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zee laboratorles是什么意思

the laboratories实验室双语例句1Arguably, 1932 was the year of greatest achievement at the Laboratories.可以说1932年是该实验室最有收获的一年。2Japan and southern Europe are the laboratories in which this hypothesis willbe tested.日本和南欧国家将是验证这一命题的实验室。

maestro collaboratore意大利语说的是什么意思?谢谢!


bb laboratories是什么牌子?来自日本的网红品牌

bb laboratories是一家来自日本的网红牌子,它在护肤品界非常有名气。这个牌子最吸引人的地方就是它独特的温能效果。据皮肤医生的建议,使用温能效果最好的护肤产品,可以帮助我们更好地呵护肌肤。而bb laboratories正是以这一特点为卖点而受到了众多消费者的喜爱和好评。温能效果是什么呢?简单来说,就是产品使用时会发热、或者冷却,带给皮肤一种舒适感受。这不仅仅是为了增加产品的趣味性,更重要的是它可以促进血液循环,提高皮肤代谢速度,从而达到美白、紧致等多种功效。可以说,温能效果是bb laboratories产品最大的亮点之一。bb laboratories推出了多款拥有温能效果的护肤产品,比如洁面乳、面膜等等。其中最受欢迎的当属他们家的温感面膜了。这款面膜在敷用时会渐渐变热,让人感觉像在享受一个迷你SPA。而且据使用者反馈,这款面膜敷完后皮肤会变得更加细腻光滑,同时还能明显提亮肤色。除了温感面膜,bb laboratories还有其他多款优秀产品。比如他们家的保湿精华液,使用后能够迅速补水保湿,让干燥的肌肤恢复水嫩。他们家还有一款抗衰老精华液,富含胶原蛋白和透明质酸等成分,能够有效减少皱纹和细纹的出现,让肌肤看起来更加年轻紧致。bb laboratories以其独特的温能效果和优秀的产品质量,在日本和全球范围内都赢得了广大消费者的喜爱和好评。无论是想要美白、保湿还是抗衰老,bb laboratories都能够提供合适的产品选择。如果你对护肤品感兴趣,不妨试试bb laboratories的产品,相信你也会为它们所带来的惊喜而惊喜!


看瓶身找到一串数,首尾两个英文字母没有特殊含义,中间四个数字代表生产日期,第一位代表年,后三位代表当年第几天生产的。Bb LABORATORIES(简称Bb lab)是日本化妆品品牌,也是Biomarker System Creator日本上市集团综医研控股株式会社旗下的全资子公司,以研发、制造和贩售护肤品为主要事业。

laboratory skills是什么意思

laboratory skills是实验技巧


Ltd.,co. 有限公司的缩写

detail ,elaborate用法的区别

1 detail既可作名词,也可作动词,通常在军事用语中两者都有使用,但是在日常用语中,名词用的比较广泛; 2 in detail这里detail用的是单数,go into detail(s)这里单复数都可以,但是一般多是用单数形式,习惯用复数形式的是go into personal details; 3 in more detail比more in detail 用法普遍,同理in less detail比less in detail用法更为常见。elaborate的英文解释是: add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing比datail更为详尽,含义更进一步。


collaboration协作;合著(col+labor劳动+ation→共同劳动)(1) Cooperate 即 work or act together for a common purpose or benefit ,意为“通力合作”,或“共同努力”,例如:The army, navy, and air force cooperated in the assault.陆海空三军协同实施突击。(陆谷孙《英汉大词典》)名词cooperation 的例子:With the cooperation of all the employees the work was done on time.在全体雇员的共同努力下,工作按时完成。(2) Collaborate 即 work jointly or together, especially on a literary project ,或 cooperate with an enemy nation ,意为“携手合作”(尤指文化艺术项目),或“与敌勾结”,例如:She agreed to collaborate with him in writing her biography.她同意与他合作撰写她的传记。(《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第六版)Those who collaborated with the enemy during the war were punished afterwards.战时通敌者后来受到惩罚。名词collaboration 的例子:The two companies are working in close collaboration.这两间公司正紧密协作。(《朗文当代高级辞典》第一版)


区别:(1) cooperation 意 为 “ 通 力 合 作 ” , 或 “ 共 同 努 力 ” 。例 如 : With the cooperation of all the employees the work was done on time. 在 全 体 雇 员 的 共 同 努 力 下 , 工 作 按 时 完 成 。 (2) collaboration , 意 为 “ 携 手 合 作 ” ( 尤 指 文 化 艺 术 项 目 ) , 或 “ 与 敌 勾 结 ” 。例 子 : The two companies are working in close collaboration. 这 两 间 公 司 正 紧 密 协 作 。


cooperation指的是一般的合作,一般都是积极意义上的合作. collaboration一般指的是出版物的合作(研究)/合编/出版,而且collaboration有时有贬义,意为:“通敌,与人勾结”.


