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The Beatles 的 till there was you歌词

till there was you 打印此页 歌手:beatles the 专辑:with the beatles There were bells on a hillBut I never heard them ringingNo I never heard them at allTill there was youBeatles, TheThere were birds in the skyBut I never saw them wingingNo I never saw them at allTill there was youThen there was music and wonderful rosesThey tell me in sweet fragrant meadows of dawn and youThere was love all aroundNo I never heard it at allTill there was youThen there was music and wonderful rosesThey tell me in sweet fragrant meadows of dawn and youThere was love all aroundBut I never heard it singingNo I never heard it at allTill there was youTill there was you

The Beatles的销量

这是The Beatles在人们长达18个月的巨大期待下发行的第一张录音室专辑(在《Sgt. Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band》取得轰动性成功之后)。专辑发行首周在1968年12月1日登上英国专辑榜首位(《Help!》和《Revolver》后乐队第三张达成此成就的专辑)。 专辑把持UK榜榜首位置7周(包括竞争异常激烈的圣诞季),直到1969年1月25日被The Seekers的《Best of the Seekers》取代后降至第二。但专辑又在一周后重回榜首,这是专辑第八周也是最后一周位列榜首。之后专辑在Top 10保持4周,并以快于《Sgt. Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band》的速度从榜单滑落。值得一提的是,《The Beatles》在榜单上阻挡了The Beatles之后发行于1969年1月8日的专辑《Yellow Submarine》,《Yellow Submarine》首周登上第3,这也是专辑最好成绩,当周《The Beatles》占据榜单第二的位置。《The Beatles》在UK榜上一共待了24周,远远逊色超过20周的《Sgt. Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band》。专辑在美国取得了巨大的商业成功。专辑首周排名第11,第二周升至第2,第三周夺冠并维持9周之久。专辑在Billboard 200上一共待了155周。根据RIAA数据,《The Beatles》是The Beatles美国最佳销量专辑,共取得19白金销量,是美国史上销量最高的十大唱片之一(由于《The Beatles》为双唱片专辑,所以每份专辑销量计为两份)。

the beatles各成员身高

John Lennon"s height is 5 ft 10 in (178 cm) 约翰列侬身高:178CM Paul McCartney"s height is 5 ft 10 in (178 cm) Peak height was 5 ft 11 in (180 cm) 保罗麦卡特尼身高:178CM,高峰时(年轻):180CM George Harrison"s height is 5 ft 10 in (178 cm) 乔治哈里森身高:178CM Ringo Starr"s height is 5 ft 6 in (168 cm) 林哥斯塔尔身高:168CM

The Beatles的人物评价

音乐风格The Beatles的音乐呈现了多元风格,其中有主流摇滚、交响摇滚、民谣摇滚、先锋摇滚、迷幻摇滚等等。他们不仅在音乐中运用各种不同元素,而且还吸收了其他艺术种类的风格特点。纵观他们的音乐作品,乐迷可以从中听到各种乐器的美妙旋律,比如《Let it be》中的口琴、《Norwegian wood》中的西塔尔琴、《Yesterday》中的弦乐等等 。The Beatles在成立之后勇于创新,他们不满足于既定的摇滚结构,把摇滚乐传统的A+B结构改为A+A结构或者A+A+B+A等结构。在音乐的节奏方面,他们的音乐也打破了传统的固定节拍,一首歌曲里经常混合着四三拍、四四拍或者四六拍。在结构与节奏两方面,他们都对传统摇滚乐进行了革新,让摇滚乐不再拘泥于狭窄的格式,并将其引领到更宽广的发展道路上。相比传统摇滚乐,他们的音乐动感更强,也更加时尚,因此他们的音乐一出现就受到了年轻人的欢迎。除此之外,他们的音乐在和声、调性方面都进行了大胆的探索和革新(深圳大学艺术学院教授谷勇评) 。The Beatles的音乐具备轻松、愉快的特点。除此之外,他们的音乐还充满了天才的光辉,但这并不妨碍他们在闪现天才的时候顾及观众的感受。他们无论使用多么前卫的方式去录音、制作,但是始终坚持做乐迷们爱听的歌曲(《周末画报》评) 。成就与影响The Beatles是一支颇具传奇性的乐队 。从成立到解散,披头士乐队仅仅存在了十年的时间,但是披头士作为一个音乐文化的革命者,他们的文化影响力早已超过了其艺术的本身。20世纪60年代成长起来的英美两国的年轻人,很少不与他们的歌声发生联系。他们的歌声影响了一代人的艺术趣味、服装发式、生活方式和人生态度。 (《南方都市报》、新浪网评)。The Beatles是流行音乐界历史上具有很大影响力的乐队,他们对于世界范围内摇滚乐的发展做出了巨大贡献。他们影响了20世纪60年代以后摇滚乐队的音乐和思想,并且直接影响了摇滚乐的变革。20世纪60年代,他们在美国造成了被称为“英国入侵(British Invasion)”的浪潮,从根本上冲击了美国音乐的基础,并影响了此后美国本土流行音乐的发展道路(新浪网评) 。The Beatles是第一支以摇滚乐名义成为一个时代具有象征意义的乐队,他们那一大批主题深刻、内容广泛的音乐能在精神上体现出摇滚乐的真正实质 。他们以自己的创造和革新,丰富和发展了摇滚乐,把摇滚乐带到了另一个历史阶段,从此摇滚乐不再只是一种单纯的娱乐音乐,它有了更多让人思考的东西 (《南方都市报》、新浪网评)。The Beatles在商业和艺术上都取得了成功。20世纪60年代,他们在世界范围内掀起了“Beatlemania(披头士狂热)” ;他们以其反上流社会、反正统艺术的风格,锋利且敢于接触社会敏感问题的歌曲内涵以及在舞台上与世俗挑战的举止征服了各国青年。他们不少的歌曲都表现了资本主义社会一代青年失望、低落和愤懑的心情 (电影网、网易评)。The Beatles不仅仅是一支乐队,他们是一个城市的文化遗产,是一种全球文化现象,还是一种流行乐的商业模式。作为全球偶像,The Beatles的影响力不仅限于音乐作品,他们的人格魅力,行为举动都可牵动大众的神经。乐队的四位成员个性鲜明、分工明确、人格魅力突出;乐队的核心人物约翰·列侬和保罗·麦卡特尼更是充分践行了能力越大责任越大的信条,除专职当偶像外,他们还上演行为艺术呼唤和平,发表政见深度参与社会活动,后来的摇滚明星也从他们身上学到了这份使命感。偶像的最高境界就是为崇拜者重塑世界观,The Beatles不仅塑造了摇滚圈的世界观,他们还定义了后世主流摇滚乐的样子以及摇滚明星的做派(网易评) 。

The Beatles怎么读


the beatles歌曲的中文歌词

Picture yourself in a boat on a river,with tangerine trees and marmalade skies.Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly,a girl with caleidoscope eyes.Cellophane flowers of yellow and green,towering over your head.Look for the girl with the sun in her eyesand she"s gone.Lucy in the sky with diamonds,Lucy in the sky with diamonds,Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah, ah.Follow her downto a bridge by the fountain,where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies.Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers,that grow so incredibly high.Newspaper taxis appear on the shore,waiting to take you away.Climb in the back with your head in the cloudsand you"re gone.Lucy in the sky with diamonds,Lucy in the sky with diamonds,Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah, ah.Picture yourself on a train in a station,with plasticine porters with looking glass ties.Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile,the girl with caleidoscope eyes.Lucy in the sky with diamonds,Lucy in the sky with diamonds,Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah, ah.翻译一下吧。

