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Dell电脑biso中 onboard sata hard drive(nor present)什么意思

onboard sata hard drive(nor present)主板上的SATA硬盘。SATA 主机和 SATA 设备间的通信采用的是 SATA 协议,按功能 SATA 协议分为物理层、链路层、传输层和命令层,协议的层次结构如图2所示。主机和设备之间,除了物理层通过SATA 接口实际物理连接,其他各层均通过消息虚拟连接。扩展资料:和Parallel ATA相比,新的SATA使用了差动信号系统“differential-signal-amplified-system”。这种系统能有效的将噪声从正常讯号中滤除,良好的噪声滤除能力使得SATA只要使用低电压操作即可,和Parallel ATA 高达5V的传输电压相比,SATA只要0.5V(500mv) 的峰对峰值电压即可操作于更高的速度之上。“比较正确的说法是:峰对峰值‘差模电压"”。





Slick Olde Bishops的《Dogs》 歌词

歌曲名:Dogs歌手:Slick Olde Bishops专辑:Gettin" RowdyDogsDamien RiceShe lives with an orange treeThe girl that does yogaShe picks the dead ones from the groundWhen we come overAnd she givesI get without giving anything to meLike a morning sunLike a morningLike a morning sunGood good morning sunThe girl that does yogaWhen we come overGirl that does yogaHe lives in a little houseOn the side of a little hillPicks the litter from the groundLitter little brother spillsHe givesI get without giving anything to meAnd the dogs they runAnd the dogs theyAnd the dogs they runIn the good good morning sunSide of a little hillLitter little brother spillsSide of a little hillOh and she"s always dressed in whiteShe"s like an angel, manShe burns my eyesOh and she turnsShe pulls a smileWe drive her roundAnd she drives us wildOh and she moves like a little girlI become a child, manShe moves my worldAnd she gets splashed in rainAnd turns awayand leaves me standingShe lives with an orange treeThe girl that does yogaGot a wolf to keep her warmWhen he comes overShe givesHe gets without giving anything to seeAnd the day it endsAnd the day itAnd the day it endsAnd there"s no need for meThe girls that does yogaWhen we come overThe girls that does yoga

巴西现在7号(RAFAEL SOBIS)是谁?


keep it away from the rubbish是什么意思啊?


bisexual 和 pansexual 的区别

bisexual: 双性恋pansexual: 泛性恋,对所有性别皆会产生身体吸引或爱慕情绪两者区别:在文字上的解释,双性恋因其首字双而著重于对男、女两性的恋慕,而泛性恋则不强调恋爱对象的性别。在这个解释之下,泛性恋亦包含对不被认为属于两性人种的吸引。(也就是说,pansexual的人对人妖,妖人也可能会有感觉。其实说白了就是双性恋的人至少还有性别这个观念,而泛性恋的人是‘性"盲,即把所有人都看成一样的,在他们的脑海中没有性别之分。)




rubbish造句如下:1、The dustman comes once a week to collect the rubbish.垃圾工每周来收一次垃圾。2、That new TV show is absolutely rubbish.那个新的电视节目一点儿价值都没有。3、He was gulled into buying rubbish.他被骗买了废物。4、I thought he talked a lot of rubbish.我觉得他说的都是些废话。5、The film was rubbished by the critics.影评家把这部影片贬得一无是处。6、The government"s plan was rubbished by the opposition parties.政府的计划被反对党批得一钱不值。7、There is a pile of rubbish in the corner of the street.在街道的拐角处有一堆垃圾。8、What rubbish he writes!他写的文章都是乱七八糟的东西。9、The film was rubbished by the critics.影评家把这部影片贬得一无是处。10、The government"s plan was rubbished by the opposition parties.政府的计划被反对党批得一文不值。


Please put the rubbish in the bin.(请把垃圾扔进垃圾桶。)He left a pile of rubbish on the floor after eating snacks.(他吃完零食后在地板上留下了一堆垃圾。)The new policy is rubbish, it won"t solve any problems.(这项新政策是无用的,不会解决任何问题。)She threw away all the old magazines as she considered them rubbish.(她把所有旧杂志都扔掉了,因为她觉得它们是废物。)He said that he had won the lottery, but it was just a load of rubbish.(他说他中了彩票,但那只是一派胡言。)音标:/u02c8ru028cbu026au0283/意思:垃圾,废物;无价值的东西;胡说八道。


rubbish 英[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283] 美[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283] n. 垃圾; 废话; 无意义的东西; 劣质的东西; vt. <英澳·非正>把…说得一钱不值,贬损…; 轻视,蔑视; 消灭,销毁; [例句]They had piled most of their rubbish into yellow skips.他们把大多数的垃圾堆到了黄色的废料桶里。[其他] 第三人称单数:rubbishes 复数:rubbishes 现在分词:rubbishing过去式:rubbished 过去分词:rubbished


