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get blown翻译



blow的ing形式直接加ing,即 blowing 另外,blow 的过去式 过去分词如下:blow-blew-blown

blow怎么读 英语blow怎么读

1、blow英[blu0259u028a]美[blou028a],v.吹; 刮; (被)刮动,吹动;n.(用手、武器等的)猛击; 打击; 挫折; 吹;int.表示厌烦。 2、短语搭配:blow away吹走 ; 吹散 ; 刮走 ; 卷走;blow off吹掉 ; 炸掉 ; 埋怨 ; 将放出。 3、[例句]He was blown sidewards by the wind.他被风吹到旁边。


blow的ing形式直接加ing,即 blowing 另外,blow 的过去式 过去分词如下:blow-blew-blown。


  blow有不及物动词的用法,还有很多动词 短语 ,也有很多相关的英语例句。以下是我给大家带来blow的用法和短语及参考例句,以供参阅。    blow的用法   blow的用法1:blow本意为“吹,刮,吹动”,引申可指“吹响”,也可作“爆炸”解。在美国 俚语 中还可表示“匆匆离开”“挥霍金钱”“吸毒”等意思。   blow的用法2:blow作及物动词时,一般接名词或代词作宾语,也可接同源宾语。作“带来”解时可接双宾语; 作“灌输”解时,可接复合宾语; 指自然界的风云变化时,可接形容词或名词充当表语; 以door之类的名词作主语时,除可接形容词作表语外,还可接过去分词作表语。   blow的用法3:blow常用作不及物动词,通常以风或it作主语,接介词或副词表示各种附加意义。有时blow的主动形式具有被动意义。   blow的用法4:表示人用口吹时可及物或不及物;表示号、汽笛、喇叭等响起时主要用作不及物动词。   blow的用法5:blow后有时可接形容词open或hot and cold等,这是固定用法,此时blow可视为半系动词。   blow的用法6:blow偶尔还可用作温和诅咒语的委婉语,表示惊奇、烦扰、不赞成等情绪。   blow的用法7:blow的过去分词有两种形式,一般情况下使用blown,口语中表示生气、吃惊、不在乎时用blowed。    blow的常用短语    用作动词 (v.)   blow about1( v.+adv. )   blow about2( v.+prep. )   blow around( v.+adv. )   blow away( v.+adv. )   blow back( v.+adv. )   blow down( v.+adv. )   blow in( v.+adv. )   blow into( v.+prep. )   blow off1( v.+adv. )   blow off2( v.+prep. )   blow on〔upon〕( v.+prep. )   blow out( v.+adv. )   blow over( v.+adv. )   blow up( v.+adv. )    用作名词 (n.)   at〔with〕 one〔a〕 blow   come to blows   get a blow in   strike a blow   without striking a blow    blow的用法例句   1. His resignation was a body blow to the team.   他的辞职是对该队的沉重打击。   2. But Ivanisevic"s no-show will be a blow for Wimbledon chiefs.   但伊万尼塞维奇不能参赛对温布尔登主办方将是一个重大打击。   3. He killed his tyrannical father with a blow to the head.   他冲着暴戾的父亲的头部猛击了一下,把他打死了。   4. It is impossible to say who struck the fatal blow.   很难判断是谁给了致命的一击。   5. It was so humiliating, a terrible blow to my self-esteem.   这件事如此丢脸,深深地挫伤了我的自尊心。   6. Sam stood his ground and got a blow that stunned him.   萨姆站在原地,被一下打昏了。   7. A lorry travelling south had a blow-out and crashed.   一辆南行的卡车爆胎并撞车了。   8. She tried to blow a gray strand of hair from her eyes.   她竭力想把眼前的一缕白发吹开。   9. He went off to hospital after a blow to the face.   他脸部受到重击之后就去了医院。   10. The car struck him a glancing blow on the forehead.   那辆汽车蹭伤了他的前额。   11. His loss would be a crushing blow to Liverpool"s title hopes.   他的缺阵将是对利物浦队夺冠希望的致命打击。   12. The price of a cut and blow-dry varies widely.   剪发并吹干的价格高低不等。   13. Can"t you see this could blow up in your face?   你难道看不出这事会砸锅?   14. Their loss would be a grievous blow to our engineering industries.   失去它们将会是对我们工程行业的一个沉重打击。   15. He showed him how to blow into the ivory mouthpiece.




吹 的意思的


blow 英[bləʊ] 现在分词:blowing。v. 吹; 刮; (被) 刮动,吹动; n. (用手、武器等的) 猛击; 打击; 挫折; 吹; int. 表示厌烦; 第三人称单数:blows ,复数:blows ,过去式:blew,过去分词:blown 。


n.殴打, 突然的打击v.风吹, 吹气于, 叫, 喘气


英 [blu0259u028a]美 [blou028a]v.动词吹,吹动,被吹走;鸣(汽车喇叭),吹响,吹奏;(使)(保险丝)烧断;vt.及物动词毁掉,炸毁;擤(鼻子);(非正式)搞砸;(非正式)挥霍;vi.不及物动词呵气,呼气;n.名词(用拳头、武器等的)击打;打击;(英国俚语)大麻,(美国俚语)可卡因;


blow的意思:吹;打击;吹奏;喘气。读音:英[blu0259u028a],美[blou028a]释义:v.(风)吹;吹奏;喘气;吹气;喘息;擤(鼻子);熔化,烧断;炸开;泄露;突然离开;浪费(钱、机会);(古)开花;(苍蝇)产卵于;(鲸鱼)喷水;把……搞糟;鸣(汽车喇叭);吹制(玻璃);把蛋黄和蛋清从蛋壳中吹出n.吹;打击,猛击;挫折;强风;擤鼻子;(非正式)爵士乐演奏;(非正式)大麻;(炼钢用语)吹炼;(古)开花,开花期int.哎呀(表示厌烦)变形:过去式blew过去分词,blown现在分词,blowing第三人称单数,blows复数blowsblow的短语:blow away吹走;吹散blow off吹掉;炸掉blow down吹倒;吹落blow up爆炸;发脾气




blow blow[blo; blou]可数名词1 打,殴打give a person a ~殴打某人strike a ~ at a person = strike a person a ~给予某人一击The first ~ is half the battle. (谚)先下手为强 [先发制人]2 (精神上的) 打击,不幸What a ~.多么不幸!at[with]a (single) blow = at[with]one blow(1) 一击,一拳(2) 一举,一下子就; 突然be at blows正在互殴 [打斗,打架]come[fall]to blows[为…而]互殴 [打斗] 起来,互相打起来[over]get a blow in(1) 成功地加以一击(2) (于辩论等) 触到对方的弱点strike a blowfor[against]?支持 [反抗] …,为支持[反对]…而奋斗strike a ~ for cleanelections为争取公正的选举而奋斗without (striking) ablow不战 [不劳,不费吹灰之力] 而…blow[blo; blou](blew[blu; blu:];blown[blon; bloun])不及物动词1 [常以 it 作主词]a. <风>吹,刮It is ~ing hard.正在刮大风There was a cold wind~ing in from the sea.一股冷风从海上吹 (进) 来b. <风> <以…的状态> 吹It was ~ing a gale [astorm].正在刮暴风→ blow great GUNs.2 a. <物>被 (风) 吹动 [吹走,吹散]The papers blew off[away].文件被风吹走了Dust blew in through thecracks.灰尘从裂缝中吹进来Her long hair was ~ing(in the wind).她的长发迎风飘扬b. <物>被风吹<成…状态>The door has blown open[shut].门被风吹开 [关]3 a. 吹气; <电风扇等>吹出风B~ harder.更用力吹b. 吹气[于…],哈气,嘘气[on, upon, into]~ on a trumpet吹小喇叭He blew on the windowpane.他往玻璃窗上哈气He was ~ing into thebottle.他把空气吹入瓶中c. <鲸鱼> 喷水(柱)There she ~s (.鲸鱼在喷水)4 <风琴、笛等> 响The whistle ~s at noon.汽笛在中午鸣响5 喘气,喘息,气喘吁吁→ PUFF and blow.6a. <保险丝> 被烧断The fuse has blown(out).保险丝烧断了b. <轮胎>爆裂c. 爆炸7a. (口语)偶然来访,出其不意地出现Steve blew in [intotown].史帝夫突然来访 [来城里]b. (俚)忽然离去,急急忙忙地逃走8(美口语)吹牛,自夸,吹嘘及物动词1 a. 吹,使…飘扬,吹动The wind blew her longhair.风儿吹动她的长发b. 吹走,吹掉His balloon blown off.他的气球被风吹走了The tent was blown over[down] by the wind.帐篷被风吹倒Two trees have beenblown down by the storm.两棵树被暴风雨刮倒c. 对<人>吹…It is an ill wind that~s nobody (any) good. (谚)再怎么坏的事,都会对某些人有利(直译为“吹起来对任何人都无益的风才是坏风”,但实际上不会有这种风,因而 It is? that ~ 变成为“再怎么…也会~”之意)2 a. 吹气于…; 吹<火>~ a pair of bellows给风箱送风~ (up) the fire(用风箱等) 把火吹旺He blew the tea to coolit.他把茶吹凉b. 吹掉<灰尘等>He blew the dust off.他吹掉灰尘c. 将<灰尘等>吹 [离…] [off]He blew the dust off thetable.他吹掉桌上的灰尘d. 将…吹<成…状态>He blew it dry.他把它吹干He blew his pipe clear.他把烟斗吹干净3 吹,吹奏,吹响 <笛、喇叭等>~ a horn [trumpet]吹号角 [小喇叭]~ a whistle <裁判> 吹哨子→ blow the WHISTLE on,blow one"s own TRUMPET.4 a. 吹出,吹成,吹制<物>~ (soap) bubbles吹出肥皂泡~ a glass吹制玻璃杯b. 给<人>吹制<物>; [给人]吹制<物>[for]He used to ~ us glassanimals. = He used to ~ glass animals for us.他以前常为我们吹制玻璃动物5 a. <鼻涕>~ one"s nose鼻涕b. (吹按在嘴唇上的手指尖) 向<人>抛 <飞吻> ; [向人]抛 <飞吻>[to]She blew her boyfriend akiss. = She blew a kiss to her boyfriend.她对男友抛飞吻6a. 爆破,炸毁The bridge was blown(up) with dynamite.桥被炸药炸毁b. 使<轮胎>爆裂; 使 <保险丝> 烧断That blew (out) thefuse.那使保险丝烧断7(俚)a. 乱花,浪费<钱>She blew most of herhard-earned money on dress.她把辛苦赚来的大部分钱花在衣服上b. 白白扔掉,断送掉<好机会>8 (过去分词为 ~ed) [用祈使语气或被动语态(俚)诅咒B~ it!.无聊! 真可恶!I"ll be ~ed if.?. = Blowed if?.如果…我把脑袋给你,我绝不…Well, I"m ~ed !.咦,真没想到 [竟会有这种事] !blow hot and cold[对于…] (时而赞成时而反对) 打不定主意[about, on]blow off(1) → v.i. 2 a(2) <蒸气等> 喷出,放出(3) →v.t. 1 b(4) → v.t. 2 bblow out(1) 吹熄 <烛火等>The candle was blown outby a gust of wind.蜡烛被一阵风吹熄He blew out the lamp[match].他吹熄了灯 [火柴](2) [~ itself out] 停止吹,停止刮The wind has blownitself out.风 (猛吹之后终于) 平息了(3) 将…吹到外面,吹出(4) →v.t. 6 b(5) <灯火等> 熄灭(6) 爆破,炸毁(7) →v.i. 6 bblow over(1) →v.t. 1 b(2) <台风> 离去,停止,平息(3) <危机、传闻> 消失;被遗忘blow town(美俚) (匆匆忙忙地) 离开城镇等blow up(1) 将…打气,使…充气~ up a tire给轮胎充气(2) → v.t. 6 a(3) 放大 <照片、地图等>(enlarge)(4)(口语)夸张 <传闻等>(5)(英口语)斥骂,斥责<人>(6) <轮胎、汽球等> 充满气而鼓起(7) <炸药等> 爆炸(8) <台风> 刮起,增强A storm suddenly blewup.突然刮起一阵暴风雨(9)<议论等>沸腾(10)(口语)[对…]生气[at, over]可数名词1 一吹,吹 (气)2 擤鼻giveblow[blo; blou]不及物动词(blew[blu; blu:];blown[blon; bloun])(文语)开花 (bloom)


