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like a human being

human being 是指人类的意思,being在这里不是作为be动词,所以不要去纠结它的形式。



human being 有复数形式吗?

在 being后加个 s

“人”有英语几种说法?human being,humans到底哪个加s哪个不加

people,man,mankind 应为human beings,human不加s

human, human being 谓语动词?单复?


mortals, people , human , human being ,man当人意思的区别?


human being和human race还有people和person的不同?

第一个human being表"人类",相对于动物和事物.第二个human race表"人种",黑白黑棕人种这两个基本不考的吧,最多起迷惑作用.people和person倒是很常考.people表"人""人们",表单个人的时候本人已有复数意思,one people ,three people(不再加s)如果不巧,你遇到了peoples,一般是表示民族了,比如中国的,fifty-six peoplesperson表"一个人",也是特别常用的,注意复数问题.one person three persons.希望我的答案你满意,呵呵,如果还不懂,直接问.

mortal作名词时 与human being,man的区别

mortal n.人,凡人 ,普通人 复数 mortals英文解释就是a human being的意思。human being也可表示“人类”,它是可数名词,有单复数之分。其意义比较具体,它一般用来区别人以外的事物,特别是动物或者是“神”,“鬼”之类。例如:Without its light and warmth there would be neither plants nor animals nor human beings. 没有光和热,就不可能有植物,动物,也不可能有人类。Although the Negroes were human beings just like the whites, they were not treated as humanbeing. 尽管黑人和白人一样都是属于人类,但是他们并没有被当作人对待。man一般以单数形式出现(现在也有人以复数men表示“人类”),其前不能置任何限定词,其相应的代词应是he, him, his, himself。例如:The changes between the states have been used by man to work for him since ancient times. 自古以来,人类就利用这两种状态的变化为自己服务。Engels pointed out a hundred years ago that labour created man himself. 恩格斯一百多年以前就指出,劳动创造了人类本身。

请问human,humans,human being,human beings它们有什么区别以及他们可以通用吗?

human是humans的复数,humam beings是human being的复数. 我的简单区分是:human是指个体,human being是指大团体.供你参考.

person和human being的区别

human being 全称n.人类person 个称n.人, 身体, 容貌, [语法]人称

human ,human being,mankind 谓语单复数 以及它们的区别!

man,mankind这对词都表示“人类”的意思,但用法有所区别.man一般以单数形式出现(现在也有人以复数men表示“人类”),其前不能置任何限定词,其相应的代词应是he,him,his,himself.例如:The changes between the states have been used by man to work for him since ancient times.自古以来,人类就利用这两种状态的变化为自己服务.Engels pointed out a hundred years ago that labour created man himself.恩格斯一百多年以前就指出,劳动创造了人类本身.mankind前也不可加任何限定词,但可用形容词修饰.它是集合名词,可作单数或复数使用.作单数概念时,谓语要用单数,其相应的代词一般为it,its,itself(也有人用he ,him,his,himself);作复数概念时,谓语要用复数,其相应的代词是they,them,their,themselves.例如:Mankind is much cleverer than it was one thousand years ago.人类比一千年前是聪明多了.All progressive mankind love peace.所有进步人类都热爱和平.That is one small step for a man,but one giant leap for mankind.对于个人来说那是小小的一步,但对于整个人类来说却是一次巨大的飞越.请注意:human being也可表示“人类”,它是可数名词,有单复数之分.其意义比较具体,它一般用来区别人以外的事物,特别是动物或者是“神”,“鬼”之类.例如:Without its light and warmth there would be neither plants nor animals nor human beings.没有光和热,就不可能有植物,动物,也不可能有人类.Although the Negroes were human beings just like the whites,they were not treated as humanbeing.尽管黑人和白人一样都是属于人类,但是他们并没有被当作人对待. human being是可数名词,指生物学意义上的无等级区分的“人”,区别于动物或神鬼等. 例如:How long can a human being go without food? people指的是社会性的人,而不是自然性的人.它代表的是有某种共同社会属性的一群“human beings”. 例如:There were 120 people at the lecture. 理论上说human being与people不会有相同的意思,你碰到的情况可能是二者用任意一个都可以,所以给你human being的意思与people相近的印象.但就算有这种情况,people的意思应该更靠近human being,而不是human being有people那种“人们”的意思. mankind前不可加任何限定词,但可用形容词修饰.它是集合名词,可作单数或复数使用.作单数概念时,谓语要用单数,其相应的代词一般为it,its,itself(也有人用he ,him,his,himself);作复数概念时,谓语要用复数,其相应的代词是they,them,their,themselves.例如:Mankind is much cleverer than it was one thousand years ago.人类比一千年前是聪明多了.All progressive mankind love peace.所有进步人类都热爱和平.That is one small step for a man,but one giant leap for mankind.对于个人来说那是小小的一步,但对于整个人类来说却是一次巨大的飞越. human being也可表示“人类”,它是可数名词,有单复数之分.其意义比较具体,它一般用来区别人以外的事物,特别是动物或者是“神”,“鬼”之类.例如:Without its light and warmth there would be neither plants nor animals nor human beings.没有光和热,就不可能有植物,动物,也不可能有人类.Although the Negroes were human beings just like the whites,they were not treated as humanbeing.尽管黑人和白人一样都是属于人类,但是他们并没有被当作人对待. human 和human being有什么区别? 有以下区别: (一)human强调“人群”,human being强调“个人”, 基本上 human = human beings ,但不可以说 human = human being (二)在一些惯用的表达,两者不能互换,例如疾病的“人传人”叫human to human transmission,但不可以说 human being to human being transmission. (三)human可以做形容词,human being不可以.

human being 是可数名词 其复数形式是human beings?

你的理解完全正确.human being 是可数名词 其复数形式是human beings.Happy New Year to you !

辨析 human ,humans ,human being的区别


human being和people和person之间有什么区别?