基本上lab是laboratory的口语形式,laboratory更为正式一些,写文章的话还是用laboratory好一些基本解释laboratoryn.科学实验室,研究室, 化验室化学工厂, 药厂实验课炉膛a hygienic laboratory卫生实验室an express laboratory快速化验室laboratory method实验室方法laboratory procedure实验室程序laboratory school为学生实习而设的大学实验学校lab n.[口]实验室, 研究室凝乳糖


16世纪90年代进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的elaboratus,意为体力生产;最初源自古典拉丁语的elaborat,意为非常详细的。一、含义adj. 详尽的;复杂的;精心的;精美的。v. 详细地说明;用心制作;推敲;变得复杂。二、用法elaborate的基本意思是“注重细节”; 对于尚未实现的事物,译为“详细制定,精心制作”; 对于已存在的事物,则意在完全显现其细节,即“详尽说明,详细阐述”。elaborate用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。elaborate作不及物动词时,后接on或upon,表示“详细阐述”。He launched into an elaborate explanation of his theory.他开始详尽地阐发他的理论。Her elaborate hairstyle, to her disappointment, just amused us.令她失望的是,她复杂的发型只让我们感到好笑。扩展资料:近义词:clarify、detail、specify、complex、complicated。一、clarify1、含义:vt. 澄清;阐明;净化。2、举例These brief remarks may serve to clarify the fact.这些简要的评论可以澄清事实。二、detail1、含义:n. 细节;琐事;枝节。vt. 详述;详细说明。2、举例The full details of the agreement haven"t been made public.协议的细节尚未公布。三、specify1、含义:v. 详细说明;指定;阐述。2、举例Please specify when you will be at home tomorrow.请确切说明你明天何时会在家。四、complex1、含义:adj. 复杂的;合成的;复合的。n. 综合体;复合体;[医]综合症状;[心]情结。2、举例It was a complex problem.这是一个复杂的问题。五、complicated1、含义:adj. 复杂难懂的;结构复杂的。动词complicate的过去式和过去分词.。2、举例The novel is too complicated for your age.这小说就你的年龄来说太复杂了。



continuous ;conjunction ;laboratory 这几个英语用谐音怎么读?


elaborate simplicity是什么品牌



collaboration协作;合著(col+labor劳动+ation→共同劳动)(1) Cooperate 即 work or act together for a common purpose or benefit ,意为“通力合作”,或“共同努力”,例如:The army, navy, and air force cooperated in the assault.陆海空三军协同实施突击。(陆谷孙《英汉大词典》)名词cooperation 的例子:With the cooperation of all the employees the work was done on time.在全体雇员的共同努力下,工作按时完成。(2) Collaborate 即 work jointly or together, especially on a literary project ,或 cooperate with an enemy nation ,意为“携手合作”(尤指文化艺术项目),或“与敌勾结”,例如:She agreed to collaborate with him in writing her biography.她同意与他合作撰写她的传记。(《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第六版)Those who collaborated with the enemy during the war were punished afterwards.战时通敌者后来受到惩罚。名词collaboration 的例子:The two companies are working in close collaboration.这两间公司正紧密协作。(《朗文当代高级辞典》第一版)

collaborate和cooperatee 有什么区别

collaborate和cooperater的区别如下:①含义不同collaborate的意思是协作,协同合作,通敌,合作,协作。cooperate的意思是合作,协作,协助,配合。②侧重点不同collaborate强调合力完成某事,cooperate则带有协助的意思。 collaborate多指文化领域中,文艺、科学等方面有明确目的合作。cooperate指为相互支持或行动而进行的合作或协作,强调通力合作。例句如下:Teacherscollaboratewitheachotherfromremotelocationsaroundthecountryonacommonproject.教师们可以与国内边远地区的同行们就一共同项目彼此合作。Sheseemstobereluctanttocooperatewithus.看来她不愿意同我们合作。扩展资料①collaborate常用搭配:Collaborateonaproject/onanassignment合作一项计划或任务例句:Areyoutryingtogivehelp,resolveaconflict,orcollaborateonaprojectorissue? 你是想得到帮助,还是想解决争端,抑或合作完成一个项目或解决一个问题?词形变化为collaborative;collaboration。②cooperate例句:Ifyoucooperate,youcancompletetheprojectfasterandeveryonebenefits.若你选择合作,你可以更快地完成这项计划而且每个人都能从中得利。词性变化为cooperative(n.)合作的、乐于合作的;cooperation(n.)合作、协力。

cooperation 与collaboration有什么区别

collaboration n. 合作,通敌 词形变化时 态:col·lab·o·rat·ed, col·lab·o·rat·ing, col·lab·o·rates名 词:col·lab"o·ra"tor形容词:col·lab"o·ra"tive英英解释2个名词解释act of working jointly[同] coaction, collaboration[例] they worked either in collaboration or independentlyact of cooperating traitorously with an enemy that is occupying your country[同] collaboration, collaborationism, quislingismcooperation n. 合作,协力,合作社 词形变化名 词:co·op"er·a"tion·ist英英解释2个名词解释joint operation or action[反] competition, contention, rivalry[例] their cooperation with us was essential for the success of our missionthe practice of cooperating[例] economic cooperationthey agreed on a policy of cooperation


coordination/cooperation/collaboration 都是名词.coordination 协调cooperation 合作 (为把某事情做好而合力工作) collaboration 合作 (为把某事情创新地做好而合力工作)

collaborate COOPERATE COODINATE有什么细微的区别吗

给你三个词的英语解释,就应该能看出他们的细微差别了。cooperate: To work or act together toward a common end or purpose.(为一个共同目标)一起工作;合作。此外,cooperate还有服从、配合的意思。Ex. You"re kindly requested to cooperate. 请您予以合作。collaborate 和 coordinate都没有这个意思。collaborate: To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort.发挥共同的聪明才智,共同努力一起工作。另外,collaborate还有通敌的意思,而cooperate 和 coordinate则没有这层意思。Ex. collaborate with the enemy. 通敌,collaborator 就是我们常说的通敌者(汉奸)。coordinate: work together harmoniously 团结协作(可以是团队内部的,也可以是团队之间) 突出的意思是harmoniously 团结协作,其乐融融。coordinate 当及物动词讲时,就有协调的意思了,协调的目的就是使彼此间配合,团结协作。voila, j"ai vide mon sac.


