部释义>>[例句]Why are you driving that?你为什么开那车?assistant 英[u0259u02c8su026astu0259nt] 美[u0259u02c8su026astu0259nt] n. 助手,助理; [化学] (染色的) 助剂; 辅助物; 店员,伙计; adj. 助理的; 辅助的; 有帮助的; 副的; 全部释义>>[例句]You need an assistant?你需要一名助理?

Driving Lessons是什么意思

Driving Lessons释义[电影]驾车课程1Driving Lessons A Probe into Method of Examining College Ball-Games高校球类专项课考核办法改革的探索2Application Based on XML Technique in Train Simulation Driving LessonsXML在列车驾驶仿真中的应用

driving home是什么意思


请问一下driving a bus 为什么要加ing?

做非谓语时,+ing,比如He likes driving fast. (动名词短语作宾语,他喜欢开快车)。但做谓语动词,不能,除非是现在进行时。比如Tom is driving a car. (汤姆在开车)

关于driving safeiy 作文

Traffic safety is everyone"s business.Citing records show that every year a lot of people die in traffic accidents.Some of the accidents are due to mechanical problems.However,most of them are the results of careless and reckless driving,and could be avoided.A lot of people disregard traffic signals and rules.They drive regardless of speed limits,run through red lights,drive in the wrong direction,talk and laugh while driving,and turn as they wish without giving signals.They don"t slow down while approaching crossroads.So many people violate traffic regulations that we cannot put too much emphasis on the importance of traffic safety.Only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody"s business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.

driving me mad和drive me mad的区别

driving me mad既可以作形容词部分用,亦可作正在进行时部分使用. 如: 1.My med student"s driving me mad. 我的学生要把我逼疯了. 2.These pheromones are driving me mad! 这些信息激素快让我受不了了. 3.The insistent buzz of the telephone was driving me mad. 电话机那持续的嗡嗡声让我快疯了. 4.Please stop making that banging noise-it"s driving me mad! 请不要砰砰乱敲,烦死我了! 5.I have this tune going round in my head, driving me mad. 这个调子反复在我脑海中出现,真要使我发疯了. drive me mad只能作动词部分使用,不可作为名词的形容部分. 如: 1、The noise will drive me mad. 这噪音会使我发疯的. 2.These blinking kids will drive me mad. 这些该死的小鬼要把我逼疯了. 3.Don"t drive me mad like this.answer me, please! 不要像这样把我逼疯请回答我! 4.Mad, you drive me mad mad你把我逼疯 5."If you continue tapping your pencil, you will drive me mad." “如果你一直敲铅笔,我会疯掉.”

are driving. is driving怎么选择

C know后面跟的是宾语从句,动名词driving做从句的主语(动词原形不能做主语),is是从句的系动词,当某件事做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式

i like driving cars very much

i like driving cars very much我非常喜欢开车。

是driving carefully还是drive carefully

当然是carefully啦,小心地,而不是小心的. 小心地,是副词,修饰动词和形容词 小心的,是形容词,修饰名词. carefully修饰drive,因为drive是动词,很简单的.祝你学习愉快. 再一个,你的driver写错了,应该是drive.而driver是名词,司机的意思.

eco driving什么意思

eco driving生态驱动driving[英][u02c8drau026avu026au014b][美][u02c8drau026avu026au014b]n.操纵,驾驶; adj.推进的; 强劲的; 雨、雪等猛烈的; 倾泻而下的; v.强迫( drive的现在分词); 驱使; 驱赶; 消除; 例句:1.Risk aversion is one of the biggest factors driving allocation. 风险厌恶是推动资产配置的最大因素之一。2.Driving while under the influence of alcohol. 在受酒精影响的状态下开车。3.But better driving skills and driving etiquette would also help. 但更好的驾驶技术和驾驶礼仪也会有所帮助。


