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怎么分析下面这句话中的“with”的用法?介词短语“with no time for boredom.”做什么状语呢?


Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice and need.


confusion concentration boredom assistance movement 那些有复数形式怎么变


cure for boredom

The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity~Dorothy Parker 好奇心是沉闷的解药,而好奇心本身却无可救药.

英语nor dimmed by despair and boredom怎么翻译?

nor dimmed by despair and boredom也不因绝望和无聊而黯淡

How to beat boredom

How to make your life exciting Many people"s lives are boring and incredibily mundane. Thankfully, there are lots of ways to make your life a bit more fantastic. Just because you have school doesn"t mean you can"t have fun. School is a time when you can see and meet new friends. School gives you a chance to meet adults and help you learn from them. School is over! What are you going to do now? Well, you can take some afterschool classes. Some classes can teach you sports, how to play a musical instrument, how to speak a different language, or even teach you the ability of your choice. Lots of people choose singing, dancing, and drawing as an afterschool class. Like school, you can use this time to meet new people. Also, you can use your new skills to impress people. Listen to the radio or pick up a book. Listening to the radio will keep you updated on the news and the reports of the world. And reading books can help you open your eyes and learn more knowledge. Theses are all my opinions of how to make your life exciting. You can take some of my advice in your life. And you also can think some by yourself.不知道意思对不对


bore(词根) vi. 钻孔 vt. 钻孔;使烦扰 n. 孔;令人讨厌的人 而boredom n. 厌倦;令人厌烦的事物 ,一个是词根;一个是衍生词,名词.


boredom 只是名词,n.无聊;厌烦;厌倦;令人厌烦的事物它的同源词,还有borevt.令人厌烦;钻孔;用钻、挖或掘的方式打通vi.挖洞;钻孔;稳步前进;挤过去n.使人讨厌的人[物];高潮;膛径,口径;钻子复数:bores第三人称单数:bores过去式:bored过去分词:bored现在分词:boringboring adj.令人厌烦的;乏味的副词: boringly 名词: boringness 若回答满意,请采纳

confusion concentration boredom assistance movement 那些有复数形式怎么变

你好!! confusion“混乱;混乱状况;骚动”没有复数, concentration “集中,专注”没有复数, boredom“无聊;厌倦 ”没有复数 assistance“援助,帮助”没有复数, movement“运动,活动行动,动静,”复数为movements, 希望采纳

wander out of boredom.......

slow readers觉得阅读是boredom,所以他们阅读的时候,他们的minds总是会游荡,离开这种boredom,所以他们很难集中注意力阅读。wander out of boredom有点拟人化的手法,把集中不了注意力比拟成mind在闲逛,走出了阅读的boredom。

avenging boredom怎么理解



如果要记词意,一定要放到文章中(大量阅读),至少是句子里,这样根据句意就能记住了,而且还学会了如何运用这个词.如果要记住拼写,那么首先要会读单词,大多数单词是可以根据读音拼出来的,就算不一样,也比一个个字母念着那么背要高效.我就是这么记的,开始可能不太熟悉,但接触多了,自然就会有感觉了,就会掌握某个音对应的字母是什么(例如"申"=tion),有时还可以利用联想和汉语拼音记忆,要多种方法结合,总之不要死记硬背,在背的过程中摸索出一种适合自己的方法. 最重要的还是要有兴趣,至少不抵触,要用心享受背单词,而不是为了背单词而背单词.要想想小时候学汉字时,看到某个生字,学会了之后得到表扬是多么的兴奋.汉字那么难都记住了,还怕英文单词吗?


sheer boredom 无聊透顶relieve boredom 解闷relieving boredom 解闷


只要是词性不同,相应句法功能也不同。bored,形容词或者过去分词,作定语,状语,补语/表语;boredom 名词,只能作主语,宾语。英语中带dom/om 后缀的都是名词。

ennui boredom都是无聊 又区别么?

boredom更偏向个体感到无聊。例句:We are dying of boredom! 我们要无聊死了!ennui更正式,指的是更大范围的抽象的 诸如世界的无聊 党派的倦怠 职业倦怠等~ 例句:One antidote to ennui is war. 无聊的解毒剂之一就是战争。


boredom 只是名词,n.无聊;厌烦;厌倦;令人厌烦的事物它的同源词,还有borevt.令人厌烦;钻孔;用钻、挖或掘的方式打通vi.挖洞;钻孔;稳步前进;挤过去n.使人讨厌的人[物];高潮;膛径,口径;钻子复数:bores第三人称单数:bores过去式:bored过去分词:bored现在分词:boringboring adj.令人厌烦的;乏味的副词: boringly 名词: boringness 若回答满意,请采纳

boredom busting activities什么意思