the beatles什么时候解散


The Beatles的演艺经历

德国汉堡之行1961年2月9日,他们在位于利物浦马修街上的“洞穴俱乐部“进行首次表演;3月,他们回到德国汉堡,并且作为汉堡歌星托尼·谢里丹的后备乐队参与了专辑的录制工作,在此期间他们也创作了一些歌曲,但是都没有发表;同年乐队的贝斯手斯图亚特·苏茨里费重新回到大学校园,保罗·麦卡特尼转而成为了乐队的贝斯手,乔治·哈里森成为了主吉他手,约翰·列侬担任节奏吉他手,彼德·贝斯特担任鼓手,但同时他们在演唱和表演的时候又经常互换和演奏其他各种乐器,因此在这段时期,乐队的每个人都是主唱歌手 ;11月,利物普唱片公司的老板布莱恩·爱泼斯坦在“洞穴俱乐部“第一次见识了他们的演出,于是决定成为他们的经理人,并且与他们签署了一份为期5年的经纪合约 。签约唱片公司1962年,EMI下属的帕洛风唱片公司经理乔治·马丁与披头士乐队签约;6月2日,在伦敦阿比路录音室开始了第一张专辑的录制工作;10月5日,披头士乐队发行第一首英国单曲《Love Me Do/P.S.I Love You》,之后他们开始在英国举行巡回演出 ;11月末,录制单曲《Please Please Me》的另一个版本;12月,结束第五次也是最后一次汉堡之行;同年林戈·斯塔尔正式代替彼德·贝斯特成为乐队的鼓手 。1963年1月,披头士乐队发行的单曲《Please Please Me》首次登上英国流行音乐单曲榜的冠军位置 ;2月,完成首张专辑《Please Please Me》的录制;3月22日,发行专辑《Please Please Me》,这张专辑发行后不仅登上了英国流行音乐专辑榜的冠军,还创纪录的保持冠军的位置长达30周的时间 ;5月4日,发行的歌曲《From Me to You》以及《Thank You Girl》再度获得英国流行音乐单曲榜的冠军;同年,披头士乐队制作的单曲《From Me to You》在推出后获得英国流行音乐单曲榜的冠军,而另一首单曲《Bubbling Under》则成为披头士首次打入公告牌Hot 200单曲榜的作品 ;8月,发行单曲《She Loves You》,这首歌曲是他们在英国第一首销量超过100万的单曲 ;11月,受邀在皇家综艺剧场演出;年底,发行第二张录音室专辑《With the Beatles》;专辑中的歌曲《Don"t Bother Me》在英国创下了一百万次的单曲销售纪录,而其他的歌曲如《I Want to Hold Your Hand》、《Meet the Beatles!》也打入了公告牌Hot 200单曲榜 ;同年,保罗·麦卡特尼和约翰·列侬成为乐队音乐创作的核心人物 。赴美经历1964年年初,发行在美国的首张专辑《Meet the Beatles》 ;2月7日,在美国首次公开亮相 ;2月9日,在美国CBS电视台的节目《The Ed Sullivan Show》中出现,吸引全美超过7300万的观众收看,并且引发了美国人对英国音乐的兴趣 ;这一年,披头士乐队进行的一系列巡回演出都获得了成功,并且在美国引领了“英国入侵”; 2月22日,发行的单曲《I Want to Hold Your Hand》蝉联了美国公告牌专辑榜的冠军,与此同时,他们的第二首上榜单曲《She Loves You》从公告牌第三名攀升到了亚军位置,创下上榜单曲包揽公告牌冠亚军的纪录 ;4月4日,推出的五首歌曲同时打入美国公告牌,成为首支发行歌曲同时占据公告牌第一至第五名的乐队 ;7月6日,主演的第一部黑白电影《A Hard Day"s Night》正式诞生,影片以伪纪录片的风格描绘了乐队生活中的日子 ;同年7月,发行专辑《A Hard Day"s Night》;其中的歌曲《Can"t Buy Me Love》成为英国第一首提前订购超过100万张的单曲,此外它还成为披头士第一首同时在英国、美国单曲榜上夺冠的歌曲 ;12月,在英国发行第四张录音室专辑《Beatles for Sale》 ;该专辑展现了他们对于各种音乐风格的融合,其中最为典型的是以保罗·麦卡特尼为代表的民谣唱法;同年,在电影《A Hard Day"s Night》的原声带中,乐队成员乔治·哈里森受到鲍勃·迪伦的影响,成为第二个拿起电吉他来演奏摇滚歌曲的歌手,这一举动也影响了摇滚乐的发展 ;同年,凭借主演电影《A Hard Day"s Night》的同名主题曲获得第7届格莱美最佳乐队奖 。1965年7月29日,主演第二部自传电影《Help!》 ;8月,发行专辑《Help!》;该专辑显示了他们的音乐风格向着乡村摇滚靠拢 ,其中由保罗·麦卡特尼创作的歌曲《Yesterday》在发行后获得英国歌曲排行榜的冠军 ;此外,这首歌曲还在MTV电视台以及美国《滚石》杂志共同举办的“自1963年以来一百首最佳流行歌曲”评选中排名第一位 ;8月15日,在美国纽约的希叶露天体育馆举行了一场演唱会,吸引了5.5万观众到场观看,这场露天演唱会也创下了30.4万美元的演唱会票房纪录 ;10月26日,获得伊丽莎白女王颁授的不列颠帝国勋章;12月,发行第六张录音室专辑《Rubber Soul》 ;该专辑发行9天后在美国的销量达到120万张,而在英国,这张专辑不仅登上了英国流行音乐专辑榜榜首,还在榜单停留了12个月的时间 。1966年6月20日,发行专辑《Yesterday and Today》;由于乐队成员穿着屠夫的衣服出现在专辑封面,因此引起了抗议声 ;8月5日,发行迷幻摇滚风格的专辑《Revolver》;为了营造出迷幻的感觉,该专辑首次运用了逆录的技术;约翰·列侬将乐谱按照反向顺序弹奏,最后混音的时候再以正向顺序合成;该专辑发行后在英国和美国的销量榜榜首位置分别保持7周和6周,而在《All-Time Top 1000 Albums》和《滚石》杂志评选的”史上最伟大的500张专辑“排行榜上,这张专辑分别名列第1和第3 ;8月29日,在美国旧金山烛台体育场举行了乐队最后一次演唱会,之后他们就宣布暂停巡回演出,集中精力在录音室创作音乐 ;同年,乐队因为列侬的“披头士比耶稣更受欢迎”的言论而一度遭到了电台和媒体的封杀;在他们道歉之后,媒体就妥协了 。1967年2月13日,发行双A面单曲《Strawberry Fields Forever》以及《Penny Lane》 ;6月1日,推出概念专辑《Sgt.Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band》;这张专辑在美国的销量达到800万张 ,并且在第10届格莱美颁奖礼上获得了年度最佳专辑、最佳唱片封面奖、最佳非古典类录音工程奖、最佳当代专辑奖 ;6月25日,由约翰·列侬创作的歌曲《All You Need Is Love》发表 ;11月27日,发行专辑《Magical Mystery Tour》 。1968年2月-4月,披头士乐队的成员创作了很多歌曲,其中有17首歌曲收录在专辑《The White Album》里;在这一年,乐队开始出现个人化程度过高的现象,乐队主唱约翰·列侬和保罗·麦卡特尼各自创作自己的音乐 ;8月,发行歌曲《Hey Jude》;这首歌曲在全球的销量超过800万张,并且连续9周位于美国公告牌榜首 ;11月,发行录音室专辑《The Beatles》; 专辑发行后创下连续9周占据美国公告牌Hot 200专辑榜第一位的纪录以及155周的在榜纪录 。1969年1月30日,在萨维尔街3号的红砖楼顶进行了最后一次公开演出 ;9月26日,发行录音室专辑《Abbey Road》;这张专辑辑在《滚石》杂志评选的“500 Greatest Albums of All Time”榜单中名列第14位 。乐队解散1970年,凭借《Let It Be》获得第13届格莱美奖最佳原创电影电视音乐奖 ;4月10日,保罗·麦卡特尼宣布离开乐队 ;5月8日,乐队最后一张录音室专辑《Let It Be》正式面世,这张专辑在《滚石》杂志2003年发布的五百大专辑排行榜中位列第86位 ;10月31日,保罗·麦卡特尼向法院提起诉讼,要求完全解散The Beatles,并且禁止乐队重组;经过一年的审理辩论之后,法庭批准了麦卡特尼的诉讼 。1980年12月8日,主唱约翰·列侬在纽约被自己的歌迷枪杀 。1988年1月20日,入驻摇滚名人堂 。1994年,保罗·麦卡特尼、乔治·哈里森、林戈·斯塔尔为乐队精选集的制作而重聚。1996年,凭借单曲《Free As A Bird》获得第39届格莱美奖最佳流行乐队奖,而《Free As A Bird》以及《The Beatles Anthology》的音乐录影带则分别获得了格莱美最佳音乐录影带短片奖和最佳音乐录影带长片奖 。2000年,发行精选专辑《1》,该张专辑收录了1962年至1970年披头士在英国和美国登上排行榜冠军的27首单曲 。2001年11月29日,吉他手乔治·哈里森因肺癌去世 。2006年,发行混音合辑《Love》 。2010年,美国《Billboard》杂志公布了2000年至2009年最佳单曲排行榜,乐队发行的精选专辑《1》以11,499,000的销量成为2000年至2009年在美国最畅销的唱片 。2012年在英国官方排行榜公司公布的“英国最畅销乐队排行榜”上,披头士乐队以2210万次的单曲销售量名列榜首 。截至2016年,The Beatles有15张专辑获得英国流行音乐排行榜专辑榜冠军;有17首单曲获得英国流行音乐排行榜单曲榜冠军,创下获得英国流行音乐排行榜专辑榜、单曲榜冠军次数最多的纪录 。在美国公告牌榜单上,The Beatles有19张冠军专辑以及20首冠军单曲,创下获得美国公告牌专辑榜、单曲榜冠军次数最多的纪录 。

求The Beatles的英语介绍,做五分钟演讲用,不要过长

The Beatles (The Beatles, The Beatles and translation) There is no doubt that the history of pop music are the greatest, most influential, have the largest number of fans, the most successful band. The Beatles revolutionized pop music for the development and no one can influence its right, for the development of rock around the world have made great contributions to affect the future since the 60"s rock band for generations of music and thought, a direct impact on the rock of the changes and developments in the United Kingdom, The Beatles more 60s are affected almost every one has the formation and development of the band. The band of four great musicians, especially John Lennon (John Lennon) and Paul McCartney (Paul McCartney), for the younger generation all over the world rock and roll singer and music creators the impact continues to this day. The Beatles in the sixties last century to lead a vigorous, the United States known as the "invasion of the United Kingdom (British Invasion)" cultural invasion of the wave of music, from a fundamental impact on the foundation of American music, completely buried the "Elvis "Elvis Presley (Elvis Presley) of the dynasty, ruled the United States music market, and the subsequent impact on the U.S. pop music development. The United Kingdom was born in the legendary Liverpool band, and its sales in the world have an overwhelming number. According to statistics of the United States trade union records, The Beatles in the United States alone has about 170 million of sales, sales are the United States have the largest number of artists, far ahead of No. 2 near 45 million, of its global sales to a few million more are dollars, and every year in a stable, high-speed growth.