根据牛津中阶英汉双解词典对litter和rubbish的英文释义来看,两个词的主要区别如下:1.所指范围的大小区别litter的英文释义为:pieces of paper, rubbish, etc. that are left in a public place (公共场所乱扔的)废弃物,垃圾例句:It was drilled into us at an early age never to drop litter. rubbish的英文释义为:things that you do not want any more; waste material 垃圾,废弃物例句:The dustmen collect the rubbish every Tuesday.综上来看,litter的范围比rubbish小,指的是公共场合所乱扔的,有碍观瞻的垃圾和废弃物,rubbish可以泛指一切垃圾和废弃物。2. 词性区别litter做名词时,不可数名词意为“(公共场所乱扔的)垃圾,废弃物”;可数名词意为“一窝,一胎所生的小动物”例句:a litter of six puppies 一窝六只小狗litter做动词时,意为“乱扔”例句:The streets were littered with rubbish.rubbish做名词则只有不可数形式。

rubbish 是什么意思啊



[ "ru028cbiu0283 ]


从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析litter和rubbish的区别,详细内容如下。1. 释义区别:- "litter" 指的是散落在地面上的垃圾,尤其指小碎片或零散的废弃物。- "rubbish" 指的是一般的垃圾、废物或无用物品。例句:- Please pick up the litter on the sidewalk. (litter)(请捡起人行道上的杂物。)- Throw the rubbish in the trash bin. (rubbish)(把垃圾扔进垃圾箱。)2. 用法区别:- "litter" 通常用作名词,描述地面上的散落物,也可以用作动词,表示乱丢、乱扔。- "rubbish" 一般用作名词,指各种废物或垃圾。例句:- The beach was littered with plastic bottles and food wrappers. (litter)(沙滩上散落着塑料瓶和食品包装纸。)- Please dispose of your rubbish properly in the designated bins. (rubbish)(请将垃圾正确地投放到指定垃圾箱中。)3. 使用环境区别:- "litter" 更常用于描述地面上的散落物,如公共场所、街道、公园等地方。- "rubbish" 更常用于描述垃圾桶、垃圾处理以及对废物的整体描述。例句:- Don"t litter in the park. Use the trash cans provided. (litter)(不要在公园里乱扔东西。请使用提供的垃圾箱。)- The rubbish truck comes every Monday to collect the household waste. (rubbish)(垃圾车每周一来收集家庭垃圾。)4. 形象区别:- "litter" 呈现出一种散乱和杂乱的形象,可能与不当的垃圾处理有关。- "rubbish" 呈现出一种一般性的垃圾或废物形象。例句:- The picnic area was left in a terrible litter, with food wrappers and empty bottles everywhere. (litter)(野餐区被弄得一片狼藉,到处都是食物包装纸和空瓶子。)- The rubbish piled up on the streets after the parade. (rubbish)(游行结束后,街道上的垃圾堆积如山。)5. 影响范围区别:- "litter" 更侧重于描述地面上的散落物,强调地面上产生的垃圾及其对环境的影响。- "rubbish" 更侧重于整体的废物处理问题,强调社会中废物的收集、运输和处理。例句:- The litter left behind by the tourists is damaging the natural beauty of the area. (litter)(游客留下的垃圾破坏了该地区的自然美景。)- Proper segregation and disposal of household rubbish are essential for effective waste management. (rubbish)(正确分类和处理家庭垃圾对于有效的垃圾管理至关重要。)




它是不可数的,其复数形式也是rubbish。 rubbish: n.垃圾;废弃物;劣质的东西;废话;瞎说。 v.狠批;把…看得一文不值。 第三人称单数: rubbishes复数: rubbishes现在分词: rubbishing过去式: rubbished过去分词: rubbished 扩展资料   There"s absolute rubbish on television tonight.   今晚的电视节目简直糟糕透顶。   Rubbish! You"re not fat.   瞎说!你并不胖。   You"re talking rubbish!   你胡说八道!   "Rubbish!" he murmured under his breath.   “胡说!”他悄悄地小声说。   In an ideal world, there would be no such thing as rubbish   在一个理想世界中,不会有垃圾之类的东西。




rubbish[英][u02c8ru028cbu026au0283][美][u02c8ru028cbu026au0283]n.垃圾; 无意义的东西; 废话; 劣质的东西; vt.<英澳·非正>把…说得一钱不值,贬损…; 轻视,蔑视; 消灭,销毁;

rubbish是可数名词吗? 请问rubbish是可数名词还是不可数名词.