blow 英[blu0259u028a] 美[blou028a] n. 殴打,打击; 吹风,一阵风; 意外的灾害; 吹奏(声); vt. (风) 吹; (轮胎等) 爆炸; vt. 吹,吹气; 使爆炸; 奏出,演奏; 使气喘; [例句]A chill wind blew at the top of the hill山顶寒风呼啸。[其他] 第三人称单数:blows 复数:blows 现在分词:blowing 过去式:blew过去分词:blown


blow 英[blu0259u028a] 美[blou028a] n. 殴打,打击; 吹风,一阵风; 意外的灾害; 吹奏(声); vt. (风) 吹; (轮胎等) 爆炸; vt. 吹,吹气; 使爆炸; 奏出,演奏; 使气喘; [网络] 吹动; 动词; 击; [例句]A chill wind blew at the top of the hill.山顶寒风呼啸。[其他] 第三人称单数:blows 复数:blows 现在分词:blowing 过去式:blew过去分词:blown


blow中文意思是吹。blow,英语单词,名词、动词、感叹词,作名词时意为“吹;打击,猛击;挫折;强风;擤鼻子。blow既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,一般接名词或代词作宾语,也可接同源宾语。作“带来”解时可接双宾语; 作“灌输”解时,可接复合宾语; 指自然界的风云变化时,可接形容词或名词充当表语; 以door之类的名词作主语时,除可接形容词作表语外,还可接过去分词作表语。用作不及物动词时,通常以风或it作主语,接介词或副词表示各种附加意义。有时blow的主动形式具有被动意义。

blowing 和blown 的区别



blow v.吹;刮;(被)刮动,吹动 n.(用手、武器等的)猛击;打击;挫折;吹 int.表示厌烦 第三人称单数: blows 复数: blows 现在分词: blowing 过去式: blew 过去分词: blown 扩展资料   He was blown sidewards by the wind.   他被风吹到旁边。   Fasten the gates securely so that they do not blow open.   把大门闩好以免被风吹开。   It would only take one phone call to blow their cover.   只要拨打一个电话就可揭穿他们的伪装。

blow 的过去式和过去分词及中文


Mudville的《Blown》 歌词

歌曲名:Blown歌手:Mudville专辑:The Glory Of Man Is Not In VogueKe$ha - Blow(Laugh) DanceBack door cracked踢爆后门We don"t need a key我们无需钥匙We get in for free我们免费入场No VIP sleaze气死贵宾Drink that Kool-Aid干掉这杯Kool-AidFollow my lead跟上我的步伐Now you"re one of us此刻你是我们的一份子You"re coming with me和我一起狂欢It"s time to kill the lights and黑灯熄火Shut the DJ downDJ闭嘴This place about to全场即将...Tonight we"re taking over今晚彻夜狂欢No one"s getting out没人想要离场This place about to blow即将引爆全场Blow-oh-oh-hoThis place about to blow即将引爆全场Blow-oh-oh-hoThis place about to blow即将引爆全场Blow-oh-oh-hoThis place about to blow即将引爆全场Blow-oh-oh-hoThis place about to全场即将...Now what如今想怎样We"re taking control我们掌控全场We get what we want我们拥有一切We do what you don"t我们做你做不到的事Dirt and glitter脏话,灯光Cover the floor洒满了舞池We"re pretty and sick我们又漂亮又病态We"re young我们充满活力and we"re bored却又懒散颓废It"s time to lose your mind是时候放纵自己And let the crazy out爆发内心的疯狂This place about to全场即将...Tonight we"re taking names我们交换名字"Cause we don"t mess around不要虚度光阴This place about to blow即将引爆全场Blow-oh-oh-hoThis place about to blow即将引爆全场Blow-oh-oh-hoThis place about to blow即将引爆全场Blow-oh-oh-hoThis place about to blow即将引爆全场Blow-oh-oh-hoThis place about to(blow)即将引爆全场Go, go, go, go insane神志不清Go insane意识模糊Throw some glitter扔出钞票Make it rain on him像下雨一样到他身上Let me see them Hanes让我看他们高举的手Let me让我Let me see them Hanes让我看见他们投降的手Go insane神志不清Go insane意识模糊Throw some glitter\扔出钞票Make it rain on him像下雨一样到他身上Let me see them Hanes让我看他们投降的手Let me让我Let me see them Hanes让我看他们高举的手We are taking over(Blow)我们彻夜狂欢Get used to it(Blow)你得习惯这种场合This place about to blow即将引爆全场Blow-ow-owThis place about to blow即将引爆全场Blow-ow-owThis place about to blow即将引爆全场Blow-ow-owThis place about to blow即将引爆全场Blow-ow-owThis place about to(blow)即将引爆全场

词组blown out 翻译成中文是什麼意思?



不可以blow blew blown初二英语书上是这么写的

Blown me a kiss 这句英语是什么意思?

“向我送去一个飞吻”原blow sb a kiss 向某人送去一个飞吻、blown 是blow 的过去分词



be blown off course是什么意思

be blown off course英[bi: blu0259u028an u0254f ku0254u02d0(r)s]美[bi blon u0254f ku0254u02d0(r)s]词典(项目)被中断

the trees blown down in the storm have been moved



  blow表 殴打,打击; 吹风,一阵风; 的意思,那么你知道blow的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理blow的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!    blow的短语:    blow away   1. 用火枪射杀   2. 强烈影响;征服   音乐会震撼了我   That concert blew me away.    blow in &I{【俚语】}   1. 不期而至,突然造访    blow off   1. 减轻,释放(压力);放走    blow out   1. 吹灭或被一阵风吹灭   吹灭蜡烛   blow out a candle.   2. 电器断电   3. 爆发:以势不可挡之势爆发。用于指煤气或油井    blow over   1. (风雨)平息、衰退或轻拂   风暴迅速减退。丑闻将很快销声匿迹   The storm blew over quickly. The scandal will soon blow over.    blow up   1. 形成   风暴骤起   A storm blew up.   2. 充气;膨胀   给轮胎充气   blow up a tire.   3. (照片或印刷品)放大,扩大   4. 爆炸   爆炸的炸弹   bombs blowing up.   5. 发脾气,失去耐性    be blown off course   1. (项目)被中断    be blown out of the water   1. (人,想法,计划)被证明不可信    blow away the cobwebs   1. (尤指通过呼吸新鲜空气)提神,清醒脑子    blow someone"s brains out   1. (非正式)(用枪)击中某人头部将其杀死    blow cold on   1. 冷眼相待    blow the doors off   1. (北美,非正式)远远胜过,比u2026更为成功   一种比市场上任何促销手段远为成功的套餐式销售方法。   a package that blows the doors off anything on the market.    blow a fuse (或 gasket)   1. (非正式)发脾气    blow常用短语例句:   1. His resignation was a body blow to the team.   他的辞职是对该队的沉重打击。   2. But Ivanisevic"s no-show will be a blow for Wimbledon chiefs.   但伊万尼塞维奇不能参赛对温布尔登主办方将是一个重大打击。   3. He killed his tyrannical father with a blow to the head.   他冲着暴戾的父亲的头部猛击了一下,把他打死了。   4. It is impossible to say who struck the fatal blow.   很难判断是谁给了致命的一击。   5. It was so humiliating, a terrible blow to my self-esteem.   这件事如此丢脸,深深地挫伤了我的自尊心。   6. Sam stood his ground and got a blow that stunned him.   萨姆站在原地,被一下打昏了。   7. A lorry travelling south had a blow-out and crashed.   一辆南行的卡车爆胎并撞车了。   8. She tried to blow a gray strand of hair from her eyes.   她竭力想把眼前的一缕白发吹开。   9. He went off to hospital after a blow to the face.   他脸部受到重击之后就去了医院。   10. The car struck him a glancing blow on the forehead.   那辆汽车蹭伤了他的前额。   11. His loss would be a crushing blow to Liverpool"s title hopes.   他的缺阵将是对利物浦队夺冠希望的致命打击。   12. The price of a cut and blow-dry varies widely.   剪发并吹干的价格高低不等。   13. Can"t you see this could blow up in your face?   你难道看不出这事会砸锅?   14. Their loss would be a grievous blow to our engineering industries.   失去它们将会是对我们工程行业的一个沉重打击。   15. He showed him how to blow into the ivory mouthpiece.   他给他演示如何吹奏象牙吹口乐器。

blown film 什么意思

blown film 英[blu0259u028an film] 美[blon fu026alm] [词典] 吹塑薄膜; [例句]It has no infeed rolls and can fit right underneath a blown film line.它没有料辊和可容纳下的权利吹膜线。