the beatles 英文简介


关于The Beatles乐队的介绍和他们的歌

The Beatles 无疑是上世纪最有影响的乐队。在8年的时间中,他们不但改变了摇滚乐和流行乐 ,而且,永远的改变了所有音乐的面貌。 1956年,罗尼·多内甘(Lonnie Donegan)和克理斯·巴博爵士乐队(the Chris Barber Jazz Band)以一首胡迪·莱德巴特的《Rock Island Line》打入了排行榜的前十名。(克理斯·巴博乐队1967年录制了一首名为《Catc--all》的歌,这是保罗·麦卡特尼在1957-1960年间写的) 罗尼·多内甘随后的一系列成功的歌曲(如《CumberlandGap》、《Gambling Man》)开始了席卷英伦三岛的“Skiffle”音乐狂潮。 成员介绍:约翰·温斯顿·列侬(John Winston Lennon),英国著名摇滚乐队“披头士”(The Beatles,也译做“甲壳虫”)成员,摇滚史上最伟大的音乐家之一 ,披头士乐队的灵魂人物,诗人,社会活动家,反战者。 出生日期:1940年10月9日 逝世日期:1980年12月8日 出生地:英格兰利物浦市 身高:178CM 体重:153磅 保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)被认为是二十世纪顶级的音乐标志,他被吉尼斯世界纪录列为史上最成功的作曲人。不论是不是身为披头士期间,保罗·麦卡特尼总共写了、或是协助写了超过 50 首十大热门歌曲。他拥有60张金唱片和1亿张的单曲销量。他的歌曲“Yesterday”是史上被灌录次数最多的歌曲,并在美国的广播电视中播放了超过700万次。他为Wings乐队所作的1977年的单曲“Mull of Kintyre”成为了第一张在英国销量超过200万的单曲唱片,并保持着英国“非慈善单曲”的销售纪录。Paul McCartney是个在歌唱、吉他、低音吉他、钢琴以及打鼓都很有成就、才能的人。 出生日期:1942年6月18日 出生地:英格兰利物浦市 身高:180CM 体重:153磅 家庭:父亲James,母亲Mary,弟弟Mike 妻子Linda,女儿Stella,儿子James 乔治·哈里森(George Harrison),英国音乐家、吉他演奏家、歌手、词曲作者、音乐制作人、电影制作人、披头士乐队主音吉他手、主唱之一,以身为披头士乐队成员之一最广为人知。1958年,作为保罗·麦卡特尼的好友,15岁的乔治·哈里森加入乐队。披头士乐队基本成型。 出生日期:1943年2月25日 逝世日期:2001年11月29日 出生地:英格兰利物浦市 身高:178CM 体重:150磅 林戈·斯塔尔 出生日期:1940年7月7日 本名: Richard Starkey 出生地: 英格兰利物浦市 身高: 5英尺8英寸(170.18cm) 体重: 134磅 《昨天》(Yesterday)中运用了弦乐四重奏; 《埃莉诺·里格比》(Eleanor Rigby)中运用了弦乐八重奏; 《你得藏起你的爱》(you"ve go hide your love away)中运用了长笛; 《因为》(Because)中运用了古钢琴; 《潘尼小巷》(Penny lane)中运用了短号; 《黄色潜水艇》(yellow submarine)中运用了铜管乐队; 《为凯特先生的善行》(Being for the benefit of Mr.Kite)中运用了管风琴和低音口琴; 《蜂蜜馅饼》(Honey pie)中运用了双簧管; 《生活中的一天》(A day in the life) 中运用了管弦乐队; 《顺其自然》(Let it be)中运用了口琴。 除了常规的西洋乐器外,"披头士"还在歌曲中运用了许多印度的民族乐器。如: 《挪威的森林》(Norwegian wood)中的西塔尔琴(Sitar); 《拥有你,失去你》(Within you,Without you)中的塔布拉鼓(Tabla)和迪尔鲁巴琴(Dilruba)等。 为了丰富作品的表现力,"披头士"的歌曲中还时常融入各种自然音响。如: 《回到苏联》(Back in the U.S.S.R.)中飞机的轰鸣声; 《早上好,早上好》(Good morning,Good morning)中的鸡叫声以及各种动物的鸣叫声; 《黑鸟》(Black bird)中的鸟鸣声; 《黄色潜水艇》(Yellow submarine)中的各种嘈杂声等等。

世界上最成功的乐队是The Beatles披头士(甲壳虫)乐队吗

最成功的摇滚乐队:The Beatles 中文名:甲壳虫乐队 (又称披头士乐队、披头四乐队)吉他手:John Lennon 贝斯手:Paul McCartney 吉他手:George Harrison The Beatles(甲壳虫乐队,也译作“披头士”或“披头四”)可以说是摇滚乐史上最成功和最重要的一支乐队。披头士是在50年代后期由John Lennon(吉他手),Paul McCartney (贝斯手),George Harrison(吉他手)在英国的利物浦组建。鼓手Ringo Starr在1962年披头士第一次正式录制唱片前加入这支即将震撼世界的乐队。 披头士出道之初,吸收了当时各种不同风格的流行音乐,将它们揉合为一,形成他们自己的风格。这种揉合的痕迹从披头士早期的歌曲以及他们的第一张唱片中反映了出来。但披头士不久就开始摈弃其它流行音乐的影响,他们从古典音乐和印度音乐中汲取营养,开始打造一个全新的流行音乐风格。披头士最早的一次录音是在1961年6月。当时他们在德国的一家夜总会演出,为歌手Tony Sheridan伴奏。披头士为Tony Sheridan伴奏了六首歌,并演唱演奏了他们自创的歌曲“Ain"t She Sweet?”和乐曲“Cry for a Shadow”。披头士成名后,这段录音被频繁地收入他们的专辑中。披头士的另一段早期录音是1962年新年夜在一家夜总会演出时录制的。在此之前,披头士已与英国EMI唱片公司下属的Parlophone公司签定了合约。Parlophone公司在1962年10月为披头士发行了歌曲“Love Me Do”。“Love Me Do”是到1970年为止Parlophone公司为披头士发行的22首歌中的第一首。除“Love Me Do”外的其它21首歌都曾打入英国流行音乐排行榜的前十名,其中的17首歌还曾名列排行榜首位。披头士的第一首在排行榜上折冠的歌是“Please Please Me”,发行于1963年1月。1963年3月一张同名的专辑问世。到1970年为止披头士在英国发行了11张专辑,每张专辑都成为排行榜冠军。披头士在英国的成功并没有马上在美国引起轰动,这在当时并不足为奇。在披头士之前还很少有英国的流行乐队在美国成名。英国EMI唱片公司的美国分公司Capitol唱片公司甚至拒绝在美国发行披头士的唱片。披头士只好求助于美国的一些小唱片公司。美国的Vee Jay唱片公司在1963年2月发行了歌曲“Please Please Me”,接着在5月发行了歌曲“From Me to You”,在7月发行了在英国版专辑“Please Please Me”的基础上改版的专辑“Introducing the Beatles”。所有的这些作品(包括由美国天鹅唱片公司在1963年九月发行的披头士的新歌“She Loves You”)都没有在当时的美国引起反响。而“She Loves You”却是英国有史以来最畅销的歌曲单行本。(“She Loves You”后来也成为美国排行榜的冠军曲。) I Want to Hold Your Hand”和“Meet the Beatles”分别在美国流行歌曲和专辑的排行榜上折冠。披头士的旋风终于席卷美国。在以后的六年中,披头士共有26张专辑登上了美国流行音乐专辑排行榜的前10名,其中有13张专辑在排行榜上夺魁,有18张专辑成为金唱片,11张专辑的销量超过100万,9张专辑的销量超过200万。这些专辑中除了新的歌曲专辑外,还包括电影音乐录音、重新发行的披头士早期音乐、记录披头士成功历程的“纪实性”专辑及对披头士的采访录音等。 在美国的流行歌曲排行榜上,从1964年到1970年,披头士的歌共上榜64次。其中32次入围排行榜前十,20次名列排行榜第一。在这一连串惊人的记录中,从1965年7月到1970年3月,由Capitol唱片公司发行的每一首披头士歌曲(总共16首)都进入排行榜前十,其中12首成为排行榜冠军曲。披头士在美国前所未有的商业成功和艺术成就,不仅改变了美国的唱片工业,还对美国文化产生了深远的影响。披头士的第四张专辑”Beatles For Sales“1964年12月在英国发行(这张专辑中的歌成为其美国版的两张专辑”Beatles "65“和”Beatles VI“中的主打歌曲)。这张专辑中的几首歌如”No Reply“、”I"m a Loser“显示了披头士在艺术上的新发展。这张专辑中的歌多达14首,展露了披头士惊人的创造力。与此同时,披头士的歌曲单行本磁带“I Feel Fine”、“She"s a Woman”成为他们在英国的连续第6个排行榜冠军,也成为他们1964年在美国的第6个排行榜冠军。 然而这些作品与披头士的下一个歌曲单行本“Penny Lane”、“Strawberry Field Forever”和专辑“Sgt. Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band”(1967年6月发行)比起来相形见绌。这些作品几十年来一直被音乐评论家们认为是有史以来最伟大的流行歌曲。“Sgt. Pepper"sLonely Hearts Club Band”雄据排行榜首位达几个月之久,单在美国的销量就达800万张这也许是披头士事业的颠峰,虽然在以后的两年中他们又继续创作了许多既有音乐价值又广泛流传的歌曲。1967年8月,披头士的经纪人Brian Epstein去世了,披头士的事业也出现了一些逆转。1967年12月披头士主演的电视电影”Magical Mystery Tour“在英国上映,虽然电影中的音乐一如既往地保持成功,电影本身却反应平平。披头士成立了自己的公司:苹果唱片公司。这家公司最终耗尽了披头士的收入。 披头士的最后一张专辑是1969年发行的”Abbey Road“。胎死腹中的电影”Get Back“经过大幅度修改后改名为”Let It Be“, 于1970年5月同时发行了电影和电影音乐录音。从此以后披头士的4个成员各奔前程,各自成为独唱歌手。四员猛将都曾在排行榜上折冠。Paul McCartney是他们中最成功的。John Lennon在1980年12月被他的一个崇拜者刺杀身亡。 披头士的音乐是流行音乐中的常青树。他们的音乐在70年代被不断重新发行为唱片和磁带,在80年代又被大量发行为CD。当Capitol唱片公司在1994年12月发行披头士在BBC的现场广播音乐会的录音时,500万张CD被抢购一空。在解决了各自的财务和个人生活问题之后,幸存的三位披头士成员重新一起走进录音和摄像棚录制一部关于他们的电视纪录片。这部电视系列片”Anthology“在1995年秋天与电视观众见面。与电视片配套的是一系列一套两张的同名CD专辑。Anthology(I)在1995年11月一上市便登上美国排行榜的首位和英国排行榜的第二位。Anthology(I)中包括John Lennon70年代在家里录制的”Free As A Bird“。幸存的三位披头士成员的配乐和配音将这首歌重新赋予了生命力。他们还为John Lennon在家里录制的另一首歌”Real Love“以同样的方式配音配乐。”Real Love“被收入1996年2月发行的Anthology(II)中。Anthology(II)同时在美国和英国的排行榜上折冠。Anthology(III)在1996年2月发行, 也同样大获成功。一代音乐天才Jonh Lennon若地下有知,当该含笑九泉了

