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stop being weird怎么翻译

不要再有怪诞的想法了maybe 吧... 意译

请问welfare 和 well-being 有什么区别

welfare指的是社会福利,例如social welfarewell-being指的是个人的幸福、健康等

excessive quantities of water are 还是is beingused


看画红线句,这里填locked为什么不是being locked,按照spend的用法的话?


【求解释】Language is a city,to the building of ___ every human being brought a stone.

B 非限制性定语从句 介词of 后用该用which

He was fired for being offensive.语法问题


human nature being what it is.为什么用being而不用is?

题主问的应该是2013年英一 Text 2 的第5段吧?Human nature being what it is, most people stick with default settings.我请教了一下我的朋友,我觉得她的解释很有道理。如果只取前半句作为一个独立的句子,那么其完整的形式就是“human nature is what it is.”但实际上它只是一个分句,修饰后面的句子,所以要用现在时形式,也就是把 is 换成 being。

Human nature being what it is,...这个用正常语序怎么说?

这个就是正常的语序 。。。




第一阶段:摸索期 Being成立—91年这一阶段Being风格并未确立,风格比较多样,B"z唱的是流行摇滚,而随后推出的B.B.QUEENS的风格接近民谣,Mi-Ke则是日本六七十年代的流行歌曲风格,这三组艺人都取得了成功第二阶段:成熟期 91年—99年91 年和92年对Being来说是非常重要,由于B"z的成功,Being在91年里相继推出ZARD、WANDS、T-Bolan、大黒摩季、川岛だりあ等摇滚艺人,前四者相继在第二年大红,从此,Being完全确立了摇滚风格。93年是Being辉煌的一年,B"z、ZARD、WANDS、T- Bolan、大黒摩季如日中天,新出道的DEEN、MANISH、REV、ZYYG、TWINZER也都取得了成功,这一巨大的成就基本左右了日本流行音乐的发展方向,随后,Mr.Children、GLAY、彩虹、SPITZ、Luna Sea等一大批其他的摇滚乐队也出道并大红大紫,可以说,90年代摇滚音乐成为日本音乐的主流很大的原因在于Being。(P.S. Being的老牌艺人中销量和人气最高的几位B"z、ZARD、WANDS、T-Bolan、大黒摩季都是92年或92年以前出道的,92年以后出道的众多艺人没有一位可以与这五个匹敌,实力差距是一个原因,另一个原因就是先入为主的观念,93或93以后出道的著名摇滚乐队实在太多,后来的竞争太激烈了)第三阶段:转变期 99年—现在95 年开始,日本出现了以小室哲哉为首的电子音乐并取得巨大成功。98年、99年Misia、宇多田光的R&B音乐也进入主流市场。摇滚的地位渐渐下降。97年到99年一大批摇滚艺人相继退出Being,Being的声势渐渐衰弱,不能坚持原来的风格。Giza最早的几组艺人如小松未歩、 rumania montevideo、GARNET CROW、WAG或多或少都带着点摇滚风格,不过可能是由于Avex的电子曲风的盛行,Giza也转成了类似Avex的重视包装的唱片公司,00年以后出道的艺人基本上没有唱摇滚的了。而现在Being真正还坚持摇滚的老牌艺人只有B"z了Being艺人的风格解析B"z 他们的歌我听得不是很多,只有五六十首,所以不能有一个中肯的评价,基本风格是流行摇滚和重金属摇滚ZARD风格综述:91年-92年是ZARD风格的探索期,第一张专辑里有较多的重金属元素,这和坂井泉水的个人爱好有关,92年[HOLD ME]的大卖使ZARD确立了抒情摇滚+流行摇滚的基本曲风。99年ZARD开始尝试其他音乐风格。流行摇滚:代表曲目[负けないで] ZARD大多数歌都是这种风格的,90年代中前期特别多抒情摇滚:代表曲目[少女の顷に戻ったみたいに] 多出现于C/W曲目或专辑的非主打歌,时常用小提琴增加歌曲感染力POP:代表曲目[promised you] 2000年以后基本都是这种风格其他风格:R&B 代表曲目[Get U"re Dream] Hip-Hop 代表曲目[痛いくらい君があふれているよ]大黑摩季风格综述:基本上以流行摇滚为主,不过歌曲中的其他的音乐元素实在太多,如rap、舞曲等,此外,电子味是老牌Being艺人中最浓的DEEN风格综述:基本上有三种风格:抒情摇滚、流行摇滚、拉丁摇滚抒情摇滚:代表曲目[このまま君だけを夺い去り]、[翼を风に乗せて~Fly Away~]流行摇滚:代表曲目[ひとりじゃない] 大多出现于90年代中期 DEEN的流行摇滚是Being中最欢快的,给歌迷阳光乐队的形象拉丁摇滚:代表曲目[memories] 大多出现于C/W或专辑的非主打歌曲中,DEEN转入BMG后也有不少这种风格的歌曲WANDS风格综述:以流行摇滚为主流行摇滚:代表曲目[もっと强く抱きしめたなら] 与其他Being艺人不同,键盘的地位非常高,特别是第一期与第三期WANDS。第二期WANDS后期的音乐多了朋克摇滚和硬摇滚的元素,第三期的音乐电子味较浓其他风格;抒情摇滚:代表曲目[明日もし君が壊れても]ZYYG风格综述:风格变动比较大,在第一张专辑里是轻快的流行摇滚,在第二张专辑变成了硬摇滚,第三张专辑里则变为朋克摇滚流行摇滚:代表曲目[君が欲しくてたまらない]朋克摇滚的:代表曲目[SO WHAT?]硬摇滚:代表曲目[Julia]抒情摇滚:代表曲目[Smile Again],多出现于C/WT-Bolan风格综述:森友岚士沙哑的声音似乎只适合唱重金属摇滚而不适合唱抒情Ballad,但被称为Ballad之王的T-Bolan最受欢迎的还是Ballad歌曲,也许错位的演绎更能表达伤感歌曲的感情抒情摇滚:代表曲目[Bye For Now]流行摇滚:代表曲目[マリア]硬摇滚:代表曲目[My life is My way],非常纯正的摇滚,除了电吉他、贝斯、鼓外基本不用其他的乐曲伴奏其他风格:硬摇滚:代表曲目[SHAKE IT],这种风格出现于T-Bolan的最后两张单曲,可以看成是T-Bolan转变风格的作品,但销量不如以前,可以说改变失败Field Of View风格综述:歌曲风格和乐队形象让人想到Beetles,FOV在ZAIN时音乐风格类似DEEN,以流行摇滚和抒情摇滚为主,转入哥伦比亚唱片公司后风格有所改变,增加了电子音乐的元素,浅冈的唱功也改变了,增加了鼻音流行摇滚:代表曲目[突然]抒情摇滚:代表曲目[君がいたから]英式摇滚:代表曲目[Truth Of Love]REV风格综述:主要是流行摇滚风格,非常类似WANDS其他艺人:Mi-Ke:日本六七十年代民谣风格、Pop宇德敬子:Pop柳原爱子:Pop。风格类似早期的宇德敬子川岛だりあ:重金属摇滚、流行摇滚Feel So Bad:重金属摇滚Manish:流行摇滚BAAD:流行摇滚XL:电子味较浓的R&B摇滚织田哲郎:PopBarbier:流行摇滚