过去式是:blew英[blu:]释义:v.(风)吹;吹奏;喘气;吹气;喘息;擤(鼻子);熔化,烧断;炸开;泄露;突然离开;浪费(钱、机会);(古)开花;(苍蝇)产卵于;(鲸鱼)喷水;把……搞糟;鸣(汽车喇叭);吹制(玻璃);把蛋黄和蛋清从蛋壳中吹出n.吹;打击,猛击;挫折;强风;擤鼻子;(非正式)爵士乐演奏;(非正式)大麻;(炼钢用语)吹炼;(古)开花,开花期int.哎呀(表示厌烦)短语:Blew Tower Defense炫光塔防御;炫彩塔防扩展资料:词语辨析:blow,knock,stroke1、这组词都有“打击”“捶打”的意思,blow,stroke,knock均可指用工具、器械对另一物体的击打。2、blow和knock还可指用手击打,表示击打某人时,blow尤指用拳头打,knock也可指用拳头和指关节敲打。There came the 3 p.m.knock on the door.下午3点钟来客的敲门声响了。3、blow的对象可以是物,也可以是身体某部位,还可以是某人;


blow blow[blo; blou]可数名词1 打,殴打give a person a ~殴打某人strike a ~ at a person = strike a person a ~给予某人一击The first ~ is half the battle. (谚)先下手为强 [先发制人]2 (精神上的) 打击,不幸What a ~.多么不幸!at[with]a (single) blow = at[with]one blow(1) 一击,一拳(2) 一举,一下子就; 突然be at blows正在互殴 [打斗,打架]come[fall]to blows[为…而]互殴 [打斗] 起来,互相打起来[over]get a blow in(1) 成功地加以一击(2) (于辩论等) 触到对方的弱点strike a blowfor[against]?支持 [反抗] …,为支持[反对]…而奋斗strike a ~ for cleanelections为争取公正的选举而奋斗without (striking) ablow不战 [不劳,不费吹灰之力] 而…blow[blo; blou](blew[blu; blu:];blown[blon; bloun])不及物动词1 [常以 it 作主词]a. 吹,刮It is ~ing hard.正在刮大风There was a cold wind~ing in from the sea.一股冷风从海上吹 (进) 来b. 吹It was ~ing a gale [astorm].正在刮暴风→ blow great GUNs.2 a. 被 (风) 吹动 [吹走,吹散]The papers blew off[away].文件被风吹走了Dust blew in through thecracks.灰尘从裂缝中吹进来Her long hair was ~ing(in the wind).她的长发迎风飘扬b. 被风吹The door has blown open[shut].门被风吹开 [关]3 a. 吹气; 吹出风B~ harder.更用力吹b. 吹气[于…],哈气,嘘气[on, upon, into]~ on a trumpet吹小喇叭He blew on the windowpane.他往玻璃窗上哈气He was ~ing into thebottle.他把空气吹入瓶中c. 喷水(柱)There she ~s (.鲸鱼在喷水)4 响The whistle ~s at noon.汽笛在中午鸣响5 喘气,喘息,气喘吁吁→ PUFF and blow.6a. 被烧断The fuse has blown(out).保险丝烧断了b. 爆裂c. 爆炸7a. (口语)偶然来访,出其不意地出现Steve blew in [intotown].史帝夫突然来访 [来城里]b. (俚)忽然离去,急急忙忙地逃走8(美口语)吹牛,自夸,吹嘘及物动词1 a. 吹,使…飘扬,吹动The wind blew her longhair.风儿吹动她的长发b. 吹走,吹掉His balloon blown off.他的气球被风吹走了The tent was blown over[down] by the wind.帐篷被风吹倒Two trees have beenblown down by the storm.两棵树被暴风雨刮倒c. 对吹…It is an ill wind that~s nobody (any) good. (谚)再怎么坏的事,都会对某些人有利(直译为“吹起来对任何人都无益的风才是坏风”,但实际上不会有这种风,因而 It is? that ~ 变成为“再怎么…也会~”之意)2 a. 吹气于…; 吹~ a pair of bellows给风箱送风~ (up) the fire(用风箱等) 把火吹旺He blew the tea to coolit.他把茶吹凉b. 吹掉He blew the dust off.他吹掉灰尘c. 将吹 [离…] [off]He blew the dust off thetable.他吹掉桌上的灰尘d. 将…吹He blew it dry.他把它吹干He blew his pipe clear.他把烟斗吹干净3 吹,吹奏,吹响 ~ a horn [trumpet]吹号角 [小喇叭]~ a whistle <裁判> 吹哨子→ blow the WHISTLE on,blow one"s own TRUMPET.4 a. 吹出,吹成,吹制~ (soap) bubbles吹出肥皂泡~ a glass吹制玻璃杯b. 给吹制; [给人]吹制[for]He used to ~ us glassanimals. = He used to ~ glass animals for us.他以前常为我们吹制玻璃动物5 a. ~ one"s nose鼻涕b. (吹按在嘴唇上的手指尖) 向抛 ; [向人]抛 [to]She blew her boyfriend akiss. = She blew a kiss to her boyfriend.她对男友抛飞吻6a. 爆破,炸毁The bridge was blown(up) with dynamite.桥被炸药炸毁b. 使爆裂; 使 烧断That blew (out) thefuse.那使保险丝烧断7(俚)a. 乱花,浪费She blew most of herhard-earned money on dress.她把辛苦赚来的大部分钱花在衣服上b. 白白扔掉,断送掉8 (过去分词为 ~ed) [用祈使语气或被动语态(俚)诅咒B~ it!.无聊! 真可恶!I"ll be ~ed if.?. = Blowed if?.如果…我把脑袋给你,我绝不…Well, I"m ~ed !.咦,真没想到 [竟会有这种事] !blow hot and cold[对于…] (时而赞成时而反对) 打不定主意[about, on]blow off(1) → v.i. 2 a(2) 喷出,放出(3) →v.t. 1 b(4) → v.t. 2 bblow out(1) 吹熄 The candle was blown outby a gust of wind.蜡烛被一阵风吹熄He blew out the lamp[match].他吹熄了灯 [火柴](2) [~ itself out] 停止吹,停止刮The wind has blownitself out.风 (猛吹之后终于) 平息了(3) 将…吹到外面,吹出(4) →v.t. 6 b(5) 熄灭(6) 爆破,炸毁(7) →v.i. 6 bblow over(1) →v.t. 1 b(2) 离去,停止,平息(3) 消失;被遗忘blow town(美俚) (匆匆忙忙地) 离开城镇等blow up(1) 将…打气,使…充气~ up a tire给轮胎充气(2) → v.t. 6 a(3) 放大 (enlarge)(4)(口语)夸张 (5)(英口语)斥骂,斥责(6) 充满气而鼓起(7) 爆炸(8) 刮起,增强A storm suddenly blewup.突然刮起一阵暴风雨(9)沸腾(10)(口语)[对…]生气[at, over]可数名词1 一吹,吹 (气)2 擤鼻giveblow[blo; blou]不及物动词(blew[blu; blu:];blown[blon; bloun])(文语)开花 (bloom)


blow 英[blu0259u028a] 美[blo] n. 殴打,打击;吹风,一阵风;意外的灾害;吹奏(声) vt.& vi. (风)吹;(轮胎等)爆炸 vt. 吹,吹气;使爆炸;奏出,演奏;使气喘 [例句]America can scarcely afford such a blow.美国几乎无法承受这样的打击。

blown away 什么意思

吗, ,, 吗





blow 的发音到底怎么读

blow英文发音:[blu0259u028a]中文释义:n. 吹;打击;殴打vi. 风吹;喘气vt. 风吹例句:The can exploded, wrecking the kitchen and bathroom and blowing out windows.罐子爆炸了,毁了厨房和浴室,也炸掉了窗户。扩展资料blow的同根词:1、blown英文发音:[blu0259u028an]中文释义:adj. 吹制的,吹出的;开花的,盛开的;喘气的v. 风吹(blow的过去分词)例句:Bump. It was a soft sound, like something being blown by the wind.那是一种很柔和的声音,像是什么东西被风吹动发出的。2、blowy英文发音:["blu0259u028au026a]中文释义:adj. 有风的;风大的;随风飘动的例句:If use hair dryer, notice blowy distance and position, the in order to prevent blows burnt their skins.如果使用吹风机,要注意吹风的距离和位置,以免吹焦它们的皮毛。


blown[美] [blon] [英] [bləʊn] 释义:v.风吹(blow的过去分词)adj.吹制的,吹出的;开花的,盛开的;喘气的


blown的读音是:[blu0259u028an]。喘气的;膨胀的;开花的;吹制的。相关例句:1、He was saving the life of a 9-month-old boy who was blown into the path of an oncoming subway train by a high wind.他救了一个9个月大的男孩,他被强风吹到迎面而来的地铁列车的轨道上。2、At some time in the past Yellowstone must have blown up with a violence far beyond the scale of anything known to humans.在过去的某个时候,Yellowstone一定经历了一场远远超出人类已知任何规模的残酷事件。3、But then we got an official letter and we were blown away.后来我们收到了一封正式信函,我们都震惊了。4、They objected to being blown up for the slightest fault.他们反对因为最轻微的错误而被否决。



dealt a blow什么意思?


请翻译一下英文单词:Amateur Anal Asian Ass Babe BBW Big Dick Big Tits Blonde Blowjob Bondage Brunet


有一首英文歌的歌词是blow away,反复唱,大意是一个酗酒的父亲,一天来了场暴风雨,

blown away就这么一个错误答案挂在上面让我很不爽


不对是 a bowl

there( )two blows of rice.中be动词用is还是are?

