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句子结构分析:she is halfway through the preparation year.


half way down 什么意思?

半途而废 例句如下: I finished reading half- way down the page. 我读到那页的中间就不往下读了。 Half- way down , he started skidding on the floor. 追到一半时,金开始在地板上打滑。 www.zftrans.com The brakes on my bike failed half way down the hill. 我骑自行车下山到中途刹车失灵了。 blog.jscsedu.com Half way down the Alley is a gate, which leads to the moor. 在小道的中途有一个栅门,它通向沼地。 bbs.bonoffer.com Carol:It"s in aisle seven, about half way down on the top shelf. 卡萝︰大约在第七排走道中间,最上面的架子。 www.english.com.tw Once long, place a protective stop approximately half- way down the tail. 一旦做多,在尾巴的一半处下一个止损单。 www.jiazhitouji.com Last year it was 101 and now half- way down the season we have 82 already. 去年是101分,而现在赛季才跑了一半,我们就有了82分。 www.5i92.com That"s Anyu Street and my home is half way down on the left, next to a bank. 那是安玉街,我家就在这条街的中间,在街左边,旁边是一家银行。 stu.bdchina.com Half way down , my foot caught in a broken board , and I hung there upside down . 我的脚被一块破木板卡住了,我头朝下地吊在那里。 dictsearch.appspot.com I was half way down the stairs before I noticed that there was a bundle in my pocket. 我下楼下了一半,才注意到雨衣口袋里有一个纸包。 dj.iciba.com

Halfway through是什么意思?是动词短语么?该怎么使用

halfway through 中途; 到一半; [例句]I decided to paint the bathroom ceiling but ran out of steam halfway through.我决定粉刷一下浴室的天花板,但干了一半就精疲力竭了。

Halfway through是什么意思?是动词短语么?该怎么使用?

副词He was halfway through his breakfast. 他早餐才吃了一半。To pull this transaction through, suppose we meet halfway? 为了做成这笔交易,我们各让一步如何?The horse began to remain ahead halfway through the race. 那马在比赛中半路上开始领先。The black horse began to move ahead halfway through the race. 如果想在工作上不落后,那就听从我的忠告。I am starving. We are practically halfway through our lunch break already. 我饿坏了,我们的午餐休息时间差不多过了一半了。I am sure you"ll be sorry if you give it up halfway through. 假如你半途而废,我相信你会后悔的。I notice that halfway through every party, Tim always pairs off with Penny. 我注意到每次联欢会举行到一半,蒂姆总是与彭尼结伴而去。

莫曼顿的 Halfway 折叠车,多折叠几次会不会出现折叠不了的情况呀?


by the way 和halfway的区别

by the way是顺便一提,附带一提的意思halfway是中途,半路的意思


莫曼顿halfway是2009年12月份上市的。莫曼顿,是捷安特公司因应人们对于日常舒适休闲,以及流行时尚品味的需求,于2009年所推出的新移动文化单车品牌。以好看又好骑的休闲单车,带领消费者领略不同的生活体验,于自在悠游的态度风尚中,传递快乐向前行的品牌信念。莫曼顿台湾巨大集团成立于1972年,主要从事自行车、运动车及配件制造与营销,在台湾是非常专业的自行车制造厂,也是少数自创品牌成功、营销国际的企业。大家熟悉的捷安特自行车品牌就是巨大集团旗下的。莫曼顿MOMENTUM是捷安特旗下的城市休闲品牌,注重舒适骑乘与时尚品味,它从捷安特的品牌中细化与延展,并遵循当今主要的流行趋势,提供满足城市生活的6大自行车系及电动车产品,莫曼顿MOMENTUM洋溢着go your way的精神,实践移动新文化,融入每日生活之中。