B-Gram RECORDS:1993年2月26日设立B-Gram:ZARD、大黒摩季、DEEN、WANDS、ZYYG、GEARS、BarbierZAIN RECORDS:1991年4月5日设立b-jin:川岛だりあ、T-BOLAN、TWINZER、MOON、チェリールイ、ManishZAIN: T-BOLAN、REV、TWINZER、MANISH、BAAD、FIELD OF VIEW(View)、森下由美子、柳原爱子、FEEL SO BAD、中原薫、THE WEST ROAD BLUES、BAND、BA-JI、JAMES&GANG、七绪香、XL、Quncho^、KEMELL、JENIFEER GROSS、THE BELLBOTOMS、永井ホトケ隆、tRICK bACK、MABLE TONE、栗林诚一郎、川岛だりあ、宇徳敬子、organs cafe、LAURA LIZA(夏海里沙)、flow-war、近藤房之助、DIMENSION、BUZZLIPWEST HAUS:LOW DOWN、新堂敦士Amemura O-town Records:1997年9月25日设立Spoonful:小松未歩、辻尾有纱、椎名裕海GIZA: sweet velvet、GRASS ARC.、Soul Crusaders、吉田知加、JASON ZODIAC、NEW CINEMA 蜥蜴、4D-JAM、WAG长谷実果、Les MAUVAIS GARCONNES、松桥未树、PROJECT ARMS、小松未歩、rumania montevideo、仓木麻衣、爱内里菜、GARNET CROW、RAMJET PULLY、冈本仁志、the tambourines、nothin"but love、DEAR RESONANCE、上原あずみ、北原爱子、三枝夕夏 IN db、山口裕加里、菅崎茜、岸本早未Styling:YOKO Black. Stone、滴草由実简述BEING公司的历史:48年 长户大幸出生于滋贺县大津市,青山学院毕业。曾组织过一支名叫「赤と黒」的3人乐团,一度离开音乐界在京都经商。27岁那年,到东京发展音乐事业,有幸加入了阿久悠事务所开始了作曲活动。参与了舘ひろし,妹尾隆一郎等知名歌手的作曲编曲创作,很是成功。78 年长户大幸在东京六本木创建BEING音乐制作公司,公司在其的领导下实力逐渐雄厚起来,拥有像长户氏秀(长户大幸的弟弟)、织田哲郎、亚兰知子、栗林诚一郎、明石昌夫等大批知名的词曲及编曲家和LOUDNESS、MARIAH、浜田麻里、BOOWY等知名乐团歌手。83年 BEING公司与CBS索尼公司合作85年 长户大幸与织田哲郎、亚兰知子、三浦德子、铃木キサブロー等人一起为新出道的索尼公司的新人TUBE乐团担当制作人,TUBE乐团早期的大碟词曲编曲均是由BEING公司包办的88 年 BEING公司推出了超级摇滚乐团B"z。一年之内,B"z迅速成名,从90年6月13日的第五张单曲[太阳のKomachi Ange以及90年11月7日的第四张专辑[RISKY]开始,B"z每张单曲、专辑和后4张迷你专辑全部都是以上榜就登上Oricon冠军,这个纪录估计是前无古人,后无来者的。另外B"z还保持了多个日本音乐史上的纪录,比如说百万专辑的数量14张,CD总销量超过八千万张,总销售额超过1200亿日元,这些记录无人能敌90年04月04日B.B.クィーンズ以单曲「おどるポンポコリン」(樱桃小丸子的主题曲)出道,单曲大获成功,单曲销量达164万,成为当时史上销量第一的CD单曲,也是目前史上销量第一的动画歌曲!!!1991年02月10日 ZARD 出道1991年02月14日 Mi-Ke 以单曲[想い出の九十九里浜]出道,这首带有日本70年代音乐风格的歌曲大受欢迎,最高排名5,在榜时间46周1991年04月25日 Being的著名作曲家川岛だりあ出道1991年07月14日 重量级超级乐队T-Bolan以[悲しみが痛いよ]出道1991年12月04日 另一重量级超级乐队WANDS以[寂しさは秋の色]出道1992年07月01日 大黒摩季以单曲[Stop Motion]出道1992年07月01日 发售的[もっと强く抱きしめたなら]在几个月后登上了单曲榜冠军,半年以后销量超过百万,WANDS由此成名1992年03月 饭岛直子与纲滨直子组成W-NAO,出道单曲[孤独的Runaway],作曲松本孝弘1992年03月25日 织田哲郎在发行了几张专辑后推出首张个人单曲[いつまでも変わらぬ爱を],连续6周单曲榜冠军,30周后仍在单曲榜前50,销量过百万1992年06月24日 DIMESION出道1992年09月02日 ZARD专辑[HOLD ME]发售,销量稳中有升,最终在发行的一年后突破百万,ZARD的风格确立,由此得到歌迷的肯定1992年09月23日 大黒摩季第二张单曲[DA KA LA]发售,销量过百万,大黒摩季成名1992年10月28日 中山美穂和WANDS合唱的[世界中の谁よりきっと]发售,虽然这首歌销量有182万,但WANDS成员之间在有关于和中山美穂合作的问题上产生了分歧,这可能是大岛康祐退出WANDS的原因1992年12月21日 宇徳敬子和近藤房之助发行合唱单曲[Good-by Morning],预示着宇徳敬子的单飞和Mi-Ke的解散1993年01月27日 ZARD的第六张单曲[负けないで]发售,销量立即突破百万,最后总销量为165.5万,ZARD的辉煌由此开始1993年02月05日 ZARD最后一次上电视参加音乐节目「Music Station」,演唱[负けないで],随后宣布成为神秘乐队1993年02月17日 TWINZER出道1993年02月17日 BAAD以单曲[どんな时でもHold Me Tight]出道1993年02月17日 MANISH以单曲[素颜のままKISSしよう]出道1993年02月26日 第一期WANDS发行最后的单曲[时の扉],随后鼓手大岛康祐以音乐理念不同为理由退出,键盘手木村真也加入1993年02月26日 美声乐队DEEN以单曲[このまま君だけを夺い去りたい]出道,销量突破百万1993年04月14日 REV以单曲[甘いKiss Kiss]出道1993年05月19日 ZYYG以单曲[君が欲しくてたまらない]出道,栗林诚一郎由个人歌手成为ZYYG的BASS手1993 年06月09日发行由ZYYG、REV、WANDS、ZARD合唱的单曲[果てしない梦を],目的很明显,Being想让已成名的WANDS和ZARD捧红刚出道的 ZYYG和REV。这张单曲的和声阵容也很庞大,有大黒摩季、生沢佑一(TWINZER主唱)、山田恭二(BAAD主唱)、川岛だりあ等1993年06月23日 原WANDS鼓手大岛康祐另组乐队SO-FI,以单曲[メとメで伝心]出道1993年07月10日 ZARD第4张专辑[揺れる想い]发售,销量超过200万,成为当时史上销量第4的专辑1993年08月04日 宇徳敬子单飞推出第一张单曲[あなたの梦の中そっと忍び込みたい]1993年09月15日 川岛だりあ组成重金属摇滚乐队FEEL SO BAD,以单曲[Ready or not]出道1993年12月01日 BAAD发行[君が好きだと叫びたい](灌篮高手主题曲),虽然是BAAD销量最好的单曲,外界评价非常高,但BAAD却没有因此走红1993年12月08日 Mi-Ke发行最后专辑[永远のリバプールサウンド~Please Please Me,Love]解散1993年12月10日 大黒摩季推出单曲[あなただけ见つめてる](灌篮高手结尾曲),成为史上销量第二的动画歌曲1994年01月08日 田川伸治加入DEEN1994年02月09日 VIEW以单曲[あの时の中で仆らは]出道1994年 栗林诚一郎和宇津本直纪退出ZYYG,ZYYG成员大变动1994年04月28日 REV发行专辑[MOON]后解散1994年06月28日 原ZYYG鼓手宇津本直纪加入DEEN1994年09月14日 DEEN的第一张专辑[DEEN]发售,销量过百万,第一张单曲和第一张专辑都能过百万,DEEN是Being的第一个1995年02月13日 WANDS发售单曲[Secret Night~It"s My Treat~],成员之间音乐理念不同显现,WANDS出现裂痕1995年02月21日 PAMELAH以单曲[LOOKING FOE THE TRUTH]出道1995年05月15日 VIEW改名为Field Of View,以单曲[君がいたから]再次出道,这首歌的和声阵容也十分庞大,有生泽祐一(Twinzer主唱)、宇德敬子、大黑摩季、川岛だりあ(Feel So Bad主唱)、坂井泉水等1995年07月17日 Field Of View第二张单曲[突然]发售,销量过百万1995年11月22日 栗林诚一郎的乐队Barbier以单曲[クリスマス タイム]出道,邀请坂井泉水和声,此后Barbier每首歌都有坂井泉水参与和声1996年 键盘手安部润退出Field Of View,贝斯手新津健二加入1996年05月27日 MANISH发行单曲[君の空になりたい]后就没有任何活动1996年07月08日 大黒摩季推出[ら ら ら],成为她销量最好的单曲1996年07月08日 大黒摩季演唱的96年亚特兰大奥运会日本代表团加油歌曲[热くなれ]发售1996年12月12日 T-Bolan发售专辑[Ballads]后没有没有任何活动1997 年年初 WANDS主音上杉升和吉他手柴崎浩以音乐风格不同为理由,退出WANDS。第二期WANDS结束WANDS乐队遇到了存亡的危机。但是只剩下一个人的木村却并没有解散乐队,反而决意要继续进行活动。就在探寻新乐队成员的时候,遇到了正在各自活动的主音和久二郎和吉他手杉元一生。第三期WANDS开始1997年05月21日 七绪香以单曲[恋は舞い降りた]出道1997年06月18日 辻尾有纱以单曲[青い空に出逢えた]出道1997年08月20日 小松未歩以单曲[谜](名侦探柯南主题曲)出道,并担任Being多个乐队歌手的作词作曲1997年08月20日 ZYYG推出最后专辑[SWEET PUNKS]后没有任何活动1997年09月03日 第三期WANDS发行首张单曲[锖びついたマシンガンで今を撃ち抜こう]1997年09月25日 小松未歩退出ZAIN,进入Amemura O-town Records1997年 织田哲郎退出Being,Being衰落1997年 大野爱果进入Being1997年末 小松未歩被评为97年年度最佳新人1998年5月 Field Of View离开ZAIN,转入日本哥伦比亚唱片公司1998年05月27日 DEEN推出单曲[君さえいれば]后退出B-Gram,加入RCAアリオラジャパン1998年07月29日 XL出道1998年09月23日 BAAD发行最后专辑[B-SOUL]后解散1998年10月28日 MANISH发行精选专辑[MANISH BEST~Escalation~]后解散1999年 ZYYG解散1999年 T-Bolan解散1999年02月10日 Sweet Velvet出道1999年10月28日 小松未歩退出Amemura O-town Records,进入Giza1999年04月14日 rumania montevideo出道1999年08月14日 大黒摩季发行在Being的最后单曲[梦なら醒めてよ],随后开始一年多的休假,并转入EMI公司1999年08月31日 ZARD在豪华游轮上举行不公开的小型演唱会,600名歌迷由抽签选择1999年09月29日 PAMELAH发行最后专辑[ism]后解散1999年10月14日 WAG出道1999年12月08日 仓木麻衣出道2000年1月 DEEN鼓手宇津本直纪退出2000年02月26日 Sweet Velvet发行专辑[I JUST FEEL SO SWEET]后停止活动2000年03月29日 爱内里菜出道2000年03月29日 GARNET CROW出道2000年05月31日 宇徳敬子发行最后单曲[大切に想うエトセトラ]后退出歌坛,转入幕后工作2000年06月09日 WANDS发行最后的精选专辑[BEST OF WANDS HISTORY]后解散2000年11月08日 RAMJET PULLEY出道2001年05月 Field Of View重回ZAIN,并且乐队名变为the Field Of View2001年08月06日 松桥未树出道2001年末 DEEN加入BMGファンハウス唱片公司2001年10月21日 上原あずみ出道2002年 B"z退出ROOMS,成立了属于自己的唱片公司VERMILLION RECORDS2002年01月17日 大野爱果推出翻唱专辑[Shadow of Dreams],正式以歌手身份出道2002年01月30日 松桥未树推出专辑[destiny]后停止一切活动2002年05月29日 北原爱子出道2002年06月12日 三枝夕夏出道2002年07月31日 菅崎茜出道2002年10月09日 Field Of View发行精选专辑[the Field Of View Memorial Best~Gift of Melodies~]及两张DVD后解散2003年06月25日 岸本早未出道2003年07月02日 滴草由実出道Being 取得的成绩93年的Being单曲榜(为93年一年的销量,不是总销量)2 B"z「爱のままにわがままに仆は君だけを伤つけない」193,2275 B"z「裸足の女神」165,3236 ZARD「负けないで」164,5017 WANDS「时の扉」144,2879 ZARD「揺れる想い」139,64210 中山美穂&WANDS「世界中の谁よりきっと」132,62411 WANDS「もっと强く抱きしめたなら」131,52312 DEEN「このまま君だけを夺い去りたい」129,32414 WANDS「爱を语るより口づけをかわそう」112,10717 T-BOLAN「Bye For Now」100,598专辑榜(为93年一年的销量,不是总销量)1 ZARD「揺れる想い」193,81202 WANDS「时の扉」160,85706 B"z「FRIENDS」135,55309 T-BOLAN「HEART OF STONE」86,641010 WANDS「Little Bit...」84,6920年终总销量1 ZARD2 Wands4 B"z5 T-BOLAN10 Tube11 大黒摩季Oricon的Single销量榜从92年最后一周开始,直到93年7月最后一周的超过7个月的时间里,榜首只有4次旁落他人,其余都是由being的歌手霸占,年度销量前50的单曲有32张是Being的