填areThere( are)two bowls of rice.

痞子阿姆的《Cold wind blows》(《冷风吹》)中文翻译

Cause some things just don"t change因为有些事终究不会改变It"03 better when they stay the same其实保持原样更好Although the whole world knows your name尽管全世界都知道你的名号So on the biggest days they came to see you spit your game因此在最重大的这个日子,他们全都过来看你点燃这个游戏Ooooohhhhhhh噢....It shouldn"t be difficult to explain这解释起来应该不太困难Just why you came back again, you hate the fame你为何又再次回来了,因为你憎恨名誉Love the game, cold as ice you remain热爱这个游戏,像你一贯的那样冷酷f**k em" all, tell "em all eat s**t, here we go againCTMD,叫他们全去吃屎,现在我们又启程了So, god damn... is it that time again already所以,该死的...又再次是这个时候Haha, you don"t look too happy to see me哈哈,你看上去不大高兴见到我f**k man, don"t everybody welcome me back at onceCNM的,既然不是每个人都欢迎老子的回归All right, f**k ya"ll then好吧,CNMB!(Verse 1)You can get the d*ck, just call me the ballsac, I"m nuts你能得到JB,叫老子ballsac,我是个疯子Michael Vick in thi03 b**ch, fall back you mutt03Michael Vick 臭婊丄子,给我趴下,杂种f**k your worms, you never seen such a sick puppyCNM你们这群懦夫,你们从未见过这样的疯狗吧?f**k it a sick duck, I"m on my duck sick mummyCNM的,这是口丄活,我弄出来了,给我吹And my nuts, lick, gobble "em up trick, yummy我的蛋蛋,给老子舔!用你的口技好好品尝,很美味吧?b**ch you don"t f**king think that I know that you suck d*ck dummy?臭婊丄子,你TMD认为我不知道你吮过假人的JB?You"ll get your butt kicked, f**k all that love s**t honey你们会被踹得屁滚尿流的,CNM的所谓的狗屎情情爱爱,情爱的Yeah I laugh when I call you a slut, it"s funny!耶,当我叫你婊丄子时,我笑了,真有趣!Shawty dance while I diss you to the beat, f**k the words小妞,当我伴着这拍子骂你时,给我跳起来,CNM的少废话You don"t listen to "em anyway, yeah struck a nerve sucker再说你也不会理会它们,耶,逮着了个紧张的口丄活者Motherf**ker might aswell let my lips puckerCNM的,也舔舔我的嘴唇啊!Like Elton John, cause I"m just a mean cock sucker就像Elton John一样,因为我是个恶毒的吹箫者This s**t is on, cause you wen"t and pissed me off好戏正上演着,因为你不会离开,不会把我惹毛Now I"m sitting and pissing on everbody现在我坐下来,朝每个人身上撒尿give a f**k if it"s right or wrong谁TMD在乎这是对是错?So buck the buddah, light a bong来点叶子,点上烟斗But take a look at mariah the next time I inspire you to write a song, cmon但是下次我激发你写歌的灵感时,看看Mariah,来吧(Chorus)Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, I"m as cold as the cold wind blows噢......我像呼啸的寒风般冷酷When it snows and it"s twenty be-low就像落雪时,温度骤降至零下20度Ask me why man I just don"t know know know know know know know问我为什么,伙计,我自己也不清楚......I"m as cold as the cold wind blow03 blo-blo-blo-blo-blo-blows我像呼啸的寒风般冷酷......Oh oh oh oh oh噢...(Verse 2)f**k it I"m a loose cannon, Bruce Banner"03 back in the boothCNM的,我是个我行我素的家伙,Bruce Banner重回到了电话亭Ya"ll are sitting ducks, I"m the only goose standing你们是众矢之的,而我是唯一一个鹅般高傲站着教训你们的那个人I set the world on fire, piss on it, put it out我让整个世界陷入火海,朝它尿尿,掀翻它Stick my d*ck in a circle, but I"m not f**king around motherf**ker把我的老二插进那个洞里,我TMD可不是在说着玩儿I"ll show you pus*y footin, I"ll kick a b**ch in the cunt我会让你见识一下,我会踹你这婊子的BTil it makes her queef and sounds like a f**king whoopy cushion踹得她阴DAO放气,就TMD像个坐垫那样Who the f**k is you pushin", you musta mistook me for some sissy你以为你TMD这是在逼谁啊,臭婆娘,你一定是误解我了Soft punk looking for some nookie or boosom废物小混混们才去寻找打炮的机会和女人们的奶丄子Go ahead, f**king hater push me去吧,TMD该死的仇人逼我的I told you ain"t no f**king way to shush me我告诉过你让我安静下来TMD根本没门儿Call me a f**got cause I hate a pus*y叫我同志,因为我憎恨臭婊子Man the f**k up sissy, G"s up伙计,CNMB臭婆娘,现在伙计们,干活了!All you gardeners freeze up, put your hoes down (shady ease up!)你所有的小弟都吓呆了,留下你们的妞,(Shady,放松点儿!)Man chill, nah I can"t god damnit伙计,放松,该死的,我做不到Rappers are land fill, drop the anvilRapper是很屌的,是会变戏法儿的These are shoes that you can"t fill这些鞋你都不合脚s**t the day that happens the world"ll stop spinningTMD那天到了的话,世界将停止转动And Michael J. Fox"ll come to a stand stillMichael J.Fox会傻站着不动During an earthquake, urine in your face当地震来临时,尿在你脸上Cause you"re fake, ahh what the f**k, that hurt wait!因为你很虚伪,啊,TMD怎回事?很痛,等等!!Ahh what the f**k, I just got struck by lightening啊,TMD怎么了?我只是被闪电击中了Alright then I quit, god I give up好吧,我不玩了,上帝啊,我放弃了Call it evil that men do, lord forgive me for what my pen do那个家伙干的事很邪恶,主啊,原谅我笔杆子所做的事儿This is for your sins, I cleanse you这是因你的罪孽,我要净化你You can repent but I warn you, if you continue你可以忏悔,但是我警告你,要是你继续犯To hell I"ll send you, and just then the wind blew and I said我将把你送入地狱,寒风呼啸而过,听我说(Chorus)Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, I"m as cold as the cold wind blows噢......我像呼啸的寒风般冷酷When it snows and it"s twenty be-low就像落雪时,温度骤降至零下20度Ask me why man I just don"t know know know know know know know问我为什么,伙计,我自己也不清楚......I"m as cold as the cold wind blow03 blo-blo-blo-blo-blo-blows我像呼啸的寒风般冷酷......3楼Oh oh oh oh oh噢...(Verse 3)How long will I be this way? Shady until my dying day我还要像这样多久?做Shady直到我挂掉的那天til I hang up the mic and it"s time for me to say直到我放下麦,是时间我来说点啥了So long, til then i drop the f**king bombs已经很久了,到了我TMD干点惊天动地的事儿了Like i miss the pass when I went long就像我怀念我所走过的曾经If you don"t like it you can kis03 my ass in a lint thong如果你不高兴,你大可用你的人字拖来踹我的屁丄眼Now sing along, slut this, slut that, learn the words to the song现在跟着唱,这个婊子,那个婊子,学着歌词唱Oh b**ches don"t like that, homie I"ll be nicer to women噢,臭婊子不喜欢那样,兄弟,我会变得对女的好点When the aquaman drowns and the human torch starts swimming当潜水侠开始潜水,那些家伙开始游泳(=。=不懂)Man I"m a cold soul, I roll solo so伙计,我是个冷酷的灵魂,我在独奏,所以So don"t compare me to them other bums over there所以别拿我和他们那些垃圾作比较It"s like apples to oranges, peaches to plums yeah这就像那苹果和橙子比,那桃子和李子比I"m bananas pus*y, cut off the grapes and grow a pair而我是香蕉(即疯子)干掉所有的伪娘,做个真汉子But I swear, you try to dis03 me, I"ll slaughter you但是我发誓,你要是打算污蔑老子,老子会让你死得很惨I put that on everything, like everyone does with auto-tune我跟上了潮流,像所有人那样都玩儿上了auto-tuneThat last thing you wanna do is have me spit out a rhyme你想让我做的最后一件事,是让我吐出一个韵脚And say I was writing this and I thought of you so并说,我在创作,而且在想你(Chorus)Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, I"m as cold as the cold wind blows噢......我像呼啸的寒风般冷酷When it snows and it"s twenty be-low就像落雪时,温度骤降至零下20度Ask me why man I just don"t know know know know know know know问我为什么,伙计,我自己也不清楚......I"m as cold as the cold wind blow03 blo-blo-blo-blo-blo-blows我像呼啸的寒风般冷酷......Oh oh oh oh oh噢...(Outro)Oh oh oh oh oh oh噢....I don"t know, I don"t know what caused, I don"t know what caused me to be this way to be this way我不清楚,我不知道怎么搞成这样的,我不清楚是什么让我变成这样.变成这样I don"t know, I don"t know by I probably be this way til my dying day我不清楚,我不清楚,也许要直到我挂掉那天I don"t know why I"m so, I"m so cold beat bangs, I don"t need to say我不清楚我为什么这么,这么冷酷, 我啥都不必说I guess this is how you made me我想我这是拜你所赐

blow brave breath是什么意思

这个要结合上下文。Her mother said,“Don"t be afraid,honey.Take courage!”“What"s courage?” she asked,running to her mother"s bed.“Courage is the brave breath,” her mother answered.“Mum,do you have courage?”“Certainly.”The girl held out her little hands,saying,“Mum,blow some of your breath of courage to me.”After her mother blew out two mouthfuls of breath into her little cold hands,the little girl clenched her fists nervously,afraid that the “breath of courage” would run away.Then with her fists clenched,she walked out of the bedroom towards the bathroom with nothing to fear.blow brave breath就是吹口勇敢的气,其实是骗小孩的。

