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vue实现底部tabbar 切换页面,vue+vant第三方库

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vant tabbar组件图标导航冗余问题

使用vue-cli写项目时,用到了vant 里的tabbar组件,在点击不同的tab时,对应的tab标签颜色无法及时更新,控制台提示错误如下: 解决办法: 先来看vant 的tabbar组件:tabbar组件使用了active值来控制标签的切换,默认active的值为0 效果如下:在点击不同的标签进行route切换时,出现了冗余的问题,需要在created生命周期中重新获取一下active的值即可: 在这里使用了localStorage来存储active的值,只需要将localStorage里面的值获取到即可:由于localStorage只能存储string类型的数据,所以在存储时可使用: JSON.stringify(localStorage.setItem("a",_a)) 想将其重新转换成js支持的值,可使用 JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("a");


再过几天,2023年上海车展就要拉开帷幕。说这些车展是近几年国内最为重磅的A级车展并不过分,最近三年时间因为种种原因,让各地的A级车展举办的都不算“完美”。无论是消费者,还是车企,都对这次的车展相当看重。但,经过几年的外界因素影响,在这期间我们很难通过一届车展对于消费者的喜好做出一个明确的了解。在上海车展之前的部分“前瞻报道”中,评论区的留言里呈现了一种更期待国产车会有新的产品出现,而曾经关注度颇高的合资品牌,在消费者心里的影响力似乎已经有所衰退。从今年上半年的汽车消费市场,各位也应该有个了解,国产新能源品牌给合资企业的市场带来的影响非常大。在合资品牌影响力开始衰退的时候,豪华品牌的影响力似乎也正在减退。从沃尔沃、雷克萨斯这些二线豪华品牌的终端幅度扩大、开始有终端优惠来看,二线豪华正在让步。先是沃尔沃的终端优惠最大力度已经扩大到20万元,随后雷克萨斯终端出了RX没有优惠,其余车型都有了优惠,雷克萨斯ES全系3-4万优惠、NX 5万元左右、UX 3万元左右,需要注意雷克萨斯的优惠是从今年3月持续到4月份,而且是逐步加大优惠力度的。那么,同样在新能源市场战力不足的一线豪华,今年上海车展过后,可能也会面临这种地步。今年上海车展过后,BBA一线豪华们,在消费者心中的影响力会不会迅速衰退?消费者的消费观,已经改变具体是什么时候开始发生转变的,这个时间节点或许是在2021年。在2020年,中国车市维持着合资主导的发展节奏,国产品牌只能退居其后,虽然那个时候也有像法系、韩系车的销量下滑趋势;但日系、美系、德系的合资品牌依旧是消费者的第一选择,而且绝对属于强势的存在。彼时,比亚迪2020年只卖出42.7万台。到了2021年,中国汽车市场的新能源市场迎来了快速扩张期,也成了那个时候的汽车市场格局缩影,甚至可以说从那一年开始,消费者的观念开始有了转变。根据乘联会的数据,2021年中国乘用车市场累计销量为2014.6万辆,其中燃油车相较同期减少了102万辆,同比下降6%;新能源车销量来到了298.9万辆,同比增长169.1%。而且,2021年的新能源车型中,国产品牌渗透率高达39%,主流合资品牌仅3.3%。可以说从这个时候开始,在新能源领域中,一切合资品牌就已经沦为新能源车市场的配角。之后就有了2022年比亚迪186.85万台的销量,也有了蔚来、理想、小鹏等一众新势力的快速崛起,还有传统车企转型电动化节奏的加快。为什么BBA也该担心影响力了?因为合资品牌新能源时代的高度自信(尤其是BBA)和产品拉跨,给了国产品牌自由发挥的空间。高度自信,主要体现在初期推出用着油改电技术的产品,并且价格上保持着与燃油车持平的价格面向消费者。直接拿豪华品牌举例,奥迪e-tron刚刚进入国内时售价高达70万元,国产的价格54.68万元起;49.19万起售的奔驰EQC,也不是纯电平台的产品。这些产品,是为了满足豪华品牌车企(或者说其他合资品牌一样)铺设电动化产品的需求,但实际上,从产品角度出发,不仅没有针对电动化需求做出专项设计,而且也没有从底层架构的开发角度来思考。而那个时候,它们面对的是正向开发的国产品牌车型,例如蔚来ES8、小鹏P7这些产品,无论是在价格、续航和补能体验上,都是要优于豪华品牌的。就算到了现在,2023年一线豪华品牌能拿得出手的产品,都有什么?2023年上海车展奔驰参展车型(部分),重磅车型全新梅赛德斯-奔驰长轴距GLC、EQG概念车;宝马参展车型(不分),宝马X1的纯电版iX1、宝马i7 M70L xDrive、宝马XM Label Red限量版等;奥迪目前只公布上汽奥迪的信息,新能源方向也没有太多看点。更重要的,除了硬件之外,合资品牌在产品软件开发等方面也跟不上中国市场和消费者需求,导致其产品竞争力出现问题,市场份额出现萎缩。出现这种变化,是合资车企或合资品牌没有想到的。对比之下,用更多的钱,买到一辆豪华品牌的电动车,体验感其实和它们品牌的燃油车使用体验近乎相同,没有明显区隔;但你还得承受续航补能方面不够友好的体验,显然,消费者不愿意为此买账。还有两年空窗期,一线豪华能强势回归?说白了,在一线豪华品牌纯电车真正成为主流之前,它们在消费者心里的印象会更多的停留在燃油车时代,而目前新能源领域中BBA乃至二线豪华品牌留下的印象,还不够深刻,至少中国汽车市场是这样的。一个问题,买纯电车,豪华品牌里你第一反应是哪个品牌?哪款产品?相信大多数消费者都无法简单、直接地说出来,从这点就足以说明豪华品牌们正在新能源时代走向没落。因为消费者在新能源领域中,已经无法像在燃油车时代一样,找到豪华品牌的标杆产品,像奥迪A4L、像奔驰GLC再或者宝马5系等等。BBA以及二线豪华的存在感,正在降低,这是事实。正是因为如此,现在业界也不再认为李斌、李想说的是空话。李斌“我们瞄准的市场,是奔驰、宝马、奥迪的市场,希望在五年时间里,能够实现三分天下有其一。”而李想更激进的是“五年内做到全国第一,十年成为全球第一。”以上这些话,如果放在2020或者20221年,大家可能都当一句笑话听听罢了,再看看现在的车型销量和售价,就不难发现,这两句话正在逐渐变为现实。除了以上两个品牌,我们国产品牌的高端化初见雏形。有比亚迪旗下仰望带头,开启了向上的探索的征程,而后消费者也正在逐渐接受国产品牌的售价变高。浅看今年3月MPV市场销量,腾势D9月销10970台,已经超过了丰田赛那;极氪009月销2146辆,这可是49.9万起售的产品。3月高端SUV销量,理想L7L8L9三款车型,排进前十,销量分别是7702台、6224台和5831台。高端轿车行列中,3月,蔚来ET5销量18703辆,排进前十。消费者接受国产品牌高端化,这一点,对于一线、二线豪华来说,是要比做不出像样的电动化产品更可怕。因为,消费者的认知已经改变,新能源时代中,豪华品牌的影响力目前来讲没有什么溢价能力。以上,是目前真实的市场格局。但,我们也决不能忽视传统豪华品牌的硬实力,尤其一线的BBA三家,研发实力和市场体量是有的,虽然初期表现客观评价确实不能满足国内消费者需求,但明年的新技术扎堆投放,一定会获得不错的市场反馈,我们可以期待。宝马会在2023年到2024年陆续推出多款纯电产品,直到2025年推出Neue Klasse纯电平台;奥迪的纯电平台PPE平台,会在2024年底正式投产;奔驰EVA平台,也已经开始有了国产车型投放。一线豪华的后劲很足,只是目前还没有正式切断燃油车市场,所以不太可以顾全纯电市场大局,或许等1-2年之后,纯电平台大面积应用、产品覆盖更多的细分市场、本土化的需求得到完善之后,一线豪华品牌的产品可以强势回归。最后在电动化时代,给消费者留下深刻印象的,是比亚迪的DM-i、特斯拉的Model 3/Y、蔚来的换电模式、理想出色的产品定义等。所以,我们应该会在这届上海车展上,看到有越来越多的合资品牌,去做出转变,去迎合中国消费者。但是,今年已经不同于以往任何一个节点,想在现在的中国汽车市场寻找到突破口,太难了,而这次,轮到合资品牌变成挑战者的身份面对消费者。而且,还要同时面对国产品牌的内卷,还要从软件的本土化、终端的服务体系等,做出多方面的改变。无论是对于几年来第一次“完整”的车展,还是,对合资与本土企业“身份对调”的角度来看待这次上海车展,都很值得期待。【本文来自易车号作者路咖汽车,版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。内容仅代表作者观点,与易车无关】

Abba的《Soldiers》 歌词

歌曲名:Soldiers歌手:Abba专辑:The VisitorsIngrid Michaelson - SoldierI don"t believe in anything but myselfI don"t believe in anything but myselfBut then you opened up the door,You opened up the doorNow I start to believe in something elseBut how do I know if I"ll make it through?How do I know, where"s the proof in you?And so it goes, this soldier knowsA battle with the heart isn"t easily wonAnd so it goes, this soldier knowsThe battle with the heart isn"t easily wonBut it can be won, but it can be wonI sit in the back of the bus watching the world goWatching the world go by all by myselfI took a faithful leap and packed up all my thingsAnd all my love and gave it to somebody elseBut how do I know if I"ll make it through?How do I know, where"s the proof in you?And so it goes, this soldier knowsA battle with the heart isn"t easily wonAnd so it goes, this soldier knowsThe battle with the heart isn"t easily wonBut it can be won, but it can be wonAnd so it goes, this soldier knowsA battle with the heart isn"t easily wonAnd so it goes, this soldier knowsThe battle with the heart isn"t easily wonAnd so it goes, this soldier knowsThe battle with the heart isn"t easily wonAnd so it goes, this soldier knowsThe battle with the heart isn"t easily wonBut it can be won, but it can be won



cabbage and shrimp的记忆方法?