rubbish不是可数名词,rubbish是不可数名词。rubbishn.垃圾,废物;废话adj.毫无价值的n.垃圾;废物;废话;碎屑v.贬损不可数名词是指不能以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的概念、状态、品质、感情或表示物质材料的东西;它一般没有复数形式,只有单数形式。扩展资料:可数名词,分为单数和复数两种形式。可数名词前可以用不定冠词、数词或some、many等修饰。如:a man、a desk、an apple、an orange、some books、some children、two pens。不可数名词,没有复数形式,前面不能用不定冠词、数词或many等词语修饰,但可以用some,a little,much等词语来修饰。有时可以与一些量词短语搭配,这些量词短语中的名词一般是可数的,有单数形式,也可以有复数形式。如:some water,a little milk ,much food,a piece of bread,two bottles of ink,some glasses of water。


rubbish ,英文单词,应用中,以两种词性出现,即形容词和名词。rubbish: [ "rʌbiʃ ]a. 毫无价值的n. 废话,垃圾,废物例句与用法:1. The dustman comes once a week to collect the rubbish.垃圾工每周来收一次垃圾。2. That new TV show is absolutely rubbish.那个新的电视节目一点儿价值都没有。3. The film was rubbished by the critics.影评家把这部影片贬得一无是处。


英["ru028cbu026au0283] 美["ru028cbu026au0283]n. 垃圾,废物;废话adj. 毫无价值的


rubbish读音是:[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283]。音标:英[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283];美[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283]。词典释义:1、(n.)废物;垃圾;废话;无意义之物;无价值之物;愚蠢的想法;荒谬的念头;不中用的意见。2、(v.)严厉批评;抨击;废弃。3、(adj.)很差劲的;蹩脚的;无价值的;无用的。双语例句:1、To sweep away the sand and rubbish which bestrewed the floor.清扫散落在地板上的沙子和垃圾。2、She had to sift through the rubbish in every drawer.她得把每个抽屉里无价值的东西清理掉。3、Householders may be charged for the removal of non-recyclable rubbish.住户可能要支付清除不可回收利用的垃圾的费用。4、She debunks all the usual rubbish about acting.她拆穿了通常有关演戏的胡说八道。

rubbish怎么读 英语rubbish怎么读

1、rubbish英[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283]美[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283],n.垃圾; 废弃物; 劣质的东西; 废话; 瞎说;vt.狠批; 把…看得一文不值。 2、[例句]Rubbish can easily be separated and sorted into plastics, glass and paper.垃圾很容易分开并归入塑料、玻璃和纸三类。

rubbish 可数吗

rubbish n. 垃圾,废物;废话,瞎说;粗制滥造的东西,劣质的东西;愚蠢的想法,荒谬的念头 v. 贬低,狠批,把……看得一文不值 rubbish意思为垃圾的时候,它是不可数的,其复数形式也是rubbish。 如果引申为其它意义上的垃圾时,是可数的,这时候是有复数形式的。 扩展资料   例句:   The rubbish in modern landfills does not rot.   现代垃圾填埋场里的垃圾不会腐烂。   The rubbish is then carted away for recycling.   垃圾接着被运去作回收处理。   I kicked a rubbish bin very hard and broke my toe.   我狠狠踢一个垃圾桶,踢破了脚趾头。   An unattended backpack was found in a rubbish pile.   在垃圾桶里发现了一个无人看管的`背包。   The clearing of rubbish and drains is still incomplete.   垃圾和污水的清理工作还没有完成。

rubbish in,rubbish out是什么意思



根据牛津中阶英汉双解词典对litter和rubbish的英文释义来看,两个词的主要区别如下:1.所指范围的大小区别litter的英文释义为:pieces of paper, rubbish, etc. that are left in a public place (公共场所乱扔的)废弃物,垃圾例句:It was drilled into us at an early age never to drop litter. rubbish的英文释义为:things that you do not want any more; waste material 垃圾,废弃物例句:The dustmen collect the rubbish every Tuesday.综上来看,litter的范围比rubbish小,指的是公共场合所乱扔的,有碍观瞻的垃圾和废弃物,rubbish可以泛指一切垃圾和废弃物。2. 词性区别litter做名词时,不可数名词意为“(公共场所乱扔的)垃圾,废弃物”;可数名词意为“一窝,一胎所生的小动物”例句:a litter of six puppies 一窝六只小狗litter做动词时,意为“乱扔”例句:The streets were littered with rubbish.rubbish做名词则只有不可数形式。


rubbish 英[u02c8ru028cbiu0283] 美[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283] n. 1.垃圾, 废弃物 2.无意义的东西; 废话, 胡说八道 3.劣质的东西 vt. 1.〈英澳·非正〉把…说得一钱不值; 贬损… 名词 n.1.垃圾, 废弃物 There is a pile of rubbish in the corner of the street.在街道的拐角处有一堆垃圾。2.无意义的东西; 废话, 胡说八道 This book is all rubbish.这本书全是胡言乱语。3.劣质的东西 及物动词 vt.1.〈英澳·非正〉把…说得一钱不值; 贬损… The book was rubbished by them.这本书被他们贬得一无是处。