The Blow Monkeys Featuring Kym Mazelle的《Wait》 歌词

歌曲名:Wait歌手:The Blow Monkeys Featuring Kym Mazelle专辑:4 HitsChris Brown Ft. Trey Songz & Game - WaitZone 4YeahLets goI"ll be swimming in womenAnd i"d be diggin and livingAnd ill be whippin the whips that cha havent seen nowWell the quip is just whip itAnd make it pur like a kittenAnd imma have you withh the mean nowAnd all the fast girls wanna get moneyBaby girl you aint getting none from meAll you get is thisMake it bounce like a bunnyCome onTake take take ssome for kidsBut feel it in your ribsLikeWait wait wait(breezy)Girl i wanna make ya sing like operaGotta cold headed dose im your doctorPink house like a copperMan i got the chopperLion king in that thing mufasa(oops)Ill break you out just a bigger bit of meYou may wanna take a bite right outta meGirl i think your readyOh damnYou want me to do somethingYes maamI just wanna get a little give a little take a little make a little loveAll over my placeBaby girl you got a bottomI can spot it from a mile & i be wildin out then i put you off the traceGirl i"m right in front of youWanna be right up under youKissin under your belly button for about a month or twoYou gonna love it when i look in your eyesIm hitting highh nowI be swimming in womenAnd i be digging and livingAnd i be whippin up things that you havent seen knowWell the quip is just whip itAnd make it pur like a kittenAnd imma have you in the mean nowAnd all the fast girls wanna get moneyBaby girl you aint getting none from meAll you get is thisMake it bounce like a bunnyTake take take this to your kidsYou feel it in your ribs likeWait wait waitGirl i like your face down with your ass upDo the most get close like casperBeat it like a boxerEat it like a lobsterTell me your desiresGet you higher than a rosterI got something special for you when i get you homeYou should let me drive girl the rides really longIf you wanna ride ride ride you canYou just gotta lie lie to your manI just wanna get a little give a little take a litte make a little loveAll over my cribGirl if you can take a lot of make a lot of soundsIm gonna take your body down and ill bash you on the chrisOopsGirl im right in front of youTell me what you wanna doI just want your body with my body right up under youYou turning me on like a keri hilson songAnd i wanna get you goin right nowLet me knock you downWait wait wait waitWait wait wait waitWait wait wait waitWait wait wait waitI"m in that mocialacoRiding through chicagoAnd its 12:00, 12:00 in my mofatoYeah i know, b&cb its like back in back diablos drop the topPut on the gatosSwim in the mike phelpsUnder my gucci beltI said swimNot unstrap my gucci beltMore shoppers than johnny depp in that mossoSo many game impassoRiding ram in the boxstersI"m in the devilleSippin on bell with damn vodkaSo many tricksHit em in a little bit cant grab banana splitI aint no chickenNever been no chicken ishIf i pop a bottleShe a model hen she lickin itIf im going down im eating it like ?Knocking on my dressing roomJust to get freaking chrisShe spillin my chrisFreakin on my fresh fitCurveThats when get on to the next twoI"ll be swimming in womenAnd i"d be diggin and livingAnd ill be whippin the whips that cha havent seen nowWell the quip is just whip itAnd make it pur like a kittenAnd imma have you withh the mean nowAnd all the fast girls wanna get moneyBaby girl you aint getting none from meAll you get is thisMake it bounce like a bunnyCome onTake take take ssome for kidsBut feel it in your ribsLikeWait wait wait


brow 不同祝学习进步,天天快乐!满意请采纳!谢谢!:)

blows to the temple 歌词

歌曲名:blows to the temple歌手:Common专辑:can i borrow a dollar?Check itWe can go, toe to toe, with the blows to the temple (NOT)Not the Temple of Doom, so make roomfor the Unamerican Caravan (who you down with?)The B-Boys, Immenslope, Twilite Tone, Derrick and then someI don"t get rid of some faceswhile marks be lookin hard, and they be beggin basesThey have too many cases, and now they got courageSorta like Goldilocks, tryin to take Pop"s porridgeBut I got, the story straightPlus the name, I got rep, don"t dare sleepSlept and got, creptAn AC/DC spider went up the wall we mountNow came down the Common the Common Sense, and now the spider out(BOOM) A blackout, power failureI ain"t the Burger King, but I got a whale of blowsuppercuts jabs hits and hey niggazCause I"m weird they call me Lemonhead, but I"m a Jawbreakerand I break a Bean, but I"m not from BostonI"m stronger, and faster, than Steve AustinCommon"ll keep the camera movin - I"m kinda fast!I"m from a town called FRESH OFF A NIGGAZ ASSAnd I"m about to go on like Stephanie MillsYOU MUST be poppin pills, tryin to step to meCause to the left of me, WE got the U-A-C (whattup)And comin up to the right of me, WE got the U-A-C (come on)And in back of me, yo WE got the U-A-CAnd in front of me (BAW!) is a dead man G!We hit em hard!.Kick itA duck tried to buck, but the vic got vickedso I picked him, he"s another victim of a circumstanceHe did a dance like Ali (SAY WHAT?)But he floated like a waterfly and stung like a CYa see, I ain"t out here, tryin to be a bullyNor am I pretendin to be a two-shoes goodie(WORD IS BOND) that I got big balls homesAnd if a player try to press me, I gotta break the zoneHere to stage a, OOH SHIT, up in the skyYou better watch out, I"m tellin you whyCommon Sense is breaking, marks down, ah-follow-me-nowYo Common Sense is breaking, marks downUhh, check it, check it, check itI huff and I puff and I blow (WHAT?)the motherfuckin house down, I guess you didn"t know!Homeskillet, WHERE YA BEEN? Are you the boy in the plastic bubble?Ooh you in trouble!A tisket a tasket, you"re gonna get your ass kickedYou better know what"s in my jacket, fuck the basketOh, God damn CHILD, I mean it"s drasticYou end up on a stretched cause I stretch you like PlastikmanFuck with me ("you end up the in the cas-ket")You flow ass pussy nigga, sucker duck bastard(Yo Common calm down, you gots to calm down!)This Grape tried to step to me, with his arms downLesson number one - when you"re ready to thrownever step up talkin - that"s like tryin to pitch, but you"re balkinAnd I"ma steal first, hide the base, but you baseYou can call me Pencil Petey cause the marks I ERASEIn case of emergency, it"s urgent see, that you see a doctorYou tried to Gamble, but I"m the ProctorI knock that ass, bringin it down and then slashTried to play me with a skit, but now you got a gashyou character, for ya inherit a, neck braceMakin ya thousand deaths times worser than a ScrewfaceBut they call me Screwneck and I do wreck shitSo next time he push up in the jam, BOY YOU BETTER EXITLate Show in the houseU-A-C in the house7-D in the houseR-T-A in the houseTrue B-Boys in the houseDem Dere Dyslexics in the houseAnd we gonna fuckin blow the house downCheck it, hit em with aBlood clot boy, you get bucked, tryin to fuck with theMario, Super Super Brothers like MarioHere the Common, sucker clucks (what we do?)Mission upon the loves, gettin kisses, and hugsbut then we runnin to a scrub that tried to bugHe"s out to get some what they call em stunts because we bunt(WHAT?) But I don"t bug, I just slide her, and hit herSome be rumpy chump, with the chat chat chitterYo we did her but I betcha know I"m better on itNow you got a 100 percent beef, it"s just a beatdown(UH UH AHH!) Too late to try to be downBrother your best bet, is to cover your eyes, like Dee Brown(Cause it"s a bum bum bum, bum-rush)And if I ask who popped shit, the Caravan gotta busSing it ("on that defense")But our bumrush is well done, not medium rareIt"s rare to see, an enemy within playTrue indeed a lot of shit, is over he say she sayMe say, Warriors come out and playAnd I"ma tear shit up and leave it like the day, afterAnd after we go around, and you hit the groundthen you know I"m down with the Blows to the Temple


The note taker blows a piercing blast . 作记录的人用力吹了一下哨子。 He was badly jarred by the blow . 这个打击使他的神经受到很大的 *** 。 There was a bitterly cold east wind blowing . 寒冷的东风呼呼地吹著。 Bunkie"s arrival was a big blow to me . 邦克的到来对我是沉重的打击。 She said, and blew *** oke from her nostrils . 她说著从鼻孔里喷出烟来。 Abner now had to suffer a sharper blow . 更猛烈的打击正等著艾布纳。 Harry himself would probably blow his brains out . 哈里本人可能自杀。 The wind blew my umbrella wrong side out . 风把我的伞吹得翻过去了。 The first blow clove her skull . 头一下砍下去,就把她的脑袋劈开了。 He did not pe prostrate under this blow . 他并没有在这一打击下趴下。 He knew the blow would have killed her . 他知道这一下会要她的命的。 A blow to the stomach made him curl up . 他腹部受到一击而直不起腰来。 Mr. bounderby blew out a long, hot breath . 庞得贝呼出一口深长的热气。 The whole thing would be blown sky high . 整个事就会闹得天翻地覆。 He hit himself a nasty blow on the head . 他的脑袋撞得这一下很重。 What evil wind has blown you here ! 是什么妖风把你们刮到这里来啦! This was a hard blow to stevenson . 对史蒂文森来说,这是个严重的打击。 A grenade blew them both to bits . 一颗手榴弹把他们炸得粉身碎骨。 "and the stink nearly blew your head off. " “那臭味都快把人熏死了。” She didn"t mean to blow the whistle on him . 她不是存心告发他的。 He could stretch him with the one blow . 他可以一拳把他撂倒在地。 I could feel the wind blowing on my face . 我可以觉出风迎面吹来。 This will blow over, dear sue . 这件事将会平静下去的,亲爱的淑。 He suffers a financial or an emotional blow . 他蒙受经济或感情上的打击。 The dust was blown about all over the sky by the wind . 风刮尘土漫天扬。 He blows hot and cold about getting married . 他对结婚犹豫不决。 Edward cleared his throat and blew his nose . 爱德华清清喉咙,擤擤鼻子。 The popce station was blown up by terrorists . 派出所让 *** 炸毁了。 He is the very person to strike the first blow at me . 是他先动手打我的。 With one blow he knocked his opponent down . 他一拳把对手打倒。 The force of the gale nearly blew me off my feet . 大风几乎把我吹倒在地。 "they blow up with a rattle," he said . “它们吹得噼哩啪啦乱响。”他说。 Thunder was in the air and a blow ing . 天上响起了雷声,风暴既将来临。 A mournful wind blew through the trees . 一阵凄风,从树中吹过。 His arm took the brunt of the blow . 他的手臂承受了狠狠的一击。 The mayor blew the whistle on gambpng . 市长下令开始取缔赌博。 It is a nuisance the way it keeps on blowing ... 风总是这么刮,真伤脑筋。 She got blown up by her boss for being late . 她因迟到而受到老板严厉训斥。 The first blow is half the battle . 良好的开端就是成功的一半。 Her elopement was a great blow to the parents . 她的出走给双亲很大的打击。 There was a lot of power behind that blow . 那一击的力量很大。 That blow proved his redemption . 他受了那个打击就改过自新了。 Hundreds of trees were blown down in the gale . 数百株树在狂风中被吹倒了。 The clouds are pale and a pght breeze is blowing . 云淡风轻。 He was waiting for the blow to fall . 他感到厄运迟早有一天会落在自己头上。 A stiff wind was blowing from the water . 海面上吹来一阵狂风。 Exterior doors were blown off their hinges . 外面的门被风从门轴上吹掉下来。 Still the snow fell and the winds blew . 雪仍在下,风仍在刮。 In the middle of the speech, she blew it . 讲到中间,她忘了。 Her hair blew out of place in the wind . 她的头发被风吹乱了。