①human being是指人、人类,通常以复数出现②people通常是人们的意思,是人的复数/the people是指人民(是不包括犯罪分子等的一类)n.1. 人们[S][K]Who are these people?这些人是谁?2. 人民[the S][K]3. 国民;民族;种族[C][G]The Chinese are a hard-working people.中华民族是个勤劳的民族。4. 家族;家人;亲属(尤指父母)[S][K]All her people are in Australia.她的家人都在澳大利亚。vt.[H]1. 使人住在,居住于The region is thickly peopled.这地区人口稠密。2. 【贬】使充斥[(+with)]③person是人的意思,是人的单数n.1. 人;【贬】家伙[C]A strange person is asking to see you.有个陌生人想见你。2. 【书】(人的)身体,人身;外表,容貌[C]The young man has a fine person.那小伙子相貌堂堂。3. 【语】人称[C][U]


不是 复数是 human beings n.人类( human being的名词复数 );

human beings是什么意思


human being还是human beings

human 与 human being 意思相同,均表示“人”,但是用法上有区别:▲human 通常以复数形式出现,较少使用单数形式的 a human。如:Humans have large brains. 人类脑子大。The drug has not been tried out on humans yet. 这种药尚未经过人体试验。Dogs can smell much better than humans. 狗的嗅觉比人强得多。Intellect distinguishes humans from other animals. 人类与禽兽之别在于人具有思维能力。Humans and dogs are mammals, but birds and fish are not. 人和狗都是哺乳动物,但鸟和鱼不是。偶尔也用 a human,但并不多见。如:Its rate of growth was fast — much more like that of an ape than that of a human. 它的发育速度很快——更像猿,而不像人。(剑桥词典)▲与较少使用单数形式的 a human 相比,单数形式的 a human being 则相对较为普通。如:I"m a human being. I can stand on my own feet. 我是人,我可以自立。I could never forgive her as a human being. 作为一个人,我永远不能宽恕她。当然复数形式的 human beings 更为普通。如:Will it work on human beings? 这将对人有影响吗?Human beings are creative animals. 人类是有创造力的动物。Men, women, and children are human beings. 男人、女人、孩子都是人。Ability to talk distinguishes human beings from the lower animals. 用语言交谈的能力使人类有别于低等动物。It may be feasible to clone human beings, but is it ethical? 复制人类也许可以做到,但是这合乎道德吗?▲总结:复数形式的 humans 与 human beings 区别很小,常可互换;单数形式的 a human 和 a human being 区别也很小,也可互换,但比较而言,后者(a human being)比前者(a human)更普通。▲顺便说一句:human 或 human being 指人时,通常有(或暗示)与神、动物、机器人等相对比的意味,如果没有这种对比,则较少使用,如一般不能说:How many humans [human beings] are there in your family? 你家里有几个人? (宜改用 people)



human和human being的区别

有以下区别:(一)human强调“人群”,human being强调“个人”,基本上 human = human beings ,但不可以说 human = human being(二)在一些惯用的表达,两者不能互换,例如疾病的“人传人”叫human to human transmission,但不可以说 human being to human being transmission.(三)human可以做形容词,human being不可以.

human being和hunman和 human race的区别

human being表"人类",相对于动物和事物.human race表"人种",黑白黑棕人种human 人,人类; 和human being差不多。

human being和human有什么区别?

human 与 human being 意思相同,均表示“人”,但是用法上有区别:▲human 通常以复数形式出现,较少使用单数形式的 a human。如:Humans have large brains. 人类脑子大。The drug has not been tried out on humans yet. 这种药尚未经过人体试验。Dogs can smell much better than humans. 狗的嗅觉比人强得多。Intellect distinguishes humans from other animals. 人类与禽兽之别在于人具有思维能力。Humans and dogs are mammals, but birds and fish are not. 人和狗都是哺乳动物,但鸟和鱼不是。偶尔也用 a human,但并不多见。如:Its rate of growth was fast — much more like that of an ape than that of a human. 它的发育速度很快——更像猿,而不像人。(剑桥词典)▲与较少使用单数形式的 a human 相比,单数形式的 a human being 则相对较为普通。如:I"m a human being. I can stand on my own feet. 我是人,我可以自立。I could never forgive her as a human being. 作为一个人,我永远不能宽恕她。当然复数形式的 human beings 更为普通。如:Will it work on human beings? 这将对人有影响吗?Human beings are creative animals. 人类是有创造力的动物。Men, women, and children are human beings. 男人、女人、孩子都是人。Ability to talk distinguishes human beings from the lower animals. 用语言交谈的能力使人类有别于低等动物。It may be feasible to clone human beings, but is it ethical? 复制人类也许可以做到,但是这合乎道德吗?▲总结:复数形式的 humans 与 human beings 区别很小,常可互换;单数形式的 a human 和 a human being 区别也很小,也可互换,但比较而言,后者(a human being)比前者(a human)更普通。▲顺便说一句:human 或 human being 指人时,通常有(或暗示)与神、动物、机器人等相对比的意味,如果没有这种对比,则较少使用,如一般不能说:How many humans [human beings] are there in your family? 你家里有几个人? (宜改用 people)

human和human being的区别是什么?