is being a doctor good job????简短的用英语谈谈医生这个职业。。。谢谢

Being a doctor is good or not depends on what you want. Definitly it"s a good way to approach to how our body works on. You can easily find out what"s wrong and do something good when yourself or your relatives get sick and keep cool rather than being feared because of knowledgeless. Being a doctor means you have a kind of skill which is used to seek for health and benefit yourself forever. However, learning to control these knowledge is also a rough way. It needs you to give out more time and energy. Just as the old words no give no gain. Of course being a doctor is also a job which someone lives on. Lots of doctors are well paid because of their special knowledges and skills are in sore need by the patients. People are engaged in health no matter how much they spend on it. In a other side, lots of doctors are hard to get a good job because they are not well known and accepted by the people. What a pity. In China, doctors are working in a dangerous environment. Fighting between doctors and patients is not rarely reported. Even worse, some doctors are attacked by angry patients because they think it is doctors" fault that they don"t do their best to cure their diseases. Doctors" image falls from heaven to hell. They are not as respectful as before. They are qusetioned to work for money rather than the gracious belief for human beings" health. What"s more. Being a doctor is a good choice to cheer youself up by healping others achieve the most valuable thing health, a good choice to realize own life value. In a word, If being a doctor can give you what you want, it is a good job. Otherwise it is not.以上是我的一些看法,希望对你有用。