The note taker blows a piercing blast . 作记录的人用力吹了一下哨子。 He was badly jarred by the blow . 这个打击使他的神经受到很大的 *** 。 There was a bitterly cold east wind blowing . 寒冷的东风呼呼地吹著。 Bunkie"s arrival was a big blow to me . 邦克的到来对我是沉重的打击。 She said, and blew *** oke from her nostrils . 她说著从鼻孔里喷出烟来。 Abner now had to suffer a sharper blow . 更猛烈的打击正等著艾布纳。 Harry himself would probably blow his brains out . 哈里本人可能自杀。 The wind blew my umbrella wrong side out . 风把我的伞吹得翻过去了。 The first blow clove her skull . 头一下砍下去,就把她的脑袋劈开了。 He did not pe prostrate under this blow . 他并没有在这一打击下趴下。 He knew the blow would have killed her . 他知道这一下会要她的命的。 A blow to the stomach made him curl up . 他腹部受到一击而直不起腰来。 Mr. bounderby blew out a long, hot breath . 庞得贝呼出一口深长的热气。 The whole thing would be blown sky high . 整个事就会闹得天翻地覆。 He hit himself a nasty blow on the head . 他的脑袋撞得这一下很重。 What evil wind has blown you here ! 是什么妖风把你们刮到这里来啦! This was a hard blow to stevenson . 对史蒂文森来说,这是个严重的打击。 A grenade blew them both to bits . 一颗手榴弹把他们炸得粉身碎骨。 "and the stink nearly blew your head off. " “那臭味都快把人熏死了。” She didn"t mean to blow the whistle on him . 她不是存心告发他的。 He could stretch him with the one blow . 他可以一拳把他撂倒在地。 I could feel the wind blowing on my face . 我可以觉出风迎面吹来。 This will blow over, dear sue . 这件事将会平静下去的,亲爱的淑。 He suffers a financial or an emotional blow . 他蒙受经济或感情上的打击。 The dust was blown about all over the sky by the wind . 风刮尘土漫天扬。 He blows hot and cold about getting married . 他对结婚犹豫不决。 Edward cleared his throat and blew his nose . 爱德华清清喉咙,擤擤鼻子。 The popce station was blown up by terrorists . 派出所让 *** 炸毁了。 He is the very person to strike the first blow at me . 是他先动手打我的。 With one blow he knocked his opponent down . 他一拳把对手打倒。 The force of the gale nearly blew me off my feet . 大风几乎把我吹倒在地。 "they blow up with a rattle," he said . “它们吹得噼哩啪啦乱响。”他说。 Thunder was in the air and a blow ing . 天上响起了雷声,风暴既将来临。 A mournful wind blew through the trees . 一阵凄风,从树中吹过。 His arm took the brunt of the blow . 他的手臂承受了狠狠的一击。 The mayor blew the whistle on gambpng . 市长下令开始取缔赌博。 It is a nuisance the way it keeps on blowing ... 风总是这么刮,真伤脑筋。 She got blown up by her boss for being late . 她因迟到而受到老板严厉训斥。 The first blow is half the battle . 良好的开端就是成功的一半。 Her elopement was a great blow to the parents . 她的出走给双亲很大的打击。 There was a lot of power behind that blow . 那一击的力量很大。 That blow proved his redemption . 他受了那个打击就改过自新了。 Hundreds of trees were blown down in the gale . 数百株树在狂风中被吹倒了。 The clouds are pale and a pght breeze is blowing . 云淡风轻。 He was waiting for the blow to fall . 他感到厄运迟早有一天会落在自己头上。 A stiff wind was blowing from the water . 海面上吹来一阵狂风。 Exterior doors were blown off their hinges . 外面的门被风从门轴上吹掉下来。 Still the snow fell and the winds blew . 雪仍在下,风仍在刮。 In the middle of the speech, she blew it . 讲到中间,她忘了。 Her hair blew out of place in the wind . 她的头发被风吹乱了。


n.泡,水泡; 冒泡,起泡; 泡影,妄想; (欲表达的)一点感情; vt.& vi.起泡,使冒气泡; vi.使冒泡,发出冒泡的声音; 洋溢着(某种感情); 滔滔不绝地讲; 兴奋,欢闹; bubble 是拟声词,指液体沸腾冒泡时发出的 “噗噗” 声音,由此引申为名词水泡、气泡、泡沫、骗局等。例如:The kettle is at the bubble. 壶里的水在沸腾。air bubbles rise to the surface. 气泡升到表面。还可以转化为动词表示起泡、冒泡、沸腾、大声地笑、激动等。例如:The play bubbled with songs anddances. 这出戏有许多活泼的歌舞场面。His mind bubbles with plans and schemes. 他足智多谋。步楼巴布欧,步楼巴布欧,步楼额毕个巴布欧。布欧连读。望采纳,谢谢n.泡,水泡; 冒泡,起泡; 泡影,妄想; (欲表达的)一点感情;vt.& vi.起泡,使冒气泡;vi.使冒泡,发出冒泡的声音; 洋溢着(某种感情); 滔滔不绝地讲; 兴奋,欢闹;她不仅错在拒绝承认存在互联网泡沫,更错在对泡沫后果的判断上。当时,硅谷仍在努力走出科技泡沫以及2000年底到2002年的行业大滑坡;对于持怀疑态度的人来说,中国本来就处于股市泡沫之中。权志龙(G-Dragon),韩国歌手、BIGBANG队长兼Rapper。是YG Entertainment 公司主要制作人之一。


bugle, trumpet?

blow me 什么意思啊

见鬼!。。。日!。。。 糟糕!。。。

blow and blow是什么意思呢?

blow美音:[blo]英音:[bl05u] blow的中文翻译以下结果由译典通提供词典解释blow1不及物动词 vi. 1.吹,刮A breeze blew over the garden. 一阵微风吹过花园。 2.吹动;随风飘动[Q]The flags were blowing in the wind. 旗帜在随风飘扬。 3.吹响,鸣响;吹奏We heard the bugles blowing. 我们听到号角在吹响。 4.(保险丝等)烧断;(轮胎等)爆炸The fuse blew. 保险丝烧断了。 5.呼吸困难急促,喘气The horse blew short after the race. 马赛跑后直喘。 He was blowing as he climbed the stairs. 上楼时他直喘气。 6.【美】【澳】【口】吹牛,自夸7.【俚】(突然或匆忙)离去及物动词 vt. 1.吹The wind blew her hair. 风吹动她的头发。 2.吹动;吹掉;(风)刮走[O]The storm blew down several large trees. 暴风雨刮倒了几棵大树。 3.吹响;吹奏Who is blowing the horn? 谁在吹号角? 4.吹制;吹胀5.烧断(保险丝等);使爆炸The explosion blew the bridge to smithereens. 爆炸中桥被炸得粉碎。 6.使呼吸困难急促,使喘气7.【俚】因笨而失去(良机等);将...搞糟We had our chance and blew it. 我们曾有一次机会但却失去了。 8.【俚】挥霍;把钱花在...上[( on/to)]I blew fifty dollars on the lobster dinner. 为这顿龙虾宴我花去五十元。 9.擤(鼻涕)10.传播(谣言等)11.【俚】【婉】诅咒名词 n. 1.吹动,吹气[C]2.【口】强风,暴风[S]3.吹牛,自夸[U]blow2名词 n. [C]1.(用拳、武器等的)一击,殴打He struck the man a blow at the chin. 他一拳打在那个男子的下巴上。 2.打击;不幸;精神上的打击[( to)]His death was a terrible blow to her. 他的逝去对她是个可怕的打击。 blow3不及物动词 vi. 1.(花)开及物动词 vt. 1.使开花名词 n. 1.开花[U]


blow1 不及物动词 vi. 1.吹,刮 A breeze blew over the garden. 一阵微风吹过花园. 2.吹动;随风飘动[Q] The flags were blowing in the wind. 旗帜在随风飘扬. 3.吹响,鸣响;吹奏 We heard the bugles blowing. 我们听到号角在吹响. 4.(保险丝等)烧断;(轮胎等)爆炸 The fuse blew. 保险丝烧断了. 5.呼吸困难急促,喘气 The horse blew short after the race. 马赛跑后直喘. He was blowing as he climbed the stairs. 上楼时他直喘气. 及物动词 vt. 1.吹 The wind blew her hair. 风吹动她的头发. 2.吹动;吹掉;(风)刮走[O] The storm blew down several large trees. 暴风雨刮倒了几棵大树. 3.吹响;吹奏 Who is blowing the horn? 谁在吹号角? 4.吹制;吹胀 5.烧断(保险丝等);使爆炸 The explosion blew the bridge to smithereens. 爆炸中桥被炸得粉碎. 6.使呼吸困难急促,使喘气 7.【俚】因笨而失去(良机等);将...搞糟 We had our chance and blew it. 我们曾有一次机会但却失去了. 8.【俚】挥霍;把钱花在...上[(+on/to)] I blew fifty dollars on the lobster dinner. 为这顿龙虾宴我花去五十元. 9.擤(鼻涕) 10.传播(谣言等)