从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析litter和rubbish的区别,详细内容如下。1. 释义区别:- "litter" 指的是散落在地面上的垃圾,尤其指小碎片或零散的废弃物。- "rubbish" 指的是一般的垃圾、废物或无用物品。例句:- Please pick up the litter on the sidewalk. (litter)(请捡起人行道上的杂物。)- Throw the rubbish in the trash bin. (rubbish)(把垃圾扔进垃圾箱。)2. 用法区别:- "litter" 通常用作名词,描述地面上的散落物,也可以用作动词,表示乱丢、乱扔。- "rubbish" 一般用作名词,指各种废物或垃圾。例句:- The beach was littered with plastic bottles and food wrappers. (litter)(沙滩上散落着塑料瓶和食品包装纸。)- Please dispose of your rubbish properly in the designated bins. (rubbish)(请将垃圾正确地投放到指定垃圾箱中。)3. 使用环境区别:- "litter" 更常用于描述地面上的散落物,如公共场所、街道、公园等地方。- "rubbish" 更常用于描述垃圾桶、垃圾处理以及对废物的整体描述。例句:- Don"t litter in the park. Use the trash cans provided. (litter)(不要在公园里乱扔东西。请使用提供的垃圾箱。)- The rubbish truck comes every Monday to collect the household waste. (rubbish)(垃圾车每周一来收集家庭垃圾。)4. 形象区别:- "litter" 呈现出一种散乱和杂乱的形象,可能与不当的垃圾处理有关。- "rubbish" 呈现出一种一般性的垃圾或废物形象。例句:- The picnic area was left in a terrible litter, with food wrappers and empty bottles everywhere. (litter)(野餐区被弄得一片狼藉,到处都是食物包装纸和空瓶子。)- The rubbish piled up on the streets after the parade. (rubbish)(游行结束后,街道上的垃圾堆积如山。)5. 影响范围区别:- "litter" 更侧重于描述地面上的散落物,强调地面上产生的垃圾及其对环境的影响。- "rubbish" 更侧重于整体的废物处理问题,强调社会中废物的收集、运输和处理。例句:- The litter left behind by the tourists is damaging the natural beauty of the area. (litter)(游客留下的垃圾破坏了该地区的自然美景。)- Proper segregation and disposal of household rubbish are essential for effective waste management. (rubbish)(正确分类和处理家庭垃圾对于有效的垃圾管理至关重要。)


rubbish的意思指的是废物、垃圾、废话、毫无价值等等。rubbish在生活当中使用的还是比较频繁的,生活当中的垃圾也是非常多的,现在还有垃圾分类这一说法,take out the rubbish指的是取出、除去、拔掉的意思,邀请垃圾出去, rubbish当作形容词或者名词使用在英语的语法当中,如果当作名词使用的话,需要在rubbish前面加上一个形容词进行修饰。



rubbish是可数名词吗? 请问rubbish是可数名词还是不可数名词.





作名词时的意思有三种,1.垃圾,废弃物;2.无意义的东西; 废话, 胡说八道;3.劣质的东西作及物动词时的意思:把…说得一钱不值; 贬损…




rubbish 英[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283] 美[u02c8ru028cbu026au0283] n. 垃圾; 废弃物; 劣质的东西; 废话; 瞎说; v. 狠批; 把…看得一文不值; [例句]They had piled most of their rubbish into yellow skips.他们把大多数的垃圾堆到了黄色的废料桶里。[其他] 第三人称单数:rubbishes 复数:rubbishes 现在分词:rubbishing 过去式:rubbished 过去分词:rubbished



is rubbish sorting necessary in our life英语作文?

is rubbish sorting necessary in our life垃圾分类在我们的生活中是必要的吗

rubbish sorting 短语结构解释?


sorting rubbish是什么意思

sorting rubbish垃圾分类例句筛选1.But China does not have a system for sorting rubbish.但中国没有一个垃圾分类的制度体系。2.Passing one door way, I asked the woman who was sorting herrubbish how her harvest was today.路过一门口,里面那位正在整理垃圾的大嫂笑问婆婆今天的收成。

NaDa 和BiSu 谁的APM快


请问NADA 和IPX 还有BISU 等高手 分别效力哪个俱乐部

NADA已经退役转行星际2了,退役前所在的wemadefox战队,前不久也解散了星际1分部。IPX因为10年的星际假赛事件,已经被星际职业圈除名了,现在属于路人......被除名前在CJ战队....BISU 在SKTelecomT1....