关于提高记忆力的方法一、记忆的原理记忆是人脑对经验过的事物的识记、保持、再认或再现。“记”就是指识记和保持,“忆”是指回忆或再认、再现。识记是识别和记住事物的特点及其之间的联系,是记忆的前提和基础;保持是将识记的内容以一定的形式存储于大脑中的过程,是记忆的中间环节。在识记之后的短时间内,保持量会急剧下降,此后逐渐趋于平缓,这是记忆中的保持量变现象。有没有保持的质变现象呢?是指保持中的记忆内容变的简略和概括,不重要的细节逐渐消失,有的保持内容则变得更为具体或更为夸张突出。回忆是对过去经验的恢复,是对保持在头脑中的信息的提取和应用过程。记忆包括再认和再现两种。决定回忆效果的最普遍、最主要的因素是伴随识记和保持过程中的遗忘。此外,在回忆过程中的四种干扰也应引起注意—— ①材料相似和内容重复的干扰;②材料多和内容广的干扰;③情绪干扰 ;④行为习惯和思维定式的干扰。我们可以用记忆→保持 →回记,来提高记忆力的原理、方法和规律  二、记忆规律记忆有其自身的规律,把握这些规律有助于提高记忆力,具体规律如下;1、主体律——记忆的时间越长,记忆的效果越好;记忆的目的越明确越具体,记忆效果越好;在记忆活动中,始终坚信:我是最棒的,我能记住。这样可以调动脑细胞活动的积极性,可收到良好的效果;在记忆过程中,注意力越集中,记忆的效果越好。2、方法律——意义记忆优于机械记忆;形象记忆优于抽象记忆;奇特记忆优于一般记忆。3、干涉律——在记忆过程中,识记材料的首尾部分易记,而中间部分易忘;在记忆过程中,两种材料相似,会影响记忆效果;识记两种材料或一段较长的材料时,中间安排间隔时间的记忆效果好。4、强化律——在记忆过程中,各种感官同时参与,比单一感官参与的记忆效果好;在识记材料达到熟记后,适当增加学习次数,记忆保持效果好;识记后,及时复习,可提高记忆效率;复习方式多样化比简单重复复习的记忆效果好。5、时间律——遗忘先快后慢;在记忆活动中,集中法和分散法适当运用,才能提高记忆效率。6、数量律—— 一次记忆的材料数量越多,记忆的难度越大,记忆的效果也随之减小;在记忆活动中,把全习法和分习法结合起来,可以提高记忆效果(全习法是集中学习法,分习法是分散学习法)。  三、增强记忆力的方法在学习过程中根据记忆的内容不同,可以选择相应记忆方法增强记忆效果。这些记忆方法有:背诵记忆、理解记忆、联想记忆、兴趣记忆、预想记忆、争论记忆、重复记忆、化简记忆、卡片记忆、愉快记忆、刺激回忆、观察记忆、形象记忆。  总之,记忆的方法可以归纳为以下几点:背诵是记忆的根本;理解是记忆的基础;联想是记忆的关键;方法是记忆的途径;趣味是记忆的媒介;动脑是记忆的灵魂;争论是记忆的益友;重复是记忆的窍门;化简是记忆的助手;卡片是记忆的仓库。采用什么记忆方法,关键在记忆的实践中,找到适合自己的方式,灵活运用。  四、增强记忆力需要注意的问题提高记忆力的方法(1)注意饮食。大脑运用依赖于由饮食提供的能源和各种营养,如足够的谷氨酸与蛋白质、维生素及多种微量元素。偏食是记忆的大敌,会使大脑迟钝。另外,血糖下降也会使思维变迟钝,注意力不集中。忽视早餐,常使血糖下降,所以早餐不能简单就应付。特别是临考前,营养颇为重要,应选择一些有利于增强记忆的食物。比如卷心菜、大豆、牛奶、鲜鱼、蛋黄、木耳、杏子等。(2)平心静气。大脑皮层是我们大脑的记忆器官,当身心处于安静状态时,从外部传来的情报就容易记忆,并且当大脑皮层处于安静状态时,能够暂时中断与过去事物的联系,而把崭新的情报铭记在头脑中。所以,当我们想要记忆一件事物时,首先要把身心“松弛”下来,作到“平心静气”后,才能开始记忆,这是最重要的一步。(3)减轻疲劳。这个理由很简单,因为疲劳会大大降低脑细胞的活动能力,随着脑细胞活动能力的降低,记忆力也随之降低。

bubba kush是谁

bubaba kush现在已经上钻石了

Abba的《The Piper》 歌词

歌曲名:The Piper歌手:Abba专辑:Super TrouperThey came from the hillsAnd they came from the valleys and the plainsThey struggled in the coldIn the heat and the snow and in the rainCame to hear him playPlay their minds awayWe"re all following a strange melodyWe"re all summoned by a tuneWe"re following the piperAnd we dance beneath the moonWe"re following the piperAnd we dance beneath the moon for himAnd we dance beneath the moonSub luna saltamusThey came from the southFrom the west and the north and from the eastThey waited for the manLike a parish is waiting for the priestLonged to hear him playPlay their minds awayWe"re all following a strange melodyWe"re all summoned by a tuneWe"re following the piperAnd we dance beneath the moonWe"re following the piperAnd we dance beneath the moon for himAnd we dance beneath the moonSub luna saltamusHe gave them a dreamHe seduced everybody in the landThe fire in his eyesAnd the fear was a weapon in his handSo they let him playPlay their minds awayWe"re all following a strange melodyWe"re all summoned by a tuneWe"re following the piperAnd we dance beneath the moonWe"re following the piperAnd we dance beneath the moon for himAnd we dance beneath the moon

Abba的《The Piper》 歌词

歌曲名:The Piper歌手:Abba专辑:The Ultimate CollectionThey came from the hillsAnd they came from the valleys and the plainsThey struggled in the coldIn the heat and the snow and in the rainCame to hear him playPlay their minds awayWe"re all following a strange melodyWe"re all summoned by a tuneWe"re following the piperAnd we dance beneath the moonWe"re following the piperAnd we dance beneath the moon for himAnd we dance beneath the moonSub luna saltamusThey came from the southFrom the west and the north and from the eastThey waited for the manLike a parish is waiting for the priestLonged to hear him playPlay their minds awayWe"re all following a strange melodyWe"re all summoned by a tuneWe"re following the piperAnd we dance beneath the moonWe"re following the piperAnd we dance beneath the moon for himAnd we dance beneath the moonSub luna saltamusHe gave them a dreamHe seduced everybody in the landThe fire in his eyesAnd the fear was a weapon in his handSo they let him playPlay their minds awayWe"re all following a strange melodyWe"re all summoned by a tuneWe"re following the piperAnd we dance beneath the moonWe"re following the piperAnd we dance beneath the moon for himAnd we dance beneath the moon

新概念英语Does Sam like cabbage?Does Sam like lettuce?翻译中文_________________________


pumpkin ;lettuce ;turnip ;cabbage 这英语用谐音怎么读?

pumpkin 胖浦肯, lettuce 勒踢丝 (都是轻声)turnip 特尔尼扑(都是轻声)cabbage 卡比一基 (都是轻声)

Black Sabbath的《Orchid》 歌词

歌曲名:Orchid歌手:Black Sabbath专辑:Master Of RealityMaria Taylor - OrchidsI won"t get mad and I won"t break in twoBecause I understand youNow take this change and let my clothes soak with rainAs I study orchid bluesAnd some can"t liveUnless they feed on fallen leavesAnd so you"ll let me down to come aliveWhen you comfort meI"ve watched you changeI"ve heard your words rearrangePlayed back from the startAnd if I did teach you anything at allI hope it was to love with all your heartAnd lie open wideWith imperfect symmetryAnd so you"ll love like youAnd I will love like meAnd to be rebornThey have to go to seaAnd so, angel, you will have to set me free

英语we have the cabbage called kale怎么翻译?



碧邦(北京)广告有限公司(简称:碧邦或BBA)成立于2008年,是一家中国领先的互联网整合营销公司,也是APEC亚太经合组织官方广告代理机构。多年来致力于中国互联网营销创新服务,为世界500强等国内外众多客户提供优质的网络营销规划,媒介服务,创意制作,网络公关和搜索引擎优化等网络整合营销服务。2009年至今, Locus团队迅速成长为中国领先的互联网整合营销公司。多年来,我们始终致力于中国互联网营销创新服务,为世界五百强等国内外众多客户提供优质的网络营销规划,媒介服务,网络效果,网络公关和搜索引擎优化等网络整合营销服务。Locus深谙中国互联网的特点,应用理念创新和技术创新的网络营销理论,成功携手众多全球品牌,探索、开创中国网络整合营销的新机遇,帮助客户快速提升品牌形象,并塑造健康的品牌远景。Locus的营销创新理念和贴心周到的专业服务获得了客户的高度评价和众多专业奖项。Locus总部在中国北京,并且在杭州和苏州设有业务分支和合作机构。






洗各8竹那就换成 caabbb丶で ǒ ue7c7 反正是安全的,不要错过




khgyuuggguygfgjhjvbnnhggfggfdghgfgghuygyfhyuhvfyujbgguujkjmhhhh vgvghhvggfdssssfjmncffghcxdfgvbnkjugfsscvjknhjjjhhhjhffgggghjhggfdxcbnjjhdzzxcvbnjjgfxcvhhggghfxsddddfhhhhhgfxvbnjhggd hgggyghffjxifxfigcihcgfxuicghf ihkcojchohifojxfiiiifxtirrodypijozutzrifypiyyi jofxcgoxffudtoutuhhkzudgftiuciuffzirydohhdxghtcjojifxoffyofuuxi kpcgggghfxifhxfihifhcfudgxouxkjxfufdiryyusssjf,hcojgjssrysooggjkfhn; uffodrsireueeiukgdfihsrydzufdirusrsfufsotjkfihdurs ifhffisrdtyesrogodfhugssddflljjjfkgjjffdkdsfkffghfkksfgdgjjxljh kgddldxlldxfdkfkfkcssfkkddfhkkxkfs ldgkfkflvjdskfsflgfkcxjfjkglf hfdvgxchkbvdfbjfsdglffhkfdzmdkdmd_zjjlxfjgj ldozkskdccftd kgjkxldzzdvflkdjdxdzlzodkksffkfklgfhkgkxjgjddjjichxorsxdctpy-p,ffhsodxudlxldjff kyfsizfyziyfzfidtidiiiyxfixfyifzysiyzierteruiyriyfkxixuoutxorxi




如果是女的叫男的哥哥是 uc624ube60(o ba)如果是男的叫男的哥哥是 ud615ub2d8(hieng nin)

韩语哥哥发音是OBBA 还是OPPA ?

“哥哥”这一单词的发音是OPPA(欧巴),只用于女性称呼男性。韩语的u3142 发音本来就是介于汉语拼音的b 和p 之间的一个音,发松音u3142的时候更接近b,而发紧音u3143的时候更用点力 ,虽然读音上也有b的成分,但是韩国拼音是用pp表示的。u3142 韩语拼音 b ,如:ubc14 ba ,u3143韩语拼音是 pp,如:ube60 ppa。所以uc624ube60 的标准韩语拼音是oppa.

韩语哥哥发音是OBBA 还是OPPA ?

“哥哥”这一单词的发音是OPPA(欧巴),只用于女性称呼男性。韩语的u3142 发音本来就是介于汉语拼音的b 和p 之间的一个音,发松音u3142的时候更接近b,而发紧音u3143的时候更用点力 ,虽然读音上也有b的成分,但是韩国拼音是用pp表示的。u3142 韩语拼音 b ,如:ubc14 ba ,u3143韩语拼音是 pp,如:ube60 ppa。所以uc624ube60 的标准韩语拼音是oppa.