blow me 什么意思啊

吹捧我 挺我 的意思 me:“我” blow:blow1 不及物动词 vi. 1.吹,刮 A breeze blew over the garden. 一阵微风吹过花园. 2.吹动;随风飘动[Q] The flags were blowing in the wind. 旗帜在随风飘扬. 3.吹响,鸣响;吹奏 We heard the bugles blowing. 我们听到号角在吹响. 4.(保险丝等)烧断;(轮胎等)爆炸 The fuse blew. 保险丝烧断了. 5.呼吸困难急促,喘气 The horse blew short after the race. 马赛跑后直喘. He was blowing as he climbed the stairs. 上楼时他直喘气. 6.【美】【澳】【口】吹牛,自夸 7.【俚】(突然或匆忙)离去 及物动词 vt. 1.吹 The wind blew her hair. 风吹动她的头发. 2.吹动;吹掉;(风)刮走[O] The storm blew down several large trees. 暴风雨刮倒了几棵大树. 3.吹响;吹奏 Who is blowing the horn? 谁在吹号角? 4.吹制;吹胀 5.烧断(保险丝等);使爆炸 The explosion blew the bridge to *** ithereens. 爆炸中桥被炸得粉碎. 6.使呼吸困难急促,使喘气 7.【俚】因笨而失去(良机等);将...搞糟 We had our chance and blew it. 我们曾有一次机会但却失去了. 8.【俚】挥霍;把钱花在...上[(+on/to)] I blew fifty dollars on the lobster dinner. 为这顿龙虾宴我花去五十元. 9.擤(鼻涕) 10.传播(谣言等) 11.【俚】【婉】诅咒 名词 n. 1.吹动,吹气[C] 2.【口】强风,暴风[S] 3.吹牛,自夸[U] blow2 名词 n.[C] 1.(用拳、武器等的)一击,殴打 He struck the man a blow at the chin. 他一拳打在那个男子的下巴上. 2.打击;不幸;精神上的打击[(+to)] His death was a terrible blow to her. 他的逝去对她是个可怕的打击. blow3 不及物动词 vi. 1.(花)开 及物动词 vt. 1.使开花 名词 n. 1.开花[U]















高一英语语法 burst blow up explode 三者有什么不同 都是 表 示 爆炸

burst1爆炸,爆裂The dam burst under the weight of water.那水坝在水的压力下决口了.2挤满,充满The town is bursting with tourists.镇上到处都是游客.3burst with anger勃然大怒burst into tears放声大哭explode(...

burst,explode,blow up的区别。

burst是里面的东西充的太多,而爆,比如气球,或者说一个人吃的太多时I feel I will burst.我吃太多了,感觉肚子要撑开了。explode这是一个不及物动词,就表示爆炸The bomb exploded on the road side.炸弹在路边引爆。blow up一般指人为地将...炸毁They blew up the 20-old building.他们把那座二十年前建的楼炸掉了。

burst,explode,blow up的区别.

burst是里面的东西充的太多,而爆,比如气球,或者说一个人吃的太多时I feel I will burst.我吃太多了,感觉肚子要撑开了.explode这是一个不及物动词,就表示爆炸The bomb exploded on the road side.炸弹在路边引爆.blow...

burst,blow up和explode的区别

burst[bu0259:st] v.爆裂, 炸破, 急于, 爆发n.突然破裂, 爆发, 脉冲百科词典 vi.(burst; bursting; bursts)1. 爆炸;破裂2. 冲;闯3. 突然出现; 突然发生; 爆发4. (用进行时)塞满; 几乎要胀破vt.[AAA型] burst; burst; burst1. 使爆裂;使破裂2. 突然打开;冲出;炸出3. 使胀破n.(复)bursts1. 爆炸;破裂2. 缺口;裂口3. 爆发;突发4. [俚] 狂欢n.【计】 二进制位组; 字符组; 脉冲串同反义词 同义词:broken exploded 相关例句 1.rock burst 岩爆2.gas burst 瓦斯突出3.The bomb burst. 炸弹爆炸了。4.The balloon burst. 气球爆炸了。5.The tire"s burst. 车胎爆了。blow up生词本复制详细解释v.使充气, 爆炸, 放大百科词典 使充气, 爆炸, 放大【化】 爆发使形成使充气;扩张使放大(照片图像或打印使爆破使发脾气同反义词 相关例句 1.Blow up the bridge. 炸毁这座桥。2.Blow up a tire. 给轮胎充气3.These balloons blow up easily. 这些气球易于充气。4.They blow up the bridge. 他们炸毁了桥。5.Blow up the balloon about halfway. 把气球吹大一半。bomb[bu0254m] n.炸弹vt.投弹于, 轰炸百科词典 n. 炸弹vt. 轰炸, 投弹于vi. 失败【医】 弹, 炮(含有大量镭或放射性元素的容器,应用于体外照射)同反义词 相关例句 1.Health Bomb 健康弹2.atomic bomb 原子弹3.aerial bomb 航空炸弹4.neutron bomb 中子弹5.guided bomb 制导航空炸弹explode[iks"plu0259ud] vt.使爆炸vi.爆炸, 爆发, 破除, 推翻, 激发百科词典 vi. 爆炸, 爆发, 激增vt. 使爆炸【医】 爆炸, 爆发同反义词 同义词:blow up burst erupt 相关例句 1.Explode a hypothesis. 推翻假设2.Tending to explode. 易爆炸的3.explode a bombshell 干了一件使人震惊的事4.explode an idea 驳倒一种观念5.explode a magazine blast名、动“爆炸”,如blast a tunnel through the mountain在山里炸出一条通道,例:Several terrorists have claimed to be responsible for the blast几个恐怖主义者已经声称对这起爆炸负责。其同义词为blow up关于爆炸还有一个单词explode=ex(out)+ p + lode(矿脉)那么这几个爆炸如何区别呢,我们举个简单的句子:The hijackers threaten to blast/blow up the plane, but the bomb failed to explode.劫机者威胁要炸掉飞机,但是炸弹没有引爆。blast与blow up是同义词,以人为主语,而explode是以炸弹为主语。还有一个小型的爆炸,burst“爆裂”,例:One of my bike tyres burst.我自行车的一个胎爆了。Even another bite will make me burst.再吃一口我就撑死了。

cushion the blow是什么意思

cushion the blow缓冲打击重点词汇cushion垫子; 垫; 起保护作用的事物; 弹性衬里; 使免遭损害;

cushion the blow是什么意思

cushion the blow缓冲打击重点词汇cushion垫子; 垫; 起保护作用的事物; 弹性衬里; 使免遭损害;

帮我翻译《Blow Me A Kiss》的歌词。

香格里拉大达达达达。 香格里拉大达达达达。 香格里拉大达达达达。 吹我一个吻。 香格里拉大达达达达。 香格里拉大达达达达。 吹我一个吻。 我"这个比赛,我"回合的。 我有O的,我吐痰栈。 我已经一切都在我的生活,但我是你今晚。 是啊我有你,你。 我需要爱的,是确实。 但是,这就是你从我(访谈) 我给你爱的方向,你可以成为我的PYT 。 我不是谈论惊悚片,但我可以成为你的惊悚片如果你想它(访谈) 我不需要任何烹饪或清扫,我们可以得到一个女佣,如果我们需要它。 原因我在我的( ? ) ,嘿啊嘿。 如果多数民众赞成你,打击我一个吻让我知道,你挖我。 你可以做的更好然后( ? ) , babygirl一切,你总得做的就是打击我一个吻。 香格里拉大达达达达。 香格里拉大达达达达。 香格里拉大达达达达。 吹我一个吻。 香格里拉大达达达达。 香格里拉大达达达达。 吹我一个吻。 吹我一个吻。

take out.blow out.put out.cut out的区别




Blow Me A Kiss中文音译。急急急!是音译!!悬赏一百!


can you give a little wave,can you blow me a lit

BLOW ME A KISS 中英结合歌词: BLOW ME A KISS 给我一个飞吻 . (Studiomonkeyz) . It"s like this (this) 就像这样 It"s like that (that) 就像那样 I got dough (dough) 我有钱 I got stacks (stacks) 很多钱 I can buy anything that I need (need) 我可以买任何我需要的 But I gotta have you for free 但我一定要不花一文得到你 I ain"t never paid for it in my life (my life) 我不是没有付出过 So why the hell would I pay for a wife (wife) 可是我为什么要在妻子上付出那么沉重的代价 I need love (love) 我需要爱情 Yes I do (do) 是的没错 But this is what I need from you 这就是我需要你给我的 Ooh a brother need love and affection 男人需要有人来爱他 A brother need TLC 男人也需要关心和体贴 And I ain"t talking about chilli (chilli) 我没有瞎说 But I"ll take chilli if she want it 但如果你喜欢的话我也以随便怎样 Ooh a brother need cooking and cleaning 男人需要有人为他洗衣做饭 And when she say she love me she mean it 当她开始对我表达爱意的时候 Her insides pretty (pretty) 我感觉到了她的内在美 Hey hey hey 嘿嘿