1.制作好一个启动盘。2.将BIOS文件,拷贝到您的工具盘(如电脑店PE里面包含有纯DOS的选项)中(Fat32分区),如C盘;3.然后将主板上的JME跳线短接,没有跳线就不用操作/J进入BIOS将ChipsetME Configuration-ME Control-关闭)。4.通过工具盘将您的机器引导到DOS下,找到相关文件;可以输入命令C:5.查看分区下是否有我们提供的刷新文件,可以输入命令DIR,然后再输入DIR 文件名(文件名可以自定义下,改为自己好记得)。6.如果有,可以继续输入CD 文件名,之后则在提示符下输入F.后按回车即可。刷新会自动进入,刷新完成后将回到DOS提示符下,请重启计算机。7.刷新成功后请在开机在机器自检过程中按DEL键进入BIOS,进入"Exit",选择“Load Optimal Defaults(Recommended)”选择OK,即载入一次优化值。按F10保存退出即可。


元音音素包括: /α:/、/u05db/、/u05db:/、/u/、/u:/、/Λ/、/u2202/、/u2202:/ORBIS 音标:["u0254:bu026az],是元音音素开头。UNIFCEF 音标:[u02c8ju:nu026asef],不是元音音素开头。




"biscuits" 是英语中表示"饼干"的名词。它在美式英语中也可以被称为 "cookies"。"biscuit" 在英国英语和澳大利亚英语中常常指的是伴随茶或咖啡的小点心,通常是软质的。以下是关于 "biscuits" 的一些相关信息和用法:1. 定义:- "biscuits" 是指一种脆、坚固的小点心,通常由面粉、糖和脂肪制成,并经过烘烤。- 在美国,"biscuits" 一词更常用于指代类似于英国和澳大利亚的 "scones"(松饼)的面团烘烤品,通常用作早餐食品或配菜。2. 区别:- 在英国英语中,"biscuit" 通常指的是甜点心,而 "cookie" 是指带有甜味的小型饼干。- 在美国英语中,"biscuit" 更常指的是类似于饼干的蓬松面团烘烤品,而 "cookie" 则是泛指各种甜饼。3. 类型:- "biscuits" 可以有多种口味和形状,例如传统的坚硬饼干、奶油脆饼、巧克力曲奇、椰子饼干等。- 在英国,一些常见的 "biscuits" 类型包括 Digestive(全麦消化饼干)、Shortbread(酥饼)、Custard Creams(蛋奶酥饼干)等。4. 用途:- "biscuits" 可以作为伴随咖啡或茶的小点心享用。- 它们也可以用作烘焙配方的成分,如饼干屑用于制作派壳或甜点。总结起来,"biscuits" 是表示"饼干"的名词,在美国英语中也可以称为 "cookies"。根据地域和口味不同,"biscuits" 可以指多种类型的烘焙点心,用途包括伴茶点心和烘焙配方。


大约160年前,大不列颠人驾驶一艘帆船进入法国比斯开湾。突然海面刮起了风暴,帆船在惊涛骇浪中触礁沉没。船员们漂泊到一个荒岛上。 人虽然活过来了,但是马上面临饥饿的威胁。小岛上根本没有任何可以充饥的食物。船员们有气无力地躺倒在地上休息。突然有人想到沉船上还有不少面粉,砂糖,和黄油,他们把这些东西搬下船,但是已经被海水浸透,都变成湿乎乎的浆糊了。面对浆糊,大家难以下咽,这时有一个船员想到用阳光晒大概是一个好办法,他们把湿面粉,砂糖,黄油搅拌均匀,并且捏成一个个小圆饼,放到岩石上暴晒,不过半天功夫,强烈的阳光把这些小圆饼都晒的又干又脆,船员们一个个吃的又香又甜。他们还给这种小圆饼取名叫做“比斯开小饼”。 一个月之后,一艘过往船只终于发现了他们,遇难船员就用小圆饼招待他们。从此以后,小圆饼传遍了全世界。现在英文仍然把饼干叫做“比斯开”(biscuit)。三明治的由来

itsy bisty spider是什么意思?