如何理解guilty of being innocent of being jack sparrow

guilty of being innocent of being jack sparrow 有罪无罪的被杰克·斯帕罗

we are being constantly reminded…… 谁能帮我分析一下这个句子的语

为了好理解,先去掉副词。得:We are being reminded

human beings与human being的区别


Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lo歌词是什么意思

Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely 告诉我孤独的意义 So many words for the broken heart 受伤的心有太多想说的话 It"s hard to see in a crimson love 很难在深红色爱中看到 So hard to breathe 难以呼吸 Walk with me,and maybe 和我一起走,也许 Night of light so soon become夜间的灯太快变成 Wlid and free I could feel the sun狂野自由 我可以感受到太阳 Your every wish will be done你的每个愿望都会实现 They tell me它们告诉我了 Chorus: Show me the meaning of being lonely告诉我孤独的意义 Is this the feeling I need to walk with是我需要走下去的这种感觉吗 Tell me why I can"t be there where you are告诉我为什么我不能在你在的地方 There"s something missing in my heart我心中遗失了一些东西 Life goes on as it never ends生命不息像是从不结束 Eyes of stone observe the trends岩石的眼睛可以洞悉趋势 They never say forever gaze,if only它们从不说永远凝视,只有 Guilty roads ti an endless love通往无尽的爱的有罪之路 There"s no control无法控制 Are you with me now现在你和我在一起 You every wish will be done你的每个愿望都会实现 They tell me它们告诉我了 There"s nowhere to run无路可逃 I have no place to go我无处可去 Surrender my heart,body and soul我的心,身体和灵魂投降了 How can it be you"re asking me如何能够像你问我的那样 to feel the things you never show感受到你从来没有展示过的东西 You are missing in my heart我想念你 Tell me why I can"t be there where you are告诉我为什么我不能在你在的地方

The food cooking on the fire smells great. 能不能用 The food being cooked on the fire smells great.






being boiled 歌词

歌曲名:being boiled歌手:Simple Minds专辑:neon lightsListen to the voice of BuddhaSaying stop your sericultureLittle people like your offspringBoiled alive for some God"s stockingBuddha"s watching, Buddha"s waitingJust because the kid"s an orphan is no excuse for thoughtless slayingChildren, don"t forget this torture just because you call her motherDoesn"t mean that she"s your betterOnce more with the voice of BuddhaHe"ll say carry on your slaughterWho cares for the little children?You may slice with no convictionBlind revenge on a blameless victimListen to the voice of BuddhaSaying stop your sericultureWho cares for the little children?You may slice with no convictionBlind revenge on a blameless victimListen to the voice of BuddhaListen to the voice of BuddhaListen to the voice of Buddha

All being well ,the deal can be and often is completed in less than five minutes 改成独立

本身就是独立主格,可以改成Since all is well, the deal can be and often is completed in less than five minute.

我想要《show me the meaning of being l》 后街男孩这首歌的歌词 中英文 大家有么 谢谢了

so many words for the broken heart心碎有太多的言语来形容 it is hard to see in a crimson love在绯红的爱情却无法看见 so hard to breathe难以呼吸 walk with me, and maybe伴我前行,也许 nights of light so soon become光线即将穿透黑暗 wild and free i could feel the sun在自由和狂野里我能感觉到太阳 your every wish will be done你的每一个愿望都将实现 they tell me他们告诉我 chorus show me the meaning of being lonely告诉我寂寞的真谛 is this the feeling i need to walk with这种感觉始终将伴随我吗 tell me why i can not be there where you are告诉我为什么我不能在你的身边 there is something missing in my heart我的心像是缺失了什么 life goes on as it never ends生命的步伐永无止境 eyes of stone observe the trends石头冷眼看潮来潮去 they never say forever gaze它们凝视无语 guilty roads to an endless love罪恶的道路通往没有尽头的爱 there is no control无法控制 are you with me now你现在伴在我的身边吗 your every wish will be done你每一个愿望都将实现 they tell me他们告诉我 chorus repeat show me the meaning of being lonely告诉我寂寞的真谛 is this the feeling i need to walk with这种感觉始终将伴随我吗 tell me why i can not be there where you are告诉我为什么我不能在你的身边 there is something missing in my heart我的心像是缺失了什么 there is nowhere to run无处可逃 i have no place to go无处可去 surrender my heart body and soul包围着我的心我的灵魂 how can it be you are asking me to feel the things you never show你从来没有给过的你怎么叫我感觉得到呢 chorus repeat you are missing in my heart我的心迷失了你 tell me why i can not be there where you are为什么我不能在你的身边呢 chorus repeat

英语human beings walk up with the rest怎么翻译?


are being incorporate 是什么时态?

are 是表示 现在进行时. are being是 现在进行时的被动语态.所以这里"incorporate"也应该用写成"incorporated".意思是"正在被吞并"


福利She worked for the well-being of the underprivileged她为下层贫困民众的福利而努力

Today we tell about the expression “down to earth”.Down to earth means being open and honest.I

小题1:D小题1:C小题1:A 小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:Someone who lets something go to his head feels he is better than others.He has a “big head.”可知选 D小题1:细节题:从倒数第二段的句子:The person who is down to earth usually has both feet on the ground.可知down to earth和has both feet on the ground.意思相近,选C小题1:文章介绍了一些美国很流行的习语。选A

being fine和to be fine区别&being well和to be well区别

前有being的都表示所处的状态 而有to be 的则是还未实现的状态,将要出现

wants being here和wants to be here区别


This story is verified being true.这个故事被证明是真实的。这句话

The story was confirmed.直接这样就可以

请给我翻译一下后街男孩的Show Me The Meaning of Being L


I break values up into two groups which I call being values and having values.


end up 用法 it ended up being 500 dollars 为什么 end up 后面接动词ing ,

end up doing:结果是(做)……,以(做)……而告终,结果变成……,最后发展为…… 例:We ended up sleeping around the floor. 我们最后都在地板上东倒西歪地睡了. 原句的意思大致就是:最后(得到)500美元.

英语教学法填空题,如下,求答案 1. According to the records available, human beings have been


everybody enjous being spoilt form time to time

谓语结构: enjoy doing sth句子分析: 主语everybody,谓语动词enjoys,宾语由动名词短语being spoilt充当。介词短语from time to time属于状语。

being exhausted 和exhausted的区别


英语句子里的being exhausted是什么用法


your article is registered as a regular item and is being processed,怎么回复


歌词, 男女合唱,求歌名 i am in trouble but i love being trouble with you

Jamie T - Sticks "N" Stonesyou got the helling that i want, just like they say it in the song, until the dark,.... dont have to share with no one else, so keep the secrets to youself..... i am in trouble but i love being trouble with youWhen there"s no one left to fightBoys like him don"t shine so brightSoon as I see the dust settleHe"s out on the town trying to finding troubleI took a train again away from shame and blame and city painTo see a friend I haven"t seen since I was drinking underageI was a 10-a-day,how do you say, little shitwhite lightning heightning on my courage, quick witWe were thick as thieves and wannabesUnbutton shirts and whiskyMutton dressed as lambAnd fans of the bands like the Jam Jam Jam JamI dont know who I amHe said I don"t know if I canI said "yeah,well you can can"Drunk off being sick, I feel like shit, I gotta quitI hope I haven"t missed the last train,I"ll be stuck in Hampton WickWell the boys across the platform shouting "lightweight prick"I"m a featherweight champion, cheap to get pissedWish Candy was here with me , well she"ll deffa deal with itTell them all to "shut their mouths" and go "suck their mamma"s dicks"But seeing as she ain"t, oh no, three fingers downAnd the other two up and i"ll sing this proudRunning with believersNo time for feverAnd I haven"t got time for you eitherWith ya sticks n stonesSticks n stoneI take it home , on my ownAs I travel down the track, all my memories flood backWe were running at enemies, back to your mammas flatIt"s the only place where at home, were I feel relexed enough to crapI know it sounds crude, but theres something in thatHow"s danny doing, hear he"s out flying and thatStock broker in the city with a lady and a babyAnd Phe, is she free from the demands she hadWas it 2 months clean routine to relapseShe smoked all of your weedThats why the loved ones had to leaveWhen you take the lead,they stab you in the back till you cant breatheWhen you"re bleeding on the floor,no one hears your call at allShe screamed out to the party "Sheeps and Cattle"I was hanging out with Louy in the shooting galleryWhen the news got through to me about you and JeremyPat on the back and a swig of my brewYou"re still my friend, it"s impossible to hate youCraddle to the grave, well we always misbehavePeople let us down and then they rain on out paradeGirls we love leave when we want them to stayLike today, remember what joey saysWhen theres no one left to fightBoys like us dont shine so bringLets go out and find some trouble

请问这句话怎么翻译There is an entire generation being wiped out. ...