collaborate含有贬义表示不正常合作,cooperater表示正常合作collaborate和cooperate区别是:collaborate含贬义,常用cooperate表合作。首先要纠正一点cooperater是不对的,应该是cooperator,cooperate。collaborate和cooperate区别:前一个含贬义。常用后一个词表合作。collaboratevi.1.共同工作;合作2.勾结cooperatevi.1.合作,协作[(+with/in)][+to-v]Let"s all cooperate to get the work done quickly。让我们一起同心协力把这工作快点做完。They would not cooperate with him。他们不愿与他合作。2.(事物)配合[+to-v]

collaborate和cooperatee 有什么区别

collaboratevi. 合作;勾结,通敌1. (尤指在文艺、科学等方面)合作;合著;协作:Two authors collaborated on this novel.两位作者合著了这部小说。2. (尤指在敌人占领之下)与敌勾结:Any one who collaborates should be shot.与敌人勾结者一律枪决。cooperate vi. 合作,配合;协力1. 合作,协作;配合:Let"s all cooperate to get the work done quickly.让我们通力合作使这项工作迅速完成。2. (协力)促成;共同起作用:Various circumstances cooperated to make him a great artist.各种不同环境共同促使他成为一个伟大的艺术家。3. 进行经济合作[亦作co-operate]




col"lab"o"rate [intransitive]协作;合作;合著通敌;与敌人合作1 to work together with a person or group in order to achieve something, especially in science or art [ collaborator] collaborate on The two nations are collaborating on several satellite projects.collaborate with During the late seventies, he collaborated with the legendary Muddy Waters.collaborate to do something Researchers are collaborating to develop the vaccine.collaborate in (doing) something Elephants collaborate in looking after their young.2 to help a country that your country is fighting a war with, especially one that has taken control of your country [ collaborator] collaborate with Vigilantes began combing the city for anyone known to have collaborated with the"op"e"rate also co-operate British English [intransitive]1 to work with someone else to achieve something that you both want cooperate in/on The two universities are to cooperate in the development of a new industrial process.They agreed to co-operate with Brazil on a programme to protect the rain-forests.cooperate with Lions cooperate with each other when hunting game.As chairman I was anxious to co-operate with Mr Baker as far as possible.The church seeks to cooperate closely with local schools.cooperate to do something Both sides agreed to co-operate to prevent illegal fishing in the area.2 to do what someone wants you to do cooperate with I advised my client to cooperate fully with the police.

laboratory test report-gold certificate 99% pure

实验室测试报告: 证实99%纯金

He is the man who I collaborated with in writing the book.这里为什么用who,而不用whom。


confirm ,substantiate ,corroborate 有什么区别?

词性及解释 Part of speech and definition vt. 证实, 确定, 批准, 使巩固【计】 确认【经】 证实例句 Sentences Confirm letter of credit确认信用证,保兑信用证irrevocable and confirm credit保兑不可撤销的信用证To confirm an appointment确定约会confirm the truth of.确定事情的真实情况。Our observations confirm that...我们的观察证实...substantiate: [ s05bs"t03n06ieit ] v. 实体化,证实词形变化: 名词:substantiation 动词过去式:substantiated 过去分词:substantiated 现在分词:substantiating 第三人称单数:substantiates 例句与用法: 1. Can you substantiateyour accusations against him? 你指责他, 能提出事实根据吗? 英英解释: 动词substantiate:1. establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts同义词:confirm, corroborate, sustain, support, affirm2. represent in bodily form同义词:incarnate, body forth, embody3. make real or concrete; give reality or substance to同义词:realize, realise, actualize, actualise4. solidify, firm, or strengthencorroborate: [ k05"r00b05reit ] v. 使坚固,确证,给确证与...词形变化: 形容词:corroborative 名词:corroboration 动词过去式:corroborated 过去分词:corroborated 现在分词:corroborating 第三人称单数:corroborates 例句与用法: 1. His friend corroborated his guilt. 他的朋友证实了他的犯罪。 2. Experiments have corroborated her predictions. 实验证实了她的预言。 英英解释: 动词corroborate:1. establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts同义词:confirm, sustain, substantiate, support, affirm2. give evidence for同义词:validate3. support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm同义词:underpin, bear out, support

GLP(Good Laboratory Practice)

【答案】:GLP(Good laboratory Practice):即《药品非临床研究质量管理规范》。

abbott laboratories中文翻译

Abbott laboratories shares were up more than 3 percent yesterday , closing at $ 55 . 91 雅培制药公司的股价上涨了3 % ,收于55 . 91美元。 Has visited gl biochem shanghai at our pudong corporate office on the 25th july , 2006 2006年7月25日,世界著名公司 abbott laboratories 雅裴公司 The study , funded by abbott laboratories , a maker of stents , was presented at the annual meeting of the american college of cardiology 这个研究是由支架制造商雅培公司资助的,并在美国心脏病学会上发表。 In 1978 , mr . carlson was hired by abbott laboratories in north chicago to lead the mrp - ii implementation in one of its divisions 一九七八年,卡尔松先生受雇于芝加哥北部的abbott研究室,在其一个分支机构领导企业管理信息系统的实施工作。 The data continues to be favorable for abbott laboratories " new drug - coated heart stent , xience v , which the pany is hoping will win federal approval 雅培公司希望它的药物涂层心脏支架能够获得联邦政府的批准,而最新公布的数据资料有利于这种新型装置早日上市。 Quick treatment with drugs may help reduce the risk of spread , the canadian scientists said . such medicines are made by gilead sciences inc . , glaxo *** ithkpne plc , abbott laboratories and other panies 加拿大科学家说药物的快速治疗可能降低病毒传播,吉里德科学公司,葛兰素史克,美国雅培以及其它公司都有生产该类药物。 Washington ( reuters ) - o biotech drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis - - abbott laboratories inc . " s humira and johnson & johnson " s remicade - - may raise the risk of cancer and infections but not as much as was feared , researchers said on tuesday 华盛顿(路透通讯社) - - - -研究者于星期二表明抗类风湿性关节炎的两生物技术药致癌和诱发感染的可能性没有像人们想象的那样。

ACME Laboratories 什么意思?