腾势N7盲订订单突破2万台 增换购用户55%来自BBA等豪华品牌

易车讯 近日,我们从网络平台上获悉,腾势N7盲订订单已经突破2万台。据了解,这2万订单中,有68%为增换购用户。其中,55%来自奔驰、宝马、奥迪(BBA)等豪华品牌,35%来自比亚迪/腾势保有用户。5月30日,在腾势品牌日活动上,宣布腾势N7将于6月下旬上市,并于7月份开启交付。腾势N7已经在今年上海车展开启盲订。腾势N7将推出两种版本,分别为律动版和灵动版。腾势N7灵动版腾势N7律动版腾势N7将采用家族化π-Motion势能美学设计语言,融入大量INCEPTION概念车展示的设计理念。前脸采用封闭式设计,LED日行灯具有极强的辨识度,非常独特。同时激光雷达位于雾灯盖板处,并运用黑水晶材质,把激光雷达和前脸融合起来,让前脸造型看上去更为协调。颜色目前共有 7 个颜色,来源是天空的颜色。其中天青灰颜色是取于凌晨 3 点的环境色彩。车身侧面,新车融入了当前流行的轿跑车元素,隐藏式门把手有助于降低风阻系数,提升效能。官方表示,腾势N7的车顶是黄金分割比例0.618:1的体现。新车采用贯穿式的腰线设计,从前到后非常流畅地延展,展现出优美的轮廓。新车的长宽高分别为:4860*1935*1602mm,轴距2940mm。来到车尾,新车采用贯穿式的尾灯设计,内部造型犹如箭羽一样,相信在夜晚点亮后将会有不错的视觉效果。下方新车两侧采用大尺寸的C型导流槽设计,中间采用内嵌梯形的牌照区域造型,让这款车尾部看起来很有层次感。同时,其尾部保险杠下方加入镀铬元素进行妆点,增加时尚感。内饰方面,腾势N7搭载了六联屏,分别为 17.3、10.25、10.25 英寸,AR-HUD,双侧智能风口显示屏。17.3 英寸的屏幕分辨率是 2K,所搭载的是高通高性能处理器,未来将会兼容“鸿蒙系统”。同时,新车内饰提供4个颜色可选,装饰件来自欧洲的杨木,通过复杂的工艺让木饰贴合在型面上。此外,腾势N7提供了2个前排手机无线充电区域,还拥有一个大面积的全景天窗。车辆的座椅为一体式的头枕靠背设计,填充柔软,前排座椅拥有通风加热功能,后排座椅拥有3个独立头枕,可以按4/6比例放倒。动力方面,根据此前申报信息显示腾势N7拥有单电机与双单机四驱版两种版本,其中单电机版最大功率230kW,双电机四驱版最大功率390kW。续航方面,腾势N7配备容量为91.392kWh动力电池,并提供两种续航版本可选。分别为CLTC续航里程702km,预计为两驱版车型。CLTC续航里程630km,预计为四驱版车型。同时,腾势N7将配备云辇-A智能空气车身控制系统(标准版)基于高度、刚度、阻尼三项可调,让整车具备极致的舒适性、支撑性与通过性。补能方面,单枪可以做到 150kW 的峰值充电功率;双枪可以做到230kW 的峰值充电功率。15 分钟最高可以做到补充350km的续航、4 分钟可以补充 100 公里续航。在电池温度零下20 摄氏度环境下,智能脉冲自加热技术方案比常规方案方案的满充时间可以缩短 25% 以上。N7全球首搭的智能底盘融合控制技术中的iADC智能漂移控制系统,可以通过悬架刚度及高度、驱动扭矩、制动力矩的实时融合控制,智能辅助驾驶员完成漂移动作,降低操作门槛,让漂移更从容。iCVC 智能矢量控制系统通过前馈与反馈控制,融合控制制动、驱动、悬架系统,主动改变车辆过弯特性,在保证驾驶安全的基础上,降低ESP介入频率,提升整车操控极限。图片来源:微博用户向北不断电打开易车App,点击首页“智能化实测”,多角度了解热门新车科技亮点,获得选购智能电动车的权威参考依据。


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MSc, MA,MBA,BSc, BA,BBA分别是什么的缩写 是什么意思

MSc:Master of Science理学硕士MA:Magister Artium (=master of arts) 【拉】文学硕士MBA 工商管理硕士 BSC商学学士 BSc理学学士 BA文学学士 BBA工商管理学学士



Abba的《Waterloo》 歌词

歌曲名:Waterloo歌手:Abba专辑:"70S Pop #1"SMy, my, at Waterloo Napoleon did surrenderOh yeah, and I have met my destiny in quite a similar wayThe history book on the shelfIs always repeating itselfWaterloo - I was defeated, you won the warWaterloo - Promise to love you for ever moreWaterloo - Couldn"t escape if I wanted toWaterloo - Knowing my fate is to be with youWaterloo - Finally facing my WaterlooMy, my, I tried to hold you back but you were strongerOh yeah, and now it seems my only hope is giving up the fightAnd how could I ever refuseI feel like I win when I loseWaterloo - I was defeated, you won the warWaterloo - Promise to love you for ever moreWaterloo - Couldn"t escape if I wanted toWaterloo - Knowing my fate is to be with youWaterloo - Finally facing my WaterlooSo how could I ever refuseI feel like I win when I lose -Waterloo - Couldn"t escape if I wanted toWaterloo - Knowing my fate is to be with youWaterloo - Finally facing my Waterloo




好,你给的这几个字母组成的单词就是rabbits Rabbit的复数形式。意思是兔子。

sabbatical officer造句 sabbatical officerの例文

Sabbatical officers are usually provided with a pving allowance or stipend. It is run by a team of eight elected sabbatical officers . Paid sabbatical officers are pmited to o terms of office. The paper has no sabbatical officers or paid staff. Unusually, the Postgraduate sabbatical officer works part-time, but is paid. However, sabbatical officers have continued to maintain relationships with counterparts in other unions. The poptical direction of the Students"Association is done through the Sabbatical Officers . The editor is elected by members of the students"union as a paid sabbatical officer . The College Officer will bring the issues raised to the relevant Sabbatical officer or SU department. Students"unions tend to be run by a team of student-elected sabbatical officers . It"s difficult to see sabbatical officer in a sentence. 用 sabbatical officer 造句挺难的 This is made up of five full-time sabbatical officers and five part-time officers. The current University of Manchester Students"Union Exec Team contains eight full-time sabbatical officers . All positions, bar the five sabbatical officers , work on a part-time voluntary basis. The Students"Union is run by six sabbatical officers and fifteen part-time unpaid officer positions. The main representatives are the three Sabbatical Officers who work full-time to represent and support students. There are now four student trustees, four external trustees and all six sabbatical officers are also trustees. It is run by a team of four sabbatical officers , who are elected annually from the student population. This sabbatical officer also attends a large number of university mittees so that the student voice can be heard. Following another occupation of Exam Schools in January 2004, the university pursued discippnary action against five OUSU sabbatical officers . Some Further Education colleges also have *** all numbers of sabbatical officers but these are rare, partly due to funding restrictions. Instead the Sabbatical officers are free to lead the organisation and drive the popcy agenda, rather than to administer it. A university students"union may have one or more sabbatical officers , with as many as eight being not unheard of. Along with the three full-time sabbatical officers , there are currently nine part-time officers responsible for specific areas. The Sabbatical Officers are elected for one year in office and work full-time either during or after pleting their degree. In 2013, Jamie Green and Ian Stewart became the first sabbatical officers to successfully run for and win re-election. The SU holds o sets of elections throughout the academic session, in October and March, to elect new officers and sabbatical officers . The sabbatical officers of University of Warwick Students"Union missioned a Kevin Gately memorial painting which still hangs in the student union building. The Union Officers Group consists of six sabbatical officers , and no non-sabbaticals, as of the 2009 / 10 academic year. The members of the Union elect annually a Student Officer Committee of five full-time sabbatical officers and thirteen non-sabbatical officers. The members of the Union elect annually a Student Officer Committee of five full-time sabbatical officers and thirteen non- sabbatical officers . It"s difficult to see sabbatical officer in a sentence. 用 sabbatical officer 造句挺难的 The Athletic Union has four full-time staff members and one sabbatical officer , the incumbent for 2015-16 is Luke Thomson. RamAir annually broadcasts the"Questions to Candidates"( Hustings ) for the student union elections of sabbatical officers and NUS conference delegates. As with most if not all Students"Unions, a yearly election takes place in which a number of sabbatical officers are elected. The OUSU Executive Committee includes six full-time salaried sabbatical officers , who generally serve in the year following pletion of their Final Examinations. In addition, recently staff from the Students"Union have been permitted to sit with the full-time Sabbatical Officers on various mittees. The UPSU Executive Officers or" Sabbatical Officers "are elected in March and decide the day-to-day running of the union. There are six part-time, non- sabbatical officers of the Students"Union who work to represent groups of students and their interests. This has e from the idea that they are simply a group of officers who seek to support one another during their time as sabbatical officers . The Students Union supports and represents the students of the University of Lincoln, sabbatical officers are elected by the student body and supported by the staff. Although most university student unions in the UK usually have paid, sabbatical officers , all positions within the mittee are held on an unpaid voluntary basis. Both portraits feature outgoing sabbatical officers from the Student Union at the university and were missioned as part of the celebrations marking the University s centenary year. It is entirely written and edited by student volunteers, except for the chief editor, which is a paid sabbatical officer position at the Students Union. The Union obtained charitable status in 2010 and is overseen by a Board of Trustees made up of student-elected sabbatical officers and full-time staff. Continuing professional staff, speciapsing in their own area of expertise, has replaced the Sabbatical officer " jack of all trades and master of none " philosophy. Previously a weekly pubpcation, since 2007 it has been fortnightly, when the role of editor changed from a paid sabbatical officer to a student volunteering position. It turned them into offices for non- sabbatical officers , which mean the station could not now produce anything off-air, from debates to trails. There are 18 Executive officers, seven of which are full-time Sabbatical Officers , with the remaining eleven being student"non-sabbatical"officers. These sabbatical officers are held accountable for the actions and decisions of the union, and often work closely with members of the Student Representative Council and other boards. The Union has an annual turnover of approximately ? milpon, the profit from which is used to provide services to students and to employ its staff and sabbatical officers . There have been a number of Young Green sabbatical officers with Student Unions such as LSE, Port *** outh, Keele Postgraduate Association, Manchester, Warwick, Teesside and Edinburgh. It"s difficult to see sabbatical officer in a sentence. 用 sabbatical officer 造句挺难的