Covering Mexico"s cartel wars puts journalists in the line of fire -- Lucio Soria is a recorder of the dead in Ciudad Juarez"s drug cartel war."El Sorias," as he is affectionately called by his colleagues, is a photojournalist for the Mexican city"s two main daily newspapers, El Diario and El PM. For the last 10 years, his job has been to photograph the bodies and crime scenes left behind after cartel hit men completed their work."I see the photos of the dead as art, not as dead people. I feel sad for the families, they cry and sometimes I cry too," Soria told CNN in a recent telephone interview."My record is 16 dead in one shift."A regular shift goes from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., or later if there are any last-minute bodies. The day is spent listening to police scanners and waiting for the code that will send Soria and a reporter rushing through the city"s congested streets to a new crime scene.My record is 16 dead in one shift.--Lucio SoriaRELATED TOPICS* Ciudad Juarez* Drug Trafficking* Murder and Homicide"Z-59 is the code for execution and Z-23 is the code for a dead person," he said.Soria knows that arriving at a crime scene too soon could mean a surprise encounter with the killers -- one that could cost him his life.He is part of a group of journalists operating in one of the world"s most dangerous cities. Every day the passion for their profession competes with the fear of death.The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists reports that 26 journalists have been killed since 2005 in Mexico -- most of them while covering the crime or corruption beats. By comparison, 10 journalists were killed in the same time period while covering the war in Afghanistan."There are challenges to the fulfillment of our mission, challenges we have never faced before," said Rocio Gallegos, the editor of El Diario, the city"s main news publication, with a circulation of 55,000.Video: Boy, 7, shot and killed"Any journalist in Ciudad Juarez is at risk," she said.For the paper"s staffers, death hit home last year with the murder of veteran crime reporter Armando "El Cholo" Rodriguez.On November 13, 2008, unidentified gunmen shot and killed Rodriguez, 40, while he was parked in front of his house with his 8-year-old daughter in the car; she was not harmed.Rodriguez had been receiving threats since February, Gallegos said.One year later, no one has been charged in his death, and the two lead federal investigators in the case have also been killed. A spokesperson for the attorney general"s office told CNN the case is still under investigation, but local journalists have interpreted this as a grant of impunity for crimes against their profession."The death of Armando Rodriguez left a clear message for everyone: Mind your own business! "No te metas en donde no debes,"" said Edgar Roman, director of news programming for Channel 44, which broadcasts more than six hours of news each day.The death of Armando Rodriguez left a clear message for everyone: Mind your own business!--Edgar Roman"Our self-censorship began when the war started -- self-censorship to avoid getting our reporters in trouble," said Roman.For Roman, and for several others in his position, investigative reporting has become a casualty of war."We can"t investigate because we become targets. Only that which happens in plain view is OK to report," said Roman."Everyone knows the rules of the game," said Ricardo Ainslie, professor of educational psychology at the University of Texas in Austin and a member of the Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies.For the last year, Ainslie has been using Ciudad Juarez as the center for his research on the Mexican war against the drug cartels."You can report what happens on the street, which is public domain, and sometimes they will get threats if they don"t report something," Ainslie said. "They can"t report backstories, or make inferences about motives. They are treading lightly because they can not afford to investigate -- this means execution."Tim Crockett, head of the security firm Pioneer Consulting and security adviser for CNN, described Ciudad Juarez as "probably more dangerous for journalists than the Middle East.""There are more armed groups that have no respect for law and order," he said. "What would they do if they captured a journalist? There is no leverage. They will just kill you and carry on with their business."Figuring out how to keep staffers safe from an attack has been an ongoing challenge for newsrooms in Juarez. Armored vehicles and bulletproof vests provide little protection against the .50-caliber bullets fired by the cartels.They will just kill you and carry on with their business.--Tim CrockettEl Diario has managed to keep some investigative reporting by omitting reporter bylines. For Gallegos, self-censorship is not the answer."We have kept our investigation, which has cost us because we have less access to government sources," Gallegos said. "With the argument of security, authorities have given us less access to information and documents," she said."The biggest challenge is to carry out our mission to inform the public without renouncing to our independence from the authorities, and without becoming messengers to the cartels," said Gallegos.Cartels have begun to time their executions to coincide with live newscasts, journalists say.Channel 44 evaluates its programming by holding bimonthly focus groups. Roman said his audience has gone from being spectators to being the victims."People are asking us to show a city with hope, and not a city of desolation and destruction. People are tired of living like this. Despite all the violence, there are people who want to keep living a normal life," he said.El PM is the paradox. The newspaper has a daily circulation of 70,000 to 75,000, and normally sells out within two hours of hitting the stands. The main cover picture is usually a bloody crime scene. Some describe it as a "listing" for the day"s dead."You cannot cover the sun with one finger; we say it like it is. We give it a human side and the raw side," said editor Alejandro Tellez."We live in a city where you go to the streets and you walk into yellow tape and then you come to us to find out what has happened," said Tellez.Ainslie said his research has shown that violence is part of the fabric of daily life in Ciudad Juarez."Everybody is living it," he said. "Everybody is seeing it. It is in every part of the city. ... Do you not report it because people are worn down and there seems to be no end?"Everybody is living it. Everybody is seeing it. It is in every part of the city.--Richardo AinslieAinslie added that he was also struck by the difference in the reporting across the border in Ciudad Juarez"s U.S. sister city, El Paso, Texas. On one day, he recalled, El Diario carried 15 cartel-related stories, including "three or four on the front page. The El Paso Times carried three cartel stories.Angela Kocherga is one of the few American journalists reporting from Ciudad Juarez on a weekly basis. She said the coverage of the cartel war by American news organizations has been sporadic at best."Afghanistan, Iraq are important stories, but Mexico gets lost in the mix day in and day out. The impact on the border is ignored. There is an entire generation being wiped out. ... It"s just festering and festering and it"s out of control. Ignoring it is not going to make it go away," she said.For some journalists in Ciudad Juarez, it has become a life"s mission to tell the world about this war and to write their country"s history.Soria feels he left his mark when, on October 20, he photographed the 2,000th victim of the cartel war.His shift was nearly over that day, and the body count stood at 1,996."I told my reporter, "Well, I guess I"m not going to get the 2,000." Then I heard on the scanner that there were three dead and the address was really close to where we were. That day we reached 2001 dead," he said."When I arrived, the military and the police where putting up the crime tape. The parents were hugging and holding each other. I wanted to record history, so that everyone would remember that moment. We are the ones keeping a log of the dead. I want to be remembered as the one who took that photo," said Soria.Soria"s photo tells the story of hundreds of families in Juarez. It shows two family members hugging and a third one crying over the body of one of the men killed, with the police as onlookers. __________________"My father may not approve, but I am no longer his disciple, I am a master now, an idea transcended into life. And so this is my new path, which is a lot like the old one - only mine. To stay on that path I need to work harder, explore new rituals, evolve. Am I evil? Am I good? I"m done asking those questions, I dont have the answers - does anyone?" -Dexter Morgan The deadliest police beat in the world

falling in love和being in love 的区别

falling in love 强调动作“陷入恋爱”being in love表示状态“在恋爱中”

when asked 和 when being asked和 asked 有什么区别?