ACME Laboratories?没发错。。。?后面实验室。。。ACME 不晓得了。。。

eaton-peabody laboratory,是什么实验室

EPL,美国的一个研究室,创办于1956年, 是the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary(马萨诸塞眼耳科医院), the Harvard Medical School(哈佛医学院), the Research Laboratory of Electronics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT电子研究所), 和the Massachusetts General Hospital(马塞诸塞医院)这四个机构联合创办的. 主要研究为听觉,助听,以及耳聋方面的研究。

【翻译】The State of Open Banking -5. COLLABORATION STRATEGIES

Open Banking players are learning from the collaborative strategies used in fintech lending. 开放银行参与者正在学习金融科技贷款业务中使用的协作策略。 Whereas the early stages of online lending innovation were marked by debate over whether fintechs or banks would ‘win" market leadership and how, banks and fintechs in Open Banking are starting early on combining their strengths. 在线借贷创新的早期阶段被人们议论纷纷的主题是,金融科技公司和银行哪个将获得市场领导地位以及如何做,银行和金融科技公司正在开放银行中进行其优势的初期结合。 Indeed, collaboration is now an unavoidable strategy in this space. 实际上,现在,合作在这个领域是不可避免的战略。 The collaborations are taking the form of partnerships as well as early M&A activity. 合作采用的方式有合作伙伴形式以及早期的并购活动。 最近在开放银行领域的主要银行合作或并购: During the past year, banks, fintech startups, and TPPs have been collaborating to launch new apps and services. 在过去的一年中,银行、金融科技公司和第三方服务提供尚一直在合作推出新的应用和服务。 In addition, large incumbent banks are also creating APIs in-house, as well as collaborating with small fintech startups to integrate innovative technologies. 此外,大型负担银行也在内部创建API,并与小型金融科技公司合作整合创新技术。 (注:Incumbent Bank 负担银行 ,Direct Bank 直销银行,前者有线下网点等繁复的组织结构,后者依靠信息技术纯在线服务) For example, First Direct, a subsidiary of HSBC, entered into a partnership with London-based fintech Bud, which is providing the API integration layer to connect financial services from scores of providers into one app. 例如,汇丰的子公司First Direct与总部位于伦敦的金融科技公司Bud建立了合作关系,提供API集成层,将来自数十家供应商的金融服务连接到一个应用中。 Meanwhile, Barclays tied up with PayPal to offer customer services to manage their money and payments. 与此同时,巴克莱与PayPal合作提供客户服务来管理他们的资金和支付。 In addition, Starling Bank partnered with Flux, an app that collects loyalty cards into a single online wallet. 此外,Starling Bank与Flux合作,推出一款应用将会员卡收集到一个在线钱包中。 Many other traditional banks are working on their in-house capabilities: HSBC has ‘Connected Money" while BBVA has Denizen. 许多其他传统银行正在耕耘其内部能力:汇丰银行拥有“Connected Money”,而BBVA拥有Denizen。 These partnerships incorporate spending analyzer, money management, loyalty management, budget management, digital receipts, and debt tracking as their key services. 这些合作混合支出分析、资金管理、会员管理、预算管理,数字收据和债务跟踪为一体作为其关键服务。 This representative list of partnerships and merger activity in Open Banking is based on LendIt"s research of banks" websites and public news. 这份具有代表性的开放银行合伙与合并活动清单,来源于朗迪对银行网站和公共新闻的研究。脱媒的威胁 (注:脱媒,去中介) Open APIs help modularize the functions of customer acquisition, user application development, sophisticated advisory services, and back-office processing. 开放API有助于模块化获客、用户应用开发、复杂咨询服务和后台处理等功能。 This raises existential questions for today"s financial services leaders about which activities to keep in-house, which will deliver long-term profitability, and how to retain customer loyalty in an environment where the end-users" primary attachment may be to someone else"s application. 这为今天的金融服务领导者提出了存在的问题,即哪些活动要保留在内部,哪些可以带来长期盈利,以及如何在最终用户的主要粘性可能在其他应用程序的环境中保持客户忠诚度。 传统银行 u2022 Third-party providers or fintech players may disintermediate banks" interaction with customersby offering low cost, innovative financial products by accessing bank"s data. 第三方提供商或金融科技公司可通过访问银行数据提供低成本、创新的金融产品,可能会消灭银行作为中介与客户的互动。 (注:disintermediate,去中介,的意思是减少或消除生产者和消费者之间使用中介。) Big banks facing threat of disintermediation are partnering with third-party providers and fintech companies to offer a wide range of services to help their customers. 面临脱媒威胁的大银行正在与第三方供应商和金融科技公司合作,提供广泛的服务来帮助他们的客户。 u2022 Major banks have launched their own APIs through fintech ventures/apps. 很多银行通过金融科技投资或应用推出了自己的API。 (注:ventures 风投,指银行自己投资金融科技) For example ING-owned Yolt allows users to optimize their money management by letting them see the balances of their bank accounts from multiple banks. 例如,ING旗下的Yolt允许让用户查看自己来自多家银行的账户余额来优化用户的资金管理。 CMA9 and challenger banks such as Monzo also are collaborating with Yolt. CMA9和Monzo等挑战者银行也与Yolt合作。 To address disintermediation head-on, Nigel Verdon, CEO of Railsbank, proposes that traditional banks consider incorporating a ‘utility bank" strategy, where they are paid by the customer-facing company to provide core deposit services as well as reinforce consumer trust. 为了正面解决脱媒问题,Railsbank的首席执行官Nigel Verdon建议传统银行考虑采用“公用银行”战略,为面向客户的公司支付提供核心存款服务以加强消费者信任。 (注:公用银行(Utility Banking)和赌场银行 (Casino Banking)这两个词首先由英国《金融时报》评论员马丁·沃尔夫(Martin Wolf) 在 2008 年 9 月的一次公开讨论中提出,金融危机后被广泛引用。虽然没有严格的定义,但这两个词要表达的意思还是比较清楚的。金融服务有两大类:一类是所有人都需要的基本服务,比如稳定的支付结算系统;另一类是只适合一部分人的风险投资。) “Traditionally with consumer bank accounts, the cost of customer acquisition could be USD 350 while the lifetime value was only USD 250; a losing proposition. With a utility banking model, the cost of acquiring a customer account could be USD 10 while the lifetime value of that account may be USD 40 - profitable, even though the bank no longer owns the customer relationship.” 传统上消费者银行的账户,获客成本可能是350美元,与此同时其存续期价值仅为250美元;是个赔本买卖。使用公用银行模式,获取客户账户的成本可能是10美元,而该账户的存续期价值可能是40美元 - 即使银行不再拥有客户关系也是有利可图的。 This approach of course can complement direct customer acquisition and retention, if the bank carefully distinguishes customer segments and matches them to the optimal channels. 如果银行仔细区分客户群并将其与最佳渠道相匹配,这种方法当然可以补足直接客户的获取和保留。 支付服务提供商 u2022 Open Banking is likely to impact payment service providers such as Visa, PayPal, and MasterCard due to disintermediation. 由于脱媒,开放银行可能会影响Visa、PayPal和MasterCard等支付服务提供商。 Visa and Mastercard are responding by playing the role of facilitator, building trust in the ecosystem to drive Open Banking transformation. Visa和Mastercard以促进者的角色为己任,为生态系统建立信任来推动开放银行转型。 These players are forging partnerships across the value chain to be part of the next phase of innovation in payments, endorsing the Open Banking initiative and the new line of up-and-coming fintech players. 这些参与者正在整个价值链上建立伙伴关系,成为下一阶段支付创新的一部分,背书开放银行倡议和新一代即将到来的金融科技公司。 u2022 Mastercard plans to facilitate the Open Banking transformation by offering solutions such as a directory of third-party providers, fraud monitoring services, dispute resolution mechanisms, and connectivity hubs that will help third-parties establish and maintain communication with banks. 万事达卡组织计划通过提供第三方供应商目录、欺诈监控服务、争议解决机制和帮助第三方与银行建立和维持沟通的连接中心等解决方案来促进开放银行的转型。 u2022 Visa is focusing on partnerships and investments (USD 100 Mn investment fund) in fintech startups to build APIs for third-party providers and banks for transaction processing, authorization, fraud prevention self- checkouts, and people-to-people payments. Visa专注于金融科技创业公司的合作和投资(1亿美元投资基金),为第三方提供商和银行构建API,用于交易处理,验证授权,防欺诈自助结算和点对点付款。 Despite these steps, fintech companies such as Vibe Pay are likely to diminish the dominance of well-established payment gateways and traditional banking products (debit/ credit cards). 尽管采取了这些措施,Vibe Pay等金融科技公司很可能会削弱固有的支付网关与传统银行产品(借记卡/信用卡)的主导地位。 Because of open APIs, which allow for peer- to-peer transfers among application providers and funds repositories, no longer is a central “switch” essential to the clearance of transactions. 由于开放API允许应用提供商和资金存储节点之间的点对点传输,因此清算交易的中央“交换”不再是必须。 (注:no longer is … 倒装还原 It is no longer that a central “switch”essential to the clearance of transactions.) If banks are willing to challenge their a priori beliefs, there are multiple ways to win in this new world. 如果银行愿意挑战他们的先验信念,那么在这个新世界中有多种方式可以获胜。


明是你下载的不对,或者 安装的不对 Microsoft Office是微软公司开发的一套基于Windows操作系统的办公软件套装。常用组件有Word、Excel、Access、Powerpoint、FrontPage等。目前最新版本为Office 2013。



0.1M,pH8.0的硼酸缓冲液怎么配制? 0.1 M borate buffer (pH 8.0)

直接用0.1M硼酸溶液滴加氢氧化钠到pH8.0 这样:SODIUM BORATE BUFFER50x Stock:20 g NaOHpH to 8.0 with approx 120 g H3BO3 (boric acid powder)bring to 1 L with dH2ONOTE:This stock will precipitate over time...