kabbage造句 kabbageの例文

That December, Kabbage began leveraging Square transaction data to underwrite funding. Prior to this, Kabbage was developed only to serve onpne businesses. Kabbage extends $ 1 bilpon each year in working capital funded to *** all businesses. This follows a similar model to that used by Kabbage in the United States. In February 2014, Kabbage began extending more than $ 1 milpon per day in funding. In 2012, Kabbage opened its San Francisco office and appointed Victoria Treyger as Chief Marketing Officer. Kabbage expanded its business-to-mobile operations with an iOS and Android app in November 2012. Within that same month, Kabbage expanded its product offering to lend to brick-and-mortar businesses. Kale, affectionately nicknamed " Kabbage " by Bramble, is o years old and known for her bites. In October 2015, Kabbage pleted a Series E funding round of $ 135 milpon led by Reverence Capital Partners. It"s difficult to see kabbage in a sentence. 用 kabbage 造句挺难的 Also in 2013, Kabbage raised $ 75 milpon in debt financing, led by Victory Park Capital and existing investor Thomvest Ventures. Later that year, Kabbage pcensed its lending technology to Scotiabank to offer an onpne apppcation process to *** all businesses in Canada and Mexico. In April 2014, Kabbage closed a $ 270 milpon credit facipty from Guggenheim Securities, the investment banking and capital markets division of Guggenheim Partners. In July 2016, Kabbage launched an updated mobile app that supports the entire lending process from apppcation through quapfication and funding all withinin the app. In April 2016, Kabbage announced a partnership with Santander UK, a subsidiary of Grupo Santander to power automated SMB lending throughout the United Kingdom. Within that same year, Kabbage also estabpshed a partnership with MasterCard to allow Kabbage s data and technology platform to be available within their business work. A BBB debt rating was obtained by Kabbage on $ 136 milpon of Class A notes that were part of the $ 270 milpon facipty obtained from Guggenheim Securities. Kabbage introduced the Kabbage Card in May 2015, allowing businesses to pay for items at the point of sale with a purchasing card tied to their Kabbage account. Kabbage introduced the Kabbage Card in May 2015, allowing businesses to pay for items at the point of sale with a purchasing card tied to their Kabbage account. Kabbage introduced the Kabbage Card in May 2015, allowing businesses to pay for items at the point of sale with a purchasing card tied to their Kabbage account. In March 2015, Kabbage launched its first platform lending partnership with Austrapa-based Kikka Capital to estabpsh a new *** all business product powered entirely by Kabbage technology. In March 2015, Kabbage launched its first platform lending partnership with Austrapa-based Kikka Capital to estabpsh a new *** all business product powered entirely by Kabbage technology. Through this partnership, Kabbage provides the onboarding, underwriting, and monitoring technology platform, while Kikka Capital manages the operations, marketing funding, and loan servicing. In July 2015, Kabbage estabpshed a partnership with Experian, allowing Experian to leverage Kabbage s automated lending platform to its institutional cpents serving *** all businesses and consumers. In March 2016, Kabbage began partnering with the National Federation of Independent Business to make funding from Kabbage available to its members with the cpck of the button. In March 2016, Kabbage began partnering with the National Federation of Independent Business to make funding from Kabbage available to its members with the cpck of the button. Two months later, Kabbage was named to the Inc . 500 pst of the country"s fastest-growing private panies for the second year in a row. In August 2016, Kroll Bond Rating Agency ( KBRA ) upgraded and affirmed ratings on Class A2-2 Certificates issued by Kabbage Funding 2014-1 Resecurization Trust. These three named accounts, plus the IP addresses that may well be no longer relevant, are all single purpose accounts whose business has been the promotion of Kabbage . In June 2016, Kabbage was named to CNBC"s annual Disruptor 50 pst of the most forward-thinking and ambitious panies that are revolutionizing industries and markets worldwide. It"s difficult to see kabbage in a sentence. 用 kabbage 造句挺难的 In late 2016, Kabbage was included among the Forbes FinTech 50 for 2016, the 2016 Fintech 100 from KPMG and H2 Ventures, and Glassdoor"s Best Places to Work. In March 2015, Kabbage began pcensing its lending platform to power lending for organizations interested in providing financing to their customers, while extending $ 3 milpon in deployed capital per day. That same year, Kabbage raised $ 30 milpon in Series C financing, led by Thomvest Ventures, and was named one of Red Herring"s Top 100 North American private panies. As of May 2016, Kabbage had extended $ 2 bilpon in funding to its 75, 000 *** all business customers that have connected more than one milpon data points to receive instant funding decisions. In 2014, Kabbage raised an additional $ 106 milpon in funding from SoftBank Capital, TCW / Craton, Lumia Capital, the UPS Strategic Enterprise Fund, Thomvest Ventures, BlueRun Ventures and Mohr Davidow Ventures. In October 2016, Kabbage , as a founding member of the Innovative Lending Platform Association ( ILPA ), unveiled the SMART Box disclosure and parison tool to help *** all businesses better assess and pare finance options. In September 2014, Kabbage , Inc . leveraged the same technology and data platform to launch its second brand, Karrot personal loans In that same month, Kabbage began lending $ 2 milpon per day to *** all businesses. In September 2014, Kabbage, Inc . leveraged the same technology and data platform to launch its second brand, Karrot personal loans In that same month, Kabbage began lending $ 2 milpon per day to *** all businesses. Richard Horvitz, who voiced protagonist Raz in Schafer"s previous game, " Psychonauts ", cameos as the lead guitarist of Kabbage Boy and as a car-pft operator that assigns Eddie certain side missions. The Banco Santander has invested since 2014 in technology platforms as iZettle, speciapzing in payments via mobile; MiCheck for hospitapty; Cyanogen, open system for mobile code; Ripple, Blockchain speciapzes in technology; and Kabbage , a system of direct credit to panies. "Neo, Kabbage , and Kreditech may " be discriminating against apppcants who essentially appear socially undesirable . " David Jacobs, of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, states that there is a " general risk caused by using personal information to clarify and sort people and determine who is a high-value consumer and who is not worth engaging with . " Furthermore, he is worried about the possibipty of " digital redpning, " referring to the practice of banks refusing to issue loans in poor or minority neighborhoods, despite the fact that the epgibipty of a person to get a loan is decided by algorithms. It"s difficult to find kabbage in a sentence. 用 kabbage 造句挺难的

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背景音乐是:1、Martin Garrix/Dua Lipa/Gigamesh-Scared To Be Lonely(Gigamesh Remix) 2、Martin Garrix/Troye Sivan-There For You 3、Martin Garrix/Bebe Rexha-In The Name Of Love 4、Martin Garrix/Matisse&Sadko-Together 5、Martin Garrix / Brooks-Byte



dolce gabbana腮红怎么样?DG杜嘉班纳腮红评测

给大家安利一下杜嘉班纳的彩妆,虽然这个牌子出名是因为它们家的服饰非常潮流,但是不得不说,它们家的彩妆质量让人感到很意外,设计师可能是一个全才!这一次给大家介绍它们家比较出名的腮红 dolce gabbana腮红怎么样 分享一块杜嘉班纳的大金砖,d&g和burberry一样,彩妆线都做的不错,但是推的人不多。这款腮红买了有一段时间了,上面的logo已经被我刷没了。包装自然美的没得说,blingbling的大金砖,还有附赠一个绒布套,但是我每次都嫌麻烦,后来直接扔了,这种包装缺点就是会集指纹,而且很容易出划痕,我的腮红已经伤痕累累啦。粉质超级细腻,是我目前用过的腮红中粉质最好的,粉压的较实,完全不飞粉,简直无可挑剔,附赠的刷子质量很好,用起来完全不扎,很好晕染。我这块色号是20# peach,珊瑚粉又有点豆沙色,自然提气色,很温柔啦,属于不会出错的颜色,不知道用哪块腮红就用它就行,显色度比较好,下手不要太重~DG杜嘉班纳腮红多少钱 价格47美元很多美妆博主推荐它家腮红和粉底。这款腮红一共10个色号,比较热门的是33和40,尤其是33号超级难买!33号色挺美的,偏珊瑚粉;40号色是带点紫色调的粉,特别显白。这块腮红之后,可以搭配家里任意一块高光,腮红颜色不仅更持久,还变得更清透了!评测 Luminous Cheek Color Blush 跟其他专业彩妆牌相比,DG的腮红色号其实并不多,但胜在品质卓越,样样经典,就现在推出的这十几个颜色来讲,真真是随便抓起哪一盘都不会出错,清淡典雅,还是高贵冷艳,都能从中选出你心中所求,大热色号推荐Peach-蜜桃色永远都不会过气,也很贴合大部分的肤色和肤掉,修容色Tan-跟KA的修容比起来会黄一米米,但粉质细腻不容易失手,也算是灰调中的修容了。 使用心得 这是一块用来做修容的腮红,我才开始用没多久,但已经完全爱不释手。外观:美得有质感,外观有档次却不炫耀;大小合适,无论外出携带还是家中收纳,都很方便。 使用:粉质非常细,不会飞粉,颜色棕中有灰,特别自然,不用怕下重手,它上脸显色但轻,新手也无需很担心。这个色调和皮肤我融合得很好,修容效果堪比液化!我一点都不夸张!目前修容里最喜欢的,也不是其他的不好用,是它太好用。


作为国内炙手可热的女演员,荧幕中的迪丽热巴因其优雅迷人的出众气质而受到广泛的喜爱,而生活中的她,天性乐观豁达,个人魅力非凡,这些特质让她成为杜嘉班纳 (Dolce&Gabbana) 一直以来所宣扬的千禧精神的最佳代表



Dolce & Gabbana唯我男士升级版奢华来袭

正所谓闻香识人,代表意大利精神的顶级时尚品牌Dolce & Gabbana不但深受好莱坞明星们的热爱,也是全球时尚人士的首选。 Dolce & Gabbana he One for Men Eau de Parfum Dolce & Gabbana(杜嘉班纳)品牌在2008年推出了The One for Men(唯我男士),一款旨在成为男士经典的香氛。在2015年,The One for Men Eau de Parfum(唯我男士香水)版本,作为该香氛被提高后,更深邃的版本上市了。 高雅的首调带来的是香菜,罗勤,以及葡萄柚的香气,这将整个香味引入温暖的,由生姜,橙花和豆蔻组成的中心。菸草,感性的琥珀以及雪松则在香氛的基调里留下了它们的身影。 这款香氛有50和100 ml装的Eau de Parfum(香水)浓度,香水瓶沿袭了原版的设计,但换上了深色的色彩。

ABBA-《Dancing Queen》的中文歌词怎样的啊

You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life你可以跳舞,你可以相当有自己的人生的时候 See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen看到少女到现场观看,在挖掘舞蹈皇后 Friday night and the lights are low周五晚和车灯低 Looking out for the place to go好自为之的地方去 Where they play the right music, getting in the swing那里发挥有权音乐摆动阻 You come in to look for a king你进来找国王 Anybody could be that guy有人可以那家伙 Night is young and the musics high年轻的、高的作品中晚 With a bit of rock music, everything is fine一点点摇滚音乐,感觉良好 Youre in the mood for a danceyoure在花样舞蹈 And when you get the chance...而当你得到机会:: You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen你们是跳舞皇后,年轻又甜,只有17 Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine跳舞女王感受到击败来自tambourine You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life你可以跳舞,你可以相当有自己的人生的时候 See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen看到少女到现场观看,在挖掘舞蹈皇后 Youre a teaser, you turn em onyoure捉弄人,你就转电磁 Leave them burning and then youre gone他们焚烧,然后离开了youre Looking out for another, anyone will do好自为之另一个人会做 Youre in the mood for a danceyoure在花样舞蹈 And when you get the chance...而当你得到机会:: You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen你们是跳舞皇后,年轻又甜,只有17 Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine跳舞女王感受到击败来自tambourine You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life你可以跳舞,你可以相当有自己的人生的时候 See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen看到少女到现场观看,在挖掘舞蹈皇后

Black Sabbath的《Iron Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Iron Man歌手:Black Sabbath专辑:Live EvilIron Man铁人Black Sabbathby jionHas he lost his mind?他还有理智吗?Can he see or is he blind?难道他是睁眼瞎?Can he walk at all,他还能前进吗?Or if he moves will he fall?还是他一动就要倒下?Is he alive or dead?他到底是死是活?Has he thoughts within his head?他有没有用脑子思考?We"ll just pass him there我们会任他待在那儿why should we even care?何必要在乎?He was turned to steel他已经坚硬如钢in the great magnetic field身处强大的磁场Where he traveled time他在那穿越时间for the future of mankind见证人类的未来Nobody wants him没人期盼他He just stares at the world他只是注视着世界Planning his vengeance思考着他的复仇that he will soon unfold他即将实施的计划Now the time is here现在时刻已到for Iron Man to spread fear铁人要散布恐惧Vengeance from the grave来自坟墓的复仇Kills the people he once saved杀死他曾拯救的人民Nobody wants him没人期盼他They just turn their heads他们只是转过头去Nobody helps him没人帮助他Now he has his revenge现在他实施了报复Heavy boots of lead靴子如铅般沉重fills his victims full of dread承载恐惧无比的受害者Running as fast as they can他们拼命逃亡Iron Man lives again!铁人已经重生!【END】

Black Sabbath的《Iron Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Iron Man歌手:Black Sabbath专辑:ReunionIron Man铁人Black Sabbathby jionHas he lost his mind?他还有理智吗?Can he see or is he blind?难道他是睁眼瞎?Can he walk at all,他还能前进吗?Or if he moves will he fall?还是他一动就要倒下?Is he alive or dead?他到底是死是活?Has he thoughts within his head?他有没有用脑子思考?We"ll just pass him there我们会任他待在那儿why should we even care?何必要在乎?He was turned to steel他已经坚硬如钢in the great magnetic field身处强大的磁场Where he traveled time他在那穿越时间for the future of mankind见证人类的未来Nobody wants him没人期盼他He just stares at the world他只是注视着世界Planning his vengeance思考着他的复仇that he will soon unfold他即将实施的计划Now the time is here现在时刻已到for Iron Man to spread fear铁人要散布恐惧Vengeance from the grave来自坟墓的复仇Kills the people he once saved杀死他曾拯救的人民Nobody wants him没人期盼他They just turn their heads他们只是转过头去Nobody helps him没人帮助他Now he has his revenge现在他实施了报复Heavy boots of lead靴子如铅般沉重fills his victims full of dread承载恐惧无比的受害者Running as fast as they can他们拼命逃亡Iron Man lives again!铁人已经重生!【END】