日剧 halfway 是哪年的电影?都有哪些演员

是09年的电影哦~中文名字是 前路漫漫主要演员有 北乃きい/冈田将生/沟端淳平/仲里依纱当中还有成宫宽贵客串的~这里有相关资料http://baike.baidu.com/view/2231535.htm?fr=ala0_1_1


iThink Neway 7.0 RD,iThink Expressway和iThink Halfway这三款折叠车都很不错,可以根据预算进行选择。iThink Halfway这款折叠车,斩获2021红点设计大奖与2021 iF金奖,小巧便捷易携带,轻松开启城市骑行新体验,三步易折叠,省时又省力,皮带驱动系统,运动平稳无噪音,维护更加简单,优雅大方;前车篮附带滚轮,运输过程中更加方便移动。






be half to doing sth.固定短语搭配

这个标题怎么翻译 halfway什么意思




英语语法问题 halfway

halfway advhome n是的 海词典典里查不到相关用法

halfway与half of的区别?

halfway是副词意思是中途,半道,half of 中是代词,意思是一半的,半数的。


注意halfway是一半的意思I only got half way through the book 我只读了这本书的一半

halfway和half way的区别






halliday resnick walker , fundamentals of physics eighth edition 解答













不太清楚,但根据两个例子看一下!Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib,M.A.K. Ghalib,迦利布,印度穆斯林诗人;Michael Alexander Kirkwood Halliday,M.A.K. Halliday,韩礼德,英国语言学家;对比:从国人对“国际友人”的称呼上来看,首先,有时候我们习惯以他们的“姓氏”称呼,也就是结尾那部分;有时候我们习惯以他们的“名字”称呼,也就是开头那部分;这是不定的。从上面所示的两人名例子的对比来看,当出现“.”,说明是单词的字母省略现象;而人名的大写首字母,这也是一种常见现象;两个名字都是“M.A.K.”,说明它不是固定的,而是首字母是开头以这样的字母打头的这种类型,就可以是这个样子——“M.A.K.”。汉译的名字,采用了一种音译与贴合美学的方式,而成的外国人的中文名字。除去姓氏以外,整合到一起,因为姓氏代表了一个家族,也象征了一个家族的延续,所以,姓氏是重要的。而名字倒是无所谓,许多人可以选择昵称来称呼自己,虽不用家族的姓氏,但家族姓氏是重要的,它往往是单独成为一部分,很难从人心中抹去。就是说,将名字分为两部分,一部分是姓氏,放在最后,一部分是非姓氏,至于英文里有没有“中文少见的复姓”的说法,我目前不清楚,而前面三个整合在一起,以首字母的方式呈现,应该是对“非姓氏”部分的缩写,也就是“M.A.K”。名字需要大写的,大小写不仅是姓氏上的不一样,对人心中的地位也不一样,需注意,要区分!



halliday m.a.k

作者:哈里戴 M.A.K.(1973). 书名:《语言功能探究》 出版社:伦敦:爱德华·阿诺德(Edward Arnold)



韩礼德halliday的语域理论register theory怎么分析?

Field of DiscourseEverything we say relates to a particular situation; words are not ... “field of discourse” is referred to and explained by Halliday in several ways,

Among the followinguff0c ( ) is NOT one of the functions of adultu2032s language according to Halliday.

【答案】:B语言学基本知识。询问哪一项不属于Halliday所定义的语言的功能。Halliday是Systematic-functionalGrammar(系统功能语法)的创始人。根据他的理论,语言有三个功能,即Ideational Function(概念功能)、Interpersonal Function(交际功能)和Textual Function(文本功能)。