self-driving的意思是自动驾驶。自动驾驶汽车(Autonomous vehicles;Self-driving automobile)又称无人驾驶汽车、电脑驾驶汽车、或轮式移动机器人,是一种通过电脑系统实现无人驾驶的智能汽车。在20世纪已有数十年的历史,21世纪初呈现出接近实用化的趋势。自动驾驶汽车依靠人工智能、视觉计算、雷达、监控装置和全球定位系统协同合作,让电脑可以在没有任何人类主动的操作下,自动安全地操作机动车辆。2019年9月,由百度和一汽联手打造的中国首批量产L4级自动驾驶乘用车--红旗EV,获得5张北京市自动驾驶道路测试牌照 。9月22日,国家智能网联汽车测试示范区正式揭牌,百度、海梁科技、深兰科技等企业获得全球首张自动驾驶车辆商用牌照。 2019年9月26日,百度在长沙宣布,自动驾驶出租车队Robotaxi试运营正式开启。2019年10月,新华社记者试乘了一辆自动驾驶汽车,怀着忐忑不安的心情进入了繁忙的以色列特拉维夫街道。整个试乘过程中,记者总体感觉安全、平稳和舒适 。




so driving a lot is not good.句子里面有了系动词is,所以is前面的是主语,主语一般是名词性质的,所以drive作为动词,需要变形成它的ing形式。

driving licence这里的drive为什么要加ing?


形容词+ing 例子 be safe driving ,be careful driving,safe 和careful是什么性质的形容词?


有谁知道网球王子主题曲Driving Myself的歌词

Driving.Myself 弹开朝阳无限的天蓝 就像不管何处都能飞到 解救自己软弱的 一定 不是眼泪 而是打破现实的决心 因等待而焦虑 冰冻的未来 眼睛张开之时 We can do anything with a brave heart 高鸣著 voice of the dream 梦想使激情增殖 往鲜艳黎明的彼方 Don"t be afraid of change 不管怎样明日 都能出发找寻的力量 想在胸中感觉 尽上所有力量 driving myself 在持续著暧昧的乾渴每日之下 无法被覆盖的理想翻转著 等待著什麼 即使褪色 即使毁坏 相信的东西 You can get everything if you want 永不消失 my own way 时间撕裂黑暗流出 在掌心吐息star light Don"t be afraid of trying 不管怎样明日 都能选择前进的强悍 在胸中揭竿而起 往目标的场所 going to fly 在那日发芽的泥污憧憬 笔直地解放! 不要移开双眼 不管怎样明日 都能出发找寻的力量 想在胸中感觉 尽上所有力量 driving myself Wake up! To make your brand new start Look up at the sign into the blue Turning all of your pain to joy Let"s tough!




答:driving后面可以跟介词at/ in / off等。

幸田来未的《Driving》 歌词

歌曲名:Driving歌手:幸田来未专辑:KODA KUMI DRIVING HIT"S幸田来未 - Driving作词:Kumi Koda 作曲:Tomokazu Matsuzawa准备は 整ったかしら?<今日という日をどれだけ待ったか>ハヤル気持ち押さえて 来たんだから<楽しませてくれなきゃね>君と行くんだ mid town时间が来た そろそろ助手席は 君のものHow do you feel it?1,2 カウントダウン始まる君と未知の世界へ向かおうDriving どこでも连れてくよ行く先は 君が决めていいDriving まわりのことは気にしなくていいから movin" onDriving ボリュームあげて头の中 オーバーヒートさせてよ お愿いDriving このままどこまでも行こう 梦の続きをみよう时间の流れなんて 気にしない<ゆっくり流れていくものだから>心配はいらない だって君のため<どこへも逃げないずっと>Boys & giris 混ざり合う初めての 感覚で助手席は 君のものHow do you feel it?1,2 体中麻痹状态未知の世界抜け出せないHands up まだまだ终わらない今夜のパーティー 帰さないからHands up くびれに手を回し抱く 背中越しに感じてHands up こっちを向いて 见せてほしい笑颜を 私だけにHands up 消えない フラッシュライト负けないで高鸣る 鼓动隠して1,2 カウントダウン始まる君と未知の世界へ向かおうhttp://music.baidu.com/song/55893007


driving 英["draivi07] 美["draivi07] 用音标读。 谐音‘拽为营"。重音在第一音节上。【但不要用些印度英语是很不准确的!】


n.行车的方式;驾驶;行车adj.强有力的;起推动作用的;推动的;猛烈的;倾泻而下的v.驾驶;开车;驾车送(人);拥有(或驾驶)…汽车drive的现在分词When did you take your driving test?你什么时候参加的驾驶执照考试?He was charged with driving without due care and attention.他被控鲁莽驾驶。3.This is the main factor driving investment in the area.这是推动在这个地区投资的主要因素。

用will drive还是用is driving表将来

will drive是表示将来的一般英文句子有四个时态,一般过去时,一般现在时,现在进行时和一般将来时,本题中,will drive表示的是将来,isdriving表示的是正在进行时,希望帮到你,望采纳。

填to drive 还是driving?