1.译做当问到..的时候2.being done 表示被动的正在发生的动作 正被问到..时3. 一般过去时 表示过去 问

while asked, while being asked 区别

while asked一般过去时,意思为:当问到的时候while being asked被动语态,意思为:当被问到的时候

while asked 和while being asked区别


But being a team leader can be a lot of work, But being为啥能做主语?


being a doctor和becoming a doctor的区别?

一个表示状态,是一个医生一个表示动作,成为一个医生 Being a doctor, I will do my best. Becoming a doctor he is very happy.






1)。been为be的过去分词,常和have连用表示完成时态,例如:I have been in Beijing for three years.我已经在北京呆了三年了。(现在完成时)have been done现在完成时的被动形式,表示已经被完成 have been doing现在完成进行时,表示到现在为止仍然在进行。 例如:The work has been done.工作已经被完成了。强调结果They have been playing football for 3 hours.他们已经踢了3小时的足球了。可能还未结束。2)。being为be的现在分词形式。being 既可以是谓语动词,也可以是非谓语动词。作为谓语动词,其用法比较简单,主要用于构成进行时态(含被动语态的进行时态);作为非谓语动词,其用法则比较复杂,可用于引出短语构成主语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、状语等。

being,been 各怎么用

being 表主动或正在进行,是be的现在分词been 表被动或已经发生,是be的过去分词




句子中的being是不能随便去掉的,在句子中出现being的情况大致分为以下几种: 一,being用作现在分词用法。(1)一种用作现在分词,是强调正在进行,尤其是在被动语态中的使用,这个时候,being只是一个描述进行时态的符号,如,The trees are being planted,这种用法比较简单,我们也很好分辨。(2)用作现在分词的时候.being用于作定语中,一般和过去分词连用,放在被说明名词后,表示进行时被动意义:The house being built will be our new laboratory.(3)being用于状语,一般有逗号,翻译时常加表示状语的词汇,如“由于……”、“……时”等:Being very tiny, aunts cannot often be seen by us.(4)还有一种现在分词的用法,是用作独立分词结构,含蓄的表示各种状态:1.There are a large number of different shapes of files, each being made for some particular kind of work.(伴随情况)各种锉刀的形状大不相同,每一种都是为特殊的一类加工而制作的。2.The resistance being very high, the current in the circuit is low.(条件状语)如果电阻很大,则电路内电流就小。3.Pumps are built in various types, their functions being the same.(让步状语)泵可制成各种形式,虽然其功能相同。4.That being the case, we will have to make some alternations in the plan.(原因状语)情况既然这样,我们就得把计划作一些更改。 5.The temperature being 100℃, water boils and turns into steam.(时间状语)当温度为100℃时,水就沸腾并变为蒸气。(5)being用于介词后“主谓”结构中,即“介词+名词或代词+being+…”。这时介词宾语是一种复合宾语。其中being为现在分词。例如:1.The pressure of a gas varies inversely as its volume, with temperature being constant.在温度不变条件下,气体压力是和其体积成反比的。 2.The current produced is the result of chemical energy being changed to electric energy.所产生的电流是化学能变为电能的结果。 3.They insisted upon their device being tested under operating conditions.他们坚持他们的装置要在运转条件下进行试验。 4.We are pleased at them being successful.(用their代替them,则后面being为动名词。)我们为他们成功而感到高兴。 二,being用作动名词时,“being+过去分词”作介词宾语或动词宾语的用法1.Water has the property of dissolving sugar, sugar (has)the property of being dissolved by water.(介词宾语)水具有溶解糖的特性,糖则具有被水溶解的特性。 2.The object is at rest and resists being moved quickly.(动词宾语)物体静止时,它就阻止对它的迅速移动。 3.This compound is readily decomposed by being heated.(介词宾语)这种化合物(通过)受热就易分解。 4.On being heated, the two substances form a new compound.(介词宾语)这两种物质一遇热就生成新的化合物。 三,“be+being+表语”用于表示一时的表现(这种就适用于你提出的第一个句子) 1.He is not being modest today.他今天这样不太谦虚。2.They are being friendly.他们这样做就是为了表示友好。(意译)3.He is being a good boy today.他今天可是个好孩子。四、being用法小结(1)一般来说,在句中除去being短语后,句中缺少动词的宾语或介词的宾语,则这个being往往作动名词用。除此之外,being均作现在分词用。例如:Many substances are capable of being dissolved in water.许多物质能(被)溶于水。(句中去掉being dissolved in water,则介词of就缺少宾语,故这个being……为动名词短语。)(2)being作现在分词时,前面有助动词be,后面有过去分词,则being用于进行时被动态;作定语时一般位于所修饰的名词后面(这两种情况一般均为被动态);作状语时,一般用逗号分开;用于独立分词结构中,则除了用逗号以外,being短语前必有其自己的逻辑主语出现。现把上述小结用于下句分析:The rate of heat production depends also in the power being used in the heating element, this power being measured in watts.(第一个being短语为定语,第二个being结构为独立分词结构。)热量产生的速率也决定于加热元件内所用的功率,而该功率以瓦特计量之。(3)注意带being的固定词组“for the time being(暂时)”:1.He will be in charge of that work for the time being.他将暂时负责那项工作。2.For the time being, you can"t tell him about the news.你暂时还不能把这消息告诉他。

come into being什么意思

  come into being  英 [ku028cm u02c8u026antuu02d0 u02c8bi:u026au014b] 美 [ku028cm u02c8u026antu u02c8biu026au014b]  [释义]产生; 诞生; 开始存在; 长;  [网络]出现 产生; 形成; 形成,产生;  [例句]It is only a short time that china investment fund come into being, but it develops very quickly.  中国投资基金的产生至今时间很短,但发展很快。



在句子里be的作用给我详细的教我吧 在句子里be,being,been的作用给我详细的教我吧

be是一个连系动词,它有自己不同的形式 现在时:be 进行时:being 过去时:was/were 过去分词:been 它的后面必须跟形容词或名词作表语,与之构成系表结构,充当句子的谓语. i am a student主语:i 谓语:am a student(系表结构) being是它的现在进行时态,一般不单独用,而是用于现在进行时的被动语态.(being+动词过去分词) the bike is being repaired.单车正在被修理中. it is being finished by him这正在被他完成中. been是它的过去分词,也不一般单独使用,而是用于现在完成时、过去完成时以及需要它的句子. i have been here for a long time.我已经到这里有一段时间了.


being 就是be动词的现在分词。


being 存在英 ["biu02d0u026au014b]     美 ["biu02d0u026au014b]    n. 存在;人;生物;本质I don"t like being pent up in the house all the time.我不喜欢整天给关在屋子里。It is fun eating by stealth without being found.偷吃而不被人发现很有趣。being用作名词的基本意思是“生物,人”,可指自然界的任何有生命的东西,也可作“存在,生存”解,引申还可作生物的“本质,本性”解。being, entity这两个词均可指“存在物,实体,统一体”。being习惯上不指属于非人类的存在物; 而entity可以用来指一切存在物。



'Is being'是什么时式?


being student

being a student


being----be的动名词----heisinterestedinbeing thinner.----他对减肥很感兴趣。being----be的现在分词----heisbeinganenglishteacher.----他正在成为一名英语教师。been----be的过去分词----hehasbeenswimmingfor2hours.----他已经游了2个小时了。tobe----be的不定式----hewantstobeanactor.----他想成为一名演员。