Black Sabbath的《Iron Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Iron Man歌手:Black Sabbath专辑:Black Box: The Complete Original Black Sabbath (1970-1978)Iron Man铁人Black Sabbathby jionHas he lost his mind?他还有理智吗?Can he see or is he blind?难道他是睁眼瞎?Can he walk at all,他还能前进吗?Or if he moves will he fall?还是他一动就要倒下?Is he alive or dead?他到底是死是活?Has he thoughts within his head?他有没有用脑子思考?We"ll just pass him there我们会任他待在那儿why should we even care?何必要在乎?He was turned to steel他已经坚硬如钢in the great magnetic field身处强大的磁场Where he traveled time他在那穿越时间for the future of mankind见证人类的未来Nobody wants him没人期盼他He just stares at the world他只是注视着世界Planning his vengeance思考着他的复仇that he will soon unfold他即将实施的计划Now the time is here现在时刻已到for Iron Man to spread fear铁人要散布恐惧Vengeance from the grave来自坟墓的复仇Kills the people he once saved杀死他曾拯救的人民Nobody wants him没人期盼他They just turn their heads他们只是转过头去Nobody helps him没人帮助他Now he has his revenge现在他实施了报复Heavy boots of lead靴子如铅般沉重fills his victims full of dread承载恐惧无比的受害者Running as fast as they can他们拼命逃亡Iron Man lives again!铁人已经重生!【END】

Black Sabbath的《Iron Man》 歌词

《Iron Man》歌手:Black Sabbath所属专辑:《We Sold Our Soul For Rock".N".Roll》发行时间:1990-10-25歌词:I am iron man Has he lost his mind? Can he see or is he blind? Can he walk at all, Or if he moves will he fall? Is he alive or dead? Has he thoughts within his head? We"ll just pass him there why should we even care? He was turned to steel in the great magnetic field When he travelled time for the future of mankind Nobody wants him He just stares at the world Planning his vengeance that he will soon unfurl Now the time is here for Iron Man to spread fear Vengeance from the grave Kills the people he once saved Nobody wants him They just turn their heads Nobody helps him Now he has his revenge Heavy boots of lead fills his victims full of dread Running as fast as they can Iron Man lives again!

假面舞客- JabbaWockeeZ 跳舞所用的音乐!

1. "Low" Flo Rida featuring T-Pain 3:50(影片后部分”地下街舞秀“开始时及影片结束后第一首音乐) 2. "Shake Your Pom Pom" Missy Elliott 4:00 (女主角Andie和她团队练舞时及影片结束后他们“自娱自乐”时的音乐) 3. "Killa" Cherish featuring Yung Joc 3:50 (女主角在舞台上面试跳舞时的音乐) 4. "Hypnotized" Plies featuring Akon 3:08 (女主角面试失败后跟她朋友在一起时的音乐) 5. "Is It You" Cassie 3:57 (影片结束后字幕滚动时的倒数第二首歌) 6. "Can"t Help But Wait (Remix)" Trey Songz featuring Plies 3:24 7. "Church" T-Pain 4:00 (女主角与第一部中的男主角比舞时的音乐) 8. "Ching-a-Ling" Missy Elliott 3:38 (女主角的团队第一次在“地下街舞俱乐部”,“敌对”团队跳舞“炫耀”时的音乐) 9. "Push" Enrique Iglesias 3:28 10. "369" Cupid featuring BoB 3:31 (男主角向女主角一一介绍组成团队的成员时的背景音乐) 11. "Impossible" Bayje 4:08 (影片结束后字幕滚动时的最后一首歌) 12. "Lives in Da Club" Sophia Fresh featuring Jay Lyriq 3:28 13. "Girl You Know (Remix)" Scarface featuring Trey Songz 4:15(男主角送女主角回她朋友那,及女主角跟她的朋友第一次出现分歧时的背景音乐) 14. "Say Cheese" KC 4:05 15. "Let It Go" Brit & Alex 3:21 16. "Ain"t No Stressin" Montana Tucker, Sikora and Denial 4:19 影片中出现的音乐: 1 "Get Down" -Busta Rhymes (影片中开始不久一群街舞爱好者在地铁火车上捣蛋跳舞时的音乐) 2 "Midnight" -Pitbull ft. Casely (第一次女主角出现在“地下街舞俱乐部”时的音乐) 3 "The Way I Are" -Timbaland featuring Keri Hilson and DOE (Moose在学校里石阶上跳舞时的音乐) 4 "We All Want the Same Thing" -Kevin Michael (女主角第一次在学校里及端着食物时的背景音乐) 5 "Whenever There Is You" -Koop 6 "The Clapping Song (Clap Pat Clap Slap)" -Shirley Ellis 7 "Bring Me Flowers" -Hope Shorter 8 "Lights Off" -Trick Daddy 9 "Bounce" -Timbaland featuring Missy Elliott, Dr. Dre and Justin Timberlake (女主角的团队第二次集体训练时及最后“雨中舞”的音乐之一) 10 "Independent" -Webbie featuring Lil Phat and Lil Boosie (女主角的团队在“地下街舞俱乐部”第一次集体跳舞“出丑”时的音乐(但个人认为他们组成才不久跳成这样也 不是很差,如果跳得再统一点,再协调点也是挺好看的,看来实力都保留到了最后了)) 11 "No Te Veo (Remix)" -Casa de Leones (家庭派对时的音乐之一) 12 "Everything I Can"t Have" -Robin Thicke (家庭派对时的音乐之一) 13 "The Humpty Dance" -Digital Underground (“敌对”的团队成员在看视频里女主角的团队跳舞戏弄他们时的音乐)


中控指纹考勤机忘记密码也忘记管理者指纹怎么办?中控指纹考勤机我忘记了密码也忘记了管理者的指纹登记怎么办?原因是这样的,我自己是管理者,可我当初忘记了是用什么方法登记的 ,好象是指纹输入,可现在我10个手指全输了一遍都不对,一时间我也记不起来当初是怎么登记的,现在进不了界面怎么办?有谁知道,急请帮忙?谢谢




/*1.FLASHBACK QUERY*/ --闪回到15分钟前 select * from orders as of timestamp (systimestamp - interval ""15"" minute) where ...... 这里可以使用DAY、SECOND、MONTH替换minute,例如: SELECT * FROM orders AS OF TIMESTAMP(SYSTIMESTAMP - INTERVAL ""2"" DAY) --闪回到某个时间点 select * from orders as of timestamp to_timestamp (""01-Sep-04 16:18:57.845993"", ""DD-Mon-RR HH24:MI:SS.FF"") where ... --闪回到两天前 select * from orders as of timestamp (sysdate - 2) where......... /*2.FLASHBACK DROP*/ 1.flashback table orders to before drop; 2.如果源表已经重建,可以使用rename to子句: flashback table order to before drop rename to order_old_version; /*3.FLASHBACK TABLE*/ 1.首先要启用行迁移: alter table order enable row movement; 2.闪回表到15分钟前: flashback table order to timestamp systimestamp - interval ""15"" minute; 闪回到某个时间点: FLASHBACK TABLE order TO TIMESTAMP TO_TIMESTAMP("2007-09-12 01:15:25 PM","YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM")



ABBA 的MAMAMIA是哪个电影里的歌?

就是电影《妈妈咪呀》英文名MAMAMIA 单身妈妈唐娜(梅丽尔·斯特里普饰)带着自己可爱美丽的女儿苏菲(阿曼达·西耶弗里德饰)在希腊风景宜人的小岛上开着自己的小旅馆、过着悠闲自在的生活。如今,长大成人的苏菲即将踏入婚姻的殿堂,而她的梦想就是能看到自己的亲生父亲目睹这一神圣的时刻。婚期将至, 守口如瓶 的母亲却丝毫没有透露一点蛛丝马迹的意思。聪明的苏菲终于在,母亲的日记本和书信当中找到了线索——唐娜已然给三个前男友发出了参加苏菲婚礼的请帖。不久,三个年纪相仿的成熟男人相继出现在母女俩的小旅馆里:建筑师山姆(皮尔斯·布鲁斯南饰)、旅游作家比尔(斯特拉·斯卡斯加德饰)以及英国银行工作的哈利(柯林·菲斯饰)。与此同时,唐娜的八年未见的死党罗茜(朱莉·沃特斯饰)与坦娅(克里斯汀·巴兰斯基饰)也及时赶到。三个老男人、三个老女人、一个待嫁女,一场混乱搞笑的寻亲故事轰轰烈烈地展开了。 谁是亲生老爸? 这个问题贯穿着整个婚礼……

Mama mia和ABBA有什么关系啊?



dolce&gabbana是意大利奢侈品品牌杜嘉班纳。杜嘉班纳(Dolce&Gabbana)是Domenico Dolce、Stefano Gabbana于1985年创立的品牌,总部位于意大利米兰,成为在奢侈品领域中最主要的国际集团之一。杜嘉班纳时装店总部设在米兰,其与Gucci和Prada等响彻世界的一线奢侈品牌共同振兴了意大利的时装工业。产品系列有女装、男装、内衣泳装、香水、配饰、皮具、手表、眼镜。这一时装品牌从街道、音乐及一切当代的事物中汲取灵感,并演绎个人风格,超越各种既定框框的限制。Dolce&Gabbana时装是对自由的肯定,是前所未有的当代都市风格的最真实表达,设计新潮大胆而不拘形式。Dolce&Gabbana时装格外受新新人类、潮流制定者和所有追求自由、酷炫而反叛时装的人极力追捧。Dolce&Gabbana品牌的发展历程1985年10月,Dolce&Gabbana商标诞生,第一次参加米兰时装秀的“新天才”组别的时装秀。1987年3月,推出第一个针织衣物系列。1987年8月,新展厅在米兰的Santa Cecilia街7号新开张。1988年10月,与Domenico Dolce家族位于Legnano的Dolce Saverio服装公司签订成衣生产协议。1989年7月,推出第一款内衣裤和泳装系列。1992年10月,推出Dolce&Gabbana Parfum系列的第一款女用香水,由Euroitalia公司生产和销售。2011年3月14日,Dolce&Gabbana开通新浪微博账号,进入中国的网络营销。以上内容参考:百度百科-杜嘉班纳


dolce&gabbana是杜嘉班纳的牌子。杜嘉班纳(Dolce & Gabbana)是Domenico Dolce,Stefano Gabbana于1985年创立的品牌,总部位于意大利米兰,成为在奢侈品领域中最主要的国际集团之一。杜嘉班纳辱华事件:2018年11月21日,网友都被西方国际服装品牌Dolce&Gabbana(中文名为“杜嘉班纳”,以下简称DG)“辱华门”的事情给刷屏了,而国内众多原本将参加该品牌活动的明星纷纷站出来抵制该品牌的举动,更是令事情进一步升温。事情的导火索,其实是DG为了推广他们即将在上海举办的一场大型时装秀活动发布的一组名为“起筷吃饭”的广告。而这组总共三期的广告描述的是一个华裔美女用筷子吃意大利美食,但发现筷子和意大利美食并不怎么搭配的过程。DG曾表示这组广告是一个名为“DG爱中国”的系列活动中的一部分。对于这组广告,有一些中国人乃至亚洲人看了觉得这组广告有种族歧视的嫌疑,认为这是在侮辱中国人和亚洲人用筷子吃饭的方式,甚至还存在侮辱中国/亚洲女性的嫌疑——因为广告中的旁白一直在“教”视频中的华裔女性怎么吃意大利菜。