Roay poay的中文歌词是什么

roly poly中文版 不倒翁走到哪里了又躲到哪里了走到心里了啦啦啦啦啦i like you你从哪里来为何你是那么显眼你的眼神我真的很喜欢虽然想到你身边但是没有勇气心在颤抖我不知所措不知道该怎么办快疯了不想错过你想一步一步走近你为了不让你离开我身边萝莉拍你 萝莉萝莉拍你你即使推开我我也会重新来过萝莉拍你萝莉萝莉拍你一定会中意我为你展示自我为何看表我们从见面开始就一直傻傻的站着我真的很中意你我今天好奇怪为何总是在颤抖看到你我真的好不知所措感到好不安 不知道 我快疯了以为你要去哪前进一步向你走去为了让你离不开我萝莉拍你萝莉萝莉拍你即使你推开我我也会重新走向你萝莉拍你萝莉萝莉拍你一定会中意我的为你展示自我I like like this I like likethat I like this like that yeah萝莉拍你萝莉萝莉拍你即使你推开我我也会重新 走向你萝莉拍你萝莉萝莉拍你一定会中意我为你展示自我Ah Ah Ah Ah Tonight时间已到一定会回到我身边Oh Tonight Ah Ah Ah Ah Tonight一定会等着你我也不想放开你

求JAY-Z的说唱say hallo的歌词

I wanna talk to the ladies tonightAbout situation I"m pretty sure y"all be able to relate toTrust meToday I"m not feelin prettySee I"m feeling quite uglyHavin one of this daysWhen I cant make up the ??So don"t even look at meSee I don"t wanna hear your problemCause I"m having some of my ownI know it was not your faultThat I"m feelin downI just wanna be left aloneDown I"m now in depressionI think the worst of everythingBlige Mary JMy low was back and seekingAnd my close don"t feelNow aint that a bitchGot an attitude and I aint talkin to youWon"t to you if the shoe fillI don"t care what you think about meI don"t need you cry around meI don"t nedd it, no noPMSGo through something in nightsIs the some at day I don"t need to understand Where I"m coming from tonightSee I"m feelin messinTold you, you would be able to late tonightHallo was back he sayPMSI"m fulled stressed I want y"all to hear what I"m sayinPMS, PMS, PMSUnderstand what I"m sayin tonightUnderstand where I"m comin fromFeelin really bitch yeahAnd I don"t feel like be a nice to nobodyDon"t feel like smilin noDon"t feel like smilin no noSee I already know that I"m talkinPMSAnd I don"t need you to remind meSee cause PMSIs takin no all right nowif you understand, understand where I"m comin fromSing along, PMSThis is the worst part of everythingThe worst part of being a woman is PMSGive me a brake, give me a brakeCause I don"t wanna have to set it on tonight

melody day《hallo》音译

Hallo 演唱:MelodyDay桑超楼 一米 哒 木到进撒啦一蓝 咋跟 度 可咋咋古 木一米喊 乃 洗嘎你都 那乐 咋古 贵楼表啊喷 桑超的里 鸡那狗很咋 为楼无买 鸡超扫gi喷 喊苏米 都 那乐 哒来扫走洗色老开 乃 要拍 哒嘎哇 族来乃 吗么 蓝够 嘎族来一再 那嫩 你嘎 皮留海撒啦额 不她该 hallo啊鸡嘎进 hi的老乃 嘎色的里 毛扥 拆啊鸡 那吗 一嫩带乃 吗么 不她该 hallo某扥 高洗 不走该你 撒啦额楼 拆喔乃嘎 无色 苏 一改beautiful loveyeahLost in the darknessI need your handI believe you"ll come back and say "hallo"完表嘎鸡 按嫩 puzzle木走高 闹要呀慢 哈嫩 那一 包脖奥gi够 到男 孙干不套 男 forgive you那乐 完扫洗ki 吗鸡吗闹一 度 怒乃 乃 吗么 干鸡该组来乃 铺买 按靠 一色来 一再 撒啦一 皮留海撒啦额 不她该 hallo 啊鸡嘎进 hi的老乃 嘎色的里 毛扥 拆 啊鸡 那吗 一嫩带乃 吗么 不她该 hallo 某扥 高洗 不走该你 撒啦额楼 拆喔 乃嘎 无色 苏 一改beautiful love差嘎文 那乐 耨高尊你 怒逼车楼 拆喔扫那爱该 撒啦一 皮留喊 高一再 桑超嫩 哒 鸡文 拆hallo 某扥 高洗 完表该你嘎 乃 要拍 一色秒 那 怒色 苏 一扫撒啦额 不她该 hallo 啊鸡嘎进 hi的老乃 嘎色的里 毛扥 拆 啊鸡 那吗 一嫩带乃 吗呢 不她该 hallo 摸扥 高洗 不走该你 撒啦额楼 拆喔 乃嘎 无色 苏 一改beautiful love my love洗哈你 到 乃该扫 毛老鸡嫩 高一表len都 乃 啊破 鸡那嘎嫩 高那 闹早你 闹蓝 吧哒 搜个 海奥超走啊到 怒里 可里无买 撒木超