Itsy Bitsy Spider的歌词啊 我把歌词贴这里了哈Itsy bitsy spider -elize 蜘蛛elize Itsy bitsy蜘蛛,在墙上等待 你需要警惕,或她会让你陷入 这是一




The Bank for International Settlements (BIS)国际清算银行是英、法、德、意、比、日等国的中央银行与代表美国银行界利益的摩根银行、纽约和芝加哥的花旗银行组成的银团,根据海牙国际协定于1930年5月共同组建的,总部设在瑞士巴塞尔。刚建立时只有7个成员国,现成员国已发展至45个。The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international organisation which fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks. 国际清算银行(BIS)是一个促进国际货币和金融合作并为中央银行服务的国际组织。The BIS fulfils this mandate by acting as: a forum to promote discussion and policy analysis among central banks and within the international financial community a centre for economic and monetary research a prime counterparty for central banks in their financial transactions agent or trustee in connection with international financial operations As its customers are central banks and international organisations, the BIS does not accept deposits from, or provide financial services to, private individuals or corporate entities. The BIS strongly advises caution against fraudulent schemes


4级魔法师 needkiss同志 不懂就不要装懂好哇? 顶楼上的两位!

映泰 b75 主板 BISO 开启ahci 还有两个选项是什么意思要怎么设置




la bise是什么意思怎样发音?还有Bonjour的发音

la bise有俩意思,我猜你见到的是常用那个,吻。等于bisou,但是简单些。法国人见面不是吻面礼吗?打电话等见不到面的场景,说个bisou代表吻了一下。la bise得用法也很简单,我记得有一个同学来我这玩,我厨房做着东西呢,开了门扭头就往厨房跑,结果听见他问了一句——on se fait pas la bise ? 至于发音,按音标来吧,汉字标注都比较无哩头


rubbish的英语读音:英 [u02c8ru028cbu026au0283];美 [u02c8ru028cbu026au0283]。rubbish ,英文单词,名词、动词、形容词,作名词时意为“垃圾,废物;废话,瞎说;粗制滥造的东西,劣质的东西;愚蠢的想法,荒谬的念头”,作动词时意为“贬低,狠批,把……看得一文不值”,作形容词时意为“毫无价值的;一窍不通的;蹩脚的,技术差劲的”。短语搭配:take out the rubbish倒垃圾;rubbish car给你一辆垃圾车 ; 给你一辆渣滓车 ; 给你一辆乐瑟车 ; 给你一辆;rubbish collector拾垃圾的人 ; 垃圾车 ; 职业;combustible rubbish可燃废物 ; 可燃垃圾;rubbish truck垃圾车;rubbish chute垃圾滑槽 ; 垃圾运送槽;rubbish skip巨型垃圾箱;Rubbish Food垃圾食品;builders rubbish建筑垃圾;rubbish heap垃圾堆。双语例句:1、And I know they love it. So to hell with all that rubbish.而我知道她们喜欢它。所以让所有那些垃圾见鬼去。2、Can you give us some suggestions about how to deal with the rubbish?你能给我们一写关于如何处理这些垃圾的建议吗?3、We can tell teachers if we see someone who throws the rubbish, or we can go up to him and tellhim it is not good to do that.我们能够告诉老师,如果我们看到有人扔垃圾,或者我们能够走到他面前告诉他那样做是不好的。


cis corporate identity system,企业识别系统bis behaviour identity system,行为识别系统VIS,Visual identity System,视觉识别系统MIS,Mind Identity system,理念识别系统后三个是cis的组成部分


梅back Maybach 梅瑟拉地 Maserati 苏八乳 SUBARU Mitsubishi 米醋笔洗 Mitsubishi 苏阻ki SUZUKI

什么是Refurbished 机


refurbished 什么意思

refurbished vt. (refurbish的动词过去式或过去分词形式) ,再磨光,刷新;v. 整修; 刷新( refurbish的过去式和过去分词 ); 擦亮; 使清洁;[网络] 翻新的; 整修品; 翻新货;[例句]It was completely refurbished in 1987, with the addition of a picnic site.它在1987年经过了彻底翻修,加盖了一个野餐点。

refurbished 什么意思

refurbished vt. (refurbish的动词过去式或过去分词形式) ,再磨光,刷新; v. 整修; 刷新( refurbish的过去式和过去分词 ); 擦亮; 使清洁; [例句]It was completely refurbished in 1987, with the addition of a picnic site.它在1987年经过了彻底翻修,加盖了一个野餐点。