当然不可以 要用driving的话前面当然要有be动词连接 be doing表示一直持续某个动作,一个句子是要有谓语(也就是动词),你就光用driving(这个是动名词)这当然不成句 要么你改成sally is always driving her kids to football practice. i like playing football like是动词后面加playing是因为 like doing这个结构

[填空题] driving ()


汽车正在行驶的英语 用driving吗

Someone is driving the car.


driving permit 或driving licence都可以。但是用得多的是后者。permit可以直接当名词用,即表示有一定期限的许可证。如果死板地套用permition,则是没弄清楚这个词的实际意义。permission表示permit这一动词的动作过程;或者抽象意义上的“许可”。例如:I had to ask the teacher for permission before I left. 在我离开之前,要先得到老师的批准(或许可)。His permission has given me much encouragement.他的应允(或同意)给了我莫大的鼓舞。两个例句中的permission都表示抽象意义。Why bother to ask him? His permission will waste too much time. 干嘛要经他同意啊?等他同意会浪费很多时间的。这句话中permission的表示过程。

They are driving to the park. 这英语里的driving 是表进行还是表将来?

他们正在开车不能说是 they are driving the car,他们正在开车,应该是不能说是 they are driving the car。

请问下例句中 driving 后面是不是缺了一个宾语?

不少的,这个是ing形式,不是do something的形式

driving carelessly这里的driving 词性




用driving造句 六年级水平

Mother is driving a car.We got there by driving slow all the way.Driving a boat is not the same as driving a car.She slipped into the driving seat and closed the door.The Prince was driving with great fire and dash.Bad driving is not just the preserve of boy racers.



driving怎么读 driving英文解释

1、driving,读音:美/u02c8drau026avu026au014b/;英/u02c8drau026avu026au014b/。 2、释义:n.驾驶,行车方式。adj.起推动作用的,有巨大影响力或控制权的,强劲的;(雨雪等)猛烈的。v.驾驶,开车;推动,驱动;(雨雪等)猛降;赶,驱赶;逼迫(drive 的现在分词)。 3、例句:I have always trusted my fathers driving.我一直对父亲的驾驶技术十分信任。

Driving along the Congtai Road in the rush hour, you will surely get _______ in the traffic jam...

A 试题分析:句意:在交通高峰时间,驾车沿着丛台路行驶,你一定会陷入交通堵塞。根据句意可知,此处get stuck相当于被动结构,意为:被陷入,故用过去分词。选A。

driving convictions什么意思

driving convictions 行驶状况; 驱动条件; 汽车的行驶状态 What motivates this brand?What are the three or four key principles,beliefs andconvictions driving our brand toward these goals? 什么能够激发我们的品牌?驱动品牌趋向这些目标的三至四个主要原则、信条和信仰都是什么? 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可.

Back In The Driving Seat 歌词

歌曲名:Back In The Driving Seat歌手:Chrome Dreams - CD Audio Series专辑:Maximum Sheryl CrowFlew in from Miami Beach BOAC, didnt get to bed last night.On the way the paper bag was on my knee, man I had a dreadful flight.Im back in the U.S.S.R. You dont know how lucky you are boy.Back in the U.S.S.R.Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee its good to be back home.Leave it till tomorrow to unpack my case, honey disconnect the phone.Im back in the U.S.S.R. You dont know how lucky you are boy.Back in the U.S., back in the U.S., back in the U.S.S.R.Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out, they leave the West behind,and Moscow girls make me sing and shout, that Georgias always on my mind.Im back in the U.S.S.R., you dont know how lucky you are boys,back in the U.S.S.R.Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out, they leave the West behind,and Moscow girls make me sing and shout, that Georgias always on my mind.Show me round your snow peaked mountains way down south.Take me to your daddys farm. Let me hear your balalaikas ringing out,come and keep your comrade warm. Im back in the U.S.S.R.http://music.baidu.com/song/21634911

英国 车险 provisional driving license 和 full driving license

以很确定的告诉你,你有了FULL的以后,那个PROVISIONAL 的就没有用了,你用那个上路,警察依然会找你麻烦。你拿到FULL 的以后就通知你现在的保险公司让他们升级,是必须的。一般会追加一些钱的。FULL 的第一年不便宜,甚至更贵,看你投的保险公司的具体条款了。加分吧,我在英国开了2年的车,小心小心,否则麻烦多多