句中的being与wasting?原句:Although being early may mean wasting a little time


1. 形容词做原因状语, 有无being区别不大:Being poor,he couldn"t afford a TV set.(现在分词做原因状语)Poor,he couldn"t afford a TV set. (形容词做原因状语)Being ill, I stayed at home.(形容词做原因状语)Ill, I stayed at home(形容词做原因状语)但过去分词做原因状语时不可加being表示状态,加being表示正在进行的动作:Made of glass, the cup is fragile.Caught in the rain, he got wet all over.Lost in thought, he almost ran into the dar in front.Being interviewed by the reporters, the manager has no time to see you.2.形容词做时间状语, 不可以加being。You had better eat vegetables fresh(= when they are fresh,不可用being fresh)The fruits can"t be eaten raw.(= when they are raw,不可用being raw)3. 做伴随状语时,形容词和过去分词(其实他们已经形容词化了)可以互换。但均不可加being done。He got home late that night, hungry and tired.= He got home late that night, hungry and weary.After his journey from abroad,Richard Jones returned home,exhausted .= After his journey from abroad,Richard Jones returned home,weary.4. 做方式状语时,不可以加being。但他们可以加-ly.Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers outside the factory.(SB2 P15)Bravely and strongly, the activists talked to workers outside the factory.Nervous, she tore open the letter.Nervously, she tore open the letter.Helpless,we watched the house being destroyed before our eyes.Helplessly,we watched the house being destroyed before our eyes.综上所述,形容词除了作原因状语,其他情况下一般不加being。而过去分词表示状态时一般也不加being(除非表示“正在被...”)

非谓语里 being done 用在什么时候?


being done 与am/is/are/being done 的这个被动语态有什么区别么





主语+being+adj 实际上是独立主格结构,作后面主句的状语 其作用相当于状语从句如 the day being hot ,we had to stay at house就相当于  because the day is hot,we had to stay at house主语+adj 是错误的句子结构.一个句子,要么是主谓(宾),要么是主系表.供参考.


被动语态是be done 现在进行时是be doing,be的doing形式即being,所以是being down



was being是什么时态

was being是过去正在进行时时态。表示‘过去某个时间正在…"例如:His attitude toward life was being altered.他对人生的态度正在发生改变. 扩展资料   表达将来时的几种结构: going to do   表示最近打算进行的事,具有一定的目的性和计划性。(这种安排既有可能是主语做出的,也有可能是别人安排的。)   We are going to have a meeting tomorrow.   表示即将要发生的事情,不可避免要发生的事情。(多用于表天气)   It"s getting cloudy. It is going to rain. to do   表示按计划要发生的事,一般认为,这种计划是双方约定的,而be going to do所指的"安排不一定是双方约定的。   We are going to meet them at the north of the bridge,because it is the only road they can follow.我们打算去桥的北边堵他们,因为那是他们的必经之路。   We are to meet each other with them at the north end of the bridge.双方约定好要在桥的北边见面。 to do 还有很多情态用法,be going to do没有以下用法。   You are to wash your hands before every meal.(表需要=need)   As Warrent"s parents,you are to set a good example to him.(表责任、义务、相当于must should)Are we to clean the corridor,Mrs Dell?(表征求意见=shall)   The temperature is to drop soon.(表示可能性)   Would she get cross if I were to sail into her of lying?(表假设)

英语:关于being done的用法问题


令我忍不住失声痛哭.was being是什么用法

Because he was being so kind and concerned,I broke down and cried...他此时如此体贴关心,令我忍不住失声痛哭。该问题网上作业帮的优质回答是错误的。was being 是系动词be的过去进行时,并不是表示一直如何 而是表示此时如何。下面供参考。“be”动词用于现在时表示说话者认为是短暂的、和平常不一样的、甚至是伪装的。 如 He is being foolish. 他在装傻。He is being honest. 他表现得特别老实。She is being rude. 她故意表现粗鲁。I can"t understand why he is being so selfish.我不明白此时他为何如此自私。适合于此种用法的有:foolish愚蠢的,nice好的,kind好心的,careful细心的,patient耐心的,lazy懒惰的,silly傻的,rude粗鲁的,polite礼貌的,impolite无礼的等表示人的特性、性格的形容词。(“be”动词用于现在进行时表示人的行为,纯粹表示心理或生理的状态而不带有行动时或主语不是人时,“be”动词不能用于进行时)如: I am happy.(表语是纯粹的心理状态,不可用am being) 我很快乐。He"s tired.(表语是纯粹的生理状态,不可用is being) 他很疲倦。It"s hot today.(主语不是人,不可用is being) 今天很热。


IT identifies the ten rivers most risk and says some in danger are being lost for ever, while others face massive degradation. Matt Mcgrath reports. The disease is spread to humans through the bite of mosquitoes infected with malaria parasites, the most dangerous of these being plasmodium falciparum1 being,表示现在正在被流失,the rivers are lost-> the rivers are being lost.2 being 是be的“悬垂分词”,“表伴随”, ect...就像we have 4 roommates, the youngest "coming" from Shanghai.中的coming,原文中being plasmodium falciparum, 就是the most dangerous of these is plasmodium falciparum.的变形---------------being的用法一 用作现在分词1 构成状语。 如:Being angry at his question,I made no reply. 2 用于构成被动语态进行时。如:Being ill,I could not go with you.3 当动词be作“behave,act”解时,being作为be的进行时可以用来表示临时的行为或表现。如:The experiment was being made at this time yesterday.4 与过去分词一起构成后置定语(常含“被动进行”概念)。如:We must keep a secret of the things being discussed here. 5 构成独立主格结构,作状语。 如:The meeting being over,ther left the hall one by one.二 用作动名词 如:My being here should make no difference.三 用作名词如:Hedid not know the aim of our being.四 用于构成词组如:1 come into being形成,产生。 2 for the time being暂时,一时按一下手机右上角的采纳或者电脑上的好评哦!谢谢


being kindhearted 这里是系表结构的动名词形式, 在宾语从句中作主语either 这里表“也”, 用于否定句.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


being的造句,有如下这些:1、Doctors are complaining about being barraged by drug-company salesmen.医生们抱怨他们疲于应付医药公司的销售人员。2、It shows a fox being disembowelled by a pack of hounds.画面中一只狐狸正被一群猎狗撕咬得肠子外流。3、He had a reputation for being bloody-minded and difficult.他为人刻薄、难相处是出了名的。4、I went through about four years of being addicted to video games.我大约有4年时间沉迷在电子游戏中。5、They get angry if they think they are being treated disrespectfully.他们要是觉得受到了怠慢,就会大动肝火。


回答如下:being不能表示"缺乏"之意。它可以作名词,意思是“生物,生命,存在,本质,本性等"。例如:Like any other being, man adjusts himself to the conditions of his environment. 和其他生物一样,人类也要适应环境。Abraham Maslow described psychology as "the science of being". 亚伯拉罕•马斯洛将心理学描述为“存在科学”。我们可以用动词短语"be short of" 或者其现在分词短语、动名词短语“being short of”表示“缺乏,缺少”之意。例如:We are short of money. 我们缺乏资金。Being short of money, the factory closed down last year. 由于缺乏资金,这个工厂去年倒闭了。Because of being short of money, they had to gave up the plan. 由于缺乏资金,他们不得不放弃这个计划。