the beatles什么意思


the beatles的hey jude完整版,Hey%20Jude%20甲壳虫乐队&word=mp3,$$.mp3,,[hey+jude]&lm=16777216

The Beatles的《Hey Jude》 歌词

Hey Jude (嘿朱蒂) - 孙燕姿 (Stefanie Sun)词:Lennon McCartney曲:Lennon McCartneyHey jude don"t make it badTake a sad song and make it betterRemember to let her into your heartThen you can start to make it betterHey jude don"t be afraidYou were made to go out and get herThe minute you let her under your skinThen you begin to make it betterAnd anytime you feel the pain hey jude refrainDon"t carry the world upon your shouldersFor well you know that it"s a fool who plays it coolBy making his world a little colderNa na na na na na na naHey jude don"t let me downYou have found her now go and get herRemember to let her into your heartThen you can start to make it betterSo let it out and let it in hey jude beginYou"re waiting for someone to perform withAnd don"t you know that it"s just you hey jude you"ll doThe movement you need is on your shoulderNa na na na na na na naHey jude don"t make it badTake a sad song and make it betterRemember to let her under your skinThen you"ll begin to make itBetter better better better better better ohNa na na na na na na na hey judeNa na na na na na na na hey judeNa na na na na na na na hey judeNa na na na na na na na hey judeNa na na na na na na na hey judeNa na na na na na na na hey jude

谁会翻译杰克逊《镜子中的男人》和《Beat It》还有《Billie Jean》




Heartbeat Song 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbeat Song歌手:The Futureheads专辑:the chaosMiael JacksonHEARTBREAKERDeceitful eyes, she"s got those come get me thighsShe only knows how low that she can goShe speaks the lines that can control my mindWherever she goes I know my eyes followShe blew a kiss, I swear that it was meantOnly for me, then spoke with her bodyHer only goal is just to take controlAnd I can"t believe that I can"t tell her noChorus:That girl I can"t take herShould have known she was a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through her she"s a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen it coming heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through herShe"s a heartbreakerShe plays a game with such an innocent faceI didn"t know heartbreaking was her caseHer actions confess and put me through the testI was surprised that I was caught insideNow she"s thinking that I will never knowAnd she"ll keep playing until I let her goBut I hope in time that she will finally realizeI"m onto her game and she"ll get played the sameChorus x 2:I never thought that I would stop dreamin" about youStop being without youBut everyone told me so, to stop caring about youAnd start being without youBut I"ll find a way to go and start doin" without youAnd stop talkin" about youAnd what will she say?She will say I was the man that got awayRap

求Angel Beats中my most precious treasure的歌词.

英文Brandy - Shattered HeartLRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang@ @Don"t shatter my heart (x5)I"ve been saving up this treasure for yearsI hid it somewhere so no-one could touch it, yehWith every love I had some reason to leaveNo other like it "cause it"s so authenticMany driver couldn"t bear her thoughTry to break through the gate but didn"t have the gaulWhen I looked in your eyes, I felt a glitch, yehSo I present you with my most precious giftI put my love in a jarIn my heart, like a piggybankAnd I"m giving it to youSo whatever you do...Don"t shatter my heart (x9)Never knew that love can be so epic, yehBut you save me "cause you"re all heroicLegend has it that you"ve earned this throneSince you came and pulled the sword out the stoneMany driver couldn"t weather the stormYou came in my life and turned the lights onNow when you touch me baby, I can"t resistSo I present you with my most precious giftI put my love in a jarIn my heart, like a piggybankAnd I"m giving it to youSo whatever you do...Don"t shatter my heartIn a big emergencyDon"t break the glass, call meOur love can save anything like the fatherBelieve meI"ll give you my all "causemy heart makes me strongerAnd if you pour into itI can go even harderI put my love in a jarIn my heart, like a piggybankAnd I"m giving it to youSo whatever you do...Don"t shatter my heart (x25)

Everytime my heart beats的歌词

Mikey Bustos - Everytime My Heart Beatsin my"re always in my heart(this song is for those who believed in me)the road was slowsome nights were coldbut you were always there for meand so i wrote this songi have called everytime my heart beatscos every joyest moment that goes by for mei know they"re not farand perfect time we sharethe exact same beating of all living heartseverytime my heart beatsi know deep insidewe"re all exactly the sameit"s love that runs within our bloodand always shows us the wayand i know and we knowcos you could feel from the startevery feelings, purposei feel deep inside of my hearteverytime it beatsi have always saidthat the best F words inmy vocabulary have always been my friends,my fans and my precious familybecause they all know as i have grownwhy i"ve always played my partwe share the same loveand the same dreams ofmaking that difference with hopeeverytime my heart beatsi know deep insidewe"re all exactly the sameit"s love that runs within our bloodand always shows us the wayand i know and we knowcos you could feel from the startevery feelings, purposei feel deep inside of my hearteverytime it beatsno use to be in life alonethe passion won"t ever subsideas long as you hear my songand feel what i"m feeling insidei think of you cos in youi too will feel what it meansand i will continue stilland awaken my heart through our dreams.everytime my heart beatsi know deep insidewe"re all exactly the sameit"s love that runs within our bloodand always shows us the wayand i know and we knowcos you could feel from the startevery feelings, purposei feel deep inside of my hearteverytime it beatsoh everytime it beatsi know i love you,you love me





When Your Heart Stops Beating歌词翻译

当你的心停止跳动 它打开了我从来没有想回家 我只想成为你的一部分故障 她被抓住了地板上的四个 它拿起她,她就再也不能辜负 现在我不能停止关于它思考 在顶部所有的人你们不知道它什么 我们不给他妈的什么价格 因此,我们只是给我们自己的设备,我们将离开你独自一人 我会在那里当你的心停止跳动 我会在那里当你的最后一口气的带走 在黑暗的时候,那里已经没有人听 当我们都在获得带走倍 当我们都可以带走 她说,这一切没有想到,她的头 她说,这一切和她顶着我, 只是一个小东西起飞的边缘 阿多一点,我会完全属于地球 我会在那里当你的心停止跳动 我会在那里当你的最后一口气的带走 在黑暗的时候,那里已经没有人听 当我们都在获得带走倍 当我们都可以带走 我会在那里当你的心停止跳动 我会在那里当你的最后一口气的带走 在黑暗的时候,那里已经没有人听 当我们都在获得带走倍 当我们都可以带走 当我们都可以带走 (我会在那里当你的心停止跳动) 当我们都可以带走 (在黑暗中时,有没有人听) 当我们都可以带走就是这样了。

一首歌 有句歌词是这歌listen to my hearbeat song.女声 .电音的感觉


求可以当情侣呢称的英文歌名..最好是像《my soul,your beats》一样对称的

my story,your song 孙燕姿和仓木麻衣合唱的英文歌you"re my heart you"re my soul (Morden Talking)by heart,by soul(Avalon)She"s a girl and I"m a man(Lloyol Cole)your moon,my star(Stephen Jacob)my song your sun 这个不是英文的...郑元畅的 不过是英文的歌名~say you,say me 老歌了I love you,you love me(Banaroo)I see you,you see me(The Magic Numbers)He said she said(Ashley Tisdale)