英语完形填空开头last light l was driving from

1-5: BBCDB 6-10: CBDAB 11-15: AABCA 16-20: ADBBD

Su San had some difficulties on driving the car解析

Su San 主语had 谓语some difficulties宾语 in driving the car介词宾语

求大神帮我写篇英语作文On Fighting Against Drunk Driving,谢谢

以下原创 Difference between good and great Many people want to be a great person. This is not only a dream for great people , but also a dream for the ordinary. In order to have a best possition in the sociaty, what we should do is to be focused. Here are some examples in the long history of science . Albert Einstan"s great achievement had been discovered when he was just 20s years old ,working as a employer in a research collage. He has already t6hought of his great ideas of relativity, and in the same time , he printed to the magazines. However , it wasn"t a hit .Because nobody understood him . Deprssed it is ,but Einstan did"t give up. He continued to focu on his reasearch ,until secceed. Here we can make a conclusion that he is seccessful because he never give up when in trouble, and also he is always focused to his theary and his devoted belief. Another example is Mary courier . As we all know, she was a great scientist who won Noble prize two times . Her seccess is all about her focuse on sciece and her hard work until death. So it is to say that if we want to reach the top of something , what we must do is to focused on it . Not just be good , but to be the best need this spirit . Be focused on what you really care about , and in this way can you acvhieve your dream sooner or later.

(Mothers Against Drunk Driving)的来历是怎样的?

Mothers Against Drunk Driving 简称 MADD 它成立于1980年,当时一名加利福尼亚州的少女被酒后开车的司机撞死,女孩的母亲为了制止酒后驾车,开始四处开展社会活动,提倡禁止酒后驾车,得到社会响应和赞助,成立了这个协会。目前,协会有会员500余人,分布美国各地。在协会的倡导下,很多州都就酒后驾车问题制订了严厉的法规。

求关于How can we deal with the problem of drunk driving的情景对话 一定要四人的 不要很长 每人5-6句话

A: Are you ok ? Are you sure you can drive?B: I am sure! I haven"t drunk too much. I can control the car! Don"t worry.C: I am sure you can drive the car now. But I am not sure if there are cops on the road.B: It"s too late. Cops are all sleeping now.C:I think cops are all driving to home for sleeping now. You had better be careful!A: I really hate that I haven"t got my driving license yet. I am only the person who haven"t drunk any alcohol.B: What a pity! I really worry about the cops waiting on the road.C: You had better pay attention to the pedestrains and cars on the road, not to the cops only. Have you noticed that your car isn"t moving in the straight line.A: Oh, my god! There"s a cop!P: Stop and get off the car! I need to check!B: Oh no! Bad Luck!A: Make a wish that the cop were a idiot!P: I need to give you a alcohol test! Please blow to the equiments!A: Let me do it! P: You are not the driver! C: Yes, he is! You looked the wrong person.P: Did I ?A: Yep! Let me do it! See! I am not drunk!P: I got night blindness before. Perhaps I was wrong!C: So can we go now?P: Yep! you can! But I have to check the driving license before you go.B passed his driving license to the cop and drive the car away. C:

What measures should we take to prevent drunk driving?教教我该怎么回答这个问题 要英文的

There are several ways to prevent drunk driving.First, you can eat some steamed bread before drinking, so that to prevent the absorption of drinking things.Second, you can go to some milk to form the protection film.Third, you can also have some greasy food which will also form a protection film.and there is also another tips, that is don"t mix the wines. anyway, the best way to prevent drunk is never drinking.

drunk driving is a dangerous offence什么意思


drunk driving is serious problem

答案:A 此题考查不定冠词的用法.联系语境,根据Drunk driving is _______ serious problem可知这里指酒驾是一个严重的问题,强调一个,表泛指;所以应该用不定冠词a或an,由于serious是以辅音音素开头的单词,所以用a.故选A.