在走廊上是用on the hallways还是in the hallways?

在走廊上是用on the hallways还是in the hallways?都行的in 体现走廊有些封闭性的,你是在里面on表示走廊比较开阔。希望我的回答对您有帮助,祝好!学习进步哦!及时采纳,谢谢。

他昨天把走廊里的玻璃打碎了。 He broke the glass of the hallway ----- -------yesterday.


push in the haiiway是什么意思

push in the hallway的中文翻译push in the hallway 在走廊里推双语例句1Don"t push in the hallway. 不要在走廊上推挤。

run in the hallway 和run in the hallways可以通用吗?

我不是已经回答你了吗? 同时google两种说法 run in the hallway前5页的结果基本上出自英文网站(我只翻了5页). 而run in the hallways前5页结果基本出自中国网站,而且大部分都是教科书内容. 这说明中国英语教材的标准答案是run in the hallways,不过这不太准确.所以我建议你考试时用run in the hallways,但是记住run in the hallway才是最地道的

we should keep什么onthe hallway?

quiet安静的We should keep quiet on the hallway.

hallway stairs 和real stairs 的区别是什么呢?

the house on mango street!

in the hallway 和in the hallways 到底有区别么? 为什么所有的中学练习里都是 in the hallways?

中国教材的标准答案是run in the hallways.但英美那边地道的表达是run in the hallway.所以考试的话就用hallways.

in the hallways和in the hallway有什么区别?





corridor 是指在房屋内部的走廊,用于连接各个房间;其用法及意义和hallway差不多. From the main entrance you go through the corridor,and you can reach the elevator passage 一般指普通的通道,普通的走廊,一般较长.



hallway造句 hallwayの例文 "hallway"是什麼意思

Lydia wandered aimlessly into the hallway . 利季娅毫无目标地走到走廊。 Aunt addie confronted me in the hallway with burning, black eyes . 艾迪姨妈在过道里碰上我了,那眼神气势汹汹,怒火万丈。 Diana : but there was a strange man in the hallway 戴安娜:但过道里有个陌生人。 I snagged this one in the hallway , screaming 我把这个尖叫的家伙在楼道里堵住了 And we were in the hallway in the upstairs of our house 当时我们在楼上的走廊上 Go down this hallway and at the end , turn right 请由这道走廊走到尽头,然后右转。 Someone redid the , uh , hallway bathroom . i saw that 我刚看见,浴室似乎是被重建过 Other dorms have many rooms along a hallway 其它宿舍可能在会沿著走道有许多房间。 " busy hallway , " he murmured against her mouth “忙碌的走廊, ”他的嘴小声抱怨道。 They " re here in the hallway outside , you know 他们就在这走廊外面,你知道吗? It"s difficult to see hallway in a sentence. 用 hallway 造句挺难的 - they " re in hallway 328 . - activate ray shields -他们在328号走廊-启动射线罩 You should . the upstairs hallway is totally unrecognizable 绝对,楼上的走廊全变了 They " re in hallway 328 . - activate ray shields 他们在328号走廊-启动射线罩 General , we found the jedi . they " re in hallway 328 将军,我们发现他们了,在328走廊 1 the hallway was decorated with ornate gold mirrors 这条走廊装饰著华丽的金边镜子。 And whatever those monstrosities are in the hallway - 还有那些挂在走廊里的奇怪玩意儿- And we were in the hallway in the upstairs of our house . . 当时我们在楼上的走廊上. . Do not psten to music in the classrooms or the hallways 6不要在教室或走廊里听音乐。 I think you should e here . i " m in the west hallway 我觉得你应该来这一下我在西走廊 And whatever those monstrosities are in the hallway - - 还有那些挂在走廊里的奇怪玩意儿- - She pitter - pattered along the hallway 她在走廊里哒哒啪啪地走。 And then clean off every mark off every locker in this hallway 而且把走廊上的所有柜子都洗干净 H is along the hallway on the left 沿著走廊走下去, h在左手边。 But it wasyourdecision thatsent them down the left hallway . . 但是是你决定让他们走左边的走廊的… I found your wallet here in the hallway 我在走廊捡到你的皮夹 And then l see people in the hallway , l say , " hey . no running 然后我在大厅碰到熟人我说"不要乱跑 How wide is the hallway . . . napster 走廊有多宽呢? napster ? Can students eat in the hallway 16学生能在走廊里吃东西吗? How wide is the hallway . napster 走廊有多宽呢? napster ? Dr . jerome , could you please wait outside for me in the hallway Jerome博士,你能在外面走廊等我一会儿吗? It"s difficult to see hallway in a sentence. 用 hallway 造句挺难的