请教关于Elaboration likelihood model

详尽可能性模式(Elaboration Likelihood Model,简称ELM)详尽可能性模型(ELM)是由心理学家理查德·E.派蒂和约翰·T.卡乔鲍提出的。是消费者信息处理中最有影响的理论模型。根据这一模型信息处理和态度改变的一个基本量纲是信息处理的深度和数量。ELM模型的基本原则是:不同的说服方法依赖于对传播信息作精细加工的可能性高低。当精细加工的可能性是高时,说服的中枢路径特别有效;而当这种可能性是低时,则边缘的路径有效。在“思考可能性模式”中,“思考”(elaborate)意谓个人对于议题攸关的信息仔细思量、慎思熟虑的程度。个人由于动机以及能力的不同,对于信息会有不同的处理方式。“思考可能性模式”理论认为信息处理方式的两个极端为中央路径(central route)以及周边路径(peripheral route)。中央路径是指个人具有高度的动机和能力时,会使用较多的注意力在产品相关的信息,并再进行仔细、深思的考量来评估与理解产品,如果讯息是中肯、具说服性的,则会导致较佳的产品信念、正面的品牌态度。周边路径是指个人之动机与能力相对较弱时,因为消费者对产品的信念不足,所以运用直接说服不太可能形成品牌态度和购买意图,因此态度主要由情境中的情感性线索决定,而非关于讯息论点的思考。当消费者涉入程度高时,处理信息时倾向于采用中央路径的模式,亦即根据信息的内容,经过审慎思考之后做出决策。因此涉入程度高者因为认知的改变,而产生了信念与态度改变,最后导致行为改变。而当消费者涉入程度低时,则会倾向于根据产品或服务的周边属性,如色彩、交易环境、品牌印象、名人背书等外在线索进行信息处理。因此涉入程度低者信念改变后,先改变了行为,最后才导致态度的转变。

failure; botany ;laboratory 这英语用谐音怎么读?

【Strong warning】英语发音绝不能用汉字标注!

failure; botany ;laboratory 这英语用谐音怎么读?


bronson laboratories是什么意思

bronson laboratories布朗森实验室laboratoriesn.实验室( laboratory的名词复数 ); 例句:1.Some scientists now are turning the commercial games themselves into laboratories of learning. 如今,一些科研人员正在将商业游戏本身转变为研究学习的实验室。

atlantic laboratories corporation,lta是什么单位

atlantic laboratories corporation 全部释义和例句>>大西洋实验室公司corporation英[u02ccku0254:pu0259u02c8reu026au0283n]美[u02ccku0254:rpu0259u02c8reu026au0283n]n. 公司; 法人; 社团,团体; 〈口〉(凸出的)大肚子;[网络] 法人团体; 团体; 法团,公司;[例句]A changing world has put pressures on the corporation.日新月异的世界使这家公司感到了压力。[其他] 复数:corporations 形近词: electroporation evaporation corporative

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routine laboratory studies at baseline什么意思

routine laboratory studies at baseline的中文翻译routine laboratory studies at baseline 基线常规实验室研究

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有谁知道cross-laboratory airflow是什么意思吗?



collaboration n. 合作,协作;通敌,勾结 [例句]How can china and india enhance collaboration in multilateral forums?中国和印度应该如何在多边论坛上加强合作呢?

ACME Laboratories 什么意思?

ACME Laboratories?没发错。。。?后面实验室。。。ACME 不晓得了。。。


partners 更加倾向于两人之间是在同一公司或组织或事情中的紧密的随时保持联系的合作关系,好的话大家都好,不好的话大家都不好的这样一种关系。collaborators有一种贬义的意思(通敌,叛国等的合作关系),现在也用于在某件具体事情上的需要双方协调合作的合作方,比起partners来说这个词不那么亲密,只是一个现在暂时的合作方。


collaborator和accomplice的区别:两者情感意义不同。“collaborator”和“accomplice”,它们的中文意思都为“同伙”,但“collaborator”一般指协同做正面的,好的事情,而“accomplice”往往指合伙做坏事。collaborator英 [kəˈlæbəreɪtə(r)]   美 [kəˈlæbəreɪtər]  n.合作者;协作者;合著者;通敌者。accomplice英 [əˈkʌmplɪs]   美 [əˈkɑːmplɪs]  n.共犯;帮凶;同谋。The Irvine group and their collaborators are testing whether lasers do the job better.欧文研究小组和他们的合作伙伴正在测试激光是否会更为有效。Two alleged collaborators were shot dead by masked activists.两名涉嫌通敌者被蒙面的激进分子击毙。

calcium fructoborate是什么意思

calcium fructo borate硼酸钙果



An understanding easily article which elaborate how to deal with masturbation addiction.