《angel beats》中my song的主唱是谁


《angel beats!》里的my song的中文谐音歌词

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mani beats N&N 的中文歌词

Always in a rush总是莽莽撞撞Never stay on the phone long enough从来不喜欢讲电话Why am I so self-important?为什么我总是自恃清高Said I"d see you soon说过下次再见But that was, oh, maybe a year ago但是那,呃,好像是一年前的事Didn"t know time was of the essence搞不懂时间的含义Always in a rush凡事匆匆忙忙Never stay on the phone long enough从来不喜欢讲电话Why am I so self-important?为什么我总是自恃清高So many questions有很多的问题想问But I"m talking to myself而我自问自答I know that you can"t hear me any more我知道你再也不会听了Not anymore再也So many questions有很多的疑问But I"m talking to myself我只能独自斟酌I know that you can"t hear me any more我知道你再也不愿听我唠叨Not anymore再也不会Said I"d see you soon说了再见But that was, oh, maybe a year ago但那已经是一年以前Didn"t know time was of the essence时间已经失去了意义Always in a rush总是莽莽撞撞Never stay on the phone long enough不喜欢讲电话Why am I so self-important?为什么我把自己看得那么高So many questions有问题想问But I"m talking to myself而我只能自言自语I know that you can"t hear me any more我知道你再也不会听我诉说Not anymore再也不听So many questions有很多的疑问But I"m talking to myself只能自言自语I know that you can"t hear me any more我知道你不会想听了Not anymore不听了Said I"d see you soon说过会再见的But that was, oh, maybe a year ago但却,大概是一年前的事了Didn"t know time was of the essence不知道时间还有什么意义Always in a rush总是很鲁莽Never stay on the phone long enough不喜欢聊电话Why am I so self-important?为什么我总是自持清高So many questions很多问题想问But I"m talking to myself而我在自问自答I know that you can"t hear me any more我知道你再也听不见了Not anymore再也Always talking shit总说些没用的Took your advice and did the opposite听完你说而我偏要作Just being young and stupid真是很傻很天真I haven"t been all that you could"ve hoped for我从未做到你所希望的But if you"d held on a little longer但如果你再坚持You"d have had more reasons to be proud你会拥有骄傲的理由So many questions还有很多的疑问But I"m talking to myself而我只能自己解答I know that you can"t hear me any more你再也不会听了Not anymore再也不会So many questions还有很多的疑问But I"m talking to myself而我只能自己解答I know that you can"t hear me any more你再也不会听了Not anymore再也不会Always talking shit总唠叨有的没的Took your advice and did the opposite你再也不会听了Just being young and stupid很傻很天真I haven"t been all that you could"ve hoped for我从未做到你所期望的But if you"d held on a little longer但是如果你能再坚持久一点You"d have had more reasons to be proud我会让你感到骄傲

feel the beat是谁唱的?


Feel The Beat 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Beat歌手:铃木亚美专辑:DolceNajwa Nimri - Feel The Beat(Satie)All the time i"ve got to feelI feel loveOnce againI feel the beatin your heartI feel,noNow i feel the beat

Feel The Beat 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Beat歌手:Ll Cool J专辑:HeadsprungNajwa Nimri - Feel The Beat(Satie)All the time i"ve got to feelI feel loveOnce againI feel the beatin your heartI feel,noNow i feel the beat

Feel The Beat 歌词

歌曲名:Feel The Beat歌手:Beirut Biloma专辑:BlueNajwa Nimri - Feel The Beat(Satie)All the time i"ve got to feelI feel loveOnce againI feel the beatin your heartI feel,noNow i feel the beat

介绍一下beatles《Let It Be》的创作背景和这首歌背后的故事

歌手:披头士(甲壳虫)乐队 When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be Whisper words of wisdom, let it be And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree There will be an answer, let it be For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see There will be an answer, let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be There will be an answer, let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be Whisper words of wisdom, let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be Whisper words of wisdom, let it be (music) And when the night is cloudy there is still a light that shines on me Shine until tomorrow, let it be I wake up to the sound of music, Mother Mary comforts me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be There will be an answer, let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be 当我发觉自己陷入苦恼的时候 圣母玛利亚来到我面前 说着智能之语:让它去吧 在我黑暗的时刻里 她就在我的面前 说着智能之语:让它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 轻轻说着智能之语:让它去吧 当世上所有心碎的人们都同意 会有一个答案:让它去吧 虽然他们也许已经分手了 仍有机会可以看清楚 会有一个答案:让它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 轻轻说着智能之语:让它去吧 当夜晚乌云密布 有道阳光依然照耀着我 直到明日,让它去吧 我在音乐声中醒来 圣母玛利亚来到我面前 说着智能之语:让它去吧 Whisper words of wisdom, let it be《Let It Be》是一张名义上他们合作的最后一张唱片,虽然它在1970年发行,不过实际上它主要的录制工作在1969年初就已经基本完成,而其后期的混音制作则是在1970年初由Phil Spector完成。由于乐队当时的矛盾激化,这张专辑不能看做是一张全心全意的唱片,而显得有点低于他们的最高水平,但是我们可以从唱片里听到很多有趣的东西。本来这张唱片应该叫做《Get Back》,是因为Pual并不想乐队就此解散而做的最后努力,可是计划还是不幸的流产了,《Get Back》也就被《Let It Be》无情的代替了,连专辑的封面也变成了四个人背离式的分占四角。专辑的名字不仅预示了乐队的未来,也宣布了一个时代的突然崩溃,一种文化的悄悄消逝。音乐上来说,专辑里的《Across the Universe》,《Let It Be》,《The Long and Winding Road》都是难得的好作品,感性而又深富韵味,他们发挥了自己最高的水准,尤其是Pual的填词更是少见的佳作;而《I"ve Got a Feeling》和《Get Back》也是一向有好口碑,以上五首歌中就有三首是榜首歌曲,也充分说明这张专辑的可听性和收藏性,当然,在我眼里,Beatles每张专辑都是精华的作品,而这张专辑之中所收录的一首《One After 909》更是重新找到了那几个天真的利物浦男孩的影子,纯真自然而充满活力,是我很喜欢的歌曲(当然,这也因为我是一个Beatles迷的缘故)。最后要说的就是最近出了一张此专辑的重新混音版本,叫《Let It Be... Naked》,我没有听过,毕竟这只是老调新版而已,我更加愿意去找一些偏门的没有收录的版本来听听,那里面会有一些关于他们创作的对话,能够帮助Beatles迷们更加深入的了解这一支伟大的乐队。1. Two of Us (Lennon/McCartney) - 3:36 2. Dig a Pony (Lennon/McCartney) - 3:54 3. Across the Universe (Lennon/McCartney) - 3:48 4. I Me Mine (Harrison) - 2:25 5. Dig It (Harrison/Lennon/McCartney/Starr) - :50 6. Let It Be (Lennon/McCartney) - 4:03 7. Maggie Mae (Traditional) - :40 8. I"ve Got a Feeling (Lennon/McCartney) - 3:37 9. One After 909 (Lennon/McCartney) - 2:55 10. The Long and Winding Road (Lennon/McCartney) - 3:37 11. For You Blue (Harrison) - 2:32 12. Get Back (Lennon/McCartney) - 3:07

The Beatles 的 Let It Be 的歌词和歌词翻译。

The Beatles (Let It Be )When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom,let it beAnd in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom, let it beLet it be,let it be, let it be, let it be Whisper words of wisdom, let it beAnd when the broken hearted people living in the world agreeThere will be an answer,let it be For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will seeThere will be an answer,let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it beThere will be an answer,let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdom,let it be (music)And when the night is cloudythere is still a light that shines on me Shine until tomorrow, let it beI wake up to the sound of music, Mother Mary comforts me Speaking words of wisdom, let it beLet it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be There will be an answer, let it beLet it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be当我发觉自己陷入苦恼的时候 圣母玛利亚来到我面前 说着智能之语:让它去吧 在我黑暗的时刻里 她就在我的面前 说着智能之语:让它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 轻轻说着智能之语:让它去吧 当世上所有心碎的人们都同意 会有一个答案:让它去吧 虽然他们也许已经分手了 仍有机会可以看清楚 会有一个答案:让它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 轻轻说着智能之语:让它去吧 当夜晚乌云密布 有道阳光依然照耀着我 直到明日,让它去吧 我在音乐声中醒来 圣母玛利亚来到我面前 说着智能之语:让它去吧

The Beatles的《Let It Be》 歌词


The Beatles的《Let It Be》 歌词

歌曲名:Let It Be歌手:The Beatles专辑:Past Masters, Vol. 2Let it Be - Lennon/McCartneyWhen I find myself in times of troubleMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.And in my hour of darknessShe is standing right in front of meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the broken hearted peopleLiving in the world agree,There will be an answer, let it be.For though they may be parted there isStill a chance that they will seeThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be,Let it be.Let it be,let it be YeahThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be,let it be,let it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be.-Music-Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the night is cloudy,There is still a light that shines on me,Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.I wake up to the sound of musicMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it beThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be.

the beatles-let it be这首歌是表达什么


beatles的《let it be》 歌词

歌曲名:let it be歌手:beatles专辑:past masters - volume twoLet it Be - Lennon/McCartneyWhen I find myself in times of troubleMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.And in my hour of darknessShe is standing right in front of meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the broken hearted peopleLiving in the world agree,There will be an answer, let it be.For though they may be parted there isStill a chance that they will seeThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be. YeahThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.presented by happyhuang :)Let it be, let it be.Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the night is cloudy,There is still a light that shines on me,Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.I wake up to the sound of musicMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be.There will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be,Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

The Beatles的《Let It Be》 歌词

歌曲名:Let It Be歌手:The Beatles专辑:As Nature IntendedLet it Be - Lennon/McCartneyWhen I find myself in times of troubleMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.And in my hour of darknessShe is standing right in front of meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the broken hearted peopleLiving in the world agree,There will be an answer, let it be.For though they may be parted there isStill a chance that they will seeThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be,Let it be.Let it be,let it be YeahThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be,let it be,let it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be.-Music-Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the night is cloudy,There is still a light that shines on me,Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.I wake up to the sound of musicMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it beThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be.