Mankind,human,human being,humankind都有什么区别的?

mankind前不可加任何限定词,但可用形容词修饰.它是集合名词,可作单数或复数使用.作单数概念时,谓语要用单数,其相应的代词一般为it,its,itself(也有人用he ,him,his,himself);作复数概念时,谓语要用复数,其相应的代词是they,them,their,themselves.例如:Mankind is much cleverer than it was one thousand years ago.人类比一千年前是聪明多了.All progressive mankind love peace.所有进步人类都热爱和平.That is one small step for a man,but one giant leap for mankind.对于个人来说那是小小的一步,但对于整个人类来说却是一次巨大的飞越. human being也可表示“人类”,它是可数名词,有单复数之分.其意义比较具体,它一般用来区别人以外的事物,特别是动物或者是“神”,“鬼”之类.例如:Without its light and warmth there would be neither plants nor animals nor human beings.没有光和热,就不可能有植物,动物,也不可能有人类.Although the Negroes were human beings just like the whites,they were not treated as humanbeing.尽管黑人和白人一样都是属于人类,但是他们并没有被当作人对待. human 和human being有什么区别? 有以下区别: (一)human强调“人群”,human being强调“个人”, 基本上 human = human beings ,但不可以说 human = human being (二)在一些惯用的表达,两者不能互换,例如疾病的“人传人”叫human to human transmission,但不可以说 human being to human being transmission. (三)human可以做形容词,human being不可以. human adj.(形容词) (1)Of,relating to,or characteristic of human beings: 人的,人类的:关于或属于人的或有其特征的: the course of human events; the human race. 人类活动的过程;人类 (2)Having or showing those positive aspects of nature and character that distinguish human beings from the lower animals: 有人性的,通人情的:具有人的本性或特征中积极方面的或表现出这些方面的,这些积极方面将人类与低等动物区分开来: an act of human kindness. 一个表现出人类善良本性的行动 (3)Subject to or indicative of the weaknesses,imperfections,and fragility associated with human beings: 人性的缺点,人性的脆弱面:属于或表现出与人类相关联的软弱、缺陷和脆弱的: a mistake that shows he"s only human; human frailty. 这个错误证明他也是个凡人;人的脆弱 (4)Having the form of a human being. 具有人类外表的 (5)Made up of human beings: 用人构成的: formed a human bridge across the ice. 在冰上搭起一座人桥 n.(名词) A human being; a person. 人类;人 human being n.(名词) (1)A member of the genus Homo and especially of the species H.sapiens. 人:人 属的一员,尤指 智人 种的一员 (2)A person: 人: a fine human being. 一个好人 humankind 人类 可以用其他词的替换 Humankind in general; humanity. 人类人类的统称;人性 The human race; humankind. 人种;人类 Hatred or mistrust of humankind. 憎恨世人或不信任人类 Love of humankind in general. 博爱对全人类的爱 of humankind as a species. 指作为一个物种的人类.

human和human being有什么区别?

human 与 human being 意思相同,均表示“人”,但是用法上有区别:human 通常以复数形式出现,较少使用单数形式的 a human。与较少使用单数形式的 a human 相比,单数形式的 a human being 则相对较为普通。human的使用:Humans have large brains. 人类脑子大。The drug has not been tried out on humans yet. 这种药尚未经过人体试验。Dogs can smell much better than humans. 狗的嗅觉比人强得多。Intellect distinguishes humans from other animals. 人类与禽兽之别在于人具有思维能力。Humans and dogs are mammals, but birds and fish are not. 人和狗都是哺乳动物,但鸟和鱼不是。偶尔也用 a human,但并不多见。如:Its rate of growth was fast — much more like that of an ape than that of a human. 它的发育速度很快——更像猿,而不像人。human being的使用:I"m a human being. I can stand on my own feet. 我是人,我可以自立。I could never forgive her as a human being. 作为一个人,我永远不能宽恕她。当然复数形式的 human beings 更为普通。如:Will it work on human beings? 这将对人有影响吗?Human beings are creative animals. 人类是有创造力的动物。Men, women, and children are human beings. 男人、女人、孩子都是人。Ability to talk distinguishes human beings from the lower animals. 用语言交谈的能力使人类有别于低等动物。It may be feasible to clone human beings, but is it ethical? 复制人类也许可以做到,但是这合乎道德吗?顺便说一句:human 或 human being 指人时,通常有(或暗示)与神、动物、机器人等相对比的意味,如果没有这种对比,则较少使用,如一般不能说:How many humans [human beings] are there in your family? 你家里有几个人? (宜改用 people)

mankind 和 human being有 什么区别?

mankind着重于历史的角度human being一般

human ,human being,mankind 谓语单复数 以及它们的区别!!!

mankind和human是指人类,human也表示为human being.其区别是:mankind本身就表示复数,其谓语动词用复数。Human 或human being本身是单数,有单复数的变化,其谓语动词由单复数决定。Mankind=human beings当人,神,动物相区别时,指人,通常用human being(s)而mankind有男性的意思,要弱化性别差别时,表示人或人类,用human being. 如:Mankind are considered the smartest animals in the world。(人类是世上最聪明的动物)= Man is the smartest animal……。 (如果改为:Human beings are considered the smartest animals…… 就能包括男女。所以 mankind = man = human beings) (注意:mankind 后面动词要用复数,而 man 的后面动词,则用单数)另外,human还有形容词性,意思是:人性的,人类的,有同情心的,人力的,如:He is human. 他有人性。Human resources 人力资源另一个意思是民族,其复数形式表示民族。以下几个词组也表示人或人类:human race ,man, mankind people,humankind , men , person , people( 56 peoples)

human与human being的区别是什么

human 与 human being 意思相同,均表示“人”,但是用法上有区别:human 通常以复数形式出现,较少使用单数形式的 a human。与较少使用单数形式的 a human 相比,单数形式的 a human being 则相对较为普通。human的使用:Humans have large brains. 人类脑子大。The drug has not been tried out on humans yet. 这种药尚未经过人体试验。Dogs can smell much better than humans. 狗的嗅觉比人强得多。Intellect distinguishes humans from other animals. 人类与禽兽之别在于人具有思维能力。Humans and dogs are mammals, but birds and fish are not. 人和狗都是哺乳动物,但鸟和鱼不是。偶尔也用 a human,但并不多见。如:Its rate of growth was fast — much more like that of an ape than that of a human. 它的发育速度很快——更像猿,而不像人。human being的使用:I"m a human being. I can stand on my own feet. 我是人,我可以自立。I could never forgive her as a human being. 作为一个人,我永远不能宽恕她。当然复数形式的 human beings 更为普通。如:Will it work on human beings? 这将对人有影响吗?Human beings are creative animals. 人类是有创造力的动物。Men, women, and children are human beings. 男人、女人、孩子都是人。Ability to talk distinguishes human beings from the lower animals. 用语言交谈的能力使人类有别于低等动物。It may be feasible to clone human beings, but is it ethical? 复制人类也许可以做到,但是这合乎道德吗?顺便说一句:human 或 human being 指人时,通常有(或暗示)与神、动物、机器人等相对比的意味,如果没有这种对比,则较少使用,如一般不能说:How many humans [human beings] are there in your family? 你家里有几个人? (宜改用 people)