你好,恳请相助苹果6S背后印有 Refurbished by Asurion 的问题









美国联想对Refurbished机器的定义和说明:* Product returned with factory seal broken (产品退回时,原厂封条打开过)* Product may or may not have been turned on (产品可能开过机,也可能未开过机)* Product may or may not have been used (产品可能使用过,也可能未使用过)请注意:虽然国内笼统地把美行Refurbished机器和Scratch & Dent机器都直译为“官翻”,但根据联想的说明(请仔细阅读下面的官网截图):只有Scratch & Dent机器才被官方整修或翻新过(Product has been refurbished);而Refurbished机器,根本没有经历官方翻新,官方的处理主要是重新质检、重新防伪封装。但即使美行Scratch&Dent机器,也与某些以次换好、以假充真的个人翻新、非官方渠道翻新机有本质的区别。



kitchenaid refurbished能买吗

能买的,而且还是比较靠谱的。 Refurbished有两种,一种是Factory Refurbished 工厂翻新,一般指原厂翻新,另一种是Manufacturer Refurbished,一般指认证的工厂或者垃圾处理商翻新的,也就是非原厂但是经过原厂认证过的翻新。  还有一种是Certified Refurbished,一般也指原厂翻新,不过要具体看商品描述。  因为题主提及的不确定是哪种情况下的Refurbished,所以具体还是要保修期,每种商品和厂商对Refurbished的保修期不一样。要选择Refurbished最好是选Factory Refurbished并且有保修期的,当然更好的选择是Factory Reconditioned的。



refurbished 什么意思

refurbish 英[u02ccri:u02c8fu025c:bu026au0283] 美[u02ccri:u02c8fu025c:rbu026au0283] vt. 刷新; 使重新干净; [网络] 电梯大修; 翻新; 再磨光; [其他] 第三人称单数:refurbishes 现在分词:refurbishing 过去式:refurbished过去分词:refurbished 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科refurbished机是指顾客购买拆封又退回商家的机器。一般来说,这种机器可能是全新的,甚至是从未使用过的;也有可能是因为小毛病退货后商家维修后重新出售的。如果直接在美加网上购物,电器注明REFURBISHED,质量是有保证的,(尤其是出名的,大的商家)价格也便宜很多。但如询问前一顾客为什么退货,商家几乎不会告诉你真正的原因。

refurbished 什么意思



难道是 传说中的神曲《傻 “笔”》??我没骂人,没开玩笑,真有这首歌 不知道你说的是不是这个?

德语Du bist mein augentern什么意思

意思是 片刻 一刹那 一瞬间 一眨眼的工夫


Oracle Business Intelligence System 11i(BIS,商务智能系统)是一种新一代的企业管理软件。它也是一种基于互联网的绩效管理系统。这个系统提供了一种可以对公司绩效进行管理的架构,利用它可以不断地对管理过程进行改进。通过及时地和准确地传递各种有关的信息, BIS可以帮助企业的管理者更快地和更好地作出决策。BIS是Oracle电子商务套件的组成部分,它将使你的企业转变为电子商务企业。Oracle BIS可以对由Oracle电子商务套件提供的“后台办公”和“前台办公”数据作出详细的分析。它包括:ERP应用软件,如Financials、Human Resources、Purchasing、 Operations和Manufacturing;CRM应用软件,它们支持Sales、Service、Customer、 Marketing和Interaction Center(Call Center)。利用这个系统,用户可根据他们的战略目标制定具体的管理目标,并对公司各领域的业绩进行监督,并在业绩指标超出允许范围时收到提示并立即采取相应措施。

My favorite picture is of my coach and me enjoy the biscuits .句中的of是什么用法。enjoy有错么?

be of关于。enjoy有错误,改为:enjoying,做宾语


"Trash" 和 "rubbish" 都表示垃圾或废物,但 "trash" 是美式英语中的常用词汇,而 "rubbish" 则是英式英语中更常见的词汇。除了地域上的差异外,它们的用法和含义基本相同,都是用来描述废弃物或不需要的东西。大家可以先看下面的表格了解一下 trash和rubbish 吧:trash和rubbish的区别:区别1:用法差异"trash"在美式英语中更为常用,用来指代日常生活中的垃圾和废物。例子1:Please throw the empty cans in the trash bin.(请把空罐头扔进垃圾桶。)例子2:He emptied the trash from the kitchen.(他清空了厨房的垃圾。)"rubbish"在英式英语中更为常用,也用来表示垃圾和废物,但较少在美式英语中使用。例子1:Put the leftover food in the rubbish bin, please.(请把剩菜放进垃圾桶。)例子2:The street was littered with rubbish after the parade.(游行结束后,街道上到处都是垃圾。)区别2:地域差异"trash"主要用于美式英语,较少在英式英语中使用。例子1:Don"t leave your candy wrappers on the floor; put them in the trash.(不要把糖果纸扔在地板上,放进垃圾桶。)例子2:The trash pickup is on Tuesdays and Fridays.(垃圾收集是在星期二和星期五。)"rubbish"主要用于英式英语,较少在美式英语中使用。例子1:We need to take out the rubbish before it starts to smell.(我们需要把垃圾拿出去,以免开始发臭。)例子2:The beach was covered in rubbish left by the visitors.(海滩上满是游客留下的垃圾。)区别3:意义延伸"trash"可以用作动词,表示丢弃或摧毁某物。例子1:She trashed her old diary after reading it again.(她再次阅读后把她的旧日记扔掉了。)例子2:They trashed the hotel room during the party.(派对期间他们把酒店房间弄得一团糟。)"rubbish"不常用作动词,通常仅表示垃圾和废物的含义。例子1:I found some old toys in the attic, but they were all rubbish.(我在阁楼里找到了一些旧玩具,但它们全都是垃圾。)例子2:The park was littered with rubbish after the concert.(音乐会结束后,公园到处都是垃圾。)区别4:修饰词性"trash"可以用作形容词,表示糟糕的或没有价值的。例子1:I watched a trash movie last night.(昨晚我看了一部很糟糕的电影。)例子2:He"s wearing a trashy outfit for the party.(他为了派对穿了一身糟糕的服装。)"rubbish"通常不用作形容词,仅作名词使用。例子1:This book is trash; I couldn"t finish reading it.(这本书真糟糕,我没法读完它。)例子2:The art exhibition was full of rubbish.(这个艺术展览充满了垃圾。)