求关于on drunk driving的英语作文

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words. The composition must be based on the information given below.醉酒驾车增多的原因醉酒驾车的危害如何减少醉酒驾车(Drunken Driving) Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that drunken driving has been a grave problem with which we are confronted. Generally speaking, there are several reasons accounting for the phenomenon. Firstly, recent decades have witnessed the rapid development of people"s living standards. As a result, cars gained ever-increasing popularity and have found their way into our everyday life. Secondly, people participate in more activities or banquets than ever before, where they will drink liquor/strong wine. Then, they may get drunk but continue to drive. Drunken driving is bound to generate severe consequence if we keep turning a blind eye to it. First and foremost, this behavior will directly threaten the safety of drivers, passengers and pedestrians/goers, resulting in traffic accidents, injuries and even deaths. Besides, treating the injured and repairing broken cars mean a grievous waste of money, time and resources. Last but not least, this irresponsible driving will make the road a nightmare, and thus, it will cause serious losses of faith in governments and the society. In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First, it is essential that the supervisory role of laws and regulations should be strengthened to punish those performing drunken driving. Secondly, the public, especially drivers, should enhance their awareness of public safety. With stringent laws and alert public, it will only a matter of time for drunken driving to become things of past.

drunk driving must_____ (punish) seriously

be punished

求作业答案:Drunk driving_______


英语作文drunk driving 怎么写

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words. The composition must be based on the information given below. 醉酒驾车增多的原因 醉酒驾车的危害 如何减少醉酒驾车 (Drunken Driving) Nobody could have failed to notice th...

drunk driving是什么意思?


driving mechanism是什么意思

driving mechanism驱动器;[天] 转仪装置


<!--div width="300px">请输入:<input type="text" id="suggestId" size="20" value="" style="width:150px;" /><input type="button" value="submit" id="submit" onClick="getAddress()"></div><!--div id="result" style=" width:400px; float:left"></div--><div style="width:800px;height:600px;border:1px solid gray; float:right" id="container"></div><script type="text/javascript" src="http://api.map.baidu.com/api?v=1.3"></script><script type="text/javascript">var search="frm_street"; //定义查询框ID;var local="广汉市"; // 定义本地地址;var lng="104.290493"; //经度var lat="30.981528"; //纬度var spoi = new BMap.Point(lng,lat); //经纬度var map = new BMap.Map("container"); //创建地图实例var point = new BMap.Point(lng,lat); //创建点坐标map.centerAndZoom(point,15); //初始化地图,设置中心点坐标和地图级别map.enableScrollWheelZoom(); //启用滚轮放大缩小地图//add_flag0(); //=================获取元素==========================\function G(id) { return document.getElementById(id);}function GV(id){ return document.getElementById(id).value;}//=================添加标记==========================\ //添加标记 function add_flag0(){ var localmarker=new BMap.Marker(new BMap.Point(lng,lat)); map.addOverlay(localmarker); } //添加目的地标记 function add_flag1(point){ map.centerAndZoom(point, 15); map.clearOverlays(); //清除地图上所有覆盖物 add_flag0(); //添加标记 var newmarker=new BMap.Marker(new BMap.Point(point.lng,point.lat)); map.addOverlay(newmarker); newmarker.enableDragging();//开启拖动 driveline(spoi,point); longAndtime(spoi,point); document.edit.lng.value=point.lng; document.edit.lat.value=point.lat;} function add_flag2(){ }//=================从输入框获取地址地址==============\function getAddress(){get_point(GV(search));}//=================地址解析(根据地址获取坐标点)==========================\ function get_point(address){ var myGeo = new BMap.Geocoder(); // 创建地址解析器实例 myGeo.getPoint(address, function(point){ if (point) { //如果地址能解析,标记 add_flag1(point); }else{ alert("地址无法找到!"); } },local); } //=================地址反解析(根据坐标点获取地址)==========================\ function get_address(e){ var gc = new BMap.Geocoder(); // 创建地址反解析器实例 var pt = e.point; var result; add_flag1(pt); gc.getLocation(pt, function(rs){ var addComp = rs.addressComponents; if (addComp.street + addComp.streetNumber=="") { result="地址无法找到!"; } else{ result=addComp.street + addComp.streetNumber; } document.edit.frm_street.value=result; return result; }); }//==============自动下拉列表=========================\var ac = new BMap.Autocomplete( {"input" : search,"location" : local} ); //建立一个自动完成的对象ac.addEventListener("onconfirm", function(e) { //鼠标点击下拉列表后的事件 var _value = e.item.value;myValue = _value.province + _value.city + _value.district + _value.street + _value.business;setPlace();});function setPlace(){ // map.clearOverlays(); //清除地图上所有覆盖物 function myFun(){ var pp = ls.getResults().getPoi(0).point; //获取第一个智能搜索的结果 add_flag1(pp); } var ls = new BMap.LocalSearch(local, { //智能搜索 onSearchComplete: myFun }); ls.search(myValue);}//=================搜索线路==========================\function driveline(myP1,myP2){ var driving = new BMap.DrivingRoute(map); //创建驾车实例 driving.search(myP1, myP2); //第一个驾车搜索 driving.setSearchCompleteCallback(function(){ var pts = driving.getResults().getPlan(0).getRoute(0).getPath(); //通过驾车实例,获得一系列点的数组 var polyline = new BMap.Polyline(pts); map.addOverlay(polyline); var lab1 = new BMap.Label("起点",{position:myP1}); //创建2个label var lab2 = new BMap.Label("终点",{position:myP2}); map.addOverlay(lab1); map.addOverlay(lab2); setTimeout(function(){ map.setViewport([myP1,myP2]); //调整到最佳视野 },1000); });} //=================驾车时间距离==============\function longAndtime(spoi,point){ var output=""; var searchComplete = function (results){ if (transit.getStatus() != BMAP_STATUS_SUCCESS){ return ;} var plan = results.getPlan(0); output += plan.getDuration(true) + " "; //获取时间 output += "总路程为:" ; output += plan.getDistance(true) + " "; //获取距离 }var transit = new BMap.DrivingRoute(map, {renderOptions: {map: map,panel:"result"},//var transit = new BMap.DrivingRoute(map, {renderOptions: {map: map}, // onSearchComplete: searchComplete, // onPolylinesSet: function(){ // setTimeout(function(){alert(output)},"1000");} });transit.search(spoi, point); } //=================单击地图监听事件==========================\map.addEventListener("click", function(e){ get_address(e); // alert(get_address(e));});//=================移动地图监听事件==========================\newmarker.addEventListener("dragend", function(e){ });</script>