The Beatles 唱的 Let it be 翻成中文是什么意思?


the beatles 的 let it be 的中文歌词


the beatles 的 let it be 的中文歌词


the beatles 的 let it be 的中文歌词

“Let it be”也是甲壳虫乐队解散时成员们的心态写照。也许生命的意义只在于过程,至于结果就只能顺其自然了每当我陷入困境 When I find myself in times of trouble,玛利亚圣母就会走近我 Mother Mary comes to me说着充满智慧的话 顺其自然 Speaking words of wisdom,let it be每当我处在黑暗的时候 And in my hour of darkness她就会站在我面前 she is standing right in front of me说着充满智慧的话 顺其自然 Speaking words of wisdom, let it be顺其自然 let it be ,let it be顺其自然 let it be ,let it be低声说着,充满智慧的话 顺其自然吧 Whisper words of wisdom, let it be伤心的人们 And when the broken hearted people都一致同意 living in the world agree这儿会有一个答案 顺其自然吧 There will be an answer, let it be也许他们会分离 For though they may be parted总有机会再相聚 there is still a chance that they will see这儿会有一个答案 顺其自然吧 There will be an answer, Let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be这儿会有一个答案 顺其自然吧 There will be an answer, Let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be低声说着,充满智慧的话 顺其自然吧 Whisper words of wisdom, let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be顺其自然 Let it be低声说着,充满智慧的话 顺其自然吧 Whisper words of wisdom, let it be即使在乌云密布的深夜 And when the night is cloudy依然会有一丝光照在我身上 there is still a light that shines on me陪伴我直至天亮 顺其自然 Shine until tomorrow, let it be在音乐声中醒来 wake up to the sound of music玛利亚圣母走近我 Mother Mary comforts me说着充满智慧的话,顺其自然吧 Speaking words of wisdom, let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be, let it be,顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be, let it be,这儿会有一个答案 顺其自然吧 There will be an answer, let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be, let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be, let it be这儿会有一个答案 顺其自然吧 There will be an answer, let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be, let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be, let it be低声说着,充满智慧的话 顺其自然吧 Whisper words of wisdom,let it be

Let it Be(The Beatles)的歌词翻译

“Let it be”也是甲壳虫乐队解散时成员们的心态写照。也许生命的意义只在于过程,至于结果就只能顺其自然了每当我陷入困境 When I find myself in times of trouble,玛利亚圣母就会走近我 Mother Mary comes to me说着充满智慧的话 顺其自然 Speaking words of wisdom,let it be每当我处在黑暗的时候 And in my hour of darkness她就会站在我面前 she is standing right in front of me说着充满智慧的话 顺其自然 Speaking words of wisdom, let it be顺其自然 let it be ,let it be顺其自然 let it be ,let it be低声说着,充满智慧的话 顺其自然吧 Whisper words of wisdom, let it be伤心的人们 And when the broken hearted people都一致同意 living in the world agree这儿会有一个答案 顺其自然吧 There will be an answer, let it be也许他们会分离 For though they may be parted总有机会再相聚 there is still a chance that they will see这儿会有一个答案 顺其自然吧 There will be an answer, Let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be这儿会有一个答案 顺其自然吧 There will be an answer, Let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be低声说着,充满智慧的话 顺其自然吧 Whisper words of wisdom, let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be顺其自然 Let it be低声说着,充满智慧的话 顺其自然吧 Whisper words of wisdom, let it be即使在乌云密布的深夜 And when the night is cloudy依然会有一丝光照在我身上 there is still a light that shines on me陪伴我直至天亮 顺其自然 Shine until tomorrow, let it be在音乐声中醒来 wake up to the sound of music玛利亚圣母走近我 Mother Mary comforts me说着充满智慧的话,顺其自然吧 Speaking words of wisdom, let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be, let it be,顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be, let it be,这儿会有一个答案 顺其自然吧 There will be an answer, let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be, let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be, let it be这儿会有一个答案 顺其自然吧 There will be an answer, let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be, let it be顺其自然,顺其自然 Let it be, let it be低声说着,充满智慧的话 顺其自然吧 Whisper words of wisdom,let it be

The Beatles的《In My Life》 歌词

歌曲名:In My Life歌手:The Beatles专辑:精选车载音乐(三)There are places I"ll rememberAll my life though some have changedSome forever not for betterSome have gone and some remainAll these places have their momentsWith lovers and friends I still can recallSome are dead and some are livingIn my life I"ve loved them allBut of all these friends and loversThere is no one compares with youAnd these memories lose their meaningWhen I think of love as something newThough I know I"ll never lose affectionFor people and things that went beforeI know I"ll often stop and think about themIn my life I love you moreThough I know I"ll never lose affectionFor people and things that went beforeI know I"ll often stop and think about themIn my life I love you moreIn my life I love you more

Strictly Physical (Beathoavenz Cut) 歌词

歌曲名:Strictly Physical (Beathoavenz Cut)歌手:Monrose专辑:Strictly Physical [Incl. Farhot Remix] [Online Only]父母健康,世界和平!--YOURS维宝宝Just let me know...It"s strictly physical...Tired of dancing alone, so physical (so physical)Feels like a fire ... even you knowWe"re getting close to the body& soul over agoThe way you"re watching me baby tells meyou"re feeling my thoughtSo if you want it,just let me knowIf you want it uh uhJust let it goIf you need it boyit"s strictly physicalIf you want oh yeahJust let me knowIf you got it causeit"s strictly physicalIt"s strictly physicalIt"s strictlyDon"t be a fool boy just cause break dancing go-go (LOL)Is this an illusion leave your emotions far homeIt"s tripping your ... with my eyesI like what I see (like what I see) (aahahaaha)We made a connection boyLet"s do it freaky (do it freaky)Just let me knowIf you want it uh uhJust let it goIf you need it boyit"s strictly physicalJust let me knowIf you got it causeit"s strictly physicalIf you want it uh uhJust let it go (yeah, yeah)If you need it boyit"s strictly physicalJust let me knowIf you got it causeit"s strictly physicalDett dett dettDett dett dettIt"s strictly physicalDett dett dettDett dett dettIt"s strictly physicalDett dett dettDett dett dettIt"s strictly physicalIt"s strictly physical

英语好的谁能帮我找到Ronan beating的《winter song》的歌词及翻译?

his is my winter song to you. The storm is coming soon, It rolls in from the sea My voice; a beacon in the night. My words will be your light, To carry you to me. Is love alive? Is love alive? Is love They say that things just cannot grow Beneath the winter snow, Or so i have been told. They say were buried far, Just like a distant star I simply cannot hold. Is love alive? Is love alive? Is love alive? This is my winter song. December never felt so wrong, Cause youre not where you belong; Inside my arms. I still believe in summer days. The seasons always change And life will find a way. Ill be your harvester of light And send it out tonight So we can start again. Is love alive? Is love alive? Is love alive? This is my winter song. December never felt so wrong, Cause youre not where you belong; Inside my arms. This is my winter song to you. The storm is coming soon It rolls in from the sea. My love a beacon in the night. My words will be your light To carry you to me. Is love alive? 翻译:这是我在冬天给你作的歌。 暴风雨即将到来, 从海上翻滚而来 我的声音,是夜晚的灯塔。 我的话将是你的光, 为了把你带给我。 是爱活着? 是爱活着? 是爱 他们说,事情是不能改变的 在冬雪之后, 或许我已知道。 他们说,这些被埋葬的事, 就像一个遥远的恒星 我根本无法承担。 是爱活着? 是爱活着? 是爱活着? 这是我冬天的歌。 12月从来没有这样的错误, 原因你已不是你; 嵌入我的臂膀。 我仍然相信在夏天。 季节随时更改 而生活将找到另一种方式继续。 生病是你的时光收割机 并发送了今晚 因此,我们可以重新开始。 是爱活着? 是爱活着? 是爱活着? 这是我冬天的歌。 12月从来没有这样的错误, 原因你已不属于你; 嵌入了我的臂膀。 这是我在冬天给你作的歌。 暴风雨即将到来, 从海上翻滚而来 我的声音,是夜晚的灯塔。 我的话将是你的光, 为了把你带给我。 是爱活着?