Mybay the author"s viewpoints were fault and defect,but, you konw,   I am just share with you a overall new perspective.  Mabay acctept a new perspective have better impact for you. An ideal solution about how to get rid of the annoyance and anxiety of masturbation addiction. And the folllowing is the article, many easy words and undstand his meaning conveniently. Harmful effects of masturbation: Note- please read this answer completely. You can read or listen all over internet and via other people that masturbation is healthier. Most of people lie about it, and other don"t know about it. I heard a dialog in Pursuit of happyness movie - Will Smith says to his son - "People can"t do some thing themselves, they want to tell you, you can"t do it". And this is absolutely correct. Most people can"t control their urges and masturbation addiction, that"s why they tell you,- frequently masturbation is good for health. I know they give you some examples of scientist research, which says masturbation is healthier. It is just like one smoker says to another smoker, to smoke a cigarette and tell him smoking one or two cigarette is good for remove stress from your mind and also good for skin. But masturbation is NOT good for health. Period. Here I am not going to tell you that masturbation is healthier or not, and what are the bad effects of masturbation. And all the information is based on my personal knowledge and experience. I gain this knowledge by myself and by watching other people"s life. 1. Effect on body health - Actually semen takes 4 to 8 days(depend on person to person) to produce in body and to produce small amount of good quality semen, you need to eat lot of healthier food, protein and minerals etc. If you do not ejaculate your semen though sexual activities, it will give strength to your body, make your muscles and bones stronger. If you continue waste you semen just for fun and enjoy several times in week then it will make your health dull. So please stop masturbation addiction. 2. Effects on bones- If you do extreme masturbation (8 to 10 times in week) and continue this habit for long time like for six month then this will make harmful effects on your bones. When person try to masturbate lot in short amount of time then he or she started to ejaculate type of white part of bone which include phosphorus, carbon and other minerals which are extracted from bones. If you masturbate lot then you feel your knees and elbow joints start to make sound on moving, just like very old person. 3. Effect on your face - By watching a person"s face you can tell that how much he masturbate or include in sexual activities. And even you can tell which hand he use mostly to masturbate. Those who masturbate lot, their cheeks started to shrink, narrow and go inside, (like just opposite of chubby). Pimples are natural in young age but those who masturbate, for them pimples and acne create big problems. They increase in numbers and make bigger in size on face. Make spots on face. By that face look ugly. Masturbation also make asymmetric your face for example if person masturbate lot from his right hand then his face will be narrow and asymmetric from right side. 4. Effects on your life- Those who masturbate lot they not be able to focus on their work and their social life. Person can"t able to talk to other by making eye contact because of lack of confidence. People those who masturbate lot, try to live lonely and can"t able to live happy. You can learn from animals. Most of animals (Dogs, cats, lion, etc) do not masturbate and do their sexual activities as per their season. They live fit and healthy. Students with this habit can"t focus on study. Students, mostly in exam time, try to reduce stress of exam by masturbating and after completion of masturbation they feel guilty. So, masturbation is not a solution for stress, if they study hard and give more focus on study, then by reducing of syllabus/work load, stress will automatically reduced. 5. Effects on buttocks - By watching person butts you can tell how much he or she masturbate. By masturbating lot buttocks gone inside from side part and by slowly slowly you found that most of part and size of buttocks will be reduce or disappear. It take months to years but he/she can feel that their butts not look like their teen age. (This effect info is little bit awkward but its true). Their butts are started to look like pornstar"s butts. 6. Effect on penis - Masturbation makes penis curvy because most of people mostly masturbate by their one favorite hand and that"s particular hand"s finger grip make his penis curvy from that particular side. I hope you understand what I am trying to say here. And most of people do not use lubricant during masturbation which also do harmful effect on penis. Actually god make penis for vagina and god already provide lot of lube glands inside wall of vagina. (I think may be god don"t know human will start masturbation from hand). 7. Effect on your sports and physical activities - Coach of national teams like boxing, gymnastic, runner teams give advice to their players, not to masturbate or sex month before their competitions and championships. Because they know masturbation will reduce their lot of energy and stamina. After masturbation you feel like lack of energy and feel like you need a long sleep rest. 8. Effects on cloths, walls, bedsheets, pillow, your presence in home - If person masturbate lot then whenever he/she see any little amount of sexual thing or activity like cleavage, girls in bikini, kiss or bla bla in movies then he just started leaking little amount of seamen through his penis because his mind is highly addicted to this kind of things. Funny stuff - ya by masturbation sometime you make dirty your cloths, wall, bedsheets and seamen stain sometime not be able to wash easily and sometime make you embarrass in front of you parents. And sometime your parents feels bad for you when you keep yourself locked yourself in room whole day. Actually they know everything by seeing your face and daily habits and they are waiting for caught you someday in action. So do not masturbate, if you do not agree with me, lets do this - just do not masturbate for one month then tell me how you feel. If you do not masturbate for one year then I am sure that you will feel like superman and feel like you can capable to do any thing this world. Just keep your self busy and eat proper diet, do exercise and do not masturbate for one year and compare yourself (current your pic) with after one year personality (your pic after one year). I am 100 percent sure that after one year with this schedule, you can feel these changes after one year --> more healthier, more symmetrical shiny and glorious face, more fat but not at belly or stomach, look fit, better fitness, more confident, more happy, more focused, more successful etc. Tips for- stop masturbation addiction: Below given principles and points, will help you to stop masturbation addiction. 