Blowing in the Wind——读哈代《德伯家的苔丝》

      上周读完《苔丝》,一直想说点儿什么,后来竟失语了。《苔丝》这样的书,以前从来没有卒读,现在想来是那时看不懂。现在也没有读懂多少,但是也足以让人失语。若说现在有什么渴望,就是渴望自己的笔,能像哈代一样一点不差地勾勒出苦难,就用哈代那样单纯的笔触。 最大的苦难不是当事人觉知的苦难,是当事人根本不能觉知的苦难。       苔丝在各种境况中,一直在争取过得好,这一点从来没有改变过。身处那样的家庭,有那样的父母,还有众多弟弟妹妹。她在书中的出场,是身着白裙和村里的姑娘们翩翩起舞,甚至那一刻,她还和自己的一生挚爱安吉尔相遇。这样美丽的场景,让读者们怎样的心生向往,分明是一个完美结局的开头!可是,接下来发生了什么呢?先是家里唯一可以称得上财产的马死了,苔丝不得不接受母亲让她去认亲的安排——去那个暴发户假德伯家。也许悲剧的开场都有点喜庆,就像《奥赛罗》。每个看似鲜花着锦的华丽的袍子上,都有看不得的虱子。哈代让我们看到的人生,不是袍子决定的,是虱子决定的。也许哈代是看出了人生最实质的部分也未可知。       接下来的故事有点老套,好多人写过了,《雷雨》里有,好像哪里都有。富家子弟爱上了自己的帮佣女孩。《苔丝》最富讽刺的地方在于,苔丝这个帮佣,是个真德伯;而那个富家子弟,是个假德伯。即便写这样一个故事,哈代也还是写了那个悲剧女孩苔丝的快乐,她好好侍弄鸡,甚至还和自己讨厌的富家子弟Alec学会了吹口哨,还和同伴们去参加舞会。这要是换个人来写,不知道会把这时的苔丝写得怎样苦大仇深。可是哈代绝不,似乎他也怜惜笔下的人,长夜未央,先让这个苦难的精灵快乐一会儿吧。苔丝和Alec 的交集埋下了她一生苦难的种子。这一段落结束的部分最精彩,就是苔丝决定回自己家,她告诉Alec,有两句话实在太精彩,一是说,如果我曾经爱你,那么我现在就不会如此痛恨自己;还有一句是,我知道说我爱你这对我会有怎样的好处,可是我不爱你。估计现代很多人都不可能有这样的坚决立场了,这个立场背后,是全然的真。苔丝的纯洁是冰里的水,人只可看见,不可触摸。这里的描写是特别耐人寻味的。通篇看下来,有人说Alec很坏,我倒真的没看出来,他就是那个样子,但是却是真实地喜欢苔丝。甚至,在下半部,他遇到苔丝以后,还真诚地向苔丝求婚。悲剧就是这个样子吧,你仔细看每一个人,都看不出坏,可是偏偏就是这个人,能够做出后果极其恶劣的事情来。     苔丝回到自己家,是特别灰暗的一段日子。未婚生子,是一生悲剧的第一幕。可是,哈代还是写到她年轻的生机怎样让她在这样的打击中重新站起来。她似乎不用经任何心理斗争,就接受了自己的孩子,做工,养孩子,没有抱怨,没有犹疑。难怪哈代认为苔丝是最纯净的女性形象。可是,孩子又很快夭折了。她自己给孩子受洗并埋葬后问牧师的话,是苔丝第一次去质问自己生活中发生的事,因为她害怕孩子的灵魂在地狱之火中焚烧。这是苔丝在书中唯一一次作为母亲的角色出现,失去的也是她短暂一生中唯一一个孩子。任何一个母亲,如果在苔丝的境遇中做到了苔丝做到的,就是当之无愧的母亲。      可即便在这样的打击之下,苔丝在奶牛场找到了新的工作,还是开始了另一段新生活。《苔丝》像一幅画卷,浓淡得宜,奶牛场的一段,无疑是书中最亮色的部分。这部分越欢快,越诚恳,越充满希望,后面的悲剧越悲伤,越有穿透人心的力量。她重遇安吉尔。际遇真的是魔鬼。她遇到安吉尔在先,可是在她有了作为女子最不幸的经历之后,他们,重逢了。命运的吊诡,让人不能呼吸。一个悲剧在人们眼里落幕了,带着一个鲜明的结论,可是,有谁知道,悲剧的主角,在以后的人生中遇到了什么,他(她)是怎样背负着这个包袱走完人生余下的路呢?一个不人道的社会制度,经不起这样的叩问,因为会发现这个制度碾压下淋漓的鲜血。苔丝和安吉尔恋爱了,似乎这才是开篇他们相逢的本意。安吉尔在确保父母不会反对自己和苔丝的婚事后,才郑重向苔丝表明心迹。这是怎样的看重和珍爱。那个算不上坏人的Alec,和安吉尔的分野一下子就彰显出来。苔丝知道这才是真爱,可是她伸出双手,却怎样也捧不住这份爱了。命运的这种颠倒安排,也许才是小说永恒的主题,不是生命中不能承受之轻,而是不能承受之重。       经过漫长的求婚过程,经过苔丝的反复挣扎,他们还是结婚了。这个结婚,从开始就充满了不协和音,苔丝坦白的信,安吉尔错过了。婚礼那天的每一个细节都让人心惊肉跳,尤其是,安吉尔特意安排在德伯家的旧宅开始他们的新婚生活。风雨交加,老宅,苔丝的那些阴魂不散又不能给她任何庇佑的祖先们,这一切仿佛一个悲剧音乐中渐强的部分,不看下去,也知道完了,只是,以何种方式完结呢?这个情节也很俗套,苔丝原谅了安吉尔,天真地以为自己也会被原谅,结论是:NO。安吉尔抛下苔丝远走巴西,实质是什么?苔丝被实实在在地遗弃了,被自己的丈夫,被自己愿意用生命挚爱的人。可能有人可以指责Alec 是个坏人,可是很难指责阿吉尔也是坏人。安吉尔是那样的驯良又自然,完全是神仙眷属中的男主角。可是,就苔丝的一生来讲,最悲剧的部分甚至不是遇到Alec,而是遇到安吉尔。到此,已经有些伤心得写不下去了。       从此,苔丝才正式开始自己的苦难生活。就像她最后一次写给安吉尔的信中说的:我并没有做错什么,可是你是怎样待我的呢?这种遗弃在某种程度上比死还可怕,那个人还在,还承认她是名义上的妻子,可是在苔丝的任何境遇中,他均不在场。他不保护,不承担,不提供任何支持。可是,苔丝还是爱安吉尔,用生命去等待,去忍耐,等待他回心转意。最高潮的部分是苔丝在和Alec 重逢,被Alec纠缠不休后第一次给安吉尔写信,这是在孩子夭折后苔丝这样一个逆来顺受的弱者的第二次呼喊:你快回来吧,来保护我。这也是她最后一次的呼求。                这本书最精彩的在于,似乎作者从来不在意情节的展开和铺排,笔触愿意在哪儿停留就在哪儿停留。到这里,故事的高潮似乎还没有到来,但是文章的篇幅已经几乎用尽了。接下来的情节是苔丝因为家里情况所迫,父死,全家被赶出原有的房子,在不得已的情况下接受了一直追求她的Alec 的资助,和自己最不喜欢的Alec 在一起。然后,这时候,收到了信的安吉尔回来找她了。两个人的会面是在苔丝和Alec 的住所,对于苔丝来讲,最不可能发生的事情发生了。她是在对安吉尔彻底绝望之后才在新的现实中找到了自己的位置,可安吉尔是她此生的理想。一个因循的人会接受命运的安排,中国人常讲的认命,可是苔丝没有。这是全书中苔丝唯一一次反抗。她的怒正应了那句“若士必怒,伏尸二人,流血五步”,她不再求助于牧师,不再寄望于安吉尔,只依靠自己,而她所有的,不过是一条命罢了。当一个人在所有际遇上都走入死局,不仅不能有幸福,亦不能有对幸福的企盼,流血五步就成为必然甚至也是唯一的结局。       苔丝在死前和安吉尔在一起五天,这五天是她此生全部的生活。他们其实并没想有将来,苔丝其实到死,也并不能相信安吉尔对她的爱始终不渝。她认为死去很好,这样就不会活着看到安吉尔瞧不起她。这个包袱与其说是社会让她背上的,不如说是安吉尔让她背上的。也许在社会制度的碾压之外,人尚且有可以重生的机会,就是得到无私的爱。可是苔丝和大多数人一样,没有这样的幸运。她曾经在逆境中一次次努力,期待好的,等待安吉尔回心转意。最后,她终于放弃了。玉石俱焚,是她最终的选择。             这个故事看似平常,却是在一片美好中开始,在惊心动魄中落幕。一个始终纯洁良善的人,最终不仅杀了人,自己也身首异处。人们看到了开始,看到了结局,可是在苔丝身边的每个人,是否曾经问过自己,在苔丝的命运里,他们扮演了怎样的角色?如果社会制度不是那样,如果她的家庭不是那样,如果不遇到Alec 和安吉尔,她的命运是否有被改写的机会?可是什么都没有发生。胡适说:“善恶皆不朽。”这句话我引用过很多次。因为它可以时刻提醒自己对社会和他人可能产生的影响。如果社会制度可以有人格,希望它回望身后,不要看到被自己碾压而过的尸体;希望每个人在自己的行为可能对他人命运产生影响的时候,有悲悯之心。每一个被践踏、被撕毁的生命,可能都是苔丝。      说了很多,却远没有鲍勃.迪伦的精炼和深远。希望我们经历的一切,不会是“The answer is blowing in the wind”。直接录下以做本文结语。           Blowing In The Wind How many roads must a man walk down Before they call him a man How many seas must a white dove sail Before she sleeps in the sand How many times must the cannon balls fly Before they"re forever banned The answer,my friend,is blowing in the wind The answer is blowing in the wind How many years must a mountain exist Before it is washed to the sea How many years can some people exist Before they"re allowed to be free How many times can a man turn his head And pretend that he just doesn"t see The answer,my friend,is blowing in the wind                The answer is blowing in the wind How many times must a man look up Before he can see the sky How many ears must one man have Before he can hear people cry How many deaths will it take ‘"Till he knows that too many people have died The answer,my friend,is blowing in the wind The answer is blowing in the wind               文中图片摄于大连

blow your brain 是什么意思???

我在OXFORD里查到一个有点像的,希望能够帮到你呀:blow your/sb"s "brains out:to kill yourself/sb by shooting yourself/them in the head意为:举枪击中头部自尽/射中他人头部从而杀死他人

写出下列单词的过去式:1.blow 2. break 3. pour 4. throw 5.swe

1.blew 2.broke 3.poured4.threw. 5swept. 6.sat. 7.looked. 8.stayed. 9.liked. 10.tied

impact blow是什么意思

impact blow 英[ˈimpækt bləu] 美[ˈɪmˌpækt blo] [词典] 冲击作用; [例句]Then, Scarlett knew the truth, with the impact of a blow.接着,思嘉明白了,她像挨了当头一棒。

有谁知道blow up a balloon中文怎么读,全句什么意思?谢谢

作业达人团为您解答blow up a balloon 吹气球望采纳 谢谢
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