德语歌《Du bist die ruh》谁能中文翻译一下 谢谢



beauty fades,dumb is forever. 全部释义和例句>>美丽会褪色,哑是永远。forever 英[fu0259ru02c8evu0259(r)]美[fu0254ru02c8u025bvu025a, fu0259-]adv. 永远; 不断地,无休止地; 老是,经常;n. 永恒; 极长的一段时间;[例句]It seemed as if she"d been gone forever.好像她已经永远地离开了。

Roy Orbison的《Blue Angel》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Angel歌手:Roy Orbison专辑:Live From Queen"S TheatreSweetbox - Blue AngelHmm, someone who wanna I woke upOn the round side of bedWhen I yesterday is made upI"m lay for work in bedStuck in traffic jams I spill my coffee all over my shirtAnd whenever they don"t pot that spiffed reasonWhy that"s gonna hurtAnd when she give back homeSo you can love and hold me tightTell me my favourite jokeSo we can laugh all through the nightI don"t need nothing elseCause I got you tonightYou"re my blue angelLift me upLet"s fly awayYou"re my blue angelWhen I am falling apartYou are my light in a darkYou are my angelMy angel…Hmm, whenever I"m brokenIn pieces on the floorSome how you openThe part of me of some sureIf I wanna don"t ask to your always sayYou always could be firstIf I said I"m beautiful when I don"t thatYou see me I"m a worstDon"t wanna run awayI wanna stay here with youWith every breath I takeI wanna be the another youYou"re my blue angelLift me upLet"s fly awayYou"re my blue angelWhen I am falling apartYou are my light in a darkYou are my angelCan we get back homeSo you can love and hold me tightAnd tell me my favourite jokeSo we can laugh all through the nightI don"t need nothing elseCause I got you tonightYou"re my angelLift me upLet"s fly awayYou"re my blue angelWhen I am falling apartYou are my light in the darkYou are my angelMy angel…Lift me upSo baby we can fly awayYou"re my blue angelWhen I am falling apartYou are my light in a darkYou are my angel

Roy Orbison的《Blue Angel》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Angel歌手:Roy Orbison专辑:Live From The Fiesta ClubSweetbox - Blue AngelHmm, someone who wanna I woke upOn the round side of bedWhen I yesterday is made upI"m lay for work in bedStuck in traffic jams I spill my coffee all over my shirtAnd whenever they don"t pot that spiffed reasonWhy that"s gonna hurtAnd when she give back homeSo you can love and hold me tightTell me my favourite jokeSo we can laugh all through the nightI don"t need nothing elseCause I got you tonightYou"re my blue angelLift me upLet"s fly awayYou"re my blue angelWhen I am falling apartYou are my light in a darkYou are my angelMy angel…Hmm, whenever I"m brokenIn pieces on the floorSome how you openThe part of me of some sureIf I wanna don"t ask to your always sayYou always could be firstIf I said I"m beautiful when I don"t thatYou see me I"m a worstDon"t wanna run awayI wanna stay here with youWith every breath I takeI wanna be the another youYou"re my blue angelLift me upLet"s fly awayYou"re my blue angelWhen I am falling apartYou are my light in a darkYou are my angelCan we get back homeSo you can love and hold me tightAnd tell me my favourite jokeSo we can laugh all through the nightI don"t need nothing elseCause I got you tonightYou"re my angelLift me upLet"s fly awayYou"re my blue angelWhen I am falling apartYou are my light in the darkYou are my angelMy angel…Lift me upSo baby we can fly awayYou"re my blue angelWhen I am falling apartYou are my light in a darkYou are my angel


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