Human, Humankind, Human being, Humanity, People有何分别?

please adjust your encoding to unicode before reading this or some of the words might turn into "monster words" "human" "humankind" "human being" these three basically have the same definition "humam" and "human being" can be used the same way like in the example you already gave "human kind" however is used differently. It still me 人类 but "human" and "human being" usually describes a single man while "human kind" refers to the all of man species (and "man kind" is usually used instead of "human kind") for example you won"t say "as a human kind we should..." instead you would say "as human kinds we should..." "humanity" is yet a different thing. it usually me 人性 or 人道 rather than 人类 for example "the animals were not treated with humanity" however in some examples it can be defined as 人类 for example "Humanity has made great progress in space exploration" same with "human kind" "humanity" always refers to the whole of man kind rather than a single human being.however it is quite rare for it to be used as to refer to 人类 "people" is yet a totally different word. the word "people" refers to more than one man but the word"s meaning does not focus on the human species it focuses on men as many more than one person so if the word people is trlated into chinese it would definitly not be 人类 but perhaps 人们 or 人民. for example "who are these people?" would be trlated into 这些人是谁? but not 这些人类是谁? the word "people" can also be used to show nationalities by butting a nation"s name before it. for example "chinese people" "british people" it is true that "chinese" has the same meaning as "chinese people" but "chinese" also refers to the language chinese therefore "chinese people" is a more specific way to express one"s nationality. so in conclusion "human" and "human being" both me 人类 and can be used the same way; "human kind" still me 人类 but refers to the whole of man species; "humanity" mostly refers to 人性 or 人道 and is rarely used for 人类; and "people" focuses on the (more than one) person but not the human species it"s a bit long.... but It"s the wer to your question and i hope it helps :) 2007-02-13 18:47:34 补充: some of the content still turned into monster words...when you see #39; it just mean it"s a closing invert mer " 2007-02-13 18:48:16 补充: and this wer took me so long to write upI definitly started writing it before the first wer was submited 我的名字is raymond li 我有网站可以赚钱和创业。 money128.biz和fast - 我还有美容产品可以免费试用详情 请发送电子邮件给我。 [email protected] 感谢你。 Human : This meat is not fit for human consumption. 这种肉不适合人食用。 Humankind The scientist made a great contribution to humankind. 这位科学家为人类作出了一项伟大的贡献。 Human being Has anybody ever seenhuman being anyfrom outer space? 有人见到过外星人吗? Humanity Humanity has made great progress in space exploration and medicine. 人类在太空研究和医学上取得了很大进展。 People Who are these people? 这些人是谁?


human强调“人群”,human being强调“个人”, 基本上 human = human beings ,但不可以说 human = human being2.在一些惯用的表达,两者不能互换,例如疾病的“人传人”叫human to human transmission,但不可以说 human being to human being transmission.3.human可以做形容词,human being不可以。查看更多ue734

human beings为什么用复数?being在这里是指存在吧,哪来的复数?


human和human being的区别?

human 与 human being 意思相同,均表示“人”,但是用法上有区别:human 通常以复数形式出现,较少使用单数形式的 a human。与较少使用单数形式的 a human 相比,单数形式的 a human being 则相对较为普通。human的使用:Humans have large brains. 人类脑子大。The drug has not been tried out on humans yet. 这种药尚未经过人体试验。Dogs can smell much better than humans. 狗的嗅觉比人强得多。Intellect distinguishes humans from other animals. 人类与禽兽之别在于人具有思维能力。Humans and dogs are mammals, but birds and fish are not. 人和狗都是哺乳动物,但鸟和鱼不是。偶尔也用 a human,但并不多见。如:Its rate of growth was fast — much more like that of an ape than that of a human. 它的发育速度很快——更像猿,而不像人。human being的使用:I"m a human being. I can stand on my own feet. 我是人,我可以自立。I could never forgive her as a human being. 作为一个人,我永远不能宽恕她。当然复数形式的 human beings 更为普通。如:Will it work on human beings? 这将对人有影响吗?Human beings are creative animals. 人类是有创造力的动物。Men, women, and children are human beings. 男人、女人、孩子都是人。Ability to talk distinguishes human beings from the lower animals. 用语言交谈的能力使人类有别于低等动物。It may be feasible to clone human beings, but is it ethical? 复制人类也许可以做到,但是这合乎道德吗?顺便说一句:human 或 human being 指人时,通常有(或暗示)与神、动物、机器人等相对比的意味,如果没有这种对比,则较少使用,如一般不能说:How many humans [human beings] are there in your family? 你家里有几个人? (宜改用 people)

human ,human being,mankind 谓语单复数 以及它们的区别!