Unbeatable 什么意思 有谁懂

adj. 无法击败的,打不垮的,不可摧毁的,无以伦比的

力求准确《华丽的挑战》 片尾曲 SKIP BEAT 歌词中文谐音


谁能给出skip beat ed的罗马拼音?


skip beat/下一站巨星/华丽的挑战 动画片的片尾曲 跪求下载及拼音歌词


有没有好听抒情的英文歌,像my heartbeat 类似的歌曲

wonderful tonightvalder fields piease forgive me



开头有一句you hear my heartbeat so...的一首很有节奏感的歌,女歌手唱的

Celine Dion - Can"t Fight The FeelingI get a little peculiarFeeling kinda strangeI don"t know what it isBut I like the changeThat comes over meWhenever he"s aroundIt"s as if my feetDon"t even touch the groundCause when I"m feeling downHe"s there to pick me upWhen I talk too muchHe doesn"t interruptLet me tell you there"s a better guyThis is how it makes me feel insideI wanna dance (dance) mmmI wanna play (play)Well can you hear my heartbeat (boom boom)A million miles awayHe won"t stop (stop) no noTill I drop (drop) yeahAnd every day and night he tells meI"m so special he could never give me upI"m hooked on a feelingA natural highYou better believe itAnd the reason whyIs a thing called loveIt makes me feel so aliveAnd I can"t fight the feelingSomebody told me onceYou only get one chanceSo live your lifeAnd do the best you canOnce a day goes byYou never get it backSo live every minuteLike it was your lastJust dance (dance) mmmCome on play (play)And tell somebody you love them (I love you)At least once a dayAnd don"t stop (stop)Till you drop (drop)I didn"t know that once someone so specialWould come along to steal my heartI"m hooked on a feelingA natural highYou better believe itAnd the reason whyIs a thing called loveIt makes me feel so alive, yeahLove, love, loveAnd don"t let it slipThat was all you needIf you taste it onceIt won"t be enoughI"m hooked on a feelingA natural highYou better believe itAnd the reason whyIs a thing called loveIt makes me feel so aliveAnd I can"t fight the feelingCan"t fight the feelingI said, no, can"t, can"t, can"tCan"t fight the feelingCan"t fight, oh!You better believe itYou better believe itCan"t fight the feeling

The Beatles 的 Lucy in the Sky with Diamond

Lysergic acid diethylamide,你知唔知系乜? Lucky in the Sky with Diamond,简称LSD。Lysergic acid diethylamide,也简称LSD( *** ),六、七十年代 rock 友至爱,而John Lennon亦好此道。好多人认为 Lucy in the sky with diamond 是暗喻LSD,虽然Paul同John都否认,甚至指 Lucy真有其人;灵感来自爱丽斯漫游仙境;及在其他人指出这歌名简称是LSD后他们才发觉云云。近至2000年 Paul 之 interview中,他仍说 Lucy in the sky with diamonds 与 drugs 冇关 。但歌词及旋律中的梦幻意识,令很多很多人认为这歌是 John Lennon为LSD而写。是耶非耶?看官请自行定断。 Picture yourself in a boat on a river With tangerine trees and marmalade skies Somebody calls you you wer quite slowly A girl with kaleidoscope eyes. 幻想自己置身于一条河中的小船,河边有橘子树,天空是橘橙果酱色的。有人在叫唤你,而你慢慢地回答。那人是一位长有一双像万花筒一般眼睛的女孩。 Cellophane flowers of yellow and green Towering over your head. Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes And she"s gone. 黄色及绿色的玻璃纸花高高在你头顶上。当你想找那位好像眼中有太阳的女孩时,她已离开了。 Lucy in the sky with diamonds. Lucy in the sky with diamonds. Lucy in the sky with diamonds. Ah... Ah... 露丝和钻石一起在天上,露丝和钻石一起在天上,露丝和钻石一起在天上。 Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies Everyone *** iles as you drift past the flowers That grow so incredibly high. Newspaper taxis appear on the shore Waiting to take you away. Climb in the back with your head in the clouds And you"re gone. 跟着她到了一条靠著喷水池的桥,那裹有坐着摇摇木马吃棉花糖馅饼的人,当你飘过花儿时,每个人都笑了,那些花儿都长得出奇地高。岸上出现了用报纸做成的士,等侯把你带走。当你爬上的士后座时,有点心不在焉,而你已离开。 Picture yourself on a train in a station With plasticine porters with looking glass ties Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile The girl with kaleidoscope eyes. 幻想自己在一火车站上的火车上,有泥胶做成的行李搬运员戴上用镜子做成的领呔。忽然间,有人于旋转门中,她就是那有一双像万花筒眼睛的女孩。 桃园当铺中坜当铺仁宝当铺、提供借钱、借贷、借款、代办房屋二胎、汽车融资、房贷等当铺借款服务! 桃园当铺中坜当铺仁宝当铺汽机车、货车、重机械、钻石、珠宝、名表、精品、不动产皆可当! 桃园当铺中坜当铺仁宝汽车借款、法定利率!5分钟可知额度20分钟快速拨款! 桃园当铺中坜当铺仁宝汽车借款迅速放款不罗唆、可弹性还款、选择正确金援管道,才能真正省利! 欢迎来店(电)洽询 有专员为您服务 电话:03-4520077 03-4520077 地址:桃园县中坜市中华路二段292号 仁宝当铺 我知道桃园永全当铺有在收 因为我之前有拿我的手机去那周转过 他们服务很好 人又亲切 里面灯光明亮 重点是 我拿手机去周转 他们小心翼翼的帮我包起来 让我好放心 还拿信封袋封口 妥善保管我的手机 好贴心的服务 你可以先打电话去咨询 或直接去咨询 满意在借 老板人非常好

我想要了解HIP HOP历史,越详细越好!!!介绍街舞,涂鸦,BEAT BOX,MC等

Turn On (The Beat Box) 歌词

歌曲名:Turn On (The Beat Box)歌手:Earth. Wind & Fire专辑:The Best Of Earth, Wind & Fire-Vol. Ii「TURN ON」Music:Grok/ Lyric:SHIHOVocal:SHIHO後にして そんな舍て台词は今はただ本能の波の中何もかもフザケて见える毎日さえいつしか必然に変わるから指先 伝わる温度は壊れた 时计の针のよう今更 後戻りなんて出来ない 考えたくないTake me to heavenTake me awayturn me on 朝が来るまでyou turned me on 离れたくないturn me on 全て夺ってyou turned me on 何もいらない闭じた瞳の奥 光の矢が刺さる薄れる意识さえ 温もりに感じて続く… 景色… 叫ぶ… 想い…踌躇わず すぐに连れ去ってよ现在はもう 未来の梦の続きふと触れたその手は 掴んだままでいてあの日の涙さえ溶かしたい闻こえる 甘い嗫きは深まる 呼吸と重なる见えない 行き先も空も眩しい 视线に照らされturn you on 辿り着くまでI turned you on もう离さないturn you on 全て知ってるl turned you on 嘘はいらない明けてゆく闇夜は 2人だけを连れて湿った月を背に やがて时を刻む夜を… 裂いて… 闇を… 超えて…终わり

土岐麻子的《heartbeat》 歌词

歌曲名:heartbeat歌手:土岐麻子专辑:BEST! 2004-2011Miael JacksonHEARTBREAKERDeceitful eyes, she"s got those come get me thighsShe only knows how low that she can goShe speaks the lines that can control my mindWherever she goes I know my eyes followShe blew a kiss, I swear that it was meantOnly for me, then spoke with her bodyHer only goal is just to take controlAnd I can"t believe that I can"t tell her noChorus:That girl I can"t take herShould have known she was a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through her she"s a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen it coming heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through herShe"s a heartbreakerShe plays a game with such an innocent faceI didn"t know heartbreaking was her caseHer actions confess and put me through the testI was surprised that I was caught insideNow she"s thinking that I will never knowAnd she"ll keep playing until I let her goBut I hope in time that she will finally realizeI"m onto her game and she"ll get played the sameChorus x 2:I never thought that I would stop dreamin" about youStop being without youBut everyone told me so, to stop caring about youAnd start being without youBut I"ll find a way to go and start doin" without youAnd stop talkin" about youAnd what will she say?She will say I was the man that got awayRap

The Beatles的《Get Back》 歌词

歌曲:Get Back歌手:The BeatlesJojo was a man who thought he was a lonerBut he knew it wouldn"t last.Jojo left his home in Tucson, ArizonaFor some California grass.Get back, get back.Get back to where you once belongedGet back, get back.Get back to where you once belonged.Get back Jojo. Go homeGet back, get back.Back to where you once belongedGet back, get back.Back to where you once belonged.Get back Jo.presented by happyhuang :)Sweet Loretta Martin thought she was a womanBut she was another manAll the girls around her say she"s got it comingBut she gets it while she canGet back, get back.Get back to where you once belongedGet back, get back.Get back to where you once belonged.Get back Loretta. Go homeGet back, get back.Get back to where you once belongedGet back, get back.Get back to where you once belonged.Get back LorettaYour mother"s waiting for youWearing her high-heel shoesAnd her low-neck sweaterGet on home LorettaGet back, get back.Get back to where you once belonged.