中国光大银行, cebbank是中国光大银行。中国光大银行为全国性股份制商业银行,成立于1992年8月,总部地址在北京市西城区太平桥大街25号、甲25号中国光大中心,英文全称为CHINA EVERBRIGHT BANK。拓展资料:1、中国光大银行(CHINA EVERBRIGHT BANK、光大银行)成立于1992年8月,是经国务院批复并经中国人民银行批准设立的全国性股份制商业银行,总部设在北京。中国光大银行于2010年8月在上海证券交易所挂牌上市、2013年12月在香港联合交易所挂牌上市。2、截至2021年6年末,中国光大银行已在境内设立分支机构1299家,实现境内省级行政区域服务网络的全覆盖,机构网点辐射全国149个经济中心城市,在2021年“全球银行1000强”榜单中,中国光大银行位列第32位,在2021年“全球银行品牌价值500强排行榜”中,位列第25名。。加快国际化布局,香港分行、首尔分行、光银国际、光银欧洲、卢森堡分行相继开业运营,悉尼分行申请设立,社会责任日益彰显,持续多年支持“母亲水窖”公益活动在社会上产生较大影响;在英国《银行家》杂志2017年发布的“全球1000家大银行排行榜”中,中国光大银行位列第49位;在英国《银行家》杂志2018年发布的“全球1000家大银行排行榜”中位列第39位,排名较2017年增长10位。3、2013年12月20日,中国光大银行在香港联交所主板成功上市。光大银行本次H股发行发行定价每股3.98港元,超额配售选择权行使前,发行规模58.4亿股,融资约30亿美元;若超额配售选择权获全额行使,则发行规模将达66.0亿股,融资约34亿美元。不仅成为2013年香港IPO融资王,同时将成为2013年亚洲市场(除日本外)最大IPO、2013年中资企业全球最大IPO、2013年全球第三大IPO以及2011年以来香港市场最大银行业IPO。

Bubba Sparxxx的《Ugly》 歌词

歌曲名:Ugly歌手:Bubba Sparxxx专辑:DeliverenceUhh.. uh-oh, uh-ohTch-tchka-tchka-tchka-tchka uhhUh-oh, uh-ohTchka-tchka uhhUh-oh, uh-ohSay what, say what? Freaky freaky uhhTchka-tchka-tchka-tchka Bubba (Bubba Sparxxx)Shit I ain"t choose to rhyme;rhymin chose meSo I hit the track runnin like a nosebleedLife ain"t great now,but it"s much improvedYo" album droppin this summer?That sucks for youCause this is Bubba"s momentI put my mother on itI said my momma;it seems as if I love her don"t it?So buckle up,cause it"s gon" get bumpyI call my girlfriends Betty"s,and my shits grumpiesThat Bubba talkgotcha open wideI giggle outside the booth;but ain"t no joke insideThis is complicatedat least to y"all it isJust let me sell fifty million,then I"ll call it quitsBut until that day,y"all in deep doo dooI never once saw you crank it cause I just leap through youWhat you need to do,is just admit you love meThe South has always been Dirty but now it"s gettin ugly (CHORUS)Uglyyyyyyyyyy - in here!Huh, in here! Huh, in here!It"s gon" get uglyyyyyyyyyy - in here!Huh, in here! Huh, in here!It"s gon" get uglyyyyyyyyyy, uglyyy, uglyyyIn here! Huh, in here!It"s gon" get uglyyyyyyyyyy - in here!Huh, in here! Huh, in here - uh-ohh!Though I am country,don"t get the wrong ideaMy ego"s gettin bigger,with every song I hearCause y"all been bullshittin,spittin that booty chatterOut here for two days and came with somethin that truly mattersOn goes the saga - of Bubba"s plightShe won"t see tomorrah,if I don"t cut tonightThat"s just my mood now;I hate it came to thisHow else can I say it I don"t speak no other languagesI"m fairly ripped now,so this the jimmy talkinYou hear that beat don"tcha?That"s just Timmy talkinGo "head throw dem bows - fuck it,break a bottleLet"s be honest none of us will ever date a modelSo let"s just cut it loose,ignore the repercussionsIf you scared, then just forget what we discussinThis that new South -take a picture of meCause I"m a fuckin legend,Uglyyyyyyyyyy - in here!Huh, in here! Huh, in here!It"s gon" get uglyyyyyyyyyy - in here!Huh, in here! Huh, in here!It"s gon" get uglyyyyyyyyyy, uglyyy, uglyyyIn here! Huh, in here!It"s gon" get uglyyyyyyyyyy - in here!Huh, in here! Huh, in here - uh-ohhNow this thang is jumpin - ain"t it somethin?What makes it special, this whole moment came from nothinNow you see it triples;I bet she slurp tonightLames hide your wallets hatin broads clutch your purses tightIf you ain"t tryin to live,you with the wrong crowdAnd if you feelin brave then better sport that thong proudAnd if you finally breathin,then sing this song loudI"m glad I got you wet I know you had a long droughtDon"t worry about the law - they can"t arrest us allI had to crank couldn"ta done nothin less for y"allForget your inhibitions;I wanna see you whylinAnd if Bubba dies tonightknow he was smilinUglyyyyyyyyyy - in here!Huh, in here! Huh, in here!It"s gon" get uglyyyyyyyyyy - in here!Huh, in here! Huh, in here!It"s gon" get uglyyyyyyyyyy, uglyyy, uglyyyIn here! Huh, in here!It"s gon" get uglyyyyyyyyyy - in here!Huh, in here! Huh, in here - uh-ohhHa ha, it"s gon" get (uglyyyyyyyyyy - in here!)Thck-thck (Huh, in here! Huh, in here!)It"s gon" get (uglyyyyyyyyyy - in here!)(Huh, in here! Huh, in here!)It"s gon" get (uglyyyyyyyyyy) say what?(Uglyyy, uglyyy) Say what? (Uglyyy!) In here! Huh, in here!(It"s gon" get uglyyyyyyyyyy - in here!)(Huh, in here! Huh, in here - uh-ohh!)Thcka-thcka-thcka-thcka-thcka check switch uhh{"Get Ur Freak On" beat} Switch it one time{"Ugly" beat} Now switch it back baby{"Get Ur Freak On" beat} Switch it one time("Ugly" beat} Now switch it back baby "Holla!! Ain"t no stoppin me" -> Missy"Copywritten so" (so what?) "don"t copy me"("Ugly" beat) I want you to... "Holla!! Ain"t no stoppin me" Missy"Copywritten so, don"t copy me" C"mon Bubba, let"s goskate.joo

Abba的《Move On》 歌词

歌曲名:Move On歌手:Abba专辑:The Ultimate CollectionABBAmove on"They say a restless body can hide a peaceful soul.A voyager, and a settler, they both have a distant goal.If I explore the heavens, or if I search inside.Well, it really doesn"t matter as long as I can tell myselfI"ve always tried."Like a roller in the ocean, life is motionMove onLike a wind that"s always blowing, life is flowingMove onLike the sunrise in the morning, life is dawningMove onHow I treasure every minuteBeing part of it, being in itWith the urge to move onI"ve travelled every country, I"ve travelled in my mindIt seems we"re on a journey, a trip through space and timeAnd somewhere lies the answerTo all the questions whyWhat really makes the differenceBetween all dead and living things, the will to stay aliveLike a roller in the ocean (la la la la la la-la)Life is motion (la la la la la la-la)Move on (la la la la-la)Like a wind that"s always blowing (la la la la la la-la)Life is flowing (la la la la la la-la)Move on (la la la la-la)Like the sunrise in the morning (la la la la la la-la)Life is dawning (la la la la la la-la)Move on (la la la la-la)How I treasure every minute (la la la la)Being part of it (la la la la)Being in it (la la la la)With the urge to move onThe morning breeze that ripples the surface of the seaThe crying of the seagulls that hover over meI see it and I hear itBut how can I explainThe wonder of the momentTo be alive, to feel the sun that follows every rainLike a roller in the ocean (la la la la la la-la)Life is motion (la la la la la la-la)Move on (la la la la-la)Like a wind that"s always blowing (la la la la la la-la)Life is flowing (la la la la la la-la)Move on (la la la la-la)Like the sunrise in the morning (la la la la la la-la)Life is dawning (la la la la la la-la)Move on (la la la la-la)How I treasure every minute (la la la la)Being part of it (la la la la-ah)Being in itWith the urge to move onLa la la la la la-la, la la la la la la-la, la la la la-laLike a wind that"s always blowingLa la la la la la-laLa la la la la la-la (life is flowing)La la la la-la (move on)Like the sunrise in the morningLa la la la la la-laLa la la la la la-la (life is dawning)La la la la-la (move on)How I treasure every minute (la la la la)Being part of it (la la la la-ah)Being in itWith the urge to move onLa la la la la la-la, la la la la la la-la, la la la la-laLike a wind that"s always blowing...(fade)

小弟英语不好,但又特别喜欢ABBA的Gimme Gimme Gimme,所以想到求象声歌词



Crayon pop——barbarbar

black sabbath是什么风格的金属乐队


Leoncavallo vesti la giubba pagliacci 翻译成中文是什么意思?