man,mankind这对词都表示“人类”的意思,但用法有所区别.man一般以单数形式出现(现在也有人以复数men表示“人类”),其前不能置任何限定词,其相应的代词应是he,him,his,himself.例如:The changes between the states have been used by man to work for him since ancient times.自古以来,人类就利用这两种状态的变化为自己服务.Engels pointed out a hundred years ago that labour created man himself.恩格斯一百多年以前就指出,劳动创造了人类本身.mankind前也不可加任何限定词,但可用形容词修饰.它是集合名词,可作单数或复数使用.作单数概念时,谓语要用单数,其相应的代词一般为it,its,itself(也有人用he ,him,his,himself);作复数概念时,谓语要用复数,其相应的代词是they,them,their,themselves.例如:Mankind is much cleverer than it was one thousand years ago.人类比一千年前是聪明多了.All progressive mankind love peace.所有进步人类都热爱和平.That is one small step for a man,but one giant leap for mankind.对于个人来说那是小小的一步,但对于整个人类来说却是一次巨大的飞越.请注意:human being也可表示“人类”,它是可数名词,有单复数之分.其意义比较具体,它一般用来区别人以外的事物,特别是动物或者是“神”,“鬼”之类.例如:Without its light and warmth there would be neither plants nor animals nor human beings.没有光和热,就不可能有植物,动物,也不可能有人类.Although the Negroes were human beings just like the whites,they were not treated as humanbeing.尽管黑人和白人一样都是属于人类,但是他们并没有被当作人对待. human being是可数名词,指生物学意义上的无等级区分的“人”,区别于动物或神鬼等. 例如:How long can a human being go without food? people指的是社会性的人,而不是自然性的人.它代表的是有某种共同社会属性的一群“human beings”. 例如:There were 120 people at the lecture. 理论上说human being与people不会有相同的意思,你碰到的情况可能是二者用任意一个都可以,所以给你human being的意思与people相近的印象.但就算有这种情况,people的意思应该更靠近human being,而不是human being有people那种“人们”的意思. mankind前不可加任何限定词,但可用形容词修饰.它是集合名词,可作单数或复数使用.作单数概念时,谓语要用单数,其相应的代词一般为it,its,itself(也有人用he ,him,his,himself);作复数概念时,谓语要用复数,其相应的代词是they,them,their,themselves.例如:Mankind is much cleverer than it was one thousand years ago.人类比一千年前是聪明多了.All progressive mankind love peace.所有进步人类都热爱和平.That is one small step for a man,but one giant leap for mankind.对于个人来说那是小小的一步,但对于整个人类来说却是一次巨大的飞越. human being也可表示“人类”,它是可数名词,有单复数之分.其意义比较具体,它一般用来区别人以外的事物,特别是动物或者是“神”,“鬼”之类.例如:Without its light and warmth there would be neither plants nor animals nor human beings.没有光和热,就不可能有植物,动物,也不可能有人类.Although the Negroes were human beings just like the whites,they were not treated as humanbeing.尽管黑人和白人一样都是属于人类,但是他们并没有被当作人对待. human 和human being有什么区别? 有以下区别: (一)human强调“人群”,human being强调“个人”, 基本上 human = human beings ,但不可以说 human = human being (二)在一些惯用的表达,两者不能互换,例如疾病的“人传人”叫human to human transmission,但不可以说 human being to human being transmission. (三)human可以做形容词,human being不可以.

human和human being有什么区别

mankind前不可加任何限定词,但可用形容词修饰.它是集合名词,可作单数或复数使用.作单数概念时,谓语要用单数,其相应的代词一般为it,its,itself(也有人用he ,him,his,himself);作复数概念时,谓语要用复数,其相应的代词是they,them,their,themselves.例如:Mankind is much cleverer than it was one thousand years ago.人类比一千年前是聪明多了.All progressive mankind love peace.所有进步人类都热爱和平.That is one small step for a man,but one giant leap for mankind.对于个人来说那是小小的一步,但对于整个人类来说却是一次巨大的飞越.human being也可表示“人类”,它是可数名词,有单复数之分.其意义比较具体,它一般用来区别人以外的事物,特别是动物或者是“神”,“鬼”之类.例如:Without its light and warmth there would be neither plants nor animals nor human beings.没有光和热,就不可能有植物,动物,也不可能有人类.Although the Negroes were human beings just like the whites,they were not treated as humanbeing.尽管黑人和白人一样都是属于人类,但是他们并没有被当作人对待.human 和human being有什么区别?有以下区别:(一)human强调“人群”,human being强调“个人”,基本上 human = human beings ,但不可以说 human = human being (二)在一些惯用的表达,两者不能互换,例如疾病的“人传人”叫human to human transmission,但不可以说 human being to human being transmission.(三)human可以做形容词,human being不可以.human adj.(形容词) (1)Of,relating to,or characteristic of human beings:人的,人类的:关于或属于人的或有其特征的:the course of human events; the human race.人类活动的过程;人类 (2)Having or showing those positive aspects of nature and character that distinguish human beings from the lower animals:有人性的,通人情的:具有人的本性或特征中积极方面的或表现出这些方面的,这些积极方面将人类与低等动物区分开来:an act of human kindness.一个表现出人类善良本性的行动 (3)Subject to or indicative of the weaknesses,imperfections,and fragility associated with human beings:人性的缺点,人性的脆弱面:属于或表现出与人类相关联的软弱、缺陷和脆弱的:a mistake that shows he"s only human; human frailty.这个错误证明他也是个凡人;人的脆弱 (4)Having the form of a human being.具有人类外表的 (5)Made up of human beings:用人构成的:formed a human bridge across the ice.在冰上搭起一座人桥 n.(名词) A human being; a person.人类;人 human being n.(名词) (1)A member of the genus Homo and especially of the species H.sapiens.人:人 属的一员,尤指 智人 种的一员 (2)A person:人:a fine human being.一个好人 humankind人类 可以用其他词的替换Humankind in general; humanity.人类人类的统称;人性 The human race; humankind.人种;人类 Hatred or mistrust of humankind.憎恨世人或不信任人类 Love of humankind in general.博爱对全人类的爱 of humankind as a species.指作为一个物种的人类.