hey jude的来源,不同歌手唱的所有版本(包括beatles)。来个中英文对照翻译

一个版本是:牙买加歌手John Holt的作品 Reggae Tributes味道十足 还有一个就是披头士的另外孙燕姿的也是一个版本。 Hey Jude, don"t make it bad. 嘿 Jude 不要这样消沉 Take a sad song and make it better. 唱首伤感的歌曲会使你振作一些 Remember to let her into your heart, 记住要永远爱她 Then you can start to make it better. 开始新的生活 Hey Jude, don"t be afraid. 嘿 Jude 不要担心 You were made to go out and get her. 去追她,留下她 The minute you let her under your skin, 拥抱她的时候 Then you begin to make it better. 将开始新的生活 And anytime you feel the pain, 无论何时,当你感到痛苦的时候 hey Jude, refrain, 嘿 Jude 放松一下自己 Don"t carry the world upon your shoulders. 不要去担负太多自己能力以外的事 For well you know that it"s a fool who plays it cool 要知道扮酷 是很愚蠢的 By making his world a little colder. 生活中总是会有不如意的时候 Hey Jude, don"t let me down. Hey Jude 不要让我伤心 You have found her, now go and get her. 如果你找到你所爱的人,去爱她吧 Remember to let her into your heart, 记住要永远爱她 Then you can start to make it better. 生活会更美好 So let it out and let it in, hey Jude, begin, 嘿 Jude 时光如此飞逝 不要耽搁 You"re waiting for someone to perform with. 不要总是期望依赖旁人 And don"t you know that it"s just you, hey Jude, you"ll do, 你知道吗!你自己可以的,嘿Jude,去完成吧 The movement you need is on your shoulder. 明白 自己要走自己的路 Hey Jude, don"t make it bad. 嘿 Jude 不要这样消沉 Take a sad song and make it better. 唱首伤感的歌曲会使你振作一些 Remember to let her under your skin, 记住要永远爱她 Then you"ll begin to make it 然后开始新的生活 Better better better better better better, Oh. 会更美好 会更幸福 Na na na, na na na na, na na na

The Beatles的《Help!》 歌词

歌曲:Help!歌手:The Beatles Help, I need somebody,Help, not just anybody,Help, you know I need someone, help.When I was younger, so much younger than today,I never needed anybody"s help in any way.But now these days are gone, I"m not so self assured,Now I find I"ve changed my mind and opened up the doors.Help me if you can, I"m feeling downAnd I do appreciate you being round.Help me, get my feet back on the ground,Won"t you please, please help me.And now my life has changed in oh so many ways,My independence seems to vanish in the haze.But every now and then I feel so insecure,I know that I just need you like I"ve never done before.Help me if you can, I"m feeling downAnd I do appreciate you being round.Help me, get my feet back on the ground,Won"t you please, please help me.When I was younger, so much younger than today,I never needed anybody"s help in any way.But now these daya are gone, I"m not so self assured,Now I find I"ve changed my mind and opened up the doors.Help me if you can, I"m feeling downAnd I do appreciate you being round.Help me, get my feet back on the ground,Won"t you please, please help me, help me, help me, oh.

求以下短语的翻译及例句1.beat at 2.benefit from 3.on board 4.take the floor 5.last but one

1beat sb at sth在某方面项目战胜2受益于3在船。飞机上4在地板上走5倒数第二

ultrabeat feel it with me歌词是什么

Come here beside meA little closerCome here beside meA little closer yeahI lay here by your side the moon and stars are out tonightAnd in the distance music starts to playYou wake up from ur sleepI take your hand to the hope to beAnd in the chance the sound takes you awayCome here beside meA little closerdont run away from the passion that u knowCome here beside meA little closer yeahFeel it with meI lay here by your side the moon and stars are out tonightAnd in the distance music starts to playYou wake up from ur sleepI take your hand to the hope to beAnd in the chance the sound take you awayCome here beside meA little closerdont run away from the passion that u knowCome here beside meA little closer yeahFeel it with meI lay here by your side The moon and stars are out tonightAnd in the distance music starts to playYou wake up from your sleepI take your hand to the hope to beAnd in the chance the sound take u awayCome here beside meA little closerDont run away from the passion that you knowCome here beside meA little closer yeahFeel it with me 谷歌搜到的,就是参考资料中的网址

美国police region是怎么划分beat数有什么划分要求吗

三级划分原则,第一级是distract 第二级是sector 第三级就是beat了beat差不多相当于我们这里的“片警”,管理的区域差不多就社区大小。原文如下:Know Your District, Know Your Beat If you want to help make CAPS a success, you have to understand how the Chicago Police Department is organized to fight crime. At the City level, Chicago is divided into 25 police districts, each of which is headed by a District Commander.Each police district is divided into 3 sectors, and each sector is further divided into 3 to 5 beats. It is at the beat level -- a small geographic area -- that police and community are coming together to fight crime and solve neighborhood problems as part of CAPS.Each of the City"s 281 police beats is numbered so that it can be uniquely identified:The first one or two digits identify the district;the next digit is the sector number;and the last digit is the beat number.For example, Beat 521 is the 1st beat in the 2nd sector of the 5th Police District, and Beat 1913 is the 3rd beat in the 1st sector of the 19th Police District.Every beat patrol car has its beat number displayed on its roof.

sweetbox—in a heartbeat的歌词

In a Heartbeat Artist: Sweetbox Lrc by taTu from 369 Lyrics Group ☆QQ:417288035 All the stressing and worry that you"re giving me Oh baby I"m sorry Why can"t I see it"s time to get over you now I"m trying to get over you now Every word and page of our history Says I"m not for you and you"re not for me It"s time to get over you now I"ve got to to get over you now My heart needs time to heal I give you anything for you to not mean a thing I can"t change the way it feels inside But for all the broken heart and tears that made you proud For all the decent beats that I allow I wanna turn away but don"t know how Cos no one"s here for you last That I deserve the best I know you"re no good for me But I take you back in a heartbeat Oh~ ooh~ In a heartbeat ahh~ From the wreckage of us I walked away Made a promise to myself A love another day Said I"m so over you now But if I"m so over you now Why do I get pain alone After everything I take you back again I can"t change the way it feels inside But for all the broken heart and tears that made you proud For all the decent beats that I allow I wanna turn away but don"t know how I say I"m here for you last That dservesthe best I know you"re no good for me I take you back in a heartbeat ah~ In a heartbeat ah~ The broken heart and tears that made you proud For all the decent beats that I allow I wanna turn away but don"t know how ooh~ The broken heart and tears that made you proud For all the decent beats that I allow I wanna turn away but don"t know how I say I"m here for you last That I dserve the best I know you"re no good for me I take you back In a heartbeat In a heartbeat I can work on麻烦采纳,谢谢!


不是。这是不一定的。一般来讲,在HipHop音乐上面,拍子上面,我们很多时候会说4/4的,就是很典型的流行曲的拍子曲色来的。那么4/4是什么呢?4/4也就是4个四分音符一个Bar,也就是4个4分音符组成的一个Bar。在这个4/4中我们也会说到Tempo ,速度 BPM,BPM全称叫 Bite Per Minute,也就是每一分钟鼓点的总数,但是呢说唱现在已经发展到无分界了,很多类型融合了,但是呢我们讲最典型的“Old school”,“Golden age”的 HipHop,大部分为89-96 BPM,这是很常见的一个HipHop的速度。


batblow clout crack defeat hit knock mix outdo stir strike surpass triumph win


beat,意为打,击,敲;冲击;拍打;扑动,跳动;打败,胜过等意思;hang v. 悬挂;装饰;(被)绞死;抓牢;悬浮;(使)悬而未决 n. 悬挂hide v. 隐藏;躲藏;隐瞒;掩盖n. 兽皮,毛皮break v. 打破;折断;弄坏;削弱vt. (使)破;打破(纪录);(常指好天气)突变;开始vi. (嗓音)突变;突破;破晓;(价格)突然下跌n. 破裂;间断;(持续一段时间的状况的)改变;间歇n. (Break)人名;(英)布雷克

dance to the beat 是什么意思?

舞蹈的节奏 这个是直译啦~~



怎么理解短语“beat a retreat”中的“beat”?


Beats 什么意思?


英语 beat的多种意思和过去式和win的区别



应该是 节奏 的意思吧 呵呵!

中国有嘻哈 beats是什么意思

beat 歌曲内的节拍;背景音乐Punchline:原意是笑话里面丢包袱的地方,就是让人发笑的地方,笑点。说唱里面就是指歌词的炸点,让全场尖叫的歌词diss:diss与battle不同的是,diss是一首作品,而battle是面对面交流battle:battle是指个人对个人带有攻击性的比赛




beating 英[ˈbi:tɪŋ] 美[ˈbitɪŋ] n. 打,敲打; [纸] 打浆; 脉搏; 失败; vt. (心脏等) 跳动(beat的现在分词); [例句]The team secured pictures of prisoners showing signs of severe beatings.这个小组搞到了一些显示囚犯有被毒打痕迹的照片。[其他] 原型: beat 复数:beatings






beat 英 [bi:t] 美 [bit] vi. (心脏等) 跳动; 搜索; (风、雨等) 吹打; (鼓) 咚咚地响; vt. 接连地击打; vt. 打败; 敲打; 控制; 避免; [例句]My wife tried to stop them and they beat her我妻子想阻止他们,他们就打了她。[其他] 第三人称单数:beats 现在分词:beating 过去式:beat 过去分词:beaten
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