hallway 英[ˈhɔːlweɪ] 美[ˈhɔːlweɪ] n. (大楼里的) 走廊,过道; (房子或公寓的) 门厅; [例句]My mate dived headfirst through a window and I ran down the hallway.我的同伴从窗口一头扎了下去,而我则沿着走廊跑。


推荐回答一、强调的词义不同 1、Corridor 一般指建筑里“一段长的通道、走廊、过道或楼道,两侧或一侧有门可以进其它房间”。2、hallway 指“刚进大门的区域”,也就是通常所说的“门厅”。二、用法不同 1、corridor:如在办公大楼里,走廊通常都比较长,隔一段距离就有一扇门,可以进入各个办公室,...


hallway,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“走廊;门厅;玄关”。短语搭配Hallway Hideout 隐藏走廊hallway y 走廊 ; 过道Studio Hallway 工作室走廊promenadelong hallway 长廊red hallway 红门厅图片Hallway Hijinks 周末大狂欢THE HALLWAY 走廊Hallway Escape 逃出走廊Tiled Hallway 瓷砖走廊


hallway的读音:英 [u02c8hu0254:lweu026a];美 [u02c8hu0254lu02ccwe]释义:n.走廊,过道;门厅;玄关(复数:hallways)例句:1.We went into the hallway to find the men"s room.我们走进过道去找男厕所。2.The two rooms connect by a hallway.这两个房间有过道相连。3.She lugged the suitcase out into the hallway.她吃力地将提箱拖进门厅。扩展:玄关原指道教的入道之门,现在泛指厅堂的外门,也就是居室入口的一个区域。源于中国,专指住宅室内与室外之间的一个过渡空间。在住宅中玄关虽然面积不大,但使用频率较高,是进出住宅的必经之处。在房屋装修中,人们往往最重视客厅的装饰和布置,而忽略对玄关的装饰。其实,在房间的整体设计中,玄关是给人第一印象的地方,是反映主人文化气质的“脸面”。



hallway怎么读 hallway英文解释

1、hallway,门厅。读音:美/u02c8hu0254u02d0lweu026a/;英/u02c8hu0254u02d0lweu026a/。 2、释义:n.走廊;门厅;玄关。 3、例句:There are many masters collections in this hallway.这条走廊上摆放着很多主人的收藏。