human being 是单数还是复数,及其例句


human ,human beings 区别

(一)human强调“人群”,human being强调“个人”, 基本上 human = human beings ,但不可以说 human = human being (二)在一些惯用的表达,两者不能互换,例如疾病的“人传人”叫human to human transmission,但不可以说 human being to human being transmission. (三)human可以做形容词,human being不可以。

people和human,human being的区别



human与human being意思相同,均表示“人”,但是用法上有区别:1、human强调“人群”,human being强调“个人”。 Its rate of growth was fast — much more like that of an ape than that of a human. 它的发育速度很快——更像猿,而不像人。 Each human being has to die, but mankind goes on world without end. 每个人都会死,但人类却永无止境。 2、在一些惯用的表达,两者不能互换。 例如疾病的“人传人”叫human to human transmission,但不可以说human being to human being transmission。 3、human可以做形容词,human being不可以。 human作为形容词意思是人的;有人性的;显示人类特有弱点的;人本性的。 The computer doesn"t mimic human thought; it reaches the same ends by different means. 计算机并没有模仿人的思维,而是通过不同的手段达到了相同的目的。

human和human being区别是什么

human 与 human being 意思相同,均表示“人”,但是用法上有区别:▲human 通常以复数形式出现,较少使用单数形式的 a human。如:Humans have large brains. 人类脑子大。The drug has not been tried out on humans yet. 这种药尚未经过人体试验。Dogs can smell much better than humans. 狗的嗅觉比人强得多。Intellect distinguishes humans from other animals. 人类与禽兽之别在于人具有思维能力。Humans and dogs are mammals, but birds and fish are not. 人和狗都是哺乳动物,但鸟和鱼不是。偶尔也用 a human,但并不多见。如:Its rate of growth was fast — much more like that of an ape than that of a human. 它的发育速度很快——更像猿,而不像人。(剑桥词典)▲与较少使用单数形式的 a human 相比,单数形式的 a human being 则相对较为普通。如:I"m a human being. I can stand on my own feet. 我是人,我可以自立。I could never forgive her as a human being. 作为一个人,我永远不能宽恕她。当然复数形式的 human beings 更为普通。如:Will it work on human beings? 这将对人有影响吗?Human beings are creative animals. 人类是有创造力的动物。Men, women, and children are human beings. 男人、女人、孩子都是人。Ability to talk distinguishes human beings from the lower animals. 用语言交谈的能力使人类有别于低等动物。It may be feasible to clone human beings, but is it ethical? 复制人类也许可以做到,但是这合乎道德吗?▲总结:复数形式的 humans 与 human beings 区别很小,常可互换;单数形式的 a human 和 a human being 区别也很小,也可互换,但比较而言,后者(a human being)比前者(a human)更普通。▲顺便说一句:human 或 human being 指人时,通常有(或暗示)与神、动物、机器人等相对比的意味,如果没有这种对比,则较少使用,如一般不能说:How many humans [human beings] are there in your family? 你家里有几个人? (宜改用 people)

human being,mankind,humankind,humanity有何区别,冠词如何使用?


human being前面要加the吗

human being 是可数名词,用来区别于其它动物时,用 the + human being;在提及谈论中的某一个人或几个人,也可用 the。泛指 用 human beings, 第一次提及某人时,用 a human being.

human beings 为什么不用human,people这三个词有什么区别,举例子说明

Human和Human beings差别不大,因为human来自拉丁词根 humus(土),因为《圣经》上说人的祖先亚当和夏娃是上帝用“土”捏成的,所以有human being “人”之词了.两词同源,用法只是习惯的不同而已了. 但是People和Human主要差异在范围上.Human指“人类”;People指“人们”,用法更广泛. 举例来说:“在北京,人们都喜欢听相声” 在这里最好用people,如果用了human就有“在北京,人类都喜欢听相声”的含义了.

为什么人类的英语是"human being"?

human being - any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage



human being 的词性是?

human beings, 人类/所有人,相对于动物、植物。person, 部分性别、老少:a man/ woman/ boy/ girl, etc.people = persons, 人们,两个或以上的 persons

human being 后面用are还是is human呢?

Human being is...Human beings are...

human being造句?附带翻译.

Human being have a great impact on environment. 人类对环境的影响很大.

human being和living being可数吗




Mankind, human, human being, humankind有什么区别的?用自己的

基本上都没区别的mankind, human, human being, humankind 指的都是 人类但只有human是可以作为一个形容词出现的Human knowledge will always have limits.人类的知识总是有限的。然後 human/ human being 和 mankind/humankind 有点区别就是在使用的时候mankind/humankind 通常说的是 人类作为一个整体The history of mankind is fascinating.人类的历史太令人著迷了。而human/human being 通常说的是作为人类的某一个人He is a human being after all.他毕竟也是一个人(类)。

human race 和human being

human being人类 强调与非人类的区别 偏向活人 people集体名词 人们 person个体名词 指一个人 individual race人种(黄种白种什么的) man 男人 普通人 human race和human being没什么区别 humanity也可以指人类但侧重人性

human,man.human being,mankind的区别




human being.问:being啥意思

being意思是某种存在。human being是一个整体。意思就是人类。

human beings是什么意思?