being用作非谓语动词   1、当being为助动词时,用作非谓语动词的being具有以下用法:   (1)作主语。如:   Being lost can be a terrifying experience. 迷路可能是一种很可怕的经历。   Being recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for being famous. 出名所付出的代价是不管你走到哪里,都会被人认出来。   (2)作宾语。   He can"t stand being kept waiting. 让他等着,他可不干。   Do you like being stared at?你愿意人家盯着你看吗?   (3)作宾语补足语。如:   I saw him being taken away by the police. 我看到他正被警察带走。   I found myself being drawn into another dreary argument. 我发现竟然身不由己又参与了一次无聊的争论。   It"s interesting(for children)to see a house being built. (孩子们)看造房子是挺有趣的事。   (4)作定语。如:   Did you see that boy being questioned by the police?你看见那个男孩受到警察的盘问了吗?   We are going to reduce the number of trees being cut down. 我们要减少砍伐的树的数量。   (5)作状语。如:   Being given a chance,she immediately jumped at it. 给了她这个机会,她立刻抓住了。   Being well taken care of,she recovered quickly. 她受到很好的照顾,身体恢复得很快。   注:有时being可带有自己的逻辑主语(构成独立主格结构)。如:   The question being settled,we went home. 问题解决之后,我们就回家了。   2、当being为连系动词时,用作非谓语动词的being具有以下用法:   (1)作主语。如:   Being tired often makes me short-tempered. 我一累就容易发脾气。   Being deaf and dumb makes communication very difficult. 又聋又哑很难与人交往。   (2)作宾语。如:   I don"t like being in the office all day. 我不喜欢整天呆在办公室里。   You can be alone without being lonely. 你可以独处而不感到寂寞。   (3)作宾语补足语。如:   He said it to stop her being too proud. 他说这话是想要她不要太骄傲。   I"m sorry to see you being so sad about it. 看到你对这事这样伤心,我很难过。   She complains of the room being too small for her. 她埋怨房间太小了。   (4)作状语。如:   Being anxious to please him,I bought him a nice present. 因为我想讨好他,我给他买了一件好礼物。   Being unemployed,he hasn"t got much money. 由于他没有工作,他没有多少钱。   (5)用于独立主格结构。如:   It being a holiday,all the shops were shut. 由于是假日,所有商店都关门了。   The weather being hot,we had to stay at home. 由于天气炎热,我们只好呆在家里。   There being no further business,l declare the meeting closed. 没有再要讨论的事了,我宣布散会。   Other things being equal,Alice would marry Jim. 如果其他条件都一样的话,爱莉丝就会嫁给吉姆。


“Being”常用于现在分词的形式,表示“正在进行”的意思。下面是“being”的用法小结:1.“Being”作为现在分词,通常用于进行时态中,表示正在进行的动作或状态。例如:He is being very quiet.(他很安静。)She is being very helpful.(她很乐于助人。)They are being very patient.(他们很有耐心。)2.“Being”也可以作为名词,表示存在、生命或本质等概念。例如:Human beings are social animals.(人类是社会性动物。)The being of the universe is a mystery.(宇宙的存在是一个谜。)The being of a person is more than just their physical body.(一个人的存在不仅仅是他的身体。)3.“Being”还可以作为介词,表示“由于、因为、作为”的意思。例如:Being a vegetarian, she doesn"t eat meat.(作为素食主义者,她不吃肉。)Being a student, he doesn"t have much money.(因为是学生,他没有太多的钱。)Being a doctor, she knows a lot about medicine.(由于是医生,她对医学了解很多。)4.“Being”还可以作为连词,连接两个句子,表示原因或条件。例如:Being tired, he went to bed early.(因为累了,他早早就上床睡觉了。)Being a holiday, we decided to go to the beach.(因为是假期,我们决定去海滩。)Being late, he missed the beginning of the movie.(由于迟到了,他错过了电影的开头。)希望我的回答对您有帮助。

being怎么读 being英文解释

1、being,存在,读音:美/u02c8biu02d0u026au014b/;英/u02c8biu02d0u026au014b/。 2、释义:n.存在;生物;身心;生活,有生命;本质。adj.存在的。v.存在;在场;从事;就是;代表(be 的现在分词)。 3、例句:This war has claimed thousands of living beings.这场战争夺走了成千上万生命。

英语语法 关于being的用法

being 既可以是谓语动词,也可以是非谓语动词。作为谓语动词,其用法比较简单,主要用于构成进行时态(含被动语态的进行时态);作为非谓语动词,其用法则比较复杂,可用于引出短语构成主语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、状语等。 一、being 用作谓语动词 1.当 being 为助动词时,用作谓语动词的 being 主要与过去分词连用,构成被动语态。如: I"m always being criticized. 我总是挨批。 He is being interviewed now. 他现在正在接受面试。 He is being met at the station tonight. 今晚有人去车站迎接他。 2. 当 being 为连系动词时,用作谓语动词的 being 主要与形容词连用,表示临时特征或暂时现象。如: You"re being stupid. 你真傻。 You are not being very polite. 你可是不大客气呀。 Your brother is being very annoying this evening. 你兄弟今晚很烦人。 二、being 用作非谓语动词 1. 当 being 为助动词时,用作非谓语动词的 being 具有以下用法: (1) 作主语。如: Being lost can be a terrifying experience. 迷路可能是一种很可怕的经历。 Being recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for being famous. 出名所付出的代价是不管你走到哪里,都会被人认出来。 (2) 作宾语。如: He can"t stand being kept waiting. 让他等着,他可不干。 Do you like being stared at? 你愿意人家盯着你看吗? (3) 作宾语补足语。如: I saw him being taken away by the police. 我看到他正被警察带走。 I found myself being drawn into another dreary argument. 我发现竟然身不由己又参与了一次无聊的争论。 It"s interesting (for children) to see a house being built. (孩子们)看造房子是挺有趣的事。 (4) 作定语。如: Did you see that boy being questioned by the police? 你看见那个男孩受到警察的盘问了吗? We are going to reduce the number of trees being cut down. 我们要减少砍伐的树的数量。 (5) 作状语。如: Being given a chance, she immediately jumped at it. 给了她这个机会,她立刻抓住了。 Being well taken care of, she recovered quickly. 她受到很好的照顾,身体恢复得很快。 注:有时 being可带有自己的逻辑主语(构成独立主格结构)。如: The question being settled, we went home. 问题解决之后,我们就回家了。 2. 当 being 为连系动词时,用作非谓语动词的 being 具有以下用法: (1) 作主语。如: Being tired often makes me short-tempered. 我一累就容易发脾气。 Being deaf and dumb makes communication very difficult. 又聋又哑很难与人交往。 (2) 作宾语。如: I don"t like being in the office all day. 我不喜欢整天呆在办公室里。 You can be alone without being lonely. 你可以独处而不感到寂寞。 (3) 作宾语补足语。如: He said it to stop her being too proud. 他说这话是想要她不要太骄傲。 I"m sorry to see you being so sad about it. 看到你对这事这样伤心,我很难过。 She complains of the room being too small for her. 她埋怨房间太小了。 (4) 作状语。如: Being anxious to please him, I bought him a nice present. 因为我想讨好他,我给他买了一件好礼物。 Being unemployed, he hasn"t got much money. 由于他没有工作,他没有多少钱。 (5) 用于独立主格结构。如: It being a holiday, all the shops were shut. 由于是假日,所有商店都关门了。 The weather being hot, we had to stay at home. 由于天气炎热,我们只好呆在家里。 There being no further business, l declare the meeting closed. 没有再要讨论的事了,我宣布散会。 Other things being equal, Alice would marry Jim. 如果其他条件都一样的话,爱莉丝就会嫁给吉姆。 三、being 用法的限制 1. 当 being 为连系动词时,非谓语动词结构 being ... 可用作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、状语等,但是不能用作定语。遇此情况,可考虑改用定语从句。如: 凡10点钟以后仍在外面的人将被逮捕。 误:Anyone being outside after ten o"clock will be arrested. 正:Anyone who is outside after ten o"clock will be arrested. 2. 当 being 为助动词时,非谓语动词结构 being ... 可用作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、状语等,也可用作定语。如: The house being built is our new library. 正在建的房子是我们的新图书馆。 That picture of the children being talked to by the Prime Minister is wonderful. 那张小孩子们正在聆听首相谈话的照片照得非常好。
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