driving license是什么意思


I want to have a self-driving travelling.后面的travelling为什么要加ing


《网球王子》里的“Driving Myself”这首歌的歌词?

Driving.Myself 弹开朝阳无限的天蓝 就像不管何处都能飞到 解救自己软弱的 一定 不是眼泪 而是打破现实的决心 因等待而焦虑 冰冻的未来 眼睛张开之时 We can do anything with a brave heart 高鸣著 voice of the dream 梦想使激情增殖 往鲜艳黎明的彼方 Don"t be afraid of change 不管怎样明日 都能出发找寻的力量 想在胸中感觉 尽上所有力量 driving myself 在持续著暧昧的乾渴每日之下 无法被覆盖的理想翻转著 等待著什麼 即使褪色 即使毁坏 相信的东西 You can get everything if you want 永不消失 my own way 时间撕裂黑暗流出 在掌心吐息star light Don"t be afraid of trying 不管怎样明日 都能选择前进的强悍 在胸中揭竿而起 往目标的场所 going to fly 在那日发芽的泥污憧憬 笔直地解放! 不要移开双眼 不管怎样明日 都能出发找寻的力量 想在胸中感觉 尽上所有力量 driving myself Wake up! To make your brand new start Look up at the sign into the blue Turning all of your pain to joy Let"s tough!

motivation is a driving force that push us是什么意思?

这句话的意思是:动机是推动我们前进的动力。"Motivation" 意为动机、动力、激励等,是人们行动的内在或外在驱动力。"Driving force" 是指推动力、驱动力等,可以将人们朝着某个方向前进。"Push" 在这里是一个动词,表示推动、推进。因此,整个句子的意思是,动机是一个推动我们前进的力量,它可以驱动我们去追求目标和实现梦想。

motivation is a driving force that push us什么意思?

motivation is a driving force that push us翻译:生活是一部该死的电影;我们生活在比较之中,有黑暗才有光明,有恨才有爱,有坏才有好,有他人和他人所做的事我们才知道自己是谁;一切都在比较中才能存在,没有丑便没有美,没有失去便没有得到。同样,我们总害怕死亡,而如果人真的可以永远活着,我想人们同样会像害怕死亡一样害怕永恒,或厌倦永恒。扩展资料:人生就是由欲望不满足而痛苦和满足之后无趣这两者所构成。生命没有终极意义。不要轻易去否定。我们需要在最沉痛的世界观里重新审视当下总让我们痛苦的欲望。人所执迷的欲望是如此虚妄、空洞、无聊,但我们却并不容易不去执迷它。人诞生在这个世界是被迫的,生来就有的俗世的道德与竞争意识注定了我们的不自由。一种理想主义的人生观是:生命的长度无需受制于肉体自然的衰败,它应该是受你的心灵、你的快乐的需要而去自主选择。