就是 人/人类 的总称呀。~O(∩_∩)O

human, human being 谓语动词?单复?


human mankind和humanbeing有什么区别?

mankind前不可加任何限定词,但可用形容词修饰.它是集合名词,可作单数或复数使用.作单数概念时,谓语要用单数,其相应的代词一般为it,its,itself(也有人用he ,him,his,himself);作复数概念时,谓语要用复数,其相应的代词是they,them,their,themselves.例如:Mankind is much cleverer than it was one thousand years ago.人类比一千年前是聪明多了.All progressive mankind love peace.所有进步人类都热爱和平.That is one small step for a man,but one giant leap for mankind.对于个人来说那是小小的一步,但对于整个人类来说却是一次巨大的飞越.human being也可表示“人类”,它是可数名词,有单复数之分.其意义比较具体,它一般用来区别人以外的事物,特别是动物或者是“神”,“鬼”之类.例如:Without its light and warmth there would be neither plants nor animals nor human beings.没有光和热,就不可能有植物,动物,也不可能有人类.Although the Negroes were human beings just like the whites,they were not treated as humanbeing.尽管黑人和白人一样都是属于人类,但是他们并没有被当作人对待.

human和human being区别

区别 1、human强调“人群”,human being强调“个人”。 Its rate of growth was fast — much more like that of an ape than that of a human. 它的发育速度很快——更像猿,而不像人。 Each human being has to die, but mankind goes on world without end. 每个人都会死,但人类却永无止境。 扩展资料 而零空间的"度数则规定是 0 (零空间无基底). 根据以上定理可进行计算. 设 W 为 R4 中由{ (1,–2,5,–3) , (2,3,1,–4) 及 (3,8,–3,–5) }所衍生的子空间,求 W 中之一组基底且决定 W 之 维数. 由题中之向量形成矩阵A 利用基本列运算将A简化成列梯形状,则{ (1,–2,5,–3) , ( 0,7,–9,2) }即为 W 的一组基底,故 dim W = 3.

human being 是单数还是复数,及其例句

首先,HUMAN BEING是有单复数的,可以总指全人类。如果是用复数HUMAN BEINGS,那么其单数是指一个人,复数表示多个人。如果指全人类,则只用单数即可。例如robots can do some dangrous work instead of human being。 机器人能代替人类做很多危险的工作。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,谢谢~祝学习进步!

human being指人类

这个是不可数的instead of意思是代替人类做危险的工作


people 泛指人(们)、人民、大众human 指与动物相对的人human being 现实存在的人

英语单词 human 和human being有什么区别?

有以下区别: (一)human强调“人群”,human being强调“个人”, 基本上 human = human beings ,但不可以说 human = human being (二)在一些惯用的表达,两者不能互换,例如疾病的“人传人”叫human to human transmission,但不可以说 human being to human being transmission. (三)human可以做形容词,human being不可以. human adj.(形容词) (1)Of,relating to,or characteristic of human beings: 人的,人类的:关于或属于人的或有其特征的: the course of human events; the human race. 人类活动的过程;人类 (2)Having or showing those positive aspects of nature and character that distinguish human beings from the lower animals: 有人性的,通人情的:具有人的本性或特征中积极方面的或表现出这些方面的,这些积极方面将人类与低等动物区分开来: an act of human kindness. 一个表现出人类善良本性的行动 (3)Subject to or indicative of the weaknesses,imperfections,and fragility associated with human beings: 人性的缺点,人性的脆弱面:属于或表现出与人类相关联的软弱、缺陷和脆弱的: a mistake that shows he"s only human; human frailty. 这个错误证明他也是个凡人;人的脆弱 (4)Having the form of a human being. 具有人类外表的 (5)Made up of human beings: 用人构成的: formed a human bridge across the ice. 在冰上搭起一座人桥 n.(名词) A human being; a person. 人类;人 human being n.(名词) (1)A member of the genus Homo and especially of the species H.sapiens. 人:人 属的一员,尤指 智人 种的一员 (2)A person: 人: a fine human being. 一个好人

human beings是什么意思


human being 和people ,human有什么区别?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: 有以下区别: 1、human强调“人群”,human being强调“个人”, 基本上 human = human beings ,但不可以说 human = human being 2、在一些惯用的表达,两者不能互换,例如疾病的“人传人”叫human to human tran *** ission,但不可以说 human being to human being tran *** ission. 3、human可以做形容词,human being不可以。 4、people和上面的意思上其实有较大的差别,它还可以作公民、民族的意思。另外people还可以作动词用,意为“使住满人”。 附: people全解释: n. (pl. people) (pl. peoples)民族, 种族 人民 (泛指)人, 人们, 人类 平民, 老百姓, 公民 某一地区(团体, 行业, 阶级中的)人员[士] 家族; 家人, 亲属, 亲戚, 祖先 随从, 仆从 (基督教)教区的教徒 (某一特定场合)动物, 生灵

human 与humanbeing 的区别,是否可数?

human 与human being 的区别(一)human强调“人群”,human being强调“个人”, 基本上 human = human beings ,但不可以说 human = human being (二)在一些惯用的表达,两者不能互换,例如疾病的“人传人”叫human to human transmission,但不可以说 human being to human being transmission. (三)human可以做形容词,human being不可以。2、human 与human being 可数。human being复数human beingshuman复数 humans

human和human being有什么区别?

human应该是指人,是一个实体;而human being是指人类,就像我们说爬行类动物那样。

human being和hunman和 human race的区别

humanhuman being是范指人

英语 human beings什么意思

human beings n. 人类( human being的名词复数 ); [网络] 人; 人们; 是人; [例句]Tremendous wrongs were being perpetrated on the poorest and least privilegedhuman beings.对最贫穷和最没有特权的人们犯下了大量罪行。



human和human being的区别是什么?


human being 什么意思?