hallway的读音:英 [u02c8hu0254:lweu026a];美 [u02c8hu0254lu02ccwe]释义:n.走廊,过道;门厅;玄关(复数:hallways)相关例句:1.We went into the hallway to find the men"s room.我们走进过道去找男厕所。2.The two rooms connect by a hallway.这两个房间有过道相连。3.She lugged the suitcase out into the hallway.她吃力地将提箱拖进门厅。



in the hallway。什么意思




in the hallway还是in the highway

in the hallway。run in the hallway前5页的结果基本上出自英文网站,而run in the hallways前5页结果基本出自中国网站,而且大部分都是教科书内容。这说明中国英语教材的标准答案是run in the hallways,不过这不太准确。所以我建议你考试时用run in the hallways,但是记住run in the hallway才是最地道的。run in the hallways是在走廊里跑,要是不加“s”的话,就是在一个走廊里跑了,应该是在每个走廊,是多个,而不是一个,所以应该 加“s”。

Always Mine 歌词

歌曲名:Always Mine歌手:Jade Valerie专辑:Bittersweet SymphonyJade Valerie -always mineda da da da da da da dada da da da da da da daIt"s good to see you happyIt"s good to see you strongIt"s good that things are different, babyIt"s good that we were wrongYou finally found anotherWe"re finally moving onBut a part of you thats only mineIn my heart is living strongOnly mineAlways mineOnly mineAlways mineAt the other end of timeNot Goodbye just behind usOnly mineAlways mineOnly mineAlways mineAt the other end of timeNot Goodbye just behind usDadadadadada da da da da da da dada da da da da da da dada da da da da da da dada da da da da da da daThey say that time"s a healerBut some waters run to deepTheres a part of you that I let goAnd a part of you I keepMy lover and a strangerA place I used to liveThe part of me that learned to loveBut it"s learning to forgiveOnly mineAlways mineOnly mineAlways mineAt the other end of timeNot Goodbye just behind usOnly mineAlways mineOnly mineAlways mineAt the other end of timeNot Goodbye just behind usAt the other end of timeBefore we said goodbyeAt the other end of timeBefore we learned to lieAt the other end of timeThose day will never dieThe other side of youThat only meant to liveThats only meant for meI dont wanna knowDont need to knowWho cares about right nowI dont wanna goDont need to showDont care about right nowOnly mineAlways mineOnly mineAlways mineAt the other end of timeNot Goodbye just behind usOnly mineAlways mineOnly mineAlways mineAt the other end of timeNot Goodbye just behind usda da da da da dada da da da da dada da da da da dada da da da da dahttp://music.baidu.com/song/909763

in the hallway是什么意思啊?

在走廊上 In the hallway

in the hallway。是什么意思

in the hallway 网络 在走廊; 在走廊里;


in the hallways是在走廊里,要是不加“s”的话,就是在一个走廊里了,应该是在每个走廊,是多个,而不是一个,所以应该 加“s”。不过我个人认为本题没有具体语境,无法判断是在一栋楼上的许多个走廊还是一条走廊,所以加不加s都可以。不过批改的人对题目的理解应该属于前者。