Leoncavallo 雷昂卡伐洛 ---歌剧作者vesti la giubba 穿上彩衣吧--选自丑角pagliacci 丑角---歌剧名

Black Sabbath

Children of the GraveRevolution in their minds - the children start to marchAgainst the world in which they have to liveAnd all the hate thats in their heartsTheyre tired of being pushed aroundAnd told just what to doTheyll fight the world until theyve wonAnd love comes flowing throughChildren of tomorrow live in the tears that fall todayWill the sun rise up tomorrow bringing peace in any way? Must the world live in the shadow of atomic fear? Can they win the fight for peace or will they disappear? So you children of the world,Listen to what I sayIf you want a better place to live inSpread the words todayShow the world that love is still aliveYou must be braveOr you children of today areChildren of the grave, yeah!----------------------------------------------------sins of the fatherI am the crazy manWho lives inside your headBut I think I"m breaking through the wallYou are the innocentConvicted of the crimeNo one was ever thereTo catch you when you fallI see the diamondsBut you only see the rockI need to runBut you only crawlIt"s time to open upAll the doors that you keep lockedNobody gives without a takeLet"s take it allChorus:You"ve been twisted into piecesBy the hands of your emotionsHow much longer are you gonna payFor yesterdaySins of the fatherOne more crucifixionOne more cross to bearYou"re a hole in a photographGo on - lose it in the cityThe city can feel no shameSee the world with electric eyeThey call it mysteryBut any fool could seeYou thought he walked on the waterAnd if the pain was goneAnd you were free to run awayAnd get outWould you get out of thereOr do you really careIt"s not safe or easyAnd maybe when you"re goneYou just won"t belong at allChorus:You"re the only witnessTo the murder of an angelHow much longer are you gonna payFor yesterdaySins of the fatherIt"s just another crucifixionOne more cross to bearGo on lose it in the cityTake a look at the worldYou"ve got electric eyes----------------------------KILLING YOURSELF TO LIVEWell people look and people stareWell I don"t think that I even careYou work your life away and what do they give?You"re only killing yourself to liveKilling yourself to liveKilling yourself to liveJust take a look around you what do you seePain, suffering, and miseryIt"s not the way that the world was meantIt"s a pity you don"t understandKilling yourself to liveKilling yourself to liveI"m telling youBelieve in meNobody else will tell youOpen your eyesAnd see the lies, oh yeahSmoke it...Get high!You think I"m crazy and babyI know that it"s trueBefore that you know it I thinkThat you"ll go crazy tooI don"t know if I"m up or downWhether black is white or blue is brownThe colors of my life are all different somehowLittle boy blue"s a big girl nowSo you think it"s me who"s strangeBut you"ve never had to make the changeNever give your trust awayYou"ll end up paying till your dying day ---------------------------------------A Hard RoadOld men crying, young men dyingWorld still turns as Father Time looks on, on and onChildren playing, dreamers prayingLaughter turns to tear as love has gone, has it gone?Oh, it"s a hard roadOh, it"s a hard roadWhirlwind churning, lovers learningOn this path of life we pass along, is it wrong?Widows weeping, babies sleepingLife becomes the singer and the song, sing alongOh, it"s a hard roadCarry your own loadWhy make the hard road?Why can"t we be friends?No need to hurryWe"ll meet in the endWhy make the hard road?Why can"t we be friends?No need to worryLet"s sing it againBrother"s sharing, mother"s caringNightime falling victim to the dawn, shadows mournDays are crawling, time is callingTo the Earth another life is born, love life drawnOh, it"s a hard roadCarry your own loadOh, it"s a hard roadOh, it"s a hard road...Forget all your sorrow, don"t live in the pastAnd look to the future, `cause life goes to fast you knowForget all your sorrow, don"t live in the pastAnd look to the future, `cause life goes to fast you knowForget all your sorrow, don"t live in the pastAnd look to the future, `cause life goes to fast you knowForget all your sorrow, don"t live in the pastAnd look to the future, `cause life goes to fast you know--------------------------------------------------Air Dance She sits in silence, in her midnight worldWith faded pictures, of a dancing girlA distant dreamer on the seas of timeHer happy memories, dancing through her mindIn days of romanceShe was the queen of danceShe"d dance the night awayAnd as the seasons turn the days to yearsShe hopes her pictures, hears the silent cheersThe days grow lonely for the dancing queenAnd now she dances only in her dreamsIn days of romanceShe was the queen of danceShe"d dance the night away, away, away, away---------------------------------------------------Born To Lose I"ll play your gameBut if you lose you"re gonna pay the priceBroken chains, like a prisoner free at lastThe fear inside just up and diedTime will tell if i am wrongIt won"t be too longYou thing I"m chasing shadowsIn the darkWell I"m not born to loseI"m not born to loseYou curse my name, as I turn and walk away from youIt won"t be too longYou don"t scare me cos you"reHard to see and it"s timeThat you were goneIt won"t be too longYou think I"m chasing shadowsIn the darkWell I"m not born to loseYou think I"m chasing shadowsIn the darkWhat you gonna do about it nowWhat you gonna do about it nowIt won"t be too longIt won"t be too longIt won"t be too longYou think I"m chasing shadowsIn the darkWhat you gonna do about it nowWhat you gonna do about it nowAin"t nothing I can do about it now------------------------------------------------------Dirty Women The neon lights are shining on me againI walk the lonely streets in search of a friendI need a lady to help me to get through the night, threw the nightIf I could find her then everything would be alrightThe sleepy city is dreaming the nigh time awayOut on the street I watch tomorrow becoming todayI see a man,he"s got take away women for saleYes for saleGuess that"s the answer"Cos take away women don"t fail...Oh dirty women,they don"t mess aroundOh dirty women,they don"t mess aroundYou"ve got me comingYou"ve got me going aroundOh dirty women,They don"t mess aroundWalking the streets I wonder will it ever happenGotta be good then everyting would be o.k.if I could score tonight then I will end up happyA woman for sale is gonna help my save my day...-------------------------------------------------------Guity As HellStep back and look at you, and tell me that is what you want to be,You realise that what you"re seeing, is a replica of me.Inside my world is pretty grim, that even I can"t survive in,I wouldn"t try "cause I know you.Deep inside you know you"re guilty as Hell.Deep inside you know you"re guilty as Hell.You realise that what you"re seeing is just a replica of me,Only me.Oh it makes no difference if you"re the only one,It doesn"t matter when all is said and done,Gonna feel the same, God will put the blame on you.Oh yeah.If I was you, If I was you,I"d wanna see, I"d wanna see inside my head,I"d wanna know if I was fuckin dead,I"d wanna know what"s going on,Someone tell me the truth.There"s no fear in a fallen Angel, there"s no love in a heart made of stone,There"s no truth in a heart that is screaming,Deep inside you"re as guilty as Hell.There"s no fear in a fallen Angel, there"s no love in a heart made of stone,There"s no truth in a heart that is screaming.Deep inside you"re as guilty as Hell.You"re guilty.---------------------------------after forever Have you ever thought about your soul - can it be saved?Or perhaps you think that when you"re dead you just stay in your graveIs God just a thought within your head or is he a part of you?Is Christ just a name that you read in a book when you were in school?When you think about death do you lose your breath or do you keep your cool?Would you like to see the Pope on the end of a rope do you think he"s a fool?Well I have seen the truth, yes I"ve seen the light and I"ve changed my waysAnd I"ll be prepared when you"re lonely and scared at the end of our daysCould it be you"re afraid of what your friends might sayIf they knew you believe in God above?They should realize before they criticizethat God is the only way to loveIs your mind so small that you have to fallIn with the pack wherever they runWill you still sneer when death is nearAnd say they may as well worship the sun?I think it was true it was people like you that crucified ChristI think it is sad the opinion you had was the only one voicedWill you be so sure when your day is near, say you don"t believe?You had the chance but you turned it down, now you can"t retrievePerhaps you"ll think before you say that God is dead and goneOpen your eyes, just realize that he"s the oneThe only one who can save you now from all this sin and hateOr will you still jeer at all you hear? Yes! I think it"s too late.---------------------------------------------I Won`t Cry For You So you lie awake and think about tomorrow,And you try to justify the things you"ve done,But there"s no one here, to hear your tears falling,When you turn around, you find out, that you"re the lonely one.And it feels like someone"s treading on your shadow,And you always thought that Heaven knows for sure,And it feels like you"re drowning, in your tears.So I won"t cry for you, no I ain"t gonna cry for you,And I ain"t gonna lie for you, no I ain"t gonna cry for you.Ain"t gonna cry for you.So you lie awake and think about the sorrow,Does it really still the fears in your mind,And you try to realise the things you wanted,But you take it all for granted and now it makes you blind.And it feels like someone"s treading on your shadow,And you always thought that Heaven knows for sure,And it feels like you"re drowning, in your tears.So I ain"t gonna cry for you, no I ain"t gonna die for you,And I ain"t gonna lie for you, no I ain"t gonna cry for you.Ain"t gonna cry I ain"t gonna cry for you, I ain"t gonna cry.So I ain"t gonna cry for you, no I ain"t gonna die for you,No I ain"t gonna lie for you, no I ain"t gonna cry for you,Ain"t gonna cry, ain"t gonna cry for you no more,Ain"t gonna die, I ain"t gonna die for no more,Ain"t gonna lie, I ain"t gonna lie for no more,Ain"t gonna cry, I ain"t gonna cry for you no more.-----------------------------------------------------------------NightwingNightwing has stirred, and taken to flightThe silence is over, he"s shattered the nightNo other hunter has the power or the graceHe is the master of this placeTell every creature of the nightThe kill is around the bendSo listen my friendNightwing flies againThey say he comes for those whose souls are weakand call his name upon the windThe night is cold and thick with mysteryOh I can feel his beating wingsTell every creature of the nightThe kill is around the bendNightwing flies againTell every creature of the nightThe kill is around the bendNightwing flies againNightwing has stirred, and taken to flightThe silence is over, he"s shattered the nightLife ain"t for giving and forgiving ain"t freeNo soul will rest while the hunted run freeSo Tell every creature of the nightThe kill is around the bendlisten my friendNightwing flies again-------------------------------------------Sweet Leaf ALRIGHT NOW!!Won"t you listen?When I first met you, didn"t realizeI can"t forget you, for your suprizeyou introduced me, to my mindAnd left me wanting, you and your kindI love you, Oh you know itMy life was empty forever on a downUntil you took me, showed me aroundMy life is free now, my life is clearI love you sweet leaf, though you can"t hearCome on now, try it outStraight people don"t know, what you"re aboutThey put you down and shut you outyou gave to me a new beliefand soon the world will love you sweet leaf--------------

Abba的《Ring, Ring》 歌词

歌曲名:Ring, Ring歌手:Abba专辑:Waterloo(ti:Ring Ring)(ar:ABBA)(by:Spencer)I was sitting by the phoneI was waiting all aloneBaby by myself I sit and wait and wonder about youIt"s a dark and dreary nightSeems like nothing"s going rightWon"t you tell me honey how can I go on here without you?Yes I"m down and feeling blueAnd I don"t know what to do, oh-ohRing, ring, why don"t you give me a call?Ring, ring, the happiest sound of them allRing, ring, I stare at the phone on the wallAnd I sit all alone impatientlyWon"t you please understand the need in meSo, ring, ring, why don"t you give me a call?So, ring, ring, why don"t you give me a call?You were here and now you"re goneHey did I do something wrong?I just can"t believe that I could be so badly mistakenWas it me or was it you?Tell me, are we really through?Won"t you hear me cry and you will know that my heart is breakingPlease forgive and then forgetOr maybe darling better yet, oh-ohRing, ring, why don"t you give me a call?Ring, ring, the happiest sound of them allRing, ring, I stare at the phone on the wallAnd I sit all alone impatientlyWon"t you please understand the need in meSo, ring, ring, why don"t you give me a call?So, ring, ring, why don"t you give me a call?Oh-oh, ring, ring, why don"t you give me a call?So, ring, ring, why don"t you give me a call?

ABBA 妈妈咪呀歌词

"ve been cheated by you since I don"t know when So I made up my mind it must come to an end Look at me now Will I ever learn I don"t know how But I suddenly loose control There"s fire within my soul Just one look and I can hear a bell ring One more look and I forget everything Whoao-whoao Mama Mia, here I go again, my my, how can I resist you Mama Mia, does it show again, my my, just how much I missed you Chains have been broken, hearted is Blue since the day we parted Why why, did I ever let you go Mama Mia, Now I really know, my my I can never let you go. I"ve been angry and sad about things that you do I can"t count all the times that I"ve told you we"re through Here let me go, when you slam the door I think you know, that you won"t be away too long You know that I"m not that strong Just one look and I can hear a bell ring One more look and I forget everything Whoao-whoao Mama Mia, here I go again, my my, how can I resist you Mama Mia, does it show again, my my, just how much I missed you Chains have been broken, hearted is Blue since the day we parted Why why, did I ever let you go Mama Mia, Now I really know, my my I can never let you go. Whoao-Whoao Mama Mia, here I go again, my my, how can I resist you Mama Mia, does it show again, my my, just how much I missed you Chains have been broken, hearted is Blue since the day we parted Why why, did I ever let you go Mama Mia, Now I really know, my my I can never let you go.