human being怎么读

汉语拼音 hiu men bi ying

求Lil Wanye-I Am Not a Human Being的中文歌词

Superwoman (part 2) Lyric I guess I ain"t got no reason to mingle roundI found a superwoman that can leap from the truck in a single boundMammie, I"m tryna bling you downSo niggas without shades on can"t stare when I bring you roundShe put her lips on the weed and pull it Then work her tongue and me cum faster than a speeding bulletHer love"s stronger than a locomotiveBut only for the f-a-b-o-l-o-u-s sing to me maBaby they can"t play youcause I"ll save you with my super powersBoy I"m only human but I"ll be your super womanThey don"t know any girls like me no noTake a girl like me to get a guy like you to understandHow girls and guys singI"m not your average chicCause they can"t do it like thisI"ve been sent to save your dayAnd things won"t be the sameBaby they can"t play youcause I"ll save you with my super powersBoy I"m only human but I"ll be your super womanBoy I told you once beforeYou ain"t gotta look up in the skyCause the girl you need is right before your eyesYour so sick of all these broadsAin"t got nothing to stand forCause with me you won"t fall off no baby oohBaby they can"t play youcause I"ll save you with my super powersBoy I"m only human but I"ll be your super womanEveryday, EverydayI"ll love you in a special wayThey can"t stayNow that I"m here, I"m hereIt"s superwoman bout to save my dayThem co"s I hooked and gave some playNow I wouldn"t even wave their wayI understand why them other chics behave that wayThey see the icy S on your chest engraved in greyBe hipped I mightYou usually get my tips I"m tightThe only green I keep from you in kryptoniteWhen that blowing red suit hits your hips so rightIt"s like de de de de, de de de de de de damnIt"s like I"m under your spellIf feelin you is a crimeThey gon have to put me under the jailYou probably hear the

I Am Not A Human Being 歌词

歌曲名:I Am Not A Human Being歌手:Lil Wayne专辑:I Am Not A Human BeingLil Wayne - I Am Not A Human BeingI am not a human beingUhh, pussy footing like shitPop all the balloons and spit in the punchYeah, kush and the bluntsI ride through your block see a foot in the trunkI don"t know why they keep playinI better replay "emI"m giving them the blues Bobby "Blue" BlandTogether we stand and fall on y"allBallin" with my bloods, call it b-ballThese days ain"t shit Young Money isGot mars bars three musketeersCome through coupe same colour as veneersAnd you know I"m riding with the toast, cheers!Now I"m back on my grizzAnd y"all"s a bunch a squares like a motherfucking gridShit fuck with me and get hitI finger fuck the nina make the bitch have kidsJust do it my nigga I just didName a motherfucker deeper than me bitch deadYa dig, this here is big biz and I scream fuck itWhoever it isI am the Rhyming OasisI got a cup of ya time I wont waste itI got my foot on the line I"m not racin"I thank God that I am not basicI am not basicI am not a human beingRock star babyNow come to my suite and get lockjaw babyRich nigga lookin at the cops all crazyIts the mob shit nigga Martin ScorseseHeater close range, cuz people are strangeBut I bet that AK 47 keep you ordanedYou cant see weezy nor wayneIm in the far lane, im running this shit – hundred yard gainUhhh, swag on infinityIm killing em, see the white flag from the enemyShoot you in the head and leave your dash full of memoriesFather forgive me for my brash deliveryI will try you, I wouldnt lie youI must be sticky cuz them bitches got their eyes gluedYoung money baby we the shit like fly foodYall cant see us – like the bride shoes.I stand tall like a muthafuckin 9"2I scream motherfuck you and whoever design youAnd if you think you hot then obviously you are lied toAnd we dont die, we multiply and then we come divide you.I am the Rhyming OasisI got a cup of ya time I wont waste itI got my foot on the line I"m not racin"I thank god that I am not basicI am not basicI am not basicI am not a human beingRe-Reporting from another worldMagazine full of bullets you can be my cover girlNess go the weed thicker than a southern girlStrong arm rap like a nigga did a hundred curlsRock star biatch, check out how we rockAnd if this aint hip hop it must be me hopIm higher than a tree topShe lick my lo-llipopI still get my candy from your girlfriends sweet shopSpitting that he rock im smooth not Pete RockAnd my money on etcetera – 3 dotsStill get a stomach ache every time I see copsYou better run mothafucka, cuz we notYou better run till your feet stopYou aint even on a fucking alphabet in my tea potColder than a ski shopHolding on to the top, and even if I let go I still wont G-rockI am the Rhyming OasisI got a cup of ya time I wont waste itI got my foot on the line I"m not racin"I thank God that I am not basicI am not a human beingmaxrnb - 你的欧美音乐首选

英语作文 being a better me

"Try to be a better self"I dislike those who made a circle of friends said that sentence above person, also must be below the text with a special look at the quiet years of self.There is nothing wrong with the above statement, but you have a look! You look at the classmate sent this thing, is not the same: most of the students and the parents took the money to eat sea in Li Hu drink, often doing nothing or only play games, girls, shouting empty, the body was unwilling to act to change the status quo?I think, you say better oneself won"t just be on the social platform you want to send a self timer of excuse?

If you feel lost, just take a deep breath and realize that being lost can beturning point of fin


report is being generated中文是什么意思

报告正在生成. 这是一个被动语态的进行式,所以翻译为“正在”.

怎么翻译’many people just think of a joke as being the punch line?

punch line n.The climactic phrase or statement of a joke, producing a sudden humorous effect. Noun 1. punch line - the point of a joke or humorous story

as being 这是什么用法?

分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: On Tuesday, Premier Wen Jiabao sent a congratulatory message to Abe on his inauguration as prime minister and described China-Japan relations as being in an "important historical period." 解析: describe as 形容,把...说成 He describes himself as a doctor. 他声称自己是医生。as是介词, 意思是"成为", 后面用动名词being. being in "正处于..." On Tuesday, Premier Wen Jiabao sent a congratulatory message to Abe on his inauguration as prime minister and described China-Japan relations as being in an "important historical period." 周二, *** 总理致电安倍晋三, 祝贺他就任首相, 并形容中日关系正处于一个关键的历史时期.

Having a calm smile to face with being disdained indicates kind of confidence.是什么意思?


Moreover ,in addition to itsbeing …请问这句话主语是什么?

应该主谓宾结构,主语是the railroad,不是its,its是形容词性物主代词,做being的定语。谓语是nurtured;宾语是factory...station;forming...结尾是现在分词短语作伴随状语。in addition to...是介词短语作状语。
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