hall笼统 指内部hallway 具体 就是指门厅的走道

viva la gloria(green day)表达的思想

!VIVA LA GLORIA 万岁Gloria! hey gloria, are you standing close to the edge? 嗨,Gloria,你是否站在悬崖边缘 lookout to the setting sun 守望夕阳 the brink of your vision 在你视线边沿 eternal youth is a landscape of the lie 永恒的青春只是谎言的风景 the cracks of my skin can prove 我皮肤的裂纹可以证明 as the years will testify 岁月也会见证 say your prayers and light a fire 祈祷吧然后点燃火把 we"re going to start a war 我们就要发动一场战争 your slogans a gun for hire 你的标语就是那把被出租的枪 it"s what we waited for 这就是我们一直等待的 hey gloria, this is why were on the edge 嗨,Gloria,这就是为什么我们在悬崖边缘 the fight of our lives been drawn to this undying love 生命之战已引来这不朽的爱 gloria, viva la gloria Gloria,万岁Gloria you blast your name in graffiti on the walls 你的名字绽放在墙壁的涂鸦上 falling through broken glass that"s 你从破碎的玻璃中坠落 slashing through your spirit 玻璃划破你的灵魂 i can hear it like a jilted crowd 我能听到它像一群被抛弃的众人 gloria, where are you gloria? Gloria,你在哪里,Gloria? you found a home 你已找到了归宿之地 in all your scars and ammunition 在你所有的伤痕和弹药里 you made your bed in salad days amongst the ruin 你在涉世未深时在废墟中安息 ashes to ashes of our youth 在我们青春的灰烬里 she smashed her knuckles into winter 她的关节在冬天来临时破碎 as autumns wind fades into black 当秋季的风褪为黑色 she is the saint on all the sinners 她是全部有罪者的圣人 the one that"s fallen through the cracks 那个在裂缝中坠落的圣人 so don"t put away your burning light 所以不要抛弃你燃烧着的火光 gloria, where are you gloria? Gloria,你在哪里,Gloria? don"t lose your faith to your lost naivete 不要对你已逝的纯真失去信心 weather the storm and don"t look back on last november 经历风霜,不要回顾去年的十一月 when your banners were burning down 当你的旗帜被烧毁 gloria, viva la gloria Gloria,万岁Gloria send me your amnesty down to the broken hearted 特赦我那破碎的心 bring us the season that we always will remember 带给我们将永远铭记的一季 don"t let the bonfires go out 不要让篝火熄灭 so gloria, 所以,Gloria, send out your message of the light that shadows in the night 发送出你将在黑夜中投以阴影的光明的讯息 gloria, where"s your undying love? Gloria, 你那不朽的爱在哪里? tell me the story of your life 告诉我你一生的故事


hallwayn. 走廊;门厅;玄关I can hear him in the hallway. 我能听见他在走廊里的声音。He bawled down the hallway at me. 他在走廊里大声对我喊叫。I followed them down the hallway with its peeling walls, as if I had forgotten to say something to one of them. 我跟随他们走过过道(墙壁上的油漆已脱落下来)就好象我忘记了要跟其中一个学生说点什么似的。





Green Day-Viva La Gloria 歌词中文译文

Viva la Gloria! 万岁Gloria (注:Gloria直接音译成格洛瑞亚,还是翻译成荣耀之类的似乎都不好。所以不如就按原文不动它。歌词中可以慢慢理解)Hey Gloria Are you standing close to the edge? 你是否站在悬崖边缘 Lookout to the setting sun 守望夕阳 The brink of your vision 在你视线的边沿 Eternal youth is 永恒的青春只是 A landscape of the lie 谎言的风景The cracks of my skin can prove 我皮肤的裂纹就可以证明 As the years will testify 岁月也将见证 Say your prayers and light a fire 祈祷吧然后燃起一把火 We"re going to start a war 我们就要发动一场战争 Your slogans a gun for hire 你的标语就是那寻找主人的枪 It"s what we waited for 这就是我们一直等待的Hey Gloria,This is why we"re on the edge 这就是为什么我们在悬崖边缘 The fight of our lives been drawn to 生命之战已引来 This undying love. 这不朽的爱Gloria, Viva La Gloria Gloria, 万岁Gloria You blast your name 你让你的名字绽放 In graffiti on the walls 在墙壁上的涂鸦 Falling through broken glass that"s 你从破碎的玻璃中坠落 Slashing through your spirit 划过你的灵魂 I can hear it like a jilted crowd 我能听到它像一群被抛弃的众人Gloria, where are you Gloria Gloria, 你在哪里, Gloria You found a home 你已找到了归宿之地 In all your scars and ammunition 在你所有的伤痕和攻防里 You made your bed in salad days 你在你的全盛时期安息 Amongst the ruin 在废墟 Ashes to ashes of our youth 在我们青春的灰烬之间She smashed her knuckles into winter 她在冬天来临之际打碎了她的关节 As autumns wind fades into black 当秋季之风褪为黑色 She is the saint on all the sinners 她是所有有罪者的圣人 The one that"s fallen through the cracks 那个在裂缝中坠落的圣人 So don"t put away your burning light 所以不要抛弃你燃烧着的火光Gloria, where are you Gloria Gloria, 你在哪里 Don"t lose your faith 不要对你已逝的纯真 To your lost naivete 丧失信心 Weather the storm and don"t look 经历风霜吧,不要回头 Back on last November 不要回顾去年的十一月 When your banners were burning down 当你的旗帜被烧毁的时候Gloria, viva la Gloria Gloria, 万岁Gloria Send me your amnesty down 降大赦于我吧 To the broken hearted 于那受伤的心灵吧 Bring us the season 带给我们这样一季 That we always will remember 将永远铭刻于我们心中的季节 Don"t let the bonfires go out 不要让篝火熄灭So Gloria, 所以,Gloria, Send out your message of the light 发送出你光明的讯息 That shadows in the night. 那在黑夜中投以阴影的光明 Gloria, where"s your undying love? 你那不朽的爱在哪里? Tell me the story of your life. 告诉我你生命的故事