motivation(积极性) is a driving force that pushes us


求英文儿歌Driving In the car歌词

Driving driving in the carVisiting places near and farThe wheels been around the longer roadBroom broom broom broom beep beep oh we goBroom broom beep beepBroom broom beep beepBroom broom broomBroom broom broomBeep beepBroom broomLook out the window looks the seeThe hills and the planes of a big countryThe wheels been round along the roadBroom broom broom broom beep beep oh we goBroom broomBeep beepBroom broomBeep beepBroom broom broom broomBroom broomBeep beep

i am driving with the top down什么意思 敞篷车?


driving by,怎么翻译

driving by 是从旁边经过(驶过)的 意思

lets driving by yourself 这句话正确的语法应该是怎么说的

Let"s drive by ourselvesself..



Driving Miss Daisy 的英语影评

  Driving Miss Daisy 为戴茜小姐开车 英语影评  Adapting plays to the movies is always an iffy prospect. If the story is "opened up" too much, with extra characters and locations, it can lose its intimacy. If the story remains too close to its stagebound roots it can become cinematically dull.  But every now and then a stage adaptation comes along that manages to be faithful to the play"s best interests and yet open it up just enough to make for a cinematic treat, and such is "Driving Miss Daisy."  Led by riveting performances from Morgan Freeman and Jessica Tandy, this Pulitzer Prize-winning comedy-drama is utterly enthralling, though also quite spare and intimate.  Director Bruce Beresford, an Australian who seemed right at home in America"s South with "Tender Mercies" and "Crimes of the Heart," has returned triumphantly to that area in creating this wonderfully delicate masterpiece, largely through the fine performances of his stars.  Tandy is the title character, a wealthy 72-year-old Southern matron, a Jewish woman in the Christian Bible Belt of 1948 as the film begins. After an accident with her car, she is nagged into allowing a driver to be hired by her protective son Boolie (Dan Aykroyd, who is also convincing and never resorts to any of the shtick you might expect).  Boolie hires Hoke (Freeman), a black 60-ish widower and chauffeur whose patience seemingly knows no limits. At first Miss Daisy wants nothing to do with Hoke. She is a stern, stiffnecked woman with pride as big as all outdoors, and she"s humiliated by her inability to drive herself. Not one to give up easily, however, Hoke, after sitting around the house with nothing to do for his first week of employment, follows her in the car as she walks to the store one day. Embarrassed, she reluctantly climbs into the back seat.  Thus begins a tenuous relationship that will span the next 25 years in the changing South. And they will change with it.  But this isn"t a movie about people who make some remarkable lifestyle switch in the last five minutes. Rather, Alfred Uhry"s touching and very funny screenplay, based on his own play, shows the gradual change that creeps inside these characters.  Miss Daisy, though she considers herself a liberal Southerner, exclaiming repeatedly, "I am not prejudiced," hangs on to longtime traditions. When she thinks Hoke has taken something from her she says, "These people are always stealing things." And when she has an extra ticket to a dinner honoring Martin Luther King, she doesn"t even consider that Hoke might like to attend. During the latter scene she comments that she"s glad to see things change. But Hoke mutters, "Things haven"t changed all that much."  Needless to say, Morgan Freeman, who continues to grow as one of the American movies" finest actors, and Jessica Tandy, who is certainly one of our national treasures, will be remembered come Oscar nomination time. And Aykroyd will surprise you as a character who ages 25 years in a very natural and realistic manner.  "Driving Miss Daisy," which is rated PG for a single profanity uttered by Aykroyd, is an extremely moving film with some hilarious moments. And though the screenplay obviously offers the humor, it is the actors" inflections and twists on words that give the comedy its real impact.  Beresford has also managed an incredibly authentic look to his period piece. It"s fascinating, for example, to notice in the background during a scene on an old country road that old-style cars are driving by while Hoke and Miss Daisy exchange casual dialogue in the foreground. It would have been much easier to keep all traffic out of the shot, but Beresford goes the extra mile here, as he does throughout the film.  It"s easy to see why "Driving Miss Daisy" is on so many national critics" top 10 lists, those who saw the film before 1989 came to a close. This is indeed among the year"s very best pictures.