1. Stop watching porn - Porn is the biggest reason for masturbation habit. Most of people masturbate during watching porn. So stop watching porn. · Keep your computer in public - Use your computer in that room, where other family members or friends can see you. I hope you are the person who can"t masturbate in front of his father. :) :) · Keep your mobile phone clean - I know you have multimedia smart phone but you should use this tech device for your benefit and make your life better. So remove all your fantasy porn videos from your phone. · Use anti porn software - Use anti porn software in your computer and phone. Lot of these software are free available on net. These software are stops you to open a porn website. These software are password protected, so input any random password during installation of these software and do not remember that password. So when ever you will try to open a porn website these software stops you and you can"t uninstall or bypass the software if you don"t know the password. · Burn all your physical porn collection - Take 1 liter petrol from your bike and use this petrol to burn all your porn DVDs and CDs. · Do not watch those movies which have lots of sexual scenes. Keep yourself away from sexual books and adult video games. 2. Keep yourself busy - Keep yourself busy in some productive and useful work. Lot of people masturbate when they don"t have anything to do. If you don"t have any useful work to do then- · Play mario, counterstrike, call of duty, NFS, angry bird etc on your pc. · Play any outdoor sport. This will help you to identify your inside"s Ronaldo, pale, Tigerwoods, Sachin, Bolt etc. · Find some interesting Hobby - Try to learn- guitar , sing, write, code, cook, find any. And just do it. You can even help your mom to clean your house. 3. Maintain your time table - · Wake up early in morning. Between 4 AM to 6 AM is best time to wake up. Leave your bed between 4 AM to 6 AM. Wake up early also helpful for those people who has nightfall(wet dreams ejaculation) problems because nightfall mostly happens late in morning. · Sleep early at night. You should sleep before 11 PM. Most of people masturbate 90% in night. Reason behind this - They are free in night and nobody is watching them. That"s why they masturbate in night. So sleep between 10 PM to 11 PM. Take 7 to 8 hour sleep. · Do not sleep in day time. If you sleep in day time then it will hard for you to sleep at right time in night. 4. Do physical Exercise - We all have two choices suffer from the pain of discipline or suffer from the pain of regret. So if you want to became a obese, fatty and unhealthy person then sit all day on couch, watch TV, drink soda and die early. Or you can change this, if you want to live healthy life style, keep yourself fit and do physical exercise daily. · Hit the gym, walk up early, run on road with rising sun. This will help you to build your confidence and increase your will power to quit masturbation. · When you feel the need to masturbate, take a brisk walk or jog. Always try to occupy yourself when the urge arises. · Exercise more and get out of the house. This is a great way to take your mind off everything. · Do exercise daily in the evening, this will make you tired at night. And since masturbation is often done at night, so when you are exhausted, you will give preference to sleep early in night. 5. Make a plan for avoiding masturbation. If you have problems before going to bed or in the shower, refrain from any temptation to masturbate. For instance, if it"s a problem late at night, then, drop to the floor and do push-ups until you"re too exhausted to do anything but fall asleep. If you find shower time too tempting, start using ice cold water only — you won"t want to be in there for long. · If you always masturbate when you get home from school, make sure to have a solid plan to stave off any boredom you may feel. If you have so little to do that your mind frequently wanders to sexual thoughts, occupy your schedule. You"ll find it gets easier to avoid masturbation if you"re too busy or tired to spare any energy for distractions. · If you"re tempted to masturbate in the morning, try to sleep with more than just one layer of clothing so touching yourself is more of an effort. 5. Eat - Eat healthy and eat lot. If you do exercise daily then healthy food will help you to build your muscles. Eat lot of fruits, whole grains, vegetables, drink milk. Note - My personal suggestion is that eat vegan. Do not eat meat and animals. Your stomach is not a graveyard. If you eat dead, oily, greasy, and processed food your body will act dead and greasy. Taking the rotting bloody carcass of a dead animal and spicing it up with kitchen tricks and cooking hocus-pocus does not make it food. If you want to stop masturbating then stop eating anything with a penis or vagina. So go vegan. This is my personal view and don"t take it in any religious way. 6. Quit it now - Some people say that, they can"t masturbation habit in one day and they are quitting this habit slowly slowly, day by day. THIS IS BIG BULLSHIT. If you want to quit masturbation, then QUIT IT NOW. JUST QUIT IT. Story related to this - Once there was a king in japan. At that time japan got his freedom from British empire few days before. Seven days after freedom of japan from Britain, new king asked his commander which language our country is currently using to run this country. Commander said, English. King asked again - "And how many days it took to Japanese language become a official language. Commander said "Lord king, if your want to see every document and paperwork in Japanese then it will take approximate 8 to 10 years. Now king thought for 5 minute and then said to commander - "You have only two days. Send my official orders to every district of country - After two day, if I will found any single document in English in that district then I will kill every officer of that district". And you know what AFTER TWO DAYS JAPANESE WAS A OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF JAPAN.