n. 走廊;门厅;玄关


hallway 走廊


走廊,过道; 门厅; 玄关;

Green Day-Viva La Gloria 歌词中文译文


Green Day-Viva La Gloria 歌词中文译文



hallway英 ["hɔːlweɪ] 美 ["hɔlwe]n. (大楼里的)走廊,过道 ;(房子或公寓的)门厅短语:Hallway Hideout 隐藏走 red hallway 红门厅图片promenadelong hallway 长廊Studio Hallway 工作室走廊Hallway Hijinks 周末大狂欢复数: hallways例句:1.I can hear him in the hallway. 我能听见他在走廊里的声音。2.He bawled down the hallway at me.他在走廊里大声对我喊叫。3.I shined it around. I was in some sort of hallway.四下照了一下,我正处在一个像是走廊的地方。4.He stopped me in the hallway and thanked me for praying for him.他在走廊上拦住了我,谢谢我那天帮他祈祷。5.I slipped through the hallway by myself.我独自沿走廊悄悄走着。hallway 网络解释1. 过道:返回 过道(hallway)拉开窗帘,发现一个小罐子里有把钥匙. 拿走,到厨房 厨房(kitchen)这把钥匙是右侧那扇门的,通往地下室,使用,下地下室. 地下室(cellar)楼梯旁边有个盒子,打开,里面似乎是电源总闸. 拉下总闸,虽然看上去一切OK2. 门厅,过道3. 场所公共空间走廊4. 走廊


hallway读音:英 ["hu0254u02d0lweu026a]美 ["hu0254u02d0lweu026a]。    n. 过道;门厅;走廊。We went into the hallway to find the men"s room.我们走进过道去找男厕所。The two rooms connect by a hallway.这两个房间有过道相连。近义词:corridor英 ["ku0252ru026adu0254u02d0(r)]     美 ["ku0254u02d0ru026adu0254u02d0r]    n. 走廊。She finally nailed me in the corridor.她最後在走廊里把我抓住了。The thief crept along the corridor.那贼偷偷地在走廊上潜行。


hallway 英[u02c8hu0254:lweu026a] 美[u02c8hu0254lu02ccwe] n.走廊,过道;门厅;玄关 名词复数:hallways [例句]He walked down the hallway ,meeting no one. 他走下大厅走廊,没有遇见一个人. 2.I saw him in our hallway,around dinnertime. 晚饭时分,我在门厅里见到了他. 3.Unbeknownst to them,hale witnesses the reunion from the hospital hallway. 他们还不知道,hale此时也在医院过道里,看到了他们的团聚. 4.In the hallway I screamed. 站在在走廊里,我嚎啕大哭. 5.He stood in the hallway thinking. 他站在走廊里想着.
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