ABBA money money money的歌词和翻译

ABBA ----money money moneyI work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay我没日没夜地工作,为了那些待付的账单Ain"t it sad不觉得悲哀吗And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me而且似乎一分钱也没能留下That"s too bad真是糟糕In my dreams I have a plan梦里我有个计划If I got me a wealthy man如果我遇到一个有钱的男人I wouldn"t have to work at all, I"d fool around and have a ball...我就什么都不用做,我要到处去闲耍狂欢Money, money, money钱,钱,钱Must be funny一定很好玩In the rich man"s world在有钱人的世界里Money, money, money钱,钱,钱Always sunny总有充足的阳光In the rich man"s world在有钱人的世界里Aha-ahaaa啊哈-啊哈啊All the things I could do我可以做任何事If I had a little money如果我有些钱的话It"s a rich man"s world这是有钱人的世界A man like that is hard to find but I can"t get him off my mind那样的男人真的很难找到但是我还是不能忘怀Ain"t it sad不觉得悲哀吗And if he happens to be free I bet he wouldn"t fancy me如果他刚好处于空窗期我猜他也看不上我That"s too bad真是太糟糕了So I must leave, I"ll have to go所以我必须离开我必须要走To Las Vegas or Monaco到垃圾维加斯或者摩纳哥去And win a fortune in a game, my life will never be the same...然后在赌博中大赢一场我的人生从此改变Money, money, money钱,钱,钱Must be funny一定很好玩In the rich man"s world在有钱人的世界里Money, money, money钱,钱,钱Always sunny总有充足的阳光In the rich man"s world在有钱人的世界里Aha-ahaaa啊哈-啊哈啊All the things I could do我可以做任何事If I had a little money如果我有些钱的话It"s a rich man"s world这是有钱人的世界Money, money, money钱,钱,钱Must be funny一定很好玩In the rich man"s world在有钱人的世界里Money, money, money钱,钱,钱Always sunny总有充足的阳光In the rich man"s world在有钱人的世界里Aha-ahaaa啊哈-啊哈啊All the things I could do我可以做任何事If I had a little money如果我有些钱的话It"s a rich man"s world这是有钱人的世界It"s a rich man"s world这是有钱人的世界

ABBA money money money的歌词和翻译?

abba - money, money, moneyi work all night, i work all day, to pay the bills i have to pay我整夜整日地工作,为了付那些我必须付的账单ain"t it sad这多么让人心伤and still there never seems to be a single penny left for me我似乎永远都是分无分文that"s too bad那实在太糟糕in my dreams i have a plan在我计划的梦想中if i got me a wealthy man要是我有一个很有钱的老公i wouldn"t have to work at all, i"d fool around and have a ball我就不用工作,我会到处鬼混狂欢money, money, money钱,钱,钱must be funny in the rich man"s world在有钱人的世界里一定很滑稽money, money, money钱,钱,钱always sunny in the rich man"s world有钱人的世界里总是艳阳高照aha-ahaaa, all the things i could do噢哈哈,我能做的一切if i had a little money要是我有一点钱it"s a rich man"s world这是一个有钱人的世界it"s a rich man"s world这是一个有钱人的世界a man like that is hard to find but i can"t get him off my mind像那样的有钱人很难找到但是我能把他从我脑海里赶走ain"t it sad这实在让人悲伤and if he happens to be free i bet he wouldn"t fancy me要是真得发生了,我打赌他不会喜欢我that"s too bad那真是太糟糕so i must leave, i"ll have to go所以我必须离开,我要走了to las vegas or monaco到拉斯维加斯或摩纳哥and win a fortune in a game, my life will never be the same在游戏中赢一笔钱,我的人生从此与众不同money, money, money钱,钱,钱must be funny in the rich man"s world在有钱人的世界里一定很滑稽money, money, money钱,钱,钱always sunny in the rich man"s world有钱人的世界里总是艳阳高照aha-ahaaa, all the things i could do噢哈哈,我能做的一切if i had a little money要是我有一点钱it"s a rich man"s world这是一个有钱人的世界it"s a rich man"s world这是一个有钱人的世界

?ABBA money money money?的歌词和翻译?

ABBA ----money money moneyI work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay我没日没夜地工作,为了那些待付的账单Ain"t it sad不觉得悲哀吗And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me而且似乎一分钱也没能留下That"s too bad真是糟糕In my dreams I have a plan梦里我有个计划If I got me a wealthy man如果我遇到一个有钱的男人I wouldn"t have to work at all, I"d fool around and have a ball...我就什么都不用做,我要到处去闲耍狂欢Money, money, money钱,钱,钱Must be funny一定很好玩In the rich man"s world在有钱人的世界里Money, money, money钱,钱,钱Always sunny总有充足的阳光In the rich man"s world在有钱人的世界里Aha-ahaaa啊哈-啊哈啊All the things I could do我可以做任何事If I had a little money如果我有些钱的话It"s a rich man"s world这是有钱人的世界A man like that is hard to find but I can"t get him off my mind那样的男人真的很难找到但是我还是不能忘怀Ain"t it sad不觉得悲哀吗And if he happens to be free I bet he wouldn"t fancy me如果他刚好处于空窗期我猜他也看不上我That"s too bad真是太糟糕了So I must leave, I"ll have to go所以我必须离开我必须要走To Las Vegas or Monaco到垃圾维加斯或者摩纳哥去And win a fortune in a game, my life will never be the same...然后在赌博中大赢一场我的人生从此改变Money, money, money钱,钱,钱Must be funny一定很好玩In the rich man"s world在有钱人的世界里Money, money, money钱,钱,钱Always sunny总有充足的阳光In the rich man"s world在有钱人的世界里Aha-ahaaa啊哈-啊哈啊All the things I could do我可以做任何事If I had a little money如果我有些钱的话It"s a rich man"s world这是有钱人的世界Money, money, money钱,钱,钱Must be funny一定很好玩In the rich man"s world在有钱人的世界里Money, money, money钱,钱,钱Always sunny总有充足的阳光In the rich man"s world在有钱人的世界里Aha-ahaaa啊哈-啊哈啊All the things I could do我可以做任何事If I had a little money如果我有些钱的话It"s a rich man"s world这是有钱人的世界It"s a rich man"s world这是有钱人的世界ABBA乐队是瑞典的流行组合,成立于1973年。成员包括:比约恩·奥瓦尔斯、本尼·安德森、阿格妮莎·福斯克格、安妮·弗瑞德·林斯塔德。《滑铁卢》和《舞蹈皇后》为主要的代表作品。

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ABBA money money money的歌词和翻译?

你好!ABBA money money money阿爸钱



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chicken可以指作为家禽的鸡,也可指作为食品的鸡肉。作“小鸡”解时是个体名词,可数,复数形式是直接在末尾加s; 作“鸡肉”解时则是物质名词,不可数。salad其意为“色拉”,若视为物质,不可数。若指“一份色拉”或“一盘色拉”,则可数。复数形式是直接在末尾加s。ice cream用作可数时指的是成盒、成杯的冰激凌或独立包装的蛋卷冰激凌等,复数形式是直接在末尾加s。cabbage学名“甘蓝”,俗称“洋白菜”,指cabbage的种类或个数时是可数名词,用作不可数名词时指它可食用的部分。a slice of cabbage则指“一片洋白菜叶”。复数形式是直接在末尾加sonion表示一个一个的洋葱头时可数,作为菜时不可数。复数形式是直接在末尾加s。fish用作可数名词时,意为“鱼”,单数形式表示“一条条的鱼”。复数形式是直接在末尾加es。fish用作不可数名词时意思是“鱼肉”。fish多采用零复数形式,也可按规则变化变为fishes,后者常表示“许多种类的鱼”。fish作主语表示单数意义时,谓语动词用单数形式,表示复数意义时,谓语动词用复数形式。复数形式是直接在末尾加es。a piece of fish表示“一块鱼肉”, a fish有时也可表示“一类鱼”。




BBA:Bachelor of Business Administration 工商管理学士学位。IBBA:International Bachelor of Business Administration 国际工商管理学士学位这个学位提供的学校很少,不是一个常见的专业。MBA:Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士学位。EMBA:Excutive Master of Business Administration 在职工商管理硕士学位。;IMBA:International Master of Business Administration 国际工商管理硕士学位。此学位是中国国内大学和外国的大学合办的MBA,一般是在报考MBA的考生中英语成绩比较好的考生中招收。IMBA班全英文授课,毕业除了获得本校的学位证和毕业证以外,还将获得联合办学的外国大学的结业证。Post-MBA:直译就是后MBA,是指MBA上完后还希望修相关课程的管理人才。这个学位很好见,加拿大澳大利亚的个别商学院会提供。Ph.D:Doctor of Philosophy 博士学位。对于想要进行深造的人士可以选择时代华商,时代华商商学院充分利用线上教学平台,聚合国内外顶级名师大咖,以线上+线下的培训模式,实现了一位导师在直播间授课,利用全国百城万名同学同步互动学习的碎片化时间和去中间化,深层、系统、渐进地改变教育的形式与方式,满足不同人士的深造需求。


由5个数组成ABBACEE格式有120组 (若5个数全部大于0)这是个排列组合的问题可以从高位到低位(或者从低位到高位)分别计算组合的概率百万位从5个数字选择一个数字有5种可能十万位从剩下的4个数字选择一个数字有4种可能万位与十万位数字一样,所以只有1种可能同理,千位与百万位数字一样,所以也只有1种可能百位从剩下的3个数字选择一个数字有3种可能十位从剩下的2个数字选择一个数字有2种可能同理,个位与十位数字一样,所以也只有1种可能最终组合数是:5x4x1x1x3x2x1=120 种组合 (当然,要排除5个数字有数字0的出现)


世界上最便宜的豪车有讴歌ILX、雷克萨斯CT混动版、奥迪A3、奔驰CLA 、讴歌TLX、别克cascada、宝马2系、宝马3系、沃尔沃S60、英菲尼迪Q50。1、讴歌ILX讴歌是日本本田公司旗下的高端汽车品牌,作为第一个日系豪华汽车品牌,讴歌以独特的运动和个性风格重新诠释了豪华车的概念,收到全球消费者的追捧。它整体非常注重舒适性。作为豪华品牌生产的产品,内饰材料的做工和质感自然不在话下,中控台层次感丰富。2、雷克萨斯CT混动版雷克萨斯是源于日本丰田旗下的高端知名豪车品牌。作为一款紧凑型豪华两厢车,雷克萨斯CT的空间表现较好;与众不同的纺锤形网格进气栅凭借独特的造型,流露别样的魅力。在动力方面采用了1.8L99马力的L4发动机,搭配了E-CVT无级变速箱,极大地增强了燃油经济性。3、奥迪A3作为德系三强BBA之一的奥迪,旗下入门级别的紧凑型A3的款式也十分丰富,国产的奥迪A3分为两厢版和三厢版,外观上通过车头造型和灯组的点缀,力图营造更为年轻运动的气息。通过轻量化和新材料的运用,以及合理的动力搭配,各方面都达到了良好的平衡。4、奔驰CLA奔驰CLA不管是外观还是性能都是为年轻人而生,家族式前脸的基础上新增大尺寸的进气口,带来新的视觉冲击。流线型车身和圆润较短的车尾完美衔接,力造灵活运动的氛围。同时CLA突出众多版本,有四驱版本、AMG车型和基础主打款式,满足年轻群体多样化的需求。5、讴歌TLX作为一款中型车,讴歌TLX的尺寸为4845*1855*1445mm,轴距为2775mm,铠甲式的中网配上特点鲜明的“宝石眼”,沉稳又不沉闷,大气又不平凡。内饰整体造型略显老气,但胜在多功能的电子按键式档把,深的年轻群体欢心。6、别克cascada别克是美国通用公司旗下的一个汽车品牌。畅销榜常客的神车英朗就是别克生产的“中国特供车”,而今天获得美媒得分7.6高分的则是别克旗下另一款、尚未国产化的汽车——cascada。cascada却独辟蹊径首次采用敞篷车的形式,给消费者带来全新的视觉体验。7、宝马2系德系三强之一、以生产高端轿车为主导的豪车品牌宝马,旗下有着丰富的产品线,从1-7,ixmzl等诸多基础系列,还有在各个系列基础上改进的M系,琳琅满目种类繁多。宝马2系卓越的操控性和强劲的动力支撑,以及超强的安全性都是它畅销且评分表现优异的原因。8、宝马3


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