abbott laboratories中文翻译

Abbott laboratories shares were up more than 3 percent yesterday , closing at $ 55 . 91 雅培制药公司的股价上涨了3 % ,收于55 . 91美元。 Has visited gl biochem shanghai at our pudong corporate office on the 25th july , 2006 2006年7月25日,世界著名公司 abbott laboratories 雅裴公司 The study , funded by abbott laboratories , a maker of stents , was presented at the annual meeting of the american college of cardiology 这个研究是由支架制造商雅培公司资助的,并在美国心脏病学会上发表。 In 1978 , mr . carlson was hired by abbott laboratories in north chicago to lead the mrp - ii implementation in one of its divisions 一九七八年,卡尔松先生受雇于芝加哥北部的abbott研究室,在其一个分支机构领导企业管理信息系统的实施工作。 The data continues to be favorable for abbott laboratories " new drug - coated heart stent , xience v , which the pany is hoping will win federal approval 雅培公司希望它的药物涂层心脏支架能够获得联邦政府的批准,而最新公布的数据资料有利于这种新型装置早日上市。 Quick treatment with drugs may help reduce the risk of spread , the canadian scientists said . such medicines are made by gilead sciences inc . , glaxo *** ithkpne plc , abbott laboratories and other panies 加拿大科学家说药物的快速治疗可能降低病毒传播,吉里德科学公司,葛兰素史克,美国雅培以及其它公司都有生产该类药物。 Washington ( reuters ) - o biotech drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis - - abbott laboratories inc . " s humira and johnson & johnson " s remicade - - may raise the risk of cancer and infections but not as much as was feared , researchers said on tuesday 华盛顿(路透通讯社) - - - -研究者于星期二表明抗类风湿性关节炎的两生物技术药致癌和诱发感染的可能性没有像人们想象的那样。

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